1.-Automation Products v3
1.-Automation Products v3
1.-Automation Products v3
Industrial automation
PLC, control panels, SCADA,
engineering software, wireless
AC500 products family
Overview data
Technical data
Ordering data
Other automation from ABB
ABB offers a comprehensive range of scalable PLCs and robust HMI control panels as
well as high-availability solutions.
Since its launch in 2006, the AC500 PLC platform has achieved significant industry
recognition for delivering high performance, quality and reliability. ABB delivers scalable,
flexible and efficient ranges of automation components to fulfill all conceivable
automation applications.
Performance PM592
Powerful networking
This picture is a screenshot of the pdf version. It includes 3D modelling and provides capabilities such as measurements,
changing the light, zoom in, out, angle of the product. A model tree includes all modules that were used to create this configu-
ration. You can hide or highlight the different items.
AC500, superior local extension capabilities for I/O communication and amazing
CPU functionality and industry leading performance.
8 2 7
8 Battery
6 4
The PS501 Control Builder Plus is a product which combines all of the tools you
require for configuring, programming, debugging and maintaining your automation
project from a single, intuitive interface.
Packed with advanced features designed specifically with todays high-tech engineering challenges in mind, PS501
Control Builder Plus takes you to the next level in terms of convenience and flexibility.
Engineering Software
Your benefits
Single comprehensive engineering tool to help reduce your
engineering time, time to market and cost of ownership.
Comprehensive, pre-built, tested libraries
Programming, communication, visualization, libraries and
drives share common data in one tool
Effortless debugging, also supported by new multiple
watch list
Easy commissioning: single-point-of-access to machinery
drives and PLC keeps setup time to minimum
Online diagnostics for PLC and drives built-in
Diagnostics is set up automatically
Context-sensitive menus adapt automatically to the current
task for highest efficiency.
The libraries especially focus on easy integration of drives, HMI and supervisory systems, enabling your automation
solution to be built and commissioned quickly. AC500 solution libraries are maintained to ensure that your programs
can also be used with less risk.
Solar library
Library package for solar trackers to increase energy efficiency,
fast commissioning, excellent positioning accuracy.
Water library
Library package with functions for energy efficiency and fast
commissioning of water applications for example pumping
stations and remote communications (available Q2/2013).
Connecting a PLC to the operative parts is hard work. Transferring the different 1
signals from your PLC to terminal blocks, using a single-wire connection system,
requires a lot of time and accuracy.
Eliminate the need to have the PLC electronics in place, with Interfast compact interface modules, wiring can be
started and completed before prewired cables are connected to the PLC.
With Interfast, you choose a fast and error-free system. Your requirements are met
The system is composed of three main parts: Find what you need in our wide range of interface modules
Front adaptors that simply plug into the I/O board From simple connecting modules to decoupling modules,
Pre-wired and pre-tested cables available in different many applications can be covered! Plus, with our modular
lengths and pluggable in a few seconds system, design your own interface modules according to
Passive and active interface modules that replace tradi- your own needs.
tional terminal blocks.
Everything is clear in your cabinet
Your installation is flexible Installation is clear, cable strands can be located easily.
Thanks to our complete plug-and-play system, maintaining
and replacing your installation has never been so easy. Catalog reference : 1SBC127004L0201
ABB operator panels can be distinguished from their competitors by their easy
yet comprehensive functionality, making comprehensive operational information
for production plants and machines available at a single touch. This enables
an operator to intervene manually at any time to stop or modify the production
Build effective graphic interfaces with Panel Builder 600 - efficient representation of your information
Save engineering time by using PS501 Control Builder Plus for both your PLC and WebVisu
CP600 series
The CP600 series, ABBs latest HMI, is available in a broad
range, from the entry level (4.3) to the high-end panel (15).
It is highly flexible and is specifically designed for advanced
applications in complex systems or processes.
Using premium graphic panels created with either the PB610
engineering software or the web browser panels via the PLC
web server, the CP600 series gives better information repre-
sentation to ease human-machine interaction.
DigiVis 500 software is a simple and easily accessible solution in the development
of supervision applications.
It offers all the functions that are essential to a secure environment, its functional reliability and dual-display mode
will simplify all your supervision operations, keeping interruptions to a minimum. Whether you are an OEM, a machine
manufacturer or an integrator, DigiVis 500 will adapt to any application, machine or control room.
Access control Group Display Project Tree Quick selection menu Excel report Faceplate Trend graphic Design
Builder Plus DigiVis 500
Machine push
meter UMC
devices Softstarter
Motor Actuator
Ethernet (optionally ring redundancy)
ACS800 Motor
remote I/O
ACSM1 Motor
software failure with the dual CPUs and dual communica-
tion fieldbus CS31-Bus
Cost efficiency and easy system maintenance through the
use of standard hardware
Only standard CPUs required, choose from PM573-ETH to
PM592-ETH to achieve high availability Programming package PS501 CP600 HMI
3 cycles or 50 ms changeover time (no cycle synchronized Control Builder Plus
RT-Ethernet modules
Absolute Encoder
The modules are available on two different communication
protocols on Ethernet basis (PROFINET I/O, EtherCAT).
Master couplers provide the connection of the AC500 CPUs
to the remote I/O modules. Various interface modules offer EtherCAT
the possibility to connect I/O modules decentralized to the
real-time Ethernet networks.
Motion Control performance of AC500's PM590-ETH Overview of implemented blocks for Motion Control
AC500-eCo CPUs
Version available for Extreme Conditions No
Supply voltage 24 V DC 100-240 V AC 24 V DC 100-240 V AC 24 V DC 100-240 V AC
Current consumption on : 24 V DC 100 V AC 240 V AC 24 V DC 100 V AC 240 V AC 24 V DC 100 V AC 240 V AC
Min. typ. (module alone) 0.06 A 0.08 A 0.02 A 0.012 A 0.07 A 0.095 A 0.11 A 0.02 A 0.011 A 0.10 A 0.12 A 0.023 A 0.014 A
Max. typ. (I/Os) 0.18 A 0.21 A 0.21 A 0.12 A 0.19 A 0.21 A 0.24 A 0.22 A 0.13 A 0.23 A 0.25 A 0.23 A 0.14 A
Program memory 128 kB
Integrated data memory 14 kB thereof 2 kB saved
Web server's data for user RAM disk 512 kB 512 kB
Cycle time for 1 instruction (minimum)
Binary 0.08 s
Word 0.1 s
Floating 1.2 s
Onboard I/Os
Max. digital inputs/outputs 8/6 6/6
Max. analog inputs/outputs 2/1
Max. number of centralized inputs/outputs
Max. number of extension modules on I/O bus up to max. 10 (S500 and/or S500-eCo modules allowed)
Digital inputs 320 + 8
Digital outputs 240 + 6
Analog inputs 160 160 + 2
Analog outputs 160 160 + 1
Max. number of decentralized inputs/outputs (with CS31-System Bus: up to 31 stations with 120 DI/120 DO or up to 32 AI/ 32 AO per station)
Centralized I/O modules up to max. 10 (S500 and/or S500-eCo modules allowed)
Decentralized I/O modules on CS31 bus: up to 31 stations with up to 120 DI / 120 DO each
Data buffering flash memory
Real-time clock (option with battery
Program execution
Time controlled
Multi tasking no, 1 task + 1 interrupt task max.
