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GSX Manual

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FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 1

Version 1.9.10 Credits

December 2016 Programming - Couatl Engine Alberto Barbati / Gamecentric
Design Umberto Colapicchioni/Alberto Barbati
for Microsoft Flight Simulator X
Texturing Francesco Pacchioni
3D Modeling FsDreamteam
Product Developed and Published by: VIRTUALI Sagl. http://www.fsdreamteam.com
Additional Programming Massimiliano Rossi
Copyright 2012-2014 VIRTUALI Sagl. All rights reserved. Microsoft, MS-DOS, Windows, Windows, Windows XP, Airport Customization Umberto Colapicchioni / Fabrizio Pascucci
Windows 2000 are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other
countries. All trademarks and brand names are trademarks or registered trademarks of the respective owners. Informa- Manual/Installer Umberto Colapicchioni / Virtuali Sagl.
tion in this document is subject to change without notice and does not represent a commitment on the part of VIRTUALI
Sagl. The software described in this document is furnished under a license agreement. It is against the law to copy the
software on any medium except as specifically allowed in the license agreement. The manual, documentation, video im- Testers:
ages, software, and all the related materials are copyrighted and can not be copied, photocopied, translated or reduced
to any electronic medium or machine legible form, neither completely nor in part, without the previous written consent of
ANY DRAWBACK THAT SHOULD ARISE, USING THIS SOFTWARE. anappy, Ingo Voigt, Robert Shelley, Ph.D., 9Y-POS, pride545, meshman,
Stefan Rakel, NGX_Winglet, eastern
Couatl engine is based on the Python programming language, Copyright (c) 2001-2008 Python Software Foundation and
includes code from the wxWindows Library, Copyright (c) 1998-2005 Julian Smart, Robert Roebling et al.
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 2

System Requirements
In order to run GSX without any problems your system will have to meet the following minimum requirements:

Pentium 2.5 Ghz or faster - A Dual Core CPU is recommended.

200 MB free space on your hard disk
3D video card with at least 512 MB
Microsoft FSX + SP2 or Acceleration Pack or Lockheed Martin Prepar3D 1.4 or 2.0 and above.
Microsoft Windows XP with SP3 or Windows Vista or Windows 7, both 32 bit and 64 bit versions are supported.
Adobe Acrobat Reader 8 or later version, available as a free download at: http://www.adobe.com/products/acrobat/readstep2.html

Technical Support
Support for this product is provided on the forum: http://www.fsdreamteam.com/forum

We have found that the most efficient way to provide customer assistance is through the forum, because a solution to an issue posted in public could benefit many users at
time. For this reason, all questions should be posted on the forum. Please DO NOT send messages via email requesting question about use of the product or submit bugs. You
should email support only in case you need a reactivation. The forum is also open for general discussions so feel free to post any request, suggestion or comment. You can
read all messages on the forum; however you must register as a user to post messages.

We suggest you install our products on fully updated Operating Systems. If you are experiencing problems during the installation or the activation, ensure you have all the
Windows hot fixes and updates before contacting Technical Support.

Information related to the product activation are included in the file fsdt_Install_Guide.pdf found in the destination folder of this product, after installation. Please read
it carefully before contacting Technical Support and in case you have to contact VIRTUALI please provide the following information: order number for online versions, serial
number and full name/address for CD versions.

Installation is entirely automatic. The installer will detect your Flight Simulator installation folder automatically, and will copy the files at the correct locations without any user
intervention needed. The Addon Manager module, needed in order to be able to use and Buy the product, will be installed as a submenu under the Addons menu in FSX. If
you already have this module coming with other products, the installer will automatically check its version, and will always install the newer one. In case you find any incom-
patibility between other product using the Addon Manager, please ensure you are using updated versions of these products.
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 3

After Install - the Addon Manager module After Install - the Couatl Engine module
When you launch Flight Simulator for the first time in FSX, there will be a request to GSX includes a new external executable module, based on the Python programming
trust a newly installed module, the Addon Manager, needed by the scenery to work. language, that will allow a great amount of interaction between the user and FSX.
There will be two dialog boxes, one generated by Windows, the other by FSX itself. This module is called Couatl Engine. The name comes from the ancient Quetzalcoatl
Aztec god, which is a creature half serpent, half bird. Basically, a Flying Snake, which
The Windows-generated dialog box looks like this: ( or slightly differently, depending we find it quite fitting for a Python engine running in a Flight Simulator...Couatl engine
on your Windows language ) will be used in all our present and future products.

To use these new features, you need to allow the Couatl engine to run, in a similar
way as the Addon Manager.

First, the Windows trust request:

Indicating the module Addon Manager for FSX is Digitally signed by VIRTUALI s.a.s.,
so its safe to assume is the original one and it hasnt been tampered or corrupted. You
should allow Windows to execute the module, otherwise the scenery will not run. If
you click the More Options arrows, you can allow any software signed by VIRTUALI
s.a.s to be automatically trusted. This way, subsequent updates coming from VIRTUALI You should allow Windows to execute the module, otherwise the additional interactive
will be automatically executed without requesting confirmation. scenery features will not run.

After having allowed Windows to trust the module, another similar dialog, this time Then, the FSX trust confirmation:
coming from FSX will appear:

You should select Yes to allow FSX to trust this module. If you select No, the module
You should select Yes to allow FSX to trust this module. If you select No, the module will run, but this request will be repeated each time you start FSX
will run, but this request will be repeated each time you start FSX
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 4

Trial Option Purchase, Activation and Reinstallation

This product includes a Trial option: after the download and the installation, before If you have decided to purchase the product you can do so from Flight Simulator.
the purchase, the scenery will work on your PC in several TRIAL AIRPORTS. The trial Follow the instructions in the fsdt_Install_Guide.pdf document located in the \
version is not time limited and includes all product features so you have the opportunity FsDreamTeam folder, under your main FSX folder, after installing the Trial. This docu-
to completely try it before the purchase. The Trial version also works IN FULL on ALL ments is shared between all our products, and it covers everything related to purchase,
the existing FsDreamTeam and Flightbeam airports, and GSX replaces and enhances activation, reinstallation and troubleshooting.
the previous ParkMe feature which was offered on those airports.
Very briefly, activation its done this way:
Purchasing GSX will allow you to use it on every FSX airport both default or 3rd party.
Open the Addon Manager menu inside FSX, under the Addons menu
Trial Areas Select Fsdreamteam and GSX in the two small text windows
Click the Register Serial button
The Trial areas, were the product will work fully are as follows: Type your Serial Number, as indicated in your purchase receipt
Let it activate, with a working internet connection
Milano Linate - LIML - Italy
San Francisco - KSFO - USA - from FlightBeam
Munich - EDDM - Germany - default or Aerosofts

If you are outside of one of the Trial Areas when the product is in Trial mode, this menu
will appear, allowing to jump directly to one of the Trial Areas to test the product.

GSX features will not be available on non-FSDT airports outside the Trial areas, until
the product is purchased.
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 5

What is GSX ? How it works

GSX stands for Ground Services for FSX. Its a product designed to enhance all your After Landing - Parking spot Selection
airports to add realistic ground service features, with advanced animations and sounds.
It works with all FSDT airports replacing the previous ParkMe feature, but also on all You normally call GSX after landing the airplane on any airport, by pressing its Hot key.
default FSX airports, and on 3rd party airports too. Its enough for an airport to be By default, the Hot key assigned to GSX is CTRL+F12, but it can be reassigned using
provided with standard airport data .BGL (also known as an AFCAD file) to work with the Couatl Powered products menu inside FSX. The following screenshots shows
GSX, which means every FSX airport, even those that havent been designed yet, will how GSX will look like when just landed on an airport:
work with it with no need of a specific support.

What it does

GSX offers two main classes of services: Parking Services and Assistance Services.
Parking Services are used when your aircraft is on the ground on an airport, but is not
located in any parking spot and have the engines running. Assistance Services are used
when the aircraft is parked, with engines off and Parking Brake On.

Parking Services

Follow Me Car - To be used to find your way to the parking spot.

Marshallers - To help you park the airplane if theres no advanced parking aid avail-
able at that parking/gate
Docking Systems - The advanced parking aids that allows to park the airplane
without using a Marshaller, like SafeDock, Agnis, Agnis-Papa, Apis, Rlg, etc.

Assistance Services
Here GSX is asking where you want to park your airplane. This selection is completely
Tow trucks used for Push back
independent from the parking spot you might have been assigned to by the default
Passengers Stairs
ATC, you can select the same parking, or a different one, its your choice.
Passengers Bus
Catering Vehicle
To speed up the selection, all parking places are grouped by terminal or area, so the
Refueling Vehicle
list wont be several pages long on a large airport with 100+ parking stands. Youll be
Baggage Loaders
able to select the desired parking on the next screen:
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 6

This screen shows all the The following screen-

available parking spots shot shows an example
in the previously select- of how the list looks like
ed area/terminal group. when there are many
If you made a mistake AI airplanes at the air-
and want to redo your port. Its not possible
selection, pressing the to select an occupied
GSX Hot key (CTRL+F12 parking spot, if you do
by default) again will that, youll see a warn-
close the menu, allow- ing message about this.
ing to select a different

The list displays parking spot names with their associated service, as follows: Follow Me selection

If theres an advanced parking assistance, like a Docking system, the list will indicate
The next screen will al-
its type, which could be SafeDock, APIS, AGNIS, RLG, etc.
low you to decide if you
With no indications, the parking assistance is assumed to be a Marshaller.
would like a Follow Me
Car to guide you to the
The list will also display if the parking place is free or taken by another AI airplane, with
parking place. If you
a time indication in minutes:seconds before the parking place will be available (based
select Yes, a Follow Me
on the AI Traffic Schedule) or (available soon) if that AI is scheduled to depart in the
Car will arrive in a short
next minute.
time, and selecting No
will allow you to taxi
If the scheduled departure time for an AI has already passed, but the AI is still there,
normally on your own.
the list will indicate a delayed indication, so youll know that AI was supposed to
depart already, but its still there, so its reasonable to assume it should free the park-
ing spot very shortly.
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 7

Changing parking spot or service Confirmation of the Parking spot selection

Its possible to undo your choice of a parking spot after having selected it, just press After you select a parking spot, the top text display area will show a confirmation
the GSX Hot key again, if a parking spot has been already selected, the menu will look message, indicating your selected parking spot, what parking assistance is available,
like this: wether you asked for a Follow Me or not, and the Handler:

The handler depends on the airport, GSX knows of many different companies around
the world, and tries to match it as best as possible. This will affect the liveries of the
service vehicle that will appear at the parking place.

Depending if you asked for a Follow Me car or not, youll then see one of these two
messages, indicating the available parking assistance, which could be a type of Dock-
ing system or a Marshaller:

The three menu options are as follows:

Change parking facility - Displays the parking spot you just chose, allowing to
select a different one.
Request Follow Me - Allows to select a Follow Me if you decide you need one
after having selected the parking spot.
Revoke parking Services - Will cancel both the selected parking spot and the
Follow Me car, if you asked for one.
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 8

Follow Me Follow Me indications

Assuming you selected Yes to the previous request to activate a Follow Me car, after The lighted indicator of the Follow Me car can display the following messages:
the confirmation message, the Follow Me car will now depart from its assigned parking
spot to reach your current destination and then guide you to the selected parking place. This is the normal status the light will be when you
are following the car.
As a general rule in GSX, service vehicle dont just appear in front of you. Instead,
they are spawned in a suitable parking spot, which usually is the vehicle parking closest
to your location, and they drive all the way to your aircraft. This is valid both for the Slow down will be shown if you are taxiing too fast
Follow Me car, but also for other services like Catering trucks, Fuel trucks and Passenger compared to the Follow Me car speed.
bus. Other vehicles, like the Stairs, the Tow truck and the Baggage Loders are tied to
the destination parking, and are created there the moment you select the parking spot.
This means you were too slow and were left behind,
This means youll have to wait for the vehicles, which might take a couple of minutes if so the Follow Me has stopped to wait for you.
the airport is very large or with a complex taxiway layout. But its just all more realistic
this way.
STOP will flash when you are arrived at the des-
By default, service vehicles that comes from far away, will start from a parking of the tination parking spot, ready to be assisted by a
Vehicle kind, as defined in the scenery. If none is found, a parking of the Fuel kind Marshaller or a Docking system.
will be used, and if none is found, the vehicles will depart from a random parking.

