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How Electric Bonding Works

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AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding

Sect 2 Chap 13



INTRODUCTION MS27429 Splice, Conductor, Disconnect,

Crimp Style, Copper, Insulated
1. Bonding and grounding connections are made for Barrel, Type II, Class 1
the following purposes:
SAE AMS-M-3171 Magnesium Alloy; Processes
a. To protect aircraft and personnel against hazards for Pre-treatment and
from lightning discharge. Prevention of Corrosion

b. To provide current return paths. SAE AS 50881 Wiring, Aerospace Vehicle

SAE AS 7928 Terminals, Lug and Splices,
c. To prevent development of RF potentials.
Conductor Crimp Style,
d. To protect personnel from shock hazard. Copper, General Specification

e. To provide stability and homogeneity of radio

transmission and reception.
f. To prevent accumulation of static charge.

g. To provide fault current return paths. Bonding

2. This chapter describes and illustrates the 4. The electrical connecting of two or more
recommended procedures to be followed in the conducting objects not otherwise adequately connected.
preparation and installation of bonding and grounding
connections. Grounding

5. The electrical connecting of conducting object to

REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS primary structure or earth electrode, for return of current.

3. The following specifications are applicable to Primary Structure

bonding and grounding connections:
6. The main frame, fuselage, and wing structure of
A-A-857 Thinner, Dope, & Lacquer the aircraft (commonly referred to as ground).
MIL-C-83413/8 Connectors and Assemblies,
Type IV Jumper Cable
Assembly, Lead Electrical 7. When making bonding or grounding connections
in aircraft, observe the following general precautions and
MIL-DTL-22520 Crimping Tools, Wire procedures:
Termination, General
Specification For a. Bond or ground parts to the primary aircraft
structure where practicable.
MIL-PRF-23377 Primer Coatings, Epoxy, High
Solids b. Make bonding or grounding connections in such a
MIL-PRF-85582 Primer Coatings, Epoxy, way as not to weaken any part of the aircraft
Waterborne structure.

MIL-STD-464 Electromagnetic c. Bond parts individually wherever possible.

Environmental Effects
Requirements for Systems d. Make bonding or grounding connections against
smooth, clean surfaces.

MIL-T-81714 Terminal Junction System,

Environment Resistant,
General Specification For

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Sect 2 Chap 13

e. Install bonding or grounding connections so that Hardware Material and Finish

vibration, expansion or contraction, or relative
movement incident to normal service use will not 9. Select hardware material and finish from Table
break or loosen the connection. 131, Table 132 or Table 133, depending on material
of structure to which attachment is made, and material of
f. Locate bonding and grounding connections in jumper and terminal specified for the bonding or
protected areas whenever possible. Locate grounding connection.
connections, whenever possible, near hand holes,
inspection doors, or other accessible areas to
Selection of Stud
permit easy inspection and replacement.

g. Do not compression-fasten bonding or grounding 10. Use either an AN screw or bolt of the proper size
connections through any non-metallic material. for the specified jumper terminal. Length of screw or bolt
should be such that when bonding or grounding
h. Inspect the grounding and bonding straps to connection is fully tightened, approximately 3.7mm of
ensure that they are free of corrosion which will screw protrudes beyond top of nut.
adversely affect performance, and are not frayed
or cut more than 25% of the original strap. Selection of Nuts
i. No more than four ground wires should be
connected to a common ground stud. Ground 11. Use AN nuts, either plain or self-locking, where
modules in accordance with MIL-T-81714 may be indicated in Figure 131 and Figure 133. Use an all-
used for multiple grounds. No more than 16 metal, self-locking nut if practicable. Always use an all-
ground wires should be connected in a ground metal, self-locking nut where current will be present.
module. Each ground for electric power sources Where installation conditions require, use an AN nut-
(primary, secondary, emergency) should be plate, riveted to structure.
connected to separate ground points. Grounds for
utilisation equipment may be connected to a Selection of Washers
common ground point only when supplied from
the same power source, provided this equipment 12. Use AN plain washers and split lock washers as
does not perform duplicate or overlapping indicated in Figure 131, Figure 132 and Figure 133.
functions. Unless otherwise directed by applicable equipment
technical order, use split lock washers with nuts, either
plain or self-locking. With aluminium terminals, use a
SELECTION OF HARDWARE plain washer of at least the diameter of the terminal
tongue, next to the aluminium terminal. If an AN washer
8. Hardware used to make bonding or grounding does not meet this requirement, use a washer of the
connections is selected on the basis of mechanical SAE heavy series, or a special washer made for this
strength, current to be carried, and ease of installation. application.
Where connection is made by aluminium or copper
jumpers to structure of dissimilar material, a washer of Selection of Cable Clamp
suitable material should be installed between the
dissimilar materials so that any corrosion which may 13. For bonding or grounding to cylindrical surfaces,
occur will occur in the washer, which is expendable, use an AN735 clamp. Where an AN735 clamp is not
rather than in the structure. available, or where installation conditions do not allow its
use, a non-cushioned AN742 clamp may be substituted.
When repairing or replacing existing bonding or CAUTION
grounding connections, use the same type of Do not use cushioned clamps in any bonding or
hardware as used in the original connection. grounding connection.

