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Talend Open Studio For Big Data: User Guide

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Talend Open Studio for

Big Data
User Guide

Talend Open Studio for Big Data

Adapted for v6.5.0M1. Supersedes previous releases.

Publication date: July 27, 2017

This documentation is provided under the terms of the Creative Commons Public License (CCPL).

For more information about what you can and cannot do with this documentation in accordance with the CCPL,
please read: http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-sa/2.0/

Talend is a trademark of Talend, Inc.

All brands, product names, company names, trademarks and service marks are the properties of their respective

License Agreement
The software described in this documentation is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this software except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html. Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing
permissions and limitations under the License.

This product includes software developed at AOP Alliance (Java/J2EE AOP standards), ASM, Amazon, AntlR,
Apache ActiveMQ, Apache Ant, Apache Avro, Apache Axiom, Apache Axis, Apache Axis 2, Apache Batik,
Apache CXF, Apache Cassandra, Apache Chemistry, Apache Common Http Client, Apache Common Http Core,
Apache Commons, Apache Commons Bcel, Apache Commons JxPath, Apache Commons Lang, Apache Datafu,
Apache Derby Database Engine and Embedded JDBC Driver, Apache Geronimo, Apache HCatalog, Apache
Hadoop, Apache Hbase, Apache Hive, Apache HttpClient, Apache HttpComponents Client, Apache JAMES,
Apache Log4j, Apache Lucene Core, Apache Neethi, Apache Oozie, Apache POI, Apache Parquet, Apache
Pig, Apache PiggyBank, Apache ServiceMix, Apache Sqoop, Apache Thrift, Apache Tomcat, Apache Velocity,
Apache WSS4J, Apache WebServices Common Utilities, Apache Xml-RPC, Apache Zookeeper, Box Java
SDK (V2), CSV Tools, Cloudera HTrace, ConcurrentLinkedHashMap for Java, Couchbase Client, DataNucleus,
DataStax Java Driver for Apache Cassandra, Ehcache, Ezmorph, Ganymed SSH-2 for Java, Google APIs Client
Library for Java, Google Gson, Groovy, Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java, H2 Embedded Database and
JDBC Driver, Hector: A high level Java client for Apache Cassandra, Hibernate BeanValidation API, Hibernate
Validator, HighScale Lib, HsqlDB, Ini4j, JClouds, JDO-API, JLine, JSON, JSR 305: Annotations for Software
Defect Detection in Java, JUnit, Jackson Java JSON-processor, Java API for RESTful Services, Java Agent
for Memory Measurements, Jaxb, Jaxen, JetS3T, Jettison, Jetty, Joda-Time, Json Simple, LZ4: Extremely Fast
Compression algorithm, LightCouch, MetaStuff, Metrics API, Metrics Reporter Config, Microsoft Azure SDK
for Java, Mondrian, MongoDB Java Driver, Netty, Ning Compression codec for LZF encoding, OpenSAML,
Paraccel JDBC Driver, Parboiled, PostgreSQL JDBC Driver, Protocol Buffers - Google's data interchange format,
Resty: A simple HTTP REST client for Java, Riak Client, Rocoto, SDSU Java Library, SL4J: Simple Logging
Facade for Java, SQLite JDBC Driver, Scala Lang, Simple API for CSS, Snappy for Java a fast compressor/
decompresser, SpyMemCached, SshJ, StAX API, StAXON - JSON via StAX, Super SCV, The Castor Project,
The Legion of the Bouncy Castle, Twitter4J, Uuid, W3C, Windows Azure Storage libraries for Java, Woden,
Woodstox: High-performance XML processor, Xalan-J, Xerces2, XmlBeans, XmlSchema Core, Xmlsec - Apache
Santuario, YAML parser and emitter for Java, Zip4J, atinject, dropbox-sdk-java: Java library for the Dropbox
Core API, google-guice. Licensed under their respective license.
5.5.1. How to define context
Table of Contents variables for a Job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
5.5.2. How to centralize context
Preface ................................................ vii variables in the Repository . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
1. General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii 5.5.3. How to apply Repository
1.1. Purpose . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii context variables to a Job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82
1.2. Audience . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii 5.5.4. How to use variables in a Job . . . . . . 84
1.3. Typographical conventions . . . . . . . . . . vii 5.5.5. How to run a Job in a selected
2. Feedback and Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii context . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
Chapter 1. Data Integration: Concepts 5.5.6. StoreSQLQuery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
and Principles ........................................ 1 5.6. Using parallelization to optimize Job
1.1. Data analytics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
1.2. Operational integration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 5.6.1. How to execute multiple
Subjobs in parallel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85
Chapter 2. Introduction to Talend Big
5.6.2. How to launch parallel
Data solutions ........................................ 5 iterations to read data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86
2.1. Hadoop and Talend studio . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 5.7. Handling Jobs: advanced subjects . . . . . . . . 87
2.2. Functional architecture of Talend Big 5.7.1. How to map data flows . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
Data solutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 5.7.2. How to create queries using
Chapter 3. Working with projects ............ 9 the SQLBuilder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
3.1. Introduction to projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 5.7.3. How to download/upload
3.2. How to create a project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Talend Community components . . . . . . . . . 92
3.3. How to import a demo project . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 5.7.4. How to use the tPrejob and
3.4. How to import projects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 tPostjob components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
3.5. How to open a project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 5.7.5. How to use the Use Output
3.6. How to delete a project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Stream feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
3.7. How to export a project . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 5.8. Handling Jobs: miscellaneous
Chapter 4. Designing a Business subjects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
5.8.1. How to use folders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
Model .................................................. 21
5.8.2. How to share a database
4.1. What is a Business Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100
4.2. Opening or creating a Business
5.8.3. How to handle error icons on
Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
components or Jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 101
4.2.1. How to open a Business
5.8.4. How to add notes to a Job
Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 103
4.2.2. How to create a Business
5.8.5. How to display the code or the
Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
outline of your Job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 104
4.3. Modeling a Business Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
5.8.6. How to manage the subjob
4.3.1. Shapes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
display . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105
4.3.2. Connecting shapes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
5.8.7. How to define options on the
4.3.3. How to comment and arrange
Job view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 107
a model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
4.3.4. Business Models . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Chapter 6. Managing Jobs ................... 111
4.4. Assigning repository elements to a 6.1. Activating/Deactivating a component
Business Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 or a subjob . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
4.5. Editing a Business Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 6.1.1. Activate or deactivate a
4.6. Saving a Business Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112
6.1.2. Activate or deactivate a subjob . . . 112
Chapter 5. Designing a Job .................... 35
6.1.3. Activate or deactivate all
5.1. What is a Job design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
linked subjobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
5.2. Getting started with a basic Job . . . . . . . . . . . 36
6.2. Importing/exporting items and
5.2.1. Creating a Job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36
building Jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
5.2.2. Adding components to the Job . . . . 38
6.2.1. How to import items . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113
5.2.3. Connecting the components
6.2.2. How to build Jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
together . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41
6.2.3. How to export items . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
5.2.4. Configuring the components . . . . . . . 43
6.2.4. How to change context
5.2.5. Executing the Job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
parameters in Jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 126
5.3. Working with components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45
6.3. Managing repository items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
5.3.1. How to add a component
6.3.1. How to handle updates in
between two connected components . . . . . 45
repository items . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127
5.3.2. How to define component
6.4. Searching a Job in the repository . . . . . . . . 129
properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49
6.5. Managing Job versions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131
5.3.3. How to define the start
6.6. Documenting a Job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 57
6.6.1. How to generate HTML
5.3.4. How to find Jobs containing a
documentation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
specific component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58
6.6.2. How to update the
5.3.5. How to set default values in
documentation on the spot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
the schema of a component . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60
6.7. Handling Job execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
5.4. Using connections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
6.7.1. How to run a Job in normal
5.4.1. Connection types . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 62
mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 134
5.4.2. How to define connection
6.7.2. How to run a Job in Java
settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Debug mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 135
5.5. Using contexts and variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Talend Open Studio for Big Data

6.7.3. How to run a Job in Traces 10.8.2. Setting up XML metadata for
Debug mode . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 an output file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 257
6.7.4. How to set advanced execution 10.9. Centralizing File Excel metadata . . . . . . . 267
settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 10.10. Centralizing File LDIF metadata . . . . . 272
6.7.5. How to show JVM resource 10.11. Centralizing JSON file metadata . . . . . . 277
usage during Job execution . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 10.11.1. Setting up JSON metadata
6.7.6. How to deploy a Job on for an input file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277
SpagoBI server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 140 10.11.2. Setting up JSON metadata
Chapter 7. Handling Jobs .................... 145 for an output file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284
7.1. How to run a Job via Oozie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 10.12. Centralizing LDAP connection
7.1.1. How to set HDFS connection metadata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 292
details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 146 10.13. Centralizing Azure Storage
7.1.2. How to run a Job on the HDFS metadata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 297
server . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 148 10.14. Centralizing Marketo metadata . . . . . . . 301
7.1.3. How to schedule the 10.15. Centralizing Salesforce metadata . . . . . 305
executions of a Job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 149 10.16. Centralizing Snowflake metadata . . . . . 309
7.1.4. How to monitor Job execution 10.17. Setting up a generic schema . . . . . . . . . . . 313
status . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 10.17.1. Setting up a generic schema
from scratch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314
Chapter 8. Mapping data flows ............ 153
10.17.2. Setting up a generic schema
8.1. Map editor interfaces . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154
from an XML file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 317
8.2. tMap operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155
10.17.3. Saving a component schema
8.2.1. Setting the input flow in the
as a generic schema . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319
Map Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 156
10.18. Centralizing MDM metadata . . . . . . . . . . 320
8.2.2. Mapping variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163
10.18.1. Setting up the connection . . . . . . 320
8.2.3. Working with expressions . . . . . . . . 164
10.18.2. Defining MDM schema . . . . . . . 323
8.2.4. Mapping the Output setting . . . . . . 172
10.19. Centralizing Web Service
8.2.5. Setting schemas in the Map
metadata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338
Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177
10.19.1. Setting up a simple schema . . . . 339
8.2.6. Enabling automatic data type
10.19.2. Setting up an advanced
conversion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 181
schema . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 344
8.2.7. Solving memory limitation
10.20. Centralizing an FTP connection . . . . . . . 352
issues in tMap use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183
10.21. Exporting metadata as context and
8.2.8. Handling Lookups . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 185
reusing context parameters to set up a
8.3. tXMLMap operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 188
connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
8.3.1. Using the document type to
10.21.1. How to export connection
create the XML tree . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
details as context variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . 355
8.3.2. Defining the output mode . . . . . . . . 200
10.21.2. How to use variables of an
8.3.3. Editing the XML tree schema . . . . 205
existing context group to set up a
Chapter 9. Mapping Big Data flows ...... 207 connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359
9.1. tPigMap interface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208 10.22. How to use centralized metadata in
9.2. tPigMap operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 209 a Job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 364
9.2.1. Configuring join operations . . . . . . 209
Chapter 11. Managing metadata for
9.2.2. Catching rejected records . . . . . . . . 210
9.2.3. Editing expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211 Talend Big Data ................................. 367
9.2.4. Setting up a Pig User-Defined 11.1. Managing NoSQL metadata . . . . . . . . . . . . 368
Function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 214 11.1.1. Centralizing Cassandra
9.2.5. Defining a Pig UDF using the metadata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 369
UDF panel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 215 11.1.2. Centralizing MongoDB
metadata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 374
Chapter 10. Managing Metadata for
11.1.3. Centralizing Neo4j metadata . . . . 379
data integration .................................. 217 11.2. Managing Hadoop metadata . . . . . . . . . . . . 384
10.1. Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 11.2.1. Centralizing a Hadoop
10.2. Centralizing database metadata . . . . . . . . 219 connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 385
10.2.1. Setting up a database 11.2.2. Connecting to custom
connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 219 Hadoop distribution . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 397
10.2.2. Retrieving table schemas . . . . . . . 222 11.2.3. Centralizing HBase metadata . . . 400
10.3. Centralizing JDBC metadata . . . . . . . . . . . 227 11.2.4. Centralizing MapR-DB
10.3.1. Setting up a JDBC metadata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 407
connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 227 11.2.5. Centralizing HCatalog
10.3.2. Retrieving table schemas . . . . . . . 229 metadata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 409
10.4. Centralizing SAS metadata . . . . . . . . . . . . . 230 11.2.6. Centralizing HDFS metadata . . . 414
10.4.1. Setting up a SAS connection . . . . 231 11.2.7. Centralizing Hive metadata . . . . . 419
10.4.2. Retrieving table schemas . . . . . . . 232 11.2.8. Centralizing an Oozie
10.5. Centralizing File Delimited connection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427
metadata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233 11.2.9. Setting reusable Hadoop
10.6. Centralizing File Positional properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 430
metadata . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 238
Chapter 12. Managing routines ............ 435
10.7. Centralizing File Regex metadata . . . . . . 243
12.1. What are routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 436
10.8. Centralizing XML file metadata . . . . . . . . 247
12.2. Accessing the System Routines . . . . . . . . . 436
10.8.1. Setting up XML metadata for
12.3. Customizing the system routines . . . . . . . 437
an input file . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247
12.4. Managing user routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 438

iv Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Talend Open Studio for Big Data

12.4.1. How to create user routines . . . . . 438 B.4.5. Documentation preferences

12.4.2. How to edit user routines . . . . . . . 440 (Talend > Documentation) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496
12.4.3. How to edit user routine B.4.6. Exchange preferences (Talend
libraries . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440 > Exchange) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 496
12.5. Calling a routine from a Job . . . . . . . . . . . . 442 B.4.7. Adding code by default
12.6. Use case: Creating a file for the (Talend > Import/Export) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497
current date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442 B.4.8. Language preferences (Talend
Chapter 13. Using SQL templates ......... 445 > Internationalization) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 497
13.1. What is ELT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 446 B.4.9. Palette preferences (Talend >
13.2. Introducing Talend SQL templates . . . . 446 Palette Settings) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498
13.3. Managing Talend SQL templates . . . . . . . 446 B.4.10. Performance preferences
13.3.1. Types of system SQL (Talend > Performance) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 498
templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447 B.4.11. Debug and Job execution
13.3.2. How to access a system SQL preferences (Talend > Run/Debug) . . . . . 499
template . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 447 B.4.12. Displaying special characters
13.3.3. How to create user-defined for schema columns (Talend >
SQL templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 449 Specific settings) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
13.3.4. A use case of system SQL B.4.13. Schema preferences (Talend
templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 451 > Specific Settings) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 501
B.4.14. SQL Builder preferences
Appendix A. GUI ................................ 457
(Talend > Specific Settings) . . . . . . . . . . . . 503
A.1. Main window . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
B.4.15. Usage Data Collector
A.2. Menu bar and Toolbar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 458
preferences (Talend > Usage Data
A.2.1. Menu bar of Talend Studio . . . . . . 459
Collector) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 503
A.2.2. Toolbar of Talend Studio . . . . . . . . 460
A.3. Repository tree view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 461 Appendix C. Theory into practice: Job
A.4. Design workspace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462 examples ............................................ 507
A.5. Palette . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 462 C.1. tMap Job example . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508
A.6. Configuration tabs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 463 C.1.1. Input data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508
A.7. Outline and code summary panel . . . . . . . . . . 464 C.1.2. Output data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508
A.8. Shortcuts and aliases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 465 C.1.3. Reference data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 508
Appendix B. Customizing Talend C.1.4. Translating the scenario into a
Job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 509
Studio and setting Studio preferences .... 467
C.2. Using the output stream feature . . . . . . . . . . . 516
B.1. Customizing project settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468
C.2.1. Input data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 516
B.1.1. Setting the compiler
C.2.2. Output data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517
compliance level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 468
C.2.3. Translating the scenario into a
B.1.2. Customizing Maven build
Job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 517
script templates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 469
C.3. Using the Implicit Context Load
B.1.3. Palette Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 471
feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 523
B.1.4. Type mapping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 472
C.3.1. Preparing context parameter
B.1.5. Version management . . . . . . . . . . . . 473
sources . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524
B.1.6. Status management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 475
C.3.2. Creating the Job and defining
B.1.7. Job Settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
context variables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 524
B.1.8. Stats & Logs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 476
C.3.3. Configuring the components . . . . . 526
B.1.9. Context settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 477
C.3.4. Configuring the Implicit
B.1.10. Applying Project Settings . . . . . . 478
Context Load feature . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 527
B.1.11. Status settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 479
C.3.5. Executing the Job . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 528
B.1.12. Security settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
C.4. Using the Multi-thread Execution
B.2. Customizing the workspace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481
feature to run Jobs in parallel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 530
B.2.1. How to change the Palette
layout and settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 481 Appendix D. Big Data Job examples ...... 535
B.2.2. How to change panels D.1. Gathering Web traffic information
positions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 484 using Hadoop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536
B.2.3. How to display Job D.1.1. Prerequisites . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536
configuration tabs/views . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 485 D.1.2. Discovering the scenario . . . . . . . . 536
B.3. Filtering entries listed in the Repository D.1.3. Translating the scenario into
tree view . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 486 Jobs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 536
B.3.1. How to filter by Job name . . . . . . . 486 Appendix E. System routines ............... 565
B.3.2. How to filter by user . . . . . . . . . . . . . 488 E.1. Numeric Routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 566
B.3.3. How to filter by job status . . . . . . . 490 E.1.1. How to create a Sequence . . . . . . . . 566
B.3.4. How to choose what E.1.2. How to convert an Implied
repository nodes to display . . . . . . . . . . . . . 491 Decimal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 566
B.4. Setting Talend Studio preferences . . . . . . . . . 492 E.2. Relational Routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567
B.4.1. Java Interpreter path (Talend) . . . . 493 E.3. StringHandling Routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567
B.4.2. Designer preferences (Talend E.3.1. How to store a string in
> Appearance) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 493 alphabetical order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 569
B.4.3. How to define the user E.3.2. How to check whether a string
component folder (Talend > is alphabetical . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570
Components) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 494 E.3.3. How to replace an element in a
B.4.4. How to change specific string . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570
component settings (Talend >
Components) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 495

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide v

Talend Open Studio for Big Data

E.3.4. How to check the position

of a specific character or substring,
within a string . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570
E.3.5. How to calculate the length of
a string . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570
E.3.6. How to delete blank
characters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571
E.4. TalendDataGenerator Routines . . . . . . . . . . . . 571
E.4.1. How to generate fictitious
data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 571
E.5. TalendDate Routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 572
E.5.1. How to format a Date . . . . . . . . . . . . 574
E.5.2. How to check a Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . 574
E.5.3. How to compare Dates . . . . . . . . . . . 574
E.5.4. How to configure a Date . . . . . . . . . 575
E.5.5. How to parse a Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . 575
E.5.6. How to retrieve part of a Date . . . 575
E.5.7. How to format the Current
Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 576
E.6. TalendString Routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 576
E.6.1. How to format an XML string . . . 576
E.6.2. How to trim a string . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577
E.6.3. How to remove accents from a
string . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577
E.7. TalendStringUtil Routines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 577
Appendix F. SQL template writing
rules .................................................. 579
F.1. SQL statements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 580
F.2. Comment lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 580
F.3. The <%...%> syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 580
F.4. The <%=...%> syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581
F.5. The </.../> syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 581
F.6. Code to access the component schema
elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 582
F.7. Code to access the component matrix
properties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 582

vi Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide


1. General information

1.1. Purpose
This User Guide explains how to manage Talend Open Studio for Big Data functions in a normal
operational context.

Information presented in this document applies to Talend Open Studio for Big Data 6.5.0M1.

1.2. Audience
This guide is for users and administrators of Talend Open Studio for Big Data.

The layout of GUI screens provided in this document may vary slightly from your actual GUI.

1.3. Typographical conventions

This guide uses the following typographical conventions:

text in bold: window and dialog box buttons and fields, keyboard keys, menus, and menu options,

text in [bold]: window, wizard, and dialog box titles,

text in courier: system parameters typed in by the user,

text in italics: file, schema, column, row, and variable names,

The icon indicates an item that provides additional information about an important point. It is
also used to add comments related to a table or a figure,

The icon indicates a message that gives information about the execution requirements or
recommendation type. It is also used to refer to situations or information the end-user needs to be
aware of or pay special attention to.

Any command is highlighted with a grey background or code typeface.

2. Feedback and Support

Your feedback is valuable. Do not hesitate to give your input, make suggestions or requests regarding
this documentation or product and find support from the Talend team, on Talend Community at:

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Feedback and Support


viii Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Chapter 1. Data Integration: Concepts and
There is nothing new about the fact that organizations' information systems tend to grow in complexity. The reasons
for this include the "layer stackup trend" (a new solution is deployed although old systems are still maintained) and
the fact that information systems need to be more and more connected to those of vendors, partners and customers.

A third reason is the multiplication of data storage formats (XML files, positional flat files, delimited flat files,
multi-valued files and so on), protocols (FTP, HTTP, SOAP, SCP and so on) and database technologies.

A question arises from these statements: How to manage a proper integration of this data scattered throughout the
company's information systems? Various functions lie behind the data integration principle: business intelligence
or analytics integration (data warehousing) and operational integration (data capture and migration, database
synchronization, inter-application data exchange and so on).

Both ETL for analytics and ETL for operational integration needs are addressed by Talend Studio.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Data analytics

1.1. Data analytics

While mostly invisible to users of the BI platform, ETL processes retrieve the data from all operational systems
and pre-process it for the analysis and reporting tools.

Talend Studio offers nearly comprehensive connectivity to:

Packaged applications (ERP, CRM, etc.), databases, mainframes, files, Web Services, and so on to address the
growing disparity of sources.

Data warehouses, data marts, OLAP applications - for analysis, reporting, dashboarding, scorecarding, and so

Built-in advanced components for ETL, including string manipulations, Slowly Changing Dimensions,
automatic lookup handling, bulk loads support, and so on.

Most connectors addressing each of the above needs are detailed in Talend's component documentation. For
information about their orchestration in Talend Studio, see Designing a Job. For high-level business-oriented
modeling, see Designing a Business Model.

1.2. Operational integration

Operational data integration is often addressed by implementing custom programs or routines, completed on-
demand for a specific need.

Data migration/loading and data synchronization/replication are the most common applications of operational data
integration, and often require:

Complex mappings and transformations with aggregations, calculations, and so on due to variation in data

Conflicts of data to be managed and resolved taking into account record update precedence or "record owner",

Data synchronization in nearly real time as systems involve low latency.

2 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Operational integration

Most connectors addressing each of the above needs are detailed in Talend's component documentation. For
information about their orchestration in Talend Studio, see Designing a Job. For high-level business-oriented
modeling, see Designing a Business Model. For information about designing a detailed data integration Job using
the output stream feature, see Using the output stream feature.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 3

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide
Chapter 2. Introduction to Talend Big Data
Organizations' data collections tend to grow increasingly large and complex, especially in the Internet era, and
it has become more and more difficult to process such large and complex data sets using conventional, on-hand
information management tools. To face up this difficulty, a new platform of 'big data' tools has emerged specifically
designed to handle large quantities of data - the Apache Hadoop Big Data Platform.

Built on top of Talend's data integration solutions, Talend's Big Data solutions provide a powerful tool set that
enables users to access, transform, move and synchronize big data by leveraging the Apache Hadoop Big Data
Platform and makes the Hadoop platform ever so easy to use.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Hadoop and Talend studio

2.1. Hadoop and Talend studio

When IT specialists talk about 'big data', they are usually referring to data sets that are so large and complex
that they can no longer be processed with conventional data management tools. These huge volumes of data are
produced for a variety of reasons. Streams of data can be generated automatically (reports, logs, camera footage,
and so on). Or they could be the result of detailed analyses of customer behavior (consumption data), scientific
investigations (the Large Hadron Collider is an apt example) or the consolidation of various data sources.

These data repositories, which typically run into petabytes and exabytes, are hard to analyze because conventional
database systems simply lack the muscle. Big data has to be analyzed in massively parallel environments where
computing power is distributed over thousands of computers and the results are transferred to a central location.

The Hadoop open source platform has emerged as the preferred framework for analyzing big data. This distributed
file system splits the information into several data blocks and distributes these blocks across multiple systems
in the network (the Hadoop cluster). By distributing computing power, Hadoop also ensures a high degree of
availability and redundancy. A 'master node' handles file storage as well as requests.

Hadoop is a very powerful computing platform for working with big data. It can accept external requests, distribute
them to individual computers in the cluster and execute them in parallel on the individual nodes. The results are
fed back to a central location where they can then be analyzed.

However, to reap the benefits of Hadoop, data analysts need a way to load data into Hadoop and subsequently
extract it from this open source system. This is where Talend studio comes in.

Built on top of Talend's data integration solutions, Talend studio enable users to handle big data easily by
leveraging Hadoop and its databases or technologies such as HBase, HCatalog, HDFS, Hive, Oozie and Pig.

Talend studio is an easy-to-use graphical development environment that allows for interaction with big data
sources and targets without the need to learn and write complicated code. Once a big data connection is configured,
the underlying code is automatically generated and can be deployed as a service, executable or stand-alone Job
that runs natively on your big data cluster - HDFS, Pig, HCatalog, HBase, Sqoop or Hive.

Talend's big data solutions provide comprehensive support for all the major big data platforms. Talend's big
data components work with leading big data Hadoop distributions, including Cloudera, Greenplum, Hortonworks
and MapR. Talend provides out-of-the-box support for a range of big data platforms from the leading appliance
vendors including Greenplum, Netezza, Teradata, and Vertica.

2.2. Functional architecture of Talend Big

Data solutions
The functional architecture of Talend Big Data solutions is an architectural model that identifies the functions,
interactions and corresponding IT needs of Talend Big Data solutions. The overall architecture has been described
by isolating specific functionalities in functional blocks.

The following chart illustrates the main architectural functional blocks relevant to big data handling in the studio.

6 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Functional architecture of Talend Big Data solutions

Three different types of functional blocks are defined:

at least one Studio where you can design big data Jobs that leverage the Apache Hadoop platform to handle
large data sets. These Jobs can be either executed locally or deployed, scheduled and executed on a Hadoop
grid via the Oozie workflow scheduler system integrated within the studio.

a workflow scheduler system integrated within the studio through which you can deploy, schedule, and execute
big data Jobs on a Hadoop grid and monitor the execution status and results of the Jobs.

a Hadoop grid independent of the Talend system to handle large data sets.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 7

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide
Chapter 3. Working with projects
Once you launch your Talend Studio and before you start a Business Model, a data integration Job, or any other
tasks, you need first create or import a project.

This chapter deals with how to create, import, export, delete, and work in projects in Talend Studio. For how to
launch and get started with Talend Studio, see the Getting Started Guide.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Introduction to projects

3.1. Introduction to projects

In Talend Studio, the highest physical structure for storing all different types of data integration Jobs, metadata,
routines, etc. is the "project".

From the login window of the Studio, you can:

create a local project.

When you launch the Studio for the first time, there are no default projects listed. You need to create a project
that will hold all data integration Jobs and business models you design in the current instance of the Studio.

You can create as many projects as you need to store your data of different instances of your Studio.

When creating a new project, a tree folder is automatically created in the workspace directory on your repository
server. This will correspond to the Repository tree view displayed on the main window of the Studio.

For more information, see How to create a project.

import the Demo project to discover the features of Talend Studio based on samples of different ready-to-use
Jobs. When you import the Demo project, it is automatically installed in the workspace directory of the current
session of the Studio.

For more information, see How to import a demo project.

import projects you have already created with previous releases of Talend Studio into your current Talend Studio
workspace directory.

For more information, see How to import projects.

open a project you created or imported in the Studio.

For more information, see How to open a project.

delete local projects that you already created or imported and that you do not need any longer.

For more information, see How to delete a project.

Once you launch Talend Studio, you can export the resources of one or more of the created projects in the current
instance of the Studio. For more information, see How to export a project.

3.2. How to create a project

To create a project at the initial startup of the Studio, do the following:

1. Launch Talend Studio.

2. On the login window, select the Create a new project option and enter a project name in the field.

10 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to create a project

3. Click Finish to create the project and open it in the Studio.

To create a new project after the initial startup of the Studio, do the following:

1. On the login window, select the Create a new project option and enter a project name in the field.

2. Click Create to create the project. The newly created project is displayed on the list of existing projects.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 11

How to import a demo project

3. Select the project on the list and click Finish to open the project in the Studio.

Later, if you want to switch between projects, on the Studio menu bar, use the combination File > Switch Project
or Workspace.

3.3. How to import a demo project

You can import one or more demo projects that include numerous samples of ready to use Jobs into your Talend
Studio to help you understand the functionalities of different Talend components.

To import a demo project, proceed as follows:

1. When launching your Talend Studio, select the Import a demo project option on the Studio login window
and click Select, or click the Demos link on the welcome window, to open the [Import demo project] dialog

After launching the Studio, click button on the toolbar, or select Help > Welcome from the Studio menu
bar to open the welcome window and then click the Demos link, to open the [Import demo project] dialog

2. In the [Import Demo Project] dialog box, select the demo project you want to import and view the description
on the right panel.

The demo projects available in the dialog box may vary depending on the product you are using.

12 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to import a demo project

3. Click Finish to close the dialog box.

4. In the new dialog box that opens, type in a new project name and description information if needed.

5. Click Finish to create the project.

All the samples of the demo project are imported into the newly created project, and the name of the new
project is displayed in the Project list on the login screen.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 13

How to import projects

6. To open the imported demo project in Talend Studio, back on the login window, select it from the Project
list and then click Finish.

The Job samples in the open demo project are automatically imported into your workspace directory and
made available in the Repository tree view under the Job Designs folder.

3.4. How to import projects

In Talend Studio, you can import one or more projects you already created with previous releases of the Studio.

To import a single project, do the following:

1. From the Studio login window, select Import an existing project then click Select to open the [Import]

2. Click the Import project as button and enter a name for your new project in the Project Name field.

3. Click Select root directory or Select archive file depending on the source you want to import from.

14 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to import projects

4. Click Browse... to select the workspace directory/archive file of the specific project folder. By default,
the workspace in selection is the current release's one. Browse up to reach the previous release workspace
directory or the archive file containing the projects to import.

5. Click Finish to validate the operation and return to the login window.

To import several projects simultaneously, do the following:

1. From the Studio login window, select Import an existing project then click Select to open the [Import]

2. Click Import several projects.

3. Click Select root directory or Select archive file depending on the source you want to import from.

4. Click Browse... to select the workspace directory/archive file of the specific project folder. By default,
the workspace in selection is the current release's one. Browse up to reach the previous release workspace
directory or the archive file containing the projects to import.

5. Select the Copy projects into workspace check box to make a copy of the imported project instead of moving
it. This option is available only when you import several projects from a root directory.

If you want to remove the original project folders from the Talend Studio workspace directory you import from, clear
this check box. But we strongly recommend you to keep it selected for backup purposes.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 15

How to open a project

6. Select the Hide projects that already exist in the workspace check box to hide existing projects from the
Projects list. This option is available only when you import several projects.

7. From the Projects list, select the projects to import and click Finish to validate the operation.

Upon successful project import, the names of the imported projects are displayed on the Project list of the login

You can now select the imported project you want to open in Talend Studio and click Finish to launch the Studio.

A generation initialization window might come up when launching the application. Wait until the initialization is complete.

3.5. How to open a project

When you launch Talend Studio for the first time, no project names are displayed on the Project list. First you need to
create a project or import a Demo project in order to populate the Project list with the corresponding project names that
you can then open in the Studio.

To open a project in Talend Studio:

On the Studio login screen, select the project of interest from the project list and click Finish.

16 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to delete a project

A progress bar appears. Wait until the task is complete and the Talend Studio main window opens.

When you open a project imported from a previous version of the Studio, an information window pops up to list a short
description of the successful migration tasks.

3.6. How to delete a project

1. On the login screen, click Manage Connections, then on the dialog box that opens click Delete Existing
Project(s) to open the [Select Project] dialog box.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 17

How to export a project

2. Select the check box(es) of the project(s) you want to delete.

3. Click OK to validate the deletion.

The project list on the login window is refreshed accordingly.

Be careful, this action is irreversible. When you click OK, there is no way to recuperate the deleted project(s).

If you select the Do not delete projects physically check box, you can delete the selected project(s) only from the
project list and still have it/them in the workspace directory of Talend Studio. Thus, you can recuperate the deleted
project(s) any time using the Import existing project(s) as local option on the Project list from the login window.

3.7. How to export a project

Talend Studio allows you to export projects created or imported in the current instance of Talend Studio.

On the toolbar of the Studio main window, click to open the [Export Talend projects in archive file]
dialog box.

2. Select the check boxes of the projects you want to export. You can select only parts of the project through
the Filter Types... link, if need be (for advanced users).

3. In the To archive file field, type in the name of or browse to the archive file where you want to export the
selected projects.

18 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to export a project

4. In the Option area, select the compression format and the structure type you prefer.

5. Click Finish to validate the changes.

The archived file that holds the exported projects is created in the defined place.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 19

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide
Chapter 4. Designing a Business Model
The Integration perspective of Talend Studio offers the best tool to formalize business descriptions into building
blocks and their relationships. Talend Studio allows to design systems, connections, processes and requirements
using standardized workflow notation through an intuitive graphical library of shapes and links.

This chapter aims at business managers, decision makers or developers who want to model their flow management
needs at a macro level.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

What is a Business Model

4.1. What is a Business Model

Talend's Business Models allow data integration project stakeholders to graphically represent their needs
regardless of the technical implementation requirements. Business Models help the IT operation staff understand
these expressed needs and translate them into technical processes (Jobs). They typically include both the systems
and processes already operating in the enterprise, as well as the ones that will be needed in the future.

Designing Business Models is part of the enterprises' best practices that organizations should adopt at a very early
stage of a data integration project in order to ensure its success. Because Business Models usually help detect
and resolve quickly project bottlenecks and weak points, they help limit the budget overspendings and/or reduce
the upfront investment. Then during and after the project implementation, Business Models can be reviewed and
corrected to reflect any required change.

A Business Model is a non technical view of a business workflow need.

Generally, a typical Business Model will include the strategic systems or processes already up and running in your
company as well as new needs. You can symbolize these systems, processes and needs using multiple shapes and
create the connections among them. Likely, all of them can be easily described using repository attributes and
formatting tools.

In the design workspace of the Integration perspective of Talend Studio, you can use multiple tools in order to:

draw your business needs,

create and assign numerous repository items to your model objects,

define the business model properties of your model objects.

4.2. Opening or creating a Business Model

Open Talend Studio following the procedure as detailed in the Getting Started Guide.

In the Repository tree view of the Integration perspective, right-click the Documentation > Business Models

22 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to open a Business Model

Select Expand/Collapse to display all existing Business Models (if any).

4.2.1. How to open a Business Model

Double-click the name of the Business Model to be opened.

The selected Business Model opens up on the design workspace.

4.2.2. How to create a Business Model

To create a business model, proceed as follows:

1. Right-click the Business Models node and select Create Business Model.

The creation wizard guides you through the steps to create a new Business Model.

2. Enter the Business Model properties according to the following table:

Field Description
Name the name of the new Business Model. A message comes up if you enter prohibited characters.
Purpose Business Model purpose or any useful information regarding the Business Model use.
Description Business Model description.
Author a read-only field that shows by default the current user login.
Locker a read-only field that shows by default the login of the user who owns the lock on the current Job. This
field is empty when you are creating a Business Model and has data only when you are editing the
properties of an existing Business Model.
Version a read-only field. You can manually increment the version using the M and m buttons.
Status a list to select from the status of the Business Model you are creating.
Path a list to select from the folder in which the Business Model will be created.

3. The Modeler opens up on the empty design workspace.

You can create as many models as you want and open them all.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 23

Modeling a Business Model

The Modeler is made of the following panels:

The Integration perspective's design workspace

a Palette of shapes and lines specific to the business modeling

the Business Model panel showing specific information about all or part of the model.

4.3. Modeling a Business Model

If you have multiple tabs opened on your design workspace, click the relevant tab in order to show the appropriate
model information.

In the Business Model view, you can see information relative to the active model.

Use the Palette to drop the relevant shapes on the design workspace and connect them together with branches and
arrange or improve the model visual aspect by zooming in or out.

24 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide


This Palette offers graphical representations for objects interacting within a Business Model.

The objects can be of different types, from strategic system to output document or decision step. Each one having
a specific role in your Business Model according to the description, definition and assignment you give to it.

All objects are represented in the Palette as shapes, and can be included in the model.

Note that you must click the business folder to display the library of shapes on the Palette.

4.3.1. Shapes
Select the shape corresponding to the relevant object you want to include in your Business Model. Double-click
it or click the shape in the Palette and drop it in the modeling area.

Alternatively, for a quick access to the shape library, keep your cursor still on the modeling area for a couple of
seconds to display the quick access toolbar:

For instance, if your business process includes a decision step, select the diamond shape in the Palette to add this
decision step to your model.

When you move the pointer over the quick access toolbar, a tooltip helps you to identify the shapes.

Then a simple click will do to make it show on the modeling area.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 25

Connecting shapes

The shape is placed in a dotted black frame. Pull the corner dots to resize it as necessary.

Also, a blue-edged input box allows you to add a label to the shape. Give an expressive name in order to be able
to identify at a glance the role of this shape in the model.

Two arrows below the added shape allow you to create connections with other shapes. You can hence quickly
define sequence order or dependencies between shapes.

Related topic: Connecting shapes.

The available shapes include:

Callout Details
Decision The diamond shape generally represents an if condition in the model. Allows to take context-sensitive
Action The square shape can be used to symbolize actions of any nature, such as transformation, translation
or formatting.
Terminal The rounded corner square can illustrate any type of output terminal.
Data A parallelogram shape symbolize data of any type.
Document Inserts a Document object which can be any type of document and can be used as input or output for
the data processed.
Input Inserts an input object allowing the user to type in or manually provide data to be processed.
List forms a list with the extracted data. The list can be defined to hold a certain nature of data.
Database Inserts a database object which can hold the input or output data to be processed.
Actor This schematic character symbolizes players in the decision-support as well technical processes.
Ellipse Inserts an ellipse shape.
Gear This gearing piece can be used to illustrate pieces of code programmed manually that should be replaced
by a Talend Job for example.

4.3.2. Connecting shapes

When designing your Business Model, you want to implement relations between a source shape and a target shape.

There are two possible ways to connect shapes in your design workspace:

Either select the relevant Relationship tool in the Palette. Then, in the design workspace, pull a link from one
shape to the other to draw a connection between them.

Or, you can implement both the relationship and the element to be related to or from, in a few clicks.

1. Simply move the mouse pointer over a shape that you already dropped on your design workspace, in order
to display the double connection arrows.

2. Select the relevant arrow to implement the correct directional connection if need be.

26 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Connecting shapes

3. Drag a link towards an empty area of the design workspace and release to display the connections popup

4. Select the appropriate connection from the list. You can choose among Create Relationship To, Create
Directional Relationship To or Create Bidirectional Relationship To.

5. Then, select the appropriate element to connect to, among the items listed.

You can create a connection to an existing element of the model. Select Existing Element in the popup menu and
choose the existing element you want to connect to in the displaying list box.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 27

How to comment and arrange a model

The connection is automatically created with the selected shape.

The nature of this connection can be defined using Repository elements, and can be formatted and labelled in the
Properties panel, see Business Models.

When creating a connection, an input box allows you to add a label to the connection you have created. Choose
a meaningful name to help you identify the type of relationship you created.

You can also add notes and comments to your model to help you identify elements or connections at a later date.

Related topic: How to comment and arrange a model.

4.3.3. How to comment and arrange a model

The tools of the Palette allow you to customize your model:

Callout Details
Select Select and move the shapes and lines around in the design workspace's modeling area.
Zoom Zoom in to a part of the model. To watch more accurately part of the model. To zoom out, press
Shift and click the modeling area.
Note/Text/Note attachment Allows comments and notes to be added in order to store any useful information regarding the model
or part of it. How to add a note or free text

To add a note, select the Note icon in the Palette, docked to the right of the design workspace.

Alternatively right-click the model or the shape you want to link the note to, and select Add Note. Or select the
Note tool in the quick access toolbar.

A sticky note displays on the modeling area. If the note is linked to a particular shape, a line is automatically
drawn to the shape.

Type in the text in the input box or, if the latter does not show, type in directly on the sticky note.

If you want to link your notes and specific shapes of your model, click the down arrow next to the Note tool on
the Palette and select Note attachment. Pull the black arrow towards an empty area of the design workspace, and
release. The popup menu offers you to attach a new Note to the selected shape.

You can also select the Add Text feature to type in free text directly in the modeling area. You can access this
feature in the Note drop-down menu of the Palette or via a shortcut located next to the Add Note feature on the
quick access toolbar.

28 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Business Models How to arrange the model view

You can also rearrange the look and feel of your model via the right-click menu.

Place your cursor in the design area, right-click to display the menu and select Arrange all. The shapes
automatically move around to give the best possible reading of the model.

Alternatively, you can select manually the whole model or part of it.

To do so, right-click any part of the modeling area, and click Select.

You can select:

All shapes and connectors of the model,

All shapes used in the design workspace,

All connectors branching together the shapes.

From this menu you can also zoom in and out to part of the model and change the view of the model.

4.3.4. Business Models

The information in the Business Models view corresponds to the current selection, if any. This can be the whole
model if you selected all shapes of it or more specifically one of the shapes it is made of. If nothing is selected,
the Business Models tab gives general information about the model.

The Business Models view contains different types of information grouped in the Main, Appearance, Rules &
Grid, and Assignment tabs.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 29

Business Models

The Main tab displays basic information about the selected item in the design workspace, being a Business Model
or a Job. For more information about the Main tab, see How to display Job configuration tabs/views. Appearance tab

From the Appearance tab you can apply filling or border colors, change the appearance of shapes and lines in
order to customize your Business Model or make it easier to read.

The Business Model view includes the following formats:

fill the shape with selected color.

color the shape border

insert text above the shape

insert gradient colors to the shape

insert shadow to the shape

You can also move and manage shapes of your model using the edition tools. Right-click the relevant shape to
access these editing tools. Rulers and Grid tab

To display the Rulers & Grid tab, click on the Palette, then click any empty area of the design workspace
to deselect any current selection.

Click the Rulers & Grid tab to access the ruler and grid setting view.

In the Display area, select the Show Ruler check box to show the Ruler, the Show Grid check box to show the
Grid, or both heck boxes. Grid in front sends the grid to the front of the model.

In the Measurement area, select the ruling unit among Centimeters, Inches or Pixels.

In the Grid Line area, click the Color button to set the color of the grid lines and select their style from the Style list.

Select the Snap To Grid check box to bring the shapes into line with the grid or the Snap To Shapes check box
to bring the shapes into line with the shapes already dropped in the Business Model.

You can also click the Restore Defaults button to restore the default settings.

30 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Business Models Assignment tab

The Assignment tab displays in a tabular form details of the Repository attributes you allocated to a shape or
a connection.

To display any assignment information in the table, select a shape or a connection in the active model, then click
the Assignment tab in the Business Model view.

You can also display the assignment list placing the mouse over the shape you assigned information to.

You can modify some information or attach a comment. Also, if you update data from the Repository tree view,
assignment information gets automatically updated.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 31

Assigning repository elements to a Business Model

For further information about how to assign elements to a Business Model, see Assigning repository elements to
a Business Model.

4.4. Assigning repository elements to a

Business Model
The Assignment tab in the Business Models view lists the elements from the Repository tree view which have
been assigned to a shape in the Business Model.

You can define or describe a particular object in your Business Model by simply associating it with various types
of information, for example by adding metadata items.

You can set the nature of the metadata to be assigned or processed, thus facilitating the Job design phase.

To assign a metadata item, simply drop it from the Repository tree view to the relevant shape in the design

The Assignment table, located underneath the design workspace, gets automatically updated accordingly with the
assigned information of the selected object.

The types of items that you can assign are:

Element Details
Job designs If any Job Designs developed for other projects in the same repository are available, you can reuse
them as metadata in the active Business Model.
Metadata You can assign any descriptive data stored in the repository to any of the objects used in the model.
It can be connection information to a database for example.
Business Models You can use in the active model all other Business Models stored in the repository of the same project.
Documentation You can assign any type of documentation in any format. It can be a technical documentation, some
guidelines in text format or a simple description of your databases.
Routines (Code) If you have developed some routines in a previous project, to automate tasks for example, you can
assign them to your Business Model. Routines are stored in the Code folder of the Repository tree

32 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Editing a Business Model

For more information about the Repository elements, see Designing a Job.

4.5. Editing a Business Model

Follow the relevant procedure according to your needs:

How to rename a Business Model

1. Right-click the relevant Business Model label on the Repository tree view then select Edit properties to
display the corresponding Main properties information in the [Edit properties] dialog box.

2. Edit the model name in the Name field, then click Finish to close the dialog box. The model label changes
automatically in the Repository tree view and will be reflected on the model tab of the design workspace,
the next time you open the Business Model.

If the Business Model is open, the information in the [Edit properties] dialog box will be read-only so you will not
be able to edit them.

How to copy and paste a Business Model

1. In Repository > Business model, right-click the Business Model name to be copied and select Copy in the
popup menu, or press Ctrl+C.

2. Then right-click where you want to paste your Business Model, and select Paste.

How to move a Business Model

1. To move a Business Model from a location to another in your business models project folder, select a Business
Model in the Repository > Business Models tree.

2. Then simply drop it to the new location.

How to delete a Business Model

1. Right-click the name of the model to be deleted and select Delete in the popup menu.

2. Alternatively, simply select the relevant Business Model, then drop it into the Recycle bin of the Repository
tree view.

4.6. Saving a Business Model

To save a Business Model, click File > Save or press Ctrl+S. The model is saved under the name you gave during
the creation process.

An asterisk displays in front of the Business Model name on the tab to indicate that changes have been made to
the model but not yet saved.

To save a Business Model and increment its version at the same time:

1. Click File>Save as....The [Save as] dialog box displays.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 33

Saving a Business Model

2. Next to the Version field, click the M button to increment the major version and the m button to increment
the minor version.

3. Click Finish to validate the modification

By default, when you open a Business Model, you open its last version. Any previous version of the Business Model is
read-only and thus cannot be modified.

You can access a list of the different versions of a Business Model and perform certain operations. To do that:

1. In the Repository tree view, select the Business Model you want to consult the versions of.

2. Click the Business Models>Version in succession to display the version list of the selected Job.

3. Right-click the Business Model version you want to consult.

4. Do one of the followings:

Select To...
Edit properties edit Business Model properties.

Note: The Business Model should not be open on the design workspace, otherwise it will
be in read-only mode.
Read Business Model consult the Business Model in read-only mode.

You can open and modify the last version of a Business Model from the Version view if you select Edit Business Model
from the drop-down list.

34 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Chapter 5. Designing a Job
Talend Studio is the tool with the capabilities that treat all of the different sources and targets required in data
integration processes and all other associated operations.

Via Talend Studio, you are able to design data integration Jobs that allow you to put in place up and run dataflow
management processes.

This chapter addresses the needs of programmers or IT managers who are ready to implement the technical aspects
of a Business Model (regardless of whether it was designed in the Business Modeler of the Integration perspective
of Talend Studio).

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

What is a Job design

5.1. What is a Job design

A Job Design is the runnable layer of a business model. It is a graphical design, of one or more components
connected together, that allows you to set up and run dataflow management processes. A Job Design translates
business needs into code, routines and programs, in other words it technically implements your data flow.

The Jobs you design can address all of the different sources and targets that you need for data integration processes
and any other related process.

When you design a Job in Talend Studio, you can:

put in place data integration actions using a library of technical components.

change the default setting of components or create new components or family of components to match your
exact needs.

set connections and relationships between components in order to define the sequence and the nature of actions.

access code at any time to edit or document the components in the designed Job.

create and add items to the repository for reuse and sharing purposes (in other projects or Jobs or with other

In order to be able to execute the Jobs you design in Talend Studio, you need to install an Oracle JVM 1.8 (IBM JVM is not
supported). You can download it from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/index.html.

5.2. Getting started with a basic Job

This section provides a continuous example that will help you create, add components to, configure, and execute a
simple Job. This Job will be named A_Basic_Job and will read a text file, display its content on the Run console,
and then write the data into another text file.

5.2.1. Creating a Job

Talend Studio enables you to create a Job by dropping different technical components from the Palette onto the
design workspace and then connecting these components together.

To create the example Job described in this section, proceed as follows:

1. In the Repository tree view of the Integration perspective, right-click the Job Designs node and select
Create job from the contextual menu.

36 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Creating a Job

The [New Job] wizard opens to help you define the main properties of the new Job.

2. Fill the Job properties as shown in the previous screenshot.

The fields correspond to the following properties:

Field Description
Name the name of the new Job.

Note that a message comes up if you enter prohibited characters.

Purpose Job purpose or any useful information regarding the Job use.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 37

Adding components to the Job

Field Description
Description Job description containing any information that helps you describe what the Job does and how it does it.
Author a read-only field that shows by default the current user login.
Locker a read-only field that shows by default the login of the user who owns the lock on the current Job. This
field is empty when you are creating a Job and has data only when you are editing the properties of
an existing Job.
Version a read-only field. You can manually increment the version using the M and m buttons. For more
information, see Managing Job versions.
Status a list to select from the status of the Job you are creating.
Path a list to select from the folder in which the Job will be created.

3. An empty design workspace opens up showing the name of the Job as a tab label.

The Job you created is now listed under the Job Designs node in the Repository tree view.

You can open one or more of the created Jobs by simply double-clicking the Job label in the Repository tree view.

5.2.2. Adding components to the Job

Now that the Job is created, components have to be added to the design workspace, a tFileInputDelimited, a
tLogRow, and a tFileOutputDelimited in this example.

There are several ways to add a component onto the design workspace. You can:

find your component on the Palette by typing the search keyword(s) in the search field of the Palette and drop
it onto the design workspace.

add a component by directly typing your search keyword(s) on the design workspace.

add an output component by dragging from an input component already existing on the design workspace.

drag and drop a centralized metadata item from the Metadata node onto the design workspace, and then select
the component of interest from the Components dialog box.

This section describes the first three methods. For details about how to drop a component from the Metadata
node, see Managing Metadata for data integration and Managing metadata for Talend Big Data.

38 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Adding components to the Job Dropping the first component from the Palette

The first component of this example will be added from the Palette. This component defines the first task executed
by the Job. In this example, as you first want to read a text file, you will use the tFileInputDelimited component.

To drop a component from the Palette, proceed as follows:

1. Enter the search keyword(s) in the search field of the Palette and press Enter to validate your search.

The keyword(s) can be the partial or full name of the component, or a phrase describing its functionality if
you don't know its name, for example, tfileinputde, fileinput, or read file row by row. The Palette filters to
the only families where the component can be found. If you cannot find the Palette view in the Studio, see
How to change the Palette layout and settings.

To use a descriptive phrase as keywords for a fuzzy search, make sure the Also search from Help when performing
a component searching check box is selected on the Preferences > Palette Settings view. For more information,
see Palette preferences (Talend > Palette Settings).

2. Select the component you want to use and click on the design workspace where you want to drop the

Note that you can also drop a note to your Job the same way you drop components.

Each newly-added component is shown in a blue box to show that it as an individual Subjob.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 39

Adding components to the Job Adding the second component by typing on the design

The second component of our Job will be added by typing its name directly on the workspace, instead of dropping
it from the Palette or from the Metadata node.

Prerequisite: Make sure you have selected the Enable Component Creation Assistant check box in the Studio
preferences. For more information, see How to use centralized metadata in a Job.

To add a component directly on the workspace, proceed as follows:

1. Click where you want to add the component on the design workspace, and type your keywords, which can
be the full or partial name of the component, or a phrase describing its functionality if you don't know its
name. In our example, start typing tlog.

To use a descriptive phrase as keywords for a fuzzy search, make sure the Also search from Help when performing
a component searching check box is selected on the Preferences > Palette Settings view. For more information,
see Palette preferences (Talend > Palette Settings).

A list box appears below the text field displaying all the matching components in alphabetical order.

2. Double-click the desired component to add it on the workspace, tLogRow in our example. Adding an output component by dragging from an input

Now you will add the third component, a tFileOutputDelimited, to write the data read from the source file into
another text file. We will add the component by dragging from the tLogRow component, which serves as an input
component to the new one to be added.

1. Click the tLogRow component to show the o icon docked to it.

2. Drag and drop the o icon where you want to add a new component.

A text field and a component list appear. The component list shows all the components that can be connected
with the input component.

40 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Connecting the components together

3. To narrow the search, type in the text field the name of the component you want to add or part of it, or a phrase
describing the component's functionality if you don't know its name, and then double-click the component of
interest, tFileOutputDelimited in this example, on the component list to add it onto the design workspace.
The new component is automatically connected with the input component tLogRow, using a Row > Main
To use a descriptive phrase as keywords for a fuzzy search, make sure the Also search from Help when performing
a component searching check box is selected on the Preferences > Palette Settings view. For more information,
see Palette preferences (Talend > Palette Settings).

5.2.3. Connecting the components together

Now that the components have been added on the workspace, they have to be connected together. Components
connected together form a subjob. Jobs are composed of one or several subjobs carrying out various processes.

In this example, as the tLogRow and tFileOutputDelimited components are already connected, you only need
to connect the tFileInputDelimited to the tLogRow component.

To connect the components together, use either of the following methods:

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 41

Connecting the components together

Right-click and click again

1. Right-click the source component, tFileInputDelimited in this example.

2. In the contextual menu that opens, select the type of connection you want to use to link the components,
Row > Main in this example.

3. Click the target component to create the link, tLogRow in this example.

Note that a black crossed circle is displayed if the target component is not compatible with the link.

According to the nature and the role of the components you want to link together, several types of link are
available. Only the authorized connections are listed in the contextual menu.

Drag and drop

1. Click the input component, tFileInputDelimited in this example.

2. When the O icon appears, click it and drag the cursor to the destination component, tLogRow in this example.

A Row > Main connection is automatically created between the two components.

While this method requires less operation steps, it works only with these types of Row connections: Main,
Lookup, Output, Filter, and Reject, depending on the nature and role of the components you are connecting.

42 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Configuring the components

You can also drop components in the middle of a Row link. For more information, see How to add a component
between two connected components.

For more information on using various types of connections, see Using connections.

5.2.4. Configuring the components

Now that the components are linked, their properties should be defined.

For more advanced details regarding the components properties, see How to define component properties.

Configuring the tFileInputDelimited component

1. Double-click the tFileInputDelimited component to open its Basic settings view.

2. Click the [...] button next to the File Name/Stream field.

3. Browse your system or enter the path to the input file, customers.txt in this example.

4. In the Header field, enter 1.

5. Click the [...] button next to Edit schema.

6. In the Schema Editor that opens, click three times the [+] button to add three columns.

7. Name the three columns id, CustomerName and CustomerAddress respectively and click OK to close the

8. In the pop-up that opens, click OK accept the propagation of the changes.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 43

Executing the Job

This allows you to copy the schema you created to the next component, tLogRow in this example.

Configuring the tLogRow component

1. Double-click the tLogRow component to open its Basic settings view.

2. In the Mode area, select Table (print values in cells of a table).

By doing so, the contents of the customers.txt file will be printed in a table and therefore more readable.

Configuring the tFileOutputDelimited component

1. Double-click the tFileOutputDelimited component to open its Basic settings view.

2. Click the [...] button next to the File Name field.

3. Browse your system or enter the path to the output file, customers.csv in this example.

4. Select the Include Header check box.

5. If needed, click the Sync columns button to retrieve the schema from the input component.

5.2.5. Executing the Job

Now that components are configured, the Job can be executed.

44 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Working with components

To do so, proceed as follows:

1. Press Ctrl+S to save the Job.

2. Go to Run tab, and click on Run to execute the Job.

The file is read row by row and the extracted fields are displayed on the Run console and written to the specified
output file.

5.3. Working with components

The sections below give detailed information about various subjects related to handling components in a data
integration Job, including:

How to add a component between two connected components

How to define component properties

How to define the start component

How to find Jobs containing a specific component

How to set default values in the schema of a component

5.3.1. How to add a component between two

connected components
When designing a Job, you can insert a component between two components linked by a Row connection, provided
that the new component can serve as a middle component between the two.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 45

How to add a component between two connected components

The examples below show different options for you to insert a tMap between a tFileInputDelmited and
tMySqlOutput linked by a Row > Main connection. For how to connect components in a Job, see Connecting
the components together. For more information about various types of connections, see Connection types.

Dropping the component from the Palette onto the connection

1. From the Palette, locate and select tMap.

2. Drag the component and drop it onto the Row connection.

If you are prompted to give a name to the output connection from the newly added component, which is true
in the case of a tMap, type in a name and click OK to close the dialog box.

You may be asked to retrieve the schema of the target component. In that case, click OK to accept or click No to deny.

The component is inserted in the middle of the connection, which is now divided into two connections.

Adding the component by typing on the connection

1. Click on the connection that links the two existing components to select it.

2. Type the name of the new component you want to add, tMap in this example, and double click the component
on the suggested list to add it onto the connection.

46 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to add a component between two connected components

3. If you are prompted to give a name to the output connection from the newly added component, which is true
in the case of a tMap, type in a name and click OK to close the dialog box.

You may be asked to retrieve the schema of the target component. In that case, click OK to accept or click No to deny.

The component is inserted in the middle of the connection, which is now divided in two connections.

Adding the component to the design workspace and moving the existing connection

1. Add the new component, tMap in this example, onto the design workspace by either dropping it from the
Palette or clicking in the design workspace and typing the component name.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 47

How to add a component between two connected components

2. Select the connection and move your mouse pointer towards the end of the connection until the mouse pointer
becomes a + symbol.

3. Drag the connection from the tMySqlOutput component and drop it onto the tMap component.

4. Connect the tMap component to the tMySqlOutput using a Row > Main connection.

48 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to define component properties

5.3.2. How to define component properties

The properties information for each component forming a Job or a subjob allows to set the actual technical
implementation of the active Job.

Each component is defined by basic and advanced properties shown respectively on the Basic Settings tab and
the Advanced Settings tab of the Component view of the selected component in the design workspace. The
Component view gathers also other collateral information related to the component in use, including View and
Documentation tabs. Basic Settings tab

The Basic Settings tab is part of the Component view, which is located on the lower part of the designing editor
of the Integration perspective of Talend Studio.

Each component has specific basic settings according to its function requirements within the Job.
Some components require code to be input or functions to be set. Make sure you use Java code in properties.

For File and Database components, you can centralize properties in metadata files located in the Metadata
directory of the Repository tree view. This means that on the Basic Settings tab you can set properties on the

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 49

How to define component properties

spot, using the Built-In Property Type or use the properties you stored in the Metadata Manager using the
Repository Property Type. The latter option helps you save time.

Select Repository as Property Type and choose the metadata file holding the relevant information. Related topic:
Managing Metadata for data integration.

Alternatively, you can drop the Metadata item from the Repository tree view directly to the component already
dropped on the design workspace, for its properties to be filled in automatically.

If you selected the Built-in mode and set manually the properties of a component, you can also save those
properties as metadata in the Repository. To do so:

1. Click the floppy disk icon. The metadata creation wizard corresponding to the component opens.

2. Follow the steps in the wizard. For more information about the creation of metadata items, see Managing
Metadata for data integration.

3. The metadata displays under the Metadata node of the Repository.

For all components that handle a data flow (most components), you can define a Talend schema in order to
describe and possibly select the data to be processed. Like the Properties data, this schema is either Built-in or
stored remotely in the Repository in a metadata file that you created. A detailed description of the Schema setting
is provided in the next sections.

How to set a built-in schema

A schema created as Built-in is meant for a single use in a Job, hence cannot be reused in another Job.

Select Built-in in the Property Type list of the Basic settings view, and click the Edit Schema button to create
your built-in schema by adding columns and describing their content, according to the input file definition.

Make sure the data type in the Type column is correctly defined.

For more information regarding Java data types, including date pattern, see Java API Specification.

Below are the commonly used Talend data types:

Object: a generic Talend data type that allows processing data without regard to its content, for example, a
data file not otherwise supported can be processed with a tFileInputRaw component by specifying that it has
a data type of Object.

50 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to define component properties

List: a space-separated list of primitive type elements in an XML Schema definition, defined using the xsd:list

Document: a data type that allows processing an entire XML document without regarding to its content.

In all output properties, you also have to define the schema of the output. To retrieve the schema defined in the
input schema, click the Sync columns tab in the Basic settings view.

When creating a database table, you are recommended to specify the Length field for all columns of type String, Integer or
Long and specify the Precision field for all columns of type Double, Float or BigDecimal in the schema of the component
used. Otherwise, unexpected errors may occur.

How to set a repository schema

If you often use certain database connections or specific files when creating your data integration Jobs, you can
avoid defining the same properties over and over again by creating metadata files and storing them in the Metadata
node in the Repository tree view of the Integration perspective.

To recall a metadata file into your current Job, select Repository in the Schema list and then select the relevant
metadata file. Or, drop the metadata item from the Repository tree view directly to the component already dropped
on the design workspace. Then click Edit Schema to check that the data is appropriate.

You can edit a repository schema used in a Job from the Basic settings view. However, note that the schema hence
becomes Built-in in the current Job.

You can also use a repository schema partially. For more information, see How to use a repository schema

You cannot change the schema stored in the repository from this window. To edit the schema stored remotely, right-click it
under the Metadata node and select the corresponding edit option (Edit connection or Edit file) from the contextual menu.

Related topics: Managing Metadata for data integration.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 51

How to define component properties

How to use a repository schema partially

When using a repository schema, if you do not want to use all the predefined columns, you can select particular
columns without changing the schema into a built-in one:

The following describes how to use a repository schema partially for a database input component. The procedure
may vary slightly according to the component you are using.

1. Click the [...] button next to Edit schema on the Basic settings tab. The [Edit parameter using repository]
dialog box appears. By default, the option View schema is selected.

2. Click OK. The [Schema] dialog box pops up, which displays all columns in the schema. The Used Column
check box before each column name indicates whether the column is used.

3. Select the columns you want to use.

4. Click OK. A message box appears, which prompts you to do a guess query.

The guess query operation is needed only for the database metadata.

52 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to define component properties

5. Click OK to close the message box. The [Propagate] dialog box appears. Click Yes to propagate the changes
and close the dialog box.

6. On the Basic settings tab, click Guess Query. The selected column names are displayed in the Query area
as expected.

For more information about how to set a repository schema, see How to set a repository schema.

How to set a field dynamically (Ctrl+Space bar)

On any field of your Job/component Properties view, you can use the Ctrl+Space bar to access the global and
context variable list and set the relevant field value dynamically.

1. Place the cursor on any field of the Component view.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 53

How to define component properties

2. Press Ctrl+Space bar to access the proposal list.

3. Select on the list the relevant parameters you need. Appended to the variable list, a information panel provides
details about the selected parameter.

This can be any parameter including: error messages, number of lines processed, or else... The list varies
according to the component in selection or the context you are working in.

Related topic: Using contexts and variables. Advanced settings tab

Some components, especially File and Databases components, provides numerous advanced use possibilities.

The content of the Advanced settings tab changes according to the selected component.

Generally you will find on this tab the parameters that are not required for a basic or usual use of the component
but may be required for a use out of the standard scope.

How to measure data flows

You can also find in the Advanced settings view the option tStatCatcher Statistics that allows you, if selected,
to display logs and statistics about the current Job without using dedicated components. For more information
regarding the stats & log features, see How to automate the use of statistics & logs.

54 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to define component properties Dynamic settings tab

The Basic settings and Advanced settings tabs of all components display various check boxes and drop-down
lists for component parameters. Usually, available values for these types of parameters can only be edited when
designing your Job.

The Dynamic settings tab, on the Component view, allows you to customize these parameters into code or

This feature allows you, for example, to define these parameters as variables and thus let them become context-
dependent, whereas they are not meant to be by default.

Another benefit of this feature is that you can now change the context setting at execution time. This makes full
sense when you intend to export your Job in order to deploy it onto a Job execution server for example.

To customize these types of parameters, as context variables for example, follow the following steps:

1. Select the relevant component basic settings or advanced settings view that contains the parameter you want
to define as a variable.

2. Click the Dynamic settings tab.

3. Click the plus button to display a new parameter line in the table.

4. Click the Name of the parameter displaying to show the list of available parameters. For example: Print

5. Then click in the facing Code column cell and set the code to be used. For example: context.verbose if you
create the corresponding context variable, called verbose.

As code, you can input a context variable or a piece of Java code.

The corresponding lists or check boxes thus become unavailable and are highlighted in yellow in the Basic
settings or Advanced settings tab.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 55

How to define component properties

If you want to set a parameter as context variable, make sure you create the corresponding variable in the Contexts view.

For more information regarding the context variable definition, see How to define context variables in the Contexts view.

For use cases showing how to define a dynamic parameter, see the scenario of tMysqlInput about reading data
from MySQL databases through context-based dynamic connections and the scenario of tContextLoad at https://
help.talend.com. View tab

The View tab of the Component view allows you to change the default display format of components on the
design workspace.

Field Description
Label format Free text label showing on the design workspace. Variables can be set to retrieve and display
values from other fields. The field tooltip usually shows the corresponding variable where the
field value is stored.
Hint format Hidden tooltip, showing only when you mouse over the component.
Connection format Indicates the type of connection accepted by the component.

You can graphically highlight both Label and Hint text with HTML formatting tags:

Bold: <b> YourLabelOrHint </b>

Italic: <i> YourLabelOrHint </i>

Return carriage: YourLabelOrHint <br> ContdOnNextLine

Color: <Font color= '#RGBcolor'> YourLabelOrHint </Font>

To change your preferences of this View panel, click Window>Preferences>Talend>Designer. Documentation tab

Feel free to add any useful comment or chunk of text or documentation to your component.

56 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to define the start component

In the Documentation tab, you can add your text in the Comment field. Then, select the Show Information
check box and an information icon display next to the corresponding component in the design workspace.

You can show the Documentation in your hint tooltip using the associated variable _COMMENT_, so that when
you place your mouse on this icon, the text written in the Comment field displays in a tooltip box.

For advanced use of Documentations, you can use the Documentation view in order to store and reuse any type
of documentation.

