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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056

Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Delay Optimized Full Adder Design for High Speed VLSI Applications
Tincy Charles1 , Mohammed Salih K K2

1 Mtech Scholar, Department of ECE, GECI, Kerala, India

2 Assistant Professor, Department of ECE, GECI, Kerala, India

Abstract - The most widely used arithmetic operation in Full adders can be classified into static and dynamic full
digital applications is addition. Full adder is the most adders. Static full adders are reliable, require less power but
important building block in digital signal processors and on the cost of area[2]. While dynamic full adders have high
controllers as it is used in arithmetic logic circuit(ALU) , in the speed operation, high driving capability, low power, low
floating point unit and in case of cache or memory access input capacitance and but power dissipation due to higher
address generation. As density of IC chip increases, power switching activities and they require N+2 transistors for N
consumption also increases. Hence low power designs is the input logic function instead of 2N transistors required by
primary requirement in the VLSI field. Reducing delay of a standard adder as they use only NMOS transistors and due to
digital circuit is an important topic in logic design for efficient absence of PMOS input capacitance is lower but dynamic full
implementation of adder. In this paper a hybrid CMOS full adder suffer from complexity, charge sharing and high
adder circuit designed using both transmission gate and power requirement due to high switching so a hybrid logic
complementary metal oxide semiconductor(CMOS) is style will embed the both static and dynamic full adder to get
implemented and a modified version of this full adder is better results.
proposed. Design was implemented using Cadence Virtuoso
Tools in 180nm and 90nm technology. Then comparison is 2. REVIEW OF VARIOUS LOGIC STYLES
done against these full adders in terms of power, speed and
power delay product. Static CMOS logic style is known for its better power
efficiency,high noise margin,no static power dissipation.It is
more robust for transistor sizing and voltage scaling[4].The
Key Words: CMOS,TG, Power Delay Product disadvantages include higher delay and large
capacitance[3].Various static logic styles include Pseudo-
NMOS logic,Transmission logic,Pass Transistor logic etc.
1.INTRODUCTION Pseudo-NMOS logic style adder replace the pull-up block
with single PMOS transistor thus reducing the number of
Adders are one of the major components in digital gates. Thus it reduces the capacitance and improves the
systems, as they are widely used in basic digital operations speed. The Rand asymmetrical noise margin.Transmission-
such as division, multiplication and subtraction.As addition Gate(TG) Full Adder uses XOR gate.It acts as a high-quality
forms the basis of many binary operations, adder circuits are switch with low capacitance and resistance[5],[6].It is one of
of great interest in digital design. Deep submicron CMOS the members of the ratio less logic family as the DC
technologies are used to explain the challenging criteria of characteristics are independent of the input levels.
the emerging high-speed and low-power communication IC
chips. Analyzing any digital system, we can see addition is a Complementary Pass Transistor Logic (CPL) adder
basic operation. implements logic functions with NMOS-only.Its advantages
include differential inputs/outputs,circuit modularity and
A heuristic approach, known as hybrid adder models is simplicity[7]. It can be efficiently realized with small number
proposed to save power at low transistor sizes.A wide of transistors. The disadvantages of CPL is reduced higher
variety of adder circuits have been proposed in literature, static power consumption and noise margin. Double Pass
with the purpose to fulfill the various area, power and Transistor Logic (DPL) adder is a modified version of CPL
speeds requirements of implementations[3]. Designers move that is suitable for low-voltage application[7].DPL has
their attention to design an efficient full-adder, which balanced input capacitances, therefore reducing the
operates with the minimum power consumption and high dependence of the delay on the input data. DPL also provides
speed. Power dissipation depends upon the switching full logic swing due to the use of PMOS gates as well as NMOS,
activity, wire capacitances, node capacitances and control and the dual current driving ability of DPL compensates for
circuit size. the additional PMOS gates [5]. The disadvantages of DPL is

2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2195
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

the higher number of transistors, hence higher area and The inverter formed by transistors Mp1 and Mn1 generate
higher power dissipation. B. This is used to design the controlled inverter using the
transistor pair Mp2 and Mn2. Output of this controlled
Dynamic Logic Style uses a sequence of evaluation and inverter is basically the XNOR of A and B. This suffers from
precharging phases to realize complex logic functions in a some voltage degradation problem, and this can be removed
single PMOS pull-up network or NMOS pull-down , hence this using two pass transistors Mp3 and Mn3.PMOS transistors
requires less transistors and also has no static power (Mp4, Mp5, and Mp6) and NMOS transistors (Mn4, Mn5, and
consumption. The reduced overall capacitance results in Mn6) realize the second stage XNOR module which
significantly improvement in the speed. The disadvantages of implement the SUM. Analyzing the full adder truth table, the
dynamic logic is the high dynamic power dissipation due to condition for Cout generation has been deducted as follows:
clock switching. The dynamic logic has clock skew and
charge-sharing problems. Various dynamic logic style include If A = B, then Cout = B; else Cout = C
NP-CMOS,Domino and True Single-Phase Clocked Logic
(TSPCL). The C2MOS latched NP-CMOS (also called NORA- 4. PROPOSED FULL ADDER
CMOS) can be used in the effective implementation of
pipelined circuits. The proposed full adder circuit consist of only 14
transistors and is represented by three modules. Here the
3. EXISTING FULL ADDER IMPLEMENTATION transistors are reduced from 16 in the existing design to 14
transistors.The block diagram of the proposed full adder
The full adder schematic is divided into three modules. circuit is shown in fig:2. Module 1 represents fully restored
Module 1 and module 2 represent the XNOR module and CMOS XOR-XNOR cell and module 2 represent XOR module
Module 3 represents the transmission gate module which which generate SUM signal. Module 3 represent TG module
produces Cout signal [1]. which generate Cout signal.

