SC Book
SC Book
SC Book
Alan Black is the Foundation Professor of Sociology/Anthropology and Director of the Centre for Social
Research, Edith Cowan University, Perth,Western Australia.
Philip Hughes is a research fellow at Edith Cowan University and a senior research officer with the
Christian Research Association.
Any views expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not represent the views of the
Government, the Minister for Family and Community Services, the Department of Family and Community
Services or any Commonwealth department.
June 2001
Executive summary 3
1 Introduction 7
2 Analytical framework 33
2.3 Outcomes 39
2.5 Conclusion 45
4.7 Practicality of collecting new data 144
References 149
2 Analytical framework 33
The Commonwealth Governments Stronger Families and Communities Strategy was announced
in April 2000 with a commitment by the Government of $240 million to community-driven
capacity building, prevention and early intervention initiatives.
The Strategy is a significant and practical new policy direction for Australian families and their
communities. It aims at responding to the immediate needs of families and communities as well
as to ongoing changes in communities over time. To do this, the Strategy is furthering the
development of the evidence base and an understanding of community strength to inform
policy development and to support the practical implementation of further policy initiatives.
The Strategy has presented challenges to FaCS to develop both an appropriate evaluation
framework to measure its success and tools to actually measure community strength.
Accompanying this is the need to continue to build the evidence base around the issue of
community strength to inform future policy development.
While there has been a considerable amount of national and international research around
many elements of community strength, and a variety of indicators have been put forward as
possible measurement tools, there does not appear to be a systematic and useable way of
measuring and understanding the strength of Australian communities.
In June 2000, FaCS sought proposals for a comprehensive review and analysis of literature on
existing work on indicators of community strength and to provide some direction for further
developmental work on indicators and measures of community strength.
Professor Alan Black and Dr Philip Hughes of Edith Cowan University were the consultants
employed to undertake this project.
Their report is an important element of work contributing to the Strategy. It provides a sound
analysis of the complexity of attributes that affect and shape communities. The reports
information and analysis of indicators of community strength now allow us to move to the next
stage in this important work, that is to develop and field test indicators which can measure the
strength of individual Australian communities.
I look forward to the outcomes of this important next stage of work under the Stronger
Families and Communities Strategy.
Barry Smith
Assistant Secretary
Community Branch
Department of Family and Community Services
June 2001
Executive summary
Executive summary
After a review of relevant literature, this report defines community strength as the extent to
which resources and processes within a community maintain and enhance both individual
and collective wellbeing in ways consistent with the principles of equity, comprehensiveness,
participation, self-reliance and social responsibility. This definition implies that an assessment
of community strength involves taking account of resources, processes and outcomes. These
are dynamically interrelated and there are feedback loops from outcomes to resources
and processes.
Most people identify with and participate in a mosaic of geographical communities and
communities of interest. In most instances, individual and collective wellbeing is enhanced
through this variety of communities.While it may sometimes be appropriate to look at how a
particular community is enhancing individual and collective wellbeing, it may be more
appropriate in other instances to look at the extent to which wellbeing is enhanced through
this mosaic of communities.
This report is concerned primarily with social and institutional capital; however, resources,
processes and outcomes pertinent to the assessment of community strength include all of
the following:
1. Natural capital
While the natural assets of a community, in terms of natural resources, ecosystems and aesthetic
features, can contribute to the strength of the community, these assets vary considerably from
one community to another. The challenge for the strength of communities is to use and
develop the natural capital in ways which sustain and even enhance the natural capital.
3. Human capital
Human capital includes the capacity of people to contribute to the community. It is dependent
on their motivation to do so and their ability to do so as measured by their skills and
knowledge, their capacity to adjust to changing circumstances, sometimes by acquiring new
skills and knowledge, and the management of health and disability.
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
Community strength is seen in the extent to which people provide personal support for
one another through bonds of family or friendship. It is seen, too, in the extent to which
people engage in wider networks, ideally crossing boundaries of age, gender, ethnicity,
religion, social class and education. Further, community strength is seen in links that people
have with organisations and in the ability of individuals to negotiate and obtain access to
the resources and services of organisations and expert systems. Access depends not only on
the knowledge and skills of individuals but also on the transparency and responsiveness of
organisations and systems.
Some indicators of social participation and civic participation can be derived from
information held by various organisations. However, much social and civic participation,
including voluntary work, occurs informally. It would generally be easier to measure such
patterns through the aggregate responses of individuals to surveys.
Executive summary
Having shared norms, ideals and purposes and a desire to pursue cooperative and
community ideals and purposes also contributes to the strength of community, advancing
interaction and cooperative activity. One issue in measuring cooperative activity is that
special issues and concerns, even perceived weaknesses in community life, may bring
people together. Sometimes it takes widely perceived problems to activate the processes in
which the strength of community becomes apparent.
Attitudes of self-reliance and the ability to develop local solutions to local problems are
also important indicators of community strength.
measures of average levels and of the degree of variance in levels of wellbeing within a
community; and
assessments of the extent to which resources and infrastructure are being maintained
and enhanced for the continued addressing of individual and collective wellbeing.
In choosing and using indicators, attention should be given to their validity, reliability and
applicability to various types of community. The set of indicators should be comprehensive in
scope, yet as simple as possible without endangering validity and reliability. Direct relevance to
public policy is a further consideration.
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
It should be noted that the critical factors in the strengths and weaknesses of a community may
vary from one community to another. Much more empirical work is needed to identify how
factors relate to one another and which factors contribute most significantly to the quality of
life in particular types of communities.
1 Introduction
1.1 The background and aims of the project
The primary context of this report is that of the Federal Governments announcement of a
Stronger Families and Communities Strategy. In general terms, government policy documents
have drawn attention to several components of strong communities including:
strong leadership;
In communities where these characteristics are weak, there is less capacity to meet the
challenges of economic change and to cope with the pressures that lead to family and social
breakdown. Lack of community leadership and community control over decision making
also diminishes community strength (p. 4).
Various initiatives have already been announced to implement the Strategy, such as:
setting up a Can Do Community Initiative to showcase Australian best practice (p. 7).
These policies have been developed with the aim of building stronger family and community
relationships. It is believed that stronger communities will help in preventing many social
problems and will provide the basis for a better quality of life.
provide a clear and comprehensive menu of options of indicators for measuring community
strength, especially indicators on which data are available or collectable; and
Part 1 of the report begins the review of the literature on community indicators; this review
extends through the other sections of this report.
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
Part 3 considers the various domains in which indicators could be sought for a comprehensive
assessment of community strength. In each domain, various indicators that might be used in
measuring community strength are described and discussed.
Part 4 examines further general considerations in choosing and using the indicators as a total
set, taking into account issues such as the need for comprehensiveness and reliability in the
indicators, together with the practicality of data collection and applicability to issues of policy.
The political and social settings of this project provide parameters. The strength of community
will be examined within the democratic nature of Australian political life in which all people
are seen as having equal right and responsibility to choose their representatives at national,
State and local levels of government.While some political and social values such as democracy
are assumed, it is also recognised that Australia is politically, religiously and ideologically
pluralistic.While some commonly-held values may be desirable for community strength, it is
assumed that these must be negotiated in a pluralistic framework. Some particular interest-
based communities within Australia may find their strength in religious or ideological
commitment, but, for Australian communities in general, strength must be found within a
pluralistic environment.
Socially, the strength of community is examined for large cities, rural towns and outback areas,
as well as for interest-based communities. This project assumes that most people will have
access to radio and television and will sometimes communicate using the telephone. Thus,
community can be experienced not only in the face-to-face encounters of people, but also
through electronic forms of communication.
Because of the similarities in political and social settings, most of the material examined in this
project has been produced in Western democracies such as the United States of America, the
United Kingdom, Canada and Australia. However, the authors have also been mindful of the
special nature of Indigenous and ethnic communities in Australia and have been aware that
some other factors may be relevant to community strength within them.
Indicators have been widely used in many spheres to monitor such phenomena as the health
of people, the flow of rivers and the development of economies. In the sphere of community
strength, the development of indicators has been a slower process. One reason is that the issues
are not always clear-cut, and there have been political differences regarding the objectives to be
attained in community life. Another reason is that the most effective indicators relate to basic
causes of conditions or changes, yet in the area of community strength the relevant factors are
often numerous and related in highly complex ways. There is yet much empirical work to be
done to determine what are the most significant causes of conditions or changes in community
strength. Given the extent of empirical research to date, it is only possible to note factors that
have been suggested as significant in community strength. As further empirical work is done in
the coming years, so it will be necessary to refine the suggestions made here.
communities of interest.
Communities of location
Communities of location are usually defined by identifying physical boundaries that separate
one group of people from another. In rural Australia, it is often relatively easy to identify a
populated area and to distinguish one populated area from another. Between communities of
locality may be open fields, natural bush, mountains, rivers or other features of the landscape
which make the separations clear.
Nevertheless, in many rural areas, there will be a small, dense area of housing, surrounded by
areas in which the housing is less dense. Occupants of these dwellings, along with others,
perhaps living at some distance from the centre of population, may use the same sets of
services and other resources, be subject to the same governance, and identify with the same
community. In some cases, it may be better to identify communities of location in a centred way
rather than in a bounded way. Instead of seeing people as either in a community or outside of
it, it may be preferable to see people as close to the centre of a community or more peripheral
to its life.
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
For many people, there is an ambiguity in what is their community. Many large centres of non-
metropolitan population are surrounded by smaller centres. People may do some of their
shopping in the small centre, but travel to the larger centre for major items. Children undertake
their primary schooling in the small centre, but their secondary education in the larger centre.
In other words, being simultaneously part of several communities is a common experience.
The ambiguity is more pronounced within the metropolitan areas of Australia. Most
metropolitan residents live in a suburb that potentially provides a local identity. Some of their
use of resources and services, experience of governance, and communication occurs within the
local suburb. But other aspects of life occur across the suburbs. In many ways, people identify
with the larger community of the city. They may work in another suburb or in the central
business district, spending only a fraction of their time in the suburb where their home is
located. In other respects, people may identify with the State where they reside or with the
nation as a whole.With the availability of air travel and electronic forms of communication, it
has become possible to work nationally and internationally, to experience being part of national
and international communities. This means that an individual may identify with a range of
geographical communities, apart from communities of interest. Table 1 provides information on
the geographic groups with which Australians identify.
Table 1: Geographic groups with which Australians identify first and second (% of column total)
To which of these geographic groups would you Geographic group Geographic group
say you identify yourself with first? And which identified with first identified with second
geographic group next?
(%) (n) (%) (n)
Locality or town where you live 32.3 662 22.8 466
State or region of Australia where you live 12.6 259 32.3 661
Australia as a whole 43.3 887 29.3 601
Asia 0.8 16 1.8 36
The world as a whole 9.9 203 11.9 243
Dont know 1.0 21 2.0 41
Total 100.0 2048 100.0 2048
Source: World Values Survey, Australia, 1995 (n = 2048).
Communities of interest
For many people, it is not the locality where they happen to reside that provides their primary
experience of community life. Rather they find community through interest groups or
functional groups. These may be work-related groups, and there is some evidence that the
workplace is increasing in importance as a primary place of interpersonal interaction (see, for
example, the significance of work for the development of partnerships between men and
women in Hughes 2000). For others, a sporting group or a group of people who share a
common interest or hobby provides a sense of community.
In considering communities of interest, one can come close to defining community subjectively:
ones community is the group with which one identifies and which provides one with a
particular sense of identity. There are some attractions in defining community in this way.
Primarily, it resonates with the lived experience of people. It tends to reflect the forms of
relationship and the patterns of communication that are important to them. It recognises that
much communication and the sense of belonging are often not related to specific localities, but
transcend physical barriers. Today, with the ease of electronic forms of communication, frequent
communication can occur at an international level. Many academics, for example, identify with
an international body sharing a similar field of expertise or interest. This body may have far
more importance for them in terms of communication than do people who live locally. In fact,
the Australian Community Survey conducted by the Edith Cowan University Centre for Social
Research and NCLS Research in 1998 found that, in the cities, over 30 per cent of Australian
adults communicated with no one in their residential locality about work interests, and over
25 per cent communicated with no one in the residential locality about their personal interests.
Subjective definitions of community have some disadvantages, however. They ignore the fact
that most people draw on resources within a particular local area.While people may have
few communications with the local government or local water board, resources provided by
such agencies may be very significant to the maintenance of their lifestyle. Jim Ife (1995), an
Australian expert in community development and advocate of certain forms of community
development, argues that there should be a renewed emphasis on local communities and away
from communities of interest or function. He notes that, from an ecological perspective, many
issues need to be addressed in a specific locality. For every human being, there are issues of
the use of natural resources and the disposal of waste products where they live.
Ife also argues that functional or interest-based communities fail to integrate populations.
Rather, they encourage people with similar backgrounds, perhaps from similar socioeconomic
levels, to communicate with each other, ignoring the person with a different ethnic background
who lives down the street, or the person with a disability who may live nearby. Ife notes that,
for the most disadvantaged segments of the population, interest-based communities that reach
beyond a particular locality are often not options. Disadvantaged persons may not have the
facilities for travel or for electronic means of communication. An exclusive focus on functional
or interest-based communities may add to their sense of isolation and impoverishment
(Ife 1995, p. 92).
Yet, as Ife also notes, the experience of interest-based and functional communities is very
important to a great many people. They cannot be ignored. Rather than identifying community
as occurring only in one way, it is important to recognise that different forms of community
may occur in both interest-based and local communities.
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
have little or no overlap with each other, and thus, for some people, the mosaic can be
experienced in a fragmented way. It is not unusual to experience each group as speaking in
different terms, working with different assumptions, focusing on different interests and needs.
The language used, for example, in an adult education setting, a sporting club, on the floor
of a factory or in a church, may be quite different. Assumptions about the underlying values
that hold people together in these different settings may sometimes be incompatible with
each other.
Even the workplace may present a diverse collection of relationships with employers and
fellow employees, with different groups of clients and customers, and with various service and
product providers.With work increasingly organised on a contractual basis, the workplace has
become more fragmented and diverse.
In a rural town, there will often be an overlap of the groups and networks of people. To that
extent, various functions and activities will be experienced as occurring within a single
community. Nevertheless, the Australian Community Survey (1998) showed that most rural
people had frequent contact with people in other rural towns or in other parts of the State, and
many had international connections. They may experience these wider networks as part of the
mosaic of community life.
In large cities, the lack of overlap means that people can take on quite a different persona
in each group or fragment of community life; self-identity may lack stability. At the same time,
many people may feel that there is no sense in which they are part just of one community.
Their involvement in community life is constantly changing both in forms of involvement and
in the nature of the communities in which they are involved. Perhaps it is more appropriate to
talk about networks of people rather than communities. People interact around particular needs
or interests of the time, and dissipate again as the needs are met or as another network takes
its place.
Is the very use of term community indicative of a yearning to return to another time and
another place, a romantic desire for gemeinschaft (community) in a world dominated by
gesellschaft (large-scale organisation)? Some people have argued that community, as distinct
from mass society, no longer exists in the large cities of the world and that there is little
point in talking about how it might be strengthened. It is unrealistic to expect to return to
village lifestyles where everyone knows everyone else, and where cooperative community
activity is easy to organise. At the same time, people do experience community within the
fragmentation. Mutual support, acts of generosity and reciprocity, shared norms and public-
spirited behaviour can still exist. There is always potential for improvement in the inter-personal
and inter-group relationships within or between communities. One approach to strengthening
community is to take initiatives in a particular locality. Another approach is to take initiatives
that will impact on community life across the mosaic of experiences of it.
sustainable communities
resilient communities
community capacity
community development
healthy communities.
Lists of desirable characteristics of community life have been produced in relation to each of
these concepts.While there are some differences in these lists, there are also overlapping ideas.
We shall consider some of the main ideas under each of these headings.
Sustainable communities
The notion of sustainable communities has arisen in the context of the awareness that many
resources are becoming depleted or damaged. The earth does not have a limitless supply of oil
or other fossil fuels, for example. Thus, a way of life that is dependent on these particular forms
of energy may not be sustainable indefinitely. Likewise, although water resources are
replenished through various ecological processes, the availability of water in any particular
place is not limitless. Community life must be so designed that water is not used at a greater
rate than it can be replenished. The same principle applies to other resources.
The notion of sustainability arises from an ethical consideration that equity must be considered
over generations. If by depleting or damaging resources now we prevent later generations from
achieving at least a similar quality of life, then our lifestyle is unacceptable according to the
formal ethical principle of universalisability (Hare 1963, pp. 1013). Hence, sustainability
implies intergenerational equity in access to resources, a principle which was adopted by the
World Commission on Environment and Development (1987) in its report, Our Common
Future. That report defined sustainable development as development that meets the needs of
the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
In consideration of this principle, there have been some differences in opinion about whether
substitution of one resource for another is possible. As fossil fuels are being depleted, is it
acceptable to expect that future generations will use other forms of power generation instead?
The problem is that human beings, at any particular point in time, cannot be certain what
future sources of energy and of various other resources may become available. Some resources
may be irreplaceable.
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
It has become evident that not only resources themselves may become scarce, but also
ecosystems may be damaged. It may not be possible to re-grow a rainforest, as its destruction
will change the actual climate in the area, the flow of water, the nature of the soil, and other
parts of the whole ecosystem. The use of insecticides may lead to a reduction in the numbers of
insect pests but it may also lead to the breeding of insects that are immune to the insecticide.
Also, the reduction in numbers of insects will lead to reductions in the predators of the insects.
The principle of sustainability may also be applied to places of aesthetic worth. Is one
generation handing on to the next the same quantity and quality of places of aesthetic value?
In other words, are communities caring for places of special beauty for the sake of following
The notion of sustainability has also been applied to other aspects of life and society. Maureen
Hart (2000) has built a large database of social indicators around the notion of sustainability,
under the headings of:
natural capital
built capital.
Capital Equipment,
Human-made Material
Skills, Family,
Human and Health, Neighbours,
Social Abilities, Community,
Education Government
People Connections
Food, Mountains,
Natural Water, Fisheries, Seashores,
Metals, Fertile soil, Sunlight,
Capital Wood, Water filtration, Rainbows,
Energy CO2Oxygen Bird songs
Hart argues, for example, that the notion of sustainability can be applied to human capital.
Human capital is depleted when communities allow deterioration to occur in levels of
education or health. Likewise roads, buildings and other features of produced economic capital
need to be maintained if the next generation is to have a quality of life at least equal to that
enjoyed by the present generation
Hart is not arguing for a return to some past form of existence or for a halt to human progress.
Rather, she says A sustainable community takes good care of all its capital, natural, human and
social in addition to its built capital, in order to continually improve the quality of life of all
its inhabitants.
Elizabeth Kline (1995) has also developed a list of characteristics of a sustainable community.
She notes that Anthony Cortese has defined community sustainability as:
the ability of a community to utilise its natural, human, and technological resources to
ensure that all members of present and future generations can attain a high degree of health
and wellbeing, economic security and a say in shaping their future while maintaining the
integrity of the ecological systems on which all life and production depends.
Kline (1995) names the following four characteristics as central in a sustainable community:
Economic security
A more sustainable community includes a variety of businesses, industries, and institutions
that are environmentally sound (in all aspects), financially viable, provide training, education
and other forms of assistance to adjust to future needs, provide jobs and spend money
within the community, and enable employees to have a voice in decisions which affect
them. A more sustainable community also is one in which residents money remains in
the community.
Ecological integrity
A more sustainable community is in harmony with natural systems by reducing waste into
non-harmful and beneficial products and by utilising the natural ability of environmental
resources for human need without undermining their ability to function over time.
Quality of life
A more sustainable community recognises and supports peoples evolving sense of
wellbeing, which includes a sense of belonging, a sense of place, a sense of self-worth, a
sense of safety, and a sense of connection with nature, and provides goods and services
which meet peoples needs both as they define them and as can be accommodated within
the ecological integrity of natural systems.
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
In the above definitions, economic, ecological and social aspects of sustainability are closely
interwoven. A key element is the notion of equity and fairness, not just for the present, but also
for the future. In the same publication, Kline (1995) proposes specific indicators for various
characteristics of sustainable communities, as defined above.
Sustainability suggests the idea of maintenance of community life. However, it does not
necessarily imply that things remain static. The term sustainable development implies a
dynamic concept of sustainability: it captures the notion of progress in a sustainable way.
A strong community will experience sustainable development.
Resilient communities
Another relevant notion is that of community resilience. Robert Theobald
( defined resilience as the ability of systems to cope
with shocks and bounce back.
The Centre for Community Enterprise (CCE), a Canadian organisation, sees a resilient
community as one that takes intentional action to enhance the personal and collective capacity
of its citizens and institutions to respond to, and influence the course of, social and economic
change (CCE 2000a, p. 2). The CCEs particular focus is on rural communities, although it notes
that the community economic development strategies it propounds have also been used, and
some even invented, in larger urban settings (CCE 2000b, p. 3). According to the CCE, a resilient
community generally has the following characteristics:
1. Leadership, both formal elected and informal organisational, is diversified and representative
of age, gender and cultural composition of the community.
8. The community is self-reliant and looks to itself and its own resources to address
major issues.
14. The community has a strategy for increasing independent local ownership.
15. There is an openness to alternative ways of earning a living and economic activity.
16. The community looks outside itself to seek and secure resources (skills, expertise,
finance) that will address areas of identified weakness.
17. The community is aware of its competitive position in the broader economy.
18. The community has an economic development plan that guides its development.
19. Citizens are involved in the creation and implementation of the community vision and goals.
20. There is on-going action towards achieving community economic development goals.
21. There is regular evaluation of progress towards the communitys strategic goals.
22. Organisations use the community economic development plan to guide their actions.
23. The community adopts a development approach that encompasses all segments of
the population.
The above list puts a strong, though not exclusive, emphasis upon structures and strategies
for community economic development. This emphasis is in part a response to the fact that
rural, fishing and mining communities have been confronted with the stress and uncertainty
of volatile commodity markets and other pressures such as technological change and
environmental concerns. Communities that have been dependent upon producing one
particular commodity or have relied heavily upon one major employer have been most
vulnerable to changing circumstances.While stressing the importance of self-reliance and
of local ownership and control, the CCE recognises that optimal use of local resources and
skills may need to be supplemented by careful use of resources, information and skills from
elsewhere. Many of the more general points made in items 1 to 9 appear in other lists of the
characteristics of strong, successful, vibrant, healthy or resilient communities. The CCE also
outlines various indicators to measure progress toward the achievement of the above 23
characteristics. These indicators make use of data derived from various sources, such as
documents, interviews, surveys and community meetings.
