BiochemLabAlviar2017 PDF
BiochemLabAlviar2017 PDF
BiochemLabAlviar2017 PDF
- To remove the excess acid/ base in the reaction
- A chemical reaction in which an acid & a base interact with the formation of salt and a H2O by-product
- Acid H. Neutralization = Ba(OH)2(s), Ba(OH)2(aq) , 7mL H2O
- Base H. Neutralization = 16N H2SO4, 8N H2SO4, 7mL H2O
Color Rxn Test Test for Reagent(s) Principle Positive Results Other Information
Negative for Both
Violet solution = color
General test for Intact CuSO4 Hydrolyzate
Complexation reaction intensity based on
Biuret Test Proteins (presence of 5 H2O (N.R. = urea,
(Cu+2 & amide N atoms) peptide bond length
peptide bonds) NaOH dipeptides &
coagulated proteins)
Negative for:
Violet or Deep Blue P & OH-P (cyclic
General test for free AA Ninhydrin = Oxidative Deamination &
Solution imino acid)
Ninhydrin Test (presence of - amino triketohydrindene Condensation (Reduction
(All Hydrolyzate & = yellow
groups) hydrate in ethanol of Ninhydrin)
Ammonium salts) Amine (aniline)
= orange to red
conc. HNO3 Nitration of Aromatic Presence of electron
General test for Aromatic Yellow ppt to Orange
Xanthoproetic Test conc. NaOH (neutralize rings via Electrophilic donating substituents
AA (W, F, Y) soln (Alkaline)
excess acid) Aromatic Substitution enhances reaction rate
Glyoxilic Acid (Mg +
Acid catalyzed- Reduction of Oxalic
Specific test for Indole Oxalic Acid)
Hopkins-Cole Test Condensation & Violet Interphase Acid to Glyoxilic
Group ( W ) conc. H2SO4
Complexation Acid
(dehydrating agent)
Urea is used to
-napthol (condensation) Base catalyzed-
Specific test for Guanido Red coloration which stabilize color &
Sakaguchi Test NaOH (catalyst) Condensation &
Group ( R ) easily disappear destroy excess OBr-
NaOBr (oxidizing agent) Complexation
Specific test for Phenolic *Hg(NO3)2
Millons Test Complexation Flesh/ Red ppt -
Group ( Y ) conc. HNO3
Specific test for *Pb(Ac)2 Degradation &
Lead- Acetate Test Black ppt (lead sulfite) -
Sulfuhydril Group (M,C ) NaOH Substitution
*Heavy Metal = non-environmental element (color reaction is not done)
Color Reaction Test Intact Proteins Acid Hydrolyzate Base/Alkaline Hydrolyzate
Biuret Test YES NO NO
Ninhydrin Test NO YES YES
Xanthoproetic Test YES YES YES
Hopkins-Cole Test YES NO YES
Sakaguchi Test YES YES NO
Millons Test YES YES YES
Lead- Acetate Test YES YES YES
1 2 3 4 5 6
mL stock solution 0 2 4 6 8 9
mL H2O 10 8 6 4 2 1
mL dye 5 5 5 5 5 5
concentration (g/mL) = x 0 40 80 120 160 180
A595 = y 0.0 0.1296 0.1259 0.3321 0.4611 0.4913
C2 = C1V1 V2
Where: C2 = 40 (x)
Equation of the line: y= mx + b
C1 = 200 (standard stock solution)
A = b = 6.07 x 10-3
V1 = 2 (mL stock solution)
B = m = 2.76 x 10-3
V2 = 10 (constant = sum of stock soln & H2O)
y = 0.1563 (given)
HOW TO: 0.1563 = 2.76 x 10-3 (x) + 6.07 x 10-3
0.1563 - 6.07 x 10-3 = 2.76 x 10-3 (x)
1. Mode - Stat - 2(A+Bx) - Input Data for X (conc) & Y
x = (0.1563 - 6.07 x 10-3) / 2.76 x 10-3
x = 54.51 g/mL (1000) = 0.05451 mg/mL
2. Shift - Stat - 5(Reg) - for A/b & B/m value
B. Disaccharides Glycogen
o composed of two monosaccharide units joined together by - similar in structure to amylopectin.