The XNOR module with 6 transistors is designed to

minimize the power with avoiding voltage degradation
possibility. The power consumption is reduced by the use of
weak inverter (small channel width transistors) formed by
transistors Mp1 and Mn1. The level restoring transistors
Mp3 and Mn3 is responsible for full swing of the levels of
output signals.The circuit diagram for the full adder is shown
in fig:1.

The output carry signal is implemented by the transistors

Mp7,Mp8,Mn7 and Mn8. The input carry signal (C) reduces
the overall carry propagation path significantly by
propagating only through a single transmission gate (Mn7 Fig-2: Block Diagram of Modified Full Adder
and Mp7). The use of strong transmission gates (large
channel width transistors Mn7, Mp7, Mn8, and Mp8 ) The schematic of proposed full adder is shown in
guaranteed further reduction in propagation delay of the fig:3.Module 1 is based on the cross coupled PMOS structure,
carry signal. but it also uses the cross coupled NMOS structure to
produce the complement. These structures do not provide an
output for A = B = 0 and A = B = 1, respectively, which
instead is provided by the feedback MOSFETs (Mn1 and
Mp3). The feedback also eliminates the threshold voltage
loss associated with the structure[10-11].

Only six transistors are needed to realize this circuit and

the use of inverter is eliminated. The feedback will lower the
maximal operating frequency and require the MOSFETs to be
ratioed when compared with the other XOR gates. To
properly ratio the MOSFETs, the design effort increases. The
threshold voltage drop is completely eliminated from both
the outputs ,due to the regenerative feedback introduced by
the pull-down (nMOS) and the pull-up (PMOS) transistors,
thereby providing the full voltage swing.The operation of the
Fig-1: Circuit diagram of full adder[1] above circuit must be restricted to supply voltages above

2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2196
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

2|Vtp|.The sizing of the feedback transistors must be The power consumption of hybrid full adders can be
carefully done for proper functioning of the circuit under classified into static power consumption and dynamic power
various operating conditions. consumption. Static power consumption is caused from
leakage and biasing currents[5-7] in most of CMOS based
circuit implementations. Mostly this is lower that the
dynamic power consumption. Dynamic power consumption
arises because of charging and discharging of load
capacitances.For 180-nm technology,circuit operated at 1.8V
the total power consumption was found to be 7.598W and
for 90-nm technology,it was found to be 2.861W.

Fig-3: Schematic of Proposed Full Adder

The SUM module is designed to minimize the power to best

possible extend.This module is the transmission function
implementation of XOR gate.The inputs to this module are Fig-5: Transient Analysis of Full Adder
driven by the outputs of first module(H and H).The
speciality of this design is its lowest average power The delay was found to be 27.99ps for 180nm and 3.232ps
consumption since it does not use any power or ground rails for 90nm technology.The four bit and eight bit extension of
ie, absence of short circuit current.But the drawback is that full adder as shown in fig:6 and fig:8 were also implemented
the SUM signals are not capable to drive bigger loads.They and power and delay are compared.
have outstanding power delay product.

The third module is implemented using transmission gate

logic as in fig:1[4].This is basically a multiplexer which
passes either A(or B) or C, according to the value of H.The
input signals A and C provides the driving power for Cout
signal, since either of inputs will pass.This design is normally
used where a latch or buffer follows the output of adder cell
to avoid lacking power of Cout signal.


The full adder design in fig:1 was implemented in 180nm Fig-6: 4-Bit Extension of Full Adder
and 90nm by using Cadence Virtuoso software.Then the
transient analysis is obtained as in fig:8.

Fig-7: 8-Bit Extension of Full Adder

The modified full adder is implemented in fig:8.It is found

that the average power consumption was found to be
Fig-4: Implementation of Full Adder 9.058W in 180-nm technology.This reduction in power
consumption is mainly due to absence of leakage

2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2197
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395 -0056
Volume: 04 Issue: 03 | Mar -2017 www.irjet.net p-ISSN: 2395-0072

currents.The delay was reduced significantly to 8.438ps due incorporation of fully restored swing logic and is found to be
to the incorporation of fully restored swing logic.The 8.438ps.The PDP of both designs are measured and it is
simulation results were compared in Table:1. observed to be minimum in the case of the proposed
design. The area of the proposed design is also reduced
when compared in terms of transistors against the existing


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2017, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 5.181 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2198

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