Full Paper: Simultaneous Upgrading of Furanics and Phenolics Via Hydroxyalkylation/aldol Condensation Reactions
Full Paper: Simultaneous Upgrading of Furanics and Phenolics Via Hydroxyalkylation/aldol Condensation Reactions
Full Paper: Simultaneous Upgrading of Furanics and Phenolics Via Hydroxyalkylation/aldol Condensation Reactions
The simultaneous conversion of cyclopentanone and m-cresol has been investigated on a series of solid acid catalysts. Both
compounds are representative of biomass-derived streams. Cyclopentanone can be readily obtained from sugar-derived furfurals via
Piancatelli rearrangement under reducing conditions. Cresol represents the family of phenolics, typically obtained from the
depolymerization of lignin. In the first biomass conversion strategy proposed here, furfural is converted in high yields and selectivity
to cyclopentanone (CPO) over metal catalysts such as Pd-Fe/SiO 2 catalyst at 600 psia H2 and 150oC. Subsequently, CPO and cresol
are further converted via acid-catalyzed hydroxyalkylation. This C-C coupling reaction may be used to generate products in the
molecular weight range that is appropriate for transportation fuels. Since molecules beyond this range may be undesirable for fuel
production, a catalyst with suitable porous structure may be advantageous for controlling the product distribution in the desirable
range. In fact, when Amberlyst resins were used as a catalyst, C 12-C24 products were obtained, whereas when zeolites with smaller
pore sizes were used, they selectively produced C 10 products. Alternatively, CPO can undergo the acid-catalyzed self-aldol
condensation to form C10 bicyclic adducts. As an illustration of the potential of practical implementation of this strategy for biofuel
production, the long chain oxygenates obtained from hydroxyalkylation/aldol condensation were successfully upgraded via
hydrodeoxygenation to a mixture of linear alkanes and saturated cyclic hydrocarbons, which in practice would be direct drop-in
components for transportation fuels. Aqueous acidic environments, typically encountered during the liquid-phase upgrading of bio-oils
would inhibit the efficiency of base-catalyzed process. Therefore, the proposed acid-catalyzed upgrading strategy is advantageous in
terms of process simplicity for biomass conversion.
Interestingly, Hronec et al. [29, 30] have shown that the /phenol [37], formaldehyde/guaiacol [38], acetaldehyde/o-xylene
Piancatelli ring rearrangement in reducing condition is also a [39], aldehyde/benzene derivatives [40, 41], acetone / phenol
[42], benzaldehyde/benzene derivatives [43], polymeric matrix that may become significant as temperature
paraformaldehyde /anisole [44], formaldehyde/benzene [45], increases.
formaldehyde / phenol [46] over acid-functionalized solids, such
The acid-catalyzed formation of AC products is in itself an
as Amberlyst acidic resin and acidic zeolites to produce crucial
interesting outcome of the study since the aldol condensation of
platforms for the chemical industry. For example, Rode et al.
cyclopentanone has been typically reported over basic catalysts,
[47] have reported 80-95% yields of coupling products from the
such as MgO, KF/Al2O3, CaO-CeO2, CaO, magnesium
reaction of acetaldehyde/p-cresol over H and bentonite clay
aluminum hydrotalcites (MgAl-HT) and lithiumaluminum
catalysts impregnated with dodecatungstophosphoric acid.
hydrotalcites (LiAl-HT) [48], or even in NaOH solutions [30].
In this contribution, we propose a novel approach for the While it is widely known that the aldol condensation can be
simultaneous upgrading of furfural and m-cresol, two model catalyzed by both bases and acids, the latter has seldom been
compounds that represent two streams of sequential biomass reported for cyclopentanone. Zou et al. [49] reported the self-
thermal treatment at moderate and high temperatures. In this aldol condensation of cyclopentanone and cyclohexanone in
strategy, furfural is first pre-stabilized as cyclopentanone via the glass reactor over MOF-encapsulating phosphotungstic,
Piancatelli rearrangement/hydrogenation process [22, 48]. This Amberlyst 15 and HZSM-5 materials. The reaction was
intermediate product is then used to hydroxyalkylate m-cresol conducted at 130oC in pure cyclic ketone for 48h and moderate
and generate C10-C24 oxygenates, a suitable range for conversion of the ketones could be obtained. However, no
transportation fuel precursors. information related to carbon balance was reported.
