Solucion Ejercicios Impares Ed Nagle
Solucion Ejercicios Impares Ed Nagle
Solucion Ejercicios Impares Ed Nagle
CHAPTER 1: Introduction 1
EXERCISES 1.1: Background, page 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
EXERCISES 1.2: Solutions and Initial Value Problems, page 14 . . . . . . . . . . . 3
EXERCISES 1.3: Direction Fields, page 22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
EXERCISES 1.4: The Approximation Method of Euler, page 28 . . . . . . . . . . . 17
EXERCISES 4.4: Nonhomogeneous Equations: The Method of Undetermined
Coecients, page 186 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 189
EXERCISES 4.5: The Superposition Principle and Undetermined Coecients
Revisited, page 192 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 196
EXERCISES 4.6: Variation of Parameters, page 197 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 211
EXERCISES 4.7: Qualitative Considerations for Variable-Coecient and Nonlinear
Equations, page 208 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 226
EXERCISES 4.8: A Closer Look at Free Mechanical Vibrations, page 219 . . . . . . 232
EXERCISES 4.9: A Closer Look at Forced Mechanical Vibrations, page 227 . . . . 241
REVIEW PROBLEMS: page 228 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 246
CHAPTER 8: Series Solutions of Dierential Equations 491
EXERCISES 8.1: Introduction: The Taylor Polynomial Approximation, page 430 . . 491
EXERCISES 8.2: Power Series and Analytic Functions, page 438 . . . . . . . . . . . 496
EXERCISES 8.3: Power Series Solutions to Linear Dierential Equations, page 449 505
EXERCISES 8.4: Equations with Analytic Coecients, page 456 . . . . . . . . . . . 520
EXERCISES 8.5: Cauchy-Euler (Equidimensional) Equations Revisited, page 460 . 529
EXERCISES 8.6: Method of Frobenius, page 472 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 534
EXERCISES 8.7: Finding a Second Linearly Independent Solution, page 482 . . . . 547
EXERCISES 8.8: Special Functions, page 493 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559
REVIEW PROBLEMS: page 497 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 563
EXERCISES 11.8: Oscillation and Comparison Theory, page 725 . . . . . . . . . . . 705
CHAPTER 1: Introduction
EXERCISES 1.1: Background, page 5
1. This equation involves only ordinary derivatives of x with respect to t, and the highest deriva-
tive has the second order. Thus it is an ordinary dierential equation of the second order with
independent variable t and dependent variable x. It is linear because x, dx/dt, and d2 x/dt2
appear in additive combination (even with constant coecients) of their first powers.
3. This equation is an ODE because it contains no partial derivatives. Since the highest order
derivative is dy/dx, the equation is a first order equation. This same term also shows us that
the independent variable is x and the dependent variable is y. This equation is nonlinear
because of the y in the denominator of the term [y(2 3x)]/[x(1 3y)] .
5. This equation is an ODE because it contains only ordinary derivatives. The term dp/dt is the
highest order derivative and thus shows us that this is a first order equation. This term also
shows us that the independent variable is t and the dependent variable is p. This equation
is nonlinear since in the term kp(P p) = kP p kp2 the dependent variable p is squared
(compare with equation (7) on page 5 of the text).
7. This equation is an ordinary first order dierential equation with independent variable x and
dependent variable y. It is nonlinear because it contains the square of dy/dx.
9. This equation contains only ordinary derivative of y with respect to x. Hence, it is an ordi-
nary dierential equation of the second order (the highest order derivative is d2 y/dx2) with
independent variable x and dependent variable y. This equation is of the form (7) on page 5
of the text and, therefore, is linear.
Chapter 1
11. This equation contains partial derivatives, thus it is a PDE. Because the highest order deriva-
tive is a second order partial derivative, the equation is a second order equation. The terms
N/t and N/r show that the independent variables are t and r and the dependent variable
is N.
13. Since the rate of change of a quantity means its derivative, denoting the coecient propor-
tionality between dp/dt and p(t) by k (k > 0), we get
= kp.
15. In this problem, T M (coee is hotter than the air), and T is a decreasing function of t,
that is dT /dt 0. Thus
= k(M T ),
where k > 0 is the proportionality constant.
17. In classical physics, the instantaneous acceleration, a, of an object moving in a straight line
is given by the second derivative of distance, x, with respect to time, t; that is
d2 x
= a.
Integrating both sides with respect to t and using the given fact that a is constant we obtain
= at + C. (1.1)
The instantaneous velocity, v, of an object is given by the first derivative of distance, x,
with respect to time, t. At the beginning of the race, t = 0, both racers have zero velocity.
Therefore we have C = 0. Integrating equation (1.1) with respect to t we obtain
1 2
x= at + C1 .
For this problem we will use the starting position for both competitors to be x = 0 at t = 0.
Therefore, we have C1 = 0. This gives us a general equation used for both racers as
1 2 2x
x = at or t= ,
2 a
Exercises 1.2
where the acceleration constant a has dierent values for Kevin and for Alison. Kevin covers
the last 4
of the full distance, L, in 3 seconds. This means Kevins acceleration, aK , is
determined by: "
2L 2(3L/4)
tK t3/4 = 3 = ,
aK aK
where tK is the time it takes for Kevin to finish the race. Solving this equation for aK gives,
# $ %2
2 3/2
aK = L.
Therefore the time required for Kevin to finish the race is given by:
' 2L 3
tK = '( # $ % 2 = $ 2 = 12 + 6 3 22.39 sec.
2 3/2 L/9 2 3/2
Alison covers the last 1/3 of the distance, L, in 4 seconds. This means Alisons acceleration,
aA , is found by: "
2L 2(2L/3)
tA t2/3 = 4 = ,
aA aA
where tA is the time required for Alison to finish the race. Solving this equation for aA gives
# $ %2
2 4/3
aA = L.
Therefore the time required for Alison to finish the race is given by:
' 2L 4
tA = '
( # $ % 2 = $ 2 = 12 + 4 6 21.80 sec.
2 4/3 (L/16) 2 4/3
The time required for Alison to finish the race is less than Kevin; therefore Alison wins the
race by 6 3 4 6 0.594 seconds.
1. (a) Dierentiating (x) yields (x) = 6x2 . Substitution and for y and y into the given
equation, xy = 3y, gives
) * ) *
x 6x2 = 3 2x3 ,
Chapter 1
(b) We compute
d d
= (ex x) = ex 1.
dx dx
Functions (x) and (x) are defined for all real numbers and
d ) *
+(x)2 = (ex 1)+(ex x)2 = (ex 1)+ e2x 2xex + x2 = e2x +(12x)ex +x2 1,
which is identically equal to the right-hand side of the given equation. Thus (x) is an
explicit solution on (, ).
(c) Note that the function (x) = x2 x1 is not defined at x = 0. Dierentiating (x)
twice yields
d d ) 2 *
= x x1 = 2x (1)x2 = 2x + x2 ;
dx dx + ,
d2 d d d ) 2
* 3
) 3
= = 2x + x = 2 + (2)x = 2 1 x .
dx2 dx dx dx
d2 ) 3
* ) 2 1
x2 = x2
2 1 x = 2 x x = 2(x),
and (x) is an explicit solution to the dierential equation x2 y = 2y on any interval not
containing the point x = 0, in particular, on (0, ).
3. Since y = sin x + x2 , we have y = cos x + 2x and y = sin x + 2. These functions are defined
on (, ). Substituting these expressions into the dierential equation y + y = x2 + 2
dx d
= (cos 2t) = ( sin 2t)(2) = 2 sin 2t.
dt dt
Exercises 1.2
+ tx = 2 sin 2t + t cos 2t
sin 2t
on any interval. Therefore, x(t) is not a solution to the given dierential equation.
Chapter 1
Therefore, the function y(x) defined by exy + y = x 1 is an implicit solution to the given
dierential equation.
y cos y + xy + y 3x2 = 0
3x2 y
(cos y + x)y = 3x2 y y = .
cos y + x
Dierentiating the second equation above again, we obtain
15. We dierentiate (x) and substitute and into the dierential equation for y and y . This
d(x) ) 3x *
(x) = Ce3x + 1 = Ce + 1 = 3Ce3x ;
d ) * ) *
3 = 3Ce3x 3 Ce3x + 1 = (3C 3C)e3x 3 = 3,
which holds for any constant C and any x on (, ). Therefore, (x) = Ce3x + 1 is a
one-parameter family of solutions to y 3y = 3 on (, ). Graphs of these functions for
C = 0, 0.5, 1, and 2 are sketched in Figure 1-A.
Exercises 1.2
0.5 0.5
On the other hand, substitution of (x) for y into the right-hand side of the given equation
+ ,
(x)((x) 2) 1 2 2
= 2
2 2 1 cex 1 cex
+ ,
2 1 2 1 (1 cex ) 2cex
= 1 = = ,
1 cex 1 cex 1 cex 1 cex (1 cex )2
19. Squaring and adding the terms dy/dx and y in the equation (dy/dx)2 + y 2 + 3 = 0 gives a
nonnegative number. Therefore when these two terms are added to 3, the left-hand side will
always be greater than or equal to three and hence can never equal the right-hand side which
is zero.
Chapter 1
21. For (x) = xm , we have (x) = mxm1 and (x) = m(m 1)xm2 .
(a) Substituting these expressions into the dierential equation, 3x2 y + 11xy 3y = 0,
- . - .
3x2 m(m 1)xm2 + 11x mxm1 3xm = 0
3m(m 1)xm + 11mxm 3xm = 0
[3m(m 1) + 11m 3] xm = 0
- 2 .
3m + 8m 3 xm = 0.
m2 2m 5 = 0.
Exercises 1.2
25. Writing
dx 4t
= = 4tx1 ,
dt x
we see that f (t, x) = 4tx1 and f (t, x)/x = (4tx1 )/x = 4tx2 . The functions
f (t, x) and f (t, x)/x are not continuous only when x = 0. Therefore, they are continuous
in any rectangle R that contains the point (2, ), but does not intersect the t-axis; for
instance, R = {(t, x) : 1 < t < 3, 2 < x < 0}. Thus, Theorem 1 applies, and the given
initial problem has a unique solution.
26. Here f (x, y) = 3x 3
y 1 and f (x, y)/y = 13 (y 1)2/3 . Unfortunately, f /y is not
continuous or defined when y = 1. So there is no rectangle containing (2, 1) in which both f
and f /y are continuous. Therefore, we are not guaranteed a unique solution to this initial
value problem.
27. Rewriting the dierential equation in the form dy/dx = x/y, we conclude that f (x, y) = x/y.
Since f is not continuous when y = 0, there is no rectangle containing the point (1, 0) in
which f is continuous. Therefore, Theorem 1 cannot be applied.
29. (a) Clearly, both functions 1 (x) 0 and 2 (x) = (x 2)3 satisfy the initial condition,
y(2) = 0. Next, we check that they also satisfy the dierential equation dy/dx = 3y 2/3 .
d1 d
= (0) = 0 = 31 (x)2/3 ;
dx dx
d2 d - . - .2/3
= (x 2)3 = 3(x 2)2 = 3 (x 2)3 = 32 (x)2/3 .
dx dx
Hence both functions, 1 (x) and 2 (x), are solutions to the initial value problem of
Exapmle 9.
f (x, y) 2 2
f (x, y) = 3y 2/3 = 3 y 2/31 = 1/3 ,
y 3 y
Chapter 1
both functions, f (x, y) and f (x, y)/y, are continuous in the rectangle
/ 0
R = (x, y) : 1 < x < 1, (1/2)107 < y < (2)107
containing the initial point (0, 107 ). Thus, it follows from Theorem 1 that the given
initial value problem has a unique solution in an interval about x0 .
31. (a) To try to apply Theorem 1 we must first write the equation in the form y = f (x, y).
Here f (x, y) = 4xy 1 and f (x, y)/y = 4xy 2 . Neither f nor f /y are continuous
or defined when y = 0. Therefore there is no rectangle containing (x0 , 0) in which both
f and f /y are continuous, so Theorem 1 cannot be applied.
(b) Suppose for the moment that there is such a solution y(x) with y(x0 ) = 0 and x0 = 0.
Substituting into the dierential equation we get
0 y (x0 ) 4x0 = 0 4x0 = 0.
(c) Taking C = 0 in the implicit solution 4x2 y 2 = C given in Example 5 on page 9 gives
4x2 y 2 = 0 or y = 2x. Both solutions y = 2x and y = 2x satisfy y(0) = 0.
dy d 4x 4x
= (2x) = 2 and = = 2, x = 0.
dx dx y 2x
(b) , (c) See Figures B.1 and B.2 in the answers of the text.
Exercises 1.3
(d) As x or x , the solution in part (b) increases unboundedly and has the lines
y = 2x and y = 2x, respectively, as slant asymptotes. The solution in part (c) also
increases without bound as x and approaches the line y = 2x, while it is not even
defined for x < 0.
3. From Figure B.3 in the answers section of the text, we conclude that, regardless of the initial
velocity, v(0), the corresponding solution curve v = v(t) has the line v = 8 as a horizontal
asymptote, that is, limt v(t) = 8. This explains the name terminal velocity for the value
v = 8.
5. (a) The graph of the directional field is shown in Figure B.4 in the answers section of the
(b), (c) The direction field indicates that all solution curves (other than p(t) 0) will approach
the horizontal line (asymptote) p = 1.5 as t +. Thus limt+ p(t) = 1.5 .
(d) No. The direction field shows that populations greater than 1500 will steadily decrease,
but can never reach 1500 or any smaller value, i.e., the solution curves cannot cross
the line p = 1.5 . Indeed, the constant function p(t) 1.5 is a solution to the given
logistic equation, and the uniqueness part of Theorem 1, page 12, prevents intersections
of solution curves.
6. (a) The slope of a solution to the dierential equation dy/dx = x + sin y is given by dy/dx .
Therefore the slope at (1, /2) is equal to
= 1 + sin = 2.
dx 2
(b) The solution curve is increasing if the slope of the curve is greater than zero. From part
(a) we know the slope to be x + sin y. The function sin y has values ranging from 1 to
1; therefore if x is greater than 1 then the slope will always have a value greater than
zero. This tells us that the solution curve is increasing.
(c) The second derivative of every solution can be determined by finding the derivative of
Chapter 1
(d) Relative minima occur when the first derivative, dy/dx, is equal to zero and the second
derivative, d2 y/dx2 , is greater than zero. The value of the first derivative at the point
(0, 0) is given by
= 0 + sin 0 = 0.
This tells us that the solution has a critical point at the point (0, 0). Using the second
derivative found in part (c) we have
d2 y 1
= 1 + 0 cos 0 + sin 0 = 1.
dx 2
This tells us the point (0, 0) is a relative minimum.
7. (a) The graph of the directional field is shown in Figure B.5 in the answers section of the
(b) The direction field indicates that all solution curves with p(0) > 1 will approach the
horizontal line (asymptote) p = 2 as t +. Thus limt+ p(t) = 2 when p(0) = 3.
(c) The direction field shows that a population between 1000 and 2000 (that is 1 < p(0) < 2)
will approach the horizontal line p = 2 as t +.
(d) The direction field shows that an initial population less than 1000 (that is 0 p(0) < 1)
will approach zero as t +.
(e) As noted in part (d), the line p = 1 is an asymptote. The direction field indicates that a
population of 900 (p(0) = 0.9) steadily decreases with time and therefore cannot increase
to 1100.
Exercises 1.3
9. (a) The function (x), being a solution to the given initial value problem, satisfies
= x (x), (0) = 1. (1.4)
Thus + ,
d2 d d d d
= = (x (x)) = 1 = 1 x + (x),
dx dx dx dx dx
where we have used (1.4) substituting (twice) x (x) for d/dx.
(b) First we note that any solution to the given dierential equation on an interval I is
continuously diferentiable on I. Indeed, if y(x) is a solution on I, then y (x) does exist
on I, and so y(x) is continuous on I because it is dierentiable. This immediately implies
that y (x) is continuous as the dierence of two continuous functions, x and y(x).
From (1.4) we conclude that
d 11 1
1 = [x (x)] 1x=0 = 0 (0) = 1 < 0
dx x=0
and so the continuity of (x) implies that, for |x| small enough, (x) < 0. By the
Monotonicity Test, negative derivative of a function results that the function itself is
When x increases from zero, as far as (x) > x, one has (x) < 0 and so (x) decreases.
On the other hand, the function y = x increases unboundedly, as x . Thus, by
intermediate value theorem, there is a point, say, x > 0, where the curve y = (x)
crosses the line y = x. At this point, (x ) = x and hence (x ) = x (x ) = 0.
(c) From (b) we conclude that x is a critical point for (x) (its derivative vanishes at this
point). Also, from part (a), we see that
(x ) = 1 (x ) = 1 > 0.
2, where
(d) Remark that the arguments, used in part (c), can be applied to any point x
(2 2. Since a continuously
x) = 0, to conclude that (x) has a relative minimum at x
Chapter 1
x) (2
2 with (2
and the existence of a point x x 1) would imply, by intermediate value
theorem, the existence of a point x0 , 0 < x0 x
2, satisfying y0 := (x0 ) = x0 1 and,
therefore, there would be two solutions to the initial value problem (1.5).
Since, from part (a), (x) = 1(x) = 1x+(x) = (x)(x1) > 0, we also conclude
that (x) is an increasing function and (x) < 1. Thus there exists limx (x) 1.
The strict inequality would imply that the values of the function y = (x), for x large
enough, become smaller than those of y = x 1. Therefore,
(f), (g) The direction field for given dierential equation and the curve y = (x) are shown in
Figure B.6 in the answers of the text.
Exercises 1.3
11. For this equation, the isoclines are given by 2x = c. These are vertical lines x = c/2. Each
element of the direction field associated with a point on x = c/2 has slope c. (See Figure B.7
in the answers of the text.)
13. For the equation y/x = x/y, the isoclines are the curves x/y = c. These are lines that
pass through the origin and have equations of the form y = mx, where m = 1/c , c = 0. If
we let c = 0 in x/y = c, we see that the y-axis (x = 0) is also an isocline. Each element
of the direction field associated with a point on an isocline has slope c and is, therefore,
perpendicular to that isocline. Since circles have the property that at any point on the circle
the tangent at that point is perpendicular to a line from that point to the center of the circle,
we see that the solution curves will be circles with their centers at the origin. But since we
cannot have y = 0 (since x/y would then have a zero in the denominator) the solutions will
not be defined on the x-axis. (Note however that a related form of this dierential equation is
yy + x = 0. This equation has implicit solutions given by the equations y 2 + x2 = C. These
solutions will be circles.) The graph of (x), the solution to the equation satisfying the initial
condition y(0) = 4, is the upper semicircle with center at the origin and passing through the
point (0, 4) (see Figure B.8 in the answers of the text).
15. For the equation dy/dx = 2x2 y, the isoclines are the curves 2x2 y = c, or y = 2x2 c. The
curve y = 2x2 c is a parabola which is open upward and has the vertex at (0, c). Three of
them, for c = 1, 0, and 2 (dotted curves), as well as the solution curve satisfying the initial
condition y(0) = 0, are depicted in Figure B.9.
Chapter 1
0 5 10
Figure 1B: Isoclines and the direction field for Problem 17.
and so the elements of the direction field have negative or zero slope; if an isocline is located
below the line y = 3, then c > 0, and so the elements of the direction field have positive slope.
In other words, for x > 0 large enough, at any point above the line y = 3 a solution curve
decreases passing through this point, and any solution curve increases passing through a point
below y = 3. The direction field for this dierential equation is depicted in Figure 1-B. From
this picture we conclude that any solution to the dierential equation dy/dx = 3 y + 1/x
has the line y = 3 as a horizontal asymptote.
where C1 is an arbitrary constant and so C2 := eC1 is an arbitrary positive constant. The last
equality can be written as
C2 C
y= = ,
x x
Exercises 1.4
where C = C2 is any nonzero constant. The value C = 0 gives y 0 (for x = 0), which is,
clearly, also a solution to the given equation.
1. In this initial value problem, f (x, y) = x/y, x0 = 0, and y0 = 1. Thus, with h = 0.1, the
recursive formulas (2) and (3) on page 25 of the text become
xn+1 = xn + h = xn + 0.1 ,
+ ,
yn+1 = yn + hf (xn , yn ) = yn + 0.1 , n = 0, 1, . . . .
We set n = 0 in these formulas and obtain
2. In this problem, x0 = 0, y0 = 4, h = 0.1, and f (x, y) = x/y. Thus, the recursive formulas
given in equations (2) and (3) on page 25 of the text become
xn+1 = xn + h = xn + 0.1 ,
Chapter 1
+ ,
yn+1 = yn + hf (xn , yn ) = yn + 0.1 , n = 0, 1, 2, . . . .
To find an approximation for the solution at the point x1 = x0 + 0.1 = 0.1, we let n = 0 in
the last recursive formula to find
+ ,
y1 = y0 + 0.1 = 4 + 0.1 (0) = 4.
To approximate the value of the solution at the point x2 = x1 + 0.1 = 0.2, we let n = 1 in the
last recursive formula to obtain
+ , + ,
x1 0.1 1
y2 = y1 + 0.1 = 4 + 0.1 =4 = 3.9975 3.998 .
y1 4 400
Continuing in this way we find
+ , + ,
x2 0.2
x3 = x2 + 0.1 = 0.3 , y3 = y2 + 0.1 = 3.9975 + 0.1 3.992 ,
y2 3.9975
x4 = 0.4 , y4 3.985 ,
x5 = 0.5 , y5 3.975 ,
where all of the answers have been rounded o to three decimal places.
3. Here f (x, y) = y(2 y), x0 = 0, and y0 = 3. We again use recursive formulas from Eulers
method with h = 0.1. Setting n = 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4 and rounding o results to three decimal
places, we get
5. In this problem, f (x, y) = (y 2 + y)/x, x0 = y0 = 1, and h = 0.2. The recursive formulas (2)
and (3) on page 25 of the text, applied succesively with n = 1, 2, 3, and 4, yield
+ 2 , + 2 ,
y0 + y0 1 +1
x1 = x0 + 0.2 = 1.2 , y1 = y0 + 0.2 = 1 + 0.2 = 1.400;
x0 1
Exercises 1.4
+ ,
1.4002 + 1.400
x2 = 1.2 + 0.2 = 1.4 , y2 = 1.400 + 0.2 1.960;
+ ,
1.9602 + 1.960
x3 = 1.4 + 0.2 = 1.6 , y3 = 1.960 + 0.2 2.789;
+ ,
2.7892 + 2.789
x4 = 1.6 + 0.2 = 1.8 , y4 = 2.789 + 0.2 4.110 .
7. For this problem notice that the independent variable is t and the dependent variable is x.
Hence, the recursive formulas given in equations (2) and (3) on page 25 of the text become
For this problem, f (t, x) = 1+t sin(tx), t0 = 0, and x0 = 0. Thus the second recursive formula
above becomes
xn+1 = xn + h [1 + tn sin(tn xn )] , n = 0, 1, 2, . . . .
For the case N = 4, we have h = 1/4 = 0.25 , and so the recursive formulas become
Therefore, we have
Chapter 1
Using these formulas and starting with t0 = 0 and x0 = 0, we can fill in Table 1-A. From this
we see that (1) x8 = 1.19157, which is rounded to five decimal places.
Table 1A: Eulers method approximations for the solution of x = 1 + t sin(tx), x(0) = 0,
at t = 1 with 8 steps (h = 1/8).
n tn xn
1 0.125 0.125
2 0.250 0.250244
3 0.375 0.377198
4 0.500 0.508806
5 0.625 0.649535
6 0.750 0.805387
7 0.875 0.983634
8 1.000 1.191572
9. To approximate the solution on the whole interval [1, 2] by Eulers method with the step
h = 0.1, we first approximate the solution at the points xn = 1 + 0.1n, n = 1, . . . , 10. Then,
on each subinterval [xn , xn+1 ], we approximate the solution by the linear interval, connecting
Exercises 1.4
xn+1 = xn + 0.1 ,
+ ,
1 yn 2
yn+1 = yn + 0.1 yn , n = 0, 1, . . . , 9 ,
x2n xn
x0 = 1, y0 = 1. Therefore,
+ ,
1 1 2
x1 = 1 + 0.1 = 1.1 , y1 = 1 + 0.1 2 (1) = 0.9 ;
1 1
+ ,
1 0.9 2
x2 = 1.1 + 0.1 = 1.2 , y2 = 0.9 + 0.1 (0.9) 0.81653719 ;
1.12 1.1
+ ,
1 0.81653719 2
x3 = 1.2 + 0.1 = 1.3 , y3 = 0.81653719 + 0.1 (0.81653719)
1.22 1.2
0.74572128 ;
+ ,
1 0.74572128 2
x4 = 1.3 + 0.1 = 1.4 , y4 = 0.74572128 + 0.1 (0.74572128)
1.32 1.3
0.68479653 ;
The results of these computations (rounded to five decimal places) are shown in Table 1-B.
n xn yn n xn yn
The function y(x) = 1/x = x1 , obviously, satisfies the initial condition, y(1) = 1. Further
Chapter 1
Polygonal approximation
Figure 1C: Polygonal line approximation and the actual solution for Problem 9.
) *
y (x) = x1 = x2 ,
) * ) *2
f (x, y(x)) = x2 x1 x1 x1 = x2 + x2 x2 = x2 .
Thus, the function y(x) = 1/x is, indeed, the solution to the given initial value problem.
The graphs of the obtained polygonal line approximation and the actual solution are sketched
in Figure 1-C.
11. In this problem, the independent variable is t and the dependent variable is x; f (t, x) = 1+x2 ,
t0 = 0, and x0 = 0.
The function (t) = tan t satisfies the initial condition: (0) = tan 0 = 0. The dierential
equation is also satisfied:
= sec2 t = 1 + tan2 t = 1 + (t)2 .
Exercises 1.4
For approximation of (t) at the point t = 1 with N = 20 steps, we take the step size
h = (1 t0 )/20 = 0.05. Thus, the recursive formulas for Eulers method are
tn+1 = tn + 0.05 ,
) *
xn+1 = xn + 0.05 1 + x2n .
13. From Problem 12, yn = (1 + 1/n)n and so limn [(e yn )/(1/n)] is a 0/0 indeterminant. If
we let h = 1/n in yn and use LHospitals rule, we get
where g(h) = e (1 + h)1/h . Writing (1 + h)1/h as eln(1+h)/h the function g(h) becomes
g(h) = e eln(1+h)/h .
Chapter 1
4 5
1/h 1 1 2 1 3
= (1 + h) 1 h+ h h +
dh 2 3 4
4 5
1/h 1 2 3 2
= (1 + h) + h h + .
2 3 4
6 4 57
1/h 1 2 3 2
lim g (h) = lim (1 + h) + h h +
h0 h0 2 3 4
8 9 4 6
1 2 3 2
= lim (1 + h) lim + h h + .
h0 h0 2 3 4
So we have
e yn e
lim = .
n 1/n 2
15. The independent variable in this problem is the time t and the dependent variable is the
temperature T (t) of a body. Thus, we will use the recursive formulas (2) and (3) on page 25
with x replaced by t and y replaced by T . In the dierential equation describing the Newtons
Law of Cooling, f (t, T ) = K(M(t) T ). With the suggested values of K = 1 (min)1 ,
M(t) 70 , h = 0.1, and the initial condition T (0) = 100 , the initial value problem becomes
= 70 T, T (0) = 100,
tn+1 = tn + 0.1 ,
Tn+1 = Tn + 0.1(70 Tn ).
For n = 0,
Exercises 1.4
for n = 1,
for n = 2,
n tn Tn n tn Tn
By continuing this way and rounding results to three decimal places, we fill in Table 1-C.
From this table we conclude that
16. For this problem notice that the independent variable is t and the dependent variable is T .
Hence, in the recursive formulas for Eulers method, the t will take the place of the x and the
Chapter 1
T will take the place of the y. Also we see that h = 0.1 and f (t, T ) = K (M 4 T 4 ), where
K = 404 and M = 70. The recursive formulas (2) and (3) on page 25 of the text become
tn+1 = tn + 0.1 ,
) *) *
Tn+1 = Tn + hf (tn , Tn ) = Tn + 0.1 404 704 Tn4 , n = 0, 1, 2, . . . .
From the initial condition, T (0) = 100, we see that t0 = 0 and T0 = 100. Therefore, for n = 0,
n tn Tn n tn Tn n tn Tn
CHAPTER 2: First Order Dierential Equations
EXERCISES 2.2: Separable Equations, page 46
1. This equation is separable because we can separate variables by multiplying both sides by dx
and dividing by 2y 3 + y + 4.
1 3 1
y = x x3 + C1 y 3 = 3x x3 + C
y= 3x x3 + C ,
3 3
where C := 3C1 is an arbitrary constant.
9. To separate variables, we divide the equation by y and multiply by dx. This results
dy dy
= y(2 + sin x) = (2 + sin x)dx
dx y
3 3
= (2 + sin x)dx ln |y| = 2x cos x + C1
|y| = e2xcos x+C1 = eC1 e2xcos x = C2 e2xcos x ,
Chapter 2
The last equation defines implicit solutions to the given dierential equation.
13. Writing the given equation in the form dx/dt = x x2 , we separate the variables to get
= dt .
x x2
Integrate (the left side is integrated by partial fractions, with 1/(x x2 ) = 1/x + 1/(1 x))
to obtain:
1 1
1 x 1
ln |x| ln |1 x| = t + c ln 11 1=t+c
1 x1
= et+c = Cet , where C = ec
x = Cet xCet x + xCet = Cet
Exercises 2.2
) * Cet
x 1 + Cet = Cet x= .
1 + Cet
Note: When C is replaced by K, this answer can also be written as x = Ket /(Ket 1).
Further we observe that since we divide by x x2 = x(1 x), then x 0 and x 1 are also
solutions. Allowing K to be zero gives x 0, but no choice for K will give x 1, so we list
this as a separate solution.
15. To separate variables, we move the term containin dx to the right-hand side of the equation
and divide both sides of the result by y. This yields
17. First we find a general solution to the equation. Separating variables and integrating, we get
dy dy
= x3 (1 y) = x3 dx
dx 1y
3 3
dy x4
= x3 dx ln |1 y| + C1 =
1y 4
+ 4
x 4
|1 y| = exp C1 = Cex /4 .
To find C, we use the initial condition, y(0) = 3. Thus, substitution 3 for y and 0 for x into
the last equation yields
4 /4
|1 3| = Ce0 2 = C.
4 /4
Therefore, |1 y| = 2ex . Finally, since 1 y(0) = 1 3 < 0, on an interval containing
x = 0 one has 1 y(x) < 0 and so |1 y(x)| = y(x) 1. The solution to the problem is then
4 /4 4 /4
y 1 = 2ex or y = 2ex + 1.
Chapter 2
(because at the initial point, = , y() < 0). We substitute now the initial condition,
y() = 3, and obtain
1 = sin + C C = 1.
(y + 1)1/2 = sin x + 1 y = (sin x + 1)2 1 = sin2 x + 2 sin x .
23. We have
dy dy
= 2x cos2 y = 2x dx sec2 y dy = 2x dx
dx cos2 y
3 3
sec y dy = 2x dx tan y = x2 + C.
Exercises 2.2
ln |1 + y| = +C. (2.2)
Substituting y = 3 and x = 0 from the initial condition, we get ln 4 = 0 + C, which implies
that C = ln 4. By substituting this value for C into equation (2.2) above, we have
ln |1 + y| = + ln 4 .
3 /3)+ln 4 3 /3 3 /3
eln |1+y| = e(x = ex eln 4 = 4ex
3 /3 3 /3
1 + y = 4ex y = 4ex 1.
We can drop the absolute signs above because we are assuming from the initial condition that
y is close to 3 and therefore 1 + y is positive.
27. (a) The dierential equation dy/dx = ex separates if we multiply by dx. We integrate the
separated equation from x = 0 to x = x1 to obtain
3x1 3 1
x2 1
e dx = dy = y 1 = y(x1 ) y(0).
0 x=0
If we let t be the variable of integration and replace x1 by x and y(0) by 0, then we can
express the solution to the initial value problem as
y(x) = et dt.
(b) The dierential equation dy/dx = ex y 2 separates if we multiply by y 2 and dx. We
integrate the separated equation from x = 0 to x = x1 to obtain
3x1 3x1
x2 1 3 11x=x1 1 - .
e dx = y 2 dy = y 1 = y(x1 )3 y(0)3 .
3 x=0 3
0 0
Chapter 2
If we let t be the variable of integration and replace x1 by x and y(0) by 1 in the above
equation, then we can express the initial value problem as
2 1- .
et dt = y(x)3 1 .
If we let t be the variable of integration and replace x1 by x and y(0) by 1 then we can
express the solution to the initial value problem by
y(x) = tan 1 + sin t dt + .
(d) We will use Simpsons rule (Appendix B) to approximate the definite integral found in
part (b). (Simpsons rule is implemented on the website for the text.) Simpsons rule
requires an even number of intervals, but we dont know how many are required to obtain
the desired three-place accuracy. Rather than make an error analysis, we will compute
the approximate value of y(0.5) using 2, 4, 6, . . . intervals for Simpsons rule until the
approximate values for y(0.5) change by less than five in the fourth place.
For n = 2, we divide [0, 0.5] into 4 equal subintervals. Thus each interval will be of length
(0.5 0)/4 = 1/8 = 0.125. Therefore, the integral is approximated by
2 1 8 0 2 2 2 2
ex dx = e + 4e(0.125) + 2e(0.25) + 4e(0.325) + e(0.5) 0.544999003 .
Exercises 2.2
Substituting this value into equation (2.3) from part (b) yields
6 1.38120606
8 1.38120520
10 1.38120497
Since these values do not change by more than 5 in the fourth place, we can conclude that
the first three places are accurate and that we have obtained an approximate solution
y(0.5) 1.381 .
(c) The function y(x) 0, clearly, satisfies both, the dierential equation dy/dx = y 1/3 and
the initial condition y(0) = 0.
Chapter 2
30. (a) Dividing the equation by (y + 1)2/3 and multiplying by dx separate variables. Thus we
dy dy
= (x 3)(y + 1)2/3 = (x 3)dx
dx (y + 1)2/3
3 3
dy 1/3 x2
= (x 3)dx 3(y + 1) = 3x + C1
(y + 1)2/3 2
+ 2 ,3 + 2 ,3
x C1 x
y+1= x+ y = 1 + x + C . (2.4)
6 3 6
(b) To find the solution satisfying the initial condition y(0) = 1, we substitute in (2.5) 0 for
x and 1 for y and obtain
02 + 12 = C C=1 x2 + y 2 = 1.
Exercises 2.2
In the same manner, we find domains for solutions to the other two initial value problems:
y(0) = 2 < x < 2 ;
1 1
y(0) = 2 <x< .
2 2
(d) First, we find the solution to the initial value problem y(0) = a, a > 0, and its domain.
Following the lines used in (b) and (c) for particular values of a, we conclude that
y(0) = a 02 + a2 = C y= and so its domain is
a2 x2
1 1
a2 x2 > 0 x2 < a2 <x< .
a a
As a +0, 1/a +, and the domain expands to the whole real line; as a +,
1/a 0, and the domain shrinks to x = 0.
Chapter 2
a= 2 a=1 a=2
2 0 2
a= 2 a=1 a=2
(e) For the values a = 1/2, 1, and 2 the solutions are found in (b); for a = 1, we just have
to choose the negative sign in (2.6); similarly, we reverse signs in the other two solutions
in (b) to obtain the answers for a = 1/2 and 2. The graphs of these functions are
shown in Figure 2-A.
33. Let A(t) be the number of kilograms of salt in the tank at t minutes after the process begins.
Then we have
= rate of salt in rate of salt out.
rate of salt in = 10 L/min 0.3 kg/L = 3 kg/min.
Since the tank is kept uniformly mixed, A(t)/400 is the mass of salt per liter that is flowing
out of the tank at time t. Thus we have
A(t) A(t)
rate of salt out = 10 L/min kg/L = kg/min.
400 40
Exercises 2.2
dA A 120 A
=3 = .
dt 40 40
Separating this dierential equation and integrating yield
dA = dt 40 ln |120 A| = t + C
120 A
t C
ln |120 A| = + C, where is replaced by C
40 40
120 A = Cet/40 , where C can now be positive or negative
A = 120 Cet/40 .
There are 2 kg of salt in the tank initially, thus A(0) = 2. Using this initial condition, we find
2 = 120 C C = 118 .
A = 120 118et/40 .
A(10) = 120 118e10/40 28.1 kg.
35. In Problem 34 we saw that the dierential equation dT /dt = k(M T ) can be solved by
separation of variables to yield
T = Cekt + M.
When the oven temperature is 120 we have M = 120. Also T (0) = 40. Thus
40 = C + 120 C = 80.
Chapter 2
(a) We are given that M = 100. To find C we must solve the equation T (0) = 40 = C + 100.
This gives C = 60. Thus the equation becomes
90 = 60e0.02180t + 100 = e0.02180t
+ , 6
0.0218t = ln 0.0218t = ln 6 .
T (t) = 40e0.02180t + 80 = 90 = e0.02180t .
This last equation is impossible because an exponential function is never negative. Hence
it never attains desired temperature. The physical nature of this problem would lead
us to expect this result. A further discussion of Newtons law of cooling is given in
Section 3.3.
Exercises 2.2
(a) To determine the amount of money in the account after 2 years we substitute t = 2 into
equation (2.7), which gives
(b) To determine when the account will reach $4000 we solve equation (2.7) for t with
P = $4000:
(c) To determine the amount of money in the account after 3 12 years we need to determine
the value of each $1000 deposit after 3 12 years has passed. This means that the initial
$1000 is in the account for the entire 3 12 years and grows to the amount which is given
by P0 = 1000e5(3.5)/100 . For the growth of the $1000 deposited after 12 months, we take
t = 2.5 in equation (2.7) because that is how long this $1000 will be in the account. This
gives P1 = 1000e5(2.5)/100 . Using the above reasoning for the remaining deposits we arrive
at P2 = 1000e5(1.5)/100 and P3 = 1000e5(0.5)/100 . The total amount is determined by the
sum of the Pi s.
- .
P = 1000 e5(3.5)/100 + e5(2.5)/100 + e5(1.5)/100 + e5(0.5)/100 $4, 427.59 .
39. Let s(t), t > 0, denote the distance traveled by driver A from the time t = 0 when he ran
out of gas to time t. Then driver As velocity vA (t) = ds/dt is a solution to the initial value
= kvA2 , vA (0) = vB ,
Chapter 2
where vB is driver Bs constant velocity, and k > 0 is a positive constant. Separating variables
we get
3 3
dvA dvA 1
= k dt = k dt = kt + C .
vA2 vA2 vA (t)
1 1 1
= =k0+C =C C= .
vB vA (0) vB
1 vB
vA (t) = = .
kt + 1/vB vB kt + 1
The function s(t) therefore satisfies
ds vB
= , s(0) = 0.
dt vB kt + 1
Integrating we obtain
vB 1
s(t) = dt = ln (vB kt + 1) + C1 .
vB kt + 1 k
0 = s(0) = ln (vB k 0 + 1) + C1 = C1 C1 = 0.
s(t) = ln (vB kt + 1) .