Left or Right arrows will point the direction in which

the next turn on a taxiway will be.

Follow Me to Runway Start

Starting with version 1.9.5, the Follow Me car can be used also to be guided to a
Runway when taking-off, in addition of a parking after landing.

To use it, call the GSX menu when you are outside a parking spot, for example after
Pushback. The first entries in the menu with the list of available parkings will be the
Runway starting positions, which can be chosen as a destination for the Follow Me
As soon as the Follow Me car reaches your location, it will reverse its course and will car, or as a destination to the Just Warp me there feature.
turn on the Follow Me lighted indicator, prompting you to start follow it.
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 9

Arriving at the Parking spot Parking Assistance

When approaching at the desired parking spot, youll see the Assistance Service vehicles Marshallers
are already waiting from you there. The selected parking assistance system, either a
Marshaller or a Docking system is already active and programmed with your airplane In case the airport doesnt feature an advanced Docking system, the most common
type. The vehicles are in the livery of that airport Handler company. form of parking assistance is the Marshaller, and its the default choice for almost all
airports. Hell will guide you to the parking spot with standard gestures, to help align
In the following screenshots, theres a SafeDock3 system activated on the Gate: the airplane with it along both the lateral and longitudinal axes.
By default, the Marshaller will try to guide the airplane in the parking spot center posi-
tion, with the reference point of the airplane (the red cross you can see in the Top View)
placed in the center of the parking spot, as defined in the airport .BGL.

The following its a list of gestures supported by the Marshaller:

Signal Description

Raise right hand above head level with wand pointing up; move left-hand wand pointing down
toward body. Note: This signal provides an indication by a person positioned at the aircraft wing
tip, to the pilot/ marshaller/push-back operator, that the aircraft movement on/off a parking
position would be unobstructed.
Identify gate

Raise fully extended arms straight above head with wands pointing up.

Straight ahead

Bend extended arms at elbows and move wands up and down from chest height to head.

Turn left (from pilots point of view)

With right arm and wand extended at a 90-degree angle to body, make come ahead signal
with left hand. The rate of signal motion indicates to pilot the rate of aircraft turn.

Turn right(from pilots point of view)

With left arm and wand extended at a 90-degree angle to body, make come ahead signal
with right hand. The rate of signal motion indicates to pilot the rate of aircraft turn.
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 10

Signal Description
Normal stop

Fully extend arms and wands at a 90-degree angle to sides and slowly move to above head
until wands cross.
After the evaluation, the Marshaller will salute and will walk away from the parking
Emergency stop position. Now you can start calling the various Assistance Services that are available
Abruptly extend arms and wands to top of head, crossing wands. when parked.

Cut engines Operations at a Parking place.

Extend arm with wand forward of body at shoulder level; move hand and wand to top of left
shoulder and draw wand to top of right shoulder in a slicing motion across throat. When parked, with Engines Off and Parking Brakes On, you can call the following
Slow down

Move extended arms downwards in a patting gesture, moving wands up and down from
waist to knees.

The Marshaller will use these standard gestures to guide you to the parking position,
youll have to keep a steady and slow speed during the approach, the Marshaller will
issue a Slow Down command in case you exceed 5 knots.

During the final phase, in the Normal Stop gesture, the Marshallers arms will slowly
move above the head, proportionally to the distance left to park. As soon as you see
its wands crossing, stop the airplane immediately. If you went too far, youll see the
Emergency Stop gesture.

Once you reached the parking position, the Marshaller will signal to Cut Engines, and
youll have to set your Parking Brake and turn your engines off, which will conclude
the Marshalling operation.
The menu is arranged in the logical chronological order, considering a typical arrival
Parking Evaluation sequence, where passengers/luggage are first deboarded, then the catering and refuel-
ing vehicles are being called for the next flight, then new passengers/luggage will be
After you are parked with engines off and Parking Brakes on, youll get an evaluation boarded, and finally youll remove the various ground equipment and ask for Pushback.
of the parking accuracy, with an information text that will appear in the upper part of Starting from version 1.9.5, GSX will integrate with the SODE module, to operate
the screen. jetways created by it. This is supported both on some FSDT sceneries, and several 3rd
party sceneries featuring SODE jetways
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 11

Deboarding Time Deboarding

GSX will calculate Deboarding time by estimating the number of passengers on board, This operation is performed by two concurrent processes: Passengers and Baggages,
which equals to the sum of all the stations in the [weight_and_balance] section of each handled by their own set of ground equipment.
the aircraft.cfg of the airplane in use, divided by 220 lbs. which is an industry standard
method of calculating how much a single passenger + baggages weights, in average. Passengers can be deboarded either by Jetways (if the parking spot has them) or by
For example, the default 737 has 22,000 lbs. of stations load when full, which equals Stairs. On a scenery fully compliant with FSX, with jetways programmed and flagged as
to exactly 100 passengers. such in the airport .BGL, GSX recognizes the Jetway automatically, and this will affect
how passengers will deboard. All FSX default airports that have jetways and all the
Any operation that involves time, its scaled down by a factor by GSX, in order to FSDT airports (were you can use GSX for free) are made this way.
make the process less tedious. By default, boarding passengers takes 0.1 seconds per
passengers, with a minimum of 15 seconds. This means the default 737 will deboard Deboarding with Jetway
passengers in 15 seconds ( 0.1 x 100 would mean 10 seconds, but the minimum its
15 ), and the default 747, which has about 430 passengers when full, will deboard in If the parking spot has a Jetway, GSX will expect passengers to be deboarded through
43 seconds. You can customize these values to suit your preferences, see the Custom- that. However, when using airplanes with a passenger door at the far end of the air-
izing GSX paragraph for more info. plane left-hand side, a single staircase will also arrive to be connected to that door.

Operating the Airplane Doors

NOTE: You are supposed to operate the Jetway. GSX doesnt control, changes or add anything regarding the
Several operations in GSX are controlled by the status of the airplane doors, and the standard Jetway operations in FSX. A default airport or an airport that has proper FSX jetways will continue
to work in the same way even with GSX. If the scenery you use has other means to open Jetways (like using
vehicles will WAIT for you to open or close the door pertaining the operation performed. COM frequencies or other additional programs), you will continue to use that method to operate the Jetway,
When boarding or deboarding passengers, the behavior is different depending it the GSX wont interfere or interact with it.
parking spot has a Jetway or not, and if the airplane used has more than one passenger
exit that can be controlled independently. Deboarding without Jetways

If the parking spot has a Jetway, you will have to open the main passenger door for the If the parking spot is on the apron, or the scenery doesnt feature standard FSX Jet-
Deboarding to initiate (remember to activate the Jetway first!), but the door in the rear ways, GSX will use one or more Stairs to deboard passengers. There are different types
left were the additional staircase is placed, can be open at your discretion. A message available, chosen depending on the airplane doors height, and they are all available
followed by a short beep sound will warn you which doors are required to be open or in many liveries, representing many ground handlers and airlines around the world.
closed, before the operation can continue.

On the Apron, you are required to open all doors with a staircase, if your airplane can
control them independently. On such parking places, a Passenger Bus will also arrive, Animated Passengers
and it will wait to board passengers until you open the doors. When all the passenger One of the most requested features is being able to see individual animated passengers boarding and de-
are deboarded, a screen message will alert you of this. boarding from the airplane. GSX doesnt have this feature right now, but its surely something well consider
with future releases, if we could add it without sacrificing too much performances and still looking good.
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 12

Animated Jetways using SODE( Simobjects Display En-

gine )
GSX supports and integrates with the freeware module SODE (Simobjects Display En-
gine), made by Jeffrey Sthli. This method allows more flexibility and better animations
compared to the default jetway animation system. In order for GSX to be able to control
SODE jetways, the scenery must feature SODE jetways. Some of the latest sceneries
from FsDreamTeam, like Memphis and Houston, use this system, and there are several
3rd party airports that supports them too. If a scenery use SODE for jetways, GSX will The jetway selection menu will appear, asking to select the door the jetways should
make it easier to use, thank to its integration. connect to:

GSX Integration

SODE jetways are integrated with the normal GSX operations, from the Operate Jet-
ways menu, and there are several advantadges over using the normal SODE menu:

Theres no need to select the desided parking twice, once from GSX and another
time in SODE. The parking selected in GSX will automatically be used by SODE. NOTE: SODE supports multiple jetways that can connect to any airplane door, not just
SODE jetways will use the extensive airplane database that comes with GSX, so any the main one, like the default FSX system. However, its possible that, due to the airplane
changes/updates to it will be used by SODE, instead of having to rely on its own used, and your position, the jetway might not be able to connect to every door. Since
separate database. For the same reason, any changes to the airplane configuration SODE can check this in advance, GSX is able to filter out jetways that cannot connect.
in GSX, like editing the airplane doors, will be used by SODE automatically, when
called from GSX. After selecting which doors the jetways should connect to, confirm your choice with
The performances are optimized, since the scenery will normaly load only a static the Confirm selection menu option.
version of the jetway model, with no animations and optimized for fps. After a
jetway-equipped parking is selected in GSX, the SODE-animated jetway will replace
the static one in that parking only. This has a noticeable benefit on performances,
and the airport might feature a very large of animated jetways with almost no
impact on memory and fps.

SODE Jetways usage

Position the airplane on a jetway-equipped parking. Using the GSX menu, and the Warp
Me there feature, its easy to know which parkings have a jetway, because they will be In this example, we asked to connect the Jetway at Gate B3 to the door 2L, which is the
labeled with a /JS (standard FSX jetways will be labeled with /J) after the name. Then, 2nd Passenger door of for the default A321, as configured by GSX. As soon the choice
press the GSX Hotkey ( CTRL+Shift+F12, by default ) and select the desired operation. is confirmed, the jetway animation will start, and will connect to the selected door.
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 13

Deboarding Luggage conveyor belt will remain in position, since its likely you request a boarding in the near
future, so it will stay there waiting for next cart, which will arrive full from the terminal.
At the same you chose the Deboarding operation, deboarding of luggage has started,
using ground equipment that GSX places on the parking spot, such as baggage loaders With smaller GA airplanes, where no conveyor belt is used, the baggage train will just
with conveyor belts and trains formed by a tractor and a number of wagons (depending go close to the airplane, wait a bit, and will then go away, to simulate the process. The
on the number of passengers on board). same will happen if the airplane used has no cargo doors at all.

The number of wagons in the baggage train depends by the estimated number of passen-
gers on board, which is the total weight of all the loading stations, divided by 220 lbs. Request Catering service
The 2nd menu option can be used to call a Catering Service Vehicle. They usually at-
tach to the service doors on the right hand side of the airplane. Depending on the
airplane kind, vehicles in different sizes will arrive, and if the doors are low enough, as
in smaller and GA airplanes, instead of a truck with platform, a smaller mini van will
come close to the airplane.

If the airplane has a service door on the rear right, two Catering vehicles will appear.

