Risk and Return in Equity and Options Markets: Matthew Linn Job Market Paper
Risk and Return in Equity and Options Markets: Matthew Linn Job Market Paper
Risk and Return in Equity and Options Markets: Matthew Linn Job Market Paper
Matthew Linn
Job Market Paper
I examine the role of a market-wide volatility factor in the pricing of the cross-section of
returns on individual stock options. While it is commonly accepted that option prices
depend upon the volatility of the underlying asset, recent evidence in the literature
suggests that it is not clear whether market-wide volatility is a priced factor in individ-
ual options. While some studies have found a volatility risk premium implicit in index
option prices, efforts to document the same type of premium using individual stock
options have uncovered little supporting evidence. Applying an improved test design, I
show that market-wide volatility is an economically and statistically important priced
risk factor in the cross-section of stock option returns. This evidence supports recent
theories of market-wide volatility as a state factor.
I am very grateful to the members of my dissertation committee: Tyler Shumway (chair), Robert Dittmar
and Stefan Nagel for their tremendous support. I have also benefited from conversations with Taylor Begley
and Sophie Shive and participants at the University of Michigan Finance Brown Bag Seminar. All errors
are my own.
University of Michigan Ross School of Business; linnm@umich.edu
1 Introduction
The role of volatility risk in markets has been intensely studied in the recent literature.
Evidence from the cross-section of equity returns suggests a negative price of risk for market-
wide volatility, meaning that investors are willing to accept lower expected returns on stocks
that hedge increases in market volatility.1 Evidence from index options also suggests a
negative price of volatility risk.2 Surprisingly however, the volatility risk premium implicit
in individual stock options does not appear to coincide with the premium implied by index
options.3 Attempts to cross-sectionally identify a negative price of market-wide volatility
risk using stock options have also met with little success.4 Taken together these results
are puzzling, especially when such a tight relationship exists between options and their
underlying stocks.
The options market offers an ideal setting in which to study the pricing impact of sys-
tematic volatility. While far less studied than index options, individual options offer a
much richer cross-section with which to study variation in returns because they vary at the
firm level in addition to the contract level. Furthermore, option prices depend critically on
volatility. Together these facts suggest that using individual stock options data improves the
potential of accurately estimating the price of market-wide volatility risk in the cross-section.
While stock options offer a very promising asset class with which to study the price
of market-wide volatility and potentially other market-wide risks, relatively little is known
about the systematic factors that determine their expected returns. In fact, several papers
Ang, Hodrick, Xing, and Zhang (2006), Adrian and Rosenberg (2008), Drechsler and Yaron (2011),
Dittmar and Lundblad (2014), Boguth and Kuehn (2013), Campbell, Giglio, Polk, and Turley (2012) and
Bansal, Kiku, Shaliastovich, and Yaron (2013) study the role of market-wide volatility risk in the cross-section
of equity returns.
See Bakshi and Kapadia (2003a) and Coval and Shumway (2001).
See Bakshi and Kapadia (2003b), Carr and Wu (2009) and Driessen, Maenhout, and Vilkov (2009).
Using delta-hedged individual option returns, Duarte and Jones (2007) find no significant price of volatil-
ity risk orthogonal to underlying assets in unconditional models but a significant price in conditional models.
Da and Schaumburg (2009) and Di Pietro and Vainberg (2006) estimate the price of volatility risk in the
cross-section of option-implied variance swap returns but find opposite signs for the price of risk. Driessen,
Maenhout, and Vilkov (2009) argue that returns on individual options are largely orthogonal to the part of
market-wide volatility that is priced in the cross-section.
have offered strong evidence that options are not redundant securities.5 Coupled with evi-
dence that option returns exhibit some surprising patterns6 as well as demand-based option
pricing,7 this suggests that returns on options are not determined in exactly the same way
as returns on their underlying stocks. Thus, it is important to independently show that
market volatility is priced in the cross-section of returns of stock options. If it is not priced
in the cross-section of a large class of assets like stock options (as has been suggested in the
literature) it would be difficult to make a compelling argument that market-wide volatility
is a state factor.
I empirically investigate the price of market-wide volatility risk in both the equity and
options markets. Specifically, I empirically address two questions: 1) Is a market-wide
volatility factor priced in the cross-section of equity option returns? 2) Is the price of
volatility risk the same in the equity and option markets? It is important to distinguish
between the systematic risk associated with market-wide volatility and the stock-specific
measure of asset volatility, which is often included in models of option prices. I study
whether investors are willing to pay a premium for individual stock options that hedge market
volatility whereas it is commonly accepted that investors are willing to pay a premium for
options whose underlying stocks are volatile. My results show that even though the volatility
risk premium extracted from individual stock options data does not appear to be consistent
with that of index options, systematic volatility is priced in the cross-section of stock option
returns. This supports the notion of volatility as a state factor.
To answer the questions stated above, I first create a new set of option portfolios that
are optimally designed to facilitate econometric inference and to identify the price of market
volatility. Following Constantinides, Jackwerth, and Savov (2013), I adjust the realized
returns of each option in order to reduce the effect of contract-level leverage. This paper is
the first to apply this leverage adjustment to individual option returns instead of index option
returns. The leverage adjustment is econometrically important because it reduces the effect
See for example Bakshi, Cao, and Chen (2000), Buraschi and Jackwerth (2001) and Vanden (2004).
See Ni (2008) and Boyer and Vorkink (2014)
See Garleanu, Pedersen, and Poteshman (2009) and Bollen and Whaley (2004).
of outliers that arise due to the extreme leverage especially inherent in out-of-the-money
options. Furthermore, the adjustment helps to stabilize the stochastic relation between
option returns and time-varying risk factors. I also propose a new method of sorting options
that results in highly dispersed sensitivity of portfolio returns to market-wide volatility. The
combination of forming portfolios of options and leverage-adjusting each options returns
renders standard econometric techniques feasible. This allows me to examine option returns
in a manner typical of cross-sectional studies of stock returns as opposed to the highly stylized
and non-linear models typically used in the option pricing literature.
Using GMM, I test a wide range of stochastic discount factors (SDFs) while control-
ling for factors commonly used to explain the cross-section of stock returns.8 In addition
to augmenting classical linear models with a volatility factor, I also posit SDFs that in-
clude factors from the literature that capture tail risk in equity returns. These factors help
to disentangle volatility risk from the risk of market downturns, controlling for the well-
documented leverage effect whereby market-wide volatility increases when market returns
are negative. I show that market-wide volatility is an extremely important and robust risk
factor in the cross-section. I then compare estimated prices of risk between the equity and
options markets.
My results regarding a priced volatility factor align with the argument that market-wide
volatility is a state factor. However, I find evidence that the price of volatility risk in the
options market is larger in magnitude than in the stock market. This is somewhat surprising
given that others have found volatility risk in options to be non-distinguishable from zero
or to even take the opposite sign. My results are consistent with the demand-based option
pricing theory of Bollen and Whaley (2004) and Garleanu, Pedersen, and Poteshman (2009)
whereby intermediaries facing high demand for options charge larger premiums in order
I use the Generalized Method of Moments (GMM) in cross-sectional tests because it has several advan-
tages over alternative asset pricing tests when studying option returns. For example, options of different
moneyness tend to exhibit different levels of volatility. Thus standard errors from OLS cross-sectional re-
gression cannot be applied to options due to heteroskedasticity of test assets. Furthermore, because the
sensitivity of an option to time-varying risk factors can dramatically vary with option-specific parameters,
time series regressions used in the first stage of Fama and MacBeth (1973) regressions may be very unreliable
when using options data. GMM does not rely on a first stage time-series to explicitly estimate betas. In fact
applying GMM only requires stationary and ergodic test assets.
to cover positions that cannot be perfectly hedged. As stochastic volatility is a possibly
unhedgeable risk that dealers face, my findings may be the result of equilibrium pricing in
the market due to market incompleteness. An alternative explanation is simply that there
are limits to arbitrage preventing this apparent mispricing from being arbitraged away. This
explanation is consistent with Figlewski (1989) who shows that arbitrage opportunities in
option markets are costly and often too expensive to exploit in practice. A third explanation
is that the two markets are segmented in such a way that market participants who are willing
to pay more to hedge volatility invest in options.