At the moment t = t1 when driver As speed was halved, i.e., vA (t1 ) = vA (0)/2 = vB /2, we
1 vB 1
vB = vA (t1 ) = and 1 = s(t1 ) = ln (vB kt1 + 1)
2 vB kt1 + 1 k
vB kt1 + 1 = 2 and so k = ln (vB kt1 + 1) = ln 2
s(t) = ln (vB t ln 2 + 1) .
ln 2
Exercises 2.3
Since driver B was 3 miles behind driver A at time t = 0, and his speed remained constant,
he finished the race at time tB = (3 + 2)/vB = 5/vB . At this moment, driver A had already
+ ,
1 1 5
s(tB ) = ln (vB tB ln 2 + 1) = ln vB ln 2 + 1
ln 2 ln 2 vB
= ln (5 ln 2 + 1) 2.1589 > 2 miles,
ln 2
i.e., A won the race.
1. Writing
x2 y = x2 cos x ,
we see that this equation has the form (4) on page 50 of the text with P (x) = x2 and
Q(x) = x2 cos x. Therefore, it is linear.
3. In this equation, the independent variable is t and the dependent variable is x. Dividing by
x, we obtain
dx sin t
= t2 .
dt x
Therefore, it is neither linear, because of the sin t/x term, nor separable, because the right-
hand side is not a product of functions of single variables x and t.
5. This is a linear equation with independent variable t and dependent variable y. This is also
a separable equation because
+ ,
dy y(t 1) t1
= 2 = y = g(t)p(y).
dt t +1 t2 + 1
Chapter 2
7. In this equation, P (x) 1 and Q(x) = e3x . Hence the integrating factor
+3 , +3 ,
(x) = exp P (x)dx = exp (1)dx = ex .
x x x 3x 2x d (ex y)
e e y =e e =e = e2x
dx 3 dx
x 2x 1 2x
e y = e dx = e + C
+ ,
1 2x e3x
y= e + C ex = + Cex .
2 2
9. This is a linear equation with dependent variable r and independent variable . The method
we will use to solve this equation is exactly the same as the method we use to solve an
equation in the variables x and y since these variables are just dummy variables. Thus we
have P () = tan and Q() = sec which are continuous on any interval not containing odd
multiples of /2. We proceed as usual to find the integrating factor (). We have
+3 ,
() = exp tan d = e ln | cos |+C = K = K| sec |, where K = eC .
| cos |
Thus we have
() = sec ,
where we can drop the absolute value sign by making K = 1 if is in an interval where sec is
positive or by making K = 1 if sec is negative. Multiplying the equation by the integrating
factor yields
sec + (sec tan )r = sec2 D (r sec ) = sec2 .
Integrating with respect to yields
r sec = sec2 d = tan + C r = cos tan + C cos r = sin + C cos .
Because of the continuity of P () and Q() this solution is valid on any open interval that
has end points that are consecutive odd multiples of /2.
Exercises 2.3
11. Choosing t as the independent variable and y as the dependent variable, we put the equation
put into standard form:
dy dy
t+y+1 =0 y = t + 1. (2.8)
dt dt
-? .
Thus P (t) 1 and so (t) = exp (1)dt = et . We multiply both sides of the second
equation in (2.8) by (t) and integrate. This yields
dy d ) t *
et et y = (t + 1)et e y = (t + 1)et
dt 3 dt 3
e y = (t + 1)e dt = (t + 1)e + et dt
t t t
= (t + 1)et et + C = (t + 2)et + C
) *
y = et (t + 2)et + C = t 2 + Cet ,
where we have used integration by parts to find (t + 1)et dt.
13. In this problem, the independent variable is y and the dependent variable is x. So, we divide
the equation by y to rewrite it in standard form.
dx dx 2
y + 2x = 5y 2 + x = 5y 2.
dy dy y
dx d ) 2 *
y2 + 2y x = 5y 4 y x = 5y 4
dy dy
) *
y 2x = 5y 4 dy = y 5 + C x = y 2 y 5 + C = y 3 + Cy 2.
15. To put this linear equation in standard form, we divide by (x2 + 1) to obtain
dy x x
+ 2 y= 2 . (2.9)
dx x + 1 x +1
Chapter 2
dy x x
(x2 + 1)1/2 + 2 1/2
y= 2 ,
dx (x + 1) (x + 1)1/2
which becomes
d - 2 . x
(x + 1)1/2 y = 2 .
dx (x + 1)1/2
Now we integrate both sides and solve for y to find
This solution is valid for all x since P (x) and Q(x) are continuous for all x.
17. This is a linear equation with P (x) = 1/x and Q(x) = xex which is continuous on any
interval not containing 0. Therefore, the integrating factor is given by
43 + , 5
1 1
(x) = exp dx = e ln x = , for x > 0.
x x
1 dy y #y %
2 = ex Dx = ex .
x dx x x
Integrating gives
= ex + C y = xex + Cx.
Now applying the initial condition, y(1) = e 1, we have
e1=e+C C = 1.
Exercises 2.3
Note: This interval is the largest interval containing the initial value x = 1 in which P (x) and
Q(x) are continuous.
19. In this problem, t is the independent variable and x is the dependent variable. One can notice
that the left-hand side is the derivative of xt3 with respect to t. Indeed, using product rule
for dierentiation, we get
d ) 3 * dx 3 d (t3 ) dx
xt = t +x = t3 + 3t2 x.
dt dt dt dt
(Of course, one could divide the given equation by t3 to get standard form, conclude that
P (t) = 3/t, find that (t) = t3 , multiply by t3 back, and come up with the original equation.)
We now use the initial condition, x(2) = 0, to find C.
1 C 1 C
0 = x(2) = + 3 + =0 C = 2.
2(2) 2 4 8
dy sin x dy
+ y = 2x cos x + (tan x)y = 2x cos x.
dx cos x dx
Chapter 2
At the initial point, x = /4, cos(/4) > 0 and, therefore, we can take (x) = (cos x)1 .
Multiplying the standard form of the given equation by (x) gives
+ ,
1 dy sin x d 1
+ y = 2x y = 2x
cos x dx cos2 x dx cos x
1 ) *
y = 2x dx = x2 + C y = cos x x2 + C .
cos x
From the initial condition, we find C:
# % 4 5
15 2 2 # %2
=y = cos +C C = 2 .
32 4 4 4
23. We proceed similarly to Example 2 on page 52 and obtain an analog of the initial value
problem (13), that is,
+ 5y = 40e20t , y(0) = 10. (2.10)
)? *
Thus P (t) 5 and (t) = exp 5dt = e5t . Multiplying the dierential equation in (2.10)
by (t) and integrating, we obtain
e5t + 5e5t y = 40e20t e5t = 40e15t
dt 3
d (e5t y) 15t 40 15t
= 40e e y = 40e15t dt =
e + C.
dt 15
Therefore, a general solution to the dierential equation in (2.10) is
+ ,
5t 40 15t 8
y=e e + C = Ce5t e20t .
15 3
Finally, we find C using the initial condition.
8 200 8 8 38
10 = y(0) = Ce50 e =C C = 10 + = .
3 3 3 3
Hence, the mass of RA2 for t 0 is given by
38 5t 8 20t
y(t) = e e .
3 3
Exercises 2.3
2 2
where we have changed the dummy variable x to t and integrated with respect to t from
2 (since the initial value for x in the initial condition is 2) to x. Thus, since y(2) = 1,
3x 3x 3x
2 2 2 2 2 2 2
yex e4 = et dt y = ex e4 + et dt = e4x + ex et dt .
2 2 2
(b) We will use Simpsons rule (page A.3 of the Appendix B) to approximate the definite
integral found in part (a) with upper limit x = 3. Simpsons rule requires an even
number of intervals, but we dont know how many are required to obtain the desired 3
place accuracy. Rather than make an error analysis, we will compute the approximate
value of y(3) using 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, . . . intervals for Simpsons rule until the approximate
values for y(3) change by less than 5 in the fourth place. For n = 2 we divide [2, 3] into 4
equal subintervals. Thus, each subinterval will be of length (3 2)/4 = 1/4. Therefore,
the integral is approximated by
t2 1 8 (2)2 (2.25)2 (2.5)2 (2.75)2 (3)2
e dt e +e +e +e +e 1460.354350 .
2 2
Dividing this by e(3) and adding e43 = e5 , gives
y(3) 0.186960 .
Chapter 2
6 0.183905
8 0.183291
10 0.183110
12 0.183043
Since the last 3 approximate values do not change by more than 5 in the fourth place,
it appears that their first three places are accurate and the approximate solution is
y(3) 0.183 .
27. (a) The given dierential equation is in standard form. Thus P (x) = 1 + sin2 x. Since
we cannot express P (x) dx as an elementary function, we use fundamental theorem of
calculus to conclude that, with any fixed constant a,
P (t)dt = P (x),
that is, the above definite integral with variable upper bound is an antiderivative of P (x).
Since, in the formula for (x), one can choose any antiderivative of P (x), we take the
above definite integral with a = 0. (Such a choice of a comes from the initial point x = 0
and makes it easy to satisfy the initial condition.) Therefore, the integrating factor (x)
can be chosen as x
3 $
(x) = exp 1 + sin2 t dt .
= (x)x d[(x)y] = (x)x dx
Exercises 2.3
3s 3s 1x=s 3s
d[(x)y] = (x)x dx (x)y(x) 1 = (x)x dx
0 0 0
(s)y(s) (0)y(0) = (x)x dx .
(b) The values of (x), x = 0.1, 0.2, . . ., 1.0, approximated by using Simpsons rule, are
given in Table 2-C.
Table 2C: Approximations of (x) = 0
1 + sin2 t dt and (x) = e(x) using Simpsons
x (x) (x) x (x) (x)
We now use these values of (x) to approximate 0
(s)s ds by applying Simpsons rule
again. With n = 5 and
h= = 0.1
Chapter 2
1 2 1 2
y(1) (s)s ds + = 1.064539 + = 0.9960 .
(1) (1) 3.076723 3.076723
(c) We rewrite the dierential equation in the form used in Eulers method,
dy $
= x 1 + sin2 x y , y(0) = 2,
and conclude that f (x, y) = x 1 + sin2 xy. Thus the recursive formulas (2) and (3)
on page 25 of the text become
xn+1 = xn + h,
# $ %
yn+1 = yn + h xn 1 + sin2 xn yn , n = 0, 1, . . . ,
Results of these computations, rounded o to four decimal places, are given in Table 2-D.
Thus Eulers method with step h = 0.1 gives y(1) 0.9486 .
Next we take h = 0.05 and fill in the Table 2-E. So, with step h = 0.05, we have
y(1) 0.9729 .
Exercises 2.3
Table 2D: Eulers method approximations for the solution of y + y 1 + sin2 x = x,
y(0) = 2, at x = 1 with h = 0.1.
k xk yk k xk yk k xk yk
Table 2E: Eulers method approximations for the solution of y + y 1 + sin2 x = x,
y(0) = 2, at x = 1 with h = 0.05.
n xn yn n xn yn n xn yn
Chapter 2
and so 3
d ) 2y * 2y 4y 2y 2y e2y
e x =e e =e e x = e2y dy = + C.
dy 2
Solving for x yields + 2y ,
2y e e4y
x=e +C = + Ce2y .
2 2
31. (a) On the interval 0 x 2, we have P (x) = 1. Thus we are solving the equation
+ y = x, y(0) = 1.
The integrating factor is given by
+3 ,
(x) = exp dx = ex .
y = ex (xex ex + C) = x 1 + Cex .
1 = y(0) = 0 1 + C = 1 + C C = 2.
(c) In the interval x > 2, we have P (x) = 3. Therefore, the integrating factor is given by
+3 ,
(x) = exp 3 dx = e3x .
Exercises 2.3
(d) We want the value of the initial point for the solution in part (c) to be the value of the
solution found in part (b) at the point x = 2. This value is given by
y(2) = 1 + 2e2 .
Using this initial point to find the constant C given in part (c) yields
2 1 4 6
1 + 2e2 = y(2) = + Ce6 C= e + 2e4 .
3 9 9
Thus, the solution of the equation on the interval x > 2 is given by
4 5
x 1 4 6
y= + e + 2e e3x .
3 9 9
Patching these two solutions together gives us a continuous solution to the original equa-
tion on the interval x 0:
x 1 + 2ex , 0 x 2;
y= + ,
x 1 4 6
+ e + 2e e3x , 2 < x.
3 9 9
(e) The graph of the solution is given in Figure B.18 of the answers in the text.
Chapter 2
and, therefore, is a solution to the initial value problem. (This also implies that the
initial value problem with y(0) = y0 = 0 has no solution.)
35. (a) This part of the problem is similar to Problem 33 in Section 2.2. So, we proceed in the
same way.
Let A(t) denote the mass of salt in the tank at t minutes after the process begins. Then
we have
Exercises 2.3
) *
100 A = Cet/100 C = eC1 A = 100 Cet/100 .
The initial condition, A(0) = 5 (initially, there were 5 kg of salt in the tank) implies that
(b) After the leak develops, the system satisfies a new dierential equation. While the rate of
input remains the same, 1 kg/min, the rate of exit is now dierent. Since, every minute,
5 liters of the solution is coming in and 5 + 1 = 6 liters are going out, the volume of
the solution in the tank decreases by 6 5 = 1 liter per minute. Thus, for t 10, the
volume of the solution in the tank is 500 1 (t 10) = 510 t liters. This gives the
concentration of salt in the tank
kg/L (2.11)
510 t
A(t) 6A(t)
rate of exit = 6 L/min kg/L = kg/min .
510 t 510 t
Hence, the dierential equation, for t > 10, becomes
dA 6A dA 6A
=1 + =1
dt 510 t dt 510 t
with the initial condition A(10) = 14.04 (the value found in (a) ). This equation is a
linear equation. We have
+3 ,
(t) = exp dt = exp (6 ln |510 t|) = (510 t)6
510 t
Chapter 2
d - .
(510 t)6 A = 1 (510 t)6 = (510 t)6
dt 3
(510 t) A = (510 t)6 dt = (510 t)5 + C
A = (510 t) + C(510 t)6 .
Using the initial condition, A(10) = 14.04, we compute C.
1 85.96
14.04 = A(10) = (510 10) + C(510 10)6 C= .
5 (500)6
+ ,6
1 85.96 1 510 t
A(t) = (510 t) 6
(510 t)6 = (510 t) 85.96
5 (500) 5 500
and, according to (2.11), the concentration of salt is given by
+ ,6
A(t) 1 85.96 510 t
= .
510 t 5 510 t 500
20 minutes after the leak develops, that is, when t = 30, the concentration will be
+ ,6
1 85.96 510 30
0.0598 kg/L .
5 510 30 500
Exercises 2.3
The last integral can be found by integrating by parts twice which leads back to an integral
similar to the original. Combining these two similar integrals and simplifying, we obtain
3 + , - ) t * ) t *.
2t t e2t 2 cos 12 + 12 sin 12
e cos dt = 2 + C.
12 4 + ( 12 )
39. Let Tj (t), j = 0, 1, 2, . . ., denote the temperature in the classroom for 9 + j t < 10 + j,
where t = 13 denotes 1 : 00 p.m., t = 14 denotes 2 : 00 p.m., etc. Then
T (9) = 0, (2.12)
According to the work of the heating unit, the temperature satisfies the equation
dTj 1 Tj , if j = 2k
= , 9 + j < t < 10 + j k = 0, 1, . . . .
dt Tj , if j = 2k + 1
for j even
dTj dTj
= 1 Tj = dt
dt 1 Tj
ln |1 Tj | = t + cj Tj (t) = 1 Cj et ;
Chapter 2
for j odd
dTj dTj
= Tj = dt
dt Tj
ln |Tj | = t + cj Tj (t) = Cj et ;
In general we see that for any integer j (even or odd) the following formula holds:
Cj = e9+j Cj1.
C1 = e10 C0 = e10 e9 = e9 (e 1)
C2 = e11 C1 = e11 e10 + e9 = e9 (e2 e + 1)
Cj = e (1)jk ek .
Exercises 2.4
Chapter 2
and conclude that it is not separable because the right-hand side cannot be represented as a
product of two functions of single variables x and y. Also, the right-hand side is not linear
with respect to y which implies that the equation is not linear with y as the dependent
variable. Similarly, choosing x as the dependent variable (taking the reciprocals of both sides)
we conclude that the equation is not linear either.
5. The dierential equation is not separable because (2xy + cos y) cannot be factored. This
equation can be put in standard form by defining x as the dependent variable and y as the
independent variable. This gives
dx 2 cos y
+ x= ,
dy y y2
If we set M(x, y) = y 2 and N(x, y) = 2xy + cos y we are able to see that the dierential
equation is also exact because My (x, y) = 2y = Nx (x, y).
7. In this problem, the variables are r and , M(r, ) = , and N(r, ) = 3r 1. Because
= 1 = 3 = ,
the equation is not exact. With r as the dependent variable, the equation takes the form
dr 3r 1 3 +1
= = r+ ,
and it is linear. Since the right-hand side in the above equation cannot be factored as p()q(r),
the equation is not separable.
Exercises 2.4
Since the constant of integration will be incorporated into the parameter of the solution, it is
not written here. Substituting this expression for g(y) into the expression that we found for
F (x, y) yields
F (x, y) = x2 y + 3x y.
The first term of the left-hand side we recognize as the total dierential of x2 y. The second
term is the total dierential of (3x y). Thus we again find that
F (x, y) = x2 y + 3x y
11. Computing partial derivatives of M(x, y) = cos x cos y + 2x and N(x, y) = (sin x sin y + 2y),
we obtain
= (cos x cos y + 2x) = cos x sin y ,
y y
= [ (sin x sin y + 2y)] = cos x sin y ,
x x
= ,
y x
and the equation is exact.
Chapter 2
To find g(y), we compute the partial derivative of F (x, y) with respect to y and compare the
result with N(x, y).
F - .
= sin x cos y + x2 + g(y) = sin x sin y + g (y) = (sin x sin y + 2y)
y y
g (y) = 2y g(y) = (2y)dy = y 2 .
13. In this equation, the variables are y and t, M(y, t) = t/y, N(y, t) = 1 + ln y. Since
+ ,
M t 1 N 1
= = and = (1 + ln y) = ,
t t y y y y y
the equation is exact.
Exercises 2.4
15. This dierential equation is expressed in the variables r and . Since the variables x and y
are dummy variables, this equation is solved in exactly the same way as an equation in x and
y. We will look for a solution with independent variable and dependent variable r. We see
that the dierential equation is expressed in the dierential form
and so the equation is exact. Therefore, to solve the equation we need to find a function
F (r, ) that has cos dr + (r sin + e ) d as its total dierential. Integrating M(r, ) with
respect to r we see that
F (r, ) = cos dr = r cos + g()
where the constant of integration will be incorporated into the parameter of the solution.
Substituting this expression for g() into the expression we found for F (r, ) yields
F (r, ) = r cos + e .
From this we see that the solution is given by the one parameter family r cos + e = C, or,
solving for r,
C e
r= = (C e ) sec .
17. Partial derivatives of M(x, y) = 1/y and N(x, y) = (3y x/y 2 ) are
+ , + ,
M 1 1 N x 1
= = 2 and = 3y + 2 = 2 .
y y y y x x y y
Chapter 2
21. We check the equation for exactness. We have M(x, y) = 1/x + 2y 2x, N(x, y) = 2yx2 cos y,
+ ,
M 1 2
= + 2y x = 4yx,
y y x
N ) *
= 2yx2 cos y = 4yx.
x x
Thus M/y = N/x. Integrating M(x, y) with respect to x yields
3 + ,
F (x, y) = + 2y x dx = ln |x| + x2 y 2 + g(y).
F - .
= ln |x| + x2 y 2 + g(y) = 2x2 y + g (y) = N(x, y) = 2yx2 cos y
y y
g (y) = cos y g(y) = ( cos y)dy = sin y
ln |x| + x2 y 2 sin y = c.
Exercises 2.4
ln |1| + 12 2 sin = c c = 2.
Therefore, the answer is given implicitly by ln |x| + x2 y 2 sin y = 2 . (We also used the fact
that at the initial point, (1, ), x > 0 to skip the absolute value sign in the logarithmic term.)
23. Here M(t, y) = et y + tet y and N(t, y) = tet + 2. Thus My (t, y) = et + tet = Nt (t, y) and so
the equation is exact. To find F (t, y) we first integrate N(t, y) with respect to y to obtain
F (t, y) = (tet + 2) dy = (tet + 2)y + h(t),
where we have chosen to integrate N(t, y) because this integration is more easily accomplished.
We will incorporate this constant into the parameter of the solution. Combining these results
gives F (t, y) = tet y + 2y. Therefore, the solution is given by tet y + 2y = C. Solving for y
yields y = C/(tet + 2). Now we use the initial condition y(0) = 1 to find the solution that
passes through the point (0, 1). Thus
y(0) = = 1 = 1 C = 2.
0+2 2
This gives us the solution
y= .
tet + 2
25. One can check that the equation is not exact (M/y = N/x), but it is separable because
it can be written in the form
1y y1
y 2 sin x dx + dy = 0 y 2 sin x dx = dy
x x
x sin x dx = dy.
Chapter 2
(Since y() = 1 > 0, we have removed the absolute value sign in the logarithmic term.)
27. (a) We want to find M(x, y) so that for N(x, y) = sec2 y x/y we have
My (x, y) = Nx (x, y) = .
Therefore, we must integrate this last expression with respect to y. That is,
3 + ,
M(x, y) = dy = ln |y| + f (x),
where f (x), the constant of integration, is a function only of x.
(b) We want to find M(x, y) so that for
we have
My (x, y) = Nx (x, y) = cos x cos y y.
Exercises 2.4
29. (a) We have M(x, y) = y 2 + 2xy and N(x, y) = x2 . Therefore My (x, y) = 2y + 2x and
Nx (x, y) = 2x. Thus My (x, y) = Nx (x, y), so the dierential equation is not exact.
M(x, y) 2x N(x, y)
= 2 = .
y y x
So the new dierential equation is exact.
(c) Following the method for solving exact equations we integrate M(x, y) in part (b) with
respect to x to obtain
3 + ,
x x2
F (x, y) = 1+2 dx = x + + g(y) .
y y
To determine g(y), take the partial derivative of both sides of the above equation with
respect to y to obtain
F x2
= 2 + g (y) .
y y
Substituting N(x, y) (given in part (b)) for F/y, we can now solve for g (y) to obtain
x2 x2
N(x, y) = = + g (y) g (y) = 0 .
y2 y2
The integral of g (y) will yield a constant and the choice of the constant of integration
is not important so we can take g(y) = 0. Hence we have F (x, y) = x + x2 /y and the
solution to the equation is given implicitly by
x+ =C.
Solving the above equation for y, we obtain
y= .
C x
Chapter 2
31. Following the proof of Theorem 2, we come to the expression (10) on page 63 of the text for
g (y), that is
g (y) = N(x, y) M(s, y) ds (2.15)
(where we have replaced the integration variable t by s). In other words, g(y) is an antideriva-
tive of the right-hand side in (2.15). Since an antiderivative is defined up to an additive
constant and, in Theorem 2, such a constant can be chosen arbitrarily (that is, g(y) can be
any antiderivative), we choose g(y) that vanishes at y0 . According to fundamental theorem
of calculus, this function can be written in the form
3y 3y 3x
g(y) = g (t) dt = N(x, t) M(s, t) ds dt
y0 y0 x0
3y 3 y 3
= N(x, t) dt M(s, t) ds dt
y0 y0 x0
x 1t=y
3y 3 1
= N(x, t) dt M(s, t) ds 11
y0 x0 t=y0
3y 3x 3x
= N(x, t) dt M(s, y) ds + M(s, y0 ) ds .
y0 x0 x0
Substituting this function into the formula (9) on page 63 of the text, we conclude that
3x 3 3x 3x
F (x, y) = M(t, y) dt + N(x, t) dt M(s, y) ds + M(s, y0 ) ds
x0 y0 x0 x0
3y 3x
= N(x, t) dt + M(s, y0 ) ds .
y0 x0
(a) In the dierential form used in Example 1, M(x, y) = 2xy 2 + 1 and N(x, y) = 2x2 y.
Exercises 2.4
3y 3x 3y 3x
) *
2 2
F (x, y) = 2x t dt + 1 ds = x 2t dt + ds
0 0 0 0
1t=y 1s=x
1 1
= x2 t2 1 +s 1 = x2 y 2 + x.
t=0 s=0
32. (a) The slope of the orthogonal curves, say m , must be 1/m, where m is the slope of the
original curves. Therefore, we have
Fy (x, y) dy Fy (x, y)
m = = Fy (x, y) dx Fx (x, y) dy = 0.
Fx (x, y) dx Fx (x, y)
(b) Let F (x, y) = x2 + y 2 . Then we have Fx (x, y) = 2x and Fy (x, y) = 2y. Plugging these
expressions into the final result of part (a) gives
2y dx 2x dy = 0 y dx x dy = 0.
Chapter 2
To find the orthogonal trajectories, we must solve this dierential equation. To this end,
note that this equation is separable and thus
3 3
1 1
dx = dy ln |x| = ln |y| + C
x y
eln |x|C = eln |y| y = kx, where k = eC .
(c) Let F (x, y) = xy. Then we have Fx (x, y) = y and Fy (x, y) = x. Plugging these expres-
sions into the final result of part (a) gives
x dx y dy = 0.
To find the orthogonal trajectories, we must solve this dierential equation. To this end,
note that this equation is separable and thus
3 3
x2 y2
x dx = y dy = +C x2 y 2 = k ,
2 2
where k := 2C. Therefore, the orthogonal trajectories are hyperbolas.
33. We use notations and results of Problem 32, that is, for a family of curves given by F (x, y) = k,
the orthogonal trajectories satisfy the dierential equation
F (x, y) F (x, y)
dx dy = 0. (2.16)
y x
(a) In this problem, F (x, y) = 2x2 + y 2 and the equation (2.16) becomes
(2x2 + y 2 ) (2x2 + y 2)
dx dy = 0 2y dx 4x dy = 0. (2.17)
y x
Separating variables and integrating yield
3 3
dx 2dy dx 2dy
2y dx = 4x dy = =
x y x y
ln |x| = 2 ln |y| + c1 eln |x| = e2 ln |y|+c1
|x| = ec1 |y|2 = c2 y 2 x = c2 y 2 = cy 2 ,
Exercises 2.4
x4 dx = 4yx5 dy = 0 x dx = 4y dy
3 3
x dx = (4y)dy = 2y 2 + c1 x2 + 4y 2 = c.
Thus, the family of orthogonal trajectories is x2 + 4y 2 = c.
(c) Taking logarithm of both sides of the equation, we obtain
ln y
ln y = kx = k,
and so F (x, y) = (ln y)/x, F/x = (ln y)/x2 , F/y = 1/(xy). The equation (2.17)
becomes + ,
1 ln y 1 ln y
dx 2 dy = 0 dx = 2 dy.
xy x xy x
Separating variables and integrating, we obtain
3 3
x dx = y ln y dy x dx = y ln y dy
3 2
x2 y2 y 1 y2 y2
= ln y + dy = ln y + + c1
2 2 2 y 2 4
x2 y 2 y2
+ ln y = c1 2x2 + 2y 2 ln y y 2 = c,
2 2 4
where c := 4c1 , and we have used integration by parts to find y ln y dy.
Chapter 2
(d) We divide the equation, y 2 = kx, by x and get y 2 /x = k. Thus, F (x, y) = y 2 /x and
F y2 F 2y
= 2, =
x x y x
+ 2, + ,
2y y 2y y2
dx 2 dy = 0 dx = 2 dy
x x x x
2 y2
2x dx = y dy x = + c1 2x2 + y 2 = c.
35. Applying Leibnizs theorem, we switch the order of dierentiation (with respect to y) and
integration. This yields
3x + ,
g = N(x, y) M(t, y) dt.
Therefore, g is dierentiable (even continuously) with respect to x as a dierence of two
(continuously) dierentiable functions, N(x, y) and an integral with variable upper bound of
a continuous function My (t, y). Taking partial derivatives of both sides with respect to x and
using fundamental theorem of calculus, we obtain
3x + ,
(g )
= N(x, y) M(t, y) dt
x x y
3 + ,
= N(x, y) M(t, y) dt = N(x, y) M(x, y) = 0
x x y x y
due to (5). Thus (g ) /x 0 which implies that g does not depend on x (a consequence of
mean value theorem).
Exercises 2.5
3. This equation is not separable because of the factor (y 2 + 2xy). It is not linear because of the
factor y 2 . To see if it is exact, we compute My (x, y) and Nx (x, y), and see that
Therefore, the equation is not exact. To see if we can find an integrating factor of the form
(x), we compute
y x 2y + 4x
= ,
N x2
which is not a function of x alone. To see if we can find an integrating factor of the form (y),
we compute
x y 4x 2y 2(2x + y) 2
= 2 = = .
M y + 2xy y(y + 2x) y
Thus the equation has an integrating factor that is a function of y alone.
Chapter 2
(3 + yx2 ) dx + (y x1 ) dy = 0.
This is now exact. Thus, we want to find F (x, y). To do this, we integrate M(x, y) = 3 + yx2
with respect to x to get
) *
F (x, y) = 3 + yx2 dx = 3x yx1 + g(y)
Exercises 2.5
Since (x) = x2 we must check to see if the solution x 0 was either gained or lost. The
function x 0 is a solution to the original equation, but is not given by the above implicit
solution for any choice of C. Hence,
y2 y
+ 3x = C and x0
2 x
are solutions.
) *
F (x, y) = x2 (2y + 1) dy = x2 y 2 + y + h(x)
F ) * ) *
= 2x y 2 + y + h (x) = 2y 2 + 2y + 4x2 x
x 3
h (x) = 4x3 h(x) = 4x3 dx = x4
) *
F (x, y) = x2 y 2 + y + x4 = x2 y 2 + x2 y + x4 ,
Chapter 2
= 2y + 2x, = 2x,
y x
Multiplying the dierential equation by (y) and solving the obtained exact equation, we get
) *
y 2 y 2 + 2xy dx y 2x2 dy = 0
) 2 2 *
F (x, y) = y x dy = y 1 x2 + h(x)
F - 1 2 . ) *
= y x + h(x) = 2y 1x + h (x) = y 2 y 2 + 2xy = 1 + 2xy 1
x x
h (x) = 1 h(x) = x F (x, y) = y 1x2 + x.
Since we multiplied given equation by (y) = y 2 (in fact, divided by y 2 ) to get an exact
equation, we could lose the solution y 0, and this, indeed, happened: y 0 is, clearly, a
solution to the original equation. Thus a general solution is
y 1x2 + x = c and y 0.
13. We will multiply the equation by the factor xn y m and try to make it exact. Thus, we have
) n m+2 * ) *
2x y 6xn+1 y m+1 dx + 3xn+1 y m+1 4xn+2 y m dy = 0.
we need
2(m + 2) = 3(n + 1) and 6(m + 1) = 4(n + 2).
Exercises 2.5
(x, y) = xy.
Therefore, g (y) = 0. Since the constant of integration can be incorporated into the constant
C of the solution, we can pick g(y) 0. Thus, we have
F (x, y) = x2 y 3 2x3 y 2
Since we have multiplied the original equation by xy we could have added the extraneous
solutions y 0 or x 0. But, since y 0 implies that dy/dx 0 or x 0 implies that
dx/dy 0, y 0 and x 0 are solutions of the original equation as well as the transformed
the expression
N/x M/y
= H(xy) (2.19)
xM yN
is a function of xy only. Denoting
+3 ,
(z) = exp H(z)dz
Chapter 2
Next, using this fact, we compute partial derivatives of the coecients in (2.20).
(xy) M(x, y)
{(xy)M(x, y)} = (xy) M(x, y) + (xy)
y y y
M(x, y)
= (xy)H(xy) xM(x, y) + (xy)
4 5
M(x, y)
= (xy) H(xy) xM(x, y) + ,
(xy) N(x, y)
{(xy)N(x, y)} = (xy) N(x, y) + (xy)
x x x
N(x, y)
= (xy)H(xy) yN(x, y) + (xy)
4 x5
N(x, y)
= (xy) H(xy) yN(x, y) + .
17. (a) Expressing the family y = x 1 + kex in the form (y x + 1)ex = k, we have (with
notation of Problem 32) F (x, y) = (y x + 1)ex . We compute
F (y x + 1) x d(ex )
= [(y x + 1)ex ] = e + (y x + 1)
x x x dx
= ex + (y x + 1)ex = (y x)ex ,
Exercises 2.6
F (y x + 1) x
= [(y x + 1)ex ] = e = ex .
y y y
Now we can use the result of Problem 32 to derive an equation for the orthogonal
trajectories (i.e., velocity potentials) of the given family of curves:
dx dy = 0 ex dx (y x)ex dy = 0 dx + (x y)dy = 0.
y x
(b) In the dierential equation dx + (x y)dy = 0, M = 1 and N = x y. Therefore,
N/x M/y (x y)/x (1)/y
= = 1,
M (1)
-? .
and an integrating factor (y) is given by (y) = exp (1)dy = ey . Multiplying the
equation from part (a) by (y) yields an exact equation, and we look for its solutions of
the form G(x, y) = c.
ey dx + (x y)ey dy = 0
G(x, y) = ey dx = xey + g(y)
= xey + g (y) = (x y)ey g (y) = yey
3 + 3 ,
g(y) = (ye )dy = ye e dy = yey + ey .
y y y
3. In this equation, the variables are x and t. Its coecients, t + x + 2 and 3t x 6, are linear
functions of x and t. Therefore, given equation is an equation with linear coecients.
Chapter 2
5. The given dierential equation is not homogeneous due to the e2x terms. The equation
(ye2x + y 3) dx e2x dy = 0 is a Bernoulli equation because it can be written in the form
dy/dx + P (x)y = Q(x)y n as follows:
y = e2x y 3 .
The dierential equation does not have linear coecients nor is it of the form y = G(ax + by).
Exercises 2.6
11. From
dx xy y 2 y # y %2
= =
dy x2 x x
we conclude that given equation is homogeneous. Let u = y/x. Then y = xu and y = u + xu .
Substitution yields
du du du dx
u+x = u u2 x = u2 2
dx 3 3 dx u x
du dx 1
= = ln |x| + C
u x u
x x
= ln |x| + C y= .
y ln |x| + C
Note that, solving this equation, we have performed two divisions: by x2 and u2 . In doing
this, we lost two solutions, x 0 and u 0. (The latter gives y 0.) Therefore, a general
solution to the given equation is
y= , x 0, and y 0.
ln |x| + C
13. Since we can express f (t, x) in the form G(x/t), that is, (dividing numerator and denominator
by t2 ) I
2 2
x +t t +x2 (x/t) + (x/t)2
= ,
tx (x/t)
the equation is homogeneous. Substituting v = x/t and dx/dt = v + tdv/dt into the equation
dv 1 + v2 dv 1 + v2
v+t =v+ t = .
dt v dt v
This transformed equation is separable. Thus we have
v 1
dv = dt 1 + v 2 = ln |t| + C,
1+v 2 t
where we have integrated with the integration on the left hand side being accomplished by
the substitution u = 1 + v 2 . Substituting x/t for v in this equation gives the solution to the
original equation which is !
1+ = ln |t| + C.
Chapter 2
dy x2 y 2 1 (y/x)2
= = .
dx 3xy 3(y/x)
du 1 u2 du 1 4u2 3u du dx
u+x = x = =
dx3 3u 3 dx 3u 1 4u2 x
3u du dx 3 1 1
= ln 11 4u2 1 = ln |x| + C1
1 4u x 8
1 # y %2 11
3 ln 111 4 1 = 8 ln |x| + C2
x 1
1 1
3 ln(x2 ) 3 ln 1x2 4y 21 = 8 ln |x| + C2 ,
which, after some algebra, gives (x2 4y 2) x2 = C.
17. With the substitutions z = x + y and dz/dx = 1 + dy/dx or dy/dx = dz/dx 1 this equation
becomes the separable equation
dz dz
1 = z1 = z
dx dx
z 1/2 dz = dx 2z 1/2 = x + C .
Substituting x + y for z in this solution gives the solution of the original equation
2 x+y =x+C
19. The right-hand side of this equation has the form G(x y) with G(t) = (t + 5)2 . Thus we
t=xy y =xt y = 1 t ,
Exercises 2.6
Also, y 0 is a solution which was lost when we multiplied the equation by u2 (in terms of
y, divided by y 2 ) to obtain a linear equation.
Chapter 2
Exercises 2.6
+ 3 ,
(t) = exp dt = t2
d (t2 u) 2 2 2
= t u= dt = 2 ln |t| + C
dt t t
u = 2t2 ln |t| + Ct2 x2 = 2t2 ln |t| + Ct2 .
27. This equation is a Bernoulli equation with n = 2, because it can be written in the form
dr 2
r = r 2 2 .
Dividing by r 2 and making the substitution u = r 1 , we obtain a linear equation.
dr 2 1 du 2
r 2 r = 2 u = 2
d d +3 ,
du 2 2 2
+ u = () = exp d = 2
d (2 u) + C
= 1 2 u = + C u= .
d 2
Making back substitution (and adding the lost solution r 0), we obtain a general solution
r= and r 0.
(3u + v) du + (u + v) dv = 0.
This is the same transformed equation that we encountered in Example 4 on page 77 of the
text. There we found that its solution is
v 2 + 2uv 3u2 = C.
Chapter 2
Substituting x + 1 for u and y + 2 for v gives the solution to the original equation
du 4u + v 4(u/v) + 1
(2u v)du + (4u + v)dv = 0 = =
dv 2u v 2(u/v) 1
u du dz
z= u = vz =z+v
v dv dv
dz 4z + 1 dz 4z + 1 (2z + 1)(z + 1)
z+v = v = z =
dv 2z 1 dv 3 2z 1 2z 31
2z 1 1 2z 1 1
dz = dv dz = dv .
(2z + 1)(z + 1) v (2z + 1)(z + 1) v
To find the integral in the left-hand side of the above equation, we use the partial fraction
2z 1 4 3
= + .
(2z + 1)(z + 1) 2z + 1 z + 1
Therefore, the integration yields
33. In Problem 1, we found that the given equation is of the form dy/dx = G(y 4x) with
G(u) = (u 1)2 . Thus we make a substitution u = y 4x to get
dy du
= (y 4x 1)2 4+ = (u 1)2
dx dx
Exercises 2.6
3 3
du du
= (u 1)2 4 = (u 3)(u + 1) = dx .
dx (u 3)(u + 1)
To integrate the left-hand side, we use partial fractions:
+ ,
1 1 1 1
= .
(u 3)(u + 1) 4 u3 u+1
1 1
1 1u 31
(ln |u 3| ln |u + 1|) = x + C1 1
ln 1 1 = 4x + C2
4 u + 11
u3 Ce4x + 3
= Ce4x u=
u+1 1 Ce4x
Ce4x + 3
y = 4x + , (2.21)
1 Ce4x
where C = 0 is an arbitrary constant. Separating variables, we lost the constant solutions
u 3 and u 1, that is, y = 4x + 3 and y = 4x 1. While y = 4x + 3 can be obtained
from (2.21) by setting C = 0, the solution y = 4x 1 is not included in (2.21). Therefore, a
general solution to the given equation is
Ce4x + 3
y = 4x + and y = 4x 1.
1 Ce4x
35. This equation has linear coecients. Thus we make a substitution t = u + h and x = v + k
with h and k satisfying
h+k+2 = 0 h = 1,
3h k 6 = 0 k = 3.
Chapter 2
3 3
3zdz dz
= ln |v| + C1
3z + 1 3z + 1
1 ) 2 * 1 # %
ln 3z + 1 arctan z 3 = ln |v| + C1
2 3
- 2 . 2 # %
ln (3z + 1)v arctan z 3 = C2 .