User program protection by password
Internal interfaces
Sub-D connection
Programming, Modbus, ASCII, CS31
COM2 (option)
Terminal block
Programming, Modbus, ASCII
Ethernet functions:
Programming Modbus TCP/IP,
UDP/IP, integrated Web server with
Firmware 2.0.6 or above, DHCP, FTP
server with Firmware 2.1.3 or above
RUN/STOP switch
LED display for power, status and error
Approvals see detailed overview page 62 or www.abb.com/plc
AC500 CPUs
Digital I/O modules, "Fast Counter" operating modes. Not applicable for DC541 or eCo-I/O modules (see technical
documentation for details)
Operating mode, configured in the user program of the AC500 Occupied Occupied Maximum Notes
inputs outputs counting
DI or DC DO or DC frequency
0 No counter 0 0
1 One count-up counter with "end value reached" 1 1 50 Note for input module DI524:
indication It is not possible to set an output directly.
2 One count-up counter with "enable" input and 2 1 50 As an alternative, the status byte should be evaluated and ap-
"end value reached" indication plied to another output in the system.
3 Two up/down counters 2 0 50 "End value" interrogation via status byte
4 Two up/down counters with 1 counting input inverted 2 0 50
5 One up/down counter with "dynamic set" input 2 0 50 Acts to the rising signal edge (0->1)
"End value" interrogation via status byte
6 One up/down counter with "dynamic set" input 2 0 50 Acts to the falling signal edge (1->0)
"End value" interrogation via status byte
7 One up/down counter with directional discriminator 2 0 50 For synchro transmitters with 24 V signals. In case of 5 V
For synchro transmitters using two counting pulses with an synchro transmitters, the signal has to be increased to 24 V.
offset of 90 (track A and B) The zero track of the synchro transmitter is not processed.
Interrogation of the "end value" indication via the status byte.
Single evaluation.
8 0 0
9 One up/down counter with directional discriminator and 2 0 30 See operating mode 7
double evaluation Difference: double evaluation, i.e. evaluation of the rising edge
For synchro transmitters using two counting pulses with an and the falling edge of track A -> higher accuracy due to the
offset of 90 towards each other (track A and B) double number of counting pulses
10 One up/down counter with directional discriminator and 2 0 15 See operating mode 7
fourfold evaluation Difference: fourfold evaluation, i.e. evaluation of the rising edge
For synchro transmitters using two counting pulses with an and the falling edge of track A and track B -> higher accuracy
offset of 90 towards each other (track A and B) due to the fourfold number of counting pulses.
Type CD522
Order code 1SAP260300R0001
Version available for Extreme Conditions 1SAP460300R0001
Digital inputs/outputs 24 V DC, dedicated inputs/outputs can be used for specific counting functions:
- Catch/touch operation, counter value stored in separate variable on external event
(rising or falling edge)
- Set input to preset counter register with predefined value
- Set input to reset counter register
- End value output; the output is set when predefined value is reached
- Reference point initialization (RPI) input for relative encoder initialization
All unused inputs/outputs can be used with the specification of standard input/output range.
High-speed counter/encoder Integrated, 2 counters (hardware interface with +24 V DC, +5 V DC, differential and 1 Vpp sinus input):
- 32 bits one counter mode
- 16 bits two counter mode
- Relative position encoder (X1, X2, X4)
- Absolute SSI encoder
- Time frequency meter
- Frequency input up to 300 kHz
PWM/pulse outputs 2 pulse-width-modulators or pulse outputs
Output mode specification:
- Push-pull output: 24 V DC, 100 mA max.
- Current limitation (thermal and over current)
PWM mode specification:
- Frequency from 1 Hz to 100 kHz
- Value from 0 to 100 %
Pulse mode specification:
- Frequency from 1 Hz to 15 kHz
- Pulse emission from 1 to 65535 pulses
- Number of pulses emitted indicator (0 to 100 %)
Frequency mode specification:
- Frequency output = 100 kHz
- Duty cycle set to 50 %
Number of channels per module
Digital Inputs DI 2
Digital outputs DO 2
Configurable channels DC (configurable as inputs 8
or outputs)
Additional configuration of channels as
Fast counter Integrated 2 counter encoders
Connection via terminal unit
Digital Inputs
Input signal voltage 24 V DC
Input time delay 8 ms typically configurable from 0.1 up to 32 ms
Input current per channel
At input voltage +24 V DC Typically 5 mA
+5 V DC > 1 mA
+15 V DC > 5 mA
+30 V DC < 8 mA
Digital outputs
Output voltage at signal state 1 UP 0.8 V
Output current
Nominal current per channel 0.5 A at UP = 24 V
Maximum (total current of all channels) 8A
Residual current at signal state 0 < 0.5 mA
Demagnetization when switching off inductive loads By internal varistors
Type CD522
Switching frequency
For inductive load Max. 0.5 Hz
For lamp load Max. 11 Hz with max. 5 W
Short-circuit / Overload proofness
Overload indication (I > 0.7 A) After approx. 100 ms
Output current limiting
Proofness against reverse feeding of 24 V
Maximum cable length for connected process signals
Shielded cable 1000 m
Unshielded cable 600 m
Potential isolation
Per module
Technical data of the high-speed inputs
Number of channels per module 6
Input Type 24 V DC 5 V DC / Differential / Sinus 1 Vpp
Frequency 300 kHz
Technical data of the fast outputs
Number of channels 2
Indication of the output signals Brightness of the LED depends on the number of pulses emitted (0 % to 100 %) (pulse output mode only)
Output current
Rated value, per channel 100 mA at UP = 24 V
Maximum value (all channels together, 8A
configurable outputs included)
Leakage current with signal 0 < 0.5 mA
Rated protection fuse on UP 10 A fast
De-magnetization when inductive loads are with varistors integrated in the module (see figure below)
switched off
Overload message (I > 0.1x A) Yes, after ca. 100 ms
Output current limitation Yes, automatic reactivation after short-circuit/overload
Resistance to feedback against 24 V signals Yes
Process voltage UP
Nominal voltage 24 V DC
Maximum ripple 5%
Current consumption on UP
Min. typ. (module alone) 0.070 A
Max. typ. (min. + loads) 0.070 A + load
Reverse polarity protection
Fuse for process voltage UP 10 A miniature fuse
Expansion module
For all modules: max cable length for connected process signals is 1000 m for shielded cable and 600 m for unshielded ones.