The remainder of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 describes the data used
in the paper and the construction of factors used in the econometric analysis. Section 3
describes the test assets used throughout the paper. Sections 4 and 5 present the results.
Section 6 concludes.
2 Data
This section describes the data used in the study. I begin by describing the data sources. I
then describe the filters used to clean the raw data. Finally, I describe the formation and
properties of risk factors used throughout the paper.
Options data for the paper are from the OptionMetrics Ivy DB database. I use equity
options for the analysis of the cross-section of option returns. I also use index options on
the S&P 500 to construct factors used in the analysis. The OptionMetrics database begins
in January 1996 and currently runs through August 2013. Data include daily closing bid
and ask quotes, open interest, implied volatility and option greeks. The greeks and implied
volatility for European style options on the S&P 500 are computed by OptionMetrics using
the standard Black-Scholes-Merton model, while implied volatilities and greeks for individual
options are computed using the Cox, Ross, and Rubinstein (1979) binomial tree method. The
OptionMetrics security file contains data on the assets underlying each option in the data.
These data include closing prices, daily returns and shares outstanding for each underlying
stock. For the construction of stock portfolios, I use the entire universe of CRSP stocks over
the same time period as the OptionMetrics data.
As is typical in the empirical options literature, I use options data only for S&P 500 firms.
This partially eliminates the problem of illiquidity in options data. I follow the convention
in the literature and calculate option price estimates by taking the midpoint between closing
bid and ask quotes each day. Since the dates I use for monthly holding period returns are not
the first and last trading day of a calendar month, I use the daily factor and portfolio data
from Kenneth Frenchs website to construct monthly holding period returns for factors and
portfolios alike. The risk-free rate I use throughout the paper is also taken from Kenneth
Frenchs website.
Option deltas () measure the sensitivity of on options price to small movements in the
underlying stock. Formally, this is equivalent to defining the delta of an option as the partial
derivative of the option price with respect to the price of the underlying stock. For a given
underlying stock, the delta of put or call options is a monotonic function of option money-
ness. With this logic in mind, I follow the convention in the literature and define option
moneyness according to the options delta as reported by OptionMetrics. Out of the money
(OTM), at the money (ATM) and in the money (ITM) puts and calls are defined throughout
the paper by the following:
OTM calls: 0.125 < 0.375 OTM puts: 0.375 < 0.125
ATM calls: 0.375 < 0.625 ATM puts: 0.625 < 0.375
ITM calls: 0.625 < 0.875 ITM puts: 0.875 < 0.625.
I follow Goyal and Saretto (2009), Christoffersen, Goyenko, Jacobs, and Karoui (2011) and
Cao and Han (2013) among others in my data filtering procedure. First I eliminate options
for which the bid price is greater than the ask price or where the bid price is equal to zero.
Next I remove all observations for which the bid ask spread is below the minimum tick size.
The minimum tick size is $0.05 for options with bid ask midpoint below $3.00 and is $0.10
for options with bid ask midpoint greater than or equal to $3.00. In order to further reduce
the impact of illiquid options, I remove all options with zero open interest. I also remove
any options for which the implied volatility or option delta is missing.
Finally, in order to reduce the impact of options that are exercised early, I follow Frazzini
and Pedersen (2012) by eliminating options that are not likely to be held to maturity. This is
done by first calculating each options intrinsic value V = (SK)+ for calls and V = (KS)+
for puts, where K is the options strike price and S is the price of the underlying stock. I
(P V )
then eliminate all options for which the time value, defined by P
, is less than 0.05 one
month before expiration, where P denotes the price of the option (estimated by the bid-ask
midpoint). Table 1 gives summary statistics for the filtered options data.
Equity options expire on the Saturday following the third Friday of each month. I compute
option returns over a holding period beginning the first Monday following an expiration
Saturday and ending the third Friday of the following month. Even though all options in the
sample are American and therefore have the option to exercise early, I follow the majority
of the literature on option returns and assume all options are held until expiration. The
removal of options with low time value described above and in Frazzini and Pedersen
(2012) attempts to remove those options that are likely to be exercised early and not held
until the following months expiration date.
The payoff to the option is calculated using the cumulative adjustment factor to adjust
for any stock splits that occur over the holding period. Put and call options gross returns
over the month t are given by
Rt+ = max 0, St+ K Pt , (1)
Rt+ = max 0, K St+ Pt , (2)
where is the time to maturity.
Following Ang, Hodrick, Xing, and Zhang (2006) and Chang, Christoffersen, and Jacobs
(2013), I base my measure of market-wide volatility on the VIX index. Since the VIX
exhibits a high level of autocorrelation, innovations in the VIX can simply be estimated by
first differences, V IXt = V IXt V IXt1 . Throughout the paper I use VIX/100 because
the VIX is quoted in percentages. This way I use a measure of market volatility as opposed
to market volatility scaled by 100. Innovations in the VIX are highly negatively correlated
with the market factor. This is the well known Leverage Effect. In order to ensure that
the volatility factor I use is not simply picking up negative movements in the market level,
I further follow Chang, Christoffersen, and Jacobs (2013) by orthogonalizing innovations in
the VIX with respect to market excess returns. This is simply done by regressing V IX
on market excess returns and taking the residuals as the orthogonalized volatility factor.
This orthogonalized measure of innovations in the VIX is the volatility factor referred to
throughout the paper.
I construct market-wide jump and volatility-jump factors following Constantinides, Jack-
werth, and Savov (2013). The jump factor is defined as the sum of all daily returns on the
S&P 500 that are below 4% in a given month. Since each month in my sample begins
immediately following an option expiration date and ends at the following option expiration
date, the jump factor is simply the sum of all daily returns in this time span for which
returns are below the 4% threshold. If no such days exist, then the jump factor is zero for
the month. Approximately 7% of the months in the sample have a non-zero jump factor.
Finally, I include a volatility jump factor which captures large upward jumps in volatility
of the market. To construct the volatility jump factor, I take all ATM call options on the
S&P 500 and calculate the equally weighted average of implied volatilities over all options
between 15 and 45 days to maturity. This gives me a series of daily average implied volatil-
ities of ATM call options. Over each holding period I then take the sum of daily changes in
implied volatility for all days in which the change is greater than 0.04. Approximately 29%
of months in the sample have non-zero volatility jump.
Downside risk has been proposed as a state variable in the ICAPM and has been shown
to perform very well for pricing stocks in Ang, Chen, and Xing (2006) and across a number
of additional asset classes including currencies, bonds and commodities in Lettau, Maggiori,
and Weber (2013). I follow Lettau, Maggiori, and Weber (2013) by defining a down state
to be any month in which market returns are below the mean of monthly returns over the
sample period by an amount exceeding one standard deviation of returns over the sample
period. The down-state factor is simply equal to returns on the CRSP value-weighted index
in periods when the returns are below the down state threshold. In all other months the
factor is zero. This gives a factor that is very similar to the jump factor. The main difference
between the two is that the jump factor is computed using daily data to determine when
the market has experienced a jump. The magnitude of negative daily returns required to
be considered a jump is much more extreme than the one standard deviation measure used
to establish a down state. Furthermore, because jumps are defined at a daily frequency,
they can more convincingly be considered jumps in the return process as opposed to simply
months where the market slowly declines. Approximately 13% of months in the sample have
non-zero down-side risk.
