Syllabus Wells
Syllabus Wells
Syllabus Wells
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Basic training operator Oil & gas Advisafe Risk Management B.V.
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4. Christmas-tree ....................................................................... 23
4.1. Summary of the Christmas-tree .................................................................23
4.2. The solid block Christmas tree ..................................................................24
4.3. The components of the composite Xmas tree ...........................................26
4.4. The Xmas tree for the production cross for gas lift oil wells .....................28
4.5. The Xmas tree setup on clusters ................................................................29
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6 double P seal
Metal seal
Intermediate flange
Tubing hanger
Check port
Plastic packing ports
Casinghead housing
16 API 3000 x
Casinghead type WF
16 casing
10 3/4" casing
7 5/8 casing
5 1/2 casing
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The casing head housing is screwed (and sometimes welded) on top of the conductor and
serves to:
anchor the blowout preventer to the first casing stack during drilling;
support the above-ground well completion;
support the next, smaller casing stack via the casing head spool and the casing
seal the annular space between the two largest casing stacks;ensure access to the
Casing 7 3/4
Casing 10 3/4"
Annulus 10 3/4 x 16
Conductor 16
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The spool consists of a housing with a conical notch for the casing hanger at the top.
When the
Cameron CA casing hanger is used, there is space for the X-bushing with P-seal in
the lower flange. A filling and test port for the P-seal are also installed in the lower
flange. When the Cameron BRX casing hanger is used there are two filling ports
and two test ports in the lower flange. Two ports with thread and flanges in the side
wall of the housing provide access to the annular space.
Valves are installed on the side flanges of the casing head housing and casing head
spools. These valves provide access to the annular spaces to measure the pressure or,
if necessary, to vent the pressures accumulated.
The tubing head spool is installed on the top flange of the top casing head spool, in
which the tubing is hung.
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After a casing stack is inserted at depth, the string with slips is hung from the rotary table.
The casing hanger is installed around the pipe. The casing, with the casing hanger around
it, is lifted with the hoisting facility and passes through the hole in the rotary table and the
BOP stack to the desirable depth, after which the casing hanger is secured.
The hanging system consists of two slips (components that enclose a flexible packing
component) and is called slip and seal assembly.
16 casinghead housing
Slip A
Slip C
Slip D
Slip B
10 3/4" casing
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An advantage of the CA hanger system is that the hanger drops to the desirable level
around the casing and catches at the place with the serrated slips.
To eliminate these disadvantages, a Cameron modified BPX hanger was developed, which,
working in collaboration with Cameron, resulted in the BRX type 2 casing hanger.
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This hanger is likewise used in a casing head housing as well as in a casing head spool.
Injection port
Test port
Ring joing
Ring joint
BRX hanger
10 3/4 casing
The conical casing hanger is screwed to the last casing pipe, which must be cut off at a
length accurately specified in advance and threaded. All this is lowered into the well from a
running tool which is screwed into the top of the casing hanger, till the conical section
drags against the conical support in the casing head spool. Dropping is a lot easier through
the BOP than with the slip and seal assembly.
The BRX hanger and the conical support of the casing head housing/spool both have a
smooth finish. The seal is obtained by two canvas seal rings in the BRX hanger. The BRX
type 2 hanger is tapped with a left-hand thread into which the running tool can be
screwed. After shut off, the running tool is unscrewed. At a later stage, the polished
surface right above the left-hand thread can be sealed with a double P-seal.
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The purpose of the X-bushing with P-seal is to provide additional sealing in the casing
hanging (for CA casing hangers, see figure on the left).
Casing hanger
Casinghead housing
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16 casing
10 3/4 casing
7 5/8 casing
Surface well completion
5 1/2 casing
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LDO and SRT tubing head is used in gas wells, in which the tubing is prestressed before
hanging in order to ensure that the tubing will always be stressed when hanging at
temperature differences. A boll-weevil tubing head is used for oil wells and injection, wells
in which the tubing hangs free in the centre of the casing.
A plug can be installed in the tubing hanger nipple for all three systems, thereby
protecting the well from fluid or gas flowing out during an exchange in completion above-
ground or when a blowout preventer (BOP) is installed. The above-ground completion can
also be pressure tested using this plug after installation or exchanges.
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Production cross
Tubing hanger -nippel
Conductor pin
Casinghead spool
LDO head
The tubing is hung from the rams in the tubing head spool. The tubing hanger nipple,
which is attached to the tubing, is used for this purpose. A packing is installed in the rams
to ensure sealing on the polished surface of this nipple and the LDO head. The tubing is
hung by closing the rams around the polished section of the tubing hanger nipple so the
front of it rests on the rams.
The rams are opened and closed by screw spindles. One must pay attention that the
tubing hanger nipple is centred as accurately as possible. The rams are fitted with rubber
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The tubing hanger nipple is threaded on both sides and has a landing nipple profile on the
inside so it can shut off a plug by means of wireline.