Making back substitution, after some algebra we get
4 5
- 2 2
. 2 x+3
ln 3(t 1) + (x + 3) + arctan = C.
3 3(t 1)
39. Since the equation is homogeneous, we make a substitution u = y/. Thus we get
dy (y/)3 (y/)2 du u3 u2 u2 u
= u+ = =
d 2(y/) d 2u 2
du u +u 2du d
= =
d 2 u(u + 1)
3 3 2
2du d u
= ln = ln || + C1
u(u + 1) (u + 1)2
u2 C
= , C = 0.
(u + 1)
Back substitution u = y/ yields
y2 C
= y 2 = C(y + )2 , C = 0.
(y + )
Exercises 2.6
When C = 0, the above formula gives 0 or y 0, which were lost in separating variables.
Also, we lost another solution, u + 1 0 or y = . Thus, the answer is
y 2 = C(y + )2 and y = ,
41. The right-hand side of (8) from Example 2 of the text can be written as
(x y + 2)2 = Ce2x + 1,
43. (a) If f (tx, ty) = f (x, y) for any t, then, substituting t = 1/x, we obtain
+ , # y%
1 1
f (tx, ty) = f x, y = f 1, ,
x x x
which shows that f (x, y) depends, in fact, on y/x alone.
(b) Since
dy M(x, y)
= =: f (x, y)
dx N(x, y)
and the function f (x, y) satisfies
M(tx, ty) tn M(x, y) M(x, y)
f (tx, ty) = = n = = f (x, y),
N(tx, ty) t N(x, y) N(x, y)
we apply (a) to conclude that the equation M(x, y)dx + N(x, y)dy = 0 is homogeneous.
Chapter 2
dy 4x + y 4 + (y/x)
= = .
dx 2x y (y/x) 2
du 4+u du 4+u u2 + 3u + 4
u+x = x = u =
dx u2 dx u2 3 u2 3
u2 1 u2 1
du = dx du = dx .
u2 3u 4 x u2 3u 4 x
Using partial fractions, we get
u2 2 1 3 1
= + ,
u2 3u 4 5 u4 5 u+1
and so
2 3
ln |u 4| + ln |u + 1| = ln |x| + C1
5 5
(u 4)2 (u + 1)3 x5 = C
#y %2 # y %3
4 + 1 x5 = C (y 4x)2 (y + x)3 = C.
x x
ex + yey = C,
3. The dierential equation is an exact equation with M = 2xy 3x2 and N = x2 2y 3 because
My = 2x = Nx . To solve this problem we will follow the procedure for solving exact equations
Review Problems
To determine g(y) take the partial derivative with respect to y of both sides and substitute
N(x, y) for F (x, y)/y to obtain
N = x2 2y 3 = x2 + g (y).
Since the choice of the constant of integration is arbitrary we will take g(y) = y 2. Hence,
from equation (2.22) we have F (x, y) = x2 y x3 + y 2 and the solution to the dierential
equation is given implicitly by x2 y x3 + y 2 = C.
5. In this problem,
Chapter 2
Review Problems
11. The right-hand side of this equation is of the form G(t x) with G(u) = 1 + cos2 u. Thus we
make a substitution
tx =u x=tu x = 1 u,
which yields
du du
1 = 1 + cos2 u = cos2 u
dt dt 3 3
2 2
sec u du = dt sec u du = dt
tan u = t + C tan(t x) + t = C.
13. This is a linear equation with P (x) = 1/x. Following the method for solving linear equations
given on page 51 of the text, we find that an integrating factor (x) = 1/x, and so
d[(1/x)y] 1
= x2 sin 2x = x sin 2x
dx 3x 3
y 1 1 1 1
= x sin 2x dx = x cos 2x + cos 2x dx = x cos 2x + sin 2x + C
x 2 2 2 4
x x
y = cos 2x + sin 2x + Cx.
2 4
15. The right-hand side of the dierential equation y = 2 2x y + 3 is a function of 2x y
and so can be solved using the method for equations of the form y = G(ax + by) on page 74
of the text. By letting z = 2x y we can transform the equation into a separable one. To
solve, we dierentiate z = 2x y with respect to x to obtain
dz dy dy dz
=2 =2 .
dx dx dx dx
Substituting z = 2x y and y = 2 z into the dierential equation yields
dz dz
2 =2 z+3 or = z +3.
dx dx
To solve this equation we divide by z + 3, multiply by dx, and integrate to obtain
3 3
(z + 3) dz = dx 2(z + 3)1/2 = x + C .
Chapter 2
Thus we get
(x + C)2
z+3= .
Finally, replacing z by 2x y yields
(x + C)2
2x y + 3 = .
Solving for y, we obtain
(x + C)2
y = 2x + 3 .
17. This equation is a Bernoulli equation with n = 2. So, we divide it by y 2 and substitute
u = y 1 to get
43 5
du du
+ 2u = 1 2u = 1 () = exp (2)d = e2
d d
) * 3
d e2 u 2 2
) 2 * e2
= e e u= e d = + C1
d 2
1 1 2 1 + Ce2 2
y = + C 1e = y= .
2 2 1 + Ce2
This formula, together with y 0, gives a general solution to the given equation.
19. In the dierential equation M(x, y) = x2 3y 2 and N(x, y) = 2xy. The dierential equation
is not exact because
= 6y = 2x = .
y x
However, because (M/y N/x) /N = (8y)/(2xy) = 4/x depends only on x, we can
determine (x) from equation (8) on page 70 of the text. This gives
+3 ,
(x) = exp dx = x4 .
When we multiply the dierential equation by (x) = x4 we get the exact equation
Review Problems
Next we take the partial derivative of F with respect to y and substitute 2x3 y for F/y:
Thus g (y) = 0 and since the choice of the constant of integration is not important, we will
take g(y) 0. Hence, we have F (x, y) = x1 + x3 y 2 and the implicit solution to the
dierential equation is
x1 + x3 y 2 = C.
Finally we check to see if any solutions were lost in the process. We multiplied by the
integrating factor (x) = x4 so we check x 0. This is also a solution to the original
21. This equation has linear coecients. Therefore, we are looking for a substitution x = u + h
and y = v + k with h and k satisfying
2h + k 1 = 0 h = 1,
h+k4 = 0 k = 3.
So, x = u + 1 (dx = du) and y = v + 3 (dy = dv), and the equation becomes
dv 2u v 2 (v/u)
(2u + v)du + (u + v)dv = 0 = = .
du u+v 1 + (v/u)
With z = v/u, we have v = z + uz , and so
dz 2z dz 2z z 2 2z + 2
z+u = u = z =
du 1+z du 1 + z3 1+z 3
z+1 du 1+z du
dz = 2
dz =
z + 2z 2 u z + 2z 2 u
1 11 2 1 ) 2 * 2
ln z + 2z 21 = ln |u| + C1 z + 2z 2 u = C2 .
Back substitution, z = v/u = (y 3)/(x 1), yields
Chapter 2
25. In this dierential form, M(x, y) = y(x y 2) and N(x, y) = x(y x + 4). Therefore,
= x 2y 2, = y 2x + 4
y x
N/x M/y (y 2x + 4) (x 2y 2) 3(x y 2) 3
= = = ,
M y(x y 2) y(x y 2) y
which is a function of y alone. Therefore, the equation has a special integrating factor (y).
We use formula (9) on page 70 of the text to find that (y) = y 3. Multiplying the equation
by (y) yields
y 2(x y 2) dx + xy 3 (y x + 4) dy = 0
y 2x2 ) 1 *
F (x, y) = y 2(x y 2) dx = y + 2y 2 x + g(y)
F ) *
= y 3 x2 y 2 4y 3 x + g (y) = N(x, y) = xy 3 (y x + 4)
g (x) = 0 g(y) 0,
and so
y 2x2 ) *
F (x, y) = x y 1 + 2y 2 = C1 x2 y 2 2xy 1 4xy 2 = C
is a general solution. In addition, y 0 is a solution that we lost when multiplied the equation
by (y) = y 3 (i.e., divided by y 3 ).
Review Problems
27. This equation has linear coecients. Thus we make a substitution x = u + h, y = v + k with
h and k satisfying >
3h k 5 = 0 h = 3,
hk+1 = 0 k = 4.
With this substitution,
dv 3u v 3 (v/u)
(3u v)du + (u v)dv = 0 = =
du uv 1 (v/u)
z= , v = uz, v = z + uz
dz 3z dz 3z z2 3
z+u = u = z =
du 1z 3 du 1z3 z1
z1 du z1 du
dz = dz = .
z2 3 u z2 3 u
We use partial fractions to find the integral in the left-hand side. Namely,
z1 A B 1 1 1 1
= + , A= , B= + .
z 3 z 3 z+ 3 2 2 3 2 2 3
Therefore, integration yields
1 11 1 11
1 1
A ln 1z 31 + B ln 1z + 31 = ln |u| + C1
%11/ 3 # %1+1/ 3 2
z 3 z+ 3 u =C
%11/ 3 # %1+1/ 3
vu 3 v+u 3 =C
K1/ 3
) 2 * v + u 3
v 3u2 =C
vu 3
M1/ 3
- . (y 4) + (x 3) 3
(y 4)2 3(x 3)2 = C.
(y 4) (x 3) 3
29. Here M(x, y) = 4xy 3 9y 2 + 4xy 2 and N(x, y) = 3x2 y 2 6xy + 2x2 y. We compute
= 12xy 2 18y + 8xy, = 6xy 2 6y + 4xy,
y x
M/y N/x (12xy 2 18y + 8xy) (6xy 2 6y + 4xy) 2y(3xy 6 + 2x) 2
= 2 2 2
= = ,
N 3x y 6xy + 2x y xy(3xy 6 + 2x) x
Chapter 2
which is a function of x alone. Thus, the equation has a special integrating factor
+3 ,
(x) = exp dx = x2 .
Multiplying the equation by (x), we find that
) *
F (x, y) = x2 4xy 3 9y 2 + 4xy 2 dx = x4 y 3 3x3 y 2 + x4 y 2 + g(y)
F ) *
= 3x4 y 2 6x3 y + 2x4 y + g (y) = x2 N(x, y) = x2 3x2 y 2 6xy + 2x2 y
g (y) = 0 g(y) 0
F (x, y) = x4 y 3 3x3 y 2 + x4 y 2 = C
is a general solution.
Review Problems
d (et x)
= (t + 3)et
dt 3 3
t t t
ex= (t + 3)e dt = (t + 3)e + et dt = (t + 2)et + C
x = (t + 2) + Cet .
1 = x(0) = (0 + 2) + Ce0 C = 3,
and so x = t 2 + 3et .
) * x4 y 2
F (x, y) = x4 y dy = + h(x)
F 4x5 y 2
= + h (x) = x5 M(x, y) = 2x5 y 2 + 4x3
x 2
h (x) = 4x3 h(x) = 2x2
Chapter 2
x4 y 2
F (x, y) = 2x2 = C.
We find C by substituting the initial condition, y(1) = 2:
(1)4 (2)2
2(1)2 = C C = 4 .
So, the solution is
x4 y 2
2x2 = 4
y 2 + 4x2 = 8x4
) *
y 2 = 8x4 4x2 = 4x2 2x2 1
y = 2x 2x2 1 ,
where, taking the square root, we have chosen the negative sign because of the initial negative
value for y.
Review Problems
+ ,
1 ) 2 * 1 z
ln z + 2 + arctan = ln |u| + C1
2 2 2
+ ,
-) 2 * 2. z
ln z + 2 u + 2 arctan =C
+ ,
) 2 2
* v
ln v + 2u + 2 arctan =C
u 2
4 5
- 2 2
. y2
ln (y 2) + 2(x 1) + 2 arctan = C.
(x 1) 2
The initial condition, y(0) = 2, gives C = ln 2, and so the answer is
4 5
- 2 2
. y2
ln (y 2) + 2(x 1) + 2 arctan = ln 2 .
(x 1) 2
Chapter 2
CHAPTER 3: Mathematical Models and Numerical
Methods Involving First Order Equations
1. Let x(t) denote the mass of salt in the tank at time t with t = 0 denoting the moment when
the process started. Thus we have x(0) = 0.5 kg. We use the mathematical model described
by equation (1) on page 90 of the text to find x(t). Since the solution is entering the tank
with rate 8 L/min and contains 0.05 kg/L of salt,
We can determine the concentration of salt in the tank by dividing x(t) by the volume of the
solution, which remains constant, 100 L, because the flow rate in is the same as the flow rate
out. Therefore, the concentration of salt at time t is x(t)/100 kg/L and
x(t) 2x(t)
output rate = (kg/L) 8 (L/min) = (kg/min).
100 25
Then the equation (1) yields
dx 2x dx 2x
= 0.4 + = 0.4 , x(0) = 0.5 .
dt 25 dt 25
-? .
This equation is linear, has integrating factor (t) = exp (2/25)dt = e2t/25 , and so
) *
d e2t/25 x
= 0.4e2t/25
dt + ,
25 2t/25
e 2t/25
x = 0.4 e + C = 5e2t/25 + C x = 5 + Ce2t/25 .
Using the initial condition, we find C.
Chapter 3
x(t) = 5 4.5e2t/25 .
If the concentration of salt in the tank is 0.02 kg/L, then the mass of salt is 0.02 100 = 2 kg,
and, to find this moment, we solve
2 25 ln(3/2)
5 4.5e2t/25 = 2 e2t/25 = t= 5.07 (min).
3 2
3. Let x(t) be the volume of nitric acid in the tank at time t. The tank initially held 200 L
of a 0.5% nitric acid solution; therefore, x(0) = 200 0.005 = 1. Since 6 L of 20% nitric
acid solution are flowing into the tank per minute, the rate at which nitric acid is entering
is 6 0.2 = 1.2 L/min. Because the rate of flow out of the tank is 8 L/min and the rate
of flow in is only 6 L/min, there is a net loss in the tank of 2 L of solution every minute.
Thus, at any time t, the tank will be holding 200 2t liters of solution. Combining this
with the fact that the volume of nitric acid in the tank at time t is x(t), we see that the
concentration of nitric acid in the tank at time t is x(t)/(200 2t). Here we are assuming that
the tank is kept well stirred. The rate at which nitric acid flows out of the tank is, therefore,
8 [x(t)/(200 2t)] L/min. From all of these facts, we see that
Exercises 3.2
(100 t)4 + 4x(100 t)5 = (1.2)(100 t)4
-dt .
Dt (100 t)4 x = (1.2)(100 t)4
(100 t) x = 1.2 (100 t)4 dt =
(100 t)3 + C
x(t) = (0.4)(100 t) + C(100 t)4 .
x(0) = (0.4)(100) + C(100)4 = 1 C= 4
= 3.9 107 .
This means that at time t there is
liters of nitric acid in the tank. When the percentage of nitric acid in the tank is 10%, the
concentration of nitric acid is 0.1. Thus we want to solve the equation
= 0.1 .
200 2t
Therefore, we divide the solution x(t) that we found above by 2(100 t) and solve for t. That
is, we solve
5. Let x(t) denote the volume of chlorine in the pool at time t. Then in the formula
Chapter 3
we have
input rate = 5 (gal/min) = 5 105 (gal/min),
x(t) (gal)
output rate = 5 (gal/min) = 5 104 x(t) (gal/min),
10, 000 (gal)
Therefore, x(t) = 0.1 + 0.9e0.0005t and the concentration of chlorine, say, c(t), in the pool at
time t is
x(t) (gal) x(t)
c(t) = 100% = % = 0.001 + 0.009e0.0005t %.
10, 000 (gal) 100
After 1 hour (i.e., t = 60 min),
7. Let x(t) denote the mass of salt in the first tank at time t. Assuming that the initial mass is
x(0) = x0 , we use the mathematical model described by equation (1) on page 90 of the text to
Exercises 3.2
find x(t). We can determine the concentration of salt in the first tank by dividing x(t) by the
its volume, i.e., x(t)/60 kg/gal. Note that the volume of brine in this tank remains constant
because the flow rate in is the same as the flow rate out. Then
+ ,
x(t) x(t)
output rate1 = (3 gal/min) kg/gal = kg/min.
60 20
input rate1 = 0.
dx x
= input rate1 output rate1 = , x(0) = x0 .
dt 20
This equation is linear and separable. Solving and using the initial condition to evaluate the
arbitrary constant, we find
x(t) = x0 et/20 .
Now, let y(t) denote the mass of salt in the second tank at time t. Since initially this tank
contained only pure water, we have y(0) = 0. The function y(t) can be described by the same
mathematical model. We get
x(t) x0 t/20
input rate2 = output rate1 = = e kg/min.
20 20
Further since the volume of the second tank also remains constant, we have
+ ,
y(t) y(t)
output rate2 = (3 gal/min) kg/gal = kg/min.
60 20
dy x0 t/20 y(t)
= input rate2 output rate2 = e , y(0) = 0 .
dt 20 20
dy y(t) x0 t/20
+ = e , y(0) = 0 .
dt 20 20
Chapter 3
This is a linear equation in standard form. Using the method given on page 51 of the text we
find the general solution to be
x0 t/20
y(t) = te + Cet/20 .
The constant C can be found from the initial condition:
0 = y(0) = 0 e0/20 + Ce0/20 C = 0.
Therefore, y(t) = (x0 /20) tet/20 . To investigate y(t) for maximum value we calculate
+ ,
dy x0 t/20 y(t) x0 t/20 t
= e = e 1 .
dt 20 20 20 20
dy t
=0 1 =0 t = 20,
dt 20
which is the point of global maximum (notice that dy/dt > 0 for t < 20 and dy/dt < 0 for
t > 20). In other words, at this moment the water in the second tank will taste saltiest, and
comparing concentrations, it will be
y(20)/60 y(20) 1
= = 20 e20/20 = e1
x0 /60 x0 20
times as salty as the original brine.
9. Let p(t) be the population of splake in the lake at time t. We start counting the population
in 1980. Thus, we let t = 0 correspond to the year 1980. By the Malthusian law stated on
page 93 of the text, we have
p(t) = p0 ekt .
p(t) = 1000ekt .
To find k we use the fact that the population of splake was 3000 in 1987. Therefore,
ln 3
p(7) = 3000 = 1000ek7 3 = ek7 k= .
Exercises 3.2
< < < > > > > > < < < < <
0 a/b
Putting this value for k into the equation for p(t) gives
To estimate the population in 2010 we plug t = 2010 1980 = 30 into this formula to get
11. In this problem, the dependent variable is p, the independent variable is t, and the function
f (t, p) = (abp)p. Since f (t, p) = f (p), i.e., does not depend on t, the equation is autonomous.
To find equilibrium solutions, we solve
f (p) = 0 (a bp)p = 0 p1 = 0, p2 = .
Thus, p1 (t) 0 and p2 (t) a/b are equilibrium solutions. For p1 < p < p2 , f (p) > 0, and
f (p) < 0 when p > p2 . (Also, f (p) < 0 for p < p1 .) Thus the phase line for the given equation
is as it is shown in Figure 3-A. From this picture, we conclude that the equilibrium p = p1 is
a source while p = p2 is a sink. Thus, regardless of an initial point p0 > 0, the solution to the
corresponding initial value problem will approach p2 = a/b as t .
13. With year 1980 corresponding to t = 0, the data given can be written as
t0 = 0, p0 = p(t0 ) = 1000;
ta = 1987 1980 = 7, pa = p(ta ) = 3000;
tb = 1994 1980 = 14, pb = p(tb ) = 5000.
Since tb = 2ta , we can use formulas in Problem 12 to compute parameters p1 and A in the
logistic model (14) on page 94 of the text. We have:
(3000)(5000) 2(1000)(5000) + (1000)(3000)
p1 = (3000) = 6000;
(3000)2 (1000)(5000)
Chapter 3
4 5
1 5000(3000 1000) ln 5
A= ln = .
(6000)7 1000(5000 3000) 42000
Thus the formula (15) on page 95 of the text becomes
p0 p1 (1000)(6000) 6000
p(t) = Ap t
= (ln 5/42000)6000t
= . (3.1)
p0 + (p1 p0 )e 1 (1000) + (6000 1000)e 1 + 51t/7
In the year 2010, t = 2010 1980 = 30, and the estimated population of splake is
p(30) = 5970.
1 + 5130/7
Taking the limit in (3.1), as t , yields
6000 6000
lim p(t) = lim = = 6000.
t t 1+5 1t/7
1 + lim 51t/7
15. Counting time from the year 1970, we have the following data:
t0 = 0, p0 = p(t0 ) = 300;
ta = 1975 1970 = 5, pa = p(ta ) = 1200;
tb = 1980 1970 = 10, pb = p(tb ) = 1500.
Since tb = 2ta , we use the formulas in Problem 12 to find parameters in the logistic model.
4 5
(1200)(1500) 2(300)(1500) + (300)(1200) 16800
p1 = 2
(1200) = ;
(1200) (300)(1500) 11
4 5
1 (1500)(1200 300) 11 ln(15)
A= ln = .
(16800/11)5 (300)(1500 1200) 84000
300(16800/11) 16800
p(t) = ln(15)t/5
= .
300 + [(16800/11) 300]e 11 + 3 151t/5
In the year 2010, t = 2010 1970 = 40, and so the estimated population of alligators is
16800 16800
p(40) = = 1527.
11 + 3 15 140/5 11 + 3 157
Taking the limit of p(t), as t , we get the predicted limiting population of
16800 16800
lim 1t/5
= 1527.
t 11 + 3 15 11
Exercises 3.2
16. By definition,
p(t + h) p(t)
p (t) = lim .
h0 h
Replacing h by h in the above equation, we obtain
p(t h) p(t) p(t) p(t h)
p (t) = lim = lim .
h0 h h0 h
Adding the previous two equations together yields
4 5
p(t + h) p(t) p(t) p(t h)
2p (t) = lim +
h0 h h
4 5
p(t + h) p(t h)
= lim .
h0 h
Thus 4 5
p(t + h) p(t h)
p (t) = lim .
h0 2h
19. This problem can be regarded as a compartmental analysis problem for the population of
fish. If we let m(t) denote the mass in million tons of a certain species of fish, then the
mathematical model for this process is given by
= increase rate decrease rate.
The increase rate of fish is given by 2m million tons/yr. The decrease rate of fish is given as
15 million tons/yr. Substituting these rates into the above equation we obtain
= 2m 15, m(0) = 7 (million tons).
This equation is linear and separable. Using the initial condition, m(0) = 7 to evaluate the
arbitrary constant we obtain
1 15
m(t) = e2t + .
2 2
Knowing this equation we can now find when all the fish will be gone. To determine when all
the fish will be gone we set m(t) = 0 and solve for t. This gives
1 15
0 = e2t +
2 2
Chapter 3
and, hence,
t= ln(15) 1.354 (years).
To determine the fishing rate required to keep the fish mass constant we solve the general
= 2m r, m(0) = 7,
with r as the fishing rate. Thus we obtain
m(t) = Ke2t + .
The initial mass was given to be 7 million tons. Substituting this into the above equation we
can find the arbitrary constant K:
r r
m(0) = 7 = K + K =7 .
2 2
Thus m(t) is given by
# r % 2t r
m(t) = 7 e + .
2 2
A fishing rate of r = 14 million tons/year will give a constant mass of fish by canceling out
the coecient of the e2t term.
21. Let D = D(t), S(t), and V (t) denote the diameter, surface area, and volume of the snowball
at time t, respectively. From geometry, we know that V = D 3 /6 and S = D 2 . Since we are
given that V (t) is proportional to S(t), the equation describing the melting process is
dV d # 3% ) *
= kS D = k D 2
dt dt 6
2 dD dD
D = kD 2 = 2k = const.
2 dt dt
Solving, we get D = 2kt + C. Initially, D(0) = 4, and we also know that D(30) = 3. These
data allow us to find k and C.
4 = D(0) = 2k 0 + C C = 4;
3 = D(30) = 2k 30 + C = 2k 30 + 4 2k = .
Exercises 3.2
D(t) = +4.
The diameter D(t) of the snowball will be 2 inches when
+4=2 t = 60 (min) = 1 (h),
and the snowball will disappear when
+4=0 t = 120 (min) = 2 (h).
23. If m(t) (with t measured in days) denotes the mass of a radioactive substance, the law of
decay says that
= km(t) ,
with the decay constant k depending on the substance. Solving this equation yields
m(t) = Cekt .
If the initial mass of the substance is m(0) = m0 , then, similarly to the equation (11) on
page 93 of the text, we find that
m(t) = m0 ekt . (3.2)
100% = 54/3 100% 11.7%
of the original amount.
Chapter 3
25. Let M(t) denote the mass of carbon-14 present in the burnt wood of the campfire. Then since
carbon-14 decays at a rate proportional to its mass, we have
= M,
where is the proportionality constant. This equation is linear and separable. Using the
initial condition, M(0) = M0 we obtain
M(t) = M0 et .
Given the half-life of carbon-14 to be 5600 years, we solve for since we have
1 1
M0 = M0 e(5600) = e(5600) ,
2 2
which yields
= 0.000123776 .
M(t) = M0 e0.000123776t .
Now we are told that after t years 2% of the original amount of carbon-14 remains in the
campfire and we are asked to determine t. Thus
27. The element Hh decays according to the general law of a radioactive decay, which is described
by (3.2) (this time, with t measured in years). Since the initial mass of Hh is m0 = 1 kg
and the decay constant k = kHh = 2/yr, we get
For It, the process is more complicated: it has an incoming mass from the decay of Hh and,
at the same, looses its mass decaying to Bu. (This process is very similar to brine solution
Exercises 3.2
problems.) Thus we use the general idea in getting a dierential equation describing this
rate of change = input rate output rate. (3.4)
The input rate is the rate of mass coming from Hhs decay, which is opposite to the rate of
decay of Hh (Hh looses the mass but It gains it), i.e.,
input rate = = 2e2t , (3.5)
where we have used (3.3). The output rate is the rate with which It decays, which (again,
according to the general law of a radioactive decay) is proportional to its current mass. Since
the decay constant for It is k = kIt = 1/yr,
Therefore, combining (3.4)(3.6) we get the equation for It, that is,
dIt(t) dIt(t)
= 2e2t It(t) + It(t) = 2e2t .
dt dt
-? .
This is a linear equation with P (t) 1 and an integrating factor (t) = exp (1)dt = et .
Multiplying the equation by (t) yields
d [et It(t)]
= 2et et It(t) = 2et + C It(t) = 2e2t + Cet .
Initially, there were no It, which means that It(0) = 0. With this initial condition we find
0 = It(0) = 2e2(0) + Ce(0) = 2 + C C = 2,
The element Bu only gains its mass from It, and the rate with which it does this is opposite
to the rate with which It looses its mass. Hence (3.6) yields
dBu(t) ) *
= It(t) = 2 et e2t .
Chapter 3
Integrating, we obtain
) t *
Bu(t) = 2 e e2t dt = 2et + e2t + C,
1. Let T (t) denote the temperature of coee at time t (in minutes). According to the Newtons
Law (1) on page 102 of the text,
= K[21 T (t)],
where we have taken H(t) U(t) 0, M(t) 21 C, with the initial condition T (0) = 95 C.
Solving this initial value problem yields
= K dt ln |T 21| = Kt + C1 T (t) = 21 + CeKt ;
21 T
95 = T (0) = 21 + CeK(0) C = 74 T (t) = 21 + 74eKt .
To find K, we use the fact that after 5 min the temperature of coee was 80 C. Thus
80 = T (5) = 21 + 74eK(5) K= ,
and so ,t/5
ln(74/59)t/5 74
T (t) = 21 + 74e = 21 + 74 .
Finally, we solve the equation T (t) = 50 to find the time appropriate for drinking coee:
+ ,t/5 + ,t/5
74 74 29 5 ln(74/29)
50 = 21 + 74 = t= 20.7 (min).
59 59 74 ln(74/59)
3. This problem is similar to one of cooling a building. In this problem we have no additional
heating or cooling so we can say that the rate of change of the wines temperature, T (t) is
given by Newtons law of cooling
= K[M(t) T (t)],
Exercises 3.3
where M(t) = 32 is the temperature of ice. This equation is linear and is rewritten in the
standard form as
+ KT (t) = 32K.
We find that the integrating factor is eKt . Multiplying both sides by eKt and integrating gives
Kt dT Kt Kt
e + e KT (t) = 32Ke e T (t) = 32KeKt dt
eKt T (t) = 32eKt + C T (t) = 32 + CeKt .
70 = 32 + C C = 38 .
Knowing that it takes 15 minutes for the wine to chill to 60 F, we can find the constant, K:
60 = 32 + 38eK(15) .
We can now determine how long it will take for the wine to reach 56 F. Using our equation
for temperature T (t), we set
56 = 32 + 38e0.02035t
5. This problem can be treated as one similar to that of a cooling building. If we assume the air
surrounding the body has not changed since the death, we can say that the rate of change of
the bodys temperature, T (t) is given by Newtons law of cooling:
= K[M(t) T (t)],
Chapter 3
where M(t) represents the surrounding temperature which weve assumed to be a constant
16 C. This dierential equation is linear and is solved using an integrating factor of eKt .
Rewriting the above equation in standard form, multiplying both sides by eKt and integrating
dT dT
+ KT (t) = K(16) eKt + eKt KT (t) = 16KeKt
dt dt
eKt T (t) = 16eKt + C T (t) = 16 + CeKt .
Let us take t = 0 as the time at which the person died. Then T (0) = 37 C (normal body
temperature) and we get
37 = 16 + C C = 21 .
Now we know that at sometime, say X hours after death, the body temperature was measured
to be 34.5 C and that at X + 1 hours after death the body temperature was measured to be
33.7 C. Therefore, we have
33.7 = 16 + 21e0.12675K
4 + ,5
33.7 16
K = 0.12675 + ln = 0.04421 .
This results in an equation for the body temperature of
T (t) = 16 + 21e0.04421t .
From equation (3.8) we now find the number of hours X before 12 Noon when the person
0.12675 0.12675
X= = 2.867 (hours).
K 0.04421
Therefore, the time of death is 2.867 hours (2 hours and 52 min) before Noon or 9 : 08 a.m.
Exercises 3.3
7. The temperature function T (t) changes according to Newtons law of cooling (1) on page 102
of the text. Similarly to Example 1 we conclude that, with H(t) U(t) 0 and the outside
temperature M(t) 35 C, a general solution formula (4) on page 102 becomes
T (t) = 35 + CeKt .
and get
The time constant for the building 1/K = 4 hr; so K = 1/4 and T (t) = 35 11et/4 .
T (t) = 35 11et/4 = 27
to find the time when the temperature inside the building reaches 27 C.
+ ,
t/4 t/4 11
35 11e = 27 11e =8 t = 4 ln 1.27 .
Thus, the temperature inside the building will be 27 C at 1.27 hr after noon, that is, at
1 : 16 : 12 p.m.
9. Since we are evaluating the temperature in a warehouse, we can assume that any heat gener-
ated by people or equipment in the warehouse will be negligible. Therefore, we have H(t) = 0.
Chapter 3
Also, we are assuming that there is no heating or air conditioning in the warehouse. There-
fore, we have that U(t). We are also given that the outside temperature has a sinusoidal
fluctuation. Thus, as in Example 2, page 103, we see that
M(t) = M0 B cos t ,
where M0 is the average outside temperature, B is a positive constant for the magnitude of
the temperature shift from this average, and = /2 radians per hour. To find M0 and B,
we are given that at 2 : 00 a.m., M(t) reaches a low of 16 C and at 2 : 00 p.m. it reaches a
high of 32 C. This gives
16 + 32
M0 = = 24 C.
By letting t = 0 at 2 : 00 a.m. (so that low for the outside temperature corresponds to the
low for the negative cosine function), we can calculate the constant B. That is
16 = 24 B cos 0 = 24 B B = 8.
where 4
cos t + (/K) sin t # %2 51/2
F (t) = = 1+ cos(t ).
1 + (/K)2 K
In the last expression, is chosen such that tan = /K. By assuming that the exponential
term dies o, we obtain
4 # %2 51/2
T (t) = 24 8 1 + cos(t ).
This function will reach a minimum when cos(t ) = 1 and it will reach a maximum when
cos(t ) = 1.
Exercises 3.3
For the case when the time constant for the building is 1, we see that 1/K = 1 which implies
that K = 1. Therefore, the temperature will reach a maximum of K
4 # %2 51/2
T = 24 + 8 1 + 31.7 C.
For the case when the time constant of the building is 5, we have
1 1
=5 K= .
K 5
11. As in Example 3, page 105 of the text, this problem involves a thermostat to regulate the
temperature in the van. Hence, we have
= (0.5)(35 T ) + (2.5)(16 T ) = 57.5 3T.
Chapter 3
When t = 0 we are given T (0) = 55. Using this information to solve for C gives C = 35.83.
Hence, the van temperature is given by
To find out when the temperature in the van will reach 27 C, we let T (t) = 27 and solve for
t. Thus, we see that
27 = 19.17 + 35.83e3t e3t = 0.2185
t 0.5070 (hr) or 30.4 min.
13. Since the time constant is 64, we have K = 1/64. The temperature in the tank increases at
the rate of 2 F for every 1000 Btu. Furthermore, every hour of sunlight provides an input of
2000 Btu to the tank. Thus,
We are given that T (0) = 110, and that the temperature M(t) outside the tank is a constant
80 F. Hence the temperature in the tank is governed by
dT 1 1
= [80 T (t)] + 4 = T (t) + 5.25 , T (0) = 110.
dt 64 64
Solving this separable equation gives
Exercises 3.4
and so
k 4M 3 (M T )4M 3 = k1 (M T )
with k1 = 4M 3 k, which constitutes Newtons law.
1. This problem is a particular case of Example 1 on page 110 of the text. Therefore, we can
use the general formula (6) on page 111 with m = 5, b = 50, and v0 = v(0) = 0. But let us
follow the general idea of Section 3.4, find an equation of the motion, and solve it.
Chapter 3
With given data, the force due to gravity is F1 = mg = 5g and the air resistance force is
F2 = 50v. Therefore, the velocity v(t) satisfies
dv dv
m = F1 + F2 = 5g 50v = g 10v, v(0) = 0.
dt dt
Separating variables yields
dv 1
= dt ln |10v g| = t + C1
10v g 10
v(t) = + Ce10t .
Substituting the initial condition, v(0) = 0, we get C = g/10, and so
g ) *
v(t) = 1 e10t .
Integrating this equation yields
3 3 + ,
g ) 10t
* g 1 10t
x(t) = v(t) dt = 1e dt = t+ e + C,
10 10 10
3. For this problem, m = 500 kg, v0 = 0, g = 9.81 m/sec2 , and b = 50 kg/sec. We also see that
the object has 1000 m to fall before it hits the ground. Plugging these variables into equation
(6) on page 111 of the text gives the equation
+ ,
(500)(9.81) 500 (500)(9.81) ) *
x(t) = t+ 0 1 e50t/500
50 50 50
Exercises 3.4
To find out when the object will hit the ground, we solve x(t) = 1000 for t. Therefore, we
1000 = 98.1t + 981et/10 981 98.1t + 981et/10 = 1981.
In this equation, if we ignore the term 981et/10 we will find that t 20.2. But this means
that we have ignored the term similar to 981e2 132.8 which we see is to large to ignore.
Therefore, we must try to approximate t. We will use Newtons method on the equation
(If we can find a root to this equation, we will have found the t we want.) Newtons method
generates a sequence of approximations given by the formula
f (tn )
tn+1 = tn .
f (tn )
) *
Since f (t) = 98.1 98.1et/10 = 98.1 1 et/10 , the recursive equation above becomes
To find t2 we plug this value for t1 into equation (3.10). This gives t2 18.643753. Continuing
this process, we find that t3 18.643749. Since t2 and t3 agree to four decimal places, an
approximation for the time it takes the object to strike the ground is t 18.6437 sec.
F1 = 5g, F2 = 10g
Chapter 3
5 = F1 + F2 = 5g 10v
= g 2v, v(0) = 50.
Solving this iniial value problem yields
v(t) = + Ce2t ;
g 100 g
50 = v(0) = + Ce2(0) C=
2 2
g 100 g 2t
v(t) = + e .
2 2
We now integrate v(t) to obtain the equation of the motion of the object:
3 3 + ,
g 100 g 2t g 100 g 2t
x(t) = v(t) dt = + e dt = t e + C,
2 2 2 4
where C is such that x(0) = 0. Computing
g 100 g 2(0) 100 g
0 = x(0) = (0) e +C C= ,
2 4 4
we answer the first question in this problem, that is,
g 100 g 2t 100 g
x(t) = t e + 4.905t + 22.5475 22.5475 e2t.
2 4 4
Answering the second question, we solve the equation x(t) = 500 to find time t when the
object passes 500 m, and so strikes the ground.
7. Since the air resistance force has dierent coecients of proportionality for closed and for
opened chute, we need two dierential equations describing the motion. Let x1 (t), x1 (0) = 0,
denote the distance the parachutist has fallen in t seconds, and let v1 (t) = dx/dt denote her
velocity. With m = 75, b = b1 = 30 N-sec/m, and v0 = 0 the initial value problem (4) on
page 111 of the text becomes
dv1 dv1 2
75 = 75g 30v1 + v1 = g, v1 (0) = 0.
dt dt 5
Exercises 3.4
Chapter 3
With the chute open, the parachutist falls 1946.38 m. It takes t seconds, where t satisfies
x2 (t ) = 1946.38. Solving yields
+ ,
5g 5 5g ) *
t + 20 1 e6t /5 = 1946.38 t 236.884 (sec).
6 6 6
Therefore, the parachutist will hit the ground after t + t 241.1 seconds.
9. This problem is similar to Example 1 on page 110 of the text with the addition of a buoyancy
force of magnitude (1/40)mg. If we let x(t) be the distance below the water at time t and
v(t) the velocity, then the total force acting on the object is
F = mg bv mg.
We are given m = 100 kg, g = 9.81 m/sec2 , and b = 10 kg/sec. Applying Newtons Second
Law gives
dv 10 dv
100 = (100)(9.81) 10v (9.81) = 9.56 (0.1)v .
dt 4 dt
Solving this equation by separation of variables, we have
Integrating yields
x(t) = 95.65t 956.5et/10 + C1 .
Using the fact that x(0) = 0, we find C1 = 956.5. Therefore, the equation of motion of the
object is
x(t) = 95.65t 956.5et/10 956.5 .
To determine when the object is traveling at the velocity of 70 m/sec, we solve v(t) = 70.
That is,
) *
70 = 95.65 95.65et/10 = 95.65 1 et/10
+ ,
t = 10 ln 1 13.2 sec.
Exercises 3.4
11. Let v(t) = V [x(t)]. Then, using the chain rule, we get
dv dV dx dV
= = V
dt dx dt dx
and so, for V (x), the initial value problem (4) on page 111 of the text becomes
m V = mg bV, V (0) = V [x(0)] = v(0) = v0 .
This dierential equation is separable. Solving yields
4 5
V m g
dV = dx 1 dV = dx
g (b/m)V b g (b/m)V
3 4 5 3
m g
1 dV = dx
b g (b/m)V
m 8 mg 9
ln |g (b/m)V | V = x + C
b b
b2 x
mg ln |mg bV | + bV = + C1 .
Substituting the initial condition, V (0) = v0 , we find that C1 = mg ln |mg bv0 | + bv0 and
b2 x
mg ln |mg bV | + bV = + mg ln |mg bv0 | + bv0
2 x/m
ebV |mg bV |mg = ebv0 |mg bv0 |mg eb .
