Credit Finals A2016 Reviewer 2
Credit Finals A2016 Reviewer 2
Credit Finals A2016 Reviewer 2
A2016 Prof. Hector de Leon, Jr.
Apo Espaola
Carlos Marin
Definition of bailment
Delivery of property of one person to another in trust
for a specific purpose, with a contract, express or
implied, that the trust shall be faithfully executed and
the property returned or duly accounted for when the
special purpose is accomplished or kept until the
bailor reclaims it.
via de Leon Sr. & de Leon Jr.
1. Definition 1. Concept
A R T . 1 9 3 3, C C A R T . 1 9 3 5, C C
By the contract of loan, one of the parties delivers to The bailee in commodatum acquires the use of the
another, either something not consumable so that the thing loaned but not its fruits; if any compensation is
latter may use the same for a certain time and return to be paid by him who acquires the use, the contract
it, in which case the contract is called a commodatum; ceases to be a commodatum. (1941a)
or money or other consumable thing, upon the
condition that the same amount of the same kind and Requisites of commodatum
quality shall be paid, in which case the contract is 1. The thing given is non-consumable;
simply called a loan or mutuum. 2. The thing is given for the borrowers use; and
Commodatum is essentially gratuitous. 3. The borrower must return the thing after the
Simple loan may be gratuitous or with a period given or the purpose of the loan achieved.
stipulation to pay interest.
In commodatum the bailor retains the ownership 2. Characteristics
of the thing loaned, while in simple loan, ownership
passes to the borrower. (1740a) Characteristics of commodatum (RUNP IG)
1. Real
A loan is a contract whereby a thing owned by one person is 2. Unilateral
delivered to another, with the obligation that the latter should 3. Nominate
return it. 4. Principal
5. Personal*
2. Types 6. Informal
7. Gratuitous
Kinds of loan compared
Commodatum Mutuum a. Real
Thing Non-consumable,
delivered in general A R T . 1 3 1 6, C C
Mutuus, meaning Real contracts, such as deposit, pledge and
Origin of
Commodare borrow; mutare, commodatum, are not perfected until the delivery of
meaning change the object of the obligation. (n)
Borrower may use Borrower may consume
Effect of
the thing (contract the thing (contract of A R T . 1 9 3 4, C C
of use) consumption) An accepted promise to deliver something by way of
Borrowers Return a thing of same commodatum or simple loan is binding upon the
Return the
obligation at kind or quality, or the parties, but the commodatum or simple loan itself
identical thing
termination value of the thing shall not be perfected until the delivery of the object
of the contract. (n)
3. Distinguished from other
contracts A contract of loan is thus a real contract, perfected upon delivery
of the subject matter (as opposed to a consensual contract,
Loans compared to other contracts whereby a simple meeting of the minds between the parties
Lease Commodatum perfects the contract).
Lessee must pay rent Gratuitous; no compensation
Donation Commodatum Contract to loan vs. perfected contract of loan
Bailor does not transfer An accepted promise to deliver something by way of
Donor transfers ownership ownership; the bailee has the commodatum is thus a contract to loan, which is
obligation to return the thing consensualthat is, perfected by mere consent.
Barter Mutuum Therefore, a contract to loan is enforceable.
Involves the lending of a However, the contract of loan of either
Involves the exchange of a commodatum or mutuum is a real contract. This
fungible thing, with an
non-fungible thing for another means that a contract of commodatum or mutuum is
obligation to return its value,
thing of the same kind, perfected only upon delivery of the subject matter.
or a thing of the same kind,
quantity, and quality
quantity, and quality
Why is delivery essential to perfection?
A R T . 1 9 5 4, C C The nature and purpose of a commodatum is that the
A contract whereby one person transfers the borrower is entitled to the use of the thing. Only when
ownership of non-fungible things to another with the delivery is made does the use of the thing become
obligation on the part of the latter to give things of available to the borrower. Hence, only when delivery
the same kind, quantity, and quality shall be has already been made does the commodatum
considered a barter. become perfected.
f. Informal A R T . 1 9 4 0, C C
A stipulation that the bailee may make use of the
A R T . 1 3 5 8, C C fruits of the thing loaned is valid.
The following must appear in a public document:
(1) Acts and contracts which have for their object the Requisites of valid object of commodatum
creation, transmission, modification or 1. Must fulfill requisites of object of a valid contract
extinguishment of real rights over immovable - Not outside the commerce of men1
property; sales of real property or of an interest - Not impossible2
therein are governed by Articles 1403, No. 2, and - Determinate3
1405; 2. Must be non-consumable
May also be consumable, if only for exhibition or
Summary of rules on form of commodatum displaythat is, if the purpose of the bailees use is
General rule: May be either oral or written not consumption
ground that the bailor owes him something, even from the actual use of the thing
though it may be by reason of expenses. However, the 3. Pay damages for known hidden flaws
bailee has a right of retention for damages mentioned
in Article 1951 (1747a). a. Refund extraordinary expenses for
the preservation of the thing loaned
A R T . 1 9 4 6, C C
The bailor cannot demand the return of the thing A R T . 1 9 4 9, C C
loaned till after the expiration of the period stipulated, The bailor shall refund the extraordinary expenses
or after the accomplishment of the use for which the during the contract for the preservation of the thing
commodatum has been constituted. However, if in the loaned, provided the bailee brings the same to the
meantime, he should have urgent need of the thing, knowledge of the bailor before incurring them, except
he may demand the return or temporary use. when they are so urgent that the reply to the
In case of temporary use by the bailor, the notification cannot be awaited without danger.
contract of commodatum is suspended while the If the extraordinary expenses arise on the occasion
thing is in the possession of the bailor. (1749a) of the actual use of the thing by the bailee, even
though he acted without fault, they shall be borne
This obligation to essential to commodatum: the obligation to equally by both the bailor and the bailee, unless there
return is part of its definition. Further, failure to return would be a is a stipulation to the contrary. (1751a)
violation of the trust reposed by the bailor in the bailee.
The bailee is required to give notice to the bailor of extraordinary
Breach of this obligation makes the bailee liable for damages, expenses incurred for the preservation of the thing. The decision,
loss as a result of fortuitous event, and even estafa under Art. 315 however, is to be made by the owner of the thing, i.e. the bailor.
There is no required form for the noticeit may be oral or
The general rule is also that the bailee has no right of retention. written. The notice is however not required if the expense to be
incurred is urgent, i.e. if waiting for the response of the bailor
e. Be solidarily liable when there are may endanger the thing or cause its loss.
two or more bailees to whom a thing
is loaned in the same contract b. Refund portion of extraordinary
expenses arising from the actual use
A R T . 1 9 4 5, C C of the thing
When there are two or more bailees to whom a thing
is loaned in the same contract, they are liable Art. 1949, supra
solidarily. (1748a)
Extraordinary expenses for the use of the thing shall be borne by
A R T . 1 2 0 7, C C the bailor and the bailee on a 50-50 basis. This is because the
The concurrence of two or more creditors or of two or bailor is the owner, and the thing will be returned to him, while
more debtors in one and the same obligation does not the bailee has derived benefit from the thing.
imply that each one of the former has a right to
demand, or that each one of the latter is bound to c. Pay damages for known hidden flaws
render, entire compliance with the prestations. There
is a solidary liability only when the obligation A R T . 1 9 5 1, C C
expressly so states, or when the law or the nature of The bailor, who, knowing the flaws of the thing
the obligation requires solidarity. (1137a) loaned, does not advise the bailee of the same, shall
be liable to the latter for the damages which he may
This is not actually an obligation by itself, but only goes to the suffer by reason thereof. (1752)
nature of the liability.
A R T . 1 9 5 2, C C
6. (Possible) obligations of the The bailor cannot exempt himself from the payment
bailor of expenses or damages by abandoning the thing to
the bailee. (n)
These obligations are described as possible, because they only
arise under special circumstances. Requisites for damages to be paid to bailee
1. Flaw must be hidden from bailee
Obligation to respect duration of loan 2. Bailor is aware of the flaw/defect
Pursuant to Art. 1946, the bailor has the obligation to 3. Bailor neglects to advise bailee of flaw/defect
respect the period or purpose for which the 4. Bailee suffers damage due to hidden flaw/defect
commodatum was constituted. The de Leons call this
the primary obligation of the bailor. Though generally a bailee has no right of retention, the
exception is that when he has incurred damages under Art.
1951, he may retain the thing until he has been paid.
Summary of bailors obligations
1. Refund extraordinary expenses for the
preservation of the thing loaned
2. Refund portion of extraordinary expenses arising
A R T . 1 2 8 7, C C Specific to commodatum:
Compensation shall not be proper when one of the 1. Return of the thing
debts arises from a depositum or from the obligations 2. Death of either party
of a depositary or of a bailee in commodatum. As per Art. 1287, compensation
Neither can compensation be set up against a does not apply to commodatum.
creditor who has a claim for support due by gratuitous
title, without prejudice to the provisions of paragraph PAJUYO v. CA (2004)
2 of Article 301. (1200a)
The contract of commodatum is essentially
Facts: Pajuyo allowed Guevarra to stay in his house rent-free with Issue: WON Bagtass estate is liable for the cost of the bull YES
the sole condition that he will vacate upon demand. Upon
demand, however, Guevarra failed to leave. The CA ruled that the Ratio: The case falls under situations 2 and 3 of Art. 1942. [see
agreement was in the nature of a commodatumGuevarra doctrine]
hence had the better right because he was in rightful possession
Issue: WON the contract they entered into was a loan or
commodatumLOAN 1. Concept
Ratio: Being that it was not essentially gratuitous because of the A R T . 1 9 5 3, C C
obligation, it was in the nature of a loan A person who receives a loan of money or any other
fungible thing acquires ownership thereof, and is
QUINTOS v. BECK (1939) bound to pay to the creditor an equal amount of the
same kind and quality. (1753a)
The obligation of the bailee to return the property
of the bailor in a contract of commodatum covers A mutuum is thus a loan for consumption, whereby a transfer of
all of what was lent without exception. Further, ownership occurs.
actual physical return is requireddepositing the
same to a sheriff will constitute breach of the
2. Characteristics
obligation to return. Art. 1934, supra
Facts: Beck rented a house owned by Quintos. The latter
Characteristics of commodatum (RUNPIGO)
gratuitously lent the use of some furniture to Beck. Quintos sold
1. Real
the property and subsequently demanded the return of the
2. Unilateral
furniture. Beck refused to return three gas heaters and
3. Nominate
subsequently deposited the other pieces of property with the
4. Principal
5. Informal
6. May be either gratuitous or onerous
Issue: WON Beck was in breach of his obligation to return the
property of Quintos YES
a. Real
Ratio: Being that the contract entered into was one of
Delivery of the money subject of the mutuum is essential to its
commodatum, the obligation of beck mean that he should return
perfection. However, delivery either actual or constructive: it
all of what was lent to Quintos at the latters residence or house.
need not be actually put in the borrowers hands, e.g. deposit in
the debtors account.
A contract to loan, however, is consensual, perfected by the
While the general rule is that the bailee in a
parties mere consent. It is thus demandable at once.
contract of commodatum will not be liable for the
loss of the thing when it was caused by a b. Unilateral
fortuitous event, he will be liable in such an
instance if: The debtor is the one who is mainly obliged in a mutuum, and
1. The thing is devoted to a purpose not the obligation is to return the equivalent of the amount
contemplated; borrowed.
2. Keeps it longer than the period stipulated/after
the accomplishment of the use for which it was c. Nominate
3. The thing been delivered with an appraisal of It is nominate, because the Civil Code provides a name for it. Yes
its value, unless there is a stipulation that indeed!
exempts the bailee;
4. Lends or leases the thing to a third person who d. Principal
is not a member of his household;
5. If the bailee chooses to save his property It is principal, because it can stand alone as a contract, without
dependence on the existence and/or validity of any other
instead of what was borrowed.
The mutuum is gratuitous if without a stipulated interest, but if 8. Obligations of the debtor
the parties agree upon an interest, then it is onerous.
Summary of obligations of the debtor
3. Essential requisites 1. Pay the creditor an equal amount of the same kind
and quality
a. Consent 2. Pay interest, if stipulated in writing
money, and the debtor incurs in delay, the indemnity nine years shall be valid. (1543a)
for damages, there being no stipulation to the
contrary, shall be the payment of the interest agreed Distinguished from contract of lease
upon, and in the absence of stipulation, the legal Mutuum Contract of lease
interest, which is six per cent per annum. (1108) Delivery of money or Delivery of a non-
some other consumable thing,
BSP CIRCULAR 799, Series of 2013 consumable thing, allowing use for a
Sec. 1. The rate of interest for the loan of any Nature promising to repay certain period, after
forbearance of money, goods, or credits and the rate the equivalent which it must be
allowed in judgments, in the absence of an express amount of the same returned to the owner
contract as to such rate of interest, shall be six kind and quality
percent (6%) per annum. Relation
Obligor and obligee Landlord and tenant
between parties
Summary of rules on interest Nature of Compensation to
Interest on principal Interest on interest Payment to creditor
money received owner of property
General rule None None1
Expressly agreed upon Expressly agreed upon Art. 1954, supra
in writing, then pay: in writing, then pay:
a. Rate stipulated a. Rate stipulated Distinguishing loan from barter
b. Legal interest of b. Legal interest of Loan Barter
6%2 6% MutuumMoney or Non-fungible, non-
Exceptions Object
No stipulation, but There has been judicial other fungible things consumable things
there is delay, then paydemand, then pay 6%, Commodatum Equivalent of the thing
6% interest, computed counted from date of What must
Identical thing must be received must be given
from date of judicial orwhen such demand be returned
returned in return
extrajudicial demand was made Commodatum
via Art. 1959 Gratuitous Onerous, since it is
via BSP Circ. No. 799 Nature
MutuumGratuitous or really a mutual sale
In case of failure to pay interest, the creditor cannot avail of
rescission under Art. 1191, because this applies to reciprocal
obligations, and not to unilateral ones like mutuum. The creditor
may, however, avail of specific performance.
The concession of credit is in the nature of
9. Term & extinguishment granting a loan up to the amount fixed in the
credit granted.
Causes for extinguishment of mutuum
The general rules on extinguishment of obligations Discount Loan
apply. Interest is deducted in Interest is collected at the
1. Payment of the loan; advance from principal sum expiration of the credit
2. Condonation or remission; Always on double-name Generally on single-name
3. Confusion or merger; paper paper
4. Compensation; and
5. Novation. Facts: Concepcion, President of PNB, was charged with a
via Art. 1231 violation of Act No. 2747 for granting credit to his wife. He
argued that the granting of credit was not tantamount to
Loss of the thing does not extinguish the obligation, since there granting a loan.
is no obligation to return the same thing anyway.
Issue: WON the grant of credits is in the nature of granting loans
Who bears the risk of loss and deterioration? YES
The owner bears the risk of loss and deterioration. In
mutuum, a transfer of ownership occurs between the Ratio: To take the position that the granting of credits is not, in
creditor and the debtor, whereby the debtor becomes itself, an act of loaning money to another would defeat the
the owner of the thing borrowed. Thus, the debtor purpose of the law when it enacted safeguards regarding
must bear the risk of loss and deterioration. commercial transactions. In this case what was sought to be
prevented was a conflict of interest.
10. Distinguished from other
contracts GARCIA v. THIO (2007)
Absent written stipulation, the payment of Issue: WON the contract was perfected on the date stipulated in
interest cannot be enforced. their agreement (May 1, 1981) NO
Facts: Garcia would give crossed checks under the name of Ratio: A contract of loan is a real contract; perfected only upon
Santiago to Thio. Thio would then give the checks to Marilou, delivery of the object. The proper date of perfection was when
receive payment from the latter, and remit the amounts due to Roa received the full loan.
Garcia. Upon default in the payments, Garcia filed a case against
Thio. Thio argued that Garcia should proceed against Santiago PRODUCERS BANK v. CA (2003)
because she the money lent was never delivered to her in the
sense that it was never placed at her disposal. When money (or something consumable) is
gratuitously lent without the intent of
Issue: WON Thio is liable for the amounts owed to Garcia YES spending/consuming it, as when it is used for
exhibitions, the contract entered into is one of
Ratio: What they are engaged in is re-lending whereby one party commodatum and not mutuum.
lends to another who then lends it to a third person at higher
interest rates. As applied, delivery was made to Thio when the Facts: Vives deposited 200k in the account of Doronilla in order
checks under the name of Santiago were placed in her to help the latter incorporate her business. Vives attempted to
possession. Also, Thio was the listed creditor of Santiago in the recover the money lent but found out that only 90k remained.
latters insolvency proceedings. Further, the bank refused to release what was left because it was
to answer for several postdated checks. Vives filed an action for
SAURA IMPORT & EXPORT v. DBP (1972) recovery of a sum of money against Doronilla and the bank.
Mutuum contracts are only perfected upon the Issue: WON the contract was of mutuum or commodatum
actual delivery of the object of the contract. Commodatum
Notwithstanding fact that all documentary
requirements have been signed, mutual Ratio: The intent of the parties was not for Doronilla to consume
desistance prior delivery of the object, as signified the money but to keep it in her account for the purpose of
by the acts of the parties, may terminate the satisfying incorporation requirements. Doronillas attempt to
contract. return 212k with the 12k as supposed interest did not convert it
into one of mutuum. Further, the 12k constituted the fruits of the
Facts: Saura, Inc. filed for a loan of 500k from the bank. Despite thing loaned and not interest; in a commodatum the bailee is
the fact that the loan documents were signed and the obliged to return the fruits of the thing to the owner.
accompanying mortgage registered, the parties could not fully
agree as regards it terms. Saura, towards the end, asked the PEOPLE v. PUIG (2008)
bank to cancel the mortgage constituted on its property. As a
result of the failure of the bank to release the amount sought to The relationship between a bank and its clients is
be borrowed, Saura defaulted in its other obligations. Saura then in the nature of debtor and creditor.
sued the bank for damages.
A relationship based on confidence exists between
Issue: WON the contract was validly terminated by the conduct of the bank and its employees, so the latter may be
the partiesYES liable for qualified theft for misappropriating the
money of the bank.
Ratio: Sauras request for the cancellation of the contract and
their failure to initially accuse the bank of breach when their Facts: Bank filed 112 cases of qualified theft against two of its
negotiations turned sour exhibit mutual desistance between the employees for taking various accounts from the money deposited
parties. by its clients. RTC ruled that the elements of qualified were not
present because there was no showing that the amounts were
BPI INVESTMENT CORP. v. CA (2002) taken without the consent of the banks clients, neither was it
alleged that a relationship of confidence present between the
A contract of loan is perfected upon complete bank and its employees (the RTC was of the opinion that the
delivery of the object and not upon the meeting of clients retained ownership of the money).
minds of the parties or when they execute a
written agreement. Being a reciprocal agreement, Issue: WON the employees are liable for qualified theft YES
the creditor cannot demand payment until full
delivery of what the debtor seeks to borrow. Ratio: Under Arts. 1980 and 1953, it is clear that banks acquire
ownership of money deposited by its clients because their
Facts: Roa obtained a loan fron the bank which was re- relationship is governed by the provisions of the civil code on
structuredit contained a stipulation that the payment of simple loans. As such, ownership passes from the clients to the
monthly amortizations would begin on May 1, 1981. However, the bank upon the act of depositing their money. The bank was
bank only released the entirety of the loan on Sept. 1982. Dispute correct in charging its employees with qualified theft.
arose regarding when the contract was perfected for purposes of
determining when Roa should have begun paying the monthly BPI FAMILY BANK v. FRANCO (2007)
The creditor-debtor relationship that exists Allowing the debtor to benefit from the loan
between clients and banks is coupled with an without the accrual of the agreed-upon interest
obligation to pay the former what is owed them by constitutes unjust enrichment.
the latter upon demand. Neither do banks have a
right to unilaterally freeze the assets of its clients Facts: Frias entered into a transaction with San Diego for the sale
on mere suspicion extraordinary diligence in the of her house that provided that the latter will pay 3M to signify
administration and handling of the same. her intent provided that Frias will return the money with interest
should San Diego decide against buying the property within 6
Facts: Franco opened a savings account with BPI that he filled months of such notice. Frias received 2M when San Diego
with money from checks issued by Tevesteco. In turn, the money informed him that she no longer wanted to buy the propertythe
from Tevesteco was sourced from amounts of money debited 2M thus became a loan extended by San Diego to Frias. Frias
from FMICs account. It turned out that the signatures that failed to pay within 6 months and issue arose as regards the
authorized the debiting of money from FMICs account were computation of interest. Frias argued that as per their
forgeries. To protect its interests, the bank placed the account of agreement, interest would only run for the duration of the 6
Franco under garnishment pursuant to an order issued by the month period while San Diego argued that it would continue to
RTC. Franco filed a case against BPI in response to the latters run despite the expiration of the original period given.
failure to unfreeze his account.
Issue: WON the interest continued to accrue after the 6 month
Issue: WON Franco was entitled to the money notwithstanding period given to pay YES
the fact that the manner of its procurement may have been
tainted by fraud YES Ratio: To give merit to Friass contention would create an absurd
situation wherein no additional interest would accrue after the
Ratio: The bank raised the defense that under Art. 599 one who expiration of the 6 month period even if it would take an eternity
has lost a movable or has been unlawfully deprived thereof may for Frias to settle her indebtedness.
proceed against the person who took it. The court found this
contention bereft of merit and held that while the bank owned EASTERN SHIPPING LINES, INC. v. CA (1994)
the money deposited, it did not have the right to retain
possession of it when demand was made. Further, Art. 599 is Court awards are in the nature of forbearances of
inapplicable because it only applies to specific or determinate money and are subject to the legal interest from
things. The bank must bear the cost of its own negligence in not the time of judgment until full payment; the
thoroughly examining the signature of its clients. current legal interest is 6%.
CONCEPCION v. CA (1997) Facts: Eastern Shipping shipped two drums riboflavin one of
which, upon arrival, turned out to be damaged. MIC paid the
A bank may not unilaterally increase interest rates insurance claim of the consignee and was subrogated to the
through escalator clauses absent a showing of a rights of the latter. Dispute arose as regards the liability of the
written stipulation that allows them to do the petitioner and the manner of computation of legal interest.
same and, further, that all the conditions of the
written stipulation have been met. Unless both Issue: WON the damages awarded by the Court are subject to
requisites are met, no mutuality is present legal interest YES
between the parties and such acts will be void.
Ratio: When the judgment of the court awarding a sum of money
Facts: The sps. Concepcion took out a loan from the bank whose becomes final and executory, the rate of legal interest, is 6% per
terms included authorization for the bank to increase the interest annum from such finality until its satisfaction, as it constitutes a
rates in response to any increases that the Central Bank may forbearance upon the finality of the judgment.
make to rediscount rates. Under their contract, the spouses were
also entitled to prior notification of any unilateral increases. The LIGUTAN v. CA (2002)
bank proceeded to increase interest rates on three occasions
without showing cause for the same. Eventually, the spouses The addition of a mortgage to a loan contract
defaulted and the property mortgaged was foreclosed. does not constitute novation because it is only an
accessory contract that attaches to the latter. No
Issue: WON the bank validly increased the interest rates of the incompatibility results therefrom and the parties
loan NO are bound by the terms and conditions of the
earlier contract.
Ratio: Any increase on the interest rate was necessarily
conditioned on previous modifications made by the CB on re- Facts: Petitioners argue that the introduction of a real estate
discount rates. The bank failed to show that any such adjustment mortgage novated their contract of loan and extinguished their
was made. No justification for the increase of the interest rates. liabilities therein.
FRIAS v. SAN DIEGO-SISON (2007) Issue: WON the contract was extinguished because of novation
Interest placed on onerous loans will run from the
moment that the debtor receives the sums Ratio: For an incompatibility to extinguish a contract such must
borrowed until full payment of the principal sum. exist in any of the essential elements of the contract (changing it
Commodatum Mutuum
Loan for
Concept Loan for use
The equivalent
What must be The identical thing
amount of the same
returned loaned
kind and quality
Characteristics Principal
Either gratuitous or
Essentially gratuitous
Consent must be
Consent must be
given by a
given by a
capacitated party.
capacitated party.
Generally, object is
Generally, object
either money or a
Essential must be a non-
fungible thing.
requisites consumable thing.
The cause is either
The cause is
liberality or payment
of interest.
Delivery is essential
Delivery is essential
for perfection.
for perfection.
Lender should have
No transfer of
Parties capacity to transfer
Either oral or written,
Form Either oral or written but interest should
be written
Debtor bears risk of
Risk of loss Bailor bears risk of
loss, because of
(general rule) loss
Not extinguished by
Extinguishment Extinguished by loss
A. INTRO DUCTIO N A R T . 1 9 6 3, C C
An agreement to constitute a deposit is binding, but
1. Definition the deposit itself is not perfected until the delivery of
the thing. (n)
A R T . 1 9 6 2, C C
A deposit is constituted from the moment a person The contract of deposit is perfected upon the delivery of the
receives a thing belonging to another, with the thing, but a contract of future deposit or contract to deposit is
obligation of safely keeping it and of returning the perfected by mere consent. The nature and primary obligation is
same. If the safekeeping of the thing delivered is not that a thing must be keptwithout delivery, this nature cannot
the principal purpose of the contract, there is no be satisfied.
deposit but some other contract. (1758a)
b. Unilateral or bilateral
In a deposit, one person receives something belonging to
another, with the obligations to safely keep and return it. It is unilateral if no compensation has been paid to the
depositary, and bilateral if compensation has been paid.
