Swift Standards Faq Gpi Sr2017
Swift Standards Faq Gpi Sr2017
Swift Standards Faq Gpi Sr2017
4 April 2017
Table of Contents
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Purpose of the document
This document describes Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the SR 2017 impact of
changes linked to SWIFT gpi on Market Infrastructures and financial institutions (gpi and non-
gpi banks).
Intended Audience
This document is for the following audience:
Technical implementers of the Standards MT messages
Operational users of the Standards MT messages
All other interested SWIFT users
Related documentation
Standards MT Release 2017 timeline
Standards MT Release Guide 2017:
Standards Release Guide
FIN System Messages Advance Information
FIN Operations Guide Advance Information
Extended Use of SWIFT gpi Fields 111 and 121
SWIFT gpi: www.swift.com/gpi
Recording of webinars: https://www.swift.com/standards/standards-
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1. What is SWIFT gpi?
SWIFT gpi is a robust response to evolving bank and corporate needs for enhanced customer service and
operational efficiency. It delivers an enhanced value proposition for correspondent banking by addressing
key challenges the industry faces. To achieve this, gpi banks agree to respect service-specific business rules
and technical requirements captured in a rulebook.
Live in a SWIFT gpi CUG (Closed User Group) since February 2017, SWIFT gpi focuses on business-to-
business payments, in a first phase. Designed to help corporates grow their international business, improve
supplier relationships, and achieve greater treasury efficiencies, the service enables corporates to
experience an enhanced payments service directly from their banks.
To receive more information on the benefits of joining gpi directly, please contact us on
swiftforBanks@swift.com or visit www.swift.com/gpi.
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2. Background info about SWIFT gpi-related fields
The SWIFT gpi service relies on the correct usage of the MT 103, MT 103 STP and MT 103 REMIT.
Additionally, to flag a payment as a gpi payment, two new fields have been introduced in the User Header
(Block 3):
Field 121: contains the Unique End-to-End Transaction Reference (UETR)
Field 111: contains the gpi Service Type Identifier
These fields must be included in the User Header (Block 3) of the FIN MT exchanged in the framework of
SWIFT gpi.
More information on the FIN Header Block 3 and details of field 111 and 121 are available in the Operations
Guide on swift.com.
The UETR used in SWIFT gpi messages is based on a well-known and mature mechanism for generating
such an identifier: the Universally Unique Identifier (UUID), sometimes also known as Globally Unique
Identifier (GUID), compliant with IETF standard RFC 4211 using version 4 of the generation algorithm.
The format consists of 36!x composed of 32 hexadecimal characters, displayed in 5 groups separated by
x = any hexadecimal character (lower case only); y is one of 8, 9, a or b.
The UUID is designed to be globally unique, without risk of repetition over time.
The UETR is included in field 121 in the User Header (Block 3 of a SWIFT MT).
The UETR is generated by the gpi instructing bank (the first gpi bank in the payment chain) when initiating a
payment and communicated together with the gpi Service type Identifier (field 111) in the User Header
The number itself is not validated. Additional numbers may be used in the future for other gpi service types.
The Service Type Identifier must always be accompanied by the UETR (field 121) in the User Header.
2.4 Who will use the UETR and Service Type identifier?
The unique gpi end-to-end transaction reference (UETR) is generated by the gpi instructing bank (the first
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gpi bank in the payment chain) when initiating a payment and communicated together with the gpi service
type identifier in the User Header of the payment MT.
These fields are transported throughout the gpi end-to-end payments lifecycle:
Field 111 and field 121 must both be present or both absent (error code U12)
As of SR 2017, gpi banks will be able to send these two new fields to non-gpi banks as well. Non-gpi banks
will not be allowed to create or forward these 2 fields:
Use of field tags 111 and 121 is restricted to the gpi Closed User Group (error code G27)
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3. SWIFT gpi-related changes in SR 2017 for
3.1 What are the SWIFT gpi-related changes in SR 2017 for banks?
gpi-related data in MT 103/MT 103 STP/MT 103 REMIT
Since SR 2016, gpi banks can already exchange gpi payments with field 111 and 121 in the User Header, in
the gpi Closed User Group (CUG).
The change request for SR 2017 was given the number CR001265 and requested non-gpi MT 103 message
receivers to be able to receive the field 111 and field 121 in the User Header.
The submitter was the gpi community, sponsored by US NMG. The main aim was to enhance the end-to-end
tracking of payments when non gpi banks are involved in the payment (also 1 leg outside the gpi CUG) and
facilitate payments input by allowing gpi banks to put the extra fields in all MTs 103 they send, irrespective of
the receiver being a gpi bank or a non-gpi bank.
3.2 As a non-gpi bank, can I forward gpi fields to the next party in the
transaction chain?
For SR 2017, non-gpi banks cannot forward the gpi-related fields in the header of the MT 103.
It was agreed that non-gpi banks must be able to receive the gpi data in the User Header only, no
processing or forwarding requirements.
