Exercises 1 - Business Processes - Fitter Snacker - GBI
Exercises 1 - Business Processes - Fitter Snacker - GBI
Exercises 1 - Business Processes - Fitter Snacker - GBI
b) What products do Fitter Snacker offer and how is their sales force organized?
c) Name the three functional areas for which Fitter Snacker employ separate
information systems and give three reasons why this is not an optimal
d) Give two examples of problems that may occur in Fitter Snackers ordering
process and explain how an ERP system could solve such problems.
e) Explain the problem that a picker might have when they go to complete an
order, only to find that there is not enough stock in inventory.
f) What is a dunning letter and how can it be negative for a companys customer
relationship if incorrectly issued.
g) List the events that make up the Sales & Distribution module within SAP ERP.