13. There are two forces acting on the shell: a constant force due to the downward pull of gravity
and a force due to air resistance that acts in opposition to the motion of the shell. All of the
motion occurs along a vertical axis. On this axis, we choose the origin to be the point where
the shell was shot from and let x(t) denote the position upward of the shell at time t. The
forces acting on the object can be expressed in terms of this axis. The force due to gravity is
F1 = mg,
where g is the acceleration due to gravity near Earth. Note we have a minus force because our
coordinate system was chosen with up as positive and gravity acts in a downward direction.
The force due to air resistance is
F2 = (0.1)v 2 .
Chapter 3
The negative sign is present because air resistance acts in opposition to the motion of the
object. Therefore the net force acting on the shell is
F = F1 + F2 = mg (0.1)v 2.
Exercises 3.4
Using equation (3.11) and noting that dv/dt = (dv/dx)(dx/dt) = (dv/dx)v, we can determine
the maximum height attained by the shell. With the above substitution, equation (3.11)
dv ) *
mv = mg + 0.1v 2 , v(0) = 500.
Using separation of variables and integration, we get
v dv dx 1 ) * x
= ln 10mg + v 2 = +C 10mg + v 2 = Kex/(5m) .
10mg + v 2 10m 2 10m
Setting v = 500 when x = 0, we find
) *
K = e0 10(3)(9.81) + (500)2 = 250294.3 .
v 2 + 10mg = (250294.3)ex/(5m) .
The maximum height will occur when the shells velocity is zero, therefore xmax is
+ ,
0 + 10(3)(9.81)
xmax = 5(3) ln 101.19 (meters).
15. The total torque exerted on the flywheel is the sum of the torque exerted by the motor and
the retarding torque due to friction. Thus, by Newtons second law for rotation, we have
I = T k with (0) = 0 ,
where I is the moment of inertia of the flywheel, (t) is the angular velocity, d/dt is the
angular acceleration, T is the constant torque exerted by the motor, and k is a positive
constant of proportionality for the torque due to friction. Solving this separable equation
(t) = + Cekt/I .
Using the initial condition (0) = 0 we find C = (0 T /k). Hence,
+ ,
(t) = + 0 ekt/I .
k k
Chapter 3
17. Since the motor is turned o, its torque is T = 0, and the only torque acting on the flywheel
is the retarding one, 5 . Then Newtons second law for rotational motion becomes
d ) *
I = 5 with (0) = 0 = 225 (rad/sec) and I = 50 kg/m2 .
The general solution to this separable equation is
$ 5
(t) = t + C = 0.05t + C.
Using the initial condition, we find
$ $
(0) = 0.05 0 + C C= (0) = 225 = 15.
1 8 $ 9 8 $ 9
t= 15 (t) = 20 15 (t) .
At the moment t = tstop when the flywheel stops rotating we have (tstop ) = 0 and so
tstop = 20(15 0) = 300 (sec).
19. There are three forces acting on the object: F1 , the force due to gravity, F2 , the air resistance
force, and F3 , the friction force. Using Figure 3.11 (with 30 replaced by 45 ), we obtain
F1 = mg sin 45 = mg 2/2 ,
F2 = 3v,
F3 = N = mg cos 45 = mg 2/2 ,
Exercises 3.4
) *
v(t) = 9.5g 2 1 et/20 .
21. In this problem there are two forces acting on a sailboat: A constant horizontal force due to
the wind and a force due to the water resistance that acts in opposition to the motion of the
sailboat. All of the motion occurs along a horizontal axis. On this axis, we choose the origin
to be the point where the hard blowing wind begins and x(t) denotes the distance the sailboat
travels in time t. The forces on the sailboat can be expressed in terms of this axis. The force
due to the wind is
F1 = 600 N.
F2 = 100v N.
Chapter 3
Therefore, the velocity is given by v(t) = 6 Ke2t . Setting v = 1 when t = 0, we find that
1=6K K = 5.
Thus the equation for velocity v(t) is v(t) = 6 5e2t . The limiting velocity of the sailboat
under these conditions is found by letting time approach infinity:
) *
lim v(t) = lim 6 5e2t = 6 (m/sec).
t t
To determine the equation of motion we will use the equation of velocity obtained previously
and substitute dx/dt for v(t) to obtain
= 6 5e2t , x(0) = 0.
Integrating this equation we obtain
5 2t
x(t) = 6t + e + C1 .
Setting x = 0 when t = 0, we find
5 5
0=0+ + C1 C1 = .
2 2
Thus the equation of motion for the sailboat is given by
5 2t 5
x(t) = 6t + e .
2 2
23. In this problem, there are two forces acting on a boat: the wind force F1 and the water
resistance force F2 . Since the proportionality constant in the water resistance force is dierent
for the velocities below and above of a certain limit (5 m/sec for the boat A and 6 m/sec for
the boat B), for each boat we have two dierential equations. (Compare with Problem 7.)
(A) (A) (A)
Let x1 (t) denote the distance passed by the boat A for the time t, v1 (t) := dx1 (t)/dt.
Then the equation describing the motion of the boat A before it reaches the velocity 5 m/sec
(A) (A)
dv (A) dv1 65 4 (A)
m 1 = F1 + F2 = 650 b1 v1 = v1 . (3.12)
dt dt 6 3
Exercises 3.4
Solving this linear equation and using the initial condition, v1 (0) = 2, we get
(A) 65 49 4t/3
v1 (t) = e ,
8 8
and so
3t + ,
(A) 65 49 4s/3 65 147 ) 4t/3 *
x1 (t) = e ds = t e 1 .
8 8 8 32
The boat A will have the velocity 5 m/sec at t = t satisfying
65 49 4t /3 3 ln(25/49)
e =5 t = 0.5 (sec),
8 8 4
and it will be
(A) 65 147 ) 4t /3 *
x1 (t ) = t e 1 1.85 (m)
8 32
away from the starting point or, equivalently, 5001.85 = 498.15 meters away from the finish.
Similarly to (3.12), resetting the time, we obtain an equation of the motion of the boat A
starting from the moment when its velocity reaches 5 m/sec. Denoting by x2 (t) the distance
(A) (A) (A)
passed by the boat A and by v2 (t) its velocity, we get x2 (0) = 0, v2 (0) = 5, and
dv2 (A)
m = 650 b2 v2
dv2 65 (A) (A) 65 35 t
= v2 (t) = e
dt 6 6 6
3t + ,
(A) 65 35 s 65 35 ) t *
x2 (t) = e ds = t+ e 1 .
6 6 6 6
Solving the equation x2 (t) = 498.15, we find the time (counting from the moment when the
boat As velocity has reached 5 m/sec) t 46.5 sec, which is necessary to come to the end
of the first leg. Therefore, the total time for the boat A is t + t 0.5 + 46.5 = 47 sec.
Chapter 3
Integrating we get
v2 gR2
= + K,
2 r
where K is an arbitrary constant. We can find the constant K by using the initial value
as follows:
v02 gR2 v2
K= = 0 gR.
2 R 2
Substituting this formula for K and solving for the velocity we obtain
v2 = + v02 2gR.
(d) In order for the velocity of the projectile to always remain positive, (2gR2 /r) + v02 must
be greater than 2gR as r approaches infinity. This means
+ ,
2gR2 2
lim + v0 > 2gR v02 > 2gR.
r r
Therefore, v02 2gR > 0.
Exercises 3.5
(e) Using the equation ve = 2gR for the escape velocity and converting meters to kilometers
we have
$ I
ve = 2gR = 2 9.81 m/sec2 (1 km/1000 m)(6370 km) 11.18 km/sec.
1. In this problem, R = 5 , L = 0.05 H, and the voltage function is given by E(t) = 5 cos 120t V.
Substituting these data into a general solution (3) to the Kirchhos equation (2) yields
+3 ,
Rt/L Rt/L E(t)
I(t) = e e dt + K
+3 , + 3 ,
5t/0.05 5t/0.05 5 cos 120t 100t 100t
= e e dt + K = e 100 e cos 120t dt + K .
Using the integral tables, we evaluate the integral in the right-hand side and obtain
4 5
100t e100t (100 cos 120t + 120 sin 120t) cos 120t + 1.2 sin 120t
I(t) = e 100 2 2
+K = + Ke100t .
(100) + (120) 2.44
and so
1.44e100t + cos 120t + 1.2 sin 120t
I(t) = .
The subsequent inductor voltage is then determined by
+ ,
dI d 1.44e100t + cos 120t + 1.2 sin 120t
EL (t) = L = 0.05
dt dt 2.44
7.2e 6 sin 120t + 7.2 cos 120t
= .
Chapter 3
3. In this RC circuit, R = 100 , C = 1012 F, the initial charge of the capacitor is Q = q(0) = 0
coulombs, and the applied constant voltage is V = 5 volts. Thus we can use a general equation
for the charge q(t) of the capacitor derived in Example 2. Substitution of given data yields
# % # %
q(t) = CV + [Q CV ]et/RC = 1012 (5) 1 et/(10010 ) = 5 1012 1 e10 t
12 10
and so
q(t) # 10
EC (t) = = 5 1 e10 t .
Solving the equation EC (t) = 3, we get
# 10
% 10 ln 0.4
5 1 e10 t = 3 e10 t = 0.4 t= 9.2 1011 (sec).
Therefore, it will take about 9.21011 seconds for the voltage to reach 3 volts at the receiving
5. Let V (t) denote the voltage across an element, and let I(t) be the current through this element.
Then for the power, say P = P (t), generated or dissipated by the element we have
We use formulas given in (a), (b), and (c) on page 119120 of the text to find P for a resistor,
an inductor, and a capacitor.
Exercises 3.6
(c) Capacitor. Here, with q(t) denoting the electrical charge on the capacitor,
and so
4 5
d [CEC (t)] C dEC (t) C d [EC (t)2 ] d [CEC (t)2 /2]
PC = EC (t) = 2EC (t) = = .
dt 2 dt 2 dt dt
7. First, we find a formula for the current I(t). Given that R = 3 , L = 10 H, and the voltage
function E(t) is a constant, say, V , the formula (3) on page 121 (which describes currents in
RL circuits) becomes
+3 , + ,
3t/10 3t/10 V 3t/10 V 3t/10 V
I(t) = e e dt + K = e e + K = + Ke3t/10 .
10 3 3
The initial condition, I(0) = 0 (there were no current in the electromagnet before the voltage
source was applied), yields
V V V ) *
0= + Ke3(0)/10 K= I(t) = 1 e3t/10 .
3 3 3
Therefore, we are looking for the moment t when I(t) = (0.9)I = (0.9)V /3. Solving yields
0.9V V ) * 10 ln 0.1
= 1 e3t/10 e3t/10 = 0.1 t= 7.68 .
3 3 3
Thus it takes approximately 7.68 seconds for the electromagnet to reach 90% of its final value.
1. Given the step size h and considering equally spaced points we have
xn+1 = xn + nh, n = 0, 1, 2, . . . .
Chapter 3
yn+1 = yn + hf (xn , yn ), n = 0, 1, 2, . . . ,
y1 = y0 + h(5y0 ) = 1 + 5h.
yn = (1 + 5h)n .
Referring back to our equation for xn and using the given values of x0 = 0 and x1 = 1 we find
1 = nh n= .
Substituting this back into the formula for yn we find the approximation to the initial value
y = 5y, y(0) = 1
at x = 1 to be (1 + 5h)1/h .
3. In this initial value problem, f (x, y) = y, x0 = 0, and y0 = 1. Formula (8) on page 127 of the
text then becomes
yn+1 = yn + (yn + yn+1) .
Solving this equation for yn+1 yields
+ , + , + ,
h h 1 + h/2
1 yn+1 = 1 + yn yn+1 = yn , n = 0, 1, . . . . (3.14)
2 2 1 h/2
If n 1, we can use (3.14) to express yn in terms of yn1 and substitute this expression into
the right-hand side of (3.14). Continuing this process, we get
+ , 4+ , 5 + ,2 + ,n+1
1 + h/2 1 + h/2 1 + h/2 1 + h/2
yn+1 = yn1 = yn1 = = y0 .
1 h/2 1 h/2 1 h/2 1 h/2
Exercises 3.6
In order to approximate the solution (x) = ex at the point x = 1 with N steps, we take
h = (x x0 )/N = 1/N, and so N = 1/h. Then the above formula becomes
+ ,N + ,N + ,1/h
1 + h/2 1 + h/2 1 + h/2
yN = y0 = =
1 h/2 1 h/2 1 h/2
and hence + ,1/h
1 + h/2
e = (1) yN = .
1 h/2
Substituting h = 10k , k = 0, 1, 2, 3, and 4, we fill in Table 3-A.
+ ,1/h
1 + h/2
Table 3A: Approximations to e 2.718281828 . . . .
1 + h/2
h Approximation Error
1 3 0.281718172
101 2.720551414 0.002269586
102 2.718304481 0.000022653
103 2.718282055 0.000000227
104 2.718281831 0.000000003
These approximations are better then those in Tables 3.4 and 3.5 of the text.
Chapter 3
+ ,
) 2
* ) 1 ) 2
* * 1) *2
y2 = 1 + 4h + 8h y1 = 1 + 4h + 8h 1 + 4h + 8h2 = 1 + 4h + 8h2 ,
3 3
+ ,
) * ) * 1 ) *2 1 ) *3
y3 = 1 + 4h + 8h2 y2 = 1 + 4h + 8h2 1 + 4h + 8h2 = 1 + 4h + 8h2 .
3 3
Continuing this way we see that
1) *n
yn = 1 + 4h + 8h2 . (3.16)
(This can be proved by induction using equation (3.15) above.) We are looking for an ap-
proximation to our solution at the point x = 1/2. Therefore, we have
1/2 x0 1/2 0 1 1
h= = = n= .
n n 2n 2h
Substituting this value for n into equation (3.16) yields
1) *1/(2h)
yn = 1 + 4h + 8h2 .
7. For this problem, f (x, y) = xy 2 . We need to approximate the solution on the interval [1, 1.5]
using a step size of h = 0.1. Thus the number of steps needed is N = 5. The inputs to the
subroutine on page 129 are x0 = 1, y0 = 0, c = 1.5, and N = 5. For Step 3 of the subroutine
we have
F = f (x, y) = x y 2 ,
- .2
G = f (x + h, y + hF ) = (x + h) (y + hF )2 = (x + h) y + h(x y 2) .
F = 1 02 = 1,
- .2
G = (1 + 0.1) 0 + 0.1(1 02 ) = 1.1 (0.1)2 = 1.09 .
x = 1 + 0.1 = 1.1 ,
y = 0 + 0.05(1 + 1.09) = 0.1045 .
Exercises 3.6
Thus the approximate value of the solution at 1.1 is 0.1045. Next we repeat Step 3 with
x = 1.1 and y = 0.1045 to obtain
Thus the approximate value of the solution at 1.2 is 0.21668. By continuing in this way, we
fill in Table 3-B. (The reader can also use the software provided free with the text.)
i x y
0 1 0
1 1.1 0.10450
2 1.2 0.21668
3 1.3 0.33382
4 1.4 0.45300
5 1.5 0.57135
F = f (x, y) = x + 3 cos(xy);
G = f (x + h, y + hF ) = x + h + 3 cos[(x + h)(y + hF )]
= x + 0.2 + 3 cos[(x + 0.2)(y + 0.2 {x + 3 cos(xy)})].
Chapter 3
F = 0 + 3 cos(0 0) = 3 ;
G = 0 + 0.2 + 3 cos[(0 + 0.2)(0 + 0.2 {0 + 3 cos(0 0)})] 3.178426 .
x = 0 + 0.2 = 0.2 ,
y = 0 + 0.1(3 + 3.178426) 0.617843 .
With these new values of x and y, we repeat the Step 3 and obtain
i x y i x y
0 0 0 6 1.2 1.884609
1 0.2 0.617843 7 1.4 1.724472
2 0.4 1.238642 8 1.6 1.561836
3 0.6 1.736531 9 1.8 1.417318
4 0.8 1.981106 10 2.0 1.297794
5 1.0 1.997052
Exercises 3.6
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2
A polygonal line, approximating the graph of the solution to the given initial value problem,
which has vertices at points (x, y) from Table 3-C, is sketched in Figure 3-B.
The inputs to the program are x0 = 0, y0 = 0, c = 1, = 0.003, and, say, M = 100. Notice
that by Step 6 of the improved Eulers method with tolerance, the computations should
terminate when two successive approximations dier by less that 0.003. The initial value for
h in Step 1 of the improved Eulers method subroutine is
h = (1 0)20 = 1.
For the given equation, we have f (x, y) = 1 y + y 3, and so the numbers F and G in Step 3
Chapter 3
F = f (x, y) = 1 y + y 3 ,
G = f (x + h, y + hF ) = 1 (y + hF ) + (y + hF )3 .
From Step 4 of the improved Eulers method subroutine with x = 0, y = 0, and h = 1, we get
x = x + h = 0 + 1 = 1,
h 1- .
y = y + (F + G) = 0 + 1 + (1 1 + 13 ) = 1.
2 2
(1) y(1; 1) = 1.
The algorithm (Step 1 of the improved Eulers method subroutine) next sets h = 21 = 0.5.
The inputs to the subroutine are x = 0, y = 0, c = 1, and N = 2. For Step 3 of the subroutine
we have
F = 1 0 + 0 = 1,
G = 1 [0 + 0.5(1)] + [0 + 0.5(1)]3 = 0.625 .
x = 0 + 0.5 = 0.5 ,
y = 0 + 0.25(1 + 0.625) = 0.40625 .
Thus the approximate value of the solution at 0.5 is 0.40625. Next we repeat Step 3 with
x = 0.5 and y = 0.40625 to obtain
In Step 4 we compute
x = 0.5 + 0.5 = 1,
Exercises 3.6
Table 3D: Improved Eulers method approximations to (1), where (x) is the solution
to y = 1 y + y 3, y(0) = 0.
h y(1; h) (1)
1 1.0
21 0.7372229
22 0.7194115
23 0.7169839
Thus the approximate value of the solution at x = 1 is 0.7372229. Further outputs of the
algorithm are given in Table 3-D.
1 1
1y(1; 23) y(1; 22)1 = |0.7169839 0.7194115| < 0.003 ,
the algorithm stops (see Step 6 of the improved Eulers method with tolerance) and prints
out that (1) is approximately 0.71698.
15. For this problem, f (x, y) = (x + y + 2)2 . We want to approximate the solution, satisfying
y(0) = 2, on the interval [0, 1.4] to find the point, with two decimal places of accuracy, where
it crosses the x-axis, that is y = 0. Our approach is to use a step size of 0.005 and look for a
change in the sign of y. This requires 280 steps. For this procedure inputs to the improved
Eulers method subroutine are x0 = 0, y0 = 2, c = 1.4, and N = 280. We will stop the
subroutine when we see a sign change in the value of y. (The subroutine is implemented on
the software package provided free with the text.)
F = f (x, y) = (x + y + 2)2 ,
G = f (x + h, y + hF ) = (x + h + y + hF + 2)2 = [x + y + 2 + h(1 + F )]2 .
Chapter 3
F = (0 2 + 2)2 = 0,
G = [0 2 + 2 + 0.005(1 + 0)]2 = 0.000025 .
x = 0 + 0.005 = 0.005 ,
y = 2 + 0.005(0 + 0.000025)(1/2) 2.
Thus the approximate value of the solution at x = 0.005 is 2. We continue with Steps 3 and 4
of the improved Eulers method subroutine until we arrive at x = 1.270 and y 0.04658269.
The next iteration, with x = 1.275, yields y 0.006295411. This tells us that y = 0 is occurs
somewhere between x = 1.270 and x = 1.275. Therefore, rounding o to two decimal places
yields x = 1.27.
17. In this initial value problem, f (x, y) = 20y, x0 = 0, and y0 = 1. By applying formula (4) on
page 125 of the text, we can find a general formula for yn in terms of h. Indeed,
Thus, for h = 0.1 we have alternating yn = 1; for h = 0.2, yn s have an increasing magnitude
and alternating sign; h = 0.025 is a good step size. From this example we conclude that, in
Eulers method, one should be very careful in choosing a step size. Wrong choice can even
lead to a diverging process.
Exercises 3.6
yn yn yn
(h = 0.2) (h = 0.1) (h = 0.025)
0.1 1 0.062500
0.2 3 1 0.003906
0.3 1 0.000244
0.4 9 1 0.000015
0.5 1 0.000001
0.6 27 1 0.000000
0.7 1 0.000000
0.8 81 1 0.000000
0.9 1 0.000000
1.0 243 1 0.000000
19. In this problem, the variables are t and p. With suggested values of parameters, the initial
value problem (13) becomes
= 3p pr , p(0) = 1.
Therefore, f (t, p) = 3p pr and, with h = 0.25, functions F and G in improved Eulers
method subroutine have the form
F = f (t, p) = 3p pr ;
G = f (t + 0.25, p + 0.25F ) = 3[p + 0.25F ] [p + 0.25F ]r
= 3 [p + 0.25 (3p pr )] [p + 0.25 (3p pr )]r .
These results indicate that the limiting populations for r = 1.5, r = 2, and r = 3 are p = 9,
p = 3, and p = 3, respectively.
Since the right-hand side of the given logistic equation, f (t, p) = 3p pr , does not depend on
t, we conclude that this equation is autonomous. Therefore, its equilibrium solutions (if any)
Chapter 3
yn yn yn
(r = 1.5) (r = 2) (r = 3)
0.25 1.582860 1.531250 1.390625
0.5 2.351441 2.049597 1.553472
0.75 3.267498 2.440027 1.628847
1.0 4.253156 2.686754 1.669992
1.25 5.216751 2.829199 1.694056
1.5 6.083402 2.908038 1.708578
1.75 6.811626 2.950802 1.717479
2.0 7.392146 2.973767 1.722980
2.25 7.837090 2.986037 1.726396
2.5 8.168507 2.992574 1.728522
2.75 8.410362 2.996053 1.729847
3.0 8.584317 2.997903 1.730674
3.25 8.708165 2.998886 1.731191
3.5 8.795710 2.999408 1.731513
3.75 8.857285 2.999685 1.731715
4.0 8.900443 2.999833 1.731841
4.25 8.930619 2.999911 1.731920
4.5 8.951682 2.999953 1.731969
4.75 8.966366 2.999975 1.732000
5.0 8.976596 2.999987 1.732019
21. We will use the improved Eulers method with h = 2/3 to approximate the solution of the
Exercises 3.6
64 + ,5 7
75 20 cos T (t) + 0.1 + 1.5[70 T (t)], T (0) = 65,
with K = 0.2 . Since h = 2/3, it will take 36 steps to go from t = 0 to t = 24. By simplifying
the above expression, we obtain
+ ,
dT t
= (75K + 105.1) 20K cos (K + 1.5)T (t), T (0) = 65.
dt 12
(Note that here t takes the place of x and T takes the place of y.) Therefore, with K = 0.2
the inputs to the subroutine are t0 = 0, T0 = 65, c = 24, and N = 36. For Step 3 of the
subroutine we have
+ ,
F = f (t, T ) = (75K + 105.1) 20K cos (K + 1.5)T, (3.17)
G = f (t + h, T + hF )
+ ,
(t + h)
= (75K + 105.1) 20K cos (K + 1.5){T + hF }. (3.18)
t = t + h,
T = T + (F + G).
Now, starting with t = t0 = 0 and T = T0 = 65, and h = 2/3 (as specified) we have Step 3 of
the subroutine to be
t = 0 + 0.6667 = 0.6667
T = 65 + 0.3333(5.6 0.6862) 66.638 .
Chapter 3
Table 3G: Improved Eulers method to approximate the temperature in a building over
a 24-hour period (with K = 0.2).
Time tn Tn
Midnight 0 65
12:40 a.m. 0.6667 66.63803
1:20 a.m. 1.3333 67.52906
2:00 a.m. 2.0000 68.07270
2:40 a.m. 2.6667 68.46956
3:20 a.m. 3.3333 68.81808
4:00 a.m. 4.0000 69.16392
8:00 a.m. 8.0000 71.48357
Noon 12.000 72.90891
4:00 p.m. 16.000 72.07140
8:00 p.m. 20.000 69.80953
Midnight 24.000 68.38519
Recalling that t0 is midnight, we see that these results imply that at 0.6667 hours after
midnight (or 12 : 40 a.m.) the temperature is approximately 66.638 . Continuing with this
process for n = 1, 2, . . . , 35 gives us the approximate temperatures in a building with K = 0.2
over a 24 hr period. These results are given in Table 3-G. (This is just a partial table.)
The next step is to redo the above work with K = 0.4. That is, we substitute K = 0.4 and
h = 2/3 0.6667 into equations (3.17) and (3.18) above. This yields
+ ,
F = 135.1 8 cos 1.9T,
4 5
(t + 0.6667)
G = 135.1 8 cos 1.9(T + 0.6667F ),
T = T + (0.3333)(F + G).
Then, using these equations, we go through the process of first finding F , then using this
result to find G, and finally using both results to find T . (This process must be done for
Exercises 3.7
n = 0, 1, 2, . . . , 35.) Lastly, we redo this work with K = 0.6 and h = 2/3. By so doing, we
obtain the results given in the table in the answers of the text. (Note that the values for T0 ,
T6 , T12 , T18 , T24 , T30 , and T36 are given in the answers.)
EXERCISES 3.7: Higher Order Numerical Methods: Taylor and Runge-Kutta, page 142
1. In this problem, f (x, y) = cos(x + y). Applying formula (4) on page 135 of the text we
f (x, y)
= [cos(x + y)] = sin(x + y) (x + y) = sin(x + y);
x x x
f (x, y)
= [cos(x + y)] = sin(x + y) (x + y) = sin(x + y);
y y y
4 5
f (x, y) f (x, y)
f2 (x, y) = + f (x, y) = sin(x + y) + [ sin(x + y)] cos(x + y)
x y
= sin(x + y)[1 + cos(x + y)],
xn+1 = xn + h ,
yn+1 = yn + h cos (xn + yn ) sin (xn + yn ) [1 + cos (xn + yn )] .
(x y) (x y)
f2 (x, y) = + (x y) = 1 + (1)(x y) = 1 x + y.
x y
To obtain f3 (x, y) and then f4 (x, y), we dierentiate the equation y = f2 (x, y) twice. This
Chapter 3
Therefore, the recursive formulas of order 4 for the Taylor method are
xn+1 = xn + h,
h2 h3 h4
yn+1 = yn + h (xn yn ) + (1 xn + yn ) + (1 + xn yn ) + (1 xn + yn )
2 3! 4!
h2 h3 h4
= yn + h (xn yn ) + (1 xn + yn ) (1 xn + yn ) + (1 xn + yn )
2 + 6 , 24
h2 h3 h4
= yn + h + (1 xn + yn ) h + +
2 6 24
+ 2 3
h h h4
= yn + h (xn yn ) + (1 xn yn ) + .
2 6 24
5. For the Taylor method of order 2, we need to find (see equation (4) on page 135 of the text)
4 5
f (x, y) f (x, y)
f2 (x, y) = + f (x, y)
x y
f2 (x, y) = 1 + (1)(x + 1 y) = y x.
Therefore, by equations (5) and (6) on page 135 of the text, we see that the recursive formulas
with h = 0.25 become
xn+1 = xn + 0.25 ,
yn+1 = yn + 0.25 (xn + 1 yn ) + (yn xn ) .
By starting with x0 = 0 and y0 = 1 (the initial values for the problem), we find
y1 = 1 + 1.03125 .
By continuing in this way, we can fill in the first three columns in Table 3-H.
Exercises 3.7
For the Taylor method of order 4, we need to find f3 and f4 . Thus, we have
4 5
f2 (x, y) f2 (x, y)
f3 (x, y) = + f (x, y) = 1 + 1 (x + 1 y) = x y,
x y
4 5
f3 (x, y) f3 (x, y)
f4 (x, y) = + f (x, y) = 1 + (1) (x + 1 y) = y x.
x y
Hence, by equation (6) on page 135 of the text, we see that the recursive formula for yn+1 for
the Taylor method of order 4 with h = 0.25 is given by
(0.25)2 (0.25)3 (0.25)4
yn+1 = yn + 0.25 (xn + 1 yn ) + (yn xn ) + (xn yn ) + (yn xn ) .
2 6 24
By starting with x0 = 0 and y0 = 1, we can fill in the fourth column of Table 3-H.
n xn yn (order 2) yn (order 4)
0 0 1 1
1 0.25 1.03125 1.02881
2 0.50 1.11035 1.10654
3 0.75 1.22684 1.22238
4 1.00 1.37253 1.36789
Thus, the approximation (rounded to 4 decimal places) of the solution by the Taylor method
at the point x = 1 is given by 2 (1) = 1.3725 if we use order 2 and by 4 (1) = 1.3679 if we use
order 4. The actual solution is y = x + ex and so has the value y(1) = 1 + e1 1.3678794
at x = 1. Comparing these results, we see that
7. We will use the 4th order Runge-Kutta subroutine described on page 138 of the text. Since
x0 = 0 and h = 0.25, we need N = 4 steps to approximate the solution at x = 1. With
f (x, y) = 2y 6, we set x = x0 = 0, y = y0 = 1 and go to Step 3 to compute kj s.
k1 = hf (x, y) = 0.25[2(1) 6] = 1 ;
Chapter 3
x = 0 + 0.25 = 0.25 ,
1 1
y = 1 + (k1 + 2k2 + 2k3 + k4 ) = 1 + (1 2 1.25 2 1.3125 1.65625) 0.29688 .
6 6
Now we go back to Step 3 and recalculate kj s for new values of x and y.
k1 = 0.25[2(0.29688) 6] = 1.64844 ;
k2 = 0.25[2(0.29688 + (1.64844)/2) 6] = 2.06055 ;
k3 = 0.25[2(0.29688 + (2.06055)/2) 6] = 2.16358 ;
k4 = 0.25[2(0.29688 + (2.16358)) 6] = 2.73022 ;
x = 0.25 + 0.25 = 0.5 ,
y = 0.29688 + (1.64844 2 2.06055 2 2.16358 2.73022) 2.43470 .
We repeat the cycle two more times:
k1 = 0.25[2(2.43470) 6] = 2.71735 ;
k2 = 0.25[2(2.43470 + (2.71735)/2) 6] = 3.39670 ;
k3 = 0.25[2(2.43470 + (3.39670)/2) 6] = 3.56652 ;
k4 = 0.25[2(2.43470 + (3.56652)) 6] = 4.50060 ;
x = 0.5 + 0.25 = 0.75 ,
y = 2.43470 + (2.71735 2 3.39670 2 3.56652 4.50060) 5.95876
k1 = 0.25[2(5.95876) 6] = 4.47938 ;
k2 = 0.25[2(5.95876 + (4.47938)/2) 6] = 5.59922 ;
Exercises 3.7
9. For this problem we will use the 4th order Runge-Kutta subroutine with f (x, y) = x + 1 y.
Using the step size of h = 0.25, the number of steps needed is N = 4 to approximate the
solution at x = 1. For Step 3 we have
x = x + 0.25 ,
y = y + (k1 + 2k2 + 2k3 + k4 ) .
Using the initial conditions x0 = 0 and y0 = 1, c = 1, and N = 4 for Step 3 we obtain
k1 = 0.25(0 + 1 1) = 0,
k2 = 0.25(0.875(0) + 1 0.875(1)) = 0.03125,
k3 = 0.25(0.890625(0) + 1 0.890625(1)) 0.0273438,
k4 = 0.25(0.77734375(0) + 1 0.77734375(1)) 0.0556641.
x = 0 + 0.25 = 0.25 ,
Chapter 3
y 1+ [0 + 2(0.03125) + 2(0.0273438) + 0.0556641] 1.02881 .
Thus the approximate value of the solution at 0.25 is 1.02881. By repeating Steps 3 and 4 of
the algorithm we fill in the following Table 3-I.
11. In this problem, f (x, y) = 2x4 y 2 . To find the root of the solution within two decimal
places of accuracy, we choose a step size h = 0.005 in 4th order Runge-Kutta subroutine. It
will require (2 1)/0.005 = 200 steps to approximate the solution on [1, 2]. With the initial
input x = x0 = 1, y = y0 = 0.414, we get
Exercises 3.7
As a check, we apply the 4th order Runge-Kutta subroutine to approximate the solution
to the given initial value problem on [1, 1.5] with a step size h = 0.001, which requires
N = (1.5 1)/0.001 = 500 steps. This yields y(1.413) 0.000367, y(1.414) 0.000134,
and so, within two decimal places of accuracy, x 1.41 .
13. For this problem f (x, y) = y 2 2ex y +e2x +ex . We want to find the vertical asymptote located
in the interval [0, 2] within two decimal places of accuracy using the Forth Order Runge-Kutta
subroutine. One approach is to use a step size of 0.005 and look for y to approach infinity.
This would require 400 steps. We will stop the subroutine when the value of y (blows up)
becomes very large. For Step 3 we have
) *
k1 = hf (x, y) = 0.005 y 2 2ex y + e2x + ex ,
+ , L+ ,2 + , M
h k1 k1 k 1
k2 = hf x + , y + = 0.005 y + 2e(x+h/2) y + + e2(x+h/2) + e(x+h/2) ,
2 2 2 2
Chapter 3
+ , L+ ,2 + , M
h k2 k2 (x+h/2) k2 2(x+h/2) (x+h/2)
k3 = hf x + , y + = 0.005 y + 2e y+ +e +e ,
2 2 2 2
- .
k4 = hf (x + h, y + k3 ) = 0.005 (y + k3 )2 2e(x+h) (y + k3 ) + e2(x+h) + e(x+h) .
x = x + 0.005 ,
y = y + (k1 + 2k2 + 2k3 + k4 ) .
y 3+ (0.025 + 2(0.02522) + 2(0.02522) + 0.02543) 3.02522 .
Thus the approximate value at x = 0.005 is 3.02522. By repeating Steps 3 and 4 of the
subroutine we find that, at x = 0.505, y = 2.0201 1013 . The next iteration gives a floating
point overflow. This would lead one to think the asymptote occurs at x = 0.51 .
As a check lets apply the 4th order Runge-Kutta subroutine with the initial conditions x0 = 0,
y0 = 3, c = 1, and N = 400. This gives a finer step size of h = 0.0025. With these inputs, we
find y(0.5025) 4.0402 1013 .
Repeating the subroutine one more time with a step size of 0.00125, we obtain the value
y(0.50125) 8.0804 1013 . Therefore we conclude that the vertical asymptote occurs at
x = 0.50 and not at 0.51 as was earlier thought.
Exercises 3.7
0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
0 x
15. Here f (x, y) = cos(5y) x, x0 = 0, and y0 = 0. With a step size h = 0.1 we take N = 30 in
order to approximate the solution on [0, 3]. We set x = x0 = 0, y = y0 = 0 and compute
Using these value, we sketch a polygonal line approximating the graph of the solution on [0, 3].
See Figure 3-C.
Chapter 3
xn yn xn yn
0 0 1.5 0.02668
0.1 0.09134 1.6 0.85748
0.2 0.15663 1.7 0.17029
0.3 0.19458 1.8 0.30618
0.4 0.21165 1.9 0.53517
0.5 0.21462 2.0 0.81879
0.6 0.20844 2.1 1.02887
0.7 0.19629 2.2 1.17307
0.8 0.18006 2.3 1.30020
0.9 0.16079 2.4 1.45351
1.0 0.13890 2.5 1.69491
1.1 0.11439 2.6 2.03696
1.2 0.08686 2.7 2.30917
1.3 0.05544 2.8 2.50088
1.4 0.01855 2.9 2.69767
3.0 2.99510
17. Taylor method of order 2 has recursive formulas given by equations (5) and (6) on page 135
of the text: that is
xj+1 = xj + h and yj+1 = yj + hf (xj , yj ) + f2 (xj , yj ) .
With f (x, y) = y, we have
4 5
f (x, y) f (x, y)
f2 (x, y) = y = + f (x, y) = 0 + 1 (y) = y.
x y
Therefore, since h = 1/n, the recursive formula for yj+1 is given by the equation
+ ,
1 1 1 1
yj+1 = yj + yj + 2 yj = 1 + + 2 yj .
n 2n n 2n
We are starting the process at x0 = 0 and y0 = 1, and we are taking steps of size 1/n until we
reach x = 1. This means that we will take n steps. Thus, yn will be an approximation for the
Exercises 3.7
solution to the dierential equation at x = 1. Since the actual solution is y = ex , this means
that yn e. To find the equation we are looking for, we see that
+ , + ,
1 1 1 1
y1 = 1 + + 2 y0 = 1 + + 2 ,
n 2n n 2n
+ , + ,2
1 1 1 1
y2 = 1 + + 2 y1 = 1 + + 2 ,
n 2n n 2n
+ , + ,3
1 1 1 1
y3 = 1 + + 2 y2 = 1 + + 2 ,
n 2n n 2n
+ , + ,4
1 1 1 1
y4 = 1 + + 2 y3 = 1 + + 2 ,
n 2n n 2n
+ , + ,n
1 1 1 1
yn = 1 + + 2 yn1 = 1 + + 2 .
n 2n n 2n
Chapter 3
4 + ,
2 + 1/2
k3 = hf (u + h/2, v + k2 /2) = (1) (2 + 1/2) + 1 (0.1 + 0.088356/2)3
+ , 5
5 2
+ (2 + 1/2) + (0.1 + 0.088356/2) = 0.120795 ;
4 + ,
k4 = hf (u + h, v + k3 ) = (1) (2 + 1) + 1 (0.1 + 0.120795)3
+ , 5
5 2
+ (2 + 1) + (0.1 + 0.120795) = 0.348857 .
u = u + h = 2 + 1 = 3,
v = v + (0.049 + 2 0.088356 + 2 0.120795 + 0.348857) 0.236027 .
Because the relative error between two successive approximations, v(3; 20) = 0.236027 and
v = 0.1 is = |(0.236027 0.1)/0.236027| 0.576320 > 0.0001, we go back to Step 2 and
set m = 1, take N = 2m = 2 on Step 3, compute h = 1/N = 0.5, and use the 4th order
Runge-Kutta subroutine on page 138 of the text to find v(3; 0.5). This takes two steps and
4 + , + , 5
2 3 5 2
k1 = (0.5) 2 + 1 (0.1) + 2 + (0.1) = 0.0245;
2 2
4 + ,
2 + 0.5/2
k2 = (0.5) (2 + 0.5/2) + 1 (0.1 + 0.0245/2)3
+ , 5
5 2
+ (2 + 0.5/2) + (0.1 + 0.0245/2) = 0.033306 ;
4 + ,
2 + 0.5/2
k3 = (0.5) (2 + 0.5/2) + 1 (0.1 + 0.033306/2)3
+ , 5
5 2
+ (2 + 0.5/2) + (0.1 + 0.033306/2) = 0.036114 ;
4 + ,
2 + 0.5
k4 = (0.5) (2 + 0.5) + 1 (0.1 + 0.036114)3
+ , 5
5 2
+ (2 + 0.5) + (0.1 + 0.036114) = 0.053410 .
Exercises 3.7
This gives
u = 2 + 0.5 = 2.5 ,
v = 0.1 + (0.0245 + 2 0.033306 + 2 0.036114 + 0.053410) 0.136125 .
v = 0.136125 + (0.053419 + 2 0.083702 + 2 0.101558 + 0.205709) 0.241066 .