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
Community capacity
The concept of community capacity is used by the Aspen Institute (1996) to refer to the
combined influence of a communitys commitment, resources and skills that can be deployed
to build on community strengths and address community problems and opportunities. In this
resources refers to financial, natural and human assets and the means to deploy them
intelligently and fairly. It also includes having the information or guidelines that will ensure
the best use of these resources.
skills includes all the talents and expertise of individuals and organisations that can be
marshalled to address problems, seize opportunities, and to add strength to existing and
emerging institutions.
According to the Aspen Institute, these three ingredients of community capacity do not just
happen. Rather, they are developed through effort, initiative and leadership. The Institute has
also identified eight major outcomes of community capacity building. These are as follows:
The Aspen Institutes concept of community capacity draws attention to the need to develop
the resource base of communities through participation, leadership, education and developing a
vision and agenda for a community. The Institute has developed an extensive list of indicators
for the outcomes listed above.
Every time a person uses his or her capacity, the community is stronger and the person
more powerful. That is why strong communities are basically places where the capacities of
local residents are identified, valued and used.Weak communities are places that fail, for
whatever reason, to mobilise the skills, capacities and talents of their residents or members
(Asset-Based Community Development Institute 1993).
An ABCD Institute publication, Building communities from the inside out; a path toward
finding and mobilising a communitys assets (Kretzmann & McKnight 1993), has sold over
60 000 copies. Its approach to community development is radically different from approaches
that begin by identifying a communitys needs, deficiencies and problems. Instead it begins with
a detailed inventory of a communitys human capital (McKnight & Kretzmann 1996). This
inventory seeks detailed information about individuals skills, their work experience, education
and training, and experience in starting a business. An inventory is also made of local
organisations and associations and of available physical and financial resources, including
consumer spending power.While not denying that additional resources from outside the
community might be needed, the main emphasis is upon community development that is:
asset-basedstarting with what the community has, rather than with what is absent
or problematic;
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
In other words, the primary focus is on processes for identifying, mobilising and enhancing
local assets and capabilities. A strong community will develop its capacity in these ways.
Community development
There is a large body of literature under the heading of community development which is
relevant to strengthening communities. The Scottish Community Development Centre (2000b),
for example, defines community development as supporting the establishment of strong
communities. It identifies strong communities as ones that are:
materially improved.
The Centre sees the following principles as fundamental in achieving strong communities:
effective collaboration
sustainable development
participatory democracy
equal opportunities.
Its model of community development identifies inputs, processes, outputs and outcomes. The
inputs include community resources and external resources and policies. The processes are
primarily those of empowerment which it sees as occurring through personal empowerment,
positive action, development of community organisations, and participation and involvement.
The outcomes are seen in terms of the quality of life, and include:
long-term viability.
Building in part on the work of the Scottish Community Development Centre, the Active
Community Unit of the British government (Home Office Active Community Unit 1999) has
identified the characteristics of a good and well-functioning community. It will be:
1. a learning community where people and groups gain knowledge, skills and confidence
through community activity;
2. a fair and just community which upholds civic rights and equality of opportunity, and
which recognises and celebrates the distinctive features of its cultures;
3. an active and empowered community where people are fully involved and which has
strong and varied local organisations and a clear identity and self-confidence;
4. an influential community which is consulted and has a strong voice in decisions which
affect its interests;
5. an economically strong community which creates opportunities for work and which
retains a high proportion of its wealth;
6. a caring community aware of the needs of its members and in which services are of good
quality and meet these needs;
7. a green community with a healthy and pleasant environment, conserving resources and
encouraging awareness of environmental responsibility;
8. a safe community, where people do not fear crime, violence or other hazards;
9. a welcoming community which people like, feel happy about and do not wish to
leave; and
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
have a real voice of their own, with the right to speak in their own words and be
listened to;
collectively decide on and prioritise their own needs, issues and problems;
collectively decide how to manage needs, issues and problems, and develop their own
Jim Ife (1995) has developed a similar notion of community development. However, he has
combined it with ecological analysis. He argues that community development takes place today
within the context of major risk of environmental collapse. Social justice concerns must be put
alongside ecological concerns. He identifies 22 principles as keys to community development
(chapter 8):
2. confronting structural disadvantage associated with class, gender, race and ethnicity, age,
disability and sexuality;
3. protection and promotion of human rights, such as the right to meaningful work, freedom
of association, and freedom of expression;
6. linking of personal and political issues through consciousness raising and developing
programs of action;
8. maximisation of self-reliance;
11. recognition of the organic and dynamic character of community development processes;
14. strengthening of social interactions in ways that lead to genuine dialogue, understanding and
social action;
15. recognition that processes and outcomes are closely linked and that both are important;
16. ensuring the integrity of processes in terms of such issues as sustainability, social justice,
and similar ideals;
Healthy communities
Some people have articulated their vision for community life in terms of the creation and
maintenance of healthy communities. The term healthy is used here to refer not only, or even
primarily, to the physical and mental health of individuals or populations. Rather, the focus tends
to be on the social, economic and, in some cases, ecological wellbeing of communities. For
example, Lackey et al. (1987) contend that the goal of community development should be to
develop healthy communities, in which there would be:
local groups with well-developed problem solving skills and a spirit of self-reliance;
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
citizens with problem solving skills and the ability to acquire resources;
Bruce Adams (1995) of the Pew Partnership for Civic Change contrasts healthy and unhealthy
communities as in Table 2.
In America, the Healthy Community Agenda Campaign (2000) has delivered the message that a
healthy community:
generates leadership;
embraces diversity;
knows itself;
In 1990, the World Health Organisation (cited in Wills 2000, p. 1) set out 11 qualities of a healthy
city. These are:
4. a high degree of participation and control by the public over decisions affecting their lives;
5. the meeting of basic needs (water, shelter, income, safety and work) for all the citys people;
6. access to a wide variety of experiences and resources with the chance for a wide variety of
contact, interaction and communication;
8. the encouragement of connectedness with the past, with the cultural and biological heritage
of city dwellers and with other groups and individuals;
10. an optimum level of appropriate public health and sick care services accessible to all; and
11. high health statushigh levels of positive health and low levels of disease.
Likewise, in a paper at the Australian Pacific Healthy Cities Conference in Canberra, June 2000,
Jenny Wills of the Centre for Public Policy, University of Melbourne, argued that health can be
applied to the various dimensions of community life and can refer to physical, social and mental
health. She suggested that as applied to the physical or built environment it means livability, in
the economic domain it means viability and prosperity, in the social domain equity and
conviviality, and in the natural domain, sustainability.
However, she contended that the key to healthy communities is democratic governance.
Democratic governance, unlike corporate forms of governance, encourages participation,
respect for different opinions, devolving control and decision-making, empowering groups and
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
Two related tasks emerge from this review of the literature. The first is to define community
strength for the purpose of this report. The second is to identify which characteristics might
be considered as contributing to strong communities.
The term strong communities has both a descriptive element and a normative element. The
strength of the community may be the desirable outcomes, processes, or resources for a
community, or the relationships between these three aspects. The ways in which the term is
defined will determine the direction of the development of policy.
There are various ways in which the notion of a strong community may be defined and
1. In the past, religious and ideological traditions have played a significant role in providing a
common set of values and vision of what community could be. Most religions and ideologies
contain ideals and ultimates. They have provided guiding stories that have been shared by
communities. However, Australia is self-consciously pluralistic and no one religion or
ideology can provide a vision for all people. Religious visions, ideals and values have tended
to become more significant at personal levels and for some particular communities of
interest rather than a direct guide for public policy.
Strength is seen in many contexts as the capacity to act. An emotionally strong person can
act appropriately and maintain emotional stability in an emotionally demanding situation.
In a similar way,community strength may refer to the capacity for community action as
referred to in the literature on community capacity.
The notions of sustainability, resilience, capacity and health, as applied to communities, all
point to the capabilities of communities to maintain and enhance outcomes. Sustainability
is the capacity to maintain outcomes not just for the present, but for future generations.
Resilience contains the idea of maintaining outcomes in the face of shocks and stresses
which might otherwise diminish the capacity of a community. Healthy communities are able
to maintain and enhance life and vitality. The terms sustainability, resilience and health, then,
can be seen as contributing to the notion of strength.
When applied to individuals,strength can be envisaged in both physical and moral ways.
The morally strong person maintains moral principles. The literature on community
development points to the moral dimension of community strength, suggesting that strength
is found where there is equity, participation and collaboration in the processes. Sustainability
also emerges as a moral objective, preserving equity for future generations.
While the common themes in the literature are helpful in pointing to key concepts, such
themes in themselves do not provide a strong foundation for policies directed toward
assessing, maintaining or enhancing community strength.What is affirmed by one group
may not be affirmed by others.What is important to one group is not necessarily important
to others.
Mike Salvaris (1998, p. 42). of the Citizenship Project has contemplated this diversity.
If we were to survey national priorities, he asks, where would people place their priorities.
Would they give priority to a society that:
has a high sense of community, harmony, mutual support, and social solidarity;
3. It has been argued that it is possible to derive a range of ethical values from some formal
ethical principles that are embedded in the very nature of social relationships and language.
R. M. Hare (1963), one time professor of moral philosophy at the University of Oxford,
argued that the basic ethical principle is that of universalisability. Ethical soundness is
determined by asking whether particular patterns of behaviour can be applied to all people
in all circumstances.What is ethically good for one person must be good for another.
Universalisability implies some forms of basic equity. Applied across class, gender and other
divisions, it leads to social justice. Applied to the exercise of power, it may imply democracy.
Applied across generations, as argued previously, it leads to sustainability. However, there
are many issues of personal behaviour, social action and public policy that cannot be
unequivocally resolved by application of such formal principles.
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
felt needas experienced by people themselves, and assessed, for example, through
social surveys;
These distinctions show something of the complexity of the notion of need, as well as
some of the approaches that have been adopted to identify needs.
Some people hold that all human needs are relative. However, many others argue that there
are some needs that are universal, applicable to all people in all circumstances. There are
certain commonalities in the very nature of human beings from which specific needs can
be identified. At the physical level, all human beings need food, water, air and shelter for
survival. Because all human beings are physically vulnerable, all need a measure of safety.
At the psychological level, psychologists such as Abraham Maslow (1954) have argued
that all human beings have the need to belong, to be loved, to have self-esteem and self-
actualisation, although some higher order needs might not become salient until lower
order needs are met.
Most of these basic needs, at the individual level, can be re-phrased in terms of rights. Many
are enshrined in the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948). They
provide a possible framework for defining some key features of a strong community just as
they provide a basis for the pursuit of social justice (Ife 1995, p. 70).
The notion of wellbeing has been widely used to speak about the ends that human beings
desire to achieve. This notion takes account of the basic needs of human beings, but also
goes beyond essential needs to the qualities of life a person may desire. The literature on
wellbeing has identified those areas which commonly contribute to peoples feeling satisfied
with life. It also leaves open the possibility that there will be differences in what is seen as
contributing to life satisfaction.
Much of the literature about wellbeing has been focused predominantly at an individual
level. However, it is possible to deduce corresponding elements of collective wellbeing.
Table 3 presents a number of examples based on the elements of wellbeing identified by
Robert Cummins (Cummins et al. 1994, Cummins 1998).
5. The areas in which there are different perspectives on wellbeing take us into a fifth
approach to defining and developing the notion of a strong community: asking people
what they want in their personal and collective lives, what are the outcomes they would
like to see achieved. This process, in its own right, will build some ownership of the dreams
and visions, and may motivate people towards achieving them. It is inherently democratic
in that it begins with the direct expressions of the members of the community.
This approach will not necessarily achieve results that are constant or easily generalisable
from one group to another. It is inevitable that people will express a variety of wishes, some
of which will be compatible with each other, but others will not. On the other hand, to
develop the notion of community strength without reference to what people want may be
detrimental to any attempts to achieve community strength.Values and programs imposed
from outside a community are unlikely to achieve their aims unless there is some measure
of agreement and acceptance within that community.
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
From this general basis, the notion of community strength may be conceived in two ways. The
first, which could be described as the narrow way, focuses on what social characteristics give
strength to communities. An example of a narrow definition would be:Community strength
refers to the extent to which social relationships and social processes within a community
maintain and enhance both individual and collective wellbeing.
Or community strength may be defined broadly in terms of the variety of resources and
processes that can contribute to wellbeing. An example of a broad definition would be:
Community strength refers to the extent to which all resources and processes within a
community maintain and enhance both individual and collective wellbeing.
The resources mentioned in this second definition include: natural capital, produced economic
capital, human capital, and institutional and social capital. To build the moral dimension of
community strength into the definition, and recognise the democratic nature of society which is
the setting for this consideration of community strength, the following clause might be added:
in ways consistent with principles of equity, comprehensiveness, participation, self-
reliance and social responsibility.
1. Equity
Equity has to do with equality of opportunity within society to achieve access to the resources
for the maintenance and enhancement of wellbeing. In other words, a strong community does
not have divisions based on the circumstances of birth, such as race or social class, which,
irrespective of effort, provide one group with greater opportunity to enhance its wellbeing at
the expense of another group. Particular social groups within a strong community are not
excluded by its decisions. Nor does it enhance the wellbeing of the present generation at the
expense of future generations: its strength involves sustainability. Indeed, strong communities
are committed to creating a community in which future generations will enjoy even higher
levels of wellbeing.
2. Comprehensiveness
Further, a strong community acts for the wellbeing of the whole person and the whole
community. It does not enhance one aspect of wellbeing at the cost of other aspects of
wellbeing. For example, it does not enhance economic wellbeing at the cost of freedom of
action and speech, or at the expense of social wellbeing. Likewise, a strong community
embraces opportunities for sustainable economic development rather than subordinating these
to outmoded or inappropriate social practices of one kind or another.
3. Participation
A strong community involves its members in decision-making and in other forms of community
action. In particular, it ensures that people who are affected by decisions have a say in them. A
strong community does not act coercively, but is democratic in its decision-making processes.
Most people belong to a variety of communities and find in a variety of contexts the resources
that meet their needs. The functions of community life are often not fulfilled in the context of
any one community. In that regard, it may be more appropriate, in examining some aspects of
community strength, to focus on the strength of community experience, rather than on the
strength of any particular geographical or interest-based community.
The experience of community will be strong when the experience of wellbeing is enhanced in
ways that are:
equitable and sustainable, in that it is not occurring at an unreasonable cost to other groups
in the community or to future generations;
participatory, in that people are involved in processes of decision-making about both the
definition of wellbeing and the ways of achieving it, recognising the mutual responsibilities
that members of the community have towards each other; and
encouraging of both self-reliance and social responsibility, in that people are encouraged
to turn to their own resources first, while recognising that all people in community are
Analytical framework
2 Analytical framework
The broad analytical framework for this study draws on a distinction between three categories
of variables: resources, processes and outcomes. As will become evident in the course of the
analysis, these are dynamically interrelated. Resources provide a basis for processes, but some
resources may also be created (or destroyed) by some of those processes. Outcomes of
processes can be linked by positive or negative feedback loops both to processes and to
resources, as indicated in Figure 2.
Feedback Loops
This analytical framework assumes that there is a micro level of individuals who have access to
certain resources, who are involved in actions and who seek to obtain outcomes. In some
respects, this micro level is the level at which individual purpose operates. The macro level of
community analysis is not simply a reference to the aggregate of individual actions, but often
involves individual actions as elements. (See, for example, the discussion in Coleman 1990,
chapters 1 and 2.)
natural capital
human capital
Describing these categories as capital is not meant to imply that all features to which they refer
are necessarily assets within any particular situation. In each category, some particular features
may be both assets and liabilities. For example, a river running through an area may be a source
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
of water for personal use, for agriculture and for manufacturing, but may also impede
communications between people located on opposite sides of the river. Further, we do not
wish to imply by the use of the word capital that features should be evaluated only from the
perspective of human usage. For example, some aspects of the natural environment may be
important for the survival of non-human species or may be valued for their own sake.
Natural capital includes both renewable and non-renewable biophysical resources such as
minerals, fossil fuels, soils, watercourses, and the like. It also includes weather patterns and
natural features such as mountains and coastlines. As well as being an asset, the natural
environment may sometimes have adverse features such as the propensity for earthquakes,
droughts or floods, and the prevalence of disease-carrying organisms. Some other forms of
capital may be used in efforts to deal with such problems.
Produced economic capital includes products that have been manufactured, the built
environment, physical infrastructure that has been constructed, and financial resources such as
money. In evaluating economic capital, both assets and liabilities need to be taken into account.
Human capital includes the size of the population and the resources of knowledge and
skills within the population. Human capital also includes the potential for human labour and
creativity. Thus, in evaluating human capital, the age structure of the population and the
capacity for work or other forms of activity should be taken into account.
The term institutional capital refers to the variety of institutional structures and mechanisms
present in a community. It has been common practice to identify three main types of
institutional structures in society:
In relation to the public sector, institutional capital includes the formal mechanisms whereby
governments are elected and held accountable, laws are enacted and enforced, and various
governmental services are provided. Although some of these mechanisms may be widely
available throughout a society, others may be more readily accessible by some communities
than by others. The responsiveness, transparency and accountability of these institutions may
also vary from one community to another. Such variations can affect the capacity of particular
communities to achieve some objectives. For example, lack of medical, hospital or educational
facilities can deter some people from moving to, or remaining within, a particular community. In
other words, a lack of such services can result in a loss of some forms of human capital or an
incapacity to attract much-needed human capital. It can also result in a reduction in the
economic capital invested in that locality.
Analytical framework
The private enterprise sector includes enterprises of various sizes, structured under various
ownership arrangements such as individual entrepreneurship, partnerships, corporations and
cooperatives. Mechanisms of the market, including norms and procedures under which the
market operates, are also part of institutional capital. Bridging the public and private sectors
are regulatory frameworks and structures related to public transparency and accountability.
Expert systems is a term borrowed from the writings of Anthony Giddens (1990, p. 83ff) to
refer to systems of specialised expertise, such as retail systems, public utility systems, financial,
legal, educational, health and other systems. In most of these systems, there are numerous
organisations and vast numbers of individuals with highly specialised skills, including
businesses, government organisations and not-for-profit organisations. No one person
understands, owns or controls any system. Many systems are subject to some form of
government regulation. They also develop their own procedures and norms of operation.
Expert systems may be seen as part of institutional capital.
As with other forms of capital, not all forms of institutional capital are necessarily assets for a
given community. Depending on who owns or controls them, some organisations operating in a
particular community may take much more from a community than they contribute to it.
Governments and corporations may make positive or negative contributions to the life of a
community. Procedures and mechanisms of regulation may similarly be an asset or a liability.
There has been extensive debate on the definition of social capital. As Ian Winter (2000, p. 29)
notes, the seminal users of the term have used it in slightly different ways. Although the term
did not gain wide usage until relatively recently, it can be traced as far back as 1920, when L.
F. Hanifan (cited in Woolcock 1998, p. 192) used it to refer to those tangible assets [that] count
most in the daily lives of people; namely, goodwill, fellowship, sympathy, and social intercourse
among the individuals and families who make up a social unit. Pierre Bourdieu (1986, p. 248)
defined social capital as the aggregate of actual and potential resources which are linked to
possession of a durable network of more or less institutionalized relationships of mutual
acquaintance or recognition. For James Coleman (1988, pp. S100S101), social capital is made
up of obligations and expectations, information channels, and a set of norms and effective
sanctions that constrain and/or encourage certain kinds of behaviour. For Robert Putnam (1993,
p. 35), who has helped to popularise the concept, social capital refers to features of social
organisation, such as networks, norms and trust, that facilitate coordination and cooperation
for mutual benefit. Most theorists agree that social capital includes the social networks and the
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
various types of formal and informal associations that exist between people, and on which
people can draw when seeking information, cooperating to achieve common ends, or seeking
support or assistance of some kind. In so far as a network or association involves more than
one person, social capital is not something that is possessed exclusively by an individual.
Some theorists distinguish between horizontal relationships (such as relationships with friends,
workmates and neighbours) and vertical relationships (relationships involving hierarchy and
authority, such as those with judges, teachers, police or doctors), while some argue that social
capital exists only in horizontal relationships. However, when assessing community strength, the
quality of community members relationships with people in formal positions of authority may
be significant whether we choose to regard the relationship as a form of social capital or not.
We prefer to use social capital to refer to both horizontal and vertical relationships, as both are
important in understanding the nature of participation in community, and both can help to
give individuals and groups access to some other forms of capital. It is important, therefore, to
examine the extent to which trust, reciprocity and norms are evident in different types of
relationships, including relationships between individuals and various institutions, and the
impact of these relationships on the wellbeing and strength of communities.
Many have referred to the importance of family ties or close friendships, sometimes referred to
as bonds or thick ties, as a form of social capital. Mutual support is often primarily located in
such relationships. Thin ties or bridges are also of great importance in the thinking about
social capital, for they potentially provide access to a wider range of resources than any family
or small group of friends can provide. For example, in getting a small business off the ground,
the support of family and close friends may be very important, perhaps providing some
practical help and financial support. For extending a business, however, a much wider range
of bridges is generally needed, and the lack of them is likely to keep the business very small
(Narayan 1999).
In assessing social capital, shared attributes that facilitate communication and affect its quality
are taken into account. Such attributes include:
trustthe extent to which there are shared beliefs that people will take account of the
interests of others in their actions;
reciprocitythe extent to which there are expectations that good deeds done will
ultimately be returned;
shared norms and valuesthe extent to which there are shared norms and values
underlying cooperative activities or exchanges of goods and services;
shared purposes and commitmentsthe extent to which there are shared purposes
among those cooperating or exchanging goods or services;
Analytical framework
Trust, belief in reciprocity, norms and commitments can be measured as attitudes of individuals.
However, social capital exists in relationships; it is present to the extent that these attitudes are
held in common.
Shared norms may or may not be explicitly agreed by the parties interacting. Many norms are
shared because people have had similar learning experiences in their formative years. They
know implicitly, for example, what is polite and what is not.
Some norms are backed by laws. For example, drivers recognise that they should stop at a red
traffic light. If they fail to abide by the norm, there could be a penalty. The existence of laws and
regulations are often important in ensuring that interactive processes occur smoothly. Their
existence does not imply that the shared norms are not part of social capital. Laws themselves
do not constitute part of social capital but the shared respect for laws does.
