2 Mark Questions & Answers
2 Mark Questions & Answers
2 Mark Questions & Answers
The device that is normally cut-off with zero gate bias.
device that is to be modeled.
24. What are the different operating regions foe an MOS transistor?
_ Cutoff region
_ Non- Saturated Region
_ Saturated Region
o Low delay sensitivity to load
o High output drive current
o High gm (gm eVin)
o High ft at low current
o Essentially unidirectional
35. Give the CMOS inverter DC transfer characteristics and operating regions
39. What are two components of Power dissipation.
There are two components that establish the amount of power dissipated in a
CMOS circuit. These are:
i) Static dissipation due to leakage current or other current drawn
continuously from the power supply.
ii) Dynamic dissipation due to
- Switching transient current
- Charging and discharging of load capacitances.
41.What is an antifuse?
An antifuse is normally high resistance (>100M ). On application of appropriate
programming voltages, the antifuse is changed permanently to a low-resistance
structure (200-500 ).
1. Derive the CMOS inverter DC characteristics and obtain the relationship for output
voltage at different region in the transfer characteristics.
Explanation (2)
Diagram (2)
CMOS inverter (2)
DC characteristics (5)
Transfer characteristics (5)
5. Explain the threshold voltage equation
Definition (2)
Explanation (2)
Derivation (4)
10. Explain with neat diagrams the Multiplexer and latches using transmission
Explanation (2)
Diagram (2)
Multiplexer (4)
11. Explain the concept of MOSFET as switches and also bring the various logic
gates using the switching concept .
Explanation (2)
Diagram (2)
Gate Concepts (4)