5.3.3. How to define the start component

The Start component is the trigger of a Job. There can be several Start components per Job design if there are
several flows running in parallel. But for one flow and its connected subflows, only one component can be the
Start component.

Drop a component to the design workspace, all possible start components take a distinctive bright green
background color. Notice that most of the components, can be Start components.

Only components which do not make sense to trigger a flow, will not be proposed as Start components, such as
the tMap component for example.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 57

How to find Jobs containing a specific component

To distinguish which component is to be the Start component of your Job, identify the main flow and the secondary
flows of your Job.

The main flow should be the one connecting a component to the next component using a Row type link. The
Start component is then automatically set on the first component of the main flow (icon with green background).

The secondary flows are also connected using a Row-type link which is then called Lookup row on the design
workspace to distinguish it from the main flow. This Lookup flow is used to enrich the main flow with more data.

Be aware that you can change the Start component hence the main flow by changing a main Row into a Lookup
Row, simply through a right-click the row to be changed.

Related topics:

Connecting the components together

Activating/Deactivating a component or a subjob

5.3.4. How to find Jobs containing a specific

You should open one Job at least in the Studio to display the Palette to the right of the design workspace and thus start
the search.

From the Palette, you can search for all the Jobs that use the selected component. To do so:

1. In the Palette, right-click the component you want to look for and select Find Component in Jobs.

58 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to find Jobs containing a specific component

A progress indicator displays to show the percentage of the search operation that has been completed then
the [Find a Job] dialog box displays listing all the Jobs that use the selected component.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 59

How to set default values in the schema of a component

2. From the list of Jobs, click the desired Job and then click OK to open it on the design workspace.

5.3.5. How to set default values in the schema of a

You can set default values in the schema of certain components to replace null values retrieved from the data

At present, only tFileInputDelimited, tFileInputExcel, and tFixedFlowInput support default values in the schema.

In the following example, the company and city fields of some records of the source CSV file are left blank, as
shown below. The input component reads data from the source file and completes the missing information using
the default values set in the schema, Talend and Paris respectively.


To set default values:

60 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to set default values in the schema of a component

1. Double-click the input component tFileInputDelimited to show its Basic settings view.

In this example, the metadata for the input component is stored in the Repository. For information about
metadata creation in the Repository, see Managing Metadata for data integration.

2. Click the [...] button next to Edit schema, and select the Change to built-in property option from the pop-
up dialog box to open the schema editor.

3. Enter Talend between quotation marks in the Default field for the company column, enter Paris between
quotation marks in the Default field for the city column, and click OK to close the schema editor.

4. Configure the output component tLogRow to display the execution result the way you want, and then run
the Job.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 61

Using connections

In the output data flow, the missing information is completed according to the set default values.

5.4. Using connections

In Talend Studio, a Job or a subjob is composed of a group of components logically linked to one another via
connections. You need to use the connections to define how the components in use are coordinated. This section
will describe the types of connections and their related settings.

5.4.1. Connection types

There are various types of connections which define either the data to be processed, the data output, or the Job
logical sequence.

Right-click a component on the design workspace to display a contextual menu that lists all available connections
for the selected component.

The sections below describe all available connection types. Row connection

A Row connection handles the actual data. The Row connections can be Main, Lookup, Reject, Output,
Uniques/Duplicates, or Combine according to the nature of the flow processed.

This type of row connection is the most commonly used connection. It passes on data flows from one component
to the other, iterating on each row and reading input data according to the component properties setting (schema).

62 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Connection types

Data transferred through main rows are characterized by a schema definition which describes the data structure
in the input file.

You cannot connect two Input components together using a Row > Main connection. Only one incoming Row connection
is possible per component. You will not be able to link twice the same target component using a main Row connection. The
second Row connection will be called Lookup.

To connect two components using a Main connection, right-click the input component and select Row > Main
on the connection list.

Alternatively, you can click the component to highlight it, then right-click it or click the O icon that appears on
side of it and drag the cursor towards the destination component. This will automatically create a Row > Main
type of connection.

For information on using multiple Row connections, see Multiple Input/Output.


This row connection connects a sub-flow component to a main flow component (which should be allowed to
receive more than one incoming flow). This connection is used only in the case of multiple input flows.

A Lookup row can be changed into a main row at any time (and reversely, a main row can be changed to a lookup
row). To do so, right-click the row to be changed, and on the pop-up menu, click Set this connection as Main.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 63

Connection types

Related topic: Multiple Input/Output.


This row connection connects specifically a tFilterRow component to an output component. This row connection
gathers the data matching the filtering criteria. This particular component offers also a Reject connection to fetch
the non-matching data flow.


This row connection connects a processing component to an output component. This row connection gathers the
data that does NOT match the filter or are not valid for the expected output. This connection allows you to track
the data that could not be processed for any reason (wrong type, undefined null value, etc.). On some components,
this connection is enabled when the Die on error option is deactivated.


This row connection connects a tMap component to an output component. This connection is enabled when you
clear the Die on error check box in the tMap editor and it gathers data that could not be processed (wrong type,
undefined null value, unparseable dates, etc.).

Related topic: Handling errors.


This row connection connects a tMap component to one or several output components. As the Job output can be
multiple, you get prompted to give a name for each output row created.

The system also remembers deleted output connection names (and properties if they were defined). This way, you do not
have to fill in again property data in case you want to reuse them.

Related topic: Multiple Input/Output.


These row connection connect a tUniqRow to output components.

The Uniques connection gathers the rows that are found first in the incoming flow. This flow of unique data is
directed to the relevant output component or else to another processing subjob.

The Duplicates connection gathers the possible duplicates of the first encountered rows. This reject flow is directed
to the relevant output component, for analysis for example.

Multiple Input/Output

Some components help handle data through multiple inputs and/or multiple outputs. These are often processing-
type components such as the tMap.

64 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Connection types

If this requires a join or some transformation in one flow, you want to use the tMap component, which is dedicated
to this use.

For further information regarding data mapping, see Mapping data flows.


This type of row connection connects one CombinedSQL component to another.

When right-clicking the CombinedSQL component to be connected to the next one, select Row > Combine. Iterate connection

The Iterate connection can be used to loop on files contained in a directory, on rows contained in a file or on
DB entries.

A component can be the target of only one Iterate connection. The Iterate connection is mainly to be connected
to the start component of a flow (in a subjob).

Some components such as the tFileList component are meant to be connected through an iterate connection with
the next component. For how to set an Iterate connection, see Iterate connection settings.

The name of the Iterate connection is read-only unlike other types of connections. Trigger connections

Trigger connections define the processing sequence, so no data is handled through these connections.

The connection in use will create a dependency between Jobs or subjobs which therefore will be triggered one
after the other according to the trigger nature.

Trigger connections fall into two categories:

subjob triggers: On Subjob Ok, On Subjob Error and Run if,

component triggers: On Component Ok, On Component Error and Run if.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 65

Connection types

OnSubjobOK (previously Then Run): This connection is used to trigger the next subjob on the condition that
the main subjob completed without error. This connection is to be used only from the start component of the Job.

These connections are used to orchestrate the subjobs forming the Job or to easily troubleshoot and handle
unexpected errors.

OnSubjobError: This connection is used to trigger the next subjob in case the first (main) subjob do not complete
correctly. This "on error" subjob helps flagging the bottleneck or handle the error if possible.

Related topic: How to define the start component.

OnComponentOK and OnComponentError are component triggers. They can be used with any source
component on the subjob.

OnComponentOK will only trigger the target component once the execution of the source component is complete
without error. Its main use could be to trigger a notification subjob for example.

OnComponentError will trigger the sub-job or component as soon as an error is encountered in the primary Job.

Run if triggers a subjob or component in case the condition defined is met. For further information about Run
if, see Run if connection settings.

For how to set a trigger condition, see Trigger connection settings. Link connection

The Link connection can only be used with ELT components. These connections transfer table schema information
to the ELT mapper component in order to be used in specific DB query statements.

The Link connection therefore does not handle actual data but only the metadata regarding the table to be operated

When right-clicking the ELT component to be connected, select Link > New Output.

Be aware that the name you provide to the connection must reflect the actual table name.

In fact, the connection name will be used in the SQL statement generated through the ETL Mapper, therefore the
same name should never be used twice.

66 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to define connection settings

5.4.2. How to define connection settings

You can display the properties of a connection by selecting it and clicking the Component view tab, or by right-
clicking the connection and selecting Settings from the contextual menu. This section summarizes connection
property settings. Row connection settings

The Basic settings vertical tab of the Component view of the connection displays the schema of the data flow
handled by the connection. You can change the schema by clicking the Edit schema button. For more information,
see How to set a built-in schema.

The Advanced settings vertical tab lets you monitor the data flow over the connection in a Job without using a
separate tFlowMeter component. The measured information will be interpreted and displayed in a monitoring
tool such Talend Activity Monitoring Console (available with Talend subscription-based products).

To monitor the data over the connection, perform the following settings in the Advanced settings vertical tab:

1. Select the Monitor this connection check box.

2. From the Mode list, select Absolute to log the actual number of rows passes over the connection, or Relative
to log the ratio (%) of the number of rows passed over this connection against a reference connection. If you
select Relative, you need to select a reference connection from the Connections List list.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 67

How to define connection settings

3. Click the plus button to add a line in the Thresholds table and define a range of the number of rows to be

For more information about flow metrics, see the documentation of tFlowMeterCatcher at https://
help.talend.com. Iterate connection settings

When you configure an Iterate connection, you are actually enabling parallel iterations. For further information,
see How to launch parallel iterations to read data. Trigger connection settings

Run if connection settings

In the Basic settings view of a Run if connection, you can set the condition to the Subjob in Java.

You can use variables in your condition. Pressing Ctrl+Space allows you to access all global and context variables.
For more information, see How to use variables in a Job.

When adding a comment after the condition, be sure to enclose it between /* and */ even if it is a single-line comment.

In the following example, a message is triggered if the input file contains 0 rows of data.

1. Create a Job and drop three components to the design workspace: a tFileInputDelimited, a tLogRow, and
a tMsgBox.

68 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Using contexts and variables

2. Connect the components as follows:

Right-click the tFileInputDelimited component, select Row > Main from the contextual menu, and click
the tLogRow component.

Right-click the tFileInputDelimited component, select Trigger > Run if from the contextual menu, and
click the tMsgBox component.

3. Configure the tFileInputDelimited component so that it reads a file that contains no data rows.

4. Select the Run if connection between the tFileInputDelimited component and the tMsgBox component,
and click the Component view. In the Condition field on the Basic settings tab, pressing Ctrl+Space to
access the variable list, and select the NB_LINE variable of the tFileInputDelimited component. Edit the
condition as follows:


5. Go to the Component view of the tMsgBox component, and enter a message, "No data is read from the file"
for example, in the Message field.

6. Save and run the Job. You should see the message you defined in the tMsgBox component.

5.5. Using contexts and variables

Variables represent values which change throughout the execution of a program. A global variable is a system
variable which can be accessed by any module or function. It retains its value after the function or program using
it has completed execution. A context variable is a variable which is defined by the user for a particular context.

Depending on the circumstances the Job is being used in, you might want to manage it differently for various
execution types, known as contexts (Prod and Test in the example given below). For instance, there might be
various testing stages you want to perform and validate before a Job is ready to go live for production use.

A context is characterized by parameters. These parameters are mostly context-sensitive variables which will be
added to the list of variables for reuse in the component-specific properties on the Component view through the
Ctrl+Space keystrokes.

Talend Studio offers you the possibility to create multiple context data sets. Furthermore you can either create
context data sets on a one-shot basis from the context tab of a Job, or you can centralize the context data sets in
the Contexts node of the Repository tree view in order to reuse them in different Jobs.

You can define the values of your context variables when creating them, or load your context parameters
dynamically, either explicitly using the tContextLoad component or implicitly using the Implicit Context Load
feature, when your Jobs are executed.

This section describes how to create contexts and variables and define context parameter values. For an example
of loading context parameters dynamically using the tContextLoad component, see the documentation of
tContextLoad at https://help.talend.com. For an example of loading context parameters dynamically using the
Implicit Context Load feature, see Using the Implicit Context Load feature.

5.5.1. How to define context variables for a Job

You can define context variables for a particular Job in two ways:

Using the Contexts view of the Job. See How to define context variables in the Contexts view.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 69

How to define context variables for a Job

Using the F5 key from the Component view of a component. See How to define variables from the Component
view. How to define context variables in the Contexts view

The Contexts view is positioned among the configuration tabs below design workspace.

If you cannot find the Contexts view on the tab system of Talend Studio, go to Window > Show view > Talend, and select

The Contexts tab view shows all of the variables that have been defined for each component in the current Job
and context variables imported into the current Job.

From this view, you can manage your built-in variables:

Create and manage built-in contexts.

Create, edit and delete built-in variables.

Reorganize the context variables.

Add built-in context variables to the Repository.

Import variables from a Repository context source for use in the current Job.

Edit Repository-stored context variables and update the changes to the Repository.

Remove imported Repository variables from the current Job.

The following example will demonstrate how to define two contexts named Prod and Test and a set of variables
- host, port, database, username, password, and table_name - under the two contexts for a Job.

Defining contexts

1. Open the Job in the design workspace.

2. Select the Contexts tab view and click the [+] button at the upper right corner of the view.

The [Configure Contexts] dialog box pops up. A context named Default has been created and set as the
default one by the system.

70 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to define context variables for a Job

3. Select the context Default, click the Edit... button and enter Prod in the [Rename Context] dialog box that
opens to rename the context Default to Prod.

Then click OK to close the dialog box.

4. Click the New... button and enter Test in the [New Context] dialog box. Then click OK to close the dialog

5. Select the check box preceding the context you want to set it as the default context. You can also set the default
context by selecting the context name from the Default context environment list in the Contexts tab view.

If needed, move a context up or down by selecting it and clicking the Up or Down button.

In this example, set Test as the default context and move it up.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 71

How to define context variables for a Job

6. Click OK to validate your context definition and close the [Configure Contexts] dialog box.

The newly created contexts are shown in the context variables table of the Contexts tab view.

Defining variables

1. Click the [+] button at the bottom of the Contexts tab view to add a parameter line in the table.

2. Click in the Name field and enter the name of the variable you are creating, host in this example.

3. From the Type list, select the type of the variable corresponding to the component field where it will be used,
String for the variable host in this example.

72 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to define context variables for a Job

4. If needed, click in the Comment field and enter a comment to describe the variable.

5. Click in the Value field and enter the variable value under each context.

For different variable types, the Value field appear slightly different when you click in it and functions

Type Value field Default value

String (default type) Editable text field null
Boolean Drop-down list box with two options: true and false
Character, Double, Integer, Editable text field
Long, Short, Object, BigDecimal
Date Editable text field, with a button to open the [Select Date
& Time] dialog box.
File Editable text field, with a button to open the [Open] dialog
box for file selection.
Directory Editable text field, with a button to open the [Browse for
Folder] dialog box for folder selection.
List of Value Editable text field, with a button to open the [Configure (Empty)
Values] dialog box for list creation and configuration.
Password Editable text field; text entered appears encrypted.

It is recommended that you enclose the values of string type variables between double quotation marks to avoid
possible errors during Job execution.

6. If needed, select the check box next to the variable of interest and enter the prompt message in the
corresponding Prompt field. This allows you to see a prompt for the variable value and to edit it at the
execution time.

You can show/hide a Prompt column of the table by clicking the black right/left pointing triangle next to
the relevant context name.

7. Repeat the steps above to define all the variables in this example.

port, type String,

database, type String,

username, type String,

password, type Password,

table_name, type String.

All the variables created and their values under different contexts are displayed in the table and are ready for
use in your Job. You can further edit the variables in this view if needed.

You can also add a built-in context variable to the Repository to make it reusable across different Jobs. For
more information, see How to add a built-in context variable to the Repository.
Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 73
How to define context variables for a Job

Related topics:
How to define variables from the Component view

How to centralize context variables in the Repository

How to use variables in a Job

How to run a Job in a selected context How to define variables from the Component view

The quickest way to create a single context variable is to use the F5 key from the Component view:

1. On the relevant Component view, place your cursor in the field you want to parameterize.

2. Press F5 to display the [New Context Parameter] dialog box:

3. Give a Name to this new variable, fill in the Comment field if needed, and choose the Type.

4. Enter a Prompt to be displayed to confirm the use of this variable in the current Job execution (generally
used for test purpose only), select the Prompt for value check box to display the prompt message and an
editable value field at the execution time.

5. If you filled in a value already in the corresponding properties field, this value is displayed in the Default
value field. Else, type in the default value you want to use for one context.

6. Click Finish to validate.

7. Go to the Contexts view tab. Notice that the context variables tab lists the newly created variables.

The newly created variables are listed in the Contexts view.

74 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to centralize context variables in the Repository

The variable name should follow some typing rules and should not contain any forbidden characters, such as space character.

The variable created this way is automatically stored in all existing contexts, but you can subsequently change the
value independently in each context. For more information on how to create or edit a context, see Defining contexts.

Related topics:

How to define context variables in the Contexts view

How to centralize context variables in the Repository

How to use variables in a Job

How to run a Job in a selected context

5.5.2. How to centralize context variables in the

Context variables centrally stored in the Repository can be reused across various Jobs.

You can store context variables in the Repository in different ways:

Creating a context group using the [Create / Edit a context group] wizard. See How to create a context group
and define context variables in it for details.

Adding a built-in context variable to an existing or new context group in the Repository. See How to add a
built-in context variable to the Repository for details.

Saving a context from metadata. See How to create a context from a Metadata for more information. How to create a context group and define context

variables in it
The following example will demonstrate how to use the [Create / Edit a context group] wizard to create a context
group named TalendDB that contains two contexts named Prod and Test and define a set of variables - host, port,
database, username, password, and table_name - under the two contexts in the Repository.

Create the context group and contexts

1. Right-click the Contexts node in the Repository tree view and select Create context group from the
contextual menu.

A 2-step wizard appears to help you define the various contexts and context parameters.

2. In Step 1 of 2, type in a name for the context group to be created, TalendDB in this example, and add any
general information such as a description if required. The information you provide in the Description field
will appear as a tooltip when you move your mouse over the context group in the Repository.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 75

How to centralize context variables in the Repository

3. Click Next to go to Step 2 of 2, which allows you to define the various contexts and variables that you need.

A context named Default has been created and set as the default one by the system.

4. Click the [+] button at the upper right corner of the wizard to define contexts. The [Configure Contexts]
dialog box pops up.

76 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to centralize context variables in the Repository

5. Select the context Default, click the Edit... button and enter Prod in the [Rename Context] dialog box that
opens to rename the context Default to Prod.

Then click OK to close the dialog box.

6. Click the New... button and enter Test in the [New Context] dialog box. Then click OK to close the dialog

7. Select the check box preceding the context you want to set as the default context. You can also set the default
context by selecting the context name from the Default context environment list on the wizard.

If needed, move a context up or down by selecting it and clicking the Up or Down button.

In this example, set Test as the default context and move it up.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 77

How to centralize context variables in the Repository

8. Click OK to validate your context definition and close the [Configure Contexts] dialog box.

The newly created contexts are shown in the context variables table of the wizard.

Define context variables

1. Click the [+] button at the bottom of the wizard to add a parameter line in the table.

2. Click in the Name field and enter the name of the variable you are creating, host in this example.

78 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to centralize context variables in the Repository

3. From the Type list, select the type of the variable corresponding to the component field where it will used,
String for the variable host in this example.

4. If needed, click in the Comment field and enter a comment to describe the variable.

5. Click in Value field and enter the variable value under each context.

For different variable types, the Value field appear slightly different when you click in it and functions

Type Value field Default value

String (default type) Editable text field null
Boolean Drop-down list box with two options: true and false
Character, Double, Integer, Editable text field
Long, Short, Object, BigDecimal
Date Editable text field, with a button to open the [Select Date
& Time] dialog box.
File Editable text field, with a button to open the [Open] dialog
box for file selection.
Directory Editable text field, with a button to open the [Browse for
Folder] dialog box for folder selection.
List of Value Editable text field, with a button to open the [Configure (Empty)
Values] dialog box for list creation and configuration.
Password Editable text field; text entered appears encrypted.

It is recommended that you enclose the values of string type variables between double quotation marks to avoid
possible errors during Job execution.

6. If needed, select the check box next the variable of interest and enter the prompt message in the corresponding
Prompt field. This allows you to see a prompt for the variable value and to edit it at the execution time.

You can show/hide a Prompt column of the table by clicking the black right/left pointing triangle next to
the relevant context name.

7. Repeat the steps above to define all the variables in this example.

port, type String,

database, type String,

username, type String,

password, type Password,

table_name, type String

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 79

How to centralize context variables in the Repository

All the variables created and their values under different contexts are displayed in the table and are ready for
use in your Job. You can further edit the variables if needed.

Once you created and adapted as many context sets as you want, click Finish to validate. The group of contexts thus
displays under the Contexts node in the Repository tree view. You can further edit the context group, contexts,
and context variables in the wizard by right-clicking the Contexts node and selecting Edit context group from
the contextual menu.

Related topics:
How to add a built-in context variable to the Repository

How to create a context from a Metadata

How to apply Repository context variables to a Job

How to define context variables for a Job.

How to use variables in a Job

How to run a Job in a selected context How to add a built-in context variable to the Repository

You can save a built-in context variable defined in a Job to a new context group, or an existing context group
provided that the context variable does not already exist in the group.

1. In the Context tab view of a Job, right-click the context variable you want to add to the Repository and select
Add to repository context from the contextual menu to open the [Repository Content] dialog box.

80 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to centralize context variables in the Repository

2. In the dialog box, do either of the following:

to add your context variable to a new context group, select Create new context group and enter a name
for the new context group in the Group Name field, and then click OK.

to add your context variable to an existing context group, select the context group and click OK.
When adding a built-in context variable to an existing context group, make sure that the variable does not already
exist in the context group.

In this example, add the built-in context variable password to a new context group named DB_login.

The context variable is added to the Repository context group of your choice, along with the defined built-in
contexts, and it appears as a Repository-stored context variable in the Contexts tab view.

Related topics:
How to create a context group and define context variables in it

How to create a context from a Metadata

How to apply Repository context variables to a Job

How to define context variables for a Job.

How to use variables in a Job

How to run a Job in a selected context How to create a context from a Metadata

When creating or editing a metadata connection (through a File or DB metadata wizard), you have the possibility
to save the connection parameters as context variables in a newly created context group under the Contexts node

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 81

How to apply Repository context variables to a Job

of the Repository. To do so, complete your connection details and click the Export as context button in the second
step of the wizard.

For more information about this feature, see Exporting metadata as context and reusing context parameters to
set up a connection.

5.5.3. How to apply Repository context variables to a

Once a context group is created and stored in the Repository, there are two ways of applying it to a Job:

Drop a context group. This way, the group is applied as a whole. See How to drop a context group onto a Job
for details.

Use the button. This way, the variables of a context group can be applied separately. See How to apply
context variables to a Job using the context button for details. How to drop a context group onto a Job

To drop a context group onto a Job, proceed as follows:

1. Double-click the Job to which a context group is to be added.

2. Once the Job is opened, drop the context group of your choice either onto the Job workspace or onto the
Contexts view beneath the workspace.

The Contexts view shows all the contexts and variables of the group. You can:

edit the contexts by clicking the [+] button at the upper right corner of the Contexts view.

delete the whole group or any variable by selecting the group name or the variable and clicking the [X]

82 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to apply Repository context variables to a Job

save any imported context variable as a built-in variable by right-click it and selecting Add to built-in
from the contextual menu.

double-click any context variable to open the context group in the [Create / Edit a context group] wizard
and update changes to the Repository. How to apply context variables to a Job using the context

To use the context button to apply context variables to a Job, proceed as follows:

1. Double-click the Job to which a context variable is to be added.

2. Once the Job is opened in the workspace, click the Contexts view beneath the workspace to open it.

At the bottom of the Contexts view, click the button to open the wizard to select the context variables
to be applied.

4. In the wizard, select the context variables you need to apply or clear those you do not need to.

The context variables that have been applied are automatically selected and cannot be cleared.

5. Click OK to apply the selected context variables to the Job.

The Contexts view shows the context group and the selected context variables. You can edit the contexts by
clicking the [+] button at the upper right corner of the Contexts view, delete the whole group or any variable
by selecting the group name or the variable and clicking the [X] button, but you cannot edit Repository-stored
variables in this view.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 83

How to use variables in a Job

5.5.4. How to use variables in a Job

You can use an existing global variable, a context variable defined in your Job, or a Repository-stored context
variable applied to your Job in any component properties field.

1. In the relevant Component view, place your mouse in the field you want to parameterize and press Ctrl
+Space to display a full list of all the global variables and those context variables defined in or applied to
your Job.

The list grows along with new user-defined variables (context variables).

2. Double-click the variable of your choice to fill it in the field.

Related topics:
How to define context variables for a Job

How to centralize context variables in the Repository

How to apply Repository context variables to a Job

How to run a Job in a selected context

5.5.5. How to run a Job in a selected context

You can select the context you want the Job design to be executed in.

Click the Run Job tab, and in the Context area, select the relevant context among the various ones you created.

84 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide


If you did not create any context, only the Default context shows on the list.

All the context variables you created for the selected context display, along with their respective values, in a table

To make a change permanent in a variable value, you need to change it on the Context view if your variable is
of type built-in or in the Context group of the repository.

Related topics:
How to define context variables for a Job

How to centralize context variables in the Repository

How to apply Repository context variables to a Job

How to use variables in a Job

5.5.6. StoreSQLQuery
StoreSQLQuery is a user-defined variable and is mainly dedicated to debugging.

StoreSQLQuery is different from other context variables in the fact that its main purpose is to be used as parameter
of the specific global variable called Query. It allows you to dynamically feed the global query variable.

The global variable Query, is available on the proposals list (Ctrl+Space bar) for some DB input components.

For further details on StoreSQLQuery settings, see the scenario of tDBInput at https://help.talend.com.

5.6. Using parallelization to optimize Job

Parallelization in terms of Talend Jobs means to accomplish technical processes through parallel executions. When
properly designed, a parallelization-enabled technical process can be completed within a shorter time frame.

Talend Studio allows you to implement different types of parallelization depending on ranging circumstances.
These circumstances could be:

1. Parallel executions of multiple Subjobs. For further information, see How to execute multiple Subjobs in

2. Parallel iterations for reading data. For further information, see How to launch parallel iterations to read data.

Parallelization is an advanced feature and requires basic knowledge about a Talend Job such as how to design
and execute a Job or a Subjob, how to use components and how to use the different types of connections that link
components or Jobs. If you feel that you need to acquire this kind of knowledge, see Designing a Job.

5.6.1. How to execute multiple Subjobs in parallel

The Multi thread execution feature allows you to run mutliple Subjobs that are active in the workspace in parallel.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 85

How to launch parallel iterations to read data

As explained in the previous sections, a Job opened in the workspace can contain several Subjobs and you are
able to arrange their execution order using the trigger links such as OnSubjobOK. However, when the Subjobs
do not have any dependencies between them, you might want to launch them at the same time. For example, the
following image presents four Subjobs within a Job and with no dependencies in between.

The tRunJob component is used in this example to call each Subjob they represent. For further information about
tRunJob, see the component documentation at https://help.talend.com.

Then with the Job opened in the workspace, you need simply proceed as follows to run the Subjobs in parallel:

1. Click the Job tab, then the Extra tab to display it.

2. Select the Multi thread execution check box to enable the parallel execution.

When the Use project settings check box is selected, the Multi thread execution check box could be greyed
out and become unavailable . In this situation, clear the Use project settings check box to activate the Multi
thread execution check box.

This feature is optimal when the number of threads (in general a Subjob count one thread) do not exceed the
number of processors of the machine you use for parallel executions. Otherwise, some of the Subjobs have to wait
until any processor is freed up.

For a use case of using this feature to run Jobs in parallel, see Using the Multi-thread Execution feature to run
Jobs in parallel.

5.6.2. How to launch parallel iterations to read data

A parallelization-enabled Iterate connection allows the component that receives threads from the connection to
read those threads in parallel.

86 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Handling Jobs: advanced subjects

You need to proceed as follows to set the parallel iterations:

1. Simply select the Iterate link of your subjob to display the related Basic settings view of the Components

2. Select the Enable parallel execution check box and set the number of executions to be carried out in parallel.

When executing your Job, the number of parallel iterations will be distributed onto the available processors.

3. Select the Statistics check box of the Run view to show the real time parallel executions on the design

This feature is especially useful when you need to use the Iterate connection to pass context variables to a Subjob.
In that situation, the variables will be read in parallel in the Subjob and thus the processes handled by the Subjob
will be simultaneously run using those variables.

5.7. Handling Jobs: advanced subjects

The sections below give detail information about various advanced configuration situations of a data integration
Job including handling multiple input and output flows, using SQL queries, using external components in the Job,
scheduling a task to run your Job.

5.7.1. How to map data flows

The most common way to handle multiple input and output flows in your Job including transformations and data
re-routing is to use the tMap component.

For more information about the principles of using this component, see Designing a Job.

5.7.2. How to create queries using the SQLBuilder

SQLBuilder helps you create your SQL queries and monitor the changes between DB tables and metadata tables.
This editor is available in all DBInput and DBSQLRow components (specific or generic).

You can create a query using the SQLbuilder whether your database table schema is stored in the Repository tree
view or built-in directly in the Job.

Fill in the DB connection details and select the appropriate repository entry if you defined it.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 87

How to create queries using the SQLBuilder

Remove the default query statement in the Query field of the Basic settings view of the Component panel. Then
click the [...] button to open the [SQL Builder] editor.

The [SQL Builder] editor is made of the following panels:

Current Schema,

Database structure,

Query editor made of editor and designer tabs,

Query execution view,

Schema view.

The Database structure shows the tables for which a schema was defined either in the repository database entry
or in your built-in connection.

The schema view, in the bottom right corner of the editor, shows the column description. How to compare database structures

On the Database Structure panel, you can see all tables stored in the DB connection metadata entry in the
Repository tree view, or in case of built-in schema, the tables of the database itself.

The connection to the database, in case of built-in schema or in case of a refreshing operation of a repository schema might
take quite some time.

88 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to create queries using the SQLBuilder

Click the refresh icon to display the differences between the DB metadata tables and the actual DB tables.

The Diff icons point out that the table contains differences or gaps. Expand the table node to show the exact column
containing the differences.

The red highlight shows that the content of the column contains differences or that the column is missing from
the actual database table.

The blue highlight shows that the column is missing from the table stored in Repository > Metadata. How to create a query

The [SQL Builder] editor is a multiple-tab editor that allows you to write or graphically design as many queries
as you want.

To create a new query, complete the following:

1. Right-click the table or on the table column and select Generate Select Statement on the pop-up list.

2. Click the empty tab showing by default and type in your SQL query or press Ctrl+Space to access the
autocompletion list. The tooltip bubble shows the whole path to the table or table section you want to search in.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 89

How to create queries using the SQLBuilder

Alternatively, the graphical query Designer allows you to handle tables easily and have real-time generation
of the corresponding query in the Edit tab.

3. Click the Designer tab to switch from the manual Edit mode to the graphical mode.

You may get a message while switching from one view to the other as some SQL statements cannot be interpreted

4. If you selected a table, all columns are selected by default. Clear the check box facing the relevant columns
to exclude them from the selection.

5. Add more tables in a simple right-click. On the Designer view, right-click and select Add tables in the pop-
up list then select the relevant table to be added.

If joins between these tables already exist, these joins are automatically set up graphically in the editor.

You can also create a join between tables very easily. Right-click the first table columns to be linked and
select Equal on the pop-up list, to join it with the relevant field of the second table.

90 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to create queries using the SQLBuilder

The SQL statement corresponding to your graphical handlings is also displayed on the viewer part of the
editor or click the Edit tab to switch back to the manual Edit mode.

In the Designer view, you cannot include graphically filter criteria. You need to add these in the Edit view.

Once your query is complete, execute it by clicking the icon on the toolbar.

The toolbar of the query editor allows you to access quickly usual commands such as: execute, open, save
and clear.

The results of the active query are displayed on the Results view in the lower left corner.

7. If needed, you can select the context mode check box to keep the original query statement and customize
it properly in the Query area of the component. For example, if a context parameter is used in the query
statement, you cannot execute it by clicking the icon on the toolbar.

8. Click OK. The query statement will be loaded automatically in the Query area of the component. How to store a query in the repository

To be able to retrieve and reuse queries, we recommend you to store them in the repository.

In the [SQL Builder] editor, click the icon on the toolbar to bind the query with the DB connection and schema
in case these are also stored in the repository.

The query can then be accessed from the Database structure view, on the left-hand side of the editor.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 91

How to download/upload Talend Community components

5.7.3. How to download/upload Talend Community

Talend Studio enables you to access a list of all community components in Talend Exchange that are compatible
with your current version of Talend Studio. You can then download and install these components to use them later
in the Job designs you carry out in the Studio. From Talend Studio, you can also upload components you have
created to Talend Exchange to share with other community users.

A click on the Exchange link on the toolbar of Talend Studio opens the Exchange tab view on the design
workspace, where you can find lists of:

components available in Talend Exchange for you to download and install,

components you downloaded and installed in previous versions of Talend Studio but not installed yet in your
current Studio,

components you have created and uploaded to Talend Exchange to share with other Talend Community users.

Note that the approach explained in this section is to be used for the above-mentioned components only.

Before you can download community components or upload your own components to the community, you need to sign in
to Talend Exchange from your Studio first. If you did not sign in to Talend Exchange when launching the Studio, you
still have a chance to sign in from the Talend Exchange preferences settings page. For more information, see Exchange
preferences (Talend > Exchange).

The community components available for download are not validated by Talend. This explains why you may encounter
component loading errors sometimes when trying to install certain community components, why an installed community
component may have a different name in the Palette than in the Exchange tab view, and why you may not be able to find
a component in the Palette after it is seemingly installed successfully. How to install community components from Talend

To install community components from Talend Exchange to the Palette of your current Talend Studio:

1. Click the Exchange link on the toolbar of Talend Studio to open the Exchange tab view on the design

92 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to download/upload Talend Community components

2. In the Available Extensions view, if needed, enter a full component name or part of it in the text field and
click the fresh button to find quickly the component you are interested in.

3. Click the view/download link for the component of interest to display the component download page.

4. View the information about the component, including component description and review comments from
community users, or write your own review comments and/or rate the component if you want. For more
information on reviewing and rating a community component, see How to review and rate a community

If needed, click the left arrow button to return to the component list page.

5. Click the Install button in the right part of the component download page to start the download and installation

A progress indicator appears to show the completion percentage of the download and installation process.
Upon successful installation of the component, the Downloaded Extensions view opens and displays the
status of the component, which is Installed.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 93

How to download/upload Talend Community components How to reinstall or update community components

From the Exchange tab view, you can reinstall components you already downloaded and installed in your previous
version of Talend Studio or install the updated version of Talend Studio or components in your current Studio.

By default, while you are connected to Talend Exchange, a dialog box appears to notify you whenever an update to an
installed community component is available. If you often check for community component updates and you do not want
that dialog box to appear again, you can turn it off in Talend Exchange preferences settings. For more information, see
Exchange preferences (Talend > Exchange).

To reinstall a community component you already downloaded or update an installed one, do the following:

1. From the Exchange tab view, click Downloaded Extensions to display the list of components you have
already downloaded from Talend Exchange.

In the Downloaded Extensions view, the components you have installed in your previous version of Talend
Studio but not in your current Studio have an Install link in the Install/Update column, and those with
updates available in Talend Exchange have an Update link.

2. Click the Install or Update link for the component of interest to start the installation process.

A progress indicator appears to show the completion percentage of the installation process. Upon successful
installation, the Downloaded Extensions view displays the status of the component, which is Installed. How to review and rate a community component

To review and rate a community component:

1. From the Available Extensions view, click the view/download link for the component you want to review
or rate to open the community component download page.

2. On the component download page, click the write a review link to open the [Review the component] dialog

94 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to download/upload Talend Community components

3. Fill in the required information, including a title and a review comment, click one of the five stars to rate the
component, and click Submit Review to submit you review to the Talend Exchange server.

Upon validation by the Talend Exchange moderator, your review is published on Talend Exchange and
displayed in the User Review area of the component download page. How to upload a component you created to Talend

You can create your own components for use in your Jobs in Talend Studio and upload them to Talend Exchange
to share with other Talend Community users. For information on how to create your own components and deploy
them in Talend Studio, see How to define the user component folder (Talend > Components).

To upload a component you created to Talend Exchange, complete the following:

1. From the Exchange tab view, click My Extensions to open the My Extensions view.

2. Click the Add New Extension link in the upper right part of the view to open the component upload page.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 95

How to download/upload Talend Community components

3. Complete the required information, including the component title, initial version, Studio compatibility
information, and component description, fill in or browse to the path to the source package in the File field,
and click the Upload Extension button.

Upon successful upload, the component is listed in the My Extensions view, where you can update, modify
and delete any component you have uploaded to Talend Exchange. How to manage components you uploaded to Talend

From the Exchange tab view, you can manage components you have uploaded to Talend Exchange,
including updating component version, modifying component information, and deleting components from Talend

To update the version of a component, complete the following:

96 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to download/upload Talend Community components

From the My Extensions view, click the icon in the Operation column for the component your want to
update to open the component update page.

2. Fill in the initial version and Studio compatibility information, fill in or browse to the path to the source
package in the File field, and click the Update Extension button.

Upon successful upload of the updated component, the component is replaced with the new version on Talend
Exchange and the My Extension view displays the component's new version and update date.

To modify the information of a component uploaded to Talend Exchange, complete the following:

From the My Extensions view, click the icon in the Operation column for the component your want to
modify information for to open the component information editing page.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 97

How to use the tPrejob and tPostjob components

2. Complete the Studio compatibility information and component description, and click the Modify Extension
button to update the component information to Talend Exchange.

To delete a component you have uploaded to Talend Exchange, click icon for the component from the My
Extensions view. The component is then removed from Talend Exchange and is no longer displayed on the
component list in the My Extensions view.

5.7.4. How to use the tPrejob and tPostjob

The tPrejob and tPostjob components are designed to make the execution of tasks before and after a given job
easier to manage. These components differ from other components in that they do not actually process data and
they do not have any components properties to be configured. A key feature of these components is that they are
always guaranteed to be executed, even if the main data Job fails. Therefore, they are very useful for setup and
teardown actions for a given Job.

As tPrejob and tPostjob are not meant to take part in any data processing, they cannot be part of a multi-thread execution.
They are meant to help you make your Job design clearer.

To use these tPrejob and tPostjob components, simply drop them onto the design workspace as you would do
with any other components, and then connect tPrejob to a component or subjob that is meant to perform a pre-job
task, and tPostjob to a component or subjob that is meant to perform a post-job task, using Trigger connections.
An orange square on the pre- and post-job parts indicates that they are different types of subjobs.

Tasks that require the use of a tPrejob component include:

Loading context information required for the subjob execution.

Opening a database connection.

Making sure that a file exists.

Tasks that require the use of a tPostjob component include:

Cleaning up temporary files created during the processing of the main data Job.

Closing a database connection or a connection to an external service.

98 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to use the Use Output Stream feature

Any task required to be executed, even if the preceding Job or subjobs failed.

For a use case that uses the tPrejob and tPostjob components, see tPrejob at https://help.talend.com.

5.7.5. How to use the Use Output Stream feature

The Use Output Stream feature allows you to process the data in byte-arrays using a java.io.outputstream() class
which writes data using binary stream without data buffering. When processing data with a linear format, for
example, when all data is of String format, this feature will help you improve the overall output performance.

The Use Output Stream feature can be found in the Basic settings view of a number of components such as

To use this feature, select Use Output Stream check box in the Basic settings view of a component that has this
feature. In the Output Stream field that is thus enabled, define your output stream using a command.

Prior to use the output stream feature, you have to open a stream. For a detailed example of the illustration of this prerequisite
and the usage of the Use Output Stream feature, see Using the output stream feature.

5.8. Handling Jobs: miscellaneous subjects

The sections below give detail information about various subjects related to the management of a data integration
Job including:

How to use folders

How to share a database connection

How to add notes to a Job design

How to display the code or the outline of your Job

How to manage the subjob display

How to define options on the Job view

5.8.1. How to use folders

You can organize your Jobs into folders.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 99

How to share a database connection

To create a folder, proceed as follows:

1. In the Repository tree view of the Integration perspective, right-click Job Designs and select Create folder
from the contextual menu.

The [New folder] dialog box displays.

2. In the Label field, enter a name for the folder and then click Finish to confirm your changes and close the
dialog box.

The created folder is listed under the Job Designs node in the Repository tree view.

If you have already created Jobs that you want to move into this new folder, simply drop them into the folder.

5.8.2. How to share a database connection

If you have various Jobs using the same database connection, you can factorize the connection by using the Use
or register a shared DB Connection option so that the connection can be shared between parent and child Jobs.

This option has been added to all database connection components in order to reduce the number of connections
to open and close.

The Use or register a shared DB Connection option of all database connection components is incompatible with the Use
dynamic job and Use an independent process to run subjob options of the tRunJob component. Using a shared database
connection together with a tRunJob component with either of these two options enabled will cause your Job to fail.

Assume that you have two related Jobs (a parent Job and a child Job) that both need to connect to your remote
MySQL database. To use a shared database connection in the two Jobs, to the following:

1. Add a tMysqlConnection (assuming that you work with a MySQL database) to both the parent and the child
Job, if they are not using a database connection component.

2. Connect each tMysqlConnection to the relevant component in your Jobs using a Trigger > On Subjob Ok

100 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to handle error icons on components or Jobs

3. In the Basic settings view of the tMysqlConnection component that will run first, fill in the database
connection details if the database connection is not centrally stored in the Repository.

4. Select the Use or register a shared DB Connection check box, and give a name to the connection in the
Shared DB Connection Name field.

You are now able to re-use the connection in your child Job.

5. In the Basic settings view of the other tMysqlConnection component, which is in the other Job, simply
select Use or register a shared DB Connection check box, and fill the Shared DB Connection Name field
with the same name as in the parent Job.

Among the different Jobs sharing the same database connection, you need to define the database connection details
only in the first Job that needs to open the database connection.

For a complete use case, see the scenario of the tMysqlConnection component showing how to share a database
connection between different Jobs at https://help.talend.com.

5.8.3. How to handle error icons on components or

When the properties of a component are not properly defined and contain one or several errors that can prevent
the Job code to compile properly, error icons will automatically show next to the component icon on the design
workspace and the Job name in the Repository tree view.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 101

How to handle error icons on components or Jobs Warnings and error icons on components

When a component is not properly defined or if the link to the next component does not exist yet, a red checked
circle or a warning sign is docked at the component icon.

Mouse over the component, to display the tooltip messages or warnings along with the label. This context-sensitive
help informs you about any missing data or component status.

When the tooltip messages of a component indicate that a module is required, you must install this module for this component
using the Module view. This view is hidden by default. For further information about how to install external modules using
this view, see the Talend Installation and Upgrade Guide. Error icons on Jobs

When the component settings contain one or several errors that can prevent the Job code to compile properly, an
icon will automatically show next to the Job name in the Repository tree view.

The error icon displays as well on the tab next to the Job name when you open the Job on the design workspace.

The compilation or code generation does only take place when carrying out one of the following operations:

opening a Job,

clicking on the Code Viewer tab,

executing a Job (clicking on Run Job),

saving the Job.

Hence, the red error icon will only show then.

102 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to add notes to a Job design

When you execute the Job, a warning dialog box opens to list the source and description of any error in the current

Click Cancel to stop your Job execution or click Continue to continue it.

For information on errors on components, see Warnings and error icons on components.

5.8.4. How to add notes to a Job design

In the Palette, click the Misc family and then drop the Note element to the design workspace to add a text comment
to a particular component or to the whole Job.

You can change the note format. To do so, select the note you want to format and click the Basic setting tab of
the Component view.

Select the Opacity check box to display the background color. By default, this box is selected when you drop a
note on the design workspace. If you clear this box, the background becomes transparent.

You can select options from the Fonts and Colors list to change the font style, size, color, and so on as well as
the background and border color of your note.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 103

How to display the code or the outline of your Job

You can select the Adjust horizontal and Adjust vertical boxes to define the vertical and horizontal alignment
of the text of your note.

The content of the Text field is the text displayed on your note.

5.8.5. How to display the code or the outline of your

This panel is located below the Repository tree view. It displays detailed information about the open Job or
Business Model in the design workspace.

The Information panel is composed of two tabs, Outline and Code Viewer, which provide information regarding
the displayed diagram (either Job or Business Model). Outline
The Outline tab offers a quick view of the business model or the open Job on the design workspace and also a
tree view of all used elements in the Job or Business Model.As the design workspace, like any other window area,
can be resized to suit your needs, the Outline view provides a convenient way for you to check out where on your
design workspace you are located.

This graphical representation of the diagram highlights in a blue rectangle the diagram part showing in the design

Click the blue-highlighted view and hold down the mouse button. Then, move the rectangle over the Job.

104 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to manage the subjob display

The view in the design workspace moves accordingly.

The Outline view can also be displaying a folder tree view of components in use in the current diagram. Expand
the node of a component, to show the list of variables available for this component.

To switch from the graphical outline view to the tree view, click either icon docked at the top right of the panel. Code viewer

The Code viewer tab provides lines of code generated for the selected component, behind the active Job design
view, as well the run menu including Start, Body and End elements.
This view only concerns the Job design code, as no code is generated from Business Models.

Using a graphical colored code view, the tab shows the code of the component selected in the design workspace.
This is a partial view of the primary Code tab docked at the bottom of the design workspace, which shows the
code generated for the whole Job.

5.8.6. How to manage the subjob display

A subjob is graphically defined by a blue square gathering all connected components that belong to this subjob.
Each individual component can be considered as a subjob when they are not yet connected to one another.

This blue highlight helps you easily distinguish one subjob from another.
A Job can be made of one single subjob. An orange square shows the prejob and postjob parts which are different types
of subjobs.

For more information about prejob and postjob, see How to use the tPrejob and tPostjob components. How to format subjobs

You can modify the subjob color and its title color. To do so, select your subjob and click the Component view.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 105

How to manage the subjob display

In the Basic setting view, select the Show subjob title check box if you want to add a title to your subjob, then
fill in a title.

To modify the title color and the subjob color:

1. In the Basic settings view, click the Title color/Subjob color button to display the [Colors] dialog box.

2. Set your colors as desired. By default, the title color is blue and the subjob color is transparent blue. How to collapse the subjobs

If your Job is made of numerous subjobs, you can collapse them to improve the readability of the whole Job. The
minus ([-]) and plus ([+]) signs on the top right-hand corner of the subjob allow you to collapse and restore the
complete subjob.

Click the minus sign ([-]) to collapse the subjob. When reduced, only the first component of the subjob is displayed.

Click the plus sign ([+]) to restore your subjob. How to remove the subjob background color

If you do not want your subjobs to be highlighted, you can remove the background color on all or specific subjobs.

To remove the background color of all your subjobs, click the Toggle Subjobs icon on the toolbar of Talend Studio.

To remove the background color of a specific subjob, right-click the subjob and select the Hide subjob option
on the pop-up menu.

106 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to define options on the Job view

5.8.7. How to define options on the Job view

On the Job view located on the bottom part of the design workspace, you can define Job's optional functions. This
view is made of two tabs: Stats & Logs tab and Extra tab.

The Stats & Logs tab allows you to automate the use of Stats & Logs features and the Context loading feature.
For more information, see How to automate the use of statistics & logs.

The Extra tab lists various options you can set to automate some features such as the context parameters use, in
the Implicit Context Loading area. For more information, see How to use the features in the Extra tab. How to automate the use of statistics & logs

If you have a great need of log, statistics and other measurement of your data flows, you are facing the
issue of having too many log-related components loading your Job Designs. You can automate the use of
tFlowMeterCatcher, tStatCatcher, tLogCatcher component functionalities without using the components in
your Job via the Stats & Logs tab.

The Stats & Logs panel is located on the Job tab underneath the design workspace and prevents your Jobs Designs
to be overloaded by components.

This setting supersedes the log-related components with a general log configuration.

To set the Stats & Logs properties:

1. Click the Job tab.

2. Select the Stats & Logs panel to display the configuration view.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 107

How to define options on the Job view

3. Set the relevant details depending on the output you prefer (console, file or database).

4. Select the relevant Catch check box according to your needs.

You can save the settings into your Project Settings by clicking the button. This way, you can

access such settings via File > Edit project settings > Job settings > Stats & Logs or via the button on the toolbar.

When you use Stats & Logs functions in your Job, you can apply them to all its subjobs.

To do so, click the Apply to subjobs button in the Stats & Logs panel of the Job view and the selected stats &
logs functions of the main Job will be selected for all of its subjobs. How to use the features in the Extra tab

The Extra tab offers some optional function parameters.

Select the Multithread execution check box to allow two Job executions to start at the same time.

Set the Implicit tContextLoad option parameters to avoid using the tContextLoad component on your Job
and automate the use of context parameters.

Choose between File and Database as source of your context parameters and set manually the file or database

108 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to define options on the Job view

Set notifications (error/warning/info) for unexpected behaviors linked to context parameter setting.

For an example of loading context parameters dynamically using the Implicit Context Load feature, see Using
the Implicit Context Load feature.

When you fill in Implicit tContextLoad manually, you can store these parameters in your project by clicking
the Save to project settings button, and thus reuse these parameters for other components in different Jobs.

Select the Use Project Settings check box to recuperate the context parameters you have already defined in
the Project Settings view.

The Implicit tContextLoad option becomes available and all fields are filled in automatically.

For more information about context parameters, see Context settings.

Click Reload from project settings to update the context parameters list with the latest context parameters
from the project settings.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 109

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide
Chapter 6. Managing Jobs
This chapter describes the management procedures you can carry out on the Jobs you design in Talend Studio or
you can carry out on any of the items included in a project, for example routines or metadata.

These management procedures include importing and exporting Jobs and items between different projects or
machines, scheduling Job execution, etc.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Activating/Deactivating a component or a subjob

6.1. Activating/Deactivating a component or a

You can activate or deactivate a subjob directly connected to the selected component. You can also activate or
deactivate a single component as well as all the subjobs linked to a Start component. The Start component is the
trigger of the Job. It has a green background. For more information about Start components, see How to define
the start component.

When a component or a subjob is deactivated, you are not able to create or modify links from or to it. Moreover,
at runtime, no code is generated for the deactivated component or subjob.

6.1.1. Activate or deactivate a component

To activate or deactivate a component, proceed as follows:

1. Right-click the component you want to activate or deactivate, the tFixedFlowInput component for example.

2. Select the option corresponding to the action you want to perform:

Activate tFixedFlowInput_1 if you want to activate it.

Deactivate tFixedFlowInput_1 if you want to deactivate it.

6.1.2. Activate or deactivate a subjob

To activate or deactivate a subjob, proceed as follows:

1. Right-click any component composing the subjob.

2. Select the option corresponding to the action you want to perform:

112 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Activate or deactivate all linked subjobs

Activate current Subjob if you want to activate it.

Deactivate current Subjob if you want to deactivate it.

6.1.3. Activate or deactivate all linked subjobs

To activate or deactivate all linked subjobs, proceed as follows:

1. Right-click the Start component.

2. Select the option corresponding to the action you want to perform:

Activate all linked Subjobs if you want to activate them.

Deactivate all linked Subjobs if you want to deactivate them.

6.2. Importing/exporting items and building

Talend Studio enables you to import/export your Jobs or items in your Jobs from/to various projects or various
versions of the Studio. It enables you as well to build Jobs and thus deploy and execute those created in the Studio
on any server.

6.2.1. How to import items

You can import items from previous versions of Talend Studio or from a different project of your current version.

The items you can possibly import are multiple:

Business Models

Jobs Designs




To import items, right-click any entry such as Job Designs or Business Models in the Repository tree view and

select Import Items from the contextual menu or directly click the icon on the toolbar to open the [Import
items] dialog box and then select an import option.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 113

How to import items

To import items stored in a local directory, do the following:

1. Click the Select root directory option in the [Import items] dialog box.

2. Click Browse to browse down to the relevant project folder within the workspace directory. It should
correspond to the project name you picked up.

114 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to import items

3. If you only want to import very specific items such as some Job Designs, you can select the specific folder,
such as Process where all the Job Designs for the project are stored. If you only have Business Models to
import, select the specific folder: BusinessProcess, and click OK.

But if your project gathers various types of items (Business Models, Jobs Designs, Metadata, Routines...),
we recommend you to select the project folder to import all items in one go, and click OK.

4. If needed, select the overwrite existing items check box to overwrite existing items with those having the
same names to be imported. This will refresh the Items List.

5. From the Items List which displays all valid items that can be imported, select the items that you want to
import by selecting the corresponding check boxes.

6. Click Finish to validate the import.

To import items from an archive file (including source files and scripts), do the following:

1. Click the Select archive file option in the [Import items] dialog box.

2. Browse to the desired archive file and click Open.

3. If needed, select the overwrite existing items check box to overwrite existing items with those having the
same names to be imported. This will refresh the Items List.

4. From the Items List which displays all valid items that can be imported, select the items that you want to
import by selecting the corresponding check boxes.

5. Click Finish to validate the import.

To import items from Talend Exchange, do the following:

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 115

How to import items

1. Click the Select archive file option in the [Import items] dialog box. Then, click BrowseTalendExchange
to open the [Select an item from Talend Exchange] dialog box.

2. Select the desired category from the Category list, and select the desired version from the

A progress bar appears to indicate that the extensions are being downloaded. At last, the extensions for the
selected category and version will be shown in the dialog box.

3. Select the extension that you want to import from the list.

Click Finish to close the dialog box.

4. If needed, select the overwrite existing items check box to overwrite existing items with those having the
same names to be imported. This will refresh the Items List.

5. From the Items List which displays all valid items that can be imported, select the items that you want to
import by selecting the corresponding check boxes.

6. Click Finish to validate the import.

If there are several versions of the same items, they will all be imported into the Project you are running, unless you already
have identical items.

116 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to build Jobs

6.2.2. How to build Jobs

The Build Job feature allows you to deploy and execute a Job on any server, independent of Talend Studio.

By executing build scripts generated from the templates defined in Project Settings, the Build Job feature adds all
of the files required to execute the Job to an archive, including the .bat and .sh along with any context-parameter
files or other related files.
Your Talend Studio provides a set of default build script templates. You can customize those templates to meet your actual
needs. For more information, see Customizing Maven build script templates.

By default, when a Job is built, all the required jars are included in the .bat or .sh command. For a complex Job that
involves many Jars, the number of characters in the batch command may exceed the limitation of command length
on certain operating systems. To avoid failure of running the batch command due to this limitation, before building
your Job, go to Window > Preferences, select Talend > Import/Export, and then select the Add classpath jar
in exported jobs check box to wrap the Jars in a classpath.jar file added to the built Job.

To build Jobs, complete the following:

1. In the Repository tree view, right-click the Job you want to build, and select Build Job to open the [Build
Job] dialog box.
You can show/hide a tree view of all created Jobs in Talend Studio directly from the [Build Job] dialog box by clicking
the and the buttons respectively. The Jobs you earlier selected in the Studio tree view display with selected
check boxes. This accessibility helps to modify the selected items to be exported directly from the dialog box without
having to close it and go back to the Repository tree view in Talend Studio to do that.

2. In the To archive file field, browse to the directory where you want to save your built Job.

3. From the Select the Job version area, select the version number of the Job you want to build if you have
created more than one version of the Job.

4. Select the Build Type from the list between Standalone Job, Axis Webservice (WAR) (Deprecated), Axis
Webservice (ZIP) (Deprecated) and OSGI Bundle For ESB.

If the data service Job includes the tRESTClient or tESBConsumer component, and none of the Service
Registry, Service Locator or Service Activity Monitor is enabled in the component, the data service Job can

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 117

How to build Jobs

be built as OSGI Bundle For ESB or Standalone Job. With the Service Registry, Service Locator or Service
Activity Monitor enabled, the data service Job including the tRESTClient or tESBConsumer component
can only be built as OSGI Bundle For ESB.

5. Select the Extract the zip file check box if you want the archive file to be automatically extracted in the
target directory.

6. In the Options area, select the file type(s) you want to add to the archive file. The check boxes corresponding
to the file types necessary for the execution of the Job are selected by default. You can clear these check
boxes depending on what you want to build.

Option Description
Shell launcher Select this check box to export the .bat and/or .sh files necessary to launch the built Job.

All: exports the .bat and .sh files.

Unix exports the .sh file.

Windows exports the .bat file.

Context scripts Select this check box to export ALL context parameters files and not just those you select
in the corresponding list.

To export only one context, select the context that fits your needs from the
Context scripts list, including the .bat or .sh files holding the appropriate context
parameters. Then you can, if you wish, edit the .bat and .sh files to manually modify
the context type.
Apply to children Select this check box if you want to apply the context selected from the list to all child Jobs.
Items Select this check box to export the sources used by the Job during its execution including the
.item and .properties files, Java and Talend sources.

If you select the Items or Source files check box, you can reuse the built Job in
a Talend Studio installed on another machine. These source files are only used in
Talend Studio.
Java sources Select this check box to export the .java file holding Java classes generated by the Job when
designing it.

7. Click the Override parameters' values button, if necessary.

In the window which opens you can update, add or remove context parameters and values of the Job context
you selected in the list.

8. Click Finish to validate your changes, complete the build operation and close the dialog box.

A zipped file for the Jobs is created in the defined place.

If the Job to be built calls a user routine that contains one or more extra Java classes in parallel with the public class named
the same as the user routine, the extra class or classes will not be included in the exported file. To export such classes, you
need to include them within the class with the routine name as inner classes. For more information about user routines, see
Managing user routines. For more information about classes and inner classes, see relevant Java manuals. How to build a Job as a standalone Job

In the case of a Plain Old Java Object export, if you want to reuse the Job in Talend Studio installed on another
machine, make sure you selected the Items check box. These source files (.item and .properties) are only needed
within Talend Studio.

Select a context from the list when offered. Then once you click the Override parameters' values button below
the Context scripts check box, the opened window will list all of the parameters of the selected context. In this
window, you can configure the selected context as needs.

118 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to build Jobs

All contexts parameter files are exported along in addition to the one selected in the list.

After being exported, the context selection information is stored in the .bat or .sh file and the context settings are stored
in the context .properties file. How to build a Job as a Webservice

In the [Build Job] dialog box, you can change the build type in order to build the Job selection as Webservice

Select the type of archive you want to use in your Web application.

Archive type Description

WAR The options are read-only. Indeed, the WAR archive generated includes all
configuration files necessary for the execution or deployment from the Web
ZIP All options are available. In the case the files of your Web application config are all
set, you have the possibility to only set the Context parameters if relevant and export
only the Classes into the archive.

Once the archive is produced, place the WAR or the relevant Class from the ZIP (or unzipped files) into the
relevant location, of your Web application server.

The URL to be used to deploy the Job, typically reads as follow:


where the parameters stand as follow:

URL parameters Description

http://localhost:8080/ Type in the Webapp host and port.
/Webappname/ Type in the actual name of your web application.
/services/ Type in "services" as the standard call term for web services.
/JobName Type in the exact name of the Job you want to execute.
?method=runJob&args=null The method is RunJob to execute the Job.

The call return from the Web application is 0 when there is no error and different from 0 in case of error. For a
real-life example of creating and building a Job as a Webservice and calling the built Job from a browser, see An
example of building a Job as a Web service.

The tBufferOutput component was especially designed for this type of deployment. For more information
regarding this component, see the tBufferOutput component documentation. An example of building a Job as a Web service

This scenario describes first a simple Job that creates a .txt file and writes in it the current date along with first
and last names. Secondly, it shows how to build this Job as a Webservice. And finally, it calls the Job built as

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 119

How to build Jobs

a Webservice from a browser. The built Job as a Webservice will simply return the "return code" given by the
operating system.

Creating the Job:

1. Drop the following components from the Palette onto the design workspace: tFixedFlowInput and

2. Connect tFixedFlowInput to tFileOutputDelimited using a Row > Main link.

3. In the design workspace, select tFixedFlowInput, and click the Component tab to define the basic settings
for tFixedFlowInput.

4. Set the Schema to Built-In and click the [...] button next to Edit Schema to describe the data structure you
want to create from internal variables. In this scenario, the schema is made of three columns, now, firstname,
and lastname.

5. Click the [+] button to add the three parameter lines and define your variables, and then click OK to close
the dialog box and accept propagating the changes when prompted by the system.

The three defined columns display in the Values table of the Basic settings view of tFixedFlowInput.

6. In the Value cell of each of the three defined columns, press Ctrl+Space to access the
global variable list, and select TalendDate.getCurrentDate(), talendDatagenerator.getFirstName, and
talendDataGenerator.getLastName for the now, firstname, and lastname columns respectively.

7. In the Number of rows field, enter the number of lines to be generated.

120 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to build Jobs

8. In the design workspace, select tFileOutputDelimited, click the Component tab for tFileOutputDelimited,
and browse to the output file to set its path in the File name field. Define other properties as needed.

If you press F6 to execute the Job, three rows holding the current date and first and last names will be written
to the set output file.

Building the Job as a Webservice:

1. In the Repository tree view, right-click the above created Job and select Build Job. The [Build Job] dialog
box appears.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 121

How to build Jobs

2. Click the Browse... button to select a directory to archive your Job in.

3. In the Job Version area, select the version of the Job you want to build as a web service.

4. In the Build type area, select the build type you want to use in your Web application (WAR in this example)
and click Finish. The [Build Job] dialog box disappears.

5. Copy the War folder and paste it in the Tomcat webapp directory.

Calling the Job from a browser:

1. Type the following URL into your browser: http://localhost:8080//export_job/services/

export_job2?method=runJob where "export_job" is the name of the webapp directory deployed in Tomcat
and "export_job2" is the name of the Job.

2. Click Enter to execute the Job from your browser.

122 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to build Jobs

The return code from the Web application is 0 when there is no error and 1 if an error occurs.

For a real-life example of creating and building a Job as a Webservices using the tBufferOutput component,
see the the tBufferOutput component documentation. How to build a Job as an OSGI Bundle For ESB

In the [Build Job] dialog box, you can change the build type in order to build the Job selection as an OSGI Bundle
in order to deploy your Job in Talend ESB Container.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 123

How to export items

1. In the Job Version area, select the version number of the Job you want to build if you have created more
than one version of the Job.

2. In the Build type area, select OSGI Bundle For ESB to build your Job as an OSGI Bundle.

The extension of your build automatically change to .jar as it is what Talend ESB Container is expecting.

3. Click the Browse... button to specify the folder in which building your Job.

4. Click Finish to build it.

6.2.3. How to export items

You can export multiple items from the repository onto a directory or an archive file. Hence you have the possibility
to export metadata information such as DB connection or Documentation along with your Job or your Business
Model, for example.

To do so:

1. In the Repository tree view, select the items you want to export.

2. To select several items at a time, press the Ctrl key and select the relevant items.

124 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to export items

If you want to export a database table metadata entry, make sure you select the whole DB connection, and not only
the relevant table as this will prevent the export process to complete correctly.

3. Right-click while maintaining the Ctrl key down and select Export items on the pop-up menu:

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 125

How to change context parameters in Jobs

You can select additional items on the tree for exportation if required.

4. Click Browse to browse to where you want to store the exported items. Alternatively, define the archive file
where to compress the files for all selected items.
If you have several versions of the same item, they will all be exported.

Select the Export Dependencies check box if you want to set and export routine dependencies along with Jobs you
are exporting. By default, all of the user routines are selected. For further information about routines, see What are

5. Click Finish to close the dialog box and export the items.

6.2.4. How to change context parameters in Jobs

As explained in How to build Jobs, you can edit the context parameters:

If you want to change the context selection, simply edit the .bat/.sh file and change the following setting: --
context=Prod to the relevant context.

126 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Managing repository items

If you want to change individual parameters in the context selection, edit the .bat/.sh file and add the following
setting according to your need:
Operation Setting
To change value1 for parameter key1 --context_param key1=value1
To change value1 and value2 for respective --context_param key1=value1 --context_param key2=value2
parameters key1 and key2
To change a value containing space characters --context_param key1="path to file"
such as in a file path

6.3. Managing repository items

Talend Studio enables you to edit the items centralized in the repository and to update the Jobs that use these
items accordingly.

6.3.1. How to handle updates in repository items

You can update the metadata, context parameters that are centralized in the Repository tree view any time in order
to update the database connection or the context group details, for example.

When you modify any of the parameters of an entry in the Repository tree view, all Jobs using this repository entry
will be impacted by the modification. This is why the system will prompt you to propagate these modifications
to all the Jobs that use the repository entry.

The following sections explain how to modify the parameters of a repository entry and how to propagate the
modifications to all or some of the Jobs that use the entry in question. How to modify a repository item

To update the parameters of a repository item, complete the following:

1. Expand the Metadata, or Contexts node in the Repository tree view and browse to the relevant entry that
you need to update.

2. Right-click this entry and select the corresponding edit option in the contextual menu.

A respective wizard displays where you can edit each of the definition steps for the entry parameters.

When updating the entry parameters, you need to propagate the changes throughout numerous Jobs or all
your Jobs that use this entry.

A prompt message pops up automatically at the end of your update/modification process when you click the
Finish button in the wizard.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 127

How to handle updates in repository items

3. Click Yes to close the message and implement the changes throughout all Jobs impacted by these changes.
For more information about the first way of propagating all your changes, see How to update impacted Jobs

Click No if you want to close the message without propagating the changes. This will allow you to propagate
your changes on the impacted Jobs manually on one by one basis. For more information on another way of
propagating changes, see How to update impacted Jobs manually. How to update impacted Jobs automatically

After you update the parameters of any item already centralized in the Repository tree view and used in different
Jobs, a message will prompt you to propagate the modifications you did to all Jobs that use these parameters.

To update impacted Jobs, complete the following:

1. In the [Modification] dialog box, click Yes to let the system scan your Repository tree view for the Jobs
that get impacted by the changes you just made. This aims to automatically propagate the update throughout
all your Jobs (open or not) in one click.

The [Update Detection] dialog box displays to list all Jobs impacted by the parameters that are modified.