glycosidic bonds - stored mainly in the liver and in muscle cells
o can undergo hydrolysis - when glucose is needed for energy, glucose units are
Name Structure Description hydrolyzed from the ends of the glycogen polymer
Lactose Glu + Gal ; Milk Sugar - due to glycogens highly branched structure, there are many
; GB: -(1 -> 4) ends available for hydrolysis
C. Polysaccharides General Test
o composed of three or more monosaccharide units joined 1. Molisch Test - all 3 polysaccharides
together by glycosidic bonds 2. Anthrone Test - all 3 polysaccharides
o can be classified as: 3. Iodine Test - only glycogen & amylose
- consists of one type of monosaccharide Specific Test
Heteropolysaccharides I. Based on Furfural Formation
- consists of more than one type of mono. Seliwanoffs Test - for ketohexoses (FRU & SUC)
o can also undergo hydrolysis Bials Orcinol test - for pentoses (Xyloses)
II. Based on Oxidation of Sugars
Name Description Mucic Test - for GAL & LAC
Amylose linear; composed of Glu residue; found in III. Based on Reducing Property of Sugar
starch; GB: -(1 -> 4) - Makes use of the Oxidizing Agent to test the reducing property of
Cellulose unbranched; composed of Glu units; found in the carbohydrate
cell wall; GB: -(1 -> 4) - Ability of the carbohydrate to reduce metal ions like Ag+ or Cu2+
Glycogen branched; composed of Glu units; storage in alkaline medium
polysaccharide in animals; GB: -(1 -> 4) & Benedicts Test - for R.S. only (negative for SUC)
-(1 -> 6) Barfoeds Test - for Mono (negative for Disacc)
- group of structurally diverse biomolecules which are soluble in - Typed of Lipids:
organic solvent and insoluble in water Fatty acid Containing
- are not defined by a particular function groups, unlike proteins and = Waxes, Triacylglycerols, Glycerophos, Eicosanoids
carbohydrates, thus they have a variety of structures & functions Non-fatty acid lipids = Steroids
- Water insolubility due to many nonpolar C-C and C-H bonds as tails
(hydrophobic) and few polar bonds as heads (hydrophilic) FATTY ACIDS
- hydrolyzable lipids are derived from these acids
- Functions of Lipids includes the following: - are carboxylic acids (RCOOH) with long aliphatic carbon chains
Biological Membranes of 12-20 atoms
- Amphipathic Lipids = glycerophos, sphingo & cholesterol - maybe saturated or unsaturated (cis & trans)
Energy Storage = triacylglycerol - if unsaturated, can exist either monounsaturated (kink) or
Thermal Insulation & Padding polyunsaturated (essential = omega f.a.), these include:
Protective Covering = waxes Linoleic acid = omega-6
Hormones Linolenic acid = omega-3
- Polyunsaturated f.a. are needed in human diet and cannot be
- can be categorized as: synthesized by the body
- saturated = higher MP; lower BP
1. Hydrolyzable Lipids - more double bonds (unsaturated) = lower MP; higher BP
- can be converted into smaller molecules by Hydrolysis - longer chains/tail = higher MP
- includes the following: - double bonds in unsaturated f.a. are not conjugated
(1) Waxes = f.a. + long chain glycerol
(2) Triacylglycerols = 3 f.a. + glycerol COMMON FATTY ACIDS
Fats - from animals; solid/semisolid F.A. C:D.B (*) F.A C:D.B. (*)
Oils - from plants; liquid Lauric a. 12:0 -Linolenic a. 18:3 (6,9,12)
(3) Phospholipids = 2 f.a. + glycerol + phosphate Myristic a. 14:0 Arachidic a. 20:0
Palmitic a. 16:0 Gadoleic a. 20:1 (9)
2. Non-hydrolyzable Lipids Palmitoleic a. 16:1 (9) Arachidoneic a. 20:4 (5,8,11,14)
- cannot be cleaved into smaller molecules by aqueous Stearic a. 18:0 EPA 20:5 (5,8,11,14,17)
hydrolysis Oleic a. 18:1 (9) Behenic a. 22:0
- includes the following: Vaccenic a. 18:1 (11) DHA 22:6(4,7,10,13,16,19)
(1) Steroids = rings with 17C molecules Linoleic a. 18:2 (9,12) Lignoceric 24:0
(2) Fat-soluble Vitamins = Vit A, D, E, K -Linolenic a. 18:3 (9,12,15)
(3) Eicosanoids = from arachidonic acid (*) - position of double bond
A. Grease-Spot Test
SV = AV + EV
- lipids, in general, have high MP & non-volatile
- Due to chemical bonds within different liquids = boils at
different temperature. C. Acrolein Test
- Oil have stronger bonds which include non-covalent - upon the sample heating with potassium bisulfate
