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Social Security Numbers For Noncitizens: Does A Noncitizen Need A Social Security Number?

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Social Security Numbers for Noncitizens

Does a noncitizen need a Social dont have to visit a Social Security office in
the United States. (For more information, see
Security number? www.socialsecurity.gov/ssnvisa); or
Unless you are a noncitizen who wants to work You can visit a Social Security office in person.
in the United States, you probably dont need a See section below for what you need to bring
Social Security number. with you to the Social Security office.
Generally, only noncitizens authorized to work in If you are not an immigrant, you must visit a Social
the United States by the Department of Homeland Security office to apply.
Security (DHS) can get a Social Security number.
Social Security numbers are used to report What do I need to bring to the Social
a persons wages to the government and to
determine a persons eligibility for Social Security Security office?
benefits. You need a Social Security number to You need to prove your Identity and
work, collect Social Security benefits, and receive work-authorized immigration status.
some other government services.
To prove your identity and work-authorized
Lawfully admitted noncitizens can get many immigration status, show us your current U.S.
benefits and services without a Social Security immigration documents and your unexpired
number. You dont need a number to get a drivers foreign passport. Acceptable immigration
license, register for school, get private health documents include your:
insurance, or apply for school lunch programs or
Form I-551 (Permanent Resident Card,
subsidized housing.
includes machine-readable immigrant visa);
Some organizations use Social Security numbers Admission stamp showing a class of admission
to identify you in their records. Most, however, will permitting work;
identify you by some other means if you request it.
Form I-94 (Arrival/Departure Record); or
We cant assign you a Social Security number Form I-766 (Employment Authorization
solely for you to be able to get a drivers license or Document, EAD, work permit).
a service that requires a credit check.
Exchange visitors: If youre a J-1 or J-2
Although many companies, such as banks and exchange visitor, we also need to see your
credit companies, may ask for your Social Security DS-2019, Certificate of Eligibility for Exchange
number, you generally arent required to provide Visitor Status. If you are a J-1 student, student
one if you dont have one. intern, or international visitor, you must provide a
letter from your sponsor. The letter should be on
How can I get a Social Security sponsor letterhead with an original signature that
number and card? authorizes your employment.
If you are an immigrant, there are two ways you International students: If youre an F-1 or
can apply. M-1 student, we need to see your Form I-20,
You can apply in your home country before Certificate of Eligibility for Nonimmigrant Student
you come to the United States when filing an Status. For information on other documents
application for an immigrant visa with the U.S. that students must provide, ask for International
Department of State. In almost all cases, if Students And Social Security Numbers
you apply for a Social Security number and (Publication No. 05-10181).
card with your immigrant visa application, you

SocialSecurity.gov Social Security Numbers for Noncitizens
You need to prove age. number only if you can prove you need it for a
valid non-work reason. That might happen, for
You must present your foreign birth certificate if
example, if a state or federal law requires you to
you have it or can get it within 10 business days.
have a Social Security number to get benefits to
If not, we can consider other documents, such as
which you have already established entitlement.
your passport or a document issued by DHS, as
evidence of your age. If you need a number for tax purposes, and you
arent authorized to work in the United States, you
You need to complete an application. can apply for an Individual Taxpayer Identification
You will need to complete an Application for a Number from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
Social Security Card (Form SS-5). You can do this Visit the IRS in person, or call the IRS toll-free
at the Social Security office or you can find a copy number, 1-800-TAXFORM (1-800-829-3676), and
of this form on our website that you can print and request Form W-7, Application For An Individual
bring with you. Taxpayer Identification Number.
Important: All documents must be either originals If a business or government agency asks you
or copies certified by the issuing agency. We for a Social Security number and you are not
cannot accept photocopies or notarized copies authorized to work in the United States, ask if they
of documents. We also cannot accept a receipt can identify you in some other way. In most cases,
showing you applied for the document. youll be able to get the service or license you
need without a Social Security number.
We may use one document for two purposes.
For example, we may use your DHS work Contacting Social Security
permit as proof of both your identity
and work-authorized immigration status. Your The most convenient way to contact us anytime,
birth certificate or passport may serve as proof anywhere is to visit www.socialsecurity.gov.
of age. However, you must provide at least There, you can: apply for benefits; open a my
two separate documents. Social Security account, which you can use
to review your Social Security Statement,
When should I apply? verify your earnings, print a benefit verification
letter, change your direct deposit information,
We recommend you wait 10 days after arriving
request a replacement Medicare card, and get a
in the United States to apply for a Social Security
replacement SSA-1099/1042S; obtain valuable
number to make it easier for us to verify your DHS
information; find publications; get answers to
documents online, which will speed processing of
frequently asked questions; and much more.
your Social Security number application.
If you dont have access to the internet, we
We will mail your number and card as soon as we
offer many automated services by telephone,
have all of your information and have verified your
24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Call us toll-free
documents with the issuing offices.
at 1-800-772-1213 or at our TTY number,
How much does applying for a Social 1-800-325-0778, if youre deaf or hard of hearing.
Security number and card cost? If you need to speak to a person, we can answer
your calls from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m., Monday through
Applying for a Social Security number and Friday. We ask for your patience during busy
card is free. periods since you may experience a higher than
usual rate of busy signals and longer hold times to
What if I need a number for other speak to us. We look forward to serving you.
If you arent authorized by DHS to work in the
United States, you can get a Social Security

Social Security Administration

Publication No. 05-10096 | ICN 468630 | Unit of Issue HD (one hundred)
July 2017 (June 2016 edition may be used)
Social Security Numbers for Noncitizens
Produced and published at U.S. taxpayer expense

Printed on recycled paper

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