Circulation of Qi
Circulation of Qi
Circulation of Qi
three yin meridians
The direction of Qi move in Lung Meridians
In lung meridian, the Qi is begin to move fom center of stomach(#1), go down connect to large intestine(#2), then go
up pass the above outlet of stomach and diaphragm(#3), connect to lung(#4), from lung and breath system
(#5)through Lu1 to Lu11(#5 to #12), there is a branch from Lu7(#13) to the tip of index finger (Li1), so the Qi will go
to next meridian - Large intestine.
Lu1-11 points:
The direction of Qi move in Large intestine meridian
In large intestine, the Qi move from tip of index finger upward to shoulder contect to Si12 (#7) & Du14
(#8), and at the concave behind collarbones' area (#9) separate to two branches. first one go down to connect the
large intestine(#9 - #12), the other one go upward through side of neck up to cheek, at the lower teeth and gum
connect to St4 (#14), then go round mouth and cross the Du26 end at the other side of nose side(#13 - #17), then the
Qi from Li-20(#17) go to next meridian - the Stomach meridian.
Li 1 - 20 points:
The direction of Qi move in Stomach meridians
In stomach meridians, the Qi begin move from Li 20(#1) up to nose root connect to Ub1(#2), then go down to
under eyes St1 (#3), then go into gum, go round mouth cross Ren 24(#6), then go to behind of under cheek, come out
from St5(#7), through the corner of the jaws St6(#8), go up to front of ears, pass Gb3(#9), through the border of hair
arrive the forehead St8(#11), there is a branch from St8(#11) to Du 24 in the middle of forehead, the second branch
is from St5 go down to St9, through the throat down to the concave behind of collarbones(#13) behind collarbones go
down through nipples down beside of bellybutton, pass St30 then together with the second branch go to St31(#19),
down to St32(#20), arrive to knees, keep go down to St45(#24). There is the third branch from St36(#25) go into
outside of middle toes, and the fourth branch from St42(#27) come out go down to inside of big toes connect to Sp1,
then the Qi will go to the next meridian - Spleen meridians.
The direction of Qi move in spleen meridians
In spleen meridian, the Qi begin to move from the tip of big toes Sp1(#1), go upward to abdomen belong to
spleen(#1-#9) and connect to stomach, the main branch go on up pass diaphragm go beside the esophagus connect to
the root of tongue(#10-#11) and spread under tongue(#12), there is a branch go to under shoulder end at Sp21, there
is an other branch at abdomen go up to connect the heart(#13-#14). So the Qi will go to next meridian - the Heart
In Small intestine, the Qi begin from out side of little finger's tip(#1), go upward to shoulder(#6), there is a
branch go down to concave behind of the collarbones(#8) connect to Small intestine, the second branch go
upward(#14) beside the neck to cheeks, end at outside of eyes then turn into the ears(#16,17,18), the third
branch(#19,20) go bellow the eyes, arrive the side of nose, end at inside of eyes. So the Qi will go to next meridians -
the urinary bladder meridians.
In Ren meridian, the Qi begin to move from Ren1(#1) to Ren 24(#5), surround mouth go upward to under
eyes(#6,7), and touch Du meridian at above mouth.
Created by Feng Mei @ 2009
TCM use Acupuncture and Tuina techniques to help the patients with Chi circulation in the channels and collaterals
and to open up the blood circulation. This is a medical treatment method that helps normalize the patients
metabolism. On the principle of pain means obstruction and no pain means good circulation, various techniques
are used to stimulate the patients various points. After a period of interaction, the passive exercise performed on
the patient will gradually become an active exercise and thereby achieving the purpose of changing the body from
the state of unhealthiness to healthiness.
Acupuncture therapy dredges the channels and collaterals by needling on points. This helps regulate qi and blood,
nurse the functions of internal organs, support the healthy energy to eliminate evils through needle and thereby
achieve prevention and treatment of illness. In terms of modern medicine, acupuncture treatment can regulate the
function of nervous system and thereby achieve the suppression of pain and enhance body movement.