2. Types
c. Principal
A R T . 1 9 6 4, C C
A deposit may be constituted judicially or A voluntary deposit is principal, not dependent on another
extrajudicially. (1759) contract.
A R T . 1 9 6 7, C C d. Informal
An extrajudicial deposit is either voluntary or
necessary. (1762) A R T . 1 9 6 9, C C
A contract of deposit may be entered into orally or in
Kinds of deposit writing. (n)
1. ExtrajudicialNo court intervention
a. Voluntary It may be constituted either orally or in writing.
b. Necessary
2. JudicialCourt intervention e. Nominate
B. VO LUNTARY DEPO SIT It is nominate because the Civil Code said so. Yes indeed!
A R T . 1 9 6 8, C C A R T . 1 9 6 5, C C
A voluntary deposit is that wherein the delivery is A deposit is a gratuitous contract, except when there
made by the will of the depositor. A deposit may also is an agreement to the contrary, or unless the
be made by two or more persons each of whom depositary is engaged in the business of storing
believes himself entitled to the thing deposited with a goods. (1760a)
third person, who shall deliver it in a proper case to
the one to whom it belongs. (1763) Summary of rules on whether onerous/gratuitous
General rule: Gratuitous
Deposit and credit Exceptions: Onerous in cases of
A voluntary deposit involves a relationship of trust, 1. Contrary stipulation
which takes into account the depositarys personal 2. Depositary engaged in business of storing goods
quality of trustworthiness. It is a contract of 3. Property was saved from destruction, without the
confidence. knowledge of the ownerThe owner is bound to
pay the depositary just compensation
2. Characteristics 3. Essential requisites
Characteristics of voluntary deposit (RUBPINGO) a. Consent
1. Real
2. Either unilateral or bilateral A R T . 1 9 7 0, C C
3. Principal If a person having capacity to contract accepts a
4. Informal deposit made by one who is incapacitated, the former
5. Nominate shall be subject to all the obligations of a depositary,
6. Either gratuitous or onerous and may be compelled to return the thing by the
guardian, or administrator of the person who made
a. Real the deposit, or by the latter himself if he should
acquire capacity. (1764)
Art. 1316, supra
A R T . 1 9 7 1, C C d. Delivery
If the deposit has been made by a capacitated person
with another who is not, the depositor shall only have Deposit being a real contract, delivery is an essential requisite to
an action to recover the thing deposited while it is still its perfection.
in the possession of the depositary, or to compel the
latter to pay him the amount by which he may be 4. Parties
enriched or benefited himself with the thing or its See also discussion on consent as an essential requisite.
price. However if a third person who acquired the
thing acted in bad faith, the depositor may bring an Characteristics of the parties to a deposit
action against him for its recovery. (1765a) Depositor Depositary
Makes the deposit Receives thing in deposit
A R T . 1 9 8 6, C C
Not required to be the owner May not transfer the deposit
If the depositor should lose his capacity to contract
of the thing deposited, since to third persons2
after having made the deposit, the thing cannot be
deposit does not transfer
returned except to the persons who may have the
administration of his property and rights. (1773)
Not required that the
depositor prove his ownership
Rules on incapacity of parties to deposit
of the thing to the depositary1
Incapacity Effect 1
via Art. 1984
Return must be made to: 2
via Art. 1973
- The depositarys guardian/administrator
does not have
- Depositor himself, once he acquires/regains 5. Obligations of the depositary
- If thing is still in depositarys possession, the Summary of obligations of the depositary
depositor may recover it A. Keep the thing
- If thing is in the possession of another who - Safely keep the thing
Depositary has acquired it in good faith, then the
- Not to transfer the deposit
does not have depositor may recover the thing deposited
- Not to change way of deposit
capacity AND be paid the amount by which the
- Collect interest on choses in action
depositary has been enriched
- Not to commingle things, if so stipulated
- If third person has acquired it in bad faith,
then the depositor may recover it
B. Not to use the thing, unless authorized
Either one
incapacitated Contract is voidable
C. Return the thing
at perfection
- Return the thing closed and sealed
- Return the thing with its products,
incapacitated Contract is unenforceable
accessories, and accessions
at perfection
A R T . 1 9 6 6, C C
Safely keep the thing
Only movable things may be the object of a deposit.
A R T . 1 9 7 2, C C
The depositary is obliged to keep the thing safely and
to return it, when required, to the depositor, or to his
Only movables may be the object of extrajudicial deposit,
heirs and successors, or to the person who may have
whether voluntary or necessary. However, other forms of deposit,
been designated in the contract. His responsibility,
i.e. judicial deposit, may cover both movable and immovable
with regard to the safekeeping and the loss of the
thing, shall be governed by the provisions of Title I of
this Book.
Art. 1966, however, does not cover rights and actions.
If the deposit is gratuitous, this fact shall be taken
into account in determining the degree of care that
c. Cause
the depositary must observe. (1766a)
Art. 1965, supra
The degree of care required of the depositary is the same
The cause for a deposit may be either mere liberality of the diligence that he would exercise over his own property. This is
depositary (if gratuitous) or the payment of compensation (if because deposit is a contract of confidence: the depositor is
onerous). presumed to have chosen the depositary by considering the
latters good faith and trustworthiness.
Not to transfer the deposit In case the depositary is permitted to commingle grain or other
articles, the various depositors of the mingled goods shall own
A R T . 1 9 7 3, C C the entire mass in common. Each of them shall be entitled to the
Unless there is a stipulation to the contrary, the portion of the entire mass corresponding to their share, i.e. the
depositary cannot deposit the thing with a third amount they deposited.
person. If deposit with a third person is allowed, the
depositary is liable for the loss if he deposited the If there is stipulation that prohibits commingling, the depositary
thing with a person who is manifestly careless or unfit. cannot commingle goods, even if they are of the same kind and
The depositary is responsible for the negligence of his quality.
employees. (n)
b. Not to use the thing, unless
The depositary is not allowed to deposit the thing with a third authorized
person, unless authorized by express stipulation. Unauthorized
transfer would make him liable for damages. A R T . 1 9 7 7, C C
The depositary cannot make use of the thing
Not to change the way of deposit deposited without the express permission of the
A R T . 1 9 7 4, C C Otherwise, he shall be liable for damages.
The depositary may change the way of the deposit if However, when the preservation of the thing
under the circumstances he may reasonably presume deposited requires its use, it must be used only for
that the depositor would consent to the change if he that purpose. (1767a)
knew the facts of the situation. However, before the
depositary may make such change, he shall notify the Summary of rules on use of the thing deposited
depositor thereof and wait for his decision. (n) General rule: Not allowed
The exceptions under the obligation not to change the way of the 1. When stipulated in writing
deposit are: 2. When such use is necessary to the preservation of
1. That there is stipulation allowing it; or the thing
2. The depositor consents, after being notified.
Failure to observe this obligation makes the depositary liable for
When effected without stipulation or depositors consent, the damages.
depositary becomes liable for damages.
A R T . 1 9 7 8, C C
Collect interest on choses in action When the depositary has permission to use the thing
deposited, the contract loses the concept of a deposit
A R T . 1 9 7 5, C C and becomes a loan or commodatum, except where
The depositary holding certificates, bonds, securities, safekeeping is still the principal purpose of the
or instruments which earn interest shall be bound to contract.
collect the latter when it becomes due, and to take The permission shall not be presumed, and its
such steps as may be necessary in order that the existence must be proved. (1768a)
securities may preserve their value and the rights
corresponding to them according to law. Effects if permission to use is given
The above provision shall not apply to contracts Thing deposited Effect
for the rent of safety deposit boxes. (n) Contract loses character of deposit and
Non-consumable becomes commodatum, unless
If the thing deposited earns interest, the depositary is obligated thing safekeeping is still the principal purpose of
to: the contract
1. Collect the interest, and also the capital itself, as it Permission to use results in consumption,
becomes due; and Money or other converting contract into a mutuum
2. Take the necessary steps to preserve the value and consumable thing If safekeeping is still principal purpose of
rights corresponding to the property contract, an irregular deposit results
the full payment of what may be due him by reason of unpaid amounts
the deposit. (1780) 4. Pay fees for deposit
When payment must be made A R T . 1 9 9 2, C C
General rule: Upon demand (given a reasonable time), If the deposit is gratuitous, the depositor is obliged to
regardless of the period agreed upon reimburse the depositary for the expenses he may
have incurred for the preservation of the thing
Exceptions: deposited. (1779a)
1. Judicial attachment
2. Opposition by third person This applies only to gratuitous deposits, because these expenses
3. Right of retention, whereby depositary must be would have been incurred by the depositor had he not made the
compensated first deposit.
Return the thing closed & sealed If the deposit were onerous, the expenses of preservation would
be deemed included in the compensation paid to the depositary.
A R T . 1 9 8 1, C C Such expenses are therefore for his account.
When the thing deposited is delivered closed and
sealed, the depositary must return it in the same The right to reimbursement covers all expenses for preservation,
condition, and he shall be liable for damages should whether ordinary or extraordinary.
the seal or lock be broken through his fault.
Fault on the part of the depositary is presumed A R T . 1 9 9 3, C C
unless there is proof to the contrary. The depositor shall reimburse the depositary for any
As regards the value of the thing deposited, the loss arising from the character of the thing deposited,
statement of the depositor shall be accepted, when unless at the time of the constitution of the deposit
the forcible opening is imputable to the depositary, the former was not aware of, or was not expected to
should there be no proof to the contrary. However, the know the dangerous character of the thing, or unless
courts may pass upon the credibility of the depositor he notified the depositary of the same, or the latter
with respect to the value claimed by him. was aware of it without advice from the depositor. (n)
When the seal or lock is broken, with or without
the depositarys fault, he shall keep the secret of the Exceptions under Art. 1993
deposit. (1769a) In an onerous deposit, the depositor shall reimburse
the depositary for losses arising from the character of
Obligations & liabilities under Art. 1981 the thing, except if:
The depositary has the ff. obligations & liabilities: 1. The depositor was not aware of the things
1. When thing deposited has been delivered closed dangerous character;
and sealed, return it in the same condition; 2. The depositor could not have been expected to
2. Pay for damages should the seal or lock be broken know the things dangerous character;
through his fault, which is presumed unless proven 3. Depositary was notified of such character
otherwise; (assumption of risk);
3. Keep the secret of the deposit when the seal or lock 4. Depositary was aware of such character, even
is broken, whether or not with his fault. without advice from the depositor.
A R T . 1 9 8 2, C C A R T . 1 9 9 4, C C
When it becomes necessary to open a locked box or The depositary may retain the thing in pledge until
receptacle, the depositary is presumed authorized to the full payment of what may be due him by reason of
do so, if the key has been delivered to him; or when the deposit. (1780)
the instructions of the depositor cannot be executed
without opening the box or receptacle. (n) What the depositary is entitled to
The depositary may exercise his right of retention if he
When depositary is justified to open sealed thing has not been paid:
1. Presumed authority Key has been delivered to 1. Reimbursement for necessary expenses; or
him; or 2. Liability for losses (damages).
2. NecessityDepositors wishes cannot be carried
out without opening the sealed thing. 7. Risk of loss and deterioration
them, or to their employees, of the effects brought by liable, regardless of caused by servants, employees, or
the guests and that, on the part of the latter, they take amount of care strangers
the precautions which said hotel-keepers or their exercised Theft by stanger, without use of arms
substitutes advised relative to the care and vigilance and/or irresistible force (due to apparent
of their effects. (1783) negligence)
Force majeure
A R T . 1 9 9 9, C C Roberry with the use of arms/irresistible
The hotel-keeper is liable for the vehicles, animals force
and articles which have been introduced or placed in When not liable Loss due to acts of guests, and their
the annexes of the hotel. (n) family, servants, or visitors
Loss arises from character of things
This kind of deposit is embedded in a contract of lodging. brought into the hotel
Coverage of law on hotel/inn deposits A R T . 2 0 0 4, C C
Travellers personal effects The hotel-keeper has a right to retain the things
Vehicles brought into the hotel by the guest, as a security for
Items covered
Animals credits on account of lodging, and supplies usually
Articles introduced or placed in hotel premises furnished to hotel guests. (n)
Hotel rooms and common areas
Places covered
Hotel annexes, e.g. parking lots This right of retention may be enforced against guests who have
yet to fully pay the fees for the lodging received and amenities
A R T . 2 0 0 0, C C used.
The responsibility referred to in the two preceding
articles shall include the loss of, or injury to the d. Made by passengers with common
personal property of the guests caused by the carriers
servants or employees of the keepers of hotels or inns
as well as strangers; but not that which may proceed A R T . 1 7 5 4, C C
from any force majeure. The fact that travellers are The provisions of Articles 1733 to 17531 shall apply to
constrained to rely on the vigilance of the keeper of the passenger's baggage which is not in his personal
the hotels or inns shall be considered in determining custody or in that of his employee. As to other
the degree of care required of him. (1784a) baggage, the rules in Articles 1998 and 2000 to 2003
concerning the responsibility of hotel-keepers shall be
A R T . 2 0 0 1, C C applicable.
The act of a thief or robber, who has entered the hotel The provisions on common carriers.
is not deemed force majeure, unless it is done with the
use of arms or through an irresistible force. (n) D. SEQUESTRATION/JUDICIAL DEPOSIT
A R T . 2 0 0 2, C C 1. Concept
The hotel-keeper is not liable for compensation if the
loss is due to the acts of the guest, his family, servants A R T . 2 0 0 5, C C
or visitors, or if the loss arises from the character of A judicial deposit or sequestration takes place when
the things brought into the hotel. (n) an attachment or seizure of property in litigation is
ordered. (1785)
A R T . 2 0 0 3, C C
The hotel-keeper cannot free himself from A R T . 2 0 0 9, C C
responsibility by posting notices to the effect that he is As to matters not provided for in this Code, judicial
not liable for the articles brought by the guest. Any sequestration shall be governed by the Rules of Court.
stipulation between the hotel-keeper and the guest (1789)
whereby the responsibility of the former as set forth in
articles 1998 to 2001 is suppressed or diminished Nature and purpose of judicial deposit
shall be void. (n) Judicial deposit is auxiliary to a case pending in court.
It is remedial or procedural in nature; hence, it is
Requisites for liability governed by the Rules of Court. Its purpose is to
1. Hotel/innkeeper must have been previously maintain the status quo during the pendency of the
informed about the effects brought by guests; and litigation, or insure the right of the parties to the
2. Guests have taken the prescribed precautions for property in case of a favorable judgment.
safekeeping their items;
2. Object
Extent of liability
All those who offer lodging for A R T . 2 0 0 6, C C
Who is responsible Movable as well as immovable property may be the
compensation, whatever their character
When hotel-keeper Loss or injury to guests personal property object of sequestration. (1786)
Generally, immovable property is sequestrated, though either May be either onerous or Essentially and always
movables or immovables may be the object of judicial deposit. gratuitous gratuitous
(Extrajudicial deposit) Only Both movable and
3. Obligation of the depositary movable (corporeal) things immovables may be given
may be given
A R T . 2 0 0 8, C C
The depositary of property sequestrated is bound to F. JUDICIAL DEPO SIT vs.
comply, with respect to the same, with all the EXTRAJUDICIAL DEPO SIT
obligations of a good father of a family. (1788)
Distinguishing loan from barter
The depositary is a person appointed by the court. He has the Judicial deposit Extrajudicial deposit
obligation to take care of the property with the diligence of a By the will of the court By the will of the
good father of a family. (no contract) parties (contract)
As security, to secure
Custody and
4. Term & extinguishment the right of a party to
Purpose safekeeping of the
recover in case of a
A R T . 2 0 0 7, C C favorable judgment
The depositary of property or objects sequestrated Either movable or
cannot be relieved of his responsibility until the immovable, though Only movable
Subject matter
controversy which gave rise thereto has come to an generally immovable, property
end, unless the court so orders. (1787a) property
Generally gratuitous,
Always onerous
E. DEPO SIT DISTINGUISHED FRO M Remuneration but may be
O THER CO NTRACTS compensated or not
In behalf of person In behalf of depositor
In whose
1. From mutuum behalf held
who, by the judgment, or third person
has a right designated
A R T . 1 9 8 0, C C
Fixed, savings, and current deposits of money in banks BPI v. IAC (1988)
and similar institutions shall be governed by the
provisions concerning simple loan. (n) The primary purpose of the contract of deposit is
the safekeeping of the depositors property by
Deposit vs. mutuum placing possession thereof in the hands of the
Deposit Mutuum depositarythe depositary may not put what is
Principal purpose = Consumption of thing given deposited to any use.
safekeeping/mere custody
Depositor can demand return Creditor must wait until the Facts: Rizaldy entrusted, through the banks manager (Garcia),
of thing given at will expiration of the period 3000usd with the bank for safekeepingthe terms of their
granted to the debtor agreement expressly stipulate that the purpose of their
Both movable and immovable Only money and other arrangement was safekeeping. When Rizaldy asked for the
property may be given fungible things may be given return of the sum deposited, the bank stated that dollars he had
deposited had been credited to his account in its peso equivalent.
Irregular deposit v. mutuum Further, the bank denied the existence of a contract of depositum
Irregular deposit Mutuum by alleging that Garcia exceeded his authority when he entered
Consumable thing may be Creditor cannot seek into the same in the name of the bank.
demanded at will by depositor restitution until time for
payment as provided in Issue: WON a contract of depositum existedYES
contract has arisen
Benefit accrues only to the Essential cause for transaction Ratio: The wording of the agreement between the bank and
depositor = debtors necessity Rizaldy and their subsequent acts clearly point to the fact that
Depositor has preference over Common creditors enjoy no what they intended to exist between them was a contract of
other creditors with respect to preference in the distribution depositum. While the bank is technically in breach of its
thing deposited of debtors property obligation to safeguard the thing and return it as it was received,
Rizaldy cannot recover because the transaction that they entered
2. From commodatum into is against the law; in pari delicto.
nature of contracts of adhesion and are void; it liable unless his negligence led to its loss.
would be contrary to the nature of a deposit.
Facts: Father de la Pena had in his possession as a trustee money
Facts: De Asis ate at Kamayan restaurant where she entrusted that was meant to be used for the construction of a leper
her car to the restaurants valet service. After eating her fill, she hospital. He deposited the money in his own bank account.
discovered that her car had been stolen. FMICI, the insurer of De During the war, the military authorities confiscated all the money
Asiss vehicle, paid her insurance claim and proceeded against in his account with HSBC because he was accused of being an
Triple V by virtue of subrogation. Triple V argued that it was not insurgent and that the money in his account was suspected to be
negligent in parking her car and that the valet ticket included a used for revolutionary purposes.
stipulation that they could not be sued for any loss incurred by
the depositor of the car. Issue: WON Father de la Pena is liable for the loss of the money
Issue: WON a deposit contract existed between the two parties
that could become the source of Triple Vs liability YES Ratio: Being that the war is a fortuitous cause in the eyes of the
law, he cannot be held liable for its loss on occasion thereof.
Ratio: As regards negligence, the Court held that it was There was no stipulation or law that prevented him from
immaterial because this was an action premised on contractual depositing the money into his account.
breachthe breach occurred when Kamayan failed to secure the
car from theft. The contract of deposit was constituted the Dissent: The moment he deposited the money into his personal
moment possession of the car was placed in the hands of the account, it (the money) lost the protection and immunities
restaurants valet drivers; it did not matter that the service was accorded by the law.
Hotels are liable for the loss of the possessions of
The relation between a bank renting out safe- its guests that are deposited to its staff or
deposit boxes and its clients is that of a bailor and facilities. Under Art. 1968, such deposits are in the
bailee. It cannot disclaim liability from the loss of nature of necessary deposits and are valid sources
the objects inside its safety deposit boxes by of liabilities.
claiming that the same is in the nature of a
contract of lease Facts: See checked in at the City Garden Hotel and left the key of
his car with a hotel employee for the purpose of valet parking.
Facts: Titles of parcels of land that were the subject of The car was stolen and the insurance company after settling
transactions were placed in the banks safety-deposit box. When Sees claims proceeded against the hotel.
the parties to the transaction opened the safety-deposit box to
get the titles, the same were not inside. CA Agro then filed a Issue: WON Durban Apartments is liable for the loss of the car
complaint for damages against the bank. The CA absolved the YES
bank of liability on the strength of its opinion that the
relationship between the bank and CA Agro was that of lessee Ratio: It is obvious that See deposited his vehicle for safekeeping
and lessor and not of bailor and bailee. with the staff of the hotelthe contract of deposit was perfected
the moment See turned over his keys to the valet service staff.
Issue: WON the relationship between a bank and those who rent
its safety-deposit boxes is that of a lessor and lessee NO, it is in CHAN v. MACEDA (2003)
the nature of bailor-bailee relationship.
In order for a party claiming damages arising from
Ratio: It cannot be deemed as an ordinary lease because full and a contract of deposit he must prove two things:
absolute possession of the boxes was never given to CA Agro. 1. That a contract of deposit exists between him
Under prevailing jurisprudence, it is in the nature of a special and the party he seeks to hold liable
deposit. As such, the bank may be made liable if it is found that it 2. That the things sought to be withdrawn were in
was in breach of its obligation to keep whatever is stored inside the depositarys possession at the time
safe (fraud, negligence, delay, etc.); the degree to be observed is demand was made
that of a good father of a family (though as one of the parties is a
bank it may be argued that extraordinary diligence should be Facts: Maceda and Moreman entered into a building construction
observed). However, this was dismissed because it was not contract. Maceda bought various construction materials that
proven that the bank was in breach of its contractual obligation Moreman deposited in the warehouse of the Chans. Moreman
to keep the titles safeit did not know about the agreement that failed to construct the building within the period agreed upon so
both transacting parties must be present in order to withdraw Maceda filed an action for rescission. While the case was
the titles. pending, Maceda made demand upon Chans to return the
deposited materials. The latter replied that Moreman had
BISHOP of JARO v. DE LA PEA (1913) already withdrawn the materials. Maceda then sued them for
When the thing deposited is lost through
fortuitous event, the depositary will not be held
Issue: WON the Chans are liable for the loss of the materials
because of Moremans withdrawal NO
A. CO NCEPT 5. As to its scope and extent
a. DefiniteGuaranty limited to the principal
A R T . 2 0 4 7, C C obligation only, or to a specific portion thereof
By guaranty a person, called the guarantor, binds b. Indefinite or simpleIncludes the principal
himself to the creditor to fulfill the obligation of the obligations accessories and judicial costs
principal debtor in case the latter should fail to do so.
If a person binds himself solidarily with the B. CHARACTERISTICS
principal debtor, the provisions of Section 4, Chapter
3, Title I of this Book shall be observed. In such case Characteristics (CUGSCAF)
the contract is called a suretyship. (1822a) 1. Consensual
2. Unilateral
A guarantor is a person who binds himself to the creditor to 3. Gratutious
fulfill the obligation of the principal debtor. 4. Subsidiary and conditional
5. Accessory
The guarantor ensures the solvency of the debtor through his 6. Formal
promise to pay in case of default.
a. Consensual
Classification of guaranty
No delivery of a thing is required to perfect the guaranty. The
A R T . 2 0 5 1, C C guarantors promise and the acceptance by the creditor is
A guaranty may be conventional, legal or judicial, enough.
gratuitous, or by onerous title.
It may also be constituted, not only in favor of the b. Unilateral
principal debtor, but also in favor of the other
guarantor, with the latter's consent, or without his It is unilateral because it only gives rise to a duty on the part of
knowledge, or even over his objection. (1823) the guarantor, and it may be entered into even without the
intervention of the principal debtor.
A R T . 2 0 5 5, C C
A guaranty is not presumed; it must be express and c. Gratuitous
cannot extend to more than what is stipulated
therein. A R T . 2 0 4 8, C C
If it be simple or indefinite, it shall compromise A guaranty is gratuitous, unless there is a stipulation
not only the principal obligation, but also all its to the contrary. (n)
accessories, including the judicial costs, provided with
respect to the latter, that the guarantor shall only be Generally, guaranty is gratuitous, but the parties may stipulate
liable for those costs incurred after he has been otherwise.
judicially required to pay. (1827a)
d. Subsidiary & conditional
Classification of guaranty
1. Guaranty in the broad sense It takes effect only when the principal debtor fails in his
a. PersonalGuarantee = credit given by person obligation, and his property and legal remedies against him must
who guarantees fulfillment of principal debt first be exhausted before the guarantor may be made liable.
b. RealProperty, movable or immovable is
given to guarantee fulfillment e. Accessory
3. As to consideration Art. 2055 provides that a guaranty must be express and its terms
a. GratuitousGuarantor does not receive any must be stipulated. Further, the Statute of Frauds mandates that
price or remuneration a special promise to answer for the debt of another must be in
b. OnerousGuarantor receives valuable writing, though there is no need that it appear in a public
consideration document.
