Insurance Law I. Construction of Insurance Contract
Insurance Law I. Construction of Insurance Contract
Insurance Law I. Construction of Insurance Contract
1. Virginia Calanoc vs. CA and the Phil. American Life Insurance Co., 16 December 1955 G.R. No. L- 8151
2. Emilia T. Biagtan, et al. vs. The Insular Life Assurance Company, Ltd., G.R. No. L-25579, 29 March 1972
3. Finman General Assurance Corporation vs. CA and Julia Surposa, G.R. No. 100970, 02 September 1992
4. Zenith Insurance Corporation vs. Court of Appeals and Lawrence Fernandez, G.R. No. 85296, 14 May 1990
5. Sun Insurance Office, Ltd. vs. The Hon. Court of Appeals and Nerissa Lim, G.R. No. 92383, 17 July 1992
6. Jewel Villacorta vs. The Insurance Commission and Empire Insurance Company, G.R. No. L-54171, 28 October 1980
7. Vda. De Maglana, et al. Vs. Francisco Z. Consolacion and Afisco Insurance Corp., G.R. No. 60506, 06 August 1992
8. Perla Compania de Seguros, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, et al., G.R. No. 96452 May 7, 1992
9. Armando Geagonia vs. CA and Country Bankers Insurance Corporation, G.R. No. 114427, 06 February 1995
10. Fortune Insurance and Surety Co., inc. Vs. CA and Producers Bank of the Phil., G.R. No. 115278, 23 May 1985
11. Regina L. Edillon vs. Manila Bankers Life Insurance Corporation, G.R. No. L-34200, 30 September 1982
12. Perla Compania de Seguros, Inc. vs. CA and Milagros Cayas, G.R. No. 78860, 28 May 1990
13. Mapalad Aisporna vs..The Court of Appeals and People of the Philippines, G.R. No. L-39419, 12 April 1982
14. White Gold Marine Services, Inc. vs. Pioneer Insurance and Surety Corporation and Steamship Mutual
Underwriting Association (Bermuda) Ltd., G.R. No. 154514, 28 July 2005
15. Republic of the Philippines vs. Sunlife Assurance Company of Canada, G.R. No. 158085, 14 October 2005
16. Philam Care Health Systems, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 125678, 18 March 2002
17. Commissioner of Internal Revenue vs. Lincoln Philippine Life Insurance Company, G.R. No. 119176, 19
March 2001
18. Republic of the Philippines vs. Del Monte Motors, Inc., G.R. No. 156956, 09 October 2006
19. Rafael Enriquez vs. Sun Life Assurance Co. of Canada, G.R. No. L-15895, 29 November 1920
20. Great Pacific Life Insurance Co. vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-31845, 30 April 1979
21. Development Bank of the Philippines vs. Court of Appeals & the Estate of the late Juan B. Dans, G.R.
No. L-109937, 21 March 1994
22. Philamcare Health Systems, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, et al., G.R. No. 125678, 18 March 2002
23. Gulf Resorts, Inc. vs. Phil. Charter Insurance Corporation, G.R. No. 156167, 16 March 2005
19. Malayan Insurance Co., Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. L-36413, 26 September 1988
20. Manila Mahogany Manufacturing Corporation vs. Court of Appeals & Zenith Insurance Corp.,
26. Pan Malayan Insurance Corporation vs. Court of Appeals, Erlinda Fabie & her Unknown Driver, G.R. No.
81026, 03 April 1990
27. Cebu Shipyard and Engineering Works, Inc. vs. William Lines, Inc. & Prudential Guarantee and Assurance
Company, Inc. G.R. No. 132607, 05 May 1999
28. Delsan Transport Lines, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, et al., G.R. No. 127897, 15 November 2001
29. Federal Express Corporation vs. American Home Assurance Company, et al., 18 August 2004
30. Aboitiz Shipping Corporation vs. Insurance Company of North America, G.R. No. 168402, 06 August 2008
31. Sps. Nilo Cha and Stella Uy Cha and United Insurance Co., Inc. vs .Court of Appeals and CKS
Development COrporation, G.R. No. 124520, 18 August 1997
32. Great Pacific Life Insurance Corporation vs. Court of Appeals and Medarda V. Leuterio, G.R. No. 113899,
13 October 1999
33. Harvardian Colleges of San Fernando Pampanga, Inc. vs. Country Bankers Insurance Corporation., CA 1
SCRA 1 (1986)