Thus we set m = 2, N = 2m = 4, h = 1/N = 0.25, repeat computations with this new step,
and find that v(3; 22) 0.241854 and
1 1
1 v(3; 22) v(3; 21) 1 0.241854 0.241066
=1 1= 0.003258 > 0.0001 .
v(3; 21) 1 0.241854
Chapter 3
CHAPTER 4: Linear Second Order Equations
EXERCISES 4.1: Introduction: The Mass-Spring Oscillator, page 159
my + ky = 0.
Substitution y = sin t, where = k/m, yields
y = 2 sin 3t + cos 3t
y = 6 cos 3t 3 sin 3t
y = 18 sin 3t 9 cos 3t.
Chapter 4
Inserting y, y , and y into the given equation and matching coecients yield
y + 2y + 4y = 3 sin 5t
(25A cos 5t 25B sin 5t) + 2(5A sin 5t + 5B cos 5t) + 4(A cos 5t + B sin 5t)
= (21A + 10B) cos 5t + (10A 21B) sin 5t = 3 sin 5t
21A + 10B = 0, A = 30/541,
10A 21B = 3 B = 63/541.
Thus, y = (30/541) cos 5t(63/541) sin 5t is a synchronous solution to y +2y +4y = 3 sin 5t.
Exercises 4.2
substitute y, y , and y into the given equation, and compare coecients. This yields
y + 2y + 4y = (4A cos 2t 4B sin 2t) + 2(2A sin 2t + 2B cos 2t) + 4(A cos 2t + B sin 2t)
= 4B cos 2t 4A sin 2t = 3 cos 2t + 4 sin 2t
4B = 3, A = 1,
y = cos 2t + (3/4) sin 2t.
4A = 4 B = 3/4
EXERCISES 4.2: Homogeneous Linear Equations; The General Solution, page 167
1. The auxiliary equation for this problem is r 2 + 5r + 6 = (r + 2)(r + 3) = 0, which has the
roots r = 2 and r = 3. Thus {e2t , e3t } is a set of two linearly independent solutions for
this dierential equation. Therefore, a general solution is given by
5. The auxiliary equation for this problem is r 2 + r 1 = 0. By the quadratic formula, we have
1 1 + 4 1 5
r= = .
2 2
Therefore, a general solution is
z(t) = c1 e(1 5)t/2
+ c2 e(1+ 5)t/2
Chapter 4
11. Solving the auxiliary equation, 4r 2 + 20r + 25 = (2r + 5)2 = 0, we conclude that r = 5/2 is
its double root. Therefore, a general solution to the given dierential equation is
13. The auxiliary equation for this problem is r 2 + 2r 8 = 0, which has roots r = 4, 2. Thus,
a general solution is given by
y(t) = c1 e4t + c2 e2t ,
where c1 , c2 are arbitrary constants. To satisfy the initial conditions, y(0) = 3, y (0) = 12,
we find the derivative y (t) = 4c1 e4t + 2c2 e2t and solve the system
15. The auxiliary equation for this equation is r 2 + 2r + 1 = (r + 1)2 = 0. We see that r = 1
is a repeated root. Thus, two linearly independent solutions are y1 (t) = et and y2 (t) = tet .
This means that a general solution is given by y(t) = c1 et + c2 tet .
Exercises 4.2
To find the constants c1 and c2 , we substitute the initial conditions into the general solution
and its derivative, y (t) = c1 et + c2 (et tet ), and obtain
y(0) = 1 = c1 e0 + c2 0 = c1 ,
y (0) = 3 = c1 e0 + c2 (e0 0) = c1 + c2 .
So, c1 = 1 and c2 = 2. Therefore, the solution that satisfies the initial conditions is given by
y(t) = et 2tet .
17. The auxiliary equation for this problem, r 2 2r 2 = 0, has roots r = 1 3. Thus,
a general solution is given by z(t) = c1 e(1+ 3)t + c2 e(1 3)t . Dierentiating, we find that
z (t) = c1 (1 + 3)e(1+ 3)t + c2 (1 3)e(1 3)t . Substitution of z(t) and z (t) into the initial
conditions yields the system
z(0) = c1 + c2 = 0, c1 = 3/2,
z (0) = c1 (1 + 3) + c2 (1 3) = 3(c1 c2 ) = 3 c2 = 3/2.
y(1) = 3 = c1 e5 + c2 e
y (1) = 9 = 5c1 e5 c2 e.
Solving this system yields c1 = 2e5 , c2 = e1 . Thus y(t) = 2e5(t+1) + e(t+1) is the desired
Chapter 4
21. (a) With y(t) = ert , y (t) = rert , the equation becomes
Since the function ert is never zero on (, ), to satisfy the above equation we must
ar + b = 0.
(b) Solving the characteristic equation, ar + b = 0, obtained in part (a), we get r = b/a. So
y(t) = ert = ebt/a , and a general solution is given by y = cebt/a , where c is an arbitrary
23. We form the characteristic equation, 5r + 4 = 0, and find its root r = 4/5. Therefore,
y(t) = ce4t/5 is a general solution to the given equation.
25. The characteristic equation, 6r 13 = 0, has the root r = 13/6. Therefore, a general solution
is given by w(t) = ce13t/6 .
27. Assuming that y1 (t) = et cos 2t and y2 (t) = et sin 2t are linearly dependent on (0, 1), we
conclude that, for some constant c and all t (0, 1),
which is a contradiction. Thus, y1 (t) and y2 (t) are linearly independent on (0, 1) (and so on
(, ); see Problem 33(a) below).
29. These functions are linearly independent, because the equality y1 (t) cy2 (t) would imply
that, for some constant c,
te2t ce2t tc
on (0, 1).
Exercises 4.2
and so y1 (t) and y2 (t) are linearly dependent on (0, 1) (even on (, )).
33. (a) True. Since y1 (t) and y2 (t) are linearly dependent on [a, b], there exists a constant c such
that y1 (t) = cy2 (t) (or y2 (t) = cy1(t)) for all t in [a, b]. In particular, this equality is
satisfied on any smaller interval [c, d], and so y1 (t) and y2 (t) are linearly dependent on
[c, d].
(b) False. As an example, consider y1 (t) = t and y2 (t) = |t| on [1, 1]. For t in [0, 1],
y2 (t) = t = y1 (t), and so y2 (t) c1 y1 (t) with constant c1 = 1. For t in [1, 0], we have
y2 (t) = t = y1 (t), and so y2 (t) c2 y1 (t) with constant c2 = 1. Therefore, these two
functions are linearly dependent on [0, 1] and on [1, 0]. Since c1 = c2 , there is no such
a constant c that y1 (t) cy2 (t) on [1, 1]. So, y1 (t) and y2 (t) are linearly independent
on [1, 1].
(c) Yes, because there is no constant c such that y2 (t) = cy1 (t) is satisfied for all t (for
positive t we have c = 1, and c = 1 for negative t).
(d) While y1 (t) = 3t2 on (, ), for the derivative of y2 (t) we consider three dierent
cases: t < 0, t = 0, and t > 0. For t < 0, y2 (t) = t3 , y2 (t) = 3t2 , and so
1 1
1 t3 t3 1
1 1
W [y1 , y2 ](t) = 1 2 1 = t3 (3t2 ) 3t2 (t3 ) = 0.
1 3t 3t2 1
Chapter 4
For t = 0, y1 (0) = 302 = 0 and y2 (0) = 0. The latter follows from the fact that one-sided
derivatives of y2 (t), 3t2 and 3t2 , are both zero at t = 0. Also, y1 (0) = y2 (0) = 0. Hence
1 1
1 0 0 1
1 1
W [y1 , y2](0) = 1 1 = 0,
1 0 0 1
and so W [y1 , y2 ](t) 0 on (, ). This result does not contradict part (b) in Prob-
lem 34 because these functions are not a pair of solutions to a homogeneous linear
equation with constant coecients.
37. If y1 (t) and y2 (t) are solutions to the equation ay + by + c = 0, then, by Abels formula,
W [y1 , y2](t) = Cebt/a , where C is a constant depending on y1 and y2 . Thus, if C = 0, then
W [y1 , y2](t) = 0 for any t in (, ), because the exponential function, ebt/a , is never zero.
For C = 0, W [y1 , y2 ](t) 0 on (, ).
C1 1 + C2 t + C3 t2 = C1 + C2 t + C3 t2 ,
is a polynomial of degree at most two and so can have at most two real roots, unless it is
a zero polynomial, i.e., has all zero coecients. Therefore, the above linear combination
vanishes on (, ) if and only if C1 = C2 = C3 = 0, and y1 (t), y2 (t), and y3 (t) are
linearly independent on (, ).
(b) Since
Exercises 4.2
et + et 1 1 1 1
y3 (t) = cosh t = = et + et = y1 (t) + y2 (t) ,
2 2 2 2 2
and given functions are linearly dependent on (, ).
Hence r = 1, 1, 6 are the roots to the auxiliary equation, and a general solution is
y(t) = c1 et + c2 et + c3 e6t .
r 3 + 2r 2 4r 8 = (r 3 + 2r 2 ) (4r + 8)
= r 2 (r + 2) 4(r + 2) = (r + 2) (r 2 4) = (r + 2)(r + 2)(r 2).
Chapter 4
Therefore, the auxiliary equation has a double root 2 and a root 2. The functions e2t ,
te2t , and e2t form a linearly independent solution set. Therefore, a general solution in this
problem is
z(t) = c1 e2t + c2 te2t + c3 e2t .
Hence, two other roots of the auxiliary equation are r = 2 and r = 3. The functions e3t ,
e2t , and e2t are three linearly independent solutions to the given equation, and a general
solution is given by
y(t) = c1 e3t + c2 e2t + c3 e2t .
47. First we find a general solution to the equation y y = 0. Its characteristic equation,
r 3 r = 0, has roots r = 0, 1, and 1, and so a general solution is given by
y (t) = c2 et + c3 et , y (t) = c2 et + c3 et .
Now we substitute y, y , and y into the initial conditions and find c1 , c2 , and c3 .
y(0) = c1 + c2 + c3 = 2, c1 = 3,
y (0) = c2 + c3 = 3, c2 = 2,
y (0) = c2 + c3 = 1 c3 = 1.
y(t) = 3 2et + et .
Exercises 4.3
49. (a) To find the roots of the auxiliary equation, p(r) := 3r 3 + 18r 2 + 13r 19 = 0, one can
use Newtons method or intermediate value theorem. We note that
p(5) = 9 < 0, p(4) = 25 > 0,
p(2) = 3 > 0, p(1) = 17 < 0,
p(0) = 19 < 0, p(1) = 15 > 0.
Therefore, the roots of p(r) belong to the intervals [5, 4], [2, 1], and [0, 1], and
we can take r = 5, r = 2, and r = 0 as initial quesses. Approximation yields
r1 4.832, r2 1.869, and r3 0.701. So, a general solution is given by
1. The auxiliary equation in this problem is r 2 + 9 = 0, which has roots r = 3i. We see that
= 0 and = 3. Thus, a general solution to the dierential equation is given by
Chapter 4
) *
3. The auxiliary equation, r 2 6r + 10 = 0, has roots r = 6 62 40 /2 = 3 i. So = 3,
= 1, and
z(t) = c1 e3t cos t + c2 e3t sin t
is a general solution.
5. This dierential equation has the auxiliary equation r 2 +4r +6 = 0. The roots of this auxiliary
) *
equation are r = 4 16 24 /2 = 2 2 i. We see that = 2 and = 2. Thus,
a general solution to the dierential equation is given by
w(t) = c1 e2t cos 2t + c2 e2t sin 2t.
9. The associated auxiliary equation, r 2 8r + 7 = 0, has two real roots, r = 1, 7. Thus the
answer is
y(t) = c1 et + c2 e7t .
11. The auxiliary equation for this problem is r 2 + 10r + 25 = (r + 5)2 = 0. We see that r = 5
is a repeated root. Thus two linearly independent solutions are z1 (t) = e5t and z2 (t) = te5t .
This means that a general solution is given by
Exercises 4.3
19. The auxiliary equation, r 3 + r 2 + 3r 5 = 0, is a cubic equation. Since any cubic equation has
a real root, first we examine the divisors of the free coecient, 5, to find integer real roots (if
any). By inspection, r = 1 satisfies the equation. Dividing r 3 + r 2 + 3r 5 by r 1 yields
r 3 + r 2 + 3r 5 = (r 1)(r 2 + 2r + 5).
Therefore, the other two roots of the auxiliary equation are the roots of the quadratic equation
r 2 + 2r + 5 = 0, which are r = 1 2i. A general solution to the given equation is then given
y(t) = c1 et + c2 et cos 2t + c3 et sin 2t.
21. The auxiliary equation for this problem is r 2 + 2r + 2 = 0, which has the roots
2 4 8
r= = 1 i.
Chapter 4
where c1 and c2 are arbitrary constants. To find the solution that satisfies the initial conditions,
y(0) = 2 and y (0) = 1, we first dierentiate the solution found above, then plug in given
initial conditions. This yields y (t) = c1 et ( cos t sin t) + c2 et (cos t sin t) and
y(0) = c1 = 2,
y (0) = c1 + c2 = 1 .
23. The auxiliary equation for this problem is r 2 4r + 2 = 0. The roots of this equation are
4 16 8
r= = 2 2,
which are real numbers. A general solution is given by w(t) = c1 e(2+ 2)t
+ c2 e(2 2)t
, where
c1 and c2 are arbitrary constants. To find the solution that satisfies the initial conditions,
w(0) = 0 and w (0) = 1, we first dierentiate the solution found above, then plug in our
initial conditions. This gives
w(0) = c1 + c2 = 0,
# % # %
w (0) = 2 + 2 c1 + 2 2 c2 = 1 .
Solving this system of equations yields c1 = 1/(2 2) and c2 = 1/(2 2). Thus
1 (2+2)t 1 (22)t 2 (2+2)t %
w(t) = e e = e e(2 2)t
2 2 2 2 4
Exercises 4.3
25. The auxiliary equation, r 2 2r + 2 = 0, has the roots r = 1 i. Thus, a general solution is
where c1 and c2 are arbitrary constants. To find the solution that satisfies the initial conditions,
y() = e and y () = 0, we find y (t) = c1 et (cos t sin t) + c2 et (sin t + cos t) and solve the
e = y() = c1 e ,
0 = y () = c1 e c2 e .
27. To solve the auxiliary equation, r 3 4r 2 + 7r 6 = 0, which is of the third order, we find its
real root first. Examining the divisors of 6, that is, 1, 2, 3, and 6, we find that r = 2
satisfies the equation. Next, we divide r 3 4r 2 + 7r 6 by r 2 and obtain
) *
r 3 4r 2 + 7r 6 = (r 2) r 2 2r + 3 .
Chapter 4
c1 + c2 = 1, c1 = 1,
2c1 + c2 + 2c3 = 0, c2 = 0,
4c1 c2 + 2 2c3 = 0 c3 = 2 .
29. (a) As it was stated in Section 4.2, third order linear homogeneous dierential equations
with constant coecients can be handled in the same way as second order equations.
Therefore, we look for the roots of the auxiliary equation r 3 r 2 + r + 3 = 0. By
the rational root theorem, the only possible rational roots are r = 1 and 3. By
checking these values, we find that one of the roots of the auxiliary equation is r = 1.
Factorization yields
r 3 r 2 + r + 3 = (r + 1)(r 2 2r + 3).
Using the quadratic formula, we find that the other two roots are
2 4 12
r= = 1 2 i.
the other two roots are the roots of r 2 + 4r + 13 = 0, that is, r = 2 3i. Therefore, a
general solution to the given equation is
Exercises 4.3
(c) The fourth order auxiliary equation r 4 + 13r 2 + 36 = 0 can be reduced to a quadratic
equation by making a substitution s = r 2 . This yields
13 169 144 13 5
s2 + 13r + 36 = 0 s= = .
2 2
Thus, s = (13 + 5)/2 = 4 or s = (13 5)/2 = 9, and the solutions to the auxiliary
equation are r = 4 = 2i and r = 9 = 3i. A general solution, therefore,
has the form
y(t) = c1 cos 2t + c2 sin 2t + c3 cos 3t + c4 sin 3t .
31. (a) Comparing the equation y + 16y = 0 with the mass-spring model (16) in Example 4,
we conclude that the damping coecient b = 0 and the stiness constant k = 16 > 0.
Thus, solutions should have an oscillatory behavior.
Indeed, the auxiliary equation, r 2 + 16 = 0, has roots r = 4i, and a general solution is
given by
y(t) = c1 cos 4t + c2 sin 4t .
y(0) = c1 = 2, c1 = 2,
y(t) = 2 cos 4t .
y (0) = 4c2 = 0 c2 = 0
(b) Positive damping b = 100 and stiness k = 1 imply that the displacement y(t) tends to
zero, as t .
To confirm this prediction, we solve the given initial value problem explicitly. The roots
of the associated equation are
100 1002 4
r= = 50 2499 .
Thus the roots r1 = 50 2499 and r2 = 50 + 2499 are both negative. A general
solution is given by
Chapter 4
y(0) = 1 = c1 + c2 , c1 = r2 /(r2 r1 ),
y (0) = 0 = c1 r1 + c2 r2 c2 = r1 /(r1 r2 ),
(c) The corresponding mass-spring model has negative damping b = 6 and positive stiness
k = 8. Thus the magnitude |y(t)| of the displacement y(t) will increase without bound,
as t . Moreover, because of the positive initial displacement and initial zero velocity,
the mass will move in the negative direction. Thus, our guess is that y(t) as
t .
Now we find the actual solution. Since the roots of the auxiliary equation are r = 2 and
r = 4, a general solution to the given equation is y(t) = c1 e2t + c2 e4t . Next, we find c1
and c2 satisfying the initial conditions.
y(0) = 1 = c1 + c2 , c1 = 2,
y (0) = 0 = 2c1 + 4c2 c2 = 1.
and it approaches as t .
(d) In this problem, the stiness k = 3 is negative. In the mass-spring model, this means
that the spring forces the mass to move in the same direction as the sign of the displace-
ment is. Initially, the displacement y(0) = 2 is negative, and the mass has no initial
velocity. Thus the mass, when released, will move in the negative direction, and the
spring will enforce this movement. So, we expect that y(t) as t .
To find the actual solution, we solve the auxiliary equation r 2 + 2r 3 = 0 and obtain
r = 3, 1. Therefore, a general solution is given by y(t) = c1 e3t + c2 et . We find c1 and
Exercises 4.3
y(0) = 2 = c1 + c2 , c1 = 1/2,
y (0) = 0 = 3c1 + c2 c2 = 3/2.
Thus, the solution to the initial value problem is
e3t 3et
y(t) = ,
2 2
and, as t , it approaches .
(e) As in the previous problem, we have negative stiness k = 6. But this time the initial
displacement, y(0) = 1, as well as the initial velocity, y (0) = 1, is positive. So, the
mass will start moving in the positive direction, and will continue doing this (due to the
negative stiness) with increasing velocity. Thus our prediction is that y(t) when
t .
Indeed, the roots of the characteristic equation in this problem are r = 2 and 3, and
so a general solution has the form y(t) = c1 e2t + c2 e3t . To satisfy the initial conditions,
we solve the system
y(0) = 1 = c1 + c2 , c1 = 2/5,
y (0) = 1 = 2c1 + 3c2 c2 = 3/5.
33. From Example 3 we see that, in the study of a vibrating spring with damping, we have the
initial value problem
where m is the mass of the spring system, b is the damping constant, k is the spring constant,
y(0) is the initial displacement, y (0) is the initial velocity, and y(t) is the displacement of the
mass from the equilibrium at time t.
Chapter 4
(a) We want to determine the equation of motion for a spring system with m = 10 kg,
b = 60 kg/sec, k = 250 kg/sec2 , y(0) = 0.3 m, and y (0) = 0.1 m/sec. That is, we seek
the solution to the initial value problem
We find c1 and c2 by using the initial conditions. We first dierentiate y(t) to get
y (t) = (3c1 + 4c2 )e3t cos 4t + (4c1 3c2 )e3t sin 4t.
y(0) = 0.3 = c1 ,
y (0) = 0.1 = 3c1 + 4c2 .
Solving, we find that c1 = 0.3 and c2 = 0.2. Therefore the equation of motion is given
y(t) = 0.3e3t cos 4t + 0.2e3t sin 4t (m).
(b) From Problem 32 we know that the frequency of oscillation is given by /(2). In part
(a) we found that = 4. Therefore the frequency of oscillation is 4/(2) = 2/.
(c) We see a decrease in the frequency of oscillation. We also have the introduction of the
factor e3t , which causes the solution to decay to zero. This is a result of energy loss due
to the damping.
Exercises 4.3
35. The equation of the motion of a swinging door is similar to that for mass-spring model (with
the mass m replaced by the moment of inertia I and the displacement y(t) replaced by the
angle that the door is open). So, from the discussion following Example 3 we conclude that
the door will not continually swing back and forth (that is, the solution (t) will not oscillate)
if b 4Ik = 2 Ik.
37. (a) The auxiliary equation for this problem is r 4 + 2r 2 + 1 = (r 2 + 1)2 = 0. This equation
has the roots r1 = r2 = i, r3 = r4 = i. Thus, cos t and sin t are solutions and, since the
roots are repeated, we get two more solutions by multiplying cos t and sin t by t, that is,
t cos t and t sin t are also solutions. This gives a general solution
39. (a) Comparing given equation with the Cauchy-Euler equation (21) in general form, we
conclude that a = 3, b = 11, and c = 3. Thus, the substitution x = et leads to the
equation (22) in Problem 38 with these values of parameters. That is,
d2 y dy d2 y dy
a + (b a) + cy = 0 3 + 8 3y = 0.
dt2 dt dt2 dt
Chapter 4
41. This equation is a Cauchy-Euler equation. The substitution x = et leads to the equation (22)
with a = 1, b = 2, and c = 6. Thus we have
d2 y dy d2 y dy
a 2
+ (b a) + cy = 0 + 6y = 0.
dt dt dt2 dt
d2 y dy d2 y dy
+ (9 1) + 17y = 0 + 8 + 17y = 0.
dt2 dt dt2 dt
Thus, the roots are complex with = 4, = 1, and a general solution, as a function of t, is
given by y(t) = c1 e4t cos t + c2 e4t sin t. Now we make the back substitution. Since x = et ,
we have t = ln x and so
) *4
y = et (c1 cos t + c2 sin t) = x4 [c1 cos(ln x) + c2 sin(ln x)] .
Exercises 4.4
1. We cannot use the method of undetermined coecients to find a particular solution because
of the t1 term, which is not a polynomial.
3. Rewriting the right-hand side in the form 3t = e(ln 3)t = ert , where r = ln 3, we conclude that
the method of undetermined coecients can be applied.
7. Given equation is not an equation with constant coecients. Thus the method of undeter-
mined coecients cannot be applied.
9. The roots of the auxiliary equation, r 2 + 3 = 0, are r = 3i. Since they are dierent from
zero, we look for a particular solution of the form yp (t) A. Substitution into the original
equation yields
(A) + 3A = 9 3A = 9 A = 3.
11. The auxiliary equation in this problem, 2r 2 + 1 = 0, has complex roots. Therefore, e2t is not a
solution to the corresponding homogeneous equation, and a particular solution to the original
nonhomogeneous equation has the form zp (t) = Ae2t . Substituting this expression into the
equation, we find the constant A.
) * ) *
2 Ae2t + Ae2t = 2 4Ae2t + Ae2t = 9Ae2t = 9e2t A = 1.
12. This equation is a linear first order dierential equation with constant coecients. The
corresponding homogeneous equation, 2x +x = 0, can be solved by the methods of Chapter 2.
Alternatively, one can use the result of Problem 21 in Section 4.2. Either approach yields
Chapter 4
xh (t) = Cet/2 . So, the homogeneous equation does not have a polynomial solution (other
than x(t) 0), and we look for a particular solution to the nonhomogeneous equation of the
form xp (t) = A2 t2 + A1 t + A0 . Substitution into the original dierential equation yields
A2 = 3,
4A2 + A1 = 0 A1 = 12,
2A1 + A0 = 0 A0 = 24.
13. The right-hand side of the original nonhomogeneous equation suggest us the form
for a particular solution. Since the roots of the auxiliary equation, r 2 r + 9 = 0, are dierent
from 3i, neither cos 3t nor sin 3t is a solution to the corresponding homogeneous equation.
Therefore, we can choose s = 0, and so
Substituting these expressions into the original equation and equating the corresponding co-
ecients, we conclude that
(9A cos 3t 9B sin 3t) (3A sin 3t + 3B cos 3t) + 9 (A cos 3t + B sin 3t) = 3 sin 3t
3B cos 3t + 3A sin 3t = 3 sin 3t A = 1, B = 0.
Exercises 4.4
15. For this problem, the corresponding homogeneous equation is y 5y + 6y = 0, which has
the associated auxiliary equation r 2 5r + 6 = 0. The roots of this equation are r = 3 and
r = 2. Therefore, neither y = ex nor y = xex satisfies the homogeneous equation, and in the
expression yp (x) = xs (Ax + B)ex for a particular solution we can take s = 0. So
16. The corresponding homogeneous equation has the auxiliary equation r 2 1 = 0, whose roots
are r = 1. Thus, in the expression p (t) = (A1 t + A0 ) cos t + (B1 t + B0 ) sin t none of the
terms is a solution to the homogeneous equation. We find
Chapter 4
2A1 = 0 A1 = 0,
2A0 + 2B1 = 0 B1 = A0 ,
1 1
2B1 = 1 B1 = and so A0 = ,
2 2
2A1 2B0 = 0 B0 = 0.
t sin t + cos t
p (t) = .
17. The right-hand side of the original equation suggests that a particular solution should be of
the form yp (t) = Ats et . Since r = 1 is a double root of the corresponding auxiliary equation,
r 2 2r + 1 = (r 1)2 = 0, we take s = 2. Hence
) * ) *
yp (t) = At2 et yp (t) = A t2 + 2t et yp(t) = A t2 + 4t + 2 et .
Substituting these expressions into the original equation, we find the constant A.
) * ) *
A t2 + 4t + 2 et 2A t2 + 2t et + At2 et = 8et 2Aet = 8et A = 4.
19. According to the right-hand side of the given equation, a particular solution has the form
yp (t) = ts (A1 t + A0 )e3t . To choose s, we solve the auxiliary equation, 4r 2 + 11r 3 = 0, and
find that r = 3 is its simple root. Therefore, we take s = 1, and so
) *
yp (t) = t (A1 t + A0 ) e3t = A1 t2 + A0 t e3t .
Dierentiating yields
- .
yp (t) = 3A1 t2 + (2A1 3A0 ) t + A0 e3t ,
- .
yp (t) = 9A1 t2 + (9A0 12A1 ) t + 2A1 6A0 e3t .
Exercises 4.4
Substituting y, y , and y into the original equation, after some algebra we get
26A1 = 2, A1 = 1/13,
[26A1 t + (8A1 13A0 )]e3t = 2te3t
8A1 13A0 = 0 A0 = 8/169.
Therefore, + ,
t 8
yp (t) = + te3t .
13 169
21. The nonhomogeneous term of the original equation is te2t . Therefore, a particular solution
has the form xp (t) = ts (A1 t + A0 ) e2t . The corresponding homogeneous dierential equation
has the auxiliary equation r 2 4r + 4 = (r 2)2 = 0. Since r = 2 is its double root, s is
chosen to be 2. Thus a particular solution to the nonhomogeneous equation has the form
) *
xp (t) = t2 (A1 t + A0 ) e2t = A1 t3 + A0 t2 e2t .
We compute
) * ) *
xp = 3A1 t2 + 2A0 t e2t + 2 A1 t3 + A0 t2 e2t ,
) * ) *
xp = (6A1 t + 2A0 ) e2t + 4 3A1 t2 + 2A0 t e2t + 4 A1 t3 + A0 t2 e2t .
23. The right-hand side of this equation suggests that yp () = s (A2 2 + A1 + A0 ). We choose
s = 1 because r = 0 is a simple root of the auxiliary equation, r 2 7r = 0. Therefore,
yp () = (A2 2 + A1 + A0 ) = A2 3 + A1 2 + A0
yp () = 3A2 2 + 2A1 + A0 yp() = 6A2 + 2A1 .
Chapter 4
) *
yp 7yp = (6A2 + 2A1 )7 3A2 2 + 2A1 + A0 = 21A2 2 +(6A2 14A1 )+2A1 7A0 = 2 .
21A2 = 1, A2 = 1/21,
6A2 14A1 = 0, A1 = 3A2 /7 = 1/49,
2A1 7A0 = 0 A0 = 2A1 /7 = 2/343.
1 3 1 2 2
yp () = .
21 49 343
25. We look for a particular solution of the form yp (t) = ts (A cos 3t + B sin 3t)e2t . Since r = 2 + 3i
is not a root of the auxiliary equation, which is r 2 + 2r + 4 = 0, we can take s = 0. Thus,
Next, we substitute yp , yp , and yp into the original equation and compare the corresponding
yp + 2yp + 4yp = [(3A + 18B) cos 3t + (18A + 3B) sin 3t]e2t = 111e2t cos 3t
3A + 18B = 111,
18A + 3B = 0.
Exercises 4.4
31. From the form of the right-hand side, we conclude that a particular solution should be of the
-) * ) * .
yp (t) = ts A3 t3 + A2 t2 + A1 t + A0 cos t + B3 t3 + B2 t2 + B1 t + B0 sin t et .
33. The right-hand side of the equation suggests that yp (t) = ts (A cos t + B sin t). By inspection,
we see that r = i is not a root of the corresponding auxiliary equation, r 3 r 2 + 1 = 0. Thus,
with s = 0,
Chapter 4
35. We look for a particular solution of the form yp (t) = ts (A1 t + A0 )et , and choose s = 1 because
the auxiliary equation, r 3 + r 2 2 = (r 1)(r 2 + 2r + 2) = 0 has r = 1 as a simple root.
1. Let g1 (t) := sin t and g2 (t) := e2t . Then y1 (t) = cos t is a solution to
y y + y = g1 (t)
y y + y = g2 (t).
(a) The right-hand side of the given equation is 5 sin t = 5g1 (t). Therefore, the function
y(t) = 5y1 (t) = 5 cos t is a solution to y y + y = 5 sin t.
(b) We can express sin t3e2t = g1 (t) 3g2 (t). So, by the superposition principle the desired
solution is y(t) = y1 (t) 3y2 (t) = cos t e2t .
(c) Since 4 sin t + 18e2t = 4g1 (t) + 18g2 (t), the function
Exercises 4.5
y 2y + y = 2ex .
Both, g1 (t) and g2 (t), have a form suitable for the method of undetermined coecients. There-
fore, we can apply this method to find particular solutions yp,1(t) and yp,2 (t) to
Chapter 4
11. The answer is no, because the method of undetermined coecients cannot be applied to
y 6y 4y = .
13. In the original form, the function sin2 t does not fit any of the cases in the method of unde-
termined coecients. But it can be written as sin2 t = (1 cos 2t)/2, and so
+ , + ,
2 1 cos 2t 7 1
2t + sin t + 3 = 2t + + 3 = 2t + cos 2t .
2 2 2
Now, the method of undetermined coecients can be applied to each term in the above
dierence to find a particular solution to the corresponding nonhomogeneous equation, and
the dierence of these particular solutions, by the superposition principle, is a particular
solution to the original equation. Thus, the answer is yes.
15. No, because the given equation is not an equation with constant coecients.
yh (t) = c1 et + c2 et
yh (x) = c1 ex + c2 e2x .
Exercises 4.5
By the method of undetermined coecients, a particular solution yp (x) to the original equation
has the form yp (x) = xs (A cos x + B sin x)ex . We choose s = 0 because r = 1 + i is not a root
of the auxiliary equation. So,
Substituting these expressions into the equation, we compare the corresponding coecients
and find A and B.
{(2B cos x 2A sin x) 3[(A + B) cos x + (B A) sin x] + 2(A cos x + B sin x)} ex = ex sin x
A + B = 0, A = 1/2,
(A + B) cos x + (A B) sin x = sin x
AB =1 B = 1/2.
(cos x sin x)ex
yp (x) =
(cos x sin x)ex
y(x) = + c1 ex + c2 e2x
is a general solution to the given nonhomogeneous equation.
21. Since the roots of the auxiliary equation, which is r 2 + 2r + 2 = 0, are r = 1 i, we have a
general solution to the corresponding homogeneous equation
Chapter 4
- . - .
yp() = 2 (A cos + B sin )e + (A cos + B sin )e
- .
= 2 [(B A) cos (B + A) sin ] e + (A cos + B sin )e .
(Note that we did not evaluate the terms containing the factor because they give zero result
when substituted into the original equation.) Therefore,
y() = e sin + (c1 cos + c2 sin ) e .
dy dy
=y = dt ln |y| = t + c y = ec et = Cet ,
dt y
(A) A = 1 A = 1.
Thus y(t) = Cet 1 is a general solution. To satisfy the initial condition, y(0) = 0, we find
0 = y(0) = Ce0 1 = C 1 C = 1.
25. The auxiliary equation, r 2 + 1 = 0, has roots r = i. Therefore, a general solution to the
corresponding homogeneous equation is zh (x) = c1 cos x + c2 sin x, and a particular solution
Exercises 4.5
to the original equation has the form zp (x) = Aex . Substituting this function into the given
equation, we find the constant A.
) *
z + z = Aex + Aex = 2Aex = 2ex A = 1,
Next, since z (x) = ex c1 sin x + c2 cos x, from the initial conditions we get a system for
determining constants c1 and c2 .
0 = z(0) = 1 + c1 , c1 = 1,
0 = z (0) = 1 + c2 c2 = 1.
Hence, z = (x) = ex cos x + sin x is the solution to the given initial value problem.
27. The roots of the auxiliary equation, r 2 r 2 = 0, are r = 1 and r = 2. This gives a general
solution to the corresponding homogeneous equation of the form yh (x) = c1 ex + c2 e2x . We
use the superposition principle to find a particular solution to the nonhomogeneous equation.
a particular solution has the form yp,1(x) = A cos x + B sin x. Substitution into the above
equation yields
Chapter 4
a particular solution has the form yp,2(x) = A cos 2x + B sin 2x. Substitution yields
(4A cos 2x 4B sin 2x) (2A sin 2x + 2B cos 2x) 2(A cos 2x + B sin 2x)
= (6A 2B) cos 2x + (2A 6B) sin 2x = sin 2x
6A 2B = 0, A = 1/20,
2A 6B = 1 B = 3/20.
1 3
yp,2(x) = cos 2x sin 2x.
20 20
Next, we find c1 and c2 such that the initial conditions are satisfied.
3 1 1 3
y(x) = cos x sin x cos 2x + sin 2x .
10 10 20 20
29. The roots of the auxiliary equation, r 2 1 = 0, are r = 1. Therefore, a general solution to
the corresponding homogeneous equation is
yh () = c1 e + c2 e .
Exercises 4.5
a particular solution has the form yp,1(x) = A cos + B sin . Substitution into the
equation yields
) 2 * ) 2 *
Ae Ae = 3Ae2 = e2 A = 1/3,
1 1 3 7
y() = sin e2 + e + e .
2 3 4 12
Chapter 4
31. For the nonhomogeneous term sin t + t cos t, a particular solution has the form
33. The roots of the auxiliary equation, which is r 2 r 2 = 0, are r = 1, 2. The right-hand
side of the given equation is a sum of two terms, et cos t and t2 + t + 1. Corresponding
particular solutions have the forms
and we can take s = p = 0 since neither r = 1 + i nor r = 0 is a root of the auxiliary equation.
By the superposition principle,
which are dierent from 5 and 3i, a particular solution has the form
(The last term corresponds to e5t in the right-hand side of the original equation, and the first
two come from t sin 3t cos 3t.)
Exercises 4.5
37. Clearly, r = 0 is not a root of the auxiliary equation, r 3 2r 2 r + 2 = 0. (One can find
the roots, say, using the factorization r 3 2r 2 r + 2 = (r 2)(r 1)(r + 1), but they are
not needed for the form of a particular solution: the only important thing is that they are
dierent from zero.) Therefore, a particular solution has the form
yp (t) = A2 t2 + A1 t + A0 .
2A2 = 2, A2 = 1,
2A1 2A2 = 4, A1 = 3,
2A0 A1 4A2 = 9 A0 = 1.
Therefore, yp (t) = t2 + 3t 1.
Dierentiating, we get
- .
yp (t) = A1 t2 + (A0 + 2A1 )t + A0 et ,
- .
yp(t) = A1 t2 + (A0 + 4A1 )t + 2A0 + 2A1 et ,
- .
yp(t) = A1 t2 + (A0 + 6A1 )t + 3A0 + 6A1 et .
Chapter 4
We substitute yp and its derivatives into the original equation and equate the corresponding
coecients. This yields
/- . - .
A1 t2 + (A0 + 6A1 )t + 3A0 + 6A1 + A1 t2 + (A0 + 4A1 )t + 2A0 + 2A1
- .0
2 A1 t2 + A0 t et 2B = tet + 1
[10A1 t + 8A1 + 5A0 ] et 2B = tet + 1
10A1 = 1, A1 = 1/10,
8A1 + 5A0 = 0, A0 = 4/25,
2B = 1 B = 1/2.
41. The characteristic equation in this problem is r 2 + 2r + 5 = 0, which has roots r = 1 2i.
Therefore, a general solution to the corresponding homogeneous equation is given by
y + 2y + 5y = 10.
Hence a particular solution has the form yp (t) A. Substitution into the equation yields
0 = y1 (0) = c1 + 2, c1 = 2,
0 = y1 (0) = c1 + 2c2 c2 = 1
y1 (t) = (2 cos 2t + sin 2t) e + 2.
Exercises 4.5
(b) For t > 3/2, g(t) 0, and so the given equation becomes homogeneous. Thus, a general
solution, y2 (t), is given by (4.1), i.e.,
y1 (3/2) = y2 (3/2),
y1 (3/2) = y2 (3/2).
43. Recall that the motion of a mass-spring system is governed by the equation
my + by + ky = g(t),
where m is the mass, b is the damping coecient, k is the spring constant, and g(t) is the
external force. Thus, we have an initial value problem
y + 4y + 3y = 5 sin t, y(0) = , y (0) = 0.
The roots of the auxiliary equation, r 2 + 4r + 3 = 0, are r = 3, 1, and a general solution
to the corresponding homogeneous equation is
yh (t) = c1 e3t + c2 et .
We look for a particular solution to the original equation of the form yp (t) = A cos t + B sin t.
Substituting this function into the equation, we get
yp + 4yp + 3yp = (A cos t B sin t) + 4(A sin t + B cos t) + 3(A cos t + B sin t)
= (2A + 4B) cos t + (2B 4A) sin t = 5 sin t
2A + 4B = 0, A = 1,
2B 4A = 5 B = 1/2.
Chapter 4
First, we find the solution to the given problem for /(2V ) < t < /(2V ). The
nonhomogeneous term, cos V t, suggests a particular solution of the form
Exercises 4.5
Chapter 4
|A(V )|
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
V V 2V
C3 sin + C4 cos = 2 cos + 2 = 2 cos2 .
2V 2V V 1 V V 1 V 1 2V
The solution of this system is
C3 = 0, C4 = 2
cos .
V 1 2V
y2 (t) = 2
cos sin t.
V 1 2V
(b) The graph of the function 1 1
1 2V 1
|A(V )| = 11 2 cos 1
V 1 2V 1
is given in Figure 4-A. From this graph, we find that the most violent shaking of the
vehicle (the maximum of |A(V )|) happens when the speed V 0.73 .