Finally I include model-free, implied risk-neutral skewness as a down-side risk. I follow
Bakshi, Kapadia, and Madan (2003) to construct a measure of risk-neutral market-wide
skewness. I then take innovations of the skewness factor by estimating an ARMA(1,1)
model and taking residuals of the estimates. I use these residuals as an additional control
for the main tests of volatility risk.
Figure 6 shows the time series of each of the volatility, jump, volatility-jump, down-side
and skew factors. Panel B shows the orthogonalized volatility factor with the original, non-
orthogonal factor in the background. Each of the factors has its largest spike during the
recent financial crisis. More recently there are fairly large spikes during the U.S. debt-ceiling
crisis in August of 2011. Volatility and volatility-jump experienced very large jumps around
the terrorist attack of September 11, 2001. Table 5 gives pairwise correlations of the three
factors as well as the Fama-French and Momentum factors. The construction of the latter
factors are described in the appendix.
I form portfolios of options by first dividing the options into six bins according to type: calls
and puts, and three moneyness categories as defined in Section 2.2. Within each of these
six bins I sort into another six portfolios according to each contracts Black-Scholes-Merton
implied volatility premium. For each option k on stock j, I measure the implied volatility
premium (IVP) by
IV Pj,k = j,k jHist ,
where j,k denotes the Black-Scholes-Merton implied volatility extracted from option ks
price and jHist is the historical volatility of the underlying stock. I estimate jHist from daily
returns over the previous year leading up to the beginning of each holding period.
The IVP measure is similar to the sorting measure of Goyal and Saretto (2009) but rather
than measuring the ratio of implied volatility to historical volatility of the underlying, I take
the difference, which represents the premium due to model-implied volatility in excess of
historical volatility. Another difference between the way I sort options and the method
employed by Goyal and Saretto (2009) is that I sort at the contract level as opposed to just
taking a single at-the-money option for each underlying stock and comparing the two. This
gives my set of portfolios greater dispersion in loadings on innovations in the VIX than does
the set of portfolios studied in Goyal and Saretto (2009).
To construct a set of equity portfolios, I follow Ang, Hodrick, Xing, and Zhang (2006). I
use the entire universe of CRSP stocks to double sort stocks according to their loadings on
the market excess return and changes in the VIX. On the first day of each holding period I
calculate the CAPM betas of each firm over the previous months daily returns. I only include
firms for which CRSP reports returns on every trading day over the previous month. The
stocks are divided into two bins according to their loading on the market factor. Within each
bin I then estimate a two factor model with market excess returns and changes in the VIX
over the previous month and sort into six portfolios based on loadings on the second factor
within each market loading category. This gives a total of twelve portfolios. I choose twelve
portfolios so that they can be compared with the twelve ATM option portfolios. I choose to
divide first into two market loading bins and then into six VIX innovation portfolios in order
to maximize dispersion in loadings on volatility innovations while still double sorting in the
manner of Ang, Hodrick, Xing, and Zhang (2006). Once the portfolios are formed, they are
held for the one month holding period for which value-weighted returns are calculated. At
the end of the month, the portfolios are rebalanced.
In unreported results, I find that sorting according to the systematic risk preimium
described in Duan and Wei (2009) produces similar results to those described in Section 4.
Furthermore, the results do not appear to be sensitive to the number of portfolios.
Options are levered claims on the underlying stock. As a result of their embedded leverage,
they tend to have loadings on systematic risk factors that are much larger than those of the
underlying stock. It is very common for options to have market betas up to twenty times that
of the underlying. This leverage effect can lead to very skewed returns on options. Highly
volatile and skewed distributions are not well suited to estimating linear pricing kernels
because a linear SDF is typically not able to capture such extremes. This fact makes linear
factor models and the linear stochastic discount factor they imply a poor tool for analyzing
raw option returns.
The embedded leverage of options further reduces the effectiveness of standard cross-
sectional asset pricing techniques by rendering factor loadings less stable. In the Black-
Scholes-Merton world, loadings of options on any risk factor are approximately equal to the
loading of the underlying on the factor scaled by the leverage of the option. The leverage
of each option is a function of instantaneous volatility of the underlying which presumably
is correlated with volatility of the market. As such the correlation of an option with a
risk factor changes with market volatility. This means that even if one forms portfolios of
options, the portfolio loadings on risk factors will be sensitive to large changes in volatility.
Cross-sectional regressions will thus be sensitive to the instability of portfolio factor loadings.
Forming portfolios of option returns helps to dampen the effect of outliers and thus re-
duces skewness and excess kurtosis. It also mitigates the problem of the sensitivity of factor
loadings to changes in volatility by dampening the effect for those options whose factor
loadings are the most sensitive to volatility. Leverage adjusting returns further reduces the
effect of each problem. In a world where the Black-Scholes-Merton model holds perfectly,
continuously adjusting each option according to its implied leverage will completely solve
both problems. As long as the SDF projected onto the space of stock returns can be ad-
equately estimated by a linear model, continuous leverage adjustment renders linear factor
models capable of pricing options. Given the well-documented shortcomings of the Black-
Scholes-Merton model and the fact that it is impossible to adjust leverage in continuous
time, the best we can hope to do with this leverage adjustment is to approximately correct
both problems.
The Black-Scholes-Merton implied leverage of an option is given by the elasticity of the
option price with respect to the underlying stocks price,
BSM Si,t
j,i,t = j,i,t ,
where j,i,t is the time t Black-Scholes-Merton option delta for option j on stock i, Si,t is
the price of the underlying stock and Pj,i,t is the price of the option. Table 2 gives summary
statistics for the Black-Scholes-Merton implied leverage of option contracts in the sample.
In order to leverage-adjust the returns, I calculate the gross returns to investing (j,i,t )
dollars in option j and 1 (j,i,t ) in the risk free rate. Since is negative for puts and
positive for calls, this amounts to a short position in puts and long position in calls. Leverage
adjusted returns on the individual options are thus a linear combination of the returns on the
risk free rate and returns calculated in Equations (1) and (2). Leverage adjustment is done at
the beginning of the holding period, when the position is opened. Thus the leverage-adjusted
returns are the returns to a portfolio composed of an option and the risk-free rate where the
weight in the option is inversely related to its leverage. Unlike Constantinides, Jackwerth,
and Savov (2013), I hold the portfolio fixed over time and do not re-adjust leverage as the
options leverage evolves over time. A trading strategy with daily adjustment would incur
very high transaction costs since the costs of buying and selling options is generally much
higher than the cost incurred when buying and selling more liquid securities. Therefore, in
order to replicate a more feasible trading strategy, I create portfolios that do not change
over the course of the holding period. The obvious trade off is that these portfolios will not
be as free of excess kurtosis and skewness as they would be in the case of daily rebalancing.
The majority of papers in the empirical option pricing literature examine delta-hedged
returns in order to study profitability of trading strategies where investors have taken a delta-
hedged position in options. The risks whose prices are estimated using delta-hedged option
returns like those in Duarte and Jones (2007) are risks orthogonal to the underlying asset. In
this paper I examine the price of total volatility risk because this is the risk estimated from
the cross-section of equity returns. It is also the risk whose premium is implicitly estimated
by looking at the difference between risk-neutral and physical moments of the underlying
asset as in Carr and Wu (2009) and Driessen, Maenhout, and Vilkov (2009). Since the
purpose of this paper is to resolve the apparent discrepancy between prices of total volatility
risk in options and equity, I do not delta hedge option returns.
Finally, to compute portfolio returns within each of the 36 portfolios, I weight the
leverage-adjusted returns. In order to facilitate the comparison between the underlying stock
returns and portfolios of option returns, I weight the options by the market capitalization of
the underlying stock. This is standard practice in the equity pricing literature.