interactions such as (dehydration), it would yield acrolein (unsaturated aldehyde)
Van der Waals forces = hydrophobic tails - further heating would result to polymerization of acrolein
Hydrogen bonding = hydrophilic heads with H2O = blackening of the reaction mixture
- Having these stronger bonds, it takes more heat to break them - test positive for phophoglycerin
apart resulting to a higher boiling point - both the pungent smell & black color indicate the presence of
B. Saponification Test
- hydrolysis by hot alkali (3M NaOH) D. Unsaturation Test
- formation of f.a. salts = soaps - measured quantitatively in terms of the # of gram of I2
absorbed under specific condition
1. Saponification Number
= mg of KOH/NaOH needed to saponify/hydrolyze 1g of fat or oil o Iodine/Bromine Value
= also called Koettstorfer number = # of g of the halogen taken up by 100 g of fat
= gives indication of the nature of f.a. of the sample = indicates the degree of unsaturation of sample
*(the longer the C chain, the less acid is liberated per g of fat = the halogen add up to eh double bond of the lipid
hydrolyzed) = the higher # of halogen consumed, the higher # of DBs present
= inversely proportional to the MW of the molecule present = same rxn but different reactivity between the halogens
2. Acid Value (Acidity Index) - Br & I numbers cannot be compared/converted to the other
= mg of KOH/NaOH needed to neutralize the free f.a. in 1g of fat - Br is more reactive than I
= rancidity of fats is due to bacterial action
= high AV may be due to decomposition of f.a. during preparation, OIL SAPONIFICATION NUMBER
storage or purification Rapeseed/Canola Oil 170-179
= an index of the oil purity Olive Oil 185-196
Corn Oil 188-193
*(total amount of unbound f.a. are considered inversely
Palm Oil 196-205
proportional to the degree of edibility of a lipid)*
Coconut Oil 246-260
= proportional to rancidity
3. Ester Value
= mg of KOH/NaOH needed to saponify the ester of fat or oil
= indicates the adulteration of samples using paraffin or any
Sample AV SN IN EV
A 9 215 68 206 Best Keeping Quality: Iodine Number
B 90 250 46 160 Lowest MW: SN of B
C 50 190 96 140 Least Susceptible to Oxidation: IN of B
Greatest # of Ester bonds: EV of A
SV = AV + EV Least tendency to melt at room temp: IN of C
Least tendency to become rancid: AV o
Experiment 7: Isolation & Characterization of Complex Lipids ISOLATION OF LIPIDS FROM CALF BRAIN
Simple Lipids
- esters of f.a. with OH
- include fats, oil and waxes
Complex Lipids
- esters of f.a. containing groups in addition to an OH & a
- include glycolipids like cerebroside and phospholipids
= ceramide + monosaccharide (D-glu or D-gal)
= can occur as glucocerebroside or galacerebroside
* Accomplished by successive extraction with various elements
o Acetone
= contain phosphoric acid (H3PO4)
- provides a mild but rapid method of dehyrdrating tissue
= include (1) Lecithin, (2) Cephalin, (3) Phosphatidyl
- as H2O content decreases, it extracts fats, sterols, & other lipids
Serine & (4) Sphingomyelin
- complex lipids are relatively insoluble in it, thus it is extracted
with other solvents
Phosphorylated Lipids (PL)
- easy to remove by evaporation after being used as a solvent
- have polar & nonpolar groups (amphipathic)
- separates the phosphorylated lipids from non-phosphorylated
- contain phosphoester groups
lipids (NPL)
- lipids that contain other groups of atom other than C,H,O
- NPL (e.g. sterols) will dissolve in acetone because they are both
highly nonpolar molecules
= phosphatides of choline
= glycerophospholipid
Salkowski YES NO NO
Non-phosphorylated Lipids (NPL) Krauts NO YES YES
- no other constituents other than C,H,O Ninhydrin NO YES YES
TRIGLYCERIDES (Fats & Oils) Phosphate NO YES YES
= 3 f.a. esterified to glycerol Molisch NO NO YES
= neutral & non-polar Acrolein NO YES NO
- molecules that store info. for cellular growth & reproduction 2. Pentose Sugar
- include deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) & ribonucleic acid (RNA) - has C atoms numbered with primes to distinguish them
from the atoms in N.B.