47. The auxiliary equation in this problem is r 2 + 9 = 0 with roots r = 3i. So, a general solution
to the corresponding homogeneous equation is
Exercises 4.6
In (a)(c), we have the same boundary condition at t = 0, that is, y(0) = 1. This yields
1 = y(0) = c1 1 c1 = 0.
(a) The second boundary condition gives 3 = y (/6) = c2 + 1 c2 = 2, and the answer
is y = 2 sin 3t cos 6t.
1. The auxiliary equation in this problem is r 2 + 4 = 0, which has the roots r = 2i. Therefore,
y1 (t) = cos 2t and y2 (t) = sin 2t are two linearly independent solutions, and a general solution
to the corresponding homogeneous equation is given by
Using the variation of parameters method, we look for a particular solution to the original
nonhomogeneous equation of the form
yp (t) = v1 (t)y1 (t) + v2 (t)y2 (t) = v1 (t) cos 2t + v2 (t) sin 2t.
Chapter 4
Multiplying the first equation in (4.5) by sin 2t, the second equation by (1/2) cos 2t, and adding
the resulting equations together, we get
1 1 1
v2 (t) = sin 2t v2 = sin 2t dt = cos 2t + c3 .
2 2 4
1 sin2 2t 1 1 cos2 2t 1
v1 (t) = v2 (t) tan 2t = = = (cos 2t sec 2t)
3 2 cos 2t 2 cos 2t 2
1 1
v1 (t) = (cos 2t sec 2t) dt = (sin 2t ln | sec 2t + tan 2t|) + c4 .
2 4
1 1
yp (t) = (sin 2t ln | sec 2t + tan 2t|) cos 2t cos 2t sin 2t
4 4
= cos 2t ln | sec 2t + tan 2t|
y(t) = yh (t) + yp (t) = c1 cos 2t + c2 sin 2t cos 2t ln | sec 2t + tan 2t|.
2. From Example 1 on page 196 in the text, we know that functions y1 (t) = cos t and y2 (t) = sin t
are two linearly independent solutions to the corresponding homogeneous equation, and so its
general solution is given by
yh (t) = c1 cos t + c2 sin t.
Now we apply the method of variation of parameters to find a particular solution to the
original equation. By the formula (3) on page 194 in the text, yp (t) has the form
Exercises 4.6
y1 (t) = (cos t) = sin t, y2 (t) = (sin t) = cos t,
Multiplying the first equation by sin t and the second equation by cos t yields
sin t
v1 (t) = v2 (t) = tan t.
cos t
v1 (t) = tan t, v1 (t) = tan t dt = ln | cos t| + c3 ,
v2 (t) = 1 v2 (t) = dt = t + c4 .
Since we are looking for a particular solution, we can take c3 = c4 = 0 and get
3. First, we can simplify the equation by dividing both sides by 2. This yields
x x 2x = e3t .
Chapter 4
xp (t) = v1 (t)x1 (t) + v2 (t)x2 (t) , where x1 (t) = e2t and x2 (t) = et .
Thus, x1 (t) = 2e2t and x2 (t) = et . This means that we have to solve the system
e2t v1 + et v2 = 0,
2e2t v1 et v2 = e3t .
yp (t) = v1 (t)y1 (t) + v2 (t)y2 (t) , where y1 (t) = et and y2 (t) = tet .
Exercises 4.6
Thus, y1 (t) = et and y2 (t) = tet + et . This means that we want to solve the system (see
system (9) on page 195 of text)
et v1 + tet v2 = 0,
) *
et v1 + tet + et v2 = t1 et .
et v2 = t1 et v2 = t1 .
v2 (t) = t1 dt = ln |t| + c3 .
et v1 = tet v2 = tet t1 = et v1 = 1.
v1 (t) = t + c4 .
By letting c3 and c4 equal to zero, and plugging the expressions found above for v1 (t) and
v2 (t) into the equation defining yp (t) , we obtain a particular solution
We obtain a general solution of the nonhomogeneous equation by adding this expression for
yp (t) to the expression for yh (t). Thus, we obtain
Chapter 4
7. The auxiliary equation in this problem is r 2 + 16 = 0, which has the roots r = 4i. Therefore,
y1 () = cos 4 and y2 () = sin 4 are two linearly independent solutions, and a general solution
to the corresponding homogeneous equation is given by
yh () = c1 cos 4 + c2 sin 4.
Using the variation of parameters method, we look for a particular solution to the original
nonhomogeneous equation of the form
v1 () cos 4 + v2 () sin 4 = 0,
4v1 () sin 4 + 4v2 () cos 4 = sec 4.
Multiplying the first equation in (4.7) by sin 4 and the second equation by (1/4) cos 4, and
adding the resulting equations together, we get
1 1
v2 () = v2 = + c3 .
4 4
From the first equation in (4.7) we also obtain
1 1 1
v1 () = tan 4 v1 () = tan 4 d = ln | cos 4| + c4 .
4 4 16
Taking c3 = c4 = 0, we obtain
cos 4 1
yp () = ln | cos 4| + sin 4
16 4
cos 4
y() = c1 cos 4 + c2 sin 4 + sin 4 + ln | cos 4|.
4 16
9. In this problem, the corresponding homogeneous equation is the same as that in Problem 1.
Hence y1 (t) = cos 2t and y2 (t) = sin 2t are two linearly independent solutions, and a general
solution to the homogeneous equation is given by
Exercises 4.6
and, in the variation of parameters method, a particular solution has the form
Multiplying the first equation by sin 2t and the second equation by (1/2) cos 2t, and adding
the resulting equations, we get
1 1 1
v2 (t) = csc2 2t cos 2t v2 = csc2 2t cos 2t dt = csc 2t + c3 .
2 2 4
From the first equation in the system above we also find
1 1
v1 (t) = v2 (t) tan 2t = csc2 2t cos 2t tan 2t = csc 2t
3 2 2
1 1
v1 (t) = csc 2t dt = ln | csc 2t + cot 2t| + c4 .
2 4
With c3 = c4 = 0,
1 1 1
yp (t) = cos 2t ln | csc 2t + cot 2t| csc 2t sin 2t = (cos 2t ln | csc 2t + cot 2t| 1)
4 4 4
y(t) = c1 cos 2t + c2 sin 2t + (cos 2t ln | csc 2t + cot 2t| 1) .
11. This equation is similar to that in Example 1 on page 196 in the text. Only the nonhomoge-
neous term is dierent. Thus we will follow steps in Example 1. Two independent solutions
to the corresponding homogeneous equation, y + y = 0, are y1 (t) = cos t and y2 (t) = sin t. A
particular solution to the original equation is of the form
Chapter 4
Multiplying the first equation by sin t and the second equation by cos t, and adding them
together yield
v2 (t) = tan2 t cos t = (sec2 t 1) cos t = sec t cos t.
yp (t) = (cos t + sec t) cos t + (ln | sec t + tan t| sin t) sin t = sin t ln | sec t + tan t| 2,
13. The corresponding homogeneous equation in this problem is the same as that in Problem 1
(with y replaced by v). Similarly to the solution of Problem 1, we conclude that v1 (t) = cos 2t
and v2 (t) = sin 2t are two linearly independent solutions of the corresponding homogeneous
equation, and a particular solution to the original equation can be found as
Multiplying the first equation by sin 2t and the second equation by (1/2) cos 2t, and adding
the results together, we get
u2 (t) = sec3 2t.
Exercises 4.6
15. The corresponding homogeneous equation is y + y = 0. Its auxiliary equation has the roots
r = i. Hence, a general solution to the homogeneous problem is given by
We will find a particular solution to the original equation by first finding a particular solution
for each of two problems, one with the nonhomogeneous term g1 (t) = 3 sec t and the other one
with the nonhomogeneous term g2 (t) = t2 + 1. Then we will use the superposition principle
to obtain a particular solution for the original equation. The term 3 sec t is not in a form that
allows us to use the method of undetermined coecients. Therefore, we will use the method of
variation of parameters. To this end, let y1 (t) = cos t and y2 (t) = sin t (linearly independent
solutions to the corresponding homogeneous problem). Then a particular solution yp,1 to
y + y = 3 sec t has the form
Chapter 4
v1 cos t + v2 sin t = 0,
v1 sin t + v2 cos t = 3 sec t.
Multiplying the first equation by cos t and the second equation by sin t and subtracting the
results, we get
v1 = 3 sec t sin t = 3 tan t.
Hence 3
v1 (t) = 3 tan t dt = 3 ln | cos t| + C1 .
To find v2 (t), we multiply the first equation of the above system by sin t, the second by cos t,
and add the results to obtain
Therefore, for this first equation (with g1 (t) = 3 sec t), by letting C1 = C2 = 0, we have a
particular solution given by
The nonhomogeneous term g2 (t) = t2 + 1 is of a form that allows us to use the method of
undetermined coecients. Thus, a particular solution to this nonhomogeneous equation will
have the form
yp,2(t) = A2 t2 + A1 t + A0 yp,2 (t) = 2A2 t + A1 yp,2 (t) = 2A2 .
yp,2 + yp,2 = 2A2 + A2 t2 + A1 t + A0 = A2 t2 + A1 t + (2A2 + A0 ) = t2 + 1.
A2 = 1, A1 = 0, 2A2 + A0 = 1 A0 = 3.
Exercises 4.6
Therefore, we have
yp,2(t) = t2 + 3.
By the superposition principle, we see that a particular solution to the original problem is
given by
yp (t) = yp,1(t) + yp,2 (t) = 3 cos t ln | cos t| + 3t sin t t2 + 3.
Combining this solution with the general solution to the homogeneous equation yields a general
solution to the original dierential equation,
y + 4y = 2 tan 2t et .
The nonhomogeneous term, 2 tan 2t et , can be written as a linear combination 2g1 (t) g2 (t),
where g1 (t) = tan 2t and g2 (t) = et . A particular solution to the equation
y + 4y = tan 2t
can be found using the method of undetermined coecients. We look for yp,2 of the form
yp,2(t) = Aet . Substitution yields
) t * ) * 1
Ae + 4 Aet = et 5Aet = et A= ,
and so yp,2 = (1/5)et . By the superposition principle, a particular solution to the original
equation is
1 1
yp (t) = 2yp,1 yp,2 = cos 2t ln | sec 2t + tan 2t| et .
2 5
Chapter 4
yh (t) = c1 et + c2 et .
We will try to find a particular solution to the original nonhomogeneous equation of the form
yp (t) = v1 (t)y1 (t) + v2 (t)y2 (t), where y1 (t) = et and y2 (t) = et . We apply formulas (10) on
page 195 in the text, but replace indefinite integrals by definite integrals. Note that
) *
y1 (t)y2 (t) y1 (t)y2 (t) = ex ex ex ex = 2.
(Notice that we have chosen the lower limit of integration to be equal to 1 because the initial
conditions are given at 1. We could have chosen any other value for the lower limit, but the
choice of 1 will make the determination of the constants c1 and c2 easier.) Thus
3t 3t
et ex et ex
yp (t) = dx dx ,
2 x 2 x
1 1
By plugging in the first initial condition (and using the fact that the integral of a function
from a to a is zero which is why we have chosen the lower limit of integration to be the initial
point, t = 1), we find that
y(1) = c1 e1 + c2 e1 = 0.
Exercises 4.6
where we have used the product rule and the fundamental theorem of calculus to dierentiate
the last two terms of y(t). We now plug in the second initial condition into the equation we
just found for y (t) to obtain
+ 1 , + 1 , + 1 , + 1 ,
1 e e e e 1 1
y (1) = c1 e + c2 e + 1
+ = c1 e1 + c2 e1 + = 2.
2 1 2 1 2 2
Solving the system
c1 e1 + c2 e1 = 0,
c1 e1 + c2 e1 = 2
Simpsons rule is implemented on the software package provided free with the text (see also
the discussion of the solution to Problem 25 in Exercises 2.3). Simpsons rule requires an even
number of intervals, but we dont know how many are required to obtain the 2-place accuracy
desired. We will compute the approximate value of y(t) at t = 2 using 2, 4, 6, . . . intervals
for Simpsons rule until the approximate value changes by less than five in the third place.
For n = 2, we divide [1, 2] into 4 equal subintervals. Thus each interval will be of length
(2 1)/4 = 1/4. Therefore the integrals are approximated by
32 4 5
ex 1 e1 e1.25 e1.5 e1.75 e2
dx +4 +2 +4 + 3.0592 ,
x 12 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2
32 4 5
ex 1 e1 e1.25 e1.5 e1.75 e2
dx +4 +2 +4 + 0.1706 .
x 12 1 1.25 1.5 1.75 2
Chapter 4
12 21 e2 e2
y(2) e e (3.0592) + (0.1706) = 1.9271 .
2 2
Repeating these calculations for n = 3, 4, and 5 yields the approximations in Table 4-A.
Intervals y(2)
6 1.9275
8 1.9275
10 1.9275
Since these values do not change in the third place, we can expect that the first three places
are accurate and we obtained an approximate solution of y(2) = 1.93 .
Since y1 (t) = et , y2 (t) 1, the system (9), with a = a(t) = t and g(t) = t2 , becomes
v1 (t)et + v2 (t)(t + 1) = 0,
t t2
v1 (t)e + v2 (t) = = t.
Subtracting the second equation from the first one, we get
Exercises 4.6
yp (t) = (t + 2)et et t(t + 1) = t2 2t 2.
23. We are seeking for a particular solution to the given equation of the form
Since y1 (t) 5, y2 (t) = 5e5t , the system (9), with a = a(t) = t and g(t) = t2 e5t , becomes
v1 (t)(5t 1) + v2 (t)e5t = 0,
t2 e5t
5v1 (t) 5v2 (t)e5t = = te5t .
Dividing the second equation by 5 and adding to the first equation yields
1 5t 1 5t 1 5t
5tv1 (t) = te v1 (t) = e v1 (t) = e .
5 25 125
Substituting v1 (t) into the first equation, we get
1 5t 5t 1 t2 t
e (5t 1) + v2 (t)e5t = 0 v2 (t) = v2 (t) = + .
25 25 10 25
Thus + 2 , + ,
1 5t t t 5t 1 t2
yp (t) = e (5t 1) + + e = e5t .
125 10 25 125 10
(Since (1/125)e5t = (1/125)y2(t) is a solution to the corresponding homogeneous equation,
the function (t2 /10)e5t is also a particular solution.)
To find a particular solution to the original equation, we apply the method of variation of
parameters. To form the system (9) on page 195, we need y1 and y2 . Applying the product
rule, we get
y1 (x) = x3/2 cos x x1/2 sin x,
Chapter 4
y2 (x) = x3/2 sin x + x1/2 cos x.
Thus, functions v1 (x) and v2 (x) in a particular solution,
Integrating, we get
v1 (x) = x sin x dx = x cos x sin x + C1 ,
v2 (x) = x cos x dx = x sin x + cos x + C2 .
With C1 = C2 = 0,
yp (x) = (x cos x sin x)x1/2 cos x + (x sin x + cos x)x1/2 sin x = x1/2 .
Exercises 4.7
2. Comparing the given equation with (13) on page 202 in the text, we conclude that
For y > 0, the stiness k is negative, and it tends to reinforce the displacement. So, we
should expect that the solutions y(t) grow without bound.
3. As in Problem 2, this equation describes the motion of the mass-spring system with unit
mass, no damping, and stiness k = 6y. The initial displacement y(0) = 1 is negative
as well as the initial velocity y (0) = 1. So, starting from t = 0, y(t) will decrease for a
while. This will result increasing positive stiness, 6y, i.e., the spring will become stier
and stier. Eventually, the spring will become so strong that the mass will stop and then
go in the positive direction. While y(t) is negative, the positive stiness will force the mass
to approach zero displacement point, y = 0. Thereafter, with y(t) > 0, the stiness becomes
negative, which means that the spring itself will push the mass further away from y = 0 in
the positive direction with force, which increases with y. Thus, the curve y(t) will increase
unboundedly. Figure 4.23 confirms our prediction.
5. (a) Comparing the equation y = 2y 3 with equation (7) in Lemma 3, we conclude that
f (y) = 2y 3 , and so 3
1 4
F (y) = 2y 3 dy =
y + C,
where C is a constant. We can choose any particular value for C, say, C = 0. Thus
F (y) = (1/2)y 4. Next, with constant K = 0 and sign in front of the integral,
equation (11) on page 201, becomes
3 3
t= $ = y 2 dy = y 1 + c,
2(1/2)y 4
Chapter 4
or, equivalently,
y= ,
where c is an arbitrary constant.
C1 C2 (C1 + C2 )t (C1 c2 + C2 c1 )
C1 y1 (t) + C2 y2 (t) = + = ,
t c1 t c2 (t c1 )(t c2 )
C1 + C2 = 0, C2 = C1 ,
C 1 c2 + C 2 c1 = 0 C1 (c2 c1 ) = 0.
Since c1 = c2 , the second equation implies that C1 = 0, and then C2 = 0 from the first
equation. Thus, only the trivial linear combination of y1 (t) and y2 (t) vanishes identically
around the origin, and so these functions are linearly independent.
(c) For any function of the form yc (t) := 1/(t c), the equality
yc (t) = = [yc (t)]2
(t c)2
(We assume that c = 0; otherwise, t = 0 is not in the domain.) Obviously, this equality
fails for any positive initial velocity y (0), in particular, it is false for given data, y(0) = 1
and y (0) = 2.
6. Rewriting given equation in the equivalent form y = (k/m)y, we see that the function f (y)
in the energy integral lemma is (k/m)y. So,
3 + ,
k k 2
F (y) = y dy = y + C.
m 2m
Exercises 4.7
7. (a) Since, for a point moving along a circle of radius , the magnitude v of its linear velocity
v and the angular velocity = d/dt are connected by v = = (d/dt), and the vector
v is tangent to the circle (and so, perpendicular to the radius), we have
d d
angular momentum = mv = m = m2 .
dt dt
(b) From Figure 4.18, we see that the component of the gravitational force, mg, which is
perpendicular to the level arm, has the magnitude |mg sin | and is directed towards
decreasing . Thus,
torque = (mg sin ) = mg sin .
( )2
cos = C = const. (4.9)
Our first purpose is to determine the constant C. Let ta denote the moment when pendulum is
in the apex point, i.e., (ta ) = . Since it doesnt cross the apex over, we also have (ta ) = 0.
Substituting these two values into (4.9), we obtain
cos = C C = 1.
Chapter 4
[ (0)]2
cos[(0)] = 1.
Since (0) = 0, we get
[ (0)]2 2
cos 0 = 1 [ (0)] = 4
(0) = 2 or (0) = 2.
11. The damping coecient in the Rayleigh equation is b = (y )2 1. Thus, for low velocities
y , we have b < 0, and b > 0 for high velocities. Therefore, the low velocities are boosted,
while high velocities are slowed, and so one should expect a limit cycle.
13. Qualitative features of solutions to Airy, Dung, and van der Pol equations, are discussed
after Example 3, in Examples 6 and 7, respectively. Comparing curves in Figure 4.26 with
graphs depicted in Figures 4.13, 4.16, and 4.17, we conclude that the answers are
(a) Airy;
(b) Dung;
(d) Here, the stiness is y 5 , which is negative for y < 0. So, no.
(f) Since both the damping t and the stiness 1 are positive, all solutions are bounded.
Exercises 4.7
17. For the radius, r(t), we have the initial value problem
we can take F (r) = GMR1 , and the energy integral lemma yields
1 2 GM
[r (t)] = C1 = const.
2 r(t)
1 2 GM 1 GM GM
C1 = [r (0)] = 02 = .
2 r(0) 2 a a
(Remember, r(t) is decreasing, and so r (t) < 0.) Separating variables and integrating, we get
3 ! 3 J ! K J ! $ K !
r 2GM r r(a r) 2GM
dr = dt a arctan = t+C2 .
ar a ar a a
We apply the initial condition, r(0) = a, once again to find the constant C2 . But this time
we have to be careful because the argument of arctan function becomes infinite at r = a.
So, we take the limit of both sides rather than making simple substitution.
J " $ K
r(t) r(t)[a r(t)]
lim a arctan
t+0 a r(t) a
J " $ K
r(t) r(t)[a r(t)] # %
= a lim arctan lim =a 0 =a ,
t+0 a r(t) t+0 a 2 2
Chapter 4
At the moment t = T0 , when Earth splashes into the sun, we have r(T0 ) = 0. Substituting
this condition into the last equation yields
J ! $ K !
0 0(a 0) 2GM a
a arctan = T0 +
a0 a a 2
2GM a
0= T0 +
a 2
! !
a a a3
T0 = = .
2 2GM 2 2 GM
Then the required ratio is
! !
T0 a3 N a3 1
= 2 = .
T 2 2 GM GM 4 2
1. In this problem, we have undamped free vibration case governed by equation (2) on page 210
in the text. With m = 3 and k = 48, the equation becomes
3y + 48y = 0 (4.10)
Exercises 4.8
It follows that
2 2
period = = = ,
4 2
natural frequency = = .
A general solution to (4.10), given in (4) on page 211 in the text, becomes
Setting y = 0 in the above solution, we find values of t when the mass passes through the
point of equilibrium.
2 %
sin 4t =0 4t = n, n = 0, 1, . . . .
2 4 4
(Time t is nonnegative.) The first moment when this happens, i.e., the smallest value of t,
corresponds to n = 0. So,
4t =0 t= .
4 16
3. The characteristic equation in this problem, r 2 + br + 16 = 0, has the roots
b b2 64
r= . (4.11)
Substituting given particular values of b into (4.11), we find roots of the characteristic equation
and solutions to the initial value problems in each case.
Chapter 4
b = 00.
r= = 4i.
A general solution has the form y = C1 cos 4t + C2 sin 4t. Constants C1 and C2 can be
found from the initial conditions.
y(0) = (C1 cos 4t + C2 sin 4t) 1t=0 = C1 = 1 , C1 = 1,
y (0) = (4C1 sin 4t + 4C2 cos 4t) 1t=0 = 4C2 = 0 C2 = 0
b = 66.
36 64
r= = 3 7i.
A general solution has the form y = (C1 cos 7t + C2 sin 7t)e3t . For constants C1 and
C2 , we have the system
) * 1
y(0) = C1 cos 7t + C2 sin 7t e3t 1t=0 = C1 = 1 ,
- . 1
y (0) = ( 7C2 3C1 ) cos 7t ( 7C1 + 3C2 ) sin 7t e3t 1t=0 = 7C2 3C1 = 0
C1 = 1,
C2 = 3/ 7 ,
and so 4 5
3 4 # %
y(t) = cos 7t + sin 7t e3t = e3t sin 7t + ,
7 7
where = arctan( 7/3) 0.723 .
b = 88.
8 64 64
r= = 4.
Thus, r = 4 is a double root of the characteristic equation. So, a general solution has
the form y = (C1 t + C0 )e4t . For constants C1 and C2 , we obtain the system
y(0) = (C1 t + C0 ) e4t 1t=0 = C0 = 1 , C0 = 1,
y (0) = (4C1 t 4C0 + C1 ) e4t 1t=0 = C1 4C0 = 0 C1 = 4,
Exercises 4.8
b = 10
100 64
r= = 5 3.
Thus, r = 2, 8, and a general solution is given by y = C1 e2t + C2 e8t . Initial
conditions yield
y(0) = (C1 e2t + C2 e8t ) 1t=0 = C1 + C2 = 1 , C1 = 4/3,
y (0) = (2C1 e2t 8C2 e8t ) 1t=0 = 2C1 8C2 = 0 C2 = 1/3,
and, therefore, y(t) = (4/3)e2t (1/3)e8t is the solution to the initial value problem.
The graphs of the solutions are depicted in Figures B.19B.22 in the answers in the text.
5. The auxiliary equation associated with given dierential equation is r 2 + 10r + k = 0, and its
roots are r = 5 25 k.
20. In this case, r = 5
k = 20 25 20 = 5 5. Thus, a general solution is given
by y = C1 e(5+ 5)t + C2 e(5 5)t . The initial conditions yield
8 91
y(0) = C1 e(5+ 5)t + C2 e(5 5)t 1 = C1 + C2 = 1 ,
8 t=0 91
(5+ 5)t (5 5)t 1
y (0) = (5 + 5)C1 e + (5 5)C2 e 1
= (5 + 5)C1 + (5 5)C2 = 0
) *
C1 = 1 + 5 /2,
) *
C2 = 1 5 /2,
) * ) *
and, therefore, y(t) = [ 1 + 5 /2]e(5+ 5)t + [ 1 5 /2]e(5 5)t is the solution to
the initial value problem.
k = 25
25. Then r = 5 25 25 = 5. Thus, r = 5 is a double root of the
characteristic equation. So, a general solution has the form y = (C1 t + C0 )e5t . For
constants C1 and C2 , using the initial conditions, we obtain the system
y(0) = (C1 t + C0 ) e5t 1t=0 = C0 = 1 , C0 = 1,
y (0) = (5C1 t 5C0 + C1 ) e5t 1 = C1 5C0 = 0
C1 = 5,
Chapter 4
30. In this case, r = 5 25 30 = 5 5i. A general solution has the form
k = 30
y = (C1 cos 5t + C2 sin 5t)e5t . For constants C1 and C2 , we have the system
) * 1
y(0) = C1 cos 5t + C2 sin 5t e5t 1t=0 = C1 = 1 ,
- . 1
y (0) = ( 5C2 5C1 ) cos 5t ( 5C1 + 5C2 ) sin 5t e5t 1t=0 = 5C2 5C1 = 0
C1 = 1,
C2 = 5,
and so
8 9 5t 5t # %
y(t) = cos 5t + 5 sin 5t e = 6e sin 5t + ,
where = arctan(1/ 5) 0.421 .
Graphs of the solutions for k = 20, 25, and 30 are shown in Figures B.23B.25 in the answers
in the text.
7. The motion of this mass-spring system is governed by equation (12) on page 213 in the text.
With m = 1/8, b = 2, and k = 16 this equation becomes
y + 2y + 16y = 0, (4.12)
and the initial conditions are y(0) = 3/4, y (0) = 2. Since
we have a case of underdamped motion. A general solution to (4.12) is given in (16), that is,
with = b/(2m) = 8 and = (1/2m) 4mk b2 = 8, we have
Exercises 4.8
and so 4 5
3 5
y(t) = cos 8t sin 8t e8t = e8t sin(8t + ),
4 4
where tan = (3/4)/(1) = 3/4 and cos = 1 < 0. Thus,
= + arctan(3/4) 3.785 .
The damping factor is (5/4)e8t , the quasiperiod is P = 2/8 = /4, and the quasifrequency
is 1/P = 4/.
9. Substituting the values m = 2, k = 40, and b = 8 5 into equation (12) on page 213 in the
text and using the initial conditions, we obtain the initial value problem
d2 y dy
2 + 8 5 + 40y = 0, y(0) = 0.1 (m), y (0) = 2 (m/sec).
dt2 dt
The initial conditions are positive to reflect the fact that we have taken down to be positive
in our coordinate system. The auxiliary equation for this system is
2r 2 + 8 5r + 40 = 0 or r 2 + 4 5r + 20 = 0.
This equation has a double root at r = 2 5. Therefore, this system is critically damped
and the equation of motion has the form
y(t) = (C1 + C2 t) e2 5t
To find the constants C1 and C2 , we use the initial conditions y(0) = 0.1 and y (0) = 2. Thus,
we have
y(0) = 0.1 = C1 ,
y (0) = 2 = C2 2 5C1 C2 = 2 + 0.2 5 .
Chapter 4
The maximum displacement of the mass is found by determining the first time the velocity
of the mass becomes zero. Therefore, we have
# % 8 # % 9
y (t) = 0 = 2 + 0.2 5 e2 5t 2 5 0.1 + 2 + 0.2 5 t e2 5t ,
which gives
2 1
t= = .
2 5(2 + 0.2 5) 5(2 + 0.2 5)
Thus the maximum displacement is
4 5 4 # + ,5
1 % 1
y = 0.1 + 2 + 0.2 5 e2 5/[ 5(2+0.2 5)] 0.242 (m).
5(2 + 0.2 5) 5(2 + 0.2 5)
So, we use use equation (16) on page 213 in the text for a general solution. With
b 0.2 1 1
= = = 0.1 and = 4mk b2 = 399.96 = 99.99 ,
2m 2 2m 2
equation (16) becomes
# %
y(t) = C1 cos 99.99t + C2 sin 99.99t e0.1t .
Exercises 4.8
Chapter 4
) *
By substituting + arctan 3/2 for in the last equation above and by requiring that t be
greater than zero, we obtain
) *
(/3) + (n 1) arctan 3/2
tn = , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . .
2 3
We see that the solution curve given by equation (4.13) above will touch the exponential
#$ %
curves y(t) = 7/12 e2t when we have
! # % !
7 2t 7 2t
e sin 2 3t + = e ,
12 12
) * ) *
where = + arctan 3/2 . This will occur when sin 2 3t + = 1. Since sin = 1
when = (/2) + m for any integer m, we see that the times Tm , when the solution touches
the exponential curves, satisfy
(/2) + m
2 3Tm + = + m Tm = ,
2 2 3
) *
where = + arctan 3/2 and m is an integer. Again requiring that t be positive we see
that y(t) touches the exponential curve when
) *
(/2) + (m 1) arctan 3/2
Tm = , m = 1, 2, 3, . . . .
2 3
From these facts it follows that, for y(t) to be an extremum and, at the same time, touch the
curves y(t) = 7/12e2t , there must be integers m and n such that
) * ) *
(/3) + n arctan 3/2 (/2) + m arctan 3/2
2 3 2 3
+ n = + m
3 2
1 1 1
nm= = .
2 3 6
But, since m and n are integers, their dierence is an integer and never 1/6. Thus, the extrema
of y(t) do not occur on the exponential curves.
Exercises 4.9
15. Since the exponential function is never zero, from the equation of motion (16) on page 213 in
the text we conclude that the mass passes the equilibrium position, that is, y(t) = 0, if and
only if
sin(t + ) = 0.
Therefore, the time between two successive crossings of the equilibrium position is /, which
is a half of the quasiperiod P . So, we can find the quasiperiod P by multiplying the time
between two successive crossings of the equilibrium position by two. Whenever P is computed,
we can measure the displacement y(t) at any moment t (with y(t) = 0) and then at the moment
t + P . Taking the quotient
2m ln[y(t + P )/y(t)]
b= .
1. The frequency response curve (13) on page 223, with m = 4, k = 1, and b = 2, becomes
1 1
M() = $ =$ .
(k m 2 )2 + b2 2 (1 4 2 )2 + 4 2
The graph of this function is shown in Figure B.26 in the answers in the text.
3. The auxiliary equation in this problem is r 2 + 9 = 0, which has roots r = 3i. Thus, a general
solution to the corresponding homogeneous equation has the form
We look for a particular solution to the original nonhomogeneous equation of the form
Chapter 4
and substituting y(t) and y (t) into the original equation, we get
6B cos 3t 6A sin 3t + t(9A cos 3t 9B sin 3t) + 9t(A cos 3t + B sin 3t) = 2 cos 3t
A = 0,
6B cos 3t 6A sin 3t = 2 cos 3t
B = 1/3.
So, yp (t) = (1/3)t sin 3t, and y(t) = C1 cos 3t + C2 sin 3t + (1/3)t sin 3t is a general solution.
To satisfy the initial conditions, we solve
y(0) = C1 = 1, C1 = 1,
y (0) = 3C2 = 0 C2 = 0.
y(t) = cos 3t + t sin 3t .
The graph of y(t) is depicted in Figure B.27 in the answers section in the text.
Exercises 4.9
y(0) = C1 + F0 / (k m 2 ) = 0, C1 = F0 / (k m 2 ) ,
y (0) = C2 = 0 C2 = 0.
F0 F0
y(t) = 2
cos t + cos t ,
k m k m 2
which can also be written in the form
F0 F0
y(t) = 2
(cos t cos t) = (cos t cos t) .
k m m( 2 )
Chapter 4
7. The auxiliary equation to equation (1) on page 220 in the text, mr 2 + br + k = 0, has roots
b b2 4mk
r= ,
which are both real (b2 > 4mk) and negative because b2 4mk < b. Let
b b2 4mk
r1 := ,
b + b2 4mk
r2 := .
Then a general solution to the homogeneous equation corresponding to (1) has the form
A particular solution to (1) is still given by (7) on page 221 in the text. Thus,
y(t) = c1 er1 t + c2 er2 t + $ sin(t + ),
(k m 2 )2 + b2 2
tan = (k m 2 )/(b), is a general solution to the forced overdamped equation.
9. If a mass of m = 8 kg stretches the spring by = 1.96 m, then the spring stiness must be
mg 8 9.8
k= = = 40 (N/m).
Substitution m = 8, b = 3, k = 40, and the external force F (t) = cos 2t into the equation (23)
on page 226 in the text yields
The steady-state (a particular) solution to this equation is given in (6) and (7), page 221, that
F0 /) * 0
yp (t) = 2 2 2 2
k m 2 cos t + b sin t
(k m ) + b
1 /) 2
* 0
= 40 8(2) cos 2t + (3)(2) sin 2t
[40 (8)(2)2 ]2 + (3)2 (2)2
1 1
= {8 cos 2t + 6 sin 2t} = sin(2t + ),
100 10
where = arctan(8/6) 0.927 .
Exercises 4.9
We compute
b 1 1 $
= = = 2 and = 4(1/4)(10) 12 = 6.
2m 2(1/4) 2(1/4)
yh (t) = e2t (C1 cos 6t + C2 sin 6t) .
For a particular solution, we use formula (7), page 221 in the text.
yp (t) = $ sin(t + )
(k m 2 )2 + b2 2
2 2
= I sin(2t + ) = sin(2t + ),
[10 (1/4)(2)2]2 + (1)2 (2)2 85
Chapter 4
4 5
2t 18 22 2
y(t) = e cos 6t sin 6t + sin(2t + ) .
85 255 85
The resonance frequency for the system is
r (k/m) (b2 )/(2m2 ) 40 8 2 2
= = = ,
2 2 2
where we have used formula (15) on page 223 in the text for r .
y + 2y + 5y = 3 cos 4t.
This is an underdamped motion because b2 4mk = (2)2 4(1)(5) = 16 < 0. For the
steady-state solution of this equation we use formula (6) on page 221 in the text. Since
Fext (t) = 3 cos 4t, we have F0 = 3, and = 4. Substituting m, b, k, F0 , and into (6), we
3 / 2
yp (t) = [5 (1)(4) ] cos 4t + (2)(4) sin 4t
[5 (1)(4)2 ]2 + (2)2 (4)2
= (8 sin 4t 11 cos 4t) .
Review Problems
5. The roots of the auxiliary equation, 6r 2 11r + 3 = 0, are r1 = 3/2 and r2 = 1/3. Thus,
is a general solution.
9. The auxiliary equation, 16r 2 56r + 49 = (4r 7)2 = 0, has a double root r = 7/4. Therefore,
e7t/4 and te7t/4 are two linearly independent solutions, and a general solution is given by
11. This equation is a Cauchy-Euler equation. Using the approach discussed in Problem 38,
Exercises 4.3, we make the substitution t = es and obtain
dx dx dt dx
= =t ,
ds dt ds
+ ,dt
d2 x d dx dx 2
2d x
= = + t ,
ds2 ds ds ds dt2
+ 2 ,
2d x d x dx d2 x dx
t 2 + 5x = + 5x = + 5x = 0.
dt ds2 ds ds2 ds
The axiliary equation to this constant coecient linear equation is r 2 r + 5 = 0, which has
roots $
1 12 4(1)(5) 1 19
r= = .
2 2
Thus, L J K J KM
19s 19s
y(s) = es/2 c1 cos + c2 sin
2 2
Chapter 4
13. The roots of the auxiliary equation, r 2 + 16 = 0, are r = 4i. Thus a general solution to the
corresponding homogeneous equation is given by
The method of undetermined coecients suggests the form yp (t) = (A1 t+A0 )et for a particular
solution to the original equation. We compute
and substitute yp(t) and yp (t) into the given equation. This yields
- . - .
yp + 16yp = (A1 t + A0 + 2A1 )et + 16 (A1 t + A0 )et = tet
1 2
(17A1 t + 17A0 + 2A1 ) et = tet A1 = , A0 = .
17 289
+ ,
t 2
yp (t) = et
17 289
+ ,
t 2
y(t) = yh (t) + yp (t) = c1 cos 4t + c2 sin 4t + et .
17 289
15. This is a third order homogeneous linear dierential equation with constant coecients. Its
auxiliary equation is 3r 3 + 10r 2 + 9r + 2 = 0. Factoring yields
Review Problems
17. To solve the auxiliary equation, r 3 + 10r 11 = 0, we note that r1 = 1 is a root. Dividing the
polynomial r 3 + 10r 11 by r 1 we get
Thus, in addition, r = 1/2 is a double root of the auxiliary equation. A general solution then
has the form
y(t) = c1 e3t + c2 et/2 + c3 tet/2 .
y 3y + 7y = 0.
Chapter 4
We use the superposition principle to find a particular solution to the original nonhomogeneous
yp,1(t) = A2 t2 + A1 t + A0 .
Substitution yields
yp,1 3yp,1 + 7yp,1 = 2A2 3(2A2 t + A1 ) + 7(A2 t2 + A1 t + A0 ) = 7t2
(7A2 )t2 + (7A1 6A2 )t + (7A0 3A1 + 2A2 ) = 7t2
7A2 = 7, A2 = 1,
7A1 6A2 = 0, A1 = 6/7,
7A0 3A1 + 2A2 = 0 A0 = 4/49,
and so
6 4
yp,1 (t) = t2 +
t+ .
7 49
The other term in the right-hand side of the original equation is et . A particular solution to
y 3y + 7y = et has the form yp,2(t) = Aet . Substitution yields
1 1 t
yp,2 3yp,2 + 7yp,2 = 5Aet = et A= yp,2 (t) = e .
5 5
By the superposition principle, a general solution to the original equation is
23. The corresponding homogeneous equation in this problem is similar to that in Problem 13.
Thus, y1 (t) = cos 4 and y2 (t) = sin 4 are its two linearly independent solutions, and a
general solution is given by
yh () = c1 cos 4 + c2 sin 4 .
For a particular solution to the original equation, we use the variation of parameters method.
yp () = v1 () cos 4 + v2 () sin 4,
Review Problems
we get the following system for v1 and v2 (see (9) on page 195 in the text):
v1 () cos 4 + v2 () sin 4 = 0
4v1 () sin 4 + 4v2 () cos 4 = tan 4.
Multiplying the first equation by sin 4 and the second equation by (1/4) cos 4, and adding
the resulting equations together, we get
1 1
v2 () = sin 4 v2 = cos 4 + c3 .
4 16
From the first equation in the above system we also obtain
1 sin2 4 1
v1 () = v2 () tan 4 = = (sec 4 cos 4)
3 4 cos 4 4
1 1 1
v1 () = (sec 4 cos 4) d = ln | sec 4 + tan 4| + sin 4 + c4 .
4 16 16
Taking c3 = c4 = 0, we obtain
+ , + ,
1 1 1
yp () = ln | sec 4 + tan 4| + sin 4 cos 4 + cos sin 4
16 16 16
= (cos 4) ln | sec 4 + tan 4|,
and a general solution to the original equation is
y() = c1 cos 4 + c2 sin 4 (cos 4) ln | sec 4 + tan 4| .
25. Since the auxiliary equation, 4r 2 12r + 9 = (2r 3)2 = 0, has a double root r = 3/2, a
general solution to the corresponding homogeneous equation is
By the superposition principle, a particular solution to the original equation has the form
Chapter 4
Therefore, yp (t) = (1/49)e5t + (1/9)e3t and a general solution to the original equation is
1 5t 1 3t
y(t) = c1 e3t/2 + c2 te3t/2 + e + e .