Table 3 gives summary statistics for the 36 value-weighted option portfolios. Panel A reports
the annualized percentage mean returns of each of the 36 portfolios over the 200 months rang-
ing from January 1997 through August 2013. The mean of the call portfolios is increasing in
implied volatility risk premium while the mean of the put portfolios tends to decrease pro-
gressing from the lowest implied volatility premium, IVP1 to highest IVP6. Recall however
that puts have a negative and hence negative leverage, so the put portfolios are actually
portfolios of short positions in the option. Therefore, long positions in the put portfolios
earn increasing mean returns as a function of IVP. The dispersion in mean returns is much
larger for the puts than calls but in all cases except ITM calls, the difference between mean
returns in IVP1 and IVP6 is very large. As has been shown in the literature (see e.g. Coval
and Shumway (2001)), selling puts is very lucrative because investors are willing to pay a
premium to use puts as a hedge against large losses, so the large returns in the put portfolios
is not surprising.
High levels of returns for puts and decreasing mean put returns as a function of moneyness
are consistent with economic theory. The call portfolios however, exhibit increasing mean
returns as a function of moneyness. As shown by Coval and Shumway (2001), if stock returns
are positively correlated with aggregate wealth and investor utility is increasing and concave,
then returns on European call options should be negatively sloped as a function of strike
prices. While the options used in this paper are American, I have removed options that
are likely to be exercised early so reasoning similar to that in Coval and Shumway (2001)
should be applicable here. This is not the first paper to document this pattern in mean
returns of equity call options; Ni (2008) documents this puzzle. She shows that considering
only calls on stocks that do not pay dividends and hence should never be exercised early,
this pattern still shows up in the data. Furthermore, the pattern is very robust to different
measurements of returns and moneyness. The explanation proposed by Ni is that investors
in OTM call options have preferences for idiosyncratic skewness for which they are willing
to pay a premium in OTM calls.
Panel B reports annualized return volatility of each value-weighted option portfolio in
percent. Volatility is monotonically decreasing in moneyness for the put portfolios. For
the call portfolios the pattern is less clear. We also see that volatility is higher for the put
portfolios than for the calls. Panels C and D report monthly measures of skewness and
kurtosis for each portfolio. As can be seen in Figure 6, the put portfolios are negatively
skewed while the calls are positively skewed. Furthermore, the magnitude of the skewness
is highest in OTM options and tends to decrease monotonically in moneyness. Similarly,
kurtosis is largest in OTM options and smallest in the ITM options, with a monotonic,
decreasing pattern in moneyness. The purpose of forming leverage-adjusted portfolios of
option returns is to reduce excess skewness and kurtosis, thus rendering portfolio returns
nearly normally distributed. While the skewness measures are not equal to zero as one
would ideally like to have, they are much smaller in magnitude than the skewness of raw
option returns. For example, the absolute value of skewness for the empirical distribution of
raw returns on all calls and puts used to form the portfolios are on average 4.769 and 6.263
respectively. Return kurtosis is reduced even more dramatically by forming the leverage-
adjusted portfolios. The normal distribution has a kurtosis of 3. The kurtosis of the leverage-
adjusted portfolios ranges from 3.763 to 14.615. The kurtosis of raw realized option returns
of the options dwarfs that of the leverage-adjusted portfolios. This is most noticeable in the
OTM options. The average kurtosis of the empirical distribution of raw returns on OTM calls
is 44.297 while that of the OTM puts is 83.697. This means that forming portfolios of leverage
adjusted returns reduces kurtosis by nearly 90% in OTM puts and 75% in OTM calls. That
is, the shape of the tails of the empirical distribution of the OTM option portfolios is much
closer to the that of a normal distribution than are the tails of the empirical distribution of
raw returns on OTM options.
Panel E shows the CAPM betas for each portfolio. Recall that the put portfolios are
actually short puts. This is why the betas reported for the puts are positive. Betas are
monotonically increasing in moneyness for the calls and for the most part decreasing in
moneyness for the puts. The betas on the calls are below one while the betas on the puts
are mostly above one. Comparing these with the CAPM betas on the stock portfolios shown
in Table 4 gives an indication of the leverage reduction achieved by leverage adjusting the
returns in the option portfolios. It is quite common for options on individual stocks to have
Black-Scholes-Merton implied leverages with magnitudes in excess of 20. If an option on a
stock has an implied leverage of 20, then in the Black-Scholes-Merton world, for any risk
factor, the beta of the option on that risk factor will be 20 times that of the underlying
stock. In the case of the put portfolios, the CAPM betas are magnified by roughly 15%
above those of the corresponding stock portfolios in Panel A of Table 4. In the case of calls,
the betas are reduced by about 25% on average. In both cases this suggests a fairly low level
of implied leverage in the options.
Panel F of Table 3 reports betas on systematic volatility in the two factor model
where M KTt denotes time t excess returns on the market and V IXt denotes first differences
in the VIX index. The factors used to proxy for market returns and volatility innovations are
formed as described in Section 2.4. The volatility betas of call portfolios are much smaller
in magnitude than the volatility betas of the put portfolios. Half of the call portfolios betas
are statistically significant at the 5% level. On the other hand, all of the volatility betas
except that of the ITM IVP6 portfolio are highly significant. The average t-statistic of the
put portfolios volatility betas is 4.33, while that of the call portfolios is only 1.36. The fact
that the puts appear to load so much more on the volatility factor suggests that if systematic
volatility is indeed priced in equity options, the premium is more likely to be evident in the
puts than the calls. Again, since the put portfolios are actually short puts, the loadings
on volatility are negative. In both call and put portfolios, the magnitude of volatility betas
decreases monotonically in moneyness.
Table 4 reports summary statistics for the stock portfolios. The portfolios are comprised
of all CRSP stocks over the 200 months ranging from January 1997 through August 2013.
The columns of each panel in the table represent sorts according to betas on market excess
return over the previous month of daily data. Rows represent sorts according to loadings on
volatility innovations. Panel A reports post formation value-weighted mean returns. For the
most part, the post ranking mean returns are higher for the high market beta than the low
market beta group. Mean returns to the portfolios are generally decreasing in loadings on
the volatility factor as one would expect given that stocks with higher loadings on the VIX
act as a hedge agains high volatility states and investors are thus willing to pay a premium
for these stocks. The monotonicity in mean returns along the volatility loading dimension
is not particularly strong. This is due to the fact that the formation period is only a month
Panel B reports annualized percent volatility. There is clear heteroskedasticity between
the two market loading bins with the higher market-loading stocks having substantially
higher volatility. Skewness is negative for all portfolios and tends to be larger in magnitude
for the low market beta stocks than for the high beta stocks. The stock portfolios are
less skewed than the option portfolios but the difference is not very dramatic. Similarly, the
kurtosis of the stock portfolios is slightly smaller than the option portfolios except in the case
of OTM puts where the kurtosis is most extreme. Figure 6 plots the histograms of realized
returns for each of the six put/call and moneyness bins as well as the realized returns of all
puts and all calls separately and all ATM options. Over each is the kernel density estimate
of the empirical return distribution of the stock portfolios. One can see from the figure that
skewness and variance of the option portfolios is not very different from that of the stocks
except perhaps in the case of the OTM calls.
The post ranking CAPM betas of the stock portfolios are much larger for the stocks
with large formation period betas suggesting that stocks covariation with the market is
fairly stable. On the other hand, Panel F shows that the post-ranking volatility betas do not
exhibit a clear monotonic pattern. This indicates that at least with the one month formation
window, stocks loadings on innovations in the VIX are less stable.
4.1 GMM specification
2-step GMM.
In each specification of the pricing kernel M , the first N moment restrictions in the GMM
test with N test assets are given by
for j = 1, 2, ...., N, where Rj,t denotes the time t gross return of portfolio j. The final
moment condition which is implied by the risk-free rate is given by
E [Mt ] = 0, (5)
where Rf denotes the risk-free rate.
In this section I restrict our attention to linear pricing kernels of the form
Mt = a + b0 ft ,
where f is a vector of risk factors, b is a fixed vector of prices of risk and a is a constant.
