Form 8
Form 8
Form 8
Note: (i) Before you complete this form, please read carefully the "NOTES TO FORM 8" overleaf.
(ii) The applicant should complete all appropriate sections of this application form in block letters and sign the form.
(A) ( )
Type of Application (Please tick in the appropriate box and only one type of application is allowed)
Other applications: ( 3) PW
(A) Grade of electrical work applying
Please also complete appendix Form 8A (Please see note 3 overleaf) RA
New registration as an electrical worker
Insist submission
Change of grade of electrical work ()
NS WH AC CD GF Other (Please specify) COL
Additional permitted electrical work CSO MAIL
(B) () Registration Particulars (for registered electrical worker only)
Recorded _________________________
Reg. No. W Grade
Required _________________________
Day Month Year
Passed _________________________
Expiry Date Permitted Work
Doc Reqd _________________________
(C) () Personal Particulars (This part must be completed)
Day Month Year
Date of Birth Recorded _________________________
() () Passed _________________________
Submitted on __________________
(/) / Apprv.
Telephone No. (Bus./Res.) Mobile Phone/Pager No.
Not Apprv.
Facsimile No. E-Mail REMARK
I declare that all particulars, statements and documents submitted herein and with this application are true and correct. Warning: It is an
offence in law to furnish any false statement or information related to this application. I also confirm that I have read and agreed
with the Personal Data Privacy Statement in this Form.
Signature of Applicant Date of Application
Date Month Year
Return Postal Address (this part must be completed)
Name Name
Address Address
EMSD/LE/34 (Rev.08/2015)
(D) () Other Particulars (Optional item)
1. / / / (WR2)
What proportion of your works in respect of electrical design / installation / repair & maintenance / PITC (WR2) services?
Design Services ______________________% Installation Services ______________________%
Repair and Maintenance Services ______________________% PITC (WR2) Services ______________________%
Other (Please specify: ____________________________________________________________) ______________________%
2. / / / /
() (___________________)
What is your companys nature? Property management / Consultant / Contractor / Electrical product supplier /
(Delete whichever is inapplicable) Others ( please specify: ________________________)
3. (WR2)
Did you provide any service on PITC (WR2) Works? If yes, how many times per annum in average had
your company provided such services?
1. (
)(A) A
2. D / /
A: A 400 ()
B: B 2500 ()B A
C: C C A B
R: R
WH 200
CD /
H: H
1. For non-registered electrical worker, only one application for new registration is allowed. Duplicate application will not be accepted. For applicant applying
for renewal of registration, only this form (Form 8) is required. For other types of application, please also complete appendix Form 8(A) and see NOTES TO
FORM 8(A). Application fee is not refundable.
2. The provision of information in Section D is not compulsory for new / renewal / change of grade of electrical workers application for electrical worker
registration. The result of application will NOT be affected by the completeness of Section D. The information obtained in Section D is for EMSD reference
A: Grade A electrical work is electrical work on that part of a low voltage fixed electrical installation that has a maximum demand not exceeding 400A,
single or three phase.
B: Grade B electrical work is electrical work on that part of a low voltage fixed electrical installation that has a maximum demand not exceeding 2500A,
single or three phase. Grade B electrical work includes Grade A electrical work.
C: Grade C electrical work is electrical work on a low voltage fixed electrical installation of any capacity. Grade C electrical work includes Grade A and
Grade B electrical work.
R: Grade R electrical work may include one or more of the following:
NS: electrical work on a neon sign installation;
WH: electrical work on an unvented electric thermal storage type water heater installation (not exceeding 200 liters storage capacity);
AC: electrical work on an air-conditioning installation;
CD: electrical work for connection / disconnection of electricity supply to / from an low voltage electrical equipment and associated
electrical work on the equipment;
GF: electrical work on a generating facility installation
Others: electrical work restricted to any other particular installation, type of installation or type of premises.
H: Grade H electrical work is electrical work on a high voltage electrical installation.
Application may be submitted electronically. For details, please refer to
EMSD/LE/34 (Rev.08/2015)
1. 475 ()
2. ()
9 5 15
3. 2012 1 1
4. (A)
(b) ()
(c) 8 30 12 30
6. 2007 1 1
2. For renewal of registration, applicant is required to submit the duly completed Form 8 together with a recent colour photograph
with white background, a copy of HKID card, and the application fee to our Registration and Permit Office at G/F The Electrical
and Mechanical Services Department Headquarters, 3 Kai Shing Street, Kowloon Bay either in person or by post during the
following office hours:
Monday to Friday 9:00 5:15 p.m
Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays closed
Photo-taking service would be provided at the Registration and Permit Office to those who cannot submit photograph.
3. With effect from 1 January 2012, REWs applying for registration renewal, or re-registration submitted after the expiry date of the
original registration, will be required to have completed two modules of Continuing Professional Development (CPD) training,
namely (1) Legislative and Safety Requirements; and (2) Technical Knowledge, before submitting the application. When receiving
the renewal application from REW, EMSD will verify his CPD training record before processing the renewal application. For
details of CPD scheme, please refer to
4. For other types of application, apart from submitting the duly completed Form 8 and Form 8(A) together with application fee in
person at the Registration and Permit Office at the above address, applicant can also submit application through any one of the
following methods:
(a) by post to the Director of Electrical and Mechanical Services at the above address;
(b) by electronic submission through Electrical and Mechanical Services Department homepage at (Note: applicant shall possess a valid Electronic Certificate);
(c) by putting applications into the drop-in box located at G/F lobby of Electrical and Mechanical Services
Department on Saturday only from 8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Applicant is required to produce the originals and one photocopy of each document submitted for inspection. The originals will be
immediately returned to the applicant after inspection, however, the photocopies submitted will not be returned. (Note: No
photocopy service will be provided at the Registration and Permit Office.)
5. Cheques, Draft and Cashier Orders should be made payable to the The Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative
Regionand crossed. They must not be made payable to any individual officer. Post-dated cheque will not be accepted.
6. From 1 January 2007, applicants applying for registration should have been trained on the new cable colour code (CCC). Such
applicants will have to attend the video-based training at the EMSD Customer Services Office in person and complete the CCC
quiz or the computer-based self-assessment. Alternatively, he/she may complete other valid CCC training after submission of the
application. Upon receipt of his/her advice of completion of such a course, and on confirmation of a valid training record, EMSD
will further process his/her application.
EMSD/LE/34 (Rev.08/2015)
( )
" w w w . e ms d . g o v . h k "
( ) 18 22 1 6
3 7
Classes of Transferees
Upon the acceptance of your registration, your personal data will be kept at the Electrical and Mechanical Services Department and
disclosed to the data users of the department.
Your personal data limited to your name, registration number, grade of electrical work, expiry date of registration, the information of
performance and disciplinary actions, may be disclosed to the public at the Government website "" and the
Registration and Permit Office of this department; or to individual upon their application.
Enquiries concerning the personal data collected by means of this form, including the making of access and corrections, should be
addressed to :
EMSD/LE/34 (Rev.08/2015)