Catering vehicles dont appear at the parking spot, but drive from the terminal, fol-
lowing the airport vehicle paths (when possible), so it might take a few moments for
them to arrive, after they have been called. Every catering vehicle is available in several
liveries of different catering operators around the world, and are selected by airport.
Once the Catering vehicles are in position, they will WAIT for you to open the service

If the airplane has doors too low, like with GA airplanes, no conveyor belt will appear,
but just a baggage train.
On a typical liner, the conveyor belt vehicle will move close to the rear cargo door,
and will wait for you to open it, only then it will raise to reach the door and baggage
deboarding will begin. At the same time, the train will be driven into position, waiting
for baggage to be unloaded.
The conveyor belt vehicle driver will then unload baggages, filling each wagon, and
then the wagon will go away, reaching the airport terminal to deliver the luggage. The
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 14

Reset Position

Sometimes, you might want to repeat an operation, either because of a change in your
configuration, or just because you would like to see it again, even if GSX wouldnt
normally allow it, because of the operation sequence logic explained above. In this
case, the Reset Position command on the GSX parking menu can be used to restart
the servicing process from the beginning, as if you were just parked, so you can restart
all services from scratch.

Reset Couatl, your Panic Button

Sometimes, its possible the Couatl engine that drives the GSX logic, might be con-
fused of very unusual airport configurations, or errors in the airport .BGL (AFCAD) file,
and report an error, that would stop the script and block all its operations. With the
Restart Couatl option, under the Couatl powered products menu in the main FSX
menu bar, you can trigger a manual restart, allowing to resume without having to quit
from FSX and restart it.
The method to open service doors to be used by the Catering vehicles changes de-
pending on the airplane used, default airplanes usually define all the doors on the right
side as Emergency doors, or Exit 3, but 3rd party airplanes might have independent
doors, operated with custom gauges or custom keyboard commands. GSX knows
about some of the most popular 3rd party airplanes, and the list of supported products
is kept constantly updated.

Once the service doors are open, the procedure will begin, and a human operator
will start carrying food carts into the airplane, and will replace the empty carts on the
airplane, putting them back into the Catering truck.

After a while, the Catering service will end, prompting you to close the service doors,
so the truck can leave and go back to their starting position.
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 15

With the 3rd menu option, Refueling, you can ask for a Fuel truck to come and allow
you to refuel your airplane.

The Fuel truck will arrive preferably from a parking spot of the Fuel type, or from any
other parking spot, if the airport hasnt any dedicated Fuel parking spots..

As with other service vehicles, it might take a while for the Fuel truck to come, since
it will drive the path from its parking to your current location.

Starting with GSX, the Refuel system has been completely revamped, and it
actually refuels the plane. The system supports both airplanes using the default Fuel
and Payload page with no special refueling handling, but also more complex 3rd party
airplane addons, using progressive refueling systems. GSX will change its behavior
depending on the airplane, and this can be customized by users, with the Show the We have supplied fuel point customization for some default airplanes and some popular
FSX Fuel and Cargo page setting in the GSX airplane customization page. 3rd party airplanes with GSX, but any airplane can be added quite easily. The current
vehicle type assume the airplane has a refueling point under the wings, but well add
Calling the Fuel Truck new vehicle types and animations in the future.
As soon as you request Refueling from the GSX menu, a message will indicate that a The Refueling procedure
Fuel truck is coming:
The actual refueling procedure works differently, depending if the airplane used is
configured to use the default fuel page or not. This is controlled by the Show the FSX
Fuel and Cargo page option in the GSX airplane customization page.

Airplanes configured to use the default refueling system

In this case, GSX will work in Active mode, and will actually change the fuel quantity,
by progressively refilling tanks using realistic timings, according to real-life capacities
of the vehicle fuel pumps in GPM (Gallons Per Minute). A complete refueling for a fully
loaded 747, for example, will take multiple trips of the 10K gallons truck and about 45
The kind of truck selected depends on the airplane Total Fuel Capacity. For most airliners, minutes, but you can accelerate the simulation, using the Fuel Time Acceleration in the
a large Truck + Tanker trailer will be used, but smaller planes will call for a smaller truck. GSX Settings->Timings page, which will let you control the speed of the progressive
refueling, without requiring to use the default Time Acceleration feature, so you can
As soon as it reaches the airplane, the Truck will position under the wing, on the Fuel do other tasks at a realistic speed, and accelerate just the refueling process.
point position, as specified in the GSX Airplane configuration editor.
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 16

After the Fuel Truck goes to its position, the next screen will ask how much quantity
to load. There are some presets, and the last option Custom Refueling, will open
Airplanes using custom refueling systems
the default Fuel and Load page. When choosing one of preset levels, the refueling
will be made by setting an equal amount of fuel in all tanks, but filling the external
Some 3rd party airplanes have their own progressive fuel simulations. GSX can be
tanks first, and starting to fill the central tanks only when the external ones are full.
easily configured to integrate with such systems, working in Passive mode: the
refueling system in the airplane will control the actual refilling of the tanks, but the
Next, the fuel crew will attach the fuel hose under the predefined refueling point:
GSX truck and the crew animations will adapt to it, working as a visual enhancement
to the plane-supplied refueling simulation.

Within this category of 3rd party airplanes with a custom fuel system, there might be
two different sub-cases:

Airplanes using custom fuel systems with no Progressive refuel simulation,

such as the PMDG 737
Airplanes using custom fuel system with a Progressive refuel simulation, such
as the PMDG 777 or the Aerosoft Airbus series.

GSX can handle both cases, and will offer options to control its behavior as desired.
Usually, planes with a progressive refuel simulation, will allow you to set the desired
fuel quantity immediately too, for example when using the Load Instant function
Finally, the refueling process will start, with a visual indication on the fuel truck gal- on the Aerosoft Airbus. When using this option, the plane will operate like a plane
lon counter and a progress message to indicate the estimate time to end the pro- with no progressive simulation, but still using its own fuel system, which GSX wont
cess. interfere with.
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 17

Heres two common usage scenarios, covering both modes of operations: in the PMDG to start, in order to start its own fuel counters.
The refueling speed will be controlled by the airplane.
A 3rd party airplane without a Progressive Refueling simulation, the PMDG 737:
The Fuel Truck will stay until the PMDG has finished loading fuel, or the Truck
Start by selecting an initial Fuel Quantity, using the FUEL option in the FS AC- itself is full, and another truck will eventually arrive, if the Multiple Trips option
TIONS menu on the FMC. This will immediately set the desired Fuel Quantity to is enabled in the GSX Settings.
start with.
Call the GSX Refueling now.
When the Fuel Truck arrives, it will wait for you to act on the Fuel menu in the
FMC, to set a desired quantity. GSX will display the Please use the refueling
system of your airplane to refuel message, to remind you its waiting for your
As soon as you change the Fuel quantity from the FMC, the airplane system will
load the fuel instantly, and the GSX refuel truck will show it counter simulating
the fuel loading visually.
The (simulated) refueling speed will be controlled by GSX, according to the
Always Refuel Progressively setting in the GSX - Simulation settings page. If
the setting is Disabled, the refueling speed will be very fast, just to give some
visual feedback of the procedure. If the setting is Enabled, the speed will be the
realistic one, calculated from the actual performances of the fuel truck pump,
possibly using Multiple trucks (if the Multiple Trips option is enabled ), and also
controlled by the

A 3rd party airplane with a Progressive Refueling simulation, the PMDG 777:

Start by selecting an initial Fuel Quantity, using the FUEL option in the FS AC-
TIONS menu on the FMC. This will immediately set the desired Fuel Quantity to
start with.
Select the GROUND OPERATIONS from the FS ACTIONS menu on the FMC,
and choose one of the TURN TIPE options, SHORT/LONG/MANUAL.
Insert the planned Fuel quantity in the PLAN FUEL field on the same page.
According to how PMDG simulated the Turn-around, the refueling will start in
about 5 minutes, so you should call the GSX Refueling now.
When the Fuel Truck arrives, it will wait for the progressive refueling simulation
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 18

Boarding Common default Pushback directions

The Request Boarding option is quite similar to the Deboarding, just in reverse.

Once you selected it, the baggage loader will close to the cargo door and, differently
from the Deboarding, you will wait for a new baggage train that will come from the
terminal, full of luggage.

At the same time, if the parking spot is in the open, a Passenger bus will also arrive
and, after it goes into position, will ask you to open the doors to let the passengers
board the airplane.

As with Deboarding, the Boarding time is related to the actual number of passengers on Right Pushback
board, and by default the time it takes to board is twice the time it takes to deboard.

Left Pushback
Before departure, you can ask for Pushback, and a tow truck will push you out from
your parking spot. The Pushback feature in GSX is way more powerful and realistic
that the default FSX Pushback, because it recognizes the airport layout, and will push
following the taxi lines automatically, you will only have to choose the Pushback direc-
tion (usually Left or Right) if the parking spot used has been programmed to allow Both
choices, otherwise it will just use the only direction available.

Pushback directions definitions:

The most common choice for Pushback are LEFT or RIGHT.
Custom Pushback
LEFT means the airplane will be pushed in a Lower Left quadrant, when seeing the
airplane from above, so the nose of the airplane will point to the Right at the end of the
procedure. When the airport in use has a GSX customization, like in the FSDT airports, the Pushback
RIGHT means the airplane will be pushed in a Lower Right quadrant, when seeing the procedure might be more advanced than just Left or Right, taking into account
airplane from above, so the nose of the airplane will point to the Left at the end of the specific airport limitations, and you might also be presented with easier to understand
procedure. choices, customized for the airport used.
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 19

Pushback Sequence of operations

In order to start Pushback, you need to start at the parking place with engines off and
parking brakes on. All ground connections like auxiliary power units, air units, wheel
chocks and similar must be removed too. GSX is able to recognise some of these features
from the most popular 3rd party airplane products, and will not allow starting push if
any of such ground connections are still attached to the airplane. In addition to that,
you will be asked to close any passenger or cargo doors that might still be open, and
all service vehicles that are still attached to the plane, will end their service and leave.

When you are ready, if the parking place used has more than one Pushback choice
available, GSX will ask you which one you want to use. The following screen shows a
Pushback choice screen for FSDT KLAX, which has been customized to give an easier
to understand choice, rather than the default Left or Right:
Once the tow truck is in position, you will start hearing the wingwalker talking to you
on the headphones, checking if you are ready for Pushback:
If you use any of the 3rd party airplanes that are recognized by GSX, which features
custom Ground Connections like GPUs, Air starters, Wheel Chocks, etc. at this point
GSX will prompt you to remove any of them, if they are still attached to the plane. You
will also prompted to close any doors left open. Once the departure check is complete,
you will see/hear the following message:
You can now release your Parking Brakes, and Pushback will start. Usually, this is when

The tow truck will then move from its starting position on the parking spot, towards
your airplane front gear. There are different tow truck vehicles available in GSX, smaller
tractors with a single driver, or larger models, some using a towbar, other with a more
modern towbar-less design. Some models have a place for the wingwalker to stand
on, but on smaller models, the wingwalker will approach the airplane walking aside
the tow truck. They are chosen depending on your airplane weight.
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 20

youll begin starting your engines. On some 3rd party airplanes (most prominent ex- Wingwalker
ample is the PMDG 737 NGX), GSX will recognize it having a custom-made APU, and
will prompt you to start it before Pushing back, so you should be reasonably sure to During pushback, the wingwalker will walk alongside the airplane and the tow truck,
be able to start your engines while pushing. monitoring the procedure.