Tables 6, 7, 8 and 9 report the results for five specifications of the linear pricing kernel.
The first is the single factor model with only the volatility factor. The second and third
models are respectively the standard CAPM and the CAPM augmented with volatility.
Model four is the Fama-French/Carhart four factor model and the fifth model is the volatility-
augmented version of model four. For each model I report point estimates of the coefficients
with t-statistics in parentheses. The final two columns of each table report the J-statistic and
associated p-value as well as the Hansen-Jagannathan distance which measures the distance
between the implied stochastic discount factor and the set of feasible discount factors.
Table 6 reports results of the tests using all 36 option portfolios. The coefficient on the
volatility factor is positive and very significant in each specification. A positive coefficient
in the SDF implies that investors marginal rates of substitution are increasing in volatility.
This means that investors are willing to pay a premium for assets that covary positively with
innovations in volatility. In other words the price of volatility risk is negative. For both the
CAPM and the four factor model, adding volatility substantially reduces the J-statistic and
the Hansen-Jagannathan distance measure, indicating that the model fits the data much
better with the volatility factor than without.
Data filters are implemented to remove illiquid options and I only consider options on
S&P 500 constituents in order to avoid results driven by illiquid options. In order to further
alleviate any concerns about illiquidity driving the results, I examine just the ATM option
portfolios separately as these are the most liquid options according to trading volume. Table
7 reports the results which are quite similar to the tests with the full set of option portfolios.
The volatility factor is always positive and significant and given the fact that we only have
twelve test assets, the significance is very strong. In each specification, the model fit is
substantially improved with the addition of the volatility factor.
Table 9 reports the pricing kernel estimates for the ATM options and the 12 stock port-
folios combined. If volatility is a priced risk factor in the SDF, then the projection of the
SDF onto the combined space of stocks and options should also have a positive, significant
coefficient. This is confirmed in Table 9. It is worth noting that for the combined stock port-
folios and ATM option portfolios, the reduction in J-statistics due to adding the volatility
factor are very small. However, the Hansen-Jagannathan distance is substantially reduced.
In the case of the SDF projected onto the space of stock returns only, Table 8 shows that
the fit of the four-factor model improves with the addition of the volatility factor but the
two-factor model actually fits worse with the addition of volatility. The volatility coefficients
point estimates for both the stock portfolios as well as the combined stock and ATM option
portfolios are well below the point estimates for the full set of option portfolios.
The takeaway from Tables 6, 7, 8, 9 is a clearly priced systematic volatility risk factor in
option returns. To assess the economic magnitude of the volatility premium one can easily
use the coefficient in the SDF to calculate V OL , the implied market price of the the volatility
risk. V OL is equivalent to the prices of risk typically estimated in the second step of Fama-
MacBeth regressions. In the case of the full model (model 5), the market price of volatility,
V OL is equal to -4.13% per month or -62.5% annualized. We can get a sense of how much
of the difference in mean returns of the OTM puts and ITM puts is driven by volatility risk
by comparing the average volatility betas for each group. For model 5, the average volatility
betas for OTM puts and ITM puts are 0.7042 and 0.3482 respectively. Exposure to
aggregate volatility therefore accounts for (0.70 (0.35)) 4.13% = 1.47% monthly or
19% annualized spread in returns between ITM and OTM puts. For the calls the average
OTM beta is 0.238 and the average ITM beta is 0.013. Exposure to aggregate volatility
therefore accounts for (0.013 0.238) 4.13% = 1.37% monthly or 17.7% annualized
spread in returns in the calls. Thus the volatility premium is economically significant as well
as statistically significant. It is also worth noting that the implied price of risk, 4.13% per
month is 18% larger than the 3.49% price of risk estimated in Chang, Christoffersen, and
Jacobs (2013) using stocks.
In an unreported robustness check, I run all of the tests with the same portfolio sorts but
weight returns by option open interest rather than stock market capitalization. The results
are similar. Volatility is always significant at the 5% level and the point estimates are similar
to those reported in Tables 6, 7, 8, 9.
In order to check that the linear form assigned to our pricing kernel is not responsible for
the strong significance of the market-wide volatility factor, I test the same set of CAPM and
Fama-French-Carhart factors augmented with volatility using an exponentially affine pricing
kernel instead of a linear pricing kernel. Whereas standard asset pricing models assume
a linearized SDF, the exponentially affine pricing kernel is closer to the kernel derived by
hypothesizing a utility function for a representative investor and then solving for the marginal
rate of substitution. For an investor with CRRA utility, the SDF can be expressed as
Mt = ,
where Ct denotes time t consumption, denotes the coefficient of relative risk aversion and
denotes the investors discount rate. By taking the exponential of the log of the pricing
kernel this can be transformed to the exponentially affine form
Mt+1 = e Ct .
Mt+1 = ea+b ft+1 , (6)
where b is a deterministic vector of coefficients and f is a vector of risk factors. The log-utility
CAPM is a special case of the SDF in Equation (6) where a = 0, b = 1, f = logRW and
RW is return on the wealth portfolio. The exponentially affine framework is better suited
for analyzing skewed payoffs like options as it does not rely on linear approximations of the
functional form of investors marginal rates of substitution. Continuous time versions of
exponentially affine pricing kernels are commonly used in structural option pricing models,
where the factors are typically specific to the underlying asset as opposed to systematic
Tables 10, 11, 12 and 13 report the results of GMM tests using the pricing kernel defined
in Equation 6 with the same set of factors from Tables 6, 7, 8, 9.12 The results again
show that market-wide volatility is a significantly priced factor in the cross-section of option
returns. The point estimates cannot be directly compared to those in the linear models.
However, the volatility factor is estimated to be significantly positive. Table 10 reports
the results from a one-step GMM estimation where the weighting matrix is set equal to
the identity matrix. This greatly reduces the power of the test but is meant to allay any
concerns about unstable inversion of the weighting matrix in nonlinear GMM estimation
when the number of time series observations is not very large compared to the number of
I also test the exponentially affine models with the non-orthogonalized volatility factor. I do this because
the orthogonalization is linear with respect to market excess returns and I want to be sure that the linear
nature of the orthogonalization is not responsible for the results in a nonlinear model. The results for the
coefficient on the volatility factor were virtually unchanged.
cross-sectional observations.13 Using all 36 option portfolios, the volatility factor is signifiant
at the 5% level for the two models containing the market factor. In the single factor model
the volatility factor is only significant at the 10% level. Given that the combination of a
single step GMM and a non-linear model substantially reduces the power of the test, the
fact that the volatility factor is still significant can be regarded as strong evidence in favor
of the volatility factor.
Tables 11 and 13 give the results of the tests with only the ATM options and the combined
portfolios of ATM options and the 12 stock portfolios. In all specifications the volatility factor
is very significant. In the case of the test with only ATM options, including the volatility
factor drastically reduces the J-statistic and the Hansen-Jagannathan distance, especially
in the case of the 4-factor model. The results are not so strong when the ATM options
are combined with the 12 stock portfolios in Table 13, however the volatility factor is still
significant in all specifications, indicating that market-wide volatility plays an important
role in the SDF projected onto the joint space of stock and option returns. This holds true
despite the fact that for the stock portfolios alone, there is little evidence that the volatility
factor is significant in Table 12. This is important for two reasons. First, it indicates that
we have more power to estimate the role of market-wide volatility in the SDF when using
options than using the same number of stocks portfolios. Comparing the 12 ATM option
portfolios with 12 stock portfolios sorted in a way that has been the most successful thus far
in the literature at showing a significant volatility factor, it is clear that the option portfolios
are a more powerful set of test assets. Second, even if the SDF projected onto one space
shows the volatility factor to be statistically insignificant, it is entirely possible that the
factor is still significantly priced in the SDF. It may just be the case that the space of stock
returns is orthogonal to the volatility factor in the SDF while the space of option returns is
not orthogonal to the factor. If this is the case, we still expect to find that when estimated
from returns on the joint space of stock and option returns, the factor should be significant
as we find in Table 13.