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Sect 2 Chap 13

Figure 131 Stud Bonding or Grounding to Flat Surface

Table 131 Hardware for Stud Bonding or Grounding to Flat Surface

(Refer to Figure 131)

Aluminium Terminal and Jumper

Structure Screw or Bolt; Plain Nut Washer A Washer B Washer Lockwasher E Lockwasher F
Locknut C&D

Aluminium Cadmium Tin Plated Aluminium Aluminium Cadmium Cadmium Cadmium

Alloys Plated Steel Brass Alloy Alloy Plated Steel Plated Steel Plated Steel
or Aluminium

Magnesium Cadmium Cadmium Magnesium Magnesium Cadmium Cadmium Cadmium

Alloys Plated Steel Plated Alloy Alloy Plated Steel Plated Steel Plated Steel
Steel or Aluminium

Steel, Cadmium Cadmium None None Cadmium Cadmium Cadmium

Cadmium Plated Steel Plated Plated Steel Plated Steel Plated Steel
Plated Steel or Aluminium

Steel, Corrosion Cadmium None None Cadmium Corrosion Cadmium

Corrosion Resisting Steel Plated Plated Steel Resisting Steel Plated Steel
Resisting Steel or Aluminium

Tinned Copper Terminal and Jumper

Structure Screw or Bolt; Plain Nut Washer A Washer B Washer Lockwasher E Lockwasher F
Locknut C&D

Aluminium Cadmium Cadmium Aluminium Aluminium Cadmium Cadmium Cadmium

Alloys Plated Steel Plated Alloy Alloy Plated Steel Plated Steel Plated Steel or
Steel Aluminium


Steel, Cadmium Cadmium None None Cadmium Cadmium Cadmium

Cadmium Plated Steel Plated Plated Steel Plated Steel Plated Steel
Plated Steel

Steel, Corrosion Corrosion None None Cadmium Corrosion Corrosion

Corrosion Resisting Steel Resisting Plated Steel Resisting Steel Resisting Steel
Resisting Steel

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Sect 2 Chap 13

Figure 132 Plate Nut Bonding or Grounding to Flat Surface

Table 132 Hardware for Plate Nut Bonding or Grounding to Flat Surface
(Refer to Figure 132)

Aluminium Terminal and Jumper

Structure Screw or Bolt; Rivet Lockwasher Washer A Washer B

Nut Plate

Aluminium Alloys Cadmium Plated Aluminium Alloy Cadmium Plated Cadmium Plated None
Steel Steel Steel or Aluminium

Magnesium Alloys Cadmium Plated Aluminium Alloy Cadmium Plated Cadmium Plated None or
Steel Steel Steel or Aluminium Magnesium Alloy

Steel, Cadmium Cadmium Plated Corrosion Cadmium Plated Cadmium Plated None
Plated Steel Resisting Steel Steel Steel or Aluminium

