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6.728 Applied Quantum and Statistical Physics

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728 Applied Quantum and Statistical Physics:

Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science

Massachusetts Institute of Technology


Problem Set Out: 9/13/06 Problem Set Due: 9/20/06 at the beginning of class

Chapters 46 of the text.


Problem 2.1 Electron Double Slit Experiment

Read Demonstration of single-electron buildup of an interference pattern, by A. Tomo
mura et al., Am. J. Phys. 57, pp. 117120. Go to the MITs Library web page, search
the electronic journals for the American Journal of Physics and nd the article. You are
not expected to understand all the details of the experiment. The two silts are two sides
of a biprism which gives dierent phases to electrons which pass on dierent sides of the
biprism; this is much like the two slits which provide a phase dierence due to their spa
tial separation. Read carefully the Introduction, the Figures and the last 5 paragraphs of
Section III which describe the experimental results.

(a) In the introduction the authors quote textbooks which state that the standard two-slit
experiment can not be done because the scale of the experiment would be on too small of
a scale. For electrons which are excited across a voltage of 50 400 volts, calculate the
range of the de Broglie wavelengths, and use this fact to comment on the authors comment.

(b) Historically, however, it was for electrons which the rst interference was observed for
matter waves. See C. Davison and H. H. Germer, Physical Review 30, 705, 1927. Read
the rst three pages, and especially note the rst sentence of the text. How does their
experiment overcome the issue raised in part a?

(c) Conrm the formula in Davison and Germer for the de Broglie wavelength on page 20
(see also Table 1 on page 18). Comment (or guess) why this formula diers from Equation 7
of Tonomura et al. ?

(d) Tonomura et al. state near the end of Section IV that: These results unambiguously
demonstrate the wave-particle duality of electrons...We must conclude that a certain posi
tion on the screen is selected, onto which the electron collapses. How does the electron
select where to collapse?

(e) Is the statement in part d really an unambiguous demonstration? Comment on the

following analogy which is paraphrased from Section 2.1 of The Quantum Challenge by G.
Greenstein and A. G. Zajonc, p. 24. Assume that the electron is only a wave. Discrete

detection events do not necessarily imply discrete impact events. Looking out a window
on a crisp day in the late fall, one sees the painted leaves of a maple [tree] shower to earth
following a gust of wind. Single leaves fall, one by one but how shall we imagine the
wind that caused them to fall? Is the wind a hail of bullets that picks o leaves the way
bullets pick o tin cans? Or shall we think of the wind as a continuous, undulating uid
that rocks the leaves until their stems snap? (Note that the same criticism applies to the
observation of light by photodectectors and to the photoelectric eect.)
Parts d and e have introduced you to Measurement Problem in Quantum Mechanics.

Problem 2.2 Use Matlab to solve this problem, and consult the Eigenfunction expansion
tutorial on the Web page. The work that is done in this problem will serve as the basis for
many future problems.
Consider the gaussian wave packet from Problem 1.3,
1 2 /(2L2 )
(x) = ex
L which is evaluated on the
(a) As in Problem 1.3, in Matlab dene a column vector
interval 20nm x 20nm with increments of x = 0.2nm. Let L=0.5 nm, 1 nm, and 2

(b) As described in the tutorial, compute and plot the amplitude functions (expansion
coecients) |AL (q)|2 over an appropriate range. (Note do not use the Matlab command
fft because we will be generalizing this approach in future problem sets.)
2 dq
(c) Show that |AL (x)| 2 = 1 by numerically calculating for each L
AL (qi )AL (qi ) = 1.
and compare your answer to the numerical expression
1/4 2 L2 /2
A(q) = 4L2 eq
by plotting this on the same graph as your numerical result.

(d) For each L numerically compute x, and for AL numerically compute q. Show
that x q 1. Recall that the normalization of A(q) means also that q 2 =
2 dq
q |AL (x)| 2 .

Problem 2.3 Let A, B, and C be operators.

(a) Show that
[A, BC] = [A, B] C + B [A, C]
(b) Let p and x be operators satisfying [x, p] = ih and let the Hamiltonian be
p2 1
H= + kx2
2m 2
Use the commutation relations and part a to nd
d d
x and p
dt dt

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