Some airplanes didnt had an APU, and their engines had to be started at the Gate, and
GSX offers dedicated support to some of them. For example, if you use the Flightsim
At the end of the Pushback path, the airplane will usually be aligned to the closest
Labs Concorde, GSX will ask you to start Engines 2 and 3 before starting Pushback,
taxiway line, ready to start taxiing on its own..
which was the standard procedure on the Concorde.

GSX is kept constantly updated to add support for more 3rd party airplanes which such
custom systems, following request by our users, and regular updates of the relevant
code can usually be freely downloaded using the installer self-update feature.
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 21

Ending Pushback Straight Pushback

After the airplane has been pushed in the arrival location, the wingwalker will walk Starting with version 1.9, GSX added a Straight Pushback option, which is always
to the front gear, to unlock the towbar from the airplane, or to operate the release available regardless of the parking Pushback preference, and works this way:
controls for a truck without a towbar.
In addition to the standard ( usually, Left/Right ) options, a new entry in the pushback
The tow truck will then retreat a few meters back, and the wingwalker will back up selection menu has been added, indicating Straight pushback (manual stop, max 100
too, in order to be seen from the cockpit. Finally, hell raise his arm, stating that you m). Using this option, the pushback procedure will start normally, and the airplane
can now release your Parking Brakes, and will wait with his arm raised until you do so. will be towed directly backwards, until you press the GSX menu hotkey again, which
will give you the ability to Stop the pushback in that place and complete the procedure
As soon as you release your Parking Brakes, the wingwalker will salute you and will normally, or Abort abruptly, with all vehicles disappearing immediately.
return to the parking spot, either by walking or, if the tow truck model allows it, by
riding on it. You will be reminded to start your engines, if you havent already. De-Icing
This concludes the Pushback procedure. Starting with version 1.9, De-Icing vehicles has been added to GSX. De-Icing is consid-
ered to be part of the Departure procedure, which means theres no separate menu
entry for De-Icing in GSX. Instead, De-Icers are offered as an option, when the outside
temperature is below 4C, so theres a risk of icing.

As soon as you select the Prepare for Departure and Push-back menu entry, if the
outside temperature is below 4C, you will be asked if you want to call De-Icers:
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 22

After your confirmation, two De-Icing vehicles will depart from a vehicle parking and
will come to your airplane, and when they are both in position, the following menu
will open:

At the end of the procedure, the procedure, De-Icers will communicate the De-Icing
code, which will repeat your choice of fluid type and concentration. This concludes
the procedure and result in De-Icers going away.
Asking you to choose the type of fluid to be used for the De-Icing operation. The fluid
type choice is included mainly for informative purposes, it doesnt make any difference After De-Icing, the normal Push-back procedure will start.
in the simulation (other than Type IV is green and the other types are yellowish), and the
correct concentration is selected by GSX automatically, according to the following table: NOTE on the simulation:

Outside Air One-Step Procedure Deicing/ FSX has its own internal simulation of ice formation, and GSX interacts with that, by
Temperature OAT Anti-icing sending the command (which is not assigned to any key, by default, in FSX) to turn On
-3 C (27 F) and above 50/50 Heated Type II/III/IV Structural Deicing. This is done at the end of the De-Icing animation and, the way
Below -3 C (27 F) to -14C (7 F) 75/25 Heated Type II/III/IV FSX works, all icing accumulated on the airplane body will be immediately removed
when that command is received. This means, on any FSX airplane that use the stan-
Below -14C (7F) 100/0 Heated Type II/III/IV
dard simulation, GSX De-Icers will both be visually appealing, but will also De-Ice the
airplane. If you use a 3rd party airplane that comes with its own internal simulation of
Type I, which is a mixture of heated water and Glycol, doesnt specify a concentration,
icing on the airplane body and its own internal simulation of a De-Icing methods, it
the water should be heated at 60C at the nozzle, and the freezing point should be
might not respond to the standard FSX Structural Deicing command used by GSX.
10C below the actual OAT.
After you select a fluid type, the De-icers will confirm your choice, and will start the
De-Icing procedure.
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 23

Assistance Vehicles Customizing GSX

The choice of vehicles that will appear at the parking place depends on many differ- Its possible to customize certain aspect of GSX to suit your preferences and flying
ent conditions, either related to the parking place itself, the airport, the country, the habits, by editing the following text file:
airplane type you are using, and whether theres jetway or not.
The airport handler is related to the ICAO code of the airport and the atc_park-
ing_codes of the parking spot and it interacts with the ICAO specifications in the The %APPDATA% string its a shortcut for a folder that its usually located in C:\Users\
sim.cfg file of the vehicle itself. {username}\AppData\Roaming under Windows Vista or Windows 7, or C:\Documents
and Settings\{username}\Application Data under Windows XP. In the Virtualisubfolders,
Theres a hierarchical system that will favors the most specific code to be preferred in there will be several configuration files for our software.
the choice so, for example, if you are parking at Milano Linate Airport (LIML), vehicles
with an L (Southern Europe ICAO) will be chosen but, if theres a vehicle that has a LI The Couatladdons.ini file can control different Couatl plugins, like GSX, and each
code in its ICAO specification (Italy ICAO), it will be preferred over the generic Southern plugin have its own section. The GSX section, as standard with .INI files, is indicated
European one. If theres a vehicle that has the full LIML code, it will take precedence as [GSX], all settings relevant to GSX will be in this section.
over the generic Italian one.
Heres a list of the possible settings and their default values:
If the selected parking spot has an atc_parking_codes parameter specified in
the airport .BGL file (AFCAD), GSX will try to match vehicles according to that code. Name Values Default Meaning
disable 0 or 1 0 If set to 1, GSX is disabled at all airports.
The airplane type you are using affects things like the choice of the Tow Truck vehicle disable_on_airports List of ICAO codes separated None GSX will be disabled only at the airports with ICAO codes
to be selected. The different available types are chosen based on your airplane emp- by spaces. matching the provided list,
ty_weight parameter. deboarding_time_min Floating point number 15.0 Minimum number of seconds for Deboarding.
deboarding_time_factor Floating point number 0.1 Time in seconds to Deboard a single passenger.
The availability of a jetway at the desired parking spot affects both the appearance of boarding_time_min Floating point number 15.0 Minimum number of seconds for Boarding.
Passengers Stairs and if a Passenger Bus will be called upon Boarding/Deboarding. Both boarding_time_factor Floating point number 0.2 Time in seconds to Board a single passenger.
will appear ONLY if theres no Jetway. refueling_time_min Floating point number 15.0 Minimum number of seconds for Refueling.
refueling_time_factor Floating point number 0.0022 Time in seconds to fill a Gallon of Fuel
User-controlled choice of the Ground Operator
For example, if you want to disable GSX at Frankfurt and Denver airports, you will set
Starting with version 1.9.5, GSX will allow you to manually select between all match-
the following line:
ing operators available in an airport, instead of always select at random between the
highest scoring ones. As soon as you select a service, a menu will show all the opera-
disable_on_airports = EDDF KDEN
tors that are allowed on the airport, with an indication of what GSX would choose by
default. You can either select an operator, or wait 5-6 seconds for the menu to close
automatically, and have the default operator selected by GSX, which still allows for an
hand-off approach.
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 24

Airports Visibility An Airport inside an Airport

Auxiliary airports/helipads/seaplane bases There might be some cases where you might want to use BOTH the large and the
small airport together, and be service by GSX in both, depending on your actual
To recognized the airport, GSX by default checks in the airport database for the closest positions.
airport in a 3NM radius from your current position. While this covers most of the normal
cases, there might be special cases when this automatic detection wont work, such as: For example, you have a military area, with a separate AFCAD and its own ICAO code,
and a civil area with the normal ICAO code.
Small auxiliary airports very close or even inside a larger airport, with their own
ICAO code, usually made by 3rd party developers using fictional ICAO codes First, for an AFCAD to be considered usable by GSX, it must contain at least a parking
Helipads, Seaplane bases, etc. and at least some taxiway nodes connected to it. If your smaller airbase only has park-
ing spots, but not taxiways, it cannot be used by GSX.
By editing the CouatlAddons.INI file, you can specify a custom visibility for such cases,
so GSX wont be confused by those small airports and will use the correct (normally Assuming the airport meets the requirements to be used by GSX, whether this con-
the larger airport) instead. figuration would work, depends on the Airport Reference Point, as indicated in the
scenery AFCAD. The auxiliary scenery should be programmed with its Airport Reference
The format for the airport visibility command is as follows: Point coordinates ideally centered in the center point of ITS OWN area. If the auxiliary
airport shares the same coordinates as the main one, using both at the same time with
airport_visibility_XXXX = Y GSX might not work correctly, and it would be better to just exclude the smaller one,
by setting its visibility to zero.
Where XXXX is the ICAO of the airport you want to set visibility for, and Y is the vis-
ibility range in NM, or 0 to exclude it. Note that, visibility here only means visibility Assuming even this additional requirement is satisfied, you can configure both airports
by GSX, it doesnt have any effect to the actual visual scenery in the simulator. to work together with GSX, by setting a smaller (less than the default 3NM) visibility
for the smaller airport, but different than zero.
A real world example of this might be OrbXs Monterrey Regional Airport - KRMY, which
comes with an auxiliary AFCAD with an added code for the (fictional) KMRZ airport. By For example, assume you have a (fictional) military base called Z401 inside a larger
default, GSX might find the fictional KMRZ is closer to your position, and use that one airport, for example KLAS (this is just an example, KLAS doesnt have this issue in either
instead of the main KMRY, which is probably what you wanted to use. FSX default scenery or FSDTs KLAS), you would set the line in the CouatlAddons.INI
file as follows:
To fix this, the line added to the [GSX] section of the CouatlAddons.INI file would look
like this: airport_visibility_Z401 = 0.4

airport_visibility_KMRZ = 0 This will instruct GSX to use Z401 if you are inside a 0.4 NM ( 740 mt. ) radius from
its own Airport Reference Point, otherwise it will use KLAS, which would be the closest
This will prevent GSX to use KMRZ, and prefer the larger airport instead, which is the airport once you are outside this 0.4 NM range from Z401. This way, both airfields
most common case. will be serviceable by GSX, automatically.
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 25

GSX Settings Page The Audio page:

Starting with GSX version 1.1, theres an easier way to customize timings without hav- The audio page allows to set the preferred audio device used by GSX sounds. This can
ing to edit the .INI file, and theres a panel to set various Audio options. be useful if you have multiple audio cards, or different output options on the same
audio card (for example, digital or analog out).
The Settings page can be accessed from the GSX Settings... sub-menu of the Couatl
powered products menu, under the FSX Addons menu bar.

The Timings page:

The Volume slider controls the level of all GSX sounds. At default is set to maximum,
and the level at maximum would be equivalent to the default level in previous versions
of the products.

With the Timings page, its possible to easily customize the duration of the Deboardin,
Boarding and Refueling operations. The settings are the same as with the .INI file, the Its not strictly required to run FSX in Windowed mode when customizing one or more parking
spots, the editor interface is tested to work in Full Screen mode too but, we suggest doing it
interface will help getting a better idea of the timings with common configurations of in Windowed mode in any case, because switching between the dialog mode and the normal
number of passengers and fuel loadouts. flight mode will be much faster if FSX runs Windowed.
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 26

The Simulation Page: or a Docking, will issue a Slow Down warning. It goes from 5 to 10 knots in incre-
ments of 1/4th of a knot, with a default to 7.5 knots. Controlling this setting might be
With the Simulation page, you can control some aspects related to global preferences useful to fine tune GSX in relationship with the ground speed friction of the airplane
related to the GSX simulation: you use most.