Production cross
Intermediate flange
Ledge cover
Ledge cover
Ring joint
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The boll-weevil hanging method is used for oil wells since the requirements imposed on
the sealing are not as strict as those for gas wells, as the pressures are lower. A polished
hanger nipple is also used here, with notches for installation of plugs by the Wireline
Hanger nipple Spherical cone with packing component
Guide pin
Boll weevil
Boll-weevil hanging
The short hanger nipple is tube-threaded on both sides: on one hand to establish the
connection between the hanger nipple and the tubing, and on the other hand so that the
boll-weevil hanger assembly can be put into position in the boll-weevil spool through the
BOP by means of auxiliary tubing screwed into the top.
Sometimes a Cameron type H two-way check valve (a non-return valve that works in two
directions) is installed so that the well can be temporarily shut down when the above-
ground well completion or adaptor are exchanged for a BOP, or vice versa. This valve has
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The valve is loosened and pulled with a special pulling tool, whereby any pressure under
the valve can be equalised, either with or without the use of a lubricator. The tubing stack
is screwed into the bottom most threaded box. Its tensile stress is transferred to the
casing head via a chamber with lip and the cone.
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The Christmas-tree is the part of the above-ground well completion between the tubing
head and the flow pipe. The purpose of the Christmas tree is to provide the option of
closing the gas and/or oil flow off from the formation by means of a manually operated
valve or by means of an automatically operated valve: the Otis valve. Furthermore, the
flow pipe can be opened or closed by means of the flow-arm valve.
Above-ground, gas wells are completed to as great an extent possible with a production
cross forged from one piece (solidblock Xmas tree), which consists of one body or
housing in which the various valves are installed. Older gas wells are still equipped with a
composite production cross (composite Xmas tree). The various cut-off valves are
assembled together in a so-called Y-form block.
In comparison to the composite cross, the forged cross has the following advantages:
Noticeably fewer flange connections, thus less chance of leakage, which above all
provides more safety in case of a blowout or a fire in an adjacent well.
Less high, thus more easily accessible to operating personnel; moreover, a lower
well cage will suffice.
For various reasons there are two main valves, the master valve and the Otis (also
referred to as the first and second master valves):
First of all, the gas flow can be shut off by means of the manually operable valve if
the Otis valve is not closing for one reason or another, while this is desired.
Second, statutory safety requirements stipulate that installation components may
only be worked on if two closed valves are installed in series, between the
pressurised part of the installation and the pressure-free part. This implies that if
the flow pipe valve must be repaired, for example, this can take place in safe
conditions if both master valves are closed and the pressure-free part, in which the
flow pipe valve is installed, has an open connection to the atmosphere.
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The solid block Christmas tree is used for most gas wells. These consist of a forged steel
block, which includes the valves.
Top + cap
E-top valve
connection valve Flow-arm valve
Otis operated master
Flow line
Master valve
connection Intermediate flange
Tubing-head spool (type LDO)
Bril flange
Kill pumpline
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The Otis valve is similar to the bottom master valve, with the difference that an automatic
operating mechanism is installed instead of a hand wheel. This operating mechanism,
usually called the Otis actuator, is activated when the pressure in the Christmas tree
drops too low. This may be the case, for example, if a pipe ruptures or if the NTS or
flapper valve in the tubing closes.
The Otis actuator also closes the valve if the control air required to operate Otis stops
flowing or if a failure occurs in the installation. There is also the option of closing the Otis
during regular production from the control room by means of an electrical signal. The Otis
valve is of great importance for safety.
The gas supply to the production installation can be closed off by means of the flow arm
The top valve is a vertical access required for a large number of well service activities,
such as wireline, perforation and stimulation.
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Top + cap
E-top valve
connection valve Otis operated
master valve Flowline
Sand filter
Y-shape 3 bar air
connection Master valve
Tubing-head spool (type LDO)
Brill flange
Kill pump line
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The tubing casing connection serves to release excessive pressure in the annulus to the
flow pipe via the tubing casing connection valve. The top valve with connection serves to
enable wireline work. The flow line valve can shut off the gas supply to the installation.
A choke is installed in some cases past the flow pipe valve. One can make a well produce
at different speeds by means of various chokes. In most cases, however, one is liable to
find the choke in the installation.
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The flow line is equipped with a
T-piece hand choke, which is used when
the well is started. Remote
Production valve operable valves (ROVs) are
installed in the gas lift pipe as
well as in the flow line. The ROVs
are connected to a number of
Xmastree cap shut-down actions; the latter
depends on the situation (hot
Adapter flange well, H2S well, etc.)
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As indicated in the figures in the preceding two chapters, all onshore wells have a cellar.
Top cap
Top valve (open)
Closed and blinded off Flow line (injectionline) The purpose of the cellar is to
keep the most frequently used
Flow-arm valve (open) master and operating valves
Tie-line valve
of the Xmas tree at a workable
No tubing-annulus height and to catch any small
connector pipe Otis-actuated master valve
(main valve) oil or condensate/servo leaks.
In principle, cellars are never
Hand operated master valve made any bigger than strictly
necessary to accommodate
the part of the above-ground
completion, such casing head
Sealed in open position housing, casing head spools,
tubing head spool and annulus
Tpiece connections.
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The gas and oil industry makes frequent use of gate valves.
