Arctic Survey Brochure
Arctic Survey Brochure
Arctic Survey Brochure
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Expedition in Glacial, vertical ashlar plank installation
Isotherm in Glacial, vertical ashlar plank installation
Isotherm in Avalanche with Eero LVT in EER108-215-209, vertical ashlar plank installation
(left to right) Expedition, Shackleton, and Isotherm in Avalanche
The Arctic Survey collection offers a series
of bold textures inspired by the movement,
structures, and evolving forms of ice in the
Arctic. Three patterns vary in movement and
scale, formed by varying depths of an all loop,
solution dyed construction. The result is a
new and elegant visual landscape for the floor.
(alternating bands) Shackleton and Isotherm in Black Ice, vertical ashlar plank installation
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Expedition in Permafrost, vertical ashlar plank installation
Shackleton in Sedges with Heritage Wood LVT in HER208, vertical ashlar plank installation
Colorline Shown in Isotherm
IST15-121 MIGRATE (Expedition EXP15-121, Shackleton SHK15-121) IST48-122 SLEET (Expedition EXP48-122, Shackleton SHK48-122)
IST124-94 HIBERNATE (Expedition EXP124-94, Shackleton SHK124-94) IST122-120 THAW (Expedition EXP122-120, Shackleton SHK122-120)
IST93-178 TUNDRA (Expedition EXP93-178, Shackleton SHK93-178) IST67-59 PERMAFROST (Expedition EXP67-59, Shackleton SHK67-59)
IST204-171 FROSTBITE (Expedition EXP204-171, Shackleton SHK204-171) IST108-122 ICE CAP (Expedition EXP108-122, Shackleton SHK108-122)
IST108-13 AVALANCHE (Expedition EXP108-13, Shackleton SHK108-13) IST171-25 GREAT MELT (Expedition EXP171-25, Shackleton SHK171-25)
IST174-119 SUB ZERO (Expedition EXP174-119, Shackleton SHK174-119) IST119-27 BLACK ICE (Expedition EXP119-27, Shackleton SHK119-27)
IST111-134 MIDNIGHT SUN (Expedition EXP111-134, Shackleton SHK111-134) IST109-60 FIRESIDE (Expedition EXP109-60, Shackleton SHK109-60)
IST45-28 SEDGES (Expedition EXP45-28, Shackleton SHK45-28) IST203-230 EVERGREEN (Expedition EXP203-230, Shackleton SHK203-230)
IST52-107 POLAR NIGHT (Expedition EXP52-107, Shackleton SHK52-107) IST229-107 SEA ICE (Expedition EXP229-107, Shackleton SHK229-107)
Complete Flooring Solutions
Broadloom &
Entry Systems Modular Carpet
Milliken Floor Covering offers products and expertise in all areas of your commercial spaces, including
high-performance entryway systems, broadloom & modular carpet, luxury vinyl tile, and milliCare.
Simplify your flooring needs with a trusted partner that will let you enjoy creating a great space
without having to worry about everything else.
Entry Systems Broadloom & Modular Carpet
The OBEX brand of products offers highly effective, comprehensive Millikens broadloom and carpet tile incorporate the latest innovations
modular entry solutions designed as a three-zone barrier system to in tufting and dyeing technology, achieving unique looks and excellent
prevent dirt and moisture from entering the building. performance. With our Color Reference system, coordinating multiple
products across a single project is a snap; whether its carpet, LVT, or
Available in coordinated colors and patterns, OBEX entry products are
entry systems. All carpet tile products have cushion backing for an
engineered to increase the functionality of a buildings entrance without
extended lifespan, as well as ergonomic and environmental benefits.
forsaking elements of design or aesthetic. Simple and easy to work with,
Broadloom carpet also has cushion-back options, and all are standard
OBEX offers entry systems that can be recessed or surface-mounted as
with StainSmart, a proprietary treatment applied to Milliken carpets to
well as exterior and interior applications.
repel and protect against stains and enhance soil release.
ARCTIC SURVEY Images in this brochure are approximate for
color and pattern scale. Please use actual carpet
Archipelago Lineation
Customer Concierge 800.824.2246 | Cover image: Nature and landscapes of Greenland, by 2710026886
2016 Milliken & Company | Design Milliken & Company | Made in the USA Denis Burdin. 2016 Shutterstock CP 0616