Another ongoing debate is whether social capital refers only those shared qualities and
networks that contribute to the public good, a position taken by Eva Cox (Cox and Caldwell
2000, p. 51). However, the majority of commentators prefer to take social capital as a non-
evaluative term, recognising that there is sometimes a dark side to social capital. There are
times when relationships are used for purposes that are not for the public good. Part of the
problem lies in the fact that what is in the good of one community may not be in the good of
another. It has been found, for example, that tight communities in which there are high levels of
trust and reciprocity may deliberately exclude other people or work against the wellbeing of
some wider community. A particular set of relationships will almost always be inclusive of some
people and exclusive of others, and will have light and dark sides (Narayan 1999, p. 8).
While natural, produced economic, human, social and institutional resources all play some role
in the strength of every community, the importance of each varies from one community to
another. In very general terms, urban communities dependent on manufacturing and services
find much of their strength in their human capital. Farming communities are necessarily
dependent on natural resources. From another perspective, then, to some extent communities
may substitute one form of capital for another in achieving strength. A classic example is that of
Singapore, which, lacking most natural resources other than its position on the trade routes of
Asia, has found its strength in the development of its human capital. The measurement of
community strength based on resources must take into account the fact that strength may be
achieved in different ways, and that, to some extent, communities may substitute one form of
capital for another as they adjust to changing circumstances. The limits of the substitution of
resources will be found, ultimately, in the overall impact on the individual and collective
wellbeing of the members of a community.
Many well-established indicators are available for resources in natural, produced economic and
human capital. Some surveys have sought to measure some social capital resources. For
example, the World Values Surveys (1995 and 2000) have included a question on social trust.
The Pew Research Centre (1997) ran a survey entitled Trust and Citizen Engagement in
Metropolitan Philadelphia. That survey contained questions covering a range of aspects of
social capital. Other recent attempts to evaluate community development, such as those by the
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
In 1997, Jenny Onyx and Paul Bullen of the University of Technology, Sydney, published a
working paper Measuring social capital in five communities in NSW: an analysis. The paper
described an attempt to empirically identify factors in social capital using factor analysis.
The paper identified eight factors and suggested ways in which these might be measured.
More recently, an integrated set of Social Capital Assessment Tools developed by Krishna and
Shrader (2000) has been published on the World Bank social capital website. Other people are
continuing to work on the measurement of social capital. The Australian Institute of Family
Studies has developed a telephone survey for measuring social capital in relation to family life,
first used in November 2000. Eva Cox is about to release a guide to community audit that is
based on the notion of social capital. Some of the questions contained in these surveys and the
issues raised by them are discussed in relation to the various indicators of social capital in Part 3
of the present report.
At the micro level of analysis, there are many actions undertaken by individuals. Understanding
both the forms and the outcomes of these actions frequently requires reference to a broader
social context. That context may include families, organisations and communities of various
types, with associated roles, norms and expectations.
At the macro level there are relationships between various organisations, communities and
wider social systems. Some of the interactions between individuals in modern urban societies
take place in the context of expert systems. The interaction between a child and a teacher, for
example, takes place in the context of a school (being the organisation), and ultimately within
the context of the education system (being the expert system). In the interaction between an
individual and a salesperson, the salesperson is seen in relation to the shop (which is the
organisation) and the retail system (through which retailing is regulated).
In modern urban societies, many interactions take place between people who do not know
each other personally and may not have met before. Most of the time we do not know the
person who serves in the shop, or who answers the query about completing a government
form. Thus, there are no opportunities to build trust in the individual through familiarity. It is
very likely that we know no one who can provide details of the persons reputation. The quality
of the interaction depends largely on peoples trust in the operation of the system. The person
enters a hospital trusting that the system has educated the doctor well and has verified the
doctors qualifications. The person calling in an electrician may well expect that the system
for accrediting electricians is reliable, and that within that system, complaints procedures will
be available.
Analytical framework
Community strength is dependent partly on the operation of expert systems, and on the levels
of trust, the shared norms and the fairness of operation of expert systems. This dimension of
social relationships has not often been included in discussions of social capital. However, it
constitutes an interface between institutional capital and social capital.
b. Types of processes
Interactive processes themselves may be of many kinds. They include cooperative activities
in which two or more people are working together to achieve a common outcome. Many
processes involve some kind of trade or exchange of goods and services. There are other
interactive processes in which knowledge or skills are shared. In some processes, the
interaction involves sharing a common experience. For example, two people may watch a film
at a cinema together. The fact of being together, despite a minimum of conversation with one
another, makes a difference to the outcome in terms of their enjoyment of the experience.
In most social processes, people draw on various resources, such as the resources of knowledge
or skill (which are part of human capital), or on produced economic capital (in terms of money,
goods or services that have been produced). In the interaction, they draw on social capital, on
the network system and the shared qualities of trust, common norms and purposes.
Social capital is usually produced by interactive processes but is not the processes themselves.
Rather social capital refers to patterns of networks and associations. A particular process may
follow a particular pattern, and thus confirm a pre-existing network or association. Or a process
may initiate a new pattern, developing a new network or association. Similarly, a process may
draw on certain qualities which are shared by the participants. Thus, the process may reflect
the shared trust or the shared norms that the participants have. The process may confirm such
qualities, develop them, or cause them to disintegrate.
In the interactive processes of society, social capital may be drawn on. Patterns and qualities
may be strengthened or even destroyed by the processes. Thus, social capital is both a resource
and a potential outcome of various interactive processes.
2.3 Outcomes
The outcomes of interactive processes may be quite diverse and can be categorised in
various ways.
1. Changes in resources
In many instances, one of the outcomes of interactive processes will be the development of
resources. Thus, cooperative work may result in outputs which then add to produced economic
capital, while at the same time having outcomes in terms of self-esteem and the meeting of
social needs of the people involved. Further, the produced economic capital can easily be
exchanged for meeting physical needs, as in the purchase of food or shelter.
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
Interactive processes may also have outcomes in the area of human capital. Through activities,
skills are honed and knowledge is shared. At the same time, processes may contribute to
meeting the personal and communal needs for wisdom and knowledge.
As noted above, most interactive processes have outcomes in the area of social capital,
confirming or developing social networks and associations, and modifying qualities of trust,
shared norms and expectations of reciprocity.
Some interactive processes have outcomes for natural resources. In some cases, resources will
be enhanced and in other cases diminished.
At the micro level, the meeting of human needs is a basic motivator to action. However, the
satisfaction of those needs very often depends on the effective operation of a wide range of
social processes.
These complex processes may have both intended and unintended outcomes. For example, the
formation of a community group which raises consciousness of a particular community need, or
which unites activities to meet a community challenge, will involve various processes. It may
have outcomes not only in terms of consciousness raising but also in terms of the development
of new networks between people and groups, the development of norms and trust. In complex
processes, the relationship between the process and the outcomes may not be easily measured.
Some aspects of the processes may contribute to wellbeing while others detract from it.
There will not always be agreement about what are desirable and undesirable community
outcomes, just as there will not always be agreement about what are the best methods of
achieving those outcomes. However, some commonalities in opinions across communities
are likely in as far so there are needs and desires which are common to all human beings.
These common needs can provide a starting point for a community in identifying the
desired outcomes.
Some of the outcomes being sought in government policy through an emphasis on strong
communities are as follows:
Analytical framework
These outcomes all have to do with individual and collective wellbeing, and with sustainability
and resilience of communities in maintaining and enhancing wellbeing in the future. Thus, they
fit clearly with the definition of community strength proposed in Part 1:Community strength
refers to the extent to which resources and processes within a community maintain and
enhance both individual and collective wellbeing in ways consistent with the principles of
equity, comprehensiveness, participation, self-reliance and social responsibility.
The extent to which the benefits of community processes, or the outcomes, should be shared
throughout a community is a political decision and beyond the scope of this project to
determine. However, it should be noted that the way in which the sharing of outcomes is
perceived affects the notion of community strength and the ways in which it is measured.
There are some conceptual problems in measuring community strength simply in terms of
outcomes. Any particular outcomes, or even a range of outcomes, may be achieved by causes
quite apart from the nature of the community. For example, the fact that a large industry
decides to build a manufacturing plant in a certain locality may mean that the economic
capacity of a community increases, and unemployment and crime decline. But some aspects of
community life, such as its resilience and its capacity to deal with challenges, may, in fact, be
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
weakened, because of the increased dependence on this particular industry. Outcomes such as
better standards of health and reduced crime may be the result of a range of factors, of which
the nature of community life is only part. Consequently, in assessing community strength, it is
important to examine the relationship between processes and outcomes rather than measuring
outcomes alone.
Community strength may also be measured in terms of the resources that a community has, in
terms of natural capital, produced economic capital, human capital, institutional capital and
social capital. In measuring the capital, it would be important to measure not only the presence
of these forms of capital, counting both positive and negative forms of capital of each type, but
also the access to these resources by various groups of people within a community. Depending
on the political definitions of community strength, greater or lesser attention will be given to
the breadth of access to these resources. These issues are fundamental to the nature of
community strength in so far as access to resources is usually unequally distributed through a
community, and resources may be used for the benefit of a small number within the community
rather than the whole community.
There has been some discussion about the extent to which one form of measurement, such as
an economic form, can be used for all types of capital. For example, the Genuine Progress
Indicator (GPI) was developed to provide a single figure, in monetary terms, that could indicate
change in social wellbeing over time, taking into account both the development of certain
assets and the depletion of a range of resources.While the Australian version of the GPI may be
a better indicator of changes of levels of wellbeing in the Australian community than is the
Gross National Product, it has been criticised for various reasons. Putting a monetary value on
the physical or social environment, on trust or beauty, on human life or family breakdown may
not fully represent the extent to which these aspects of life or experiences affect wellbeing.
At the same time, the single figure hides the multiplicity of the constituent factors (Halstead
1998, p. 65).
In considering social capital and institutional capital, several themes emerge frequently in the
literature, including:
the quantity of links between people and organisations, as seen, for example, in the extent of
participation in civic and social life;
Analytical framework
the quality of the links, as seen in the trust, reciprocity and other shared norms which
operate in and facilitate peoples interactions with each other; and
Civic participation is often indicative of peoples willingness to cooperate for the good of the
community. So, too, is involvement in voluntary organisations that have as their goal the
maintenance or enhancement of community wellbeing (Lyons 2000, p. 165).
People learn the skills of cooperation through social participation. Thus social participation may
indicate both that lines of communication exist, and that people are learning those
interpersonal skills that enhance activity for the wellbeing of a community. As people take an
interest in the wellbeing of the community and are given opportunities to engage in discussion
about it, it is likely that some differences of opinion will emerge. A vigorous debate on desirable
qualities and objectives for a community is often a sign of a healthy and vibrant community,
provided that differences of opinion are respected and destructive conflict is avoided.
Shared norms between individuals and organisations and among organisations can also facilitate
outcomes that enhance the wellbeing of a community and its members. Effective
communication, together with transparency and accountability, contributes positively to such
interactive processes.
It has been argued that governments can destroy social capital by taking over functions that
would have otherwise been undertaken by communities. Fukuyama (1995, p. 361), for example,
has argued that a strong State weakens the authority and willingness of local communities to be
proactive and to care for their own members. Giddens (1998, p. 85) argues that this occurred in
the Communist societies of Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union where the state discouraged
the development of a public sphere of interaction and participation. However, Giddens
maintains that the solution is not a withdrawal of government from communities, but the
development of a partnership with them. He provides several examples where government has
worked alongside local communities to provide resources that have enabled new enterprise and
social entrepreneurship in rural and urban locations.Various studies suggest that although local
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
initiatives can help to reverse strongly embedded processes of community decline, such
initiatives may need appropriate external support, such as that which a government can provide
(Giddens 1998, p. 82).
Almost no community exists in total isolation from all other communities. Most communities
interact with others. As well as drawing on its own resources, one community can potentially
draw on, and contribute to, the resources of other communities. In other words, reciprocity can
occur between communities as well as between individuals.
Narayan (1999, p. 8) has argued that societies may be rich in social capital within some social
groups and yet experience debilitating poverty, corruption and conflict. She argues that all
social groups have social capital, but one social group can sometimes develop its social capital
by excluding others. Primary groups and networks may provide opportunities to reinforce
social stratification, prevent mobility of excluded groups, and become the bases of corruption
and assertion of power by dominant social groups (p. 13).
Two features are necessary in order to prevent this occurring and to develop strong
communities that enhance rather than diminish the wellbeing of other communities:
2. The overall governance environment in which the communities exist may make a significant
difference to social capital. The existence of the rule of law, including the recognition of
citizens rights and freedom to associate, helps to create the societal norms that influence
the nature of social organisations. Effectively functioning states which maintain order while
encouraging both tolerance of diversity and compromise in conflict, and which have low
levels of corruption and high levels of efficiency, contribute strongly to overall levels of trust
and to the development of social capital (Narayan 1999, pp. 15, 20).
In the short term, one community may enhance its wellbeing at the expense of others. In the
long term, however, such a process is likely to contribute to some form of social cleavage and
perhaps to conflict. For the long-term wellbeing of individuals, communities and societies,
multiple ties between communities need to be established in the context of effective
governance which maintains order, provides means of managing conflict and contributes to
the development of trust.
Analytical framework
challenges creatively as new opportunities. The model of resources, processes and outcomes
provides a dynamic rather than a static picture of community strength. It indicates various
points at which individuals, groups and organisations can potentially take initiatives that will
increase community strength.
2.5 Conclusion
The analytical framework outlined above builds on the definition proposed in Part 1, namely
that community strength refers to the extent to which resources and processes within a
community maintain and enhance both individual and collective wellbeing in ways which are
consistent with principles of equity, comprehensiveness, participation, self-reliance and social
responsibility. Under this definition, communities can be seen from the perspective of
resources, processes and outcomes that are constantly and dynamically inter-relating. Resources
include natural, produced economic, human, institutional and social capital. Processes take place
at micro and macro levels, involving individuals, organisations and expert systems. Outcomes
may include changes in resources and processes, as well as impacts on individual and collective
wellbeing. In other words, there are feedback loops from outcomes to resources and processes.
The outcome of decreased unemployment, for example, is likely to result also in an increase in
the economic resources available within a community. Likewise, outcomes such as increased
trust directly influence the nature of various social and economic processes. Some processes,
such as social participation, may increase reserves of social capital by confirming patterns of
social interaction. On the other hand, other processes such as some forms of production may
deplete or damage non-renewable natural resources.
The above definition includes reference to outcomes, but it is important to note that some
specific outcomes may be the product of forces and factors external to the particular
community. Consequently, while measures of outcomes are valuable, they are not sufficient as
indicators of community strength. It is important to assess what has produced these particular
outcomes. Although the connections between resources, processes and outcomes are
sometimes difficult to identify, each is important in assessing community strength. Changes
in those indicators over time will give some indication of the ways a community is responding
to the changing social, economic and environmental conditions.
All communities exist in relation to other communities and there can be communities within
communities. Relationships between sections of a community and between communities are
important in the consideration of community strength. A community may be strong in parts,
but have weaknesses in other parts. Similarly, a community may have internal strength but find
itself weakened by isolation from other communities.
Part 3 will examine in more detail various indicators that could be used to assess resources,
processes and outcomes related to community strength.
Domains and indicators
Part 3 will present a menu of options for measuring those resources, processes and outcomes.
For the purposes of presentation, the indicators are divided into various categories. In each
case, the material includes an outline of the scope of the particular category of indicator, its
applicability to various types of community, the rationale for its inclusion, and issues relating to
implementation. Because indicators relating to natural capital, produced economic capital and
human capital are already reasonably well developed, the Department of Family and Community
Services has requested that primary attention should given in this report to indicators relating
to the development and use of social and institutional capital. Other domains are more briefly
This domain applies either directly or indirectly to all types of community, although the
extent of direct access to, and dependence on, natural capital may vary from one community
to another.
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
directly dependent on the productivity of the soil, and some are dependent on the maintenance
of river flows for irrigation. A mining community depends on continued access to whatever is
being mined.
Some natural resources, such as fossil fuels and various minerals, are non-renewable. Other
natural resources, such as land, plants and animals, are conditionally renewablethey are
capable of biological regeneration if used wisely. If vital forms of natural capital are damaged or
depleted, a local community may decline unless it has access to alternative sources of such
capital or can develop new forms of economic activity that are not so heavily dependent on
natural capital.
In addition to producing goods and services, communities generate various waste products. The
ways in which these waste products are dealt with can have significant impacts on the natural
environment and in turn on the wellbeing of communities. Strategies designed to minimise the
use of non-renewable resources, to reduce waste and to encourage reuse and recycling can
contribute to the process of conserving natural resources and protecting the environment. The
effectiveness of these strategies typically depends on a variety of factors, including the extent to
which there are economic incentives, social norms and readily accessible institutions designed
to facilitate such behaviour. Communities differ in the extent to which they have effectively
addressed these issues. Their degree of success in doing so could be regarded as one indicator
of community strength.
Natural capital may be considered not only in terms of its usability but also in terms of its own
inherent value. As the fragility of the natural environment has become more apparent, many
people are arguing that it is morally wrong for human beings to see nature only in terms of how
it might be used for human purposes.Views on this issue will influence the ways in which
sustainability is assessed.
Many indicators have been developed to measure the quality and quantity of natural capital and
to assess whether the use being made of that capital is sustainable. For example, Environment
Australia has commissioned a series of technical publications on indicators for use in reporting
at the national level on the state of the environment. These publications deal with atmosphere,
biodiversity, land, inland waters, estuaries and the sea, human settlements, natural and cultural
heritage. In addition, there is a report dealing with the use of the recommended indicators by
local and regional environmental managers and with the role of communities in gathering and
using information pertinent to environmental indicators. The above reports can be found on the
Internet at
Domains and indicators
More recently, the Australian and New Zealand Environment and Conservation Council (2000)
has published Core Environmental Indicators for Reporting in the State of the Environment.
This publication builds on the reports mentioned in the previous paragraph, identifying a core
set of 75 indicators that can be used to report on the state of the environment in various
jurisdictions in Australia. All these publications use a conditionpressureresponse framework
to organise and present information on the range of issues to be considered. This framework
was originally developed by the OECD and has been widely adopted or adapted by OECD
countries and by various other organisations. It identifies three broad categories of
information, namely:
information about human activities (pressures) that affect the environment; and
This way of categorising information has been found useful by various policy-makers and
decision-makers, although the relationships between various indicators are sometimes
quite complex.
It is beyond the scope of the present study to make a detailed examination of the many
indicators of the quantity and quality of natural capital available to particular communities and
of whether such capital is being used in a sustainable way. Clearly, the biophysical environment
will enable communities to accomplish some particular objectives and will set constraints on
the achievement of some objectives. The long-term sustainability of a community depends in
part on its stewardship of natural capital, as well as its capacity to develop, use and enhance
other forms of capital.
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
Produced economic capital includes all products that are harvested or manufactured, the built
environment, physical infrastructure that has been constructed, and financial resources such as
money. Cultural and intellectual property are also forms of produced economic capital.
As all communities make use of produced economic capital in one form or another, this domain
is applicable to all types of communities. Communities of interest vary in the extent to which
they are directly involved in the production of economic capital.
The economic resources of a community have a major impact on its wellbeing and its ability to
achieve various objectives. Some of these economic resources will be controlled by individuals
and families, some by business organisations, and some by other agencies. Included among them
are various public facilities available to members of a community.
Infrastructure is vital to a community. The lifestyles of most people, the success of most
businesses and the effective functioning of most communities depend on the availability of
infrastructure such as power supplies, water systems and telecommunications, as well as roads,
rail and other transport links. Infrastructure to deal with waste by means of sewerage systems,
garbage removal and recycling is likewise important for the wellbeing of communities. Often,
there will be debates as what forms of services or infrastructure contribute most to the
wellbeing of a community in the long term. A perennial issue, for example, is whether spending
money on freeways or public transport makes most difference to the long-term wellbeing of
a community.
The diversity, size, ownership, prosperity and employment practices of businesses can also have
major impacts on the strength of communities in which they are located. For example, the
diversity, size and prosperity of businesses has an impact on the resilience of communities in
the face of competition from elsewhere and changes in consumer demand. Likewise, patterns of
ownership can affect the level of commitment of businesses to the local communities in which
they are operating.
The long-term strength of a community depends not only on its ability to produce goods and
services at a particular time, but also on the sustainability of the production. In turn, that
depends on the sustainability of the natural resources which are used in production, on the
sustainability of the human capital engaged in production, and on the sustainability of the social
and institutional capital through which the processes of cooperation in production, trade and
use are facilitated. There are thus links between natural capital, produced economic capital,
human capital, and social and institutional capital.
Domains and indicators
The economic resources available to individuals, households and families also affect the strength
of communities, enabling some activities and hindering others. The Living Standards Model
developed by the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) identifies some of the major types of
variables involved (see Figure 3).
In-kind Cash
income income
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
Since home ownership is one of the primary forms of capital investment made by individuals
or families, Census data on housing tenure and mortgage payments can give some indication
of this aspect of produced economic capital, especially when interpreted in the light of
median house prices in a particular locality. Census data on household income, coupled with
information on housing tenure, rent, mortgage payments and number of dependents, may
provide some preliminary indication of the likelihood that members of a community are
maintaining or accumulating economic capital in one form or another. A more accurate
analysis would require the gathering of additional information on income, expenditures and
capital transfers.
Various survey items pertinent to this were incorporated in the ABS Living Standards Project
199799 (Australian Bureau of Statistics 1999a). Some of these items are being considered for
inclusion in the General Social Survey (GSS) to be conducted by the ABS in 2002. In addition to
questions about employment, income, housing and transport (including ownership of motor
vehicles), questions about total value of assets and about financial security are being considered
for inclusion in the GSS. The GSS will also contain questions about human capital and social
capital. The size and spread of the GSS sample will not allow analysis of the data for particular
communities of location, except at fairly wide levels of aggregation such as metropolitan or non-
metropolitan regions. It might also allow analysis for some major communities of interest such
as large ethnic groups, but this would depend on the total size of the sample. The methodology
of the GSS could, in principle, be applied to smaller communities of location and smaller
communities of interest.