Straight Pushback Distance

Some 3rd party sceneries have all their parking positions pushback preference set to
None. Even in this case, GSX will always offer at least one choice of a Straight Push-
back distance, which is the distance the Pushback truck will go back to, if you dont
stop it earlier manually. This setting is used to set the default distance

Multiple Trips
Some GSX services might need more than a trip to complete their task, for example a
Refuel Truck with a 7000 gallons tanker, wont be able to refuel the plane completely,
if the amount of fuel requested is larger than what the tank contains, requiring mul-
tiple trips. This option can be turned off, if you prefer a faster turnaround. In this case,
the tanker will act as if it were of an Infinite capacity, and will always refuel with a
single trip.

Always Refuel Progressively

This option allows to control the GSX refueling speed when using a 3rd party airplane
with a custom refuel system. If its Enabled, the speed will always be simulated real-
istically accordingly to the pump performance (but can be accelerated with the Fuel
acceleration slider in the Timings). If its Disabled, if the airplane custom fuel system
has loaded the fuel instantly, the GSX refueler will perform a very fast counting of the
fuel quantity loaded.

Virtual Airlines override

This option can be used to configure a Global override of the airlines codes specified
by parking. If you enable the option, and add some airline codes here, they will take
precedence everywhere. The codes specified here will always be used, at any parking
FollowMe Car speed of every airports, regardless of all the other settings and scoring system. It can be used
This slider controls the speed of the FollowMe vehicle, from 5 to 40 knots, default of by Virtual Airlines, to quickly specify to always use their own custom liveries for GSX
18 knots. vehicles, regardless of the location.

Parking Slow Down speed: Reset to Defaults

This slider controls the threshold speed after which a parking system, like a Marshaller Pressing this button will reset all values in this page (this page only) to their default values
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 27

Airport customization
Starting from version 1.1, GSX adds the ability for users to customize certain parameters
of any parking spot, at any airport. It doesnt require using external editors or editing
files, and its integrated in the GSX Parking menu.

When parked with Parking Brakes on and Engines off, open the regular GSX menu with
the normal Hotkey, a new option has been added Customize this parking position

In order for the option to be available, you have to meet the following requirement: If you never edited this parking, the customization dialog will display values that
have been read from the active AFCAD. The options set here will allow GSX to over-
No ground services are currently in progress. If you want to customize without ride some of the informations found in the AFCAD file, and add a few GSX-specific
waiting for the services to end, use the Reset Position option of the menu. preferences.

Selecting the Customize this parking position option, will display the Pressing the Reset button will restore the parking with the original values found in
following dialog box. The title will indicate the parking spot position, the next line its the active AFCAD file.
the name of the Airport you are currently editing, and the 3rd line indicates which .BGL
(AFCAD) file is active now: Type:

This option allows you to override the Parking Type as defined in the scenery AF-
CAD. Starting with GSX 1.9.5, the handler operators are divided between Cargo and
non-Cargo, in order to allow GSX to properly assign Cargo operators to non-Cargo
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 28

parking spots and vice-versa. This usually works well with all default sceneries and Disable staircases
with sceneries that correctly assign the Cargo specification to cargo parking spots
only. Some 3rd party sceneries, might not respect this convention, which will result
in GSX not finding the proper operators, which will result in a random one selected.
This option allows to change the Parking Type in these situations. This option will disable all passenger stairs, even the rear one on a jetway-equipped
Disable Marshaller
Disable Passenger Bus

This option is useful if a 3rd party scenery has its own way of implementing advanced The option is only available on a Parking position that has no Jetway. Normally, park-
Docking Systems that dont use GSX, so the GSX Marshaller wont clash with it. ing positions on the apron always call for a Passenger bus, but on some airports the
Terminal might be so close to the Parking position, that it wouldnt make much sense
Maximum Marshaller distance to call for a Passenger bus, this option will allow to indicate such parking spots

Pushback Direction

By default, the Marshaller distance its a function of the Parking radius specified in the
AFCAD, and the eyepoint position in the cockpit: the higher the eyepoint, the farther
away the Marshaller will be placed. The distance is lowered if theres a jetway, on the GSX reads the Pushback preference from the AFCAD file, which can be Left, Right,
assumption that Gate usually a wall behind, so the Marshaller might be easily hidden Both or None. Normally GSX will not allow pushback from a parking position that
behind it. Sometimes, its possible this calculation cant fit any situation. By setting this has its preference set to None, on the assumption the scenery designer had a specific
value to a number of meters (start with about 20 meters) you can fix situations were reason to disallow Pushback on that parking spot. But, in case the AFCAD is simply not
the Marshaller cant be seen because hes inside a building. accurate, this option will allow you to instruct GSX to override the Pushback preference
set in the AFCAD with the one specified here.
Parking has a Jetway
Starting with GSX 1.9, a new Straight Pushback option has been added, which is
always available, even in parking spots where the Pushback preference is set to None.
This option can be used to disable the front/middle Passenger stairs on sceneries that
The following parameters will allow you to customize the positioning on ground of
have static Jetways or use any other method than the FSX native one to display or
the vehicles/services available on a parking spot, to better fit them with the underlying
animated them.
airport building structure.
For a Jetway to be recognized, it must be made as a true FSX Jetway, and listed as such in the AF- Airline Codes:
CAD .BGL of the airport. Its not really important that it moves or not, as long is inserted as a true
FSX Jetway, it will be treated as such by GSX. This means, on certain 3rd party airports that have
jetways as integral parts of the terminal 3d model, or are separate but programmed in a non-stan-
dard way, GSX doesnt have means to automatically recognize it, and will display Passenger Stairs
. and Bus in any case. This option will help you fixing these sceneries.
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 29

This options allows you to choose your preferred operator for the selected parking(s).
It takes precedence over any other assignment read from the AFCAD or programmed
in GSX and even the Parking Type. Its a list of codes separated by commas so, for
example, if you want to specify that only American Airline and United Airlines will be
used on a parking, the line will look like this:


Some operators are not airlines, so they dont have either a IATA or ICAO code, so
they are defined by their own names in GSX, so you simply insert their names here,
that must match the name as defined in the GSX vehicles. Some example of named
operators are: Acciona, Are Group, DNATA, ATA Italy, etc. To find all the Left Right
Inside the wall Looking at the wall
exact codes available in GSX, look at the SIM.CFG file for any ground handling vehicles,
such as the Staircase, located under the Simobjects\Misc\FSDT_Staircase
folder and check the couatl.atc_parking_codes line, which will show either
the IATA/ICAO code or the name of the ground operator, which can be used here.. Problem!
Custom Pushback

Here, both the Left and Right Pushback options will result in a difficult situation, so
Custom Pushback is needed. A solution could be pushing the airplane all the way to the
corridor, up to the first taxiway. Lets check the taxiway layout using an AFCAD editor:

Node 2
Starting with GSX 1.9, we added the ability to specify two custom Pushback nodes
for each parking, that can be useful to sort out special situations, usually in parking
spots at the end of a Terminal, where a default Pushback in one direction would result End on Taxi C, facing West
in the airplane pointed in the wrong direction, and the other option would place the
airplane inside a building.

Lets see an example of a custom Pushback used at FSDT Los Angeles LAX airport.
The screenshot in the next page shows parking 21 at the Terminal 2, its a common Node 1
problematic parking, where the default Left/Right Pushback wouldnt work.
End on Taxi C, facing East
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 30

Well use the Lat/Lon coordinates of two existing AFCAD nodes, that will work as at-
tractors for the two Pushback options. Left and Right now has lost any meaning,
they are just two options and, to indicate the Custom Pushback, we can specify two
labels that will replace the default Left or Right text. Pushback tow truck

Labels can be any text string, and will appear as the two choices in the Pushback menu.

The airplane will now be pushed towards one of these two nodes. It will not end up
exactly over them, though, but it will be pushed the minimum amount needed to be
aligned with the destination taxiway. Think as the two nodes as magnets... Baggage Train
Sometimes, theres only one solution possible, and by inserting only one custom Node
with or without a Label (if theres only one choice, GSX wont display a Pushback selec-
tion menu), the airplane will automatically be pushed towards that node.
Lat/Lon Coordinates Snap

Its not necessary to be 100% precise with Lat/Lon coordinates. GSX will snap to the
closest node in the AFCAD. However, is still suggested to be precise and use Copy &
Paste Lat/Lon coordinates of the node from your AFCAD editor of choice (usually, either
Rear Staircase Baggage Loader
ADE or AFX), just double click on it in your AFCAD editor, and copy the Latitude from
the node properties dialog in the AFCAD editor, to the GSX Latitude field, then repeat
for the Longitude.

The reason for Snapping coordinates to the closest node, is to allow you a bit of flex-
ibility when further editing the AFCAD, since a small movement of the node wont
prevent GSX to find the right place to end the Pushback procedure, and it might still
work on different/updated AFCADs for the same scenery. Radius LEFT Radius RIGHT

Parking Radius Left/Right

Vehicles on the left-hand side are affected by the LEFT radius, and vehicles on the
right-hand side by the RIGHT radius. Changing the Left/Right radius can be useful to
fix conflicts between airport buildings or other static vehicles placed by the scenery.
NOTE, the Radius parameters are used only to give a starting point for service vehicles.
Its not used to decide if an airplane fits into a parking spot!
Vehicles at a parking are positioned based on the radius, according the scheme in the
following page:
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 31

Max Allowed Wingspan not offer enough space for both front and rear loaders, and for the larger container
loader vehicle, which is much larger than the baggage conveyor belt.

Any type - Both loaders types are allowed, and the airplane type will affect which
Starting with GSX 1.6, theres a new option that allows to override the parking radius loader will be used.
in the scenery AFCAD, used to verify if a parking is too small to fit a certain parking.
Conveyor Belt - Only the conveyor belt is allowed on this parking position
Sometimes, its possible that a scenery has actual space available around a parking
spot, but the scenery designer has specified a smaller radius for that parking spot in Cargo Loader- Only the container loader is allowed on this parking position
the AFCAD, maybe for AI flow reasons, or to fix problems with default ground vehicles,
or simply because of an oversight. None - Disable all loaders for the selected position.

A too small parking spot radius in the AFCAD, might result in GSX not offering its ser- Saving your work
vices at that place, even if the physical layout of it might have allowed that airplane.
Theres nothing special to do to save your edits: as soon as you press the OK button,
Since GSX can only rely on the information taken from the AFCAD, up to version 1.6,
the settings are saved as they are in the customization dialog, and they are in effect
if the parking radius of the chosen parking spot was smaller than half of the wingspan
immediately without having to restart FSX or the Couatl program. To verify your new
of the airplane you use, it resulted in a Parking too small message.
settings, just ask for service, and all the parameters used for the parking spot will be
Now, you can customize this setting too, and override whats in the scenery AFCAD. those you just modified. Airport customization files are saved in the following folder:
You can directly put a number in meters of the highest Wingspan allowed (so, its not a
Radius, as in the AFCAD, its double that amount) or you can simply click the Airplane
button next to the input field, and this will read the Wingspan of the airplane which Each file will be named as its ICAO code, with an .INI extension, they are plain standard
is currently loaded, and put it into the input filed. .INI files, with a general section and multiple sections for each parking that has been
So, without worrying about numbers, you can just load the airplane that used to not
fit a parking according to GSX, go to that parking, click the Airplane Button and The .INI file remembers which AFCAD was active when it was created. If you start
save, this will open that parking for that airplane type (and all the ones with smaller customizing an airport, and a different AFCAD is now in use, a NEW .INI file will be
wingspans, of course). Dont forget you can do this for multiple parking spots at once. created from scratch, named as the ICAO code plus a number. This means you might
have different customization files for the same airport. The one active is the one match-
Front and Rear Baggage Loader ing the AFCAD in use at any time.