Results and Discussion In this work, the experiments were conducted in a Parr
reactor in more controlled and quantitative ways than previous
1. Hydroxyalkylation of m-cresol/cyclopentanone
studies with shorter reaction times and direct measurement of
a) Product distribution over solid acid Amberlyst 15: the carbon balance. The results summarized in Figure 2 confirm
that solid acids such as Amberlyst 15 are capable of producing
The hydroxyalkylation of m-cresol and CPO yields various
acceptable yields of AC products (1+2). The yield of the
cyclopentyl-substituted cresol compounds including (3), (4), (5)
monomer (1) increases over time, reaching 16% after 6 hrs of
and (6) (HAA products) as shown in path B Scheme 1. Two
reaction. The amount of dimer product (2) is very small, reaching
products from self-aldol condensation of cyclopentanone
only about 1% yield. Excellent carbon balances of 94-97% were
including (1) and (2) (AC products) were also observed, as
observed in both cases. Although the reaction conditions and
shown in path A. In most cases, the formation of product (2) is
catalyst formulations will need to be optimized to enhance the
negligible compared to that of the other products; therefore, in
yield to coupling compounds, these preliminary results are
most runs, product (1) is the only representative of the self-aldol
promising enough to be considered an interesting approach for
condensation reaction.
biomass conversion, particularly since the acidic environment is
Figure 1 shows the reaction data obtained after 2 h in a commonly found in bio-oil upgrading. The high content of water
batch reactor on Amberlyst 15 in the temperature range 65- in real pyrolysis mixtures would require to operate in biphasic
145 C at a 2:1 m-cresol/CPO molar feed ratio. The results system [50]. Implementation of the concepts derived from model
demonstrate that the acid resin displays an acceptable activity, compound studies in the separation and conversion of bio-oil to
with conversion increasing from 8 to 38% as the temperature fuel may demonstrate the advantage of using solid emulsifier
increases, keeping a good carbon balance. For instance, 13% materials such as hydrophobized zeolites [51, 52] nanotubes,
CPO conversion was obtained at 100oC, with 40% selectivity to and other amphiphilic catalysts that stabilize emulsions [53] to
AC products, 60% selectivity to HAA products and a carbon achieve maximized adducts yields for the reaction.
balance of 98%. Higher temperatures favor the formation of
b) Comparison of different solid acid catalysts:
monomer and dimer coupling products (1, 3, 4, and 5). Above
120oC, the decomposition of the trimer (6) becomes evident and Based on these observations, several solid catalysts with
undesired reactions start to occur. For example, at 145 C, theo different characteristics, including a resin with higher acid
carbon balance dropped from almost 100 to 83 %, most density (Amberlyst 36), a microporous zeolite (H), and a
probably due to polymerization as indicated by the change in mesoporous acid catalyst (SiO2-Al2O3) were investigated and
color of the solution. One problem associated with the use of a compared to a homogeneous catalyst, para-toluene sulfuric acid
resin catalyst like Amberlyst 15 is the decomposition of the (p-TSA) to explore the effect of catalyst topology and acidity. To
make a proper comparison of selectivity, we adjusted the smaller AC products (93% selectivity) leave the zeolite, while the
reaction temperature to reach an overall CPO conversion of HAA, if formed will remain trapped inside the microporous
about 15 %. Specifically, the activity comparison was made at structure. It is suggestive that the homogenous p-TSA exhibits a
o o
100 C for Amberlyst and p-TSA, and at 250 C for H, SiO2-Al2O3. higher selectivity to large HAA products (3 + 4 + 5 + 6) (Figure
The results are summarized in Table 1 and Figure 3. Amberlyst 3) in comparison to the behavior of solid catalysts. More
36 shows an analogous behavior to Amberlyst 15, reaching 15% specifically, at comparable CPO conversion (15-20%) the yields
CPO conversion with selectivities of 38% and 62% for AC and of 3, 4, 5 and 6 were 2.4%, 1.7%, 0.16% and 0.4% on Amberlyst
HAA products, respectively. Interestingly, while (at 100C) 36 while they are much higher, reaching 5.2%, 1.3%, 1.8% and
Amberlyst resins catalyzed the generation of both AC and HAA, 12.4%, respectively with the homogeneous catalyst p-TSA.