Domains and indicators
Hustedde et al. (1995) review various tools for assessing the performance of a local
communitys economy. These include:
employment multipliers
income multipliers
pull factors
location quotients
employment/population ratios
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
The above measures assess economic processes or outcomes rather than the stock of
produced economic capital. Nevertheless, these processes influence the capital account,
both directly through profits or losses and indirectly through changes in the underlying value
of business enterprises. Here again, the question of whether these enterprises are owned
locally or by outside interests is relevant to the assessment of community strength on this
particular dimension.
On a much simpler level, Kretzmann et al. of the Asset-Based Community Development Institute
have written A Guide to Mapping Local Business Assets and Mobilizing Local Business
Capacities (1996). This publication outlines two different survey methods and provides
worksheets that can be used by local communities for this purpose. However, these particular
procedures are unlikely to produce full financial estimates of the value of local businesses.
economic physical (or hard) infrastructure such as roads, ports, railways, energy networks;
economic intangible (or soft) infrastructure such as financial and research institutions;
social soft infrastructure such as medical and allied health professionals, teachers,
institutions delivering community and welfare services.
Another approach, relevant to rural and remote communities, is to consider the availability of
facilities and services, not only in the local community but also in neighbouring communities.
The services and facilities available within any particular community vary considerably.
In general terms, communities with smaller populations or serving smaller areas tend to
have fewer services. Thus, it is appropriate to look not only at the services available within
a community, but also at the availability of services in neighbouring communities.
A comprehensive index, the Accessibility/Remoteness Index for Australia (ARIA), has been
developed to measure accessibility of services in rural and remote Australia. It examines a
variety of services found in different sized communities, and then measures the distance by road
from each community to that variety of services (Department of Health and Aged Care 1999).
In measuring community strength, various economic factors are important. The economic
resources available to individuals, households and families directly influence their wellbeing and
their capacity to achieve desired objectives. These economic resources depend partly on
peoples involvement in enterprise or employment, as well as upon other factors identified in
Domains and indicators
the ABSs Living Standards Model. Opportunities for enterprise and employment depend on, and
contribute to, the strength and diversity of the local economy and its competitive position in
the national and international economies. Patterns of ownership and control of productive
resources and business enterprises, as well as the ways in which such enterprises pursue their
activities, can either enhance or diminish the strength of communities and may affect the ability
of communities to determine their own future. Other elements of produced economic capital
such as the infrastructure, facilities and services available for organisations and individuals also
affect the strength of communities and their capacity to achieve desired objectives.
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
Human capital is relevant to geographical communities. It is also important in many
communities of interest, although human capital requirements may be much more specific in a
community of interest, dependent on the area of interest.
Mental health is more difficult to measure than physical health. It is important to community
strength and capacity as it is defined partly in terms of the ability of people to handle day-to-day
events and obstacles, work towards important goals and function effectively in society
(Australian Bureau of Statistics 1999b, p. 236).
The ways in which other members of a community relate to persons with physical or mental
illnesses and disabilities are relevant to other aspects of community strength such as social
equity and tolerance of diversity. These are considered elsewhere in this report.
There are a variety of ways in which formal education can be measured including:
1. literacy levels
2. numeracy levels
Domains and indicators
5. university degrees.
Along with these indicators of the level and nature of educational experience, information
about the fields in which people are qualified is often gathered. This information is important in
local communities that may have quite specific needs for skills or knowledge, depending on the
sorts of employment available, or the sorts of challenges that a community is facing.While it
may be argued that higher levels of education are always advantageous, at a local level some
match between the needs of the community and the forms of expertise may be an advantage.
To take one obvious example: a university degree in psychology will not necessarily give a
person the competence to farm, though it may contribute to the general ability to acquire
relevant knowledge, and it may also be useful in some specific aspects of farm management,
such as relationships with employees, clients and suppliers.
The expertise that arises out of years of experience, or is a product of peoples gifts of
leadership or their cognitive abilities, is not routinely assessed at community level by agencies
such as the Australian Bureau of Statistics. Employers will look for such expertise through the
specific occupations in which a person has been involved and the length of time spent in
practice. It would be possible to develop measures of such cumulative experience for
individuals in a community. The Asset-Based Community Development Institute has devised an
extensive inventory for surveying individual skills, experience and qualifications in a
community, especially in a lower socioeconomic community (McKnight & Kretzmann 1996).
Other aspects of human capital, such the ability to think or act creatively, to produce effective
solutions to particular community problems, or to contribute creatively to the cultural life of a
community, are special and valuable skills. Entrepreneurial skills which involve the development
of new ideas and strategies to implement these may make all the difference to a community.
Every community needs people with ideas, initiative and capacities for innovation. Again,
information on these aspects of human capital is not routinely gathered from the population at
large, but measures could be devised. All communities exist in the context of changing
circumstances, and the ability to adjust to changes in social or environmental factors has
become an important aspect of human capital. Qualitative information about such capacities
within particular communities could be gathered. It may also be possible to gather information
about peoples willingness to engage in further education or training, to up-date their skills and
knowledge through in-service training programs and through other forms of adult education.
Associated with responses to change are attitudes towards change. Some people generally seem
to approach changed circumstances positively and find new opportunities within them. Other
people respond to changed circumstances with anxiety and, in extreme cases, paralysis. These
human characteristics affect the qualities of overall human capital in a community. Aggregated
survey measures of attitudes to change may provide useful indicators. Surveys might also ask
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
how people feel about their communities readiness to change and how their leaders respond to
such challenges. Attitudes of leaders to change, and their ability to provide vision and strategy in
the face of change, may be important elements in how a community relates to change.
Another approach to measuring the skills and expertise in a community is to ask whether
optimal ratios of skilled personnel per head of population are present within a community.
Beyond some thresholds, a greatly increased number of experts in a particular field might not
add as much to community strength as would an increase in the numbers of people with
expertise in another field. For example, beyond a certain number of doctors per 10 000 people,
extra doctors may not be needed as much as, say, extra teachers. Optimal ratios could be
calculated for occupations such as the following in particular types of community:
2. teachers;
While useful in measuring levels of service provision, calculations such as those mentioned in
the previous paragraph have some obvious limitations. For example, although additional
professionals in a particular field might not be required, such people may develop services or
economic enterprises in new fields.
There are some needs that are common to most Australian communities, given commonalities in
lifestyle. There are other needs that will be specific to the local forms of industry and local
needs of the population. Other factors being equal, a community that has a diversified range of
skills will be stronger than one that does not.
In any community, the human capital is seen in the size and quality of its labour force. Another
aspect of the labour force that might be considered is the age profile. Again, a spread of ages
will be important for continued community strength, indicating the availability of people with
experience as well as young people who can be trained and who may bring fresh energy and
vision to production.
Participation in the labour force is restricted by the health of the members of the community.
The ways in which issues of health and disability are managed are also indicative of strength in
a community.
numbers of injuries;
Domains and indicators
number reporting conditions such as sight disorders, arthritis, hayfever, headache, asthma,
infant mortality;
National Health Surveys conducted by the ABS include many of these indicators. Mental health
can be measured through national surveys, such as the National Survey of Mental Health and
Wellbeing of Adults (Australian Bureau of Statistics 1997) or it can be measured through the
numbers of people reporting to doctors and mental health institutions for treatment (Australian
Bureau of Statistics 1999b, p. 236). However, these latter measures are themselves dependent in
part on the availability of such services in a community.
The Australian Institute of Health and Welfare specialises in analysis of indicators in the field of
health. However, the concern in relation to community strength is not simply the level of health
in the community per se, but also the ability for health conditions and disabilities to be
managed in such a way that people affected by these nevertheless enjoy a high level of
wellbeing. Low levels of accidents associated with work or travel, in public places or in the
home will contribute to the wellbeing of people and thus to the strength of a community.
The strength of a community is partly influenced by the range of human capital available within
that community. It is also influenced by the ways in which human capital is being developed,
nurtured, renewed, extended and applied within the community. Educational processes play an
important role in developing human capital, and human capital is measured partly in terms of
the educational levels and fields of people in the community. Changes in the production of
human capital may be indicated by changes in the proportion completing year 12 and changes
in the levels of post-school education. Specific indicators of achievement in the basic skills of
literacy and numeracy have been developed.
Peoples willingness to learn new skills and to up-date their qualifications could be measured
by involvement in in-service training, professional development and other adult education
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
Further work needs to be done in order to identify ways of measuring entrepreneurial skills and
capacity for innovation. These characteristics are vital in the process of adapting to the rapid
change that many communities are experiencing. It would be possible to develop measures of
attitudes towards change. Survey items could, for example, explore the extent to which change
is seen as providing new opportunities, and the extent to which people are having difficulty
coping with various forms of social, economic and occupational change.
Most communities have some common needs in terms of human expertise. A checklist of these
could be developed, and the extent of expertise available per 10 000 people noted. Other
expertise needed is dependent partly on the specific forms of industry and service in the
community and on the specific needs of the particular population.
The measurement of physical and mental health is a highly technical field. Issues for the
functioning and strength of communities include:
the availability of appropriate opportunities for labour force involvement and social
participation by people with physical or mental disabilities; and
levels of social support provided within a community for people experiencing physical or
mental illness or disability.
Under later headings, there will be further discussion of the ways in which people with various
abilities or disabilities may be engaged in activities within a community, and the ways in which
communities may respond to people with various abilities, disabilities or other distinguishing
Domains and indicatorsSocial and institutional capital
a) Patterns of processes
These include those processes whereby people interact on a social or communal level, whether
in informal or formal contexts, in ways that enable them to draw on resources within the
community, meet community challenges and generally assist each other in attaining high levels
of wellbeing.
b) Qualities of processes
The qualities of engagement are as important as the quantity of engagement between people
and between individuals and organisations. Several shared qualities enhance the effectiveness of
the engagement and assist in attaining the desired outcomes. Qualities considered are:
1. Trustthe extent to which there are shared beliefs that people will take account of the
interests of others in their actions.
2. Altruismthe extent to which people put other peoples interests or the interests of the
community as a whole before their own.
3. Reciprocitythe extent to which there are expectations that good deeds done will
ultimately be returned.
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
1. Leadershipwhich may provide a vision of purpose for interactive processes, may assist in
engaging people to cooperate in working for that vision, and may point to steps and
methods whereby that vision may be achieved.
Social and institutional capitalPatterns of processesSocial participation
These involvements have particular importance for social capital, but there are forms of social
participation which are not covered by bonds and bridges. Social participation includes
occasions when people are dealing with strangers with whom there were no previous ties.
Much communication occurs between individuals and people who are involved in or who
represent expert systems. For example, an individual telephones an airline office to book air
tickets. In such cases, the trust and the recognition of common norms has much to do with the
relationship between the individual and the organisation, such as the airline, or the expert
systems in which organisations are players, such as the retail and the air transport systems. This
kind of interaction is considered under the heading Relationships of organisations to individuals
and communities.
This indicator is applicable to all types of communities. However, the sorts of communication
links and ties may be different, to some extent, in urban and rural locations.
1. Bonds with family and friends are the primary social connections and the social capital of a
family contributes substantially to the social capital of the individual members of the family.
Family and personal friendships are often also the building blocks for participation in the
wider community. They are important for meeting many personal needs. They can provide
people with a primary community in which they feel accepted, can share their feelings and
confidences, and can give and receive personal support from day-to-day and in times of
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
crisis. People without such bonds may become very dependent on welfare caseworkers,
clergy or other people in the community. The bonds of family and friends may provide
an initial basis for decision-making and cooperative activity in community.
2. Bridges with acquaintances provide wider linkages. They are important for accessing a
wide range of information and specialist skills. Through bridges with a wide range of
people, business people expand their clientele and develop their markets. Through bridges
with acquaintances there is the potential for a community beyond that of the family to
communicate about common concerns or issues and to take action together. Bridges
are what Granovetter (1973) has referred to as weak ties. For many people, the work
environment plays a significant role in the development of bridges.
Community strength depends, in part, both on bonds with family and friends, and on bridges
with acquaintances. It has been argued by Woolcock and Narayan (1999), for example, that
people in poverty in low socioeconomic ghettos or slums often have strong bonds with family
and friends, but few bridges which enable them to move out of their social milieu or to access a
wider range of social resources.While bonds may be very important in enabling individuals and
families to meet day-to-day needs or obtain small amounts of money to tide them over a crisis,
bonds will not generally be adequate to provide large amounts of financial capital such as
that needed to purchase a house or begin a business. Bonds may not provide a great range
of specialist assistance such as that required to deal with specialised medical problems or
expertise in developing a business. Indeed, it has pointed out that some types of bonds, such as
those which exist in gangs, criminal groups, ghettos and some families, may have some negative
impacts, isolating a group of people from wider community circles. In small communities in
which there is a strong community spirit, the pressures to conform and the existence of
hostility to outsiders may stifle entrepreneurial spirit and initiative (Woolcock & Narayan
1999, p. 9).
Another feature is the extent to which networks are homogeneous or heterogeneous. People
often find it easier to trust people who are similar to themselves in gender, age, culture, and
socioeconomic and educational background. As they find more in common with each other,
they will more readily develop common norms and identify common challenges and ways of
dealing with them.Yet, it may be argued that the strength of the wider community depends in
part on whether people form ties across the bounds of such characteristics (Woolcock &
Narayan 1999, p. 9).
As Cox and others have argued, willingness to relate to strangers, including people who have
different racial, cultural, religious or personal backgrounds, is an important element in social
strength (Cox 1995, chapter 5). It helps to ensure that particular racial, cultural, religious or
other sub-groups do not become socially isolated, a situation which can lead to conflict within
communities as well as in the wider society. The extent of mixing with strangers may depend
partly on personal characteristics, but may also depend on social structures being in place
which encourage such mixing to occur.
Social and institutional capitalPatterns of processesSocial participation
Some work has been done on the extent to which networks are dense, involving multiplex
relations in which people are linked in more than one context, or simplex, in which the
relations are found in only one context. For example, does it make a difference to community
strength if people who mix in the workplace also mix socially, or whether people know each
other in several contexts? It has been suggested that it is more difficult for social relationships
that are found in only one context to become relationships in which more general support is
experienced (Stewart-Weeks and Richardson 1998). There has been some evidence from the
Australian Community Survey that higher levels of trust are expressed by people who have a
higher proportion of multiplex relations, or, in other words, for whom the experience of
community is less fragmented (Hughes et al. 1999b, p. 11).
Another issue in the measurement of social networks is the extent to which relationships with
others are horizontal, rather than vertical.Writers such as Cox (1995) have argued that social
capital can only be considered in terms of horizontal relationships. In their view, relationships
which are vertical, in which the authority and power of others is acknowledged, do not
contribute to social capital. Two objections may be raised to this approach. The first is that,
while the quality of relationships (measured by attributes such as trust, reciprocity and the
sharing of norms) is important to social capital, relationships involving an element of power
may well have these qualities.Woolcock and Narayan (1999), for example, note that leadership,
regulated environments and some authority are important in social capital.
Secondly, the distinction between vertical and horizontal relationships is not easy to maintain.
In many instances, relationships involve people with different functions and authority within
highly specific areas of social life. Respect for that authority within its field of expertise does
not necessarily mean that a vertical relationship exists. Admittedly it may not be appropriate to
talk about the relationship as horizontal. Such a distinction fails to recognise that many
relationships in contemporary society are dependent on functions within expert systems, rather
than being hierarchical. On the other hand, Cox rightly draws attention to the fact that coercive
relationships or inappropriate use of authority may hinder the development of the qualities of
social capital. Further discussion of relationships between individuals, institutions and expert
systems will be considered under linkages.
To summarise this section, one can say that community strength may be gauged, to some extent,
by the quantity of bonds, bridges and other interpersonal relationships that contribute to
peoples experience of community life.
(a) Bonds
While it is possible to map small social networks in an objective way by observing interactions,
this is usually not possible in larger communities. Most indicators which have sought to
measure the existence of bonds have used questionnaires in which people have answered
questions about their personal networks. Such methods share the problems of other forms of
self-reporting and may sometimes present a rosier picture of the respondents relationships than
exists in reality. In other words, the results may be distorted by a tendency for respondents to
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
project a socially desirable image of themselves or of their relationships with others. Despite
this limitation, specific questions about close relationships may provide the most practical
approach for estimating the extent of bonds throughout a community.
The social desirability factor may sometimes be minimised by asking people about past
behaviours. Baum and her associates did this in their survey of community health and social
capital by asking how often, in the last twelve months, had people visited family, friends and
neighbours, or had family, friends and neighbours visit them (Baum et al. 2000).
The fact that a visit had taken place in the last 12 months is hardly evidence for existence of
bonds, however. Onyx and Bullen ask more specific questions about whether, in the last week,
the respondent had visited a neighbour and how many telephone conversations with friends
had occurred in the (Onyx and Bullen 1997).
While questions of support are more susceptible to social desirability factors, they tap into the
quality of relationships more adequately, and, from that point of view are more likely to provide
evidence of the existence of bonds in which people experience support. The Trust and Citizen
Engagement in Metropolitan Philadelphia study (Pew Research Center 1997) measured
peoples access to support with the following question:
When you need help, would you say that you can turn to many people, just a few people,
or hardly any people for support?
Many people
No one / none.
The problem raised by such a question is what constitutes support. Is this question so
subjective that data are not comparable from one situation to another? On the other hand, it
might be argued that the subjective sense that there are people who have provided support is
more important than objective measures of particular kinds of support.
Onyx and Bullen (1997) ask a range of questions about whether particular forms of support are
available, such as minding a child when one had to go out.Yet, this envisages a particular sort of
community and situations which would be quite hypothetical for many members of population.
A more general form of support, common in most communities, is that of lending money, and
some surveys have asked question about such situations.Yet, again, the ability to borrow may
have more to do with ones social situation, and perhaps social class, than with the existence
of bonds.
Zubrick et al. (2000) suggest the use of the McMaster Family Assessment Device to measure the
functioning of family and friends. This device, consisting of twelve questions, asks about
functioning in terms of the degree of:
1. understanding
Social and institutional capitalPatterns of processesSocial participation
2. mutual support
3. sharing of feelings
4. mutual acceptance
This device measures family functioning, which is an important component of bonds. Most
items could also be used in relation to close friends who might provide alternative forms of
bonding for many people. It could also be argued that some of the items regarding the sharing
of feelings, the ability to confide and decision making, for example, reflect the values and forms
of some cultures but not others. The expectations that govern family functioning vary
considerably from one culture to another. Nevertheless, with appropriate response categories,
the following items could be asked of family and of friends to determine the existence of bonds
that provide a primary sense of community:
Individuals (in the family / circle of friends) are accepted for what they are.
The Australian Institute of Family Studies Families, Social Capital and Citizenship Project is
based upon lengthy telephone interviews. They ask for the numbers of members of family,
relatives and friends with whom the respondent has contact, and about whom they really care
or on whom they rely. Further questions cover how close those on whom they rely live, how
often the respondents are in touch with them and whether they have ever received or given
financial assistance, such as loans, gifts of money or help with housing related expenses.
(b) Bridges
Several surveys ask in very general ways about the extent of social contact. Onyx and Bullen
(1997), for example, have asked how many people the respondent talked with on the previous
day. Baum et al. (2000) have asked people about their attendance at activities in public spaces
and their involvement in group activities. The ABS has included items about social activities in
its Time use survey. In 1997, it included such items as:
eating and drinking with people other than household family members or alone;
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
talking (including telephone) with people other than household family members; and
The ABS also notes that many other activities may not be categorised as socialising but may
include that dimension. For example, sport is a social activity of which about three-quarters is
done with friends (Australian Bureau of Statistics 1998, p. 11). However, this measurement of
time spent socialising does not give any indications as to the range of bridges that a person
may have, or the quality of the bonds. On the other hand, it provides a general measure of the
extent to which individuals or sub-groups in a community are socially isolated in relation to
both bonds and bridges.
In a similar way to Baum and associates, the Philadelphia study (Pew Research Center 1997)
asks about involvement in a range of specific types of activities such as adult education,
exercising, self-help groups, church or religious services, study groups, and recreational leagues.
It goes a further step by asking whether people keep mainly to themselves in these activities or
whether they mingle with others. In a third step, the Philadelphia study inquires whether the
respondent became close enough to others within these activities to ask them for help with
personal problems. This third step provides an indication as to whether the bridges are
moving in the direction of bonds or, at least, whether they provide a measure of support.
Some surveys have examined whether peoples social networks are dense and multiplex. For
example, questions have been formulated about whether people meet workmates outside work,
or whether acquaintances that they meet in various activities in which they are engaged know
each other. The importance of these factors for community strength is yet to be determined.
Few surveys have tried to discover the heterogeneity of social networks, which would appear
to be a significant issue for community strength. Heterogeneous networks would indicate that
there are communication links between diverse groups. In examining social activities, it would
be important to assess the extent to which people are mixing with others of different age
groups, gender groups, ethnic and religious groups, social class and/or occupational and
educational groups. Other factors being equal, greater heterogeneity would contribute to
community strength.
Social and institutional capitalPatterns of processesSocial participation
Social participation is most easily measured from the perspective of the individual. The
individual can be asked to provide information about social connections.While information
about the types of social activities in which people are engaged may be useful, such information
does not necessarily imply that people are mixing in such a way that builds trust, develops
norms, enables action or, in more general terms, contributes to community strength. It is more
helpful to ask specific questions about peoples interactions with others, seeking to look at:
Part of the task involves measuring the extent to which members of the community have bonds
in that there are family members or friends on whom they can rely for support and some
measure of acceptance. Finding a measure of support which provides some objectivity and
which is valid in a variety of cultural and social situations is difficult, as expectations vary
considerably. Financial support is widely used and has a wide applicability.
A further issue is the extent of bridges with wider networks of people. Involvement in social
activities is a first step in measurement, and further steps include the extent to which people
mingle with others and develop relationships that can transcend the original context.
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
Civic participation occurs as people engage in processes explicitly intended to maintain or
enhance the wellbeing of a community. Such processes may include involvement in local
organisations, committees or action groups. It may involve processes of writing letters, speaking
on talk-back radio, or approaching organisations or officials that are making decisions about a
community.What distinguishes these processes is that they have as their aim the maintenance
or enhancement of a particular area of community wellbeing, such as crime prevention,
community health, educational development, environmental protection or welfare assistance.
In its explicit focus on the wellbeing of the community, civic participation may be distinguished
from the general area of social participation.
This indicator is applicable to all types of geographical communities and some types of
communities of interest.