The guarantors liability may be less than the principal debt, but Summary of time and place of payment
cannot be more, or be subject to more onerous terms. If his Where payment Place designated in contract of guaranty; or
liability is more, it shall be reduced to match the debtors. must be made Place designated in principal obligation
After the creditor has exhausted all the
When payment
3. Items covered debtors property and resorted to all legal
must be made
remedies against him
Art. 2055, supra
Items covered by guaranty GUARANTO R & CREDITO R
1. The principal obligation, or a portion thereof; and
2. If simple/indefinite, then also accessories and 1. Benefit of excussion
judicial costs.
a. Concept
4. Payment made without
knowledge/against consent of A R T . 2 0 5 8, C C
debtor The guarantor cannot be compelled to pay the
creditor unless the latter has exhausted all the
A R T . 1 2 3 6, C C property of the debtor, and has resorted to all the
The creditor is not bound to accept payment or legal remedies against the debtor. (1830a)
performance by a third person who has no interest in
the fulfillment of the obligation, unless there is a A R T . 2 0 6 3, C C
stipulation to the contrary. A compromise between the creditor and the principal
Whoever pays for another may demand from the debtor benefits the guarantor but does not prejudice
debtor what he has paid, except that if he paid him. That which is entered into between the guarantor
without the knowledge or against the will of the and the creditor benefits but does not prejudice the
debtor, he can recover only insofar as the payment principal debtor. (1835a)
has been beneficial to the debtor. (1158a)
A R T . 2 0 6 4, C C
A R T . 1 2 3 7, C C The guarantor of a guarantor shall enjoy the benefit of
Whoever pays on behalf of the debtor without the excussion, both with respect to the guarantor and to
knowledge or against the will of the latter, cannot the principal debtor. (1836)
compel the creditor to subrogate him in his rights,
such as those arising from a mortgage, guaranty, or Benefit of excussion
penalty. (1159a) Through excussion, the guarantor cannot be
compelled to pay the creditor until the debtors
A R T . 2 0 5 0, C C property has been exhausted and all legal remedies
If a guaranty is entered into without the knowledge or have been resorted to. Sub-guarantors also enjoy the
consent, or against the will of the principal debtor, the benefit of excussion of the principal debtor and the
provisions of Articles 1236 and 1237 shall apply. (n) previous guarantor.
(2) If he has bound himself solidarily with the debtor; - However, lack of notice does not release him
(3) In case of insolvency of the debtor; from his obligation
(4) When he has absconded, or cannot be sued - Neither does non-appearance impair the benefit
within the Philippines unless he has left a of excussion
manager or representative; 2. Judgment against debtor
(5) If it may be presumed that an execution on the - Judgment does not impair/remove excussion
property of the principal debtor would not result - Writ of execution shall issue against the debtors
in the satisfaction of the obligation. (1831a) properties
- If there is a notice of satisfaction, then it means
A R T . 2 0 6 0, C C that the debt has been sufficiently covered
In order that the guarantor may make use of the 3. Exhaustion of debtors properties
benefit of exclusion, he must set it up against the 4. Demand against guarantor
creditor upon the latter's demand for payment from - If writ of execution shows that the debt has not
him, and point out to the creditor available property of been covered, demand may be made against the
the debtor within Philippine territory, sufficient to guarantor
cover the amount of the debt. (1832) 5. Guarantor sets up benefit of excussion
- The guarantor must set up excussion
A R T . 2 0 6 1, C C - He must point out the debtors property in the
The guarantor having fulfilled all the conditions PH that would sufficiently cover the debt
required in the preceding article, the creditor who is
negligent in exhausting the property pointed out shall 2. Benefit of division among
suffer the loss, to the extent of said property, for the
insolvency of the debtor resulting from such
several guarantors
negligence. (1833a)
a. Concept
When excussion is unavailable A R T . 2 0 6 5, C C
1. Guarantor expressly renounces it; Should there be several guarantors of only one debtor
2. Debtor binds himself solidarily (i.e. enters a and for the same debt, the obligation to answer for
suretyship); the same is divided among all. The creditor cannot
3. Debtor is insolvent; claim from the guarantors except the shares which
4. Debtor has absconded or cannot be sued within they are respectively bound to pay, unless solidarity
the PH (unless he has left a has been expressly stipulated.
manager/representative); The benefit of division against the co-guarantors
5. Execution on principal debtors property would not ceases in the same cases and for the same reasons as
satisfy the obligation; the benefit of excussion against the principal debtor.
6. Guarantor fails to set up the benefit of excussion (1837)
and point out debtors properties in the PH
sufficient to cover the debt; b. Rationale
7. The guarantor has set up the benefit of excussion,
but the creditor is negligent in exhausting the The obligation of a guarantor with respect to his co-guarantors is
debtors property; and not subsidiary, but direct, and does not depend on their solvency
8. Where the guarantor is a judicial bondsman. or insolvency.
e. Typical procedure c. Availability of benefit
A R T . 2 0 6 2, C C Limitations to availability of benefit of division
In every action by the creditor, which must be against When available When unavailable
the principal debtor alone, except in the cases
Solidarity has been expressly
mentioned in Article 2059, the former shall ask the
court to notify the guarantor of the action. The When there are several
In the same cases and for the
guarantor may appear so that he may, if he so desire, guarantors of only one debtor
set up such defenses as are granted him by law. The same reasons that the benefit
for the same debt
of excussion may cease to be
benefit of excussion mentioned in Article 2058 shall
always be unimpaired, even if judgment should be available
rendered against the principal debtor and the
guarantor in case of appearance by the latter. (1834a) 3. Effect of compromise
A R T . 2 0 6 3, C C
A compromise between the creditor and the principal
1. Suit by creditor against debtor
debtor benefits the guarantor but does not prejudice
- Generally against the debtor, unless the him. That which is entered into between the guarantor
guarantor has no benefit of excussion and the creditor benefits but does not prejudice the
- Guarantor must be notified in every case principal debtor. (1835a)
- He may set up defenses granted by law
notified of
Effect of compromise payment;
Between whom Effect 3. Damages; and
4. Expenses after
Creditor & Benefits the guarantor, but does not
debtor was
principal debtor prejudice him
Creditor & Benefits the principal debtor, but does not
Right to Available to Not available to
guarantor prejudice him
subrogation guarantor guarantor
GUARANTO R & DEBTO R Hence, payment with the debtors knowledge and consent
entitles the guarantor to TIDES = total of debt + indemnity +
damages + expenses + subrogation.
Effects of payment under certain conditions
Condition of payment Effect on guarantor
May recover amount which debtor
2. Effect of payment without
Without debtors
benefited from
notifying debtor
No subrogation occurs A R T . 2 0 6 8, C C
Debtor may enforce against him all If the guarantor should pay without notifying the
No notice given to
defenses w/c could have been set up debtor, the latter may enforce against him all the
against creditor at time of payment defenses which he could have set up against the
Cannot be reimbursed until maturity creditor at the time the payment was made. (1840)
Early payment
date, except if debtor ratifies payment
No remedy against debtor, only 3. Effect of early payment
against creditor, except if:
Double payment a. Guaranty gratuitous; A R T . 2 0 6 9, C C
(guarantor & debtor) b. Fortuitous event prevents notice to If the debt was for a period and the guarantor paid it
principal debtor; AND before it became due, he cannot demand
c. Creditor is insolvent. reimbursement of the debtor until the expiration of
the period unless the payment has been ratified by
1. Effect of payment with & the debtor. (1841a)
without debtor s
knowledge/consent 4. Effect of repeat payment
A R T . 2 0 6 6, C C A R T . 2 0 7 0, C C
The guarantor who pays for a debtor must be If the guarantor has paid without notifying the debtor,
indemnified by the latter. and the latter not being aware of the payment,
The indemnity comprises: repeats the payment, the former has no remedy
(1) The total amount of the debt; whatever against the debtor, but only against the
(2) The legal interests thereon from the time the creditor. Nevertheless, in case of a gratuitous
payment was made known to the debtor, even guaranty, if the guarantor was prevented by a
though it did not earn interest for the creditor; fortuitous event from advising the debtor of the
(3) The expenses incurred by the guarantor after payment, and the creditor becomes insolvent, the
having notified the debtor that payment had been debtor shall reimburse the guarantor for the amount
demanded of him; paid. (1842a)
(4) Damages, if they are due. (1838a)
A R T . 2 0 6 7, C C
5. Right to proceed against
The guarantor who pays is subrogated by virtue
debtor before payment
thereof to all the rights which the creditor had against
A R T . 2 0 7 1, C C
the debtor.
The guarantor, even before having paid, may proceed
If the guarantor has compromised with the
against the principal debtor:
creditor, he cannot demand of the debtor more than
(1) When he is sued for the payment;
what he has really paid. (1839)
(2) In case of insolvency of the principal debtor;
(3) When the debtor has bound himself to relieve
Effects of payment vis--vis knowledge & consent him from the guaranty within a specified period,
Payment with Payment without and this period has expired;
knowledge & consent knowledge & consent (4) When the debt has become demandable, by
Must be indemnified: reason of the expiration of the period for
1. Total amount of payment;
Right to May only recover
debt; (5) After the lapse of ten years, when the principal
indemnity amount which the
2. Legal interests obligation has no fixed period for its maturity,
(TIDE) debtor benefited from
counted from the unless it be of such nature that it cannot be
time debtor was extinguished except within a period longer than
f. Condonation i. Novation
A R T . 1 2 7 3, C C A R T . 2 1 8 3, C C
The renunciation of the principal debt shall extinguish When the principal obligation is extinguished in
the accessory obligations; but the waiver of the latter consequence of a novation, accessory obligations may
shall leave the former in force. (1190) subsist only insofar as they may benefit third persons
who did not give their consent. (1207)
A R T . 2 0 7 8, C C
A release made by the creditor in favor of one of the There must be a material alteration for novation to extinguish the
guarantors, without the consent of the others, benefits contract of guaranty, i.e. that the obligations therein become
all to the extent of the share of the guarantor to more onerous or burdensome to the guarantor.
whom it has been granted. (1850)
not bound to take ordinarily held to the word guaranty in its contract and said that it was only
notice of its non- know every default of subsidiarily liable.
performance his principal
Usually not Issue: WON ITM was a surety YES
Often discharged by discharged, either by
the mere indulgence mere indulgence of Ratio: Upon perusal of the contract, the Court found that its
of the creditor to the the creditor to the terms unambiguously made ITM a surety. As a surety is primarily
principal, and is principal, or by want liable for the debt incurred by IFC.
usually not liable of notice of the
unless notified of the default of the PHILIPPINE BLOOMING MILLS v. CA (2003)
default of the principal, no matter
principal how much he may be A surety is not relieved of his obligation for the
injured thereby debts incurred by the principal debtor just
Surety is because the latter has been placed under SEC
While a guarantor is distinguished from a receivership. The rationale stems from the
the insurer of the guaranty in that a
personal liability of a surety and the separate
solvency of the surety is the insurer
juridical personality of the corporation. While
Bottomline debtor and thus of the debt, and he
creditors may not pursue the corporation placed
binds himself to pay obligates
if the principal is himself to pay if the under receivership, they may proceed against
unable to pay principal does not sureties who remain to be liable in their personal
pay capacity.
Table by Carlos Pagdanganan. Thanks, buddy!
Facts: Ching, as VP of PBM, signed a deed of suretyship in favor
** As per sir De Leon: Even if excussion is waived by the of the latter in his personal capacity for present and future
guarantor, the creditor would still have to make demand upon indebtedness of the same. PBM encountered financial difficulties
the debtor before pursuing the guarantor. Thus, waiving and was placed under SEC receivership. TRB, one of PBMs
excussion does not convert the contract into a suretyship. creditors, proceeded against Ching. Ching disclaimed liability on
the strength of the fact that PBM, the principal debtor, was under
Facts: Sps. Claveria obtained a loan from the bank in order to receivership.
purchase vessels over which chattel mortgages were constituted
to secure payment. Also, a continuing guaranty was executed in Issue: WON Ching is still liable as surety YES
favor of Solidbank.; Zobel was such guarantor. Upon
defaulting, the bank sought to collect the remaining amount Ratio: SEC only took over the properties of the corporation and
through the properties mortgaged and Zobel. Petitioner not the properties of its individual sureties. As such, TRB could
attempted to invoke Art. 2080 because the bank did not register proceed against Ching who had a personality distinct and
the chattel mortgages (as a result, he could not be subrogated to separate from that of PBM. Further, he is liable for the entire
the rights of the previous debtor if they paid). Bank claimed that amount owed by PBM and not the amount stated in the latters
registration was immaterial because Zobel was a surety. rehabilitation plan.
Issue: WON the contract between them was a surety YES ESCAO v. ORTIGAS (2007)
Ratio: Notwithstanding the denomination of the contract as a Absent express stipulation, the liability of persons
continuing guaranty, the Court found that its provisions created a who secure the debt of another is joint.
suretyship. Under its terms the Zobel was explicitly obligated as
surety. The title or name given to a contract is not controlling Facts: Falcon Materials borrowed 320,000usd from PDCP which
when its provisions are in the nature of another contract. was secured by several of its stockholders. These shareholders
sold their shares to the petitioners under the condition that the
IFC v. IMPERIAL TEXTILE MILLS (2005) purchasers would assume liability over Falcons debtsthey
executed a document wherein the petitioners were identified as
The use of the word guaranty in the title of a sureties. Falcon defaulted and PDCP proceeded against the
contract and within its provisions does not ipso supposed sureites. The shareholders all executed compromise
facto make the party thereto a guarantor. For arguments. Ortigas then brought suit in order to recover from the
example, when the word guaranty is qualified other sureties what he recovered (he ended up paying the most
by the term jointly and severally, it becomes a between all of them).
suretyship. Particular attention must be paid to all
Issue: WON the obligation is joint and several NO
the provisions of an agreement.
Ratio: Under Art. 1207 of the CC, solidary liability between
Facts: ITM served as the guarantor of PPIC with regard to a
creditors exists only when explicitly stipulated or when the nature
loan extended to the latter by IFC. PPIC defaulted in its
of the obligation requires solidary liability. No such express
payments so IFC proceeded against ITM when the proceeds from
stipulation was present in the agreement. The term sureties,
the sale of the mortgaged properties proved to be insufficient to
cover the entirety of the debt. ITM pointed to the repeated use of
A. INTRO DUCTIO N Kinds of obligations that may be secured
Pledge and mortgage are both real guaranties, where property is As to validity Voidable
given in order to secure an obligation. The remedy of a creditor Unenforceable
against a debtor who fails to pay is the foreclosure of the thing As to Pure
and the application of its proceeds to the outstanding conditionality Conditional (suspensive or resolutory)
Present obligations
As to time
1. Essential requisites Future obligations, if accurately described
Civil obligations
As to basis
A R T . 2 0 8 5, C C Natural obligations
The following requisites are essential to the contracts
of pledge and mortgage: b. Pledgor/mortgagor absolute owner
(1) That they be constituted to secure the fulfillment
of a principal obligation; Because the remedy of a creditor is a foreclosure sale, the debtor
(2) That the pledger or mortgagor be the absolute who gives the property in pledge or mortgage must have
owner of the thing pledged or mortgaged; capacity to transfer ownership.
(3) That the persons constituting the pledge or
mortgage have the free disposal of their property, What is the consequence if the pledgor or
and in the absence thereof, that they be legally mortgagor is not the absolute owner?
authorized for the purpose. The pledge or mortgage is void, without prejudice to
Third persons who are not parties to the principal the pledgor or mortgagors possible liability for estafa,
obligation may secure the latter by pledging or because of his misrepresentation.
mortgaging their own property. (1857) The exception is a mortgagee in good faith, who
relies on a Torrens title given by the mortgagor who is
A R T . 2 0 8 6, C C not the rightful owner, or has no valid title to the
The provisions of Art. 2052 are applicable to a pledge property. In this case, the mortgagee is still entitled to
or mortgage. (n) protection.
A R T . 2 0 8 7, C C c. Free disposal
It is also of the essence of these contracts that when
the principal obligation becomes due, the things in Plege/mortgage being an act of strict ownership, the
which the pledge or mortgage consists may be pledgor/mortgagor must have capacity to make a disposition of
alienated for the payment to the creditor. (1858) the property. Free disposal means that the property must not be
subject to any claim of a third person.
Essential requisites of pledge/mortgage
1. It must be constituted to secure the fulfillment of a 2. Prohibitions against
principal obligation; appropriation
2. The pledgor/mortgagor must be the absolute
owner of the thing pledged/mortgaged; and a. Rationale
3. The pledgor/mortgagor must have free disposal of
the thing or legal authority therefor. The reason for the prohibition is that the amount of the loan is
ordinarily much less than the real value of the thing pledged or
a. Secure a principal obligation mortgaged.
Pledge and mortgage are accessory contracts constituted by b. General rule & exception
either the debtor or a third person, in order to secure the
debtors principal obligation. A R T . 2 0 8 8, C C
The creditor cannot appropriate the things given by
A R T . 2 0 5 2, C C way of pledge or mortgage, or dispose of them. Any
A guaranty cannot exist without a valid obligation. stipulation to the contrary is null and void. (1859a)
Nevertheless, a guaranty may be constituted to
guarantee the performance of a voidable or an A R T . 2 1 1 2, C C
unenforceable contract. It may also guarantee a The creditor to whom the credit has not been satisfied
natural obligation. (1824a) in due time, may proceed before a Notary Public to
the sale of the thing pledged. This sale shall be made
Art. 2086, supra at a public auction, and with notification to the debtor
and the owner of the thing pledged in a proper case,
A R T . 2 0 9 1, C C stating the amount for which the public sale is to be
The contract of pledge or mortgage may secure all held. If at the first auction the thing is not sold, a
kinds of obligations, be they pure or subject to a second one with the same formalities shall be held;
suspensive or resolutory condition. (1861) and if at the second auction there is no sale either, the
creditor may appropriate the thing pledged. In this
case he shall be obliged to give an acquittance for his
entire claim. affected by the fact that the debtors are not solidarily
liable. (n)
Pactum commissorium is when the creditor-pledgee/mortgagee
automatically appropriates the property given, without Rules on indivisibility
foreclosure. A stipulation allowing it is forbidden by law and is Every portion of the property is
void. A single thing is given
answerable for the whole obligation
All of them are liable for the debt
The default of the debtor-pledgor/mortgagor in his obligation Even when only a part of the debt
does not give the creditor-pledgee/mortgagee a right to remains unpaid, all of the things are
automatically appropriate the property given. If he wants to liable for the balance
secure the title to the property, he must buy it in a foreclosure Several things are
given Until the debt has been fully paid, the
sale. debtor cannot ask for the release of
one or some of the things given or the
The only exception is provided by Art. 2112, where if a thing given proportionate extinguishment of the
in pledge is not sold after two foreclosure sales, the creditor pledge or mortgage
may appropriate it. The debtors heir who has paid part of
the debt cannot ask for the
c. Requisites Debtors heir
proportionate extinction of the pledge
or mortgage
1. There should be a pledge, mortgage, or antichresis The creditors heir who has received
of property by way of security for the payment of his share of the debt cannot return the
the principal obligation; and Creditors heir
pledge or cancel the mortgage if the
2. There should be a stipulation for an automatic debt is not completely satisfied
appropriation by the creditor of the property in the
event of non-payment of the obligation within the
stipulated period.
1. If several things are given, and each of them
guarantees only a determinate portion of the
d. Permissible stipulations
2. If only a portion of the loan was released; and
1. Modification of original contract, by subsequent
3. If there was failure of consideration; and
agreement of the parties;
4. If a third party to the debt gives an
2. Voluntary cession of the property by the debtor,
accommodation pledge or mortgage, such that
which amounts to a novation of the original
there was no debtor-creditor relationship.
contract and a voluntary sale; and
3. Promise by the mortgagor to assign or sell the
property. 4. Promise to constitute a pledge
or mortgage
3. Indivisibility of pledge & A R T . 2 0 9 2, C C
mortgage A promise to constitute a pledge or mortgage gives
rise only to a personal action between the contracting
A R T . 2 0 8 9, C C
parties, without prejudice to the criminal responsibility
A pledge or mortgage is indivisible, even though the
incurred by him who defrauds another, by offering in
debt may be divided among the successors in interest
pledge or mortgage as unencumbered, things which
of the debtor or of the creditors.
he knew were subject to some burden, or by
Therefore, the debtors heir who has paid a part of
misrepresenting himself to be the owner of the same.
the debt cannot ask for the proportionate
extinguishment of the pledge or mortgage as long as
the debt is not completely satisfied.
Neither can the creditor's heir who received his A promise to constitute a pledge or mortgage does not create a
real right over the property. There is only a personal right, or a
share of the debt return the pledge or cancel the
mortgage, to the prejudice of the other heirs who have right of action to compel that the pledge or mortgage be
constituted, but no actual pledge or mortgage is created yet.
not been paid.
From these provisions is expected the case in
The mortgagor may also be held liable for estafa under the
which, there being several things given in mortgage or
pledge, each one of them guarantees only a Revised Penal Code, if he pretends to be the owner of real
property and conveys, sells, encumbers, or mortgages said
determinate portion of the credit.
The debtor, in this case, shall have a right to the property, or dispose of property as unencumbered with
knowledge that it is encumbered.
extinguishment of the pledge or mortgage as the
portion of the debt for which each thing is specially
answerable is satisfied. (1860)
A R T . 2 0 9 0, C C
The indivisibility of a pledge or mortgage is not
B. PLEDGE c. Formal
In a contract of pledge, a debtor or third person delivers The obligations of a pledge do not arise until there has been
movable property or an incorporeal right to a creditor or third failure to perform the principal obligation.
person, in order to secure the fulfillment of a principal obligation.
e. Unilateral
A R T . 2 1 2 1, C C
Pledges created by operation of law, such as those The obligations of a pledge are imposed only on the pledgee.
referred to in Articles 546, 1731, and 1994, are The pledgor only incurs obligations under special circumstances.
governed by the foregoing articles on the possession,
care and sale of the thing as well as on the f. Nominate
termination of the pledge. However, after payment of
the debt and expenses, the remainder of the price of The Civil Code gave it a name. Yessir.
the sale shall be delivered to the obligor. (n)
g. Gratuitous or onerous
Some pledges (Arts. 546, 1731, and 1994), are created by
operation of law and are governed by the provisions on pledges. It is gratuitous if given by a third person. It is onerous if given by
the debtor, because the consideration for the creditors
2. Characteristics acceptance is the payment of the principal obligation.
Since pledge is a real contract, delivery is an essential requisite to a. Allow alienation of thing, in case
its perfection. The lien created only upon delivery of the thing. principal obligation becomes due
a. Take care of the thing pledged Unless there is contrary stipulation, the interest and earnings
and, in case of animals, their offspring, are included in the
A R T . 2 0 9 9, C C pledge.
The creditor shall take care of the thing pledged with
the diligence of a good father of a family; he has a d. Not to use the thing pledged
right to the reimbursement of the expenses made for
its preservation, and is liable for its loss or A R T . 2 1 0 4, C C
deterioration, in conformity with the provisions of this The creditor cannot use the thing pledged, without
Code. (1867) the authority of the owner, and if he should do so, or
should misuse the thing in any other way, the owner
The diligence required is that of a good father of a family. may ask that it be judicially or extrajudicially
deposited. When the preservation of the thing
b. Not to deposit thing with third party pledged requires its use, it must be used by the
creditor but only for that purpose. (1870a)
A R T . 2 1 0 0, C C
The pledgee cannot deposit the thing pledged with a General rule: The pledgee has no right to use the thing.
third person, unless there is a stipulation authorizing Exceptions:
him to do so. 1. If there is authority from the owner; or
The pledgee is responsible for the acts of his 2. If the thing pledged requires that it be used in order to
agents or employees with respect to the thing properly care for it. In this case, the duty of the creditor
pledged. (n) is to use the thing, but only for the purpose of
preservation. If fruits are derived from the use, the
General rule: The pledgee cannot deposit the thing with a third pledgee must account these to the pledgor and apply
person. the proceeds of the use to the principal obligation.
Exception: He is allowed to do so by way of stipulation
Pledgor has a right to ask for the deposit of the
This prohibition is necessary for the protection of the pledgor or thing pledged judicially or extrajudicially, when:
the owner of the thing pledged. 1. The creditor uses the thing without authority;
2. The creditor misuses the thing in any way; or
c. With respect to matured credits and 3. If the thing is in danger of being lost or impaired
fruits, income dividends, or interests because of the pledgees negligence or willful act.
Exception: The pledgor may substitute the thing pledged, which the right of the pledgee under the provisions of the
is in danger of destruction or impairment, with another thing of following article.
the same kind and quality. The pledgee is bound to advise the pledgor,
without delay, of any danger to the thing pledged. (n)
8. Special rules
A R T . 2 1 0 8, C C
a. As to ownership of the thing pledged If, without the fault of the pledgee, there is danger of
destruction, impairment, or diminution in value of the
A R T . 2 0 9 7, C C thing pledged, he may cause the same to be sold at a
With the consent of the pledgee, the thing pledged public sale. The proceeds of the auction shall be a
may be alienated by the pledgor or owner, subject to security for the principal obligation in the same
the pledge. The ownership of the thing pledged is manner as the thing originally pledged. (n)
transmitted to the vendee or transferee as soon as the
pledgee consents to the alienation, but the latter shall Remedies of pledgor in case of danger of destruction
continue in possession. (n) With pledgees fault Without pledgees fault
Pledgor may demand return of the
Art. 2103, supra Pledgor may ask that the thing, upon offering another thing
thing be deposited with a of the same kind and quality
A R T . 2 1 2 0, C C third person Pledgee may cause the thing to be
If a third party secures an obligation by pledging his sold at a public sale
own movable property under the provisions of Article
2085 he shall have the same rights as a guarantor c. Deception on substance & quality of
under Articles 2066 to 2070, and Articles 2077 to thing pledged
2081. He is not prejudiced by any waiver of defense by
the principal obligor. (n) A R T . 2 1 0 9, C C
If the creditor is deceived on the substance or quality
Summary of rules of the thing pledged, he may either claim another
As to ownership Pledge does not transfer ownership, but the thing in its stead, or demand immediate payment of
of thing pledged creditor has the right to possess the thing. the principal obligation. (n)
The pledgor can sell or alienate the thing,
given that: Remedies of creditor in case of deception
Sale of thing a. The pledgee consents; on substance & quality of thing pledged
pledged b. The pledgee continues in possession; 1. Claim another thing instead; or
and 2. Demand immediate payment of the principal
c. The pledge follows the property. obligation.