See Ferson and Foerster (1994) and Cochrane (2005) for discussions about GMM and small sample
4.4 Pricing Kernels with Tail Risk
As first noted by Black (1976), volatility of the market is negatively correlated with the mar-
kets level. Table 5 shows that in the sample period 1997 through 2013, monthly innovations
in the VIX and excess market returns are highly negatively correlated. This is the reason
for using orthogonalized VIX innovations in the analysis throughout the paper. More re-
cently Bates (2012) discusses the difficulty of separating changes in volatility from jumps. A
number of papers have also shown that the risk neutral distribution of stock indices exhibit
higher volatility, more negative skewness and have heavier tails than their corresponding
physical distributions.14 This indicates that option prices reflect premia for skewness and
kurtosis as well as volatility. Furthermore, Bates (2000), Pan (2002) and Eraker, Johannes,
and Polson (2003) have shown that jump risk tends to increase during times of higher market
volatility. Taken together, all of these empirical regularities suggest that the risk premium
attributed to market-wide volatility in our earlier tests may actually be due to fears of tail
events. In this section I include additional factors in specifications of the SDF in order to
control for the possibility of tail risk driving the significant volatility premium documented
thus far. Tables 14, 15, 16 and 17 give results of linear models for the SDF with additional
factors described in Section 2.4.
Tables 14 and 15 report results for test assets comprised of all 36 option portfolios and
the ATM portfolios respectively. The clear result from these two tables is that volatility risk
carries a significant, positive coefficient (and hence a negative price of risk) even when we
control for tail risk. While some of the tail-risk factors appear to be significant in a number
of the specifications, volatility is the only factor that is significant in all specifications in
both tables. In Table 14, with all 36 option portfolios as the test assets, downside risk also
appears significant and skewness is significant at the 10% level. However, in Table 15 where
the test assets are the 12 ATM portfolios, neither is significant. This is likely to be at least
partially attributable to the fact that we have a small number of test assets and thus less
cross-sectional variation. However, volatility is clearly significant even with the small number
See Jackwerth and Rubinstein (1996), Jackwerth (2000) and Bakshi, Kapadia, and Madan (2003).
of test assets and the additional controls for tail risk. It is also worth noting that the jump
factor does not appear to be significantly priced even though jumps are often modeled in
option returns. However, the jumps included in theoretical option pricing models are jumps
in the underlying asset as opposed to market-wide jumps. Of course in the case of index
options where the relation between jumps and option prices have been most studied (see
for example Pan (2002) and Eraker, Johannes, and Polson (2003)), on cannot distinguish
between market-wide risks and risks inherent only in the underlying asset.
Table 16 reports the results for the stock portfolios test assets. In this set of tests the
volatility factor remains marginally significant at best. This could largely be due to the fact
there is a small number of test assets. However, when compared to the 12 ATM option
portfolios, it is clear that the volatility factor is much more prominent in the options than in
the stock portfolios. In Table 17 where stocks and ATM options are the combined test assets,
volatility is again very significant. Here skewness and downside risk are also significant.
The results of this section indicate that not only is market-wide volatility a significant
risk factor in the cross-section of individual option returns, but it is distinct from market-
wide tail risk. Taken together with tests in the previous sections this suggests that volatility
is a very robustly priced risk factor in the cross-section.
taking into account possible heteroskedasticity across assets.
Similar to likelihood ratio tests, the GMM likelihood ratio-type test compares the value of
an objective function under the null hypothesis to its value under an alternative hypothesis.
For the purpose of testing prices of risk in two markets, the comparison is made between
models that fix the coefficients on risk factors to be the same in the option and equity pricing
kernels and those that relax this assumption. I perform the tests by relaxing the assumption
on the volatility factor and comparing the resulting unrestricted GMM objective function to
the restricted objective function. Namely, the null hypothesis is
H0 : bSV OL = bO
For each proposed model, I estimate the restricted version by pooling stock portfolios
together with option portfolios so that the test assets are a mix of the 12 stock portfolios
and 12 ATM option portfolios. The results of estimating the restricted models are given in
Table 9. For each model I test the restriction by relaxing H0 and comparing the resulting
fit to the corresponding model fit in the restricted model.
Since the tests compare GMM objective functions with and without a linear restriction,
one needs to be sure that the difference in objective functions is not driven by the weighting
matrix but is driven only by differences due to relaxing the restriction on a given factor.
I therefore use the second stage weighting matrix from the restricted model estimation to
estimate the unrestricted model in a single step GMM. This also ensures that the test statistic
has a well defined asymptotic distribution. In particular, the test statistic has the asymptotic
distribution given by
LRGM M = T m(R )0 W (R )m(R ) m(U )0 W (R )m(U ) 21 , (7)
m(U ) denote empirical means of moment restrictions under the restricted and unrestricted
Table 18 gives the test statistics and corresponding p-values for each likelihood ratio-type
test. Rows represent the models used for each test. Columns represent the variable whose
price of risk is being tested. Of the three baseline models testing the volatility factor, one
shows a significant difference between the restricted and unrestricted model at the 5% level
and the remaining two give significant test statistics at the the 10% level. This suggests
that the price of systematic volatility risk is not necessarily the same in the equity and
option markets. Although these results suggest that there may be difference in the prices
of volatility risk between the two markets, the difference is likely to fall within no-arbitrage
bands as it is well known that no-arbitrage option price ranges can be fairly wide.15
The fact that there is a difference between prices of volatility risk in the stocks and
put options is akin to there being a significant price of risk in delta-hedged returns of put
options. Whereas delta hedged options look directly at the option with the risk due to the
underlying subtracted off, the results here look at the difference in prices estimated from
options and stocks separately. These are two similar ways of addressing the same question;
Is there significantly priced volatility risk inherent in option contracts that is not due solely
to the underlying stock? The fact that I find a positive difference between implied prices of
risks suggests the answer is yes. It further provides evidence that options are not redundant
6 Conclusion
Volatility is generally accepted as playing an important role in determining prices of options.
The evidence of a volatility premium in the index options market is well documented. In
addition, the growing literature on individual stock option returns is largely comprised of
papers examining volatility characteristics and their relation to returns on options. The
well documented differences in the volatility and variance risk premia between index options
See Figlewski (1989) for example.
and individual stock options (see Driessen, Maenhout, and Vilkov (2009) and Bakshi and
Kapadia (2003a)) suggests that the volatility risk premium inherent in index options may
not necessarily translate to a similar premium existing in the cross-section of individual
options. In fact, Duarte and Jones (2007) find that volatility risk is not significantly priced
unconditionally in the cross-section of individual option returns and Di Pietro and Vainberg
(2006) find volatility risk has the opposite sign in the cross-section of synthetic variance
swaps as in the cross-section of stock returns.
Until now evidence had suggested that market-wide volatility may not be priced in in-
dividual stock options. I find that there is strong evidence of a significant market-wide
volatility risk factor in the pricing kernel for options on individual stocks. This factor is
economically and statistically very significant. My results lend support to recent papers like
Dittmar and Lundblad (2014), Boguth and Kuehn (2013), Campbell, Giglio, Polk, and Tur-
ley (2012) and Bansal, Kiku, Shaliastovich, and Yaron (2013) all of which suggest volatility
is a priced state variable in the ICAPM sense. If volatility is a state variable in the ICAPM
sense, it should be priced in the cross-section of individual options as well. The results of
this paper thus make the make plausible the argument for volatility as a state factor.
I further find evidence that the price of market-wide volatility risk is greater in the
the options than in the underlying stocks. This suggests that options are not redundant
securities. Furthermore, it suggests that a potential reason for the existence of the option
market may be as a market for hedging market-wide volatility risk.