Gate valves are the only valves installed in the Christmas tree. These valves must meet
various requirements. We will discuss two sealing principles for this type of valves at this
The gas the Christmas tree and the valves are in contact with is at high pressure, can
contain H2S and can contain fluid or sand particles. The high speeds of the gas that are
generated when the valve is opened and closed require special sealing provisions to limit
wear from erosion.
In principle, a gate valve consists of a body with exchangeable, parallel seats, in which the
gate can move.
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If the hand wheel of an open gate valve (at the top gate position) is turned counter-
clockwise, it will seize up because the left-hand thread of the stem comes to the end of the
thread in the gate (Cameron type F) or in the lift nut (McEvoy model C). If the gate
valve is closed, the hand wheel also seizes against a shut-off valve if turned clockwise any
further. For these valves tightening the hand wheel has no effect on sealing, but it does
close the sealing valve installed for changing the stem packing.
After the valve has been opened or closed, one must turn the hand wheel back at least a
quarter turn to prevent the thread between the stem and the gate as well as the gate itself
from seizing. Such seizing up can be aggravated by temperature variations during
production and production stops and by the ambient temperature. Turning back a quarter
turn also assists with detecting the closed/open position of the valve, namely by first
turning the hand wheel clockwise. If the valve is closed, the hand wheel blocks after a
quarter turn or half a turn, and in open position one can rotate further (direct acting
Valves must above all be safe. This leads to a number of technical requirements, such as:
Valves must be bubble tight, even though there is dirt in the gas or the valve is
slightly damaged. It often happens that valves start leaking anyway after some
time, so that pressure is built up past the closed valve. The speed at which the
pressure builds up depends on the volume of the space past the valve and the
magnitude of the leak.
The valve must be operable under all conditions, even if the valve separates a large
pressure difference, i.e. operable by one person (opening/closing).
The number of turns required to open and close the valve must be limited.
If the valve is open, passage must be straight, thereby preventing or limiting
turbulence (erosion).
The valve must be resistant to corrosive and/or erosive components in the oil or
gas as well as to weather and wind.
The valve must be resistant to very high well pressures.
valves must be of such structure that the packings and the bearings of the gate
spindle can be inspected and/or replaced during production without removing the
valve or releasing the pressure on it
valves must make it possible to replace the gate or the seats at the location;
valves must require little maintenance.
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Gate valves can be sealed in various ways. Different methods are used for the gate valves
in use in the gas and oil industry. We will succinctly discuss the two most important
Metaltometal seal method
Sealingcompound method.
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Spindle packing
Slide block
Exchangeble seats
Space for water-repellent grease
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Spindle packing
Slide block
Exchangeble seats
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The eventual seal between the gate and the seats in the McEvoy valve is established by a
special sealing compound.
This compound is stored in two reservoirs on either side of the gate. The reservoirs can be
topped up via external grease nipples, which is very important for correct performance of
the valve. The advantage of this type of valve is that if any leakage is detected, it can
easily be remedied in a short time by injecting a sealing compound.
The space underneath the gate can be filled up with water-repellent grease to prevent
accumulation of fluids, hydrates and dirt.
The Cameron gate valve, type F (see figure). A great deal of research has been done to
limit wear of the gate and the seat and to find a good solution for such wear. Gas flows
through a very narrow space at high speeds especially when a valve is just being opened
and nearly closed. The erosion that occurs at that time is extensive and the wear on the
gate and the seat as well as leakage appearing at a later stage will be the result.
The Cameron gate valve is fitted with a seat that can rotate (rotating seat). The intention
of this is that a new piece of the seat is exposed to wear by the gas flow each time. This
way, the wear of the seat is distributed evenly across the entire circumference.
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Screw cap
Grease nipple, also pressure
release with non-terun valve Packingcap
Bonnet flange
Center pin
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The forces on the stem during operation are absorbed by two pressure bearings. One
packing set, enclosed by a screwed pressure piece, ensures that no leakage can occur
along the stem. Since the packing pressure piece is attached by means of thread, the
pressure bearing at the Cameron valve can be exchanged under pressure without other
precautions being taken. If the packing set must be changed during production, the space
for this above the packing can be closed off from the pipe pressure, just as is the case for
the McEvoy valve.
A slanted disc (front) is installed on the stem, which moves up after the valve is closed by
turning it further clockwise (due to the left-had thread in the gate) and will seal against
the slanted seat in the bonnet flange. The pressure that prevails above the slanted seat
can be released via the lubrication nipple with the non-return valve. To do so the ball is
pushed from its seat by means of a special tool, whereby the pressure can be released.
The screw cap can be safely turned loose and the packing set inspected or replaced only
after no more gas is escaping.
Tightening the hand wheel has no effect on the seal, just as is the case for the McEvoy
valve. Maintenance of the valve is simple thanks to its structure. The seats and the gate
can easily be replaced. Depending on the use, the valve must be lubricated from time to
time. One disadvantage of the Cameron valve type F is that, if it turns out during wireline
work that the valve leaks, it must first be repaired, while the McEvoy valve, model C, can
usually be sealed again by refilling up the sealing compound reservoir.
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