Bolt & Screw Details
Bolt & Screw Details
Bolt & Screw Details
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your own risk.
These Pages include various standards. To confirm the status of any standard, identify the replacement standard if it is
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Screws Index Page...
The screw and nut sizes are in accordance with BS 3692:1967 (ISO 272 equivalent). This standard has now been
superseded by BS 3692:2001. (The data has not yet been checked against the latest revision. ). The thread form is in
accordance with BS 3643:2007
Relevant Standards
BS 3643 Part 1:2007..ISO metric screw threads. Principles and basic data
BS 3643 Part 2:2007..ISO metric screw threads. Specification for selected limits of size
Table of Bolt Sizes ...ISO metric precision hexagon bolts , Coarse Thread Series, Bolt tolerance class 6g 7/30/2010
Screws Nuts Washer Sizes Page 2 of 6 7/30/2010
Screws Nuts Washer Sizes Page 3 of 6
Bolt Sizes ...ISO metric precision hexagon bolts , Fine thread series 7/30/2010
Screws Nuts Washer Sizes Page 4 of 6 7/30/2010
Screws Nuts Washer Sizes Page 5 of 6
Nominal Washer Thickness
Internal External
Size max - max -
max - min
min min
5,8 - 10,0 -
M5 1,2 - 0,8
5,5 9,2
7,0 - 12,5 -
M6 1,9 - 1,3
6,6 11,7
9,4 - 17,0 -
M8 1,9 - 1,3
9,0 16,2
11,5 - 21,0 -
M10 2,3 - 1,7
11,0 20,2
14,5 - 24,0 -
M12 2,8 - 2,2
14,0 23,2
18,5 - 30,0 -
M16 3,6 - 2,4
18,00 29,2
22,6 - 37,0 -
M20 3,6 - 2,4
22,0 35,8
26,6 - 44,0 -
M24 4,6 - 3,4
26,0 42,8
33,8 - 56,0 -
M30 4,6 - 3,4
33,0 54,5
39,8 - 66,0 -
M36 6,0 - 4,0
39,0 64,5
45,8 - 78,0 -
M42 8,2 - 5,8
45,0 76,5
53,0 - 92,0 -
M48 9,2 - 6,8
52,0 90,0
Useful Links
Ads by Google
1. Co_Design..Dimensions of Metric fastener threads etc Metric Screws
2. Metric Thread Sizes..Metric THREAD sizes from Tribology - abc Torque Screws
3. Metric Thread Sizes..Metric THREAD sizes from Newmantools - abc
Drilling Screw
4. Metric Thread Tolerances..Metric Thread tolerances from Fullermetric
5. on metric threads and other metric subjects Stainless Steel
6. Maryland Metrics..Comprehensive information on metric screws threads. Hex Head Bolts 7/30/2010
Screws Nuts Washer Sizes Page 6 of 6 7/30/2010