Sometimes, particularly in large urban communities, issues are often not as immediate as in a
small community. They will be dealt with by a variety of pressure groups and through the
engagement of various specialists, rather than through the general involvement of all the
people in a local area. For example, even in terms of building freeways, people will expect
environmental groups to be examining projects with environmental concerns in mind. They
will expect the motoring organisations to consider what the effects will be on traffic flow.
Local councils will be expected to monitor likely effects on businesses, homes, and local road
traffic in the vicinity. For individuals to become highly involved in issues where a great deal of
specialist knowledge and evaluation is required may seem, to many, inappropriate. Some do
join groups because they have specialist interests or expertise. Others leave it to the specialists.
Thus, the lack of cooperative action at an individual level may not indicate a lack of
community feeling.
On the other hand, there are opportunities in all geographical communities in Australia for
involvement in civic processes through involvement in political parties, apart from taking action
on specific issues. Such civic involvement is an important component of democratic processes.
Social and institutional capitalPatterns of processesCivic participation
While these may indicate a decline in interest in community and a decline in involvement, it
may be that other forms of communication are allowing people to participate. Talk-back radio,
television and email are three means in which people hear what is happening and, through
radio and email or Internet, are able to voice their opinions. It is possible that the lack of
involvement in political parties may be offset by involvement in other organisations, such as
environmental organisations, which have a partly political agenda.
Within a small community, it may be possible to use organisational records to gather objective
data about the numbers of people involved in civic activities such as attending meetings and
writing letters to papers or councils, over a particular period. In a larger community context, in
which there are a great many more options for civic involvement, the collection of such data
to measure the extent of civic involvement would be very difficult, unless one focused on a
particular form such as the numbers involved in political parties. In the larger community
context, it would be easier to measure the extent of civic involvement by surveying individuals.
Onyx and Bullen (1997, p. 17) discuss participation in the local community as one significant
part of the measure of social capital. They suggest the following questions for measuring
civic participation:
1. Have you attended a local community event in the past 6 months (eg church fete, school
concert, craft exhibition)?
2. Are you an active member of a local organisation or club (eg sport, craft, social club)?
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
3. Are you on a management committee or organising committee for any local group
or organisation?
4. In the past three years, have you ever joined a local community action to deal with
an emergency?
5. In the past three years have you ever taken part in a local community project or
working bee?
6. Have you ever been part of a project to organise a new service in your area (eg youth club,
scout hall, child care, recreation for the disabled)?
The World Values Survey (1995 and 2000) asked two questions in this area:
2. Im going to read out some different forms of political action that people can take, and Id
like you to tell me, for each one, whether you actually have done any of these things,
whether you might do it, or would never do it under any circumstances.
signing a petition
joining in boycotts
These questions give an indication of direct political interest and involvement, but not
necessarily of other forms of community interest and involvement.
Baum et al. (2000, p. 255) have suggested a range of measures of civic participation,
distinguishing three types of involvement.
Has the respondent done any of the following activities at all in the past twelve months?
signed a petition
contacted a local MP
Social and institutional capitalPatterns of processesCivic participation
Had the respondent been involved in any of the following groups in the past
twelve months?
political party
local government.
Had the respondent been involved in any of the following groups at all in the past
twelve months?
school-related group
ethnic group
service club
This last group of activities will be considered in the present report under the heading of
Not-for-profit organisations and volunteering.
Measurement of involvement in community issues and affairs could be done in several ways:
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
In the past 12 months, how often have you personally expressed your opinion about some
issues related to the life of the local or wider community through ringing talk-back radio,
writing a letter for a newspaper or to a community leader, speaking to a community leader,
attending community meetings, or being involved in a group for community action?
many times
several times
once or twice
not at all.
3. Membership of political parties or standing civic action groups may provide a measure of
civic involvement that is less affected by individual issues than would involvement in an
single action group or activity.
4. Objective data about numbers of people involved in specific community projects or making
donations to civic initiatives such as hospital development may also give some indication of
the civic involvement in a community. However, it would be necessary to take into account
the fact that the need for a particular initiative may vary from one community to another.
Social and institutional capitalPatterns of processesNot-for-profit organisations and volunteering
This indicator includes participation in voluntary activities without necessarily being a member
of a voluntary organisation. Some people are involved in voluntary work, for example, in a
hospital or aged care home, in which they assist others, often in the company of other
volunteers, but without themselves being members of any voluntary organisation. Likewise,
some people engage in voluntary activities such as refereeing an amateur sporting match or
collecting money for a charity without necessarily being members of a voluntary organisation.
Many people engage in voluntary work as an extension of their professional activities, giving
time over and above their normal work duties, for the sake of the community.
The involvement of people in not-for-profit and voluntary organisations is related to community
strength in all types of geographical communities although some types of voluntary
organisation may be more relevant to some types of community than others. The existence of
such organisations and the ways in which they operate is also applicable to communities of
interest. Many communities of interest revolve around not-for-profit organisations of one kind
or another.
Mutual organisations institutionalise social capital. They serve as examples of the efficacy
and practicality of social trust, and they practise people in it.
Lyons argues that such organisations have played a major role in human services and income
security since the earliest days of European settlement in Australia. However, in some cases their
roles or mode of operation have changed over time. For example, some credit unions and
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
friendly societies which played a major role in assisting people with credit in times of sickness,
old age, or when buying a house, have been absorbed by or transformed into for-profit
organisations. However, there has been a proliferation of smaller welfare agencies providing
specialised care and support of many kinds. The contribution to social capital may vary from
one organisation to another. Some research suggests that it depends partly on the size of the
organisation, with smaller organisations contributing more to social capital due to greater
personal involvement by the members; as organisations reach the point of employing people
to administer them, they lose some of their effectiveness in producing social capital (Lyons
2000, p. 182).
Some researchers such as Knack and Keefer (1997) contend that in some instances associations
which are highly polarised along ethnic, religious or political lines will have a negative impact
on social trust and cooperation in the wider community. These organisations may encourage
people to develop high levels of trust within the group. At the same time they may engender a
lack of trust of others who do not belong to the association or the ethnic, religious or political
group from which it is drawn. This has been found to be true of some religious organisations in
Australia. Members of Christian denominations with high boundaries and a clear sense of those
who were in the group or out of it, tend to have had lower levels of trust in people than do
those who are not members of any religious group (Hughes et al. 1999a). The data also reveal
that the relationship between involvement in voluntary organisations and social trust is weak in
the Australian adult population (Hughes et al. 1999b, p. 18).
It appears that the impact on community strength varies according to the nature of voluntary or
not-for-profit organisation. Those organisations which draw people together to work on
common projects may contribute to peoples social support networks as well as training people
to work together. Those which directly assist communities, for example through providing
volunteer firefighting facilities or planning cultural, sporting, educational or health activities,
contribute to community strength directly through their activities and through the resources
they provide. However, not all voluntary organisations exist for the wellbeing of others or the
community. Some exist only for the interests of a small group of members, interests which may,
in some instances, be contrary to the broader interests of the communities. Some voluntary
organisations are exclusive implicitly or explicitly, and may thereby discourage wider
cooperation within the community.
Voluntary organisations fill many holes where paid employment is not available, either because
the scale of operation does not warrant paid employees, because there are no suitable people to
be employed, or for other reasons. The Australian Community Survey (1998) undertaken by the
authors of the present report found that involvement in voluntary organisations was much
higher in rural areas than in urban areas, and this may reflect smaller scale operations and lower
levels of specialisation in rural areas. For example, firefighters in cities have to cope with many
sorts of industrial fires and thus need to be more highly trained than in rural areas.
Many areas of life are becoming more specialised as technology becomes increasingly complex.
This is contributing to a decrease in voluntary involvement in a range of ways, from welfare and
health to sport. It does not necessarily indicate lower levels of social strength. Indeed, offering
Social and institutional capitalPatterns of processesNot-for-profit organisations and volunteering
paid employment is one way in which a community indicates the value of the work that is
being done. On the other hand, much voluntary work is done by professionals and specialists
who use their particular skills for the benefit of the community, such as the accountant who
audits the books of a community organisation, or the academic who prepares materials for
the media.
It has been noted that the patterns of voluntary activity and community involvement may be
changing. Robert Wuthnow (1996), for example, has argued that the small-group movement is
very important. He has found that, in America, 40 per cent of the population were involved in a
small group which met regularly and provided care and support for its members. About half of
these groups have an explicit religious focus. Others include self-help groups, support groups
and recovery groups. He argues that in these groups, intimate friendships do develop and they
are an important source of social capital. According to his survey:
1. 82 per cent said their group made them feel they werent alone;
2. 72 per cent said it gave them encouragement when they were feeling down;
3. 43 per cent said it helped them through an emotional crisis;
4. 74 per cent said they had worked with the group to help someone inside the group who
was in need;
5. 62 per cent said they had worked with the group to help other people in need outside the
group (Wuthnow 1996, p. 36).
Anecdotal information suggests that one reason why involvement in formal voluntary
organisations may have fallen over several decades is that a greater proportion of the population
is involved in the workforce. The entry of married women into the workforce in large numbers
through the 1960s and 1970s led to the demise of some voluntary associations. Changes in
work participation in the future may affect the availability of people for voluntary involvement.
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
voluntary involvement involved pursuing the common interests of the members of the
voluntary organisation or whether it involved assisting people or serving the community in
any way beyond the interests of the members.
The Trust and Citizen Engagement in Metropolitan Philadelphia survey (Pew Research
Center 1997) asked questions about the indirect personal benefits in terms of social networks
and support which came from such involvement:
And when you volunteered for this organization did you mostly do things that required you
to work with other people or did you mostly do tasks by yourself?
Do you feel close enough to anyone you know from this volunteer activity to ask them for
help with a personal problem?
Apart from asking individuals, it is possible to collect information about the numbers of
voluntary organisations, the sorts of activities they do, and the numbers of people who are
involved in them. This information is not so dependent on individuals subjective assessments.
Considerable work has been done by Mark Lyons to measure economic activity of the not-for-
profit sector. However, he notes that this would not be a good measure of its contribution to
social capital (Lyons 2000, p. 171). Economic activity mainly reflects the operations of the larger
not-for-profit organisations with paid employeeswhich are exactly those which have less
impact on social capital because they call for less involvement by community members.
Information about the numbers involved in community groups and voluntary organisations, the
types of organisations and their purposes, may provide a useful indicator of community
strength. However, it needs to be counterbalanced by information about the availability of, and
the capacity of community members to pay for, various types of professional services in such
fields as health and welfare.
Information on voluntary organisations will not pick up the wide range of voluntary activity
which is undertaken outside the context of voluntary organisations. This information will be
gathered more effectively by asking individuals about the voluntary activities which they
It is important to measure the impact of voluntary activity on the wellbeing of the community.
It is also important to measure both formal membership and informal involvement in voluntary
organisations and to look at what sorts of organisations people are involved in.
The questions developed for the ABS survey of voluntary work do this. However, to those
questions could be added further questions about small group involvement plus those asked in
the Philadelphia study (referred to above). It would also be important to add a question about
the nature and purpose of the organisation in the light of the fact that some organisations or
small groups may have explicit objectives or implicit characteristics which are inimical to the
interests and wellbeing of the broader community.
Social and institutional capitalPatterns of processes
Relationships of organisations to individuals and communities
The relationships between the individuals who comprise a community and the organisations
functioning within that community are important in assessing community strength. The
particular characteristics of the relationships that will be considered include accessibility
and confidence in organisations on the part of clients, customers and employees, and the
commitment and contribution of organisations to community life.
Two levels of organisational life need to be considered. Firstly, there are individual organisations
identified by their distinct management and financial structures. Traditionally, such organisations
have been divided into three sectors:
2. private enterprises such as manufacturers, retailers, and private service agencies; and
It should be noted that the relationship between individuals and voluntary organisations is
considered in a separate section of this report. Issues of trust in and relationships with people
who have designated leadership responsibilities within a community are specifically addressed
under the heading of leadership.
The second level of consideration of organisational life is in terms of the expert systems within
which many organisations operate.While people have feelings about individual organisations,
businesses, clubs and associations, schools and hospitals, and so on, they also have feelings and
opinions about the wider systems in which organisations operate. People have various levels
of confidence, for example, in the retail system as a whole, the ways it is regulated, the
mechanisms by which problems can be redressed or disputes resolved, as distinct from
confidence in particular shops. Likewise, people have feelings about the operation of
government as a total system, about education and health systems, the public utilities, media
and legal systems.
Relationships between individuals and organisations are an issue for all geographical types of
community and for at least some communities of interest.
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
Social capital literature has generally argued that individuals relationships with business firms or
government agencies are vertical rather than horizontal. Putnam has argued that such vertical
relationships do not contribute to social capital. Nevertheless, while individuals do not see
themselves as having equal power with the police force, the church or companies, they do not
necessarily see themselves as being controlled by them. Rather, such organisations may well be
seen as valuable resources, important to the operations of community life. Organisations are
powerful operators in society, and people are reassured when they feel that these organisations
are acting in the interests of the community.
It has been suggested that relationships between employees and employing organisations have
important implications for social strength (Latham 2000, p. 219). The workplace is an important
form of social involvement and trust which is generated there flows into other parts of society.
One might also contend that peoples willingness to pay for the goods and services produced
is an indication that other members of society value the work that is being done. The fact
that work is done for pay does not mean that it is necessarily being done in a totally self-
interested way.
The ways in which people relate to organisations depend partly on their perceptions of the
ways in which expert systems operate. For example, attitudes to private companies may
depend on the extent to which companies are transparent in their management and financial
operations; this in turn may depend on both the existence of and the effectiveness of
regulations that govern disclosure of operations. Confidence in the education system depends
partly on the processes by which teachers are trained and accredited and the ways in which
they are held accountable by the educational system as a whole. It depends partly on the way
curricula, conditions and resources are regulated and the ways in which compliance with
the regulations is checked. The fact that all research projects have to be vetted by an ethics
committee may increase public confidence that researchers will take into account the needs
and interests of those who are the subjects of research.
Social and institutional capitalPatterns of processes
Relationships of organisations to individuals and communities
It may be argued that there is little opportunity in contemporary urban societies for people to
build trust through familiarity. Many interpersonal dealings are with strangers, whether they be
in business enterprises, government agencies or other organisations. This is partly a result of the
high level of job specialisation in modern urban societies. The levels of trust cannot depend on
familiarity with specific individuals. Rather, they depend on the reputations of companies and
organisations, and on the levels of confidence in the expert systems within which these
companies and organisations operate.
Community strength, in terms of the ability to be meet community challenges or to act within
communities for the wellbeing of community members, depends on the relationships which
people have with various organisations, the ways in which they are able to access resources,
and their confidence in dealing with them. Relationships with government agencies are part
of this.Where there are effective lines of communication between community members and
government at local, State and national levels, governments can respond to the needs of the
community more rapidly and effectively. Likewise, community members and community
organisations can work more efficiently and effectively with government.
John Murphy and Barrie Thomas (2000) of The Body Shop have argued that business operates
most successfully in a democratic, well-ordered society. It is dependent on the education of
potential employees and the levels of health and wellbeing of its employees. Consequently it
should be accepting joint responsibility with governments and communities for addressing
social problems. Corporate citizens, as well as individual citizens, should have values and a
responsibility to the communities in which they exist (Murphy & Thomas 2000, p. 138).
In 2000, the Centre for Corporate Public Affairs, in conjunction with the Business Council of
Australia, published a report entitled Corporate Community Involvement. The report details
how many companies are taking a broad view of their social responsibilities, including among
them a responsibility to external communities. Some see this as part of the process necessary
for sustaining the business. Others believe that it is important to put something into the
communities of which they are part (Centre for Corporate Public Affairs 2000, p. 11). This is
occurring in a variety of ways, including partnerships with government and non-government
community organisations, through making financial contributions to community activities and
services and through encouraging employees to take part in community activities and services.
I am going to name a number of organisations. For each one could you tell me know much
confidence you have in them: is it a great deal of confidence, quite a lot of confidence, not
very much confidence or none at all?
the churches
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
the press
labour unions
the police
political parties
major companies
The World Values Survey (1995) continued with a number of questions about the political
People have different views about the system for governing this country. Here is a scale
for rating how well things are going: 1 means very bad and 10 means very good.
Where on this scale would you put the political system as it was 10 years ago?
Where on this scale would you put the political system as it is today?
Where on this scale would you put the political system as you expect it to be in ten
years from now?
Generally speaking, would you say that this country is run by a few big interests looking
out for themselves, or that it is run for the benefit of all the people?
These questions provide indicators of peoples general feelings about the major social
organisations. However, the questions may not be sufficiently specific for the purpose of looking
at community strength. There are a variety of ways in which people may have confidence in
organisations. Confidence that the organisation will operate effectively according to its own
internal rules and standards may be different from confidence that it will serve the interests of
the community. A key issue is whether people feel that the systems are regulated and organised
with appropriate levels of transparency and accountability to the public, and that they will
Social and institutional capitalPatterns of processes
Relationships of organisations to individuals and communities
operate justly in relation to employees and effectively in providing services to the public and
community. The questions above do not distinguish between the various forms and levels of
accountability and transparency expected of different organisations.
Hogan and Owen (2000, p. 90) asked respondents to their survey whether they trusted various
institutions or categories of people:
How often can you trust each of the following to act in your best interests?
the police
local councils
political parties
politicians generally
public servants
They found that there was considerable disparity in levels of trust expressed towards the
various institutions or categories of people. There was nevertheless also a common factor,
indicative of a general disposition to trust.
The Trust and Citizen Engagement in Metropolitan Philadelphia study (Pew Research Center
1997) went into more detail in these areas of trust than any other survey. It began by asking
questions about groups of people, then about specific organisations serving the area. It also
asked people what limited their trust:
Would you say you cant trust them very much because they dont care about you, they
dont know how to do their job, they dont have the resources they need to do their job or
because they are not always honest?
Their questions did not cover a large range of organisations, and omitted many which affect the
daily lives of people and communities, including banks, health services, transport organisations,
and suppliers of public utilities such as water, gas and electricity. However, the questions
provided considerable depth in measuring peoples feelings of trust towards some particular
types of organisations.
The Pew study added a number of questions about whether people felt they could contact
officials to take up concerns in relation to the local neighbourhood or the local school, and
whether they felt their concerns would be heard.
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
Suppose you had some problem to take up with an important local official, such as the
mayor or local council member, but you did not know this official. Do you feel that you
would have to find someone who could contact the official for you, or could you contact
the official directly?
In such a situation arose, do you think it would be easy for you to find a person who could
contact the official for you?
Have you ever tried to get your local government to pay attention to something that
concerned you? Were you successful in getting local government to do what you wanted?
Suppose there is something at your childs school that you feel should be changed or
improved. Do you feel you would know how to get this thing changed on your own,
or would you need to get help from someone who knows how to get these kinds of
things done?
There are other sources of information that might be used. For example, information could be
gathered from organisations about the numbers of complaints received or perhaps something
relating to the numbers of personal issues addressed.Yet, such information may be misleading.
Some people would only approach organisations if they felt that they would be heard. The
number of complaints might be inversely related to the efficiency and effectiveness of the
organisation; or it might be directly related to peoples confidence that complaints would
be addressed.
To investigate fully the ways organisations provide access to resources, information about
products and services, and mechanisms for dealing with complaints would require a range of
other questions. The complexity is compounded by the different expectations that people have
of various organisations and organisational roles. For example, what people expect of a doctor
would be quite different from their expectations of a producer of furniture. Further questions
would also be needed to cover the variety of relationships of customer, client, franchise
operation, employee, and so on. People chosen to lead communities have specific
responsibilities that are considered in detail under the section on community leadership.
Information about organisations, apart from surveyed opinions, may be helpful. The
transparency and accountability of organisations could be measured by looking at the ways in
which their financial and decision-making processes were reported and who played a part in
the decision-making processes. One could also look at the complaints procedures and the
ways in which people were informed about the possibility of using such procedures.
In looking at other ways in which organisations can directly contribute to social strength, there
are a variety of activities that may be measured:
Social and institutional capitalPatterns of processes
Relationships of organisations to individuals and communities
A recent study of corporate involvement in communities indicates that there are as yet no
standard ways of measuring levels of involvement. Some companies are doing it through
descriptive reports of cases, others through financial reports of contributions. However, some
new systems for auditing community involvement are being developed, not only for the use of
the companies themselves, but for reporting to stakeholders such as shareholders and members
of communities (Centre for Corporate Public Affairs 2000, chapter 6).
Relationships between people, organisations and systems play an important role in community
strength. Many important resources are accessed only through organisations and systems.
If people feel they can trust organisations and systems to respond to their needs and those
of the community, this can help to empower those people and their communities.
To what extent do you believe that the following systems take into account community
interests in their operations?
the police
the churches
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
To what extent do you feel that you are able to access, as you need to, the resources
provided by the following organisations?
local councils
employment agencies
Further questions might be asked about the extent to which people feel that persons operating
within these systems respond to community needs and interests. The categories of people listed
below are subject to a variety of pressures, and have to respond to a variety of interests. Some
of these pressures will come from outside a particular local community. Thus, one might not
expect that local bank managers would respond to community interests in quite the same
way as, say, local clergy. Questions such as the following could be asked:
To what extent do you feel that the following groups of people act in the interest of
the community?
local doctors
local clergy
local lawyers
local police
Social and institutional capitalPatterns of processes
Relationships of organisations to individuals and communities
To what extent do you feel that your employer listens to your needs, concerns and interests
as an employee?
To what extent do you feel that through your employment you are able to contribute to the
wellbeing of others or the community as a whole?
These questions provide limited indicators of general feelings about organisations. The variety
of expectations people have of the various organisations that contribute to community life, the
issues of transparency, accountability and accessibility would need more detailed questions
spelt out in relation to specific types of organisations.
Other information may be gathered from corporate and government organisations within a
community. Attention could be given to:
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
One of the most extended sociological discussions of trust is that provided by Barbara Misztal
(1996). She identifies a range of aspects of trust including:
In this section of the report, trust will be examined in terms of attitudes to others, both known
and unknown. Confidence in organisations and systems is considered primarily under that
specific heading.
Trust is also a response to trustworthiness, to people acting according to the ways expected or
promised, taking into account the interests of the other person. Trust and trustworthy
behaviour are two sides of the same phenomenon.
Trust is an important issue in all forms of community. However, it will be argued that the basis
for and the nature of trust may vary to some extent from one type of community to another.