You are encouraged to share your customization files with other users. Just be aware
that we might use data contained in files you uploaded on the net, to include them
in future GSX updates.

This option will allow you to select the type of baggage loader that can be used at this
parking position. You might want to customize this, because the parking position might
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 32

Note for scenery developers: Accessing the Graphical Scenery Editor

You can use the integrated GSX editor to make your airport more compliant with GSX, After you upgrade to version 1.5 or above, the customization dialog has been modi-
and feel free to include the .INI file together with your scenery package. Theres no fied, with an additional button labeled Customize vehicle positions, this will allow you
need to install the .INI file into the %APPDATA% folder, you can just distribute the .INI to enter the Graphical Scenery Editor. As soon as you press that button, GSX will enter
file together with the other .BGL files in the your scenery folder, together with the in the Parking Editing Mode, which locks your airplane in the last parking position,
AFCAD it was based on. forced in Slew Mode, with default Slew keys now used to control the Editor functions:

Since its not possible under UAC rules to write in the FSX folder if its installed in its
default location at C:\Program Files, the GSX editor can only modify .INI file in the
%APPDATA% folder, but it can read them if they are placed in the scenery folder
alongside the other .BGL files.

This means, if your airport is just installed, GSX will read the configuration file from the
scenery folder, but if the users starts to customize the customization a new .INI file
will be created into the user %APPDATA% folder, and GSX will then work from there.

If you provide the scenery with different sets of AFCAD files, just provide several .INI
files, named YourICAO.INI, YourICAO1.INI, YourICAO2.ini, each one based on a differ-
ent AFCAD. The AFCAD pathname contained in the .INI file is not mandatory: if no file
with that name is found in the full path, any other AFCAD in FSX matching the name
only will be used instead, regardless of where its actually installed.

Graphical Scenery Editor

Starting with version 1.5, the GSX scenery customization feature adds an interactive
Graphical Editor, to edit the vehicles starting position precisely, for each parking spot of When the editor starts, all vehicles are placed in their standard positions, with a pointer
any airport. This will allow you to better integrate GSX with any scenery, both default on each object. The currently selected object is highlighted in Orange, the others are Light
and 3rd party, and to overcome potential conflicts between the GSX service vehicles Blue. You will cycle through the objects using the Slew Move Up/Down Quickly
and the scenery objects, either static or dynamic. The Graphical Scenery Editor is very keys ( F1/F4 by default ), until you find the one you need to adjust, then use the Slew
fast and easy to use, and doesnt require any text input: everything is done inside Rotate Left/Right keys ( NumPad 1/3 by default ) to rotate the object, Slew
FSX, using the familiar Slew keys commands. The results of your customizations are Move Forward/Backward keys ( NumPad 8/2 by default ) to move the object
automatically saved in the airport .INI file discussed in the previous section, which you Forward/Backward in the direction of its facing, and Slew Move Left/Right keys (
can share with others. NumPad 4/6 by default ) to move the object Left or Right, perpendicular to its facing.
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Resetting vehicle positions Exiting from the Editor

If you press the Slew Freeze All Movement key ( NumPad 5 by default ), the Pressing the normal Slew On/Off key, by default assigned to Y you will exit from the
currently selected vehicle will return to its default position. GSX Editor mode, and the Parking Customization Dialog will appear again, allowing
to set other options for the parking spot, or to go back to flying, by closing the dialog
Note the exclamation mark on top of the object pointer: if theres one, it means the with the X window close gadget on the top-right.
object is not in its default position anymore, which will be also confirmed by the green
text line on top, stating that object is in a (customized) position. If theres no exclama- Editor Keys summary:
tion mark, that object is in its default starting position, and the green text line will say
Editor Function Key command Default Key
Cycle next object Slew Up Quickly F4
Its possible to reset ALL vehicles in a parking spot to their default positions, by press- Cycle previous object Slew Down Quickly F1
ing the Slew Heading North/Attitude Level key, which is assigned to Move object Forward Slew Move Forward NumPad 8
CTRL+Spacebar by default. A confirmation window will appear, asking if you are Move object Backward Slew Move Backward NumPad 2
sure to reset all the vehicles of the current parking to their default starting positions.
Move object Left Slew Move Left NumPad 4
NOTE: With Default starting positions we indicate whatever source of original infor- Move object Right Slew Move Right NumPad 6
mation has been used to calculate the default starting position. On a default airport that Rotate object Left Slew Rotate Left NumPad 1
has no other customization in place, its controlled by the Left/Right radius parameters, Rotate object Right Slew Rotate Right NumPad 3
derived from the scenery .BGL (AFCAD). On a fully-customized scenery, like those that Reset object position Slew Freeze All NumPad 5
are supplied with GSX (all FSDT airports, for example) the Default position means the
Reset ALL object positions Slew Hdg North/Att Lvl. CTRL+Space
one that was indicated in the scenery customization file supplied with GSX.
Go to Next Parking Slew Bank Right NumPad 9
Changing parking spot Go to Prev Parking Slew Bank Left NumPad 7
Exit from Editor Slew Toggle Y
Using the Slew Bank Left/Right keys, assigned by default to NumPad 7/9,
you can quickly switch to the next/previous parking of the airport. You will Warp
there immediately, ready to edit the new parking. Reaching the last parking spot of
the airport, will start back with the first one.

Automatic Saving

Theres no Save option, all your modifications are automatically saved as soon as you
act on the objects controls, this allows for an easier and faster work.
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 34

Airplane customization To change any doors parameters, click on a door on the airplane diagram, and a pop-
up will open, to set all parameters for that door:
Starting with version 1.7, GSX allows users to add support for a new airplane, using
an easy to use graphical editor, which allows to place doors interactively inside the The blue arrow indicates the cur-
FSX graphic window. rently selected door. To select a
different door, just click on it, and
Accessing the Airplane Configuration Editor the pop-up will focus on that door.

The Airplane Configuration Editor can be accessed from the GSX Customize Air- To close the pop-up, click on an
craft... sub-menu of the Couatl powered products menu, under the FSX empty area of the main dialog
Addons menu bar. box.

The Editor works in two different modes: Dialog Mode and 3D Editor. When you The Reset button will Undo all
first open the Editor, it will start in Dialog Mode. This mode can be used to select doors, your modifications and restore
turn them on/off and set their parameters. the airplane configuration as it
was before you entered the Edi-
When you first open the Editor in Dialog tor. The Save button will save
Mode, the following Dialog will appear, the configuration in a GSX.CFG
displaying the currently selected Airplane, file, located in the %APPDATA%\
with its doors configuration as currently Virtuali\Airplanes\Air-
known by GSX. As further explain in the planeName folder.
manual, GSX can use different data sourc-
es for your airplane, with different reliabil- Inside each doors pop-up, you can set the following parameters:
ity, depending if the airplane is internally
supported by GSX, has an intelliscene.cfg How FSX checks for the doors status (opened/closed)
file in its folder, or just by looking at the The door position on the longitudinal, lateral and vertical axes, in meters
aircraft.cfg, which is the worse possible The doors Angle relative to the airplane fuselage.
case. Regardless of which data source GSX
uses for your airplane, youll be able to cre- To remove a door entirely (no GSX services will be associated to it), select the first
ate a GSX.CFG for it, that will override data drop-down list as No door at this position, which will remove the door
found in the existing data source, so you entirely from GSX usage, the screen for a removed door will look like as in the follow-
can improve and fully customize any air- ing screenshot:
plane, and have it fully supported by GSX.
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 35

Note the Name and Custom Check fields: the Name is set to My Custom Door,
If a door is set as Door with Custom open/close checks two additional
this means that, when a GSX vehicle will approach the door, before starting its services,
input fields will appear:
it will wait for your intervention to open the door, with the message [GSX] Waiting
for your action: open My Custom Door. Doors using standard FSX vari-
Name - This is how GSX will reference that door, instead of the default Exit 1, 2,
ables will be referred using standard names, but custom doors can be freely renamed.
3 and 4 or Service 1, 2 or Cargo 1, 2
Custom Check - This is the XML Expression that can be used to read the doors
The Custom Check field is set to (L:MyVar, bool), this is how GSX can check if
status, which might involve custom L: Variables
a custom door is open or closed. In this example, the door is considered to be open if
the MyVar custom variable is True (the result of the expression is not 0) and closed if
Finding custom variables used by a specific airplane, requires a good knowledge of the
the expression is False (the expression returns 0). You can include any kind of XML code
FSX SDK. Such variables are usually embedded in the airplane .MDL file, and require a
fragment here, allowing GSX to interface with any airplane, even the most advanced
bit of trial and error and knowledge of the FSX XML expression language.
ones, which usually have non-standard ways of opening and closing their doors.
The pop-up dialog for a door with a Custom check will look as in the following screen:
If a door is set as Door with no open/close checks, GSX will use it normally,
but it will not wait for you to open it to start a service. This can be useful with 3rd
party airplanes that have fake/inop doors that cannot be opened.
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 36

The 3D Editor Mode to the Lateral (Left/Right) distance relative to the Airplane fuselage, since the door
is perpendicular to it.
Although you can edit the doors positions by inserting the numerical values directly while Red - Lateral axis, relative to the doors heading, which correspond to the Lon-
in Dialog Mode, is surely much easier to place them interactively in 3D graphics mode. gitudinal (Forward/Back) distance relative to the Airplane fuselage.
Blue - Vertical axis, which represents the doors height from ground.
To access the 3D Editor Mode, simply select a door, and click the Customize in
3D Editor button. This will leave the Dialog mode and will go back to graphics The arrows indicates the positive direction of the axes, which means, when values
mode, with the currently selected door ready to be edited interactively, as in the fol- increase, the door will move in the direction pointed by the arrow. Over the vertical
lowing picture: arrow, a label indicates the door designation, for an easy recognition.

You can move the pointer using the Slew Keys, which by default are assigned as in
the following table:

Editor Function Key command Default Key

Raise Door (Blue axis) Slew Up Quickly F4
Lower Door (Blue axis) Slew Down Quickly F1
Move Fwd on Green axis Slew Move Forward NumPad 8
Move Bck on Green axis Slew Move Backward NumPad 2
Move Back on Red axis Slew Move Left NumPad 4
Move Fwd on Red axis Slew Move Right NumPad 6
Rotate Door Left Slew Rotate Left NumPad 1
Rotate Door Right Slew Rotate Right NumPad 3
Coarse/Precision mode Slew Freeze All NumPad 5
Edit Next Door Slew Bank Right NumPad 9
Edit Previous Door Slew Bank Left NumPad 7
Exit from Editor Slew Toggle Y

When you press the Slew Toogle ( key Y by default ), the 3D editor will close and
As soon as you enter the 3D Editor Mode, a pointer with the 3 axes will appear at your changes will be automatically saved to the GSX.CFG file.
the door position, as currently known by GSX. The 3 axes are color coded as follows:

Green - Longitudinal axis, relative to the doors heading, which correspond

FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 37

Airplane Configuration Editor from the Couatl powered products menu.

Select a door and click the Customize in 3D Editor button. The graphical
pointer will appear, allowing to move the door, and the vehicles will still be there
as a reference.
Once you exit the Editor and Save your settings, use the Reset Position
command from the GSX standard menu, then try another operation, to check the
vehicles position with the updated configuration.

The top green status line will indicate the actual door position as Longitudinal, Lateral
and Vertical distances in meters. The Longitudinal and Lateral values are expressed in
distances from the airplane Reference Point, with positive values meaning Forward/
Right and negative values meaning Back/Left. The Vertical axis value (the 3rd value
displayed, indicates the doors Height over ground.

