Template For Joint Venture Agreement
Template For Joint Venture Agreement
Template For Joint Venture Agreement
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MPANEL KOREA CO., LTD a corporation duly organized and existing under and by
virtue of the laws of the Republic of the Philippines with Principal address at Suite 1104
Antel Corporate Centre, 121 Valero Street, Salcedo Village, Makati City, MR. JAY JANG
herein represented as its President and YOUNG HWAN CHOI, herein represented as
its Senior Manager, herein referred to as the Second Party;
THAT both parties believe that they can undertake a proposed joint venture project, The
Construction and operation of a Fabrication Warehouse Plant in Cavite aimed at
producing Pre-Fabricated Light weight Wall Panels Building Technology Materials for
use in residential and commercial buildings.. This project will have mutually benefitting
results if both parties pool their financial supports, plant and operation equipment, the
technical expertise and resources necessary to initiate the above-stated purpose under
this Joint Venture agreement.
THAT, the First Party shall provide the lot for the Warehouse Fabrication Plant, Plans
and Details, permits and Licenses ready for construction under this Joint Venture
THAT, the Second Party shall put up the cost of the Fabrication Plant Structure/s plus
the needed equipment, tools and machineries that will be needed for the Plant to be
Operational and Working.
THAT, the Second Party shall provide the technology and knowhow in the production of
the Building Technology Light Weight Wall Panels.
THAT, both parties will infuse and pool Funds for the Operational cost, maintenance,
operational materials, overhead and miscellaneous expenses which will be called as
Working Capital supported by proper accounting procedures in which both parties will
agree on the management procedure.
THAT, both parties will construct a Showroom Structure using MPANEL Building
Technology Materials, Second Party will supply the Building Technology Materials and
the First Party will erect the Showroom Structure.
THAT, the First Party will handle all the marketing and supply of MPANEL materials to
Developers, Architects, Contractors and all other clients using this Light Weight Panels
and thereby the First Party shall provide Joint Venture project contracts on Government
Housing, Private Housing Developers, Low Rise and High Rise residential and office
buildings, Commercial structures, etc.
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NOW THEREFORE, for and consideration of the foregoing premises and mutual
covenants hereinafter set forth, the Joint Venture have agreed to establish, as they
hereby establish and constitute by and between themselves, a JOINT VENTURE for the
exclusive purpose of this undertaking thereof subject to the following terms and
1. For all intents and proposes, the Joint Venture entity established hereby, shall be
3. Arch. Jesus Z. Menor Ph.D. is hereby named, appointed and constituted as the
Authorized Managing Officer (AMO ) and as such the sole representative for and
behalf of the herein Joint Venture and all bids, contacts and other documents
whatsoever pertinent to said project, shall be signed by her/him.
4. The parties shall be jointly and severally liable for any and all obligation which the
Joint Venture may incur on the basis of 40% for BRILLIANT SUCCESS VENTURES
AND ENTERPRISES INC. and 60% for MPANEL KOREA, LTD.. for all the
necessary capital, equipment, technical personnel, management, supervision and
other efforts and resources for the proper implementation of the project in the event
that the Joint Venture is awarded the project contracts, and further bind themselves
at all times during the existence of this Joint Venture, to extend to each other their
respective fullest cooperation and best effort towards the efficient and profitable
construction of the project in accordance with the approved plans and specification,
and to complete the same within the approve schedule.
5. The net profit or losses of the Joint Venture shall likewise be divided between the
parties on the same % as to item 4. respectively.
6. Both parties can change the Terms of Agreement at a later time, once the Factory is
built in Philippines or when mutually agreed by both parties.
IN WITNESS, WHEREOF, the parties, hereto have set their hands this, ____day of
_____________, 2017 at _____________________, Philippines.
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both known to me as the same persons who executed this foregoing instrument and
they acknowledged to me that the same is their own true and voluntary act and deed
and the company they respectively represent.
Doc No.______
Page No, ______
Book No. ______
Series of 2017.
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