Trust occurs in many situations and may take on somewhat different characteristics in different
situations. For example, trust in other road users is important for ones own sense of security in
road travel. One trusts that other road users will keep the rules of the road and will act in a
rational ways. Such trust does not imply that other drivers are necessarily regarded as
trustworthy in all spheres of life.
The sort of trust which is most important for social strength is the trust that people will
generally act in the interests of the community, or, at least, in ways that will not deliberately
harm the interests of the community. However, in some situations, where people are sharing a
Social and institutional capitalQualities of processesSocial trust and trustworthiness
risk or seeking to meet a challenge together, such as protecting their homes against floods or
fire, much higher levels of trust are needed. Trust may often involve some element of
expectation of reciprocity: that people will return the good deeds that are done for them.
A lack of trust causes tensions between people and can ultimately lead to the breakdown of
social order and integration (Misztal 1996, p. 2664). It can cause isolation, alienation and
insecurity. If people feel they cannot trust others, they will seek to avoid them or will withdraw
from situations in which they may meet them. This may lead to the development of ghettos of
groups that do not trust each other. In extreme cases, it can lead to open conflict and war.
Trust recognises trustworthy behaviour. It is inappropriate to trust people who do not act in
trustworthy ways. Trust, in itself, can be naive and can open people to manipulation by others.
What is needed for social strength is both trust and trustworthy behaviour in which people do
return the good deeds that are done for them, act according to promises, and behave in ways
which recognise the interests of others.
In communities where there are high levels of trust and trustworthy behaviour, people are less
dependent on coercive force to maintain social order and public law. Trust reduces the cost of
maintaining public order. Trust encourages people to take risks in terms of business and
community enterprises, and even in terms of developing relationships with each other. Trust
encourages innovation.
Trust has often been built within the context of familiarity with people. People trust certain
other people because they are familiar with the ways in which those people behave. If they do
not personally know them, they will seek advice from those who do. Many rural communities
operate in such a way.
However, in urban societies, people often have little personal knowledge of the people they
meet or with whom they do business. They do not know their background. They may have
never met them before, and if they have, have not met them outside one particular context of
their lives. In such circumstances, familiarity cannot be used as a basis for trust. Trust is
developed more on the basis of the organisations and systems within which people are
operating. If the person is an employee of a shop, then the trust in the employee will depend
largely on the reputation of the shop, or perhaps of the chain of shops. Trust of the teacher may
depend partly on the trust one has in the educational system and the mechanisms whereby
teachers are trained, employed and accredited.
Whereas, in contexts of familiarity, trust may involve the expectation that the individual will
return the good deed done for her or him, this may not be so relevant in most urban situations,
where contact is often fleeting. In these situations, there may be expectations of serial
reciprocity: as I do good deeds to others, so they will do good deeds to others again, and
ultimately people will also do good deeds to me. Hence, one may be trusting of strangers,
expecting them not to act in any way that might cause one harm; indeed, in at least some
circumstances, relying on strangers to provide help.Where people are constantly dealing with
strangers, such trust is important for the smooth operation of society. Trust lies at the
foundation of civil society.
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
It has been argued that people are basically self-interested. Some have argued that competition
is based on that self-interest, and is the only realistic basis for society. However, others argue that
self-interest and altruism can ultimately come together in that it is in the self-interests of most
people to act in ways that develop goodwill in others. Most people act in short-term altruistic
ways with the expectation that they will derive the benefits of such action in the long term, not
only with the expectations of serial reciprocity, but also with the rewards of social recognition
(Latham 2000, p. 194).
Generally speaking, would you say that most people can be trusted or that you cant be
too careful in dealing with people?
However, the Australian Community Survey (1998) conducted by the authors of the present
report showed that trusting people and being careful in dealing with people were not exactly
opposites. One indicated the expectation that people would act in predictable ways while the
other indicated a general open-heartedness towards people. Further, the Australian Community
Survey found that trusting local people and trusting most Australians produced some
significantly different patterns in different regions. For example, while people living in small
rural localities generally had high levels of trust in local people, they had lower levels of trust in
most Australians. In lower socioeconomic urban areas, it was the opposite. People had higher
trust in most Australians than in local people (Hughes et al. 1999b).
Thus, the Australian Community Survey included four questions about trust. In various parts
of the survey, it asked respondents whether they agreed or disagreed with the following
Generally speaking, you cant be too careful in dealing with most people in my local area.
Generally speaking, you cant be too careful in dealing with most Australians.
Onyx and Bullen (1997) asked some quite specific questions about displays of trust. These
questions have the advantage that they deal with specific issues. However, this is also their
disadvantage, as they assume certain expectations, and the range of behaviours they examine
is quite small.
If someones car breaks down outside your house, do you invite them into your home to use
the phone?
Social and institutional capitalQualities of processesSocial trust and trustworthiness
The Philadelphia survey of trust and citizen engagement (Pew Research Center 1997) probed
more deeply in a range of ways. Having asked whether one could trust people, it then asked
why the respondent felt that way, and of what kinds of people respondents felt they had to
be careful.
It may be important to consider the roots of trust. According to the Philadelphia study, people
trust most those with whom they are very familiar, or those with whom they share similar
values. Thus, after the family, people in Philadelphia trust those people they meet in the context
of churchwith whom they share common values. They trust these more than those they meet
in clubs or associations or those with whom they work on a daily basis.
It should be noted that trust in leaders is an issue of particular concern and is considered under
the heading of leadership.
Trust is primarily an attitude of individuals.While one may look at certain behaviours, it is
probably best gauged by asking individuals about their trust of other people. However, the best
questions involve probing particular types of situations and groups of people. In particular, it is
important to ask whether people trust others sufficiently to cooperate with them in community
life or to deal with them in business, or whatever the specific need is, and whether people are
sufficiently trustworthy for cooperation to occur.
Different levels of trust will be appropriate for different groups of people. Thus, an appropriate
level of trust toward strangers may be that they will not harm one, or will act within the law. An
appropriate level of trust in a neighbour may be that somewhat higher. One might expect even
higher levels of trust in ones family where the level of interdependence is much greater.
In terms of specific behaviours, it may be helpful to ask questions such as the following, noting
that the situations referred to in questions will depend on the nature of the community. Some of
these questions explicitly ask about the trustworthy behaviour of others, something that is
difficult to measure in other ways as it involves an evaluation of peoples motives:
Does lack of trust of others hinder you from using public transport?
Does lack of trust of others make you stay at home at times when you would rather go
Does lack of trust lead you to refrain from contact with other local people?
Does lack of trust lead you to refrain from using the services of any particular businesses or
How much do you trust most strangers to act according to the law?
How much do you trust most strangers to act in ways that will not cause you harm?
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
How much do you trust most people with whom you do business to be honest in their
How much do you trust your neighbours to act in the interests of the neighbourhood?
Social and institutional capitalQualities of processesAltruism and reciprocity
Reciprocity has been described as short term altruism and long term self-interest (Onyx &
Bullen 1997, p. 5). It is behaviour in which two parties act helpfully toward each other;
however, the return of a kindness might not necessarily be immediate or identical in form.
It is rooted in the thinking that if everyone helped others, the world would be a better place,
and everyone would benefit. Reciprocity is closely related to trust, which assumes that people
will act in benign and dependable ways.
Both altruism and reciprocity can contribute to the strength of all types of community.
Especially in large urban communities, the expectation of reciprocity may not necessarily be
based on an assumption that the particular individual receiving the help will eventually
return the kindness to the originator of the action. Instead, there may be a notion of serial or
generalised reciprocitythe expectation that if people generally consider the wellbeing of
others, then people will eventually receive as much as they give.
It has been suggested that altruism and reciprocity help a society to maximise the success of its
collective institutions (Latham 2000, p. 196). Altruism and reciprocity are essential ingredients
of strong family life.While there is both short-term and long-term reciprocity within most
families, good parenting depends on the parents acting in altruistic ways when children are
unable to return any kindnesses. Reciprocity is often the basis on which neighbours live
alongside each other in trust, looking out for each others interests as well as their own.
Sometimes pure altruism is the basis on which community members respond to others facing
a crisis or experiencing some other form of need. Reciprocity is important in the successful
functioning of many work communities and other communities of interest. There, too, altruistic
behaviour can sometimes be found.
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
action is purely altruistic or whether it is done with the expectation that, in the long-term, it
will be reciprocated. The notion of serial or generalised reciprocity adds a further complication.
Moreover, behaviour that benefits the community as a whole may ultimately benefit the
individual as well, whether on not this was the motivation behind the behaviour. Despite
these complications, it is reasonable to assume that altruistic behaviour, public-spirited
behaviour (whether purely altruistic or not) and reciprocity of helpful behaviour contribute
to community strength.
The following questions have been asked by Onyx and Bullen (1997, pp. 1719) to provide
indicators of some of these behaviours:
In the past three years, have you ever joined a local community action to deal with an
In the past three years, have you ever taken part in a local community project or
working bee?
Have you ever been part of a project to organise a new service in your area (for example,
youth club, scout hall, child care, recreation for disabled)?
At work do you take the initiative to do what needs to be done even if no one asks you to?
In the past week at work, have you helped a workmate even though it was not in your
job description?
Some say that by helping others, you help yourself in the long run. Do you agree?
The Australian Community Survey (1998) used two items to measure altruistic attitudes among
its respondents. Respondents were asked how strongly they agreed or disagreed with the
following statements:
It is more important to act on your individual rights than to look to the needs of others.
It is more important to put responsibilities towards others before your own rights.
Responses to these two statements correlated more highly than almost any other fact (except
educational attainment) with a scale of social trust, the absolute value of the correlation being.
20. On this basis, it has been argued that values education in which students are encouraged to
put themselves in the place of others, to take account of the feelings and needs of others, and
to develop patterns of behaviour that are considerate and compassionate would make a
significant contribution to social capital (Hughes et al. 2000).
Although it did not ask people directly about their own altruism, the Trust and Citizen
Engagement in Metropolitan Philadelphia study (Pew Research Center 1997) sought
information on peoples perceptions of the helpfulness or self-interest of others:
Would you say that most of the time people try to be helpful, or that they are mostly just
looking out for themselves?
Social and institutional capitalQualities of processesAltruism and reciprocity
Where respondents chose the latter answer, the survey probed further by asking why the
respondents felt that people mostly look out for themselves.
The Social Capital Household Measurement survey developed by Krishna and Shrader (1999)
contains the following items on reciprocity and cooperation:
1. People here look out mainly for the welfare of their own families and they are not
much concerned with village/neighbourhood welfare. Do you agree or disagree with
this statement?
2. If a community project does not directly benefit your neighbour but has benefits for others
in the village/neighbourhood, then do you think your neighbour would contribute time for
this project?
3. If a community project does not directly benefit your neighbour but has benefits for others
in the village/neighbourhood, then do you think your neighbour would contribute money
for this project?
4. Please tell me whether in general you agree or disagree with the following statements:
[a] Most people in this village/neighbourhood are basically honest and can be trusted.
[c] Members in this village/neighbourhood are always more trustworthy than others.
[g] Most people in this village/neighbourhood are willing to help if you need it.
[j] RURAL: If you lose a pig or a goat, someone in the village would help look for it or
would return it to you.
URBAN: If you drop your purse or wallet in the neighbourhood, someone will see it
and return it to you.
Questions 1, 2, 3, and 4 (a), (b), (d), (e), (g), and (j) measure the opinions of people about the
general levels of peoples willingness to help each other and to undertake actions that will
benefit the community, perhaps at some cost to themselves. By asking about other people,
rather than about themselves, the problems of the validity of the responses being marred by
social desirability factors do not so readily arise. However, a limitation of these questions is
their reference to neighbourhood. Most urban people live much of their lives beyond the
neighbourhood, and it is important to measure social capital in the various types of community
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
in which they might be involved. It is also likely that some people will become involved in
projects that benefit the city, the state or the nation, not necessarily the local neighbourhood,
as implied in questions 1, 2 and 3. A recent example in Australia is the 47 000 people who
served as volunteers for the Olympic Games.
A critical factor in community strength is peoples willingness to act for the good of the
community or for the wellbeing of other members of the community, even at some cost to
themselves. They may do this out of pure altruism. Or, at the other extreme, they may do so in
the belief that this will ultimately benefit them, whether through the social status or recognition
they may receive or through the eventual reciprocation of helpful behaviour. Between these
two extremes, there may be various mixtures of motivation.
The extent to which such attitudes and behaviour exist can be partly gauged by asking
people about the extent to which they feel that others will undertake actions that benefit
the community even when these involve some sacrifice of time, money or other resources
by the person performing the action but will not necessarily bring any immediate benefit to
that person.
The items from Krishna and Shrader (1999) could be adapted in the following way:
Do you think most people in your community (specify local community, wider community
or community of interest) would be willing to contribute time to community projects from
which they would not receive any personal benefit?
No answer
Do you think most people in your community (specify local community, wider community
or community of interest) would be willing to contribute money to projects from which
they would not receive any personal benefit?
No answer
Social and institutional capitalQualities of processesAltruism and reciprocity
Most people in your community are willing to help if you need it.
If you drop your purse or wallet in your community, it is likely that someone will see it
and return it to you.
People in your community are generally interested only in their own welfare.
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
Ideals and purposes go beyond norms in that it is not necessarily expected that people will
demonstrate them in their behaviour, but rather that people will acknowledge them and strive
towards them. They may represent more general patterns of life or community to which people
might strive, which provide objectives.
Proactivity is the willingness to undertake activity to achieve community ideals and purposes
or to take action which is seen as being for the benefit of the community. Community strength
depends on peoples willingness to take action on the basis of ideals and purposes, rather than
remaining passive and dependent on action others might take.
This indicator applies to all types of communities.
While some shared norms contribute substantially to social capital, others are of less
importance. Norms about meal times vary from one culture to another, but are not often
important. Other norms that have to do with the particular sphere of communication such as
how one does business will be important in the sphere of business, or norms about what
gives offence to others and what does not give offence, will have importance in general
Language may be seen as a special, integrated and highly complex set of social norms. For
communication to take place, these social norms have to be understood by all parties involved.
Translation is generally possible, but may offer little more than an approximation of what is said,
as world views and culturally-shared ways of thinking are embedded in language. As Richard
Trudgen (2000, chapter 5) has shown in Why Warriors Lie Down and Die, problems especially
with technical language relating to issues such as health and government processes, have had a
Social and institutional capitalQualities of processesShared norms, ideals and purposes, and proactivity
major impact on the ability of Indigenous communities in Arnhem Land to effectively use health
facilities and to communicate with government agencies. According to Trudgen, the social
norms of language had not been shared. Effective translation in relation to technical fields such
as health which took into account the differences in culturally-shared knowledge and world-
view had not been available. The result was weak Indigenous communities, unable to make use
of non-Indigenous facilities.
It has been argued that social capital is a product, not so much of the number of shared norms
but of the transparency and rationalisation of rules, norms and values. The transparency of rules,
norms and values is defined as the comprehensibility of the rules, norms, and values of an
institution or society to its members.Where rules, norms and values are more comprehensible,
behaviour becomes more understandable and predictable. This, in turn, strengthens cooperative
activity and may widen the scope of interaction (Fedderke et al. 1999, p. 718).
Rationalisation refers to the degree to which social capital is embodied in formally codified
rules, norms and values.The more highly rationalized the social capital, the greater the extent to
which such rules, norms, or values assume a procedural as distinct from a substantive form, and
the more they assume the form of abstract rules with universal scope (Fedderke et al. 1999,
p. 719). Higher levels of rationalisation permit people to cross cultural boundaries more easily
and apply principles to new situations. The example is given of dietary rules. If dietary rules
apply to certain specific foods, then it will not be possible to apply those rules to new foods.
If dietary rules are more abstract, then they will be easier to apply in new circumstances.
Fedderke et al. (1999) argue that the extent of transparency and the degree of rationalisation
are interrelated and there are various levels at which an equilibrium may occur. If the extent
of transparency and the degree of rationalisation are out of kilter with each other, then the
situation becomes unstable and social capital decreases.
Ideals and purposes provide a focus for community life. Communities may be greatly
strengthened by a vision, or by ideals and purposes which are shared by the members of the
community. The vision, ideals and purposes become a focus for common action. They provide
reference points for the community in its activities. They unite the efforts of the members of
the community, and so strengthen both the focus and the activities.
The importance of common norms, ideals and purposes is recognised in many organisations.
It may be expressed in a vision statement or in an organisational charter. The statement gives a
focus to the activities within the organisation and provides a point of reference for evaluating
activities. In a similar way, community life may be strengthened by a vision, expressed in shared
norms, ideals and purposes.
Underlying the shared values, however, must be a willingness to actas expressed in the
proactivity of a group of people. Social efficacy depends on peoples willingness to take action,
rather than merely affirm the norms and ideals.
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
In many communities, religion has provided the basis for the shared norms, ideals and purposes.
Religion has provided a story of the identity of the community, its values, its purposes and its
future. It has united communities by giving them a common sense of direction or by identifying
a groups adversaries and challenges. However, just as religion has provided the common
basis for many communities, it has often caused division within communities, creating sub-
communities of people of different religions, and sometimes leading people of one religion to
be hostile toward those of another.While unity can be created by religion, so also division can
result from religious differences.
Richard Stayner et al. (2000) have drawn attention to the value of proactivity and flexibility in
responding to the pressures of change. Stayner et al. argue that it is important for communities
to be able to distinguish between local forces for change which may be effectively resisted and
broader societal forces for change to which communities need to adapt. Communities which
display a positive orientation to change are able to cope better when changes in industry and
employment possibilities become inevitable (Stayner et al. 2000, para 2.10).
Surveys such as the World Values Survey (1995 and 2000) have asked various questions about
peoples ideals for life and society: questions about priorities in economic growth and
protecting the environment, about responses to job scarcity, maintaining order in the nation,
fighting rising prices, and so on. The World Values Survey asked people to rate the following as
good,bad or dont mind:
Social and institutional capitalQualities of processesShared norms, ideals and purposes, and proactivity
The issue of ideals, however, is not only about individual aspirations but about whether there
are shared visions which may provide the basis for cooperation. A community is strengthened
by having clear objectives, on which members are agreed, and about which people feel it
important to act.
In some ways, wars produce social capital in that they bring people together around a common
objective that has a high degree of urgency and motivation. In some small rural communities,
the threatened closure of a bank or a hospital has led to mobilisation of the whole community
in a united effort against the threat to the community. Such threats have provided a real sense of
purpose. In the face of threats, people have caught a vision of something that can be achieved
in the community, and they have rallied around that vision. Murphy and Thomas (2000, p. 145)
note that ironically, in some rural communities in Victoria the closure of bank branches has led
to the building of social capital through community members working cooperatively to set up
their own banks in franchise-type arrangements with other banks. In recent times, petrol
prices have been a major concern in many places, particularly in Europe. People have become
motivated to take action. There has been a strong sense of purpose and shared activities, which
may have heightened social capital.
Often the issues are not so obvious and not so widely shared. To get some indication of
whether there are shared concerns or a shared vision, the most obvious way would be to ask
community leaders about the issues, and then to check with members of the community as to
how they feel about those issues. One might gather information about public meetings called
to deal with community issues.Yet, this may indicate the depth of problems in the community
rather than the extent of cooperative feeling in dealing with them or the willingness of
community members to be proactive. The proactive element may well relate partly to the
extent to which people feel that there are solutions to which they can contribute.
In many cases, people unite as a last resort to solve a problem. The fact that there is a shared
sense of purpose might be indicative of some strength and yet the presence of the problem
may itself be indicative of weakness.
The Australian Community Survey (1998) asked respondents whether the following were
problems in their local communities:
decline of churches
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
lack of jobs
To improve the quality of information that can be obtained from such a question, another set of
questions might be asked about issues identified as major problems:
Have ways been suggested within your community as to how to solve this problem?
It is more difficult to measure shared norms, ideals and visions than some other indicators of
community strength.Yet, shared norms, ideals and visions may provide the context in which
people come together to take action within a community. There are many obvious examples
where communities have faced a particular challenge with a shared sense of purpose and
vision. The sense of purpose and vision has united the community and has produced social
capital.Yet, there is an irony that often weaknesses in community life cause people to
cooperate. Nevertheless, one community may face a problem passively while another takes
action to resolve the problem. Indeed, part of the central concern is to identify whether a
community will be proactive in resolving the challenges it faces, using times of change for
positive development, or whether it will merely be passive, expecting others to solve its
problems for it.
Do most people in your community share your sense of what is right and wrong,
appropriate or inappropriate in behaviour?
Do most people in your community have similar customs and ways of life to you?
Do these similarities in customs and ways of thinking help you to cooperate with others in
your community?
The shared norms of language are especially significant. The National Population and Housing
Census gathers data about languages spoken and peoples assessment of their ability to
speak English.
Social and institutional capitalQualities of processesShared norms, ideals and purposes, and proactivity
A shared sense of purpose might be measured by the extent to which people are actively
working on a common issue. One might measure the numbers who are active in working on
the misuse of drugs, for example, or whatever the issue might be within a particular community.
This would involve identifying the various ways in which the issue is being addressed and
calculating the numbers of people in the community addressing the problem. On the other
hand, community concerns are not necessarily exclusive of each other. The good of the
community will often be served as people work on different community issues.
the extent to which there is a shared sense of purpose and vision; and
Combined scores on these items might indicate the levels of shared concerns, purpose and
vision, and the levels of proactivity.
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
An attitudinal quality that is important in community is tolerance of diversity. Tolerance involves
respect for those who have different ways of life, different norms and habits from oneself. It
does not necessarily mean agreeing with such people, but means that the differences are not
seen as a barrier to cooperation.
Some communities have a much greater diversity of composition than others.Where the
diversity is greater, the issue of tolerance becomes more important. There is a particular
strength in non-homogeneous communities that have a high degree of tolerance.
Part of the problem lies in the fact that many communities produce high levels of cooperation
by defining themselves over against other communities. Some religious groups, for example, find
strength in the belief that their members are right or saved while those who are not members
of the group are not right or are not saved. In more general terms, some groups produce great
inner strength by being exclusive. A geographical community may find strength by thinking of
itself as special in some way, as having some unique historical or geographical characteristics
that set it apart from other communities. A geographical community may find strength as it
considers itself better than other communities through winning sporting competitions.
Others have argued that exclusivism is, by definition, a sign of weakness. A community which
excludes the stranger, or which puts down other communities in its own attempt to find
strength, cannot be considered strong. Eva Cox (1995, chapter 3). notes that social cohesion is
often produced by evoking perceived threats from outsiders or minorities. She argues that that
sort of social cohesion ultimately leads to distrust and even intercommunal violence. Social
cohesion involving exclusion ultimately breaks down.True social cohesion must be
participatory and inclusive. Thus, tolerance of diversity is a necessary part of social strength.