A small L shaped rectangle colored in Blue/Orange, can help you to better position the
door pointer in relationship to the actual doors location. Its usually easier to open all
doors before entering the 3D Editor, since the door commands will not operate while
the 3D Editor is active. De-icers In/Out points

Previewing your changes with GSX vehicles Starting with GSX 1.9, De-icing vehicles has been introduced, and in order to follow
the wing profile precisely, GSX must be aware of the coordinates of 2 control points,
Sometimes, you might want to check how good your position is, with an actual GSX named De-icing In and De-Icing Out. The De-icing vehicles will work between
vehicle in use. To do this, use the following procedure: these two points. They can be set in the same way of any other door, either by typing
coordinates manually, or interactively using the 3D editor. For the best results, place
Select a GSX operation, for example Deboarding, if you need to check positions of both points roughly in a halfway longitudinal position over the wing, and a bit inside
Passenger and Cargo doors, or Catering to check the positions for Service Doors the wingtip, see the two screenshots below for an example:
Wait for the relevant vehicles to go into their working positions, and then open the
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 38

This way, you will be able to do fixes to airplanes already recognized by GSX, without
having to supply every data or losing some advanced configuration options that are
native to the airplane, like custom doors or custom ground connections.

The GSX.CFG file works like a standard .INI file, and its divided in sections, each one
containing a key/value pair.

GSX.CFG Sections

The GSX.CFG file has a main [aircraft] section, and several sections, one for each
airplane exit.
GSX 1.9 comes already internally configured with support for all default and many The [aircraft] section contains the following keys:
popular 3rd party airplanes, and the de-icers in/out point has been added starting with
this version. You generally need to specify those points only when you need to add nosegear = x
support for an unsupported airplane.
Distance in meters from the airplane reference point and the front gear, used by GSX
The GSX.CFG file to know where to attach the Pushback truck.

The following is a complete in-depth explanation of the GSX.CFG file, to let you un- refueling = 0
derstand exactly what each parameter does, in case you need to modify an existing
file. With the introduction of the interactive Airplane Configuration Editor in GSX 1.7, The Refueling key controls the appearance of the standard Fuel/Load page when the
theres no need to know all the following details, but we included them anyway for Refueling service is called. By setting it to 0, the standard Fuel/Load page will not display,
completeness. this could be useful if the airplane you use has a custom Fuel page that youll rather
use instead of the default one.
An airplane can be customized by creating a file named GSX.CFG, that needs to be
placed in the airplane Root folder, the same that contains the aircraft.cfg file. For Following the [aircraft] section, there will be one or more [exitN] sections,
example, if you want to customize the default Boeing 747-400, you will have to create one for each door you want to customize. Theres no need to insert all the exits, just
a GSX.CFG file in the FSX\SimObjects\Airplanes\B747_400 folder. the ones you want to customize. If an Exit section is missing, GSX will try to take the
information from its other data sources ( the internal database, the aircraft.cfg file, etc.
Complete and partial customization. ). But you CAN disable an existing Exit, if you need.

Its possible to customize both a new airplane that is entirely unknown to GSX, and an [exit1]
airplane that is already supported by it. If the airplane in unknown, youll likely have to
insert data for every door you want to use, but if its already supported, your information The [exit1] section refers to the first door on the left side of the airplane, which is
will override what data is already available in the GSX internal database, and if you usually the main passengers door, where the jetway and the front stairs connects to.
dont supply all information, the data in the GSX internal database will be used instead. This section accepts the following parameters:
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 39

remove = 1 non-standard ways to open them, without having to remove the door and thus losing
its associated services.
This remove parameters instructs GSX to ignore this exit, and can be used to disable The name parameter its a string which is presented to the user when GSX asks to
all services linked to it. Removing a passenger exit will disable passengers stairs and open that door, to help identify it better. Not setting this parameter will use a generic
will stop GSX from asking to open that door when boarding/deboarding passengers. Exit x name, but its possible to use any name, to conform to the naming conven-
NOTE: the remove parameter should be used alone, without any other parameters tion of the airplane.
on the same Exit section. [exit2]
pos = X Y Z Angle
The [exit2] section refers to the 2nd passenger door on the left, and it accepts the
The Pos parameter is probably the most important, because it specifies the Exit position, same parameters as the [exit1] section. Its the exit were the mid stairs connects to.
and its expressed in meters from the airplane reference point for the first 3 parameters
( X, Y and Z ) and an angle, expressed in degrees, to specify the door orientation. [exit3]

X is a Lateral (Left/Right) offset from the airplane center, and negative numbers means The [exit3] section refers to the 3rd passenger door on the left, and it accepts the
Left. same parameters as the [exit1] section. Currently, GSX doesnt use the 3rd exit.
Y is the Longitudinal (Front/Back) offset from the airplane center, with positive numbers
going in the Front direction and negative numbers going towards the Back of the airplane. [exit4]

Z is the Height of the Exit, measured from the ground level. The door height usually The [exit4] section refers to the 4th and last passenger door on the left, and it ac-
affect the choice of stairs and the kind of loaders in case of cargo exits. cepts the same parameters as the [exit1] section. Its the exit were the rear stairs
connects to.
code = n
The code parameter its an integer number, usually 1, 2, 3 or 4, which indicates which
command is used to open the Exit in FSX. The numbers correspond to the standard The [service1] exit is the front door on the right side of the airplane, used by the
Shift+E command, which its usually followed by a number. Catering service. It accepts the same commands of a regular Exit, but adds the following:

For example: flip = n

code = 1 - indicates the door opens with Shift+E ( the 1 is not necessary ) The flip parameter, followed by an integer number from 1 to 4, indicates the door
code = 2 - indicates the door opens with Shift+E and then 2 quickly thereafter. has a mirrored position, taken from the Exit indicated by that number. This allows you
code = 3 - indicates the door opens with Shift+E and then 3 quickly thereafter. to quickly add a symmetrical service Exit to be used for Catering, if you dont want to
insert the position manually. Of course, if the service door in your airplane is not sym-
name = door name metrical to the corresponding door on the left side, you are free to insert its precise
location, using the Pos parameter, like any other Exit.
If code is set to 0, the door will still work, but will be ignored by GSX which will not
wait for it to start its animations. This is useful to enable airplanes with static doors or
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 40

name = Front Cargo Door

[service1] uldcode =
flip = 1
name = Front Catering door [cargo2]
pos = 0.90 -11.0 2.10 0.0
[service2] name = Rear Cargo Door
flip = 4 uldcode = AKE
name = Rear Catering door
In this example, we specified the Front cargo door to be located at 1 meter on the right
This two sections define the two catering doors, the front one being mirrored from the side of the airplane, 12 meters in front and with its threshold at 2.10 meters of height.
main passenger exit 1, and the rear one mirrored from the rear passenger exit. We used This would normally trigger a container loader vehicle ( they usually appear when the
a custom name for both, so they will display as such by GSX, instead of just Exit x door is higher than 2 meters), but since we specified as uldcode, a Baggage loader
with a Conveyor Belt will be used instead.
The 2nd cargo door its 90 centimeters on the right, 11 meters in the back and its 2.1
The [cargoN] sections are used to define the exits used by baggage and container meters high. We specified the container type should be the AKE type, which is one of
loaders. They use the same parameters as a standard exit, with the following addition: the most commonly used types.

uldcode = code [cargo2]

The uldcode parameter is a string code, usually 3 characters in length, that identify The [cargo2] section, as seen in the previous example, accept the same parameters
the standard IATA code for the Unit Load Device (the container) used by that door. as the [cargo1] section.
Its important to specify the correct ULD code, so a container having dimensions ap-
propriate for the airplane and the door size will be used. If this code is set to (two A complete GSX.CFG file example for the default A321, commented:
double quotes), the Cargo loaders will be disabled for that exit, and a Conveyor Belt
vehicle will appear instead. [aircraft]
nosegear = 12.25
This way, you have the flexibility to specify, for example, to have a conveyor belt even refueling = 1
on an airplane with fairly high doors that, with the automatic loader selection strategy,
; Nosegear at 12.25 mt ahead of the airplane center
would result in a Cargo loader, which might not be appropriate for the airplane. Some
; default Fuel/Load page is enabled
example are the 757 or the Concorde. And, its possible to specify different configura-
tions for the front and rear Cargo exits. [exit1]
pos = -1.95 12.4 3.7 5
Example: code = 1
name = exit 1
pos = 1.0 12.0 2.10 0.0 ; Main passenger doors is at
; 1.95 mt on the left, 12.4 mt ahead and 3.7 mt high
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 41

; angled at 5 degrees clockwise [cargo1]

; can be opened with Shift+E (the 1 is not needed) pos = 1.2 8.9 2.5 0
; GSX will label the exit as exit 1 code = 2
name = exit 2
[exit2] uldcode = AKH
pos = -2.0 3.6 3.7 0
code = 1 ; Front cargo door, can be opened with Shift+E then 2
name = exit 1 ; and accepts the A320 type container, the AKH

; Second passenger door, has the same code as the main [cargo2]
; passenger door and open with Shift-E too. pos = 1.2 -11.4 2.5 0
code = 2
[exit3] name = exit 2
remove = 1 uldcode = AKH

; 3rd passenger door dont exists on this airplane ; Rear cargo door shares the same opening command as the Front ;
[exit4] cargo door, and accepts the same kind of container.
pos = -1.8 -18.85 3.7 -5
code = 1 Saving the GSX.CFG file.
name = exit 1
The Save button, will save the CFG.CFG file in memory in the %APPDATA%\Vir-
; the last passenger door in the rear opens together with
tuali\Airplanes\YourAirplaneRootFolder folder:
; the main passenger door, so it has the same code/name

[service1] YourAirplaneRootFolder is the same name of the folder that contains the currently
pos = 1.95 12.45 3.7 -5 loaded airplane, in the regular Simobjects\Airplanes folder, under the main FSX
code = 3 folder. For example, editing the Default Airbus A321 and just pressing Save, will create
name = exit 3 a GSX.CFG file in the %APPDATA%\Virtuali\Airplanes\Airbus_A321 folder.

; Front catering door is not perfectly symmetrical with The reason for saving into the %APPDATA% folder, is to ensure the file can be writ-
; the main passenger door (5 cm ahead) and it opens ten without problems even if the UAC is enabled. As soon as you Save your file, the
; using Shift+E then 3, and its named exit 3 modifications to the airplane configuration in GSX will be applied immediately so, for
example, you can try a boarding/deboarding test, to verify your edits, choose Reset
pos = 1.6 -18.85 3.9 5 position, going into the editor again, test again and so on, to refine your configuration.
code = 3
name = exit 3

; Rear catering door shares the same Shift+E then 3

; command as the Front catering door.
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 42

Unit Load Devices - Loading/Unloading your Cargo IATA ICAO Dimensions Description
AKC LD1 156/234 153 163 cm Contoured, half width, used for 747
Starting with version 1.3, GSX supports two means of loading and unloading cargo:
DPE LD2 119/156 153 163 cm Contoured, half width, used by the 767

The standard Baggage Conveyor Belt, used since the first version AKE LD3 156/201 153 163 cm Contoured, half width, used by B77, A330/340, MD11

AKH LD3-45 114 153 163 cm 45 height for loading on Airbus A320 family
The larger Cargo loaders, with two platforms that can handle baggage and mail ALF LD6 406 x 153 x 163 cm Full-width lower hold container with angled ends
loaded on standard containers. ALP LD11 317 x 223 x 163 cm Full-width lower hold container. Canvas Door.