34. Ang Ka Yu vs. Phoenix Insurance Co., Ltd. 1 SCRA 704 (1961)
35. Gaisano Cagayan, Inc. vs. Insurance Company of North America, 490 SCRA 289 (2006)
36. Eternal Gardens Memorial Park Corporation vs. The Philippine American Life Insurance Company, G.R.
No. 166245, 08 June 2006
37. DBP Pool Accredited Insurance Company vs. Radio Mindanao Network, Inc., 480 SCRA 314 (2016)
38. Insular Life Assurance Co. vs. Seafin D. Feliciano, G.R. No. L-47593, 13 September 1941
39. Insular Life Assurance Co. vs. Seafin D. Feliciano, G.R. No. L-47593, 29 December 1943
40. Sunlife Assurance Co. of Canada vs. Court of Appeals, 245 SCRA 268 (1995)
41. Thelma vda. de Canilang vs. Court of Appeals, 223 SCRA 443 (1993)
42. Prudential Guarantee and Assurance, Inc. vs. Trans-Asia Shipping Lines, Inc., 491 SCRA 411 (2006)
44. First Integrated Bonding & Insurance Co. vs. Hernando 199SCRA 796 (1991)
45. Sherman Shaper vs. Hon. Judge RTC Olongapo City, 167 SCRA 368
46. Emilio Tan vs. Court of Appeals, G.R. No. 48049, 29 June 1989
47. Development Insurance Corp. vs. Intermediate Appellate Court, 143 SCRA 62
48. Sun Insurance Office Ltd. vs. Court of Appeals, 195 SCRA 139 (1992)
49. Jacqueline Jimenez vda. de Gabriel vs. Court of Appeals 264 SCRA 137 (1995)
48. Malayan Insurance Co., Inc. vs. Gregorio Cruz Arnaldo, 154 SCRA 672
49. Makati Tuscany Condominium Corporation vs. Court of Appeals, 215 SCRA 462 (1992)
52. South Sea Surety Insurance Co., Inc. vs. Court of Appeals 244 SCRA 744 (1995)
53. Sps. Antonio Tibay and Violeta Tibay, et al. vs. Court of Appeals, 257 SCRA 126 (1996)
54. UCPB General Insurance Co. Inc. vs. Masagana Telemart Inc., 356 SCRA 307 (2001)
55. American Home Assurance Co. vs. Antonio Chua, 309 SCRA 250 (1999)
56. Paulin vs, Insular Life Assurance, Co. Ltd., 47 OG 3012 (1949)
57. Pioneer Insurance & Surety Corp. vs. Olivia Yap, 61 SCRA 426
58. Union Manufacturing Co., Inc. et al. vs. Philippine Guaranty Co. Inc., G.R. No. L-27932, 30 October
59. Republic Bank vs. Phil. Guaranty Co., Inc., 47 SCRA 271
57. Oriental Assurance Corp. vs. Court of Appeals, 200 SCRA 459 (1991)
59. Filipinas Merchants Insurance vs. Court of Appeals, 179 SCRA 638
61. Delsan Transport Lines, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, 369 SCRA 24
59. Insular Life Assurance Co., Ltd. vs. Carponia T. Ebrado and Pascuala Vda. de Ebrado, G.R. No. L-
68. Manufacturers Life Insurance Co., vs. Bibiano L. Meer, 89 Phil 351 (1981)
69. Development Bank of the Philippines vs. Court of the Appeals, 231 SCRA 370 (1994)
70. Philippine Pryce Assurance Corp. vs. Court of Appeals 230 SCRA 164
71. Tio Khe Chio vs. Court of Appeals, 361 SCRA 514 (2001)
72. Finman Assurance Corporation vs. Court of Appeals, 361 SCRA 514 (2001)
73. Country Bankers Insurance Corporation vs. Lianga Bay and Community Multi-purpose Cooperative, 374
SCRA 653 (2002)
74. Perla Compania de Seguro, Inc. vs. Hon. Constante Ancheta, 164 SCRA 144
75. First Quezon City Insurance Co. vs. Court of Appeals, 218 SCRA 525 (1993)
76. Perla Companio de Seguro, Inc. vs. Ramolete, 2013 SCRA 487 (1991)
77. Government Service Insurance System vs. Court of Appeals, 308 SCRA 559, 21 June 1999
78. Philippine American Insurance Co. vs. Ansaldo, 234 SCRA 509 (1994)
79. Insular Life Assurance Company, Ltd. vs. Manuel M. Serrano, G.R. No. 163255, 22 June 2007