Question 2: How to find the bearing & safe bearing capacity of a rectangular footing in sandy
Question 3: What is the difference between nominal and design mix?
Question 4: What are the various tests on workability of concrete?
Question 5: Draw the deflection diagram of a column (one end fixed, other end free). Also, how
will you derive it?
Question 6: How will you manage a project which is due 28 days? (related to gantt chart, CPM
and PERT).
Question 7: How will you test the compressibility of soil?
Question 8: As per IRC, what is the maximum superelevation that can be used for the design of
Question 9: How will you cure a concrete structure if the available amount of water is less? (my
ans: wet gunny bags) but what if the structure is very large (and use of gunny bags is not
feasible)? (my ans: using special chemical admixtures in the design mix of concrete) but what if
the concrete structure has already been erected? (ans: spraying of concrete curing compounds).
Q.5) What are the deshuttering time for Salb Beam Column RCC Wall Footing
Q.8) How many kilo of binding wire required for one ton of reinforcement steel
Q.10) How many modular bricks are required for 1 cubic meter of brick
Q.14) Why we use sin wave only in ac not use any other form of wave?
Q.15) How to find the quantity of materials required for constructing a wall of
length 10*5*.2m?
Thank you...
Source: http://entrance-exam.net/forum/general-discussion/l-t-technical-interview-
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