The creditor has the right of retention for the
Retention of the principal debt, interest, and expenses of d. Specific rules for third party
thing pledged preservation. The debtor cannot demand pledgors
the thing while these remain unpaid.
General rule: Loss or deterioration is borne A R T . 2 1 1 7, C C
by the pledgor, as the owner (doctrine of res Any third person who has any right in or to the thing
perit domino). pledged may satisfy the principal obligation as soon
Risk of loss & as the latter becomes due and demandable. (n)
Exception: If the loss or deterioration is due
to the fraud, negligence, delay, or violation
of the terms of the contract by the creditor, A R T . 2 1 2 0, C C
then he shall be liable. If a third party secures an obligation by pledging his
own movable property under the provisions of Article
b. When thing pledged is in danger of 2085 he shall have the same rights as a guarantor
destruction under Articles 2066 to 2070, and Articles 2077 to
2081. He is not prejudiced by any waiver of defense by
A R T . 2 1 0 6, C C the principal obligor. (n)
If through the negligence or wilful act of the pledgee,
the thing pledged is in danger of being lost or Accommodation pledge
impaired, the pledgor may require that it be deposited An accommodation pledge is one where a third
with a third person. (n) person gives his movable property in order to secure
the principal obligation of another. The third person in
A R T . 2 1 0 7, C C this case, or any third person with a right in/to the
If there are reasonable grounds to fear the destruction thing given in pledge, may fulfill the principal
or impairment of the thing pledged, without the fault obligation as soon as it becomes due and
of the pledgee, the pledgor may demand the return of demandable. He shall have the same rights as that of
the thing, upon offering another thing in pledge, a guarantor, as per Art. 2120. Neither can he be
provided the latter is of the same kind as the former prejudiced if the principal debtor waives any available
and not of inferior quality, and without prejudice to defenses.
The extinguishment of the principal obligation in any way also possession having the option of refunding the amount
extinguishes the pledge, since the latter is an accessory contract of the expenses or of paying the increase in value
whose life is dependent upon that of the principal. which the thing may have acquired by reason thereof.
b. Of the pledge A R T . 1 7 3 1, C C
He who has executed work upon a movable has a
A R T . 2 1 1 0, C C right to retain it by way of pledge until he is paid.
If the thing pledged is returned by the pledgee to the (1600)
pledgor or owner, the pledge is extinguished. Any
stipulation to the contrary shall be void. A R T . 1 9 9 4, C C
If subsequent to the perfection of the pledge, the The depositary may retain the thing in pledge until
thing is in the possession of the pledgor or owner, the full payment of what may be due him by reason of
there is a prima facie presumption that the same has the deposit. (1780)
been returned by the pledgee. This same presumption
exists if the thing pledged is in the possession of a MANILA BANKING CORP. v. TEODORO (1989)
third person who has received it from the pledgor or
owner after the constitution of the pledge. (n) Where ambiguity exists as to whether or not a
transaction is a pledge or dation in payment, the
Presumption of extinguishment due to return presumption is in favor of it being a contract of
The presumption of extinguishment due to return by pledge because there is lesser transmission of
the pledgee arises if, subsequent to constituting the rights and interests.
1. The pledgor has possession of the thing; and Pledgors cannot insist that a creditor first exhaust
2. The pledgor grants possession of the thing to a all the properties of the debtor.
third person.
Facts: MBC extended a loan to Teodoro for the purpose of
A R T . 2 1 1 1, C C purchasing fishing boats. As security for the loan, he executed a
A statement in writing by the pledgee that he deed of assignment of receivables in favor of MBC. Teodoro
renounces or abandons the pledge is sufficient to defaulted in the loan and the bank sought to collect the
extinguish the pledge. For this purpose, neither the remainder of the debt as well as the security provided therefor.
acceptance by the pledgor or owner, nor the return of
the thing pledged is necessary, the pledgee becoming Issues:
a depositary. (n) WON the assignment of receivables was a dation in payment or
pledge PLEDGE
The renunciation by the pledgee must be in writing, but it does WON the bank first had to exhaust the property of the debtor
not require acceptance nor the return of the thing to be before seizing the items pledged NO
effective. However, while the thing is not yet returned, a contract
of deposit arises between the pledgor and pledgee. Held: The benefit of excussion cannot be availed of in the context
of a pledge. Art 2087 provides that when the principal obligation
10. Legal pledges becomes due, the thing pledged may be alienated the moment
the debt becomes due.
Legal pledges areyou guessed it!created by operation of law.
Kinds of legal pledges in the Civil Code
1. A possessor in good faith becomes pledgee and Facts: Respondent Sabeniano deposited money and market
may hold the thing, until reimbursement of placements with Citibank, with which it had debts, secured by
necessary expenses for the thing; Deeds of Assignment of Sabenianos money market placements
2. One who has executed work upon a movable in FNCB Finance. When Sabeniano failed to pay her debts to
becomes pledgee and may hold the thing, until he Citibank, the latter collected on the Deed of Assignment.
is paid for the price of said work;
3. A depositary becomes pledgee and may hold the Issue: Whether the money market placements can compensate
thing, until he is paid damages or expenses due to for Sabenianos indebtedness. YES
him by reason of the deposit.
Held: The court considered these money market placements as
A R T . 5 4 6, C C having been pledged through Deeds of Assignment. Though the
Necessary expenses shall be refunded to every documents conveyed to Citibank were entitled Deeds of
possessor; but only the possessor in good faith may Assignment, the court held that she had actually pledged the
retain the thing until he has been reimbursed money market deposits from FNCB Finance to Citibank.
therefor. Therefore, what occurred was not so much a compensation, but
Useful expenses shall be refunded only to the an action collecting on the security of the obligation in which
possessor in good faith with the same right of Sabeniano had defaulted.
retention, the person who has defeated him in the
CHU v. CA (1989)
d. Accessory
1. Concept
The chattel mortgage is constituted in order to secure a principal
A R T . 2 1 4 0, C C obligation.
By a chattel mortgage, personal property is recorded
in the Chattel Mortgage Register as a security for the Kinds of obligations that may be secured
performance of an obligation. If the movable, instead Valid
of being recorded, is delivered to the creditor or a third As to validity Voidable
person, the contract is a pledge and not a chattel Unenforceable
mortgage. (n) As to Pure
conditionality Conditional (suspensive or resolutory)
A R T . 2 1 4 1, C C
As to time Present obligations
The provisions of this Code on pledge, insofar as they
are not in conflict with the Chattel Mortgage Law shall As to specific Payment
be applicable to chattel mortgages. (n) obligation Performance
No delivery is required in a chattel mortgage. However, mere SEC. 7, CHATTEL MORTGAGE LAW
consent does not yet perfect the contract: formal requirements Descriptions of property. The description of the
must still be fulfilled. mortgaged property shall be such as to enable the
parties to the mortgage, or any other person, after
b. Unilateral reasonable inquiry and investigation, to identify the
The main obligation is upon the mortgagee/creditor, who must If the property mortgaged be large cattle," as
free the property from all encumbrances once the debt is paid. defined by section one of Act Numbered Eleven and
forty-seven, 2 and the amendments thereof, the
c. Nominate description of said property in the mortgage shall
contain the brands, class, sex, age, knots of radiated
The Civil Code gives it a specific name. Wow so amaze much hair commonly known as remolinos, or cowlicks, and
learn other marks of ownership as described and set forth in
described personal property situated in the mortgage. When a partnership is a party to the
municipality of ______________, Province of ____________ mortgage the affidavit may be made and subscribed
and now in the possession of said mortgagor, to wit: by one member thereof.
(Here insert specific description of the property Sec. 7, Chattel Mortgage Law, supra
"This mortgage is given as security for the payment to Registration of chattel mortgages and fees collectible
the said ______, mortgagee, of promissory notes for the in connection therewith. A chattel mortgage shall
sum of ____________ pesos, with (or without, as the case be deemed to cover only the property described
may be) interest thereon at the rate of ___________ per therein and not like or substituted property thereafter
centum per annum, according to the terms of acquired by the mortgagor and placed in the same
__________, certain promissory notes, dated _________, depository as the property originally mortgaged,
and in the words and figures following (here insert anything in the mortgage to the contrary
copy of the note or notes secured). notwithstanding.
The recording of a mortgage shall be effected by
"(If the mortgage is given for the performance of some making an entry, which shall be given a correlative
other obligation aside from the payment of number, setting forth the names of the mortgagee,
promissory notes, describe correctly but concisely the and the mortgagor, the sum or obligation guaranteed,
obligation to be performed.) date of the instrument, name of the notary before
whom it was sworn to or acknowledged, and a note
"The conditions of this obligation are such that if the that the property mortgaged, as well as the terms and
mortgagor, his heirs, executors, or administrators conditions of the mortgage, is mentioned in detail in
shall well and truly perform the full obligation (or the instrument filed, giving the proper file number
obligations) above stated according to the terms thereof. The recording of other instruments relating to
thereof, then this obligation shall be null and void. a recorded mortgage shall be effected by way of
annotations on the space provided therefor in the
"Executed at the municipality of _________, in the registration book, after the same shall have been
Province of ________, this _____ day of 19_____ entered in the primary entry book.
The register of deeds shall also certify the officer's
____________________ return of sale upon any mortgage, making reference
(Signature of mortgagor.) upon the record of such officer's return to the volume
and page of the record of the mortgage, and a
"In the presence of reference of such return on the record of the
mortgage itself, and give a certified copy thereof,
"_________________ when requested, upon payment of the lawful fees for
"_________________ such copy; and certify upon each mortgage officer's
(Two witnesses sign here.) return of sale or discharge of mortgage; and upon any
other instrument relating to such a recorded
FORM OF OATH. mortgage, both on the original and on the duplicate,
"We severally swear that the foregoing mortgage is the date, hour, and minute when the same is received
made for the purpose of securing the obligation for record and record such certificate with the return
specified in the conditions thereof, and for no other itself and keep an alphabetical index of mortgagors
purpose, and that the same is a just and valid and mortgagees, which record and index shall be
obligation, and one not entered into for the purpose of open to public inspection.
fraud." Duly certified copies of such records and of filed
instruments shall be receivable as evidence in any
"At ___________, in the Province of _________, personally The register of deeds shall collect the following
appeared ____________, the parties who signed the fees for services rendered by him under this section:
foregoing affidavit and made oath to the truth thereof (a) For entry or presentation of any document in the
before me. primary entry book, one peso. Supporting papers
presented together with the principal document
"_____________________________" need not be charged any entry or presentation fee
(Notary public, justice of the peace, 1 or other officer, unless the party in interest desires that they be
as the case may be.) likewise entered.
(b) For filing and recording each chattel mortgage,
SEC. 6, CHATTEL MORTGAGE LAW including the necessary certificates and affidavits,
Corporations. When a corporation is a party to such the fees established in the following schedule
mortgage the affidavit required may be made and shall be collected:
subscribed by a director, trustee, cashier, treasurer, or 1. When the amount of the mortgage does not
manager thereof, or by a person authorized on the exceed six thousand pesos, three pesos and
part of such corporation to make or to receive such fifty centavos for the first five hundred pesos
or fractional part thereof, and one peso and established in the schedule under paragraph (b)
fifty centavos for each additional five above shall be collected on the basis of five per
hundred pesos or fractional part thereof. centum of the amount of the mortgage.
2. When the amount of the mortgage is more (f) For recording each release of attachment,
than six thousand pesos but does not exceed including the proper annotations, two pesos.
thirty thousand pesos, twenty-four pesos for (g) For recording each sheriff's return of sale,
the initial amount not exceeding eight including the index and references, three pesos.
thousand pesos, and four pesos for each (h) For recording a power of attorney, appointment
additional two thousand pesos or fractional of judicial guardian, administrator, or trustee, or
part thereof. any other instrument in which a person is given
3. When the amount of the mortgage is more power to act in behalf of another in connection
than thirty thousand pesos but does not with a mortgage, three pesos.
exceed one hundred thousand pesos, (i) For recording each instrument or order relating to
seventy-five pesos for the initial amount not a recorded mortgage, including the necessary
exceeding thirty-five thousand pesos, and index and references, for which no specific fee is
seven pesos for each additional five provided above, two pesos.
thousand pesos or fractional part thereof. (j) For certified copies of records, such fees as are
4. When the amount of the mortgage is more allowed by law for copies kept by the register of
than one hundred thousand pesos but does deeds.
not exceed five hundred thousand pesos, (k) For issuing a certificate relative to, or showing the
one hundred and seventy-six pesos for the existence or non-existence of, an entry in the
initial amount not exceeding one hundred registration book, or a document on file, for each
ten thousand pesos, and ten pesos for each such certificate containing not more than two
additional ten thousand pesos or fractional hundred words, three pesos; if it exceeds that
part thereof. number, an additional fee of fifty centavos shall
5. When the amount of the mortgage is more be collected for every one hundred words or
than five hundred thousand pesos, five fractional part thereof, in excess of the first two
hundred eighty-one pesos for the initial hundred words.
amount not exceeding five hundred twenty This provision supersedes Sec. 15
thousand pesos, and fifteen pesos for each of the Chattel Mortgage Law.
additional twenty thousand pesos or
fractional part thereof: Provided, however, 6. Rights & obligations of the
That registration of the mortgage in the mortgagor
province where the property is situated shall Right To possession of the thing
be sufficient registration: And provided, Not to remove the thing
further, That if the mortgage is to be Not to sell or dispose of the thing without the
registered in more than one city or province, Obligations
mortgagees consent
the register of deeds of the city or province Take care of the thing
where the instrument is first presented for
registration shall collect the full amount of 7. Rights & obligations of the
the fees due in accordance with the schedule
prescribed above, and the register of deeds
To possession
of the other city or province where the same Rights
instrument is also to be registered shall To foreclose the mortgage
collect only a sum equivalent to twenty per To free thing from all encumbrances upon
centum of the amount of fees due and paid fulfillment of the principal obligation
in the first city or province, but in no case
shall the fees payable in any registry be less a. Free property from all encumbrances
than the minimum fixed in said schedule. once obligation has been fulfilled
(c) For recording each instrument of sale,
conveyance, or transfer of the property which is
Failure of mortgagee to discharge the mortgage. If
subject of a recorded mortgage, or of the
the mortgagee, assign, administrator, executor, or
assignment of mortgage credit, the fees
either of them, after performance of the condition
established in the preceding schedule shall be
before or after the breach thereof, or after tender of
collected on the basis of ten per centum of the
the performance of the condition, at or after the time
amount of the mortgage or unpaid balance
fixed for the performance, does not within ten days
thereof: Provided, That the latter is stated in the
after being requested thereto by any person entitled
to redeem, discharge the mortgage in the manner
(d) For recording each notice of attachment,
provided by law, the person entitled to redeem may
including the necessary index and annotations,
recover of the person whose duty it is to discharge the
four pesos.
same twenty pesos for his neglect and all damages
(e) For recording each release of mortgage, including
occasioned thereby in an action in any court having
the necessary index and references, the fees
jurisdiction of the subject-matter thereof.
well as where the property is situated or ordinarily personal property mortgaged under the Chattel
kept. Mortgage Law to any province or city other than
the one in which it was located at the time of the
S E C . 1 1 4, P . D . 1 5 2 9 execution of the mortgage, without the written
Manner of recording chattel mortgages. Every consent of the mortgagee, or his executors,
Register of Deeds shall keep a Primary Entry Book administrators or assigns.
and a Registration Book for chattel mortgages; shall (2) Any mortgagor who shall sell or pledge personal
certify on each mortgage filed for record, as well as on property already pledged, or any part thereof,
its duplicate, the date, hour, and minute when the under the terms of the Chattel Mortgage Law,
same was by him received; and shall record in such without the consent of the mortgagee written on
books any chattel mortgage, assignment or discharge the back of the mortgage and noted on the record
thereof, and any other instrument relating to a hereof in the office of the Register of Deeds of the
recorded mortgage, and all such instruments shall be province where such property is located.
presented to him in duplicate, the original to be filed
and the duplicate to be returned to the person Acts punished under Art. 319 and their elements
concerned. Acts punished Elements
The recording of a mortgage shall be effected by 1. Personal property is
making an entry, which shall be given a correlative mortgaged under the Chattel
number, setting forth the names of the mortgagee Knowingly removing any Mortgage Law;
and the mortgagor, the sum or obligation guaranteed, personal property 2. Offender knows that such
date of the instrument, name of the notary before mortgaged under the CML property is so mortgaged;
whom it was sworn to or acknowledged, and a note to any province or city 3. Offender removes such
that the property mortgaged, as well as the terms and other than the one in property to any province/city
conditions of the mortgage, is mentioned in detail in which it was located at the other than the one in which it
the instrument filed, giving the proper file number time of execution of the was located at the time
thereof. The recording of other instruments relating to mortgage, without the mortgage was executed;
a recorded mortgage shall be effected by way of mortgagee's written 4. The removal is permanent;
annotation on the space provided therefor in the consent or the consent of and
Registration Book, after the same shall have been his executors, 5. There is no written consent
entered in the primary Entry Book. administrators, or assigns from the mortgagee or his
The Register of Deeds shall also certify the executors, administrators, or
officer's return of sale upon any mortgage, making assigns.
reference upon the record of such officer's return to Selling or pledging
the volume and page of the record of the mortgage, 1. Personal property is already
personal property already
and a reference of such return on the record of the pledged under the terms of
pledged, or any part
mortgage itself, and give a certified copy thereof, the Chattel Mortgage Law;
thereof, under the terms of
when requested, upon payment of the legal fees for 2. Offender, who is the
the CML, without the
such copy thereof, when requested, upon payment of mortgagor, sells/pledges such
consent of the mortgagee
the legal fees for such copy and certify upon each property or any part of it;
written on the back of the
mortgage officer's return of sale or discharge of 3. There is no consent of the
mortgage and noted on
mortgage, and upon any other instrument relating to mortgagee written on the back
the record thereof in the
such a recorded mortgage, both on the original and in of the mortgage and noted on
office of the Register of
the duplicate, the date, hour, and minute when the the record thereof in the office
Deeds of the province
same is received for record and record such certificate of the Register of Deeds
where such property is
index of mortgagors and mortgagees, which record located
and index shall be open to public inspection. via Elements of Felonies in the Revised
Duly certified copies of such records and of filed Penal Code and Their Penalties (2007)
instruments shall be receivable as evidence in any
court. 9. Risk of loss & deterioration
What must be recorded in the CM Register Since no transfer of ownership occurs, the principle of res perit
1. Chattel mortgage contract domino governs, i.e. the owner (the mortgagor) shall suffer risk of
2. All supplements and amendments loss and deterioration.
3. Deed of release upon extinguishment of the
chattel mortgage 10. Extinguishment
b. Offenses involving chattel mortgage Sec. 8, Chattel Mortgage Law, supra
Sec. 13, Chattel Mortgage Law, supra
Removal, sale or pledge of mortgaged property. The The general provisions on extinguishment of obligations apply.
penalty or arresto mayor or a fine amounting to twice However, upon extinguishment of the chattel mortgage, a deed
the value of the property shall be imposed upon: of release must be made and filed with the Register of Deeds.
(1) Any person who shall knowingly remove any
Held: While the promise to provide a chattel mortgage is SERVICEWIDE SPECIALIST v. CA (1999)
enforceable between the parties, the mortgage itself does not
come into existence until a new chattel mortgage contract is Notice of assignment of credit is required to be
executed between the parties or until the old chattel mortgage given to the debtor; his consent is not required.
contract is amended. As applied, the only obligation covered by On the other hand, the consent of the creditor-
the chattel mortgage was the initial P3M loan. Further, upon mortgagee to the alienation of the property
payment of the initial loan, the chattel mortgage was mortgaged is necessary to bind him to the
extinguished. transaction.
MAKATI LEASING v. WEAREVER TEXTILE Facts: Sps. Ponce bought a car from CRTE over which they
executed a contract of chattel mortgage in favor of the latter.
Parties to a contract may, by agreement, treat real CRTE assigned their credit to Filinivest Credit Corp. after giving
property as personal property as long as such notice to the spouses. Filinvest then assigned all its rights and
treatment will not prejudice the rights of third interests over the mortgage to Servicewide without giving notice
parties. to the souses. Upon the failure of the spouses to pay the
installments, Servicewide filed a case for replevin and damages.
Facts: As security for its loans to Makati Leasing, Wearever As defense, the spouses denied liability because the car had been
executed a chattel mortgage over raw materials and a piece of sold to Tecson under a Deed of Sale with Assumption of
machinery. Upon defaulting, Makati Leasing sought to foreclose Mortgage.
properties mortgaged, including the said piece of machinery. The
CA ruled that the machinery cannot be foreclosed because it is a Issue: WON the sale was binding upon ServicewideNO
real property as defined by the civil code.
Held: Although the spouses were not notified by Filinvest
Issue: WON the machinery in question is real or personal property regarding the transfer of its interest over the chattel mortgage to
PERSONAL Servicewide, the transaction was still not binding to Servicewide
because the spouses did not obtain the consent of Filinvest (who
Held: Multiple pieces of jurisdiction provide that the they thought was still the creditor-mortgagee). In other words,
characterization of the subject machinery as chattel by the notwithstanding the fact that as far as the spouses were
private respondent is indicative of intention and impresses upon concerned, it was still Filinvest, and not Servicewide, who had an
the property the character determined by the parties. As interest in the chattel mortgage, no consent was given by
applied, it was clear that the parties intended to treat the piece of Filinvest to the transaction. Therefore, Servicewide, who stepped
machinery as personal property when they executed a contract of into the shoes of Filinvest when it assigned to the former its
chattel mortgage that covered the same. interest in the chattel mortgage, may raise the defenses available
to Filinvest.
DY v. CA (1991)
As a result of the fact that the chattel mortgagor
retains ownership over the personal property Equity redemption is the right of the mortgagor to
mortgaged, he may still validly alienate the same. redeem the mortgaged property after his default
In order to avoid incurring criminal liability, in the performance of the conditions of the
however, the consent of the mortgagee as regards mortgage but before the sale of the property to
the sale must be obtained. clear it from the encumbrance of the mortgage.
Facts: Terrymanila owed RCBC P3M secured by a chattel D. REAL ESTATE M O RTG AG E
mortgage. Royal Cargo who was another creditor of Terrymanila
filed an action for collection of sum of money before the RTC and 1. Concept
preliminarily attached some properties of Terrymanila. The RTC
ruled in favor of Royal Cargo regarding its claims. Subsequently, Art. 2085, supra
RCBC foreclosed the chattel mortgaged and caused the sheriff to Art. 2087, supra
sell the property over which it was executed. Royal Cargo
assailed the foreclosure and auction sale because it involved A real estate mortgage is a contract whereby immovable
pieces of property that it had already attached and that they property or real rights over immovable property are given in
were not duly notified of the sale 10 days before it took place order to secure the fulfillment of a principal obligation. If the
pursuant to the provisions of the Chattel Mortgage law. debtor defaults, the property given must be sold at a foreclosure
sale, and the proceeds thereof applied to the principal
Issue: WON Royal Cargo was entitled to notice of the foreclosure obligation.
sale 10 days before it took place YES
2. Characteristics
Held: The attachment that Royal Cargo obtained over certain
properties of Terrymanila had the effect of attaching the latters Art. 2052, supra
right to equity redemptionit did not take the properties Art. 2086, supra
attached outside of the chattel mortgage foreclosed by RCBC. Art. 2092, supra
Hence, Royal Cargo had the right to be informed of the date of
sale of the mortgaged assets for it to exercise such equity Characteristics of REM (CUNSAGOF)
redemption over the properties previously attached. However, 1. Consensual
the Court here held that Royal Cargo had been put on notice 2. Unilateral
regarding the impending foreclosure sale and that its negligence 3. Nominate
to act upon such notice was a waiver of its right to equitably 4. Subsidiary
redeem the disputed properties. 5. Accessory
6. Gratuitous or onerous
PAMECA WOOD TREATMENT v. CA (1999) 7. Formal
In order to be valid, the REM must be made in a public document Valid subject matter of real estate mortgage
and recorded in the Registry of Property. 1. Immovable property
2. Real rights over immovable property
3. Essential requisites 3. Natural accessions, improvements, growing fruits,
rents or income of the property (principle of
a. Consent accession follows principal)
The parties must have capacity to give consent to a contract. Future property generally cannot be given in a REM.
b. Object c. Cause
A R T . 4 1 5, C C Art. 1350, supra
The following are immovable property:
(1) Land, buildings, roads and constructions of all For a third person, the cause is liberality (gratuitous REM). For
kinds adhered to the soil; the debtor, the cause is his fulfillment of the principal obligation
(2) Trees, plants, and growing fruits, while they are (onerous REM).
attached to the land or form an integral part of
an immovable; 4. Parties
(3) Everything attached to an immovable in a fixed
manner, in such a way that it cannot be separated Art. 2085, supra
therefrom without breaking the material or Art. 111, Family Code, supra
deterioration of the object;
(4) Statues, reliefs, paintings or other objects for use Parties to a contract of real estate mortgage
or ornamentation, placed in buildings or on lands Owns the thing given in mortgage
by the owner of the immovable in such a manner Mortgagor
Either debtor or third person
that it reveals the intention to attach them
Receives the thing in mortgage
permanently to the tenements; Mortgagee
Creditor in principal obligation
(5) Machinery, receptacles, instruments or
implements intended by the owner of the
tenement for an industry or works which may be 5. Form
carried on in a building or on a piece of land, and
which tend directly to meet the needs of the said
A R T . 1 8 7 9, C C
industry or works; A special power to sell excludes the power to
(6) Animal houses, pigeon-houses, beehives, fish mortgage; and a special power to mortgage does not
ponds or breeding places of similar nature, in include the power to sell. (n)
case their owner has placed them or preserves
them with the intention to have them
A R T . 2 1 2 5, C C
In addition to the requisites stated in Article 2085, it is
permanently attached to the land, and forming a
indispensable, in order that a mortgage may be
permanent part of it; the animals in these places
validly constituted, that the document in which it
are included;
(7) Fertilizer actually used on a piece of land; appears be recorded in the Registry of Property. If the
instrument is not recorded, the mortgage is
(8) Mines, quarries, and slag dumps, while the
matter thereof forms part of the bed, and waters nevertheless binding between the parties.
