Ey Revenue Model
Ey Revenue Model
Ey Revenue Model
revenue models
for Payments
Banks in India
i | Alternate revenue models for Payments Banks in India
Executive Summary. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
1. A background to Payments Banks in India . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.1 An inflection point for financial services in India . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
1.2 Enabler for broadening reach of financial services in India. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Insurance to cover life,
health, property
Investments and
long term savings
Pension fund, PPF,
MFs, bonds
Procuring loans
Financing basic needs
or aspirational
Since most remittance-led businesses have been built to cater to the entry step on the financial evolution ladder, the larger benefit to the
system has not been realized yet. Remittance services are provided to individuals at a high cost and the relationship with the customer
is very transactional. Although these models have scaled up substantially in terms of reach and transaction volumes, the customer
relationship has been limited to only remittance transactions.
Large business groups with multiple businesses should look at the Payments Banks that they promote as a
service layer more than a standalone profit center, and look at end-to-end benefits that can accrue to them as
a business group. For instance, physical infrastructure could be leveraged as much as possible to keep costs
low, distribution reach and customer touch points of multiple group companies could be leveraged to reduce
the cost of customer acquisition, and bundled products and services could be explored. As Payments Banks are
expected to have a longer path to profitability (three to five years to start generating operating profits), a long-
term management commitment is required at the group level.
Simplied KYC for
Reduction in marginal cost
mass adoption
of transactions to near zero
Complete interoperability
Solutions for all with
across all systems
lower entry barriers
participating in a transaction
In order to achieve these dimensions, Payments Banks need to take a long-term view, identify non-traditional revenue models that are
commercially viable for the provider and add meaningful value to the customers.
3.1 Instant documentation and Aadhaar- and OTP-based authentication for KYC could be
the most simplified kind of authentication, that allows banks
onboarding process and other entities to authenticate customers through an OTP
delivered to their registered mobile numbers or email address.
One of the reasons for low levels of banking access in India
The OTP would be generated when a customer initiates the
is a lack of identity and address proof documents, especially
on-boarding, and the KYC would be performed through easy-to-
for people migrating to cities. Collection and maintenance of
follow steps. These could be done online or in person at a branch
multiple identification proofs make the customer on-boarding
or any other physical touch point and does not necessarily
process difficult for both banks and customers.
require any assistance. However, this can be used only by those
Aadhaar based e-KYC promises a solution for simplification of Aadhaar users who have correctly registered their mobile
the customer on-boarding process. Over 1 billion13 Aadhaar numbers.
cards have been issued in India. Aadhaar could be used for
The second approach involves going a step further and building
instant KYC and customer on-boarding and banks can process
an Aadhaar consumer app through which customers could push
quicker, paperless on-boarding through Aadhaar-based
their details to a Payments Bank or a financial service provider
authentication in three simple ways.
for completing the KYC.
Adopting the Aadhaar-based KYC model will benefit the Payments Banks could facilitate this implementation by making
Payments Banks during expansion as the involvement of transactions or transfers within the ecosystem almost free.
biometrics will overcome documentation constraints for In effect, a very large closed user group could be created by
customers, especially in the rural hinterlands and semi-urban Payments Banks with suitable disincentives for a cash-out such
towns. as withdrawal charges.
Customer enters The customer downloads the Payments Bank's mobile application to register for an account
1 Aadhaar ID during To register, the customer is given an option to provide his or her Aadhaar number along with
mobile number
OTP is sent to the The Payments Bank routes the Aadhaar and mobile numbers for validation, and if they match
registered the details in the Aadhaar database, an OTP is sent to the customer
mobile number The customer enters the OTP in the mobile application
The Payments Banks mobile application captures the Aadhaar number and the OTP, and routes
this information for validation
3 OTP is veried
After successful Aadhaar + OTP validation, the bank receives the customers KYC details: name,
address and photograph
The details as received can be populated in the mobile app and can be reviewed by the
4 Payments Bank
conrms identity
A digital consent can be taken from the customer to open a bank account
Bank sets up The account number is generated instantly and displayed to the customer
5 account
The customer can see the key features of the account on the app itself
Based on the geo-location, the branches/BCs in the vicinity can be displayed on the app
India has a high mobile density with total subscriptions touching Payments Banks can benefit significantly by becoming one of the
1 billion.14 More recently, there has been an increase in the first-movers and riding this mobile wave to reach out to a wider
penetration of smartphones and the level of data usage on customer base across the country.