Steel, Corrosion Corrosion Corrosion Cadmium Plated Cadmium Plated Cadmium Plated
Resisting Resisting Steel or Resisting Steel Steel Steel or Aluminium Steel
Cadmium Plated

Tinned Copper Terminal and Jumper

Structure Screw or Bolt; Rivet Lockwasher Washer A Washer B

Nut Plate

Aluminium Alloys Cadmium Plated Aluminium Alloy Cadmium Plated Cadmium Plated Aluminium Alloy
Steel Steel Steel


Steel, Cadmium Cadmium Plated Corrosion Cadmium Plated Cadmium Plated None
Plated Steel Resisting Steel Steel Steel

Steel, Corrosion Corrosion Corrosion Cadmium Plated Cadmium Plated None

Resisting Resisting Steel Resisting Steel Steel Steel

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Sect 2 Chap 13

Figure 133 Bolt and Nut Bonding or Grounding to Flat Surface

Table 133 Hardware for Bolt and Nut Bonding or Grounding to Flat Surface
(Refer to Figure 133)

Aluminium Terminal and Jumper

Structure Screw or Bolt; Lockwasher Washer A Washer B Washer C


Aluminium Alloys Cadmium Plated Cadmium Plated Cadmium Plated None Cadmium Plated
Steel Steel Steel or Aluminium Steel or Aluminium

Magnesium Alloys Cadmium Plated Cadmium Plated Magnesium Alloy None or Cadmium Plated
Steel Steel Magnesium Alloy Steel or Aluminium

Steel, Cadmium Cadmium Plated Cadmium Plated Cadmium Plated Cadmium Plated Cadmium Plated
Plated Steel Steel Steel Steel Steel or Aluminium

Steel, Corrosion Corrosion Cadmium Plated Corrosion Cadmium Plated Cadmium Plated
Resisting Resisting Steel or Steel Resisting Steel Steel Steel or Aluminium
Cadmium Plated

Tinned Copper Terminal and Jumper

Structure Screw or Bolt; Lockwasher Washer A Washer B Washer C


Aluminium Alloys Cadmium Plated Cadmium Plated Cadmium Plated Aluminium Alloy Cadmium Plated
Steel Steel Steel Steel


Steel, Cadmium Cadmium Plated Cadmium Plated Cadmium Plated None Cadmium Plated
Plated Steel Steel Steel Steel

Steel, Corrosion Corrosion Cadmium Plated Corrosion None Cadmium Plated

Resisting Resisting Steel or Steel Resisting Steel Steel
Cadmium Plated

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Sect 2 Chap 13

PREPARATION OF BONDING OR GROUNDING Cleaning Procedure for Steel Surfaces

17. When the surface is corrosion resisting or plated
14. Clean bonding and grounding surfaces thoroughly steel, clean bonding or grounding surface as described
before making the connection. Remove paint, anodic or in paragraph 16, steps a and b.
conversion coating film and surface corrosion from
planned attachment area with abrasive mat, A-A-58054.
CAUTION Do not remove zinc or cadmium plate from steel
Do not use abrasives such as emery cloth, crocus
cloth, steel wool, etc. These may leave particles
imbedded in the surface or scattered in the area
which may cause corrosive action.

Cleaning Procedure for Aluminium Surfaces

15. Apply a coating of petrolatum compound to

bonding or grounding surface of aluminium structure and
clean surface thoroughly, using stainless steel wire
brush with pilot as shown in Figure 134. Wipe off the
petrolatum compound with a clean dry cloth.

Cleaning Procedure for Magnesium Alloy Surfaces

16. Prepare magnesium alloy surfaces for bonding or

grounding as follows:

Cleaning solvents are toxic to skin, eyes and
respiratory tract. Skin and eye protection is required.
Avoid repeated or prolonged contact. ensure
adequate general ventilation and avoid breathing
fumes generated by solvents.

a. Remove grease and oil from surface with P-D- Figure 134 Stainless Steel Wire Brush With Pilot for
680, Type III. Cleaning Aluminium Surfaces