You can open the [Update Detection] dialog box any time if you right-click the item centralized in the Repository
tree view and select Manage Dependencies from the contextual menu. For more information, see How to update
impacted Jobs manually.

2. If needed, clear the check boxes that correspond to the Jobs you do not wish to update. You can update them
any time later through the Detect Dependencies menu. For more information, see How to update impacted
Jobs manually.

3. Click OK to close the dialog box and update all selected Jobs.

128 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Searching a Job in the repository How to update impacted Jobs manually

Before propagating changes in the parameters of an item centralized in the tree view throughout the Jobs using
this entry, you might want to view all Jobs that are impacted by the changes. To do that, complete the following:

1. In the Repository tree view, expand the node holding the entry you want to check what Jobs use it.

2. Right-click the entry and select Detect Dependencies.

A progress bar indicates the process of checking for all Jobs that use the modified metadata or context
parameter. Then a dialog box displays to list all Jobs that use the modified item.

3. Select the check boxes corresponding to the Jobs you want to update with the modified metadata or context
parameter and clear those corresponding to the Jobs you do not want to update.

4. Click OK to validate and close the dialog box.

The Jobs that you choose not to update will be switched back to Built-in, as the link to the Repository cannot be maintained.
It will thus keep their setting as it was before the change.

6.4. Searching a Job in the repository

If you want to open a specific Job in the Repository tree view of the current Integration perspective of Talend
Studio and you can not find it for one reason or another, you can simply click on the quick access toolbar.

To find a Job in the Repository tree view, complete the following:

On Talend Studio toolbar, click to open the [Find a Job] dialog box that lists automatically all the Jobs
you created in the current Studio.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 129

Searching a Job in the repository

2. Enter the Job name or part of the Job name in the upper field.

When you start typing your text in the field, the Job list is updated automatically to display only the Job(s)
which name(s) match(es) the letters you typed in.

130 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Managing Job versions

3. Select the desired Job from the list and click Link Repository to automatically browse to the selected Job
in the Repository tree view.

4. If needed, click Cancel to close the dialog box and then right-click the selected Job in the Repository tree
view to perform any of the available operations in the contextual menu.

Otherwise, click OK to close the dialog box and open the selected Job on the design workspace.

6.5. Managing Job versions

When you create a Job in Talend Studio, by default its version is 0.1, where 0 stands for the major version and
1 for the minor version.

You can create as many versions of the same Job as you want. To do that:

1. Close your Job if it is open on the design workspace. Otherwise, its properties will be read-only and thus
you cannot modify them.

2. In the Repository tree view, right-click your Job and select Edit properties from the drop-down list to open
the [Edit properties] dialog box.

3. Next to the Version field, click the M button to increment the major version and the m button to increment
the minor version.

4. Click Finish to validate the modification.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 131

Documenting a Job

By default, when you open a Job, you open its last version.

Any previous version of the Job is read-only and thus cannot be modified.

To change the version of your Job, you can also:

1. Close your Job if it is open on the design workspace. Otherwise, its properties will be read-only and thus
you cannot modify them.

2. In the Repository tree view, right-click your Job and select Open another version from the drop-down list.

3. In the dialog box, select the Create new version and open it check box and click the M button to increment
the major version and the m button to increment the minor version.

4. Click Finish to validate the modification and open this new version of your Job.

You can also save your currently active Job and increment its version at the same time, by clicking File > Save
As... and setting a new version in the [Save As] dialog box.

If you give your Job a new name, this option does not overwrite your current Job, but it saves your Job as a new one with
the same version of the current Job or with a new version if you specify one.

You can access a list of the different versions of a Job and perform certain operations. To do that:

1. In the Repository tree view, select the Job you want to consult the versions of.

2. On the configuration tabs panel, click the Job tab and then click Version to display the version list of the
selected Job.

3. Right-click the Job version you want to consult.

4. Do one of the followings:

Select To...
Edit Job open the last version of the Job.

This option is available only when you select the last version of the Job.

Read job consult the Job in read-only mode.

Open Job Hierarchy consult the hierarchy of the Job.
Edit properties edit Job properties.

Note: The Job should not be open on the design workspace, otherwise it will be in
read-only mode.

This option is available only when you select the last version of the Job.

Run job execute the Job.

Generate Doc As HTML generate details documentation about the Job.

You can also manage the version of several Jobs and/or metadata at the same time, as well as Jobs and their
dependencies and/or child Jobs from the Project Settings. For more information, see Version management.

6.6. Documenting a Job

Talend Studio enables you to generate documentation that gives general information about your projects, Jobs or
joblets. You can automate the generation of such documentation and edit any of the generated documents.

132 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to generate HTML documentation

6.6.1. How to generate HTML documentation

Talend Studio allows you to generate detailed documentation in HTML of the Job(s) you select in the Repository
tree view of your Studio in the Integration perspective. This auto-documentation offers the following:

The properties of the project where the selected Jobs have been created,

The properties and settings of the selected Jobs along with preview pictures of each of the Jobs,

The list of all the components used in each of the selected Jobs and component parameters.

To generate an HTML document for a Job, complete the following:

1. In the Repository tree view, right-click a Job entry or select several items to produce multiple

2. Select Generate Doc as HTML on the contextual menu.

3. Browse to the location where the generated documentation archive should be stored.

4. In the same field, type in a name for the archive gathering all generated documents.

5. Select the Use CSS file as a template to export check box to activate the CSS File field if you need to
use a CSS file.

6. In the CSS File field, browse to, or enter the path to the CSS file to be used.

7. Click Finish to validate the generation operation.

The archive file is generated in the defined path. It contains all required files along with the Html output file. You
can open the HTML file in your favorite browser.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 133

How to update the documentation on the spot

6.6.2. How to update the documentation on the spot

You can choose to manually update your documentation on the spot.

To update a single document, right-click the relevant documentation entry and select Update documentation.

6.7. Handling Job execution

You can execute a Job in several ways. This mainly depends on the purpose of your Job execution and on your
user level.

This section describes:

How to run a Job in normal mode

How to run a Job in Java Debug mode

How to run a Job in Traces Debug mode

How to set advanced execution settings

How to show JVM resource usage during Job execution

How to deploy a Job on SpagoBI server

For how to run a Job on a remote Hadoop server via Oozie scheduler, see Handling Jobs.

6.7.1. How to run a Job in normal mode

Make sure you saved your Job before running it in order for all properties to be taken into account.

To run your Job in a normal mode, do the following:

1. Click the Run view to access it.

2. Click the Basic Run tab to access the normal execution mode.

3. In the Context area to the right of the view, select in the list the proper context for the Job to be executed
in. You can also check the variable values.

If you have not defined any particular execution context, the context parameter table is empty and the context is
the default one. Related topic: Using contexts and variables.

1. Click Run to start the execution.

2. On the same view, the console displays the progress of the execution. The log includes any error message
as well as start and end messages. It also shows the Job output in case of a tLogRow component is used
in the Job design.

3. To define the lines of the execution progress to be displayed in the console, select the Line limit check box
and type in a value in the field.

134 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to run a Job in Java Debug mode

4. Select the Wrap check box to wrap the text to fit the console width. This check box is selected by default.
When it is cleared, a horizontal scrollbar appears, allowing you to view the end of the lines.

Before running again a Job, you might want to remove the execution statistics and traces from the designing
workspace. To do so, click the Clear button.

If for any reason, you want to stop the Job in progress, simply click the Kill button. You will need to click the
Run button again, to start again the Job.

Talend Studio offers various informative features displayed during execution, such as statistics and traces,
facilitating the Job monitoring and debugging work. For more information, see the following sections.

6.7.2. How to run a Job in Java Debug mode

To follow step by step the execution of a Job to identify possible bugs, you can run it in Debug mode.

To access the Debug mode:

1. Click the Run view to access it.

2. Click the Debug Run tab to access the debug execution modes.

Before running your Job in Debug mode, add breakpoints to the major steps of your Job flow.

This will allow you to get the Job to automatically stop at each breakpoint. This way, components and their
respective variables can be verified individually and debugged if required.

To add breakpoints to a component, right-click it on the design workspace, and select Add breakpoint on the
contextual menu.

A pause icon displays next to the component where the break is added.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 135

How to run a Job in Traces Debug mode

To switch to debug mode, click the Java Debug button on the Debug Run tab of the Run panel. Talend Studio's
main window gets reorganized for debugging.

You can then run the Job step by step and check each breakpoint component for the expected behavior and variable

To switch back to Talend Studio designer mode, click Window, then Perspective and select Integration.

6.7.3. How to run a Job in Traces Debug mode

The traces feature allows you to monitor data processing when running a Job in the Integration perspective of
Talend Studio.

It provides a row by row view of the component behavior and displays the dynamic result next to the Row link
on the design workspace.

This feature allows you to monitor all the components of a Job, without switching to the debug mode, hence
without requiring advanced Java knowledge.

The Traces function displays the content of processed rows in a table.

Exception is made for external components which cannot offer this feature if their design does not include it.

You can activate or deactivate Traces or decide what processed columns to display in the traces table that displays
on the design workspace when launching the current Job.

To activate the Traces mode in a Job:

1. Click the Run view.

2. Click the Debug Run tab to access the debug and traces execution modes.

3. Click the down arrow of the Java Debug button and select the Traces Debug option. An icon displays under
every flow of your Job to indicate that process monitoring is activated.

4. Click the Traces Debug to execute the Job in Traces mode.

To deactivate the Traces on one of the flows in your Job:

136 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to set advanced execution settings

1. Right-click the Traces icon under the relevant flow.

2. Select Disable Traces from the list. A red minus sign replaces the green plus sign on the icon to indicate that
the Traces mode has been deactivated for this flow.

To choose which columns of the processed data to display in the traces table, do the following:

1. Right-click the Traces icon for the relevant flow, then select Setup Traces from the list. The [Setup Traces]
dialog box appears.

2. In the dialog box, clear the check boxes corresponding to the columns you do not want to display in the
Traces table.

3. Click OK to close the dialog box.

Monitoring data processing starts when you execute the Job and stops at the end of the execution.

To remove the displayed monitoring information, click the Clear button in the Debug Run tab.

6.7.4. How to set advanced execution settings

In the Advanced settings tab of the Run view, several advanced execution settings are available to make the
execution of the Jobs handier:

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 137

How to set advanced execution settings

Statistics, this feature displays processing performance rate. For more information, see How to display Statistics.

Exec time, this feature displays the execution time in the console at the end of the execution. For more
information, see How to display the execution time and other options.

Save Job before execution, this feature allows to automatically save the Job before its execution.

Clear before run, this feature clears all the results of a previous execution before re-executing the Job.

JVM Setting, this feature allows you to define the parameters of your JVM according to your needs. For an
example of how this can be used, see How to display special characters in the console. How to display Statistics

The Statistics feature displays each component performance rate, under the flow links on the design workspace.

It shows the number of rows processed and the processing time in row per second, allowing you to spot straight
away any bottleneck in the data processing flow.

For trigger links like OnComponentOK, OnComponentError, OnSubjobOK, OnSubjobError and If, the
Statistics option displays the state of this trigger during the execution time of your Job: Ok or Error and True
or False.

Exception is made for external components which cannot offer this feature if their design does not include it.

In the Run view, click the Advanced settings tab and select the Statistics check box to activate the Stats feature
and clear the box to disable it.

The calculation only starts when the Job execution is launched, and stops at the end of it.

Click the Clear button from the Basic or Debug Run views to remove the calculated stats displayed. Select the
Clear before Run check box to reset the Stats feature before each execution.

The statistics thread slows down Job execution as the Job must send these stats data to the design workspace in order to
be displayed.

You can also save your Job before the execution starts. Select the relevant option check box. How to display the execution time and other options

To display the Job total execution time after Job execution, select in the Advanced settings tab of the Run view
the Exec time check box before running the Job.

This way you can test your Job before going to production.

You can also clear the design workspace before each Job execution by selecting the check box Clear before Run.

You can also save your Job before the execution starts. Select the relevant option check box.

138 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to show JVM resource usage during Job execution How to display special characters in the console

Talend Studio can display special characters in the console. To enable the display of Chinese, Japanese or Korean
characters, for example, proceed as follows before executing the Job:

1. Select the Advanced settings tab.

2. In the JVM settings area of the tab view, select the Use specific JVM arguments check box to activate
the Argument table.

3. Next to the Argument table, click the New... button to pop up the [Set the VM argument] dialog box.

4. In the dialog box, type in -Dfile.encoding=UTF-8.

5. Click OK to close the dialog box.

This argument can be applied for all of your Job executions in Talend Studio. For further information about
how to apply this JVM argument for all of the Job executions, see Debug and Job execution preferences
(Talend > Run/Debug).

6.7.5. How to show JVM resource usage during Job

The Memory Run vertical tab of the Run view of your Talend Studio allows you to monitor real-time JVM
resource usage during Job execution, including memory consumption and host CPU usage, so that you can take
appropriate actions when the resource usage is too high and results in low performance of your Talend Studio,
such as increasing the memory allocated to the JVM, stopping unnecessary Jobs, and so on.

To monitor JVM resource usage at Job execution, do the following:

1. Open your Job.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 139

How to deploy a Job on SpagoBI server

In the Run view, click the Memory Run tab.

2. Click Run to run the Job.

You can click Run on the Memory Run tab to monitor the JVM resource usage by your Job at any time
even after you launch your Job from the Basic Run tab.

The Studio console displays curve graphs showing the JVM heap usage and CPU usage respectively during
the Job execution. Warning messages are shown in red on the Job execution information area when the
relevant thresholds are reached.

3. To view the information about resources used at a certain point of time during the Job execution, move the
mouse onto that point of time on the relevant graph. Depending on the graph on which you move your mouse
pointer, you can see the information about allocated heap size, the 90% heap threshold, and the 70% heap
threshold, or the CPU usage, at the point of time.

4. To run the Garbage Collector at a particular interval, select the With Garbage Collector pace set to check
box and select an interval in seconds. The Garbage Collector automatically runs at the specified interval.

To run the Garbage Collector once immediately, click the Trigger GC button.

5. To export the log information into a text file, click the Export button and select a file to save the log.

6. To stop the Job, click the Kill button.

6.7.6. How to deploy a Job on SpagoBI server

From Talend Studio interface, you can deploy your Jobs easily on a SpagoBI server in order to execute them from
your SpagoBI administrator. How to create a SpagoBI server entry

Beforehand, you need to set up your single or multiple SpagoBI server details in Talend Studio.

1. On the menu bar, click Window > Preferences to open the [Preferences] dialog box.

2. Expand the Talend > Import/Export nodes in succession and select SpagoBI Server to display the relevant

140 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to deploy a Job on SpagoBI server

3. Select the Enable/Disable Deploy on SpagoBI check box to activate the deployment operation.

4. Click New to open the [Create new SpagoBi server] dialog box and add a new server to the list.

5. Enter your SpagoBI server details, as described below:

Field Description
Engine Name Internal engine name used in Talend Studio. This name is not used in the generated code.
Short description Free text to describe the server entry you are recording.
Host IP address or host name of the machine running the SpagoBI server.
Login User name required to log on to the SpagoBI server.
Password Password for SpagoBI server logon authentication.

6. Click OK to validate the details of the new server entry and close the dialog box.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 141

How to deploy a Job on SpagoBI server

The newly created entry is added to the table of available servers. You can add as many SpagoBI entries
as you need.

7. Click Apply and then OK to close the [Preferences] dialog box. How to edit or remove a SpagoBI server entry

Select the relevant entry in the table, click the Remove button next to the table to first delete the outdated entry.

Then if required, simply create a new entry including the updated details. How to deploy your Jobs on a SpagoBI server

Follow the steps below to deploy your Job(s) onto a SpagoBI server.

142 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to deploy a Job on SpagoBI server

1. In the Repository tree view, expand Job Designs and right-click the Job to deploy.

2. In the drop-down list, select Deploy on SpagoBI.

3. As for any Job export, select a Name for the Job archive that will be created and fill it in the To archive
file field.

4. Select the relevant SpagoBI server on the drop-down list.

5. The Label, Name and Description fields come from the Job main properties.

6. Select the relevant context in the list.

7. Click OK once you have completed the setting operation.

The Jobs are now deployed onto the relevant SpagoBI server. Open your SpagoBI administrator to execute your

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 143

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide
Chapter 7. Handling Jobs
This chapter introduces procedures of handling Jobs in your Talend studio that take the advantage of the Hadoop
big data platform to work with large data sets. For general procedures of designing, executing, and managing
Talend data integration Jobs, see Designing a Job.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to run a Job via Oozie

7.1. How to run a Job via Oozie

Your Talend studio provides an Oozie scheduler, a feature that enables you to schedule executions of a Job you
have created or run it immediately on a remote Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) server, and to monitor the
execution status of your Job. For more information on Apache Oozie and Hadoop, check http://oozie.apache.org/
and http://hadoop.apache.org/.

If the Oozie scheduler view is not shown, click Window > Show view and select Talend Oozie from the [Show View]
dialog box to show it in the configuration tab area.

7.1.1. How to set HDFS connection details

Talend Oozie allows you to schedule executions of Jobs you have designed with the Studio.

Before you can run or schedule executions of a Job on an HDFS server, you need first to define the HDFS
connection details in the Oozie scheduler view, and specify the path where your Job will be deployed. Defining HDFS connection details in Oozie scheduler view

To define HDFS connection details in the Oozie scheduler view, do the following:

1. Click the Oozie schedule view beneath the design workspace.

2. Click Setting to open the connection setup dialog box.

146 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to set HDFS connection details

The connection settings shown above are for an example only.

3. If you have set up the Oozie connection in the Repository as explained in Centralizing an Oozie
connection,you can easily reuse it.

To do this, select Repository from the Property type drop-down list, then click the [...] button to open
the [Repository Content] dialog box and select the Oozie connection to be used.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 147

How to run a Job on the HDFS server

Otherwise, fill in the connection information in the corresponding fields as explained in the table below:

Field/Option Description
Hadoop distribution Hadoop distribution to be connected to. This distribution hosts the HDFS file system to be
used. If you select Custom to connect to a custom Hadoop distribution, then you need to
click the [...] button to open the [Import custom definition] dialog box and from this dialog
box, to import the jar files required by that custom distribution.

For further information, see Connecting to custom Hadoop distribution..

Hadoop version Version of the Hadoop distribution to be connected to. This list disappears if you select
Custom from the Hadoop distribution list.
Enable kerberos security If you are accessing the Hadoop cluster running with Kerberos security, select this check
box, then, enter the Kerberos principal name for the NameNode in the field displayed. This
enables you to use your user name to authenticate against the credentials stored in Kerberos.

This check box is available depending on the Hadoop distribution you are connecting to.
User Name Login user name.
Name node end point URI of the name node, the centerpiece of the HDFS file system.
Job tracker end point URI of the Job Tracker node, which farms out MapReduce tasks to specific nodes in the
Oozie end point URI of the Oozie web console, for Job execution monitoring.
Hadoop Properties If you need to use custom configuration for the Hadoop of interest, complete this table with
the property or properties to be customized. Then at runtime, these changes will override the
corresponding default properties used by the Studio for its Hadoop engine.

For further information about the properties required by Hadoop, see Apache's Hadoop
documentation on http://hadoop.apache.org, or the documentation of the Hadoop distribution
you need to use.

Settings defined in this table are effective on a per-Job basis.

Upon defining the deployment path in the Oozie scheduler view, you are ready to schedule executions of your
Job, or run it immediately, on the HDFS server.

7.1.2. How to run a Job on the HDFS server

To run a Job on the HDFS server,

1. In the Path field on the Oozie scheduler tab, enter the path where your Job will be deployed on the HDFS

2. Click the Run button to start Job deployment and execution on the HDFS server.

Your Job data is zipped, sent to, and deployed on the HDFS server based on the server connection settings and
automatically executed. Depending on your connectivity condition, this may take some time. The console displays
the Job deployment and execution status.

To stop the Job execution before it is completed, click the Kill button.

148 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to schedule the executions of a Job

7.1.3. How to schedule the executions of a Job

The Oozie scheduler feature integrated in your Talend studio enables you to schedule executions of your Job on
the HDFS server. Thus, your Job will be executed based on the defined frequency within the set time duration.
To configure Job scheduling, do the following:

1. In the Path field on the Oozie scheduler tab, enter the path where your Job will be deployed on the HDFS
server if the deployment path is not yet defined.

2. Click the Schedule button on the Oozie scheduler tab to open the scheduling setup dialog box.

3. Fill in the Frequency field with an integer and select a time unit from the Time Unit list to define the Job
execution frequency.

4. Click the [...] button next to the Start Time field to open the [Select Date & Time] dialog box, select the
date, hour, minute, and second values, and click OK to set the Job execution start time. Then, set the Job
execution end time in the same way.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 149

How to monitor Job execution status

5. Click OK to close the dialog box and start scheduled executions of your Job.

The Job automatically runs based on the defined scheduling parameters. To stop the Job, click Kill.

7.1.4. How to monitor Job execution status

To monitor Job execution status and results, click the Monitor button on the Oozie scheduler tab. The Oozie end
point URI opens in your Web browser, displaying the execution information of the Jobs on the HDFS server.

150 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to monitor Job execution status

To display the detailed information of a particular Job, click any field of that Job to open a separate page showing
the details of the Job.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 151

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide
Chapter 8. Mapping data flows
The most common way to handle multiple input and output flows including transformations and data re-routing
is to use dedicated mapping components.

This chapter explains the theory behind how those mapping components can be used, by taking as example the
typical ones which you can refer to for the use of the other mapping components.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Map editor interfaces

8.1. Map editor interfaces

Mapping components are advanced components which require more detailed explanation than other Talend Open
Studio for Big Data Components. The Map Editor is an "all-in-one" tool allowing you to define all parameters
needed to map, transform and route your data flows via a convenient graphical interface.

You can minimize and restore the Map Editor and all tables in the Map Editor using the window icons.

This figure presents the interface of tMap. Those of the other mapping components differ slightly in appearance.
For example, in addition to the Schema editor and the Expression editor tabs on the lower part of this interface,
tXMLMap has a third tab called Tree schema editor. For further information about tXMLMap, see tXMLMap

The Map Editor is made of several panels:

The Input panel is the top left panel on the editor. It offers a graphical representation of all (main and lookup)
incoming data flows. The data are gathered in various columns of input tables. Note that the table name reflects
the main or lookup row from the Job design on the design workspace.

The Variable panel is the central panel in the Map Editor. It allows the centralization of redundant information
through the mapping to variable and allows you to carry out transformations.

The Search panel is above the Variable panel. It allow you to search in the editor for columns or expressions
that contain the text you enter in the Find field.

The Output panel is the top right panel on the editor. It allows mapping data and fields from Input tables and
Variables to the appropriate Output rows.

Both bottom panels are the Input and Output schemas description. The Schema editor tab offers a schema view
of all columns of input and output tables in selection in their respective panel.

154 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

tMap operation

Expression editor is the edition tool for all expression keys of Input/Output data, variable expressions or
filtering conditions.

The name of input/output tables in the Map Editor reflects the name of the incoming and outgoing flows (row

The following sections present separately different mapping components of which each is able to map flows of
a specific nature.

8.2. tMap operation

tMap allows the following types of operations:

data multiplexing and demultiplexing,

data transformation on any type of fields,

fields concatenation and interchange,

field filtering using constraints,

data rejecting.

As all these operations of transformation and/or routing are carried out by tMap, this component cannot be a start
or end component in the Job design.

tMap uses incoming connections to pre-fill input schemas with data in the Map Editor. Therefore, you cannot
create new input schemas directly in the Map Editor. Instead, you need to implement as many Row connections
incoming to tMap component as required, in order to create as many input schemas as needed.

The same way, create as many output row connections as required. However, you can fill in the output with content
directly in the Map Editor through a convenient graphical editor.

Note that there can be only one Main incoming rows. All other incoming rows are of Lookup type. Related topic:
Row connection.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 155

Setting the input flow in the Map Editor

Lookup rows are incoming connections from secondary (or reference) flows of data. These reference data might
depend directly or indirectly on the primary flow. This dependency relationship is translated with a graphical
mapping and the creation of an expression key.

The Map Editor requires the connections to be implemented in your Job in order to be able to define the input
and output flows in the Map Editor. You also need to create the actual mapping in your Job in order to display
the Map Editor in the Preview area of the Basic settings view of the tMap component.

To open the Map Editor in a new window, double-click the tMap icon in the design workspace or click the three-
dot button next to the Map Editor in the Basic settings view of the tMap component.

The following sections give the information necessary to use the tMap component in any of your Job designs.

8.2.1. Setting the input flow in the Map Editor

The order of the Input tables is essential. The top table reflects the Main flow connection, and for this reason, is
given priority for reading and processing through the tMap component.

For this priority reason, you are not allowed to move up or down the Main flow table. This ensures that no Join
can be lost.

156 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Setting the input flow in the Map Editor

Although you can use the up and down arrows to interchange Lookup tables order, be aware that the Joins between
two lookup tables may then be lost.

Related topic: How to use Explicit Join.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 157

Setting the input flow in the Map Editor How to fill in Input tables with a schema

To fill in the input tables, you need to define either the schemas of the input components connected to the tMap
component on your design workspace, or the input schemas within the Map Editor.

For more information about setting a component schema, see How to define component properties.

For more information about setting an input schema in the Map Editor, see Setting schemas in the Map Editor.

Main and Lookup table content

The order of the Input tables is essential.

The Main Row connection determines the Main flow table content. This input flow is reflected in the first table
of the Map Editor's Input panel.

The Lookup connections' content fills in all other (secondary or subordinate) tables which displays below the
Main flow table. If you have not define the schema of an input component yet, the input table displays as empty
in the Input area.

The key is also retrieved from the schema defined in the Input component. This Key corresponds to the key defined
in the input schema where relevant. It has to be distinguished from the hash key that is internally used in the Map
Editor, which displays in a different color.


You can use global or context variables or reuse the variable defined in the Variables area. Press Ctrl+Space bar
to access the list of variables. This list gathers together global, context and mapping variables.

The list of variables changes according to the context and grows along new variable creation. Only valid mappable
variables in the context show on the list.

158 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Setting the input flow in the Map Editor

Docked at the Variable list, a metadata tip box display to provide information about the selected column.

Related topic: Mapping variables How to use Explicit Join

In fact, Joins let you select data from a table depending upon the data from another table. In the Map Editor
context, the data of a Main table and of a Lookup table can be bound together on expression keys. In this case,
the order of table does fully make sense.

Simply drop column names from one table to a subordinate one, to create a Join relationship between the two
tables. This way, you can retrieve and process data from multiple inputs.

The join displays graphically as a purple link and creates automatically a key that will be used as a hash key to
speed up the match search.

You can create direct joins between the main table and lookup tables. But you can also create indirect joins from
the main table to a lookup table, via another lookup table. This requires a direct join between one of the Lookup
table to the Main one.

You cannot create a Join from a subordinate table towards a superior table in the Input area.

The Expression key field which is filled in with the dragged and dropped data is editable in the input schema,
whereas the column name can only be changed from the Schema editor panel.

You can either insert the dragged data into a new entry or replace the existing entries or else concatenate all
selected data into one cell.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 159

Setting the input flow in the Map Editor

For further information about possible types of drag and drops, see Mapping the Output setting .
If you have a big number of input tables, you can use the minimize/maximize icon to reduce or restore the table size in the
Input area. The Join binding two tables remains visible even though the table is minimized.

Creating a Join automatically assigns a hash key onto the joined field name. The key symbol displays in violet on
the input table itself and is removed when the Join between the two tables is removed.

Related topics:

Setting schemas in the Map Editor

How to use Inner Join

Along with the explicit Join you can select whether you want to filter down to a unique match or if you allow
several matches to be taken into account. In this last case, you can choose to consider only the first or the last
match or all of them.

160 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Setting the input flow in the Map Editor

To define the match model for an explicit Join:

1. Click the tMap settings button at the top of the table to which the Join links to display the table properties.

2. Click in the Value field corresponding to Match Model and then click the three-dot button that appears to
open the [Options] dialog box.

3. In the [Options] dialog box, double-click the wanted match model, or select it and click OK to validate the
setting and close the dialog box.

Unique Match

This is the default selection when you implement an explicit Join. This means that only the last match from the
Lookup flow will be taken into account and passed on to the output.

The other matches will be then ignored.

First Match

This selection implies that several matches can be expected in the lookup. The First Match selection means that
in the lookup only the first encountered match will be taken into account and passed onto the main output flow.

The other matches will then be ignored.

All Matches

This selection implies that several matches can be expected in the lookup flow. In this case, all matches are taken
into account and passed on to the main output flow. How to use Inner Join

The Inner join is a particular type of Join that distinguishes itself by the way the rejection is performed.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 161

Setting the input flow in the Map Editor

This option avoids that null values are passed on to the main output flow. It allows also to pass on the rejected
data to a specific table called Inner Join Reject table.

If the data searched cannot be retrieved through the explicit Join or the filter Join, in other words, the Inner Join
cannot be established for any reason, then the requested data will be rejected to the Output table defined as Inner
Join Reject table if any.

Simply drop column names from one table to a subordinate one, to create a Join relationship between the two
tables. The Join is displayed graphically as a purple link and creates automatically a key that will be used as a
hash key to speed up the match search.

To define the type of an explicit Join:

1. Click the tMap settings button at the top of the table to which the Join links to display the table properties.

2. Click in the Value field corresponding to Join Model and then click the three-dot button that appears to open
the [Options] dialog box.

3. In the [Options] dialog box, double-click the wanted Join type, or select it and click OK to validate the
setting and close the dialog box.

An Inner Join table should always be coupled to an Inner Join Reject table. For how to define an output table as an Inner
Join Reject table, see Lookup Inner Join rejection.

You can also use the filter button to decrease the number of rows to be searched and improve the performance
(in Java).

Related topics:

Lookup Inner Join rejection

How to filter an input flow How to use the All Rows option

By default, without a Join set up, in each input table of the input area of the Map Editor, the All rows match
model option is selected. This All rows option means that all the rows are loaded from the Lookup flow and
searched against the Main flow.

The output corresponds to the Cartesian product of both table (or more tables if need be).

162 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Mapping variables

If you create an explicit or an inner Join between two tables, the All rows option is no longer available. You then have to
select Unique match, First match or All matches. For more information, see How to use Explicit Join and How to use
Inner Join. How to filter an input flow

Click the Filter button next to the tMap settings button to add a Filter field.

In the Filter field, type in the condition to be applied. This allows to reduce the number of rows parsed against
the main flow, enhancing the performance on long and heterogeneous flows.

You can use the Auto-completion tool via the Ctrl+Space bar keystrokes in order to reuse schema columns in
the condition statement. How to remove input entries from table

To remove input entries, click the red cross sign on the Schema Editor of the selected table. Press Ctrl or Shift
and click fields for multiple selection to be removed.

If you remove Input entries from the Map Editor schema, this removal also occurs in your component schema definition.

8.2.2. Mapping variables

The Var table (variable table) regroups all mapping variables which are used numerous times in various places.

You can also use the Expression field of the Var table to carry out any transformation you want to, using Java

Variables help you save processing time and avoid you to retype many times the same data.

There are various possibilities to create variables:

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 163

Working with expressions

Type in freely your variables in Java. Enter the strings between quotes or concatenate functions using the
relevant operator.

Add new lines using the plus sign and remove lines using the red cross sign. And press Ctrl+Space to retrieve
existing global and context variables.

Drop one or more Input entries to the Var table.

Select an entry on the Input area or press Shift key to select multiple entries of one Input table.

Press Ctrl to select either non-appended entries in the same input table or entries from various tables. When
selecting entries in the second table, notice that the first selection displays in grey. Hold the Ctrl key down to drag
all entries together. A tooltip shows you how many entries are in selection.

Then various types of drag-and-drops are possible depending on the action you want to carry out.
To... You need to...
Insert all selected entries as separated variables. Simply drag & drop to the Var table. Arrows show you where the new Var
entry can be inserted. Each Input is inserted in a separate cell.
Concatenate all selected input entries together with an Drag & drop onto the Var entry which gets highlighted. All entries gets
existing Var entry. concatenated into one cell. Add the required operators using Java operations
signs. The dot concatenates string variables.
Overwrite a Var entry with selected concatenated Drag & drop onto the relevant Var entry which gets highlighted then press
Input entries. Ctrl and release. All selected entries are concatenated and overwrite the
highlighted Var.
Concatenate selected input entries with highlighted Drag & drop onto an existing Var then press Shift when browsing over the
Var entries and create new Var lines if needed chosen Var entries. First entries get concatenated with the highlighted Var
entries. And if necessary new lines get created to hold remaining entries. How to access global or context variables

Press Ctrl+Space to access the global and context variable list.

Appended to the variable list, a metadata list provides information about the selected column. How to remove variables

To remove a selected Var entry, click the red cross sign. This removes the whole line as well as the link.

Press Ctrl or Shift and click fields for multiple selection then click the red cross sign.

8.2.3. Working with expressions

All expressions (Input, Var or Output) and constraint statements can be viewed and edited directly in the
expression fields, in the expression editor, and in the Expression Builder.

164 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Working with expressions How to access the expression editor

The expression editor provides visual comfort to write any function or transformation in a handy dedicated view.

You can write the expressions necessary for the data transformation directly in the Expression editor view located
in the lower half of the expression editor.

To open the Expression editor view, complete the following:

1. Double-click the tMap component in your Job design to open the Map Editor.

2. In the lower half of the editor, click the Expression editor tab to open the corresponding view.

To edit an expression, select it in the Input panel and then click the Expression editor tab and modify the expression
as required.

3. Enter the Java code according to your needs. The corresponding expression in the output panel is

Refer to the Java documentation for more information regarding functions and operations. How to write code using the Expression Builder

Some Jobs require pieces of code to be written in order to provide components with parameters. In the Component
view of some components, an Expression Builder interface can help you write such pieces of code (in Java),
known as expressions.

Using the Expression Builder of tMap, you can edit the expression for an input column, an output column, or a
variable, or change the expressions for multiple output columns at the same time.

Editing invidual expressions

The following example shows how to use the Expression Builder to edit two indiviual expressions.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 165

Working with expressions

In this example, two input flows are connected to the tMap component.

From the DB input, comes a list of names made of a first name and a last name separated by a space char.

From the File input, comes a list of US states, in lower case.

In the tMap, use the expression builder to: First, replace the blank char separating the first and last names with an
underscore char, and second, change the states from lower case to upper case.

1. In the tMap, set the relevant inner join to set the reference mapping. For more information regarding tMap,
see tMap operation and Map editor interfaces.

2. From the main (row1) input, drop the Names column to the output area, and the State column from the lookup
(row2) input towards the same output area.

3. Click in the first Expression field (row1.Name), and then click the [] button that appears next to the

The [Expression Builder] dialog box opens up.

166 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Working with expressions

4. In the Category area, select the relevant action you want to perform. In this example, select StringHandling
and select the EREPLACE function.

5. In the Expression area, paste row1.Name in place of the text expression, in order to get:
StringHandling.EREPLACE(row1.Name," ","_"). This expression will replace the separating space char
with an underscore char in the char string given.

Note that the CHANGE and EREPLACE functions in the StringHandling category are used to substitute
all substrings that match the given regular expression in the given old string with the given replacement and
returns a new string. Their three parameters are:

oldStr: the old string.

newStr: the regular expression to match.

replacement: the string to be substituted for every match.

6. Now check that the output is correct, by typing in the relevant Value field of the Test area, a dummy value,
e.g: Chuck Norris and clicking Test!. The correct change should be carried out, for example, Chuck_Norris.

7. Click OK to validate the changes, and then proceed with the same operation for the second column (State).

8. In the tMap output, select the row2.State Expression and click the [...] button to open the Expression builder

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 167

Working with expressions

This time, the StringHandling function to be used is UPCASE. The complete expression says:

9. Once again, check that the expression syntax is correct using a dummy Value in the Test area, for example
indiana. The Test! result should display INDIANA for this example. Then, click OK to validate the changes.

Both expressions are now displayed in the tMap Expression field.

These changes will be carried out along the flow processing. The output of this example is as shown below.

Setting expressions for multiple output columns simultaneously

tMap allows you to define the transformation behavior for multiple output columns at the same time.

168 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Working with expressions

Using a simple transformation Job, the following example shows how to define expressions on multiple columns
in a batch manner in tMap.

Here is the content of the input CSV file used in this example:

1; Andrew;Adams;Madison; Rhode Island
2;Andrew; Garfield; Saint Paul;Colorado
3; Woodrow; Eisenhower ; Juneau; New Hampshire
4;Woodrow; Jackson;Denver;Maine
5; Lyndon;Buchanan; Pierre; Kentucky
6; Bill;Tyler; Helena; New York
7;George;Adams;Oklahoma City ;Alaska
8;Ulysses; Garfield;Santa Fe;Massachusetts
9; Thomas;Coolidge ;Charleston; Mississippi
10;John;Polk; Carson City; Louisiana

In this example, all the output columns of type String will be trimmed to remove preceding and training whitespace
and the last names and state names will be transformed to upper case.

1. In the Map Editor, complete the input-output mappings.

2. Select the columns of type String in the output table, namely firstname, lastname, city, and state in this
example, and right-click the selection so that the Apply Routine button shows up.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 169

Working with expressions

3. Click the Apply Routine button to open the [Expression Builder] dialog box.

4. Select StringHandling in the Categories area, and then double-click the TRIM function in the Functions
area to get StringHandling.TRIM(${0}) in the Expression field.

170 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Working with expressions

5. Click OK to close the [Expression Builder] dialog box.

6. Select the lastname and state columns in the output table of the Map Editor, right-click the selection, and
then click the Apply Routine button to open the [Expression Builder] dialog box.

7. Select StringHandling in the Categories area, and then double-click the UPPERCASE function in the
Functions area to get StringHandling(${0}) in the Expression field.

8. Click OK to close the [Expression Builder] dialog box.

Now the expressions on those output columns look like below:

The functions will be carried out along the flow processing. The output of this example is as shown below.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 171

Mapping the Output setting

8.2.4. Mapping the Output setting

On the design workspace, the creation of a Row connection from the tMap component to the output components
adds Output schema tables in the Map Editor.

You can also add an Output schema in your Map Editor, using the plus sign from the tool bar of the Output area.

You have as well the possibility to create a join between your output tables. The join on the tables enables you to
process several flows separately and unite them in a single output.

The join table retrieves the schema of the source table.

When you click the [+] button to add an output schema or to make a join between your output tables, a dialog
box opens. You have then two options.

Select... To...
New output Add an independent table.
Create join table from Create a join between output tables. In order to do so, select in the drop down
list the table from which you want to create the join. In the Named field, type
in the name of the table to be created.

Unlike the Input area, the order of output schema tables does not make such a difference, as there is no
subordination relationship between outputs (of Join type).

172 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Mapping the Output setting

Once all connections, hence output schema tables, are created, you can select and organize the output data via
drag & drops.

You can drop one or several entries from the Input area straight to the relevant output table.

Press Ctrl or Shift, and click entries to carry out multiple selection.

Or you can drag expressions from the Var area and drop them to fill in the output schemas with the appropriate
reusable data.

Note that if you make any change to the Input column in the Schema Editor, a dialog prompts you to decide to
propagate the changes throughout all Input/Variable/Output table entries, where concerned.

Action Result
Drag & Drop onto existing expressions. Concatenates the selected expression with the existing expressions.
Drag & Drop to insertion line. Inserts one or several new entries at start or end of table or between two
existing lines.
Drag & Drop + Ctrl. Replaces highlighted expression with selected expression.
Drag & Drop + Shift. Adds the selected fields to all highlighted expressions. Inserts new lines if
Drag & Drop + Ctrl + Shift. Replaces all highlighted expressions with selected fields. Inserts new lines if

You can add filters and rejections to customize your outputs. Creating complex expressions

If you have complex expressions to create, or advanced changes to be carried out on the output flow, then the
Expression Builder interface can help in this task.

Click the Expression field of your input or output table to display the [...] button. Then click this three-dot button
to open the Expression Builder.

For more information regarding the Expression Builder, see How to write code using the Expression Builder. Filters
Filters allow you to make a selection among the input fields, and send only the selected fields to various outputs.

Click the button at the top of the table to add a filter line.

You can enter freely your filter statements using Java operators and functions.

Drop expressions from the Input area or from the Var area to the Filter row entry of the relevant Output table.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 173

Mapping the Output setting

An orange link is then created. Add the required Java operator to finalize your filter formula.

You can create various filters on different lines. The AND operator is the logical conjunction of all stated filters. Output rejection

Reject options define the nature of an output table.

It groups data which do not satisfy one or more filters defined in the standard output tables. Note that as standard
output tables, are meant all non-reject tables.

This way, data rejected from other output tables, are gathered in one or more dedicated tables, allowing you to
spot any error or unpredicted case.

The Reject principle concatenates all non Reject tables filters and defines them as an ELSE statement.

To define an output table as the Else part of the regular tables:

1. Click the tMap settings button at the top of the output table to display the table properties.

2. Click in the Value field corresponding to Catch output reject and then click the [...] button that appears to
display the [Options] dialog box.

3. In the [Options] dialog box, double-click true, or select it and click OK to validate the setting and close
the dialog box.

You can define several Reject tables, to offer multiple refined outputs. To differentiate various Reject outputs,
add filter lines, by clicking on the plus arrow button.

174 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Mapping the Output setting

Once a table is defined as Reject, the verification process will be first enforced on regular tables before taking in
consideration possible constraints of the Reject tables.

Note that data are not exclusively processed to one output. Although a data satisfied one constraint, hence is routed
to the corresponding output, this data still gets checked against the other constraints and can be routed to other
outputs. Lookup Inner Join rejection

The Inner Join is a Lookup Join. The Inner Join Reject table is a particular type of Rejection output. It gathers
rejected data from the main row table after an Inner Join could not be established.

To define an Output flow as container for rejected Inner Join data, create a new output component on your Job
that you connect to the Map Editor. Then in the Map Editor, follow the steps below:

1. Click the tMap settings button at the top of the output table to display the table properties.

2. Click in the Value field corresponding to Catch lookup inner join reject and then click the [...] button that
appears to display the [Options] dialog box.

3. In the [Options] dialog box, double-click true, or select it and click OK to validate the setting and close
the dialog box. Removing Output entries

To remove Output entries, click the cross sign on the Schema Editor of the selected table. Handling errors

The Die on error option prevents error to be processed. To do so, it stops the Job execution as soon as an error is
encountered. The tMap component provides this option to prevent processing erroneous data. The Die on error
option is activated by default in tMap.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 175

Mapping the Output setting

Deactivating the Die on error option will allow you to skip the rows on error and complete the process for error-
free rows on one hand, and to retrieve the rows on error and manage them if needed.

To deactivate the Die on error option:

1. Double-click the tMap component on the design workspace to open the Map Editor.

2. Click the Property Settings button at the top of the input area to display the [Property Settings] dialog box.

3. In [Property Settings] dialog box, clear the Die on error check box and click OK.

A new table called ErrorReject appears in the output area of the Map Editor. This output table automatically
comprises two columns: errorMessage and errorStackTrace, retrieving the message and stack trace of the error
encountered during the Job execution. Errors can be unparseable dates, null pointer exceptions, conversion issues,

You can also drag and drop columns from the input tables to this error reject output table. Those erroneous data
can be retrieved with the corresponding error messages and thus be corrected afterward.

Once the error reject table is set, its corresponding flow can be sent to an output component.

176 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Setting schemas in the Map Editor

To do so, on the design workspace, right-click the tMap component, select Row > ErrorReject in the menu, and
click the corresponding output component, here tLogRow.

When you execute the Job, errors are retrieved by the ErrorReject flow.

The result contains the error message, its stack trace, and the two columns, id and date, dragged and dropped to
the ErrorReject table, separated by a pipe "|".

8.2.5. Setting schemas in the Map Editor

In the Map Editor, you can define the type of a table schema as Built-In so that you can modify the data structure
in the Schema editor panel, or Repository and retrieve the data structure from the Repository. By default, the
schema type is set to Built-In for all tables.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 177

Setting schemas in the Map Editor Retrieving the schema structure from the Repository

To retrieve the schema structure of the selected table from the Repository:

1. Click the tMap Settings button at the top of the table to display the table properties.

2. Click in the Value field of Schema Type, and then click the three-dot button that appears to open the
[Options] dialog box.

3. In the [Options] dialog box, double-click Repository, or select it and click OK, to close the dialog box and
display the Schema Id property beneath Schema Type.

If you close the Map Editor now without specifying a Repository schema item, the schema type changes back to

4. Click in the Value field of Schema Id, and then click the [...] button that appears to display the [Repository
Content] dialog box.

5. In the [Repository Content] dialog box, select your schema as you define a centrally stored schema for any
component, and then click OK.

The Value field of Schema Id is filled with the schema you just selected, and everything in the Schema
editor panel for this table becomes read-only.

178 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Setting schemas in the Map Editor

Changing the schema type of the subordinate table across a Join from Built-In to Repository causes the Join to get lost.

Changes to the schema of a table made in the Map Editor are automatically synchronized to the schema of the
corresponding component connected with the tMap component. Searching schema columns

The schema column filter of tMap allows you to quickly search an input or output schema column or multiple
columns among hundreds of them in one go.

The following example shows how to find columns containing the string "customer" in the output table of the
Map Editor.

Open the Map Editor, and click the button at the top of the table to open the filter area.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 179

Setting schemas in the Map Editor

2. In the filter area, type in your search string, customer in this example.

As you start to type, the table displays the columns that match the characters. Using the Schema Editor

The Schema Editor details all fields of the selected table. With the schema type of the table set to Built-In, you
can modify the schema of the table.

180 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Enabling automatic data type conversion

Use the tool bar below the schema table, to add, move or remove columns from the schema.

You can also load a schema from the repository or export it into a file.

Metadata Description
Column Column name as defined on the Map Editor schemas and on the Input or Output component
Key The Key shows if the expression key data should be used to retrieve data through the Join link. If
unchecked, the Join relation is disabled.
Type Type of data: String, Integer, Date, etc.

This column should always be defined in a Java version.

Length -1 shows that no length value has been defined in the schema.
Precision Defines the number of digits to the right of the decimal point.
Nullable Clear this check box if the field value should not be null.
Default Shows any default value that may be defined for this field.
Comment Free text field. Enter any useful comment.

Input metadata and output metadata are independent from each other. You can, for instance, change the label of a column
on the output side without the column label of the input schema being changed.

However, any change made to the metadata are immediately reflected in the corresponding schema on the tMap
relevant (Input or Output) area, but also on the schema defined for the component itself on the design workspace.

A Red colored background shows that an invalid character has been entered. Most special characters are prohibited
in order for the Job to be able to interpret and use the text entered in the code. Authorized characters include lower-
case, upper-case, figures except as start character.

8.2.6. Enabling automatic data type conversion

When processing data flows using a tMap, if the input and output columns across a mapping are of different data
types, compiling errors may occur at the Job execution time. The Enable Auto-Conversion of types option in
the tMap helps avoid such errors.

To enable this feature in tMap in a Job:

Click the button at the top of the Map Editor to open the [Property Settings] dialog box.

2. Select the Enable Auto-Conversion of types check box and then click OK.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 181

Enabling automatic data type conversion

You can activate the automatic conversion option at the project level so that any tMap component added afterwards
in the project will have this feature enabled.

If needed, you can also define conversion rules to override the default conversion behavior of tMap.

On the toolbar of the Studio main window, click or click File > Edit Project Properties from the menu
bar to open the [Project Settings] dialog box.

2. In the tree view of the dialog box, expand General and select Auto-Conversion of types to open the relevant

182 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Solving memory limitation issues in tMap use

3. Select the Enable Auto-Conversion of types check box to activate the automatic type conversion feature
for all tMap components added afterwards in the project.

4. If needed, click the [+] button to add a line, select the source and target data types, and define a Java function
for data type conversion to create a conversion rule to override the default conversion behavior of tMap for
data that matches the rule.
You can press Ctrl+Space in the Conversion Function field to access a list of available Java functions.

The rule shown in this example will match mappings with the input data type of String and output data type
of Integer.

You can created as many conversion rules as you want.

5. Click Apply to apply your changes and then OK to close the dialog box.

8.2.7. Solving memory limitation issues in tMap use

When handling large data sources, including for example, numerous columns, large number of lines or of column
types, your system might encounter memory shortage issues that prevent your Job, to complete properly, in
particular when using a tMap component for your transformation.

A feature has been added (in Java only for the time being) to the tMap component, in order to reduce the memory
in use for lookup loading. In fact, rather than storing the temporary data in the system memory and thus possibly
reaching the memory limitation, the Store temp data option allows you to choose to store the temporary data
onto a directory of your disk instead.

This feature comes as an option to be selected in the Lookup table of the input data in the Map Editor.

To enable the Store temp data option:

1. Double-click the tMap component in your Job to launch the Map Editor.

2. In input area, click the Lookup table describing the temporary data you want to be loaded onto the disk rather
than in the memory.

3. Click the tMap settings button to display the table properties.

4. Click in the Value field corresponding to Store temp data, and then click the [...] button to display the
[Options] dialog box.

5. In the [Options] dialog box, double-click true, or select it and click OK, to enable the option and close the
dialog box.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 183

Solving memory limitation issues in tMap use

For this option to be fully activated, you also need to specify the directory on the disk, where the data will be stored,
and the buffer size, namely the number of rows of data each temporary file will contain. You can set the temporary
storage directory and the buffer size either in the Map Editor or in the tMap component property settings.

To set the temporary storage directory and the buffer size in the Map Editor:

1. Click the Property Settings button at the top of the input area to display the [Property Settings] dialog box.

2. In [Property Settings] dialog box, fill the Temp data directory path field with the full path to the directory
where the temporary data should be stored.

3. In the Max buffer size (nr of rows) field, specify the maximum number of rows each temporary file can
contain. The default value is 2,000,000.

4. Click OK to validate the settings and close the [Property Settings] dialog box.

To set the temporary storage directory in the tMap component property settings without opening the Map Editor:

1. Click the tMap component to select it on the design workspace, and then select the Component tab to show
the Basic settings view.

2. In the Store on disk area, fill the Temp data directory path field with the full path to the directory where
the temporary data should be stored.

Alternatively, you can use a context variable through the Ctrl+Space bar if you have set the variable in a
Context group in the repository. For more information about contexts, see Using contexts and variables.

184 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Handling Lookups

At the end of the subjob, the temporary files are cleared.

This way, you will limit the use of allocated memory per reference data to be written onto temporary files stored
on the disk.

As writing the main flow onto the disk requires the data to be sorted, note that the order of the output rows cannot be

On the Advanced settings view, you can also set a buffer size if needed. Simply fill out the field Max buffer size
(nb of rows) in order for the data stored on the disk to be split into as many files as needed.

8.2.8. Handling Lookups

When implementing a join (including Inner Join and Left Outer Join) in a tMap between different data sources,
there is always only one main flow and one or more lookup flows connected to the tMap. All the records of the
lookup flow need to be loaded before processing each record of the main flow. Three types of lookup loading
models are provided suiting various types of business requirement and the performance needs: Load once, Reload
at each row, and Reload at each row (cache).

Load once: it loads once (and only once) all the records from the lookup flow either in the memory or in a local
file before processing each record of the main flow in case the Store temp data option is set to true. This is
the default setting and the preferred option if you have a large set of records in the main flow to be processed
using a join to the lookup flow.

Reload at each row: it loads all the records of the lookup flow for each record of the main flow. Generally,
this option increases the Job execution time due to the repeated loading of the lookup flow for each main flow
record. However, this option is preferred in the following situations:

The lookup data flow is constantly updated and you want to load the latest lookup data for each record of the
main flow to get the latest data after the join execution;

There are very few data from the main flow while a large amount of data from a database table in the lookup
flow. In this case, it might cause an OutOfMemory exception if you use the Load once option. You can use
dynamic variable settings such as where clause to update the lookup flow on the fly as it gets loaded, before
the main flow join is processed. For an example, refer to Reloading data at each row.

Reload at each row (cache): it functions like the Reload at each row model, all the records of the lookup
flow are loaded for each record of the main flow. However, this model can't be used with the Store temp data
on disk option. The lookup data are cached in memory, and when a new loading occurs, only the records that
are not already exist in the cache will be loaded, in order to avoid loading the same records twice. This option
optimizes the processing time and helps improve processing performance of the tMap component. Note that
you can not use Reload at each row (cache) and Store temp data at the same time.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 185

Handling Lookups

Note that when your lookup is a database table, the best practise is to open the connection to the database in the
beginning of your Job design in order to optimize performance. Setting the loading mode of a lookup flow

To set the loading mode of a lookup flow:

1. Click the tMap settings button at the top right of the lookup table to display the table properties.

2. Click in the Value field corresponding to Lookup Model, and then click the [...] button to display the
[Options] dialog box.

3. In the [Options] dialog box, double-click the wanted loading mode, or select it and then click OK, to validate
the setting and close the dialog box.

For use cases using these options, see the related documentation of the tMap component. Reloading data at each row

The Reload at each row option is used to load all the records of a lookup flow for each record of the main flow.

When the main flow has much less rows than the lookup flow (for example, with a ratio of 1000 or more) and the
lookup input is a database component, the advantage of this approach is that it helps deal with the fact that the
amount of lookup data increases over time, since you can run queries against the data from the main flow in the
database component to select only the lookup data that is relevant for each record in the main flow, such as in the
following example which uses lookup data from a MySQL database.

186 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Handling Lookups

The schemas of the main flow, the lookup flow and the output flow read as follows:

You can select from the MySQL database only the data that matches the values of the id column of the main flow.
To do this, proceed as follows:

1. Double-click tSetGlobalVar to open its Component view.

2. Click the [+] button to add one row and name the Key to id and the Value to row1.id.

3. Double-click tMysqlInput to open its Component view.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 187

tXMLMap operation

4. In the Query field, enter the query to select the data that matches the id column of the main flow. In this
example, this query reads:
Select * from person where id="+(Integer)globalMap.get("id")

Refer to the related documentation of the components used in this example for more information.

8.3. tXMLMap operation

Before starting this section, we recommend reading the previous tMap sections for the basic knowledge of a Talend mapping

tXMLMap is fine-tuned to leverage the Document data type for processing XML data, a case of transformation
that often mixes hierarchical data (XML) and flat data together. This Document type carries a complete user-
specific XML flow. In using tXMLMap, you are able to add as many input or output flows as required into a
visual map editor to perform, on these flows, the operations as follows:

data multiplexing and demultiplexing,

data transformation on any type of fields, particularly on the Document type,

data matching via different models, for example, the Unique match mode (related topic: How to use Explicit

Automated XML tree construction on both of the input and the output sides,

inner join and left outer join (related topic: How to use Inner Join)

lookup between data sources whatever they are flat or XML data using models like Load once (related topic:
Handling Lookups),

fields concatenation and interchange,

field filtering using constraints,

data rejecting.

Like tMap, a map editor is required to configure these operations. To open this map editor, you can double-click
the tXMLMap icon in the design workspace, or alternatively, click the three-dot button next to the Map Editor
in the Basic settings view of the tXMLMap component.

188 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Using the document type to create the XML tree

tXMLMap and tMap use the common approaches to accomplish most of these operations. Therefore, the
following sections explain only the particular operations to which tXMLMap is dedicated for processing the
hierarchical XML data.

The operations focusing on hierarchical data are:

using the Document type to create the XML tree;

managing the output XML data;

editing the XML tree schema.

The following sections present more relevant details.

Different from tMap, tXMLMap does not provide the Store temp data option for storing temporary data onto the directory
of your disk. For further information about this option of tMap, see Solving memory limitation issues in tMap use.

8.3.1. Using the document type to create the XML tree

The Document data type fits perfectly the conception of defining XML structure as easily as possible. When
you need the XML tree structure to map the input or output flow or both, use this type. Then you can import the
XML tree structure from various XML sources and edit the tree directly in the mapping editor, thus saving the
manual efforts. How to set up the Document type

The Document data type is one of the data types provided by Talend. This Document type is set up when you
edit the schema for the corresponding data in the Schema editor. For further information about the schema editor,
see Using the Schema Editor.

The following figure presents an example in which the input flow, Customer, is set up as the Document type. To
replicate it, in the Map editor, you can simply click the [+] button to add one row on the input side of the Schema
editor, rename it and select Document from the drop-down list of the given data types.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 189

Using the document type to create the XML tree

In practice for most cases, tXMLMap retrieves the schema of its preceding or succeeding components, for
example, from a tFileInputXML component or in the ESB use case, from a tESBProviderRequest component.
This avoids many manual efforts to set up the Document type for the XML flow to be processed. However, to
continue to modify the XML structure as the content of a Document row, you need still to use the given Map editor.

Be aware that a Document flow carries a user-defined XML tree and is no more than one single field of a schema, which,
same as the other schemas, may contain different data types between each field. For further information about how to set
a schema, see Basic Settings tab.

Once the Document type is set up for a row of data, in the corresponding data flow table in the map editor, a basic
XML tree structure is created automatically to reflect the details of this structure. This basic structure represents
the minimum element required by a valid XML tree in using tXMLMap:

The root element: it is the minimum element required by an XML tree to be processed and when needs be, the
foundation to develop a sophisticated XML tree.

The loop element: it determines the element over which the iteration takes place to read the hierarchical data of
an XML tree. By default, the root element is set as loop element.

This figure gives an example with the input flow, Customer. Based on this generated XML root tagged as root by
default, you can develop the XML tree structure of interest.

To do this, you need to:

1. Import the custom XML tree structure from one of the following types of sources:

XML or XSD files (related topic: How to import the XML tree structure from XML and XSD files)

When you import an XSD file, you will create the XML structure this XSD file describes.

file XML connections created and stored in the Repository of your Studio (related topic: How to import
the XML tree structure from the Repository).

If needs be, you can develop the XML tree of interest manually using the options provided on the contextual menu.

2. Reset the loop element for the XML tree you are creating, if needs be. You can set as many loops as you need
to. At this step, you may have to consider the following situations:

If you have to create several XML trees, you need to define the loop element for each of them.

If you import the XML tree from the Repository, the loop element will have been set depending on the
set of the source structure. But you can still reset the loop element.

For further details, see How to set or reset a loop element for an imported XML structure

If needed, you can continue to modify the imported XML tree using the options provided in the contextual menu.
The following table presents the operations you can perform through the available options.

Options Operations
Create Sub-element and Create Attribute Add elements or attributes to develop an XML tree. Related topic: How to
add a sub-element or an attribute to an XML tree structure

190 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Using the document type to create the XML tree

Options Operations
Set a namespace Add and manage given namespaces on the imported XML tree. Related
topic: How to manage a namespace
Delete Delete an element or an attribute. Related topic: How to delete an element
or an attribute from the XML tree structure
Rename Rename an element or an attribute.
As loop element Set or reset an element as loop element. Multiple loop elements and optional
loop element are supported.
As optional loop This option is not available unless to the loop element you have defined.

When the corresponding element exists in the source file, an optional loop
element works the same way as a normal loop element; otherwise, it resets
automatically its parent element as loop element or in absence of parent
element in the source file, it takes the element of the higher level until the
root element. But in the real-world practice, with such differences between
the XML tree and the source file structure, we recommend adapting the
XML tree to the source file for better performance.
As group element On the XML tree of the output side, set an element as group element. Related
topic: How to group the output data
As aggregate element On the XML tree of the output side, set an element as aggregate element.
Related topic: How to aggregate the output data
Add Choice Set the Choice element. Then all of its child elements developed underneath
will be contained in this declaration. This Choice element originates from
one of the XSD concepts. It enables tXMLMap to perform the function of
the XSD Choice element to read or write a Document flow.

When tXMLMap processes a choice element, the elements contained in

its declaration will not be outputted unless their mapping expressions are
appropriately defined.

The tXMLMap component declares automatically any Choice

element set in the XSD file it imports.
Set as Substitution Set the Substitution element to specify the element substitutable for a given
head element defined in the corresponding XSD. The Substitution element
enables tXMLMap to perform the function of the XSD Substitution
element to read or write a Document flow

When tXMLMap processes a substitution element, the elements contained

in its declaration will not be outputted unless their mapping expressions are
appropriately defined.

The tXMLMap component declares automatically any

Substitution element set in the XSD file it imports.

The following sections present more details about the process of creating the XML tree. How to import the XML tree structure from XML and XSD
To import the XML tree structure from an XML file, proceed as follows:

1. In the input flow table of interest, right-click the column name to open the contextual menu. In this example,
it is Customer.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 191

Using the document type to create the XML tree

2. From this menu, select Import From File.

3. In the pop-up dialog box, browse to the XML file you need to use to provide the XML tree structure of
interest and double-click the file.

To import the XML tree structure from an XSD file, proceed as follows:

1. In the input flow table of interest, right-click the column name to open the contextual menu. In this example,
it is Customer.

2. From this menu, select Import From File.

3. In the pop-up dialog box, browse to the XSD file you need to use to provide the XML tree structure of interest
and double-click the file.

4. In the dialog box that appears, select an element from the Root list as the root of your XML tree, and click
OK. Then the XML tree described by the XSD file imported is established.

The root of the imported XML tree is adaptable:

When importing either an input or an output XML tree structure from an XSD file, you can choose an element as
the root of your XML tree.

Once an XML structure is imported, the root tag is renamed automatically with the name of the XML source. To
change this root name manually, you need use the tree schema editor. For further information about this editor, see
Editing the XML tree schema.

Then, you need to define the loop element in this XML tree structure. For further information about how to define
a loop element, see How to set or reset a loop element for an imported XML structure. How to import the XML tree structure from the Repository
To do this, proceed as follows:

1. In any input flow table, right click the column name to open the contextual menu. In this example, it is

192 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Using the document type to create the XML tree

2. From this menu, select Import From Repository.

3. In the pop-up repository content list, select the XML connection or the MDM connection of interest to import
the corresponding XML tree structure.

This figure presents an example of this Repository-stored XML connection.

To import an XML tree structure from the Repository, the corresponding XML connection should have been created.
For further information about how to create a file XML connection in the Repository, see Centralizing XML file

4. Click OK to validate this selection.

The XML tree structure is created and a loop is defined automatically as this loop was already defined during the
creation of the current Repository-stored XML connection. How to set or reset a loop element for an imported XML

You need to set at least one loop element for each XML tree if it does not have any. If it does, you may have to
reset the existing loop element when needs be.

Whatever you need to set or reset a loop element, proceed as follows:

1. In the created XML tree structure, right-click the element you need to define as loop. For example, you need
to define the Customer element as loop in the following figure.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 193

Using the document type to create the XML tree

2. From the pop-up contextual menu, select As loop element to define the selected element as loop.

Once done, this selected element is marked with the text: loop.

If you close the Map Editor without having set the required loop element for a given XML tree, its root element will be
set automatically as loop element. How to add a sub-element or an attribute to an XML tree

In the XML tree structure view, you are able to manually add a sub-element or an attribute to the root or to any
of the existing elements when needs be.

To do either of these operations, proceed as follows:

1. In the XML tree you need to edit, right-click the element to which you need to add a sub-element or an
attribute underneath and select Create Sub-Element or Create Attribute according to your purpose.

194 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Using the document type to create the XML tree

2. In the pop-up [Create New Element] wizard, type in the name you need to use for the added sub-element
or attribute.

3. Click OK to validate this creation. The new sub-element or attribute displays in the XML tree structure you
are editing. How to delete an element or an attribute from the XML

tree structure
From an established XML tree, you may need to delete an element or an attribute. To do this, proceed as follows:

1. In the XML tree you need to edit, right-click the element or the attribute you need to delete.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 195

Using the document type to create the XML tree

2. In the pop-up contextual menu, select Delete.

Then the selected element or attribute is deleted, including all of the sub-elements or the attributes attached
to it underneath. How to manage a namespace

When necessary, you are able to set and edit namespace for each of the element in the a created XML tree of the
input or the output data flow.

Defining a namespace

To do this, proceed as follows:

1. In the XML tree of the input or the output data flow you need to edit, right click the element for which you
need to declare a namespace. For example, in a Customer XML tree of the output flow, you need to set a
namespace for the root.

2. In the pop-up contextual menu, select Set a namespace. Then the [Namespace dialog] wizard displays.

3. In this wizard, type in the URI you need to use.

196 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Using the document type to create the XML tree

4. If you need to set a prefix for this namespace you are editing, select the Prefix check box in this wizard and
type in the prefix you need. In this example, we select it and type in xhtml.

5. Click OK to validate this declaration.

Modifying the default value of a namespace

To do this, proceed as follows:

1. In the XML tree that the namespace you need to edit belongs to, right-click this namespace to open the
contextual menu.

2. In this menu, select Change Namespace to open the corresponding wizard.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 197

Using the document type to create the XML tree

3. Type in the new default value you need in this wizard.

4. Click OK to validate this modification.

Deleting a namespace

To do this, proceed as follows:

1. In the XML tree that the namespace you need to edit belongs to, right-click this namespace to open the
contextual menu.

2. In this menu, click Delete to validate this deletion How to group the output data

The tXMLMap component uses a group element to group the output data according to a given grouping condition.
This allows you to wrap elements matching the same condition with this group element.

To set a group element, two restrictions must be respected:

1. the root node cannot be set as group element;

2. the group element must be the parent of the loop element.

The option of setting group element is not visible until you have set the loop element; this option is also invisible if an
element is not allowed to be set as group element.

Once the group element is set, all of its sub-elements except the loop one are used as conditions to group the
output data.

You have to carefully design the XML tree view for the optimized usage of a given group element. For further
information about how to use a group element, see tXMLMap at https://help.talend.com.
tXMLMap provides group element and aggregate element to classify data in the XML tree structure. When handling a row
of XML data flow, the behavioral difference between them is:

The group element processes the data always within one single flow.

The aggregate element splits this flow into separate and complete XML flows.

Setting a group element

To set a group element, proceed as follows:

1. In the XML tree view on the output side of the Map editor, right-click the element you need to set as group

2. From the opened contextual menu, select As group element.

Then this element of selection becomes the group element. The following figure presents an example of an
XML tree with the group element.

198 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Using the document type to create the XML tree

Revoking a defined group element

To revoke a defined group element, proceed as follows:

1. In the XML tree view on the output side of the Map editor, right-click the element you have defined as
group element.

2. From the opened contextual menu, select Remove group element.

Then the defined group element is revoked. How to aggregate the output data

With tXMLMap, you can define as many aggregate elements as required in the output XML tree to class the
XML data accordingly. Then this component outputs these classes, each as one complete XML flow.

