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August 30, 2016

The Leading News Source for Financial Advisers InvestmentNews.com

How insurers are losing when it comes

to variable annuities
Tight restrictions are placed on investment options in VAs with guaranteed income to reduce their risk. Returns
have lagged as a result, frustrating advisers and investors.

By Greg Iacurci

Variable annuity sales have been on a

steady decline the last several years, with
market volatility, growing popularity of
indexed annuities and a looming Labor
Department regulation being primary
But insurance companies have also shot
themselves in the foot by severely limiting
investment choice on annuity products
bought with income guarantees following
the financial crisis.
These restrictions which come via
mandated use of managed-volatility funds
or conservative asset allocations in VA
products have watered down investment
returns, angering consumers and advisers
alike as the products have lagged the broader
stock market. the advisers and investors using variable Theres no benefit in having more fixed-
The frustration with investors is that annuities (rather than more conservative income exposure in a VA with living-benefit
theyre in these 60-40 [stock-to-bond] annuities) to maximize returns and generate exposure, he said.
blend and managed-volatility allocations, the most guaranteed income, according to Although insurers imposed few
and those are underperforming the S&P insurance experts. investment restrictions prior to 2008,
500 because theyre less exposed to equity, Reps Ive talked to want to go as fast contract limitations became more prominent
said Gregory Olsen, partner at Lenox as they can inside a variable annuity, said following the financial crisis as companies
Advisors Inc. Kevin Loffredi, senior product manager of sought ways to mitigate their risk.
When factoring in product fees, annuity solutions at Morningstar Inc. Due to the way VAs with lifetime-income
performance has been kind of blah, he Because VAs with a lifetime-income guarantees are structured, while investors
said. feature provide downside protection in the account balances dropped precipitously
Taken together, the restrictions represent form of a guaranteed income floor, many during the downturn, there wasnt a
a sort of disconnect between insurers, advisers prefer investing with aggressive corresponding drop in the promised
who are trying to mitigate their risk, and equity allocations, Mr. Loffredi said. benefits. That left insurers exposed to a

The Publishers sale of this reprint does not constitute or imply any endorsement or sponsorship of any product, service or organization. Crain Communications 732.723.0569.

Entire Contents copyright by Crain Communications Inc. All rights reserved.

August 30, 2016

gigantic liability they never expected to

happen, according to Scott Stolz, senior
vice president of Private Client Group
investment products at Raymond James &
Associates Inc.
However, investment limitations are
meant to create more stable account values
and lower risk when offering guaranteed
lifetime income benefits.
Now, nearly all of the top variable
annuity living benefit writers require such
account-value risk mitigation strategies,
according to an Insured Retirement
Institute report from December.
According to Alison Reed, executive vice
president of operations for Jackson National
Life Distributors, the biggest change post- cash, Mr. Loffredi said. Although its not the only factor,
crisis was the introduction of managed- According to IRI, whereas large-cap investment restrictions factor tremendously
volatility funds. blend funds benchmarked against the S&P into these declines, Mr. Stolz said. And hes
The funds aim to buffer investors from big 500 once held the lions share of assets, not alone in believing that.
market swings, protecting on the downside money has moved dramatically toward Mr. Loffredi points to VA sales of Jackson
but, consequently, not capturing as much more conservative funds. Over 2005-15, National, which doesnt impose any fund
upside. conservative allocation funds gained restrictions, as evidence of adviser and
While the S&P 500 returned 1.4%, 13.5% about 7 percentage points in market share investor preference for open-architecture
and 32.2% in 2015, 2014 and 2013, respec- and moderate funds about 10 points, VA platforms. Jackson, the No. 1 VA seller,
tively, asset-weighted average net returns in according to the IRI report. Large-caps lost is the only one among the major insurers
managed-volatility VA sub-accounts lagged, at about 15 points. that doesnt impose some sort of investment
a respective -3.5%, 3.5% and 15.3%, according Some insurers take an even more restriction, he said.
to Morningstar. regimented approach by dictating that Over 2006-15, Jackson saw net annual sales
The number of managed-volatility sub- particular percentages of an equity bucket increase a whopping 225%, to $23.1 billion
accounts, which are like mutual funds inside can go to small-cap funds, large-cap funds, from $7.1 billion, according to Morningstar.
VAs, is up 240% since 2006, to more than etc., Mr. Loffredi said. Among the top 10 VA sellers last year,
7,100 from approximately 2,100, according Such restrictions kind of defeat the goal about half posted gains in new annual sales
to Morningstar. of having a variable annuity, according to over the same period. In percentage terms,
Assets in VA managed-volatility portfolios Mr. Stolz of Raymond James, which has the closest to Jackson was Transamerica,
increased markedly over that period, about 6,700 advisers. which posted a 114% increase to $7.9
ballooning to $133.2 billion through June Its like getting double insurance, Mr. billion in sales, a third of Jacksons total.
from $25.1 billion as of year-end 2006, Stolz said. Ive been telling our advisers for Jackson is one of the main carriers Mr.
according to Morningstar. four years now, if youre going to buy a VA Olsen of Lenox Advisors uses with clients
Such funds now capture more than half with a living benefit you have to invest the seeking VAs with guaranteed income riders,
of net positive cash flow, and use of these money as aggressively as the contract allows due to its lack of restrictions (as well as its
strategies is unlikely to abate, IRI says. and the client is comfortable with. strong credit rating), he said.
Insurers also have required more Of course, advisers and clients may have
conservative allocations when coupling a VA DECLINE goals other than boosting investment return,
VA with a living-benefit rider. For example, Industrywide variable annuity sales have such as maximizing guaranteed income
rather than allow investors to put 100% into been on a multi-year decline. New VA sales from day one. In that case, other insurance
equities, many firms may put guard rails decreased each year of 2011-15, going from companies and potentially other annuity
on asset allocation by allowing up to 60% nearly $158 billion in 2011 to $133 billion products may be the answer, advisers said.
in equities, with the rest in fixed income or last year.
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Entire Contents copyright by Crain Communications Inc. All rights reserved.