AMP M1 317 x 243 x 243 cm Main-deck container. Door is canvas with built-in net door straps.
On wide-body airplanes, its more efficient to load Cargo (Baggage and Mail), using
loaders that move standard containers, named Unit Load Device or ULD for short. Their DQF LD8 243 x 153 x 163 cm Full-width lower hold container angled at both ends. Canvas door with
built-in door straps.
type and measurement is fairly strict, since they must adapt to the fuselage shape and
size, and the cargo door size too. There are several containers type used for different Below, a table of which ULD are used in most common airplane types:
airplane types, and GSX supports the most popular ones which are used on the Lower
Cargo bay.
A unit load device (ULD), is a pallet or container used to load luggage, freight, and mail B747 LD1 AKC
on wide-body aircraft and specific narrow-body aircraft. It allows a large quantity of B767 LD2 DPE
cargo to be bundled into a single unit. Since this leads to fewer units to load, it saves B777 LD3 AKE
ground crews time and effort and helps prevent delayed flights. Each ULD has its own
B787 LD3 AKE
packing list (or manifest) so that its contents can be tracked.
A300 LD3 AKE
All ULDs are identified by their ULD number. A three-letter prefix identifies its type, A310 LD3 AKE
followed by a 4 or 5 digit serial number to uniquely identify it from others of the same A319 LD3-45 AKH
type, and ending with a two character (alpha-numerical) suffix identifying the ULDs A320 LD3-45 AKH
owner (if an airline, often the same as IATA designator codes).
A321 LD3-45 AKH
For example, AKN 12345 DL means that the ULD is a forkliftable LD3 with the unique A330 LD3 AKE
number 12345 and its owner is Delta Air Lines. A340 LD3 AKE
A380 LD3 AKE
GSX supports the most widely used ULDs, listed in the table on the next page: MD-11 LD3 AKE
L-1011 LD3 AKE
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 43

ULDs specifications: IATA ULD code: ALP rectangular container

Also known as: ALD, AW2, AWB, AWD, AWZ, DLP, DWB, and
MWB. Refrigerated version: RWB, RWD, and RWZ.
IATA ULD Code: AKC Contoured Container
Also known as: AVC, AVD, AVK, AVJ
ALP Rate class: Type 6
Description: Full-width lower hold container. Door is canvas.
AKC Forkable: AVY Center post swings clear for loading. Refrigerated version has
Classification: LD-1 solid door.
Rate Class: Type 8 LD11 Suitable for: 747, 777, 787, DC-10, MD-11 lower hold
Door opening: 120 x 61-in (305 x 155-cm)
LD1 Suitable for: B747, B767, B777, MD-11
Internal volume: 4.8 cu. m (169.5 cu. ft) Maximum gross weight: 3,176 kg (7,002 lb)
Maximum gross weight: 1588 kg (3501 lb Tare weight: 185 kg (408 lb)
IATA ULD code: AMA rectangular container on P6P base Rate
IATA ULD Code: AKE Contoured Container
class: Type 2
Also known as: AKE, AVA, AVB, AVC, AVK, DVA, DVE, DVP,
XKS, XKG AMP Also known as: AMF, AMG, AMK, AMP, AQA, AQD, and AQ6
Description: Main-deck container. Door is canvas with built-in
net door straps.
Classification: LD-3
Suitable for: 747F, 747 Combi
Rate Class: Type 8
M1 777F center loading only
LD3 Suitable for: A300, A310, A330, A340, B747, B767, B777, DC-
10, MD-11, L1011
Maximum gross weight: 6,804 cm (15,000 lb) Tare weight:
350 kg (772 lb),
Internal volume: 4.3 cu. m (152 cu. ft)
Maximum gross weight: 1588 kg (3500 lb)
Dimensions LxWxH: 156cm x 153cm x 163cm (61.5/47 x 60.4 The choice to decide which method of cargo loading will be used (Conveyor Belt or
x 64) Cargo Loader), varies depending how the airplane is recognized by GSX:
Type Code: DPE
Also known as: DPA, APA, DPN (Forkable) If the airplane is recognized by GSX internal database, we already set up the correct
LD2 Tare Weight: 92 kg* / 203 lb*
Weight Limitation: 1225 kg / 2700 lb
ULD type for each supported airplane.
Aircraft: B767
If the airplane is not included in the GSX internal database, the choice will be made
Dimension LxWxH: 244cm X 153cm X 117cm (96/61.5 X 60.4
X 46) depending on the Cargo door height: if its less than 2 meters, a Conveyor Belt loader
AKH IATA Code: LD3-45 (LD45) will be used, otherwise the loader will a Cargo loader.
Type Code: AKH
Also known as: DKH
In the previous pages, we demonstrated how you can control the assignment creating
LD3-45 Tare Weight: 82 kg* / 180 lb* a GSX.CFG file, with an uldcode parameter that can control which container type
Weight Limitation: 1588 kg / 3500 lb will be used for every Cargo exit.
Aircraft: A319, A320, A321

IATA ULD code: ALF contoured container The ULD used by GSX are customized with airline logos and their identification
Also known as: AWA, AWF, and forkable AWC code, according to correct IATA standards, as explained before. The airline selection is
ALF Rate class: Type 6W
Description: Full-width lower hold container with angled ends.
made according to the following strategy:
Door is canvas with built-in door straps. If your airplane.cfg includes the ICAO code of your airline in the atc_parking_codes
Suitable for: 747, 777, 787, DC-10, MD-11 lower hold parameter, this will take precedence over any other selection method. Its assumed you
LD6 Door opening: 120 x 60-in (305 x 152-cm)
Maximum gross weight: 3,175 kg (7,000 lb) will preferably load containers with the airline logo of the airplane. If your airplane
Tare weight: 230 kg (507 lb) doesnt have an atc_parking_codes parameter in its aircraft.cfg file, the selection
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 44

will be made per airport, using the same selection methods as the handling vehicles.
In this case, it might happen you will load containers with a logo on departure, and a
different one when unloading on arrival. This is normal, and cant be prevented if your
airplane.cfg doesnt have the airline code set.

The standard Cargo Loader used is modeled after the real world FMC Commander 15,
a very popular vehicle, with two hydraulic platforms that can reach doors as high at
3.55 meters. GSX version 1.8 added support for the FMC Commander 30i, which can
reach the Main Cargo door, up to 5.558 mt. of height.

Live Update
The menu shows 3 options, allowing to Download and install the update, Read the
GSX has been designed with the capability of being constantly updated. The kind of release notes or Ignore the update.
product is very suited to evolve: new 3rd party airplanes that require support with
doors configuration and special features, and new 3rd party airports that might need If you choose to Ignore the update, there will be no further automatic notifications,
a specific customization, are being released every day. And of course, with such com- until the NEXT update will be published. But its always possible to force an Update
plex code that needs interaction with a wide range of addons and user habits, bugs check manually, using the Check Live Update option under the Couatl powered
are always possible. product menu under the Addons menu of the main FSX menu bar:

With the Couatl Live Update, your product will be always fresh without much effort to vUsing the Check Live Update function, you can check if theres an update available
check for new versions. The Couatl Live Update also covers other products, from FSDT without having to wait up 24 hours after it has being published, and get a chance
and 3rd parties that license the Couatl scripting engine, and can be kept updated very to download or read about an update that you chose to ignore with the automatic
easily with the same method. notification.

How it works The option to Read the list of changes, will launch a mini-browser window (which
works in FSX Full Screen mode too), that contains an updated web page that lists all
The Couatl Live Update is integrated in the Couatl engine, and notifications for updates the news related to the update.
are both automatic or triggered by the user.
Its possible to read the release notes again, by selecting Check Live Update again,
The automatic notification runs once every day. No background tasks are installed, the even if you already installed the update.
notification its part of the Couatl engine and runs only with FSX. The system will check
our servers every 24 hours, and if theres an update, will be shown with a standard
FSX menu:
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 45

immediately available without requiring an FSX restart.

After selecting Option 1, the Live Update will be downloaded and installed, and the
following screen will appear:

Launching the Updater outside FSX

Minor and Major Updates
Its possible to launch the Updater when FSX is not running, this might be useful if you
There are two kind of updates that might be made available: we call them Minor and want to be sure you have the latest updates before starting a flight, or if any kind of
Major updates, and will be labeled differently in the Live Update notification window. connection problems or corrupted downloads might prevent the Live Update to work
from within FSX.
Minor Updates
The Updater is located in the following folder:
A Minor update can be downloaded and installed On the Fly, without having to leave
FSX, and usually covers the following: YourFSXFolder\Fsdreamteam\Couatl\Couatl_Updater.exe

New 3rd party Airplane supported. The GSX internal database of airplanes will be Its should be launched directly from this folder when FSX is not running, and its
updated to add new products to the list of supported airplanes, with their doors equivalent of doing a manual update inside FSX.
configurations and special features like ground connections.
New or improved airport customization files, featuring both default and 3rd party
airports, to better detection of parkings, pushback paths, jetway locations and
other issues that might affect GSX
Code fixes and new features for the core GSX program code, or general improve-
ments to the scripts shared by all plugins powered by the Couatl engine, including
sceneries from FSDT and other Couatl licensee that use the scripting engine to
create special features in their sceneries.
All these updates can be downloaded and installed without exiting FSX, if you select
the Download and Install option, a separate Updater utility will be launched:
At the end of the download process, a menu will announce that the Update has been
successfully installed (or will announce of any problems, like a connection problem),
and the Couatl engine will restart automatically, so all the new code changes will be
FsDreamTeam GSX - Ground Services for FSX - page 46

Major Updates Interfacing with GSX

There are times when an Update cant be downloaded and installed on the fly, because Heres some informations useful to developers wanting to interface their airplanes or
it requires an update of the Addon Manager .DLL module, or the Couatl executable, utilities with GSX. Most of the information can be retrieved using L: variables, which
so you will have to Quit from FSX, download and install the Stand-Alone Addon can be read very easily from an XML gauge code, but also in a C/C++ gauge, using
Manager for FSX, ( which contains all the updates normally found in a Minor update the register_var_by_name(), get_named_variable_value() API calls
too ), but also other files that couldnt be downloaded and installed without restart- from the Panels interface.
ing FSX. When a Major update is available, the notification menu is slightly different:
Note the menu Title: its says An Addon Manager upgrade is available, and the text Reading the current status of GSX operations:
saying you can install update without restarting FSX its gone. This indicates a Major
Update. Each GSX service has an associated L: variable:

Major updates that requires exiting from FSX and install the Stand-Alone Addon Manager
With a status being a numeric value, indicates the following:
are usually reserved for features that require to update one or both the two executable
modules that are required by GSX, or to update files that cant be installed while FSX
1 = service can be called
is running, like airport .BGLs.
2 = service is not available
3 = services has been bypassed
Note that, its usually possible to obtain the same result as installing the latest Stand-
4 = service has been requested
Alone Addon Manager, also by reinstalling GSX with its full installer
5 = service is being performed
6 = service has been completed
Updating GSX 3D Models, Textures and Sounds
Checking the Pushback status
These are the largest files that takes most of the installer space which means theyll
require downloading and installing the most current GSX installer. We might add them
When GSX is Pushing the airplane, it sends several Freeze commands using Simcon-
to the Live Update service in future upgrades.
nect, so the plane will not move while being pushed. The plane is set to its normal
status when the Pushback Truck is removed. This might cause issues if you use a custom
However, if such update is required, youll be notified by the Live Update program, with
flight model, for example, which should be notified of the freezing, as the standard
the release notes, that will explain when a full GSX download and installation is needed.
flight model would. To check the precise moment GSX has frozen the airplane, you can
poll the L:FSDT_VAR_Frozen variable, which is set to 1 when the Pushback starts
pushing, and reset to 0 when its done.

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