1. To define an element as aggregate element, simply right-click this element of interest in the XML tree view
on the output side of the Map editor and from the contextual menu, select As aggregate element.

Then this element becomes the aggregate element. Texts in red are added to it, reading aggregate. The
following figure presents an example.

2. To revoke the definition of the aggregate element, simply right-click the defined aggregate element and from
the contextual menu, select Remove aggregate element.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 199

Defining the output mode

To define an element as aggregate element, ensure that this element has no child element and the All in one feature is being
disabled. The As aggregate element option is not available in the contextual menu until both of the conditions are respected.
For further information about the All in one feature, see How to output elements into one document.

For an example about how to use the aggregate element with tXMLMap, see the tXMLMap documentation at

tXMLMap provides group element and aggregate element to classify data in the XML tree structure. When handling one
row of data ( one complete XML flow), the behavioral difference between them is:

The group element processes the data always within one single flow.

The aggregate element splits this flow into separate and complete XML flows.

8.3.2. Defining the output mode

To define the output mode of the document-type data, you are defining whether to put all of the XML elements into
one single XML flow and when empty element exist, whether to output them. By doing this, you do not change
the structure of the XML tree you have created. How to output elements into one document

Unless you are using the aggregate element which always classifies the output elements and splits an output XML
flow, you are able to determine whether an XML flow is output as one single flow or as separate flows, using the
All in one feature in the tXMLMap editor.

To do this, on the output side of the Map editor, proceed as follows:

1. Click the pincer icon to open the map setting panel. The following figure presents an example.

2. Click the All in one field and from the drop-down list, select true or false to decide whether the output XML
flow should be one single flow.

If you select true, the XML data is output all in one single flow. In this example, the single flow reads
as follows:

200 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Defining the output mode

The structure of this flow reads:

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 201

Defining the output mode

If you select false, the XML data is output in separate flows, each loop being one flow, neither grouped
nor aggregated. In this example, these flows read as follows:

202 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Defining the output mode

Each flow contains one complete XML structure. To take the first flow as example, its structure reads:

The All in one feature is disabled if you are using the aggregate element. For further information about the aggregate element,
see How to aggregate the output data How to manage empty element in Map editor

It may be necessary to create and output empty elements during the process of transforming data into XML flow,
such as, when tXMLMap works along with tWriteXMLField that creates empty elements or when there is no
input column associated with certain XML node in the output XML data flow.

By contrast, in some scenarios, you do not need to output the empty element while you have to keep them in the
output XML tree for some reasons.

tXMLMap allows you to set the boolean for the creation of empty element. To do this, on the output side of the
Map editor, perform the following operations:

1. Click the pincer icon to open the map setting panel.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 203

Defining the output mode

2. In the panel, click the Create empty element field and from the drop-down list, select true or false to decide
whether to output the empty element.

If you select true, the empty element is created in the output XML flow and output, for example,

If you select false, the empty element is not output. How to define the sequence of multiple input loops

If a loop element, or the flat data flow, receives mappings from more than one loop element of the input flow, you
need to define the sequence of the input loops. The first loop element of this sequence will be the primary loop,
so the transformation process related to this sequence will first loop over this element such that the data outputted
will be sorted with regard to its element values.

For example, in this figure, the types element is the primary loop and the outputted data will be sorted by the
values of this element.

204 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Editing the XML tree schema

In this case in which one output loop element receives several input loop elements, a [...] button appears next to
this receiving loop element or for the flat data, appears on the head of the table representing the flat data flow.
To define the loop sequence, do the following:

1. Click this [...] button to open the sequence arrangement window as presented by the figure used earlier in
this section.

2. Use the up or down flash button to arrange this sequence.

8.3.3. Editing the XML tree schema

In addition to the Schema editor and the Expression editor views that tMap is also equipped with, a Tree schema
editor view is provided in the map editor of tXMLMap for you to edit the XML tree schema of an input or output
data flow.

To access this schema editor, click the Tree schema editor tab on the lower part of the map editor.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 205

Editing the XML tree schema

The left half of this view is used to edit the tree schema of the input flow and the right half to edit the tree schema
of the output flow.

The following table presents further information about this schema editor.

Metadata Description
XPath Use it to display the absolute paths pointing to each element or attribute in a XML tree and edit the
name of the corresponding element or attribute.
Key Select the corresponding check box if the expression key data should be used to retrieve data
through the Join link. If unchecked, the Join relation is disabled.
Type Type of data: String, Integer, Document, etc.

This column should always be defined in a Java version.

Nullable Select this check box if the field value could be null.
Pattern Define the pattern for the Date data type.

Input metadata and output metadata are independent from each other. You can, for instance, change the label of a column
on the output side without the column label of the input schema being changed.

However, any change made to the metadata are immediately reflected in the corresponding schema on the
tXMLMap relevant (Input or Output) area, but also on the schema defined for the component itself on the design

206 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Chapter 9. Mapping Big Data flows
When developing an ETL process for Big Data, it is common to map data from either single or multiple sources
to data stored in the target system.

Talend provides mapping components that are optimized for the Hadoop environment in order to visually map
the input and the output data flows.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

tPigMap interface

9.1. tPigMap interface

Pig is a platform using a scripting language to express data flows. It programs step-by-step operations to transform
data using Pig Latin, name of the language used by Pig.

tPigMap is an advanced component that maps input flows and output flows being handled in a Pig process (an array
of Pig components). Therefore, it requires tPigLoad to read data from the source system and tPigStoreResult to
write data in a given target. Starting from this basic design composed of tPigLoad, tPigMap and tPigStoreResult,
you can visually develop a Pig process with a wide range of complexity by using the other Pig components
around tPigMap. As these components generate Pig code, the Job developed is thus optimized for the Hadoop

You need to use a map editor to configure tPigMap. This Map Editor is an "all-in-one" tool allowing you to
define all parameters needed to map, transform and route your data flows via a convenient graphical interface.

You can minimize and restore the Map Editor and all tables in the Map Editor using the window icons.

The Map Editor is made of several panels:

The Input panel is the top left panel on the editor. It offers a graphical representation of all (main and lookup)
incoming data flows. The data are gathered in various columns of input tables. Note that the table name reflects
the main or lookup row from the Job design on the design workspace.

The Output panel is the top right panel on the editor. It allows mapping data and fields from input tables to
the appropriate output rows.

The Search panel is the top central panel. It allows you to search in the editor for columns or expressions that
contain the text you enter in the Find field.

The UDF panel, located beneath the search panel, allows you to define Pig User-Defined Functions (UDFs)
to be loaded by the connected input component(s) and applied to specific output data. For more information,
see Defining a Pig UDF using the UDF panel.

208 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

tPigMap operation

Both bottom panels are the input and output schemas description. The Schema editor tab offers a schema view
of all columns of input and output tables in selection in their respective panel.

Expression editor is the editing tool for all expression keys of input/output data or filtering conditions.

The name of input/output tables in the Map Editor reflects the name of the incoming and outgoing flows (row

This Map Editor stays the way a typical Talend mapping component's map editor, such as tMap's, is designed
and used. Therefore, in order for you to understand fully how a classic mapping component works, we recommend
reading as reference the chapter describing how Talend Studio maps data flows, in Mapping data flows.

9.2. tPigMap operation

You can map data flows by simply dragging and dropping columns from the Input panel to the Output panel
of tPigMap, while more than often, you may need to perform operations of higher complexities, such as editing
a filter, setting a join or using a user-defined function for Pig. In that situation, tPigMap provides a rich set of
options you can set and generates the corresponding Pig code to meet your needs.

The following sections present those options.

9.2.1. Configuring join operations

On the input side, you can display the panel used for settings the join options by clicking the button on the
appropriate table.

Lookup properties Value

Join Model Inner Join;

Left Outer Join;

Right Outer Join;

Full Outer Join.

The default join option is Left Outer Join when you do not activate this
option settings panel by displaying it. These options perform the join of
two or more flows based on common field values.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 209

Catching rejected records

Lookup properties Value

When more than one lookup tables need join, the main input flow starts
the join from the first lookup flow, then uses the result to join the second
and so on in the same manner until the last lookup flow is joined.
Join Optimization None;




The default join option is None when you do not activate this option
settings panel by displaying it. These options are used to perform more
efficient join operations. For example, if you are using the parallelism of
multiple reduce tasks, the Skewed join can be used to counteract the load
imbalance problem if the data to be processed is sufficiently skewed.

Each of these options is subject to the constraints explained in Apache's

documentation about Pig Latin.
Custom Partitioner Enter the Hadoop partitioner you need to use to control the partitioning of
the keys of the intermediate map-outputs. For example, enter, in double
quotation marks,


to use the partitioner SimpleCustomPartitioner. The jar file of this

partitioner must have been registered in the Register jar table in the
Advanced settings view of the tPigLoad component linked with the
tPigMap component to be used.

For further information about the code of this SimpleCustomPartitioner,

see Apache's documentation about Pig Latin.
Increase Parallelism Enter the number of reduce tasks for the Hadoop MapReduce tasks
generated by Pig. For further information about the parallelism of reduce
tasks, see Apache's documentation about Pig Latin.

9.2.2. Catching rejected records

On the output side, the following options become available once you display the panel used for setting output
options by clicking the button on the appropriate table.

210 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Editing expressions

Output properties Value

Catch Output Reject True;


This option, once activated, allows you to catch the records rejected by a
filter you have defined in the appropriate area.
Catch Lookup Inner Join Reject True;


This option, once activated, allows you to catch the records rejected by the
inner join operation performed on the input flows.

9.2.3. Editing expressions

On both sides, you can edit all expression keys of input/output data or filtering conditions by using Pig Latin. This
allows you to filter or split a relation on the basis of those conditions. For details about Pig Latin and a relation in
Pig, see Apache's documentation about Pig such as Pig Latin Basics and Pig Latin Reference Manual.

You can write the expressions necessary for the data transformation directly in the Expression editor view located
in the lower half of the expression editor, or you can open the [Expression Builder] dialog box where you can
write the data transformation expressions.

To open the [Expression Builder] dialog box, click the button next to the expression you want to open in
the tabular panels representing the lookup flow(s) or the output flow(s) of the Map Editor.

The [Expression Builder] dialog box opens on the selected expression.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 211

Editing expressions

If you have created any Pig user-defined function (Pig UDF) in the Studio, a Pig UDF Functions option appears
automatically in the Categories list and you can select it to edit the mapping expression you need to use.

You need to use the Pig UDF item under the Code node of the Repository tree to create a Pig UDF function.
Although you need to know how to write a Pig function using Pig Latin, a Pig UDF function is created the same
way as a Talend routine.

212 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Editing expressions

Note that your Repository may look different from this image depending on the license you are using.

For further information about a routine, see Managing routines.

To open the Expression editor view,

1. In the lower half of the editor, click the Expression editor tab to open the corresponding view.

2. Click the column you need to set expressions for and edit the expressions in the Expression editor view.

If you need to set filtering conditions for an input or output flow, you have to click the button and then edit the
expressions in the displayed area or by using the Expression editor view or the [Expression Builder] dialog box.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 213

Setting up a Pig User-Defined Function

9.2.4. Setting up a Pig User-Defined Function

As explained in the section earlier, you can create a Pig User-Defined Function (Pig UDF) and it is automatically
added to the Category list in the Expression Builder view.

1. Right-click the Pig UDF sub-node under the Code node of the Repository tree and from the contextual menu,
select Create Pig UDF.

The [Create New Pig UDF] wizard is displayed.

2. From the Template list, select the type of the Pig UDF function to be created. Based on your choice, the
Studio will provide the corresponding template to help the development of the Pig UDF you need.

214 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Defining a Pig UDF using the UDF panel

3. Complete the other fields in the wizard.

4. Click Finish to validate the changes and the Pig UDF template is opened in the workspace.

5. Write your code in the template.

Once done, this Pig UDF will automatically appear in the Categories list in the Expression Builder view of
tPigMap and is ready for use.

9.2.5. Defining a Pig UDF using the UDF panel

Using the UDF panel of tPigMap you can easily define Pig UDFs, especially those requiring an alias such as
some Apache DataFu Pig functions, to be loaded with the input data.

From the Define functions table on the Map Editor, click the button to add a row. The Node and Alias
fields are automatically filled with the default settings.

2. If needed, click in Node field and select from the drop-down list the tPigLoad component you want to use
to load the UDF you are defining.

3. If you want your UDF to have another alias than the proposed one, enter your alias in the Alias field, between
double quotation marks.

4. Click in the UDF function field and click the button that appears to open the [Expression Builder]
dialog box.

5. Select a UDF category from the Categories list. The Functions list shows all the available functions of the
selected category.

6. From the Functions list, double-click the function of interest to add to the Expression area, and click OK
to close the dialog box.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 215

Defining a Pig UDF using the UDF panel

The selected function appears in the UDF function field.

Once you have defined UDFs in this table, the Define functions table of the specified tPigLoad component is
automatically synchronized. Likewise, once you have defined UDFs in a connected tPigLoad component, this
table is automatically synchronized.

Upon defining a UDF using the UDF panel, you can use it in an expression by:

dragging and dropping its alias to the target expression field and editing the expression as required

opening the [Expression Builder] dialog box as detailed in Editing expressions, selecting User Defined from
the Category list, double-clicking the alias of the UDF in the Functions list to add it as an expression, and
editing the expression as required.

When done, the alias instead of the function itself appears in the expression.

216 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Chapter 10. Managing Metadata for data
Metadata in Talend Studio is definitional data that provides information about or documentation of other data
managed within Talend Studio.

In the Integration perspective of the studio, the Metadata folder stores reusable information on files, databases,
and/or systems that you need to create your Jobs.

Various corresponding wizards help you store these pieces of information and use them later to set the connection
parameters of the relevant input or output components, but you can also store the data description called "schemas"
in your studio.

Wizards' procedures slightly differ depending on the type of connection chosen.

This chapter provides procedures to create and manage various metadata items in the Repository that can be used
in all your Job designs. For how to use a Repository metadata item, see How to use centralized metadata in a
Job and How to set a repository schema.

Before starting any metadata management processes, you need to be familiar with the Graphical User Interface
(GUI) of your studio. For more information, see the appendix describing GUI elements.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide


10.1. Objectives
The Metadata folder in the Repository tree view stores reusable information on files, databases, and/or systems
that you need to create your Jobs.

Various corresponding wizards help you store these pieces of information that can be used later to set the
connection parameters of the relevant input or output components and the data description called "schemas" in a
centralized manner in Talend Studio.

The procedures of different wizards slightly differ depending on the type of connection chosen.

Click Metadata in the Repository tree view to expand the folder tree. Each of the connection nodes will gather
the various connections and schemas you have set up.

From Talend Studio, you can set up the following, amongst others:

a DB connection,

a JDBC schema,

a SAS connection,

a file schema,

an LDAP schema,

a Salesforce schema,

a generic schema,

a MDM connection,

218 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing database metadata

a WSDL schema,

a FTP connection,

10.2. Centralizing database metadata

If you often need to connect to database tables of any kind, then you may want to centralize the connection
information details in the Metadata folder in the Repository tree view.

This setup procedure is made of two separate but closely related major tasks:

1. Set up a database connection,

2. Retrieve the table schemas.

The sections below describe how to complete the tasks in detail.

Prerequisites: Talend Studio requires specific third-party Java libraries or database drivers (.jar files) to be
installed in order to connect to sources or targets. Due to license restrictions, Talend may not be able to ship
certain required libraries or drivers; in that situation, the connection wizard to be presented in the following
sections displays related information to help you identify and install the libraries or drivers in question. For more
information, see the Talend Installation and Upgrade Guide.

10.2.1. Setting up a database connection

To create a database connection from scratch, expand Metadata in the Repository tree view, right-click Db
Connections and select Create connection from the contextual menu to open the database connection setup

To centralize database connection parameters you have defined in a Job, click the icon in the Basic settings
view of the relevant database component with its Property Type set to Built-in to open the database connection
setup wizard.

To modify an existing database connection, right-click the connection item from the Repository tree view, and
select Edit connection to open the connection setup wizard.

Then define the general properties and parameters of the connection in the wizard. Defining general properties

1. In the connection setup wizard, give your connection a name in the Name field. This name will appear as the
database connection name under the Metadata node of the Repository tree view.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 219

Setting up a database connection

2. Fill in the optional Purpose and Description fields as required. The information you fill in the Description
field will appear as a tooltip when you move your mouse pointer over the connection.

3. If needed, set the connection version and status in the Version and Status fields respectively. You can also
manage the version and status of a repository item in the [Project Settings] dialog box. For more information,
see Version management and Status management respectively.

4. If needed, click the Select button next to the Path field to select a folder under the Db connections node
to hold your newly created database connection. Note that you cannot select a folder if you are editing an
existing database connection, but you can drag and drop a connection to a new folder whenever you want.

5. Click Next when completed. The second step requires you to fill in or edit database connection data. Defining connection parameters

1. Select the type of the database to which you want to connect and fill in the connection details. The fields you
need to fill vary depending on the database type you select.

220 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Setting up a database connection

When you are creating the database connection of some databases like AS/400, HSQDB, Informix, Microsoft SQL,
MySQL, Oracle, Sybase, or Teradata, you can specify additional connection properties through the Additional
parameters field in the Database Settings area.

In Talend Studio 6.0 and onwards, due to limitations of Java 8, ODBC is no longer supported for Access database
connections, and the only supported database driver type is JDBC.

Also due to Java 8 limitations, you cannot create Generic ODBC or Microsoft SQL Server (ODBC) connections in
Talend Studio 6.0 and onwards unless you import such connections created in an earlier version of Talend Studio -
in that case, you can create Generic ODBC and Microsoft SQL Server (ODBC) connections but they work only with
Java 7.

For an MS SQL Server (JDBC) connection, when Microsoft is selected from the Db Version list, you need to
download the Microsoft JDBC driver for SQL Server on Microsoft Download Center, unpack the downloaded zip
file, choose a jar in the unzipped folder based on your JRE version, rename the jar to mssql-jdbc.jar and install
it manually. For more information about choosing the jar, see the System Requirements information on Microsoft
Download Center.

If you need to connect to Hive, we recommend using one of the Talend solutions with Big Data.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 221

Retrieving table schemas

If you are creating an MSSQL connection, in order to be able to retrieve all table schemas in the database, be sure to:

- enter dbo in the Schema field if you are connecting to MSSQL 2000,

- remove dbo from the Schema field if you are connecting to MSSQL 2005/2008.

2. Click Check to check your connection.

If the connection fails, a message box is displayed to indicate this failure and from that message box. From
that message box, click the Details button to read further information.

If a missing library or driver (.jar file) has provoked this failure, you can read that from the Details panel
and then install the specified library or driver.

The Studio provides multiple approaches to automate the installation. For further information, see the chapter
describing how to install external modules of the Talend Installation and Upgrade Guide.

3. If needed, fill in the database properties information. That is all for the first operation on database connection
setup. Click Finish to close the connection setup wizard.

The newly created database connection is now available in the Repository tree view and it displays several
folders including Queries (for SQL queries you save) and Table schemas that will gather all schemas linked
to this database connection upon table schema retrieval.

Now you can drag and drop the database connection onto the design workspace as a database component to
reuse the defined database connection details in your Job.

10.2.2. Retrieving table schemas

To retrieve table schemas from the database connection you have just set up, right-click the connection item from
the Repository tree view, and select Retrieve schema from the contextual menu.

222 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Retrieving table schemas

An error message will appear if there are no tables to retrieve from the selected database or if you do not have the correct
rights to access this database.

A new wizard opens up where you can filter and show different objects (tables, views and synonyms) in your
database connection, select tables of interest, and define table schemas.

For the time being, synonyms option works for Oracle, IBM DB2 and MSSQL only.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 223

Retrieving table schemas Filtering database objects

In the Select Filter Conditions area, you can filter the database objects using either of the two options: Set the
Name Filter or Use the Sql Filter to filter tables based on objects names or using SQL queries respectively.

To filter database tables based on their names, do the following:

1. In the Select Filter Conditions area, select the Use the Name Filter option.

2. In the Select Types area, select the check box(es) of the database object(s) you want to filter or display.

Available options can vary according to the selected database.

3. In the Set the Name Filter area, click Edit... to open the [Edit Filter Name] dialog box.

4. Enter the filter you want to use in the dialog box. For example, if you want to recuperate the database objects
which names start with "A", enter the filter "A%", or if you want to recuperate all database objects which
names end with "type", enter "%type" as your filter.

5. Click OK to close the dialog box.

6. Click Next to open a new view on the wizard that lists the filtered database objects.

To filter database objects using an SQL query, do the following:

1. In the Select Filter Conditions area, select the Use Sql Filter option.

224 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Retrieving table schemas

2. In the Set the Sql Filter field, enter the SQL query you want to use to filter database objects.

3. Click Next to open a new view that lists the filtered database objects. Selecting tables and defining table schemas

Once you have the filtered list of the database objects (tables, views and synonyms), do the following to load the
schemas of the desired objects onto your Repository:

1. Select one or more database objects on the list and click Next to open a new view on the wizard where you
can see the schemas of the selected object.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 225

Retrieving table schemas

If no schema is visible on the list, click the Check connection button below the list to verify the database connection

2. Modify the schemas if needed.

Make sure the data type in the Type column is correctly defined.

For more information regarding Java data types, including date pattern, see Java API Specification.

Below are the commonly used Talend data types:

Object: a generic Talend data type that allows processing data without regard to its content, for example,
a data file not otherwise supported can be processed with a tFileInputRaw component by specifying that
it has a data type of Object.

List: a space-separated list of primitive type elements in an XML Schema definition, defined using the
xsd:list element.

Document: a data type that allows processing an entire XML document without regarding to its content.
If your source database table contains any default value that is a function or an expression rather than a string, be
sure to remove the single quotation marks, if any, enclosing the default value in the end schema to avoid unexpected
results when creating database tables using this schema.

By default, the schema displayed on the Schema panel is based on the first table selected in the list of schemas
loaded (left panel). You can change the name of the schema and according to your needs. You can also
customize the schema structure in the schema panel.

226 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing JDBC metadata

The tool bar allows you to add, remove or move columns in your schema. In addition, you can load an XML
schema from a file or export the current schema as XML.

To retrieve a schema based on one of the loaded table schemas, select the DB table schema name in the drop-
down list and click Retrieve schema. Note that the retrieved schema then overwrites any current schema
and does not retain any custom edits.

When done, click Finish to complete the database schema creation. All the retrieved schemas are displayed
in the Table schemas sub-folder under the relevant database connection node.

Now you can drag and drop any table schema of the database connection from the Repository tree view onto
the design workspace as a new database component or onto an existing component to reuse the metadata. For
more information, see How to use centralized metadata in a Job and How to set a repository schema.

10.3. Centralizing JDBC metadata

To centralize DB table based metadata into a JDBC connection under the Metadata node of the Repository tree
view, the procedure is made of two separate but closely related tasks:

1. Set up a JDBC connection,

2. Retrieve the table schemas.

The sections below describe how to complete the tasks in detail.

10.3.1. Setting up a JDBC connection

1. To create a JDBC connection from scratch, expand Metadata in the Repository tree view, right-click Db
Connections and select Create connection from the contextual menu to open the database connection setup

To centralize database connection parameters you have defined in a Job into a JDBC connection, click the
icon in the Basic settings view of the relevant database component with its Property Type set to Built-
in to open the database connection setup wizard.

To modify an existing JDBC connection, right-click the connection item from the Repository tree view, and
select Edit connection to open the connection setup wizard.

2. Fill in the schema generic information, such as the connection Name and Description, and then click Next
to proceed to define the connection details.

For further information, see the section on defining general properties in Setting up a database connection.

3. Select General JDBC from the DB Type list.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 227

Setting up a JDBC connection

4. Fill in the connection details as follows:

Fill in the JDBC URL used to access the database server.

In the Driver jar field, select the jar driver validating your connection to the database.

In the Class name field, fill in the main class of the driver allowing to communicate with the database.

Fill in your User name and Password.

Fill the Mapping File field with the mapping allowing the database Type to match the Java type of data
on the schema by clicking the [...] button to open a dialog box and selecting the mapping file from the
Mapping list area according to the type of database you are connecting to.

The mapping files are XML files that you can manage via Window > Preferences > Talend > Specific Settings
> Metadata of TalendType. For more information, see Type mapping.

228 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Retrieving table schemas

5. Click Check to check your connection.

6. Fill in, if needed, the database properties information. Click Finish to close the connection setup wizard.

The newly created JDBC connection is now available in the Repository tree view and it displays several
folders including Queries (for the SQL queries you save) and Table schemas that will gather all schemas
linked to this DB connection upon schema retrieval.

10.3.2. Retrieving table schemas

1. To retrieve table schemas from the database connection you have just set up, right-click the connection item
from the Repository tree view and select Retrieve schema from the contextual menu.

A new wizard opens up where you can filter and show different objects (tables, views and synonyms) in your
database connection, select tables of interest, and define table schemas.

2. Define a filter to filter databases objects according to your need. For details, see Filtering database objects.

Click Next to open a view that lists your filtered database objects. The list offers all the databases with all
their tables present on the database connection that meet you filter conditions.

If no database is visible on the list, click Check connection to verify the database connection.

3. Select one or more tables on the list to load them onto your repository file system. Your repository schemas
will be based on these tables.

4. Click Next. On the next window, four setting panels help you define the schemas to create. Modify the
schemas if needed.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 229

Centralizing SAS metadata

Make sure the data type in the Type column is correctly defined.

For more information regarding Java data types, including date pattern, see Java API Specification.

Below are the commonly used Talend data types:

Object: a generic Talend data type that allows processing data without regard to its content, for example,
a data file not otherwise supported can be processed with a tFileInputRaw component by specifying that
it has a data type of Object.

List: a space-separated list of primitive type elements in an XML Schema definition, defined using the
xsd:list element.

Document: a data type that allows processing an entire XML document without regarding to its content.
If your source database table contains any default value that is a function or an expression rather than a string, be
sure to remove the single quotation marks, if any, enclosing the default value in the end schema to avoid unexpected
results when creating database tables using this schema.

By default, the schema displayed on the Schema panel is based on the first table selected in the list of schemas
loaded (left panel). You can change the name of the schema and according to your needs, you can also
customize the schema structure in the schema panel.

The tool bar allows you to add, remove or move columns in your schema. In addition, you can load an XML
schema from a file or export the current schema as XML.

To retrieve a schema based on one of the loaded table schemas, select the database table schema name in
the drop-down list and click Retrieve schema. Note that the retrieved schema then overwrites any current
schema and does not retain any custom edits.

When done, click Finish to complete the database schema creation. All the retrieved schemas are displayed
in the Table schemas sub-folder under the relevant database connection node.

Now you can drag and drop any table schema of the database connection from the Repository tree view onto
the design workspace as a new database component or onto an existing component to reuse the metadata. For
more information, see How to use centralized metadata in a Job and How to set a repository schema.

10.4. Centralizing SAS metadata

If you often need to connect to a remote SAS system, you can centralize the connection information in the

To centralize the metadata information of a SAS connection in the Repository, you need to complete two major

1. Set up a SAS connection,

2. Retrieve the database schemas.


Talend Studio requires specific third-party Java libraries or database drivers (.jar files) to be installed in order
to connect to sources or targets. Due to license restrictions, Talend may not be able to ship certain required
libraries or drivers; in that situation, the connection wizard to be presented in the following sections displays
related information to help you identify and install the libraries or drivers in question. For more information,
see the Talend Installation and Upgrade Guide.

Before carrying on the procedure below to configure your SAS connection, make sure that you retrieve your
metadata from the SAS server and export it in XML format.

230 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Setting up a SAS connection

10.4.1. Setting up a SAS connection

1. In the Repository tree view of Talend Studio, right-click DB Connections under the Metadata node and
select Create connection from the contextual menu to open the [Database Connection] wizard.

2. Fill in the general properties of the connection, such as Name and Description and click Next to open a new
view on the wizard to define the connection details.

For further information, see the section on defining general properties in Setting up a database connection.

3. In the DB Type field of the [Database Connection] wizard, select SAS and fill in the fields that follow with
SAS connection information.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 231

Retrieving table schemas

4. If needed, click the Check tab to verify if your connection is successful.

5. If needed, define the properties of the database in the corresponding fields in the Database Properties area.

6. Click Finish to validate your changes and close the wizard.

The newly set connection to the defined database displays under the DB Connections folder in the Repository
tree view. This connection has several sub-folders among which Table schemas will group all schemas
relative to this connection after schema retrieval.

10.4.2. Retrieving table schemas

1. Right-click the SAS connection you created and then select Retrieve Schema from the contextual menu.

A new wizard opens up where you can filter and show different objects (tables, views) in your database
connection, select tables of interest, and define table schemas.

2. Filter databases objects according to your need, select one or more tables of interest, and modify the table
schemas if needed. For details, see Retrieving table schemas.

Make sure the data type in the Type column is correctly defined.

For more information regarding Java data types, including date pattern, see Java API Specification.

Below are the commonly used Talend data types:

Object: a generic Talend data type that allows processing data without regard to its content, for example,
a data file not otherwise supported can be processed with a tFileInputRaw component by specifying that
it has a data type of Object.

List: a space-separated list of primitive type elements in an XML Schema definition, defined using the
xsd:list element.

Document: a data type that allows processing an entire XML document without regarding to its content.

When done, you can drag and drop any table schema of the SAS connection from the Repository tree view
onto the design workspace as a new component or onto an existing component to reuse the metadata. For
more information, see How to use centralized metadata in a Job and How to set a repository schema.

232 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing File Delimited metadata

10.5. Centralizing File Delimited metadata

If you often need to read data from and/or write data to delimited files, you may want to centralize their
metadata in the Repository for easy reuse. File Delimited metadata can be used to define the properties of
tFileInputDelimited, tFileOutputDelimited, and t*OutputBulk components.

The file schema creation is very similar for all types of file connections: Delimited, Positional, Regex, XML, or Ldif.

Unlike the database connection wizard, the [New Delimited File] wizard gathers both file connection and schema
definitions in a four-step procedure.

To create a File Delimited connection from scratch, expand Metadata in the Repository tree view, right-click
File Delimited and select Create file delimited from the contextual menu to open the file metadata setup wizard.

To centralize a file connection and its schema you have defined in a Job, click the icon in the Basic settings
view of the relevant component with its Property Type set to Built-in to open the file metadata setup wizard.

Then define the general properties and file schema in the wizard.

Defining the general properties

1. In the file metadata setup wizard, fill in the Name field, which is mandatory, and the Purpose and Description
fields if you choose to do so. The information you provide in the Description field will appear as a tooltip
when you move your mouse pointer over the file connection.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 233

Centralizing File Delimited metadata

2. If needed, set the version and status in the Version and Status fields respectively. You can also manage
the version and status of a repository item in the [Project Settings] dialog box. For more information, see
Version management and Status management respectively.

3. If needed, click the Select button next to the Path field to select a folder under the File delimited node to
hold your newly created file connection. Note that you cannot select a folder if you are editing an existing
connection, but you can drag and drop it to a new folder whenever you want.

4. Click Next when completed with the general properties.

Defining the file path and format

1. Click the Browse... button to search for the file on the local host or a LAN host.

2. Select the OS Format the file was created in. This information is used to prefill subsequent step fields. If the
list doesn't include the appropriate format, ignore it.

3. The File viewer gives an instant picture of the file loaded. Check the file consistency, the presence of header
and more generally the file structure.

4. Click Next to proceed to the next step.

Defining the file parsing parameters

On this view, you can refine the various settings of your file so that the file schema can be properly retrieved.

234 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing File Delimited metadata

1. Set the Encoding type,and the Field and Row separators in the File Settings area.

2. Depending on your file type (csv or delimited), set the Escape and Enclosure characters to be used.

3. If the file preview shows a header message, exclude the header from the parsing. Set the number of header
rows to be skipped. Also, if you know that the file contains footer information, set the number of footer lines
to be ignored.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 235

Centralizing File Delimited metadata

4. The Limit of Rows allows you to restrict the extend of the file being parsed. If needed, select the Limit check
box and set or select the desired number of rows.

5. In the File Preview panel, view the new settings impact.

6. Check the Set heading row as column names box to transform the first parsed row as labels for schema
columns. Note that the number of header rows to be skipped is then incremented by 1.

7. Click Refresh on the preview panel for the settings to take effect and view the result on the viewer.

8. Click Next to proceed to the final step to check and customize the generated file schema.

Checking and customizing the file schema

The last step shows the Delimited File schema generated. You can customize the schema using the toolbar
underneath the table.

236 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing File Delimited metadata

Make sure the data type in the Type column is correctly defined.

For more information regarding Java data types, including date pattern, see Java API Specification.

Below are the commonly used Talend data types:

Object: a generic Talend data type that allows processing data without regard to its content, for example, a
data file not otherwise supported can be processed with a tFileInputRaw component by specifying that it has
a data type of Object.

List: a space-separated list of primitive type elements in an XML Schema definition, defined using the xsd:list

Document: a data type that allows processing an entire XML document without regarding to its content.

1. If the Delimited file which the schema is based on has been changed, use the Guess button to generate again
the schema. Note that if you customized the schema, the Guess feature does not retain these changes.

2. Click Finish. The new schema is displayed under the relevant File Delimited connection node in the
Repository tree view.

Now you can drag and drop the file connection or any schema of it from the Repository tree view onto the design
workspace as a new component or onto an existing component to reuse the metadata. For further information
about how to use the centralized metadata in a Job, see How to use centralized metadata in a Joband How to set
a repository schema.

To modify an existing file connection, right-click it from the Repository tree view, and select Edit file delimited
to open the file metadata setup wizard.

To add a new schema to an existing file connection, right-click the connection from the Repository tree view and
select Retrieve Schema from the contextual menu.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 237

Centralizing File Positional metadata

To edit an existing file schema, right-click the schema from the Repository tree view and select Edit Schema
from the contextual menu.

10.6. Centralizing File Positional metadata

If you often need to read data from and/or write data to certain positional files, you may want to centralize
their metadata in the Repository for easy reuse. File Positional metadata can be used to define the properties of
tFileInputPositional, tFileOutputPositional, and tFileInputMSPositional components.

The [New Positional File] wizard gathers both file connection and schema definitions in a four-step procedure.

To create a File Positional connection from scratch, expand Metadata in the Repository tree view, right-click
File positional and select Create file positional from the contextual menu to open the file metadata setup wizard.

To centralize a file connection and its schema you have defined in a Job, click the icon in the Basic settings
view of the relevant component with its Property Type set to Built-in to open the file metadata setup wizard.

Then define the general properties and file schema in the wizard.

Defining the general properties

1. In the file metadata setup wizard, fill in the Name field, which is mandatory, and the Purpose and Description
fields if you choose to do so. The information you provide in the Description field will appear as a tooltip
when you move your mouse pointer over the file connection.

238 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing File Positional metadata

2. If needed, set the version and status in the Version and Status fields respectively. You can also manage
the version and status of a Repository item in the [Project Settings] dialog box. For more information, see
Version management and Status management respectively.

3. If needed, click the Select button next to the Path field to select a folder under the File positional node to
hold your newly created file connection. Note that you cannot select a folder if you are editing an existing
connection, but you can drag and drop it to a new folder whenever you want.

4. Click Next when completed with the general properties.

Defining the file path, format and marker positions

1. Click the Browse... button to search for the file on the local host or a LAN host.

2. Select the Encoding type and the OS Format the file was created in. This information is used to prefill
subsequent step fields. If the list doesn't include the appropriate format, ignore the OS format.

The file is loaded and the File Viewer area shows a file preview and allows you to place your position markers.

3. Click the file preview and set the markers against the ruler to define the file column properties. The orange
arrow helps you refine the position.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 239

Centralizing File Positional metadata

The Field Separator and Marker Position fields are automatically filled with a series of figures separated
by commas.

The figures in the Field Separator are the number of characters between the separators, which represent
the lengths of the columns of the loaded file. The asterisk symbol means all remaining characters on the
row, starting from the preceding marker position. You can change the figures to specify the column lengths

The Marker Position field shows the exact position of each marker on the ruler, in units of characters. You
can change the figures to specify the positions precisely.

To move a marker, press its arrow and drag it to the new position. To remove a marker, press its arrow and
drag it towards the ruler until a icon appears.

4. Click Next to continue.

Defining the file parsing parameters

On this view, you define the file parsing parameters so that the file schema can be properly retrieved.

At this stage, the preview shows the file columns upon the markers' positions.

240 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing File Positional metadata

1. Set the Field and Row separators in the File Settings area.

If needed, change the figures in the Field Separator field to specify the column lengths precisely.

If the row separator of your file is not the standard EOL (end of line), select Custom String from the Row
Separator list and specify the character string in the Corresponding Character field.

2. If your file has any header rows to be excluded from the data content, select the Header check box in the
Rows To Skip area and define the number of rows to be ignored in the corresponding field. Also, if you know
that the file contains footer information, select the Footer check box and set the number of rows to be ignored.

3. The Limit of Rows area allows you to restrict the extend of the file being parsed. If needed, select the Limit
check box and set or select the desired number of rows.

4. If the file contains column labels, select the Set heading row as column names check box to transform the
first parsed row to labels for schema columns. Note that the number of header rows to be skipped is then
incremented by 1.

5. Click Refresh Preview on the Preview panel for the settings to take effect and view the result on the viewer.

6. Click Next to proceed to the next view to check and customize the generated file schema.

Checking and customizing the file schema

Step 4 shows the end schema generated. Note that any character which could be misinterpreted by the program is
replaced by neutral characters. Underscores replace asterisks, for example.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 241

Centralizing File Positional metadata

1. Rename the schema (by default, metadata) and edit the schema columns as needed.

Make sure the data type in the Type column is correctly defined.

For more information regarding Java data types, including date pattern, see Java API Specification.

Below are the commonly used Talend data types:

Object: a generic Talend data type that allows processing data without regard to its content, for example,
a data file not otherwise supported can be processed with a tFileInputRaw component by specifying that
it has a data type of Object.

List: a space-separated list of primitive type elements in an XML Schema definition, defined using the
xsd:list element.

Document: a data type that allows processing an entire XML document without regarding to its content.

2. To generate the Positional File schema again, click the Guess button. Note that, however, any edits to the
schema might be lost after "guessing" the file-based schema.

3. When done, click Finish to close the wizard.

The new schema is displayed under the relevant File positional connection node in the Repository tree view. You
can drop the defined metadata from the Repository onto the design workspace as a new component or onto an

242 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing File Regex metadata

existing component to reuse the metadata. For further information about how to use the centralized metadata in a
Job, see How to use centralized metadata in a Joband How to set a repository schema.

To modify an existing file connection, right-click it from the Repository tree view, and select Edit file positional
to open the file metadata setup wizard.

To add a new schema to an existing file connection, right-click the connection from the Repository tree view and
select Retrieve Schema from the contextual menu.

To edit an existing file schema, right-click the schema from the Repository tree view and select Edit Schema
from the contextual menu.

10.7. Centralizing File Regex metadata

Regex file schemas are used for files made of regular expressions, such as log files. If you often need to connect
to a regex file, you may want to centralize its connection and schema information in the Repository for easy reuse.

The [New RegEx File] wizard gathers both file connection and schema definitions in a four-step procedure.

This procedure requires some advanced knowledge on regular expression syntax.

To create a File Regex connection from scratch, expand the Metadata node in the Repository tree view, right-
click File Regex and select Create file regex from the contextual menu to open the file metadata setup wizard.

To centralize a file connection and its schema you have defined in a Job, click the icon in the Basic settings
view of the relevant component with its Property Type set to Built-in to open the file metadata setup wizard.

Then define the general properties and file schema in the wizard.

Defining the general properties

1. In the file metadata setup wizard, fill in the Name field, which is mandatory, and the Purpose and Description
fields if you choose to do so. The information you provide in the Description field will appear as a tooltip
when you move your mouse pointer over the file connection.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 243

Centralizing File Regex metadata

2. If needed, set the version and status in the Version and Status fields respectively. You can also manage
the version and status of a repository item in the [Project Settings] dialog box. For more information, see
Version management and Status management respectively.

3. If needed, click the Select button next to the Path field to select a folder under the File regex node to hold your
newly created file connection. Note that you cannot select a folder if you are editing an existing connection,
but you can drag and drop it to a new folder whenever you want.

4. Click Next when completed with the general properties.

Defining the file path and format

1. Click the Browse... button to search for the file on the local host or a LAN host.

2. Select the Encoding type and the OS Format the file was created in. This information is used to prefill
subsequent step fields. If the list doesn't include the appropriate format, ignore the OS format.

244 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing File Regex metadata

The file viewer gives an instant picture of the loaded file.

3. Click Next to define the schema structure.

Defining the file parsing parameters

On this view, you define the file parsing parameters so that the file schema can be properly retrieved.

1. Set the Field and Row separators in the File Settings area.

If needed, change the figures in the Field Separator field to specify the column lengths precisely.

If the row separator of your file is not the standard EOL, select Custom String from the Row Separator
list and specify the character string in the Corresponding Character field.

2. In the Regular Expression settings panel, enter the regular expression to be used to delimit the file.

Make sure to include the Regex code in single or double quotes accordingly.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 245

Centralizing File Regex metadata

3. If your file has any header rows to be excluded from the data content, select the Header check box in the
Rows To Skip area and define the number of rows to be ignored in the corresponding field. Also, if you know
that the file contains footer information, select the Footer check box and set the number of rows to be ignored.

4. The Limit of Rows allows you to restrict the extend of the file being parsed. If needed, select the Limit check
box and set or select the desired number of rows.

5. If the file contains column labels, select the Set heading row as column names check box to transform the
first parsed row to labels for schema columns. Note that the number of header rows to be skipped is then
incremented by 1.

6. Then click Refresh preview to take the changes into account. The button changes to Stop until the preview
is refreshed.

7. Click Next to proceed to the next view where you can check and customize the generated Regex File schema.

Checking and customizing the file schema

1. Rename the schema (by default, metadata) and edit the schema columns as needed.

Make sure the data type in the Type column is correctly defined.

For more information regarding Java data types, including date pattern, see Java API Specification.

Below are the commonly used Talend data types:

Object: a generic Talend data type that allows processing data without regard to its content, for example,
a data file not otherwise supported can be processed with a tFileInputRaw component by specifying that
it has a data type of Object.

List: a space-separated list of primitive type elements in an XML Schema definition, defined using the
xsd:list element.

Document: a data type that allows processing an entire XML document without regarding to its content.

2. To retrieve or update the Regex File schema, click Guess. Note however that any edits to the schema might
be lost after guessing the file based schema.

3. When done, click Finish to close the wizard.

The new schema is displayed under the relevant File regex node in the Repository tree view. You can drop
the defined metadata from the Repository onto the design workspace as a new component or onto an existing
component to reuse the metadata. For further information about how to use the centralized metadata in a Job, see
How to use centralized metadata in a Job and How to set a repository schema.

246 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing XML file metadata

To modify an existing file connection, right-click it from the Repository tree view, and select Edit file regex to
open the file metadata setup wizard.

To add a new schema to an existing file connection, right-click the connection from the Repository tree view and
select Retrieve Schema from the contextual menu.

To edit an existing file schema, right-click the schema from the Repository tree view and select Edit Schema
from the contextual menu.

10.8. Centralizing XML file metadata

If you often need to connect to an XML file, you may want to use the [New Xml File] wizard to centralize your
connection to the file and the schema retrieved from it in your Repository for easy reuse.

Depending on the option you select, the wizard helps you create either an input or an output file connection. In a
Job, the tFileInputXML and tExtractXMLField components use the input connection created to read XML files,
whereas tAdvancedFileOutputXML uses the output schema created to either write an XML file, or to update
an existing XML file.

For further information about reading an XML file, see Setting up XML metadata for an input file.

For further information about writing an XML file, see Setting up XML metadata for an output file.

To create an XML file connection from scratch, expand the Metadata node in the Repository tree view, right-
click File XML and select Create file XML from the contextual menu to open the file metadata setup wizard.

To centralize a file connection and its schema you have defined in a Job, click the icon in the Basic settings
view of the relevant component with its Property Type set to Built-in to open the file metadata setup wizard.

Then define the general properties and file schema in the wizard.

10.8.1. Setting up XML metadata for an input file

This section describes how to define a file connection and upload an XML schema for an input file. To define and
upload an output file, see Setting up XML metadata for an output file.

Defining the general properties

In this step, the general metadata properties such as the Name, Purpose and Description are set.

1. In the file metadata setup wizard, fill in the Name field, which is mandatory, and the Purpose and Description
fields if you choose to do so. The information you provide in the Description field will appear as a tooltip
when you move your mouse pointer over the file connection.

When you enter the general properties of the metadata to be created, you need to define the type of connection as
either input or output. It is therefore advisable to enter information that will help you distinguish between your input
and output schemas.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 247

Setting up XML metadata for an input file

2. If needed, set the version and status in the Version and Status fields respectively. You can also manage
the version and status of a Repository item in the [Project Settings] dialog box. For more information, see
Version management and Status management respectively.

3. If needed, click the Select button next to the Path field to select a folder under the File XML node to hold your
newly created file connection. Note that you cannot select a folder if you are editing an existing connection,
but you can drag and drop it to a new folder whenever you want.

4. Click Next to select the type of metadata.

Setting the type of metadata (input)

In this step, the type of metadata is set as either input or output. For this procedure, the metadata of interest is input.

1. In the dialog box, select Input XML.

248 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Setting up XML metadata for an input file

2. Click Next to upload the input file.

Uploading an XML file

This procedure describes how to upload an XML file to obtain the XML tree structure. To upload an XML Schema
Definition (XSD) file, see Uploading an XSD file.

The example input XML file used to demonstrate this step contains some contact information, and the structure
is like the following:


To upload an XML file, do the following:

1. Click Browse... and browse your directory to the XML file to be uploaded. Alternatively, enter the access
path to the file.

The Schema Viewer area displays a preview of the XML structure. You can expand and visualize every
level of the file's XML tree structure.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 249

Setting up XML metadata for an input file

2. Enter the Encoding type in the corresponding field if the system does not detect it automatically.

3. In the Limit field, enter the number of columns on which the XPath query is to be executed, or 0 if you want
to run it against all of the columns.

4. Click Next to define the schema parameters.

Uploading an XSD file

This procedure describes how to upload an XSD file to obtain the XML tree structure. To upload an XML file,
see Uploading an XML file.

An XSD file is used to define the schema of XML files. The structure and element data types of the example XML
file above can be described using the following XSD, which is used as the example XSD input in this section.

<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" elementFormDefault="qualified">

<xs:element name="contactInfo">
<xs:element maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="contact"/>
<xs:element name="contact">

250 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Setting up XML metadata for an input file

<xs:element ref="id"/>
<xs:element ref="firstName"/>
<xs:element ref="lastName"/>
<xs:element ref="company"/>
<xs:element ref="city"/>
<xs:element ref="phone"/>
<xs:element name="id" type="xs:integer"/>
<xs:element name="firstName" type="xs:NCName"/>
<xs:element name="lastName" type="xs:NCName"/>
<xs:element name="company" type="xs:NCName"/>
<xs:element name="city" type="xs:NCName"/>
<xs:element name="phone" type="xs:integer"/>

For more information on XML Schema, see http://www.w3.org/XML/Schema.

When loading an XSD file,

the data will be saved in the Repository, and therefore the metadata will not be affected by the deletion or displacement
of the file.

you can choose an element as the root of your XML tree.

To load an XSD file, do the following:

1. Click Browse... and browse your directory to the XSD file to be uploaded. Alternatively, enter the access
path to the file.

2. In the dialog box the appears, select an element from the Root list as the root of your XML tree, and click OK.

The Schema Viewer area displays a preview of the XML structure. You can expand and visualize every
level of the file's XML tree structure.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 251

Setting up XML metadata for an input file

3. Enter the Encoding type in the corresponding field if the system does not detect it automatically.

4. In the Limit field, enter the number of columns on which the XPath query is to be executed, or 0 if you want
to run it against all of the columns.

5. Click Next to define the schema parameters.

Defining the schema

In this step the schema parameters are set.

252 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Setting up XML metadata for an input file

The schema definition window is composed of four views:

View Description
Source Schema Tree view of the XML file.
Target Schema Extraction and iteration information.
Preview Preview of the target schema, together with the input data of the selected
columns displayed in the defined order.

The preview functionality is not available if you loaded an XSD

File Viewer Preview of the brute data.

First define an Xpath loop and the maximum number of times the loop can run. To do so:

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 253

Setting up XML metadata for an input file

1. Populate the XPath loop expression field with the absolute XPath expression for the node to be iterated
upon. There are two ways to do this, either:

enter the absolute XPath expression for the node to be iterated upon (Enter the full expression or press
Ctrl+Space to use the autocompletion list),

drop a node from the tree view under Source schema onto the Absolute XPath expression field.

An orange arrow links the node to the corresponding expression.

The Xpath loop expression field is mandatory.

2. In the Loop limit field, specify the maximum number of times the selected node can be iterated, or -1 if you
want to run it against all of the rows.

3. Define the fields to be extracted dragging the node(s) of interest from the Source Schema tree into the
Relative or absolute XPath expression fields.

You can select several nodes to drop on the table by pressing Ctrl or Shift and clicking the nodes of interest. The
arrow linking an individual node selected on the Source Schema to the Fields to extract table are blue in colour.
The other ones are gray.

4. If needed, you can add as many columns to be extracted as necessary, delete columns or change the column
order using the toolbar:

Add or delete a column using the and buttons.

Change the order of the columns using the and buttons.

254 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Setting up XML metadata for an input file

5. In the Column name fields, enter labels for the columns to be displayed in the schema Preview area.

6. Click Refresh Preview to display a preview of the target schema. The fields are consequently displayed in
the schema according to the defined order.

The preview functionality is not available if you loaded an XSD file.

7. Click Next to check and edit the end schema.

Finalizing the end schema

The schema generated displays the columns selected from the XML file and allows you to further define the

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 255

Setting up XML metadata for an input file

1. If needed, rename the metadata in the Name field (metadata, by default), add a Comment, and make further
modifications, for example:

Redefine the columns by editing the relevant fields.

Add or delete a column using the and buttons.

Change the order of the columns using the and buttons.

Make sure the data type in the Type column is correctly defined.

For more information regarding Java data types, including date pattern, see Java API Specification.

Below are the commonly used Talend data types:

Object: a generic Talend data type that allows processing data without regard to its content, for example,
a data file not otherwise supported can be processed with a tFileInputRaw component by specifying that
it has a data type of Object.

256 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Setting up XML metadata for an output file

List: a space-separated list of primitive type elements in an XML Schema definition, defined using the
xsd:list element.

Document: a data type that allows processing an entire XML document without regarding to its content.

2. If the XML file which the schema is based on has been changed, click the Guess button to generate the
schema again. Note that if you have customized the schema, the Guess feature does not retain these changes.

3. Click Finish. The new file connection, along with it schema, appears under the File XML node in the
Repository tree view.

Now you can drag and drop the file connection or any schema of it from the Repository tree view onto the design
workspace as a new tFileInputXML or tExtractXMLField component or onto an existing component to reuse
the metadata. For further information about how to use the centralized metadata in a Job, see How to use centralized
metadata in a Joband How to set a repository schema.

To modify an existing file connection, right-click it from the Repository tree view, and select Edit file xml to
open the file metadata setup wizard.

To add a new schema to an existing file connection, right-click the connection from the Repository tree view and
select Retrieve Schema from the contextual menu.

To edit an existing file schema, right-click the schema from the Repository tree view and select Edit Schema
from the contextual menu.

10.8.2. Setting up XML metadata for an output file

This section describes how to define a file connection and upload an XML schema for an output file. To define
and upload an XML schema for an input file, see Setting up XML metadata for an input file.

Defining the general properties

In this step, the general metadata properties such as the Name, Purpose and Description are set.

1. In the file metadata setup wizard, fill in the Name field, which is mandatory, and the Purpose and Description
fields if you choose to do so. The information you provide in the Description field will appear as a tooltip
when you move your mouse pointer over the file connection.

When you enter the general properties of the metadata to be created, you need to define the type of connection as
either input or output. It is therefore advisable to enter information that will help you distinguish between your input
and output schemas.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 257

Setting up XML metadata for an output file

2. If needed, set the version and status in the Version and Status fields respectively. You can also manage
the version and status of a repository item in the [Project Settings] dialog box. For more information, see
Version management and Status management respectively.

3. If needed, click the Select button next to the Path field to select a folder under the File XML node to hold your
newly created file connection. Note that you cannot select a folder if you are editing an existing connection,
but you can drag and drop it to a new folder whenever you want.

4. Click Next to select the type of metadata.

Setting the type of metadata (output)

In this step, the type of metadata is set as either input or output. For this procedure, the metadata of interest is output.

1. From the dialog box, select Output XML.

258 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Setting up XML metadata for an output file

2. Click Next to define the output file, either from an XML or XSD file or from scratch.

Defining the output file structure using an existing XML file

In this step, you will choose whether to create your file manually or from an existing XML or XSD file. If
you choose the Create manually option you will have to configure your schema, source and target columns
yourself at step 4 in the wizard. The file will be created in a Job using a an XML output component such as

In this procedure, we will create the output file structure by loading an existing XML. To create the output XML
structure from an XSD file, see Defining the output file structure using an XSD file.

To create the output XML structure from an XML file, do the following:

1. Select the Create from a file option.

2. Click the Browse... button next to the XML or XSD File field, browse to the access path to the XML file
the structure of which is to be applied to the output file, and double-click the file.

The File Viewer area displays a preview of the XML structure, and the File Content area displays a maximum
of the first 50 rows of the file.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 259

Setting up XML metadata for an output file

3. Enter the Encoding type in the corresponding field if the system does not detect it automatically.

4. In the Limit field, enter the number of columns on which the XPath query is to be executed, or enter 0 if
you want it to be run against all of the columns.

5. In the Output File field, in the Output File Path zone, browse to or enter the path to the output file. If the
file does not exist as yet, it will be created during the execution of a Job using a tAdvancedFileOutputXML
component. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten.

6. Click Next to define the schema.

260 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Setting up XML metadata for an output file

Defining the output file structure using an XSD file

This procedure describes how to define the output XML file structure from an XSD file. To define the XML
structure from an XML file, see Defining the output file structure using an existing XML file.

When loading an XSD file,

the data will be saved in the Repository, and therefore the metadata will not be affected by the deletion or displacement
of the file.

you can choose an element as the root of your XML tree.

To create the output XML structure from an XSD file, do the following:

1. Select the Create from a file option.

2. Click the Browse... button next to the XML or XSD File field, browse to the access path to the XSD file the
structure of which is to be applied to the output file, and double-click the file.

3. In the dialog box the appears, select an element from the Root list as the root of your XML tree, and click OK.

The File Viewer area displays a preview of the XML structure, and the File Content area displays a maximum
of the first 50 rows of the file.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 261

Setting up XML metadata for an output file

4. Enter the Encoding type in the corresponding field if the system does not detect it automatically.

5. In the Limit field, enter the number of columns on which the XPath query is to be executed, or enter 0 if
you want it to be run against all of the columns.

6. In the Output File field, in the Output File Path zone, browse to or enter the path to the output file. If the
file does not exist as yet, it will be created during the execution of a Job using a tAdvancedFileOutputXML
component. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten.

7. Click Next to define the schema.

Defining the schema

Upon completion of the previous operations, the columns in the Linker Source area are automatically mapped to
the corresponding ones in the Linker Target area, as indicated by blue arrow links.

262 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Setting up XML metadata for an output file

In this step, you need to define the output schema. The following table describes how:

To... Perform the following...

Create a schema from scratch or In the Linker Source area, click the Schema Management button to open the schema editor.
edit the source schema columns
to pass to the output schema
Define a loop element In the Linker Target area, right-click the element of interest and select Set As Loop Element
from the contextual menu.

It is a mandatory operation to define an element to run a loop on.

Define a group element In the Linker Target area, right-click the element of interest and select Set As Group Element
from the contextual menu.

You can set a parent element of the loop element as a group element on the condition
that the parent element is not the root of the XML tree.
Create a child element for an In the Linker Target area,
Right-click the element of interest and select Add Sub-element from the contextual menu, enter
a name for the sub-element in the dialog box that appears, and click OK,

Select the element of interest, click the [+] button at the bottom, select Create as sub-element
in the dialog box that appears, and click OK. Then, enter a name for the sub-element in the next
dialog box and click OK.
Create an attribute for an element In the Linker Target area,

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 263

Setting up XML metadata for an output file

To... Perform the following...

Right-click the element of interest and select Add Attribute from the contextual menu, enter a
name for the attribute in the dialog box that appears, and click OK,

Select the element of interest, click the [+] button at the bottom, select Create as attribute in
the dialog box that appears, and click OK. Then, enter a name for the attribute in the next dialog
box and click OK.
Create a name space for an In the Linker Target area,
Right-click the element of interest and select Add Name Space from the contextual menu, enter
a name for the name space in the dialog box that appears, and click OK,

Select the element of interest, click the [+] button at the bottom, select Create as name space
in the dialog box that appears, and click OK. Then, enter a name for the name space in the next
dialog box and click OK.
Delete one or more elements/ In the Linker Target area,
attributes/name spaces
Right-click the element(s)/attribute(s)/name space(s) of interest and select Delete from the
contextual menu

Select the element(s)/attribute(s)/name space(s) of interest and click the [x] button at the bottom

Select the element(s)/attribute(s)/name space(s) of interest and press the Delete key.

Deleting an element will also delete its children, if any.

Adjust the order of one or more In the Linker Target area, select the element(s) of interest and click the and buttons.
Set a static value for an element/ In the Linker Target area, right-click the element/attribute/name space of interest and select Set
attribute/name space A Fix Value from the contextual menu.

The value you set will replace any value retrieved for the corresponding column from
the incoming data flow in your Job.

You can set a static value for a child element of the loop element only, on the condition
that the element does not have its own children and does not have a source-target
mapping on it.
Create a source-target mapping Select the column of interest in the Linker Source area, drop it onto the node of interest in the
Linker Target area, and select Create as sub-element of target node, Create as attribute of
target node, or Add linker to target node according to your need in the dialog box that appears,
and click OK.

If you choose an option that is not permitted for the target node, you will see a warning message
and your operation will fail.
Remove a source-target mapping In the Linker Target area, right-click the node of interest and select Disconnect Linker from the
contextual menu.
Create an XML tree from another Right-click any schema item in the Linker Target area and select Import XML Tree from
XML or XSD file the contextual menu to load another XML or XSD file. Then, you need to create source-target
mappings manually and define the output schema all again.

You can select and drop several fields at a time, using the Ctrl + Shift technique to make multiple selections, therefore
making mapping faster. You can also make multiple selections for right-click operations.

1. In the Linker Target area, right-click the element you want to run a loop on and select Set As Loop Element
from the contextual menu.

264 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Setting up XML metadata for an output file

2. Define other output file properties as needed, and then click Next to view and customize the end schema.

Finalizing the end schema

Step 5 of the wizard displays the end schema generated and allows you to further define the schema.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 265

Setting up XML metadata for an output file

1. If needed, rename the metadata in the Name field (metadata, by default), add a Comment, and make further
modifications, for example:

Redefine the columns by editing the relevant fields.

Add or delete a column using the [+] and [x] buttons.

Change the order of the columns using the and buttons.

2. If the XML file which the schema is based on has been changed, click the Guess button to generate the
schema again. Note that if you have customized the schema, the Guess feature does not retain these changes.

3. Click Finish. The new file connection, along with its schema, is displayed under the relevant File XML
metadata node in the Repository tree view.

Now you can drag and drop the file connection or any schema of it from the Repository tree view onto the design
workspace as a new tAdvancedFileOutputXML component or onto an existing component to reuse the metadata.

To modify an existing file connection, right-click it from the Repository tree view, and select Edit file xml to
open the file metadata setup wizard.

To add a new schema to an existing file connection, right-click the connection from the Repository tree view and
select Retrieve Schema from the contextual menu.

To edit an existing file schema, right-click the schema from the Repository tree view and select Edit Schema
from the contextual menu.

266 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing File Excel metadata

10.9. Centralizing File Excel metadata

If you often need to read data from and/or write data to a certain Excel spreadsheet file, you may want to centralize
the connection to the file, along with its data structure, in the Repository for easy reuse. This will save you much
effort because you will not have to define the metadata details manually in the relevant components each time
you use the file.

You can centralize an Excel file connection either from an existing Excel file, or from Excel file property settings
defined in a Job.

To centralize a File Excel connection and its schema from an Excel file, expand Metadata in the Repository
tree view, right-click File Excel and select Create file Excel from the contextual menu to open the file metadata
setup wizard.

To centralize a file connection and its schema you have already defined in a Job, click the icon in the Basic
settings view of the relevant component, with its Property Type set to Built-in, to open the file metadata setup

Then complete these tasks step by step following the wizard:

Define the general information that will identify the file connection. See Defining the general properties.

Load the file of interest. See Loading the file.

Parse the file to retrieve the file schema. See Parsing the file.

Finalize the file schema. See Finalizing the end schema.

Defining the general properties

1. In the file metadata setup wizard, fill in the Name field, which is mandatory, and the Purpose and Description
fields if needed. The information you provide in the Description field will appear as a tooltip when you move
your mouse pointer over the file connection.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 267

Centralizing File Excel metadata

2. If needed, set the version and status in the Version and Status fields respectively. You can also manage
the version and status of a repository item in the [Project Settings] dialog box. For more information, see
Version management and Status management respectively.

3. If needed, click the Select button next to the Path field to select a folder under the File Excel node to hold
your newly created file connection.

4. Click Next to proceed with file settings.

Loading the file

1. Click the Browse... button to browse to the file and fill out the File field.

Skip this step if you are saving an Excel file connection defined in a component because the file path is
already filled in the File field.

268 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing File Excel metadata

2. If the uploaded file is an Excel 2007 file, make sure that the Read excel2007 file format(xlsx) check box
is selected.

3. By default, user mode is selected. If the uploaded xlsx file is extremely large, select Less memory consumed
for large excel(Event mode) from the Generation mode list to prevent out-of-memory errors.

4. In the File viewer and sheets setting area, view the file content and the select the sheet or sheets of interest.

From the Please select sheet drop-down list, select the sheet you want to view. The preview table displays
the content of the selected sheet.

By default the file preview table displays the first sheet of the file.

From the Set sheets parameters list, select the check box next to the sheet or sheets you want to upload.

If you select more than one sheet, the result schema will be the combination of the structures of all the
selected sheets.

5. Click Next to continue.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 269

Centralizing File Excel metadata

Parsing the file

In this step of the wizard, you can define the various settings of your file so that the file schema can be properly

1. Specify the encoding, advanced separator for numbers, and the rows that should be skipped as they are header
or footer, according to your Excel file.

2. If needed, fill the First column and Last column fields with integers to set precisely the columns to be read
in the file. For example, if you want to skip the first column as it may not contain proper data to be processed,
fill the First column field with 2 to set the second column of the file as the first column of the schema.

To retrieve the schema of an Excel file you do not need to parse all the rows of the file, especially when you
have uploaded a large file. To limit the number of rows to parse, select the Limit check box in the Limit Of
Rows area and set or select the desired number of rows.

3. If your Excel file has a header row, select the Set heading row as column names check box to take into
account the heading names. Click Refresh to view the result of all the previous changes in the preview table.

4. Then click Next to continue.

Finalizing the end schema

The last step of the wizard shows the end schema generated and allows you to customize the schema according
to your needs.

270 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing File Excel metadata

Note that any character which could be misinterpreted by the program is replaced by neutral characters. For
example, asterisks are replaced with underscores.

1. If needed, rename the schema (by default, metadata) and leave a comment.

Customize the schema if needed: add, remove or move schema columns, export the schema to an XML file,
or replace the schema by importing an schema definition XML file using the tool bar.

Make sure the data type in the Type column is correctly defined.

For more information regarding Java data types, including date pattern, see Java API Specification.

Below are the commonly used Talend data types:

Object: a generic Talend data type that allows processing data without regard to its content, for example,
a data file not otherwise supported can be processed with a tFileInputRaw component by specifying that
it has a data type of Object.

List: a space-separated list of primitive type elements in an XML Schema definition, defined using the
xsd:list element.

Document: a data type that allows processing an entire XML document without regarding to its content.

2. If the Excel file which the schema is based on has been changed, click the Guess button to generate the
schema again. Note that if you have customized the schema, the Guess feature does not retain these changes.

3. Click Finish. The new schema is displayed under the relevant File Excel connection node in the Repository
tree view.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 271

Centralizing File LDIF metadata

Now you can drag and drop the file connection or the schema of it from the Repository tree view onto the design
workspace as a new component or onto an existing component to reuse the metadata. For further information
about how to use the centralized metadata in a Job, see How to use centralized metadata in a Joband How to set
a repository schema.

To modify an existing file connection, right-click it from the Repository tree view, and select Edit file Excel to
open the file metadata setup wizard.

To add a new schema to an existing file connection, right-click the connection from the Repository tree view and
select Retrieve Schema from the contextual menu.

To edit an existing file schema, right-click the schema from the Repository tree view and select Edit Schema
from the contextual menu.

10.10. Centralizing File LDIF metadata

LDIF files are directory files described by attributes. If you often need to read certain LDIF files, you may want
to centralize the connections to these LDIF-type files and their attribute descriptions in the Repository for easy
reuse. This way you will not have to define the metadata details manually in the relevant components each time
you use the files.

You can centralize an LDIF file connection either from an existing LDIF file, or from the LDIF file property
settings defined in a Job.

To centralize an LDIF connection and its schema from an LDIF file, expand Metadata in the Repository tree view,
right-click File ldif and select Create file ldif from the contextual menu to open the file metadata setup wizard.

To centralize a file connection and its schema you have already defined in a Job, click the icon in the Basic
settings view of the relevant component, with its Property Type set to Built-in, to open the file metadata setup

Then complete these steps following the wizard:

Make sure that you have installed the required third-party module as described in the Talend Installation and Upgrade

1. Fill in the general information in the relevant fields to identify the LDIF file metadata, including Name,
Purpose and Description.

