Pop Song Writing
Pop Song Writing
Pop Song Writing
### Rhythm
* Comping Patterns
* no need to comp/strum throughout whole structure
* change it based on feel (or sounds tacky)
* comping and strumming provides energy and groove
* is assumed (no need to write on lead-sheet); or you can change it for a remix
* Back-beats
* in drums, embedded melody
* jazz: on 2 and 4
* backbeat: not just on 2 and 4, can also be on 3, can be on 1 every second bar
(very slow)
* don't always stick to 4/4
* offbeat quavers in melody
* half-time/double-time feels
* shifting up and down through the backbeat grid
* can use hemiolas lol
* harmonies
* use pedal point (i.e. one bass note for 3 chords)
* lyrics
* analyse the text
* rhyming, non-rhyming - does it matter?
* counting the syllables and identifying accents
* text repetition: when is this useful? what elements are worth repeating?
* verse tends to be constantly different
* chorus same (roughly) - or sometime just one line
* use alliteration
* assonance
* syncopation
* many offbeat quavers and with on-beat quavers as springboard into bar
* Melody
* pitch:
* intervallic color -
* sequences, gradually going up/down; very deliberate
* melisma, cadence
* syncopation
* on beats as springboards to chains of off-beats
## Progressive Rock
* Intro (extended)
* solo acoustic steelstring fingerstyle guitar
* recorders (John Paul Jones) - only 3 voice lines???
* Verse 1
* is not the chorus
* story narrative
* Interlude
* intro variation
* bass joins
* Verse 2
* as with before, plus electric guitar
* few substituted chords
* Interlude 2
* Verse 3
* LOTR-style lyrics
* no drums yet
* Interlude
* drum pick up
* Verse 4
* different melody
* drum basic rock steady beat
* Interlude
* change to ride --> advances musical interest
* Verse 5
* as with verse 4
* Middle 8
* large change --> D11 and C
* tutti rhythm
* Guitar Solo
* Jimmy Page solo - but solo quite far back in the mix
* more than 8 bars
* Metal/verse section
* new lyrics, higher register
* totally new progression
* heavy drums (compensate for earlier absence)
* rit
* Outro: tag/title acapella
* from Australia
* INtro: heavy rock feel, call and answer verse
* Chorus: AAAB
* Repeats: blues-inspired chorus
* Verse 2
* Bridge 2
* middle section is choir + strings
* is a trilogic song (as if extended version of Beach Boys form)
* ending: piano smear