For all Input modules, the signal resolution for channel configuration is: -10 V+10 V: 12 bit + sign; 010 V, 020 mA, 420 mA: 12 bits
Type DA501
Order code 1SAP250700R0001
Version available for Extreme Conditions (-XC) 1SAP450700R0001
Number of Channels per Module
Digital inputs DI 16
Digital outputs DO
Analog inputs AI 4
Analog outputs AO 2
Digital configurable channels DC (configurable as inputs or outputs) 8
Additional configuration of channels as:
Fast counter No
Occupies max. 1 DO or DC when used as counter Configuration of max. 2 channels per module. Operating modes see table on page 36
Connection via terminal unit TU 5xx
Digital inputs
Input signal voltage 24 V DC
Input characteristic acc. to EN 61 132-2 Type 1
0 signal -3 V DC... +5 V DC
Undefined signal state +5 V DC... +15 V DC
1 signal +15 V DC... +30 V DC
Residual ripple, range for 0 signal -3 V DC... +5 V DC
Residual ripple, range for 1 signal +15 V DC...+30 V DC
Input time delay (0 -> 1 or 1 -> 0) 8 ms typically, configurable from 0.1 up to 32 ms
Digital outputs
Transistor outputs 24 V DC, 0.5 A
Readback of output
Outputs, supplied via process voltage UP
Switching of 24 V load
Output voltage at signal state 1 Process voltage UP - 0.8 V
Output current
Nominal current per channel 500 mA at UP = 24 V DC
Maximum (total current of all channels) 8A
Residual current at signal state 0 < 0.5 mA
Demagnetization when switching off inductive loads By internal varistors
Analog inputs AI Max. number per module and with regard to the configuration: AIs / Measuring points
Signal configuration per AI
010 V / -10 V +10 V 4/4
020 mA / 420 mA 4/4
RTD using 2/3 wire needs 1/2 channel(s) 4/2
010 V using differential inputs, needs 2 channels 4/2
-10 V+10 V using differential inputs, needs 2 channels 4/2
Digital signals (digital input) 4/4
Data when using the AI as digital input
Input time delay 8 ms typically, configurable from 0.1 up to 32 ms
Input signal voltage 24 V DC
Outputs, single configurable as
Possible configuration per AO
-10+10 V
020 mA / 420 mA
Output resistance (load) when used as current output 0...500
Output loading capability when used as voltage output 10 mA max.
Potential isolation
Per module
Process voltage UP
Nominal voltage 24 V DC
Maximum ripple 5%
Current consumption on UP
Min. typ. (module alone) 0.070 A
Max. typ. (min. + loads) 0.070 A + load
Reverse polarity protection
Fuse for process voltage UP 10 A miniature fuse
Approvals See detailed overview page 74 or www.abb.com/plc
Type DC541-CM
Order code 1SAP270000R0001
Version available for Extreme Conditions (-XC) 1SAP470000R0001
Number of Channels per Module
Configurable channels DC (configurable as inputs 8
or outputs)
Additional configuration of channels as
Fast counter Yes
Connection via CPU terminal base. Occupies one
communication module slot
Digital inputs
Input signal voltage 24 V DC
Input characteristic acc. to EN61132-2 Type 1
0 signal -3 V DC ... +5 V DC
Undefined signal state +5 V DC ... +15 V DC
1 signal +15 V DC ... +30 V DC
Input time delay (0 -> 1 or 1 -> 0) 20uS
Clamp to clamp - 300uS with interupt task
Input current per channel
At input voltage +24 V DC 5 mA typically
+5 V DC > 1 mA
+15 V DC > 5 mA
+30 V DC < 8 mA
Digital outputs
Transistor outputs 24 V DC, 0.5 A
Readback of output
Switching of 24 V load
Output voltage at signal state 1 Process voltage UP minus 0.8 V
Output current
Nominal current per channel 500 mA at UP = 24 V
Maximum (total current of all channels) 8A
Residual current at signal state 0 < 0.5 mA
Demagnetization when switching off inductive loads by internal varistors
Potential isolation
Per module
Voltage supply for the module Internally via backplane bus
Fieldbus connection Via AC500 CPU
Address setting Automatically (internal)
Type DC505-FBP DC551-CS31 CI590-CS31-HA CI592-CS31
Dedicated to High Availability
Protocol CANopen
Protocol EtherCAT
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Against electrostatic discharge (ESD) According to EN 61000-4-2, zone B, criterion B
Electrostatic voltage in case of air discharge 8 kV
Electrostatic voltage in case of contact discharge 4 kV, in a closed switch-gear cabinet 6 kV (1)
ESD with communication connectors In order to prevent operating malfunctions, it is recommended, that the operating
personnel discharge themselves prior to touching communication connectors or perform
other suitable measures to reduce effects of electrostatic discharges.
ESD with connectors of Terminal Bases The connectors between the Terminal Bases and CPUs or Communication Modules
must not be touched during operation. The same is valid for the I/O-Bus with all
modules involved.
Against the influence of radiated (CW radiated) According to EN 61000-4-3, zone B, criterion A
Test field strength 10 V/m
Against transient interference voltages (burst) According to EN 61000-4-4, zone B, criterion B
Supply voltage units (AC, DC) 2 kV
Digital inputs/outputs (24 V DC) 2 kV
Digital inputs/outputs (120/230 V AC) 2 kV
Analog inputs/outputs 1 kV
CS31 system bus 2 kV
Serial RS-485 interfaces (COM) 2 kV
Serial RS-232 interfaces (COM, not for PM55x and PM56x) 1 kV
FBP 1 kV
Ethernet 1 kV
I/O supply, DC-out 1 kV
Against the influence of line-conducted interferences (CW conducted) According to EN 61000-4-6, zone B, criterion A
Test voltage 3 V zone B, 10 V is also met
High energy surges According to EN 61000-4-5, zone B, criterion B
Power supply DC 1 kV CM* / 0.5 kV DM*
DC I/O supply 0.5 kV CM* / 0.5 kV DM*
Buses, shielded 1 kV CM*
AC-I/O unshielded 2 kV CM* / 1 kV DM*
I/O analog, I/O DC unshielded 1 kV CM* / 0.5 kV DM*
Radiation (radio disturbance) According to EN 55011, group 1, class A
(1) High requirement for shipping classes are achieved with additional specific measures (see specific documentation)
* CM = Common Mode - DM = Differential Mode
Mechanical Data
Wiring method / terminals
Mounting Horizontal
Degree of protection IP20 (if all terminal screws are tightened)
Housing According to UL 94
Vibration resistance acc. to EN 61131-2 all three axes
2 Hz...15 Hz, continuous 3.5 mm
15 Hz...150 Hz, continuous 1 g (higher values on request)
Vibration resistance with SD Memory Card inserted 15 Hz...150 Hz, continuous 1 g
Shock resistance All three axes
15 g, 11 ms, half-sinusoidal
Shipping specific requirements
Mounting of the modules
DIN rail according to DIN EN 50022 35 mm, depth 7.5 mm or 15 mm
Mounting with screws Screws with a diameter of 4 mm
Fastening torque 1.2 Nm
82 3.23 34 1.34
135 5.31
135 5.31
75 6
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Against electrostatic discharge (ESD) According to EN 61000-4-2, zone B, criterion B
Electrostatic voltage in case of air discharge 8 kV
Electrostatic voltage in case of contact discharge 4 kV, in a closed switch-gear cabinet 6 kV (1)
ESD with communication connectors In order to prevent operating malfunctions, it is recommended, that the operating personnel discharge them-
selves prior to touching communication connectors or perform other suitable measures to reduce effects of
electrostatic discharges.