Tuina therapy helps preventing illness through generation of soreness, numbness, swollenness, pain, coolness,
hotness feelings. Tuina therapy uses hand or other limbs to massage points, channels and collaterals to help
creating vital energies. These vital energies then travel along the channels and collaterals in an orderly fashion to
provide effective stimulation, and then are converted into factors that help preventing and treating illness and
thereby achieve an equilibrium of Yin and Yang, and regulate the Blood and Qi, dispel Wind and remove Dampness,
warm Channels to dispel Cold, invigorate blood circulation and remove blood stasis, and reduce swelling and ease
I. Head Chi Street where Chi congregates at the brain;
II. Chest Chi Street where Chi congregates at the lungs in the chest and at UB13 point;
III. Abdomen Chi Street where Chi congregates at UB18, 20,23, and the Chong Channel;
IV. Leg Chi Street where Chi congregates at UB57 point and the upper and lower anklebone.
(Moreover, the three yang channels of the extremities travel to the Head Chi Street, the three yin channels of the
hands travel to the Chest Chi Street, and the three yin channels of the feet travel to the Abdomen Chi Street.)
Four Seas refers to the coming together of Chi from twelve regular channels like the water on the rivers. The final
place of gathering is called SEAS WHICH INCLUDE THE
In TCM, people believe human body limbs are the root of a tree, and main body is the tree's trunk, so if treat the
body illness, we should use the limbs' points will be enough, not need use body points to treat, but the theory of " Qi
Street and 4 Seas" confirm the important use of body points to treat patient. and body points also can control limbs'
movement functions.
Clinical Application: Through the use of tonify or sedate (Bu-Xie) technique to treat, Acupuncture or Tuina the key
points of Chi Street and Four Seas can unblock the channels and collaterals, clear Chi and blood, and this has a
special effect on patients who suffer from apoplexy and partial paralysis and local or whole body Qi and Blood
blocked. The method is as follows:
1. For head apoplexy and paralysis or Qi and Blood blocked, needling or tuina on the patients Du20, 16 and GB20.
2. For chest apoplexy and paralysis or Qi and Blood blocked, needling or tuina the patients Ren17, 14, ST9 and UB13.
3. For abdomen apoplexy and paralysis or Qi and Blood blocked, needling or tuina on the patients ST36, ST30 and
UB18, 20 and 23.
4. For lower abdomen and lower limbs apoplexy and paralysis or Qi and Blood blocked, Needling or Tuina on the
patients Li 8, 9, UB11, Du3, ST37 and 39 along with BL57, Kd 3, 6, UB 60, 62.
5. For full-body apoplexy and paralysis or Qi and Blood blocked, needling or tuina the various points of Chi Street
and Four Seas points.
1. Therapy using various degree of Bu/Xie (Tonify or Sedate) technique must be proceeded based on the physique,
age and gender of the patient.
2. Sectional therapy on the key points targeting at sectional pathological changes shall be performed.
3. Effective functional exercises must also be used to prove the alleviation and recovery of the patients symptoms.
4. Other physiotherapy using warmer, hot pack and heat lamp method must be used in the therapy.
Akupunktur dan TCM menggunakan teknik Tuina untuk membantu pasien dengan sirkulasi "Chi" di saluran dan
jaminan dan untuk membuka peredaran darah. Ini adalah metode pengobatan medis yang membantu menormalkan
metabolisme pasien. Pada prinsip "sakit berarti obstruksi dan nyeri tidak berarti sirkulasi yang baik", berbagai teknik
digunakan untuk merangsang berbagai titik pasien. Setelah masa interaksi, latihan pasif dilakukan pada pasien
secara bertahap akan menjadi latihan yang aktif dan dengan demikian mencapai tujuan mengubah tubuh dari negara
bagian unhealthiness untuk kesehatan.
"Akupunktur" Terapi kapal keruk saluran dan jaminan dengan tusuk jarum pada titik-titik. Hal ini membantu
mengatur qi dan darah, perawat fungsi organ internal, mendukung energi yang sehat untuk menghilangkan kejahatan
melalui "jarum" dan dengan demikian mencapai pencegahan dan pengobatan penyakit. Dalam istilah kedokteran
modern, pengobatan akupunktur dapat mengatur fungsi sistem saraf dan dengan demikian mencapai penekanan rasa
sakit dan meningkatkan gerakan tubuh.
