Effects of Harmonics On Induction Motors
Effects of Harmonics On Induction Motors
Effects of Harmonics On Induction Motors
The induction motor performance is affected by the harmonics in the time variation
of the impressed voltage. But its effect on the performance of the motor is not
predominant hence it is not considered here.
Here -ns/5 represents fifth harmonic field rotating opposite to the rotor. The
frequency of rotor currents induced by fifth harmonic rotating field is
f2 fifth harmonic = s5 x Stator frequency
= (6 -5s) x f1
Now speed of fifth harmonic rotor field with respect to rotor is given by
Negative sign is used before ns/5 (6 - 5s) which indicates 5th harmonic field rotates
opposite to rotor movement. Thus it can be seen that speed of fifth harmonic stator field
and rotor field is equal and relative speed between the two is zero. Thus it produces 5th
harmonic induction motor torque similar to torque produced by fundamental
Similar analysis can be made on 7th harmonic to show 7th harmonic torque produced
similar to fundamental one. Thus each space harmonic can be considered to produces its
own asynchronous torque. The induction motor can be considered as equivalent to
number of induction motors in series having poles equal to number of harmonics
multiplied by number of poles. The torque produced by fundamental component and the
harmonic are shown in the Fig. 2.
Fig. 2 Presence of harmonics
1.1 Crawling
As fifth harmonic field rotates opposite to the rotor rotation, the torque produced by
fifth harmonic opposes fundamental torque and it acts as braking torque on motor. The
seventh harmonic field rotates in the direction of rotor rotation, the torque produced by
seventh harmonic aids the fundamental torque. The resultant torque is shown in the Fig.
2 which shows the addition of fundamental, fifth harmonic and seventh harmonic
torque. The fifth harmonic torque is zero at -ns/5 rps while seventh harmonic torque is
zero at +ns/7.
There are two dips which can be seen in the resultant torque, one is near the slip
1.2 and other near slip 6/7. The slip near s =6/7 is more important as torque here
decreases with increase in speed. The load torque is shown in figure. The rotor will run
at ns/7 with X as the operating point. Thus stable operation is obtained near sub-
synchronous speed ns/7. This is called crawling or synchronous crawling. Due to
crawling there is much higher stator current accompanied by noise and vibration. The
torque obtained from induction motor here is called synchronous called.
When two harmonic fluxes of same order one because of stator and the rotor
because of rotor interact with each other at one particular speed and produces harmonic
synchronous torque just like that produced in synchronous motor. These torques are
caused by tooth harmonics. The stable operation at synchronous speed caused by slot
harmonics is called synchronous crawling which is associated with vibration and noise.
1.2 Cogging
A special behaviour is shown by squirrel cage induction motor during starting for
certain combinations of number of stator and rotor slots. If number of stator slots S1 are
equal to number of rotor slots S2 or integral multiple of rotor slots S2 then variation of
reluctance as a function of space will have pronounced effect producing strong forces
than the accelerating torque. Due to this motor fails to start. This phenomenon is called
cogging. Such combination of stator and rotor slots should be avoided while designing
the motor.
Let the slots of stator and rotor be 24. The stator-slotting produces its tooth
harmonics of order 2S1/P 1 whereas the rotor-slotting produces its tooth harmonics of
order 2S1/P 1 where S1 and S2 are number of stator and rotor slots. The plus sign refers
to the harmonic field rotation in the direction of rotor.
Here S1 = S2 so stator and rotor slot harmonics are same and given by,
Let P=4
(2x24/ 4) 1 = 11 or 23
The harmonics of order 11 produce backward rotating field for both stator and
rotor. The harmonics of order 13 produces forward rotating field.
The two harmonics fields of same order say 11th harmonic would be stationary with
respect to each other only when
nr - (ns-nr / 11) = -ns/11
nr = 0
As the harmonic field due to 11th harmonic rotates backward with respect to stator
hence negative sign is used for ns/11.
Similarly, for 13th harmonic produced by stator and rotor would be stationary with
respect to each other when
= (ns-nr / 13) + nr = ns/13
nr = 0
Hence it can be seen that harmonic synchronous torque is produced at zero rotor
speed. The 11th and 13th harmonic fields produced by stator and rotor and stationary
with respect to each other. The harmonic synchronous torque is produced at zero rotor
speed and the motor will remain at rest. This is called cogging. The torque speed
characteristic with harmonic synchronous torque as ns/7 is shown in the Fig.3.
Fig. 2 Cogging
The stator slot harmonics of order 2S1/P 1 may interact with rotor slot harmonics
of order 2S2/P 1 to develope the harmonic synchronous torques.
2S1/P + 1 = 2S2/P + 1
S1 = S2
And 2S1/P -1 = 2S2/P + 1
S1-S1 = P
It can be thus seen that if S1 = S2 or S1-S2 = P then cogging will be definately
observed in the induction motor.
The cogging and crawling is not predominately in slip ring induction motor as these
motors are started with higher starting torques with external resistance in rotor circuit.
The crawling effect can be reduced by taking proper car during the design. Still if
crawling is observed then it can be overcome by applying a sudden external torque to
the driven load in the direction of rotor. If there is reduction in supply voltage then
torque also decreases (T V12). Hence asynchronous crawling may be observed which
is absent under rated voltage conditions. Thus asynchronous torques can not be avoided
but can be reduced by proper choice of coil span and by skewing the stator or rotor
Key Point : The synchronous harmonics torques can be totally eliminated by proper
combination of stator and rotor slots.
Hence it can be seen that harmonic synchronous torque is produced at zero rotor
speed. The 11th and 13th harmonic fields produced by stator and rotor and stationary
with respect to each other. The harmonic synchronous torque is produced at zero rotor
speed and the motor will remain at rest. This is called cogging. The torque speed
characteristics with harmonic synchronous torque as ns/7 is shown in the Fig..3.
The stator slot harmonics of order 2S1/P 1 may interact with rotor slot harmonics
of order 2S1/P 1 to develope the harmonic synchronous torques.
2S1/P +1 = 2S2/P +1
S1 = S2
And 2S1/p -1 = 2S2/P +1
S1- S1= P
It can be thus seen that if S1= S2 or S1 - S2 = P then cogging will be definately
observed in the induction motor.
The cogging and crawling is not predominately in slip ring induction motor as these
motors are started with higher starting torques with external resistance in rotor circuit.
The crawling effect can be reduced by taking proper care during the design. Still if
crawling is observed then it can be overcome by applying a sudden external torque to
the driven load in the direction of rotor. If there is reduction of in supply voltage then
torque also decreases (T V12). Hence asynchronous crawling may observed which is
absent under rated voltage conditions. Thus asynchronous torques can not be avoided
but can be reduced by proper choice of coil span and by skewing the stator or rotor
Key Point : The synchronous harmonics torques can be totally eliminated by proper
combination of stator and rotor slots.