WKST 5 Learning Plan
WKST 5 Learning Plan
WKST 5 Learning Plan
Related Standard What are the best ways What do I need to help How will I know I When do I plan to
to achieve this goal? me achieve this? achieved it? achieve it?
Knowledge: Mentorship, reflective Access to research data All treatment plans will Ongoing: reassess
Integrate the information journaling, research base, text books, mentor, be evidence-based and biannually
I have learned in school time patients will show
with relevant evidence to improvement following
develop effective services
treatment plans
Critical reasoning: Mentorship, reflective Access to research data All treatment plans will Ongoing: reassess
Apply knowledge and journaling, research base, text books, mentor, be evidence-based and biannually
evidence to provide best time patients will show
practice throughout the improvement following
therapeutic process services
Performance Skills: Mentorship, attend Access to research data Selection and 1 year from graduation
Improve analysis of continuing education base, mentor, access to administration of a Ongoing: should occur
client factors, courses, research, assessments variety of assessments in each setting I work in
performance skills, and practice
environmental factors
through expanding my
knowledge and comfort
with assessments
Ethical reasoning: Study current laws, keep Access to laws and I will abide by 1 year from graduation
Understand the laws and current on legislation, be legislation, time, AOTA regulations and Ongoing: I will reassess
regulations surrounding a member of AOTA membership guidelines as new regulations are
my area of practice put into place and with
new practice settings