ESD with connectors of Terminal Bases The connectors between the Terminal Bases and CPUs or Communication Modules must not be touched during
operation. The same is valid for the I/O-Bus with all modules involved.
Against the influence of radiated (CW radiated) According to EN 61000-4-3, zone B, criterion A
Test field strength 10 V/m
Against transient interference voltages (burst) According to EN 61000-4-4, zone B, criterion B
Supply voltage units (AC, DC) 2 kV
Digital inputs/outputs (24 V DC) 2 kV
Digital inputs/outputs (120/230 V AC) 2 kV
Analog inputs/outputs 1 kV
CS31 system bus 2 kV
Serial RS-485 interfaces (COM) 2 kV
Ethernet 1 kV
I/O supply, DC-out 1 kV
Against the influence of line-conducted interferences According to EN 61000-4-6, zone B, criterion A
(CW conducted)
Test voltage 3 V zone B, 10 V is also met.
High energy surges According to EN 61000-4-5, zone B, criterion B
Power supply AC 2 kV CM* / 1 kV DM*
Power supply DC 1 kV CM* / 0.5 kV DM*
DC I/O supply, add. DC-supply-out 0.5 kV CM* / 0.5 kV DM*
Buses, shielded 1 kV CM*
AC-I/O unshielded 2 kV CM* / 1 kV DM*
I/O analog, I/O DC unshielded 1kV CM* / 0.5 kV DM*
Radiation (radio disturbance) According to EN 55011, group 1, class A
(1) High requirement for shipping classes are achieved with additional specific measures (see specific documentation)
* CM = Common Mode - DM = Differential Mode
Mechanical Data
Wiring method / terminals
Mounting Horizontal
Degree of protection IP20
Housing According to UL 94
Vibration resistance acc. to EN 61131-2 all three axes (DIN rail mounting)
5 Hz ... 11.9 Hz, continuous 3.5 mm
11.9 Hz ... 150 Hz, continuous 1 g
Vibration resistance with SD Memory Card inserted 15 Hz...150 Hz, continuous 1 g
Shock resistance All three axes
15 g, 11 ms, half-sinusoidal
Shipping specific requirements
Mounting of the modules
DIN rail according to DIN EN 50022 35 mm, depth 7.5 mm or 15 mm
Mounting with screws Screws with a diameter of 4 mm
Fastening torque 1.2 Nm
Electromagnetic Compatibility
Immunity (Extended immunity on request)
Against electrostatic discharge (ESD) According to EN 61000-4-2, zone B, criterion B
Electrostatic voltage in case of air discharge 8 kV
Electrostatic voltage in case of contact discharge 4 kV
with communication connectors In order to prevent operating malfunctions, it is recommended, that the operating personnel discharge themselves
prior to touching communication connectors or perform other suitable measures to reduce effects of electrostatic
with connectors of Terminal Bases The connectors between the Terminal Bases and CPUs or Communication Modules must not be touched during
operation. The same is valid for the I/O-Bus with all modules involved.
Against transient interference voltages (burst) According to EN 61000-4-4, zone B, criterion B
Supply voltage units (AC, DC) 4 kV
Digital inputs/outputs (24 V DC) 2 kV
Digital inputs/outputs (120/230 V AC) 2 kV
Analog inputs/outputs 1 kV
CS31 system bus 2 kV
Serial RS-485 interfaces (COM) 2 kV
Serial RS-232 interfaces (COM) 1 kV
FBP 1 kV
Ethernet 1 kV
I/O supply, DC-out 1 kV
High energy surges According to EN 61000-4-5, zone B, criterion B
Power supply DC 1 kV CM* / 0.5 kV DM*
DC I/O supply 0.5 kV CM* / 0.5 kV DM*
Buses, shielded 1 kV CM*
AC-I/O 2 kV CM* / 1 kV DM*
I/O analog, I/O DC unshielded 1 kV CM* / 0.5 kV DM*
Against the influence of radiated disturbances (CW radiated) According to EN 61000-4-3, zone B, criterion A
Test field strength 10 V/m
Against the influence of line-conducted interferences (CW conducted) According to EN 61000-4-6, zone B, criterion A
Test voltage 3 V zone B, 10 V is also met
Radiation (radio disturbance) According to EN 55011, group 1, class A
* CM = Common Mode - DM = Differential Mode
Mechanical Data
Wiring method / terminals
Mounting Horizontal
Degree of protection IP20
Housing According to UL 94
Vibration resistance acc. to EN 61131-2 2 g, 5 Hz ... 500 Hz
Vibration resistance acc. to IEC 68-2-64-B.6 5 Hz ... 500 Hz, 4 g rms, 1.5 h / axis (survival only)
Vibration resistance acc. to IEC 68-2-64 5 Hz ... 500 Hz, 1.9 g rms, 1.5h / axis
Vibration resistance with SD Memory Card inserted 15 Hz ... 150 Hz, continuous 2 g
Shock resistance All three axes
15 g, 11 ms, half-sinusoidal
Shipping specific requirements 6 kV ESD contact
Extended EMC
Mounting of the modules
DIN rail according to DIN EN 50022 35 mm, depth 7.5 mm or 15 mm
Mounting with screws Screws with a diameter of 4 mm
Fastening torque 1.2 Nm
CS31 functionality
AC500 CPU with integrated CS31 interface S500 I/O with communication interface
Version available for Extreme Conditions No
Master Yes, at COM1
Slave No Yes / Redundant for CI590-CS31-HA
Protocols supported ABB CS31 protocol
Error indication On LCD display of the CPU / AC500-eCo Error LED Via module LEDs
Online diagnosis Yes
Error code Errors are recorded in the diagnosis system of the CPU
Associated function blocks Yes
Physical layer RS485 / 2 x RS485 for CI590-CS31-HA for redundancy
Connection Plug at COM1 Screw-type or spring-type terminals
Baud rate 187.5 kbit/s
Distance AC500-eCo: up to 50 m and up to 500 m using the isolator TK506 / AC500: up to 500 m; up to 2000 m using a repeater
Max. number of modules on fieldbus 31 modules max.
Please note: The DC551 bus interface occupies one or two module addresses (if counters are configured onboard or if the module is a
mixed digital analog module). Depending on the configuration, or if the module contains also mixed digital analog I/O, connected exten-
sion modules can occupy further module addresses.
Configuration Using configuration tool (part of the programming software)
Station address configuration No Using rotary switches (99 max.)