The Name field is required, and the information you provide in the Description field will appear as a tooltip
when you move your mouse pointer over the file connection.

272 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing File LDIF metadata

2. If needed, set the version and status in the Version and Status fields respectively. You can also manage
the version and status of a repository item in the [Project Settings] dialog box. For more information, see
Version management and Status management respectively.

3. If needed, click the Select button next to the Path field to select a folder under the File ldif node to hold
your newly created file connection.

Click Next to proceed with file settings.

4. Click the Browse... button to browse to the file and fill out the File field.

Skip this step if you are saving an LDIF file connection defined in a component because the file path is
already filled in the File field.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 273

Centralizing File LDIF metadata

5. Check the first 50 rows of the file in the File Viewer area and click Next to continue.

6. From the list of attributes of the loaded file, select the attributes you want to include the file schema, and
click Refresh Preview to preview the selected attributes.

Then click Next to proceed with schema finalization.

274 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing File LDIF metadata

7. If needed, customize the generated schema:

Rename the schema (by default, metadata) and leave a comment.

Add, remove or move schema columns, export the schema to an XML file, or replace the schema by
importing an schema definition XML file using the tool bar.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 275

Centralizing File LDIF metadata

Make sure the data type in the Type column is correctly defined.

For more information regarding Java data types, including date pattern, see Java API Specification.

Below are the commonly used Talend data types:

Object: a generic Talend data type that allows processing data without regard to its content, for example,
a data file not otherwise supported can be processed with a tFileInputRaw component by specifying that
it has a data type of Object.

List: a space-separated list of primitive type elements in an XML Schema definition, defined using the
xsd:list element.

Document: a data type that allows processing an entire XML document without regarding to its content.

8. If the LDIF file on which the schema is based has been changed, click the Guess button to generate the
schema again. Note that if you have customized the schema, the Guess feature does not retain these changes.

9. Click Finish. The new schema is displayed under the relevant Ldif file connection node in the Repository
tree view.

Now you can drag and drop the file connection or the schema of it from the Repository tree view onto the design
workspace as a new component or onto an existing component to reuse the metadata. For further information

276 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing JSON file metadata

about how to use the centralized metadata in a Job, see How to use centralized metadata in a Joband How to set
a repository schema.

To modify an existing file connection, right-click it from the Repository tree view, and select Edit file ldif to
open the file metadata setup wizard.

To add a new schema to an existing file connection, right-click the connection from the Repository tree view and
select Retrieve Schema from the contextual menu.

To edit an existing file schema, right-click the schema from the Repository tree view and select Edit Schema
from the contextual menu.

10.11. Centralizing JSON file metadata

If you often need to use a JSON file, you may want to use the [New Json File] wizard to centralize the file
connection, XPath query statements, and data structure in the Repository for easy reuse.

Depending on the option you select, the wizard helps you create either an input or an output file connections. In a
Job, the tFileInputJSON and tExtractJSONFields components use the input schema created to read JSON files/
fields, whereas tWriteJSONField uses the output schema created to write a JSON field, which can be saved in
a file by tFileOutputJSON or extracted by tExtractJSONFields.

For information about setting up input JSON file metadata, see Setting up JSON metadata for an input file.

For information about setting up output JSON metadata, see Setting up JSON metadata for an output file.

In the Repository view, expand the Metadata node, right click File JSON, and select Create JSON Schema
from the contextual menu to open the [New Json File] wizard.

10.11.1. Setting up JSON metadata for an input file

This section describes how to define a file connection and upload a JSON schema for an input file. To define an
output JSON file connection and schema, see Setting up JSON metadata for an output file.

Defining the general properties

1. In the wizard, fill in the general information in the relevant fields to identify the JSON file metadata, including
Name, Purpose and Description.

The Name field is required, and the information you provide in the Description field will appear as a tooltip
when you move your mouse pointer over the file connection.

In this step, it is advisable to enter information that will help you distinguish between your input and output connections,
which will be defined in the next step.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 277

Setting up JSON metadata for an input file

2. If needed, set the version and status in the Version and Status fields respectively.

You can also manage the version and status of a repository item in the [Project Settings] dialog box. For
more information, see Version management and Status management respectively.

3. If needed, click the Select button next to the Path field to select a folder under the File Json node to hold
your newly created file connection.

4. Click Next to select the type of metadata.

Setting the type of metadata and loading the input file

1. In the dialog box, select Input Json and click Next to proceed to the next step of the wizard to load the
input file.

278 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Setting up JSON metadata for an input file

2. From the Read By list box, select the type of query to read the source JSON file.

JsonPath: read the JSON data based on a JsonPath query.

This is the default and recommended query type to read JSON data in order to gain performance and to
avoid problems that you may encounter when reading JSON data based on an XPath query.

Xpath: read the JSON data based on an XPath query.

3. Click Browse... and browse your directory to the JSON file to be uploaded. Alternatively, enter the full path
to the file or the URL that links to the JSON file.

In this example, the input JSON file has the following content:

{"movieCollection": [
"type": "Action Movie",
"name": "Brave Heart",
"details": {
"release": "1995",
"rating": "5",
"starring": "Mel Gibson"
"type": "Action Movie",
"name": "Edge of Darkness",
"details": {
"release": "2010",
"rating": "5",
"starring": "Mel Gibson"

The Schema Viewer area displays a preview of the JSON structure. You can expand and visualize every
level of the file's JSON tree structure.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 279

Setting up JSON metadata for an input file

4. Enter the Encoding type in the corresponding field if the system does not detect it automatically.

5. In the Limit field, enter the number of levels in the JSON hierarchical depth to which you want to limit the
JsonPath or XPath query, 0 for no limits.

Setting this parameter to a value less than 5 can help prevent the wizard from hanging in case of a large
JSON file.

6. Click Next to define the schema parameters.

Defining the schema

In this step you will set the schema parameters.

280 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Setting up JSON metadata for an input file

The schema definition window is composed of four views:

View Description
Source Schema Tree view of the JSON file.
Target Schema Extraction and iteration information.
Preview Preview of the target schema, together with the input data of the selected
columns displayed in the defined order.
File Viewer Preview of the JSON file's data.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 281

Setting up JSON metadata for an input file

1. Populate the Path loop expression field with the absolute JsonPath or XPath expression, depending on the
type of query you have selected, for the node to be iterated upon. There are two ways to do this, either:

enter the absolute JsonPath or XPath expression for the node to be iterated upon (enter the full expression
or press Ctrl+Space to use the autocompletion list),

drag the loop element node from the tree view under Source schema into the Absolute path expression
field of the Path loop expression table.

An orange arrow links the node to the corresponding expression.

The Path loop expression definition is mandatory.

2. In the Loop limit field, specify the maximum number of times the selected node can be iterated.

3. Define the fields to be extracted by dragging the nodes from the Source Schema tree into the Relative or
absolute path expression fields of the Fields to extract table.

You can select several nodes to drop onto the table by pressing Ctrl or Shift and clicking the nodes of interest.

4. If needed, you can add as many columns to be extracted as necessary, delete columns or change the column
order using the toolbar:

Add or delete a column using the [+] and [x] buttons.

Change the order of the columns using the and buttons.

5. If you want your file schema to have different column names than those retrieved from the input file, enter
new names in the corresponding Column name fields.

282 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Setting up JSON metadata for an input file

6. Click Refresh Preview to preview the target schema. The fields are consequently displayed in the schema
according to the defined order.

7. Click Next to finalize the schema.

Finalizing the schema

The last step of the wizard shows the end schema generated and allows you to customize the schema according
to your needs.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 283

Setting up JSON metadata for an output file

1. If needed, rename the schema (by default, metadata) and leave a comment.

Customize the schema if needed: add, remove or move schema columns, export the schema to an XML file,
or replace the schema by importing an schema definition XML file using the tool bar.

Make sure the data type in the Type column is correctly defined.

For more information regarding Java data types, including date pattern, see Java API Specification.

Below are the commonly used Talend data types:

Object: a generic Talend data type that allows processing data without regard to its content, for example,
a data file not otherwise supported can be processed with a tFileInputRaw component by specifying that
it has a data type of Object.

List: a space-separated list of primitive type elements in an XML Schema definition, defined using the
xsd:list element.

Document: a data type that allows processing an entire XML document without regarding to its content.

2. If the JSON file which the schema is based on has been changed, click the Guess button to generate the
schema again. Note that if you have customized the schema, the Guess feature does not retain these changes.

3. Click Finish. The new file connection, along with its schema, is displayed under the relevant File Json
metadata node in the Repository tree view.

Now you can drag and drop the file connection or the schema of it from the Repository tree view onto the design
workspace as a new tFileInputJSON or tExtractJSONFields component or onto an existing component to reuse
the metadata. For further information about how to use the centralized metadata in a Job, see How to use centralized
metadata in a Job and How to set a repository schema.

To modify an existing file connection, right-click it from the Repository tree view, and select Edit JSON to open
the file metadata setup wizard.

To add a new schema to an existing file connection, right-click the connection from the Repository tree view and
select Retrieve Schema from the contextual menu.

To edit an existing file schema, right-click the schema from the Repository tree view and select Edit Schema
from the contextual menu.

10.11.2. Setting up JSON metadata for an output file

This section describes how to define JSON metadata for an output file. To define JSON metadata for an input file,
see Setting up JSON metadata for an input file.

Defining general properties

1. In the wizard, fill in the general information in the relevant fields to identify the JSON file metadata, including
Name, Purpose and Description.

The Name field is required, and the information you provide in the Description field will appear as a tooltip
when you move your mouse pointer over the file connection.

In this step, it is advisable to enter information that will help you distinguish between your input and output connections,
which will be defined in the next step.

284 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Setting up JSON metadata for an output file

2. If needed, set the version and status in the Version and Status fields respectively.

You can also manage the version and status of a repository item in the [Project Settings] dialog box. For
more information, see Version management and Status management respectively.

3. If needed, click the Select button next to the Path field to select a folder under the File Json node to hold
your newly created file connection.

4. Click Next to set the type of metadata.

Setting the type of metadata and loading the template JSON file

In this step, the type of schema is set as either input or output. For this procedure, the schema of interest is output.

1. From the dialog box, select Output JSON click Next to proceed to the next step of the wizard.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 285

Setting up JSON metadata for an output file

2. Choose whether to create the output metadata manually or from an existing JSON file as a template.

If you choose the Create manually option you will have to configure the schema and link the source and
target columns yourself. The output JSON file/field is created via a Job using a JSON output component such
as tWriteJSONField.

In this example, we will create the output metadata by loading an existing JSON file. Therefore, select the
Create from a file option.

3. Click the Browse... button next to the JSON File field, browse to the access path to the JSON file the structure
of which is to be applied to the output JSON file/field, and double-click the file. Alternatively, enter the full
path to the file or the URL which links to the template JSON file.

The File Viewer area displays a preview of the JSON structure, and the File Content area displays a
maximum of the first 50 rows of the file.

286 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Setting up JSON metadata for an output file

4. Enter the Encoding type in the corresponding field if the system does not detect it automatically.

5. In the Limit field, enter the number of levels in the JSON hierarchical depth to which you want to limit the
JsonPath or XPath query, 0 for no limits.

Setting this parameter to a value less than 5 can help prevent the wizard from hanging in case of a large
JSON file.

6. Optionally, specify an output file path.

7. Click Next to define the schema.

Defining the schema

Upon completion of the previous operations, the columns in the Linker Source area are automatically mapped to
the corresponding ones in the Linker Target area, as indicated by blue arrow links..

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 287

Setting up JSON metadata for an output file

In this step, you need to define the output schema. The following table describes how:

To... Perform the following...

Define a loop element In the Linker Target area, right-click the element of interest and select Set As Loop Element
from the contextual menu.

It is a mandatory operation to define an element to run a loop on.

Define a group element In the Linker Target area, right-click the element of interest and select Set As Group Element
from the contextual menu.

You can set a parent element of the loop element as a group element on the condition
that the parent element is not the root of the JSON tree.
Create a child element for an In the Linker Target area,
Right-click the element of interest and select Add Sub-element from the contextual menu, enter
a name for the sub-element in the dialog box that appears, and click OK.

Select the element of interest, click the [+] button at the bottom, select Create as sub-element
in the dialog box that appears, and click OK. Then, enter a name for the sub-element in the next
dialog box and click OK.
Create an attribute for an element In the Linker Target area,

Right-click the element of interest and select Add Attribute from the contextual menu, enter a
name for the attribute in the dialog box that appears, and click OK.

288 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Setting up JSON metadata for an output file

To... Perform the following...

Select the element of interest, click the [+] button at the bottom, select Create as attribute in
the dialog box that appears, and click OK. Then, enter a name for the attribute in the next dialog
box and click OK.
Create a name space for an In the Linker Target area,
Right-click the element of interest and select Add Name Space from the contextual menu, enter
a name for the name space in the dialog box that appears, and click OK.

Select the element of interest, click the [+] button at the bottom, select Create as name space
in the dialog box that appears, and click OK. Then, enter a name for the name space in the next
dialog box and click OK.
Delete one or more elements/ In the Linker Target area,
attributes/name spaces
Right-click the element(s)/attribute(s)/name space(s) of interest and select Delete from the
contextual menu.

Select the element(s)/attribute(s)/name space(s) of interest and click the [x] button at the bottom.

Select the element(s)/attribute(s)/name space(s) of interest and press the Delete key.

Deleting an element will also delete its children, if any.

Adjust the order of one or more In the Linker Target area, select the element(s) of interest and click the and buttons.
Set a static value for an element/ In the Linker Target area, right-click the element/attribute/name space of interest and select Set
attribute/name space A Fix Value from the contextual menu.

The value you set will replace any value retrieved for the corresponding column from
the incoming data flow in your Job.

You can set a static value for a child element of the loop element only, on the condition
that the element does not have its own children and does not have a source-target
mapping on it.
Create a source-target mapping Select the column of interest in the Linker Source area, drop it onto the node of interest in the
Linker Target area, and select Create as sub-element of target node, Create as attribute of
target node, or Add linker to target node according to your need in the dialog box that appears,
and click OK.

If you choose an option that is not permitted for the target node, you will see a warning message
and your operation will fail.
Remove a source-target mapping In the Linker Target area, right-click the node of interest and select Disconnect Linker from the
contextual menu.
Create a JSON tree from another Right-click any schema item in the Linker Target area and select Import JSON Tree from
JSON file the contextual menu to load another JSON file. Then, you need to create source-target mappings
manually and define the output schema all again.

You can select and drop several fields at a time, using the Ctrl + Shift technique to make multiple selections, therefore
making mapping faster. You can also make multiple selections for right-click operations.

1. In the Linker Target area, right-click the element you want to set as the loop element and select Set As
Loop Element from the contextual menu.

In this example, define a loop to run on the details element.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 289

Setting up JSON metadata for an output file

2. Customize the mappings if needed.

3. Click Next to finalize the schema.

Finalizing the end schema

The last step of the wizard shows the end schema generated and allows you to customize the schema according
to your needs.

290 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Setting up JSON metadata for an output file

1. If needed, rename the schema (by default, metadata) and leave a comment.

Customize the schema if needed: add, remove or move schema columns, export the schema to an XML file,
or replace the schema by importing an schema definition XML file using the tool bar.

Make sure the data type in the Type column is correctly defined.

For more information regarding Java data types, including date pattern, see Java API Specification.

Below are the commonly used Talend data types:

Object: a generic Talend data type that allows processing data without regard to its content, for example,
a data file not otherwise supported can be processed with a tFileInputRaw component by specifying that
it has a data type of Object.

List: a space-separated list of primitive type elements in an XML Schema definition, defined using the
xsd:list element.

Document: a data type that allows processing an entire XML document without regarding to its content.

2. If the JSON file which the schema is based on has been changed, click the Guess button to generate the
schema again. Note that if you have customized the schema, the Guess feature does not retain these changes.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 291

Centralizing LDAP connection metadata

3. Click Finish. The new file connection, along with its schema, is displayed under the relevant File Json
metadata node in the Repository tree view.

Now you can drag and drop the file connection or the schema of it from the Repository tree view onto the design
workspace as a new tWriteJSONField component or onto an existing component to reuse the metadata. For
further information about how to use the centralized metadata in a Job, see How to use centralized metadata in
a Joband How to set a repository schema.

To modify an existing file connection, right-click it from the Repository tree view, and select Edit JSON to open
the file metadata setup wizard.

To add a new schema to an existing file connection, right-click the connection from the Repository tree view and
select Retrieve Schema from the contextual menu.

To edit an existing file schema, right-click the schema from the Repository tree view and select Edit Schema
from the contextual menu.

10.12. Centralizing LDAP connection

If you often need to access an LDAP directory, you want to centralize your LDAP server connection in the
Repository tree view for easy reuse.

You can create an LDAP connection either from an accessible LDAP directory, or by saving the LDAP settings
defined in a Job.

To create an LDAP connection from an accessible LDAP directory, expand the Metadata node in the Repository
tree view, right-click the LDAP tree node, and select Create LDAP schema from the contextual menu to open
the [Create new LDAP schema] wizard.

To centralize an LDAP connection and its schema you have already defined in a Job, click the icon in the
Basic settings view of the relevant component, with its Property Type set to Built-In, to open the [Create new
LDAP schema] wizard.

Unlike the DB connection wizard, the LDAP wizard gathers both LDAP server connection and schema definition
in a five-step procedure.

Defining the general properties

1. Fill in the general information in the relevant fields to identify the LDAP connection to be created, including
Name, Purpose and Description.

The Name field is required, and the information you provide in the Description field will appear as a tooltip
when you move your mouse pointer over the LDAP connection.

2. If needed, set the version and status in the Version and Status fields respectively. You can also manage
the version and status of a Repository item in the [Project Settings] dialog box. For more information, see
Version management and Status management respectively.

3. If needed, click the Select button next to the Path field to select a folder under the LDAP node to hold your
newly created LDAP connection.

4. Click Next to define your LDAP server connection details.

292 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing LDAP connection metadata

Defining the server connection

1. Fill the connection details.

Field Description
Host LDAP Server host name or IP address
Port Listening port to the LDAP directory
Encryption method LDAP : no encryption is used

LDAPS: secured LDAP

TLS: certificate is used

2. Then check your connection using Check Network Parameter to verify the connection and activate the
Next button.

3. Click Next to continue.

Configuring LDAP access parameters

1. In this view, set the authentication and data access mode.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 293

Centralizing LDAP connection metadata

Field Description
Authentication method Simple authentication: requires Authentication Parameters field to be filled in

Anonymous authentication: does not require authentication parameters

Authentication Parameters Bind DN or User: login as expected by the LDAP authentication method

Bind password: expected password

Save password: remembers the login details.

Get Base DN from Root DSE / Base DN Path to user's authorized tree leaf

Fetch Base DNs button retrieves the DN automatically from Root.

Alias Dereferencing Never allows to improve search performance if you are sure that no aliases is to
be dereferenced. By default, Always is to be used. Always: Always dereference

Never: Never dereferences aliases.

Searching:Dereferences aliases only after name resolution.

Finding: Dereferences aliases only during name resolution

Referral Handling Redirection of user request:

Ignore: does not handle request redirections

294 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing LDAP connection metadata

Field Description
Follow:does handle request redirections
Limit Limited number of records to be read

2. Click Check authentication to verify your access rights.

3. Click Fetch Base DNs to retrieve the DN and click the Next button to continue.

4. If any third-party libraries required for setting up an LDAP connection are found missing, an external module
installation wizard appears. Install the required libraries as guided by the wizard. For more information on
installing third-party modules, see the Talend Installation and Upgrade Guide.

Defining the schema

1. Select the attributes to be included in the schema structure.

Add a filter if you want selected data only.

2. Click Refresh Preview to display the selected column and a sample of the data.

3. Click Next to continue.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 295

Centralizing LDAP connection metadata

Finalizing the end schema

The last step shows the LDAP schema generated and allows you to further customize the end schema.

1. If needed, rename the metadata in the Name field (metadata, by default), add a Comment, and make further
modifications, for example:

Redefine the columns by editing the relevant fields.

Add or delete a column using the and buttons.

Change the order of the columns using the and buttons.

Make sure the data type in the Type column is correctly defined.

For more information regarding Java data types, including date pattern, see Java API Specification.

Below are the commonly used Talend data types:

Object: a generic Talend data type that allows processing data without regard to its content, for example,
a data file not otherwise supported can be processed with a tFileInputRaw component by specifying that
it has a data type of Object.

296 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing Azure Storage metadata

List: a space-separated list of primitive type elements in an XML Schema definition, defined using the
xsd:list element.

Document: a data type that allows processing an entire XML document without regarding to its content.

2. If the LDAP directory which the schema is based on has changed, use the Guess button to generate again the
schema. Note that if you customized the schema, your changes will not be retained after the Guess operation.

3. Click Finish. The new schema is displayed under the relevant LDAP connection node in the Repository
tree view.

Now you can drag and drop the file connection or any schema of it from the Repository tree view onto the design
workspace as a new component or onto an existing component to reuse the metadata.

To modify an existing file connection, right-click it from the Repository tree view, and select Edit LDAP schema
to open the file metadata setup wizard.

To add a new schema to an existing file connection, right-click the connection from the Repository tree view and
select Retrieve Schema from the contextual menu.

To edit an existing file schema, right-click the schema from the Repository tree view and select Edit Schema
from the contextual menu.

10.13. Centralizing Azure Storage metadata

You can use the Azure Storage metadata wizard provided by Talend Studio to set up quickly a connection to Azure
Storage and retrieve the schema of your interested container(s), queue(s), and table(s).

1. In the Repository tree view, expand the Metadata node, right-click the Azure Storage tree node, and select
Create Azure Storage from the contextual menu to open the [Azure Storage] wizard.

2. In the Azure Storage Connection Settings dialog box, specify (or update if needed) the values for the
properties listed in the following table.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 297

Centralizing Azure Storage metadata

Property Description
Name Enter the name for the connection to be created.
Account Name Enter the name of the storage account you need to access. A storage account name can be
found in the Manage Access Keys dashboard of the Microsoft Azure Storage system to be
Account Key Enter the key associated with the storage account you need to access. Two keys are available
for each account and by default, either of them can be used for this access.
Protocol Select the protocol for this connection to be created.
Use Azure Shared Access Select this check box to use a shared access signature to access the storage resources without
Signature need for the account key. In the Azure Shared Access Signature field displayed, enter your
shared access signature between double quotation marks. For more information, see Using
Shared Access Signatures (SAS).

3. Click Test connection to verify the configuration.

A connection successful dialog box will prompt up if the connection information provided is correct. Then
click OK to close the dialog box. The Next button will be available to use.

4. Click Next and in the [Add a new container schema in current connection] dialog box displayed, select
your interested container(s) whose schema you want to retrieve.

298 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing Azure Storage metadata

5. Click Next and in the [Add a new queue schema in current connection] dialog box displayed, select your
interested queue(s) whose schema you want to retrieve.

6. Click Next and in the [Add a new table schema in current connection] dialog box displayed, select your
interested table(s) whose schema you want to retrieve.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 299

Centralizing Azure Storage metadata

7. Click Finish to complete the procedure.

The newly created Azure Storage connection is displayed under the Azure Storage node in the Repository
tree view, along with the schema of your interested container(s), queue(s), and table(s).

300 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing Marketo metadata

You can now add a Azure Storage component onto the design workspace by dragging and dropping the
Azure Storage connection created or any container/queue/table retrieved from the Repository view to reuse
the connection and/or schema information. For more information about dropping component metadata in the
design workspace, see How to use centralized metadata in a Job. For more information about the usage of
the Azure Storage components, see the related documentation for the Azure Storage components.

To modify the Azure Storage connection metadata created, right-click the connection node in the Repository
tree view and select Edit Azure Storage from the contextual menu to open the metadata setup wizard.

To edit the schema of an interested container/queue/table, right-click the container/queue/table node in the
Repository tree view and select Edit Schema from the contextual menu to open the update schema wizard.

10.14. Centralizing Marketo metadata

You can use the Marketo metadata wizard provided by Talend Studio to set up quickly a connection to Marketo
and retrieve the schema of your interested custom objects using REST API.

1. In the Repository tree view, expand the Metadata node, right-click the Marketo tree node, and select Create
Marketo from the contextual menu to open the [Marketo] wizard.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 301

Centralizing Marketo metadata

2. In the Marketo REST Connection Settings dialog box, specify (or update if needed) the values for the
properties listed in the following table.

302 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing Marketo metadata

Property Description
Connection name Enter the name for the connection to be created.
Endpoint address Enter the API Endpoint URL of the Marketo Web Service. The API Endpoint URL can be
found on the Marketo Admin > Web Services panel.
Client access ID Enter the client Id for the access to the Marketo Web Service.
Secret key Enter the client secret for the access to the Marketo Web Service.
Timeout Enter the timeout value (in milliseconds) for the connection to the Marketo Web Service
before terminating the attempt.
Max reconnection attempts Enter the maximum number of reconnect attempts to the Marketo Web Service before giving
Attempt interval time Enter the time period (in milliseconds) between subsequent reconnection attempts.

3. Click Test connection to verify the configuration.

A connection successful dialog box will prompt up if the connection information provided is correct. Then
click OK to close the dialog box. The Next button will be available to use.

4. Click Next to go to the next step to select your interested custom objects.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 303

Centralizing Marketo metadata

5. Select the custom objects whose schema you want to retrieve, and then click Finish.

The newly created Marketo connection is displayed under the Marketo node in the Repository tree view,
along with the schema of your interested custom objects.

304 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing Salesforce metadata

You can now add a Marketo component onto the design workspace by dragging and dropping the Marketo
connection created or any custom object retrieved from the Repository view to reuse the connection and/or
schema information. For more information about dropping component metadata in the design workspace, see
How to use centralized metadata in a Job. For more information about the usage of the Marketo components,
see the related documentation for the Marketo components.

To modify the Marketo connection metadata created, right-click the connection node in the Repository tree
view and select Edit Marketo from the contextual menu to open the metadata setup wizard.

To edit the schema of an interested custom object, right-click the custom object node in the Repository tree
view and select Edit Schema from the contextual menu to open the update schema wizard.

10.15. Centralizing Salesforce metadata

You can use the Salesforce metadata wizard provided by Talend Studio to set up quickly a connection to a
Salesforce system so that you can reuse your Salesforce metadata across Jobs.

1. In the Repository tree view, expand the Metadata node, right-click the Salesforce tree node, and select
Create Salesforce from the contextual menu to open the [Salesforce] wizard.

2. Enter a name for your connection in the Name field, select Basic or OAuth from the Connection type list,
and provide the connection details according to the connection type you selected.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 305

Centralizing Salesforce metadata

With the Basic option selected, you need to specify the following details:

User Id: the ID of the user in Salesforce.

Password: the password associated with the user ID.

Security Key: the security token.

With the OAuth option selected, you need to specify the following details:

Client Id and Client Secret: the OAuth consumer key and consumer secret, which are available in the
OAuth Settings area of the Connected App that you have created at Salesforce.com.

Callback Host and Callback Port: the OAuth authentication callback URL. This URL (both host and
port) is defined during the creation of a Connected App and will be shown in the OAuth Settings area
of the Connected App.

Token File: the path to the token file that stores the refresh token used to get the access token without

3. If needed, click Advanced... to open the [Salesforce Advanced Connection Settings] dialog box, do the
following and then click OK:

enter the Salesforce Webservice URL required to connect to the Salesforce system.

select the Bulk Connection check box if you need to use bulk data processing function.

select the Need compression check box to activate SOAP message compression, which can result in
increased performance levels.

306 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing Salesforce metadata

select the Trace HTTP message check box to output the HTTP interactions on the console.

This option is available if the Bulk Connection check box is selected.

select the Use HTTP Chunked check box to use the HTTP chunked data transfer mechanism.

This option is not available if the Bulk Connection check box is selected.

enter the ID of the real user in the Client Id field to differentiate between those who use the same account
and password to access the Salesforce website.

fill the Timeout field with the Salesforce connection timeout value, in milliseconds.

4. Click Test connection to verify the connection settings, and when the connection check success message
appears, click OK for confirmation. Then click Next to go to the next step to select the modules you want
to retrieve the schema of.

5. Select the check boxes for the modules of interest and click Finish to retrieve the schemas of the selected

You can type in filter text to narrow down your selection.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 307

Centralizing Salesforce metadata

The newly created Salesforce connection is displayed under the Salesforce node in the Repository tree view,
along with the schemas of the selected modules.

You can now drag and drop the Salesforce connection or any schema of it from the Repository onto the design
workspace, and from the dialog box that opens choose a Salesforce component to use in your Job. You can also

308 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing Snowflake metadata

drop the Salesforce connection or a schema of it onto an existing component to reuse the connection or metadata
details in the component. For more information about dropping component metadata in the design workspace, see
How to use centralized metadata in a Job.

To modify the Salesforce metadata entry, right-click it from the Repository tree view, and select Edit Salesforce
to open the file metadata setup wizard.

To edit an existing Salesforce schema, right-click the schema from the Repository tree view and select Edit
Schema from the contextual menu.

10.16. Centralizing Snowflake metadata

You can use the Snowflake metadata wizard provided by Talend Studio to set up quickly a connection to Snowflake
and retrieve the schema of your interested tables.

1. In the Repository tree view, expand the Metadata node, right-click the Snowflake tree node, and select
Create Snowflake from the contextual menu to open the [Snowflake] wizard.

2. In the Snowflake Connection Settings dialog box, specify the values for the properties listed in the following

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 309

Centralizing Snowflake metadata

Property Description
Name Enter the name for the connection to be created.
Account Enter the account name that has been assigned to you by Snowflake.
User Id Enter your login name that has been defined in Snowflake using the LOGIN_NAME
parameter of Snowflake. For details, ask the administrator of your Snowflake system.
Password Enter the password associated with the user ID.
Warehouse Enter the name of the Snowflake warehouse to be used. This name is case-sensitive and is
normally upper case in Snowflake.
Schema Enter the name of the database schema to be used. This name is case-sensitive and is normally
upper case in Snowflake.
Database Enter the name of the Snowflake database to be used. This name is case-sensitive and is
normally upper case in Snowflake.

3. Click Advanced... and in the [Snowflake Advanced Connection Settings] dialog box displayed, specify or
update the values for the advanced properties listed in the following table and click OK to close the dialog box.

310 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing Snowflake metadata

Property Description
Login Timeout Specify how long to wait for a response when connecting to Snowflake before returning an
Tracing Select the log level for the Snowflake JDBC driver. If enabled, a standard Java log is
Role Enter the default access control role to use to initiate the Snowflake session.

This role must already exist and has been granted to the user ID you are using to connect to
Snowflake. If this field is left empty, the PUBLIC role is automatically granted. For further
information about the Snowflake access control model, see Snowflake documentation at
Understanding the Access Control Model.

4. Click Test connection to verify the configuration.

A connection successful dialog box will prompt up if the connection information provided is correct. Then
click OK to close the dialog box. The Next button will be available to use.

5. Click Next to go to the next step to select your interested tables.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 311

Centralizing Snowflake metadata

6. Select the tables whose schema you want to retrieve, and then click Finish.

The newly created Snowflake connection is displayed under the Snowflake node in the Repository tree view,
along with the schema of your interested tables.

312 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Setting up a generic schema

You can now add a Snowflake component onto the design workspace by dragging and dropping the Snowflake
connection created or any table retrieved from the Repository view to reuse the connection and/or schema
information. For more information about dropping component metadata in the design workspace, see How
to use centralized metadata in a Job. For more information about the usage of the Snowflake components,
see the related documentation for the Snowflake components.

To modify the Snowflake connection metadata created, right-click the connection node in the Repository
tree view and select Edit Snowflake from the contextual menu to open the metadata setup wizard.

To edit the schema of an interested table, right-click the table node in the Repository tree view and select
Edit Schema from the contextual menu to open the update schema wizard.

10.17. Setting up a generic schema

Talend Studio allows you to create a generic schema to use in your Jobs if none of the specific metadata wizards
matches your need or if you do not have any source file to take the schema from.

You can create a generic schema:

from scratch. For details, see Setting up a generic schema from scratch,

from a schema definition XML file. For details, see Setting up a generic schema from an XML file, and

from the schema defined in a component. For details, see Saving a component schema as a generic schema.

To use a generic schema on a component, use either of the following methods:

Select Repository from the Schema drop-down list in the component Basic settings view.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 313

Setting up a generic schema from scratch

Click the [...] button to open the [Repository Content] dialog box, select the generic schema under the Generic
schemas node and click OK.

Select the metadata node of the generic schema from the Repository tree view and drop it onto the component.

10.17.1. Setting up a generic schema from scratch

To create a generic schema from scratch, proceed as follows:

1. Right-click Generic schemas under the Metadata node in the Repository tree view, and select Create
generic schema.

2. In the schema creation wizard that appears, fill in the generic schema properties such as schema Name and
Description. The Status field is a customized field. For more information about how to define the field, see
Status settings.

Click Next to continue.

314 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Setting up a generic schema from scratch

3. Give a name to the schema or use the default one (metadata) and add a comment if needed. Customize the
schema structure in the Schema panel according to your needs.

The tool bar allows you to add, remove or move columns in your schema. You can also export the current
schema as an XML file, or import a schema from an XML file, which must be an export of schema from the
Studio, to replace the current schema.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 315

Setting up a generic schema from scratch

Make sure the data type in the Type column is correctly defined.

For more information regarding Java data types, including date pattern, see Java API Specification.

Below are the commonly used Talend data types:

Object: a generic Talend data type that allows processing data without regard to its content, for example,
a data file not otherwise supported can be processed with a tFileInputRaw component by specifying that
it has a data type of Object.

List: a space-separated list of primitive type elements in an XML Schema definition, defined using the
xsd:list element.

Document: a data type that allows processing an entire XML document without regarding to its content.

4. Click Finish to complete the generic schema creation. The created schema is displayed under the relevant
Generic schemas node.

316 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Setting up a generic schema from an XML file

10.17.2. Setting up a generic schema from an XML file

The source XML file from which you can create a generic schema must be an export of schema from the Studio or an XML
with the same XML tree structure, not any other kind of XML.

To create a generic schema from a source XML file, proceed as follows:

1. Right-click Generic schemas in the Repository tree view, and select Create generic schema from xml.

2. In the dialog box that appears, choose the source XML file from which the schema is taken and click Open.

3. In the schema creation wizard that appears, define the schema Name or use the default one (metadata) and
give a Comment if any.

The schema structure from the source file is displayed in the Schema panel. You can customize the columns
in the schema as needed.

The tool bar allows you to add, remove or move columns in your schema. You can also export the current
schema as an XML file, or import a schema from an XML file, which must be an export of schema from the
Studio, to replace the current schema.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 317

Setting up a generic schema from an XML file

Make sure the data type in the Type column is correctly defined.

For more information regarding Java data types, including date pattern, see Java API Specification.

Below are the commonly used Talend data types:

Object: a generic Talend data type that allows processing data without regard to its content, for example,
a data file not otherwise supported can be processed with a tFileInputRaw component by specifying that
it has a data type of Object.

List: a space-separated list of primitive type elements in an XML Schema definition, defined using the
xsd:list element.

Document: a data type that allows processing an entire XML document without regarding to its content.

4. Click Finish to complete the generic schema creation. The created schema is displayed under the relevant
Generic schemas node.

318 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Saving a component schema as a generic schema

10.17.3. Saving a component schema as a generic

You can create a generic schema by saving the schema defined in a component. To do so, follow the steps below:

1. Open the Basic settings view of the component that has the schema you want to create a generic schema
from, and click the [...] button next to Edit schema to open the [Schema] dialog box.

2. Click the floppy disc icon to open the [Select folder] dialog box.

3. Select a folder if needed, and click OK to close the dialog box and open the [Save as generic schema]
creation wizard.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 319

Centralizing MDM metadata

4. Fill in the Name field (required) and the other fields if needed, and click Finish to save the schema. Then
close the [Schema] dialog box opened from the component Basic settings view.

The schema is saved in the selected folder under the Generic schemas node in the Repository tree view.

10.18. Centralizing MDM metadata

Talend Studio enables you to centralize the details of one or more MDM connections under the Metadata folder
in the Repository tree view. You can then use any of these established connections to connect to the MDM server.

You can also set up an MDM connection the same way by clicking the icon in the Basic settings view of the
tMDMInput and tMDMOutput components. For more information, see tMDMInput and tMDMOutput at https://

According to the option you select, the wizard helps you create an input XML, an output XML or a receive XML
schema. Later, in a Talend Job, the tMDMInput component uses the defined input schema to read master data
stored in XML documents, tMDMOutput uses the defined output schema to either write master data in an XML
document on the MDM server, or to update existing XML documents and finally the tMDMReceive component
uses the defined XML schema to receive an MDM record in XML from MDM triggers and processes.

10.18.1. Setting up the connection

To establish an MDM connection, complete the following:

320 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Setting up the connection

1. In the Repository tree view, expand Metadata and right-click Talend MDM.

2. Select Create MDM Connection from the contextual menu.

The connection wizard is displayed.

3. Fill in the connection properties such as Name, Purpose and Description. The Status field is a customized
field that can be defined. For more information, see Status settings.

4. Click Next to proceed to the next step.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 321

Setting up the connection

5. From the Version list, select the version of the MDM server to which you want to connect.

The default value in the Server URL field varies depending on what you selected in the Version list.

6. Fill in the connection details including the authentication information to the MDM server and then click
Check to check the connection you have created.

A dialog box pops up to show that your connection is successful. Click OK to close it.

If needed, you can click Export as context to export this Talend MDM connection details to a new context
group in the Repository or reuse variables of an existing context group to set up your metadata connection. For
more information, see Exporting metadata as context and reusing context parameters to set up a connection.

7. Click Next to proceed to the next step.

322 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Defining MDM schema

8. From the Data-Model list, select the data model against which the master data is validated.

9. From the Data-Container list, select the data container that holds the master data you want to access.

10. Click Finish to validate your changes and close the dialog box.

The newly created connection is listed under Talend MDM under the Metadata folder in the Repository
tree view.

You need now to retrieve the XML schema of the business entities linked to this MDM connection.

10.18.2. Defining MDM schema Defining Input MDM schema

This section describes how to define and download an input MDM XML schema. To define and download an
output MDM XML schema, see Defining output MDM schema.

To set the values to be fetched from one or more entities linked to a specific MDM connection, complete the

1. In the Repository tree view, expand Metadata and right-click the MDM connection for which you want to
retrieve the entity values.

2. Select Retrieve Entity from the contextual menu.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 323

Defining MDM schema

A dialog box pops up.

3. Select the Input MDM option in order to download an input XML schema and then click Next to proceed
to the following step.

324 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Defining MDM schema

4. From the Entities field, select the business entity (XML schema) from which you want to retrieve values.

The name is displayed automatically in the Name field.

You are free to enter any text in this field, although you would likely put the name of the entity from which you are
retrieving the schema.

5. Click Next to proceed to the next step.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 325

Defining MDM schema

The schema of the entity you selected is automatically displayed in the Source Schema panel.

Here, you can set the parameters to be taken into account for the XML schema definition.

The schema dialog box is divided into four different panels as the following:

Panel Description
Source Schema Tree view of the uploaded entity.
Target schema Extraction and iteration information.
Preview Target schema preview.
File viewer Raw data viewer.

6. In the Xpath loop expression area, enter the absolute XPath expression leading to the XML structure node
on which to apply the iteration. Or, drop the node from the source schema to the target schema Xpath field.
This link is orange in color.

The Xpath loop expression field is compulsory.

7. If required, define a Loop limit to restrict the iteration to a number of nodes.

326 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Defining MDM schema

In the capture above, we use Features as the element to loop on because it is repeated within the Product
entity as follows:

<Feature>Color red</Feature>
<Feature>Size maxi</Feature
<Feature>Color blue</Feature>

By doing so, the tMDMInput component that uses this MDM connection will create a new row for every
item with different feature.

8. To define the fields to extract, drop the relevant node from the source schema to the Relative or absolute
XPath expression field.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 327

Defining MDM schema

Use the [+] button to add rows to the table and select as many fields to extract as necessary. Press the Ctrl or the Shift
keys for multiple selection of grouped or separate nodes and drop them to the table.

9. If required, enter a name to each of the retrieved columns in the Column name field.
You can prioritize the order of the fields to extract by selecting the field and using the up and down arrows. The link
of the selected field is blue, and all other links are grey.

10. Click Finish to validate your modifications and close the dialog box.

The newly created schema is listed under the corresponding MDM connection in the Repository tree view.

To modify the created schema, complete the following:

1. In the Repository tree view, expand Metadata and Talend MDM and then browse to the schema you want
to modify.

2. Right-click the schema name and select Edit Entity from the contextual menu.

A dialog box is displayed.

3. Modify the schema as needed.

You can change the name of the schema according to your needs, you can also customize the schema structure
in the schema panel. The tool bar allows you to add, remove or move columns in your schema.

328 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Defining MDM schema

Make sure the data type in the Type column is correctly defined.

For more information regarding Java data types, including date pattern, see Java API Specification.

Below are the commonly used Talend data types:

Object: a generic Talend data type that allows processing data without regard to its content, for example,
a data file not otherwise supported can be processed with a tFileInputRaw component by specifying that
it has a data type of Object.

List: a space-separated list of primitive type elements in an XML Schema definition, defined using the
xsd:list element.

Document: a data type that allows processing an entire XML document without regarding to its content.

4. Click Finish to close the dialog box.

The MDM input connection (tMDMInput) is now ready to be dropped in any of your Jobs. Defining output MDM schema

This section describes how to define and download an output MDM XML schema. To define and download an
input MDM XML schema, see Setting up the connection.

To set the values to be written in one or more entities linked to a specific MDM connection, complete the following:

1. In the Repository tree view, expand Metadata and right-click the MDM connection for which you want to
write the entity values.

2. Select Retrieve Entity from the contextual menu.

A dialog box pops up.

3. Select the Output MDM option in order to define an output XML schema and then click Next to proceed
to the following step.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 329

Defining MDM schema

4. From the Entities field, select the business entity (XML schema) in which you want to write values.

The name is displayed automatically in the Name field.

You are free to enter any text in this field, although you would likely put the name of the entity from which you are
retrieving the schema.

5. Click Next to proceed to the next step.

330 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Defining MDM schema

Identical schema of the entity you selected is automatically created in the Linker Target panel, and columns are
automatically mapped from the source to the target panels. The wizard automatically defines the item Id as the looping
element. You can always select to loop on another element.

Here, you can set the parameters to be taken into account for the XML schema definition.

6. Click Schema Management to display a dialog box.

7. Do necessary modifications to define the XML schema you want to write in the selected entity.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 331

Defining MDM schema

Your Linker Source schema must corresponds to the Linker Target schema, that is to say define the
elements in which you want to write values.

8. Click OK to close the dialog box.

The defined schema is displayed under Schema list.

9. In the Linker Target panel, right-click the element you want to define as a loop element and select Set as
loop element. This will restrict the iteration to one or more nodes.

By doing so, the tMDMOutput component that uses this MDM connection will create a new row for every
item with different feature.

You can prioritize the order of the fields to write by selecting the field and using the up and down arrows.

10. Click Finish to validate your modifications and close the dialog box.

The newly created schema is listed under the corresponding MDM connection in the Repository tree view.

332 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Defining MDM schema

To modify the created schema, complete the following:

1. In the Repository tree view, expand Metadata and Talend MDM and then browse to the schema you want
to modify.

2. Right-click the schema name and select Edit Entity from the contextual menu.

A dialog box is displayed.

3. Modify the schema as needed.

You can change the name of the schema according to your needs, you can also customize the schema structure
in the schema panel. The tool bar allows you to add, remove or move columns in your schema.

4. Click Finish to close the dialog box.

The MDM output connection (tMDMOutput) is now ready to be dropped in any of your Jobs. Defining Receive MDM schema

This section describes how to define a receive MDM XML schema based on the MDM connection.

To set the XML schema you want to receive in accordance with a specific MDM connection, complete the

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 333

Defining MDM schema

1. In the Repository tree view, expand Metadata and right-click the MDM connection for which you want to
retrieve the entity values.

2. Select Retrieve Entity from the contextual menu.

A dialog box displays.

3. Select the Receive MDM option in order to define a receive XML schema and then click Next to proceed
to the following step.

334 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Defining MDM schema

4. From the Entities field, select the business entity (XML schema) according to which you want to receive
the XML schema.

The name displays automatically in the Name field.

You can enter any text in this field, although you would likely put the name of the entity according to which you want
to receive the XML schema.

5. Click Next to proceed to the next step.

The schema of the entity you selected display in the Source Schema panel.

Here, you can set the parameters to be taken into account for the XML schema definition.

The schema dialog box is divided into four different panels as the following:

Panel Description
Source Schema Tree view of the uploaded entity.
Target schema Extraction and iteration information.
Preview Target schema preview.
File viewer Raw data viewer.

6. In the Xpath loop expression area, enter the absolute XPath expression leading to the XML structure node
on which to apply the iteration. Or, drop the node from the source schema to the target schema Xpath field.
This link is orange in color.

The Xpath loop expression field is compulsory.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 335

Defining MDM schema

7. If required, define a Loop limit to restrict the iteration to one or more nodes.

In the above capture, we use Features as the element to loop on because it is repeated within the Product
entity as the following:

<Feature>Color red</Feature>
<Feature>Size maxi</Feature
<Feature>Color blue</Feature>

By doing so, the tMDMReceive component that uses this MDM connection will create a new row for every
item with different feature.

8. To define the fields to receive, drop the relevant node from the source schema to the Relative or absolute
XPath expression field.

336 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Defining MDM schema

Use the plus sign to add rows to the table and select as many fields to extract as necessary. Press the Ctrl or the Shift
keys for multiple selection of grouped or separate nodes and drop them to the table.

9. If required, enter a name to each of the received columns in the Column name field.

You can prioritize the order of the fields you want to receive by selecting the field and using the up and down arrows.
The link of the selected field is blue, and all other links are grey.

10. Click Finish to validate your modifications and close the dialog box.

The newly created schema is listed under the corresponding MDM connection in the Repository tree view.

To modify the created schema, complete the following:

1. In the Repository tree view, expand Metadata and Talend MDM and then browse to the schema you want
to modify.

2. Right-click the schema name and select Edit Entity from the contextual menu.

A dialog box displays.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 337

Centralizing Web Service metadata

3. Modify the schema as needed.

You can change the name of the schema according to your needs, you can also customize the schema structure
in the schema panel. The tool bar allows you to add, remove or move columns in your schema.

Make sure the data type in the Type column is correctly defined.

For more information regarding Java data types, including date pattern, see Java API Specification.

Below are the commonly used Talend data types:

Object: a generic Talend data type that allows processing data without regard to its content, for example,
a data file not otherwise supported can be processed with a tFileInputRaw component by specifying that
it has a data type of Object.

List: a space-separated list of primitive type elements in an XML Schema definition, defined using the
xsd:list element.

Document: a data type that allows processing an entire XML document without regarding to its content.

4. Click Finish to close the dialog box.

The MDM receive connection (tMDMReceive) is now ready to be dropped in any of your Jobs.

10.19. Centralizing Web Service metadata

If you often need to visit a Web Service from your Talend Studio you can save your Web Service connections
in the Repository.

338 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Setting up a simple schema

The [Web Service] schema wizard enables you to create either a simple schema (Simple WSDL) or an advanced
schema (Advanced WebService), according to your needs.

In step 1, you must enter the schema metadata before choosing whether to create a simple or an advanced schema in step 2.
It is therefore important to enter metadata information which will help you to differentiate between your different schema
types in the future.

To create a simple schema, see Setting up a simple schema.

To create an advanced schema, see Setting up an advanced schema.

10.19.1. Setting up a simple schema

This section describes how to define a simple Web Service schema (Simple WSDL). For information about how
to define an Advanced Web Service schema, see Setting up an advanced schema.

Defining general properties

1. In the Repository, expand the Metadata node.

2. Right-click Web Service and select Create WSDL schema from the context menu list.

3. Enter the generic schema information such as its Name and Description.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 339

Setting up a simple schema

4. Click Next to select the schema type in step 2.

Selecting the type of schema (Simple)

In this step, you need to indicate whether you want to create a simple or an advanced schema. In this example,
a simple schema is created.

1. In the dialog box, select the Simple WSDL option.

340 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Setting up a simple schema

2. Click Next to continue.

Specifying the URI and method

This step involves the definition of the URI and other parameters required to obtain the desired values.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 341

Setting up a simple schema

In the Web Service Parameter zone:

1. Enter the URI which will transmit the desired values, in the WSDL field, http://www.webservicex.net/
country.asmx?wsdl in this example.

2. If necessary, select the Need authentication? check box and then enter your authentication information in
the User and Password fields.

3. If you use an http proxy, select the Use http proxy check box and enter the information required in the host,
Port, user and password fields.

4. Enter the Method name in the corresponding field, GetCountryByCountryCode in this example.

5. In the Value table, Add or Remove values as desired, using the corresponding buttons.

6. Click Refresh Preview to check that the parameters have been entered correctly.

342 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Setting up a simple schema

In the Preview tab, the values to be transmitted by the Web Service method are displayed, based the
parameters entered.

Finalizing the end schema

You can modify the schema name (metadata, by default) and modify the schema itself using the tool bar.

Add or delete columns using the and buttons.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 343

Setting up an advanced schema

Modify the order of the columns using the and buttons.

3. Click Finish.

The new schema is added to the Repository under the Web Service node. You can now drop it onto the
design workspace as a tWebServiceInput component in your Job.

10.19.2. Setting up an advanced schema

This section describes how to define an Advanced WebService schema. For information about how to define a
Simple WSDL schema, see Setting up a simple schema.

Defining general properties

1. In the Repository view, expand the metadata node.

2. Right-click Web Service and select Create WSDL schema from the context menu list.

3. Enter the generic schema information, such as its Name and Description.

344 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Setting up an advanced schema

4. Click Next to select the schema type in step 2.

Selecting the type of schema (Advanced)

In this step, you must indicate whether you want to create a Simple or an Advanced schema. In this example,
an Advanced schema is created.

1. In the dialog box, select the Advanced WebService option.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 345

Setting up an advanced schema

2. Click Next to defineprecise Web Service parameters.

Defining the port name and operation

1. Type in the URI of the Web Service WSDL file manually by typing in the WSDL field, or click the Browse...
button to browse your directory if your WSDL is stored locally.

2. Click the Refresh button to retrieve the list of port names and operations available.

346 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Setting up an advanced schema

3. Select the port name to be used, in the Port Name zone, countrySoap12 in this example.

4. Select the operation to be carried out in the Operation zone.

In this example, select GetCountryByCountryCode(parameters):string to retrieve the country name for a

given country code.

Next, you need to define the input and output schemas and schema-parameter mappings in the Input mapping
and Output mapping tabs.

Defining the input schemas and mappings

To define the input schema and mappings, do the following:

1. Click the Input mapping tab to define the input schema and set the parameters required to execute the

2. In the table to the right, select the parameters row and click the [+] button to open the [ParameterTree]
dialog box.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 347

Setting up an advanced schema

3. Selectthe parameter you want to use and click OK to close the dialog box.

A new row appears showing the parameter you added, CountryCode in this example.

4. In the table to the left, click the Schema Management button to open the [Schema] dialog box.

5. Define the input schema.

In this example, the schema has only one column: CountryCode.

6. Click OK to validate this addition and close the dialog box.

7. Create mappings between schema columns and parameters.

In this example, drop the CountryCode column from the left table onto the parameters.CountryCode row
to the right.

348 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Setting up an advanced schema

A red line shows that the column is mapped.

If available, use the Auto Map button situated to the top of the tab, to carry out the mapping automatically.

Defining the output schemas and mappings

To define the output schema and mappings, proceed as follows:

1. Click the Output mapping tab to define the output schema and set its parameters.

2. In the table to the left, select the parameter row and click the [+] button to add a parameter.

The [ParameterTree] dialog box opens.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 349

Setting up an advanced schema

3. Select the parameter and click OK to close the dialog box.

A new row appears showing the parameter you added, GetCountryByCountryCodeResult in this example.

4. In the table to the right, click [...] to open the [Schema] dialog box.

5. Define the output schema.

In this example, the schema has only one column: Result.

6. Click OK to validate your addition and close the dialog box.

7. Create output parameter-schema mappings.

In this example, drop the parameters.GetCountryByCountyCodeResult row from the table to the left onto the
Result column to the right.

350 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Setting up an advanced schema

8. Click Next to finalize the schema.

Depending on the type of the output, you can choose to normalize or denormalize the results by clicking the Normalize
and Denormalize buttons.

Finalizing the end schema

In this step the wizard displays the output schema generated.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 351

Centralizing an FTP connection

You can customize the metadata by changing or adding information in the Name and Comment fields and make
further modifications using the toolbar, for example:

Add or delete columns using the and buttons.

Change the column order by clicking the and arrows.

3. Click Finish to finalize your advanced schema.

The new schema is added to the Repository under the corresponding Web Service node. You can now drop
it onto the design workspace as a tWebService component in your Job.

10.20. Centralizing an FTP connection

If you need to connect to an FTP server regularly, you can centralize the connection information under the
Metadata node in the Repository view.

Defining the general properties

To create a connection to an FTP server, follow the steps below:

352 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing an FTP connection

1. Expand the Metadata node in the Repository tree view.

2. Right-click FTP and select Create FTP from the context menu.

The connection wizard opens:

3. Enter the generic schema information such as its Name and Description.

The status field is a customized field which can be defined in the [Preferences] dialog box (Window > Preferences).
For further information about setting preferences, see Setting Talend Studio preferences.

4. When you have finished, click Next to enter the FTP server connection information.

Connecting to an FTP server

In this step we shall define the connection information and parameters.

1. Enter your Username and Password in the corresponding fields.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 353

Centralizing an FTP connection

2. In the Host field, enter the name of your FTP server host.

3. Enter the Port number in the corresponding field.

4. Select the Encoding type from the list.

5. From the Connection Model list, select the connection model you want to use:

Select Passive if you want the FTP server to choose the port connection to be used for data transfer.

Select Active if you want to choose the port yourself.

6. In the Parameter area, select a setting for FTP server usage. For standard usage, there is no need to select
an option.

Select the SFTP Support check box to use the SSH security protocol to protect server communications.

An Authentication method appears. Select Public key or Password according to what you use.

Select the FTPs Support check box to protect server communication with the SSL security protocol.

Select the Use Socks Proxy check box if you want to use this option, then enter the proxy information (the
host name, port number, username and password).

7. Click Finish to close the wizard.

All of the connections created appear under the FTP server connection node, in the Repository view.

You can drop the connection metadata from the Repository onto the design workspace. A dialog box opens in
which you can choose the component to be used in your Job.

354 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Exporting metadata as context and reusing context parameters to set up a connection

For further information about how to drop metadata onto the workspace, see How to use centralized metadata
in a Job.

10.21. Exporting metadata as context and

reusing context parameters to set up a
For every metadata connection (File, Database or Talend MDM, etc.), you can export the connection details to a
new context group in the Repository for reuse in other connections or across different Jobs, or reuse variables of
an existing context group to set up your metadata connection.

10.21.1. How to export connection details as context

To export connection details as context variables in a new context group in the Repository, follow the steps below:

1. Upon creating or editing a metadata connection in the wizard, click Export as context.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 355

How to export connection details as context variables

2. In the [Create / Reuse a context group] wizard that opens, select Create a new repository context and
click Next.

3. Type in a name for the context group to be created, and add any general information such as a description
if required.

The name of the Metadata entry is proposed by the wizard as the context group name, and the information
you provide in the Description field will appear as a tooltip when you move your mouse over the context
group in the Repository.

356 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to export connection details as context variables

4. Click Next to create and view the context group, or click Finish to complete context creation and return to
the connection wizard directly.

In this example, click Next.

5. Check the context group generation result.

To edit the context variables, go to the Contexts node of the Repository, right-click the newly created context
group, and select Edit context group to open the [Create / Edit a context group] wizard after the connection
wizard is closed.

To edit the default context, or add new contexts, click the [+] button at the upper right corner of the wizard.

To add a new context variable, click the [+] button at the bottom of the wizard.

For more information on handling contexts and variables, see Using contexts and variables.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 357

How to export connection details as context variables

6. Click Finish to complete context creation and return to the connection wizard.

358 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to use variables of an existing context group to set up a connection

The relevant connection details fields in the wizard are set with the context variables.

To unset the connection details, click the Revert Context button.

10.21.2. How to use variables of an existing context

group to set up a connection
To use variables of an existing context group centrally stored in the Repository to set up a connection, follow
the steps below:

1. When creating or editing a metadata connection in the wizard, click Export as context.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 359

How to use variables of an existing context group to set up a connection

2. In the [Create / Reuse a context group] wizard that opens, select Reuse an existing repository context
and click Next.

360 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to use variables of an existing context group to set up a connection

3. Select a context group from the list and click Next.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 361

How to use variables of an existing context group to set up a connection

4. For each variable, select the corresponding field of the connection details, and then click Next to view and
edit the context variables, or click Finish to show the connection setup result directly.

In this example, click Next.

5. Edit the contexts and/or context variables if needed. If you make any changes, your centralized context group
will be updated automatically.

For more information on handling contexts and variables, see Using contexts and variables.

6. Click Finish to validate context reuse and return to the connection wizard.

362 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to use variables of an existing context group to set up a connection

The relevant connection details fields in the wizard are set with the context variables.

To unset the connection details, click the Revert Context button.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 363

How to use centralized metadata in a Job

10.22. How to use centralized metadata in a

For recurrent use of files and database connections in various Jobs, we recommend you to store the connection and
schema metadata in the Repository tree view under the Metadata node. Different folders under the Metadata
node will group the established connections including those to databases, files and systems.

Different wizards will help you centralize connection and schema metadata in the Repository tree view. For more
information about the [Metadata Manager] wizards, see Managing Metadata for data integration.

Once the relevant metadata is stored under the Metadata node, you will be able to drop the corresponding
components directly onto the design workspace.

1. In the Repository tree view of the Integration perspective, expand Metadata and the folder holding the
connection you want to use in your Job.

2. Drop the relevant connection or schema onto the design workspace.

A dialog box prompts you to select the component you want to use among those offered.

364 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to use centralized metadata in a Job

3. Select the component and then click OK. The selected component displays on the design workspace.

Alternatively, according to the type of component (Input or Output) you want to use, perform one of the following

Output: Press Ctrl on your keyboard while you are dropping the component onto the design workspace to
directly include it in the active Job.

Input: Press Alt on your keyboard while you drop the component onto the design workspace to directly include
it in the active Job.

If you double-click the component, the Component view shows the selected connection details as well as the
selected schema information.

If you select the connection without selecting a schema, then the properties will be filled with the first encountered schema.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 365

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide
Chapter 11. Managing metadata for Talend
Big Data
In the Integration perspective of the studio, the Metadata folder stores reusable information on files, databases,
and/or systems that you need to create your Jobs.

This chapter provides procedures of using relevant wizards to create and manage various metadata items that can
be used in your Big Data Job designs.

For how to set up NoSQL database connections, see Managing NoSQL metadata for details.

For how to set up Hadoop connections, see Managing Hadoop metadata for details.

For other types of metadata wizards, see Managing Metadata for data integration.

Before starting any metadata management processes, you need to be familiar with the Graphical User Interface
(GUI) of your studio. For more information, see the appendix describing GUI elements.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Managing NoSQL metadata

11.1. Managing NoSQL metadata

In the Repository tree view, the NoSQL Connections node in the Metadata folder groups the metadata of
the connections to NoSQL databases such as Cassandra, MongoDB, and Neo4j. It allows you to centralize the
connection properties you set and then to reuse them in your Job designs that involve NoSQL database components
- Cassandra, MongoDB, and Neo4j components.

Click Metadata in the Repository tree view to expand the relevant folder. Each of the connection nodes will gather
the various connections and schemas you have set up. Among these connection nodes is the NoSQL Connections

The following sections explain in detail how to use the NoSQL Connections node to set up:

a Cassandra connection,

a MongoDB connection, and

a Neo4j connection.

368 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing Cassandra metadata

11.1.1. Centralizing Cassandra metadata

If you often need to handle data of a Cassandra database, then you may want to centralize the connection to the
Cassandra database and the schema details in the Metadata folder in the Repository tree view.

The Cassandra metadata setup procedure is made of two separate but closely related major tasks:

1. Create a connection to a Cassandra database.

2. Retrieve Cassandra schemas of interest.


All the required external modules that are missing in Talend Studio due to license restrictions have been installed.
For more information, see the Talend Installation and Upgrade Guide. Creating a connection to a Cassandra database

1. In the Repository tree view, expand the Metadata node, right-click NoSQL Connection, and select Create
Connection from the contextual menu. The connection wizard opens up.

2. In the connection wizard, fill in the general properties of the connection you need to create, such as Name,
Purpose and Description.

The information you fill in the Description field will appear as a tooltip when you move your mouse pointer
over the connection.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 369

Centralizing Cassandra metadata

When done, click Next to proceed to the next step.

3. Select Cassandra from the DB Type list and Cassandra version of the database you are connecting to from
the DB Version list, and specify the following details:

From the API type list, either select Datastax to use CQL 3 (Cassandra Query Language) with Cassandra,
or select Hector to use CQL 2.

Note that the Hector API is deprecated for the 2.0 or later version of Cassandra, but it is still available
for use in the Studio so that you can be flexible about the version of the query language to be used with
Cassandra 2.0.0.

Enter the host name or IP address of the Cassandra server in the Server field.

Enter the port number of the Cassandra server in the Port field.

The wizard can connect to your Cassandra database without you having to specify a port. The port you provide
here is only for use in the Cassandra component that you drop onto the design workspace from this centralized

If you want to restrict your Cassandra connection to a particular keyspace only, enter the keyspace in the
Keyspace field.

If you leave this field blank, the wizard will list the column families of all the existing keyspaces of the
connected database when you retrieve schemas.

If your Cassandra server requires authentication for database access, select the Require authentication
check box and provide your username and password in the corresponding fields.

370 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing Cassandra metadata

4. Click the Check button to make sure that the connection works.

5. Click Finish to validate the settings.

The newly created Cassandra database connection appears under the NoSQL Connection node in the
Repository tree view. You can now drop it onto your design workspace as a Cassandra component, but you
still need to define the schema information where needed.

Next, you need to retrieve one or more schemas of interest for your connection. Retrieving schemas

In this step, we will retrieve the schemas of interest from the connected Cassandra database.

1. In the Repository view, right-click the newly created connection and select Retrieve Schema from the
contextual menu.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 371

Centralizing Cassandra metadata

The wizard opens a new view that lists all the available column families of the specified keyspace, or all the
available keyspaces if you did not specify one in the previous step.

2. Expand the keyspace, or keyspaces of interest if you did not specify a keyspace in the previous step as in this
example, and select the column family or column families of interest.

3. Click Next to proceed to the next step of the wizard where you can edit the generated schema or schemas.

By default, each generated schema is named after the column family on which it is based.

372 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing Cassandra metadata

Select a schema from the Schema panel to display its details on the right side, and modify the schema if
needed. You can rename any schema, and customize the schema structure according to your needs in the
Schema area.

The tool bar allows you to add, remove or move columns in your schema, or replace the schema with the
schema defined in an XML file.

To base a schema on another column family, select the schema name in the Schema panel, and select a new
column family from the Based on Column Family list, and click the Guess Schema button to overwrite
the schema with that of the selected column family. You may need to click the refresh button to refresh the
list of column families.

To add a new schema, click the Add Schema button in the Schema panel, which creates an empty schema
for you to define.

To remove a schema, select the schema name in the Schema panel and click the Remove Schema button.

To overwrite the modifications you made on the selected schema using its default schema, click Guess
schema. Note that all your changes to the schema will be lost if you click this button.

4. Click Finish to complete the schema creation. The result schemas appear under your Cassandra connection
in the Repository view. You can now drop the connection or any schema node under it onto your design
workspace as a Cassandra component, with all the metadata information automatically filled.

If you need to further edit a schema, right-click the schema and select Edit Schema from the contextual menu
to open this wizard again and make your modifications.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 373

Centralizing MongoDB metadata

If you modify the schemas, ensure that the data type in the Type column is correctly defined.

11.1.2. Centralizing MongoDB metadata

If you often need to handle data of a MongoDB database, then you may want to centralize the connection to the
database and the schema details in the Metadata folder in the Repository tree view.

The MongoDB metadata setup procedure is made of two separate but closely related major tasks:

1. Create a connection to a MongoDB database.

2. Retrieve MongoDB schemas of interest.


All the required external modules that are missing in Talend Studio due to license restrictions have been installed.
For more information, see the Talend Installation and Upgrade Guide. Creating a connection to a MongoDB database

1. In the Repository tree view, expand the Metadata node, right-click NoSQL Connection, and select Create
Connection from the contextual menu. The connection wizard opens up.

2. In the connection wizard, fill in the general properties of the connection you need to create, such as Name,
Purpose and Description.

The information you fill in the Description field will appear as a tooltip when you move your mouse pointer
over the connection.

374 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing MongoDB metadata

When done, click Next to proceed to the next step.

3. Select MongoDB from the DB Type list and MongoDB version of the database you are connecting to from
the DB Version list, and specify the following details:

Enter the host name or IP address and the port number of the MongoDB server in the corresponding fields.

If the database you are connecting to is replicated on different hosts of a replica set, select the Use replica
set address check box, and specify the host names or IP addresses and the respective ports in the Replica
set address table. This can improve data handling reliability and performance.

If you want to restrict your MongoDB connection to a particular database only, enter the database name
in the Database field.

If you leave this field blank, the wizard will list the collections of all the existing databases on the connected
server when you retrieve schemas.

If your MongoDB server requires authentication for database access, select the Require authentication
check box and provide your username and password in the corresponding fields.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 375

Centralizing MongoDB metadata

4. Click the Check button to make sure that the connection works.

5. Click Finish to validate the settings.

The newly created MongoDB database connection appears under the NoSQL Connection node in the
Repository tree view. You can now drop it onto your design workspace as a MongoDB component, but you
still need to define the schema information where needed.

Next, you need to retrieve one or more schemas of interest for your connection. Retrieving schemas

In this step, we will retrieve the schemas of interest from the connected MongoDB database.

