Matroid A
Matroid A
Matroid A
A formula of the predicate calculus is in prenex[1] normal form if it is written as a string of quantiers (referred to
as the prex) followed by a quantier-free part (referred to as the matrix).
Every formula in classical logic is equivalent to a formula in prenex normal form. For example, if (y) , (z) , and
(x) are quantier-free formulas with the free variables shown then
(x) is equivalent to x( ) ,
(x) is equivalent to x( ) ;
(x) is equivalent to x( ) ,
(x) is equivalent to x( ) .
The equivalences are valid when x does not appear as a free variable of ; if x does appear free in , one can
rename the bound x in (x) and obtain the equivalent (x [x/x ]) .
For example, in the language of rings,
because the formula on the left is true in any ring when the free variable x is equal to 0, while the formula on the
right has no free variables and is false in any nontrivial ring. So (x(x2 = 1)) (0 = x) will be rst rewritten as
(x (x2 = 1)) (0 = x) and then put in prenex normal form x (x2 = 1 0 = x) .
1.2 Negation
The rules for negation say that
x is equivalent to x
x is equivalent to x .
1.3 Implication
There are four rules for implication: two that remove quantiers from the antecedent and two that remove quantiers
from the consequent. These rules can be derived by rewriting the implication as and applying the
rules for disjunction above. As with the rules for disjunction, these rules require that the variable quantied in one
subformula does not appear free in the other subformula.
The rules for removing quantiers from the antecedent are:
(x) is equivalent to x( ) ,
(x) is equivalent to x( ) .
(x) is equivalent to x( ) ,
(x) is equivalent to x( ) .
1.4 Example
Suppose that , , and are quantier-free formulas and no two of these formulas share any free variable. Consider
the formula
( x) z
By recursively applying the rules starting at the innermost subformulas, the following sequence of logically equivalent
formulas can be obtained:
( x) z
(x( )) z
(x( )) z
(x( )) z
x(( ) z)
x(( ) z)
x(z(( ) ))
xz(( ) )
This is not the only prenex form equivalent to the original formula. For example, by dealing with the consequent
before the antecedent in the example above, the prenex form
zx(( ) )
1.5 Intuitionistic logic 3
can be obtained:
z(( x) )
z((x( )) )
z(x(( ) ))
zx(( ) )
(x) y (1)
is a function which, given a concrete x and a proof of (x) , produces a concrete y and a proof of (y). In this case
it is allowable for the value of y to be computed from the given value of x. A proof of
y(x ), (2)
on the other hand, produces a single concrete value of y and a function that converts any proof of x into a proof
of (y). If each x satisfying can be used to construct a y satisfying but no such y can be constructed without
knowledge of such an x then formula (1) will not be equivalent to formula (2).
The rules for converting a formula to prenex form that do fail in intuitionistic logic are:
(x does not appear as a free variable of in (1) and (3); x does not appear as a free variable of in (2) and (4)).
3 See also
Arithmetical hierarchy
4 Notes
[1] The term 'prenex' comes from the Latin praenexus tied or bound up in front, past participle of praenectere (archived as
of May 27, 2011 at )
5 References
Hinman, P. (2005), Fundamentals of Mathematical Logic, A K Peters, ISBN 978-1-56881-262-5
6.2 Images
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