Abbreviation CE cUL C-tick
Approved in USA/Canada Australia Russia USA France Norway Germany Great Britain Italy Russia
Class 1,
Division 2,
Groups A,
B, C, D
TB511-ARCNET n n n n n n n n n n n n
TB511-ETH (-XC) n n n n n n n n n n n n
TB521-ARCNET n n n n n n n n n n n n
TB521-ETH (-XC) n n n n n n n n n n n n
TB541-ETH (-XC) n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM571 n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM571-ETH n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM572 n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM573-ETH (-XC) n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM581 n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM581-ARCNET n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM581-ETH n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM582 (-XC) n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM582-ARCNET n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM582-ETH n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM583-ETH (-XC) n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM590 n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM590-ARCNET n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM590-ETH n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM591 n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM591-ARCNET n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM591-ETH (-XC) n n n n n n n n n n n n
PM592-ETH (-XC) n n n n n n n n n n n n
CM572-DP (-XC) n n n n n n n n n n n n
CM574-RS n n n n n n n n n n n n
CM574-RCOM n n n n n n n n n n n n
CM575-DN n n n n n n n n n n n n
CM577-ETH (-XC) n n n n n n n n n n n n
CM578-CN (-XC) n n n n n n n n n n n n
CM579-ETHCAT n n n n n n n n n n n n
CM579-PNIO (-XC) n n n n n n n n n n n n
CM588-CN (-XC) n n n n n n n n n n
MC502 n.a. n n.a. n n n n n n n n
TK501 n.a. n n.a. n n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n n
TK502 n.a. n n.a. n n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n n
TA521 n.a. n n.a. n n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n n
TA523 n.a. n n.a. n n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n n
TA524 n.a. n n.a. n n.a. n.a. n.a. n n.a. n n
TA525 n.a. n n.a. n n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n n
TA526 n.a. n n.a. n n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n n
TA510-CASE n n.a. n.a. n.a. n.n. n.n. n.n. n.n. n.n. n.n. n.n.
TA527 n.a. n.a. n.a. n n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
TA528 n.a. n.a. n.a. n n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
PS501-PROG n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
PS541-HMI n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
PS552-MC n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a. n.a.
TU505-FBP n n n n n n n n n n n n
TU506-FBP n n n n n n n n n n n n
TU507-ETH n n n n n n n n n n n n
TU508-ETH (-XC) n n n n n n n n n n n n
TU509 n n n n n n n n
TU510 (-XC) n n n n n n n n n
TU517 n n n n n n n n
TU518 (-XC) n n n n n n n n n
TU520-ETH (-XC) n n n n n n n n n n
TU515 n n n n n n n n n n n n
TU516 (-XC) n n n n n n n n n n n n
TU531 n n n n n n n n n n n n
TU532 (-XC) n n n n n n n n n n n n
TU541 n n n n n n n n n n n n
TU542 n n n n n n n n n n n n
TU551-CS31 n n n n n n n n n n n n
TU552-CS31 (-XC) n n n n n n n n n n n n
CI501-PNIO (-XC) n n n n n n n n n n n n
CI502-PNIO (-XC) n n n n n n n n n n n n
CI504-PNIO (-XC) n n n n n n n n
Abbreviation CE cUL C-tick
Approved in USA/Canada Australia Russia USA France Norway Germany Great Britain Italy Russia
Class 1,
Division 2,
Groups A,
B, C, D
CI506-PNIO (-XC) n n n n n n n n
CI511-ETHCAT n n n n n n n n n n n n
CI512-ETHCAT n n n n n n n n n n n n
CI541-DP (-XC) n n n n n n n
CI542-DP (-XC) n n n n n n n
CI581-CN (-XC) n n n n n n n
CI582-CN (-XC) n n n n n n n
DA501 (-XC) n n n n n n n n n n n n
CD522 (-XC) n n n n n n n n n n n n
DC522 (-XC) n n n n n n n n n n n n
DC523 (-XC) n n n n n n n n n n n n
DC532 (-XC) n n n n n n n n n n n n
DC551-CS31 (-XC) n n n n n n n n n n n n
DI524 (-XC) n n n n n n n n n n n n
DX522 (-XC) n n n n n n n n n n n
DX531 n n n n n n n n n n n
AI523 (-XC) n n n n n n n n n n n n
AI531 (-XC) n n n n n n n n n n n n
AO523 (-XC) n n n n n n n n n n n n
AX521 (-XC) n n n n n n n n n n n n
AX522 (-XC) n n n n n n n n n n n n
DC541-CM (-XC) n n n n n n n n n n n n
PD501-4CH n n n n n n n n n n n
PM554-R-AC n n n n n n n n n n n
PM554-T n n n n n n n n n n n
PM554-T-ETH n n n n n n n n n n n
PM564-R n n n n n n n n n n n
PM564-R-AC n n n n n n n n n n n
PM564-R-ETH n n n n n n n n n n n
PM564-R-ETH-AC n n n n n n n n n n n
PM564-T n n n n n n n n n n n
PM564-T-ETH n n n n n n n n n n n
MC503 n n n n n n n n n n n
TK503 n n n n n n n n n n n
TK504 n n n n n n
TK506 n n
TA561-RTC n n n n n n n n n n n
TA562-RS n n n n n n n n n n n
TA562-RS-RTC n n n n n n n n n n n
TA566 n.a. n.a. n.a. n n n n n.a. n n.a. n
TA560 n.a. n n n n n n n n n n
TA564-9 n
TA564-11 n
TA565-9 n
TA565-11 n
TA570 n.a. n n n n
AI561 n n n n n n n n n n n
AI562 n n n n n n n n n n n
AI563 n n n n n n n n n n n
AO561 n n n n n n n n n n n
AX561 n n n n n n n n n n n
DC561 n n n n n n n n n n n
DI561 n n n n n n n n n n n
DI562 n n n n n n n n n n n
DI571 n n n n n n n n n n n
DO561 n n n n n n n n n n n
DO571 n n n n n n n n n n n
DO572 n n n n n n n n n n n
DX561 n n n n n n n n n n n
DX571 n n n n n n n n n n n
L44440901501 n n n n n n
L44441101501 n n n n n n
L44460901501 n n n n n n
L44461101501 n n n n n n
L44470901501 n n n n n n
L44471101501 n n n n n n
Minimum engineering PC requirements Windows XP SP3, Windows 7 SP1 32 or 64-bit, 1 GHz, 2 GB RAM,
1 GB free disk space.
Supported Devices All I/O and fieldbus modules for AC500 family
HMI CP600 (1)
Jokab pluto safety (2)
Many third party fieldbus devices can be integrated
Windows XP SP2, Windows vista SP1, Windows 7 SP1 32 or 64- bit, Windows XP Professional SP3 or Windows 7 Professional SP1,
1 GHz, 512 kB RAM, 100 MB free disk space. 32 or 64-bit, 2 GHz, 1 GB RAM, 10 GB free disk space.
All CP6xx panels. PC with Windows XP Professional SP3 or Windows 7 Professional SP1,
32-bit, 2 GHz, 3 GB RAM, 2 GB free disk space (80 GB for archiving).
Description Visualization package for CoDeSys Industrial drives integration library
Features Run time system for the execution of the CoDeSys visuali- Library enabling fast and simple engineering when using
zations. ABBs AC500 PLC and ABBs industrial ACS Drives.
Fast creation of software for operating machines and Covers all standard control needs for start, stop and speed
plants using the visualizations generated in CoDeSys operations.
