Chapter 3
Chapter 3
Chapter 3
1. Visit the Websites of four external audit organizations: two private and two
government sites. Provide a summary of who they are and their roles, function
and responsibilities.
Some managers assume external audit firms will create their financial
statements, when that actually is the job of company managers. External audit firms are
responsible for providing reasonable assurance that the financial statements are free
from material misstatements and prepared according to an accounting framework.
External auditors are not there to fix the problems, although many will issue
recommendations to management. External audit firms also are not responsible for
providing absolute assurance of perfect financial statements; they only test enough data
to provide reasonable assurance.
External auditors base a huge portion of their opinion on the evidence they
examine during the audit. To ensure they've collected the sufficient amount of evidence,
auditors should rate the riskiness of the client. The higher risk the client is, the more
evidence they should collect before issuing an opinion. The quality of the evidence is
also crucial. Some evidence must be obtained from reliable third-party sources, such as
banks and lenders, to corroborate the client's financial information.
Ensures Compliance
Provides Credibility
Internal auditors may be too close to the business because of their positions
within the company. Some internal auditors also don't have enough accounting
experience to accurately audit their company's financial statements. External auditors
can look at the same factors as internal auditors and double-check their work. They can
also train internal auditors in accounting principles by explaining how their analysis
differs from the analysis the internal auditor performed.
2. Visit the websites of two internal audit organizations: two private and two
government sites.
The certified financial analyst designation is meant to train you and prepare you for a
career in the finance and investment world. It helps train people to think analytically
about finance, investing, and how businesses operate. This makes CFAs great
controllers and CFOs.This is a good certification for you if you are looking to get into the
world of finance and investing. If you want to do tax preparation or auditing, this isnt the
certification for you. Youd be better off with a CPA.
The certified internal auditor designation is strictly for compliance officers and auditors.
CIAs typically work for large companies performing audit procedures and helping
independent auditors do their jobs.