the zeolite H and amorphous SiO 2-Al2O3 yielded only AC
To check the effect of reaction temperature to the product
products (at 250C).
distribution, reaction runs were conducted on zeolite H at
It is possible that the drop in HAA selectivity might be due to different temperatures (100-250C). As shown in the Table 1,
different steric constrains in the catalysts. For instance, the selectivity on this zeolite did vary with temperature. Higher
Amberlyst resins have large cavities that may allow the selectivity toward HAA is favorable as the temperature
formation and desorption of the relatively large HAA products deceases. This observation agrees with those obtained from
(see example of products 3, 4, 5 and 6 in Scheme 1). By homogeneous catalysts in which low temperature favors the
contrast, the more constrained Zeolite H may only allow the formation of HAA products rather than AC products.
However, at this point, it can be concluded that although the transfer limitations, the apparent activation energy is only
temperature can change product distribution, the porous 4.5kJ/mol. Moreover, when the product yields are used for the
characteristic of solid acid catalysts is the dominant factor that Arrhenius plot (Figure 4b), apparent activation energy values of
makes AC products dominant (i.e., over 70% sel. at 120 C). At about 90 and 140 kJ/mol are obtained for AC and HAA
100 C, no adducts were observed. In the case of SiO 2-Al2O3, the formation, respectively.
same analysis was conducted with temperature range from 100
The low activity exhibited by the amorphous silica-alumina
to 280oC. Interestingly, high selectivity towards AC is observed in
catalyst towards formation of HAA products could be due to the
all cases. With a large pore size, (average 4.8 nm) and rather
relatively weak acid strength of this material. Indeed, calorimetry
slow reactions, one would not expect internal mass transfer
measurements of ammonia adsorption on SiO 2-Al2O3 give
limitations on this mesoporous material. As shown in Figure 4a,
evidence of much lower density of strong acid sites than
the variation of overall CPO conversion as a function of
Amberlyst or any zeolite [56, 57]. Therefore, the acid strength of
temperature indicates an apparent activation energy of about 50
the mesoporous silica-alumina might not be high enough for
kJ/mol, while on the H zeolite, which is clearly affected by mass
catalyzing HAA reaction. That is, only materials with strong The relative rate between two pathways depends on factors
acidity and large pore structure could be effective catalysts for such as feed ratio, temperature, etc. Moreover, the porous
the HAA reaction. characteristic of each solid catalyst places different influence in
the diffusion of formed products and so on the obtained product
To gain a deeper understanding of the pathway for HAA
distribution. A series of experiments was conducted with a
product formation on zeolite H, several separate runs were
homogeneous catalyst (para-toluene sulfuric acid) to get an
conducted at 250C with varying amounts of catalyst. As seen in
insight into the nature of this reaction. In this case, there is no
Figure 5a, b the yields of HAA and AC products uniformly
possible role of porous cavities affecting the product distribution
increase with the amount of catalyst, as expected. At the same
as in solid acid catalysts. As shown in Figure 6a, at low
time, it is observed that while the selectivity to product (3)
temperatures (e.g., 60oC), hydroxyalkylation products (HAA)
dominates at low yields (at the lowest catalyst mass) the
dominate, with selectivity above 90%. As temperature increases,
selectivity to products (4) and (5) increased with overall
the selectivity toward aldol condensation products (AC) slowly
conversion which demonstrates the expected series/parallel
increases (up to 150oC) but beyond this temperature, it jumps
sequence for this reaction, i.e., CPO (3); followed by (3) (4)
dramatically from 20% at 200oC to 60% at 250oC. The change of
or (3) (5). In this case, no traces of product (6) were
product distribution with increasing temperature in this case
might be due to the low stability of the HAA C-C coupling
Another series of independent runs was conducted, products (the alcohol) that makes it easily decomposed back to
keeping the catalyst mass constant while varying temperatures. CPO and m-cresol at high temperature (250oC) before
As shown in Figure 5c, contrary to the behavior of Amberlyst 15 dehydration. This results in more abundant AC products at
and 36, which were able to achieve measureable yields (7-9%) 250oC.
