4 1 Understand the techniques to hack web servers and tools for it.
Specific outcomes:
Definition of ethical hacking, Malicious software Viruses, Worms, Trojans programs, Spyware,
Adware, protection methods, Network and system attacks - Denial of Service (DoS), Distributed Denial
of Service (DDoS), Buffer overflow, Ping of death, Session Hijacking, Brute force attack, Man-in-the-
middle, Dictionary attack, Replay attack
MODULE II: Hacking Techniques
Footprinting - Web tools are used for footprinting, Competitive intelligence, Other footprinting
tools, DNS zone transfer - Social engineering - Shoulder surfing, Dumpster diving, Piggy backing - Port
scanning - Types of port scans, Port scanning tools - Nmap, Unicornscan, Nessus and OpenVAS - Ping
sweeps - Crafting IP packets
Windows OS vulnerabilities - Windows file system, Windows RPC, NetBIOS, Server Message
Block, common Internet File System, Null sessions, Web Services, Buffer overflows, Windows passwords
and authentication, Tools for identifying Windows vulnerabilities, Hardening Windows systems
Linux OS vulnerabilities - Tools for identifying Linux vulnerabilities, Countermeasures against
Linux attacks
Web server hacking - Web applications and their components - Web application vulnerabilities
and countermeasures - Tools for web attackers and hackers
Wireless hacking - Wireless network technology - Components of a wireless network
Wardriving - Tools for wireless hacking - Countermeasures against wireless attacks
1.Hands-On Ethical Hacking and Network Defence - Simpson Michael, Backman Kent ,Corley James-
1. Official Certified Ethical Hacker Review Guide - DeFino Steven, Kaufman Barry, Valenteen Nick-
Cengage Learning--2009
2. The Basics of Hacking and Penetration Testing: Patrick Engebret-sonyngress Media-2011.