Child and Behaviour: A School Based Study: Original Article
Child and Behaviour: A School Based Study: Original Article
Child and Behaviour: A School Based Study: Original Article
Original Article
Child and Behaviour: A School Based Study
Jyoti Prakash, A.K. Mitra, H.R.A. Prabhu
Department of Psychiatry, Military Hospital, Pathankot &
Department of Psychiatry, Base Hospital, Delhi Cantt., Delhi
Background: Behaviour problems in children are on the rise. Available literature speaks
of variability and inadequacies of diagnostic methods, research criteria, treatment modalities
and psychosocial interventions. Methods: 50 children of age 6-14 years attending
government school were assessed for behaviour problems. Children were selected after
appropriate randomization and subsequently assigned to Child behaviour checklist. The
data thus collected was suitably interpreted using appropriate statistical tests. Results:
Twenty-one (42%) children were found to be above the cut-off score. Mean CBCL score
was 43.3. Most common behaviour problems in these subjects were can not sit still,
restless, hyperactive shown by 62% of the subjects. Female children had behaviour
problems like too concerned with neatness or cleanliness, self conscious or easily
embarrassed and feels she has to be perfect where as male children had behaviour
problems like. does not feel guilty after misbehaving, can not concentrate and restless.
Conclusion: The analysis of pattern of distribution of behaviour problems in the subjects
revealed them to be more of externalizing ones. Female children had more of internalizing
behaviour problems.
Key words- school children, behaviour problems, Child behaviour checklist
which was filled appropriately by the parents (11). Most common behaviour problems in these
This checklist (CBCL) developed by Achenbach is subjects were can not sit still, restless, hyperactive
a family of self rated instruments that surveys a shown by 62% of the subjects. (Table-7) Other
broad range of difficulties encountered in children common problems were too concerned with
from preschool age through adolescence. It is a neatness or cleanliness(60%) and demands lot of
multiaxial scale normed by age and gender. Various attention(56%). Female children had behaviour
versions of CBCL were designed to obtain similar problems like too concerned with neatness or
types of data in a similar format from parents, cleanliness, self conscious or easily embarrassed
teachers and youth. Parents version of CBCL was and feels she has to be perfect where as male
used in this study. The cut off scores as given by children had behaviour problems like. does not feel
Achenbach was used in this study. (Table 1) The guilty after misbehaving, can not concentrate and
resultant data was statistically analyzed using restless. (Table-8)
appropriate test.
Results Twenty-one (42%) children were found to be
Twenty-one (42%) children were found to be above cut-off score. This was higher than many
above the cut-off score. (Table-2). Mean CBCL other studies however similar to study by Vardhini
score was 43.3 (SD+ 27.17). (Table-3). Of the fifty (6) . There was no statistically significant difference
children studied thirty-six children (72%) were from in the behaviour problems between age group 6-11
the Armed forces background. Four (8%) out of years and 12-14 years, which did not corroborate
the total 50 children were officers children. Mean with the research findings of Liu. (10) Sex-wise
age of the study population was 9.9 years (SD+ 2.69 distribution showed no significant difference in
years). Male to female ratio was 1:1. Mean income behaviour, which was not in consonance to findings
of the parents was Rs 6130 (SD+ Rs 3627.85). by few researchers (4). Mean CBCL score of 43.3
There was no significant difference in the was similar to findings by Jyoti et al (12). Income-
prevalence of behaviour problems between age wise profile also did not bring out any specific trend.
group 6-11 years and 12-14 years.(Table-4) Sex- The analysis of pattern of distribution of
wise distribution showed no significant difference behaviour problems in the subjects revealed them
in prevalence of behaviour problems.(Table-5) to be more of externalizing ones. This goes along
Behaviour problems also did not differ significantly with findings by Shenoy et al (4) as well as Molin
on income wise distribution of the parents.(Table- and his colleagues (9). Female children had more
6) of internalizing behaviour problems where as male
Table 1: Cut off Score of Child Behaviour Table 3: Mean CBCL scores of the subjects
Check list by Achenbach
Sample Mean CBCL score S.D.
Age Girls Boys
School 43.3 27.17
4-5 years 42 42 subjects
6-11 years 37 40
12-16 years 37 38 Table 4 : Relation of CBCL scores to age of the
Table 2: Prevalence rate of behaviour problem Income Above cut Below cut Total
of the subjects off score off score
Sample Above cut-off Below cut-off 6-11 years 17(50%) 17(50%) 34
score score 12-14 years 4(25%) 12(75%) 16
Pediatric 21 (42%) 29 (58%) Total 21 29 50
N -50 Yates Continuity Correction = 1.912 DF = 1 P= 0.167 (NS)
Male 12 (48%) 13 (52%) 25 Cant sit still, Too concerned Demands lot
Female 9 (36%) 16 (64%) 25 restless, with neatness of attention
hyperactive or cleanliness 28 (56%)
Total 21 29 50 31 (62%) 30 (60%)
X2 = 0.739 DF = 1 P= 0.390 (NS)
Table 8: Sex wise distribution of common
Table 6 : Relation of CBCL scores to income of behaviour problems
the parents
Sex Most 2nd most 3rd most
Income Above cut Below cut Total common common common
off score off score
Male 25 Doesnt Cant Restless
seem concentrate 16 (64%)
Upto Rs 4000 5 (41.7%) 7 (58.3%) 12
guilty 17 (68%)
Rs 4000 to 9 (39.1%) 14 (60.9%) 23
Rs 6000
>Rs 6000 7 (46.7%) 8 (53.3%) 15
18 (72%)
Total 21 29 50
Female 25 Too con- Self Feels she has
X2 = 0.212 DF = 2 P= 0.89 (NS)
cerned conscious to be perfect
patients had more of externalizing problems. This with or easily 15 (60%)
again is in keeping with findings by other neatness embarra-
or clean- ssed
researchers. (4, 9) Behaviour problems profile in
liness 16 (64%)
male population was similar to findings by Shenoy
20 (80%)
et al (4).
Limitation of this study
4. Shenoy J, Kapur M, Kaliaperumal VG.
Lower sample size would have affected the Psychological disturbance among 5- to 8-year-
conclusion in some manner or the other. Study needs old school children: a study from India. Soc
to be further validated with more researches at a Psychiatry Psychiatr Epidemiol. 1998 Feb;
larger magnitude on a longitudinal perspective. We 33(2) : 66-73.
authors are already working on it. 5. Savita Malhotra, Priti Arun, Adarsh Kohli.
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