49 9
27. This is a Cauchy-Euler equation. Thus we make the substitution x = et and get
d2 y dy
x2 2
+ 2x 2y = 6x2 + 3x
dx + dx ,
d2 y dy dy
+ 2 2y = 6(et )2 + 3(et )
dt2 dt dt
d2 y dy
+ 2y = 6e2t + 3et . (4.15)
dt dt
The auxiliary equation, r 2 + r 2 = 0, has the roots r = 2, 1. Therefore, a general solution
to the corresponding homogeneous equation is
yh (t) = c1 et + c2 e2t .
(The factor t appeared in both terms because et and e2t are both solutions to the homogeneous
equation.) Dierentiating, we find
Review Problems
y(x) = c1 x + c2 x2 2x2 ln x + x ln x .
Solving this system yields c1 = 1, c2 = 0. The solution to the given initial value problem is
y(t) = e2t cos 3t .
is a general solution.
Now, we apply the method of undetermined coecients and look for a particular solution to
the original nonhomogeneous equation of the form yp (t) = A cos 3t + B sin 3t. Dierentiating
yp (t) twice, we obtain yp (t) = 3A sin 3t+3B cos 3t, yp = 9A cos 3t9B sin 3t and substitute
these expressions into the original equation. Thus we get
(9A cos 3t 9B sin 3t) 2(3A sin 3t + 3B cos 3t) + 10(A cos 3t + B sin 3t)
= 6 cos 3t sin 3t
Chapter 4
So, yp (t) = sin 3t, and y(t) = (c1 cos 3t + c2 sin 3t) et sin 3t is a general solution to the
given equation.
y(0) = c1 = 2, c1 = 2,
y (0) = c1 + 3c2 3 = 8 c2 = 7/3.
Hence, the answer is + ,
y(t) = 2 cos 3t sin 3t et sin 3t.
33. The associated characteristic equation in this problem is r 3 12r 2 + 27r + 40 = 0, which is
a third order equation. Using the rational root theorem, we look for its integer roots among
the divisors of 40, which are 1, 2, 4, 8, 10, 20, and 40. By inspection, r = 1 is
a root. Dividing r 3 12r 2 + 27r + 40 by r + 1, we get
and so the other two roots of the auxiliary equation are the roots of r 2 13r+40 = 0, which are
r = 5 and 8. Therefore, a general solution to the given equation is y(t) = c1 et + c2 e5t + c3 e8t .
We find the values of c1 , c2 , and c3 from the initial conditions.
y(0) = (c1 et + c2 e5t + c3 e8t ) 1t=0 = c1 + c2 + c3 = 3, c1 = 1,
y (0) = (c1 et + 5c2 e5t + 8c3 e8t ) 1t=0 = c1 + 5c2 + 8c3 = 6, c2 = 3,
y (0) = (c1 et + 25c2 e5t + 64c3 e8t ) 1t=0 = c1 + 25c2 + 64c3 = 12 c3 = 1.
Therefore, y(t) = et 3e5t + e8t is the solution to the given initial value problem.
35. Since the roots of the auxiliary equation, r 2 + 1 = 0, are r = i, the functions y1 () = cos
and y2 () = sin are two linearly independent solutions to the corresponding homogeneous
equation, and its general solution is given by
yh () = c1 cos + c2 sin .
Review Problems
We apply the method of variation of parameters to find a particular solution to the original
equation. We look for a particular solution of the form
yp () = v1 () cos + v2 () sin ,
where v1 () and v2 () satisfy the system (9), Section 4.6. That is,
v1 cos + v2 sin = 0,
v1 sin + v2 cos = sec .
Multiplying the first equation by sin , the second equation by cos , and adding them together
v2 sin2 + v2 cos2 = sec cos v2 = 1 v2 () = .
y() = c1 cos + c2 sin + cos ln | cos | + sin
y(0) = c1 = 1, c1 = 1,
y (0) = c2 = 2 c2 = 2,
Chapter 4
37. Comparing the given homogeneous equations with mass-spring oscillator equation (13) in
Section 4.7,
[inertia] y + [damping] y + [stiness] y = 0,
we see that in equations (a) through (d) the damping coecient is 0. So, the behavior, of
solutions, as t +, depends on the sign of the stiness coecient k.
(a) k= t4 > 0. This implies that all the solutions remain bounded as t +.
(b) k= t4 < 0. The stiness of the system is negative and increases unboundedly as
t +. It reinforces the displacement, y(t), with magnitude increasing with time.
Hence some solutions grow rapidly with time.
(c) k= y 6 > 0. Similarly to (a), we conclude that all the solutions are bounded.
(d) k= y 7. The function f (y) = y 7 is positive for positive y and negative if y is negative.
Hence, we can expect that some of the solutions (say, ones satisfying negative initial
conditions) are unbounded.
k 3 + (1) = 2 > 0,
(f) Here there is positive damping b= t2 increasing with time, which results an increasing
drain of energy from the system, and positive constant stiness k = 1. Thus all the
solutions are bounded.
(g) Negative damping b= t2 increases (in absolute value) with time, which imparts energy
to the system instead of draining it. Note that the stiness k = 1 is also negative. Thus
we should expect that some of the solutions increase unboundedly as t +.
39. If a weight of w = 32 lb stretches the spring by = 6 in = 0.5 ft, then the spring stiness must
w 32
k= = = 64 (lb/ft).
Review Problems
Clearly, we have an underdamped motion because b2 4mk = 4 256 < 0. So, we can use
formula (6) in Section 4.9 for the steady-state solution. This yields
F0 / 2
yp (t) = (k m ) cos t + b sin t
(k m 2 )2 + b2 2
4 / 0 1
= 2 2 2 2
(64 82 ) cos 8t + (2)(8) sin 8t = sin 8t .
(64 8 ) + 2 8 4
The resonant frequency for the system is r /(2), where r is given in (15), Section 4.9.
Applying this formula, we get
! "
1 k b2 1 64 22 62
resonant frequency = 2
= 2
= .
2 m 2m 2 1 2(1 ) 2
Chapter 4
CHAPTER 5: Introduction to Systems and Phase
Plane Analysis
1. Subtracting the second equation in the system from the first one, we eliminate y and obtain
x + y = 2y,
x = x.
y = x 2y
y + 2y = x = c2 et .
y(t) = c1 e2t + c2 et .
3. We eliminate x by subtracting the second equation from the first equation. This yields
y + 2y = 0 = 2dt ln |y| = 2t + c y(t) = c2 e2t .
Chapter 5
(D 1)[x] + D[y] = 5,
D[x] + (D + 1)[y] = 1.
We will first eliminate the function x(t), although we could proceed just as easily by eliminat-
ing the function y(t). Thus, we apply the operator D to the first equation and the operator
(D 1) to the second equation to obtain
To find the function x(t), we will eliminate y from the system given in (5.1). Therefore, we
multiply the first equation in (5.1) by (D + 1) and the second by D to obtain the system
Exercises 5.2
7. In order to eliminate u, we multiply the first equation by (D 1), the second equation by
(D + 1), and subtract the results.
(D 1) {(D + 1)[u] (D + 1)[v]} = (D 1) [et ] = (et ) et = 0,
(D + 1) {(D 1)[u] + (2D + 1)[v]} = (D + 1) [5] = (5) + 5 = 5
(D 2 1) [u] (D 2 1) [v] = 0,
(D 2 1) [u] + {(D + 1)(2D + 1)} [v] = 5
/ ) *0 5
(D + 1)(2D + 1) + D2 1 [v] = 5 {D(D + 1)} [v] = . (5.2)
The corresponding homogeneous equation, {D(D + 1)} [v] = 0, has the characteristic equation
r(r + 1) = 0 r = 0, 1,
Applying the method of undetermined coecients, we look for a particular solution to (5.2) of
the form vp (t) = cts , where we choose s = 1 (because the homogeneous equation has constant
solutions and does not have solutions of the form ct). Substitution v = ct into (5.2) yields
5 5
{D(D + 1)} [ct] = (D + 1)[c] = c = vp (t) = t.
3 3
Therefore, a general solution to (5.2) is
v(t) = vh (t) + vp (t) = c1 + c2 et + t.
We now go back to the original system and subtract the second equation from the first one.
2u (3D + 2)[v] = et 5
+ ,
3 1 5
u= D + 1 [v] + et
2 2 2
+ , + ,
3 t 5 t 5 1 5
u= c1 + c2 e + t + c1 + c2 e + t + et
2 3 3 2 2
1 1 5
u(t) = c1 c2 et + et + t.
2 2 3
Chapter 5
(D + 2)[x] + D[y] = 0,
(D 1)[x] + (D 1)[y] = sin t.
In order to eliminate the function y(t), we will apply the operator (D 1) to the first equation
above and the operator D to the second one. Thus, we have
Adding these two equations yields the dierential equation involving the single function x(t)
given by
/ 2 0
(D + D 2) (D 2 D) [x] = cos t
2(D 1)[x] = cos t. (5.3)
This is a linear first order dierential equation with constant coecients and so can be solved
by the methods of Chapter 2. (See Section 2.3.) However, we will use the methods of
Chapter 4. We see that the auxiliary equation associated with the corresponding homogeneous
equation is given by 2(r 1) = 0, which has the root r = 1. Thus, a general solution to the
corresponding homogeneous equation is
xh (t) = C1 et .
We will use the method of undetermined coecients to find a particular solution to the
nonhomogeneous equation. To this end, we note that a particular solution to this dierential
equation will have the form
Exercises 5.2
Substituting these expressions into the nonhomogeneous equation given in (5.3) yields
2B 2A = 1 and 2A 2B = 0.
1 1
A= and B= .
4 4
Thus, a particular solution to the nonhomogeneous equation given in (5.3) will be
1 1
xp (t) = cos t sin t
4 4
and a general solution to the nonhomogeneous equation (5.3) will be
1 1
x(t) = xh (t) + xp (t) = C1 et + cos t sin t.
4 4
We now must find a function y(t). To do this, we subtract the second of the two dierential
equations in the system from the first to obtain
3x + y = sin t y = 3x sin t.
1 1 3 1
x(t) = C1 et + cos t sin t and y(t) = 3C1 et cos t sin t.
4 4 4 4
Chapter 5
11. From the second equation, we obtain u = (D 2 + 2) [v]/2. Substitution into the first equation
eliminates u and gives
6 7
) 1) 2
* *
D 1 D + 2 [v] + 5v = et
-) 2 *) * .
D 1 D 2 + 2 10 [v] = 2et
) 4 *
D + D 2 12 [v] = 2et . (5.4)
A particular solution to (5.4) has the form vp (t) = cet . Substitution yields
) *- . 1
D 4 + D 2 12 cet = cet + cet 12cet = 10cet = 2et c= .
Therefore, v = vh + vp = c1 cos 2t + c2 sin 2t + c3 e 3t
+ c4 e 3t
+ et /5 and
+ ,
1) * 1
3t 1
u = D 2 + 2 [v] = c1 cos 2t + c2 sin 2t + c3 e + c4 e 3t
+ et
2 2 5
3t 3t 1 t
c1 cos 2t + c2 sin 2t + c3 e + c4 e + e
5 5 3 t
= c1 cos 2t + c2 sin 2t c3 e 3t c4 e 3t e .
2 2 10
By replacing (5/2)c3 by c3 and (5/2)c4 by c4 we obtain the same answer as given in the
13. Expressing x from the second equation and substituting the result into the first equation, we
d(y y)
x = y y = (y y) 4y y 2y + 5y = 0.
Exercises 5.2
This homogeneous linear equation with constant coecients has the characteristic equation
r 2 2r + 5 = 0 with roots r = 1 2i. Thus a general solution is
y = c1 et cos 2t + c2 et sin 2t .
) * ) *
x = c1 et cos 2t + c2 et sin 2t c1 et cos 2t + c2 et sin 2t
) * ) *
= c1 et cos 2t 2c1 et sin 2t + c2 et sin 2t + 2c2 et cos 2t c1 et cos 2t + c2 et sin 2t
= 2c2 et cos 2t 2c1 et sin 2t.
2z + (D 5)[w] = 5t,
(D 4)[z] 3w = 17t.
We multiply the first equation by 3, the second equation by (D 5), and add the resulting
We use now the second equation from the original system to find w.
1 2
w= (z 4z 17t) = c1 e2t + c2 e7t + t + 1.
3 3
Chapter 5
(D 2 + 5) [x] 4[y] = 0,
[x] + (D 2 + 2) [y] = 0.
In order to eliminate the function x(t), we apply the operator (D 2 + 5) to the second equation.
Thus, we have
) *
D 2 + 5 [x] 4[y] = 0,
) * ) *) *
D 2 + 5 [x] + D 2 + 5 D 2 + 2 [y] = 0.
Adding these two equations together yields the dierential equation involving the single func-
tion y(t) given by
/ 2 0 ) 4 *
(D + 5)(D 2 + 2) 4 [y] = 0 D + 7D 2 + 6 [y] = 0.
We must now find a function x(t) that satisfies the system of dierential equations given in
the problem. To do this we solve the second equation of the system of dierential equations
for x(t) to obtain
) *
x(t) = D 2 + 2 [y].
Exercises 5.2
19. From the first equation, we conclude that y = x 4x. Substitution into the second equation
(x 4x) = 2x + (x 4x) x 5x + 6x = 0.
21. To apply the elimination method, we write the system using operator notation:
D 2 [x] y = 0,
x + D 2 [y] = 0.
Eliminating y by applying D 2 to the first equation and adding to the second equation gives
) *
D 2 D 2 1 [x] = 0,
which reduces to
) 4 *
D 1 [x] = 0. (5.6)
The corresponding auxiliary equation, r 4 1 = 0, has roots 1, i. Thus, the general solution
to (5.6) is given by
x(t) = C1 et + C2 et + C3 cos t + C4 sin t. (5.7)
Chapter 5
23. We will attempt to solve this system by first eliminating the function y(t). Thus, we multiply
the first equation by (D + 2) and the second by (D 1). Therefore, we obtain
- .
(D + 2)(D 1)[x] + (D + 2)(D 1)D[y] = (D + 2) 3e2t = 6e2t 6e2t = 0,
- .
(D 1)(D + 2)[x] (D 1)(D + 2)[y] = (D 1) 3et = 3et + 3et = 0.
0 x + 0 y = 0,
which will be true for any two functions x(t) and y(t). (But not every pair of functions
will satisfy this system of dierential equations.) Thus, this is a degenerate system, and has
infinitely many linearly independent solutions. To see if we can find these solutions, we will
examine the system more closely. Notice that we could write this system as
(D 1)[x + y] = 3e2t ,
(D + 2)[x + y] = 3et .
Exercises 5.2
Therefore, lets try the substitution z(t) = x(t) + y(t). We want a function z(t) that satisfies
the two equations
simultaneously. We start by solving the first equation given in (5.9). This is a linear dierential
equation with constant coecients which has the associated auxiliary equation r 1 = 0.
Hence, the solution to the corresponding homogeneous equation is
zh (t) = Cet .
By the method of undetermined coecients, we see that a particular solution will have the
zp (t) = Ae2t zp = 2Ae2t .
Substituting these expressions into the first dierential equation given in (5.9) yields
Thus, the first equation given in (5.9) has the general solution
Hence, C must be 1. Therefore, z(t) = et + e2t is the only solution that satisfies both
dierential equations given in (5.9) simultaneously. Thus, any two dierentiable functions
that satisfy the equation x(t) + y(t) = et + e2t will satisfy the original system.
(D 1)[x] 2y + z = 0,
x + D[y] z = 0,
4x + 4y + (D 5)[z] = 0.
Chapter 5
z = x + D[y]. (5.10)
(D 1)[x] 2y + (x + D[y]) = 0,
4x + 4y + (D 5)[x + D[y]] = 0
(D 2)[x] + (D 2)[y]) = 0,
(D 1)[x] + (D2 5D + 4) [y] = 0.
Now we eliminate x by multiplying the first equation by (D 1), the second equation by
(D 2), and adding the results. This yields
/ 0
(D 1)(D 2) + (D 2)(D 2 5D + 4) [y] = 0
/ 0
(D 2)(D 2 4D + 3) [y] = 0 {(D 2)(D 1)(D 3)} [y] = 0.
The roots of the characteristic equation, (r 2)(r 1)(r 3) = 0, are r = 1, 2, and 3. Thus,
a general solution for y is
y = c1 et + c2 e2t + c3 e3t .
(D 2)[h] = 0 or h 2h = 0,
x = h y = c1 et + (K c2 )e2t c3 e3t .
To find K, we substitute the above solutions x(t) and y(t), with c1 = c3 = 0, into the second
equation in (5.11). Thus we get
- . ) *- .
(D 1) (K c2 )e2t + D 2 5D + 4 c2 e2t = 0
(K c2 )e2t + (4(c2 ) 5(2c2 ) + 4(c2 )) e2t = 0
K c2 = 0 K = c2 .
Exercises 5.2
x = c1 et 2c2 e2t c3 e3t .
1 1
z= (x + 4x) = (D 4)[x] (5.12)
4 4
from the first equation and substituting (5.12) into the second and third equations. We obtain
6 7
2 (D 4)[x] + (D 4)[y] = 0,
4 5 6 7
1 1
2x + 4y + D (D 4)[x] 4 (D 4)[x] = 0.
4 4
1 ) 2 *
y= D 8D + 8 [x]. (5.13)
x = c1 e8t + c2 e4t + c3 .
Chapter 5
z= (x + 4x) = c1 e8t + c3 ,
1 1 ) 8t *
y= (x 8x + 8x) = c1 e c2 e4t + c3 .
16 2
(D )[x] + y = 0,
3x + (D 1)[y] = 0.
We eliminate y by applying (D 1) to the first equation and subtracting the second equation
from it. This gives
Note that since the given system is homogeneous, y(t) also satisfies this equation (compare
(7) and (8) on page 247 of the text). So, we can investigate solutions x(t) only. The auxiliary
equation, r 2 ( + 1)r + ( + 3) = 0, has roots
( + 1) ( + 1) +
r1 = , r2 = ,
2 2
( + 1) + | + 1|
r2 > = 0.
Exercises 5.2
If 0, then < | + 1| and a fundamental solution set is
Any solution x(t) is a linear combination of fundamental solutions and, therefore, all solutions
x(t) are bounded if and only if 3 1.
31. Solving this problem, we follow the arguments described in Section 5.1, page 242 of the text,
i.e., x(t), the mass of salt in the tank A, and y(t), the mass of salt in the tank B, satisfy the
= inputA outputA ,
= inputB outputB ,
with initial conditions x(0) = 0, y(0) = 20. It is important to notice that the volume of each
tank stays at 100 L because the net flow rate into each tank is the same as the net outflow.
Next we observe that inputA consists of the salt coming from outside, which is
y(t) y(t)
kg/L 1 L/min = kg/min.
100 100
Thus, 4 5
inputA = 1.2 + kg/min.
Chapter 5
outputA consists of two flows: one is going out of the system and the other one is going to
the tank B. So,
x(t) 7x(t)
outputA = kg/L (4 + 3) L/min = kg/min,
100 100
and the first equation in (5.17) becomes
dx y 7x
= 1.2 + .
dt 100 100
Similarly, the second equation in (5.17) can be written as
dy 3x 3y
= .
dt 100 100
Rewriting this system in the operator form, we obtain
which simplifies to
) *
D2 + 0.1D + 0.0018 [x] = 0.036 . (5.19)
Since the nonhomogeneous term in (5.19) is a constant (0.036), we are looking for a particular
solution of the form xp (t) = A =const. Substituting into (5.19) yields
Exercises 5.2
0 = x(0) = C1 + C2 + 20,
) * ) *
20 = y(0) = 2 7 C1 + 2 + 7 C2 + 20
C1 + C2 = 20,
) * ) *
2 7 C1 + 2 + 7 C2 = 0
+ , + ,
20 20
C1 = 10 + , C2 = 10 .
7 7
Thus the solution to the problem is
+ , + ,
20 20
x(t) = 10 + e 10 er2 t + 20 (kg),
r1 t
7 7
30 r1 t 30 r2 t
y(t) = e e + 20 (kg).
7 7
33. Since no solution flows in or out of the system from the tank B, we conclude that the solution
flows from the tank B to the tank A with the same rate as it does from A to B, that is, 1 L/min.
Furthermore, the solution flows in and out of the tank A with the same rate, 4 L/min, and so
the volume of the solution in the tank A (as well as in the tank B) remains constant, 100 L.
Thus, with x(t) and y(t) denoting the amount of salt in the tanks A and B, respectively, the
law rate of change = input rate output rate becomes
Tank A:
# y % x
x = 4 L/min 0.2 kg/L + 1 L/min kg/L kg/L (1 L/min + 4 L/min);
100 100
Chapter 5
Tank B:
x y
y = 1 L/min kg/L 1 L/min kg/L.
100 100
Hence, we obtain the system
x y
x = 0.8 + ,
20 100
x y
y = .
100 100
From the second equation, we find that x = 100y + y. Substitution into the first equation
100y + y y
(100y + y) = 0.8 +
20 100
100y + 6y + y = 0.8 y + 0.06y + 0.0004y = 0.008 . (5.20)
is a general solution to the homogeneous equation. We now look for a particular solution of
the form yp (t) = c. Substitution into (5.20) gives
0.0004c = 0.008 c= = 20.
y(t) = yp (t) + yh (t) = 20 + c1 e(3 5)t/100
+ c2 e(3+ 5)t/100
Exercises 5.2
Next, we use the initial condition, x(0) = 0, y(0) = 20, to find values of c1 and c2 .
20 (2 + 5)c1 + (2 + 5)c2 = 0, c1 = 10/ 5 ,
20 + c1 + c2 = 20 c2 = 10/ 5.
With these values, the solution given in (5.21), (5.22) becomes
20 + 10 5 20 10 5
x(t) = 20 e(3 5)t/100 + e(3+ 5)t/100 ,
5 5
+ ,
+ ,
10 10
y(t) = 20 + e(3 5)t/100 e(3+ 5)t/100 .
5 5
35. Let x(t) and y(t) denote the temperatures at time t in zones A and B, respectively. Therefore,
the rate of change of temperature in zone A will be x (t) and in zone B will be y (t). We
can apply Newtons law of cooling to help us express these rates of change in an alternate
manner. Thus, we observe that the rate of change of the temperature in zone A due to the
outside temperature is k1 [100 x(t)] and due to the temperature in zone B is k2 [y(t) x(t)].
Since the time constant for heat transfer between zone A and the outside is 2 hrs (= 1/k1 ),
we see that k1 = 1/2. Similarly, we see that 1/k2 = 4 which implies that k2 = 1/4. Therefore,
since there is no heating or cooling source in zone A, we can write the equation for the rate
of change of the temperature in the attic as
1 1
x (t) = [100 x(t)] + [y(t) x(t)].
2 4
In the same way, we see that the rate of change of the temperature in zone B due to the
temperature of the attic is k3 [x(t) y(t)], where 1/k3 = 4; and the rate of change of the
temperature in this zone due to the outside temperature is k4 [100 y(t)], where 1/k4 = 4.
In this zone, however, we must consider the cooling due to the air conditioner. Since the
heat capacity of zone B is (1/2) F per thousand Btu and the air conditioner has the cooling
capacity of 24 thousand Btu per hr, we see that the air conditioner removes heat from this
zone at the rate of (1/2) 24 = 12 F/hr. (Since heat is removed from the house, this rate
will be negative.) By combining these observations, we see that the rate of change of the
temperature in zone B is given by
1 1
y (t) = 12 + [x(t) y(t)] + [100 y(t)].
4 4
Chapter 5
By simplifying these equations, we observe that this cooling problem satisfies the system
Since we are interested in the temperature in the attic, x(t), we will eliminate the function
y(t) from the system above by applying (4D + 2) to the first equation and adding the resulting
equations to obtain
This last equation is a linear equation with constant coecients whose corresponding homo-
geneous equation has the associated auxiliary equation 16r 2 + 20r + 5 = 0. By the quadratic
formula, the roots to this auxiliary equation are
5 + 5 5 5
r1 = 0.345 and r2 = 0.905 .
8 8
Therefore, the homogeneous equation associated with this equation has a general solution
given by
xh (t) = c1 er1 t + c2 er2 t ,
where r1 and r2 are given above. By the method of undetermined coecients, we observe that
a particular solution to equation (5.23) will have the form
Exercises 5.2
Thus, a particular solution to the dierential equation given in (5.23) is xp (t) = 90.4 and the
general solution to this equation will be
37. In this problem, we combine the idea exploded in interconnected tanks problems,
Chapter 5
x = 20 (3/4)x + (1/2)y,
y = 2 + (1/2)x (7/10)y.
Therefore, (600/11, 460/11) is the only critical point of the system. Analyzing the direction
field, we conclude that (600/11, 460/11) is an asymptotically stable node. Hence,
lim y(t) = 41.8 F.
t 11
(One can also find an explicit solution y(t) = 460/11 + c1 er1 t + c2 er2 t , where r1 < 0, r2 < 0,
to conclude that y(t) 460/11 as t .)
39. Let y be an arbitrary function dierentiable as many times as necessary. Note that, for a
dierential operator, say, A, A[y] is a function, and so we can use commutative, associative,
and distributive laws operating such functions.
To prove commutativity of the multiplication, we will use the linearity of the dierential
operator D, that is, D[x+y] = D[x]+D[y] and the fact that D i D j = D i+j = D j D i .
For the latter,
) * - . ) *(i) ) *(j) - . ) *
D iD j [y] := D i D j [y] = y (j) = y (i+j) = y (i) = D j D i [y] =: D j D i [y].
Exercises 5.2
Thus we have
J 2
K LJ 2
. H H
(AB)[y] := A B[y] = aj D j bi D i [y]
j=0 i=0
J 2
KL 2 M 2
> L 2 MO
:= aj D j bi D i [y] := aj D j bi D i [y]
j=0 i=0 j=0 i=0
2 H
H 2 2 H
H 2
) * ) *
= aj D j bi D i [y] = bi D i aj D j [y]
j=0 i=0 i=0 j=0
> L 2 MO J 2
KL 2 M
= bi D i aj D j [y] =: bi D i aj D j [y]
i=0 j=0 i=0 j=0
J 2
K LJ 2
H H - .
=: bi D i aj D j [y] = B A[y] =: (BA)[y].
i=0 j=0
(b) We have
- . 8 - .9 - .
{(AB)C} [y] := (AB) C[y] := A B C[y] =: A (BC)[y] =: {A(BC)} [y].
41. As it was noticed in Example 2, we can treat a polynomial in D, that is, an expression
Pn i
Pn i
of the form p(D) = i=0 ai D , as a regular polynomial, i.e., p(r) = i=0 ai r , while per-
forming arithmetic operations. Hence, the factorization problem for p(D) is equivalent to the
factorization problem for p(r), which is the same as finding its roots.
3 32 4(4) 3 5
(a) r = = = 4, 1 D 2 + 3D 4 = (D + 4)(D 1).
2 2
Chapter 5
1 12 4(6) 1 5
(b) r = = = 3, 2 D 2 + D 6 = (D + 3)(D 2).
2 2
9 92 4(5)2 9 11
(c) r = = = 5, 1/2 2D 2 + 9D 5 = (D + 5)(2D 1).
4 4
(d) r = 2 D 2 = (D + 2)(D 2).
EXERCISES 5.3: Solving Systems and HigherOrder Equations Numerically, page 261
x1 = y = x2 ,
x2 = (y ) = y = 3y ty + t2 = 3x1 tx2 + t2 ,
with initial conditions x1 (0) = y(0) = 3, x2 (0) = y (0) = 6. Therefore, given initial value
problem is equivalent to
x1 = x2 ,
x2 = 3x1 tx2 + t2 ,
x1 (0) = 3, x2 (0) = 6.
In this problem, we need four new variables for y(t), y (t), y (t), and y (3) (t). Thus we denote
x1 = y, x2 = y , x3 = y , and x4 = y (3) .
We have
x1 = y = x2 ,
Exercises 5.3
x2 = (y ) = y = x3 ,
x3 = (y ) = y (3) = x4 ,
) *
x4 = y (3) = y (4) = y (3) 7y + cos t = x4 7x1 + cos t .
Hence, the required initial value problem for a system in normal form is
x1 = x2 ,
x2 = x3 ,
x3 = x4 ,
x4 = x4 7x1 + cos t,
x1 (0) = x2 (0) = 1, x3 (0) = 0, x4 (0) = 2 .
x = x y + 2t,
y = x y 1.
Setting x1 = x, x2 = x , x3 = y, x4 = y we obtain
x1 = x = x2 , x1 = x2 ,
x2 = x = x2 x3 + 2t , x2 = x2 x3 + 2t ,
x3 = y = x4 , x3 = x4 ,
x4 = y = x1 x3 1 x4 = x1 x3 1
x = y + t,
2y 2x + 1
y = .
x1 = x, x2 = x , x3 = x , x4 = y, x5 = y ,
Chapter 5
x1 = x2 ,
x2 = x3 ,
x3 = x4 + t ,
x4 = x5 ,
x5 = (2x4 2x3 + 1)
with initial conditions
9. To see how the improved Eulers method can be extended lets recall, from Section 3.6, the
improved Eulers method (pages 127128 of the text). For the initial value problem
tn+1 = tn + h,
xn+1 = xn + [f (tn , xn ) + f (tn + h, xn + hf (tn , xn ))] ,
where h is the step size. Now suppose we want to approximate the solution x1 (t), x2 (t) to the
x1 = f1 (t, x1 , x2 ) and x2 = f2 (t, x1 , x2 ),
x1 (t0 ) = a1 , x2 (t0 ) = a2 .
Let x1;n and x2;n denote approximations to x1 (tn ) and x2 (tn ), respectively, where tn = t0 + nh
for n = 0, 1, 2, . . .. The recursive formulas for the improved Eulers method are obtained by
forming the vector analogue of the scalar formula. We obtain
tn+1 = tn + h,
Exercises 5.3
x1;n+1 = x1;n + [f1 (tn , x1;n , x2;n )
+f1 (tn + h, x1;n + hf1 (tn , x1;n , x2;n ), x2;n + hf2 (tn , x1;n , x2;n ))],
x2;n+1 = x2;n + [f2 (tn , x1;n , x2;n )
+f2 (tn + h, x1;n + hf1 (tn , x1;n , x2;n ), x2;n + hf2 (tn , x1;n , x2;n ))].
The approach can be used more generally for systems of m equations in normal form.
Suppose we want to approximate the solution x1 (t), x2 (t), . . ., xm (t) to the system
x1 = f1 (t, x1 , x2 , . . . , xm ) ,
x2 = f2 (t, x1 , x2 , . . . , xm ) ,
xm = fm (t, x1 , x2 , . . . , xm ) ,
tn+1 = tn + h, n = 0, 1, 2, . . . ;
x1;n+1 = x1;n + [f1 (tn , x1;n , x2;n , . . . , xm;n ) + f1 (tn + h, x1;n + hf1 (tn , x1;n , x2;n , . . . , xm;n ),
x2;n + hf2 (tn , x1;n , x2;n , . . . , xm;n ), . . . , xm;n + hfm (tn , x1;n , x2;n , . . . , xm;n ))] ,
x2;n+1 = x2;n + [f2 (tn , x1;n , x2;n , . . . , xm;n ) + f2 (tn + h, x1;n + hf1 (tn , x1;n , x2;n , . . . , xm;n ),
x2;n + hf2 (tn , x1;n , x2;n , . . . , xm;n ), . . . , xm;n + hfm (tn , x1;n , x2;n , . . . , xm;n ))] ,
xm;n+1 = xm;n + [fm (tn , x1;n , x2;n , . . . , xm;n ) + fm (tn + h, x1;n + hf1 (tn , x1;n , x2;n , . . . , xm;n ),
x2;n + hf2 (tn , x1;n , x2;n , . . . , xm;n ), . . . , xm;n + hfm (tn , x1;n , x2;n , . . . , xm;n ))] .
Chapter 5
17. Let x1 := u and x2 := v, and denote the independent variable by t (in order to be consistent
with formulas in Section 5.3). In new notation, we have an initial value problem
x1 = 3x1 4x2 ,
x2 = 2x1 3x2 ,
x1 (0) = x2 (0) = 1
Exercises 5.3
4 + , + ,5 + , + ,
k1,1 k2,1 1 1 1
k2,2 = h 2 x1;0 + 3 x2;0 + =2 1+ 3 1+ = ,
2 2 2 2 2
4 + , + ,5 + , + ,
k1,2 k2,2 1/2 1/2 3
k1,3 = h 3 x1;0 + 4 x2;0 + =3 1+ 4 1+ = ,
2 2 2 2 4
4 + , + ,5 + , + ,
k1,2 k2,2 1/2 1/2 3
k2,3 = h 2 x1;0 + 3 x2;0 + =2 1+ 3 1+ = ,
2 2 2 2 4
+ , + ,
3 3 1
k1,4 = h [3 (x1;0 + k1,3 ) 4 (x2;0 + k2,3 )] = 3 1 + 4 1+ = ,
4 4 4
+ , + ,
3 3 1
k2,4 = h [2 (x1;0 + k1,3 ) 3 (x2;0 + k2,3 )] = 2 1 + 3 1+ = .
4 4 4
m h = 2m x1 (1; h) x2 (1; h)
We stopped at m = 2, since
1 1 1 1
1x1 (1; 21 ) x1 (1; 22 )1 = 1x2 (1; 21 ) x2 (1; 22 )1 = 0.36817 0.36789 = 0.00028 < 0.001 .
Chapter 5
18. For starting values we take t0 = 0, x0,1 = 10, and x0,2 = 15, which are determined by the
initial conditions. Here h = 0.1, and
f1 (t, x1 , x2 ) = (0.1)x1 x2 ,
f2 (t, x1 , x2 ) = x1 .
Now, using the definitions of tn , xi;n , ki,1 , ki,2 , ki,3 , and ki,4 on page 258 of the text, we have
tn+1 = tn + h = tn + 0.1 ,
x1;n+1 = x1;n + (k1,1 + 2k1,2 + 2k1,3 + k1,4 ) ,
x2;n+1 = x2;n + (k2,1 + 2k2,2 + 2k2,3 + k2,4 ) .
In Table 5-B we give approximate values for tn , x1;n , and x2;n .
From Table 5-B we see that the strength of the guerrilla troops, x1 , approaches zero, therefore
with the combat eectiveness coecients of 0.1 for guerrilla troops and 1 for conventional
troops the conventional troops win.
Exercises 5.3
tn x1;n x2;n
0 10 15
0.1 3.124 9.353
0.2 1.381 7.254
0.3 0.707 6.256
0.4 0.389 5.726
0.5 0.223 5.428
21. First, we convert given initial value problem to an initial value problem for a normal system.
Let x1 (t) = H(t), x2 (t) = H (t). Then H (t) = x2 (t), x1 (0) = H(0) = 0, x2 (0) = H (0) = 0,
and we get
x1 = x2 , x1 = x2 ,
60 x1 = (77.7)x2 + (19.42)x22 , x2 = [60 x1 (19.42)x22] /77.7 ,
x1 (0) = x2 (0) = 0 x1 (0) = x2 (0) = 0.
Chapter 5
L + , + ,2 M
k1,2 k2,2
k2,3 = h 60 x1;0 + (19.42) x2;0 + /77.7 = 0.38124 ,
2 2
k1,4 = h (x2;0 + k2,3 ) = 0.5 ((0) + 0.38124) = 0.19062 ,
- .
k2,4 = h 60 (x1;0 + k1,3 ) (19.42) (x2;0 + k2,3 )2 /77.7 = 0.36732 .
t1 = t0 + h = 0 + 0.5 = 0.5
x1 (0.5) x1;1 = x1;0 + (k1,1 + 2k1,2 + 2k1,3 + k1,4 ) = 0.09573 ,
x2 (0.5) x2;1 = x2;0 + (k2,1 + 2k2,2 + 2k2,3 + k2,4 ) = 0.37980 .
Next, we repeat the procedure with n = 1, 2, . . . , 9. The results of these computations (the
values of x1;n only) are presented in Table 5-C.
0 0 0 6 3.0 2.75497
1 0.5 0.09573 7 3.5 3.52322
2 1.0 0.37389 8 4.0 4.31970
3 1.5 0.81045 9 4.5 5.13307
4 2.0 1.37361 10 5.0 5.95554
5 2.5 2.03111
x1 = f1 (t, x1 , x2 ) = x2 , x1 (0) = a,
x2 = f2 (t, x1 , x2 ) = x1 (1 + rx21 ) , x2 (0) = 0.
Now, using the definitions of tn , xi;n , ki,1 , ki,2 , ki,3 , and ki,4 on page 258 of the text, we have
Exercises 5.3
) *
k2,1 = hf2 (tn , x1;n , x2;n ) = hx1;n 1 + rx21;n ,
+ , + ,
h k1,1 k2,1 k2,1
k1,2 = hf1 tn + , x1;n + , x2;n + = h x2;n + ,
2 2 2 2
+ , + ,L + ,2 M
h k1,1 k2,1 k1,1 k1,1
k2,2 = hf2 tn + , x1;n + , x2;n + = h x1;n + 1 + r x1;n + ,
2 2 2 2 2
+ , + ,
h k1,2 k2,2 k2,2
k1,3 = hf1 tn + , x1;n + , x2;n + = h x2;n + ,
2 2 2 2
+ , + ,L + ,2 M
h k1,2 k2,2 k1,2 k1,2
k2,3 = hf2 tn + , x1;n + , x2;n + = h x1;n + 1 + r x1;n + ,
2 2 2 2 2
k1,4 = hf1 (tn + h, x1;n + k1,3 , x2;n + k2,3 ) = h (x2;n + k2,3 ),
- .
k2,4 = hf2 (tn + h, x1;n + k1,3 , x2;n + k2,3 ) = h (x1;n + k1,3 ) 1 + r (x1;n + k1,3 )2 .
tn+1 = tn + h = tn + 0.1 ,
x1;n+1 = x1;n + (k1,1 + 2k1,2 + 2k1,3 + k1,4 ) ,
x2;n+1 = x2;n + (k2,1 + 2k2,2 + 2k2,3 + k2,4 ) .
In Table 5-D we give the approximate period for r = 1 and 2 with a = 1, 2 and 3, from this
we see that the period varies as r is varied or as a is varied.
25. With x1 = y, x2 = y , and x3 = y , the initial value problem can be expressed as the system
x1 = x2 , x1 (0) = 1,
x2 = x3 , x2 (0) = 1,
x3 = t x3 x21 , x3 (0) = 1.
Chapter 5
f1 (t, x1 , x2 , x3 ) = x2 ,
f2 (t, x1 , x2 , x3 ) = x3 ,
f3 (t, x1 , x2 , x3 ) = t x3 x21 .
Since we are computing the approximations for c = 1, the initial value for h in Step 1 of the
algorithm in Appendix E of the text is h = (1 0)20 = 1. The equations in Step 3 are
x1 (1; 1) = 1.29167 ,
x2 (1; 1) = 0.28125 ,
Exercises 5.4
x3 (1; 1) = 0.03125 .
