User Stories Quick Reference Guide
User Stories Quick Reference Guide
User Stories Quick Reference Guide
What is a user story? Characteristics of a good user story Why user stories?
A user story describes product functionality Supports satisfying the customer through early
from a customer’s perspective. It is a and continuous delivery of valuable software
collaboration tool - a reminder to have a Shifts the focus from writing to talking - words
conversation about what the customer needs. are imprecise
What does a user story typically look like? Negotiable Equally understandable by developers and
“As a <user role>, I want to Emphasize the user’s goals, not the system
attributes. Focus on what is needed and why, not
<goal> so that <benefit>” INVEST how.
Estimable Support and encourage iterative development –
e.g. As a nurse practitioner, I want to add an the customer ranks the stories according to
appointment to my schedule so that no patient relative business value
has to wait more than 5 minutes for treatment Small The right size for planning - written at different
levels based on their implementation horizon
Starting with goal stories
Support participatory design - involve the
Consider each user role and identify the goals that
customers in a collaborative problem solving
user role has for interacting with our software
Augment when appropriate User roles User stories in the Product Backlog
User stories don’t have to be the end-all, be-all Broadens scope from looking at only one
for representing user requirements user Each backlog
Augment them with written documentation as Allows users to vary by: item is a story An Epic is a large story
appropriate o How they use the software and for what
o Examples of inputs and expected result (be o Background
specific, this will help with developing o Familiarity with the software/computers
automated tests) Used extensively in usage-centered design
o Business rules, data dictionaries, use cases Advantages
o Diagrams, spreadsheets o Users become tangible – software solves
the needs of real people
o Incorporate roles into stories A Theme is a collection of related stories
“As the executive sponsor of Tests define the conditions of satisfaction for Operations (eg. CRUD: Create/Read/Update/Delete)
this project, I…”) the story As a user, I can manage my account
…I can sign up for my account
Completed stories have more Be specific and use actual values for testing …I can edit my account settings
value when possible (i.e., specification by example) …I can cancel my account
o Finish with the achievement of Use an ATDD tool such as Cucumber or FitNesse
Break Out a Spike
a meaningful goal to specify and automate the acceptance tests As a user, I can pay by credit card
o Deliver value to the customer against the system …Investigate credit card processing
…Implement credit card processing (as 1 or more stories)
User stories content adapted from Mike Cohn, User Stories Applied (Addison Wesley: 2004).
Adapted from Story Splitting Cheat Sheet by Richard Lawrence of Humanizing Work ( Copyright ©2010 Virtual Genius, LLC.