A-A-857 is flammable and toxic to eyes, skin, and
respiratory tract. Skin and eye protection is required. METHODS OF BONDING OR GROUNDING
Avoid prolonged contact. Use only with adequate
ventilation. 18. Bonding or grounding connections are made
directly to a flat surface of basic structure, or to a
b. If present, remove paint or lacquer from surface cylindrical surface of basic structure.
with lacquer thinner, A-A-857.
Connection to Flat Surfaces
c. Brush area liberally with chrome pickle solution,
SAE AMS-M-3171, Type I for one minute, then 19. Bonding and grounding of through bolts or
rinse within five seconds by brushing with clean screws, where installation has easy access. There are
water. three types of bolted connection, as follows:
d. Dry thoroughly. a. Stud Connection. In this type of connection, a
bolt or screw is locked securely to structure, thus
becoming, in effect, a stud. (See Figure 131 and
Table 131.) Grounding or bonding jumpers can
be removed or added to the shank of stud without
removing stud from structure. Not more than four
lugs should be connected to any one stud.

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Sect 2 Chap 13

b. Nut Plate and Bolt Connection. Nut plates are Bonding Conduit to Structure
used where access to the nut for repairs may be
difficult. Nut plates are riveted or welded to a 22. Bond aluminium alloy or corrosion-resisting steel
clean area of the structure. (See Figure 132 and conduit to structure as shown in Figure 138. If
Table 132.) Cleaning of structure is done in installation conditions require, an AN742 clamp may be
accordance with paragraphs 15 through 17 as used instead of an AN735 clamp, using same hardware.
Tightness of Connections
c. Nut and Bolt Connection. In this connection the
bolt or screw is not attached permanently to
structure. (See Figure 133 and Table 133.) 23. Make sure that all connections are tight, as
When jumpers are to be added or removed, the evidenced by the split lockwashers being completely
entire connection is remade. The table lists compressed.
materials and platings that are compatible with the
structure to which they are mounted. These CAUTION
materials are selected so that corrosion, if it
When terminal is under head of screw or bolt (as
occurs, will occur in the washers, which are
shown in Figure 132), it is preferable not to install
expendable, rather than in the structure.
more than one terminal. Otherwise, the screw may
loosen and cause improper operation of equipment.
Connection to Tab Riveted to Structure

20. For bonding leads carrying high current, (size

AWG 4 or larger), do not make the connection directly to
the structure, but to a tab of suitable size adequately
bonded to the aircraft structure. (See Figure 135.)
When a bonding or grounding connection is made to a
tab riveted to the structure rather than directly to the
structure, clean the bonding or grounding surface and
make the connection exactly as though the connection
were being made to structure. If it is necessary to
remove the tab for any reason, replace rivets with one
size larger. Make sure mating surfaces of structure and
tab are clean and free of anodic film.

Connection to Cylindrical Surfaces

21. Make bonding or grounding connections to

aluminium alloy, magnesium alloy, or corrosion resisting
steel tubular structure as shown in Figure 136 and
Figure 137. Figure 136 shows the arrangement of
hardware for bonding with an aluminium jumper.
Because of the ease with which aluminium is deformed,
it is necessary to distribute screw and nut pressure by
means of plain washers as shown. Figure 137 shows
the arrangement of hardware for bonding with a copper
jumper. No extra washers are used. If installation
conditions require, use an AN742 clamp (non-
cushioned) instead of an AN735 clamp. Do not change Figure 135 Bonding Tab Riveted to Structure
any other hardware if this substitution is made.

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Sect 2 Chap 13

Figure 136 Aluminium Jumper Connection to Tubular Structure

Figure 137 Copper Jumper Connection to Tubular Structure

Figure 138 Bonding Conduit to Structure

BONDING AND GROUNDING JUMPERS Fabricating Bonding and Grounding Jumpers

24. To accomplish the purpose of bonding or 25. Jumpers of tinned copper wire are fabricated in
grounding, it is necessary to provide a conductive path accordance with MIL-C-83413/8. For smaller size wire,
where direct electrical contact does not exist. Jumpers terminate with MS25036 insulated copper terminal lugs
are used for this purpose in such applications as of appropriate size. Use M22520/5-01 tool with
between moving parts, between shock-mounted M22520/5-100 for crimping terminals to wire. For larger
equipment and structure, and between electrically wire size, terminate with MS20659 uninsulated copper
conducting objects and structure. Keep jumpers as short terminal lugs, crimped to the wire with M22520/24-10 or
as possible; if practical, under 76mm. Do not use two or MS25441 tool. The appropriate size copper wire braid
more jumpers in series. should be selected from Table 134.