Uses the already existent project file for visualization
Protection of application program possible with read- Generic drives control blocks for ABB ACS drives (using the
only. All the other operational elements of CoDeSys like ABB drives profile):
menus Simple and fast integration of standard industrial drives
or the object organiser are not visible then fromm ABB with one control block for all applications,
Seamless integration into the CoDeSys PLC program- usable for
ming system: -- PROFIBUS
-- No tag list of variables needed, work directly with the -- PROFINET
CoDeSys variables -- CANopen
-- Variable values in input fields can be modified by -- EtherCAT.
expressions Modbus RTU and modbus TCP communication and
-- Object-oriented masks control blocks, with token for modbus handling for many
-> build modules similar to the CoDeSys function drives
blocks in the visualization. Generic device blocks to integrate other Modbus RTU
Functions Sampling trace and read/write recipe are devices, e.g. a panel in some Modbus line with the
also available in CoDeSys HMI. drives.
How to get Separate license package with license code Software is already included in PS501-engineering package
Software is already includes in PS501-engineering or downloadable
Target systems All AC500 CPUs All AC500 CPUs
using ABBs AC500 PLC for motion control, drives and motors Flexible data logging options
especially together with ABBs motion control -- especially suited also for remote communi-
ACS Drives. Covers different tracker configurations and dif- cation like GSM/GPRS
-- actual timestamp in logging
ferent algorithms for accurracy needs -- integrated variants for simple use with
Covers different motion control options for Control of trackers in parabolic trough, power IEC60870
-- generic logging to files- storage depth only
single and multiaxes motion control appplica- tower, PV and CPV applications.
dependent on memory sizes at CPU
tions: -- flexible log conditions (cyclic, event - or
Drive-Based and PLC-Based motion Complete library package for different tracking tolerance based)
In PLC based motion, the position control use cases, plug and play:
Support for pumping station functions with
loop could be closed in the PLC or drive (with Example program with detailed explanations and different operation modes
synchronized network) visualizations -- standard multidrive functions (PLC based)
-- advanced functionality together with
Single-Axis, multi-axes and coordinated motion Control of the tracker adaptable to different -- ABB ACS and ACQ810 drives
Defined Jerk limitation by polynomial interpolation needs and conditions, to achieve maximum -- Detailed diagnosis
-- Energy efficiency functions
Spline interpolation or polynomial interpolation efficiency of installation
-- Multidrive functions
for cam curves, position- velocity- or accel- Exact positioning of different axes with the -- Level control
eration profiles available following accurracies: -- Flow estimation
Possible to switch over between different -- NOAA algorithm 0.03 Grad
CP600 support for ACQ810: Fast and simple
movements and cam curves directly -- NREL algorithm 0.0003 Grad. configuration for pumping stations with limited
latch functionality by utilizing fast drive Input / sensor adaptation programming via visualization screens
inputs for ACS350, ACS800, ACSM1
Drive based motion: commands from PLC, Complete application examples for fast engi-
Different actuators / drives control neering and startup.
drives perform interpolation and control
loop All needed modes for simple commissioning
and manual operation
PLC Open functions: -- Fast and simple calibration of the trackers,
Administrative Function Blocks offering manual repositioning and fine tuning
Single axis Function Blocks -- Safety positions
Multiple axis Function Blocks -- Back tracking.
Homing Function Blocks
ABB specific Function Blocks
Separate package with self installing Separate package with self installing Separate package with self installing
software on USB-stick. software and with license code. software and with license code.
All AC500 CPUs NOAA: PM554 and above All AC500 CPUs
NREL: PM573 and above. (some logging options depend on CPU memory
For the entire range: Data acquisition + capacity: flash memory storage limited only by
Vector graphics available memory
Object dynamics (types) Trend presentation + capacity: flash memory storage limited only by
True type fonts available memory
Multiple driver communication: 2 Historical event list
Unicode capability Users/passwords
Character sets for Chinese language Hardware realtime clock, battery back-up
Multilanguage capability Screen saver
Runtime language switching Integration within CoDeSys
Recipes (capacity): flash memory storage limited only by available Approvals: RoHS, (cUL), (DNV), (C-Tick)
Type WAT100-R / WAT100-L WAC100-N03 / WAC100-N05
Order code 1SAF900600R0001 / 1SAF900600R0002 1SAF900600R1030 / 1SAF900600R1050
Description Panel antenna, 70 degree beam width x = R, L (right, left-handed Antenna cable in lengths x = 3 m or 5 m
circular polarisation)
Dimensions H x L x W 101 x 95 x 32 mm
Accessories WAM100 antenna mounting for mast mounting
AC500-eCo CPUs
1 onboard RS485 serial interface (2nd is optional)
Centrally expandable with up to 10 I/O modules with CPU firmware version V2.0.6 or above
(standard S500 and/or S500-eCo modules can be mixed)
Optional SD card adapter for data storage and program backup
Variants with integrated Ethernet (onboard Ethernet includes web server)
Minimum cycle time per instruction: Bit 0.08 s, Word 0.1 s, Float-point 1.2 s.
PM554 Program Onboard Relay/ Integrated Power Type Order code Price Weight
memory I/Os DI/DO/ Transistor communication supply (1 pce)
AI/AO outputs kg
128 kB 8/6// Transistor 24 V DC PM554-T 1TNE968900R0100 0.300
128 kB 8/6// Relay 24 V DC PM554-R 1TNE968900R0200 0.350
128 kB 8/6// Relay 100-240 V AC PM554-R-AC 1TNE968900R0220 0.400
128 kB 8/6// Transistor Ethernet 24 V DC PM554-T-ETH 1TNE968900R0110 0.300
AC500 CPUs
2 internal serial interfaces, RS232/RS485 configurable
Display and 8 function keys for diagnosis and status
Centrally expandable with up to 10 I/O modules (S500 and/or S500-eCo modules allowed)
Simultaneous operation of up to 4 external communication modules in any desired combination
Optional SD card for data storage and program backup
Can also be used as slave on PROFIBUS DP, DeviceNet or CANopen via FieldBusPlug, CANopen also
using CM588 slave coupler
Onboard Ethernet version provides web server and IEC60870-5-104 remote control protocol.
Program Cycle time in s Integrated communication Type Order code Price Weight
PM583 + terminal base
memory per instruction min. (1 pce)
Bit/Word/Float. point kg
+ CM574
128 kB 0.06/0.09/0.7 PM572 1SAP130200R0200 0.135
512 kB 0.06/0.09/0.7 Ethernet (3) PM573-ETH (2) 1SAP130300R0271 0.150
Product for Extreme Conditions
512 kB 0.06/0.09/0.7 Ethernet (3) PM573-ETH-XC (2) 1SAP330300R0271 0.150
Terminal base
For mounting and connection of the CPUs and communication modules
1 to 4 plug-in communication modules
Connection for communication coupler integrated in the CPU
I/O interface for direct connection of up to 10 expansion modules
Fieldbus-neutral FieldBusPlug-Slave interface
Connection COM1: 9-pole pluggable terminal block
Connection COM2: 9-pole SUB-D (socket)
These TBs are compatible with previous AC500 CPU versions (R01xx) and new ones (R02xx).