"Tuina" Terapi membantu mencegah penyakit melalui generasi perasaan "nyeri, mati rasa, swollenness, nyeri,
kesejukan, panas". Terapi Tuina menggunakan tangan atau anggota badan lain untuk poin pijat, saluran dan jaminan
untuk membantu menciptakan energi vital. Energi ini penting kemudian perjalanan sepanjang saluran dan jaminan
secara teratur untuk memberikan stimulasi yang efektif, dan kemudian diubah menjadi faktor yang membantu
mencegah dan mengobati penyakit dan dengan demikian mencapai keseimbangan dari Yin dan Yang, dan mengatur
darah dan Qi, menghilangkan Angin dan menghapus Kelembaban, Saluran hangat untuk menghilangkan Dingin,
menyegarkan sirkulasi darah dan menghapus stasis darah, dan mengurangi pembengkakan dan mengurangi rasa sakit.
I. Kepala Street di mana Chi Chi berkumpul di otak;
II. Dada Chi Street di mana Chi berkumpul di paru-paru di dada dan pada titik UB13;
III. Perut Chi Street di mana Chi berkumpul di UB18,, 20,23 dan Channel Chong;
IV. Kaki Chi Chi Street di mana berkumpul pada titik UB57 dan anklebone atas dan bawah.
(Selain itu, tiga saluran Yang dari ekstremitas perjalanan ke Kepala Chi Street, saluran yin tiga tangan perjalanan ke
Dada Chi Street, dan saluran yin tiga kaki perjalanan ke Abdomen Chi Street.)
"Empat Seas" mengacu pada datang bersama-sama Chi dari dua belas jalur resmi seperti air di sungai. Tempat akhir
pengumpulan disebut "LAUT" YANG MELIPUTI ATAS
Aplikasi klinis: Melalui penggunaan tonify atau teknik tenang (Bu-Xie) untuk mengobati, Akupunktur atau Tuina poin-
poin kunci dari "Chi Street" dan "Empat Laut" dapat membuka blokir saluran dan jaminan, Chi jelas dan darah, dan
hal ini efek khusus pada pasien yang menderita ayan dan kelumpuhan parsial dan lokal atau seluruh tubuh Qi dan
Darah diblokir. Metode ini adalah sebagai berikut:
1. Untuk pitam kepala dan kelumpuhan atau Qi dan Darah diblokir, tusuk jarum atau tuina pada Du20 pasien, 16 dan
2. Untuk pitam dada dan kelumpuhan atau Qi dan Darah diblokir, tusuk jarum atau tuina Ren17 pasien, 14, ST9 dan
3. Untuk pitam perut dan kelumpuhan atau Qi dan Darah diblokir, tusuk jarum atau tuina pada, ST36 ST30 pasien
dan UB18, 20 dan 23.
4. Untuk perut bagian bawah dan tungkai bawah ayan dan kelumpuhan atau Qi dan Darah diblokir, tusuk jarum atau
Tuina pada pasien Li 8, 9, UB11, Du3, ST37 dan 39 bersama dengan BL57, Kd 3, 6, UB 60, 62.
5. Untuk pitam seluruh tubuh dan kelumpuhan atau Qi dan Darah diblokir, tusuk jarum atau tuina berbagai titik-titik
"Chi Street" dan "Laut Empat" poin.
1. Terapi menggunakan berbagai derajat Bu / Xie (Tonify atau tenang) teknik harus berjalan berdasarkan umur, fisik
dan jenis kelamin pasien.
2. terapi sectional pada poin-poin kunci menargetkan pada perubahan patologis sectional harus dilakukan.
3. latihan fungsional yang efektif juga harus digunakan untuk membuktikan penanggulangan dan pemulihan gejala-
gejala pasien.
4. fisioterapi lain menggunakan lebih hangat, paket panas dan metode panas lampu harus digunakan dalam terapi.