mobile. In both urban and rural India, the mobile internet
user base has grown significantly over the years. Further, an
A leading bank in Kenya has launched thin-SIM-
increasing proportion of active internet users use mobile phone
as the primary channel for internet access.
based mobile banking and telecom service. Thin SIM
cards are placed along with the normal SIM cards
As a result, the Indian consumer market will not only leapfrog in the phone and allow users to access financial
many technology adoption trends (such as bypassing desktop
services along with telephony.
and going mobile), but also adapt to new disruptive ideas (such
as the evolution of Indias digital landscape into a hyper-local and
This can potentially be done by non-telco-led
on-demand market). Several major players such as on-demand
cab aggregators, e-commerce giants and digital wallets have
Payments Banks in partnership with telecom
already flagged off the dawn of a new era of digital transactions. operators.
Hence, it is imperative for Payments Banks to adopt a digital-
first approach toward their consumer offerings and internal
processes. There should be substantial focus on developing
paperless processes, digitizing transactions and building a
true digital experience. Smartphones can be one of the means
to achieve this. However, there is a large base of unbanked
4.2 Create large-scale access to for issuing a quick unsecured micro loan. The credit appraisal
for M-Shwari loan accounts is based on multiple parameters
credit such as balance in M-Shwari deposit account, M-PESA pay-
ment transactions, and voice and data usage on the telecoms
network. The credit appraisal is carried out instantaneously and
Availability of credit, for both individuals and small businesses,
the eligible amount is made available on the customers mobile
is an important dimension of financial inclusion. The situation
phone within seconds.
Merchants having positive
June 2014
balance in account
Mobile Money for the Unbanked, GSMA website, http://www.gsma.com/mobilefordevelopment/wp-content/uploads/2014/02/2013_MMU_Compendium-of-case-studies.pdf,
How Telesoms ZAAD captured the Somali Market, The Continental website, http://www.thecontinentmag.com/how-telesoms-zaad-captured-the-somali-market/, 10 June
4.4.1 Financial services Payments Banks can adopt a similar model by partnering with
insurance companies for developing tailor-made and add-on
While Payments Banks will cross-sell financial products such as
insurance products specific to the requirements of various
insurance, investment and origination of loans, it can also focus
customer groups.
on analytics-led contextual (to the consumers) cross-selling.
Additionally, the focus of Payments Banks should revolve around
How it works, Bought by Many website, https://boughtbymany.com/how-it-
the following imperatives: works//, 21 June 2016.
Payments Banks can also generate data-led insights and explore Until now, banks in India have never taken an open architecture
other adjacent revenue streams such as targeted marketing to its approach that provides access to their systems to outside entities.
customer base. Legacy systems, internal processes and other business priorities
limit the speed at which traditional banks innovate. Payments
Banks should develop the payment interface as a platform with
Meniga capabilities to provide standardized API access and allow third
party developers, with thorough due diligence, to easily build and
Menigas personal financial management solution is currently
integrate customer and merchant-centric services around it.
being used in 16 countries and by multiple banks, some being
digital banks. Its analytics platform tracks consumer spends to Providing public and private APIs can create an ecosystem
build new propositions for customers and businesses. where other non-bank players can develop payment apps and
Meniga that would bring further innovation into the banking
Meniga offers a digital banking solution that aggregates,
and payments space.
enriches and analyses transaction data from multiple sources
to provide a truly personalized digital banking experience. For
example, it has a social media style platform that categorizes Open Bank Project
customers financial transactions and accordingly provides
Open Bank Project runs an app store for its partner banks
customized insights and recommendations on how to manage
customers to download a wide range of additional functionalities
their finances. It also identifies merchant-funded offers and
to its core online and mobile platform by exposing its API to
matches them to the relevant customer set to help them
external developers.