1. In the Repository view, right-click the newly created connection and select Retrieve Schema from the
contextual menu.

376 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing MongoDB metadata

The wizard opens a new view that lists all the available collections of the specified databases, or all the
available database if you did not specify one in the previous step.

2. Expand the database, or databases of interest if you did not specify a database in the previous step as in this
example, and select the collection or collections of interest.

3. Click Next to proceed to the next step of the wizard where you can edit the generated schema or schemas.

By default, each generated schema is named after the collection on which it is based.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 377

Centralizing MongoDB metadata

Select a schema from the Schema panel to display its details on the right side, and modify the schema if
needed. You can rename any schema, and customize the schema structure according to your needs in the
Schema area.

The tool bar allows you to add, remove or move columns in your schema, or replace the schema with the
schema defined in an XML file.

To base a schema on another collection, select the schema name in the Schema panel, and select a new
collection from the Based on Collection list, and click the Guess Schema button to overwrite the schema
with that of the selected collection. You may need to click the refresh button to refresh the list of collections.

To add a new schema, click the Add Schema button in the Schema panel, which creates an empty schema
for you to define.

To remove a schema, select the schema name in the Schema panel and click the Remove Schema button.

To overwrite the modifications you made on the selected schema using its default schema, click Guess
schema. Note that all your changes to the schema will be lost if you click this button.

4. Click Finish to complete the schema creation. The result schemas appear under your MongoDB connection
in the Repository view. You can now drop the connection or any schema node under it onto your design
workspace as a MongoDB component, with all the metadata information automatically filled.

If you need to further edit a schema, right-click the schema and select Edit Schema from the contextual menu
to open this wizard again and make your modifications.

378 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing Neo4j metadata

If you modify the schemas, ensure that the data type in the Type column is correctly defined.

11.1.3. Centralizing Neo4j metadata

If you often need to handle data of a Neo4j database, then you may want to centralize the connection to the Neo4j
database and the schema details in the Metadata folder in the Repository tree view.

The Neo4j metadata setup procedure is made of two separate but closely related major tasks:

1. Create a connection to a Neo4j database.

2. Retrieve Neo4j schemas of interest.


All the required external modules that are missing in Talend Studio due to license restrictions have been installed.
For more information, see the Talend Installation and Upgrade Guide.

You are familiar with Cypher queries for reading data in Neo4j.

The Neo4j server is up and running if you need to connect to the Neo4j database in Remote mode. Creating a connection to a Neo4j database

1. In the Repository tree view, expand the Metadata node, right-click NoSQL Connection, and select Create
Connection from the contextual menu. The connection wizard opens up.

2. In the connection wizard, fill in the general properties of the connection you need to create, such as Name,
Purpose and Description.

The information you fill in the Description field will appear as a tooltip when you move your mouse pointer
over the connection.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 379

Centralizing Neo4j metadata

When done, click Next to proceed to the next step.

3. Select Neo4j from the DB Type list, and specify the connection details:

To connect to a Neo4j database in Local mode, also known as embedded mode, select the Local option
and specify the directory holding your Neo4j data files.

To connect to a Neo4j database in Remote mode, also known as REST mode, select the Remote option
and enter the URL of the Neo4j server.

In this example, the Neo4j database is accessible in Remote mode, and the Neo4j server URL is the default
URL proposed by the wizard.

380 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing Neo4j metadata

4. Click the Check button to make sure that the connection works.

5. Click Finish to validate the settings.

The newly created Neo4j database connection appears under the NoSQL Connection node in the Repository
tree view. You can now drop it onto your design workspace as a Neo4j component, but you still need to
define the schema information where needed.

Next, you need to retrieve one or more schemas of interest for your connection. Retrieving a schema

In this step, we will retrieve the schema of interest from the connected Neo4j database.

1. In the Repository view, right-click the newly created connection and select Retrieve Schema from the
contextual menu.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 381

Centralizing Neo4j metadata

The wizard opens a new view for schema generation based on a Cypher query.

2. In the Cypher field, enter your Cypher query to match the nodes and retrieve the properties of interest.

If your Cypher query includes strings, enclose your strings between single quotation marks instead of double ones,
which will cause errors in Neo4j components dropped from your centralized metadata.

In this example, the following query is used to match nodes labelled Employees and retrieve their properties
ID, Name, HireDate, Salary, and ManagerID as schema columns:
MATCH (n:Employees) RETURN n.ID, n.Name, n.HireDate, n.Salary, n.ManagerID;

If you want to retrieve all the properties of nodes labelled Employees in this example, you can enter a query
like this:
MATCH (n:Employees) RETURN n;


382 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing Neo4j metadata

MATCH (n:Employees) RETURN *;

3. Click Next to proceed to the next step of the wizard where you can edit the generated schema.

Modify the schema if needed. You can rename the schema, and customize the schema structure according
to your needs in the Schema area.

The tool bar allows you to add, remove or move columns in your schema, or replace the schema with the
schema defined in an XML file.

To add a new schema, click the Add Schema button in the Schema panel, which creates an empty schema
for you to define.

To remove a schema, select the schema name in the Schema panel and click the Remove Schema button.

4. Click Finish to complete the schema creation. The result schema appears under your Neo4j connection in the
Repository view. You can now drop the connection or any schema node under it onto your design workspace
as a Neo4j component, with all the metadata information automatically filled.

If you need to further edit a schema, right-click the schema and select Edit Schema from the contextual menu
to open this wizard again and make your modifications.

If you modify the schemas, ensure that the data type in the Type column is correctly defined.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 383

Managing Hadoop metadata

11.2. Managing Hadoop metadata

In the Repository tree view, the Hadoop cluster node in the Metadata folder groups under it the metadata of
the connections to the Hadoop elements such as HDFS, Hive or HBase. It allows you to centralize the connection
properties you set for a given Hadoop distribution and then to reuse those properties to create separate connections
to each Hadoop element.

Click Metadata in the Repository tree view to expand the relevant folder. Each of the connection nodes will gather
the various connections and schemas you have set up. Among these connection nodes is theHadoop cluster node.

The following sections explain in detail how to use the Hadoop cluster node to set up:

an HBase connection,

an HCatalog connection,

an HDFS file schema,

a Hive connection, and

an Oozie connection.

If you need to create a connection to Cloudera's analytic database, Impala, you need to use the DB connection
node under the Metadata node of the Repository. Its configuration is similar to that of a Hive connection but
less complicated than the latter.

384 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing a Hadoop connection

For further information about this DB connection node, see Managing Metadata for data integration.

11.2.1. Centralizing a Hadoop connection

Setting up a connection to a given Hadoop distribution in Repository allows you to avoid configuring that
connection each time when you need to use the same Hadoop distribution.

You need to define a Hadoop connection before being able to create from the Hadoop cluster node the connections
to each individual Hadoop element such as HDFS, Hive or Oozie.


You have ensured that the client machine on which the Talend Studio is installed can recognize the host names
of the nodes of the Hadoop cluster to be used. For this purpose, add the IP address/hostname mapping entries
for the services of that Hadoop cluster in the hosts file of the client machine.

For example, if the host name of the Hadoop Namenode server is talend-cdh550.weave.local and its IP address
is 192.168.x.x, the mapping entry reads 192.168.x.x talend-cdh550.weave.local.

The Hadoop cluster to be used has been properly configured and is running.

If you need to connect to MapR from the Studio, ensure that you have installed the MapR client in the
machine where the Studio is, and added the MapR client library to the PATH variable of that machine.
According to MapR's documentation, the library or libraries of a MapR client corresponding to each
OS version can be found under MAPR_INSTALL\/hadoop\hadoop-VERSION/lib/native. For example, the
library for Windows is \lib\native\MapRClient.dll in the MapR client jar file. For further information, see
the following link from MapR: http://www.mapr.com/blog/basic-notes-on-configuring-eclipse-as-a-hadoop-

To create a Hadoop connection in the Repository, do the following:

1. In the Repository tree view of your studio, expand Metadata and then right-click Hadoop cluster.

2. Select Create Hadoop cluster from the contextual menu to open the [Hadoop cluster connection] wizard.

3. Fill in generic information about this connection, such as Name and Description and click Next to open
the [Hadoop Configuration Import Wizard] window that allows you to select the manual or the automatic
mode to configure the connection.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 385

Centralizing a Hadoop connection Configuring the Hadoop connection automatically

This automatic mode can only be applied to the Hadoop distributions officially supported by the Studio, that is to
say, the distributions you can find in this [Hadoop Configuration Import Wizard] window.

1. In the Distribution area, select the Hadoop distribution to be used and its version.

2. Select how you want to set up the configuration from this import wizard.

Retrieve configuration from Ambari or Cloudera: if you are using a Hortonworks Data Platform or a
Cloudera CDH cluster and your cluster contains its specific management platform: Hortonworks Ambari
for Hortonworks Data Platform and Cloudera manager for Cloudera CDH, select this check box to directly
import the configuration.

For further information, see Retrieving configuration from Ambari or Cloudera.

Import configuration from local files: when you have obtained or you can obtain the configuration files
(mainly the *-site.xml files), for example, from the administrator of the Hadoop cluster or downloaded
directly from the Web-based cluster management service, use this option to import the properties directly
from those files.

For further information, see Importing configuration from local files.

386 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing a Hadoop connection

Retrieving configuration from Ambari or Cloudera

If you are able to access the Web-based management service of your cluster, that is to say, Ambari for Hortonworks
or Cloudera manager for Cloudera, select this Retrieve configuration from Ambari or Cloudera option to import
the configuration information directly from that management service.

This image shows an example of this wizard for configuration retrieval.

From this wizard, do the following:

1. In the area for the credentials, enter the authentication information to login the Web-based management
service of the cluster to be used. In this example, it is the Cloudera manager to connect to.

2. If the certificate system has been set up for the management service you need to connect to, select the Use
authentication check box to activate the related fields and then complete them using your TrustStore file.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 387

Centralizing a Hadoop connection

If you do not have this TrustStore file at hand, contact the administrator of the cluster.

Both Hortonworks and Cloudera provide the security-related information around their Web-based
management service in their documentation. You can find more details on their websites for documentation:





3. If your local machine has access permissions to your Ambari or Cloudera manager, click the Connect button
to create the connection from the Studio to Ambari or Cloudera manager.

Then the name of the cluster managed by this cluster management service is displayed on the Discovered
clusters list.

4. Click the Fetch button to retrieve and list the configurations of the services of this cluster in this wizard.

5. Select the services for which you want to import the configuration information.

6. Click Finish.

Then the relevant configuration information is automatically filled in the next step of the [Hadoop cluster
connection] wizard.

7. In this [Hadoop cluster connection] wizard, verify the Use custom Hadoop configurations check box
is selected in order to ensure that the entire configuration you have imported is taken into account. If you
clear this check box, the Studio uses its default Hadoop configuration (in the form of a jar file) instead to
complement the parameters you have explicitly set in this wizard.

For this reason, it is important to select this check box to make your custom configuration override the default

8. Click the Check services button to verify that the Studio can connect to the NameNode and the
ResourceManager services you have specified in this wizard.

A dialog box pops up to indicate the checking process and the connection status. If it shows that the connection
fails, you need to review and update the connection information you have defined in the connection wizard.

9. Click Finish to validate the changes.

If you need more details about the auto-completed fields in this [Hadoop cluster connection] wizard, see
Configuring the connection manually

Importing configuration from local files

Once you have selected Import configuration from local files in the import wizard, the following wizard is
opened to help you select the Hadoop configuration files (mainly the *-site.xml files) to be used from the local

388 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing a Hadoop connection

From this wizard, proceed as follows:

1. Click Browse... to access the folder in which the local configuration files to be used are stored and click OK
to list the configurations in this wizard.

It is recommended to store these configuration files using a short access path in the local machine.

The following image shows some files used for the configuration of HDFS, MapReduce and Yarn in Cloudera.
These sample files are downloaded and automatically generated by Cloudera manager.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 389

Centralizing a Hadoop connection

2. From the configuration list, select the configurations to be imported, for example, those for HDFS and
MAPREDUCE2, and click Finish.

Then the relevant configuration information is automatically filled in the next step of the [Hadoop cluster
connection] wizard.

390 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing a Hadoop connection

3. In this [Hadoop cluster connection] wizard, verify the Use custom Hadoop configurations check box
is selected in order to ensure that the entire configuration you have imported is taken into account. If you
clear this check box, the Studio uses its default Hadoop configuration (in the form of a jar file) instead to
complement the parameters you have explicitly set in this wizard.

For this reason, it is important to select this check box to make your custom configuration override the default

4. Click the Check services button to verify that the Studio can connect to the NameNode and the
ResourceManager services you have specified in this wizard.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 391

Centralizing a Hadoop connection

A dialog box pops up to indicate the checking process and the connection status. If it shows that the connection
fails, you need to review and update the connection information you have defined in the connection wizard.

5. Click Finish to validate the changes.

If you need more details about the auto-completed fields in this [Hadoop cluster connection] wizard, see
Configuring the connection manually Configuring the connection manually

Even though importing a given Hadoop configuration is always an efficient way, you may have to set up the
connection manually in some circumstances, for example, you do not have the configurations you can import at

1. In this [Hadoop Configuration Import Wizard] window, select Enter manually Hadoop services and
click Finish to go back to the [Hadoop Cluster Connection] wizard.

This mode allows you to connect to a custom Hadoop distribution. For further information, see Connecting
to custom Hadoop distribution.

2. Fill in the fields that become activated depending on the version info you have selected.

Note that among these fields, the NameNode URI field and the Resource Manager field have been
automatically filled with the default syntax and port number corresponding to the selected distribution. You
need to update only the part you need to depending on the configuration of the Hadoop cluster to be used.
For further information about these different fields to be filled, see the following list.

392 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing a Hadoop connection

Those fields may be:

Namenode URI:

Enter the URI pointing to the machine used as the NameNode of the Hadoop distribution to be used.

The NameNode is the master node of a Hadoop system. For example, we assume that you have chosen
a machine called machine1 as the NameNode of an Apache Hadoop distribution, then the location to be
entered is hdfs://machine1:portnumber.

If you are using a MapR distribution, you can simply leave maprfs:/// as it is in this field; then the MapR
client will take care of the rest on the fly for creating the connection. The MapR client must be properly

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 393

Centralizing a Hadoop connection

installed. For further information about how to set up a MapR client, see the following link in MapR's
documentation: http://doc.mapr.com/display/MapR/Setting+Up+the+Client.

Resource Manager:

Enter the URI pointing to the machine used as the Resource Manager service of the Hadoop distribution
to be used.

Note that in some older Hadoop distribution versions, you need to set the location of the JobTracker service
instead of the Resource Manager service.

Then you need to set further the addresses of the related services such as the address of the
Resourcemanager scheduler. When you use this connection in a Big Data relevant component such
as tHiveConnection, you will be able to allocate memory to the Map and the Reduce computations
and the ApplicationMaster of YARN in the Advanced settings view. For further information about the
Resource Manager, its scheduler and the ApplicationMaster, see the documentation about YARN for your
distribution such as


Job history:

Enter the location of the JobHistory server of the Hadoop cluster to be used. This allows the metrics
information of the current Job to be stored in that JobHistory server.

Staging directory:

Enter this directory defined in your Hadoop cluster for temporary files created by running programs.
Typically, this directory can be found under the yarn.app.mapreduce.am.staging-dir property in the
configuration files such as yarn-site.xml or mapred-site.xml of your distribution.

Use datanode hostname:

Select this check box to allow the Job to access datanodes via their hostnames. This actually sets the
dfs.client.use.datanode.hostname property to true. If this connection is going to be used by a Job connecting
to a S3N filesystem, you must select this check box.

Enable Kerberos security:

If you are accessing a Hadoop distribution running with Kerberos security, select this check box, then,
enter the Kerberos principal names for the NameNode in the field activated.

These principals can be found in the configuration files of your distribution. For example, in a CDH4
distribution, the Resource manager principal is set in the yarn-site.xml file and the Job history principal
in the mapred-site.xml file.

If you need to use a keytab file to log in, select the Use a keytab to authenticate check box. A keytab file
contains pairs of Kerberos principals and encrypted keys. You need to enter the principal to be used in the
Principal field and in the Keytab field, browse to the keytab file to be used.

Note that the user that executes a keytab-enabled Job is not necessarily the one a principal designates but
must have the right to read the keytab file being used. For example, the user name you are using to execute
a Job is user1 and the principal to be used is guest; in this situation, ensure that user1 has the right to read
the keytab file to be used.

If you are connecting to a MapR cluster V4.0.1 and onwards and the MapR ticket security system of the
cluster has been enabled, you need to select the Force MapR Ticket Authentication check box and define
the following parameters:

1. In the Password field, specify the password used by the user for authentication.
394 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide
Centralizing a Hadoop connection

A MapR security ticket is generated for this user by MapR and stored in the machine where the Job
you are configuring is executed.

2. In the Cluster name field, enter the name of the MapR cluster you want to use this username to
connect to.

This cluster name can be found in the mapr-clusters.conf file located in /opt/mapr/conf of the cluster.

3. In the Ticket duration field, enter the length of time (in seconds) during which the ticket is valid.

4. Keep the Launch authentication mechanism when the Job starts check box selected in order to
ensure that the Job using this connection takes into account the current security configuration when
it starts to run.

If the default security configuration of your MapR cluster has been changed, you need to configure the
connection to take this custom security configuration into account.

MapR specifies its security configuration in the mapr.login.conf file located in /opt/mapr/conf of the
cluster. For further information about this configuration file and the Java service it uses behind, see
mapr.login.conf and JAAS.

Proceed as follows to do the configuration:

1. Verify what has been changed about this mapr.login.conf file.

You should be able to obtain the related information from the administrator or the developer of your
MapR cluster.

2. If the location of the MapR configuration files has been changed to somewhere else in the cluster,
that is to say, the MapR Home directory has been changed, select the Set the MapR Home directory
check box and enter the new Home directory. Otherwise, leave this check box clear and the default
Home directory is used.

3. If the login module to be used in the mapr.login.conf file has been changed, select the Specify the
Hadoop login configuration check box and enter the module to be called from the mapr.login.conf
file. Otherwise, leave this check box clear and the default login module is used.

For example, enter kerberos to call the hadoop_kerberos module or hybrid to call the hadoop_hybrid

User name:

Enter the user authentication name of the Hadoop distribution to be used.

If you leave this field empty, the Studio will use your login name of the client machine you are working
on to access that Hadoop distribution. For example, if you are using the Studio in a Windows machine and
your login name is Company, then the authentication name to be used at runtime will be Company.


Enter the group name to which the authenticated user belongs.

Note that this field becomes activated depending on the distribution you are using.

Hadoop properties:

If you need to use custom configuration for the Hadoop distribution to be used, click the [...] button to open
the properties table and add the property or properties to be customized. Then at runtime, these changes
will override the corresponding default properties used by the Studio for its Hadoop engine.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 395

Centralizing a Hadoop connection

Note that the properties set in this table are inherited and reused by the child connections you will be able
to create based on this current Hadoop connection.

For further information about the properties of Hadoop, see Apache's Hadoop documentation on http://
hadoop.apache.org/docs/current/, or the documentation of the Hadoop distribution you need to use. For
example, the following page lists some of the default Hadoop properties: https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/

For further information about how to leverage this properties table, see Setting reusable Hadoop properties.

When the distribution to be used is Microsoft HD Insight, you need to set the WebHCat configuration,
the HDInsight configuration and the Window Azure Storage configuration instead of the parameters
mentioned above. Apart from the authentication information you need to provide in these configuration
areas, you need also to set the following parameters:

In the Job result folder field, enter the location in which you want to store the execution result of a
Talend Job in the Azure Storage to be used.

In the Deployment Blob field, enter the location in which you want to store a Talend Job and its
dependent libraries in this Azure Storage account.
A demonstration video about how to configure this connection is available in the following link: https://

If you are using Cloudera V5.5+, you can select the Use Cloudera Navigator check box to enable the
Cloudera Navigator of your distribution to trace your Job lineage to the component level, including the
schema changes between components.

You need then to click the [...] button to open the [Cloudera Navigator Wizard] window to define the
following parameters:

1. Username and Password: this is the credentials you use to connect to your Cloudera Navigator.

2. URL: enter the location of the Cloudera Navigator to be connected to

3. Metadata URL: enter the location of the Navigator Metadata.

4. Client URL: leave the default value as is.

5. Autocommit: select this check box to make Cloudera Navigator generate the lineage of the current Job
at the end of the execution of this Job.

Since this option actually forces Cloudera Navigator to generate lineages of all its available entities such
as HDFS files and directories, Hive queries or Pig scripts, it is not recommended for the production
environment because it will slow the Job.

6. Die on error: select this check box to stop the execution of the Job when the connection to your Cloudera
Navigator fails.

Otherwise, leave it clear to allow your Job to continue to run.

7. Disable SSL: select this check box to make your Job to connect to Cloudera Navigator without the SSL
validation process.

This feature is meant to facilitate the test of your Job but is not recommended to be used in a production

Once the configuration is done, click Finish to validate the settings.

3. For each distribution officially supported by Talend, a default Hadoop configuration (in the form of a jar file)
is automatically loaded by the Studio to complement the parameters you have explicitly set in this wizard.
396 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide
Connecting to custom Hadoop distribution

If you need to use your custom configuration to replace the default one, select the Use custom Hadoop confs
check box and then click the [...] button to open the import wizard to import the configuration from Ambari
or Cloudera manager or some local files.

Note that this import overwrites only the default Hadoop configuration used by the Studio but does not
overwrite the parameters you have defined in this [Hadoop cluster connection] wizard.

For further information about this import, see Retrieving configuration from Ambari or Cloudera and
Importing configuration from local files.

4. Click the Check services button to verify that the Studio can connect to the NameNode and the JobTracker
or ResourceManager services you have specified in this wizard.

A dialog box pops up to indicate the checking process and the connection status. If it shows that the connection
fails, you need to review and update the connection information you have defined in the connection wizard.

5. Click Finish to validate your changes and close the wizard.

The newly set-up Hadoop connection displays under the Hadoop cluster folder in the Repository tree
view. This connection has no sub-folders until you create connections to any element under that Hadoop

11.2.2. Connecting to custom Hadoop distribution

When you select the Custom option from the Distribution drop-down list, you are connecting to a Hadoop
distribution different from any of the Hadoop distributions provided on that Distribution list in the Studio.

After selecting this Custom option, click the button to display the [Import custom definition] dialog box
and proceed as follows:

Note that custom versions are not officially supported by Talend. Talend and its community provide you with the
opportunity to connect to custom versions from the Studio but cannot guarantee that the configuration of whichever
version you choose will be easy, due to the wide range of different Hadoop distributions and versions that are
available. As such, you should only attempt to set up such a connection if you have sufficient Hadoop experience
to handle any issues on your own.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 397

Connecting to custom Hadoop distribution

1. Depending on your situation, select Import from existing version or Import from zip to configure the
custom Hadoop distribution to be connected to.

If you have the configuration zip file of the custom Hadoop distribution you need to connect to, select
Import from zip. In Talend Exchange, members of Talend community have shared some ready-for-
use configuration zip files which you can download from this Hadoop configuration list and directly use
them in your connection accordingly. However, because of the ongoing evolution of the different Hadoop-
related projects, you might not be able to find the configuration zip corresponding to your distribution
from this list; then it is recommended to use the Import from existing version option to take an existing
distribution as base to add the jars required by your distribution.

Note that the zip files are only configuration files and cannot be installed directly from Talend Exchange.

Otherwise, select Import from existing version to import an officially supported Hadoop distribution as
base so as to customize it by following the wizard. Adopting this approach requires knowledge about the
configuration of the Hadoop distribution to be used.

Note that the check boxes in the wizard allow you to select the Hadoop element(s) you need to import. All the
check boxes are not always displayed in your wizard depending on the context in which you are creating the
connection. For example, if you are creating this connection for Oozie, then only the Oozie check box appears.

2. Whether you have selected Import from existing version or Import from zip, verify that each check box
next to the Hadoop element you need to import has been selected..

3. Click OK and then in the pop-up warning, click Yes to accept overwriting any custom setup of jar files
previously implemented-.

Once done, the [Custom Hadoop version definition] dialog box becomes active.

398 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Connecting to custom Hadoop distribution

This dialog box lists the Hadoop elements and their jar files you are importing.

4. If you have selected Import from zip, click OK to validate the imported configuration.

If you have selected Import from existing version as base, you should still need to add more jar files to
customize that version. Then from the tab of the Hadoop element you need to customize, for example, the
HDFS/HCatalog/Oozie tab, click the [+] button to open the [Select libraries] dialog box.

5. Select the External libraries option to open its view.

6. Browse to and select any jar file you need to import.

7. Click OK to validate the changes and to close the [Select libraries] dialog box.

Once done, the selected jar file appears on the list in the tab of the Hadoop element being configured.

Note that if you need to share the custom Hadoop setup with another Studio, you can export this custom

connection from the [Custom Hadoop version definition] window using the button.

8. In the [Custom Hadoop version definition] dialog box, click OK to validate the customized configuration.
This brings you back to the configuration view in which you have selected the Custom option.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 399

Centralizing HBase metadata

Now that the configuration of the custom Hadoop version has been set up and you are back to the Hadoop
connection configuration view, you are able to continue to enter other parameters required by the connection.

If the custom Hadoop version you need to connect to contains YARN and you want to use it, select the Use YARN
check box next to the Distribution list.

A video is available in the following link to demonstrate, by taking HDFS as example, how to set up the connection
to a custom Hadoop cluster, also referred to as an unsupported Hadoop distribution: How to add an unsupported
Hadoop distribution to the Studio.

11.2.3. Centralizing HBase metadata

If you often need to use a database table from HBase, then you may want to centralize the connection information
to the HBase database and the table schema details in the Metadata folder in the Repository tree view.

Even though you can still do this from the DB connection mode, using the Hadoop cluster node is the alternative
that makes better use of the centralized connection properties for a given Hadoop distribution.


Launch the Hadoop distribution you need to use and ensure that you have the proper access permission to that
distribution and its HBase.

Create the connection to that Hadoop distribution from the Hadoop cluster node. For further information, see
Centralizing a Hadoop connection. Creating a connection to HBase

1. Expand the Hadoop cluster node under the Metadata node of the Repository tree, right-click the Hadoop
connection to be used and select Create HBase from the contextual menu.

2. In the connection wizard that opens up, fill in the generic properties of the connection you need create, such
as Name, Purpose and Description. The Status field is a customized field that you can define in File >
Edit project properties.

400 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing HBase metadata

3. Click Next to proceed to the next step, which requires you to fill in the HBase connection details. Among
them, DB Type, Hadoop cluster, Distribution, HBase version and Server are automatically pre-filled with
the properties inherited from the Hadoop connection you selected in the previous steps.

Note that if you choose None from the Hadoop cluster list, you are actually switching to a manual mode
in which the inherited properties are abandoned and instead you have to configure every property yourself,
with the result that the created connection appears under the Db connection node only.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 401

Centralizing HBase metadata

4. In the Port field, fill in the port number of the HBase database to be connected to.

In order to make the host name of the Hadoop server recognizable by the client and the host computers, you have to
establish an IP address/hostname mapping entry for that host name in the related hosts files of the client and the host
computers. For example, the host name of the Hadoop server is talend-all-hdp, and its IP address is 192.168.x.x, then
the mapping entry reads 192.168.x.x talend-all-hdp. For the Windows system, you need to add the entry to the file C:
\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts (assuming Windows is installed on drive C). For the Linux system, you need
to add the entry to the file /etc/hosts.

5. In the Column family field, enter the column family if you want to filter columns, and click Check to check
your connection

6. If you are accessing a Hadoop distribution running with Kerberos security, select this check box, then, enter
the Kerberos principal name for the NameNode in the field activated. This enables you to use your user name
to authenticate against the credentials stored in Kerberos.

If you need to use a keytab file to log in, select the Use a keytab to authenticate check box. A keytab file
contains pairs of Kerberos principals and encrypted keys. You need to enter the principal to be used in the
Principal field and in the Keytab field, browse to the keytab file to be used.

402 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing HBase metadata

Note that the user that executes a keytab-enabled Job is not necessarily the one a principal designates but
must have the right to read the keytab file being used. For example, the user name you are using to execute
a Job is user1 and the principal to be used is guest; in this situation, ensure that user1 has the right to read
the keytab file to be used.

7. If you need to use custom configuration for the Hadoop or HBase distribution to be used, click the [...] button
next to Hadoop properties to open the properties table and add the property or properties to be customized.
Then at runtime, these changes will override the corresponding default properties used by the Studio for its
Hadoop engine.

Note a Parent Hadoop properties table is displayed above the current properties table you are editing. This
parent table is read-only and lists the Hadoop properties that have been defined in the wizard of the parent
Hadoop connection on which the current HBase connection is based.

For further information about the properties of Hadoop, see Apache's Hadoop documentation on http://
hadoop.apache.org/docs/current/, or the documentation of the Hadoop distribution you need to use. For
example, the following page lists some of the default Hadoop properties: https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/

For further information about the properties of HBase, see Apache's documentation for HBase. For
example, the following page describes some of the HBase configuration properties: http://hbase.apache.org/

For further information about how to leverage this properties table, see Setting reusable Hadoop properties.

8. Click Finish to validate the changes.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 403

Centralizing HBase metadata

The newly created HBase connection appears under the Hadoop cluster node of the Repository tree. In
addition, as an HBase connection is a database connection, this new connection appears under the Db
connections node, too.

This Repository view may vary depending on the edition of the Studio you are using.

If you need to use an environmental context to define the parameters of this connection, click the Export as
context button to open the corresponding wizard and make the choice from the following options:

Create a new repository context: create this environmental context out of the current Hadoop connection, that
is to say, the parameters to be set in the wizard are taken as context variables with the values you have given
to these parameters.

Reuse an existing repository context: use the variables of a given environmental context to configure the
current connection.

If you need to cancel the implementation of the context, click Revert context. Then the values of the context
variables being used are directly put in this wizard.

For a step-by-step example about how to use this Export as context feature, see Exporting metadata as context
and reusing context parameters to set up a connection. Retrieving a table schema

In this step, we will retrieve the table schema of interest from the connected HBase database.

1. In the Repository view, right-click the newly created connection and select Retrieve schema from the
contextual menu, and click Next on the wizard that opens to view and filter different tables in the HBase

404 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing HBase metadata

2. Expand the relevant database table and column family nodes and select the columns of interest, and click
Next to open a new view on the wizard that lists the selected table schema(s). You can select any of them to
display its details in the Schema area on the right side of the wizard.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 405

Centralizing HBase metadata

If your source database table contains any default value that is a function or an expression rather than a string, be
sure to remove the single quotation marks, if any, enclosing the default value in the end schema to avoid unexpected
results when creating database tables using this schema.

3. Modify the selected schema if needed. You can rename the schema, and customize the schema structure
according to your needs in the Schema area.

The tool bar allows you to add, remove or move columns in your schema.

To overwrite the modifications you made on the selected schema using its default schema, click Retrieve
schema. Note that all your changes to the schema will be lost if you click this button.

4. Click Finish to complete the HBase table schema creation. All the retrieved schemas are displayed under the
related HBase connection in the Repository view.

If you need to further edit a schema, right-click the schema and select Edit Schema from the contextual menu
to open this wizard again and make your modifications.

If you modify the schemas, ensure that the data type in the Type column is correctly defined.

406 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing MapR-DB metadata

As explained earlier, apart from using the Hadoop cluster node, you can as well create an HBase connection
and retrieve schemas from the Db connection node. In either way, you need always to define the specific HBase
connection properties. At that step:

if you select from the Hadoop cluster list the Repository option to reuse details of an established Hadoop
connection, the created HBase connection will eventually be classified under both the Hadoop cluster node
and the Db connection node;

otherwise, if you select from the Hadoop cluster list the None option in order to enter the Hadoop connection
properties yourself, the created HBase connection will appear under the Db connection node only.

11.2.4. Centralizing MapR-DB metadata

If you often need to use a database table from MapR-DB, then you may want to centralize the connection
information to MapR-DB and the table schema details in the Metadata folder in the Repository tree view.

Even though you can do this from the DB connection node, using the Hadoop cluster node is recommended in
order to make better use of the centralized connection properties for a given MapR distribution.


Launch the MapR distribution you need to use and ensure that you have the proper access permission to that
distribution and its MapR-DB database.

Create the connection to that MapR distribution from the Hadoop cluster node. For further information, see
Centralizing a Hadoop connection. Creating a connection to MapR-DB

1. Expand the Hadoop cluster node under the Metadata node of the Repository tree, right-click the MapR
connection to be used and select Create MapRDB from the contextual menu.

2. In the connection wizard that opens up, fill in the generic properties of the connection you need create, such
as Name, Purpose and Description. The Status field is a customized field that you can define in File >
Edit project properties.

3. Click Next to proceed to the next step, which requires you to fill in the MapR-DB connection details. Among
them, DB Type, Hadoop cluster, Distribution, MapR-DB version and Server are automatically pre-filled
with the properties inherited from the MapR connection you selected in the previous steps.

Note that if you choose None from the Hadoop cluster list, you are actually switching to a manual mode
in which the inherited properties are abandoned and instead you have to configure every property yourself,
with the result that the created connection appears under the Db connection node only.

4. In the Port field, fill in the port number of the MapR-DB database to be connected to. The default number is
5181, which is actually the port to the nodes running Zookeeper services.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 407

Centralizing MapR-DB metadata

In order to make the host name of the MapR server recognizable by the client and the host computers, you have
to establish an IP address/hostname mapping entry for that host name in the related hosts files of the client and the
host computers. For example, the host name of the MapR server is myMapR, and its IP address is 192.168.x.x, then
the mapping entry reads 192.168.x.x myMapR. For the Windows system, you need to add the entry to the file C:
\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts (assuming Windows is installed on drive C). For the Linux system, you need
to add the entry to the file /etc/hosts.

5. In the Column family field, enter the column family if you want to filter columns, and click Check to check
your connection

6. If the database to be used is running with Kerberos security, select the User Kerberos authentication check
box, then, enter the principal names in the displayed fields. You should be able to find the information in the
hbase-site.xml file of the MapR cluster to be used.

If you need to use a keytab file to log in, select the Use a keytab to authenticate check box. A keytab file
contains pairs of Kerberos principals and encrypted keys. You need to enter the principal to be used in the
Principal field and in the Keytab field, browse to the keytab file to be used.

Note that the user that executes a keytab-enabled Job is not necessarily the one a principal designates but
must have the right to read the keytab file being used. For example, the user name you are using to execute
a Job is user1 and the principal to be used is guest; in this situation, ensure that user1 has the right to read
the keytab file to be used.

7. If the MapR cluster to be used is secured with the MapR ticket authentication mechanism, select Force MapR
Ticket authentication, in order to set the related security configuration.

1. Select the Force MapR ticket authentication check box to display the related parameters to be defined.

2. In the Username field, enter the username to be authenticated and in the Password field, specify the
password used by this user.

A MapR security ticket is generated for this user by MapR and stored in the machine where the Job you
are configuring is executed.

3. If the Group field is available in this tab, you need to enter the name of the group to which the user
to be authenticated belongs.

4. In the Cluster name field, enter the name of the MapR cluster you want to use this username to connect

This cluster name can be found in the mapr-clusters.conf file located in /opt/mapr/conf of the cluster.

5. In the Ticket duration field, enter the length of time (in seconds) during which the ticket is valid.

8. If you need to use custom configuration for the MapR-DB distribution to be used, click the [...] button next to
Hadoop properties to open the properties table and add the property or properties to be customized. Then at
runtime, these changes will override the corresponding default properties used by the Studio for its Hadoop

Note a Parent Hadoop properties table is displayed above the current properties table you are editing. This
parent table is read-only and lists the MapR properties that have been defined in the wizard of the parent
MapR connection on which the current MapR-DB connection is based.

For further information about the properties of MapR, see MapR documentation or more general
documentation from Apache Hadoop.

Because of the close relation between HBase and MapR-DB, for further information about the properties of
MapR-DB, see Apache documentation for HBase. For example, the following page describes some of the
HBase configuration properties: http://hbase.apache.org/book.html#_configuration_files.

For further information about how to leverage this properties table, see Setting reusable Hadoop properties.

408 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing HCatalog metadata

9. Click Finish to validate the changes.

The newly created MapR connection appears under the Hadoop cluster node of the Repository tree. In
addition, as a MapR-DB connection is a database connection, this new connection appears under the Db
connections node, too.

If you need to use an environmental context to define the parameters of this connection, click the Export as
context button to open the corresponding wizard and make the choice from the following options:

Create a new repository context: create this environmental context out of the current Hadoop connection, that
is to say, the parameters to be set in the wizard are taken as context variables with the values you have given
to these parameters.

Reuse an existing repository context: use the variables of a given environmental context to configure the
current connection.

If you need to cancel the implementation of the context, click Revert context. Then the values of the context
variables being used are directly put in this wizard.

For a step-by-step example about how to use this Export as context feature, see Exporting metadata as context
and reusing context parameters to set up a connection. Retrieving a table schema

The way to retrieve a MapR-DB table schema is the same as the way to retrieve a HBase table schema. For details
about how to retrieve an HBase schema, see Retrieving a table schema.

11.2.5. Centralizing HCatalog metadata

If you often need to use a table from HCatalog, a table and storage management layer for Hadoop, then you may
want to centralize the connection information to a given HCatalog and the table schema details in the Metadata
folder in the Repository tree view.


Launch the HortonWorks Hadoop distribution you need to use and ensure that you have the proper access
permission to that distribution and its HCatalog.

Create the connection to that Hadoop distribution from the Hadoop cluster node. For further information, see
Centralizing a Hadoop connection. Creating a connection to HCatalog

1. Expand Hadoop cluster node under Metadata node in the Repository tree view, right-click the Hadoop
connection to be used and select Create HCatalog from the contextual menu.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 409

Centralizing HCatalog metadata

2. In the connection wizard that opens up, fill in the generic properties of the connection you need create, such
as Name, Purpose and Description. The Status field is a customized field you can define in File > Edit
project properties.

3. Click Next when completed. The second step requires you to fill in the HCatalog connection data. Among
the properties, Host name is automatically pre-filled with the value inherited from the Hadoop connection
you selected in the previous steps. The Templeton Port and the Database are using the default values.

This database is actually a Hive database and Templeton (WebHcat) is used as a REST-like web API
by HCatalog to issue commands. For further information about Templeton (WebHcat), see Apache's
documentation on https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/WebHCat+UsingWebHCat.

410 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing HCatalog metadata

The Principal and the Realm fields are displayed only when the Hadoop connection you are using enables
the Kerberos security. They are the properties required by Kerberos to authenticate the HCatalog client and
the HCatalog server to each other.

In order to make the host name of the Hadoop server recognizable by the client and the host computers, you have to
establish an IP address/hostname mapping entry for that host name in the related hosts files of the client and the host
computers. For example, the host name of the Hadoop server is talend-all-hdp, and its IP address is 192.168.x.x, then
the mapping entry reads 192.168.x.x talend-all-hdp. For the Windows system, you need to add the entry to the file C:
\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts (assuming Windows is installed on drive C). For the Linux system, you need
to add the entry to the file /etc/hosts.

4. If necessary, change these default values to those of the port and the database used by the HCatalog you
connect to.

5. If required, enter the Principal and the Realm properties.

6. If you need to use custom configuration for the Hadoop or HCatalog distribution to be used, click the [...]
button next to Hadoop properties to open the properties table and add the property or properties to be
customized. Then at runtime, these changes will override the corresponding default properties used by the
Studio for its Hadoop engine.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 411

Centralizing HCatalog metadata

Note a Parent Hadoop properties table is displayed above the current properties table you are editing. This
parent table is read-only and lists the Hadoop properties that have been defined in the wizard of the parent
Hadoop connection on which the current HCatalog connection is based.

For further information about the properties of Hadoop, see Apache's Hadoop documentation on http://
hadoop.apache.org/docs/current/, or the documentation of the Hadoop distribution you need to use. For
example, the following page lists some of the default Hadoop properties: https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/

For further information about the properties of HCatalog, see Apache's documentation for HCatalog.
For example, the following page describes some of the HCatalog configuration properties: https://

For further information about how to leverage this properties table, see Setting reusable Hadoop properties.

7. Click Check to test the connection you have just defined. A message pops up to indicate whether the
connection is successful.

8. Click Finish to validate these changes.

The created HCatalog connection is available under the Hadoop cluster node in the Repository tree view.

This Repository view may vary depending the edition of the Studio you are using.

If you need to use an environmental context to define the parameters of this connection, click the Export as
context button to open the corresponding wizard and make the choice from the following options:

Create a new repository context: create this environmental context out of the current Hadoop connection,
that is to say, the parameters to be set in the wizard are taken as context variables with the values you have
given to these parameters.

Reuse an existing repository context: use the variables of a given environmental context to configure
the current connection.

412 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing HCatalog metadata

If you need to cancel the implementation of the context, click Revert context. Then the values of the context
variables being used are directly put in this wizard.

For a step-by-step example about how to use this Export as context feature, see Exporting metadata as
context and reusing context parameters to set up a connection.

9. Right-click the newly created connection, and select Retrieve schema from the drop-down list in order to
load the desired table schema from the established connection. Retrieving a table schema

1. When you click Retrieve Schema, a new wizard opens up where you can filter and display different tables
in the HCatalog.

2. In the Name filter field, you can enter the name of the table(s) you are looking for to filter it/them.

Otherwise, you can directly find and select the table(s) of which you need to retrieve the schema(s).

Each time when the schema retrieval is done for a table selected, the Creation status of this table becomes

3. Click Next to open a new view on the wizard that lists the selected table schema(s). You can select any of
them to display its details in the Schema area.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 413

Centralizing HDFS metadata

4. Modify the selected schema if needed. You can change the name of the schema and according to your needs,
you can also customize the schema structure in the Schema area.

Indeed, the tool bar allows you to add, remove or move columns in your schema.

To overwrite the modifications you made on this selected schema with its default one, click Retrieve schema.
Note that this overwriting does not retain any custom edits.

5. Click Finish to complete the HCatalog table schema creation. All the retrieved schemas are displayed under
the relevant HCatalog connection node in the Repository view.

If then you still need to edit a schema, right click this schema under the related HCatalog connection node
in the Repository view and from the contextual menu, select Edit Schema to open this wizard again and
then make the modifications.
If you modify the schemas, ensure that the data type in the Type column is correctly defined.

11.2.6. Centralizing HDFS metadata

If you often need to use a file schema from HDFS, the Hadoop Distributed File System, then you may want to
centralize the connection information to the HDFS and the schema details in the Metadata folder in the Repository
tree view.


Launch the Hadoop distribution you need to use and ensure that you have the proper access permission to that
distribution and its HDFS.

Create the connection to that Hadoop distribution from the Hadoop cluster node. For further information, see
Centralizing a Hadoop connection.

414 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing HDFS metadata Creating a connection to HDFS

1. Expand the Hadoop cluster node under Metadata in the Repository tree view, right-click the Hadoop
connection to be used and select Create HDFS from the contextual menu.

2. In the connection wizard that opens up, fill in the generic properties of the connection you need create, such
as Name, Purpose and Description. The Status field is a customized field you can define in File >Edit
project properties.

3. Click Next when completed. The second step requires you to fill in the HDFS connection data. The User
name property is automatically pre-filled with the value inherited from the Hadoop connection you selected
in the previous steps.

The Row separator and the Field separator properties are using the default values.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 415

Centralizing HDFS metadata

If the Hadoop connection you are using enables the Kerberos security, the User name field is automatically

4. If the data to be accessed in HDFS includes a header message that you want to ignore, select the Header
check box and enter the number of header rows to be skipped.

5. If you need to define column names for the data to be accessed, select the Set heading row as column names
check box. This allows the Studio to select the last one of the skipped rows to use as the column names of
the data.

For example, select this check box and enter 1 in the Header field; then when you retrieve the schema of the
data to be used, the first row of the data will be ignored as data body but used as column names of the data.

6. If you need to use custom HDFS configuration for the Hadoop distribution to be used, click the [...] button
next to Hadoop properties to open the corresponding properties table and add the property or properties to
be customized. Then at runtime, these changes will override the corresponding default properties used by the
Studio for its Hadoop engine.

Note a Parent Hadoop properties table is displayed above the current properties table you are editing. This
parent table is read-only and lists the Hadoop properties that have been defined in the wizard of the parent
Hadoop connection on which the current HDFS connection is based.

416 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing HDFS metadata

For further information about the HDFS-related properties of Hadoop, see Apache's Hadoop documentation
on http://hadoop.apache.org/docs/current/, or the documentation of the Hadoop distribution you need to
use. For example, the following page lists some of the default HDFS-related Hadoop properties: http://

For further information about how to leverage this properties table, see Setting reusable Hadoop properties.

7. Change the default separators if necessary and click Check to verify your connection.

A message pops up to indicate whether the connection is successful.

8. Click Finish to validate these changes.

The created HDFS connection is now available under the Hadoop cluster node in the Repository tree view.

This Repository view may vary depending the edition of the Studio you are using.

If you need to use an environmental context to define the parameters of this connection, click the Export as
context button to open the corresponding wizard and make the choice from the following options:

Create a new repository context: create this environmental context out of the current Hadoop connection,
that is to say, the parameters to be set in the wizard are taken as context variables with the values you have
given to these parameters.

Reuse an existing repository context: use the variables of a given environmental context to configure
the current connection.

If you need to cancel the implementation of the context, click Revert context. Then the values of the context
variables being used are directly put in this wizard.

For a step-by-step example about how to use this Export as context feature, see Exporting metadata as
context and reusing context parameters to set up a connection.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 417

Centralizing HDFS metadata

9. Right-click the created connection, and select Retrieve schema from the drop-down list in order to load the
desired file schema from the established connection. Retrieving a file schema

1. When you click Retrieve Schema, a new wizard opens up where you can filter and display different objects
(an Avro file, for example) in the HDFS.

2. In the Name filter field, you can enter the name of the file(s) you are looking for to filter it/them.

Otherwise, you can expand the folders listed in this wizard by selecting the check box before them. Then,
select the file(s) of which you need to retrieve the schema(s)

Each time when the schema retrieval is done for a file selected, the Creation status of this file becomes

3. Click Next to open a new view on the wizard that lists the selected file schema(s). You can select any of
them to display its details in the Schema area.

418 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing Hive metadata

4. Modify the selected schema if needed. You can change the name of the schema and according to your needs,
you can also customize the schema structure in the Schema area.

Indeed, the tool bar allows you to add, remove or move columns in your schema.

To overwrite the modifications you made on this selected schema with its default one, click Retrieve schema.
Note that this overwriting does not retain any custom edits.

5. Click Finish to complete the HDFS file schema creation. All the retrieved schemas are displayed under the
related HDFS connection node in the Repository view.

If then you still need to edit a schema, right click this schema under the relevant HDFS connection node in
the Repository view and from the contextual menu, select Edit Schema to open this wizard again and then
make the modifications.

If you modify the schemas, ensure that the data type in the Type column is correctly defined.

11.2.7. Centralizing Hive metadata

If you often need to use a database table from Hive, then you may want to centralize the connection information
to the Hive database and the table schema details in the Metadata folder in the Repository tree view.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 419

Centralizing Hive metadata

Even though you can still do this from the DB connection mode, using the Hadoop cluster node is the alternative
that makes better use of the centralized connection properties for a given Hadoop distribution.


Launch the Hadoop distribution you need to use and ensure that you have the proper access permission to that
distribution and its Hive database.

Create the connection to that Hadoop distribution from the Hadoop cluster node. For further information, see
Centralizing a Hadoop connection.

If you want to use MapR as the distribution and MapR 2.0.0 or MapR 2.1.2 as the Hive version, do the following
before setting up the Hive connection:

1. Add the MapR client path which varies depending on your operating system (for Windows, it is -
Djava.library.path=maprclientpath\lib\native\Windows_7-amd64-64) to the corresponding .ini
file of Talend Studio, for example, Talend-Studio-win-x86_64.ini.

2. For MapR 2.0.0, install the module maprfs-0.1.jar.

For MapR 2.1.2, install the modules maprfs-0.20.2-2.1.2.jar and maprfs-jni-0.20.2-2.1.2.jar.

3. Restart the studio to validate your changes.

For more information about how to install modules, see the description about identifying and installing external
modules in the Talend Installation and Upgrade Guide. Creating a connection to Hive

1. Expand the Hadoop cluster node under the Metadata node of the Repository tree, right-click the Hadoop
connection to be used and select Create Hive from the contextual menu.

2. In the connection wizard that opens up, fill in the generic properties of the connection you need create, such
as Name, Purpose and Description. The Status field is a customized field that you can define in File >
Edit project properties.

3. Click Next to proceed to the next step, which requires you to fill in the Hive connection details. Among
them, DB Type, Hadoop cluster, Distribution, Version, Server, NameNode URL and JobTracker URL
are automatically pre-filled with the properties inherited from the Hadoop connection you selected in the
previous steps.

Note that if you choose None from the Hadoop cluster list, you are actually switching to a manual mode
in which the inherited properties are abandoned and instead you have to configure every property yourself,
with the result that the created Hive connection appears under the Db connection node only.

420 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing Hive metadata

The properties to be set vary depending on the Hadoop distribution you connect to.

4. In the Version info area, select the model of the Hive database you want to connect to. Some Hadoop
distributions allow the choice between the Embedded model and the Standalone model, while others provide
only one of them.

Depending on the distribution you select, you are as well able to select from the Hive Server version
list Hive Server2 which can better support concurrent connections of multiple clients than Hive Server1.
For further information about Hive Server2, see https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/Hive/Setting

5. Fill in the fields that appear depending on the Hive model you have selected.

When you leave the Database field empty, selecting the Embedded model allows the Studio to automatically
connect to all of the existing databases in Hive while selecting the Standalone model enables the connection
to the default Hive database only.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 421

Centralizing Hive metadata

6. If you are accessing a Hadoop distribution running with Kerberos security, select the Use Kerberos
authentication check box. Then fill the following fields according to the configurations on the Hive server

Enter the Kerberos principal name in the Hive principal field activated,

Enter the Metastore database URL in the Metastore URL field,

Click the [...] next to the Driver jar field and browse to the Metastore database driver JAR file,

Click the [...] button next to the Driver class field, and select the right class, and

Enter the user name and password in the Username and Password fields.

If you need to use a keytab file to log in, select the Use a keytab to authenticate check box, enter the principal
to be used in the Principal field and in the Keytab field, browse to the keytab file to be used.

A keytab file contains pairs of Kerberos principals and encrypted keys. Note that the user that executes a
keytab-enabled Job is not necessarily the one a principal designates but must have the right to read the keytab
file being used. For example, the user name you are using to execute a Job is user1 and the principal to be
used is guest; in this situation, ensure that user1 has the right to read the keytab file to be used.

7. If you are using one of the following distributions, you can select Tez as the framework of your Jobs from
the Execution engine list.

Hortonworks: V2.1 and V2.2.

MapR: V4.0.1.

Custom: this option allows you connect to a distribution supporting Tez but not officially supported by

Then when you reuse this connection in a Hive component, you need to configure the access to the Tez
libraries via that component's Advanced settings view.
422 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide
Centralizing Hive metadata

8. If you need to use custom configuration for the Hadoop or Hive distribution to be used, click the [...]
button next to Hadoop properties or Hive Properties accordingly to open the corresponding properties
table and add the property or properties to be customized. Then at runtime, these changes will override the
corresponding default properties used by the Studio for its Hadoop engine.

For further information about the properties of Hadoop, see Apache's Hadoop documentation on http://
hadoop.apache.org/docs/current/, or the documentation of the Hadoop distribution you need to use. For
example, the following page lists some of the default Hadoop properties: https://hadoop.apache.org/docs/

For further information about the properties of Hive, see Apache's documentation for Hive. For example,
the following page describe some of the Hive configuration properties: https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/

For further information about how to leverage these properties tables, see Setting reusable Hadoop properties.

9. Click the Check button to verify if your connection is successful.

10. If needed, define the properties of the database in the corresponding fields in the Database Properties area.

11. Click Finish to validate your changes and close the wizard.

The created connection to the specified Hive database displays under the DB Connections folder in the
Repository tree view. This connection has four sub-folders among which Table schema can group all
schemas relative to this connection.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 423

Centralizing Hive metadata

If you need to use an environmental context to define the parameters of this connection, click the Export as
context button to open the corresponding wizard and make the choice from the following options:

Create a new repository context: create this environmental context out of the current Hadoop connection,
that is to say, the parameters to be set in the wizard are taken as context variables with the values you have
given to these parameters.

Reuse an existing repository context: use the variables of a given environmental context to configure
the current connection.

If you need to cancel the implementation of the context, click Revert context. Then the values of the context
variables being used are directly put in this wizard.

For a step-by-step example about how to use this Export as context feature, see Exporting metadata as
context and reusing context parameters to set up a connection.

12. Right-click the Hive connection you created and then select Retrieve Schema to extract all schemas in the
defined Hive database. Retrieving a Hive table schema

In this step, you will retrieve the table schema of interest from the connected Hive database.

1. In the Repository view, right-click the Hive connection of interest and select Retrieve schema from the
contextual menu, and click Next on the wizard that opens to view and filter different tables in that Hive

424 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing Hive metadata

2. Expand the nodes of the database tables you need to use and select the columns to be retrieved, and click
Next to open a new view on the wizard that lists the selected table schema(s). You can select any of them to
display its details in the Schema area on the right side of the wizard.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 425

Centralizing Hive metadata

If your source database table contains any default value that is a function or an expression rather than a string, be
sure to remove the single quotation marks, if any, enclosing the default value in the end schema to avoid unexpected
results when creating database tables using this schema.

3. Modify the selected schema if needed. You can rename the schema, and customize the schema structure
according to your needs in the Schema area.

The tool bar allows you to add, remove or move columns in your schema.

To overwrite the modifications you made on the selected schema using its default schema, click Retrieve
schema. Note that all your changes to the schema will be lost if you click this button.

4. Click Finish to complete the Hive table schema retrieval. All the retrieved schemas are displayed under the
related Hive connection in the Repository view.

If you need to further edit a schema, right-click the schema and select Edit Schema from the contextual menu
to open this wizard again and make your modifications.

If you modify the schemas, ensure that the data type in the Type column is correctly defined.

As explained earlier, in addition to using the Hadoop cluster node, you can as well start from the Db connection
node to create an Hive connection and retrieve schemas. In either way, you need always to define the specific
Hive connection properties. At that step:

426 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing an Oozie connection

if you select from the Hadoop cluster list the Repository option to reuse details of an established Hadoop
connection, the created Hive connection will eventually be classified under both the Hadoop cluster node and
the Db connection node;

otherwise, if you select from the Hadoop cluster list the None option in order to enter the Hadoop connection
properties yourself, the created Hive connection will appear under the Db connection node only.

11.2.8. Centralizing an Oozie connection

If you often need to use Oozie scheduler to run and monitor Jobs on top of Hadoop, then you may want to
centralize the Oozie settings in the Metadata folder in the Repository tree view.


Launch the Hadoop distribution you need to use and ensure that you have the proper access permission to that
distribution and its Oozie.

Create the connection to that Hadoop distribution from the Hadoop cluster node. For further information, see
Centralizing a Hadoop connection.

The Oozie scheduler is used to schedule executions of a Job, deploy and run Jobs in HDFS and monitor the
executions. To create an Oozie connection, proceed as follows:

1. Expand the Hadoop cluster node under Metadata in the Repository tree view, right-click the Hadoop
connection to be used and select Create Oozie from the contextual menu.

2. In the connection wizard that opens up, fill in the generic properties of the connection you need create, such
as Name, Purpose and Description. The Status field is a customized field you can define in File >Edit
project properties.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 427

Centralizing an Oozie connection

3. Click Next when completed. The second step requires you to fill in the Oozie connection data. In the End
Point field, the URL of the Oozie web application is automatically constructed with the host name of the
NameNode of the Hadoop connection you are using and a default Oozie port number. This web application
also allows you to consult the status of the scheduled Job executions in the Oozie Web Console in your
web browser.

If the Hadoop distribution you select enables the Kerberos security, the User name field becomes deactivated.

You can still modify this Oozie URL if necessary.

428 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Centralizing an Oozie connection

4. If you need to use custom configuration for the Hadoop distribution to be used, click the [...] button next
to Hadoop properties to open the corresponding properties table and add the property or properties to be
customized. Then at runtime, these changes will override the corresponding default properties used by the
Studio for its Hadoop engine.

Note a Parent Hadoop properties table is displayed above the current properties table you are editing. This
parent table is read-only and lists the Hadoop properties that have been defined in the wizard of the parent
Hadoop connection on which the current Oozie connection is based.

For further information about the Oozie-related properties of Hadoop, see Apache's Hadoop documentation
about Oozie on https://oozie.apache.org/docs, or the documentation of the Hadoop distribution you need
to use. For example, the following page lists some of the Oozie-related Hadoop properties: https://

For further information about how to leverage this properties table, see Setting reusable Hadoop properties.

5. In the User name field, enter the login user name for Oozie, or leave this field empty to use the anonymous
access in which the user name of the client machine is used.

6. Click Check to verify the connection.

A message pops up to indicate whether the connection is successful.

7. Click Finish to validate these changes.

The created Oozie connection is now available under the Hadoop cluster node in the Repository tree view.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 429

Setting reusable Hadoop properties

This Repository view may vary depending the edition of the Studio you are using.

Then when you configure the Oozie scheduler for a Job in the Oozie scheduler view, you can reuse the centralized
Oozie settings.

For further information about how to use Oozie scheduler for a Job, see How to run a Job via Oozie.

If you need to use an environmental context to define the parameters of this connection, click the Export as
context button to open the corresponding wizard and make the choice from the following options:

Create a new repository context: create this environmental context out of the current Hadoop connection, that
is to say, the parameters to be set in the wizard are taken as context variables with the values you have given
to these parameters.

Reuse an existing repository context: use the variables of a given environmental context to configure the
current connection.

If you need to cancel the implementation of the context, click Revert context. Then the values of the context
variables being used are directly put in this wizard.

For a step-by-step example about how to use this Export as context feature, see Exporting metadata as context
and reusing context parameters to set up a connection.

11.2.9. Setting reusable Hadoop properties

When setting up a Hadoop connection, you can define a set of common Hadoop properties that will be reused by
its child connections to each individual Hadoop element such as Hive, HDFS or HBase.

For example, in the Hadoop cluster you need to use, you have defined the HDFS High Availability (HA) feature
in the hdfs-site.xml file of the cluster itself; then you need to set the corresponding properties in the connection
wizard in order to enable this High Availability feature in the Studio. Note that these properties can also be set

430 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Setting reusable Hadoop properties

in a specific Hadoop related component and the process of doing this is explained in the article about enabling
HDFS High Availability on Talend Help Center (https://help.talend.com). In this section, only the connection
wizard approach is presented.


Launch the Hadoop distribution you need to use and ensure that you have the proper access permission to that
distribution and its Oozie.

The High Availability properties to be set in the Studio have been defined in the hdfs-site.xml file of the cluster
to be used.

In this example, the High Availability properties are:


The values of these properties are for demonstration purposes only.

To set these properties in the Hadoop connection, open the [Hadoop Cluster Connection] wizard from the
Hadoop cluster node of the Repository. For further information about how to access this wizard, see Centralizing
a Hadoop connection.

1. Properly configure the connection to the Hadoop cluster to be used as explained in the previous sections, if
you have not done so.

2. Click the [...] button next to Hadoop properties to open the Hadoop properties table.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 431

Setting reusable Hadoop properties

3. Add the above-listed High Available properties to this table.

4. Click OK to validate the changes. These properties are then listed next to the [...] button.

5. Click the Check services button to verify the connection.

432 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Setting reusable Hadoop properties

A dialog box pops up to indicate the checking process and the connection status. If it shows that the connection
fails, you need to review and update the connection information you have defined in the connection wizard.

6. Click Finish to validate the connection.

Then when you create a child connection, for example to Hive, from this Hadoop connection, these High
Availability properties will be inherited there as read-only parent properties.

This way, these properties can be automatically reused by any of its child Hadoop connection.

The image above shows these properties inherited in the Hive connection wizard. For further information about
how to access the Hive connection wizard as presented in this section, see Centralizing Hive metadata.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 433

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide
Chapter 12. Managing routines
This chapter defines the routines, along with user scenarios, and explains how to create your own routines or how
to customize the system routines. The chapter also gives an overview of the main routines and use cases of them.
To have an overview of the most commonly used routines and other use cases, see System routines.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

What are routines

12.1. What are routines

Routines are fairly complex Java functions, generally used to factorize code. They therefore optimize data
processing and improve Job capacities.

You can also use the Repository tree view to store frequently used parts of code or extract parts of existing
company functions, by calling them via the routines. This factorization makes it easier to resolve any problems
which may arise and allows you to update the code used in multiple Jobs quickly and easily.

On top of this, certain system routines adopt the most common Java methods, using the Talend syntax. This allows
you to escalate Java errors in the studio directly, thereby facilitating the identification and resolution of problems
which may arise as your integration processes evolve with Talend.

There are two types of routines:

System routines: a number of system routines are provided. They are classed according to the type of data which
they process: numerical, string, date...

User routines: these are routines which you have created or adapted from existing routines.

You do not need any knowledge of the Java language to create and use Talend routines.

All of the routines are stored under Code > Routines in the Repository tree view.

For further information concerning the system routines, see Accessing the System Routines.

For further information about how to create user routines, see How to create user routines.

You can also set up routine dependencies on Jobs. To do so, simply right click a Job on the Repository tree view and select
Set up routine dependencies. In the dialog box which opens, all routines are set by default. You can use the tool bar to
remove routines if required.

12.2. Accessing the System Routines

To access the system routines, click Code > Routines > system. The routines or functions are classed according
to their usage.

The system folder and its content are read only.

436 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Customizing the system routines

Each class or category in the system folder contains several routines or functions. Double-click the class that you
want to open.

All of the routines or functions within a class are composed of some descriptive text, followed by the corresponding
Java code. In the Routines view, you can use the scrollbar to browse the different routines. Or alternatively:

1. Press Ctrl+O in the routines view.

A dialog box displays a list of the different routines in the category.

2. Click the routine of interest.

The view jumps to the section comprising the routine's descriptive text and corresponding code.

The syntax of routine call statements is case sensitive.

12.3. Customizing the system routines

If the system routines are not adapted to your specific needs, you can customize them by copying and pasting the
content in a user routine, then modify the content accordingly.

To customize a system routine:

1. First of all, create a user routine by following the steps outlined in How to create user routines. The routine
opens in the workspace, where you shall find a basic example of a routine.

2. Then, under Code > Routines > system, select the class of routines which contains the routine(s) you want
to customize.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 437

Managing user routines

3. Double-click the class which contains the relevant routine to open it in the workspace.

4. Use the Outline panel on the bottom left of the studio to locate the routine from which you want to copy
all or part of the content.

5. In the workspace, select all or part of the code and copy it using Ctrl+C.

6. Click the tab to access your user routine and paste the code by pressing Ctrl+V.

7. Modify the code as required and press Ctrl+S to save it.

We advise you to use the descriptive text (in blue) to detail the input and output parameters. This will make your
routines easier to maintain and reuse.

12.4. Managing user routines

Talend Studio allows you to create user routines, to modify them or to modify system routines, in order to fill
your specific needs.

12.4.1. How to create user routines

You can create your own routines according to your particular factorization needs. Like the system routines, the
user routines are stored in the Repository tree view under Code > Routines. You can add folders to help organize
your routines and call them easily in any of your Jobs.

438 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to create user routines

To create a new user routine, complete the following:

1. In the Repository tree view, expand Code to display the Routines folder.

2. Right-click Routines and select Create routine.

3. The [New routine] dialog box opens. Enter the information required to create the routine, ie., its name,

4. Click Finish to proceed to the next step.

The newly created routine appears in the Repository tree view, directly below the Routines node. The routine
editor opens to reveal a model routine which contains a simple example, by default, comprising descriptive
text in blue, followed by the corresponding code.

We advise you to add a very detailed description of the routine. The description should generally include the input and
output parameters you would expect to use in the routine, as well as the results returned along with an example. This
information tends to be useful for collaborative work and the maintenance of the routines.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 439

How to edit user routines

The following example of code is provided by default:

public static void helloExample(String message) {

if (message == null) {
message = "World"; //$NON-NLS-1$
System.out.println("Hello " + message + " !");

5. Modify or replace the model with your own code and press Ctrl+S to save the routine. Otherwise, the routine
is saved automatically when you close it.

You can copy all or part of a system routine or class and use it in a user routine by using the Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V commands,
then adapt the code according to your needs. For further information about how to customize routines, see Customizing the
system routines.

12.4.2. How to edit user routines

You can modify the user routines whenever you like.

The system folder and all of the routines held within are read only.

To edit your user routines:

1. Right click the routine you want to edit and select Edit Routine.

2. The routine opens in the workspace, where you can modify it.

3. Once you have adapted the routine to suit your needs, press Ctrl+S to save it.

If you want to reuse a system routine for your own specific needs, see Customizing the system routines.

12.4.3. How to edit user routine libraries

You can edit the library of any of the user routines by importing external .jar files for the selected routine. These
external library files will be listed, like modules, in the Modules view in your current Studio. For more information
on the Modules view, see the Talend Installation and Upgrade Guide.

The .jar file of the imported library will be also listed in the library file of your current Studio.

To edit a user routine library, complete the following:

1. If the library to be imported isn't available on your machine, either download and install it using the Modules
view or download and store it in a local directory.

2. In the Repository tree view, expand Code > Routines.

3. Right-click the user routine you want to edit its library and then select Edit Routine Library.

The [Import External Library] dialog box displays.

440 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to edit user routine libraries

4. Click New to open the [New Module] dialog box where you can import the external library.

You can delete any of the already imported routine files if you select the file in the Library File list and click the
Remove button.

5. Specify the library file to be imported:

If you have installed the library using the Modules view, enter the full name of the library file in the Input
a library's name field.

If you have stored the library file in a local directory, select the Browse a library file option and click
browse to set the file path in the corresponding field.

6. If required, enter a description in the Description field.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 441

Calling a routine from a Job

7. Click OK to confirm your changes.

The imported library file is listed in the Library File list in the [Import External Library] dialog box.