Cox and Caldwell (2000, p. 59) conclude that the characteristics which identify social capital
include respect for each others values and differences and ensuring that internal cohesion is
not affected by the exclusion and demonisation of others.
Social and institutional capitalQualities of processesEqual opportunity and tolerance of diversity
Whether Cox is empirically correct that exclusivism always breaks down, and whether it is
possible for stronger associations to be formed in homogeneous communities, it would seem
that some level of inclusivism, of openness to strangers, of tolerance of diversity is important
for the moral dimension of community strength. This is particularly true in a society that is
committed to multiculturalism.
As indicated in Part 2 of this document, all communities have to deal with other communities.
The density of ties contributes substantially to long term community strength. It opens
communities to a greater variety of resources, weakening the propensity to social exclusion
and to conflict.
While a small community may be strong in its ability to meet certain challenges, if its strength is
not the kind that enables it to cope with the stranger or with multiculturalism, then it is not the
sort of strength that we wish to uphold as a model.
The Australian Community Survey (1998) contained a similar question in which respondents
were asked to indicate their level of agreement or disagreement with the statement:
People who have come to Australia from overseas in the last 30 years have made our society
much more interesting than it otherwise would have been.
It was found that there was a positive correlation between responses to this statement and
levels of trust, particularly in all Australians as distinct from trust in local people (Hughes et al.
2000, p. 232).
The study of Trust and Citizen Engagement in Metropolitan Philadelphia (Pew Research Center
1997) approaches the issue a little differently by asking people how easy they find it to trust
people who are different from them in age, gender, or race.
Krishna and Shrader (1999) approach it from the point of view of exclusion rather than asking
specific questions about the tolerance of diversity. They ask whether differences between
people of different educational levels, wealth, social status, gender, age, length of residence,
political party affiliations, religious beliefs or ethnic background cause divisions to occur in
the community. They then move to questions about how problems caused by such differences
are solved.
Somewhat similarly, the Scottish Community Development Centre (2000a) identifies the
following as issues to be explored by observation, interviews and documentary analysis:
Is action in the community based on principles of social justice and equal opportunity
for all?
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
Is the implementation of these policies, programs and practices monitored, and how is the
evidence used?
Are the particular needs of women, disabled people, ethnic, cultural and religious groups
recognised and respected?
Do they feel that they can express their culture and identity?
In 1998, the Office of Multicultural Affairs of the Department of Prime Minister and Cabinet
commissioned a survey under the title Issues in Multicultural Australia. This survey asked,
with reference to a list of about 40 different categories of people,How close are you prepared
to be with the following social groups ? Groups were defined by ethnicity or religion,
such as British people, German people, Turkish people, Buddhist people, Muslim people, or
Catholic people.
welcome as family
have as neighbour
welcome as workmate
Responses to such questions are susceptible to social desirability factors, although it might be
countered that these questions are trying to measure what people consider socially desirable. If
it were possible to go further in terms of how people actually treat others who are different
from themselves in terms of race, religion, personality or sexual preference, this would provide
a much stronger picture. From a community perspective, it may be appropriate to gather
information about cases of religious, racial or sexual vilification as providing a very blunt
indicator of the existence of the worst forms of intolerance.
The Institute for Community Collaborative Studies at the State University of California,
Monterey Bay (Institute for Community Collaborative Studies 2000), together with the
California Department of Community Services and Development, has created a Community
Scaling Tool for use in needs assessment, program development and evaluation. One dimension
of this tool deals with equity. On this dimension, the definitions given in Table 4 are used to
assess communities.
Social and institutional capitalQualities of processesEqual opportunity and tolerance of diversity
Thus, whilst including reference to tolerance of diversity, the descriptions in Table 4 put this
issue into a broader framework of social equity or social inclusion.
There are both negative and positive sides to the tolerance of diversity. Ideally both sides should
be considered in the choice of indicators. On the positive side, useful indicators include
acceptance of multiculturalism, and, more particularly, acceptance of people who are different.
This involves the measuring of attitudes, but may also involve looking at whether community
structures such as decision-making procedures are open and inclusive.
On the negative side, it is important to look at the extent to which certain groups in the
community are not accepted or are actually excluded from community participation, from
leadership, decision-making and participation in benefits from community activities. Again, this
may occur because of the explicit or implicit ideas and ways of working of the people in the
community. Or it may occur because of characteristics in the structures of organisations.
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
In a seminal publication, Saran (1974) defined sense of community as the perception of
similarity to others, an acknowledged interdependence with others, a willingness to maintain
this interdependence by giving to or doing for others what one expects from them, the feeling
that one is part of a larger dependable and stable structure (Saran 1974, p. 157).
In another influential publication, McMillan and Chavis contended that sense of community is
composed of four elements:
integration and fulfilment of needs: a perception that members needs are being met through
cooperative behaviour or exchange relationships within the community;
shared emotional connection:the commitment and belief that members have shared and
will share history, common places, time together, and similar experiences (McMillan &
Chavis 1986).
More recently, McMillan has reformulated these four elements, defining sense of community as a
spirit of belonging together, a feeling that there is an authority structure that can be trusted,
and awareness that trade and mutual benefit come from being together, and a spirit that comes
from shared experiences that are preserved as art. The terms trade and art here are used both
metaphorically and literally (McMillan 1996, p. 315).
Royal and Rossi have identified ten elements in sense of community: shared values, shared
vision, shared sense of purpose, caring, trust, teamwork, incorporation of diversity,
communication, participation, and respect/recognition (Royal and Rossi 1996).
Within the sub-discipline of community psychology, the literature on sense of community has
for the most part developed independently of the sociological literature on social capital. There
is nevertheless a substantial degree of overlap between these two concepts. The extent of the
overlap obviously depends on the definitions adopted in each particular case.
Within community psychology, the concept of sense of community was initially formulated with
particular reference to neighbourhoods. It has also been applied in other settings such as
workplaces and schools. In principle, it could be applied to any type of community.
Social and institutional capitalQualities of processesSense of community
Glynns 60-item scale has a high degree of internal reliability, face validity and convergent
validity as measured by various statistical indices. Factor analysis reveals that the scale taps six
dimensions:objective evaluation of community structure,supportive relationship in the
community,similarity and relationship patterns of community residents,individual
involvement in the community,quality of community environment, and community security
(Glynn 1977, quoted in Nasar and Julian 1995).
Nasar and Julian (1995) contend that from a professional planners point of view Glynns scale
has two shortcomings:
From other perspectives, the latter point might not be judged to be problematic, though it does
highlight the need to specify what particular community one is speaking of.
Doolittle and Macdonald (1978) devised a 26-item scale to measure the sense of community in a
metropolitan neighbourhood. Factor analysis yielded six factors:supportive climate,family life
cycle,safety,informal interaction,neighbourly interaction, and localism.
The most widely used and broadly validated scale is the Sense of Community Index (SCI)
developed by Chavis et al. (1986). The long version of this index (SCIL) contains a total of 23
open- and closed-ended items to measure the four elements of sense of community identified
by McMillan and Chavis (1986). A shorter version (SCI) consists of 12 True/False items (Perkins
et al. 1990). In its initial use, the SCI focused on neighbourhood blocks in urban areas such as
New York City (Chavis et al. 1986). The items were:
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
9. If there is a problem on this block, people who live here get it solved.
11. People on this block generally dont get along with one another.
This scale has also been adapted for use in other social settings. For example, in workplaces,
the first item becomes I think my workplace is a good place for me to work, and neighbours
becomes workmates (Chipuer and Pretty 1999).Various studies have found that the scale as a
whole has a relatively high level of internal consistency although the sub-scale reliabilities for
the four dimensions of sense of community are generally well below acceptable levels
(Chipuer and Pretty 1999).
Davidson and Cotter (1986) have developed the following scale to measure sense of community
within the sphere of city:
11. It would take a lot for me to move away from this city.
14. If I need help, this city has many excellent services available to meet my needs.
15. There are good opportunities here for me to practice my religion in this city.
The response categories for each item are: strongly agree, agree, disagree, strongly disagree.
Items 2, 7 and 12 are reverse-scored.
Social and institutional capitalQualities of processesSense of community
This scale incorporates items relating to affiliation, control, safety, privacy, self-actualisation,
aesthetic satisfaction and religious freedom. Some items focus on home and immediate
neighbourhood, some on specific institutions, and some on the city as a whole. Notwithstanding
this, studies in two cities have found the scale to have a high degree of internal reliability. The
scale was found to be basically unidimensional, measuring one general factor of the sense of
belonging. It has since been used by Davidson and Cotter in other settings, including smaller
towns (the word city being changed to town).
Davidson and Cotter (1993) have also developed a short version of their scale, using items 5, 8,
11, 16 and 17. This shorter version has proven to be a reasonable approximation of the full
scale. The short version could be fairly readily adapted for use in rural communities as well
as towns and cities.
Bachrach and Zautra (1985) developed a Sense of Community Scale with the following
seven items:
3. To what extent do you feel that you are an important part of this community?
4. How much do you agree with the values and beliefs of your neighbours?
7. Suppose that for some reason you had to move away from here. How sorry would you
be to leave?
Although Bachrach and Zautras scale does not appear to have been widely used, Hughey et al.
(1999) found a strong positive correlation between scores on that scale and scores on the
Sense of Community Index developed by Chavis et al. (1986).
Starting with Glynns (1981) 60-item scale, Nasar and Julian (1995) have developed an 11-item
scale and a 15-item scale. These scales differ from Glynns in the following ways:
Glynns forced-choice format for responses is expanded to five categories: strongly agree,
agree, not sure, disagree, strongly disagree; and
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
Statistical analyses of responses to these shorter versions of the scale indicate that they have a
high degree of internal consistency. The short scales capture more aspects of sense of
community than does Buckners (1988) measure of social cohesion.
Although the notion of social capital is broader than the notion of sense of community, by most
definitions the latter is a component of the former. If the concept of sense of community is to
be used in measuring community strength, it is necessary to specify what particular community
one is referring to.While this point might seem obvious, the issue is more acute in the case of
sense of community than in the case of some other aspects of social capital or community
Social and institutional capitalQualities of processesSense of community
strength. One might, for example, find that norms of reciprocity are widely held throughout
communities defined in various ways. To that extent one can speak in a fairly generalised way
about community strength.
But sense of community may vary depending upon the particular level of aggregation being
considered. Thus, one could have a strong sense of community at a neighbourhood level but not
necessarily at the level of a large city. Conversely, one could have a strong sense of community
at a town or city level, but not necessarily at a neighbourhood level (perhaps because the main
networks in which one is involved are not defined in terms of neighbourhood).
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
By definition, the less a community is dependent on externally provided resources, the more
self-reliant it is. Apart from having its own resources, there are several processes through which
self-reliance becomes evident:
A self-reliant community is able to develop solutions which are appropriate for its own
specific local needs.
A self-reliant community is aware of its limitations and knows when to seek extra help.
This indicator is applicable to all types of communities.
Social and institutional capitalQualities of processesCommunity self-help/self-reliance
issues is provided in the Report of the Policy Action Team on Community Self-Help (Home
Office Active Community Unit 1999), from which some of the material presented below
is derived.
Community self-help comes in a wide variety of forms. Peoples motivation for getting involved
can range from pure self-interest at the one extreme to pure altruism at the other, with every
combination in between. Most voluntary and community activity involves receiving as well as
giving benefits. Forms of community self-help include the following:
1. Self-help based around family, kinship and friendship networks, household and
Family, household and kinship links are often vital to the provision of care and support,
particularly for the very young and the old and frail. In some cases, however, family and
kinship networks are weak or non-existent, and informal caring and support must come
from neighbours or friends if at all. This can take the form of shopping for a housebound
neighbour or friend, looking after that persons children, babysitting, comforting someone
who is bereaved, taking a meal to someone who is ill, or a myriad of other activities.
Such action is often spontaneous and builds upon informal contact between the
persons involved.
Community action at this level can also be seen in the many small-scale autonomous
activities that involve members of a community in fun and recreation, and also in protests
or responses to external threats. These are usually spontaneous and short-lived but may
also act as a starting point for more organised community involvement.
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
There are times when most communities need and can benefit from external assistance, such as
when a community is becoming established, or when it suffers a major crisis. All Australian
communities interact with each other, partly, but not wholly, through the processes of
government. Over time, a strong community will pay its way, and the contribution it makes
to the common good of the nation will be greater than the help that it receives.
This issue is a challenging one for many communities. For example, the self-reliance of some
communities has been challenged by influxes of people with low levels of financial resources.
Cheap housing in some rural areas has attracted people on pensions, for instance. Self-reliance
may sometimes be difficult to achieve when communities are dealing with problems that have
arisen elsewhere.
Because endowments of natural, economic, and human capital are unequally distributed
between individuals and between communities, an assessment of self-reliance needs to be
counterbalanced by considerations of equal opportunity, discussed elsewhere in this report.
In other words, just as self-reliance and self-help are characteristics of strong communities,
so too are efforts to achieve equality of opportunitythe principle of a fair go for all.
Social and institutional capitalQualities of processesCommunity self-help/self-reliance
do not focus simply on the more easily observable and more formal structures contributing to
community self-reliance; attention should also be given to the less formal and less observable
processes, lest the importance of these be underestimated.
What is really important for community strength is the sense of control over the communitys
destiny.When that sense of control is taken away, or when the mechanisms for self-control are
framed and ordered in inappropriate waysas has happened in some indigenous
communitiesthen the community becomes weak.
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
Indicator: Leadership
By leadership we mean not only the activities of business executives, elected or appointed
public officials, and officers of community organisations, but also the more diffused patterns of
leadership whereby individuals or groups undertake initiatives that stimulate and facilitate the
participation of others. Leadership, in other words, is not necessarily exercised only by those
who occupy formally designated positions within a community.While a lack of leadership may
weaken a community, not all forms of leadership will necessarily strengthen a community. Nor
will one particular form of leadership necessarily be the most effective in all situations or all
types of community.
One of the tasks of analysis and on-going research must be to identify what characteristics of
leadership are most likely to contribute to the strength of particular types of community.
This indicator is applicable to all types of communities. However, the optimal forms of
leadership may vary to some extent for different types of community, such as rural compared to
highly urbanised communities, large compared to small communities, and communities of
choice compared to communities of requirement (Goldsmith 1998).
For example, some forms of leadership in large urban communities may require a capacity to
use mass media effectively, whereas an ability to use mass media is generally less important in
small rural communities. In the latter, good interpersonal relationships are usually more
important. Furthermore, community leadership has somewhat different requirements from
corporate leadership in that credibility has to be earned by results based on partnership,
inclusion and the resolution of conflict through dialogue, rather than with the assistance of
vertical lines of power and control (Garlick 1999).
Social and institutional capitalStructures that govern or enhance processesLeadership
Leadership is important not only for community economic development but also for other
aspects of community strength.Within communities and their constituent organisations and
institutions, the following are some of the main ways in which individuals and groups can
exercise leadership that contributes to community strength:
articulating visionary but realistic goals for the community and strategies for their
working to achieve a high level of community acceptance of, if not commitment to,
those goals;
being willing to commit time, energy and other resources to well-conceived new ventures;
endeavouring to identify, and where possible implement, local solutions to local problems;
developing empathy and understanding of others, and being responsive to their needs;
While leadership typically involves activities in which others are also likely to be involved or
which may have effects on others, Ralph Nader (quoted in Whiffen 2000, Module 11) provided
food for thought when he said,I start with the premise that the function of leadership is to
produce more leaders, not more followers.
The notion of social entrepreneurship has been used to refer to a particular style of leadership
which is relevant to contemporary community life. In particular, social entrepreneurs play a
positive role in processes of change. A report to the Department of Family and Community
Services by Stayner et al. (2000, paragraph 3.9) notes the importance of social entrepreneurs in
that, in several instances the report examined, the critical factor in the strength of a community
was the way that the community was responding to forces for change. Social entrepreneurs
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
who are well respected by a community can assist the processes of change. J. Gregory Dees
(1998) defines social entrepreneurs as people who play the role of change agents in the
social sector by:
1. adopting a mission to create and sustain social value (not just private value);
5. exhibiting a heightened sense of accountability to the constituencies served and for the
outcomes created.
Two dimensions of leadership behaviour have frequently been identified. The first deals with
the extent to which leaders actively structure the tasks performed by themselves and others. On
this dimension, an effective leader is one who takes a very active role in directing activities
through planning, communicating information, scheduling, evaluating performance, and trying
new ideas. This first dimension is thus task-oriented. The second dimension deals with the
extent to which leaders take account of the social and emotional needs of others. On this
dimension, an effective leader is one whose relationships with others are characterised by
mutual trust, respect for their ideas, consideration of their feelings, and warm interpersonal
dealings. These two dimensions have been measured using instruments such as the Halpins
Leader Behaviour Description Questionnaire (LBDQ) or Fleishmans Leadership Opinion
Questionnaire (LOQ). From LBDQ data, (Halpin 1996) concluded that effective leadership
tends most often to be associated with high performance on both dimensions. However, as
most of Halpins data came from work organisations, it should not be assumed that all of his
conclusions necessarily apply elsewhere, especially in voluntary associations or in
geographically defined communities.
Social and institutional capitalStructures that govern or enhance processesLeadership
Studies of power within communities represent a very different approach to the analysis of
leadership. The primary focus is not so much on how leadership ought to be exercised in order
to maximise its effectiveness, but rather on how power is actually exercised and the impact this
has upon communities.
Three main methods have been used in studies of power and leadership within communities:
Reputational analysis: this involves asking various members of the community to list
people whom they consider to be most influential in community affairs, and then examining
the extent to which the same persons are identified by others. This would give some
indication of the extent to which leadership and power are thought to be concentrated
or dispersed.
Decision or issue analysis: this involves making a detailed analysis of various decisions
and actions taken within the community on particular issues; the object of this analysis is to
determine which persons or groups have succeeded in shaping decisions and actions, and
how these outcomes have been achieved.
Each of these approaches has merits and limitations. Reputational analysis can help in the
identification of leaders or power holders who might not necessarily occupy designated
positions, but it fails to take sufficient account of the fact that reputation and reality do not
always correspond. Positional analysis focuses on the quality of leadership in designated
positions but gives insufficient attention to forms of leadership exercised by other members of
a community. Decision or issue analysis can potentially provide a fuller picture than either of
the previous two methods but it generally requires intensive data gathering over a reasonably
long period of time.
Turning to more specific indicators relating to leadership, the Aspen Institute (1996)
emphasises the value of a diverse and expanding leadership base in building community
capacity. The Institute identifies four categories of leaders: elected leaders, appointed leaders,
hired leaders and volunteer leaders. Both for community leaders as a whole and for each of
these sub-types, the Institute proposes that the diversity of leadership can be assessed by
calculating the percentage breakdown of leaders by the following diversity categories.
length of residency
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
The Aspen Institute has also developed an extensive list of indicators relating the processes of
identifying and developing leadership potential in all sections of the community, and on the
opportunities provided for that potential to be exercised, especially in elected, appointed, hired
or volunteer positions.
Smith and Frank (1999) suggest that a self-assessment inventory can be used by individuals and
groups to gauge the extent to which they have the attitudes, knowledge and skills needed for
community development. This inventory covers the following areas:
Trust in others
Knowledge of partnerships
Knowledge of team-building
Communication skills
Facilitation skills
Team-building skills
Social and institutional capitalStructures that govern or enhance processesLeadership
If desired, some items from the above list could be used to obtain information from community
members about the capabilities and performance of designated (and other) leaders.
Similarly, it would be possible to develop indicators for each of the leadership processes listed
above under Rationale for inclusion.
From the perspective of community strength, an important issue is whether people have
confidence in designated leaders and confidence in the system through which leaders are
chosen (Krishna & Shrader 1999). In democratic communities, confidence is assessed at regular
intervals through the ballot-box. However, it may be appropriate to ask people to rate the
effectiveness of the communitys leadership, as Krishna and Shrader (1999) do in their Social
Capital Assessment Tool. Further questions could be asked of members of a community about
whether their leaders are effective in:
motivating people to cooperative action for the sake of the community; and
This last item is an attempt to measure the extent to which people feel that their leaders are
effective social entrepreneurs.
Levels of confidence will also have a lot to do with whether members of the community feel
that the leaders are acting in the interests of the whole community, or simply in the interests of
sections of the community, or even on behalf of external interests. The capabilities of leaders
and the levels of trust that people have in them are of particular importance to community
strength. Leadership that is effective and is seen to be working in the interests of the
community as a whole may help to motivate a community to take constructive action, to make
the best use of available resources and to resolve important issues. The other motivator which
has often been used through history is that of fear, but it is a motivator which is not appropriate
to democratic societies. Thus, an appropriate question about leadership could be:
To what extent do you believe the leaders of your community act in the interests of whole
community rather than sectional interests?
A further question could be asked about peoples confidence in the processes of the selection
of leaders:
To what extent do the processes of selecting leaders ensure that the best leaders for your
community are selected?
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
Although attempts have been made to identify inherent personal traits of successful leaders, the
contribution of leadership to community strength is more usefully analysed in terms of
processes or patterns of behaviour and of ways in which these relate to the particular
situations confronting individuals, groups and communities.
Whilst formally designated leaders can contribute to community strength or perhaps fail to do
so, opportunities for leadership are not necessarily confined to formally designated leaders. In
general, the more widely the members of the community contribute to the positive processes
listed above, the stronger the community is likely to be.Without neglecting the influence of
formally designated leaders, indicators of leadership should assess the degree to which such
positive processes are evident. Levels of peoples confidence in leaders are also important.
Social and institutional capitalStructures that govern or enhance processes
Mechanisms for managing community conflict
Disagreements are inevitable in a community in which people are interested in what is
happening. Disagreements can be a sign of the vitality of a community, of the development of
ideas and processes. However, mechanisms need to be in place to manage disagreement so that
it does not develop into disruptive or destructive conflict. This indicator, then, deals with the
presence of mechanisms to manage community conflict, the willingness to manage conflicts,
and the applicability of those mechanisms.
Conflicts may emerge over leadership or over the ways in which people are dealing with issues.
Sometimes conflicts occur over interests, short-term and long-term. The presence of deep-seated
conflict in a community may be a sign of the weakness of that community.Whether a
community is engaged successfully in managing the conflict is more important than the
initial presence of conflict.
