RH Law
RH Law
RH Law
has been an immense issue in our society. Full implementation of this law will enable
anyone to use contraceptives such as condoms and birth control pills. During the State
of the Nation Address (SONA) of President Rodrigo Durterte last July 2016, he clearly
stated that hes in favor with the full enforcement of this regulation.
Although it is said that RH Law is necessary in our country, what effects does it
have that really benefits most of the Philippines citizens? It is unjust to fully execute
this law considering the possible negative effects that this may bring. Furthermore,
occurrence of conflict between the church and the state happened due to this decree.
When making a decision, we must often think what would be the aftermath of it
and how this decision can possibly profit us. Most people chose to advocate and
promote the usage of contraceptives because it can help to control the fertility of
women. That may be one of their reasons why they support the RH Law but in reality,
Agency for Research on Cancer, birth control pills are carcinogenic. It also causes
stroke and increases the risk of heart attacks. So do contraceptives help? Definitely no.
Another thing is, our government supports RH Law because they believe that
somehow, it will control the ascension of population. But come to think of it, if this law
was fully implemented, will locals use it? The government also defends that this may
decrease poverty but how come? How could this law decrease poverty? We can only
solve poverty if the poor individual himself strives to change his state of living. In
addition, poverty is not something the government can work out by themselves. It is a
problem that can only be solved by the person whos involve or experiencing scarcity.
growth? No. Our country just doesnt have a lot to offer in means of occupation. Also,
theres an age discrimination in some companies in our country. In order for us to have
development in the nation, the people themselves should also be engaged in things that
makes them productive. And together we will reach the economic growth we all want.
No need to implement the RH Law because it doesnt have any relation in solving the
As stated earlier, conflicts arise between the state and the church because of the
RH Law. The CBCP or the Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines strongly
disapproves this law since it shows disrespect in their beliefs. Contraceptives, pills in
particular, kill children and thats one of the reasons why the church does not support
this movement. Personally, it is depressing to know that there are women out there
who have the guts to kill their own child. How could they do this to the innocent ones?
Contradicting the belief that pills dont kill children, some experts from Harvard Medical
School found out that it does kill the fetus because human life begins when the sperm
proliferation of HIV and AIDS, use condom. But availability of this can make men take
wilder sexual risks believing they are using a so-called protection, consequential
worsening the spread of the said disease. Technically, this law has way more
good side of it is it teaches sex education. It will be tackled starting from Grade 5 to
Grade 10 students. Responsible parenthood and the possible results of sex will be
instructed. But does sex education really help? Will this be enough to cease early
pregnancy and prevalence of HIV and AIDS? A huge no. This kind of phenomenon will
be hindered when the individual will morally and respectfully reserve their body to have
All in all, the government proposed this law as a solution for poverty, over
population and early pregnancy in our country but as stated above, proven with facts,
the Reproductive Health Law is not that sufficient and necessary. Hopefully, rather than
implementing this law, the government will just focus on improving what the Philippines
need to develop. Also, there are other laws and bills that should be given more
attention, an apt example is the K-12 curriculum that was signed last 2015 by the former
Lets all make a stand and act against RH Law. Facts are given and studies have
proven that Reproductive Health Law does not do any good towards us. After all, it is
not change we all want from the new set of Philippine officials. Lets not be blinded by
the things we thought was good about this law, although there is, but it is not enough.
2.2 billion peso fund for RH Law to strengthen and improve the current laws especially
the ones for education. Subsequently, develop the assets that can be found in rural
places mainly the natural environment. There are plenty of things are profitable in
provinces. Also it can help to promote the tourism of Philippines. In addition, encourage
education about chastity and humanity. Lastly, support natural family planning and
responsible parenthood.
All of the proposed solutions may take time, it may be a long process but atleast,
the aftermath of all this will be a good one. We all want for change, I know we are all
aiming for that but lets achieve that change in an excellent way.