8. Click Finish to close the dialog box.

The library file is imported into the library folder of your current Studio and also listed in the Module view
of the same Studio. You may need to restart your Studio to bring the external library into effect.

For more information about the Modules view, see the Talend Installation and Upgrade Guide.

12.5. Calling a routine from a Job

Pre-requisite: You must have at least one Job created, in order to run a routine. For further information regarding
how to create a Job, see Creating a Job.

You can call any of your user and system routines from your Job components in order to run them at the same
time as your Job.

To access all the routines saved in the Routines folder in the Repository tree view, press Ctrl+Space in any of
the fields in the Basic settings view of any of the Talend components used in your Job and select the one you
want to run.

Alternatively, you can call any of these routines by indicating the relevant class name and the name of the routine,
followed by the expected settings, in any of the Basic settings fields in the following way:


12.6. Use case: Creating a file for the current

This scenario describes how to use a routine. The Job uses just one component, which calls a system routine.

442 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Use case: Creating a file for the current date

1. In the Palette, click File > Management, then drop a tFileTouch component onto the workspace. This
component allows you to create an empty file.

2. Double-click the component to open its Basic settings view in the Component tab.

3. In the FileName field, enter the path to access your file, or click [...] and browse the directory to locate the file.

4. Close the double inverted commas around your file extension as follows: "D:/Input/customer".txt.

5. Add the plus symbol (+) between the closing inverted commas and the file extension.

6. Press Ctrl+Space to open a list of all of the routines, and in the auto-completion list which appears, select
TalendDate.getDate to use the Talend routine which allows you to obtain the current date.

7. Modify the format of the date provided by default, if required.

8. Enter the plus symbol (+) next to the getDate variable to complete the routine call, and place double inverted
commas around the file extension.

If you are working on windows, the ":" between the hours and minutes and between the minutes and seconds must
be removed.

9. Press F6 to run the Job.

The tFileTouch component creates an empty file with the days date, retrieved upon execution of the GetDate
routine called.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 443

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide
Chapter 13. Using SQL templates
SQL templates are groups of pre-defined query arguments that run in the ELT mode. This chapter explains the
ELT mode, defines the SQL templates and provides user scenarios to explain how to use the SQL templates or
how to create your own ones.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

What is ELT

13.1. What is ELT

Extract, Load and Transform (ELT) is a data manipulation process in database usage, especially in data
warehousing. Different from the traditional ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) mode, in ELT, data is extracted,
loaded into the database and then is transformed where it sits in the database, prior to use. This data is migrated in
bulk according to the data set and the transformation process occurs after the data has been loaded into the targeted
DBMS in its raw format. This way, less stress is placed on the network and larger throughput is gained.

However, the ELT mode is certainly not optimal for all situations, for example,

As SQL is less powerful than Java, the scope of available data transformations is limited.

ELT requires users that have high proficiency in SQL tuning and DBMS tuning.

Using ELT with Talend Studio, you cannot pass or reject one single row of data as you can do in ETL. For more
information about row rejection, see Row connection.

Based on the advantages and disadvantages of ELT, the SQL templates are designed as the ELT facilitation

13.2. Introducing Talend SQL templates

SQL is a standardized query language used to access and manage information in databases. Its scope includes data
query and update, schema creation and modification, and data access control. Talend Studio provides a range of
SQL templates to simplify the most common tasks. It also comprises a SQL editor which allows you to customize
or design your own SQL templates to meet less common requirements.

These SQL templates are used with the components from the Talend ELT component family including
tSQLTemplate, tSQLTemplateFilterColumns, tSQLTemplateCommit, tSQLTemplateFilterRows,
tSQLTemplateRollback, tSQLTemplateAggregate and tSQLTemplateMerge. These components execute the
selected SQL statements. Using the UNION, EXCEPT and INTERSECT operators, you can modify data directly
on the DBMS without using the system memory.

Moreover, with the help of these SQL templates, you can optimize the efficiency of your database management
system by storing and retrieving your data according to the structural requirements.

Talend Studio provides the following types of SQL templates under the SQL templates node in the Repository
tree view:

System SQL templates: They are classified according to the type of database for which they are tailored.

User-defined SQL templates: these are templates which you have created or adapted from existing templates.

More detailed information about the SQL templates is presented in the below sections.

As most of the SQL templates are tailored for specific databases, if you change database in your system, it is inevitable to
switch to or develop new templates for the new database.

13.3. Managing Talend SQL templates

Talend Studio enables you via the SQL Templates folder in the Repository tree view to use system or user-
defined SQL templates in the Jobs you create in the Studio using the ELT components.

The below sections show you how to manage these two types of SQL templates.

446 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Types of system SQL templates

13.3.1. Types of system SQL templates

This section gives detail information related to the different types of the pre-defined SQL templates.

Even though the statements of each group of templates vary from database to database, according to the operations
they are intended to accomplish, they are also grouped on the basis of their types in each folder.

The below table provides these types and their related information.

Name Function Associated components Required component parameters

Aggregate Realizes aggregation (sum, tSQLTemplateAggregate Database name
average, count, etc.) over a set of
data. Source table name

Target table name

Commit Sends a Commit instruction to tSQLTemplate Null
RDBMS. tSQLTemplateAggregate
Rollback Sends a Rollback instruction to tSQLTemplate Null
RDBMS. tSQLTemplateAggregate
DropSourceTable Removes a source table. tSQLTemplate Table name (when use
tSQLTemplateAggregate tSQLTemplate)
tSQLTemplateFilterRows Source table name
DropTargetTable Removes a target table. tSQLTemplateAggregate Target table name
FilterColumns Selects and extracts a set of data tSQLTemplateAggregate Target table name (and schema)
from given columns in RDBMS. tSQLTemplateFilterColumns
tSQLTemplateFilterRows Source table name (and schema)
FilterRow Selects and extracts a set of data tSQLTemplateAggregate Target table name (and schema)
from given rows in RDBMS. tSQLTemplateFilterColumns
tSQLTemplateFilterRows Source table name (and schema)

MergeInsert Inserts records from the source tSQLTemplateMerge Target table name (and schema)
table to the target table. tSQLTemplateCommit
Source table name (and schema)

MergeUpdate Updates the target table with tSQLTemplateMerge Target table name (and schema)
records from the source table. tSQLTemplateCommit
Source table name (and schema)


13.3.2. How to access a system SQL template

To access a system SQL template, expand the SQL Templates node in the Repository tree view.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 447

How to access a system SQL template

Each folder contains a system sub-folder containing pre-defined SQL statements, as well as a UserDefined folder
in which you can store SQL statements that you have created or customized.

Each system folder contains several types of SQL templates, each designed to accomplish a dedicated task.

Apart from the Generic folder, the SQL templates are grouped into different folders according to the type of
database for which they are to be used. The templates in the Generic folder are standard, for use in any database.
You can use these as a basis from which you can develop more specific SQL templates than those defined in
Talend Studio.

The system folders and their content are read only.

From the Repository tree view, proceed as follows to open an SQL template:

1. In the Repository tree view, expand SQL Templates and browse to the template you want to open.

2. Double-click the class that you want to open, for example, Aggregate in the Generic folder.

The Aggregate template view displays in the workspace.

448 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to create user-defined SQL templates

You can read the predefined Aggregate statements in the template view. The parameters, such as
TABLE_NAME_TARGET, operation, are to be defined when you design related Jobs. Then the parameters can be
easily set in the associated components, as mentioned in the previous section.

Everytime you click or open an SQL template, its corresponding property view displays at the bottom of the studio.
Click the Aggregate template, for example, to view its properties as presented below:

For further information regarding the different types of SQL templates, see Types of system SQL templates.

13.3.3. How to create user-defined SQL templates

As the transformation you need to accomplish in ELT may exceed the scope of what the given SQL templates can
achieve, Talend Studio allows you to develop your own SQL templates according to some writing rules. These SQL
templates are stored in the UserDefined folders grouped according to the database type in which they will be used.

For more information on the SQL template writing rules, see SQL template writing rules.

To create a user-defined SQL template:

1. In the Repository tree view, expand SQL Templates and then the category you want to create the SQL
template in.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 449

How to create user-defined SQL templates

2. Right-click UserDefined and select Create SQLTemplate to open the [New SQLTemplate] wizard.

3. Enter the information required to create the template and click Finish to close the wizard.

The name of the newly created template appears under UserDefined in the Repository tree view. Also, an
SQL template editor opens on the design workspace, where you can enter the code for the newly created

For further information about how to create a user-defined SQL template and how to use it in a Job, see
tMysqlTableList at https://help.talend.com.

450 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

A use case of system SQL templates

13.3.4. A use case of system SQL templates

As there are many common, standardized SQL statements, Talend Studio allows you to benefit from various
system SQL templates.

This section presents you with a use case that takes you through the steps of using MySQL system templates in
a Job that:

opens a connection to a Mysql database.

collects data grouped by specific value(s) from a database table and writes aggregated data in a target database

deletes the source table where the aggregated data comes from.

reads the target database table and lists the Job execution result.

To connect to the database and aggregate the database table columns:

Configuring a connection to a MySQL database

1. Drop the following components from the Palette onto the design workspace: tMysqlConnection,
tSQLTemplateAggregate, tSQLTemplateCommit, tMysqlInput, and tLogRow.

2. Link tMysqlConnection to tSQLTemplateAggregate using a Trigger > On Subjob Ok connection.

3. Do the same to link tSQLTemplateAggregate to tSQLTemplateCommit and link tSQLTemplateCommit

to tMysqlInput.

4. Link tMysqlInput to tLogRow using a Row > Main connection.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 451

A use case of system SQL templates

5. Double-click tMysqlConnection to open its Basic settings view.

6. In the Basic settings view, set the database connection details manually.

7. Double-click tSQLTemplateCommit to open its Basic settings view.

8. On the Database Type list, select the relevant database type, and from the Component List, select the
relevant database connection component if more than one connection is used.

Grouping data, writing aggregated data and dropping the source table

1. Double-click tSQLTemplateAggregate to open its Basic settings view.

452 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

A use case of system SQL templates

2. On the Database Type list, select the relevant database type, and from the Component List, select the
relevant database connection component if more than one connection is used.

3. Enter the names for the database, source table, and target table in the corresponding fields and define the data
structure in the source and target tables.

The source table schema consists of three columns: First_Name, Last_Name and Country. The target table
schema consists of two columns: country and total. In this example, we want to group citizens by their
nationalities and count citizen number in each country. To do that, we define the Operations and Group
by parameters accordingly.

4. In the Operations table, click the [+] button to add one or more lines, and then click the Output column cell
and select the output column that will hold the counted data from the drop-down list.

5. Click the Function cell and select the operation to be carried on from the drop-down list.

6. In the Group by table, click the [+] button to add one or more lines, and then click the Output column cell
and select the output column that will hold the aggregated data from the drop-down list.

7. Click the SQL Template tab to open the corresponding view.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 453

A use case of system SQL templates

8. Click the [+] button twice under the SQL Template List table to add two SQL templates.

9. Click on the first SQL template row and select the MySQLAggregate template from the drop-down list. This
template generates the code to aggregate data according to the configuration in the Basic settings view.

10. Do the same to select the MySQLDropSourceTable template for the second SQL template row. This
template generates the code to delete the source table where the data to be aggregated comes from.

To add new SQL templates to an ELT component for execution, you can simply drop the templates of your choice
either onto the component in the design workspace, or onto the component's SQL Template List table.

The templates set up in the SQL Template List table have priority over the parameters set in the Basic settings view
and are executed in a top-down order. So in this use case, if you select MySQLDropSourceTable for the first template
row and MySQLAggregate for the second template row, the source table will be deleted prior to aggregation, meaning
that nothing will be aggregated.

Reading the target database and listing the Job execution result

1. Double-click tMysqlInput to open its Basic settings view.

2. Select the Use an existing connection check box to use the database connection that you have defined on
the tMysqlConnection component.

3. To define the schema, select Repository and then click the [...] button to choose the database table whose
schema is used. In this example, the target table holding the aggregated data is selected.

4. In the Table Name field, type in the name of the table you want to query. In this example, the table is the
one holding the aggregated data.

5. In the Query area, enter the query statement to select the columns to be displayed.

6. Save your Job and press F6 to execute it.

The source table is deleted.

454 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

A use case of system SQL templates

A two-column table citizencount is created in the database. It groups citizens according to their nationalities
and gives their total count in each country.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 455

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide
Appendix A. GUI
This appendix describes the Graphical User Interface (GUI) of Talend Studio.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Main window

A.1. Main window

Talend Studio main window is the interface from which you manage all types of data integration processes.

The Talend Studio multi-panel window is divided into:

menu bar,


Repository tree view,

design workspace,


various configuration views in a tab system, for any of the elements in the data integration Job designed in
the workspace,

Outline view and Code Viewer.

The figure below illustrates Talend Studio main window and its panels and views.

The various panels and their respective features are detailed hereafter.

All the panels, tabs, and views described in this documentation are specific to Talend Studio. Some views listed in the [Show
View] dialog box are Eclipse specific and are not subjects of this documentation. For information on such views, check
Eclipse online documentation at http://www.eclipse.org/documentation/.

A.2. Menu bar and Toolbar

At the top of the Talend Studio main window, various menus and a quick access toolbar gather Talend commonly
features along with some Eclipse functions.

458 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Menu bar of Talend Studio

A.2.1. Menu bar of Talend Studio

Talend Studio's menus include:

some standard functions, such as Save, Print, Exit, which are to be used at the application level.

some Eclipse native features to be used mainly at the design workspace level as well as specific Talend Studio

The table below describes menus and menu items available to you on the menu bar of Talend Studio.

The menus on the menu bar differ slightly according to what you are working with: a Business Model or a Job.

Menu Menu item Description

File Close Closes the current open view on the Studio design workspace.
Close All Closes all open views on the Studio design workspace.
Save Saves any changes done in the current open view.
Save as Saves any changes done without changing the current open view.
Save All Saves any changes done in all open views.
Print Unavailable option.
Switch Project or Closes the current session and launches another one to enable you to open a different
Workspace project in the Studio or connects to a different workspace. For more information see
the Getting Started Guide.
Edit project Opens a dialog box where you can customize the settings of the current project.
For more information, see Customizing project settings.

Import Opens a wizard that helps you to import different types of resources (files, items,
preferences, XML catalogs, etc.) from different sources.
Export Opens a wizard that helps you to export different types of resources (files, items,
preferences, breakpoints, XML catalogs, etc.) to different destinations.
Exit Closes the Studio main window.
Edit Undo Undoes the last action done in the Studio design workspace.
Redo Redoes the last action done in the Studio design workspace.
Cut Cuts selected object in the Studio design workspace.
Copy Copies the selected object in the Studio design workspace.
Paste Pastes the previously copied object in the Studio design workspace.
Delete Deletes the selected object in the Studio design workspace.
Select All Selects all components present in the Studio design workspace.
View Zoom In Obtains a larger image of the open Job.
Zoom Out Obtains a smaller image of the open Job.
Grid Displays grid in the design workspace. All items in the open Job are snapped to it.
Snap to Geometry Enables the Snap to Geometry feature.
Window Perspective Opens different perspectives corresponding to the different items in the list.
Show View... Opens the [Show View] dialog box which enables you to display different views on
the Studio.
Maximize Active Maximizes the current perspective.
View or Editor...
Preferences Opens the [Preferences] dialog box which enables you to set your preferences.

For more information about preferences, see Setting Talend Studio preferences.
Help Welcome Opens a welcoming page which has links to Talend Studio documentation and Talend
practical sites.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 459

Toolbar of Talend Studio

Menu Menu item Description

Help Contents Opens the Eclipse help system documentation.
Install Additional Opens the [Additional Talend packages] dialog box where you can select external
Packages... modules required for certain components of your Talend Studio to work.
About Talend Studio Displays:

the software version you are using,

detailed information on your software configuration that may be useful if there is

a problem,

detailed information about plug-in(s),

detailed information about Talend Studio features.

Support Logs Opens a wizard that helps you to export all logs generated in the Studio and system
configuration information to an archived file.
Studio Quick Tour Opens a step-by-step presentation that introduces the Repository, the Design
Workspace, the Configuration Tabs, and the Palette of Talend Studio.

A.2.2. Toolbar of Talend Studio

The toolbar contains icons that provide you with quick access to the commonly used operations you can perform
from Talend Studio main window.

The icons on the toolbar differ slightly according to what you are working with: a Business Model or a Job.

The table below describes the toolbar icons and their functions.

Name Icon Description

Save Saves current job design.

Save as Saves as another new Job.

Export items Exports repository items to an archive file, for deploying outside Talend Studio. Instead
if you intend to import the exported element into a newer version of Talend Studio or of
another workstation, make sure the source files are included in the archive.
Import items Imports repository items from an archive file into your current Talend Studio. For more
information regarding the import/export items feature, see How to import items.
Find a specific job Displays the relevant dialog box that enables you to open any Job listed in the Repository
tree view.
Run job Executes the Job currently shown on the design space. For more information about job
execution, see Handling Job execution.
Create Launches the relevant creation wizard. Through this menu, you can create any repository
item including Business models, Job Designs, contexts, routines and metadata entries.
Project settings Launches the [Project Settings] dialog box. From this dialog box, you can add a
description to the current Project and customize the Palette display. For more information,
see Customizing project settings.
Detect and update all Searches for all updates available for your Jobs.
Export Talend Launches the [Export Talend projects] wizard. For more information about project
projects export, see How to export a project.

460 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Repository tree view

A.3. Repository tree view

The Repository tree view gathers all the technical items that can be used either to describe business models or
to design Jobs. It gives access to any item including Business Models, JobDesigns, as well as reusable routines
or documentation.

The Repository centralizes and stores all necessary elements for any Job design and business modeling contained
in a project.

The figure below illustrates the elements stored in the Repository.

The Refresh button allows you to update the tree view with the last changes made.

The Activate filter button allows you to open the filter settings view so as to configure the display of
the Repository view.

The Repository tree view stores all your data (Business, Jobs) and metadata (Routines, DB/File connections, any
meaningful Documentation and so on).

The table below describes the nodes in the Repository tree view.

Node Description
Business Models Under the Business Models node, are grouped all business models of the project. Double-click the
name of the model to open it on the design workspace. For more information, see Designing a
Business Model.
Job Designs The Job Designs node shows the tree view of the designed Jobs for the current project. Double-click
the name of a Job to open it on the design workspace. For more information, see Designing a Job.
Contexts The Contexts node groups files holding the contextual variables that you want to reuse in various
Jobs, such as filepaths or DB connection details. For more information, see Using contexts and
Code The Code node is a library that groups the routines available for this project and other pieces of code
that could be reused in the project. Click the relevant tree entry to expand the appropriate code piece.

For more information, see Managing routines.

SQL Templates The SQL Templates node groups all system SQL templates and gives the possibility to create user-
defined SQL templates. For more information, see Using SQL templates.
Metadata The Metadata node bundles files holding redundant information you want to reuse in various
Jobs, such as schemas and property data. For more information, see Managing Metadata for data
Documentation The Documentation node gathers all types of documents, of any format. This could be, for
example, specification documents or a description of technical format of a file. Double-click to
open the document in the relevant application. For more information, see How to generate HTML

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 461

Design workspace

Node Description
Recycle bin The Recycle bin groups all elements deleted from any node in the Repository tree view.

The deleted elements are still present on your file system, in the recycle bin, until you
right-click the recycle bin icon and select Empty Recycle bin.

Expand the recycle bin to view any elements held within. You can action an element
directly from the recycle bin, restore it or delete it forever by clicking right and selecting
the desired action from the list.

A.4. Design workspace

In the Talend Studio's design workspace, both Business Models and Job Designs can be laid out.

For more information, see Opening or creating a Business Model and Creating a Job.

For both Business Models and Job Designs: active designs display in a easily accessible tab system above this

For Job Designs only. Under this workspace, you can access several other tabs:

the Designer tab. It opens by default when creating a Job. It displays the Job in a graphical mode.

the Code tab. It enables you to visualize the code and highlights the possible language errors.
Warnings are indicated in yellow whereas errors are indicated in red.

A Palette is docked at the top of the design workspace to help you draw the model corresponding to your workflow

A.5. Palette
From the Palette, depending on whether you are designing a Job or modeling a Business Model, you can drop
technical components or shapes, branches and notes to the design workspace for Job design or business modeling.

Related topics:

462 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Configuration tabs

Designing a Business Model.

Designing a Job.

How to change the Palette layout and settings.

A.6. Configuration tabs

The configuration tabs are located in the lower half of the design workspace. Each tab opens a view that displays
the properties of the selected element in the design workspace. These properties can be edited to change or set the
parameters related to a particular component or to the Job as a whole.

The Component, Run Jobs, Problems and Error Log views gather all information relative to the graphical
elements selected in the design workspace or the actual execution of the open Job.

The Modules and Scheduler tabs are located in the same tab system as the Component, Logs and Run Job tabs.
Both views are independent from the active or inactive Jobs open on the design workspace.
You can show more tabs in this tab system and directly open the corresponding view if you select Window > Show view
and then, in the open dialog box, expand any node and select the element you want to display.

The sections below describe the view of each of the configuration tabs.
View Description
Component This view details the parameters specific to each component of the Palette. To create a Job that will function,
you are required to fill out the necessary fields of this Component view for each component forming your Job.

For more information about the Component view, see How to define component properties.
Run Job This view obviously shows the current job execution. It becomes a log console at the end of an execution.

For details about job execution, see Handling Job execution.

Oozie scheduler This enables you to run the current Job, or schedule it so that it will launch periodically, on a remote HDFS
Error Log This view is mainly used for Job execution errors. It shows the history of warnings or errors occurring during
job executions.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 463

Outline and code summary panel

View Description
The log tab has also an informative function for a Java component operating progress, for example.

Error Log tab is hidden by default. As for any other view, go to Window > Show views, then expand General
node and select Error Log to display it on the tab system.
Modules This view shows if a module is necessary and required for the use of a referenced component. Checking the
Modules view helps to verify what modules you have or should have to run smoothly your Jobs.

For more information, see the Talend Installation and Upgrade Guide.
Job view The Job view displays various information related to the open Job on the design workspace. This view has
the following tabs:
Main tab

This tab displays basic information about the Job opened on the design workspace, for example its name, author,
version number, etc. The information is read-only. To edit it you have to close your Job, right-click its label on
the Repository tree view and click Edit properties on the drop-down list.
Extra tab

This tab displays extra parameters including multi thread and implicit context loading features. For more
information, see How to use the features in the Extra tab
Stats/Log tab

This tab allows you to enable/disable the statistics and logs for the whole Job.

You can already enable these features for every single component of your Job by simply using and setting the
relevant components: tFlowMeterCatcher, tStatCatcher, tLogCatcher.

In addition, you can now set these features for the whole active Job (for all components of your Job) in one go,
without using the Catcher components mentioned above. This way, all components get tracked and logged in
the File or Database table according to your setting.

You can also save the current setting to Project Settings by clicking the button.

For more details about the Stats & Logs automation, see How to automate the use of statistics & logs.
Version tab

This tab displays the different versions of the Job opened on the design workspace and their creation and
modification dates.
Problems This view displays the messages linked to the icons docked at a components in case of problem, for example
when part of its setting is missing. Three types of icons/messages exist: Error, Warning and Infos.

For more information, see Warnings and error icons on components.

Job Hierarchy This view displays a tree folder showing the child Job(s) of the parent Job selected. To show this view, right-
click the parent Job in the Repository tree view and select Open Job Hierarchy on the drop-down list.

You can also show this view in the Window > Show view... combination where you can select Talend > Job

You can see Job Hierarchy only if you create a parent Job and one or more child Job(s) via the tRunJob
Properties When inserting a shape in the design workspace, the Properties view offers a range of formatting tools to help
you customizing your business model and improve its readability.

A.7. Outline and code summary panel

This panel is located below the Repository tree view. It displays detailed information about the open Job or
Business Model in the design workspace.

464 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Shortcuts and aliases

The Information panel is composed of two tabs, Outline and Code Viewer, which provide information regarding
the displayed diagram (either Job or Business Model) and also the generated code.

For more information, see How to display the code or the outline of your Job.

A.8. Shortcuts and aliases

Below is a table gathering all keyboard shortcuts currently in use:

Shortcut Operation Context

F2 Shows Component settings view. Global application
F4 Shows Run Job view. Global application
F6 Runs current Job or shows Run Job view if no Job is open. Global application
Ctrl + F2 Shows Module view. Global application
Ctrl + F3 Shows Problems view. Global application
Ctrl + H Shows the Designer view of the current Job. Global application
Ctrl + G Shows the Code view of the current Job. Global application
Ctrl + R Restores the initial Repository view. From Repository view
Ctrl + Shift + F3 Synchronizes components javajet components. Global application
Ctrl + Shift + J Opens a Job. Global application (In Windows)
F7 Switches to Debug mode. From Run Job view
F5 Refreshes the Repository view. From Repository view
F8 Kills current Job. From Run Job view
F5 Refreshes Modules install status. From Modules view
Ctrl+L Execute SQL queries. Talend commands (in Windows)
Ctrl+Space bar Access global and user-defined variables. It can be error From any component field in Job or
messages or line number for example, depending on the Component views
component selected.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 465

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide
Appendix B. Customizing Talend Studio and
setting Studio preferences
This chapter provides information on how to customize the Talend Studio and set Studio preferences so that your
Talend Studio works the way you want.

In the following sections, you will find information on:

Customizing project settings

Customizing the workspace

Filtering entries listed in the Repository tree view

Setting Talend Studio preferences

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Customizing project settings

B.1. Customizing project settings

Talend Studio enables you to customize the information and settings of the project in progress, including the
Palette, Job settings and Job version management, for example.

To customize project settings:

Click on the Studio tool bar, or select File > Edit Project Properties from the menu bar.

The [Project Settings] dialog box opens.

2. In the tree diagram to the left of the dialog box, select the setting you wish to customize and then customize
it, using the options that appear to the right of the box.

From the dialog box you can also export or import the full assemblage of settings that define a particular project:

To export the settings, click on the Export button. The export will generate an XML file containing all of your
project settings.

To import settings, click on the Import button and select the XML file containing the parameters of the project
which you want to apply to the current project.

B.1.1. Setting the compiler compliance level

The compiler compliance level corresponds to the Java version used for Job code generation.

For more information on the compiler compliance levels compatibility, see Talend Installation and Upgrade

Click on the toolbar of the Studio main window, or click File > Edit Project Properties from the menu
bar to open the [Project Settings] dialog box.

2. Expand the Build node and click Java Version.

3. From the JDK Compiler compliance level list, select the compiler compliance level you want to use, and
then click OK.

468 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Customizing Maven build script templates

B.1.2. Customizing Maven build script templates

Your Talend Studio provides the following default templates for generating build scripts:

Maven script templates for standalone Job export

A Maven script template for OSGI bundle export of Jobs

Based on the default, global build templates, you can create folder-level build scripts. Build scripts generated
based on these templates are executed when building Jobs.

This section provides information on how to customize the build script templates. For information on how to build
a Job, see How to build Jobs.

B.1.2.1. How to customize the global build script templates

In the [Project Settings] dialog box, you can find and customize the default, global build script templates under
the Build > Maven > Default node. These script templates apply to all Jobs in the root folder and all sub-folders
except those with their own build script templates set up.

The following example shows how to customize the global POM script template for standalone Jobs:

1. From the menu bar, click File > Edit Project properties to open the [Project Settings] dialog box.

2. Expand the Build > Maven > Default nodes, and then click the Standalone Job node to open the relevant
view that displays the content of the POM script template.

Depending on the Studio product you are using, the project settings items in your Studio may differ from what is
shown above.

3. Modify the script code in the text panel and click OK to finish your customization.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 469

Customizing Maven build script templates

B.1.2.2. How to customize the folder-level build script templates

Based on the global build script templates, you can add and customize script templates for Jobs folder by folder
under the Build > Maven > Setup custom scripts by folder node. The build script templates added for a folder
apply to all Jobs in that folder and all its sub-folders except those with their own build script templates set up.

The following example shows how to add and customize the POM script template for building standalone Jobs
from Jobs in the CA_customers folder:

1. From the menu bar, click File > Edit Project properties to open the [Project Settings] dialog box.

2. Expand the Build > Maven > Setup custom scripts by folder > Job Designs > CA_customers nodes, and
then click the Standalone Job node to open the relevant view, from which you can add script templates or
delete all existing templates.

Depending on the Studio product you are using, the project settings items in your Studio may differ from what is
shown above.

3. Click the Create Maven files button to create script templates based on the global templates for standalone

4. Select the script template you want to customize, pom.xml in this example, to display the script code in the
code view. Modify the script code in the text panel and click OK to finish your customization.

470 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Palette Settings

Once the build script templates are created for a folder, you can also go to the directory where the XML
files are stored, <studio_installation_directory>\workspace\<project_name>\process\CA_customers in this
example, and directly modify the XML file of the template you want to customize. Your changes will affect
all Jobs in the folder and in all sub-folders except those with their own script set up.

B.1.3. Palette Settings

You can customize the settings of the Palette display so that only the components used in the project are loaded.
This will allow you to launch the Studio more quickly.

To customize the Palette display settings:

On the toolbar of the Studio's main window, click or click File > Edit Project Properties on the menu
bar to open the [Project Settings] dialog box.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 471

Type mapping

In the General view of the [Project Settings] dialog box, you can add a project description, if you did not do so
when creating the project.

2. In the tree view of the [Project Settings] dialog box, expand Designer and select Palette Settings. The
settings of the current Palette are displayed in the panel to the right of the dialog box.

3. Select one or several components, or even set(s) of components you want to remove from the current project's

4. Use the left arrow button to move the selection onto the panel on the left. This will remove the selected
components from the Palette.

5. To re-display hidden components, select them in the panel on the left and use the right arrow button to restore
them to the Palette.

6. Click Apply to validate your changes and OK to close the dialog box.

To get back to the Palette default settings, click Restore Defaults.

For more information on the Palette, see How to change the Palette layout and settings.

B.1.4. Type mapping

You can set the parameters for type conversion in Talend Studio, from Java towards databases and vice versa.

On the toolbar of the Studio main window, click or click File > Edit Project Properties from the menu
bar to open the [Project Settings] dialog box.

472 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Version management

2. In the tree view of the dialog box, expand General and select Metadata of Talend Type to open the relevant

The Metadata Mapping File area lists the XML files that hold the conversion parameters for each database
type used in Talend Studio.

You can import, export, or delete any of the conversion files by clicking Import, Export or Remove

You can modify any of the conversion files according to your needs by clicking the Edit button to open
the [Edit mapping file] dialog box and then modify the XML code directly in the open dialog box.

B.1.5. Version management

You can also manage the version of each item in the Repository tree view through General > Version
Management of the [Project Settings] dialog box.

To do so:

On the toolbar of the Studio main window, click or click File > Edit Project Properties from the menu
bar to open the [Project Settings] dialog box.

2. In the tree view of the dialog box, expand General and select Version Management to open the
corresponding view.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 473

Version management

3. In the Repository tree view, expand the node holding the items you want to manage their versions and then
select the check boxes of these items.

The selected items display in the Items list to the right along with their current version in the Version column
and the new version set in the New Version column.

4. Make changes as required:

In the Options area, select the Change all items to a fixed version option to change the version of the
selected items to the same fixed version.

Click Revert if you want to undo the changes.

Click Select all dependencies if you want to update all of the items dependent on the selected items at
the same time.

Click Select all subjobs if you want to update all of the subjobs dependent on the selected items at the
same time.

To increment each version of the items, select the Update the version of each itemoption and change
them manually.

Select the Fix tRunjob versions if Latest check box if you want the father job of current version to keep
using the child Job(s) of current version in the tRunJob to be versioned, regardless of how their versions
will update. For example, a tRunJob will update from the current version 1.0 to 1.1 at both father and
child levels. Once this check box is selected, the father Job 1.0 will continue to use the child Job 1.0 rather
than the latest one as usual, say, version 1.1 when the update is done.
To use this check box, the father Job must be using child Job(s) of the latest version as current version in the tRunjob
to be versioned, by having selected the Latest option from the drop-down version list in the Component view of the
child Job(s). For more information on tRunJob, see tRunJob at https://help.talend.com.

5. Click OK to apply your changes and close the dialog box.

474 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Status management

For more information on version management, see Managing Job versions.

B.1.6. Status management

You can also manage the status of each item in the Repository tree view through General > Status Management
of the [Project Settings] dialog box.

To do so:

On the toolbar of the Studio main window, click or click File > Edit Project Properties from the menu
bar to open the [Project Settings] dialog box.

2. In the tree view of the dialog box, expand General and select Status Management to open the corresponding

3. In the Repository tree view, expand the node holding the items you want to manage their status and then
select the check boxes of these items.

The selected items display in the Items list to the right along with their current status in the Status column
and the new status set in the New Status column.

4. In the Options area, select the Change all technical items to a fixed status check box to change the status
of the selected items to the same fixed status.

5. Click Revert if you want to undo the changes.

6. To increment each status of the items, select the Update the version of each item check box and change
them manually.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 475

Job Settings

7. Click Apply to apply your changes and then OK to close the dialog box.

For further information about Job status, see Status settings.

B.1.7. Job Settings

You can automatically use Implicit Context Load and Stats and Logs settings you defined in the [Project
Settings] dialog box of the actual project when you create a new Job.

To do so:

On the toolbar of the Studio main window, click or click File > Edit Project Properties from the menu
bar to open the [Project Settings] dialog box.

2. In the tree view of the dialog box, click the Job Settings node to open the corresponding view.

3. Select the Use project settings when create a new job check boxes of the Implicit Context Load and Stats
and Logs areas.

4. Click Apply to validate your changes and then OK to close the dialog box.

B.1.8. Stats & Logs

When you execute a Job, you can monitor the execution through the tStatCatcher Statistics option or through
using a log component. This will enable you to store the collected log data in .csv files or in a database.

You can then set up the path to the log file and/or database once for good in the [Project Settings] dialog box so
that the log data get always stored in this location.

To do so:

476 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Context settings

On the toolbar of the Studio main window, click or click File > Edit Project Properties from the menu
bar to open the [Project Settings] dialog box.

2. In the tree view of the dialog box, expand the Job Settings node and then click Stats & Logs to display
the corresponding view.

If you know that the preferences for Stats & Logs will not change depending upon the context of execution, then
simply set permanent preferences. If you want to apply the Stats & Logs settings individually, then it is better to set
these parameters directly onto the Stats & Logs view. For more information about this view, see How to automate
the use of statistics & logs.

3. Select the Use Statistics, Use Logs and Use Volumetrics check boxes where relevant, to select the type of
log information you want to set the path for.

4. Select a format for the storage of the log data: select either the On Files or On Database check box. Or select
the On Console check box to display the data in the console.

The relevant fields are enabled or disabled according to these settings. Fill out the File Name between quotes or
the DB name where relevant according to the type of log information you selected.

You can now store the database connection information in the Repository. Set the Property Type to Repository
and browse to retrieve the relevant connection metadata. The fields get automatically completed.

Alternatively, if you save your connection information in a Context, you can also access them through Ctrl+Space.

B.1.9. Context settings

You can define default context parameters you want to use in your Jobs.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 477

Applying Project Settings

To do so:

On the toolbar of the Studio main window, click or click File > Edit Project Properties from the menu
bar to open the [Project Settings] dialog box.

2. In the tree view of the dialog box, expand the Job Settings node and then select the Implicit Context Load
check box to display the configuration parameters of the Implicit tContextLoad feature.

3. Select the From File or From Database check boxes according to the type of file you want to store your
contexts in.

4. For files, fill in the file path in the From File field and the field separator in the Field Separator field.

5. For databases, select the Built-in or Repository mode in the Property Type list and fill in the next fields.

6. Fill in the Table Name and Query Condition fields.

7. Select the type of system message you want to have (warning, error, or info) in case a variable is loaded but
is not in the context or vice versa.

8. Click Apply to validate your changes and then OK to close the dialog box.

B.1.10. Applying Project Settings

From the [Project Settings] dialog box, you can choose to which Job in the Repository tree view you want to
apply the Implicit Context Load and Stats and Logs settings.

To do so:

On the toolbar of the Studio main window, click or click File > Edit Project Properties from the menu
bar to open the [Project Settings] dialog box.

2. In the tree view of the dialog box, expand the Job Settings node and then click Use Project Settings to
display the use of Implicit Context Load and Stats and Logs option in the Jobs.

478 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Status settings

3. In the Implicit Context Load Settings area, select the check boxes corresponding to the Jobs in which you
want to use the implicit context load option.

4. In the Stats Logs Settings area, select the check boxes corresponding to the Jobs in which you want to use
the stats and logs option.

5. Click Apply to validate your changes and then OK to close the dialog box.

B.1.11. Status settings

In the [Project Settings] dialog box, you can also define the Status.

To do so:

On the toolbar of the Studio main window, click or click File > Edit Project Properties from the menu
bar to open the [Project Settings] dialog box.

2. In the tree view of the dialog box, click the Status node to define the main properties of your Repository
tree view elements.

The main properties of a repository item gathers information data such as Name, Purpose, Description,
Author, Version and Status of the selected item. Most properties are free text fields, but the Status field
is a drop-down list.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 479

Status settings

3. Click the New... button to display a dialog box and populate the Status list with the most relevant values,
according to your needs. Note that the Code cannot be more than 3-character long and the Label is required.

Talend makes a difference between two status types: Technical status and Documentation status.

The Technical status list displays classification codes for elements which are to be running on stations, such
as Jobs, metadata or routines.

The Documentation status list helps classifying the elements of the repository which can be used to
document processes(Business Models or documentation).

4. Once you completed the status setting, click OK to save

The Status list will offer the status levels you defined here when defining the main properties of your Job
designs and business models.

5. In the [Project Settings] dialog box, click Apply to validate your changes and then OK to close the dialog

480 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Security settings

B.1.12. Security settings

You can hide or show your passwords on your documentations, metadata, contexts, and so on when they are stored
in the Repository tree view.

To hide your password:

On the toolbar of the Studio main window, click or click File > Edit Project Properties from the menu
bar to open the [Project Settings] dialog box.

2. In the tree view of the dialog box, click the Security node to open the corresponding view.

3. Select the Hide passwords check box to hide your password.

If you select the Hide passwords check box, your password will be hidden for all your documentations, contexts,
and so on, as well as for your component properties when you select Repository in the Property Type field of the
component Basic settings view, as in the screen capture below. However, if you select Built-in, the password will
not be hidden.

4. In the [Project Settings] dialog box, click Apply to validate your changes and then OK to close the dialog

B.2. Customizing the workspace

When using Talend Studio to design a data integration Job, you can customize the Palette layout and setting
according to your needs. You can as well change the position of any of the panels that exist in the Studio to meet
your requirements.
All the panels, tabs, and views described in this documentation are specific to Talend Studio. Some views listed in the [Show
View] dialog box are Eclipse specific and are not subjects of this documentation. For information on such views, check
Eclipse online documentation at http://www.eclipse.org/documentation/.

B.2.1. How to change the Palette layout and settings

The Palette contains all basic technical components and shapes as well as branches for Job design and business
modeling in the design workspace. These components and shapes as well as branches are grouped in families and

Talend Studio enables you to change the layout and position of your Palette according to your requirements. the
below sections explain all management options you can carry out on the Palette.

B.2.1.1. How to show, hide the Palette and change its position
By default, the Palette might be hidden on the right hand side of your design workspace.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 481

How to change the Palette layout and settings

If you want the Palette to show permanently, click the left arrow, at the upper right corner of the design workspace,
to make it visible at all times.

You can also move around the Palette outside the design workspace within the Integration perspective. To enable
the standalone Palette view, click the Window menu > Show View... > General > Palette.

If you want to set the Palette apart in a panel, right-click the Palette head bar and select Detached from the
contextual menu. The Palette opens in a separate view that you can move around wherever you like within the

B.2.1.2. How to display/hide components families

You can display/hide components families according to your needs in case of visibility problems, for example.
To do so, right-click the Palette and select Display folder to display components families and Hide folder to
display components without their families.

This display/hide option can be very useful when you are in the Favorite view of the Palette. In this view, you usually have
a limited number of components that if you display without their families, you will have them in an alphabetical list and
thus facilitate their usage. for more information about the Palette favorite, see How to set the Palette favorite.

B.2.1.3. How to maintain a component family open

If you often use one or many component families, you can add a pin on their names to stop them from collapsing
when you select components from other families.

482 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to change the Palette layout and settings

To add a pin, click the pin icon on the top right-hand corner of the family name.

B.2.1.4. How to filter the Palette

You can select the components to be shown or hidden on your Palette. You can also add to the Palette the
components that you developed yourself.

For more information about filtering the Palette, see Palette Settings.

For more information about adding components to the Palette, either from Talend Exchange or from your
own development, see How to download/upload Talend Community components and/or How to define the user
component folder (Talend > Components).

B.2.1.5. How to set the Palette favorite

The Palette offers you search and favorite possibilities that by turn facilitate its usage.

You can add/remove components to/from the Palette favorite view in order to have a quick access to all the
components that you mostly use.

To do so:

1. From the Palette, right-click the component you want to add to Palette favorite and select Add To Favorite.

Do the same for all the components you want to add to the Palette favorite then click the Favorite button
in the upper right corner of the Palette to display the Palette favorite.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 483

How to change panels positions

Only the components added to the favorite are displayed.

To delete a component from the Palette favorite, right-click the component you want to remove from the
favorite and select Remove From Favorite.

To restore the Palette standard view, click the Standard button in the upper right corner of the Palette.

B.2.1.6. How to change components layout in the Palette

You can change the layout of the component list in the Palette to display them in columns or in lists, as icons
only or as icons with short description.

You can also enlarge the component icons for better readability of the component list.

To do so, right-click any component family in the Palette and select the desired option in the contextual menu or
click Settings to open the [Palette Settings] window and fine-tune the layout.

B.2.2. How to change panels positions

All panels in the open Studio can be moved around according to your needs.

484 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to display Job configuration tabs/views

All you need to do is to click the head border of a panel or to click a tab, hold down the mouse button and drag
the panel to the target destination. Release to change the panel position.

Click the minimize/maximize icons ( / ) to minimize the corresponding panel or maximize it. For more
information on how to display or hide a panel/view, see How to display Job configuration tabs/views.

Click the close icon ( ) to close a tab/view. To reopen a view, click Window > Show View > Talend, then click
the name of the panel you want to add to your current view or see Shortcuts and aliases .

If the Palette does not show or if you want to set it apart in a panel, go to Window > Show view...> General >
Palette. The Palette opens in a separate view that you can move around wherever you like within the perspective.

B.2.3. How to display Job configuration tabs/views

The configuration tabs are located in the lower half of the design workspace of the Integration perspective. Each
tab opens a view that displays detailed information about the selected element in the design workspace.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 485

Filtering entries listed in the Repository tree view

The Component, Run Job, and Contexts, and Oozie scheduler views gather all information relative to the
graphical elements selected in the design workspace or the actual execution of the open Job.
By default, when you launch Talend Studio for the first time, the Problems tab will not be displayed until the first Job is
created. After that, Problems tab will be displayed in the tab system automatically.

The Modules and Scheduler[deprecated] tabs are located in the same tab system as the Component, Logs and
Run Job tabs. Both views are independent from the active or inactive Jobs open on the design workspace.

Some of the configuration tabs are hidden by default such as the Error Log, Navigator, Job Hierarchy,
Problems, Modules and Scheduler[deprecated] tabs. You can show hidden tabs in this tab system and directly
open the corresponding view if you select Window > Show view and then, in the open dialog box, expand the
corresponding node and select the element you want to display.

For detailed description about these tabs, see Configuration tabs.

B.3. Filtering entries listed in the Repository

tree view
Talend Studio provides the possibility to choose what nodes, Jobs or items you want to list in the Repository
tree view.

You can filter the Repository tree view by job name, Job status, the user who created the Job/items or simply
by selecting/clearing the check box next to the node/ item you want to display/hide in the view. You can also set
several filters simultaneously.

B.3.1. How to filter by Job name

To filter Jobs listed in the Repository tree view by Job name, complete the following:

486 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to filter by Job name

In the Studio, click the icon in the upper right corner of the Repository tree view and select Filter
settings from the contextual menu.

The [Repository Filter] dialog box displays.

2. Select the Filter By Name check box.

The corresponding field becomes available.

3. Follow the rules set below the field when writing the patterns you want to use to filter the Jobs.

In this example, we want to list in the tree view all Jobs that start with tMap or test.

4. In the [Repository Filter] dialog box, click OK to validate your changes and close the dialog box.

Only the Jobs that correspond to the filter you set are displayed in the tree view, those that start with tMap
and test in this example

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 487

How to filter by user

You can switch back to the by-default tree view, which lists all nodes, Jobs and items, by simply clicking the icon . This
will cause the green plus sign appended on the icon to turn to a minus red sign ( ).

B.3.2. How to filter by user

To filter entries in the Repository tree view by the user who created the Jobs/items, complete the following:

In the Studio, click the icon in the upper right corner of the Repository tree view and select Filter
settings from the contextual menu.

The [Repository Filter] dialog box displays.

488 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to filter by user

2. Clear the All Users check box.

The corresponding fields in the table that follows become available.

This table lists the authentication information of all the users who have logged in to Talend Studio and created
a Job or an item.

3. Clear the check box next to a user if you want to hide all the Jobs/items created by him/her in the Repository
tree view.

4. Click OK to validate your changes and close the dialog box.

All Jobs/items created by the specified user will disappear from the tree view.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 489

How to filter by job status

You can switch back to the by-default tree view, which lists all nodes, Jobs and items, by simply clicking the icon . This
will cause the green plus sign appended on the icon to turn to a minus red sign ( ).

B.3.3. How to filter by job status

To filter Jobs in the Repository tree view by the job status, complete the following:

In the Studio, click the icon in the upper right corner of the Repository tree view and select Filter
settings from the contextual menu.

The [Repository Filter] dialog box displays.

2. In the Filter By Status area, clear the check boxes next to the status type if you want to hide all the Jobs
that have the selected status.

3. Click OK to validate your changes and close the dialog box.

All Jobs that have the specified status will disappear from the tree view.

You can switch back to the by-default tree view, which lists all nodes, Jobs and items, by simply clicking the icon . This
will cause the green plus sign appended on the icon to turn to a minus red sign ( ).

490 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to choose what repository nodes to display

B.3.4. How to choose what repository nodes to display

To filter repository nodes, complete the following:

In the Integration perspective of the Studio, click the icon in the upper right corner of the Repository
tree view and select Filter settings from the contextual menu.

The [Repository Filter] dialog box displays.

2. Select the check boxes next to the nodes you want to display in the Repository tree view.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 491

Setting Talend Studio preferences

Consider, for example, that you want to show in the tree view all the Jobs listed under the Job Designs node,
three of the folders listed under the SQL Templates node and one of the metadata items listed under the
Metadata node.

3. Click OK to validate your changes and close the dialog box.

Only the nodes/folders for which you selected the corresponding check boxes are displayed in the tree view.

If you do not want to show all the Jobs listed under the Job Designs node, you can filter the Jobs using the Filter By Name
check box. For more information on filtering Jobs, see How to filter by Job name.

B.4. Setting Talend Studio preferences

You can define various properties for all the perspectives of Talend Studio according to your needs and preferences.

492 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Java Interpreter path (Talend)

Numerous settings you define can be stored in the Preference and thus become your default values for all new
Jobs you create.

The following sections describe specific settings that you can set as preference.

First, click the Window menu of Talend Studio, then select Preferences.

B.4.1. Java Interpreter path (Talend)

The Java Interpreter path is set based on the location of the Java file on your computer (for example C:\Program

To customize your Java Interpreter path:

1. If needed, click the Talend node in the tree view of the [Preferences] dialog box.

2. Enter a path in the Java interpreter field if the default directory does not display the right path.

On the same view, you can also change the preview limit and the path to the temporary files or the OS language.

B.4.2. Designer preferences (Talend > Appearance)

You can set component and Job design preferences to let your settings be permanent in the Studio.

1. From the menu bar, click Window > Preferences to open the [Preferences] dialog box.

2. Expand the Talend > Appearance node.

3. Click Designer to display the corresponding view.

On this view, you can define the way component names and hints will be displayed.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 493

How to define the user component folder (Talend > Components)

4. Select the relevant check boxes to customize your use of the Talend Studio design workspace.

B.4.3. How to define the user component folder

(Talend > Components)
You can create and develop your own custom components for use in the Integration perspective of Talend Studio.

The following procedure applies only to the external components. For the preferences of all the components, see
How to change specific component settings (Talend > Components).

The user component folder is the folder that contains the components you created and/or the ones you downloaded
from TalendForge. To define it, proceed as follows:

1. In the tree view of the [Preferences] dialog box, expand the Talend node and select Components.

494 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to change specific component settings (Talend > Components)

2. Enter the User component folder path or browse to the folder that contains the custom components to be
added to the Palette of the Studio.

In order to be imported to the Palette of the Studio, the custom components have to be in separate folders
located at the root of the component folder you have defined.

3. Click Apply and then OK to validate the preferences and close the dialog box.

The Studio restarts and the external components are added to the Palette.

This configuration is stored in the metadata of the workspace. If the workspace of Talend Studio changes, you
have to reset this configuration again.

B.4.4. How to change specific component settings

(Talend > Components)
You can modify some specific component settings such as the default mapping link display.

The following procedure applies to the external components and to the components included in the Studio. For the
preferences specific to the user components, see How to define the user component folder (Talend > Components).

To modify those specific components settings, proceed as follows:

1. In the tree view of the [Preferences] dialog box, expand the Talend node and select Components.

2. From the Default mapping links display as list, select the mapping link type you want to use in the tMap.

3. Under tRunJob, select the check box if you do not want the corresponding Job to open upon double clicking
a tRunJob component.
You will still be able to open the corresponding Job by right clicking the tRunJob component and selecting Open
tRunJob Component.

4. Under Component Assist, select the Enable Component Creation Assistant check box if you want to be
able to add a component by typing its name in the design workspace. For more information, see Adding
components to the Job.

5. Click Apply and then OK to validate the set preferences and close the dialog box.

This configuration is stored in the metadata of the workspace. If the workspace of Talend Studio changes, you
have to reset this configuration again.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 495

Documentation preferences (Talend > Documentation)

B.4.5. Documentation preferences (Talend >

You can include the source code on the generated documentation.

1. From the menu bar, click Window > Preferences to open the [Preferences] dialog box.

2. Expand the Talend node and click Documentation to display the documentation preferences.

3. Customize the documentation preferences according to your needs:

Select the Source code to HTML generation check box to include the source code in the HTML
documentation that you will generate.

Select the Use CSS file as a template when export to HTML check box to activate the CSS File field if
you need to use a CSS file to customize the exported HTML files.

For more information on documentation, see How to generate HTML documentation and Documentation tab.

B.4.6. Exchange preferences (Talend > Exchange)

You can set preferences related to your connection with Talend Exchange, which is part of the Talend Community,
in Talend Studio. To do so:

1. From the menu bar, click Window > Preferences to open the [Preferences] dialog box.

2. Expand the Talend node and click Exchange to display the Exchange view.

3. Set the Exchange preferences according to your needs:

If you are not yet connected to the Talend Community, click Sign In to go to the Connect to TalendForge
page to sign in using your Talend Community credentials or create a Talend Community account and
then sign in.

If you are already connected to the Talend Community, your account is displayed and the Sign In button
becomes Sign Out. To get disconnected from the Talend Community, click Sign Out.

496 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Adding code by default (Talend > Import/Export)

By default, while you are connected to the Talend Community, whenever an update to an installed
community extension is available, a dialog box appears to notify you about it. If you often check for
community extension updates and you do not want that dialog box to appear again, clear the Notify me
when updated extensions are available check box.

For more information on connecting to the Talend Community, see the Getting Started Guide. For more
information on using community extensions in the Studio, see How to download/upload Talend Community

B.4.7. Adding code by default (Talend > Import/Export)

You can add pieces of code by default at the beginning and at the end of the code of your Job.

1. From the menu bar, click Window > Preferences to open the [Preferences] dialog box.

2. Expand the Talend and Import/Export nodes in succession and then click Shell Setting to display the
relevant view.

3. In the Command field, enter your piece/pieces of code before or after %GENERATED_TOS_CALL% to display
it/them before or after the code of your Job.

B.4.8. Language preferences (Talend >

You can set language preferences in Talend Studio. To do so:

1. From the menu bar, click Window > Preferences to open the [Preferences] dialog box.

2. Expand the Talend node and click Internationalization to display the relevant view.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 497

Palette preferences (Talend > Palette Settings)

3. From the Local Language list, select the language you want to use for the graphical interface of Talend

4. Click Apply and then OK to validate your change and close the [Preferences] dialog box.

5. Restart the Studio to display the graphical interface in the selected language.

B.4.9. Palette preferences (Talend > Palette Settings)

From Palette Settings view you can set preferences for component searching from the Palette and even from the
component list that appears on the design workspace when adding a component without using the Palette.

1. From the menu bar, click Window > Preferences to display the [Preferences] dialog box.

2. Expand the Talend node and click Palette Settings to display the Palette Settings view.

3. To limit number of components that can be displayed on the Recently Used list, enter your preferred number
in the Recently used list size field.

4. To enable searching a component using a phrase that describes the function or purpose of the component as
search keywords in the search field of the Palette or in the text field that appears on the design workspace,
select the Also search from Help when performing a component searching check box. With this check
box selected, you can find your component on the Palette or on the component list on the design workspace
as long as you can find it from the F1 Help information by using the same descriptive phrase as keywords.

5. To change the number of the search result entries when using a descriptive phrase as search keywords, enter
your preferred number in the Result limitation from Help field.

B.4.10. Performance preferences (Talend >

You can set performance preferences according to your use of Talend Studio. To do so, proceed as follows:

1. From the menu bar, click Window > Preferences to open the [Preferences] dialog box.

2. Expand the Talend node and click Performance to display the repository refresh preference.

498 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Debug and Job execution preferences (Talend > Run/Debug)

You can improve your performance when you deactivate automatic refresh.

3. Set the performance preferences according to your use of Talend Studio:

Select the Deactivate auto detect/update after a modification in the repository check box to deactivate
the automatic detection and update of the repository.

Select the Check the property fields when generating code check box to activate the audit of the property
fields of the component. When one property filed is not correctly filled in, the component is surrounded
by red on the design workspace.

You can optimize performance if you disable property fields verification of components, for example if you clear
the Check the property fields when generating code check box.

Select the Generate code when opening the job check box to generate code when you open a Job.

Select the Check only the last version when updating jobs or joblets check box to only check the latest
version when you update a Job.

Select the Propagate add/delete variable changes in repository contexts to propagate variable changes
in the Repository Contexts.

Select the Activate the timeout for database connection check box to establish database connection time
out. Then set this time out in the Connection timeout (seconds) field.

Select the Add all user routines to job dependencies, when create new job check box to add all user
routines to Job dependencies upon the creation of new Jobs.

B.4.11. Debug and Job execution preferences (Talend

> Run/Debug)
You can set your preferences for debug and job executions in Talend Studio. To do so:

1. From the menu bar, click Window > Preferences to display the [Preferences] dialog box.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 499

Debug and Job execution preferences (Talend > Run/Debug)

2. Expand the Talend node and click Run/Debug to display the relevant view.

In the Talend client configuration area, you can define the execution options to be used by default:

Stats port range Specify a range for the ports used for generating statistics, in particular, if the ports defined by
default are used by other applications.
Trace port range Specify a range for the ports used for generating traces, in particular, if the ports defined by default
are used by other applications.
Save before run Select this check box to save your Job automatically before its execution.
Clear before run Select this check box to delete the results of a previous execution before re-executing the Job.
Exec time Select this check box to show Job execution duration.
Statistics Select this check box to show the statistics measurement of data flow during Job execution.
Traces Select this check box to show data processing during job execution.
Pause time Enter the time you want to set before each data line in the traces table.

In the Job Run VM arguments list, you can define the parameter of your current JVM according to your needs.
The by-default parameters -Xms256M and -Xmx1024M correspond respectively to the minimal and maximal
memory capacities reserved for your Job executions.

If you want to use some JVM parameters for only a specific Job execution, for example if you want to display
the execution result for this specific Job in Japanese, you need open this Job's Run view and then in the Run
view, configure the advanced execution settings to define the corresponding parameters.

For further information about the advanced execution settings of a specific Job, see How to set advanced execution

For more information about possible parameters, check the site http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/

500 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Displaying special characters for schema columns (Talend > Specific settings)

B.4.12. Displaying special characters for schema

columns (Talend > Specific settings)
You may need to retrieve a table schema that contains columns written with special characters like Chinese,
Japanese, Korean. In this case, you need to enable Talend Studio to read the special characters. To do so:

1. From the menu bar, click Window > Preferences to open the [Preferences] dialog box.

2. On the tree view of the opened dialog box, expand the Talend node.

3. Click the Specific settings node to display the corresponding view on the right of the dialog box.

4. Select the Allow specific characters (UTF8,...) for columns of schemas check box.

B.4.13. Schema preferences (Talend > Specific

You can define the default data length and type of the schema fields of your components.

1. From the menu bar, click Window > Preferences to open the [Preferences] dialog box.

2. Expand the Talend node, and click Specific Settings > Default Type and Length to display the data length
and type of your schema.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 501

Schema preferences (Talend > Specific Settings)

3. Set the parameters according to your needs:

In the Default Settings for Fields with Null Values area, fill in the data type and the field length to apply
to the null fields.

In the Default Settings for All Fields area, fill in the data type and the field length to apply to all fields
of the schema.

In the Default Length for Data Type area, fill in the field length for each type of data.

502 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

SQL Builder preferences (Talend > Specific Settings)

B.4.14. SQL Builder preferences (Talend > Specific

You can set your preferences for the SQL Builder. To do so:

1. From the menu bar, click Window > Preferences to open the [Preferences] dialog box.

2. Expand the Talend and Specific Settings nodes in succession and then click Sql Builder to display the
relevant view.

3. Customize the SQL Builder preferences according to your needs:

Select the add quotes, when you generated sql statement check box to precede and follow column and
table names with inverted commas in your SQL queries.

In the AS400 SQL generation area, select the Standard SQL Statement or System SQL Statement
check boxes to use standard or system SQL statements respectively when you use an AS/400 database.

Clear the Enable check queries in the database components (disable to avoid warnings for specific
queries) check box to deactivate the verification of queries in all database components.

B.4.15. Usage Data Collector preferences (Talend >

Usage Data Collector)
By allowing Talend Studio to collect your Studio usage statistics, you help users better understand Talend products
and help Talend better learn how users are using the products, thus enabling Talend to improve product quality
and performance to serve users better.

By default, Talend Studio automatically collects your Studio usage data and sends this data on a regular basis
to servers hosted by Talend. You can view the usage data collection and upload information and customize the
Usage Data Collector preferences according to your needs.

Be assured that only the Studio usage statistics data will be collected and none of your private information will be collected
and transmitted to Talend.

1. From the menu bar, click Window > Preferences to display the [Preferences] dialog box.

2. Expand the Talend node and click Usage Data Collector to display the Usage Data Collector view.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 503

Usage Data Collector preferences (Talend > Usage Data Collector)

3. Read the message about the Usage Data Collector, and, if you do not want the Usage Data Collector to collect
and upload your Studio usage information, clear the Enable capture check box.

4. To have a preview of the usage data captured by the Usage Data Collector, expand the Usage Data Collector
node and click Preview.

504 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Usage Data Collector preferences (Talend > Usage Data Collector)

5. To customize the usage data upload interval and view the date of the last upload, click Uploading under the
Usage Data Collector node.

By default, if enabled, the Usage Data Collector collects the product usage data and sends it to Talend
servers every 10 days. To change the data upload interval, enter a new integer value (in days) in the Upload
Period field.

The read-only Last Upload field displays the date and time the usage data was last sent to Talend servers.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 505

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide
Appendix C. Theory into practice: Job
This chapter aims at users of Talend Studio who seek real-life use cases to help them take full control over the

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

tMap Job example

C.1. tMap Job example

To illustrate the way Talend Studio operates, find below a real-life example scenario. In this scenario, we will
load a MySQL table with a file, that gets transformed on the fly. Then in a further step, we will select the data
to be loaded using a dynamic filter.

Before actually starting the Job, let's inspect the input data and the expected output data.

C.1.1. Input data

Our input file, the data of which will be loaded into the database table, lists clients from all over the State of

The file structure usually called Schema in Talend Studio includes the following columns:

First name

Last name



C.1.2. Output data

We want to load into the database, California clients living in a couple of Counties only: Orange and Los Angeles

The table structure is slightly different, therefore the data expected to be loaded into the DB table should have
the following structure:

Key (key, Type: Integer)

Name (Type: String, max. length: 40)

Address (Type: String, max.length: 40)

County (Type: String, max. length:40)

In order to load this table, we will need to use the following mapping process:

The Key column is fed with an auto-incremented integer.

The Name column is filled out with a concatenation of first and last names.

The Address column data comes from the equivalent Address column of the input file, but supports a upper-case
transformation before the loading.

The County column is fed with the name of the County where the city is located using a reference file which will
help filtering Orange and Los Angeles counties' cities.

C.1.3. Reference data

As only Orange and Los Angeles counties data should be loaded into the database, we need to map cities of
California with their respective county, in order to filter only Orange and Los Angeles ones.

508 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Translating the scenario into a Job

To do so, we will use a reference file, listing cities that are located in Orange and Los Angeles counties such as:
City County
Agoura Hills Los Angeles
Alhambra Los Angeles
Aliso Viejo Orange
Anaheim Orange
Arcadia Los Angeles

The reference file in this Job is named LosAngelesandOrangeCounties.txt.

C.1.4. Translating the scenario into a Job

In order to implement this scenario, let's break down the Job into four steps:

1. Creation of the Job, configuration of the input file parameters, and reading of the input file,

2. Mapping of data and transformations,

3. Definition of the reference file parameters, relevant mapping using the tMap component, and selection of inner
join mode,

4. Redirection of the output into a MySQL table.

C.1.4.1. Step 1: Job creation, input definition, file reading

Launch Talend Studio, and create a local project or import the demo project if you are launching Talend Studio
for the first time. For more information, see Working with projects.

The main window of Talend Studio is divided into several areas:

On the left-hand side: the Repository tree view that holds Jobs, Business Models, Metadata, shared Code,
Documentation and so on.

In the center: the Editor (main Design area)

At the bottom: Component and Job tabs

On the right-hand side: the Palette of business or technical components depending on the software tool you
are using within Talend Studio.

To the left of the Studio, the Repository tree view that gives an access to:

The Business Modeler: For more information, see Modeling a Business Model.

The Job Designer: For details about this part, see Getting started with a basic Job.

The Metadata Manager: For details about this part, see Managing Metadata for data integration.

Contexts and routines: For details, see Using contexts and variables and Managing routines.

To create the Job, right-click Job Designs in the Repository tree view and select Create Job.

In the dialog box displaying then, only the first field (Name) is required. Type in California1 and click Finish.

An empty Job then opens on the main window and the Palette of technical components (by default, to the right of
the Studio) comes up showing a dozen of component families such as: Databases, Files, Internet, Data Quality
and so on, hundreds of components are already available.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 509

Translating the scenario into a Job

To read the file California_Clients, let's use the tFileInputDelimited component. This component can be found
in the File/Input group of the Palette. Click this component then click to the left of the design workspace to place
it on the design area.

Let's define now the reading properties for this component: File path, column delimiter, encoding... To do so, let's
use the Metadata Manager. This tool offers numerous wizards that will help us to configure parameters and allow
us to store these properties for a one-click re-use in all future Jobs we may need.

As our input file is a delimited flat file, let's select File Delimited on the right-click list of the Metadata folder in
the Repository tree view. Then select Create file delimited. A wizard dedicated to delimited file thus displays:

At Step 1, only the Name field is required: simply type in California_clients and go to the next Step.

At Step 2, select the input file (California_Clients.csv) via the Browse... button. Immediately an extract of the
file shows on the Preview, at the bottom of the screen so that you can check its content. Click Next.

At Step 3, we will define the file parameters: file encoding, line and column delimiters... As our input file is
pretty standard, most default values are fine. The first line of our file is a header containing column names.
To retrieve automatically these names, click Set heading row as column names then click Refresh Preview.
And click Next to the last step.

At Step 4, each column of the file is to be set. The wizard includes algorithms which guess types and length of
the column based on the file first data rows. The suggested data description (called schema in Talend Studio)
can be modified at any time. In this particular scenario, they can be used as is.

There you go, the California_clients metadata is complete!

We can now use it in our input component. Select the tFileInputDelimited you had dropped on the design
workspace earlier, and select the Component view at the bottom of the window.

Select the vertical tab Basic settings. In this tab, you'll find all technical properties required to let the component
work. Rather than setting each one of these properties, let's use the Metadata entry we just defined.

Select Repository as Property type in the list. A new field shows: Repository, click "..." button and select the
relevant Metadata entry on the list: California_clients. You can notice now that all parameters get automatically
filled out.

510 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Translating the scenario into a Job

At this stage, we will terminate our flow by simply sending the data read from this input file onto the standard
output (StdOut).

To do so, add a tLogRow component (from the Logs & Errors group).

To link both components, right-click the input component and select Row/Main. Then click the output component:

This Job is now ready to be executed. To run it, select the Run tab on the bottom panel.

Enable the statistics by selecting the Statistics check box in the Advanced Settings vertical tab of the Run view,
then run the Job by clicking Run in the Basic Run tab.

The content of the input file display thus onto the console.

C.1.4.2. Step 2: Mapping and transformations

We will now enrich our Job to include on-the-fly transformations. To implement these transformation, we need
to add a tMap component to our Job. This component is multiple and can handle:

multiple inputs and outputs

search for reference (simple, cartesian product, first, last match...)

join (inner, outer)


Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 511

Translating the scenario into a Job


and more...

Remove the link that binds together the job's two components via a right-click the link, then Delete option. Then
place the tMap of the Processing component group in between before linking the input component to the tMap
as we did it previously.

Eventually to link the tMap to the standard output, right-click the tMap component, select Row/*New Output*
(Main) and click the tLogRow component. Type in out1 in the dialog box to implement the link. Logically, a
message box shows up (for the back-propagation of schemas), ignore it by clicking on No.