All types of communities, both geographical and communities of interest, may experience
conflict that requires appropriate management. The mechanisms for managing conflict may
vary considerably from one type of community to another.
Conflicts can be managed in various ways. It is important that conflicts are generally managed
in ways that the members of the community feel are just and fair. Coercion in solving conflicts
is generally seen in the Australian community as a method of last resort. However, people vary
considerably in the extent to which they see coercion as appropriate in the solving of
problems. Some people prefer more authoritarian leadership than do others.
Onyx and Bullen (1997) ask two questions in relation to this area:
1. If you disagreed with what everyone else agreed on, would you feel free to speak out?
2. If you have a dispute with your neighbours (eg over fences or dogs) are you willing to
seek mediation?
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
Neither of these questions deals adequately with the presence of means of managing conflict.
The first is an indicator of the sense of freedom of speech in the face of conflict. The second
measures peoples willingness to use a particular means for overcoming disputes.
Krishna and Shrader (1999) do have a major section on conflict and its resolution in their Social
Capital Assessment Tool. Several questions measure peoples attitudes to the relative amount of
peace or conflict in the community. Only the final question in the set deals with mechanisms
for resolving conflict; but it fails to ask how adequate these mechanisms are. Indeed, the
question virtually forces the respondent to choose the category of person(s) most likely to
manage the conflict rather than rating the effectiveness of various officials or organisations
in dealing with conflict.
No answer
The same
No answer
No answer
More harmonious
The same
Social and institutional capitalStructures that govern or enhance processes
Mechanisms for managing community conflict
Less harmonious
No answer
5. Suppose two people in this village/neighbourhood had a fairly serious dispute with each
other.Who do you think would help manage the dispute?
Family/household members
Community leaders
Religious leaders
Judicial leaders
No answer
In contemporary Australian society it would be more helpful to ask people about their levels of
confidence in the various mechanisms for resolving conflict.
How much confidence do you have in the following mechanisms for managing conflicts
which may emerge in your community?
Local council
Legal system
Democratic processes
In the groups, associations or organisations in which you are involved, are there means of
resolving conflicts if they occur?
How high is the degree of harmony in the groups, associations or organisations in which
you are involved?
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
The problem with these questions is that the responses may be quite different for the various
groups, associations and organisations in which people are involved. Ideally, one would ask
about each group separately.
Community strength is shown in a communitys ability to manage conflicts in ways people
feel are fair and just, which unite people rather than dividing them. Usually coercive means
of resolution will divide rather than unite.
At the base of community strength is democracy, whereby leaders stand accountable to the
members of a community. However, there are also various other means whereby community
conflicts may be managed. In measuring community strength, it is important to ask about
the level of conflict and how satisfactory are the means available to the community for
managing conflict.
Indicators related to outcomes
2. produced economic capitalthe economic life of the community, employment and income
levels, and the development of infrastructure;
3. human capitaleducation and skill levels of the people in the community, and their
capacity to contribute to the life of the community; and
4. social and institutional capitalsocial and civic participation, levels of trust and reciprocity,
sense of community and self-reliance.
Thus, it refers to the feedback loops that are part of the processes of strengthening community,
strengthening the resources through which further enhancement of community life can occur.
Community strength was defined in Part 1 as the extent to which resources and processes
within a community maintain and enhance both individual and collective wellbeing in ways
consistent with the principles of equity, comprehensiveness, participation, self-reliance and
social responsibility.
While principles of equity and participation imply that individuals and communities should
have a part in determining what constitutes their wellbeing, a number of aspects of wellbeing
can be identified. Part 1 noted that there were seven primary aspects of wellbeing which had
been shown to have a significant relationship with satisfaction with life overall. These are:
1. material wellbeing
2. health
3. productivity
4. safety
5. place in community
6. emotional wellbeing
7. intimacy.
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
To these might be added issues of spirituality, meaning or purpose, and others to do with
wisdom, beauty, creativity and the enjoyment of life.
An examination of outcomes is relevant to the assessment of strength in all types of community.
However, for communities that are constituted by a specific task, function or interest, attention
is likely to be focused primarily on desired outcomes relating to those tasks, functions or
interests. In other words, people may be involved in different communities in order to
achieve the outcomes they desire. They may not expect any one community to fulfil all
desired outcomes.
That also applies to specific local communities. People do not expect every hamlet to have a
fully-equipped hospital although they might expect reasonable access to one. Nevertheless,
all geographical communities should be both enhancing those resources that strengthen
community life and seeking outcomes in all the areas of wellbeing listed above.
However, the links between resources, processes and particular outcomes are not always
evident. The fact that resources exist does not mean that resources are being effectively used to
maintain and enhance both individual and collective wellbeing. Resources may be lying idle or
being used for other purposes. It is quite possible for there to be adequate resources in one
area of the communitys life, and yet, because of inadequacies in leadership, for example, those
resources are not used effectively. Therefore, the examination of resources is not sufficient for
the assessment of community strength.
Neither resources nor processes guarantee that desired outcomes are being achieved. For
example, the fact that a school is educating children does not guarantee that educated people
will be the final result. Or the fact that there is a police force does not necessarily ensure that
people feel safe and that levels of crime are low.
At the same time, outcomes alone are not adequate for measuring community strength.
Although it is common to focus on the achievement of outcomes such as crime reduction or
decreased unemployment, outcomes may result from influences outside the community. For
example, the fact that a business decides to establish a new plant in a particular location may
not be directly due to the strength of the community in that locality. In other words, outcomes
cannot be relied upon exclusively to indicate the strength of community.
Ideally, the assessment of community strength should take account of resources, processes and
outcomes. Examining outcomes may be particularly useful for scanning communities and
identifying communities weak in particular ways. If communities are achieving a wide range of
Indicators related to outcomes
desirable outcomes, then one may assume that there is some strength there. However, in order
to pin-point the problems in a weaker community, examination of resources and processes
may be required.
Further, changes in the levels of outcomes may provide a way of comparing a community at
two different times. Changes in levels of outcomes may indicate that overall levels of strength
are increasing or decreasing. Such comparisons would be particularly useful to determine
whether a particular program has been effective. To determine why a program has or has not
been effective, it may be helpful to examine resources and processes.
employment levels;
income levels;
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
tolerance of diversity;
sense of community;
The detailed discussion of the relevant indicators is found in the specific sections dealing with
the above topics.
At one level, wellbeing of individuals is appropriately assessed by asking people how satisfied
they are with various aspects of their life. Such assessments may be considered measures of
subjective wellbeing. A simple survey, asking individuals how satisfied they are with these
aspects of life has been used to do this (see Cummins et al. 1994):
4. How satisfied are you in your close relationships with family or friends?
6. How satisfied are you in doing things with people outside your home?
This survey relates to the areas of wellbeing that have a major impact on peoples overall sense
of wellbeing, namely:
material wellbeing
Indicators related to outcomes
emotional wellbeing
The survey, developed by Robert Cummins, at Deakin University, Melbourne, has been shown to
have a high level of validity, and the various items explain a large portion of the response to an
overall question about how satisfied people feel about life. As noted in Part 1 of this report,
some other areas of wellbeing could be considered such as wisdom, creativity and recreation.
However, while the responses may reflect the strength of community life to some extent, it has
been noted that a major influence on the responses to these questions is personality. Extrovert
people and people with low levels of neuroticism and of psychosis tend to respond more
positively. There is also a significant homeostatic tendency in the ways people respond. Thus,
when an event in life, such as a serious accident, detracts from the quality of life on a
permanent basis, people return to reporting similar levels of subjective quality of life after just
a few months.
There are many other lists of areas of wellbeing in the literature.While many cover somewhat
similar areas, they use a variety of forms of categorisation. Some deal with a wider range of
social indicators. For example, the integrated system of indicators of quality of life in
Jacksonville, USA (Jacksonville Community Council 2000), includes nine major elements:
While the Jacksonville list is useable, and well-suited to its situation, the categories used by
Cummins have applicability to a wider variety of situations and reflect more general categories
of wellbeing. On the other hand, they tend to be more individual in emphasis. As was argued
in Part 1, assessment of collective wellbeing on each of Cummins dimensions is also needed.
In terms of the attempt to measure the strength of community life, measures of objective
criteria may be more helpful, and may certainly be more reliable in terms of indicators of
change. Some useful measures may be:
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
In the area of material wellbeing, a commonly used indicator is the proportion of people who
have incomes below the poverty line. Discussion of what is the appropriate poverty line and
how it should be measured is beyond the scope of this report. Recognising that there are some
disagreements here, there are also some widely accepted standards.
proportions of households which are not connected with power or water supplies.
proportions of the community dying from particular causes, such as heart disease, or death
from drugs (different diseases being indicative of different problems or weaknesses in
community life);
Again, much work has gone into the development of appropriate indicators which is beyond
the province of this report to consider. It should, however, be noted that changes in the
proportions of a community experiencing certain health problems may not be directly related
to community strength. An epidemic may move through a strong community.Yet, many health
issues have a community component.
Indicators related to outcomes
In relation to safety:
proportions of the community experiencing crimetaking into account the various types
of crime.
In relation to health:
proportions of the community on waiting lists for nursing home care; and
In relation to productivity:
proportions of the community searching for employment, including those who wish to
change their employment; and
In relation to safety:
proportions of the community approaching police with concerns about crime or safety.
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
proportions of the community involved in applications to the family courts for resolution of
family conflict.
While these indicators would measure unmet demands, they have several weaknesses as
indicators of community strength. They are dependent on a range of factors, apart from levels
of demand, including the levels of service that are available. The levels of demand can change
through publicity or changes in public awareness, apart from changes in the needs of people.
At the same time, levels of demand in any particular community may depend on the
expectations of that community. For example, someone in a small town may not expect to find
nursing home care or specialist medical help available within that town, but would expect to
find it in a larger regional centre. In some cases, people will move to the community where
they find the services that they want. Thus, elderly people may move out of smaller rural
towns into larger regional centres to find the level of health care that they desire. On the other
hand, some people on low incomes may move to small towns in which housing is cheap and
readily available.
Assessment of the strength of a community must include attention to the outliers and to
specific needs, but should also take into account overall patterns of enhancement or decline.
In relation to peoples incomes, for example, it will be appropriate to look not only at the mean,
but also at the variance, at the differences in income between the lowest 10 per cent of the
population and the highest 10 per cent of the population. It is possible, for example, for the
mean to be increased by large increases at the top while incomes or other aspects of living
standard decline for those sectors of the community receiving the lowest incomes.
While this approach has much to commend it, a specific problem is that people may have quite
different objectives and desires. One might suggest an optimum level of wellbeing, for example
in the form of owning ones four-bedroom home, having 38 hours of work per week and
receiving pay for that work at a certain rate. But not everyone wishes to be employed that
number of hours per week, or to own a large home. One might measure the value of homes in
a community as a measure of the communitys strength, but not everyone wants a larger home
or sees that as a sign of community strength. Not everyone feels that it is in the communitys
interests if the levels of income climb, especially if higher levels of income means less time for
Indicators related to outcomes
activities apart from paid work. Consumption of energy may indicate a wealthier community,
but ecological concerns indicate that a lowering of the consumption of energy may be a better
indicator of community sustainability.
Thus, the following indicators might be used, but interpretation should proceed with caution.
average income, and range of incomes. Gini coefficients are widely used to indicate the
equality of income distribution (Department of Family and Community Services 1999, p. 38);
affordability of a home for a single family (but note that average private rental and average
mortgage payments, social indicators often used, may indicate the age profile and other
demographic characteristics of occupiers rather than the nature of community life)
(Department of Family and Community Services 1999, p. 43).
In relation to health:
life expectancy;
In relation to productivity:
proportion of the community with particular levels of formal education, from basic literacy
and numeracy to tertiary degrees.
In relation to safety:
proportion of the community using public spaces and public transport; and
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
attendance at cultural performances and sporting events per 1000 people; and
In the various areas of wellbeing,more is not necessarily better in the minds of members of
communities. Abraham Maslow (1954) suggested that there is a universal hierarchy of needs,
with physiological needs at the most basic level in the hierarchy, followed progressively by
needs for safety, belonging, esteem and self-actualisation. According to Maslow, an adequate
level of satisfaction of a given need submerges it and activates the next higher need in the
hierarchy. The universal character of this proposed hierarchy has been challenged.Yet, for
most people, something of a hierarchy in needs works so that attention moves from one area
of life to another.
The use of averages in the areas described above could be used to track changes in a
community. In many cases, the causes of changes, and whether those changes constitute a
threat to strength of the community would need to examined using other information, including
the levels of satisfaction the members of the community report in relation to the specific
aspects of wellbeing.
The SEIFA (Socio-Economic Indicators for Areas) scales developed by the ABS provide an
aggregated measure of socioeconomic level. The five scales are based on Census data and
reflect factors such as income, formal educational level, unemployment, and occupation. Some
scales have been designed to account more for rural factors and others more for urban factors.
Because they include information on income and employment, they reflect some aspects of the
material wellbeing of the people in the area. They do not reflect all areas of wealth, however, in
as far as they include no direct measure of accumulated financial assets. Nor do they contain
any measure of the availability of services (Department of Family and Community Services
1999, p. 65). They do not reflect other aspects of wellbeing such as health, safety, community
participation, intimacy or emotional wellbeing. Thus, the SEIFA scales provide one indicator of
the material wellbeing and human capital of a community. They have the advantage that they
are available for geographical communities down to collectors districts of around 200 houses.
Many aspects of wellbeing vary independently of each other. For example, social participation is
not necessarily lower among people with lower incomes. No one measure will be able to
reflect the variety of aspects of wellbeing, and those aspects of wellbeing important to some
may be less important to others. Any attempt to measure the wellbeing of a community should
include measures of the various aspects of wellbeing.
Indicators related to outcomes
While the various aspects of wellbeing should be considered independently of each other, it is
also important to consider outcomes in a comprehensive way. It may be that outcomes have
been achieved in one area of wellbeing at the expense of other areas. For example, low levels
of unemployment might be achieved by reducing wages, leading to a general reduction in the
standard of living. Lower crime might be achieved by increased coercion on the part of the
police, in turn reducing freedom and trust. As outcomes are considered as a group, so wellbeing
as a whole can be kept in focus.
Outcome indicators are useful for scanning communities and drawing attention to changing
conditions or circumstances in which there are particular needs. They may also be used
comparatively and can be used in all types of geographical community. However, these
indicators do not necessarily indicate weakness in community resources and processes.
They may indicate that there have been changes in external factors to which communities
will need to adjust.
The basic indicators of experiences of problems in one or other area of wellbeing are helpful,
but are not sufficient to indicate either the full level of change occurring in wellbeing or the
causes of the change. The indicators which measure average levels of wellbeing from a positive
perspective are also useful, but need careful interpretation in so far as the members of any
particular community may not consider that more necessarily means better.Needs or
demands based indicators are also useful in drawing attention to unfulfilled demands in a
community, but are subject to variation in the expectations of people.Satisfaction indicators
measure peoples levels of satisfaction, but these reflect personality more than they reflect
changes occurring in communities.
All types of outcome indicators have their advantages and disadvantages. Thus, one should not
rely exclusively on any one type, but use a variety of indicators to counterbalance each other
and to provide the fullest picture. It should also be recognised that changes in outcome
indicators are not necessarily indicative of changes in community strength. Any particular
indicator may be affected by a variety of factors, such as changes in demographics and changes
in external forces and conditions. Further investigation using other indicators of levels of
resources and the adequacy of processes would be necessary to fill out the picture and to
indicate whether, in fact, there have been changes in community strength.
Further general considerations in choosing and using indicators
4.1 Validity
Indicators should be measures of what they claim to measure. To achieve face validity, an
indicator must be shown to be a logically appropriate measure. In this report, the validity of
particular indicators has been considered primarily in terms of face validity. Because community
strength is multi-faceted, no one indicator can adequately assess it. Further empirically grounded
research may show that some elements of community strength are more important for the
achievement of some particular outcomes than for others. In the on-going refinement of
specific indicators, additional technical tests of validity can be applied both to individual
indicators and to suites of indicators. These tests should examine how well the indicators
perform in relation to the following criteria:
Predictive validity: does the indicator enable the prediction of some other characteristic
that it should theoretically be able to predict.
Convergent validity: where there is more than one indicator for a particular aspect of
community strength, are the conclusions drawn using one indicator similar to those drawn
using another.
Discriminant validity: where indicators are assessing variables that are theoretically
unrelated, are the assessments actually unrelated.
Some of these tests have been applied to a few of the scales for measuring sense of
community. Most other indicators of social and institutional capital have not yet been subject
to such rigorous testing.
4.2 Reliability
Indicators should be capable of measuring over a period of time and in different circumstances
and producing results that are comparable over time and space. There are various means by
which the reliability of an indicator can be judged:
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
4.4 Simplicity
Indicators should be as simple as possible without endangering validity and reliability. In
general, the less complex an indicator the easier it is for people both to understand it and to
use it. This is especially important if communities intend to gather or analyse data or if the
results of data gathering and analysis are to be presented to communities. The indicators
considered in earlier parts of this report would be understandable in most Australian
communities although some particular terms such as social capital would need to be
expressed in everyday language.
4.5 Comprehensiveness
Within the constraints imposed by time and available resources, this report has endeavoured
to be as comprehensive as possible in covering various facets of community strength and
outcomes. One reason for this is to review the range of options available to FaCS for assessing
community strength and monitoring the outcomes of policies designed to enhance the strength
of communities.
Nevertheless, Cobb and Rixford (1998, p. 18) state that Comprehensiveness may be the enemy
of effectiveness. In expounding on this remark, they argue that:
Further general considerations in choosing and using indicators
A narrow range of indicators is more powerful than a laundry list. Historically, the most
powerful indicators work has focused on a single issue. It has moved people to look beyond
the most obvious features of a situation and to ask deeper questions than before. If an
indicators project emphasises more than two or three indicator categories, that is unlikely
to happen. It is natural to explore all of the facets of society by using many indicators to
paint a detailed picture. However, it is more effective to find a few insightful and compelling
indicators that represent that complex whole.
It is worth noting that one of the authors of those words (Cobb) played a major part in the
development of the original version of the Genuine Progress Indicator (GPI), which is
intended to supplement or replace Gross Domestic Product (GDP) as a measure of economic
performance and societal wellbeing. As a summary statistic, the GPI gives no indication as to
which aspects of economic performance and societal wellbeing are improving and which are
deteriorating. Summary statistics such as the GPI need to be disaggregated before one can draw
useful conclusions for public policy. In other words, information on sub-indicators is needed,
both to calculate the GPI and to interpret its significance.
Cobb and Rixford rightly warn against the dangers of adopting a laundry list of social indicators
without an adequate model of how they are causally interrelated. Although such models might
not include every significant element of a particular situation, the more they identify the most
salient elements, the more useful they will be.
By comparing the situation before and after, indicators of resources, processes and outcomes
can also be used to assess the effects of policies or programs. However, one needs to be alert
to the possibility that some events might be the outcome of factors other than a particular
policy initiative.
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
on economic and social variables related to regionally defined communities. However, this
database currently contains information on only a relatively small number of the indicators
considered in Part 3 of the report.
In addition, the ABS conducts occasional surveys on particular issues that are relevant to the
assessment of community strength and outcomes. Examples include the following:
Because of the developmental work that has gone into these surveys, they are potentially useful
for the design of particular survey items and for providing national data to which information
from a particular community could be compared. However, the sample sizes for ABSs
specialised surveys are generally too small to yield data about particular communities, whether
defined in terms of locality or interest. In some cases the data could be analysed in terms of
broad types of communities.
Another potential source of data is the administrative records of agencies such as FaCS,
Centrelink, the Department of Health and Aged Care, and Commonwealth, State and Territory
law enforcement agencies. These and other organisations hold databanks pertinent to some of
the outcomes discussed in Part 3.Various natural resource management agencies hold data
about some aspects of natural capital. Likewise, various financial agencies hold data about
produced economic capital and other aspects of economic activity.
Further general considerations in choosing and using indicators
whether contacted local member of Parliament either by phone, mail or face-to-face; and
in a public meeting, if you disagree on what everyone else agrees on, do you feel free to
speak out?
experiences of crime;
beliefs about personal safety when walking alone in local area after dark;
level of trust in political parties, politicians, police & public servants to act for the
public good; and
Tolerance of diversity
The identification and analysis of indicators of community strength and outcomes
The above list includes some but not all of the indicators and issues discussed in Part 3 of this
report. If the ABS includes all or most of the above items in the GSS, this will provide a
representative picture of many aspects of social capital in Australia. Questions about
employment, income, housing, transport, health, education, financial security and total value
of assets are also being considered for inclusion in the GSS. If the sample from which GSS data
are drawn is randomly chosen and sufficiently large, it should be possible to draw conclusions
about differences between metropolitan and non-metropolitan regions, and between some
particular sub-categories of the Australian population. However, the GSS will be a survey, not a
Census. It will not provide data on each community of locality and each community of interest
in Australia. It will nevertheless provide a series of profiles to which particular communities
can be compared.
In other words, communities work in various ways.While there is a level at which all
communities need social interaction in which there are qualities of trust, reciprocity and
tolerance, and all communities need leadership, the ways in which these qualities are
developed within communities and the forms of expression they take will vary greatly from
one community to another.
Further general considerations in choosing and using indicators
systems, on the transparency and accountability of the organisations, industries and forms
of governance. How people relate to strangers is often more significant for the quality of
community than is how they relate to neighbours.
This report has identified major, general aspects of community life that contribute to its
strength. Just as a water supply is necessary to a community but an ever-increasing abundance
may not be necessary, so some of the factors identified as contributing to the strength of
community may be necessary but an oversupply may not result in ever-increasing strength.
Flora and Flora (2000), for example, argue that some forms of social capital can be too strong
when developed at the expense of other desirable qualities. Forms of social capital which cut
groups off from other groups, or which insulate communities from new ideas and new inputs,
may detract from community strength. In practice, many factors balance each other, such as
shared norms and tolerance of differences. The ideal balance may be different in different
types of communities.
More empirical work is needed to identify how the factors relate to each other, and which
factors contribute most significantly to the quality of life in particular types of communities.
We hope that this report will provide a resource for such further research and will provide a
basis for further reflection on what is desired in community life. In such ways, we hope that
the report ultimately contributes to the strengthening of communities.
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