Interface Type Order code Price Weight
(1 pce)
Sub-D socket CM572-DP 1SAP170200R0001 0.115
Product for Extreme Conditions
Sub-D socket CM572-DP-XC 1SAP370200R0001 0.135
Number of Input signal Output Output signal Terminal Terminal Type Order code Price Weight
DI/DO/DC type block block (1 pce)
9 poles 11 poles kg
8// 24 V DC 1 DI561 1TNE968902R2101
16 / / 24 V DC 1 1 DI562 1TNE968902R2102
8// 100-240 V AC 1 1 DI571 1TNE968902R2103
/8/ Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A 1 DO561 1TNE968902R2201
/8/ Relay 24 V DC, 120/ 1 DO571 1TNE968902R2202
240 V AC, 2 A
DO572 and terminal blocks /8/ Triac 100-240 V AC, 0.3 A 1 1 DO572 1TNE968902R2203
8 / 8/ 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A 1 1 DX561 1TNE968902R2301
8 / 8/ 24 V DC Relay 24 V DC, 120/ 1 1 DX571 1TNE968902R2302
240 V AC, 2 A
/ / 16 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, 0.1A HE10-20 DC561 1TNE968902R2001
Terminal block (9 or 11 poles) is necessary for each S500-eCo I/O. They are delivered separately.
Number of Input signal Output type Output signal Terminal units Type Order code Price Weight
DI/DO/DC (1 pce)
32// 24 V DC TU515 / TU516 DI524 1SAP240000R0001 0.200
//16 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A TU515 / TU516 DC522 1SAP240600R0001 0.200
//24 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A TU515 / TU516 DC523 1SAP240500R0001 0.200
16//16 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A TU515 / TU516 DC532 1SAP240100R0001 0.200
DC532 8/8/ 24 V DC Relay 230 V AC, 3 A (1) TU531 / TU532 DX522 1SAP245200R0001 0.300
8/4/ 230 V AC Relay 230 V AC, 3 A (1) TU531 / TU532 DX531 1SAP245000R0001 0.300
Product for Extreme Conditions
32/-/- 24 V DC - - TU516-XC DI524-XC 1SAP440000R0001 0.200
-/-/16 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A TU516-XC DC522-XC 1SAP440600R0001 0.200
-/-/24 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A TU516-XC DC523-XC 1SAP440500R0001 0.200
16/-/16 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A TU516-XC DC532-XC 1SAP440100R0001 0.200
8/8/- 24 V DC Relay 230 V AC, 3 A (1) TU532-XC DX522-XC 1SAP445200R0001 0.200
(1) Relay outputs, changeover contacts
DC541 occupies one communication module slot on the AC500 CPU terminal base, no terminal block required
Not usable with DC505-FBP or all CI5xx modules
Number of Input signal Output type Output signal Type Order code Price Weight
DI/DO/DC (1 pce)
//8 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A DC541-CM (1) 1SAP270000R0001 0.100
Product for Extreme Conditions
-/-/8 24V DC Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A DC541-CM-XC (1) 1SAP470000R0001 0.200
(1) Multifunctional module, refer to table on page 43 for details.
Number of Input signal Output signal Terminal Terminal Type Order code Price Weight
AI/AO block block (1 pce)
9 poles 11 poles kg
4/0 2.5 V, 5 V, 0...5 V, 1 1 AI561 1TNE968902R1101
0...10V, 0...20 mA,
2/0 PT100, PT1000, Ni100, 1 AI562 1TNE968902R1102
Ni1000, Resistance: 150,
4/0 S, T, R, E, N, K, J, 1 1 AI563 1TNE968902R1103
Voltage range: 80 mV
0/2 -10...+10 V, 0...20mA, 1 AO561 1TNE968902R1201
4...20 mA
4/2 2.5 V, 5 V, 0...5 V, -10...+10 V, 0...20mA, 1 1 AX561 1TNE968902R1301
0...10V, 0...20 mA, 4...20 mA
Terminal block (9 or 11 poles) is necessary for each S500-eCo I/O. They are delivered separately.
Number of Input signal Output Terminal units Type Order code Price Weight
AI/AO signal (1 pce)
16 / 0 0 ... 10 V, 10 V TU515 / TU516 AI523 1SAP250300R0001 0.200
4/4 0 /4 ... 20 mA, PT100, PT1000, 10 V TU515 / TU516 AX521 1SAP250100R0001 0.200
8 / 8 (max. 4 current Ni1000 0 /4 ... TU515 / TU516 AX522 1SAP250000R0001 0.200
outputs) 20mA
0 / 16 (max. 8 current TU515 / TU516 AO523 1SAP250200R0001 0.200
8/0 05 V, 010 V, 50mV, 500mV, TU515 / TU516 AI531 1SAP250600R0001 0.200
1 V, 5 V, 10 V, 0/420 mA,
20 mA, PT100, PT1000, Ni1000,
Cu50, 050k, S, T, N, K, J
Product for Extreme Conditions
16 / 0 010 V, 10 V 0/420mA PT100, TU516-XC AI523-XC 1SAP450300R0001 0.200
4/4 PT1000, Ni1000 10 V TU516-XC AX521-XC 1SAP450100R0001 0.200
8 / 8 (max. 4 current 0 /4 ... TU516-XC AX522-XC 1SAP450000R0001 0.200
outputs) 20mA
0 / 16 (max. 8 current - TU516-XC AO523-XC 1SAP450200R0001 0.200
8/0 05 V, 010 V, 50mV, 500 mV, TU516-XC AI531-XC 1SAP450600R0001 0.200
1 V, 5 V, 10 V, 0/420mA, 20
mA PT100, PT1000, Ni1000, Cu50,
050k, S, T, N, K, J
Terminal units
For digital and analog expansion modules and interface modules. Please note: for modules with relay
outputs, terminal units for 230 V AC (TU531/TU532) are required.