The persons in whose favor the law establishes a
either running or stagnant;
mortgage have no other right than to demand the
(9) Docks and structures which, though floating, are
execution and the recording of the document in which
intended by their nature and object to remain at a
the mortgage is formalized. (1875a)
fixed place on a river, lake, or coast;
(10) Contracts for public works, and servitudes and
other real rights over immovable property. (334a) Rules on form of real estate mortgage
Must be made in a public instrument
Art. 2124, supra Formal requisites Must be recorded in the Registry of
A R T . 2 1 2 7, C C If mortgage is in a private instrument, it is
Effect of private
The mortgage extends to the natural accessions, to not binding as a mortgage, but parties may
the improvements, growing fruits, and the rents or compel conformity with form (Art. 1357)*
Effect of not Binding between the parties, but not upon Governed by Act 3135
recording third persons Extrajudicial Applies only when mortgagee has the
Right of parties in May compel execution of REM document foreclosure special power to sell property in a
legal mortgage foreclosure
May demand recording of such document
8. Obligations of the mortgagee
6. Types
Release the mortgaged property
Art. 2125, supra from encumbrance
A R T . 1 6 0 2, C C A mortgagee who is in lawful possession of the thing is entitled
The contract shall be presumed to be an equitable to continue in possession until the indebtedness is fully satisfied.
mortgage, in any of the following cases: But once the mortgagor has fulfilled the principal obligation, the
(1) When the price of a sale with right to repurchase mortgagee must release the property from the encumbrance.
is unusually inadequate;
(2) When the vendor remains in possession as lessee 9. Special rules
or otherwise;
(3) When upon or after the expiration of the right to a. Ownership of property after creation
repurchase another instrument extending the of mortgage
period of redemption or granting a new period is
executed; A R T . 2 1 3 0, C C
(4) When the purchaser retains for himself a part of A stipulation forbidding the owner from alienating the
the purchase price; immovable mortgaged shall be void. (n)
(5) When the vendor binds himself to pay the taxes
on the thing sold; Rules on ownership
(6) In any other case where it may be fairly inferred As to transfer of ownership No transfer of ownership occurs
that the real intention of the parties is that the Thing remains in mortgagors
transaction shall secure the payment of a debt or As to possession
the performance of any other obligation. Mortgagor may sell the
In any of the foregoing cases, any money, fruits, or mortgaged property
other benefit to be received by the vendee as rent or
Stipulation forbidding sale is void
otherwise shall be considered as interest which shall As to sale of thing
be subject to the usury laws. (n) Stipulation requiring mortgagees
consent before sale also void
Types of real estate mortgage Mortgage lien follows property
Voluntary or
Created by agreement of the parties b. Registration requirement; effects
Legal Arises by operation of law A R T . 1 3 1 2, C C
Lacks proper formalities of a mortgage, but In contracts creating real rights, third persons who
Equitable reveals parties intention to burden property as come into possession of the object of the contract are
mortgage security for a debt, and contains nothing bound thereby, subject to the provisions of the
contrary to law Mortgage Law and the Land Registration Laws. (n)
7. Obligations of the mortgagor Art. 2125, supra
Summary of obligations of the mortgagor A R T . 2 1 2 6, C C
1. Implied right to take care of the thing The mortgage directly and immediately subjects the
2. Allow foreclosure property upon which it is imposed, whoever the
possessor may be, to the fulfillment of the obligation
a. Implied right to take care of thing for whose security it was constituted. (1876)
Delivery of the thing is not required for the validity of the REM A R T . 2 1 2 9, C C
constituted. Hence, the mortgagor retains the right to have the The creditor may claim from a third person in
thing in his possession, and to take care of the thing such that possession of the mortgaged property, the payment of
the creditors rights may be preserved. the part of the credit secured by the property which
said third person possesses, in the terms and with the
b. Allow foreclosure formalities which the law establishes. (1879)
Art. 2087, supra Registration creates a real right binding upon third persons.
Sec. 7. In any sale made under the provisions of this Procedure for extrajudicial foreclosure
Act, the purchaser may petition the Court of First 1. Notice
Instance of the province or place where the property - Posted for 20 days in 3 public places in
or any part thereof is situated, to give him possession city/municipality where property is located
thereof during the redemption period, furnishing bond - If property > P400, published at least once a
in an amount equivalent to the use of the property for week for 3 consecutive weeks in newspaper of
a period of twelve months, to indemnify the debtor in general circulation in same city/municipality
case it be shown that the sale was made without - Notice to mortgagor not required, unless
violating the mortgage or without complying with the otherwise stipulated
requirements of this Act. Such petition shall be made 2. Sale at public auction
under oath and filed in form of an ex parte motion in 3. Registration of certificate of sale
the registration or cadastral proceedings if the 4. Redemption periodPossessor must give a bond
property is registered, or in special proceedings in the 5. Issuance of TCT
case of property registered under the Mortgage Law 6. Issuance of writ of possession to mortgagee, if
or under section one hundred and ninety-four of the redemption period expires without mortgagors
Administrative Code, or of any other real property exercise of his right (bond no longer required)
encumbered with a mortgage duly registered in the
office of any register of deeds in accordance with any Right of mortgagee to recover deficiency
existing law, and in each case the clerk of the court The right is available in both judicial and
shall, upon the filing of such petition, collect the fees extrajudicial foreclosures. Rule 68, ROC, specifically
specified in paragraph eleven of section one hundred grants this right to the mortgagee in a judicial
and fourteen of Act Numbered Four hundred and foreclosure. Meanwhile, Act 3135 does not specifically
ninety-six, as amended by Act Numbered Twenty- prohibit it, so the requirement is only that the
eight hundred and sixty-six, and the court shall, upon extrajudicial foreclosure is valid.
approval of the bond, order that a writ of possession However, the mortgagee cannot pursue the
issue, addressed to the sheriff of the province in which deficiency against a third person mortgagor, but
the property is situated, who shall execute said order must do so against the debtor. The action to recover
immediately. deficiency prescribes after 10 years.
Sec. 8. The debtor may, in the proceedings in which g. Redemption & equity of redemption
possession was requested, but not later than thirty
days after the purchaser was given possession, Redemption is the right to reacquire mortgaged property free of
petition that the sale be set aside and the writ of the lien, within a certain period.
possession cancelled, specifying the damages
suffered by him, because the mortgage was not Right of redemption vs. equity of redemption
violated or the sale was not made in accordance with Right of redemption Equity of redemption
the provisions hereof, and the court shall take After extrajudicial
cognizance of this petition in accordance with the foreclosure, generally
summary procedure provided for in section one within 1 year from
hundred and twelve of Act Numbered Four hundred registration of certificate
and ninety-six; and if it finds the complaint of the of sale; except where
debtor justified, it shall dispose in his favor of all or mortgagor is juridical
part of the bond furnished by the person who person, then 3 months
obtained possession. Either of the parties may appeal from foreclosure or
from the order of the judge in accordance with section before registration,
fourteen of Act Numbered Four hundred and ninety- whichever comes first
six; but the order of possession shall continue in effect Before judicial
during the pendency of the appeal. foreclosure, within 90
a. Mortgagor is a
juridical person and days after service of
Sec. 9. When the property is redeemed after the When
mortgagee is a order requiring debtor to
purchaser has been given possession, the redeemer available
bank/financial pay OR after foreclosure
shall be entitled to deduct from the price of sale but prior to its
institution, then
redemption any rentals that said purchaser may have
period 3 months from confirmation
collected in case the property or any part thereof was
foreclosure (whether
rented; if the purchaser occupied the property as his
judicial or
own dwelling, it being town property, or used it
extrajudicial), or
gainfully, it being rural property, the redeemer may
before registration of
deduct from the price the interest of one per centum
certificate of sale, or
per month provided for in section four hundred and
before court confirms
sixty-five of the Code of Civil Procedure.
the sale, whichever
comes first
Sec. 10. This Act shall take effect on its approval.
b. Parties agree to
extend period
Effects of valid exercise of right of redemption Art. 1602 provides the cases in which a contract, regardless of its
It does not restore ownership to mortgagor, since nomenclature, will be considered an equitable mortgage. The
ownership is not lost until the redemption period lien created on the thing thus cannot be defeated by requiring
lapses without the exercise of the right. Redemption compliance with the requisites of a REM.
only defeats purchasers inchoate right to the thing
and frees thing from encumbrance. PRUDENTIAL BANK v. ALVIAR (2005)
The exercise of the right to redemption also
admits the validity of the foreclosure, such that the A blanket mortgage clause, otherwise known as a
mortgagor is later estopped from impugning it. dragnet clause, is one that is meant to secure all
debts incurred in the past or future.
Who may exercise the right of redemption Dragnet clauses, however, will not be
Redemption may be exercised not only by the debtor, automatically applied to other loans that are
but also his successors-in-interest, i.e. the following: separately secured. In such a case, the separate
1. One to whom the debtor has transferred the right; securities will first have to be exhausted before
2. One to whom the debtor has conveyed his interest the property covered by a dragnet clause can be
in the property, for the purpose of redemption;
3. One who succeeds to the debtors interest by
operation of law;
Facts: The Alviars executed a real estate mortgage over a parcel
4. One or more joint debtors who jointly owned the
of land in order to secure his loan worth P250kthe mortgage
property sold; or
contract contained a dragnet clause. Subsequently, they
5. One with a joint interest in the property, or his
acquired other loans that were secured with other pieces of
spouse or heirs.
property. Upon the default of the spouses in one of the
subsequently acquired loans, the bank attempted to foreclose
10. Risk of loss & deterioration the mortgage that secured the first loan through its dragnet
Art. 2103, supra
Issue: Which between the dragnet or the subsequently
The risk of loss is borne by the mortgagor, who remains the constituted securities should be foreclosed first THE
PEOPLES BANK & TRUST CO. v. DAHICAN An assignment of rights over property to
LUMBER CO. (1967) guarantee an obligation is, in effect, a mortgage.
A provision in a real estate mortgage contract Facts: DBP appropriated the leasehold rights of Lydia without
stating that (real or personal) property foreclosure proceedings on the strength of a provision in their
subsequently acquired will be included therein is mortgage that empowered the former to take actual possession
valid and requires no additional registration for of the property as attorney-in-fact. Subsequently, the bank
the mortgage over the same to be valid between entered into a conditional sale of the leasehold rights with Lydia
the parties and third parties. whose condition was that she would pay the amortizations on
the lot. Lydia failed to comply with the condition so DBP sent a
Facts: Dahican loaned various sums of money from the bank and notice of rescission and took possession of the fishpond and
secured the same with a real estate mortgage that contained a corresponding leasehold rights again. DBP sold the fishpond and
provision that extended the mortgage to properties subsequently leasehold rights through public bidding.
acquired. When the bank attempted to foreclose the mortgaged
properties, Dahican attempted to raise the defense that the Issue: WON DBP can appropriate the leasehold rights over the
mortgage over the movable properties because they were not fishpond without foreclosure proceedings NO
registered in the Chattel Mortgage registry.
Held: First, the condition in their agreement that allowed DBP to
Issue: WON the subsequently acquired properties were covered take possession of the property is not in violation of Art. 2208. It
by the deeds of mortgage YES merely provided the appointment of DBP as atty-in-fact to sell or
dispose of the property and apply the proceeds thereof to the
Held: Provisions in real estate mortgages that include debt owed to it by Lydia. DBP, however, exceeded its authority
subsequently acquired property are commonplace and legal. The when it actually appropriated the leasehold rights without first
properties did not have to be registered in the chattel mortgage foreclosing themremember that they executed a contract of
registry because they had been treated as immovable properties conditional sale which meant that DBP acquired ownership over
by Dahican and the bank by virtue of the provision that included the property. The assignment merely operated as a security, a
them in the real estate mortgage. guarantee for the payment of the obligation; not an absolute
conveyance of title. DBP should have foreclosed the mortgage
upon Lydias default.
MEDIDA v. CA (1992)
SUICO v. PNB (2007)
The real estate mortgagor remains the absolute
owner of the property and what is delimited by the Unless the discrepancies in the notice of sale are
foreclosure and auction sale is the full right to fraudulent and would gravely misinform and deter
dispose of the land. potential bidders, they will not render the
extrajudicial foreclosure and subsequent sale null
Subsequent mortgagees after foreclosure are and void.
subordinate to the rights of the purchaser, and
thus only gain the mortgagees right of The creditor-mortgagee is bound to return the
redemption. excess, if any, of the purchase price of the
foreclosed property over the amount of the
Facts: During the redemption period for their foreclosed parcel of principal obligation.
land, the sps. Dolino entered into a contract of loan with the
bank and gave the foreclosed piece of land as security. They Facts: Sps. Suico sought to declare the extrajudicial foreclosure
defaulted in their loan contract and the bank foreclosed the of mortgage conducted by PNB as null and void because of the
parcel of land given as security. Gandioncho, the purchaser of the latters failure to account for how the purchase price of the
land when it was first foreclosed, came before the court and auctioned property was applied to their loan. Further, they also
asked it to nullify the second public auction sale. alleged that PNB failed to remit the excess of the purchase price
over the amount of their indebtedness to the sheriff. Also, they
Issue: WON the real estate mortgage in favor of the bank is void assailed the auction sale because of discrepancies that existed in
NO the notice of sale regarding the amount owed by the Suicos.
Held: There is no obstacle to the legal creation of such a lien even Issue:
after the auction sale of the property within the redemption
1. WON the foreclosure sale was void for discrepancies between Held: The enforcement of such an agreement would be
the notice of sale and amounts actually owed NO tantamount to the creditor automatically appropriating the
2. WON PNB should remit the excess of the proceeds to the property of the debtor upon the latters default. It does not
Suicos YES matter that such an agreement was freely reached by the parties
because it was in contravention of explicit provisions of law.
Held: The discrepancy between the amount of petitioners
obligation as reflected in the Notice of Sale and the amount RAMOS v. OBISPO (2013)
actually due and collected from the petitioners at the time of the
auction sale do not constitute the sort of fraud which renders the The law does not prohibit third parties to a loan
extrajudicial foreclosure sale null and void. from offering their property as security by way of a
real estate mortgage. In the absence of evidence
The application of the proceeds from the sale of the mortgaged signifying fraud or other means of vitiating
property to the mortgagors obligation is an act of payment, not consent, third party mortgages are presumed to
payment by dacion; hence, it is the mortgagees duty to return be legal and willingly entered into.
any surplus in the selling price to the mortgagor.
Facts: Dispute arose between Ramos and Obispo and the bank
regarding the constitution of a real estate mortgage over the
BUSTAMANTE v. ROSEL (1999) formers property. Ramos claimed that Obispo defrauded him
into signing a blank real estate mortgage form that Obispo
A stipulation in a mortgage contract that contains subsequently used to mortgage the formers property as security
an option to buy clause in case of default is in the for his own loan. As defense, Obispo alleged that Ramos was a
nature of a pactum commissorrium and is thus third party mortgagor and that no evidence had been presented
void. that pointed to any fraudulent act that he had committed.
Facts: Bustamante entered into a contract of loan with Rosel that Issue: WON the mortgage executed by Ramos that secured the
was secured by a parcel of land. Their agreement contained a obligations of Ramos is valid YES
stipulation that in the event that Bustamente would default in
paying, then Rosel would have the option to buy the land for Held: Art. 2085 explicitly allows third parties to secure the loans
200k. Rosel refused to accept payment of the loan and insisted of others by pledging or mortgaging their own property; they are
that Bustamante allow him to exercise his contract to buy the otherwise referred to as accommodation mortgagors. As applied,
land. Ramos was not able provide clear and convincing evidence that
the execution of the real estate mortgage was attended to by
Issue: WON Rosel can exercise the option to buy the land NO fraudulent acts of Obispo.
Held: First, it must be noted that Bustamante attempted to pay It is not always necessary that the accommodation mortgagor
the loan even before it was dueit was only the refusal of Rosel be apprised beforehand of the entire amount of the loan nor
to accept payment that kept Bustamante from extinguishing his should it first be determined before the execution of the SPA in
obligation. favor of the debtor. This is especially true when the words used
by the parties indicate that the mortgage serves as a continuing
Second, the stipulation is void for being in the nature of pactum security for credit obtained as well as future loan availments.
commissorium. The fact that Rosel would have first needed to (Belo v. PNB)
pay Bustamante 200k is of no moment; appropriation of the
creditor of the mortgaged property without going through Dissent (CJ Sereno):
foreclosure and an auction sale is void. The bank should have exercised extraordinary diligence in
making sure that the mortgage executed by the parties for a loan
ONG v. ROBAN (2008) that it extended was validly entered into.
Held: The fact that Delos Santos had defaulted in paying his
obligations to Metrobank had been indisputably established. As
a result of such default, Metrobank had every right to foreclose
the property offered as security. Injunction will not issue in cases
wherein the applicant has no right to the relief sought. As
applied, Delos Santos had no right to prevent Metrobank from
foreclosing his mortgaged property because of his earlier default.
A. CO NCEPT 5. Gratuitous or onerous
A R T . 2 1 3 2, C C It is gratuitous when a third person gives the fruits of his
By the contract of antichresis the creditor acquires the property, and onerous when it is the debtor who gives the fruits
right to receive the fruits of an immovable of his of his property.
debtor, with the obligation to apply them to the
payment of the interest, if owing, and thereafter to the 6. Formal
principal of his credit. (1881)
The contract must be in writing in order to be valid.
In a contract of antichresis, the creditor receives the rights to the
fruits of an immovable owned by the debtor, and the creditor has C. ESSENTIAL REQ UISITES
the obligation to apply said fruits to the interest of the principal
obligation, if owing, and thereafter, to the principal obligation 1. Consent
The parties must have capacity to consent to a contract.
2. Object
A R T . 2 1 3 9, C C
The last paragraph of Article 2085, and Articles 2089 Art. 2132, supra
to 2091 are applicable to this contract. (1886a)
General rule: The antichresis covers all the fruits of the
Art. 2091, supra immovable thing. The immovable itself is not covered by the
Characteristics of antichresis (CUNAGOF)
1. Consensual Exception: The parties may stipulate that only certain fruits of
2. Unilateral the immovable be given in antichresis.
3. Nominate
4. Accessory 3. Cause
5. Gratuitous or onerous
6. Formal Art. 1350, supra
1. Consensual D. PARTIES
Delivery is not required for the validity of the contract, but Art. 2085, supra
required only in order that the creditor may receive the fruits. Art. 2132, supra
2. Unilateral E. FO RM
It is unilateral because it imposes certain obligations only upon A R T . 2 1 3 4, C C
the antichretic creditor. The amount of the principal and of the interest shall
be specified in writing; otherwise, the contract of
3. Nominate antichresis shall be void. (n)
It is nominate because the Civil Code specifically gave it a name. What must be written
To be valid, a contract of antichresis must contain:
4. Accessory 1. The amount of the principal; and
2. The amount of the interest to be paid.
A contract of antichresis secures a principal obligation.
Kinds of obligations that may be secured by antichresis
Valid Summary of creditors obligations
As to validity Voidable 1. Apply fruits to interest and principal
Unenforceable 2. Pay taxes and charges upon the estate
As to Pure
conditionality Conditional (suspensive or resolutory) 1. Apply fruits to interest &
As to time Present obligations principal
As to specific Payment
obligation Performance
Art. 2132, supra
A R T . 2 1 3 3, C C
The actual market value of the fruits at the time of the
application thereof to the interest and principal shall
be the measure of such application. (n)
The debtor cannot reacquire the enjoyment of the
immovable without first having totally paid what he Causes for extinguishment of antichresis
owes the creditor. 1. Fulfillment of principal obligation
But the latter, in order to exempt himself from 2. Loss of the thing given in antichresis
the obligations imposed upon him by the preceding
article, may always compel the debtor to enter again
upon the enjoyment of the property, except when
there is a stipulation to the contrary. (1883)
2. Real estate mortgage Issue: WON the contract between them was an antichresis
contract NO
Differences between real estate mortgage & antichresis
Held: Even if the contract between the parties stipulated a
REM Antichresis
transfer of possession for the purpose of the creditor-mortgagee
Subject matter Immovable thing Fruits of immovable
gathering the fruits of the property, it did not contain a
Usually retained by Given to creditor so that stipulation that required the creditor-mortgagee to apply the
debtor he may derive fruits fruits to the payment of interest and then to the payment of the
Creditor entitled only principal obligation. Hence the contract is one of mortgage and
fruits, so no real right not antichresis. However, given the attendant circumstances, the
Creditor has a real
Kind of right created, unless Court said that Fernando could not appropriate the fruits without
right over property
registered in the accounting for the same. As a mortgagee in possession, he has
Registry of Property the same rights as an antichretic creditor.
Creditor obliged to pay,
Pay taxes & Creditor has no unless there is
charges obligation to pay stipulation to the
Creditor must apply
Application of Creditor not obliged
fruits to interest (if
fruits to apply fruits
owing) and principal
PREFERENCE of CREDITS a. Family home & support
Concurrence of credits A R T . 1 5 3, F A M I L Y C O D E
Two or more creditors possess equal rights or The family home is deemed constituted on a house
privileges over the same property or all of the property and lot from the time it is occupied as a family
of a debtor. residence. From the time of its constitution and so
long as any of its beneficiaries actually resides therein,
Preference of credit the family home continues to be such and is exempt
A creditor has a right to be preferred in the payment from execution, forced sale or attachment except as
of his claim above the others, i.e. to be paid first, out hereinafter provided and to the extent allowed by law.
of the debtors assets.
A R T . 2 0 5, F A M I L Y C O D E
B. NATURE & EFFECT of PREFERENCE The right to receive support under this Title as well as
Nature of any money or property obtained as such support shall
An exception to the general rule of concurrence not be levied upon on attachment or execution.
Does not create an interest in or lien on the
Effect of b. Properties exempt from execution
property; simply creates for one creditor the
preference under the Rules of Court
right to be paid ahead of other creditors
C. W HEN RULES APPLY Property exempt from execution. Except as
otherwise expressly provided by law, the following
The rules on preference apply where two or more creditors have property, and no other, shall be exempt from
separate and distinct claims against the same debtor, who has execution:
insufficient property. Further, the credits must already be due. (a) The judgment obligor's family home as provided
by law, or the homestead in which he resides, and
Thus, in order for the preference to take effect, there must first be land necessarily used in connection therewith;
the proper proceedings for the debtors properties to be (b) Ordinary tools and implements personally used
inventoried and liquidated and his creditors claims established. by him in his trade, employment, or livelihood;
(c) Three horses, or three cows, or three carabaos, or
D. GENERAL RULES other beasts of burden, such as the judgment
obligor may select necessarily used by him in his
1. Liability of debtor ordinary occupation;
(d) His necessary clothing and articles for ordinary
A R T . 2 2 3 6, C C personal use, excluding jewelry;
The debtor is liable with all his property, present and
(e) Household furniture and utensils necessary for
future, for the fulfillment of his obligations, subject to housekeeping, and used for that purpose by the
the exemptions provided by law. (1911a)
judgment obligor and his family, such as the
judgment obligor may select, of a value not
Classification of debtors property exceeding one hundred thousand pesos;
1. Exempt property (f) Provisions for individual or family use sufficient
2. Property subject to special preferred credit for four months;
3. Property subject to ordinary preferred credit (g) The professional libraries and equipment of
4. Free property judges, lawyers, physicians, pharmacists, dentists,
engineers, surveyors, clergymen, teachers, and
The general rule is that all of the debtors property, both existing other professionals, not exceeding three hundred
and future, may be pursued to fulfill his obligations. The thousand pesos in value;
exceptions are provided below. (h) One fishing boat and accessories not exceeding
the total value of one hundred thousand pesos
2. Exempt properties owned by a fisherman and by the lawful use of
which he earns his livelihood;
Summary of debtors exempt properties (i) So much of the salaries, wages, or earnings of the
1. The family home; judgment obligor for his personal services within
2. Any money or property obtained in support; the four months preceding the levy as are
3. Properties subject from attachment and execution necessary for the support of his family;
under the Rules of Court; (j) Lettered gravestones;
4. Free patent or homestead land; (k) Monies, benefits, privileges, or annuities accruing
5. Assets that belong to the conjugal or in any manner growing out of any life
partnership/absolute community of property; insurance;
6. Undivided share on interest in co-owned property; (l) The right to receive legal support, or money or
and property obtained as such support, or any
7. Property under legal custody pension or gratuity from the Government;
8. Property held in trust by insolvent debtor (m) Properties specially exempted by law.
But no article or species of property mentioned in this f. Property under legal custody
section shall be exempt from execution issued upon a
judgment recovered for its price or upon a judgment Property under legal custody has been held to be exempt from
of foreclosure of a mortgage thereon. (12a) attachment or execution (Springer v. Odlin, 3 Phil 344, 1903).