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Table 1: Options Sample
This table gives the number of option contracts considered in our sample for each of the
six call/put and moneyness bins over the 200 month sample from January 1997 through
August 2013. There are a total of 599,803 options in the filtered data.
Number of Options
Calls 93,658 127,423 77,348
Puts 101,925 107,419 92,030
Option Leverage
mean std dev mean std dev mean std dev
Calls 18.31 7.33 14.79 6.43 8.16 3.48
Puts -15.37 6.65 -13.03 6.20 -7.36 3.83
Table 3: Summary statistics for 36 value-weighted option portfolios
This table reports summary statistics for each of the 36 value-weighted option portfolios.
Columns represent OTM, ATM or ITM calls and puts. Rows represent portfolios sorted
by implied volatility premium (IVP) within each moneyness, option-type portfolio; IVP1
denotes portfolio with the smallest implied volatility premium while IVP6 represents the
portfolio with largest implied volatility premium. Mean and volatility are reported in terms
of annualized returns in percent. Skewness and kurtosis are measures of monthly hold-
ing period returns. The sample covers 200 months, from January 1997 through August 2013.
Table 4: Summary statistics for stock portfolios
This table reports summary statistics for the stock portfolios formed according to the double
sorting procedure. Where the first sort is by M , each stocks market beta. The second
sort is by V IX , stock loading on changes in the VIX. Mean and volatility are reported
in terms of annualized returns in percent. Skewness and kurtosis are measures of monthly
holding period returns. The sample includes all CRSP stocks and covers 200 months, from
January 1997 through August 2013.
Stock Portfolios
(1) (2) (1) (2)
V IX A. Mean (%) B. Volatility (%)
(1) 11.023 12.499 18.526 30.168
(2) 7.862 7.785 14.912 24.610
(3) 7.987 8.718 14.181 22.403
(4) 6.208 10.955 14.604 24.414
(5) 8.524 11.884 15.761 26.514
(6) 7.494 4.996 22.102 33.240
C. Skewness D. Kurtosis
(1) -0.660 -0.908 4.918 6.458
(2) -1.078 -1.208 4.936 7.320
(3) -1.429 -0.861 7.186 7.094
(4) -1.354 -0.232 7.263 5.967
(5) -1.126 -0.431 5.801 5.600
(6) -1.307 -0.416 6.504 5.115
E. CAPM beta F. Volatility beta
(1) 0.810 1.417 -0.094 -0.074
(2) 0.679 1.210 -0.082 0.055
(3) 0.654 1.115 -0.097 0.013
(4) 0.661 1.209 -0.158 0.008
(5) 0.716 1.289 -0.076 0.040
(6) 0.945 1.535 -0.101 0.149
Table 5: Risk factor correlations
This table presents correlations between the risk factors examined in the paper. Construc-
tion of the factors is described in Section 2.4. The sample covers 200 months, from January
1997 through August 2013.
Factor Correlations
MKT 1.000
SMB 0.304 1.000
HML -0.092 -0.148 1.000
Mom -0.348 -0.048 -0.305 1.000
VOL -0.777 -0.218 -0.002 0.284 1.000
VOL 0.000 0.028 -0.117 0.022 0.630 1.000
DS 0.755 0.260 0.046 -0.215 -0.693 -0.168 1.000
Skew -0.213 -0.079 -0.114 -0.040 0.339 0.275 -0.673 1.000
Jump 0.480 0.224 0.141 -0.119 -0.456 -0.131 0.674 -0.602 1.000
VJ -0.501 -0.281 -0.103 0.120 0.502 0.178 -0.621 0.368 -0.700 1.000
Table 6: Linear GMM Tests with 36 Option Portfolios
This table reports results of GMM tests of linear pricing kernels using all 36 options port-
folios as test assets. Each row represents a model and columns represent factors included
in the model. The point estimates are reported along with t-statistics in parentheses that
are computed using Newey-West adjusted standard errors with 6-month lags. The final
two columns give the J-statistic with corresponding asymptotic p-value in [brackets] and
the Hansen-Jagannathan measure of distance from the space of valid stochastic discount
Table 7: Linear GMM Tests ATM Portfolios
This table reports results of GMM tests of pricing kernels using the combination of 6 ATM
put portfolios and 6 ATM call portfolios as test assets. Each row represents a model and
columns represent factors included in the model. The point estimates are reported along
with t-statistics in parentheses that are computed using Newey-West adjusted standard
errors with 6-month lags. The final two columns give the J-statistic with corresponding
asymptotic p-value in [brackets] and the Hansen-Jagannathan measure of distance from the
space of valid stochastic discount factors.
Table 8: Linear GMM Tests for Stocks
This table reports results of GMM tests of pricing kernels using the 12 stock portfolios as
test assets. Each row represents a model and columns represent factors included in the
model. The point estimates are reported along with t-statistics in parentheses that are
computed using Newey-West adjusted standard errors with 6-month lags. The final two
columns give the J-statistic with corresponding asymptotic p-value in [brackets] and the
Hansen-Jagannathan measure of distance from the space of valid stochastic discount factors.
Stock Portfolios
intercept MKT SMB HML MOM VOL Jstat HJ dist
(1) 0.992 12.005 28.838 0.297
(20.707) (2.011) [0.002]
Table 9: Linear GMM Tests for Combined Stock Portfolios and ATM Options
This table reports results of GMM tests of pricing kernels using the 12 ATM option
portfolios combined with the 12 stock portfolios as test assets. Each row represents a model
and columns represent factors included in the model. The point estimates are reported along
with t-statistics in parentheses that are computed using Newey-West adjusted standard
errors with 6-month lags. The final two columns give the J-statistic with corresponding
asymptotic p-value in [brackets] and the Hansen-Jagannathan measure of distance from the
space of valid stochastic discount factors.
Table 10: GMM tests 36 option portfolios and Exponentially Affine SDF
This table reports results of GMM tests of exponentially affine pricing kernels using all 36
option portfolios. This is the only table in the paper that reports results for the 1-step
GMM with an identity weighting matrix. I use this test instead of the 2-step GMM for this
particular test in order to avoid problems associated with multiple-step GMM estimation of
non-linear models when the time series of observations is not long compared to the number
of test assets. Each row represents a model and columns represent factors included in the
model. The point estimates are reported along with t-statistics in parentheses that are
computed using Newey-West adjusted standard errors with 6-month lags. The final two
columns give the J-statistic with corresponding asymptotic p-value in [brackets] and the
Hansen-Jagannathan measure of distance from the space of valid stochastic discount factors.
Table 11: GMM tests ATM option portfolios and Exponentially Affine SDF
This table reports results of GMM tests of exponentially affine pricing kernels using port-
folios the 12 ATM option portfolios. Each row represents a model and columns represent
factors included in the model. The point estimates are reported along with t-statistics in
parentheses that are computed using Newey-West adjusted standard errors with 6-month
lags. The final two columns give the J-statistic with corresponding asymptotic p-value
in [brackets] and the Hansen-Jagannathan measure of distance from the space of valid
stochastic discount factors.