For additional information on the potential benefits of variable annuity products, please consult
your Wholesaler or visit www.jackson.com.

Bank and Financial Institution Representatives: 800/777-7900 in New York: 888/464-7779

Independent and Non-Bank Broker/Dealer Representatives: 800/711-JNLD (5653)
Regional Broker/Dealer Representatives: 800/340-JNLD (5653

The opinions and forecasts expressed are those of the author and individuals quoted and should not
be construed as a recommendation or as complete.
Before investing, investors should carefully consider the investment objectives, risks, charges
and expenses of the variable annuity and its underlying investment options. The current
contract prospectus and underlying fund prospectuses, which are contained in the same
document, provide this and other important information. Please contact your Internal
Wholesaler to obtain the prospectuses. Please read the prospectuses carefully before
investing or sending money.
Variable annuities are long-term, tax-deferred investments designed for retirement, involve risks
and may lose value. Earnings are taxable as ordinary income when distributed and may be subject
to a 10% additional tax if withdrawn before age 59.
Optional benefits are available for an extra charge in addition to the ongoing fees and expenses of
the variable annuity.
Guarantees are backed by the claims-paying ability of Jackson National Life Insurance Company
(Home office: Lansing, Michigan), and Jackson National Life Insurance Company of New York
(Home office: Purchase, New York) and do not apply to the investment performance of the
separate account or its underlying investments.
Annuities are issued by Jackson National Life Insurance Company (Home Office: Lansing,
Michigan) and in New York by Jackson National Life Insurance Company of New York (Home
Office: Purchase, New York). Variable annuities are distributed by Jackson National Life
Distributors LLC, member FINRA. May not be available in all states and state variations may apply.
These products have limitations and restrictions. Contact Jackson for more information.
Standard & Poor's is not affiliated with Jackson National Life Distributors LLC. S&P, S&P 500 and
Standard & Poor's are trademarks of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., and have been licensed
for use by Jackson National Life Insurance Company. The product is not sponsored, endorsed, sold
or promoted by Standard & Poor's, and Standard & Poor's makes no representation regarding the
advisability of purchasing the product. The S&P 500 Index is unmanaged and not available for
direct investment. Index performance does not include the reinvestment of dividends.
The S&P 500 Index is a market capitalization-weighted index of 500 stocks that are selected by
Standard & Poors to represent a broad array of large companies in leading industries. The S&P
500 Index is unmanaged and not available for direct investment. The payment of dividends is not
reflected in the index return.
Jackson is the marketing name for Jackson National Life Insurance Company and Jackson National
Life Insurance Company of New York. Jackson National Life Distributors LLC.
For representative use only. Not for public distribution.

Reprinted with permission from Investment News.


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