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Sect 2 Chap 13

Table 134 Tinned Copper Woven Braid for Fabrication of Electrical Grounding and Bonding Leads


Strand Diameter Width

Part Number Lays Strands Mil SWG mm Ins Area Current Terminal
Cir Mils Rating Lug Size
G154-8-3-.122 8 3 0.122 40 1.19 .047 380 4 26-24

G154-16-3-.122 16 3 0.122 40 1.58 .063 1000 7 22-18

G154-24-3-.1226 24 3 0.122 40 2.78 .110 1900 10 22-18

G154-24-4-.122 24 4 0.122 40 3.18 .125 2550 13 16-14

G154-24-6-.1228 24 6 0.122 40 4.76 .187 3800 15 16-14

G154-24-8-.122 24 8 0.122 40 6.35 .250 5100 20 16-14

G154-24-14-.122 24 14 0.122 40 9.52 .375 7650 30 12-10

G154-32-16-.122 32 16 0.122 40 12.70 .50 10200 40 12-10

G154-32-20-.122 32 20 0.122 40 15.88 .625 12700 50 12-10

G154-48-16-.122 48 16 0.122 40 19.05 .75 14300 60 8

G154-48-32-.122 48 32 0.122 40 25.40 1.0 21700 80 8

bonding of RF components is required, the resistance

Note should be a maximum 0.0025 ohms (2.5 milliohms)
For RF bonding, a rule of thumb for achieving (Reference MIL-STD-464). Test is made after the
minimum bond strap inductance is that the length-to- mechanical connection is completed, and consists of a
width ratio of the strap should be 5:1 or less. milli-ohmmeter reading of the overall resistance between
the cleaned areas of the object and the structure.

Quick-Disconnect Jumpers Resistance Test Procedure

26. Where a quick disconnect jumper is required, 28. Measurements of the specified resistance value
crimp an MS27429 electrical disconnect splice into a are made with special calibrated low-range ohmmeters.
copper wire jumper, fabricated as described in The Avtron T477W or functional equivalent meeting UL-
paragraph 25, using M22520/5-01 tool with 913 explosion-proof test criteria should be used in
M22520/5-100 die. Note that the disconnect splice is not enclosed areas where hazards exist, such as explosive
centred in the jumper, but is installed so that the coupler vapours from fuel systems. The AN/USM-21A can be
remains on the short end when the jumper is used in non-hazardous areas. Proceed as follows,
disconnected. observing the precautions emphasised in the meter
instruction manual.

TESTING BONDS AND GROUNDS a. With the Function Control OFF, set the Range
Control to the 0.1 ohm position.
Resistance Tests After Connection
b. Attach the instrument test clips for good electrical
NOTE contact with the cleaned areas immediately
adjacent to the jumper terminal lugs of object and
The resistance figures provided below are for general structure.
electrical and RF bonding. Specific requirements
detailed in aircraft or component publications should c. Set the Function Control to CALIBRATE, then use
take precedence. the Calibration Adjustment Control to obtain a 0.1
ohm full scale deflection.
27. The resistance across a bonding or grounding d. Set the Function Control to OHMS position, and
jumper is required to be 0.1 ohms or less for general note the bond (only) reading. It should be less
electrical bonding whether using bonding jumpers or than 0.1 ohm.
where metallic components are directly attached. Where

AC 21-99 Aircraft Wiring and Bonding
Sect 2 Chap 13


Refinishing Metal Surfaces

Appropriate personal protective equipment should be
worn when handling and using cleaning and corrosion
control solutions.

29. Following the connection and successful testing of

bonding or grounding leads, the bare metal surface must
be protected from corrosion.


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