- monomeric building blocks of Nucleic Acids - DNA is deoxyribose (no O atom on carbon 2)
- Nucleosides are nucleotides without phosphate
- Linkages include:
(1) -N-glycosidic bond = links N.B. to P.S.
(2) Phosphoester bond = links P.S. to phosphate
1 3. Phosphate
- gives nucleic acids its negative charge
- makes nucleic acid attracted to ANODE pole
- Nucleotides contain the following:
1. Nitrogenous Base NucleoSide NucleoTide
a) Pyrimidines - has a base linked by a - is a nucleoside that forms
- heterocyclic 6 membered aromatic ring glycosidic bond to C1 of a a phosphate ester with the
- include C & T for DNA and C & U for DNA sugar C5 OH group of a sugar
- named by changing the - named using the name of
the base ending to: the nucleoside +
-idine for pyrimidines 5-monophosphate
-osine for purines
b) Purines
- 2 heterocyclic fused aromatics
- include A & G for both DNA and RNA
Homogenizing Solutions
1. Sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS)
- anionic detergent which disrupt ionic interactions between
proteins that holds membranes together
- breaks down nuclear and cell membrane
2. NaCl Solution (Saline Soln)
- increases the solubility and stability of DNA
- provides sodium ions that neutralize the negative charge of
the DNA backbone (phosphates)
3. Sodium citrate
- inactivate DNAse by trapping Mg2+and Ca2+which acts as
cofactor of the enzyme
4. Ethylenediaminetetraacetic (EDTA)
RNA DNA - binds divalent metal ions (Cd2+,Mg2+, Mn2+ that could form
Sugar Ribose Deoxyribose salt with anionic PO43-group of DNA
N.B. A,U,G,C A,T,G,C
Strand(s) Single Double II. Deproteinization
Function transfer & expression of storage of genetic - purify the homogenate by removing proteins that are
genetic information information associated with cells & DNA molecules
- dissociation of protein-DNA complex by denaturation
Experiment 8: Isolation and Characterization of DNA from - Papain
Allium cepa (Onion) = degrades DNAases, RNAases, and proteins
Why White Onion? = proteolytic enzyme that denatures the proteins attached to
- Onion = low starch content allows DNA to be seen clearer DNA making it flexible & easy to spool
- White = longer strands of DNA compared to red onions - Why transfer the flask immediately into an ice bath?
I. Homogenization = slows down DNA breakdown
- breaking up of onion tissues to separate & open cells = at room temp, DNA begins to denature by Dnases action
- release of DNA in soluble form by destruction of cell - Why is the onion tissue mixed in a blender for 45 sec
membranes and membranes of subcellular particles (nuclei) only?
- Involves heating and blending the onion tissues in order to = to allow DNA release with homogenization media and
break down the cell breaks down cell wall and membrane
- Heating at 60C softens the phospholipid in the cell = exceeding to 45 sec exposes the DNA to shear forces that
membrane and denatures DNAse (higher temp = thermal rapidly break the DNA into shorter lengths
Experiment 9: Urinalysis
Initial Examination of Urine Samples
- by-product secreted by kidney after removing soluble waste 1. Color
products from the body - color comes primarily from the presence of Urobilin
- reflects the work of kidneys to maintain homeostasis - Urobilin = final waste product resulting from the
- transported by the ureter to the urinary bladder & voided breakdown of heme from hemoglobin during the
through urethra destruction of blood cells
- Urinalysis, used since the time of Hippocrates (the father of - Normal: Clear Yellow to Yellow Orange
medicine), detects abnormally high amount of normal & Hematuria blood in urine
pathologic constituents which indicates a disorder or Melanuria black or dark urine caused by
malfunctioning metabolic reaction melanoma
- Urine Composition includes: Porphyria reddish or brown
o 95% Water and other constituents (Sulfate, Phosphate, Jaundice or Gilberts Syndrome dark orange or
Chloride, Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium, Sodium, dark colored
Ammonia, Creatinine, Uric Acid)