Now, double-click the tMap to access its interface.

To the left, you can see the schema (description) of your input file (row1). To the right, your output is for the
time being still empty (out1).

Drop the Firstname and Lastname columns to the right, onto the Name column as shown on the screen below.
Then drop the other columns Address and City to their respective line.

Then carry out the following transformations on each column:

Change the Expression of the Name column to row1.Firstname + " " + row1.LastName. Concatenate the
Firstname column with the Lastname column following strictly this syntax (in Java), in order for the columns
to display together in one column.

Change the Expression of the Address column to row1.Address.toUpperCase() which will thus change the
address case to upper case.

Then remove the Lastname column from the out1 table and increase the length of the remaining columns. To do
so, go to the Schema Editor located at the bottom of the tMap editor and proceed as follows:

1. Select the column to be removed from the schema, and click the cross icon.

2. Select the column of which you need increase the length size.

3. Type in the length size you intend in the length column. In this example, change the length of every remaining
column to 40.
As the first name and the last name of a client is concatenated, it is necessary to increase the length of the name column
in order to match the full name size.

512 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Translating the scenario into a Job

No transformation is made onto the City column. Click OK to validate the changes and close the Map editor

If you run your Job at this stage (via the Run view as we did it before), you'll notice the changes that you defined
are implemented.

For example, the addresses are displayed in upper case and the first names and last names are gathered together
in the same column.

C.1.4.3. Step 3: Reference file definition, re-mapping, inner join

mode selection
Define the Metadata corresponding to the LosAngelesandOrangeCounties.txt file just the way we did it previously
for California_clients file, using the wizard.

At Step1 of the wizard, name this metadata entry: LA_Orange_cities.

Then drop this newly created metadata to the top of the design area to create automatically a reading component
pointing to this metadata.

Then link this component to the tMap component.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 513

Translating the scenario into a Job

Double-click again on the tMap component to open its interface. Note that the reference input table (row2)
corresponding to the LA and Orange county file, shows to the left of the window, right under your main input

Now let's define the join between the main flow and the reference flow. In this use case, the join is pretty basic
to define as the City column is present in both files and the data match perfectly. But even though this was not
the case, we could have carried out operations directly at this level to establish a link among the data (padding,
case change...)

To implement the join, drop the City column from your first input table onto the City column of your reference
table. A violet link then displays, to materialize this join.

Now, we are able to use the County column from the reference table in the output table (out1).

514 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Translating the scenario into a Job

Eventually, click the OK button to validate your changes, and run the new Job.

The following output should display on the console.

As you can notice, the last column is only filled out for Los Angeles and Orange counties' cities. For all other lines,
this column is empty. The reason for this is that by default, the tMap implements a left outer join mode. If you
want to filter your data to only display lines for which a match is found by the tMap, then open again the tMap,
click the tMap settings button and select the Inner Join in the Join Model list on the reference table (row2).

C.1.4.4. Step 4: Output to a MySQL table

Our Job works perfectly! To finalize it, let's direct the output flow to a MySQL table.

To do so, let's first create the Metadata describing the connection to the MySQL database. Double-click Metadata/
MySQL/DemoMySQL in the referential (on the condition that you imported the Demo project properly). This
opens the Metadata wizard.

On Step2 of the wizard, type in the relevant connection parameters. Check the validity of this connection by
clicking on the Check button. Eventually, validate your changes, by clicking on Finish.

Drop this metadata to the right of the design workspace, while maintaining the Ctrl key down, in order to create
automatically a tMysqlOutput component.

Remove the tLogRow component from your Job.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 515

Using the output stream feature

Reconnect the out1 output flow from the tMap to the new component tMysqlOutput (Right-click/Row/out1):

On the Basic Settings tab of this component:

1. Type in LA_Orange_Clients in the Table field, in order to name your target table which will get created
on the fly.

2. Select the Drop table if exists and create option or on the Action on table field.

3. Click Edit Schema and click the Reset DB type button (DB button on the tool bar) in order to fill out
automatically the DB type if need be.

Run again the Job. The target table should be automatically created and filled with data in less a second!

In this scenario, we did use only four different components out of hundreds of components available in the Palette
and grouped according to different categories (databases, Web service, FTP and so on)!

And more components, this time created by the community, are also available on the community site

C.2. Using the output stream feature

The following use case aims to show how to use the output stream feature in a number of components in order
to greatly improve the output performance.

In this scenario, a pre-defined csv file containing customer information is loaded in a database table. Then the
loaded data is selected using a tMap, and output to a local file and to the console using the output stream feature.

C.2.1. Input data

The input file, the data of which will be loaded into the database table, contains customer information of various

The file structure usually called Schema in Talend Studio includes the following columns:

id (Type: Integer)

CustomerName (Type: String)

CustomerAge (Type: Integer)

CustomerAddress (Type: String)

516 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Output data

CustomerCity (Type: String)

RegisterTime (Type: Date)

C.2.2. Output data

The tMap component is used to select id, CustomerName and CustomerAge columns from the input data. Then
the selected data is output using the output stream feature.

Thus the expected output data should have the following structure:

id (Type: Integer)

CustomerName (Type: String)

CustomerAge (Type: Integer)

All the three columns above come from the respective columns in the input data.

C.2.3. Translating the scenario into a Job

In order to implement this scenario, break down the Job into four steps:

1. Create the Job, define the schema for the input data, and read the input file according to the defined schema.

2. Set the command to enable the output stream feature.

3. Map the data using the tMap component.

4. Output the selected data stream.

A complete Job looks as what it displays in the following image. For the detailed instruction for designing the
Job, read the following sections.

C.2.3.1. Step 1: Reading input data from a local file

We will use the tFileInputDelimited component to read the file customers.csv for the input data. This component
can be found in the File/Input group of the Palette.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 517

Translating the scenario into a Job

1. Drop a tFileInputDelimited component onto the design workspace, and double-click the to open the Basic
settings view to set its properties.

2. Click the three-dot button next to the File name/Stream field to browse to the path of the input data file.
You can also type in the path of the input data file manually.

3. Click Edit schema to open a dialog box to configure the file structure of the input file.

4. Click the plus button to add six columns and set the Type and columns names to what we listed in the

5. Click OK to close the dialog box.

C.2.3.2. Step2: Setting the command to enable the output stream

Now we will make use of tJava to set the command for creating an output file and a directory that contains the
output file.

To do so:

1. Drop a tJava component onto the design workspace, and double-click it to open the Basic settings view to
set its properties.

518 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Translating the scenario into a Job

2. Fill in the Code area with the following command:

new java.io.File("C:/myFolder").mkdirs();
globalMap.put("out_file",new java.io.FileOutputStream("C:/myFolder/

The command we typed in this step will create a new directory C:/myFolder for saving the output file
customerselection.txt which is defined followingly. You can customize the command in accordance with actual

3. Connect tJava to tFileInputDelimited using a Trigger > On Subjob Ok connection. This will trigger tJava
when subjob that starts with tFileInputDelimited succeeds in running.

C.2.3.3. Step3: Mapping the data using the tMap component

1. Drop a tMap component onto the design workspace, and double-click it to open the Basic settings view to
set its properties.

2. Click the three-dot button next to Map Editor to open a dialog box to set the mapping.

3. Click the plus button on the left to add six columns for the schema of the incoming data, these columns should
be the same as the following:

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 519

Translating the scenario into a Job

4. Click the plus button on the right to add a schema of the outgoing data flow.

5. Select New output and Click OK to save the output schema. For the time being, the output schema is still

6. Click the plus button beneath the out1 table to add three columns for the output data.

7. Drop the id, CustomerName and CustomerAge columns onto their respective line on the right.

520 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Translating the scenario into a Job

8. Click OK to save the settings.

C.2.3.4. Step4: Outputing the selected data stream

1. Drop a tFileOutputDelimited component onto the design workspace, and double-click it to open the Basic
settings view to set its component properties.

2. Select the Use Output Stream check box to enable the Output Stream field and fill the Output Stream
field with the following command:


You can customize the command in the Output Stream field by pressing CTRL+SPACE to select built-in command
from the list or type in the command into the field manually in accordance with actual practice. In this scenario, the
command we use in the Output Stream field will call the java.io.OutputStream class to output the filtered data
stream to a local file which is defined in the Code area of tJava in this scenario.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 521

Translating the scenario into a Job

3. Connect tFileInputDelimited to tMap using a Row > Main connection and connect tMap to
tFileOutputDelimited using a Row > out1 connection which is defined in the Map Editor of tMap.

4. Click Sync columns to retrieve the schema defined in the preceding component.

To output the selected data to the console:

1. Drop a tLogRow component onto the design workspace, and double-click it to open its Basic settings view.

2. Select the Table radio button in the Mode area.

3. Connect tFileOutputDelimited to tLogRow using a Row > Main connection.

4. Click Sync columns to retrieve the schema defined in the preceding component.

This Job is now ready to be executed.

5. Press CTRL+S to save your Job and press F6 to execute it.

The content of the selected data is displayed on the console.

522 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Using the Implicit Context Load feature

The selected data is also output to the specified local file customerselection.txt.

For an example of Job using this feature, see Scenario: Utilizing Output Stream in saving filtered data to a local
file of tFileOutputDelimited at https://help.talend.com.

For the principle of the Use Output Stream feature, see How to use the Use Output Stream feature.

C.3. Using the Implicit Context Load feature

Job parameterization based on context variables enables you to orchestrate and execute your Jobs in different
contexts or environments. You can define the values of your context variables when creating them, or load your
context parameters dynamically, either explicitly or implicitly, when your Jobs are executed.

The use case below describes how to use the Implicit Context Load feature of your Talend Studio to load context
parameters dynamically at the time of Job execution. For how to load context parameters explicitly at the time of
Job execution, see tContextLoad at https://help.talend.com. For more information on using contexts and variables,
see Using contexts and variables.

The Job in this use case is composed of only two components. It will read employees data stored in two MySQL
databases, one for testing and the other for production purposes. The connection parameters for accessing these
two databases are stored in another MySQL database. When executed, the Job loads these connection parameters
dynamically to connect to the two databases.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 523

Preparing context parameter sources

C.3.1. Preparing context parameter sources

Create two tables named db_testing and db_production respectively in a MySQL database named db_connections,
to hold the connection parameters for accessing the above mentioned databases, testing and production. Each table
should contain only two columns: key and value, both of type VARCHAR. Below is an example of the content
of the database tables:


key value
host localhost
port 3306
username root
password talend
database testing


key value
host localhost
port 3306
username root
password talend
database production

You can create these database tables using another Talend Job that contains tFixedFlowInput and tMysqlOutput

C.3.2. Creating the Job and defining context variables

1. Create a Job and add a tMysqlInput component and a tLogRow component onto the design workspace, and
link them using a Row > Main connection.

2. Select the Contexts view of the Job, and click the [+] button at the bottom of the view to add five rows in the
table to define the following variables, all of type String, without defining their values, which will be loaded
dynamically at Job execution: host, port, username, username, password, and database.

524 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Creating the Job and defining context variables

3. Now create another variable named db_connection of type List Of Value.

4. Click in the Value field of the newly created variable and click the button that appears to open the Configure
Values dialog box, and click New... to open the New Value dialog box. Enter the name of one of the database
tables holding the database connection details and click OK.

5. Click New... again to define the other table holding the database connection details. When done, click OK
to close the Configure Values dialog box.

Now the variable be_connection has a list of values db_testing and db_production, which are the database
tables to load the connection parameters from.

6. Select the Prompt check box next to the Value field of the db_connection variable to show the Prompt fields
and enter the prompt message to be displayed at the execution time.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 525

Configuring the components

C.3.3. Configuring the components

1. Then double-click to open the tMysqlInput component Basic settings view.

2. Fill the Host, Port, Database, Username, Password, and Table Name fields with the relevant
variables defined in the Contexts tab view: context.host, context.port, context.database,
context.username, and context.password respectively in this example.

3. Fill the Table Name field with employees, which is the name of the table holding employees information
in both databases in our example.

4. Then fill in the Schema information. If you stored the schema in the Repository, then you can retrieve it by
selecting Repository and the relevant entry in the list.

In this example, the schema of both the database tables to read is made of six columns: id (INT, 2 characters
long), name (VARCHAR, 20 characters long), email (VARCHAR, 25 characters long), sex (VARCHAR,
1 characters long), department (VARCHAR, 10 characters long), and position (VARCHAR, 10 characters

526 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Configuring the Implicit Context Load feature

5. Click Guess Query to retrieve all the table columns, which will be displayed on the Run tab, through the
tLogRow component.

6. In the Basic settings view of the tLogRow component, select the Table option to display data records in
the form of a table.

C.3.4. Configuring the Implicit Context Load feature

You can configure the Implicit Context Load feature either in Project Settings so that it can be used across Jobs
within the project, or in the Job view for a particular Job.

The following example shows how to configure the Implicit Context Load feature in the Job view for this particular
Job. If you want to configure the feature to be reused across different Jobs, select File > Edit Project properties
from the menu bar to open the Project Settings dialog box, go to Job Settings > Implicit context load, select
the Implicit tContextLoad check box, and set the parameters following steps 2 through 6 below. Then in the Job
view, select the Use Project Settings check box to apply the settings to the Job.

1. From the Job view, select the Extra vertical tab, and select the Implicit tContextLoad check box to enable
context loading without using the tContextLoad component explicitly in the Job.

2. Select the source to load context parameters from. A context source can be a two-column flat file or a two-
column database table. In this use case the database connection details are stored in database tables, so select
the From Database option.

3. Define the database connection details just like defining the basic settings of a database input component.

In this example, all the connection parameters are used just for this particular Job, so select Built-In from
the Property Type list and fill in the connection details manually.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 527

Executing the Job

4. Fill the Table Name field with the context variable named db_connection defined in the Contexts view of
the Job so that we will be able to choose the database table to load context parameters from dynamically
at Job execution.

5. As we will fetch all the connection details from the database tables unconditionally, leave the Query
Condition field blank.

6. Select the Print operations check box to list the context parameters loaded at Job execution.

C.3.5. Executing the Job

1. Press Ctrl+S to save the Job, and press F6 to run the Job.

A dialog box pops up asking you to select a database. Select a database and click OK.

The loaded context parameters and the content of the employees table of the selected database are displayed
on the Run console.

528 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Executing the Job

2. Now press F6 to launch the Job again and select the other database when prompted.

The loaded context parameters and the content of the employees table of the other database are displayed
on the Run console.

Related topics:

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 529

Using the Multi-thread Execution feature to run Jobs in parallel

How to define options on the Job view

Job Settings

Context settings

Applying Project Settings

C.4. Using the Multi-thread Execution feature

to run Jobs in parallel
Based on the previous use case Using the Implicit Context Load feature, this use case give an example of how to
use the Multi-thread Execution feature to run two Jobs in parallel to display the employees information in both
the testing and production environments at the same time. When handling large data volumes, this feature can
significantly optimize the Job execution performance of the Talend Studio.

For more information on the multi-thread execution feature, see How to execute multiple Subjobs in parallel.

Preparing Jobs to read employees data in different contexts

1. In the Repository tree view, right-click the Job created in the use case Using the Implicit Context Load feature
and select Duplicate from the context menu. Then, in the [Duplicate] dialog box enter a new name for the
Job, employees_testing in this example, and click OK.

2. Open the new Job, and label the components to better reflect their roles.

3. Create another Job named employees_production by repeating the steps above.

530 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Using the Multi-thread Execution feature to run Jobs in parallel

4. In the Contexts view of both Jobs, remove the db_connection variable.

5. On Extra tab of the Job view of the Job employees_testing, fill the Table Name field of database settings
with db_testing; on the Extra tab of the Job view of the Job employees_production, fill the Table Name
field with db_production.

Set up a parent Job to run the Jobs in parallel

1. Create a new Job and add two tRunJob components on the design workspace, and label the components to
better reflect their roles.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 531

Using the Multi-thread Execution feature to run Jobs in parallel

2. In the Component view of the first tRunJob component, click the [...] button next to the Job field and specify
the Job it will run, employees_testing in this example.

Configure the other tRunJob component to run the other Job, employees_production.

3. On the Extra tab of the Job view, select the Multi thread execution check box to activate the Multi-thread
Execution feature.

Executing the Jobs

1. Save each Job by pressing Ctrl+S.

2. In the parent Job, press F6 of click Run on the Run view to start execution of the child Jobs.

The child Jobs are executed in parallel, reading employees data from both databases and displaying the data
on the console.

532 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Using the Multi-thread Execution feature to run Jobs in parallel

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 533

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide
Appendix D. Big Data Job examples
This chapter aims at users of Talend Big Data solutions who seek real-life use cases to help them take full control
over the products.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Gathering Web traffic information using Hadoop

D.1. Gathering Web traffic information using

To drive a focused marketing campaign based on habits or profiles of your customers or users, you need to be able
to fetch data based on their habits or behavior on your website to be able to create user profiles and send them
the right advertisements, for example.

The ApacheWebLog folder of the Big Data demo project that comes with your Talend Studio provides an example
of finding out users having visited a website most often by sorting out their IP addresses from a huge number
of records in an access log file for an Apache HTTP server to enable further analysis on user behavior on the
website. This section describes the procedures for creating and configuring Jobs that will implement this example.
For more information about the Big Data demo project, see the Getting Started Guide.

D.1.1. Prerequisites
Before discovering this example and creating the Jobs, you should have:

Imported the demo project, and obtained the input access log file used in this example by executing the Job
GenerateWebLogFile provided with the demo project.

Installed and started Hortonworks Sandbox virtual appliance that the demo project is designed to work on, as
described in the Getting Started Guide.

An IP to host name mapping entry has been added in the hosts file to resolve the host name sandbox.

D.1.2. Discovering the scenario

In this example, certain Talend Big Data components are used to leverage the advantage of the Hadoop open
source platform for handling big data. In this scenario we use six Jobs:

The first Job sets up an HCatalog database, table and partition in HDFS

The second Job uploads the access log file to be analyzed to the HDFS file system.

The third Job connects to the HCatalog database and displays the content of the uploaded file on the console.

The fourth Job parses the uploaded access log file, including removing any records with a "404" error, counting
the code occurrences in successful service calls to the website, sorting the result data and saving it in the HDFS
file system.

The fifth Jobs parse the uploaded access log file, including removing any records with a "404" error, counting
the IP address occurrences in successful service calls to the website, sorting the result data and saving it in the
HDFS file system.

The last Job reads the result data from HDFS and displays the IP addresses with successful service calls and
their number of visits to the website on the standard system console.

D.1.3. Translating the scenario into Jobs

This section describes how to set up connection metadata to be used in the example Jobs, and how to create,
configure, and execute the Jobs to get the expected result of this scenario.

536 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Translating the scenario into Jobs

D.1.3.1. Setting up connection metadata to be used in the Jobs

In this scenario, an HDFS connection and an HCatalog connection are repeatedly used in different Jobs. To
simplify component configurations, we can centralized those connections under a Hadoop cluster connection in
the Repository view for easy reuse.

Setting up a Hadoop cluster connection

1. Right-click Hadoop cluster under the Metadata node in the Repository tree view, and select Create
Hadoop cluster from the contextual menu to open the connection setup wizard. Give the cluster connection
a name, Hadoop_Sandbox in this example, and click Next.

2. Configure the Hadoop cluster connection:

Select a Hadoop distribution and its version.

Specify the NameNode URI and the Resource Manager. In this example, we use the host name sandbox,
which is supposed to have been mapped to the IP address assigned to the Sandbox virtual machine, for
both the NameNode and Resource Manager and the default ports, 8020 and 50300 respectively.

Specify a user name for Hadoop authentication, sandbox in this example.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 537

Translating the scenario into Jobs

3. Click Finish. The Hadoop cluster connection appears under the Hadoop Cluster node in the Repository

Setting up an HDFS connection

1. Right-click the Hadoop cluster connection you just created, and select Create HDFS from the contextual
menu to open the connection setup wizard. Give the HDFS connection a name, HDFS_Sandbox in this
example, and click Next.

538 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Translating the scenario into Jobs

2. Customize the HDFS connection settings if needed and check the connection. As the example Jobs work with
all the suggested settings, simply click Check to verify the connection.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 539

Translating the scenario into Jobs

3. Click Finish. The HDFS connection appears under your Hadoop cluster connection.

540 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Translating the scenario into Jobs

Setting up an HCatalog connection

1. Right-click the Hadoop cluster connection you just created, and select Create HCatalog from the contextual
menu to open the connection setup wizard. Give the HCatalog connection a name, HCatalog_Sandbox in
this example, and click Next.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 541

Translating the scenario into Jobs

2. Enter the name of database you will use in the Database field, talend in this example, and click Check to
verify the connection.

542 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Translating the scenario into Jobs

3. Click Finish. The HCatalog connection appears under your Hadoop cluster connection.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 543

Translating the scenario into Jobs

Now these centralized metadata items can be used to set up connection details in different components and Jobs.
Note that these connections do not have table schemas defined along with them; we will create generic schemas
separately later on when configuring the example Jobs.

For more information on centralizing Big Data specific metadata in the Repository, see Managing metadata for
Talend Big Data. For more information on centralizing other types of metadata, see Managing Metadata for data

D.1.3.2. Creating the example Jobs

In this section, we will create six Jobs that will implement the ApacheWebLog example of the demo Job.

Create the first Job

Follow these steps to create the first Job, which will set up an HCatalog database to manage the access log file
to be analyzed:

1. In the Repository tree view, right-click Job Designs, and select Create folder to create a new folder to group
the Jobs that you will create.

544 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Translating the scenario into Jobs

Right-click the folder you just created, and select Create job to create your first Job. Name it
A_HCatalog_Create to identify its role and execution order among the example Jobs. You can also provide
a short description for your Job, which will appear as a tooltip when you move your mouse over the Job.

2. Drop a tHDFSDelete and two tHCatalogOperation components from the Palette onto the design

3. Connect the three components using Trigger > On Subjob Ok connections. The HDFS subjob will be used
to remove any previous results of this demo example, if any, to prevent possible errors in Job execution,
and the two HCatalog subjobs will be used to create an HCatalog database and set up an HCatalog table and
partition in the created HCatalog table, respectively.

4. Label these components to better identify their functionality.

Create the second Job

Follow these steps to create the second Job, which will upload the access log file to the HCatalog:

1. Create a new Job and name it B_HCatalog_Load to identify its role and execution order among the example

2. From the Palette, drop a tApacheLogInput, a tFilterRow, a tHCatalogOutput, and a tLogRow component
onto the design workspace.

3. Connect the tApacheLogInput component to the tFilterRow component using a Row > Main connection,
and then connect the tFilterRow component to the tHCatalogOutput component using a Row > Filter
connection. This data flow will load the log file to be analyzed to the HCatalog database, with any records
having the error code of "301" removed.

4. Connect the tFilterRow component to the tLogRow component using a Row > Reject connection. This flow
will print the records with the error code of "301" on the console.

5. Label these components to better identify their functionality.

Create the third Job

Follow these steps to create the third Job, which will display the content of the uploaded file:

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 545

Translating the scenario into Jobs

1. Create a new Job and name it C_HCatalog_Read to identify its role and execution order among the example

2. Drop a tHCatalogInput component and a tLogRow component from the Palette onto the design workspace,
and link them using a Row > Main connection.

3. Label the components to better identify their functionality.

Create the fourth Job

Follow these steps to create the fourth Job, which will analyze the uploaded log file to get the code occurrences
in successful calls to the website:

1. Create a new Job and name it D_Pig_Count_Codes to identify its role and execution order among the example

2. Drop the following components from the Palette to the design workspace:

a tPigLoad, to load the data to be analyzed,

a tPigFilterRow, to remove records with the '404' error from the input flow,

a tPigFilterColumns, to select the columns you want to include in the result data,

a tPigAggregate, to count the number of visits to the website,

a tPigSort, to sort the result data, and

a tPigStoreResult, to save the result to HDFS.

3. Connect these components using Row > Pig Combine connections to form a Pig chain, and label them to
better identify their functionality.

Create the fifth Job

Follow these steps to create the fift Job, which will analyze the uploaded log file to get the IP occurrences of
successful service calls to the website:

1. Right-click the previous Job in the Repository tree view and select Duplicate.

2. In the dialog box that appears, name the Job E_Pig_Count_IPs to identify its role and execution order among
the example Jobs.

3. Change the label of the tPigFilterColumns component to identify its role in the Job.

546 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Translating the scenario into Jobs

Create the sixth Job

Follow these steps to create the last Job, which will display the results of access log analysis;

1. Create a new Job and name it F_Read_Results to identify its role and execution order among the example Jobs.

2. From the Palette, drop two tHDFSInput components and two tLogRow components onto the design

3. Link the first tHDFSInput to the first tLogRow, and the second tHDFSInput to the second tLogRow using
Row > Main connections.

Link the first tHDFSInput to the second tHDFSInput using a Trigger > OnSubjobOk connection.

Label the components to better identify their functionality.

D.1.3.3. Centralize the schema for the access log file for reuse in
Job configurations
To handle the access log file to be analyzed on the Hadoop system, you needed to define an appropriate schema
in the relevant components. To simplify the configuration, before we start to configure the Jobs, we can save the
read-only schema of the tApacheLogInput component as a generic schema that can be reused across Jobs.

1. In the Job B_HCatalog_Read, double-click the tApacheLogInput component to open its Basic settings view.

2. Click the [...] button next to the Edit schema to open the [Schema] dialog box.

Click the button to open the [Select folder] dialog box. In this example we haven't create any folder
under the Generic schemas node, so simply click OK close the dialog box and open the generic schema
setup wizard.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 547

Translating the scenario into Jobs

4. Give your generic schema a name, access_log in this example, and click Finish to close the wizard and save
the schema.

5. Click OK to close the [Schema] dialog box. Now the generic schema appears under the Generic schemas
node of the Repository view and is ready for use where it is needed in your Job configurations.

548 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Translating the scenario into Jobs

D.1.3.4. Configuring the Jobs

In this section we will configure each of the example Jobs we have created.

Configuring the first Job

In this step, we will configure the first Job, A_HCatalog_Create, to set up the HCatalog system for processing
the access log file.

Set up an HCatalog database

1. Double-click the tHDFSDelete component, which is labelled HDFS_ClearResults in this example, to open
its Basic settings view on the Component tab.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 549

Translating the scenario into Jobs

2. To use a centralized HDFS connection, click the Property Type list box and select Repository, and then
click the [...] button to open the [Repository Content] dialog box. Select the HDFS connection defined
for connecting to the HDFS system and click OK. All the connection details are automatically filled in the
respective fields.

3. In the File or Directory Path field, specify the directory where the access log file will be stored on the HDFS,
/user/hdp/weblog in this example.

4. Double-click the first tHCatalogOperation component, which is labelled HCatalog_Create_DB in this

example, to open its Basic settings view on the Component tab.

550 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Translating the scenario into Jobs

5. To use a centralized HCatalog connection, click the Property Type list box and select Repository, and then
click the [...] button to open the [Repository Content] dialog box. Select the HCatalog connection defined
for connecting to the HCatalog database and click OK. All the connection details are automatically filled
in the respective fields.

6. From the Operation on list, select Database; from the Operation list, select Drop if exist and create.

7. In the Option list of the Drop configuration area, select Cascade.

8. In the Database location field, enter the location for the database file is to be created in HDFS, /user/hdp/
weblog/weblogdb in this example.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 551

Translating the scenario into Jobs

Set up an HCatalog table and partition

1. Double-click the second tHCatalogOperation component, labelled HCatalog_CreateTable in this example,

to open its Basic settings view on the Component tab.

2. Define the same HCatalog connection details using the same procedure as for the first tHCatalogOperation

3. Click the Schema list box and select Repository, then click the [...] button next to the field that appears to
open the [Repository Content] dialog box, expand Metadata > Generic schemas > access_log and select
schema. Click OK to confirm your choice and close the dialog box. The generic schema of access_log is
automatically applied to the component.

Alternatively, you can directly select the generic schema of access_log from the Repository tree view and
then drag and drop it onto this component to apply the schema.

4. From the Operation on list, select Table; from the Operation list, select Drop if exist and create.

5. In the Table field, enter a name for the table to be created, weblog in this example.

6. Select the Set partitions check box and click the [...] button next to Edit schema to set a partition and partition
schema. Note that the partition schema must not contain any column name defined in the table schema. In
this example, the partition schema column is named ipaddresses.

Upon completion of the component settings, press Ctrl+S to save your Job configurations.

552 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Translating the scenario into Jobs

Configuring the second Job

In this step, we will configure the second Job, B_HCatalog_Load, to upload the access log file to the Hadoop

Upload the access log file to HCatalog

1. Double-click the tApacheLogInput component to open its Basic settings view, and specify the path to the
access log file to be uploaded in the File Name field. In this example, we store the log file access_log in
the directory C:/Talend/BigData.

2. Double-click the tFilterRow component to open its Basic settings view.

3. From the Logical operator used to combine conditions list box, select AND.

4. Click the [+] button to add a line in the Filter configuration table, and set filter parameters to send records
that contain the code of "301" to the Reject flow and pass the rest records on to the Filter flow:

In the InputColumn field, select the code column of the schema.

In the Operator field, select Not equal to.

In the Value field, enter 301.

5. Double-click the tHCatalogOutput component to open its Basic settings view.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 553

Translating the scenario into Jobs

6. To use a centralized HCatalog connection, click the Property Type list box and select Repository, and then
click the [...] button to open the [Repository Content] dialog box. Select the HCatalog connection defined
for connecting to the HCatalog database and click OK. All the connection details are automatically filled
in the respective fields.

7. Click the [...] button to verify that the schema has been properly propagated from the preceding component.
If needed, click Sync columns to retrieve the schema.

8. From the Action list, select Create to create the file or Overwrite if the file already exists.

554 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Translating the scenario into Jobs

9. In the Partition field, enter the partition name-value pair between double quotation marks,
ipaddresses='' in this example.

10. In the File location field, enter the path where the data will be save, /user/hdp/weblog/access_log in this

11. Double-click the tLogRow component to open its Basic settings view, and select the Vertical option to
display each row of the output content in a list for better readability.

Upon completion of the component settings, press Ctrl+S to save your Job configurations.

Configuring the third Job

In this step, we will configure the third Job, C_HCatalog_Read, to check the content of the log uploaded to the

1. Double-click the tHCatalogInput component to open its Basic settings view in the Component tab.

2. To use a centralized HCatalog connection, click the Property Type list box and select Repository, and then
click the [...] button to open the [Repository Content] dialog box. Select the HCatalog connection defined
for connecting to the HCatalog database and click OK. All the connection details are automatically filled
in the respective fields.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 555

Translating the scenario into Jobs

3. Click the Schema list box and select Repository, then click the [...] button next to the field that appears to
open the [Repository Content] dialog box, expand Metadata > Generic schemas > access_log and select
schema. Click OK to confirm your select and close the dialog box. The generic schema of access_log is
automatically applied to the component.

Alternatively, you can directly select the generic schema of access_log from the Repository tree view and
then drag and drop it onto this component to apply the schema.

4. In the Basic settings view of the tLogRow component, select the Vertical mode to display the each row in
a key-value manner when the Job is executed.

Upon completion of the component settings, press Ctrl+S to save your Job configurations.

Configuring the fourth Job

In this step, we will configure the fourth Job, D_Pig_Count_Codes, to analyze the uploaded access log file using
a Pig chain to get the codes of successful service calls and their number of visits to the website.

Read the log file to be analyzed through the Pig chain

1. Double-click the tPigLoad component to open its Basic settings view.

556 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Translating the scenario into Jobs

2. To use a centralized HDFS connection, click the Property Type list box and select Repository, and then
click the [...] button to open the [Repository Content] dialog box. Select the HDFS connection defined
for connecting to the HDFS system and click OK. All the connection details are automatically filled in the
respective fields.

3. Select the generic schema of access_log from the Repository tree view and then drag and drop it onto this
component to apply the schema.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 557

Translating the scenario into Jobs

4. From the Load function list, select PigStorage, and fill the Input file URI field with the file path defined
in the previous Job, /user/hdp/weblog/access_log/out.log in this example.

Analyze the log file and save the result

1. In the Basic settings view of the tPigFilterRow component, click the [+] button to add a line in the Filter
configuration table, and set filter parameters to remove records that contain the code of 404 and pass the
rest records on to the output flow:

In the Logical field, select AND.

In the Column field, select the code column of the schema.

Select the NOT check box.

In the Operator field, select equal.

In the Value field, enter 404.

2. In the Basic settings view of the tPigFilterColumns component, click the [...] button to open the [Schema]
dialog box. Select the column code in the Input panel and click the single-arrow button to copy the column
to the Output panel to pass the information of the code column to the output flow. Click OK to confirm the
output schema settings and close the dialog box.

3. In the Basic settings view of the tPigAggregate component, click Sync columns to retrieve the schema from
the preceding component, and permit the schema to be propagated to the next component.

558 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Translating the scenario into Jobs

4. Click the [...] button next to Edit schema to open the [Schema] dialog box, and add a new column: count.
This column will store the number of occurrences of each code of successful service calls.

5. Configure the following parameters to count the number of occurrences of each code:

In the Group by area, click the [+] button to add a line in the table, and select the column count in the
Column field.

In the Operations area, click the [+] button to add a line in the table, and select the column count in the
Additional Output Column field, select count in the Function field, and select the column code in the
Input Column field.

6. In the Basic settings view of the tPigSort component, configure the sorting parameters to sort the data to
be passed on:

Click the [+] button to add a line in the Sort key table.

In the Column field, select count to set the column count as the key.

In the Order field, select DESC to sort data in the descendent order.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 559

Translating the scenario into Jobs

7. In the Basic settings view of the tPigStoreResult component, configure the component properties to upload
the result data to the specified location on the Hadoop system:

Click Sync columns to retrieve the schema from the preceding component.

In the Result file URI field, enter the path to the result file, /user/hdp/weblog/apache_code_cnt in this

From the Store function list, select PigStorage.

If needed, select the Remove result directory if exists check box.

8. Save the schema of this component as a generic schema in the Repository for convenient reuse in the last
Job, like what we did in Centralize the schema for the access log file for reuse in Job configurations. Name
this generic schema code_count.

Upon completion of the component settings, press Ctrl+S to save your Job configurations.

Configuring the fifth Job

In this step, we will configure the fifth Job, E_Pig_Count_IPs, to analyze the uploaded access log file using a
similar Pig chain as in the previous Job to get the IP addresses of successful service calls and their number of
visits to the website.

We can use the component settings in the previous Job, with the following differences:

560 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Translating the scenario into Jobs

In the [Schema] dialog box of the tPigFilterColumns component, copy the column host, instead of code, from
the Input panel to the Output panel.

In the tPigAggregate component, select the column host in the Column field of the Group by table and in the
Input Column field of the Operations table.

In the tPigStoreResult component, fill the Result file URI field with /user/hdp/weblog/apache_ip_cnt.

Save a generic schema named ip_count in the Repository from the schema of the tPigStoreResult component
for convenient reuse in the last Job.

Upon completion of the component settings, press Ctrl+S to save your Job configurations.

Configuring the last Job

In this step, we will configure the last Job, F_Read_Results, to read the results data from Hadoop and display
them on the standard system console.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 561

Translating the scenario into Jobs

1. Double-click the first tHDFSInput component to open its Basic settings view.

2. To use a centralized HDFS connection, click the Property Type list box and select Repository, and then
click the [...] button to open the [Repository Content] dialog box. Select the HDFS connection defined
for connecting to the HDFS system and click OK. All the connection details are automatically filled in the
respective fields.

3. Apply the generic schema of ip_count to this component. The schema should contain two columns, host
(string, 50 characters) and count (integer, 5 characters),

4. In the File Name field, enter the path to the result file in HDFS, /user/hdp/weblog/apache_ip_cnt/part-
r-00000 in this example.

5. From the Type list, select the type of the file to read, Text File in this example.

6. In the Basic settings view of the tLogRow component, select the Table option for better readability.

562 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Translating the scenario into Jobs

7. Configure the other subjob in the same way, but in the second tHDFSInput component:

Apply the generic schema of code_count, or configure the schema of this component manually so that it
contains two columns: code (integer, 5 characters) and count (integer, 5 characters).

Fill the File Name field with /user/hdp/weblog/apache_code_cnt/part-r-00000.

Upon completion of the component settings, press Ctrl+S to save your Job configurations.

D.1.3.5. Running the Jobs

After the six Jobs are properly set up and configured, click the Run button on the Run tab or press F6 to run them
one by one in the alphabetic order of the Job names, and view the execution results on the console of each Job.

Upon successful execution of the last Job, the system console displays IP addresses and codes of successful service
calls and their number of occurrences.

It is possible to run all the Jobs in the required order at one click. To do so:

1. Drop a tRunJob component onto the design workspace of the first Job, A_HCatalog_Create in this example.
This component appears as a subjob.

2. Link the preceding subjob to the tRunJob component using a Trigger > On Subjob Ok connection.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 563

Translating the scenario into Jobs

3. Double-click the tRunJob component to open its Basic settings view.

4. Click the [...] button next to the Job field to open the [Repository Content] dialog box. Select the Job that
should be triggered after successful execution of the current Job, and click OK to close the dialog box. The
next Job to run appears in the Job field.

5. Double-click the tRunJob component again to open the next Job. Repeat the steps above until a tRunJob is
configured in the Job E_Pig_Count_IPs to trigger the last Job, F_Read_Results.

6. Run the first Job.

The successful execution of each Job triggers the next Job, until all the Jobs are executed, and the execution
results are displayed in the console of the first Job.

564 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Appendix E. System routines
This appendix gives you an overview of the most commonly used routines, along with use cases. In this Appendix,
routines follow the order in which they display in the Repository. They are grouped according to their types. Each
type is detailed in a different section.

For more information on how to define routines, to access to system routines or to manage system or user routines,
see Managing routines.

Before starting any data integration processes, you need to be familiar with Talend Studio Graphical User Interface
(GUI). For more information, see GUI.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Numeric Routines

E.1. Numeric Routines

Numeric routines allow you to return whole or decimal numbers in order to use them as settings in one or more
Job components. To add numeric IDs, for instance.

To access these routines, double click on the Numeric category, in the system folder. The Numeric category
contains several routines, notably sequence, random and decimal (convertImpliedDecimalFormat):

Routine Description Syntax

sequence Returns an incremental numeric ID. Numeric.sequence("Parameter name", start
value, increment value)
resetSequence Creates a sequence if it doesn't exist and Numeric.resetSequence (Sequence Identifier,
attributes a new start value. start value)
removeSequence Removes a sequence. Numeric.RemoveSequence (Sequence Identifier)
random Returns a random whole number between Numeric.random(minimum start value, maximum
the maximum and minimum values. end value)
convertImplied Returns a decimal with the help of an Numeric.convertImpliedDecimalFormat
DecimalFormat implicit decimal model. ("Target Format", value to be converted)

The three routines sequence, resetSequence, and removeSequence are closely related.

The sequence routine is used to create a sequence identifier, named s1 by default, in the Job. This sequence
identifier is global in the Job.

The resetSequence routine can be used to initialize the value of the sequence identifier created by sequence

The removeSequence routine is used to remove the sequence identifier from the global variable list in the Job.

E.1.1. How to create a Sequence

The sequence routine allows you to create automatically incremented IDs, using a tJava component:

The routine generates and increments the ID automatically:

E.1.2. How to convert an Implied Decimal

It is easy to use the convertImpliedDecimalFormat routine, along with a tJava component, for example:

The routine automatically converts the value entered as a parameter according to the format of the implied decimal

566 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Relational Routines

E.2. Relational Routines

Relational routines allow you to check affirmations based on booleans.

To access these routines, double-click Relational under the system folder. The Relational class contains several
routines, notably:
Routine Description Syntax
ISNULL Checks if the variable provided is a null value. Relational.ISNULL(variable)

It returns true if the value is NULL and false if the

value is not NULL.
NOT Returns the complement of the logical value of an Relational.NOT(expression)
isNull Checks if the variable provided is a null value. Relational.isNull(variable)

It returns 1 if the value is NULL and 0 if the value

is not NULL.

To check a Relational Routine, you can use the ISNULL routine, along with a tJava component, for example:
String str = null;

In this example, the test result is displayed in the Run view:

E.3. StringHandling Routines

The StringHandling routines allow you to carry out various kinds of operations and tests on alphanumeric
expressions, based on Java methods.

To access these routines, double-click StringHandling under the system folder. The StringHandling class
includes the following routines:
Routine Description Syntax
ALPHA Checks whether the expression StringHandling.ALPHA("string to be checked")
is arranged in alphabetical order.
Returns the true or false boolean
IS_ALPHA Checks whether the expression StringHandling.IS_ALPHA("string to be checked")
contains alphabetical characters
only, or otherwise. Returns the
true or false boolean accordingly.
CHANGE Replaces an element of a StringHandling.CHANGE("string to be checked", "string to
string with a defined replacement be replaced","replacement string")
element and returns the new
COUNT Returns the number of times a StringHandling.COUNT("string to be checked", "substring
substring occurs within a string. to be counted")

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 567

StringHandling Routines

Routine Description Syntax

DOWNCASE Converts all uppercase letters in StringHandling.DOWNCASE("string to be converted")
an expression into lowercase and
returns the new string.
UPCASE Converts all lowercase letters in StringHandling.UPCASE("string to be converted")
an expression into uppercase and
returns the new string.
DQUOTE Encloses an expression in double StringHandling.DQUOTE("string to be enclosed in double
quotation marks. quotation marks")
EREPLACE Substitutes all substrings that StringHandling.EREPLACE(oldStr, regex, replacement)
match the given regular
expression in the given old string
with the given replacement and
returns a new string.
INDEX Returns the position of the first StringHandling.INDEX("string to be checked", "substring
character in a specified substring, specified")
within a whole string. If the
substring specified does not exist
in the whole string, the value - 1
is returned.
LEFT Specifies a substring which StringHandling.LEFT("string to be checked", number of
corresponds to the first n characters)
characters in a string.
RIGHT Specifies a substring which StringHandling.RIGHT("string to be checked", number of
corresponds to the last n characters)
characters in a string.
LEN Calculates the length of a string. StringHandling.LEN("string to check")
SPACE Generates a string consisting of a StringHandling.SPACE(number of blank spaces to be
specified number of blank spaces. generated)
SQUOTE Encloses an expression in single StringHandling.SQUOTE("string to be enclosed in single
quotation marks. quotation marks")
STR Generates a particular character a StringHandling.STR('character to be generated', number of
the number of times specified. times)
TRIM Deletes the spaces and tabs before StringHandling.TRIM("string to be checked")
the first non-blank character in a
string and after the last non-blank
character, then returns the new
BTRIM Deletes all the spaces and tabs StringHandling.BTRIM("string to be checked")
after the last non-blank character
in a string and returns the new
FTRIM Deletes all the spaces and tabs StringHandling.FTRIM("string to be checked")
preceding the first non-blank
character in a string.
SUBSTR Returns a portion of a string. It StringHandling.SUBSTR(string, start, length)
counts all characters, including
blanks, starting at the beginning of string: the character string you want to search.
the string.
start: the position in the string where you want to start counting.

length: the number of characters you want to return.

LTRIM Removes blanks or characters StringHandling.LTRIM(string[, trim_set])
from the beginning of a string.
string: the string you want to change.

trim_set: the characters you want to remove from the beginning of

the string. LTRIM will compare the trim_set to the string character-by-
character, starting with the left side of the string, and remove characters
until it fails to find a matching character in the trim_set. If this parameter

568 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to store a string in alphabetical order

Routine Description Syntax

is not specified, LTRIM will remove any blanks from the beginning of
the string.
RTRIM Removes blanks or characters StringHandling.RTRIM(string[, trim_set])
from the end of a string.
string: the string you want to change.

trim_set: the characters you want to remove from the ending of the string.
RTRIM will compare the trim_set to the string character-by-character,
starting with the right side of the string, and remove characters until it
fails to find a matching character in the trim_set. If this parameter is not
specified, RTRIM will remove any blanks from the ending of the string.
LPAD Converts a string to a specified StringHandling.LPAD(first_string, length[,
length by adding blanks or second_string])
characters to the beginning of the
string. first_string: the string you want to change.

length: the length you want the string to be after being padded.

second_string: the characters you want to append to the left side of the
RPAD Converts a string to a specified StringHandling.RPAD(first_string, length[,
length by adding blanks or second_string])
characters to the end of the string.
first_string: the string you want to change.

length: the length you want the string to be after being padded.

second_string: the characters you want to append to the right side of the
INSTR Returns the position of a character StringHandling.INSTR(string, search_value, start,
set in a string, counting from left occurrence)
to right and starting from 1.
string: the string you want to search.
Note that it returns 0 if the search
is unsuccessful and NULL if the search_value: the set of characters you want to search for.
search value is NULL.
start: the position in the string where you want to start the search. The
default is 1, meaning it starts the search from the first character in the

occurrence: the occurrence you want to search for.

For example, StringHandling.INSTR("Talend Technology", "e",

3, 2), it will start the search from the third character l and return 7, the
position of the second character e.
TO_CHAR Converts numeric values to text StringHandling.TO_CHAR(numeric_value)

E.3.1. How to store a string in alphabetical order

It is easy to use the ALPHA routine along with a tJava component, to check whether a string is in alphabetical


The check returns a boolean value.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 569

How to check whether a string is alphabetical

E.3.2. How to check whether a string is alphabetical

It is easy to use the IS_ALPHA routine along with a tJava component, to check whether the string is alphabetical:

The check returns a boolean value.

E.3.3. How to replace an element in a string

It is easy to use the CHANGE routine along with a tJava component, to replace one element in a string with
System.out.printIn(StringHandling.CHANGE("hello world!", "world", "guy"));

The routine replaces the old element with the new element specified.

E.3.4. How to check the position of a specific

character or substring, within a string
The INDEX routine is easy to use along with a tJava component, to check whether a string contains a specified
character or substring:
System.out.printIn(StringHandling.INDEX("hello world!", "hello"));
System.out.printIn(StringHandling.INDEX("hello world!", "world"));
System.out.printIn(StringHandling.INDEX("hello world", "!"));
System.out.printIn(StringHandling.INDEX("hello world", "?"));

The routine returns a whole number which indicates the position of the first character specified, or indeed the first
character of the substring specified. Otherwise, - 1 is returned if no occurrences are found.

E.3.5. How to calculate the length of a string

The LEN routine is easy to use, along with a tJava component, to check the length of a string:
System.out.printIn(StringHandling.LEN("hello world!"));

570 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to delete blank characters

The check returns a whole number which indicates the length of the chain, including spaces and blank characters.

E.3.6. How to delete blank characters

The FTRIM routine is easy to use, along with a tJava component, to delete blank characters from the start of
a chain:
System.out.printIn(StringHandling.FTRIM(" Hello world "));

The routine returns the string with the blank characters removed from the beginning.

E.4. TalendDataGenerator Routines

The TalendDataGenerator routines are functions which allow you to generate sets of test data. They are based
on fictitious lists of first names, second names, addresses, towns and States provided by Talend. These routines
are generally used when developing Jobs, using a tRowGenerator, for example, to avoid using production or
company data.

To access the routines, double click on TalendDataGenerator under the system folder:
Routine Description Syntax
getFirstName returns a first name taken randomly from a TalendDataGenerator.getFirstName()
fictitious list.
getLastName returns a random surname from a fictitious TalendDataGenerator.getLastName()
getUsStreet returns an address taken randomly from a TalendDataGenerator.getUsStreet()
list of common American street names.
getUsCity returns the name of a town taken randomly TalendDataGenerator.getUsCity()
from a list of American towns.
getUsState returns the name of a State taken randomly TalendDataGenerator.getUsState()
from a list of American States.
getUsStateId returns an ID randomly taken from a list of TalendDataGenerator.getUsStateId()
IDs attributed to American States.

No entry parameter is required as Talend provides the list of fictitious data.

You can customize the fictitious data by modifying the TalendGeneratorRoutines. For further information on
how to customize routines, see Customizing the system routines.

E.4.1. How to generate fictitious data

It is easy to use the different functions to generate data randomly. Using a tJava component, you can, for example,
create a list of fictitious client data using functions such as getFirstName, getLastName, getUSCity:

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 571

TalendDate Routines


The set of data taken randomly from the list of fictitious data is displayed in the Run view:

E.5. TalendDate Routines

The TalendDate routines allow you to carry out different kinds of operations and checks concerning the format
of Date expressions.

To access these routines, double-click TalendDate under the system folder:

Routine Description Syntax
addDate Adds n days, n months, n hours, n TalendDate.addDate("String date initiale", "format
minutes or n seconds to a Java date and Date - eg.: yyyy/MM/dd", whole n,"format of the part
returns the new date. of the date to which n is to be added - eg.:yyyy").

The Date format is: "yyyy", "MM",

"dd", "HH", "mm", "ss" or "SSS".
compareDate Compares all or part of two dates TalendDate.compareDate(Date date1, Date date2,
according to the format specified. "format to be compared - eg.: yyyy-MM-dd")
Returns 0 if the dates are identical, -1 if
the first date is earlier and 1 if the second
date is earlier.
diffDate Returns the difference between two TalendDate.diffDate(Date1(), Date2(), "format of
dates in terms of days, months or years the part of the date to be compared - eg.:yyyy")
according to the comparison parameter
diffDateFloor Returns the difference between two TalendDate.diffDateFloor(Date1(), Date2(), "format
dates by floor in terms of years, of the part of the date to be compared - eg.:MM")
months, days, hours, minutes, seconds
or milliseconds according to the
comparison parameter specified.
formatDate Returns a date string which corresponds TalendDate.formatDate("date format - eg.: yyyy-MM-
to the format specified. dd HH:mm:ss", Date() to be formatted
formatDateLocale Changes a date into a date/hour string TalendDate.formatDateLocale ("format target",
according to the format used in the target java.util.Date date, "language or country code")
getCurrentDate Returns the current date. No entry TalendDate.getCurrentDate()
parameter is required.
getDate Returns the current date and hour in the TalendDate.getDate("Format of the string - ex: CCYY-
format specified (optional). This string MM-DD")
can contain fixed character strings or
variables linked to the date. By default,
the string is returned in the format, DD/

572 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

TalendDate Routines

Routine Description Syntax

getFirstDayOfMonth Changes the date of an event to the first TalendDate.getFirstDayMonth(Date)
day of the current month and returns the
new date.
getLastDayOfMonth Changes the date of an event to the last TalendDate.getLastDayMonth(Date)
day of the current month and returns the
new date.
getPartOfDate Returns part of a date according to the TalendDate.getPartOfDate("String indicating the
format specified. This string can contain part of the date to be retrieved, "String in the
fixed character strings or variables format of the date to be parsed")
linked to the date.
getRandomDate Returns a random date, in the ISO TalendDate.getRandomDate("format date of the
format. character string", String minDate, String maxDate)
isDate Checks whether the date string TalendDate.isDate(Date() to be checked, "format of
corresponds to the format specified. the date to be checked - eg.: yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
Returns the boolean value true or false
according to the outcome.
parseDate Changes a string into a Date. Returns a TalendDate.parseDate("format date of the string to
date in the standard format. be parsed", "string in the format of the date to
be parsed")
parseDateLocale Parses a .string according to a specified TalendDate.parseDateLocale("date format of the
format and extracts the date. Returns string to be parsed", "String in the format of
the date according to the local format the date to be parsed", "code corresponding to the
specified. country or language")
setDate Modifies part of a date according to the TalendDate.setDate(Date, whole n, "format of the
part and value of the date specified and part of the date to be modified - eg.:yyyy")
the format specified.
TO_CHAR Converts a date to a character string. TalendDate.TO_CHAR(date[,format])

date: the date value you want to convert to a character string.

format: the string which defines the format of the return value.
TO_DATE Converts a character string to a Date/ TalendDate.TO_DATE(string[, format])
Time datatype.
string: the string you want to convert to a Date/Time datatype.

format: the format string that matches the part of the string
argument. If not specified, the string value must be in the date
format MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss.SSS.

For example, TalendDate.TO_DATE("04/24/2017

13:55:42.123") will return Mon Apr 24 13:55:42 CST 2017.
ADD_TO_DATE Adds a specified amount to one part of a TalendDate.ADD_TO_DATE(date, format, amount)
datetime value, and returns a date in the
same format as the date you pass to the date: the date value you want to change.
format: the format string specifying the portion of the date value
you want to change.

Valid format strings for year: Y, YY, YYY, and YYYY.

Valid format strings for month: MONTH, MM, and MON.

Valid format strings for day: D, DD, DDD, DAY, and DY.

Valid format strings for hour: HH, HH12, and HH24.

Valid format string for minute: MI.

Valid format string for second : SS.

Valid format string for millisecond: MS.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 573

How to format a Date

Routine Description Syntax

amount: the integer value specifying the amount of years,
months, days, hours, and so on by which you want to change the
date value.

For example,

if TalendDate.getCurrentDate() returns Mon Apr 24 14:26:03

CST 2017,

"YY", 1) will return Tue Apr 24 14:26:03 CST 2018.

E.5.1. How to format a Date

The formatDate routine is easy to use, along with a tJava component:
System.out.printIn(TalendDate.format("dd-MM-yyyy", new Date()));

The current date is initialized according to the pattern specified by the new date() Java function and is displayed
in the Run view:

E.5.2. How to check a Date

It is easy to use the isDate routine, along with a tJava component to check if a date expression is in the format
System.out.printIn(TalendDate.isDate("2010-02-09 00:00:00","yyyy-MM-dd

A boolean is returned in the Run view:

E.5.3. How to compare Dates

It is easy to use the compareDate routine, along with a tJava component to compare two dates, for example to
check if the current date is identical to, earlier than or later than a specific date, according to the format specified.
System.out.printIn(TalendDate.compareDate(new Date(),
TalendDate.parseDate("yyyy-MM-dd", "2010/11/24", "yyyy-MM-dd"));

In this example the current date is initialized by the Java function new date()and the value -1 is displayed in the
Run view to indicate that the current date is earlier than the second date.

574 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to configure a Date

E.5.4. How to configure a Date

It is easy to use the setDate routine, along with a tJava component to change the year of the current date, for
System.out.printIn(TalendDate.formatDate("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss",new Date ()));

The current date, followed by the new date are displayed in the Run view:

E.5.5. How to parse a Date

It is easy to use the parseDate routine, along with a tJava component to change a date string from one format
into another Date format, for example:
System.out.printIn(TalendDate.parsedate("yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss",
"1979-10-20 19:00:59"));

The string is changed and returned in the Date format:

E.5.6. How to retrieve part of a Date

It is easy to use the getPartOfDate routine, along with a tJava component to retrieve part of a date, for example:
Date D=TalendDate.parsedate("dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss", "13-10-2010 12:23:45");

System.out.printIn(TalendDate.getPartofDate("DAY_OF_MONTH", D));
System.out.printIn(TalendDate.getPartOfDate("MONTH", D));
System.out.printIn(TalendDate.getPartOfDate("YEAR", D));
System.out.printIn(TalendDate.getPartOfDate("DAY_OF_YEAR", D)):
System.out.printIn(TalendDate.getPartOfDate("DAY_OF_WEEK", D));

In this example, the day of month (DAY_OF_MONTH), the month (MONTH), the year (YEAR), the day number
of the year (DAY_OF_YEAR) and the day number of the week (DAY_OF_WEEK) are returned in the Run view.
All the returned data are numeric data types.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 575

How to format the Current Date

In the Run view, the date string referring to the months (MONTH) starts with 0 and ends with 11: 0 corresponds to January,
11 corresponds to December.

E.5.7. How to format the Current Date

It is easy to use the getDate routine, along with a tJava component, to retrieve and format the current date
according to a specified format, for example:

The current date is returned in the specified format (optional):

E.6. TalendString Routines

The TalendString routines allow you to carry out various operations on alphanumerical expressions.

To access these routines, double click on TalendString under the system folder. The TalendString class contains
the following routines:
Routine Description Syntax
replaceSpecialCharForXML returns a string from which the TalendString.replaceSpecialCharForXML ("string
special characters (eg.:: <, >, &...) containing the special characters - eg.: Thelma
have been replaced by equivalent & Louise")
XML characters.
checkCDATAForXML identifies characters starting with TalendString.checkCDATAForXML("string to be
<![CDATA[ and ending with parsed")
]]> as pertaining to XML and
returns them without modification.
Transforms the strings not
identified as XML in a form
which is compatible with XML
and returns them.
talendTrim parses the entry string and removes TalendString.talendTrim("string to be parsed",
the filler characters from the start "filler character to be removed", character
and end of the string according to position)
the alignment value specified: -1
for the filler characters at the end
of the string, 1 for those at the
start of the string and 0 for both.
Returns the trimmed string.
removeAccents removes accents from a string TalendString.removeAccents("String")
and returns the string without the
getAsciiRandomString generates a random string with a TalendString.getAsciiRandomString (whole number
specific number of characters. indicating the length of the string)

E.6.1. How to format an XML string

It is easy to run the replaceSpecialCharForXML routine along with a tJava component, to format a string for

576 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

How to trim a string

System.out.printIn(TalendString.replaceSpecialCharForXML("Thelma & Louise"));

In this example, the "&" character is replaced in order to make the string XML compatible:

E.6.2. How to trim a string

It is easy to use the talendTrim routine, along with a tJava component to remove the string padding characters
from the start and end of the string:

System.out.printIn(TalendString.talendTrim("**talend open studio****",

'*', -1));
System.out.printIn(TalendString.talendTrim("**talend open studio****",
'*', 1));
System.out.printIn(TalendString.talendTrim("**talend open studio****",

The star characters are removed from the start, then the end of the string and then finally from both ends:

E.6.3. How to remove accents from a string

It is easy to use the removeAccents routine, along with a tJava component, to replace the accented characters,
for example:


The accented characters are replaced with non-accented characters:

E.7. TalendStringUtil Routines

The TalendStringUtil class contains only one routine DECODE that allows you to search a value in a port. To
access the routine, double-click TalendStringUtil under the system folder.

Routine Description Syntax

DECODE Searches a port for a value you specify. If the TalendStringUtil.DECODE(value, defaultValue,
function finds the value, it returns a result value, search1, result1[, search2, result2]...
which you define. You can build an unlimited
number of searches within a DECODE function. value: the value you want to search.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 577

TalendStringUtil Routines

Routine Description Syntax

defaultValue: the value you want to return if the search
does not find a matching value. The default value can be
set to null.

search: the value for which you want to search. The search
value must have the same datatype as the value argument.

result: the value you want to return if the search finds a

matching value.

Below is an example of how to use the DECODE routine with a tJava component. You need to add a tJava
component to a new Job, then enter the following code, which will search the value for 10, in the Code field on
the Basic settings view of the tJava component.

TalendStringUtil<Integer,String> example = new TalendStringUtil<Integer,String>();

System.out.println(example.DECODE(10, "error", 5, "five", 10, "ten", 15, "fifteen", 20,

Note that you need to create a new object of the TalendStringUtil type, and better to use generic type to constrain
the input data, then use the object to call the DECODE routine.

Press F6 to run the Job. It will return ten, which is the result of the value 10.

578 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Appendix F. SQL template writing rules
This chapter describes the rules applied for the creation of SQL templates. It aims to help users of SQL templates
in Talend Studio to understand and develop the SQL templates for more customized usage.

These rules provide details that you have to respect when writing the template statement, a comment line or the
different relevant syntaxes.

These rules helps to use the SQL code in specific use cases, such as to access the various parameters defined in

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

SQL statements

F.1. SQL statements

An SQL statement can be any valid SQL statement that the related JDBC is able to execute. The SQL template
code is a group of SQL statements. The basic rules to write an SQL statement in the SQL template editor are:

An SQL statement must end with ;.

An SQL statement can span lines. In this case, no line should be ended with ; except the last one.

F.2. Comment lines

A comment line starts with # or --. Any line that starts with # or -- will be ignored in code generating.

There is no exception to the lines in the middle part of a SQL statement or within the <%... %> syntax.

F.3. The <%...%> syntax

This syntax can span lines. The following list points out what you can do with this syntax and what you should
pay attention to.

You can define new variables, use Java logical code like if, for and while, and also get parameter values.

For example, if you want to get the FILE_Name parameter, use the code as follows:

String filename = __FILE_NAME__;

This syntax cannot be used within an SQL statement. In other words, it should be used between two separated
SQL statements.

For example, the syntax in the following code is valid.

#sql sentence
DROP TABLE temp_0;
for(int i=1; i<10; i++){
#sql sentence
DROP TABLE temp_<%=i %>;
#sql sentence
DROP TABLE temp_10;

In this example, the syntax is used between two separated SQL templates: DROP TABLE temp_0; and DROP TABLE

The SQL statements are intended to remove several tables beginning from temp_0. The code between <% and
%> generate a sequence of number in loop to identify tables to be removed and close the loop after the number

Within this syntax, the <%=...%> or </.../> syntax should not be used.

580 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

The <%=...%> syntax

<%=...%> and </.../> are also syntax intended for the SQL templates. The below sections describe related

Parameters that the SQL templates can access with this syntax are simple. They are often used for connection purpose and
can be easily defined in components, such as TABLE_NAME, DB_VERSION, SCHEMA_TYPE, etc.

F.4. The <%=...%> syntax

This syntax cannot span lines and is used for SQL statement. The following list points out what you can do with
this syntax and what you should pay attention to.

This syntax can be used to generate any variable value, and also the value of any existing parameter.

No space char is allowed after <%=.

Inside this syntax, the <%...%> or </.../> syntax should not be used.

The statement written in the below example is a valid one.

#sql sentence
DROP TABLE temp_<%=__TABLE_NAME__ %>;

The code is used to remove the table defined through an associated component.

For more information about what components are associated with the SQL templates, see Designing a Job.

For more information on the <%...%> syntax, see the previous section.

For more information on the </.../> syntax, see the following section.

Parameters that the SQL templates can access with this syntax are simple. They are often used for connection purpose and
can be easily defined in components, such as TABLE_NAME, DB_VERSION, SCHEMA_TYPE, etc.

F.5. The </.../> syntax

This syntax cannot span lines. The following list points out what you can do with this syntax and what you should
pay attention to.

It can be used to generate the value of any existing parameter. The generated value should not be enclosed by
quotation marks.

No space char is allowed after </ or before />.

Inside this syntax, the <%...%> or <%=...%> syntax should not be used.

The statement written in the below example is a valid one.

#sql sentence

The statement identifies the TABLE_NAME parameter and then removes the corresponding table.

For more information on the <%...%> and <%=...%> syntaxes, see the previous sections.

The following sections present more specific code used to access more complicated parameters.

Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide 581

Code to access the component schema elements

Parameters that the SQL templates can access with this syntax are simple. They are often used for connection purpose and
can be easily defined in components, such as TABLE_NAME, DB_VERSION, SCHEMA_TYPE, etc.

F.6. Code to access the component schema

Component schema elements are presented on a schema column name list (delimited by a dot "."). These elements
are created and defined in components by users.

The below code composes an example to access some elements included in a component schema. In the following
example, the ELT_METADATA_SHEMA variable name is used to get the component schema.

String query = "select ";
for (int i=0; i < __ELT_METADATA_SHEMA__.length ; i++) {
query += (__ELT_METADATA_SHEMA__[i].name + ",");
query += " from " + __TABLE_NAME__;
<%=query %>;

In this example, and according to what you want to do, the __ELT_METADATA_SHEMA__[i].name
code can be replaced by __ELT_METADATA_SHEMA__[i].dbType, __ELT_METADATA_SHEMA__ [i].isKey,
__ELT_METADATA_SHEMA__[i].length or __ELT_METADATA_SHEMA__[i].nullable to access the other fields
of the schema column.

The extract statement is SCHEMA(__ELT_METADATA_SHEMA__);. In this statement, ELT_METADATA_SHEMA is the

variable name representing the schema parameter to be extracted. The variable name used in the code is just an
example. You can change it to another variable name to represent the schema parameter you already defined.

Make sure that the name you give to the schema parameter does not conflict with any name of other parameters.

For more information on component schema, see Basic Settings tab.

F.7. Code to access the component matrix

The component matrix properties are created and changed by users according to various data transformation
purposes. These properties are defined by tabular parameters, for example, the operation parameters or groupby
parameters that users can define through the tSQLTemplateAggregate component.

To access these tabular parameters that are naturally more flexible and complicated, two approaches are available:

The </.../> approach:

</.../> is one of the syntax used by the SQL templates. This approach often needs hard coding for every
parameter to be extracted.

For example, a new parameter is created by user and is given the name NEW_PROPERTY. If you want to access
it by using </NEW_PROPERTY/>, the below code is needed.

else if (paramName.equals("NEW_PROPERTY")) {

582 Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

Code to access the component matrix properties

List<Map<String, String>> newPropertyTableValue = (List<Map<String, String>>)

ElementParameterParser.getObjectValue(node, "__NEW_PROPERTY__");

for (int ii = 0; ii <newPropertyTableValue.size(); ii++) {

Map<String, String> newPropertyMap =newPropertyTableValue.get(ii);

realValue += ...;//append generated codes


The EXTRACT(__GROUPBY__); approach:

The below code shows the second way to access the tabular parameter (GROUPBY).


String query = "insert into " + __TABLE_NAME__ + "(id, name, date_birth) select sum(id), name, date_birth from cust_teradata
group by";


for (int i=0; i < __GROUPBY_LENGTH__ ; i++) {

query += (__GROUPBY_INPUT_COLUMN__[i] + " ");


<%=query %>;

When coding the statements, respect the rules as follows:

The extract statement must use EXTRACT(__GROUPBY__);. Upcase should be used and no space char is allowed.
This statement should be used between <% and %>.

Use __GROUPBY_LENGTH__, in which the parameter name is followed by _LENGTH, to get the line number of the
tabular GROUPBY parameters you define in the Groupby area on a Component view. It can be used between
<% and %> or <%= and %>.

Use code like __GROUPBY_INPUT_COLUMN__[i] to extract the parameter values. This can be used between
<% and %> or between <%= and %>.

In order to access the parameter correctly, do not use the identical name prefix for several parameters.
For example in the component, avoid to define two parameters with the names PARAMETER_NAME and
PARAMETER_NAME_2, as the same prefix in the names causes erroneous code generation.

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Talend Open Studio for Big Data User Guide

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