This document lists English verbs in the infinitive form along with their past tense and past participle forms. It provides the translation for each verb in Portuguese. There are over 30 verbs listed with their conjugations and translations from English to Portuguese.
This document lists English verbs in the infinitive form along with their past tense and past participle forms. It provides the translation for each verb in Portuguese. There are over 30 verbs listed with their conjugations and translations from English to Portuguese.
This document lists English verbs in the infinitive form along with their past tense and past participle forms. It provides the translation for each verb in Portuguese. There are over 30 verbs listed with their conjugations and translations from English to Portuguese.
This document lists English verbs in the infinitive form along with their past tense and past participle forms. It provides the translation for each verb in Portuguese. There are over 30 verbs listed with their conjugations and translations from English to Portuguese.
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Infinitivo Passado Traduo
Passado To be Was, Were Been Ser/Estar To become Became Become Tornar-se To begin Began Begun Comear To bring Brought Brought Trazer To buy Bought Bought Comprar To come Came Come Vir To cut Cut Cut Cortar To do Did Done Fazer To drive Drove Driven Dirigir/Ir de carro To eat Ate Eaten Comer To feel Felt Felt Cair To find Found Found Achar/Encontrar To fly Flew Flown Voar/Pilotar To forget Forgot Forgot/Forgotten Esquecer To get Got Got/Gotten Obter To give Gave Given Dar To go Went Gone Ir To have Had Had Ter To know Knew Known Saber/Conhecer To learn Learnt/Learne Learnt/Learned Aprender To leave Left Left Deixar/Partir To lose Lost Lost Perder/Extraviar To make Made Made Fazer/Fabricar To mean Meant Meant Significar/Querer dizer To meet Met Met Encontrar/Conhecer To pay Paid Paid Pagar To read Read Read Ler To run Ran Run Correr/Concorrer/Dirigir To say Said Said Dizer To see Saw Seen Ver To sell Sold Sold Vender To send Sent Sent Enviar To sleep Slept Slept Dormir To speak Spoke Spoken Falar To spend Spent Spent Gastar To swim Swam Swum Nadar To take Took Taken Tomar To teach Taught Taught Ensinar/Dar aula To tell Told Told Contar/Dizer To think Thought Thought Pensar To wak Woke Woken Acordar To write Wrote Writeen Escrever/Redigir