Should this become a requirement in the future, a change request will need to be raised, which will be
handled as part of a (future) normal standards release process.
In case a non-gpi bank sends the gpi data in the User Header, it will receive a NAK (error code G27).
3.4 How can I test that I am able to receive the gpi-related data in the
MT 103?
For banks wanting to test the new fields, SWIFTs Test and Training system will be available as of 23 July
2017. FIN has a repository of sample messages known as the tank file. A Test and Training user can request
FIN to generate and output a sample of FIN current or future user-to-user Test and Training messages.
SWIFT will add MT 103 sample messages which contain the new gpi data to the tank file. You can request
these MT messages by sending an MT 073 Message Sample Request.
More information is available in the FIN Service Description.
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3.5 What about the MT 202 COV?
In SR 2017, non-gpi banks only have to be able to receive the UETR and service type identifier in the MT
103, MT 103 STP and MT 103 REMIT.
SWIFT gpi banks are already sending and receiving MT 103s with gpi-fields in the User Header in the gpi
As part of the evolving gpi service portfolio, gpi banks may start exchanging other payment messages in the
gpi CUG, such as the MT 202 COV This will allow tracking of MT 202 cover flows (related to the MT 103)
and notifying the cover parties in case of settlement issues, missing or non-compliant cover.
As gpi banks will exchange MT 202 COV in the gpi CUG, the implementation can be done outside of the
Standards Release process.
These evolving requirements may result in future change requests that could impact non-gpi banks. Change
requests will be handled through the normal Standards Release process.
Today, in order to benefit from the gpi service, corporates need to agree with their banks to initiate gpi
payments for specific flows and currencies; this will be covered by the T&Cs agreed with each bank.
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{2: O0961409021011DYLPXXXXXXXX24442365571409021111S}
{3:{ABC}{108: MUR OF MT 096}
{1:F01SNDRGB22AXXX3461486137} {2:I103RCVRGB2LAXXX U}
{4: :20:TRANSFER
{5: {CHK:81EC89D79E80}}
The MT 096 will contain a copy of the original message for all MTs incorporated by the parameters of the
specific FINInform service If the gpi service expands to other MT messages (for example MT 202 COV
outside the standards release cycle), there will also be an impact on the MT 096 copying the MT 202 COV
when both the sender and the receiver are gpi banks, as the MT 096 is payment message agnostic.
3.10 As a non-gpi Bank, how will the gpi Tracker use my data?
By enabling non-gpi banks to receive gpi data in payments, the gpi tracker will be able to increase the reach
of the transaction status made available through the tracker and confirm the reception of a gpi payment to
the previous agents in the transaction chain. Information that will be available in the tracker:
The senders reference (field 20) of the message that was sent to the non-gpi bank
The date and time when the non-gpi bank received the message (based on the UAK (User
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4. SWIFT gpi-related changes in SR 2017 Impact
on Payments Market Infrastructures (PMI)
As part of SR 2017, SWIFT will resume its copy-as-usual functionality, which means that MIs using
FINCopy, will receive the gpi fields in the MT 096 as part of the User header block of the copied
As gpi banks may start exchanging other payment messages (such as the MT 202COV) in the near future
within the gpi Closed User Group (CUG), Market infrastructures should be aware that, if gpi banks exchange
these payment messages containing the gpi fields in the User Header, these fields will also be copied to the
MT 096.
The MT 096 is payment message agnostic; it does not distinguish between a copy of eg MT 103 or MT
As of SR 2017, FINInform users will receive the gpi data as part of the FINCopy to Server Destination
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Message (MT 096) linked to the original credit transfer.
FINInform also uses the MT 096 to copy the payment message. The same impact as described above
4.5 How will a PMI using SWIFT in V-shape mode support gpi
For V-shaped payment Market Infrastructures using standard FIN messaging, the same changes as for
non-gpi banks will apply. These changes are documented in section 3 of this document.
As of SR 2017, gpi banks can send payments with gpi data to these Payment Market Infrastructures (PMI).
These PMIs need to be able to receive the gpi fields included in the User Header of the MT 103, MT 103
STP and MT 103 Remit.
Market Infrastructures operating in V-shape mode, cannot yet forward the gpi fields in the User Header of
the onward MT 103. SWIFT is currently investigating how these Payment Market Infrastructures could
potentially forward the gpi data to gpi and non-gpi banks.
If you are a Market Infrastructure using SWIFT in a V-shaped mode and interested in supporting gpi
payments, please contact us on swiftforBanks@swift.com.
For details regarding the new gpi fields, see section 2 in this document.
FINInform also uses the MT 096 to copy the payment message. The same impact as described in question
4.1 applies.
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In addition, SWIFT is actively engaging with key Payment Market Infrastructures worldwide to further extend
the gpi experience and ensure global interoperability between domestic and cross-border payments
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change from time to time. You must always refer to the latest available version.
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