connect. It also has a segmentation platform that profiles
customers on the basis of spending patterns and communicates Open API architecture has led to a significant level of innovation
targeted product offerings from its ecosystem of merchants. in banking and payments. For instance, developers have made
apps to help visually impaired bank. Interesting personal
All these are prime examples of how a Payments Bank can
finance management apps have been developed that provide
leverage technology to create a digital ecosystem of merchants,
3D visualizations of transactions, allow customers to use their
financial services providers and customers to engage and
mobiles for card-less ATM withdrawals, and help SMEs manage
potentially develop revenue streams from these services.
cash flows.
Home page, Meniga website, http://www.meniga.com/, 10 June 2016. An open architecture with flexibility for developers to build
applications and solutions on the platform is an important driver
future innovations in banking and payments.
Key takeaways Source:
Open Bank Project | Home, Open Bank Project website, https://openbankproject.
Payments Banks will generate a high volume of consumer com/, 10 June 2016
transactionsled data, which will include transactions such as
mobile recharges, bill payments, e-commerce spends and offline
merchant transactions. A significant value can be unlocked if
Key takeaways
this data is analyzed and consumer insights are be monetized.
Payments Banks can potentially do very precise targeted Payments Banks being legacy-free with a higher focus on new
marketing through these insights without compromising on data age digital channels and technology platforms are better poised
privacy. to potentially create an ecosystem of open APIs and attract the
developer community. Such an open API architecture can lead to
Payments Banks can also conduct analytics-enabled profiling development of innovative payment applications banking APIs
of customers belonging to the low- and mid-income groups, and payment systems.
similar to a credit bureau, for lending institutions such as MFIs, The apps or companies using these APIs can be charged on
NBFCs, and even co-operative and commercial banks. This can the basis of user licenses or on the basis of transaction volume
potentially improve the efficacy of priority sector lending for the similar to the platform-pricing approach taken for commercial
banks as well. use of services such as maps.
As the ecosystem around Payments Banks develops, it is critical for customer onboarding to a large extent, newer cost-efficient
the regulatory and operational environment around them to evolve solutions such as video callbased alternatives (in place of in-
as well. person verifications) could further enhance the speed and ease of
customer acquisition.
Payments Banks are expected to be catalysts for broadening
access to the banking system by offering innovative products and Further, regulatory impetus to Payments Banks to develop alternate
solutions with efficient customer service. Payments Banks have the revenue streams aside from core deposit taking and remittances
benefit of being legacy-free and unlike established banks, they are (e.g., monetizing data and facilitating credit adjacencies) would go a
under no pressure to grow credit volumes or meet priority-sector long way in bolstering their financial performance.
lending requirements. Therefore, they can focus on managing basic
In addition to the regulator providing an encouraging environment,
accounts and should have the freedom to do so in innovative ways.
the Government could also play a significant role in furthering the
As part of the next wave of regulatory evolution, operational cause of Payments Banks through country-wide initiatives involving
guidelines specific to Payments Banks on critical aspects such communication and consumer-education programs. Measures
as branch licensing, outsourcing, customer onboarding and KYC such as these could provide significant stimulus to broadening the
would potentially provide players an operating environment that is customer base of Payments Banks and consequently furthering
conducive to facilitating large volumes of payments transactions. the cause of financial inclusion in the country, while enabling these
While initiatives such as Aadhaar-based KYC have simplified banks to build sustainable businesses.
2. Indias love for cash costs $3.5Bn a year, Times of India, http://
costs-3-5bn-a-year/articleshow/45934597.cms, 19 January 2015.-
10. Indias love for cash costs $3.5Bn a year, Times of India website,
cash-costs-3-5bn-a-year/articleshow/45934597.cms, 19 January 2015.
Fali Hodiwalla
Advisory Services-Financial Services
Email: Fali.Hodiwalla@in.ey.com
Dheeraj Aneja
Advisory Services-Financial Services
Email: Dheeraj.Aneja@in.ey.com
Gaurav Kayal
Advisory Services-Financial Services
Email: Gaurav.Kayal@in.ey.com
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