at low temperatures (100-120 C), the H catalyst only generated
At the lowest temperature, only the C-C coupling monomer
small amounts of condensation products at these temperatures
(3) is observed in the products. However, at 100 oC, the trimer
(traces of AC and HAA products were detected). It is
(6) is formed easily, becoming one of the most abundant
conceivable that the diffusion of these large products out of the
products and reaching 45% selectivity. As the temperature is
micro-porous structure is greatly hindered at low temperatures in
further increased, the selectivity to (6) greatly decreases with the
this zeolite, leading to some disappearance of CPO, but without
other products increasing, even when the reactant conversion
the formation of any noticeable coupling products. Figure 5d
remained unchanged. It is clear that (6) starts decomposing
shows the distribution of HAA products from zeolite H as a
back to monomer (3). Indeed, negligible amounts of the trimer
function of reaction temperature. At low temperatures (100-
(6) are detected at 250oC. Likewise, as shown previously
120 C), the major product is (5), which is necessarily produced
(Figure 1), similar decomposition of the trimer (6) is observed
from product (3). By contrast, at higher temperatures, the
over the solid acid Amberlyst 15 at temperatures above 120 oC.
selectivity towards product (5) decreases while that to (3)
Figure 6b also shows similar trends for the trimers (4) and (5),
increases. Clearly, at high enough temperatures, product (5)
which initially increase with temperature, but then decrease,
begins to decompose via C-C cleavage yielding back product
reaching a maximum selectivity at 200oC (~20%).
(3). The low selectivity towards product (4) might be due to the
higher abundance of m-cresol with respect to CPO (m-cresol/CP The possible reaction mechanism includes four primary
feed ratio = 2:1). steps: (a) protonation of cyclopentanone on acid sites to form an
enolate, (b) C-C coupling of the activated CPO with another
In fact, as shown in Table 1, the carbon balance is over
CPO or m-cresol to form condensation products (ACol and
90% for all cases. That is, by using a less reactive intermediate
HAAol), (c) deprotonation, and (d) dehydration of the resulting
such as cyclopentanone, not only the carbon losses can be
alcohols to generate the AC and HAA products. It is possible that
minimized, but valuable condensation products can be obtained
the rate limiting step for each reaction could be one of those.
with less humins formation.
However, in the presence of acid catalysts the dehydration step
c) Effect of temperature on the competition between self-aldol is relatively fast. It should be noted that the relative activation
condensation (AC) and hydroxyalkylation (HAA): energy between each step could be shifted, depending on
The investigated reaction, in fact, is complicated since two catalysts with different acid strength. More detailed kinetic and
Layout 1:
Table of content Tuong V. Bui, Dr. Tawan Snooknoi,
Prof. Daniel E. Resasco*
We are here proposing an attractive
strategy to effectively upgrade two Page No. Page No.
fractions of torrefraction
simultaneously via hydroxyalkylation/ Simultaneous upgrading of furanics
adol condensation reactions. As the ((Insert TOC Graphic here: max. width: and phenolics via
results, after HDO processing, 5.5 cm; max. height: 5.0 cm)) hydroxyalkylation /aldol
saturated alkanes with carbon chain condensation reactions
ranging from C10-C16 could be
obtained, which could be used as
transportation fuel or refinery feed.
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