A R T . 2 2 4 1, C C A R T . 2 2 4 3, C C
With reference to specific movable property of the The claims or credits enumerated in the two
debtor, the following claims or liens shall be preceding articles shall be considered as mortgages
preferred: or pledges of real or personal property, or liens within
(1) Duties, taxes and fees due thereon to the State or the purview of legal provisions governing insolvency.
any subdivision thereof; Taxes mentioned in No. 1, Article 2241, and No. 1,
(2) Claims arising from misappropriation, breach of Article 2242, shall first be satisfied. (n)
trust, or malfeasance by public officials
committed in the performance of their duties, on A R T . 2 2 4 6, C C
the movables, money or securities obtained by Those credits which enjoy preference with respect to
them; specific movables, exclude all others to the extent of
(3) Claims for the unpaid price of movables sold, on the value of the personal property to which the
said movables, so long as they are in the preference refers.
possession of the debtor, up to the value of the
same; and if the movable has been resold by the A R T . 2 2 4 7, C C
debtor and the price is still unpaid, the lien may If there are two or more credits with respect to the
be enforced on the price; this right is not lost by same specific movable property, they shall be satisfied
the immobilization of the thing by destination, pro rata, after the payment of duties, taxes and fees
provided it has not lost its form, substance and due the State or any subdivision thereof. (1926a)
identity; neither is the right lost by the sale of the
thing together with other property for a lump A R T . 2 2 5 0, C C
sum, when the price thereof can be determined The excess, if any, after the payment of the credits
proportionally; which enjoy preference with respect to specific
(4) Credits guaranteed with a pledge so long as the property, real or personal, shall be added to the free
things pledged are in the hands of the creditor, or property which the debtor may have, for the payment
those guaranteed by a chattel mortgage, upon of the other credits. (1928a)
the things pledged or mortgaged, up to the value
thereof; 2. Preferred credits with respect
(5) Credits for the making, repair, safekeeping or to specific immovable
preservation of personal property, on the movable property
thus made, repaired, kept or possessed;
(6) Claims for laborers' wages, on the goods A R T . 2 2 4 2, C C
manufactured or the work done; With reference to specific immovable property and
(7) For expenses of salvage, upon the goods real rights of the debtor, the following claims,
salvaged; mortgages and liens shall be preferred, and shall
(8) Credits between the landlord and the tenant, constitute an encumbrance on the immovable or real
arising from the contract of tenancy on shares, on right:
the share of each in the fruits or harvest; (1) Taxes due upon the land or building;
(9) Credits for transportation, upon the goods (2) For the unpaid price of real property sold, upon
carried, for the price of the contract and the immovable sold;
incidental expenses, until their delivery and for (3) Claims of laborers, masons, mechanics and other
thirty days thereafter; workmen, as well as of architects, engineers and
(10) Credits for lodging and supplies usually furnished contractors, engaged in the construction,
to travellers by hotel keepers, on the movables reconstruction or repair of buildings, canals or
belonging to the guest as long as such movables other works, upon said buildings, canals or other
are in the hotel, but not for money loaned to the works;
guests; (4) Claims of furnishers of materials used in the
construction, reconstruction, or repair of (5) Credits and advancements made to the debtor for
buildings, canals or other works, upon said support of himself or herself, and family, during
buildings, canals or other works; the last year preceding the insolvency;
(5) Mortgage credits recorded in the Registry of (6) Support during the insolvency proceedings, and
Property, upon the real estate mortgaged; for three months thereafter;
(6) Expenses for the preservation or improvement of (7) Fines and civil indemnification arising from a
real property when the law authorizes criminal offense;
reimbursement, upon the immovable preserved (8) Legal expenses, and expenses incurred in the
or improved; administration of the insolvent's estate for the
(7) Credits annotated in the Registry of Property, in common interest of the creditors, when properly
virtue of a judicial order, by attachments or authorized and approved by the court;
executions, upon the property affected, and only (9) Taxes and assessments due the national
as to later credits; government, other than those mentioned in
(8) Claims of co-heirs for warranty in the partition of Articles 2241, No. 1, and 2242, No. 1;
an immovable among them, upon the real (10) Taxes and assessments due any province, other
property thus divided; than those referred to in Articles 2241, No. 1, and
(9) Claims of donors or real property for pecuniary 2242, No. 1;
charges or other conditions imposed upon the (11) Taxes and assessments due any city or
donee, upon the immovable donated; municipality, other than those indicated in
(10) Credits of insurers, upon the property insured, for Articles 2241, No. 1, and 2242, No. 1;
the insurance premium for two years. (1923a) (12) Damages for death or personal injuries caused by
a quasi-delict;
Art. 2243, supra (13) Gifts due to public and private institutions of
charity or beneficence;
A R T . 2 2 4 8, C C (14) Credits which, without special privilege, appear in
Those credits which enjoy preference in relation to (a) a public instrument; or (b) in a final judgment,
specific real property or real rights, exclude all others if they have been the subject of litigation. These
to the extent of the value of the immovable or real credits shall have preference among themselves
right to which the preference refers. in the order of priority of the dates of the
instruments and of the judgments, respectively.
A R T . 2 2 4 9, C C (1924a)
If there are two or more credits with respect to the
same specific real property or real rights, they shall be A R T. 1 1 0, L A B O R C O D E
satisfied pro rata, after the payment of the taxes and In the event of bankruptcy or liquidation of an
assessments upon the immovable property or real employers business, his workers shall enjoy first
right. (1927a) preference as regards their wages and other monetary
claims, any provisions of law to the contrary
Art. 2250, supra notwithstanding. Such unpaid wages and monetary
claims shall be paid in full before claims of the
3. Order of preference with government and other creditors may be paid. (As
respect to other properties of amended by Sec. 1, Rep. Act No. 6715, March 21, 1989).
the debtor
Art. 110 of the Labor Code is an ordinary preferred credit, whose
A R T . 2 2 4 4, C C effect is to raise #2 of Art. 2244 to first priority.
With reference to other property, real and personal, of
the debtor, the following claims or credits shall be 4. Other credits enjoying no
preferred in the order named: preference
(1) Proper funeral expenses for the debtor, or
children under his or her parental authority who A R T . 2 2 4 5, C C
have no property of their own, when approved by Credits of any other kind or class, or by any other right
the court; or title not comprised in the four preceding articles,
(2) Credits for services rendered the insolvent by shall enjoy no preference. (1925)
employees, laborers, or household helpers for one
year preceding the commencement of the A R T . 2 2 5 1, C C
proceedings in insolvency; Those credits which do not enjoy any preference with
(3) Expenses during the last illness of the debtor or respect to specific property, and those which enjoy
of his or her spouse and children under his or her preference, as to the amount not paid, shall be
parental authority, if they have no property of satisfied according to the following rules:
their own; (1) In the order established in Article 2244;
(4) Compensation due the laborers or their (2) Common credits referred to in Article 2245 shall
dependents under laws providing for indemnity be paid pro rata regardless of dates. (1929a)
for damages in cases of labor accident, or illness
resulting from the nature of the employment;
JL BERNARDO CONSTRUCTION v. CA (2000) The PDIC need not obtain a tax clearance before
S E C . 4 ( G G ), F R I A
1. Purpose of the law Rehabilitation shall refer to the restoration of the
debtor to a condition of successful operation and
S E C . 2, F R I A solvency, if it is shown that its continuance of
Declaration of Policy. - It is the policy of the State to operation is economically feasible and its creditors
encourage debtors, both juridical and natural persons, can recover by way of the present value of payments
and their creditors to collectively and realistically projected in the plan, more if the debtor continues as
resolve and adjust competing claims and property a going concern than if it is immediately liquidated.
rights. In furtherance thereof, the State shall ensure a
timely, fair, transparent, effective and efficient d. Liquidation
rehabilitation or liquidation of debtors. The
rehabilitation or liquidation shall be made with a view S E C . 4 ( U ), F R I A
to ensure or maintain certainly and predictability in Liquidation shall refer to the proceedings under
commercial affairs, preserve and maximize the value Chapter V of this Act.
of the assets of these debtors, recognize creditor
rights and respect priority of claims, and ensure Types of proceedings under the FRIA
equitable treatment of creditors who are similarly Debtor asks for a reprieve in his obligation to
Suspension of
situated. When rehabilitation is not feasible, it is in the pay outstanding obligations, because of the
interest of the State to facilities a speedy and orderly absence of liquid assets
liquidation of these debtor's assets and the Seeks to restore debtor to financially
settlement of their obligations. Rehabilitation
successful operation and solvency
As a last resort, debtors assets are inventoried
The purpose of the FRIA is to provide for a fair procedure for the and used to discharge his liabilities
liquidation and rehabilitation of an insolvent debtor.
3. Suspension of payment
2. Concepts
a. Concept
a. Insolvent
The purpose of a suspension is to give the debtor breathing
S E C . 4 ( P ), F R I A space, so he can liquidate or acquire properties in order to pay.
Insolvent shall refer to the financial condition of a
debtor that is generally unable to pay its or his b. To whom available
liabilities as they fall due in the ordinary course of
business or has liabilities that are greater than its or Only an individual debtor may file for suspension of payment.
his assets. Hence, a suspension of payment is always voluntary.
- Agreement must contain a schedule of lapse when three (3) months shall have passed
liabilities without the proposed agreement being accepted by
- Binding upon creditors: the creditors or as soon as such agreement is denied.
a. Whose debts are included in the schedule No creditor shall sue or institute proceedings to
b. Who were properly summoned (therefore collect his claim from the debtor from the time of the
binding even upon those who made filing of the petition for suspension of payments and
objections) for as long as proceedings remain pending except:
- Agreement NOT binding upon secured (a) Those creditors having claims for personal labor,
creditors, who may enforce the debtors liability maintenance, expense of last illness and funeral
according the agreement of the wife or children of the debtor incurred in
the sixty (60) days immediately prior to the filing
Filing of petition of the petition; and
(b) Secured creditors.
Sec. 94, FRIA, supra
Creditors meeting
Action on petition
S E C . 9 7, F R I A
S E C . 9 5, F R I A Creditors' Meeting. - The presence of creditors holding
Action on the Petition. - If the court finds the petition claims amounting to at least three-fifths (3/5) of the
sufficient in form and substance, it shall, within five (5) liabilities shall be necessary for holding a meeting.
working days from the filing of the petition, issue an The commissioner appointed by the court shall
Order: preside over the meeting and the clerk of court shall
(a) Calling a meeting of all the creditors named in act as the secretary thereof, subject to the following
the schedule of debts and liabilities at such time rules:
not less than fifteen (15) days nor more than forty (a) The clerk shall record the creditors present and
(40) days from the date of such Order and amount of their respective claims;
designating the date, time and place of the (b) The commissioner shall examine the written
meeting; evidence of the claims. If the creditors present
(b) Directing such creditors to prepare and present hold at least three-fifths (3/5) of the liabilities of
written evidence of their claims before the the individual debtor, the commissioner shall
scheduled creditors' meeting; declare the meeting open for business;
(c) Directing the publication of the said order in a (c) The creditors and individual debtor shall discuss
newspaper of general circulation published in the the propositions in the proposed agreement and
province or city in which the petition is filed once put them to a vote;
a week for two (2) consecutive weeks, with the (d) To form a majority, it is necessary:
first publication to be made within seven (7) days (1) That two-thirds (2/3) of the creditors voting
from the time of the issuance of the Order; unite upon the same proposition; and
(d) Directing the clerk of court to cause the sending (2) That the claims represented by said majority
of a copy of the Order by registered mail, postage vote amount to at least three- fifths (3/5) of
prepaid, to all creditors named in the schedule of the total liabilities of the debtor mentioned
debts and liabilities; in the petition; and
(e) Forbidding the individual debtor from selling, (e) After the result of the voting has been
transferring, encumbering or disposing in any announced, all protests made against the
manner of his property, except those used in the majority vote shall be drawn up, and the
ordinary operations of commerce or of industry in commissioner and the individual debtor together
which the petitioning individual debtor is with all creditors taking part in the voting shall
engaged so long as the proceedings relative to sign the affirmed propositions.
the suspension of payments are pending; No creditor who incurred his credit within ninety (90)
(f) Prohibiting the individual debtor from making any days prior to the filing of the petition shall be entitled
payment outside of the necessary or legitimate to vote.
expenses of his business or industry, so long as
the proceedings relative to the suspension of S E C . 9 8, F R I A
payments are pending; and Persons Who May Refrain From Voting. - Creditors who
(g) Appointing a commissioner to preside over the are unaffected by the Suspension Order may refrain
creditors' meeting. from attending the meeting and from voting therein.
Such persons shall not be bound by any agreement
S E C . 9 5, F R I A determined upon at such meeting, but if they should
Actions Suspended. - Upon motion filed by the join in the voting they shall be bound in the same
individual debtor, the court may issue an order manner as are the other creditors.
suspending any pending execution against the
individual debtor. Provide, That properties held as S E C . 9 9, F R I A
security by secured creditors shall not be the subject Rejection of the Proposed Agreement. - The proposed
of such suspension order. The suspension order shall agreement shall be deemed rejected if the number of
(b) Statement of the fact of and the cause of the fifty percent (50%) of the total unsecured claims of
debtor's insolvency or inability to pay its the debtor. The petition shall include as a minimum:
obligations as they become due; (a) A schedule of the debtor's debts And liabilities;
(c) The specific relief sought pursuant to this Act; (b) An inventory of the debtor's assets;
(d) The grounds upon which the petition is based; (c) The pre-negotiated Rehabilitation Plan, including
(e) Other information that may be required under the names of at least three (3) qualified nominees
this Act depending on the form of relief for rehabilitation receiver; and
requested; (d) A summary of disputed claims against the debtor
(f) Schedule of the debtor's debts and liabilities and a report on the provisioning of funds to
including a list of creditors with their addresses, account for appropriate payments should any
amounts of claims and collaterals, or securities, if such claims be ruled valid or their amounts
any; adjusted.
(g) An inventory of all its assets including receivables
and claims against third parties; S E C . 8 3, F R I A
(h) A Rehabilitation Plan Out-of-Court or Informal Restructuring Agreements
(i) The names of at least three (3) nominees to the and Rehabilitation Plans. - An out-of-curt or informal
position of rehabilitation receiver; and restructuring agreement or Rehabilitation Plan that
(j) Other documents required to be filed with the meets the minimum requirements prescribed in this
petition pursuant to this Act and the rules of chapter is hereby recognized as consistent with the
procedure as may be promulgated by the objectives of this Act.
Supreme Court.
A group of debtors may jointly file a petition for c. Who may file petition
rehabilitation under this Act when one or more of its
members foresee the impossibility of meeting debts Sec. 12, FRIA, supra
when they respectively fall due, and the financial Sec. 13, FRIA, supra
distress would likely adversely affect the financial Sec. 76, FRIA, supra
condition and/or operations of the other members of Sec. 83, FRIA, supra
the group and/or the participation of the other
members of the group is essential under the terms Types of entities who may file &
and conditions of the proposed Rehabilitation Plan. who must approve petition for rehab
Debtor entities Who must consent to petition
S E C . 1 3, F R I A Single proprietorship Owner
Circumstances Necessary to Initiate Involuntary Partnership Majority of partners
Proceedings. - Any creditor or group of creditors with a Majority of board of directors + 2/3
claim of, or the aggregate of whose claims is, at least Corporation of stockholders of outstanding
One Million Pesos (Php1,000,000.00) or at least capital stock
twenty-five percent (25%) of the subscribed capital Creditors Amount of claim
stock or partners' contributions, whichever is higher, At least P1M or 25% of
may initiate involuntary proceedings against the All creditors capital/partners contribution,
debtor by filing a petition for rehabilitation with the whichever is higher
court if:
(a) There is no genuine issue of fact on law on the d. Procedure for court-supervised
claim/s of the petitioner/s, and that the due and rehabilitation
demandable payments thereon have not been (Super haba ng provisions. I suggest reading the summaries first. J)
made for at least sixty (60) days or that the
debtor has failed generally to meet its liabilities Procedure for court-supervised rehabilitation
as they fall due; or 1. Filing of petition, which alleges facts to support
(b) A creditor, other than the petitioner/s, has rehab;
initiated foreclosure proceedings against the 2. Action by court
debtor that will prevent the debtor from paying - If petition not sufficient in form and substance,
its debts as they become due or will render it allow amendment/supplement
insolvent. 3. Commencement order
- Issued if petition sufficient in form and
S E C . 7 6, F R I A substance
Petition by Debtor. - An insolvent debtor, by itself or - Includes stay/suspension order, except as
jointly with any of its creditors, may file a verified provided in Sec. 18 (see next table for
petition with the court for the approval of a pre- summary)
negotiated Rehabilitation Plan which has been 4. Initial hearing
endorsed or approved by creditors holding at least 5. Rehab receiver submits report as to WON rehab is
two-thirds (2/3) of the total liabilities of the debtor, feasible
including secured creditors holding more than fifty 6. Court determines WON to give due course to
percent (50%) of the total secured claims of the petition
debtor and unsecured creditors holding more than 7. Rehab receiver prepares rehab plan
made within seven (7) days from the time of its the commencement date except as may be
issuance; provided herein.
(g) If the petitioner is the debtor direct the service by
personal delivery of a copy of the petition on each S E C . 2 1, F R I A
creditor holding at least ten percent (10%) of the Effectivity and Duration of Commencement Order. -
total liabilities of the debtor as determined from Unless lifted by the court, the Commencement Order
the schedule attached to the petition within five shall be for the effective for the duration of the
(5) days; if the petitioner/s is/are creditor/s, direct rehabilitation proceedings for as long as there is a
the service by personal delivery of a copy of the substantial likelihood that the debtor will be
petition on the debtor within five (5) days; successfully rehabilitated. In determining whether
(h) Appoint a rehabilitation receiver who may or not there is substantial likelihood for the debtor to be
be from among the nominees of the petitioner/s successfully rehabilitated, the court shall ensure that
and who shall exercise such powers and duties the following minimum requirements are met:
defined in this Act as well as the procedural rules (a) The proposed Rehabilitation Plan submitted
that the Supreme Court will promulgate; complies with the minimum contents prescribed
(i) Summarize the requirements and deadlines for by this Act;
creditors to establish their claims against the (b) There is sufficient monitoring by the rehabilitation
debtor and direct all creditors to their claims with receiver of the debtor's business for the protection
the court at least five (5) days before the initial of creditors;
hearing; (c) The debtor has met with its creditors to the extent
(j) Direct Bureau of internal Revenue (BIR) to file reasonably possible in attempts to reach
and serve on the debtor its comment on or consensus on the proposed Rehabilitation Plan;
opposition to the petition or its claim/s against (d) The rehabilitation receiver submits a report,
the debtor under such procedures as the based on preliminary evaluation, stating that the
Supreme Court provide; underlying assumptions and the goals stated in
(k) Prohibit the debtor's suppliers of goods or the petitioner's Rehabilitation Plan are realistic
services from withholding the supply of goods reasonable and reasonable or if not, there is, in
and services in the ordinary course of business for any case, a substantial likelihood for the debtor to
as long as the debtor makes payments for the be successfully rehabilitated because, among
services or goods supplied after the issuance of others:
the Commencement Order; (1) There are sufficient assets with/which to
(l) Authorize the payment of administrative rehabilitate the debtor; (2) there is sufficient
expenses as they become due; cash flow to maintain the operations of the
(m) Set the case for initial hearing, which shall not be debtor;
more than forty (40) days from the date of filing (2) The debtor's, partners, stockholders,
of the petition for the purpose of determining directors and officers have been acting in
whether there is substantial likelihood for the good faith and which due diligence;
debtor to be rehabilitated; (3) The petition is not s sham filing intended
(n) Make available copies of the petition and only to delay the enforcement of the rights of
rehabilitation plan for examination and copying the creditor's or of any group of creditors;
by any interested party; and
(o) Indicate the location or locations at which (4) The debtor would likely be able to pursue a
documents regarding the debtor and the viable Rehabilitation Plan;
proceedings under Act may be reviewed and (e) The petition, the Rehabilitation Plan and the
copied; attachments thereto do not contain any
(p) State that any creditor or debtor who is not the materially false or misleading statement;
petitioner, may submit the name or nominate any (f) If the petitioner is the debtor, that the debtor has
other qualified person to the position of met with its creditor/s representing at least
rehabilitation receiver at least five (5) days before three-fourths (3/4) of its total obligations to the
the initial hearing; extent reasonably possible and made a good faith
(q) Include a Stay or Suspension Order which shall: effort to reach a consensus on the proposed
(1) Suspend all actions or proceedings, in court Rehabilitation Plan if the petitioner/s is/are a
or otherwise, for the enforcement of claims creditor or group of creditors, that/ the
against the debtor; petitioner/s has/have met with the debtor and
(2) Suspend all actions to enforce any judgment, made a good faith effort to reach a consensus on
attachment or other provisional remedies the proposed Rehabilitation Plan; and
against the debtor; (g) The debtor has not committed acts
(3) Prohibit the debtor from selling, misrepresentation or in fraud of its creditor/s or a
encumbering, transferring or disposing in group of creditors.
any manner any of its properties except in
the ordinary course of business; and Initial hearing
(4) Prohibit the debtor from making any
payment of its liabilities outstanding as of S E C . 2 2, F R I A
Action at the Initial Hearing. - At the initial hearing, the
other persons solidarily liable with the debtor, circumstance, is perishable, costly to maintain,
and third party or accommodation mortgagors as susceptible to devaluation or otherwise in jeopardy.
well as issuers of letters of credit, unless the
property subject of the third party or S E C . 5 0, F R I A
accommodation mortgage is necessary for the Sale or Disposal of Encumbered Property of the Debtor
rehabilitation of the debtor as determined by the and Assets of Third Parties Held by Debtor. - The court
court upon recommendation by the rehabilitation may authorize the sale, transfer, conveyance or
receiver; disposal of encumbered property of the debtor, or
(d) To any form of action of customers or clients of a property of others held by the debtor where there is a
securities market participant to recover or security interest pertaining to third parties under a
otherwise claim moneys and securities entrusted financial, credit or other similar transactions if, upon
to the latter in the ordinary course of the latter's application of the rehabilitation receiver and with the
business as well as any action of such securities consent of the affected owners of the property, or
market participant or the appropriate regulatory secured creditor/s in the case of encumbered property
agency or self-regulatory organization to pay or of the debtor and, after notice and hearing, the court
settle such claims or liabilities; determines that:
(e) To the actions of a licensed broker or dealer to (a) Such sale, transfer, conveyance or disposal is
sell pledged securities of a debtor pursuant to a necessary for the continued operation of the
securities pledge or margin agreement for the debtor's business; and
settlement of securities transactions in (b) The debtor has made arrangements to provide a
accordance with the provisions of the Securities substitute lien or ownership right that provides an
Regulation Code and its implementing rules and equal level of security for the counter-party's
regulations; claim or right.
(f) The clearing and settlement of financial Provided, That properties held by the debtor where
transactions through the facilities of a clearing the debtor has authority to sell such as trust receipt or
agency or similar entities duly authorized, consignment arrangements may be sold or disposed
registered and/or recognized by the appropriate of by the .debtor, if such sale or disposal is necessary
regulatory agency like the Bangko Sentral ng for the operation of the debtor's business, and the
Pilipinas (BSP) and the SEC as well as any form of debtor has made arrangements to provide a
actions of such agencies or entities to reimburse substitute lien or ownership right that provides an
themselves for any transactions settled for the equal level of security for the counter-party's claim or
debtor; and right.
(g) Any criminal action against individual debtor or Sale or disposal of property under this section
owner, partner, director or officer of a debtor shall shall not give rise to any criminal liability under
not be affected by any proceeding commend applicable laws.
under this Act.
S E C . 5 1, F R I A
S E C . 1 9, F R I A Assets of Debtor Held by Third Parties. In the case of
Waiver of taxes and Fees Due to the National possessory pledges, mechanic's liens or similar claims,
Government and to Local Government Units (LGUs). - third parties who have in their possession or control
Upon issuance of the Commencement Order by the property of the debtor shall not transfer, conveyor
court, and until the approval of the Rehabilitation otherwise dispose of the same to persons other than
Plan or dismissal of the petition, whichever is earlier, the debtor, unless upon prior approval of the
the imposition of all taxes and fees including rehabilitation receiver. The rehabilitation receiver may
penalties, interests and charges thereof due to the also:
national government or to LGUs shall be considered (a) Demand the surrender or the transfer of the
waived, in furtherance of the objectives of possession or control of such property to the
rehabilitation. rehabilitation receiver or any other person,
subject to payment of the claims secured by any
S E C . 4 8, F R I A possessory Iien/s thereon;
Use or Disposition of Assets. - Except as otherwise (b) Allow said third parties to retain possession or
provided herein, no funds or property of the debtor control, if such an arrangement would more likely
shall he used or disposed of except in the ordinary preserve or increase the value of the property in
course of business of the debtor, or unless necessary question or the total value of the assets of the
to finance the administrative expenses of the debtor; or
rehabilitation proceedings. (c) Undertake any otI1er disposition of the said
property as may be beneficial for the
S E C . 4 9, F R I A rehabilitation of the debtor, after notice and
Sale of Assets. - The court, upon application of the hearing, and approval of the court.
rehabilitation receiver, may authorize the sale of
unencumbered property of the debtor outside the S E C . 5 2, F R I A
ordinary course of business upon a showing that the Rescission or Nullity of Sale, Payment, Transfer or
property, by its nature or because of other Conveyance of Assets. - The court may rescind or
declare as null and void any sale, payment, transfer or accordance with the order prescribed under the
conveyance of the debtor's unencumbered property or rules of concurrence and preference of credits.
any encumbering thereof by the debtor or its agents
or representatives after the commencement date S E C . 5 4, F R I A
which are not in the ordinary course of the business of Post-commencement Interest. - The rate and term of
the debtor: Provided, however, That the interest, if any, on secured and unsecured claims shall
unencumbered property may be sold, encumbered or be determined and provided for in the approved
otherwise disposed of upon order of the court after Rehabilitation Plan.
notice and hearing:
(a) If such are in the interest of administering the S E C . 5 5, F R I A
debtor and facilitating the preparation and Post-commencement Loans and Obligations. - With
implementation of a Rehabilitation Plan; the approval of the court upon the recommendation
(b) In order to provide a substitute lien, mortgage or of the rehabilitation receiver, the debtor, in order to
pledge of property under this Act; enhance its rehabilitation, may:
(c) For payments made to meet administrative (a) Enter into credit arrangements; or
expenses as they arise; (b) Enter into credit arrangements, secured by
(d) For payments to victims of quasi delicts upon a mortgages of its unencumbered property or
showing that the claim is valid and the debtor has secondary mortgages of encumbered property
insurance to reimburse the debtor for the with the approval of senior secured parties with
payments made; regard to the encumbered property; or
(e) For payments made to repurchase property of the (c) Incur other obligations as may be essential for its
debtor that is auctioned off in a judicial or rehabilitation.
extrajudicial sale under. This Act; or The payment of the foregoing obligations shall be
(f) For payments made to reclaim property of the considered administrative expenses under this Act.
debtor held pursuant to a possessory lien.
