Course Outline On Credit Transactions
Course Outline On Credit Transactions
Course Outline On Credit Transactions
REFERENCES: RA 386 (New Civil Code of the Philippines)
Act 2137 (Warehouse Receipts Law)
Act 2655 (Usury Law)
BSP Circular No. 799, Series of 2013
Act 1508 (Chattel Mortgage Law)
RA 10142 (Financial Rehabilitation and Insolvency Act)
De Leon, H.S., Comments and Cases on Credit Transactions (Rex)
E. The Usury Law and BSP Circular No. 799, Series of 2013
(16) First Metro Investment v. Este Del Sol Mountain Reserve, GR 141811,
November 15, 2001
(17) Dino v. Jardines, GR 145871, January 31, 2006
III. Deposit
A. Voluntary Deposit
B. Obligations of Depositary and Depositor
C. Necessary Deposit
D. Judicial Deposit
VI. Pledge
A. Definition
B. Kinds
C. Essential Requisites
D. Rights
E. Perfection F.
Foreclosure G.
Legal Pledge
H. Pledge vs. Chattel Mortgage
VIII. Antichresis
A. Definition
B. Characteristics
C. Obligations
Grading System:
The practice of law, despite its many, many flaws, can still be a very noble thing and I like
to think that its just a little more noble with me in it.
-Harriet Korn, Harrys Law