Table 12: GMM tests 12 Stock Portfolios and Exponentially Affine SDF
This table reports results of GMM tests of exponentially affine pricing kernels using the
12 stock portfolios. Each row represents a model and columns represent factors included
in the model. The point estimates are reported along with t-statistics in parentheses that
are computed using Newey-West adjusted standard errors with 6-month lags. The final
two columns give the J-statistic with corresponding asymptotic p-value in [brackets] and
the Hansen-Jagannathan measure of distance from the space of valid stochastic discount
12 Stock Portfolios
intercept MKT SMB HML MOM VOL Jstat HJ dist
(1) -0.013 -3.241 35.386 0.297
(-0.246) (-0.232) [0.006]
Table 13: GMM Tests with Exponentially Affine SDF
This table reports results of GMM tests of exponentially affine pricing kernels using
portfolios the 12 ATM option portfolios combined with the 12 stock portfolios. Each row
represents a model and columns represent factors included in the model. The point
estimates are reported along with t-statistics in parentheses that are computed using
Newey-West adjusted standard errors with 6-month lags. The final two columns give the
J-statistic with corresponding asymptotic p-value in [brackets] and the
Hansen-Jagannathan measure of distance from the space of valid stochastic discount
12 ATM Option Portfolios and 12 Stock Portfolios
intercept MKT SMB HML MOM VOL Jstat HJ dist
(1) -0.053 6.301 85.832 0.516
(-2.947) (2.184) [0.000]
Table 14: Linear GMM tests with Tail Risk
This table reports results of GMM tests of pricing kernels using all 36 options portfolios
as test assets. Each row represents a model and columns represent factors included in the
model. The point estimates are reported along with t-statistics in parentheses that are
computed using Newey-West adjusted standard errors with 6-month lags. The final two
columns give the J-statistic with corresponding asymptotic p-value in [brackets] and the
Hansen-Jagannathan measure of distance from the space of valid stochastic discount factors.
(5) 1.126 -0.066 -2.818 8.808 2.838 21.913 13.933 43.186 0.633
(10.086) (-1.805) (-0.481) (0.144) (1.573) (3.937) (2.450) [0.056]
(6) 0.835 -0.008 -5.807 15.057 3.514 17.502 -7.773 48.943 0.699
(9.206) (-1.213) (-1.280) (0.154) (1.569) (3.064) (-1.850) [0.141]
(7) 1.093 -0.011 1.002 -67.713 2.490 18.722 0.655 63.720 0.683
(8.573) (-0.355) (0.154) (-1.176) (0.824) (3.239) (0.424) [0.000]
(8) 1.146 -0.029 1.671 -9.296 2.904 16.517 -5.846 49.337 0.647
(13.055) (-0.999) (0.286) (-0.162) (1.461) (3.711) (-1.386) [0.015]
Table 15: Linear GMM Tests with Tail Risk
This table reports results of GMM tests of pricing kernels using the combination of 6 ATM
put portfolios and 6 ATM call portfolios as test assets. Each row represents a model and
columns represent factors included in the model. The point estimates are reported along
with t-statistics in parentheses that are computed using Newey-West adjusted standard
errors with 6-month lags. The final two columns give the J-statistic with corresponding
asymptotic p-value in [brackets] and the Hansen-Jagannathan measure of distance from the
space of valid stochastic discount factors.
ATM Portfolios
(1) 1.136 -0.047 19.843 10.239 15.288 0.291
(7.690) (-1.011) (2.245) (1.081) [0.083]
(5) 1.174 -0.084 5.997 72.356 -1.979 24.059 15.124 8.504 0.293
(6.358) (-1.492) (0.649) (0.612) (-0.302) (2.108) (1.260) [0.203]
(6) 0.975 -0.005 -0.120 -2.903 3.374 24.108 -4.972 9.871 0.298
(10.597) (-0.233) (-0.010) (-0.033) (0.515) (2.550) (-1.870) [0.218]
(7) 0.933 -0.023 3.650 13.343 -9.402 11.971 -0.888 16.309 0.319
(10.392) (-0.877) (0.395) (0.152) (-2.419) (1.935) (-0.592) [0.012]
(8) 0.990 -0.042 4.680 63.669 -6.074 15.034 -0.268 11.417 0.336
(7.529) (-1.435) (0.527) (0.701) (-1.402) (2.096) (-0.063) [0.076]
Table 16: Linear GMM Tests with Tail Risk
This table reports results of GMM tests of pricing kernels using 12 stock portfolios as
test assets. Each row represents a model and columns represent factors included in the
model. The point estimates are reported along with t-statistics in parentheses that are
computed using Newey-West adjusted standard errors with 6-month lags. The final two
columns give the J-statistic with corresponding asymptotic p-value in [brackets] and the
Hansen-Jagannathan measure of distance from the space of valid stochastic discount factors.
12 Stock Portfolios
(1) 1.025 -0.049 13.116 4.340 19.652 0.259
(11.794) (-1.611) (2.077) (0.675) [0.186]
(5) 1.022 -0.056 0.716 5.890 0.515 13.858 4.026 18.971 0.269
(6.188) (-0.860) (0.174) (0.127) (0.163) (2.438) (0.379) [0.089]
(6) 1.009 -0.054 -4.181 -61.357 -4.002 9.870 -5.858 18.032 0.229
(12.897) (-1.762) (-0.716) (-0.732) (-0.857) (1.213) (-1.282) [0.115]
(7) 0.981 -0.038 -0.086 -8.364 0.245 11.648 0.369 19.014 0.209
(14.028) (-1.264) (-0.021) (-0.212) (0.103) (1.663) (0.293) [0.088]
(8) 0.969 -0.033 -0.773 -6.840 -1.276 10.114 -0.749 18.379 0.281
(2.504) (-0.626) (-0.074) (-0.058) (-0.322 (1.595) (-0.065) [0.105]
Table 17: Linear GMM Tests with Tail Risk
This table reports results of GMM tests of pricing kernels using the 12 ATM option
portfolios combined with the 12 stock portfolios as test assets. Each row represents a model
and columns represent factors included in the model. The point estimates are reported along
with t-statistics in parentheses that are computed using Newey-West adjusted standard
errors with 6-month lags. The final two columns give the J-statistic with corresponding
asymptotic p-value in [brackets] and the Hansen-Jagannathan distance measure.
(5) 1.098 -0.077 5.106 -154.740 0.127 12.847 13.863 49.322 0.565
(8.849) (-2.008) (0.867) (-2.738) (0.044) (2.822) (1.928) [0.000]
(6) 0.881 -0.028 0.848 -127.291 -0.673 15.976 -7.858 45.738 0.537
(16.309) (-1.959) (0.240) (-2.294) (-0.247) (4.210) (-3.808) [0.000]
(7) 1.121 -0.067 1.725 -144.936 -3.695 7.742 0.404 71.455 0.554
(13.555) (-2.581) (0.347) (-2.613) (-1.338) (1.836) (0.214) [0.000]
(8) 1.008 -0.052 -2.301 -96.950 -3.626 8.493 -0.476 61.052 0.532
(10.099) (-2.677) (-0.937) (-2.348) (-1.860) (2.403) (-0.111) [0.000]
Table 18: GMM Likelihood Ratio-type tests
This table reports results of GMM-based likelihood ratio-type tests of restricting individual
factors to be the same in both the stock SDF and the SDF estimated from option portfolios.
Each pair of numbers represents a test where the model is estimated first under the
restriction that the prices of risk for all risk factors in each model are the same for stocks
and call options. This corresponds to the results in Table 9. This restriction is relaxed for
volatility factor to estimate the unrestricted model. The values in the table are the test
statistic and corresponding p-values in brackets. The null hypothesis is that the price of
risk for the volatility factor are the same in options and stocks. The alternative is that the
price of risk differs between the two markets.
0.25 0.25
0.2 0.2
0.15 0.15
0.1 0.1
0.05 0.05
0 0
0.05 0.05
0.1 0.1
0.15 0.15
1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 1998 2001 2004 2006 2009 2012
0.1 0
0.15 0.1
0.2 0.2
1998 2001 2004 2006 2009 2012 1998 2001 2004 2006 2009 2012
1998 2001 2004 2006 2009 2012 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012
Figure 1: Factors
Panel A plots innovations in the VIX. Panel B plots the time series of residuals from regress-
ing VIX innovations on market excess returns51(MKT). This is the orthogonalized volatility
factor used in tests throughout the paper. The time series plotted in each Panels C, D, E
and F represent tail risk factors.
15 15 15
10 10 10
5 5 5
0 0 0
0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
15 15 15
10 10 10
5 5 5
0 0 0
0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25
15 15 15
10 10 10
5 5 5
0 0 0
0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.25 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25