S E C . 5 6, F R I A
S E C . 5 3, F R I A Treatment of Employees, Claims. - Compensation of
Assets Subject to Rapid Obsolescence, Depreciation employees required to carry on the business shall be
and Diminution of Value. - Upon the application of a considered an administrative expense. Claims of
secured creditor holding a lien against or holder of an separation pay for months worked prior to the
ownership interest in property held by the debtor that commencement date shall be considered a pre-
is subject to potentially rapid obsolescence, commencement claim. Claims for salary and
depreciation or diminution in value, the court shall, separation pay for work performed after the
after notice and hearing, order the debtor or commencement date shall be an administrative
rehabilitation receiver to take reasonable steps expense.
necessary to prevent the depreciation. If depreciation
cannot be avoided and such depreciation is S E C . 5 7, F R I A
jeopardizing the security or property interest of the Treatment of Contracts. - Unless cancelled by virtue of
secured creditor or owner, the court shall: a final judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction
(a) Allow the encumbered property to be foreclosed issued prior to the issuance of the Commencement
upon by the secured creditor according to the Order, or at anytime thereafter by the court before
relevant agreement between the debtor and the which the rehabilitation proceedings are pending, all
secured creditor, applicable rules of procedure valid and subbsisting contracts of the debtor with
and relevant legislation: Provided. That the creditors and other third parties as at the
proceeds of the sale will be distributed in commencement date shall continue in force:
accordance with the order prescribed under the Provided, That within ninety (90)days following the
rules of concurrence and preference of credits; or commencement of proceedings, the debtor, with the
(b) Upon motion of, or with the consent of the consent of the rehabilitation receiver, shall notify each
affected secured creditor or interest owner, order contractual counter-party of whether it is confirming
the conveyance of a lien against or ownership the particular contract. Contractual obligations of the
interest in substitute property of the debtor to the debtor arising or performed during this period, and
secured creditor: Provided. That other creditors afterwards for confirmed contracts, shall be
holding liens on such property, if any, do not considered administrative expenses. Contracts not
object thereto, or, if such property is not available; confirmed within the required deadline shall be
(c) Order the conveyance to the secured creditor or considered terminated. Claims for actual damages, if
holder of an ownership interest of a lien on the any, arising as a result of the election to terminate a
residual funds from the sale of encumbered contract shall be considered a pre- commencement
property during the proceedings; or claim against the debtor. Nothing contained herein
(d) Allow the sale or disposition of the property: shall prevent the cancellation or termination of any
Provided. That the sale or disposition will contract of the debtor for any ground provided by law.
maximize the value of the property for the benefit
of the secured creditor and the debtor, and the S E C . 5 8, F R I A
proceeds of the sale will be distributed in Rescission or Nullity of Certain Pre-commencement
negotiated rehabilitation proceedings, the court may (e) That he has suffered his property to remain under
order the conversion of rehabilitation proceedings to attachment or legal process for three (3) days for
liquidation proceedings pursuant to (a) Section 25(c) the purpose of hindering or delaying the
of this Act; or (b) Section 72 of this Act; or (c) Section liquidation or of defrauding his creditors;
75 of this Act; or (d) Section 90 of this Act; or at any (f) That he has confessed or offered to allow
other time upon the recommendation of the judgment in favor of any creditor or claimant for
rehabilitation receiver that the rehabilitation of the the purpose of hindering or delaying the
debtor is not feasible. Thereupon, the court shall issue liquidation or of defrauding any creditors or
the Liquidation Order mentioned in Section 112 hereof. claimant;
(g) That he has willfully suffered judgment to be
5. Liquidation taken against him by default for the purpose of
hindering or delaying the liquidation or of
a. Concept defrauding his creditors;
(h) That he has suffered or procured his property to
Liquidation is a last resort for creditors. Through this remedy, the be taken on legal process with intent to give a
debtors assets are inventoried and then used to discharge his preference to one or more of his creditors and
liabilities. thereby hinder or delay the liquidation or defraud
any one of his creditors;
After liquidation, a debtor corporation loses juridical existence. (i) That he has made any assignment, gift, sale,
The individual debtor, however, will not cease to exist. J conveyance or transfer of his estate, property,
rights or credits with intent to hinder or delay the
b. Types liquidation or defraud his creditors;
(j) That he has, in contemplation of insolvency,
Types of liquidation made any payment, gift, grant, sale, conveyance
Type Filed by or transfer of his estate, property, rights or credits;
Voluntary Insolvent debtor (k) That being a merchant or tradesman, he has
Involuntary Creditor generally defaulted in the payment of his current
obligations for a period of thirty (30) days;
S E C . 1 0 3, F R I A (l) That for a period of thirty (30) days, he has failed,
Application. - An individual debtor whose properties after demand, to pay any moneys deposited with
are not sufficient to cover his liabilities, and owing him or received by him in a fiduciary; and
debts exceeding Five hundred thousand pesos (m) That an execution having been issued against
(Php500,000.00), may apply to be discharged from him on final judgment for money, he shall have
his debts and liabilities by filing a verified petition with been found to be without sufficient property
the court of the province or city in which he has subject to execution to satisfy the judgment.
resided for six (6) months prior to the filing of such The petitioning creditor/s shall post a bond in such as
petition. He shall attach to his petition a schedule of the court shall direct, conditioned that if the petition
debts and liabilities and an inventory of assets. The for liquidation is dismissed by the court, or withdrawn
filing of such petition shall be an act of insolvency. by the petitioner, or if the debtor shall not be declared
an insolvent the petitioners will pay to the debtor all
S E C . 1 0 5, F R I A costs, expenses, damages occasioned by the
Petition; Acts of Insolvency. - Any creditor or group of proceedings and attorney's fees.
creditors with a claim of, or with claims aggregating at
least Five hundred thousand pesos (Php500, 000.00) c. Who may file petition
may file a verified petition for liquidation with the Individuals
court of the province or city in which the individual Debtors
Juridical persons
debtor resides. 3 or more creditors with
The following shall be considered acts of aggregate claims of at least P1M
insolvency, and the petition for liquidation shall set or at least 25% of debtors
forth or allege at least one of such acts: Creditors subscribed capital or partners
(a) That such person is about to depart or has contribution, whichever is higher
departed from the Republic of the Philippines, If individual debtor, aggregate
with intent to defraud his creditors; claim of at least P500k
(b) That being absent from the Republic of the
Philippines, with intent to defraud his creditors, Sec. 103, FRIA, supra
he remains absent; Sec. 105, FRIA, supra
(c) That he conceals himself to avoid the service of
legal process for the purpose of hindering or d. Procedure
delaying the liquidation or of defrauding his
creditors; Summary of liquidation proceedings
(d) That he conceals, or is removing, any of his 1. Filing of petition
property to avoid its being attached or taken on 2. Action on petition
legal process; 3. Appointment of liquidator; preparation of
S E C . 1 1 2, F R I A (a) waive his right under the security or lien, prove his
Liquidation Order. - The Liquidation Order shall: claim in the liquidation proceedings and share in
(a) Declare the debtor insolvent; the distribution of the assets of the debtor; or
(b) Order the liquidation of the debtor and, in the (b) maintain his rights under the security or lien.
case of a juridical debtor, declare it as dissolved; If the secured creditor maintains his rights under the
(c) Order the sheriff to take possession and control of security or lien:
all the property of the debtor, except those that (1) the value of the property may be fixed in a
may be exempt from execution; manner agreed upon by the creditor and the
(d) Order the publication of the petition or motion in liquidator. When the value of the property is less
a newspaper of general circulation once a week than the claim it secures, the liquidator may
for two (2) consecutive weeks; convey the property to the secured creditor and
(e) Direct payments of any claims and conveyance of the latter will be admitted in the liquidation
any property due the debtor to the liquidator; proceedings as a creditor for the balance. If its
(f) Prohibit payments by the debtor and the transfer value exceeds the claim secured, the liquidator
of any property by the debtor; may convey the property to the creditor and waive
(g) Direct all creditors to file their claims with the the debtor's right of redemption upon receiving
liquidator within the period set by the rules of the excess from the creditor;
procedure; (2) the liquidator may sell the property and satisfy
(h) Authorize the payment of administrative the secured creditor's entire claim from the
expenses as they become due; proceeds of the sale; or
(i) State that the debtor and creditors who are not (3) the secure creditor may enforce the lien or
petitioner/s may submit the names of other foreclose on the property pursuant to applicable
nominees to the position of liquidator; and laws.
(j) Set the case for hearing for the election and
appointment of the liquidator, which date shall Appointment of liquidator &
not be less than thirty (30) days nor more than preparation of liquidation plan
forty-five (45) days from the date of the last
publication. S E C . 1 2 9, F R I A
The Liquidation Plan. - Within three (3) months from
S E C . 1 1 3, F R I A his assumption into office, the Liquidator shall submit
Effects of the Liquidation Order. - Upon the issuance of a Liquidation Plan to the court. The Liquidation Plan
the Liquidation Order: shall, as a minimum enumerate all the assets of the
(a) the juridical debtor shall be deemed dissolved debtor and a schedule of liquidation of the assets and
and its corporate or juridical existence payment of the claims.
(b) legal title to and control of all the assets of the Implementation of liquidation plan &
debtor, except those that may be exempt from sale of assets
execution, shall be deemed vested in the
liquidator or, pending his election or S E C . 1 3 1, F R I A
appointment, with the court; Sale of Assets in Liquidation. - The liquidator may sell
(c) all contracts of the debtor shall be deemed the unencumbered assets of the debtor and convert
terminated and/or breached, unless the the same into money. The sale shall be made at
liquidator, within ninety (90) days from the date public auction. However, a private sale may be
of his assumption of office, declares otherwise allowed with the approval of the court if; (a) the goods
and the contracting party agrees; to be sold are of a perishable nature, or are liable to
(d) no separate action for the collection of an quickly deteriorate in value, or are disproportionately
unsecured claim shall be allowed. Such actions expensive to keep or maintain; or (b) the private sale is
already pending will be transferred to the for the best interest of the debtor and his creditors.
Liquidator for him to accept and settle or contest. With the approval of the court, unencumbered
If the liquidator contests or disputes the claim, property of the debtor may also be conveyed to a
the court shall allow, hear and resolve such creditor in satisfaction of his claim or part thereof.
contest except when the case is already on
appeal. In such a case, the suit may proceed to Order removing debtor from list of
judgment, and any final and executor judgment registered entities
therein for a claim against the debtor shall be
filed and allowed in court; and S E C . 1 3 4, F R I A
(e) no foreclosure proceeding shall be allowed for a Order Removing the Debtor from the List of Registered
period of one hundred eighty (180) days. Entitles at the Securities and Exchange Commission. -
Upon determining that the liquidation has been
S E C . 1 1 4, F R I A completed according to this Act and applicable law,
Rights of Secured Creditors. - The Liquidation Order the court shall issue an Order approving the report
shall not affect the right of a secured creditor to and ordering the SEC to remove the debtor from the
enforce his lien in accordance with the applicable registry of legal entities.
contract or law. A secured creditor may:
Concurrence & preference of credits Facts: BF Homes filed a petition for rehabilitation with the SEC.
Subsequently, RCBC, one of its creditors, sought to extrajudicially
S E C . 1 3 0, F R I A foreclose the properties. Despite the issuance of a TRO and Writ
Exempt Property to be Set Apart. - It shall be the duty of preliminary injunction by the SEC, RCBC proceeded to
of the court, upon petition and after hearing, to foreclose and sell the property through public auction. In
exempt and set apart, for the use and benefit of the response, BF homes filed an action to have the sale of the
said insolvent, such real and personal property as is by properties nullified on the strength of their argument that the
law exempt from execution, and also a homestead; disputed could no longer be foreclosed as a result of the SEC
but no such petition shall be heard as aforesaid until it assuming jurisdiction through their petition for rehabilitation.
is first proved that notice of the hearing of the Note that the RCBC foreclosed the property 6 months before a
application therefor has been duly given by the clerk, management committee was appointed.
by causing such notice to be posted it at least three
(3) public places in the province or city at least ten (10) Issue: WON RCBC lost its right to foreclose upon the filing of a
days prior to the time of such hearing, which notice petition for rehabilitation NO
shall set forth the name of the said insolvent debtor,
and the time and place appointed for the hearing of Held:The creditors of a debtor undergoing rehabilitation only
such application, and shall briefly indicate the have to settle issues regarding the concurrence and preference of
homestead sought to be exempted or the property their credits when a management committee, rehabilitation
sought to be set aside; and the decree must show that receiver, or any such body performing similar acts is appointed.
such proof was made to the satisfaction of the court, Prior to appointment, secured mortgagees need not even go into
and shall be conclusive evidence of that fact. the issue of whether or not other preferred creditors may be
prejudiced by their foreclosing the property mortgaged in their
S E C . 1 3 3, F R I A favor.
Concurrence and Preference of Credits. - The
Liquidation Plan and its Implementation shall ensure Note: If decided under the FRIA, then the right to foreclose is lost
that the concurrence and preference of credits as upon the commencement order. It is also upon the
enumerated in the Civil Code of the Philippines and commencement order that a stay order is issued.
other relevant laws shall be observed, unless a
preferred creditor voluntarily waives his preferred SOBREJUANITE v. ASB DEVT CORP. (2005)
right. For purposes of this chapter, credits for services
rendered by employees or laborers to the debtor shall In the context of corporate rehabilitation
enjoy first preference under Article 2244 of the Civil proceedings a claim is defined as all claims or
Code, unless the claims constitute legal liens under demands, of whatever nature or character against
Article 2241 and 2242 thereof. a debtor or its property, whether for money or
Liquidation of securities market
participant The rule is that the execution of final judgments
are held in abeyance when a corporation is under
S E C . 1 3 6, F R I A rehabilitation.
Liquidation of a Securities Market Participant. - The
foregoing provisions of this chapter shall be without Facts: Sobrejuanite entered into a contract to sell with ASBDC
prejudice to the power of a regulatory agency or self- over a condominium unit. Upon full payment of the purchase
regulatory organization to liquidate trade-related price, they demanded delivery of their unit but the company
claims of clients or customers of a securities market failed to do so. As a result, the spouses filed a complaint for the
participant which, for purposes of investor protection, rescission of their contract, refund of payments, and damages.
are hereby deemed to have absolute priority over The company filed a motion to suspend the petition of
other claims of whatever nature or kind insofar as Sobrejuanite in consideration of the fact that the SEC had
trade-related assets are concerned. approved the formers rehabilitation plan and that a
For purposes of this section, trade -related assets rehabilitation receiver had been appointed to oversee the same.
include cash, securities, trading right and other owned Notwithstanding such opposition, the HLURB proceeded to hear
and used by the securities market participant in the and try the case on its membersit rendered a decision in favor
ordinary course of this business. of the Sobrejuanite.
Issue: WON the complaint of Sobrejuanite ought to be the companys officers. Rehabilitation concerns
suspended pending the rehabilitation of the company YES itself with the finances and liabilities of the
company, which has its own juridical personality,
Held: The reason for suspending the execution of the favorable while criminal proceedings are concerned with the
judgment rendered by the HLURB in favor of Sobrejuanite during individual liabilities of the accused.
the pendency of rehabilitation proceddings is to prevent him
from gaining an undue advantage over his fellow creditorstheir Facts: The officers of SIHI filed a petition for rehabilitation with
claims must first be collectively ascertained in order to a the RTC. The RTC acted favorably upon their petition and issued
partitioning of the creditors property that is in line with civil code a staying order against all claims against SIHI. Dispute arose
provisions regarding the concurrence and preference of credits. when the officers, who were facing a number criminal charges for
Another reason for such suspension is so that the person or acts committed as company officers, tried to use the staying
entities charged with the rehabilitation can focus on the task at order issued by the RTC to suspend the criminal proceedings
hand; settling the liabilities of the corporation under against them.
rehabilitation to various creditors as they fall due would detract
from such purpose. Issue: WON the suspension of all claims as a result of the
issuance of a staying order extends to claims arising out of
Note: If decided under the FRIA, quasi-judicial agencies may still criminal charges filed against the companys officers NO
continue the proceedings despite the approval of the court with
regard to corporate rehabilitation. Held: The rehabilitation of a corporation is not a legal ground for
the suspension or extinguishment of the criminal liability
MWSS v. DAWAY & MAYNILAD (2004) incurred by its corporate officers. The rehabilitation and criminal
proceedings seek to address different things; rulings and
Rehabilitation courts only acquire jurisdiction (to issuances in one will not be automatically applicable to the other
the exclusion of all creditors) over claims on other notwithstanding the fact that it may involve the same parties.
entities that are not solidarily liable with the
Issue: WON the stay order issued by the rehabilitation court could
prevent MWSS from claiming the amounts owed to it from the
line of credit NO
Held: First, the Court pointed out that the claim of MWSS was not
against Maynilad but against the banks that had agreed to
extend a line of credit to secure the obligations of the latter.
Further, the only guarantors and sureties that were exempt from
being proceeded against by creditors in the event that the debtor
is undergoing rehabilitation are those who are not solidarily
liable with the debtor. As applied, an irrevocable letter of credit is
in the nature of a primary obligation; it is essentially solidarily
liable. The function of letters of credit in this context is to provide
the creditor with a means to secure payment at will upon the
default of the debtor.
NOTE: Under the FRIA, the stay order will not prevent the
creditor from going after sureties, issuers of letters of credit given
as security, or accommodation mortgagors. See sec. 18 (c)
d. The Usury Law and CB Circular No.
1. Concept 905
Definition of usury In 1982, the Central Bank issued Circular No. 905, which did not
Contracting for or receiving something in excess of the repeal, but only suspended the effectivity of, the Usury Law. It
amount allowed by law for the loan or forbearance of provided that interest rates in loans or forbearances shall not be
money, goods, or chattels. It is a purely statutory subject to the ceilings prescribed in the Usury Law, and thus can
creationabsent any restriction, any interest rate may be fixed according to the parties agreement.
be charged.
3. Interest
Elements of usury
1. Loan or forbearance
a. Concept
2. Understanding between the parties that the loan
Interest is the compensation allowed by law or fixed by the
shall be returned
parties for the loan or forbearance of money, goods or security.
3. Unlawful intent to take more than the legal rate
for the use of money or its equivalent The interest is to be determined based on the prevailing market
4. Taking or agreeing to take for the use of the loan rates.
of something in excess of what is allowed by law
b. Kinds
2. The Usury Law Lawful That which the law allows
As to That which is paid or stipulated to be
A R T . 1 1 7 5, C C Unlawful/
legality paid beyond the maximum fixed by
Usurious transactions shall be governed by special usurious
laws. (n) Paid upon principal, at a rate fixed or
As to stipulated by the parties
A R T . 1 9 6 1, C C principal Imposed upon principal + accrued
Usurious contracts shall be governed by the Usury Compound
Law and other special laws, so far as they are not
Interest imposed by law upon the
inconsistent with this Code. (n)
parties, absent any agreement of a
rate between them
a. Purpose, theory & nature
Currently at 6% per annum
Purpose of the law
c. Power of BSP Monetary Board to
It is for the protection of borrowers from unscrupulous prescribe interest rates
lenders, since charging excessive interest rates is
against public policy. S E C. 1, A C T N O. 2 6 5 5
The rate of interest for the loan or forbearance of any
Theory of the law money goods, or credits and the rate allowed in
The inequality between a lender and borrower judgments, in the absence of express contract as to
deprives the borrower of freedom, placing him at the such rate of interest, shall be six per centum per
lenders mercy, so it is necessary to give him annum or such rate as may be prescribed by the
protection. Monetary Board of the Central Bank of the Philippines
for that purpose in accordance with the authority
Nature of law hereby granted.
Our Usury Law is both remedial and penal.
S E C. 1 - A, A C T N O. 2 6 5 5
b. Construction of the law The Monetary Board is hereby authorized to prescribe
the maximum rate or rates of interest for the loan or
The law must be strictly construed against the lender, and is renewal thereof or the forbearance of any money,
generally given prospective application. goods or credits, and to change such rate or rates
whenever warranted by prevailing economic and
c. Transactions to which the Usury Law social conditions.
applies In the exercise of the authority herein granted, the
Monetary Board may prescribe higher maximum rates
The law applies to two transactions: loans and forbearances. for loans of low priority, such as consumer loans or
renewals thereof as well as such loans made by
Loan vs. forbearance of a debt pawnshops finance companies and other similar
Loan Forbearance of a debt credit institutions although the rates prescribed for
Mutuum (and not Contractual obligation of the creditor these institutions need not necessarily be uniform.
commodatum, which is to forbear payment of an existing The Monetary Board is also authorized to prescribe
essentially gratuitous) debt already due and payable different maximum rate or rates for different types of
borrowings, including deposits and deposit equivalent of the maximum rate prescribed by the
substitutes, or loans of financial intermediaries. Monetary Board, or, in default thereof, whenever the
debt is judicially claimed, in which last case it shall
S E C. 4 - B, A C T N O. 2 6 5 5 draw six per centum per annum interest or such rate
In the exercise of its authority to fix the maximum rate as may be prescribed by the Monetary Board. No
or rates of interest under this Act, the Monetary Board person or corporation shall require interest to be paid
shall be guided by the following: in advance for a period of more than one year:
3. The existing economic conditions in the country Provided, however, That whenever interest is paid in
and the general requirements of the national advance, the effective rate of interest charged by the
economy; creditor shall not exceed the equivalent of the
4. The supply of and demand for credit; maximum rate prescribed by the Monetary Board.
5. The rate of increase in the price levels; and
6. Such other relevant criteria as the Monetary e. Coverage of interest
Board may adopt.
S E C. 9 - A, A C T N O. 2 6 5 5
The Monetary Board shall promulgate such rules and For loans under Sec. 2, penalties are included in considering the
regulations as may be necessary to implement interest. For loans under Sec. 3, penalties are not included.
effectively the provisions of this Act.
Attorneys fees
d. Rates of interest under Usury Law &
BSP Circular No. 799 Attorneys fees are not included in the interest.
pawnbroker's agent to require the pawner to pay an collected by him in advance when the debtor shall
additional charge as insurance premium for the have paid the obligation before it is due, provided
safekeeping and conservation of the article pawned. such interest, and commissions and premiums do not
exceed the rates fixed in this Act.
S E C. 1 0, A C T N O. 2 6 5 5
Without prejudice to the proper civil action violation of S E C. 7, A C T N O. 2 6 5 5
this Act and the implementing rules and regulations All covenants and stipulations contained in
promulgated by the Monetary Board shall be subject conveyances, mortgages, bonds, bills, notes, and
to criminal prosecution and the guilty person shall, other contracts or evidences of debts, and all deposits
upon conviction, be sentenced to a fine of not less of goods or other things, whereupon or whereby there
than fifty pesos nor more than five hundred pesos, or shall be stipulated, charged, demanded, reserved,
to imprisonment for not less than thirty days nor more secured, taken, or received, directly or indirectly, a
than one year, or both, in the discretion of the court, higher rate or greater sum or value for the loan or
and to return the entire sum received as interest from renewal or forbearance of money, goods, or credits
the party aggrieved, and in the case of non-payment, than is hereinbefore allowed, shall be void: Provided,
to suffer subsidiary imprisonment at the rate of one however, That no merely clerical error in the
day for every two pesos: Provided, That in case of computation of interest, made without intent to evade
corporations, associations, societies, or companies the any of the provisions of this Act, shall render a
manager, administrator or gerent or the person who contract void: Provided, further, That parties to a loan
has charge of the management or administration of agreement, the proceeds of which may be availed of
the business shall be criminally responsible for any partially or fully at some future time, may stipulate
violation of this Act. that the rate of interest agreed upon at the time the
loan agreement is entered into, which rate shall not
5. Remedies exceed the maximum allowed by law, shall prevail
notwithstanding subsequent changes in the
Effect of usurious stipulation maximum rates that may be made by the Monetary
Stipulation Voided Board: And Provided, finally, That nothing herein
On principal loan Principal loan not voided contained shall be construed to prevent the purchase
On security on principal Security not voided by an innocent purchaser of a negotiable mercantile
On creditors right to Right subsists, with forfeiture of paper, usurious or otherwise, for valuable
consideration before maturity, when there has been
recover principal right to recover interest
no intention on the part of said purchaser to evade the
On debtors right to recover
May recover entire amount provisions of this Act and said purchase was not a part
usurious interest paid
of the original usurious transaction. In any case,
however, the maker of said note shall have the right to
In jurisprudence, the Court has either struck down excessive
recover from said original holder the whole interest
interest rate stipulations or reduced them. If the effect of a
paid by him thereon and, in case of litigation, also the
usurious stipulation is that it is void, why should it be reduced?
costs and such attorney's fees as may be allowed by
the court.
