S E R R: Ocialism in Urope and Ussian Evolution
S E R R: Ocialism in Urope and Ussian Evolution
S E R R: Ocialism in Urope and Ussian Evolution
The event that occurred in Russia in October 1917 shook the whole world. The reason was
Russia - one of the vastest empire in the world became red. It was the biggest upheaval of
modern times. While the French Revolution established the democratic principle based on
equality, liberty and rule of law, the Russian Revolution transferred the power in the hands of the
proletariats. Inspired by Marxist ideology and led by Lenin, the Russian Revolution influenced
each and every walks of lives in the world. It was a huge setback of the western model of capitalist
system. It gave the birth of debate (as well as clash) of supremacy between the western model of
governance and economy and that of the soviet model in next 70 years.
2. Radicals:
wanted a nation in which government was based on the majority of a countrys population.
supported womens suffragette movements.
opposed the privileges of great landowners and wealthy factory owners.
3. Conservatives:
Earlier, they opposed to the idea of change.
By the 19th century, they accepted that some change was inevitable but through a slow process.
believed that the past had to be respected
4. Socialists:
Socialists were against private property, and saw it as the root of all social ills of the time.
public ownership of means of production and distribution
supported the idea of cooperatives.
Robert Owen sought to build a cooperative community called New Harmony in Indiana (USA).
In France, Louis Blanc wanted the government to encourage cooperatives
5. Communists:
Karl Marx is regarded as founder of scientific socialism (communism) wrote DAS CAPITAL.
He and his friend Friedrich Engels prepared COMMUNIST MENIFESTO.
believed that workers had to overthrow capitalism and the rule of private property.
Marx believed that to free themselves from capitalist exploitation, workers had to construct a
radically socialist society where all property was socially controlled. This would be a communist
Rule of proletariate.
6. Nationalists:
believed in revolutions that would create .nations. where all citizens would have equal rights -
MAZZINI (Italian revolutionary).
1. Paris Commune(1871):
popular uprising in Paris between March and May 1871 when the town council (commune) of
Paris was taken over by a peoples government consisting of workers, ordinary people,
professionals, political activists and others.
Ultimately crushed by government troops but it was celebrated by Socialists the world over as a
prelude to a socialist revolution.
A. the workers red flag adopted by the communards ( revolutionaries) in Paris;
B. Marseillaise became a symbol of the Commune and of the struggle for liberty.
Most industry and banks were nationalised .
Land was declared social property.
Banned the use of the old titles of aristocracy.
Withdrew from the FWW(treaty with Germany at Brest Litovsk in March 1918).
Russia became a communist nation.
New uniforms were designed for the army and officials, like, the Soviet hat (budeonovka).
The Bolshevik Party was renamed the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik).
The secret police (called the Cheka first and later OGPU and NKVD) punished those who
criticised the Bolsheviks.
1771-1858: Robert Owen Gave the idea of cooperative community and found new Harmony in
Indiana in the USA
1820-1895: Freedrich Engels He and Karl Marx prepared famous communist Manifesto.
1900: Socialist Revolutionary Party formed. Later it split in the Bolsheviks and the Mensheviks.
Russo-Japanese War (defeat of Russia)
Revolution of 1905, Bloody Sunday (9th January)
Duma (Russian Parliament) created
Labour Party in Britain and socialist party in France formed.
February Revolution (27th February)
Abdication of the Tsar Nicolas II and Formation of the provisional government under
Lenin returned to Russia from exile (April)
Womens demonstration, International womens Day (8 March-according to Julian
calendar 23 February) started
October Revolution (24th October) Bolshevik uprisings
Russia became a communist nation
Treaty of Brest Litovsk (March) with Germany and Russia withdrew from the First World
May Day Demonstration in Moscow.
Russian Calender: It is called the Julian calendar and was replaced by the Gregorian calendar on 1st
February 1918. The Gregorian dates are 13 days ahead of the Julian calendar. That is why, we
face some confusion about dates of the Russian Revolutions.