A Place Where The Authentic Balinese Atmosphere Blends in Harmony With Nature
A Place Where The Authentic Balinese Atmosphere Blends in Harmony With Nature
A Place Where The Authentic Balinese Atmosphere Blends in Harmony With Nature
Gado-Gado 58k
Traditional Steamed mixed vegetables with tofu, rice cake, egg, served with peanut
Traditional Indonesian vegetable, tahu, lontong, telur, disajikan dengan bumbu
All prices are in thousands rupiah and exclude 21% Government Tax & Service Charge
Thai Style Tom Yum Seafood 78 k
Thailands favorite spicy clear soup prepared with shrimp, slice of fish and squid
lemon grass, lime leaves and coriander
Sop ala Thailand, udang, irisan ikan dan cumi serai daun jeruk dan daun ketumbar
dengan aromatic bumbu
Cream of Mushroom 45 k
Creamy Mushroom Soup served with garlic crouton
Sup jamur dengan roti bawang putih
Soto Ayam 58 k
Traditional chicken soup
Sup ayam dgn kol,tauge,tomat,daun bawang
All prices are in thousands rupiah and exclude 21% Government Tax & Service Charge
Italian Cuisine
Spaghetti Napoli 90 k
With homemade tomato sauce
Spaghetti dengan home made sauce napol, daun basil
Spaghetti Bolognaise 102 k
With minced beef and tomato sauce
Spaghetti dengan saus bolognaise sauce
Linguine Prawn 100k
Sauted Linguine with chili garlic and prawn
Linguine ditumis dengan bawang putih, cabai dan udang
Penne Marinara 85 k
With seafood and tomato basil sauce
Penne pasta dengan aneka seafood, saus tomat
Side Dish
Steamed White Rice 10 k
French Fries 35 k
Mashed Potatoes 40 k
Fried Potatoes Wedges 32 k
Sauted Vegetables 32 k
Asian Cuisine
Japanese Curry 70 k
Stew Beef with Japanese Curry Sauce serve with steamed rice
Rebus irisan daging sapi dengan saos kare ala jepang dan disajikan dengan nasi putih
Pad Thai Seafood 60 k
Stir Fried Noodle with egg and chop tofu, bean sprout, prawn
Tumis bihun, tahu dan toge dengan telur dan udang
Sweet Sour Pork Or Chicken 60 k
Slice Pork or Chicken fried with flour serve with sweet sour sauce
Irisan daging babi atau daging ayam digoreng dengan tepung dan taburan saos asam
Steam Pork Ribs 120 k
Steamed pork ribs with broth serve spring onion with seleries
Iga Babi kukus disajikan dengan kuah dan daun bawang serta seledri
Chicken Satay 45 k
Grilled Chicken Satay with peanut sauce, serve rice cake
Sate ayam dengan taburan saos kacang dan lontong
All prices are in thousands rupiah and exclude 21% Government Tax & Service Charge
Asian Cuisine
Chinese Beef and Green Bean 65 k
Sauted Green Bean and Beef, with sauce chinese style
Tumis Buncis dan Irisan daging sapi dan taburan saos ala China
Cap Cay Seafood 80 k | Beef 75 k | Pork 60 k | Chicken 45 k
Sauted mixed vegetables and choice of seafood, beef, pork or chicken
Tumis sayuran dengan pilihan daging seafood, sapi, babi atau ayam
Nasi Goreng 60 k
Special fried rice with chicken, shrimps, fried egg, served with vegetable pickles
Nasi goreng special dengan ayam, udang, acar segar dan telur mata sapi
Mie Goreng 60 k
Fried noodles with chicken, shrimps, fried egg, served with vegetable pickles
Mie goreng, disajikan ayam, udang acar segar dan telur mata Sapi
Chicken Hainan Rice 60 k
Steamed chicken chinese style serve with rice
Ayam kukus ala cinadisajikan dengan nasi putih
Western Cuisine
Grilled Squid garlic butter sauce 120 k
Grilled Squid and garlic serve with French Fries and Vegetables
Cumi Cumi panggang, bawang putih, mentega dan jeruk nipis disajikan dengan Kentang
goreng, sayuran segar
Grilled Salmon 160 k
With Salad, boiled potatoes and Nantuna sauce
Grill salmon fillet dengan salada, kentang rebus dan Nantuna saos
Indonesian Favorites
Oxtail Soup 90k
Oxtail soup braised or fried, served with steamed rice
Sup buntut rebus atau goreng, disajikan dengan nasi putih
All prices are in thousands rupiah and exclude 21% Government Tax & Service Charge
Pisang Goreng 40 k
Banana fritters with shaved chocolate and cheese
Pisang goreng dengan cokelat dan keju parut
Chocolate Cake 45 k
Chocolate cake served with strawberry coulish
Coklat cake dengan saos strawberry
Apple Pie 45 k
Warm apple pie topped with vanilla ice cream
Apel pie hangat di sajikan vanilla ice cream
Ice Cream: Three Scoops 40 k
Your choice of Vanilla, Strawberry, Chocolate
Pilihan rasa eskrim: vanila, stroberi, cokelat,
Tropical Fresh fruit 32 k
Seasonal tropical fruits, lemon
Irisan buah segar sesuai musim, disajikan dengan lemon
All prices are in thousands rupiah and exclude 21% Government Tax & Service Charge