If Usury Law effective If Usury Law not effective
The debtor may recover the The debtor may recover the S E C. 8, A C T N O. 2 6 5 5
whole interest difference between the All loans under which payment is to be made in
excessive interest and the agricultural products or seed or in any other kind of
reduced rate commodities shall also be null and void unless they
provide that such products or seed or other
Remedies provided under the law commodities shall 6e appraised at the time when the
1. Civil (recovery of interest paid)prescribes after 2 obligation falls due at the current local market price:
years Provided, That unless otherwise stated in a document
2. Criminalprescribes in 4 years written in a language or dialect intelligible to the
debtor and subscribed in the presence of not less than
S E C. 6, A C T N O. 2 6 5 5 two witnesses, any contract advancing money to be
Any person or corporation who, for any such loan or repaid later in agricultural products or seed or any
renewal thereof or forbearance, shall have paid or other kind of commodities shall be understood to be a
delivered a higher rate or greater sum or value than is loan, and any person or corporation having paid
hereinbefore allowed to be taken or received, may otherwise shall be entitled in case action is brought
recover the whole interest, commissions, premiums within two years after such payment or delivery to
penalties and surcharges paid or delivered with costs recover all the products or seed delivered as interest,
and attorneys' fees in such sum as may be allowed by or the value thereof, together with the costs and
the court in an action against the person or attorney's fees in such sum as may be allowed by the
corporation who took or received them if such action is court. Nothing contained in this section shall be
brought within two years after such payment or construed to prevent the lender from taking interest
delivery: Provided, however, That the creditor shall not for the money lent, provided such interest be not in
be obliged to return the interest, commissions and excess of the rates herein fixed.
premiums for a period of not more than one year
Held: CB 905 did not repeal the Usury Lawit merely suspended
its operation. Further, the main effect of lifting the interest rate
ceiling was that the freedom of parties to contract was
emphasized. Lastly, the lifting of the interest ceiling did not
mean that creditors were free to charge exorbitant interest rates
without consequencerecourse may always be had by going to
the courts who will not hesitate to strike down unconscionable or
iniquitous provisions.
E. W AREHO USE RECEIPTS LAW (ACT (i) A statement of the amount of advances made
NO . 2137) and of liabilities incurred for which the
warehouseman claims a lien. If the precise
1. Concepts amount of such advances made or of such
liabilities incurred is, at the time of the issue of,
a. Warehouse unknown to the warehouseman or to his agent
who issues it, a statement of the fact that
The law does not define a warehouse, but De Leon & De Leon advances have been made or liabilities incurred
Jr. define it as the building or place where goods are deposited and the purpose thereof is sufficient.
and stored for profit. A warehouseman shall be liable to any person injured
thereby for all damages caused by the omission from
b. Warehouseman a negotiable receipt of any of the terms herein
S E C . 5 8, A C T N O . 2 1 3 7
"Warehouseman" means a person lawfully engaged in Effect of omission of essential terms;
the business of storing goods for profit. other terms
goods, the word "duplicate" shall be plainly placed 3. An offer to surrender the WHR, if it is
upon the face of every such receipt, except the first negotiable;
one issued. A warehouseman shall be liable for all 4. Delivery receipt, if requested by WHman
damages caused by his failure so to do to any one who 1. Person lawfully entitled to possession, or
purchased the subsequent receipt for value supposing his agent;
To whom
it to be an original, even though the purchase be after 2. Person entitled to delivery through a non-
delivery may be
the delivery of the goods by the warehouseman to the negotiable receipt, or another person
holder of the original receipt. authorized by the former; or
3. Person with a negotiable receipt.
S E C . 7, A C T N O . 2 1 3 7 Rationale of Because a negotiable WHR can transfer
Failure to mark "non-negotiable." A non-negotiable surrender & ownership by mere delivery, the surrender
receipt shall have plainly placed upon its face by the cancellation of and cancellation of the WHR after delivery is
warehouseman issuing it "non-negotiable," or "not negotiable to prevent further transfers and protect
negotiable." In case of the warehouseman's failure so WHRs buyers in good faith.
to do, a holder of the receipt who purchased it for Cannot be set up by WHman, unless the title
value supposing it to be negotiable, may, at his Defense of he claims arose:
option, treat such receipt as imposing upon the ownership 1. At the time of the deposit for storage
warehouseman the same liabilities he would have 2. After the WHR was issued
incurred had the receipt been negotiable. If more than one person claims
This section shall not apply, however, to letters, title/possession of the goods, WHman may
memoranda, or written acknowledgment of an Adverse require interpleader either:
informal character. claimants 1. As defense to an action brought against
him for non-delivery of goods; or
2. Rights & obligations of 2. As original suit.
Right To lien S E C . 8, A C T N O . 2 1 3 7
To take care of goods deposited Obligation of warehousemen to deliver. A
Deliver the goods upon demand warehouseman, in the absence of some lawful excuse
provided by this Act, is bound to deliver the goods
a. Obligation to take care of the goods upon a demand made either by the holder of a receipt
for the goods or by the depositor; if such demand is
S E C . 2 1, A C T N O . 2 1 3 7 accompanied with:
Liability for care of goods. A warehouseman shall (a) An offer to satisfy the warehouseman's lien;
be liable for any loss or injury to the goods caused by (b) An offer to surrender the receipt, if negotiable,
his failure to exercise such care in regard to them as with such indorsements as would be necessary
reasonably careful owner of similar goods would for the negotiation of the receipt; and
exercise, but he shall not be liable, in the absence of (c) A readiness and willingness to sign, when the
an agreement to the contrary, for any loss or injury to goods are delivered, an acknowledgment that
the goods which could not have been avoided by the they have been delivered, if such signature is
exercise of such care. requested by the warehouseman.
In case the warehouseman refuses or fails to deliver
The diligence required is that of a reasonably careful owner of the goods in compliance with a demand by the holder
similar goods, or a good father of a family. or depositor so accompanied, the burden shall be
upon the warehouseman to establish the existence of
Rule on commingling a lawful excuse for such refusal.
The WHman cannot commingle fungible goods
absent a stipulation allowing it. To whom delivery should be made
indorsed to him or in blank by the person to brought against him for non-delivery of the goods or
whom delivery was promised by the terms of the as an original suit, whichever is appropriate, require
receipt or by his mediate or immediate indorser. all known claimants to interplead.
S E C . 3 6, A C T N O . 2 1 3 7 S E C . 2 6, A C T N O . 2 1 3 7
Effect of sale. After goods have been lawfully sold Creditor's remedies to reach negotiable receipts. A
to satisfy a warehouseman's lien, or have been creditor whose debtor is the owner of a negotiable
lawfully sold or disposed of because of their receipt shall be entitled to such aid from courts of
perishable or hazardous nature, the warehouseman appropriate jurisdiction, by injunction and otherwise,
shall not thereafter be liable for failure to deliver the in attaching such receipt or in satisfying the claim by
goods to the depositor or owner of the goods or to a means thereof as is allowed at law or in equity in
holder of the receipt given for the goods when they these islands in regard to property which can not
were deposited, even if such receipt be negotiable. readily be attached or levied upon by ordinary legal
Estoppel to raise defense of
ownership c. Right of lien
S E C . 1 6, A C T N O . 2 1 3 7 Summary of rules on right of lien
Warehouseman cannot set up title in himself . No Charges for storage and preservation, money
title or right to the possession of the goods, on the advanced, interest, insurance, transportation,
part of the warehouseman, unless such title or right is Claims labor, weighing, coopering, and other charges
derived directly or indirectly from a transfer made by included and expenses of such goods
the depositor at the time of or subsequent to the Reasonable charges and expenses for notice
deposit for storage, or from the warehouseman's lien, and advertisements of sale
shall excuse the warehouseman from liability for May be
refusing to deliver the goods according to the terms of All goods deposited belonging to the person
the receipt. liable as debtor, or deposited by the debtor but
against what
belonging to others
Adverse claimants 1. By surrendering possession; or
Ways of
2. By refusing to deliver goods when valid
S E C . 1 7, A C T N O . 2 1 3 7 losing lien
demand is made
Interpleader of adverse claimants. If more than one
1. WHman causes sale of goods at auction
person claims the title or possession of the goods, the Ways of
2. Action for collection of sum of money
warehouseman may, either as a defense to an action enforcing lien
3. Refusal to deliver until lien satisfied
Non-existence/misdescription of
S E C . 3 4, A C T N O . 2 1 3 7 goods
Perishable and hazardous goods. If goods are of a
perishable nature, or by keeping will deteriorate S E C . 2 0, A C T N O . 2 1 3 7
greatly in value, or, by their order, leakage, Liability for non-existence or misdescription of goods.
inflammability, or explosive nature, will be liable to A warehouseman shall be liable to the holder of a
injure other property , the warehouseman may give receipt for damages caused by the non-existence of
such notice to the owner or to the person in whose the goods or by the failure of the goods to correspond
names the goods are stored, as is reasonable and with the description thereof in the receipt at the time
possible under the circumstances, to satisfy the lien of its issue. If, however, the goods are described in a
upon such goods and to remove them from the receipt merely by a statement of marks or labels upon
warehouse and in the event of the failure of such them or upon packages containing them or by a
person to satisfy the lien and to receive the goods statement that the goods are said to be goods of a
within the time so specified, the warehouseman may certain kind or that the packages containing the
sell the goods at public or private sale without goods are said to contain goods of a certain kind or by
advertising. If the warehouseman, after a reasonable words of like purport, such statements, if true, shall
effort, is unable to sell such goods, he may dispose of not make liable the warehouseman issuing the
them in any lawful manner and shall incur no liability receipt, although the goods are not of the kind which
by reason thereof. the marks or labels upon them indicate or of the kind
The proceeds of any sale made under the terms they were said to be by the depositor.
of this section shall be disposed of in the same way as
the proceeds of sales made under the terms of the Failure to take care of the goods
preceding section.
Sec. 21, Act 2137, supra
S E C . 3 5, A C T N O . 2 1 3 7
Other methods of enforcing lien. The remedy for S E C . 2 2, A C T N O . 2 1 3 7
enforcing a lien herein provided does not preclude any Goods must be kept separate. Except as provided in
other remedies allowed by law for the enforcement of the following section, a warehouseman shall keep the
a lien against personal property nor bar the right to goods so far separate from goods of other depositors
recover so much of the warehouseman's claim as shall and from other goods of the same depositor for which
not be paid by the proceeds of the sale of the a separate receipt has been issued, as to permit at all
property. times the identification and redelivery of the goods
S E C . 3 6, A C T N O . 2 1 3 7
Effect of sale. After goods have been lawfully sold S E C . 2 3, A C T N O . 2 1 3 7
to satisfy a warehouseman's lien, or have been Fungible goods may be commingled if
lawfully sold or disposed of because of their warehouseman authorized. If authorized by
perishable or hazardous nature, the warehouseman agreement or by custom, a warehouseman may
shall not thereafter be liable for failure to deliver the mingle fungible goods with other goods of the same
goods to the depositor or owner of the goods or to a kind and grade. In such case, the various depositors
holder of the receipt given for the goods when they of the mingled goods shall own the entire mass in
were deposited, even if such receipt be negotiable. common and each depositor shall be entitled to such
portion thereof as the amount deposited by him bears
d. Liabilities to the whole.
Misdelivery of the goods delivery may incur by reason of the original receipt
remaining outstanding. The court may also in its
S E C . 1 0, A C T N O . 2 1 3 7 discretion order the payment of the warehouseman's
Warehouseman's liability for misdelivery. Where a reasonable costs and counsel fees.
warehouseman delivers the goods to one who is not in The delivery of the goods under an order of the
fact lawfully entitled to the possession of them, the court as provided in this section, shall not relieve the
warehouseman shall be liable as for conversion to all warehouseman from liability to a person to whom the
having a right of property or possession in the goods negotiable receipt has been or shall be negotiated for
if he delivered the goods otherwise than as authorized value without notice of the proceedings or of the
by subdivisions (b) and (c) of the preceding section, delivery of the goods.
and though he delivered the goods as authorized by
said subdivisions, he shall be so liable, if prior to such S E C . 1 5, A C T N O . 2 1 3 7
delivery he had either: Effect of duplicate receipts. A receipt upon the face
(a) Been requested, by or on behalf of the person of which the word "duplicate" is plainly placed is a
lawfully entitled to a right of property or representation and warranty by the warehouseman
possession in the goods, not to make such deliver; that such receipt is an accurate copy of an original
or receipt properly issued and uncanceled at the date of
(b) Had information that the delivery about to be the issue of the duplicate, but shall impose upon him
made was to one not lawfully entitled to the no other liability.
possession of the goods.
Issuing receipt for non-
Failure to effect cancellation of a existing/misdescribed goods
negotiable receipt upon delivery of
the goods Sec. 20, Act 2137, supra
Sec. 11, Act 2137, supra Failure to take care of the goods
S E C . 1 4, A C T N O . 2 1 3 7 S E C . 4 0, A C T N O . 2 1 3 7
Lost or destroyed receipts. Where a negotiable Who may negotiate a receipt. A negotiable receipt
receipt has been lost or destroyed, a court of may be negotiated:
competent jurisdiction may order the delivery of the (a) By the owner thereof, or
goods upon satisfactory proof of such loss or (b) By any person to whom the possession or custody
destruction and upon the giving of a bond with of the receipt has been entrusted by the owner, if,
sufficient sureties to be approved by the court to by the terms of the receipt, the warehouseman
protect the warehouseman from any liability or undertakes to deliver the goods to the order of
expense, which he or any person injured by such the person to whom the possession or custody of
the receipt has been entrusted, or if, at the time essential for negotiation, the transferee acquires a
of such entrusting, the receipt is in such form that right against the transferor to compel him to indorse
it may be negotiated by delivery. the receipt unless a contrary intention appears. The
negotiation shall take effect as of the time when the
Manner of negotiation & indorsement indorsement is actually made.
A non-negotiable receipt can not be negotiated, the time of issuing such receipt, shall be guilty of a
and the indorsement of such a receipt gives the crime, and, upon conviction, shall be punished for
transferee no additional right. each offense by imprisonment not exceeding five
years, or by a fine not exceeding ten thousand pesos,
Rights of persons to whom a receipt or both.
was transferred
S E C . 5 1, A C T N O . 2 1 3 7
S E C . 4 2, A C T N O . 2 1 3 7 Issue of receipt containing false statement. A
Rights of person to whom receipt has been warehouseman, or any officer, agent or servant of a
transferred. A person to whom a receipt has been warehouseman who fraudulently issues or aids in
transferred but not negotiated acquires thereby, as fraudulently issuing a receipt for goods knowing that
against the transferor, the title of the goods subject to it contains any false statement, shall be guilty of a
the terms of any agreement with the transferor. crime, and upon conviction, shall be punished for each
If the receipt is non-negotiable, such person also offense by imprisonment not exceeding one year, or
acquires the right to notify the warehouseman of the by a fine not exceeding two thousand pesos, or by
transfer to him of such receipt and thereby to acquire both.
the direct obligation of the warehouseman to hold
possession of the goods for him according to the S E C . 5 2, A C T N O . 2 1 3 7
terms of the receipt. Issue of duplicate receipt not so marked. A
warehouse, or any officer, agent, or servant of a
c. Warranties on sale of receipts warehouseman who issues or aids in issuing a
duplicate or additional negotiable receipt for goods
S E C . 4 4, A C T N O . 2 1 3 7 knowing that a former negotiable receipt for the same
Warranties of a sale of receipt. A person who, for goods or any part of them is outstanding and
value, negotiates or transfers a receipt by indorsement uncanceled, without plainly placing upon the face
or delivery, including one who assigns for value a thereof the word "duplicate" except in the case of a
claim secured by a receipt, unless a contrary intention lost or destroyed receipt after proceedings are
appears, warrants: provided for in section fourteen, shall be guilty of a
(a) That the receipt is genuine, crime, and, upon conviction, shall be punished for
(b) That he has a legal right to negotiate or transfer each offense by imprisonment not exceeding five
it, years, or by a fine not exceeding ten thousand pesos,
(c) That he has knowledge of no fact which would or by both.
impair the validity or worth of the receipt, and
(d) That he has a right to transfer the title to the
S E C . 5 3, A C T N O . 2 1 3 7
goods and that the goods are merchantable or fit
Issue for warehouseman's goods or receipts which do
for a particular purpose whenever such
not state that fact. Where they are deposited with
warranties would have been implied, if the
or held by a warehouseman goods of which he is
contract of the parties had been to transfer
owner, either solely or jointly or in common with
without a receipt of the goods represented
others, such warehouseman, or any of his officers,
agents, or servants who, knowing this ownership,
issues or aids in issuing a negotiable receipt for such
S E C . 4 6, A C T N O . 2 1 3 7
goods which does not state such ownership, shall be
No warranty implied from accepting payment of a
guilty of a crime, and, upon conviction, shall be
debt. A mortgagee, pledgee, or holder for security
punished for each offense by imprisonment not
of a receipt who, in good faith, demands or receives
exceeding one year, or by a fine not exceeding two
payment of the debt for which such receipt is security,
thousand pesos, or by both.
whether from a party to a draft drawn for such debt or
from any other person, shall not, by so doing, be
deemed to represent or to warrant the genuineness of
S E C . 5 4, A C T N O . 2 1 3 7
Delivery of goods without obtaining negotiable
such receipt or the quantity or quality of the goods
receipt. A warehouseman, or any officer, agent, or
therein described.
servant of a warehouseman, who delivers goods out of
the possession of such warehouseman, knowing that
Sec. 47, Act 2137, supra a negotiable receipt the negotiation of which would
transfer the right to the possession of such goods is
4. Criminal offenses outstanding and uncanceled, without obtaining the
possession of such receipt at or before the time of
S E C . 5 0, A C T N O . 2 1 3 7 such delivery, shall, except in the cases provided for in
Issue of receipt for goods not received. A sections fourteen and thirty-six, be found guilty of a
warehouseman, or an officer, agent, or servant of a crime, and, upon conviction, shall be punished for
warehouseman who issues or aids in issuing a receipt each offense by imprisonment not exceeding one year,
knowing that the goods for which such receipt is or by a fine not exceeding two thousand pesos, or by
issued have not been actually received by such both.
warehouseman, or are not under his actual control at
Held: The Supreme Court affirmed the finding of the RTC and CA c. Entrustee
that the NASR was actually a warehouseman charged with the
S E C. 3 ( B ), P D N O. 1 1 5
safekeeping with the sugar stocks. As a result of such
"Entrustee" shall refer to the person having or taking
designation, it was entitled to the payment of the proper storage
possession of goods, documents or instruments under
fees and the amounts spent to preserve the property deposited.
a trust receipt transaction, and any successor in
PNB can not refuse to pay such charges because by enforcing its
interest of such person for the purpose or purposes
claim under the quedans, it also recognized the role of NASR as
specified in the trust receipt agreement.
a warehouseman whose rights are provided for by law. As is often
held by the court, a party will not be allowed to claim benefits
d. Trust receipt transaction
from a contract and deny its validity in the same breath.
S E C. 4, P D N O. 1 1 5
What constitutes a trust receipt transaction. A trust
receipt transaction, within the meaning of this Decree,
is any transaction by and between a person referred to
in this Decree as the entruster, and another person
referred to in this Decree as entrustee, whereby the
entruster, who owns or holds absolute title or security
interests over certain specified goods, documents or
instruments, releases the same to the possession of
the entrustee upon the latter's execution and delivery
to the entruster of a signed document called a "trust
receipt" wherein the entrustee binds himself to hold
the designated goods, documents or instruments in
trust for the entruster and to sell or otherwise dispose
of the goods, documents or instruments with the
obligation to turn over to the entruster the proceeds
thereof to the extent of the amount owing to the
entruster or as appears in the trust receipt or the
goods, documents or instruments themselves if they
are unsold or not otherwise disposed of, in accordance
satisfaction of the entrustee's indebtedness to the 6. Rights of purchaser for value &
entruster. The entrustee shall receive any surplus but
shall be liable to the entruster for any deficiency.
in good faith
Notice of sale shall be deemed sufficiently given if in
S E C. 1 1, P D N O. 1 1 5
writing, and either personally served on the entrustee
Rights of purchaser for value and in good faith. Any
or sent by post-paid ordinary mail to the entrustee's
purchaser of goods from an entrustee with right to
last known business address.
sell, or of documents or instruments through their
customary form of transfer, who buys the goods,
S E C. 8, P D N O. 1 1 5 documents, or instruments for value and in good faith
Entruster not responsible on sale by entrustee. The from the entrustee, acquires said goods, documents
entruster holding a security interest shall not, merely
or instruments free from the entruster's security
by virtue of such interest or having given the entrustee interest.
liberty of sale or other disposition of the goods,
documents or instruments under the terms of the
A purchaser for value and in good faith who buys goods from
trust receipt transaction be responsible as principal or
the entrustee acquires the goods free from the security interest.
as vendor under any sale or contract to sell made by
the entrustee.
7. Validity of entruster s security
4. Obligations of entrustee interest as against creditors
1. Hold goods, documents, and instruments in trust
S E C. 1 2, P D N O. 1 1 5
2. Sell or otherwise dispose of them according to
Validity of entruster's security interest as against
terms and conditions of trust receipt
creditors. The entruster's security interest in goods,
3. Turn over proceeds of sale
documents, or instruments pursuant to the written
4. Return the goods, documents, or instruments
terms of a trust receipt shall be valid as against all
when not sold
creditors of the entrustee for the duration of the trust
5. Insure the goods for their total value
receipt agreement.
6. Not to commingle entrustors goods with others
S E C. 9, P D N O. 1 1 5 8. Penalty clause
Obligations of the entrustee. The entrustee shall (1)
hold the goods, documents or instruments in trust for S E C. 1 3, P D N O. 1 1 5
the entruster and shall dispose of them strictly in Penalty clause. The failure of an entrustee to turn over
accordance with the terms and conditions of the trust the proceeds of the sale of the goods, documents or
receipt; (2) receive the proceeds in trust for the instruments covered by a trust receipt to the extent of
entruster and turn over the same to the entruster to the amount owing to the entruster or as appears in
the extent of the amount owing to the entruster or as the trust receipt or to return said goods, documents or
appears on the trust receipt; (3) insure the goods for instruments if they were not sold or disposed of in
their total value against loss from fire, theft, pilferage accordance with the terms of the trust receipt shall
or other casualties; (4) keep said goods or proceeds constitute the crime of estafa, punishable under the
thereof whether in money or whatever form, separate provisions of Article Three hundred and fifteen,
and capable of identification as property of the paragraph one (b) of Act Numbered Three thousand
entruster; (5) return the goods, documents or eight hundred and fifteen, as amended, otherwise
instruments in the event of non-sale or upon demand known as the Revised Penal Code. If the violation or
of the entruster; and (6) observe all other terms and offense is committed by a corporation, partnership,
conditions of the trust receipt not contrary to the association or other juridical entities, the penalty
provisions of this Decree. provided for in this Decree shall be imposed upon the
directors, officers, employees or other officials or
persons therein responsible for the offense, without
5. Liability of entrustee for loss prejudice to the civil liabilities arising from the
criminal offense.
S E C. 1 0, P D N O. 1 1 5
Liability of entrustee for loss. The risk of loss shall be
Failure to turn over the proceeds of the sale or to return the
borne by the entrustee. Loss of goods, documents or
goods in case of non-sale would make the entrustee liable for
instruments which are the subject of a trust receipt,
estafa under Art. 315, RPC.
pending their disposition, irrespective of whether or
not it was due to the fault or negligence of the
entrustee, shall not extinguish his obligation to the HUR TIN YANG v. PEOPLE of the PH (2013)
entruster for the value thereof.
An entrustee under the Trust Receipts Law has
For loss through force majeure pending disposition, the entrustee two obligations:
is liable, regardless of whether or not it was due to his fault or 1. To return the money received through selling
negligence. This is an exception to the rule of res perit domino. the property entrusted to him (entregarla)
2. To return the goods received that remain
unsold (devolverla)
Facts: PPI granted the spouses Dela Cruz a regular credit line
worth 200k with trust receipts as collaterals. Pursuant to their
contract, PPI released various fertilizer and agricultural chemical Acknow ledgm ents
products which the spouses sold to several farmers. After the Comments and Cases
credit term lapsed, the PPI sought to enforce payment of what on Credit Transactions.
remained of the spousess obligations by holding the spouses De Leon and De Leon, Jr. References
liable under the provisions of the trust receipts law.
A2016 digests
Issue: WON the spouses Dela Cruz are liable under the Trust
Receipts Law NO DJ Dolot
Additional notes
Victoria Tiangco
Held: The agreement between the parties and their
contemporaneous acts evidenced a regular loan and a creditor- Dianne Cadorna
debtor relationship and not entruster-entrustee. Maye Cristobal
Info vetting
Carlos Pagdanganan
Further, Sec. 42 provides a specific exception to the applicability Carlos Poblador
of the TRL. The act of PPI in selling the agricultural products to
the spouses on credit by virtue of the credit line took their Block A2016 Best block ever
transaction outside the ambit of the Trust Receipts Law.