Terminal blocks for AC500-eCo
Description Type Order code Price Weight
(1 pce)
9 poles terminal block for S500 I/O eCo modules - Screw Front / Cable Side L44460901501 1SSS444609R1100 0.017
11 poles terminal block for S500 I/O eCo modules - Screw Front / Cable Side L44461101501 1SSS444611R1100 0.020
9 poles terminal block for S500 I/O eCo modules - Screw Front / Cable Front TA564-9 1TNE968901R3103 0.026
TA565-9 11 poles terminal block for S500 I/O eCo modules - Screw Front / Cable Front TA564-11 1TNE968901R3104 0.035
9 poles terminal block for S500 I/O eCo modules - Spring Front / Cable Front TA565-9 1TNE968901R3105 0.016
11 poles terminal block for S500 I/O eCo modules - Spring Front / Cable Front TA565-11 1TNE968901R3106 0.020
Only ABB connectors must be used with AC500-eCo
Sales package for these terminal blocks = 6
CI582-CN+ terminal
Products for Extreme Conditions
Communication interface module for CS31-Bus
-/-/8/-/16 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A TU552-CS31-XC DC551-CS31-XC 1SAP420500R0001 0.200
-/-/-/-/16 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A TU552-CS31-XC CI590-CS31-HA-XC 1SAP421100R0001 0.200
4/2/8/-/8 24 V DC / Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 TU552-CS31-XC CI592-CS31-XC 1SAP421200R0001 0.200
010V, A/
-10+10 V, -10+10 V,
020 mA, 020 mA,
420 mA, PT100, 420 mA
PT1000, Ni100,
Communication interface module for Fieldbus or PROFIBUS-DP
4/2/8/8/- 24 V DC / Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 TU510-XC / CI541-DP-XC 1SAP424100R0001 0.200
010V, A/ TU518-XC
-10+10 V, -10+10 V,
020 mA, 020 mA,
420 mA, PT100, 420 mA
PT1000, Ni100,
-/-/8/8/8 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A TU510-XC / CI542-DP-XC 1SAP424200R0001 0.200
Communication interface module for CANopen
4/2/8/8/- 24 V DC / Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 TU510-XC / CI581-CN-XC 1SAP428100R0001 0.200
010V, A/ TU518-XC
-10+10 V, -10+10 V,
020 mA, 020 mA,
420 mA, 420 mA
PT100, PT1000,
Ni100, Ni1000
-/-/8/8/8 24 V DC Transistor 24 V DC, 0.5 A TU510-XC / CI582-CN-XC 1SAP428200R0001 0.200
(1) Please refer to the FieldBusPlug catalog for information about FBP. The currently available FBP Fieldbus plugs are listed in the catalog
Drives library
Solution libraries
For Description Type Order code Price Weight
(1 pce)
TA562-RS all AC500 CPUs Solar library delivered on USB stick. Delivery includes PS562-SOLAR 1SAP195000R0001 0.300
licence code and documentation
all AC500 CPUs Water library delivered on USB stick. Delivery includes PS563-WATER 1SAP195200R0001 0.300
licence code and documentation
Input/output module
Description Type Order code Price Weight
(1 pce)
Basic infrastructure for wireless. I/O module WDIO100-CON-FBP 1SAF960300R2000 0.410
IP67 Input/Output Pads, Input Pad - Communication module, I/O pads, sensor pad
Description Type Order code Price Weight
WSIX100 (1 pce)
Wireless Communication module WSIX100-B50NF 1SAF900100R4000 0.125
Wireless I/O Pad, 8DI/8DC WIOP100-8DI8DC 1SAF960100R1000 0.350
Wireless I/O Pad, 8DC WIOP208-8DC 1SAF975100R1000 0.165
Wireless Sensor pad, 8E WSP100-8I 1SAF968100R1000 0.550
Primary loops for optional Wireless-POWER (only when WSIX or WSP is used)
The primary loops WPC100 emit a weak electromagnetic field of 120kHz with the help of the connected
power supply for WPU.
Description Type Order code Price Weight
(1 pce)
English/German documentation and use-case videos CD-ROM 2CDC171007E0406 0.020
Videos about Wireless Automation Application Reports and Use Cases
Teach IEC 61131 programming based on CoDeSys with Expansion possibilities like Motor or Traffic Light plug-on
ABB AC500 PLCs module and the Solar Tracking module will increase the
The ABB PLC Trainer AC500 addresses learners and motivation of the learners.
students starting from the basic logic programming over
motivating exercises up to Ethernet communication tasks and These training packages are built in cooperation with IKH
visualization with an integrated web server. Didactic Systems. For more information please visit
The included exercises range from the basic logical functions
to practical samples like hot water heating using solar panels,
parking bay monitoring or controlling gates with IR-remote.
PLC-trainer ABB AC500 PLC-trainer ABB AC500 with plug-on traffic light module PLC-trainer ABB AC500 with plug-on motor module
2 3
ABBs automation products business follows two main struc- At the heart of ABBs services is its product life cycle manage-
tures to ensure its customers installations remain healthy: ment model. All services and support available for ABB prod-
1. ABBs product life cycle management model assures avail- ucts are planned according to this model. Product specific life
ability of services and support throughout the life cycle and cycle plans are available for customers to help with mainte-
a smooth transition to new technology at the end of the life nance planning and when deciding about upgrades, retrofits
cycle. and replacements.
2. ABBs service offering follows a logical flow that spans the
entire asset life cycle, from the moment a customer makes the
first enquiry through to disposal and recycling of the product.
The life cycle management model divides a products life cycle After the classic phase products enter the limited phase
into four phases: active, classic, limited and obsolete. Each and end users are recommended to start planning a transfer
phase has different implications for the end user in terms of to new technology before product support ceases.
services and support provided.
Spare part services continue as long as components and
In the active phase the end user benefits from warranty op- materials are available, and throughout the course of time the
tions and a full range of life cycle services, spare parts and use of reconditioned parts increases.
maintenance materials. This phase ends when the volume
production of a particular product ends and the classic A product is transferred to the obsolete phase when it is no
phase starts. In addition to offerings available in active longer possible to provide life cycle services within reasonable
phase, end users may migrate to new technology by using cost, or when ABB can no longer support the product techni-
upgrade and retrofit solutions providing improved perfor- cally, or the old technology is no longer available.
mance and extension of the life cycle.
Benefits of product life cycle management Adding functionality to the initial product by following the
Product life cycle management maximizes the value of equip- upgrade path
ment and maintenance investments by: Providing a smooth transition to new technology at the end
Ensuring spare part and competence availability throughout of a products lifecycle
the life cycle Helping the end user to decide when an upgrade, retrofit or
Enabling efficient product support & maintenance for im- replacement is required.
proved reliability
The services offered by ABBs automation products span the Installation and commissioning
entire asset lifetime, from the moment a customer makes While many customers have the resource to undertake instal-
the first enquiry to disposal and recycling of the product. lation and commissioning on their own, ABB and its channel
Throughout the lifetime of an asset, ABB provides training, partners offer professional installation and start up services.
technical support and customized contracts. All of this is sup-
ported by one of the most extensive global sales and service Operation and maintenance
networks. From maintenance assessments, preventive maintenance and
reconditioning to spare parts and repairs on-site or within its
Pre-purchase workshops, ABB has all the options covered to keep its cus-
ABB provides a range of services and support that help guide tomers processes operational.
the customers to the right products for their applications.
Upgrade and retrofit
Order and delivery ABB products can often be upgraded to the latest software
Orders can be placed through any ABB office or through or hardware to improve the performance of the application.
ABBs channel partners. In some countries, ABB also offers Existing processes can be economically modernized by retro-
a global online ordering and tracking system. ABBs sales fitting the latest technology.
and service network offers timely deliveries including express
delivery. Replacement and recycling
ABB can advise on the best replacement products while en-
suring that the products are disposed of in a way that meets
all local environmental regulations.
Automation products when they take a first glance at ABBs Automation Products
With more than 100 manufacturing sites in 50 countries (see catalog. With a range of more than 170,000 products, ABB
image below), the Automation Products Division of ABB is supplies just about every type of electronic equipment; from
able to deliver one million products per day through sales standard components to the latest control technology, to
activities in more than 200 countries. ABB often gets the meet all customers need, whether a standalone product or a
reaction from its customers, Do you really do all that?, completely integrated system.
R&D centers
PLC Website
CP600 brochure
PS501 Control
Builder Plus brochure
Water brochure