We stopped at n = 3 since
1 1 1 1
1 x1 (1; 23 ) x1 (1; 22 ) 1 1 1.25958 1.25960 1
1 1=1 1 = 0.00002 < 0.01 ,
1 x1 (1; 23 ) 1 1 1.25958 1
1 1 1 1
1 x2 (1; 23 ) x2 (1; 22 ) 1 1 0.34704 0.34696 1
1 1=1 1 = 0.00023 < 0.01 , and
1 x2 (1; 23 ) 1 1 0.34704 1
1 1 1 1
1 x3 (1; 23 ) x3 (1; 22 ) 1 1 0.06971 + 0.06957 1
1 1=1 1 = 0.00201 < 0.01 .
1 x3 (1; 23 ) 1 1 0.06971 1
) *
y(1) x1 1; 23 = 1.25958 ,
Chapter 5
dy d ) t*
= e = et = y.
dt dt
Thus, given pair of functions is a solution. To sketch the trajectory of this solution, we express
x as a function of y.
) *3
x = e3t = et = y 3 for y = et > 0.
Since y = et is an increasing function, the flow arrows are directed away from the origin. See
Figure B.29 in the answers of the text.
3. In this problem, f (x, y) = x y, g(x, y) = x2 + y 2 1. To find the critical point set, we solve
the system
x y = 0, x = y,
2 2
x +y 1 = 0 x + y 2 = 1.
Eliminating y yields
2x2 = 1 x = .
Substituting x into the first equation, we find the corresponding value for y. Thus the critical
points of the given system are (1/ 2, 1/ 2) and (1/ 2, 1/ 2).
5. In this problem,
f (x, y) = x2 2xy, g(x, y) = 3xy y 2,
From the first equation we conclude that either x = 0 or x = 2y. Substituting these values
into the second equation, we get
x=0 y[3(0) y] = 0 y 2 = 0 y = 0;
x = 2y y[3(2y) y] = 0 5y 2 = 0 y = 0, x = 2(0) = 0.
Exercises 5.4
6. We see by Definition 1 on page 266 of the text that we must solve the system of equations
given by
y 2 3y + 2 = 0,
(x 1)(y 2) = 0.
By factoring the first equation above, we find that this system becomes
(y 1)(y 2) = 0,
(x 1)(y 2) = 0.
Thus, we observe that if y = 2 and x is any constant, then the system of dierential equations
given in this problem will be satisfied. Therefore, one family of critical points is given by the
line y = 2. If y = 2, then the system of equations above simplifies to y 1 = 0, and x 1 = 0.
Hence, another critical point is the point (1, 1).
7. Here f (x, y) = y 1, g(x, y) = ex+y . Thus the phase plane equation becomes
dy ex+y ex ey
= = .
dx y1 y1
Separating variables yields
3 3
y x y
(y 1)e dy = e dx (y 1)e dy = ex dx
yey + C = ex or ex + yey = C.
dy g(x, y) ex + y
= = .
dx f (x, y) 2y x
We rewrite this equation in symmetric form,
(ex + y) dx + (2y x) dy = 0,
Chapter 5
= (2y x) = 1.
x x
Therefore, the equation is exact. We have
3 3
F (x, y) = N(x, y) dy = (2y x) dy = y 2 xy + g(x);
) 2 *
M(x, y) = F (x, y) = y xy + g(x) = y + g (x) = (ex + y)
x x 3
g (x) = ex g(x) = (ex ) dx = ex .
F (x, y) = y 2 xy ex = C or ex + xy y 2 = C = c,
11. In this problem, f (x, y) = 2y and g(x, y) = 2x. Therefore, the phase plane equation for given
system is
dy 2x x
= = .
dx 2y y
Separation variables and integration yield
3 3
y dy = x dx y dy = x dx
1 2 1 2
y = x +C y 2 x2 = c.
2 2
Thus, the trajectories are hyperbolas if c = 0 and, for c = 0, the lines y = x.
In the upper half-plane, y > 0, we have x = 2y > 0 and, therefore, x(t) increases. In the
lower half-plane, x < 0 and so x(t) decreases. This implies that solutions flow from the left
to the right in the upper half-plane and from the right to the left in the lower half-plane. See
Figure B.30 in the text.
13. First, we will find the critical points of this system. Therefore, we solve the system
(y x)(y 1) = 0,
(x y)(x 1) = 0.
Exercises 5.4
Notice that both of these equations will be satisfied if y = x. Thus, x = C and y = C, for
any fixed constant C, will be a solution to the given system of dierential equations and one
family of critical points is the line y = x. We also see that we have a critical point at the
point (1, 1). (This critical point is, of course, also on the line y = x.)
Next we will find the integral curves. Therefore, we must solve the first order dierential
equation given by
dy dy/dt (x y)(x 1) dy 1x
= = = .
dx dx/dt (y x)(y 1) dx y1
We can solve this last dierential equation by the method of separation of variables. Thus,
we have
3 3
(y 1)dy = (1 x)dx
y2 x2
y = x +C
2 2
x2 2x + y 2 2y = 2C.
(x 1)2 + (y 1)2 = c,
where c = 2C +2. Therefore, the integral curves are concentric circles with centers at the point
(1, 1), including the critical point for the system of dierential equations. The trajectories
associated with the constants c = 1, 4, and 9, are sketched in Figure B.31 in the answers of
the text.
Finally we will determine the flow along the trajectories. Notice that the variable t imparts a
flow to the trajectories of a solution to a system of dierential equations in the same manner
as the parameter t imparts a direction to a curve written in parametric form. We will find this
flow by determining the regions in the xy-plane where x(t) is increasing (moving from left to
right on each trajectory) and the regions where x(t) is decreasing (moving from right to left on
each trajectory). Therefore, we will use four cases to study the equation dx/dt = (yx)(y1),
the first equation in our system.
Chapter 5
Case 1 : y > x and y < 1. (This region is above the line y = x but below the line y = 1.)
In this case, y x > 0 but y 1 < 0. Thus, dx/dt = (y x)(y 1) < 0. Hence, x(t)
will be decreasing here. Therefore, the flow along the trajectories will be from right to
left and so the movement is clockwise.
Case 2 : y > x and y > 1. (This region is above the lines y = x and y = 1.) In this case,
we see that y x > 0 and y 1 > 0. Hence, dx/dt = (y x)(y 1) > 0. Thus, x(t) will
be increasing and the flow along the trajectories in this region will still be clockwise.
Case 3 : y < x and y < 1. (This region is below the lines y = x and y = 1.) In this case,
y x < 0 and y 1 < 0. Thus, dx/dt > 0 and so x(t) is increasing. Thus, the movement
is from left to right and so the flow along the trajectories will be counterclockwise.
Case 4 : y < x and y > 1. (This region is below the line y = x but above the line y = 1.)
In this case, y x < 0 and y 1 > 0. Thus, dx/dt < 0 and so x(t) will be decreasing
here. Therefore, the flow is from right to left and, thus, counterclockwise here also.
Therefore, above the line y = x the flow is clockwise and below that line the flow is counter-
clockwise. See Figure B.31 in the answers of the text.
15. From Definition 1 on page 266 of the text, we must solve the system of equations given by
2x + y + 3 = 0,
3x 2y 4 = 0.
By eliminating y in the first equation we obtain
x+2 =0
y + 1 = 0.
Thus, we observe that x = 2 and y = 1 will satisfy both equations. Therefore (2, 1) is a
critical point.
From Figure B.32 in the answers of the text we see that all solutions passing near the point
(2, 1) do not stay close to it therefore the critical point (2, 1) is unstable.
Exercises 5.4
Therefore, the system has just one critical point, (0, 0). The direction field is shown in
Figure B.33 in the text. From this picture we conclude that (0, 0) is a center (stable).
y = v, y = v,
v y = 0 v = y.
f (y, v) = v = 0, y = 0,
g(y, v) = y = 0 v=0
and conclude that, in yv-plane, the system has only one critical point, (0, 0). In the upper
half-plane, y = v > 0 and, therefore, y increases and solutions flow to the right; similarly,
solutions flow to the left in the lower half-plane. See Figure B.34 in the answers of the text.
21. First we convert the given equation into a system of first order equations involving the func-
tions y(t) and v(t) by using the substitution
y = v,
v = y y 5 = y (1 + y 4) .
Chapter 5
To find the critical points, we solve the system of equations given by v = 0 and y (1 + y 4 ) = 0.
This system is satisfied only when v = 0 and y = 0. Thus, the only critical point is the point
(0, 0). To find the integral curves, we solve the first order equation given by
dv dv/dt y y 5
= = .
dy dy/dt v
This is a separable equation and can be written as
) * v2 y2 y6
v dv = y y 5 dy = +C
2 2 6
3v 2 + 3y 2 + y 6 = c (c = 6C),
where we have integrated to obtain the second equation above. Therefore, the integral curves
for this system are given by the equations 3v 2 + 3y 2 + y 6 = c for each positive constant c.
To determine the flow along the trajectories, we will examine the equation dy/dt = v. Thus,
we see that
dy dy
> 0 when v > 0, and < 0 when v < 0.
dt dt
Therefore, y will be increasing when v > 0 and decreasing when v < 0. Hence, above the
y-axis the flow will be from left to right and below the x-axis the flow will be from right to
left. Thus, the flow on these trajectories will be clockwise (Figure B.35 in the answers of the
text). Thus (0, 0) is a center (stable).
y = v, y = v,
v + y y4 = 0 v = y 4 y.
Therefore, f (y, v) = v and g(y, v) = y 4 y = y(y 3 1). We find critical points by solving
v = 0, v = 0,
y(y 3 1) = 0 y = 0 or y = 1.
Hence, system (5.26) has two critical points, (0, 0) and (1, 0).
In the upper half plane, y = v > 0 and so solutions flow to the right; similarly, solutions flow
to the left in the lower half-plane. See Figure B.36 in the text for the direction field. This
Exercises 5.4
figure indicates that (0, 0) is a stable critical point (center) whereas (1, 0) is a saddle point
25. This system has two critical points, (0, 0) and (1, 0), which are solutions to the system
y = 0,
x + x3 = 0.
The direction field for this system is depicted in Figure B.37. From this figure we conclude
(a) the solution passing through the point (0.25, 0.25) flows around (0, 0) and thus is periodic;
(b) for the solution (x(t), y(t)) passing through the point (2, 2), y(t) as t , and so
this solution is not periodic;
(c) the solution passing through the critical point (1, 0) is a constant (equilibrium) solution
and so is periodic.
27. The direction field for given system is shown in Figure B.38 in the answers of the text. From
the starting point, (1, 1), following the direction arrows the solution flows down and to the left,
crosses the x-axis, has a turning point in the fourth quadrant, and then does to the left and
up toward the critical point (0, 0). Thus we predict that, as t , the solution (x(t), y(t))
approaches (0, 0).
dy 3y
= .
dx x
dy 3dx
= ln |y| = 3 ln |x| + C y = cx3 .
y x
So, integral curves are cubic curves. Since in the right half-plane x = x > 0, in the left
half-plane x < 0, the solutions flow to the right in the right half-plane and to the left
Chapter 5
in the left half-plane. Solutions starting on the y-axis stay on it (x = 0); they flow up
if the initial point is in the upper half-plane (because y = y > 0) and flow down if the
initial point in the lower half-plane. This matches the figure for unstable node.
(b) Solving the phase plane equation for this system, we get
dy 4x
= y dy = 4x dx y 2 + 4x2 = C.
dx y
Thus the integral curves are ellipses. (Also, notice that the solutions flow along these
ellipses in clockwise direction because x increases in the upper half-plane and decreases
in the lower half-plane.) Therefore, here we have a center (stable).
(c) Solving 5x + 2y > 0 and x 4y > 0 we find that x increases in the half-plane y > 5x
and decreases in the half-plane y < 5x, and y increases in the half-plane y < x/4 and
decreases in the half-plane y > x/4. This leads to the scheme for the solutions
flows. Thus all solutions approach the critical point (0, 0), as t , which corresponds
to a stable node.
(d) An analysis, similar to that in (c), shows that all the solutions flow away from (0, 0).
Among pictures shown in Figure 5.7, only the unstable node and the unstable spiral have
this feature. Since the unstable node is the answer to (a), we have the unstable spiral in
this case.
Exercises 5.4
that solutions to the system flow into (0, 0) on one of them and flow away from (0, 0) on
the other. This is the case of a saddle (unstable) point.
(f) The only remaining picture is the asymptotically stable spiral. (One can also get a
diagram for solutions flows with just one matching picture in Figure 5.7.)
31. (a) Setting y = v and so y = v , we transform given equation to a first order system
= v,
= f (y).
(b) By the chain rule,
dv dv dx dv dy f (y) dv f (y)
= = = = .
dy dx dy dx dx v dy v
This equation is separable. Separation variables and integration yield
3 3
v dv = f (y) dy v dv = f (y) dy
1 2
v = F (y) + K,
where F (y) is an antiderivative of f (y). Substituting back v = y gives the required.
33. Since S(t) and I(t) represent population and we cannot have a negative population, we are
only interested in the first quadrant of the SI-plane.
(a) In order to find the trajectory corresponding to the initial conditions I(0) = 1 and
S(0) = 700, we must solve the first order equation
dI dI/dt aSI bI aS b
= = =
dS dS/dt aSI aS
dI b 1
= 1 + . (5.27)
dS aS
By integrating both sides of equation (5.27) with respect to S, we obtain the integral
curves given by
I(S) = S + ln S + C.
Chapter 5
A sketch of this curve for a = 0.003 and b = 0.5 is shown in Figure B.39 in the answers
of the text.
(b) From the sketch in Figure B.39 in the answers of the text we see that the peak number
of infected people is 295.
(c) The peak number of infected people occurs when dI/dS = 0. From equation (5.27) we
dI b 1
= 0 = 1 + .
dS aS
Solving for S we obtain
b 0.5
S= = 167 people.
a 0.003
d2 x 1
= x +
dt2 x
= v,
dv 1
= x + .
dt x
(b) The phase plane equation in xv-plane for the system in (a) is
dv x + 1/( x)
= .
dx v
Exercises 5.4
v = 0, v = 0, v = 0,
1 2 4
x + =0 x2 x + 1 = 0 x= .
x 2
For 0 < < 2, 2 4 < 0 and so both roots are complex numbers. However, for > 2
there are two distinct real solutions,
2 4 + 2 4
x1 = and x2 = ,
2 2
and the critical points are
+ , + ,
2 4 + 2 4
,0 and ,0 .
2 2
(d) The phase plane diagrams for = 1 and = 3 are shown in Figures B.40 and B.41 in
the answers section of the text.
(e) From Figures B.40 we conclude that, for = 1, all solution curves approach the vertical
line x = 1(= ). This means that the bar is attracted to the magnet. The case = 3
is more complicated. The behavior of the bar depends on the initial displacement x(0)
and the initial velocity v(0) = x (0). From Figure B.41 we see that (with v(0) = 0) if
x(0) is small enough, then the bar will oscillate about the position x = x1 ; if x(0) is
close enough to , then the bar will be attracted to the magnet. It is also possible that,
with an appropriate combination of x(0) and v(0), the bar will come to rest at the saddle
point (x2 , 0).
y = v,
if |y| < 1, v = 0, if |y| < 1, v = 0,
v = y + sign(y), if |y| 1, v = 0, = y + sign(y), if |y| 1, v = 0,
sign(v), if v = 0 y sign(v), if v = 0.
Chapter 5
(b) The condition v = 0 corresponds to the third case in (5.28), i.e., the system has the form
y = v,
v = y sign(v).
dv dv/dt y sign(v)
= = .
dy dy/dt v
dv y 1
= v dv = (y + 1)dy
dy v
3 3
v dv = (y + 1)dy
1 2 1
v = (y + 1)2 + C v 2 + (y + 1)2 = c,
2 2
where c = 2C.
2) v < 0. In this case sign(v) = 1 and we have
dv y + 1
= v dv = (y 1)dy
dy v
3 3
v dv = (y 1)dy
1 2 1
v = (y 1)2 + C v 2 + (y 1)2 = c.
2 2
(c) The equation v 2 + (y + 1)2 = c defines a circle in the yv-plane centered at (1, 0) and of
the radius c if c > 0, and it is the empty set if c < 0. The condition v > 0 means that
we have to take only the half of these circles lying in the upper half plane. Moreover, the
first equation, y = v, implies that trajectories flow from left to right. Similarly, in the
lower half plane, v < 0, we have concentric semicircles v 2 + (y 1)2 = c, c 0, centered
at (1, 0) and flowing from right to left.
Exercises 5.5
f (y, v) = v,
if |y| < 1, v = 0,
g(y, v) = y + sign(y), if |y| 1, v = 0,
y sign(v), if v = 0.
1. For the mass m1 there is only one force acting on it; that is the force due to the spring with
constant k1 . This equals k1 (x y). Hence, we get
m1 x = k1 (x y).
Chapter 5
For the mass m2 there are two forces acting on it: the force due to the spring with constant
k2 is k2 y; and the force due to the spring with constant k1 is k1 (y x). So we get
m2 y = k1 (x y) k2 y.
So the system is
m1 x = k1 (y x),
m2 y = k1 (y x) k2 y,
(D 2 + 4) [x] 4y = 0,
4x + (2D 2 + 22/3) [y] = 0,
Multiplying the second equation of the system given in (5.28) by 4, applying (2D 2 + 22/3) to
the first equation of this system, and adding the results, we get
+ ,
) 2 * 2 22
D + 4 2D + [x] 16x = 0
+ ,
4 46 2 40
2D + D + [x] = 0
3 3
) 4 *
3D + 23D 2 + 20 [x] = 0.
Exercises 5.5
which is a quadratic in r 2 . So
2 23 529 240 23 17
r = = .
6 6
Since 20/3 and 1 are negative, the roots of the characteristic equation are i1 and i2 ,
where !
1 = , 2 = 1.
x(t) = c1 cos 1 t + c2 sin 1 t + c3 cos 2 t + c4 sin 2 t.
Solving the first equation of the system given in (5.28) for y, we get
1) 2 * 1 -) 2 * ) *
y(t) = D + 4 [x] = 1 + 4 c1 cos 1 t + 12 + 4 c2 sin 1 t
4 4 ) * ) * .
+ 22 + 4 c3 cos 2 t + 22 + 4 c4 sin 2 t .
Next we substitute into the initial conditions. Setting x(0) = 1, x (0) = 0 yields
1 = c1 + c3 ,
0 = c2 1 + c4 2 .
Chapter 5
Applying Newtons second law for each mass, we obtain the following system
mx = kx + k(y x),
my = k(y x) + k(z y),
mz = k(z y) kz,
Exercises 5.5
Chapter 5
# %
mD 2 + 2k
2k [x2 ] = 0, (5.33)
# %
mD 2 + 2k + 2k [x3 ] = 0.
For normal modes, we find solutions yj (t) and zj (t), corresponding to xj , j = 1, 2, and 3 by
using (5.29), (5.30), and identities (5.33).
1 :
1) *
y1 = mD 2 + 2k [x1 ] 0,
6 7
1) 2
z1 = mD + 2k 1 [x1 ] = x1 ;
2 :
6 # 7
1) 2
* 1 2
y2 = mD + 2k [x2 ] = mD + 2k 2k + 2 [x2 ] = 2x2 ,
k k
6 7 64 5 7
1) 2
*2 1) 2
z2 = mD + 2k 1 [x2 ] = mD + 2k 2 + 1 [x2 ] = x2 ;
k k
3 :
6 # 7
1) 2
* 1 2
y3 = mD + 2k [x3 ] = mD + 2k + 2k 2 [x3 ] = 2x3 ,
k k
6 7 64 5 7
1) 2
*2 1) 2
z3 = mD + 2k 1 [x3 ] = mD + 2k 2 + 1 [x3 ] = x3 ;
k k
5. This spring system is similar to the system in Example 2 on page 282 of the text, except the
middle spring has been replaced by a dashpot. We proceed as in Example 1. Let x and y
represent the displacement of masses m1 and m2 to the right of their respective equilibrium
positions. The mass m1 has a force F1 acting on its left side due to the left spring and a force
F2 acting on its right side due to the dashpot. Applying Hookes law, we see that
F1 = k1 x.
Assuming as we did in Section 4.1 that the damping force due to the dashpot is proportional
to the magnitude of the velocity, but opposite in direction, we have
F2 = b (y x ) ,
Exercises 5.5
where b is the damping constant. Notice that velocity of the arm of the dashpot is the
dierence between the velocities of mass m2 and mass m1 . The mass m2 has a force F3 acting
on its left side due to the dashpot and a force F4 acting on its right side due to the right
spring. Using similar arguments, we find
F3 = b (y x ) and F4 = k2 y.
The initial conditions for the system will be y(0) = 0 (m2 is held in its equilibrium position),
x(0) = 2 (m1 is pushed to the left 2 ft), and x (0) = y (0) = 0 (the masses are simply
released at time t = 0 with no additional velocity). In operator notation this system becomes
(D 2 + D + 1) [x] D[y] = 0,
D[x] + y (t) + (D 2 + D + 1) [y] = 0.
By multiplying the first equation above by D and the second by (D 2 + D + 1) and adding the
resulting equations, we can eliminate the function y(t). Thus, we have
R) *2 S
2 2
D + D + 1 D [x] = 0
/-) 2 * . -) * .0
D + D + 1 D D2 + D + 1 + D [x] = 0
/) 2 * 0
D + 1 (D + 1)2 [x] = 0.
This last equation is a fourth order linear dierential equation with constant coecients whose
associated auxiliary equation has roots r = 1, 1, i, and i. Therefore, the solution to this
dierential equation is
Chapter 5
To find y(t), note that by the first equation of the system given in (5.34), we have
To determine the five constants, we will use the four initial conditions and the second equation
in system (5.34). (We used the first equation to determine y). Substituting into the second
equation in (5.34) gives
- .
(c1 + c2 )et c2 tet c3 sin t + c4 cos t
- .
+ (c1 + 2c2 )et c2 tet c3 cos t c4 sin t
- .
+ (c1 c2 )et + c2 tet c3 sin t + c4 cos t
- .
+ c1 et c2 tet + c3 cos t + c4 sin t + c5 = 0,
which reduces to c5 = 0. Using the initial conditions and the fact that c5 = 0, we see that
Exercises 5.5
c1 = 1, c2 = 1, c3 = 1, and c4 = 0.
7. In operator notations,
) *
D 2 + 5 [x] 2y = 0,
) *
2x + D 2 + 2 [y] = 3 sin 2t.
Multiplying the first equation by (D 2 + 2) and the second equation by 2, and adding the
results, we obtain
/) 2 *) * 0
D + 2 D 2 + 5 4 [x] = 6 sin 2t
) 4 *
D + 7D 2 + 6 [x] = 6 sin 2t
) 2 *) *
D + 1 D 2 + 6 [x] = 6 sin 2t . (5.35)
Since the characteristic equation, (r 2 + 1)(r 2 + 6) = 0, has the roots r = i and r = i 6, a
general solution to the corresponding homogeneous equation is given by
xh (t) = c1 cos t + c2 sin t + c3 cos 6t + c4 sin 6t .
Due to the right-hand side in (5.35), a particular solution has the form
In order to simplify computations, we note that both functions, cos 2t and sin 2t, and so xp (t),
satisfy the dierential equation (D 2 + 4)[x] = 0. Thus,
) *) * / 2 0/ 0 / 0
D2 + 1 D 2 + 6 [xh ] = (D + 4) 3 (D 2 + 4) + 2 [xh ] = 2 (D 2 + 4) 3 [xh ]
= 6xh = 6A cos 2t 6B sin 2t = 6 sin 2t
Chapter 5
A = 0, B = 1 xh (t) = sin 2t
x(t) = xh (t) + xp (t) = c1 cos t + c2 sin t + c3 cos 6t + c4 sin 6t sin 2t .
0 = x(0) = c1 + c3 , c3 = c1 , c3 = 2/5,
1 = y(0) = 2c1 c3 /2 2c1 (c1 ) /2 = 1 c1 = 2/5.
To find c2 and c4 , compute x (t) and y (t), evaluate these functions at t = 0, and use the other
two initial conditions, x (0) = y (0) = 0. This yields
0 = x (0) = c2 + 6c4 2, c4 = 6/5,
0 = y (0) = 2c2 6c4 /2 1 c2 = 4/5.
Exercises 5.6
d2 I dI d(20) d2 I dI
4 2
+ 100 + 100I = =0 2
+ 25 + 25I = 0.
dt dt dt dt dt
To determine constants c1 and c2 , first we find the initial value I (0) using given I(0) = 0 and
q(0) = 4. Substituting t = 0 into equation (3) on page 287 of the text (with dq/dt replaced
by I(t)), we obtain
d[I(t)] 1
L + RI(t) + q(t) = E(t)
dt C
4I (0) + 100(0) + (4) = 20
I (0) = 95.
Chapter 5
substitute t = 0 into formulas for I(t) and I (t), and obtain the system
0 = I(0) = c1 + c2 , c1 = 19/ 21 ,
95 = I (0) = c1 (25 5 21)/2 + c2 (25 + 5 21)/2 c2 = 19/ 21.
3. In this problem L = 4, R = 120, C = (2200)1 , and E(t) = 10 cos 20t. Therefore, we see
that 1/C = 2200 and E (t) = 200 sin 20t. By substituting these values into equation (4) on
page 287 of the text, we obtain the equation
d2 I dI
4 + 120 + 2200I = 200 sin 20t.
dt2 dt
By simplifying, we have
d2 I dI
+ 30 + 550I = 50 sin 20t. (5.36)
dt dt
The auxiliary equation associated with the homogeneous equation corresponding to (5.36)
above is r 2 + 30r + 550 = 0. This equation has roots r = 15 5 13i. Therefore, the
transient current, that is Ih (t), is given by
8 # % # %9
Ih (t) = e C1 cos 5 13t + C2 sin 5 13t .
By the method of undetermined coecients, a particular solution, Ip (t), of equation (5.36) will
be of the form Ip (t) = ts [A cos 20t + B sin 20t]. Since neither y(t) = cos 20t nor y(t) = sin 20t
is a solution to the homogeneous equation (that is the system is not at resonance), we can let
s = 0 in Ip (t). Thus, we see that Ip (t), the steady-state current, has the form
Exercises 5.6
To find the steady-state current, we must, therefore, find A and B. To accomplish this, we
observe that
Ip (t) + 30Ip (t) + 550I(t) = 400A cos 20t 400B sin 20t 600A sin 20t + 600B cos 20t
+550A cos 20t + 550B sin 20t = 50 sin 20t
(150A + 600B) cos 20t + (150B 600A) sin 20t = 50 sin 20t.
15A + 60B = 0,
60A + 15B = 5.
By solving these equations simultaneously for A and B, we obtain A = 4/51 and B = 1/51.
Thus, we have the steady-state current given by
4 1
Ip (t) = cos 20t sin 20t.
51 51
As was observed on page 290 of the text, there is a correlation between the RLC series circuits
and mechanical vibration. Therefore, we can discuss the resonance frequency of the RLC series
circuit. To do so we associate the variable L with m, R with b, and 1/C with k. Thus, we see
that the resonance frequency for an RLC series circuit is given by r /(2), where
1 R2
r = 2,
provided that R < 2L/C. For this problem
Therefore, we can find the resonance frequency of this circuit. To do so we first find
! !
1 R2 2200 14400
r = 2 = = 10.
CL 2L 4 32
Hence the resonance frequency of this circuit is 10/(2) = 5/.
Chapter 5
5. In this problem, C = 0.01 F, L = 4 H, and R = 10 . Hence, the equation governing the RLC
circuit is
d2 I dI 1 d E0
4 + 10 + I = (E0 cos t) = sin t .
dt2 dt 0.01 dt 4
The frequency response curve M() for an RLC curcuit is determined by
M() = $ ,
[(1/C) L 2 ]2 + R2 2
which comes from the comparison Table 5.3 on page 290 of the text and equation (13) in
Section 4.9. Therefore
1 1
M() = $ =$ .
[(1/0.01) 4 2 ]2 + (10)2 2 (100 4 2 )2 + 100 2
The graph of this function is shown in Figure B.43 in the answers of the text. M() has its
maximal value at the point 0 = x0 , where x0 is the point where the quadratic function
(100 4x)2 + 100x attains its minimum (the first coordinate of the vertex). We find that
175 2
0 = and M(0 ) = 0.02 .
8 25 15
d2 q dq 1
L 2
+ 10 + q = E(t)
dt dt C
corresponds to the one above. Thus, we want E(t) = 50 cos 10t volts, L = 35 henrys, and
C = 1/15 farads.
11. For this electric network, there are three loops. Loop 1 is through a 10V battery, a 10 resistor,
and a 20H inductor. Loop 2 is through a 10V battery, a 10 resistor, a 5 resistor, and a
(1/30)F capacitor. Loop 3 is through a 5 resistor, a (1/30)F capacitor, and a 20H inductor.
Exercises 5.6
Therefore, applying Kirchhos second law to this network yields the three equations given
Loop 1 : 10I1 + 20 = 10,
Loop 2 : 10I1 + 5I3 + 30q3 = 10,
Loop 3 : 5I3 + 30q3 20 = 0.
Since the equation for Loop 2 minus the equation for Loop 1 yields the remaining equation,
we will use the first and second equations above for our calculations. By examining a junction
point, we see that we also have the equation I1 = I2 +I3 . Thus, we have I1 = I2 +I3 . We begin
by dividing the equation for Loop 1 by 10 and the equation for Loop 2 by 5. Dierentiating
the equation for Loop 2 yields the system
I1 + 2 = 1,
dI1 dI3
2 + + 6I3 = 0,
dt dt
where I3 = q3 . Since I1 = I2 + I3 and I1 = I2 + I3 , we can rewrite the system using operator
notation in the form
(2D + 1)[I2 ] + I3 = 1,
(2D)[I2 ] + (3D + 6)[I3 ] = 0.
If we multiply the first equation above by (3D + 6) and then subtract the second equation,
we obtain
) *
{(3D + 6)(2D + 1) 2D} [I2 ] = 6 6D 2 + 13D + 6 [I2 ] = 6.
This last dierential equation is a linear equation with constant coecients whose associated
equation, 6r 2 +13r+6 = 0, has roots 3/2, 2/3. Therefore, the solution to the homogeneous
equation corresponding to the equation above is given by
By the method of undetermined coecients, the form of a particular solution to the dierential
equation above will be I2p (t) = A. By substituting this function into the dierential equation,
Chapter 5
I2p (t) = 1.
13. In this problem, there are three loops. Loop 1 is through a 0.5 H inductor and a 1 resistor.
Loop 2 is through is through a 0.5 H inductor, a 0.5 F capacitor, and a voltage source supplying
the voltage cos 3t V at time t. Loop 3 is through a 1 resistor, a 0.5 F capacitor, and the
Exercises 5.6
Loop 1:
dI1 dI1
EL + ER = 0 0.5 + 1 I2 = 0 + 2I2 = 0. (5.37)
dt dt
Loop 2:
dI1 q3 dI1
EL + EC = cos 3t 0.5 + = cos 3t + 4q3 = 2 cos 3t. (5.38)
dt 0.5 dt
Additionally, at joint points, by Kirchhos current law,
I1 + I2 + I3 = 0 I1 + I2 + = 0. (5.39)
Putting (5.37)(5.39) together yields the following system:
+ 2I2 = 0,
+ 4q3 = 2 cos 3t,
I1 + I2 + =0
or, in operator form,
D[I1 ] + 2I2 = 0,
D[I1 ] + 4q3 = 2 cos 3t,
I1 + I2 + D[q3 ] = 0
with the initial condition I1 (0) = I2 (0) = I3 (0) = 0 (I3 = dq3 /dt).
From the first equation, I2 = (1/2)D[I1 ], which (when substituted into the third equation)
leads to the system
D[I1 ] + 4q3 = 2 cos 3t,
(D + 2)[I1 ] + 2D[q3 ] = 0.
Chapter 5
Multiplying the first equation by D, the second equation by 2, and subtracting the results,
we eliminate q3 :
/ 2 0 ) *
D + 2(D + 2) [I1 ] = 6 sin 3t D 2 + 2D + 4 [I1 ] = 6 sin 3t.
The roots of the characteristic equation, r 2 + 2r + 4 = 0, are r = 1 3i, and so a general
solution to the corresponding homogeneous equation is
I1h = C1 et cos 3t + C2 et sin 3t.
A particular solution has the form I1p = A cos 3t + B sin 3t. Substitution into the equation
I1 = I1h + I1p
36 30
= C1 et cos 3t + C2 et sin 3t + cos 3t + sin 3t.
61 61
Substituting this solution into (5.37)we find that
1 dI1
I2 =
2 dt
C1 C2 3 t C1 3 + C2 t 45 54
= e cos 3t + e sin 3t cos 3t + sin 3t.
2 2 61 61
The initial condition, I1 (0) = I2 (0) = 0 yields
C1 + 36/61 = 0, C1 = 36/61,
(C1 C2 3)/2 45/61 = 0 C2 = 42 3/61.
36 t 42 3 t 36 30
I1 = e cos 3t e sin 3t + cos 3t + sin 3t,
61 61 61 61
45 t 39 3 t 45 54
I2 = e cos 3t e sin 3t cos 3t + sin 3t,
61 61 61 61
81 3 3 t 81 24
I3 = I1 I2 = et cos 3t e sin 3t + cos 3t sin 3t.
61 61 61 61
Exercises 5.7
EXERCISES 5.7: Dynamical Systems, Poincare Maps, and Chaos, page 301
1. Let = 3/2. Using system (3) on page 294 of the text with A = F = 1, = 0, and = 3/2,
we define the Poincare map
1 4 4
xn = sin(3n) + = sin(3n) + = ,
(9/4) (4/4) 5 5
3 3
vn = cos(3n) = (1)n ,
2 2
for n = 0, 1, 2, . . . . Calculating the first few values of (xn , vn ), we find that they alternate
between (4/5, 3/2) and (4/5, 3/2). Consequently, we can deduce that there is a subharmonic
solution of period 4. Let = 3/5. Using system (3) on page 294 of the text with A = F = 1,
= 0, and = 3/5, we define the Poincare map
+ , + ,
6n 1 6n
xn = sin + = sin 1.5625 ,
5 (9/25) 1 5
+ , + ,
3 6n 6n
vn = cos = (0.6) cos ,
5 5 5
for n = 0, 1, 2, . . . . Calculating the first few values of (xn , vn ), we find that the Poincare map
cycles through the points
(1.5625, 0.6), n = 0, 5, 10, . . . ,
(2.1503, 0.4854), n = 1, 6, 11, . . . ,
(0.6114, 0.1854), n = 2, 7, 12, . . . ,
(2.5136, 0.1854), n = 3, 8, 13, . . . ,
(0.9747, 0.4854), n = 4, 9, 14, . . . .
Consequently, we can deduce that there is a subharmonic solution of period 10.
Chapter 5
80 60 40 20 0
and, therefore,
The values of xn and vn for n = 0, 1, . . . , 20 are listed in Table 5-F, and points (xn , vn ) are
shown in Figure 5-A. When n , the points (xn , vn ) become unbounded because of e0.1n
5. We want to construct the Poincare map using t = 2n for x(t) given in equation (5) on
page 295 of the text with A = F = 1, = 0, = 1/3, and b = 0.22. Since
2 1
tan = = 4.040404 ,
Exercises 5.7
n xn vn n xn vn
In Table 5-G we have listed the first 21 values of the Poincare map.
7. Let A, and A , denote the values of constants A, in solution formula (2), corresponding
to initial values (x0 , v0 ) and (x0 , v0 ), respectively.
xn F/( 2 1) = A sin(2n + ),
vn / = A cos(2n + ),
and so (A, 2n+) are polar coordinates of the point (vn /, xn F/( 2 1)) in vx-plane.
Similarly, (A , 2n+ ) represent polar coordinates of the point (vn /, xn F/( 2 1)).
Chapter 5
n xn vn n xn vn
(vn /, xn F/( 2 1)) (vn /, xn F/( 2 1))
Exercises 5.7
uniformly with respect to n. Thus, if (x0 , v0) is close to (x0 , v0 ), (xn , vn ) is close to (xn , vn )
for all n.
2 2 4 4
x1 = (mod 1) = , x2 = (mod 1) = ,
7 7 7 7
8 1 2 2
x3 = (mod 1) = , x4 = (mod 1) = ,
7 7 7 7
4 4 8 1
x5 = (mod 1) = , x6 = (mod 1) = ,
7 7 7 7
2 2
x7 = (mod 1) = , etc.
7 7
6 7
1 2 4 1 k
This is the sequence , , , , . . . . For x0 = , k = 2, . . . , 6, we obtain
7 7 7 7 7
6 7 6 7
2 4 1 2 3 6 5 3
, , , ,... , , , , ,... ,
67 7 7 7 7 67 7 7 7 7
4 1 2 4 5 3 6 5
, , , ,... , , , , ,... ,
67 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
6 5 3 6
, , , ,... .
7 7 7 7
1 2 4
These sequences fall into two classes. The first has the repeating sequence , , and
7 7 7
3 6 5
the second has the repeating sequence , , .
7 7 7
k 3 3
(c) To see what happens, when x0 = j
, lets consider the special case when x0 = 2 = .
2 2 4
+ ,
3 3 1
x1 = 2 (mod 1) = (mod 1) = ,
4 2 2
Chapter 5
+ ,
x2 = 2 (mod 1) = 1 (mod 1) = 0,
x3 = 0,
x4 = 0,
Observe that + ,
2 3
x2 = 2 (mod 1) = 3 (mod 1) = 0.
In general, + ,
j k
xj = 2 (mod 1) = k (mod 1) = 0.
Consequently, xn = 0 for n j.
11. (a) A general solution to equation (6) is given by x(t) = xh (t) + xp (t), where
# %
xh (t) = Ae0.11t sin 9879t +
is the steady-state term (a particular solution to (6)). (xp (t) can be found, say, by
applying formula (7), Section 4.12, and using Superposition Principle of Section 4.7.)
Dierentiating x(t) we get
# %
1 2
v(t) = xh (t) + xp (t) = xh (t) + cos t + $ cos 2t + .
0.22 1 + 2(0.22)2
The steady-state solution does not depend on initial values x0 and v0 ; these values aect
only constants A and in the transient part. But, as t , xh (t) and xh (t) tend to zero
and so the values of x(t) and v(t) approach the values of xp (t) and xp (t), respectively.
Thus the limit set of points (x(t), v(t)) is the same as that of (xp (t), xp (t)) which is
independent of initial values.
Review Problems
1 # %
xn = x(2n) = xh (2n) + $ sin 22n + ,
1 + 2(0.22)2
# %
1 2
vn = v(2n) = xh (2n) + +$ cos 22n + .
0.22 1 + 2(0.22)2
1 # % # %
xn $ sin 22n + = a sin 2 2n + ,
1 + 2(0.22)2
# % # %
1 2
vn +$ cos 22n + = c + 2a cos 2 2n + .
0.22 1 + 2(0.22)2
(vn c)2 8 # % # %9
x2n + a2 sin2 2 2n + + cos2 2 2n + = a2 ,
and the error (coming from the transient part) tends to zero as n . Thus any
limiting point of the sequence (xn , vn ) satisfies the equation
(v c)2
x2 + = a2 ,
which is an ellipse centered at (0, c) with semiaxes a and a 2.
Chapter 5
Eliminating x by applying D to the first equation and subtracting the second equation from
it yields
/ ) 2 * 0
D D + 1 D [y] = 0 D 3 [y] = 0.
y(t) = C3 + C2 t + C1 t2 .
We substitute this solution into the first equation of given system to get
- . - .
x = (y + y) = (2C1 ) + (C3 + C2 t + C1 t2 ) = (C3 + 2C1 ) + C2 t + C1 t2 .
Integrating we obtain
- . 1 1
x(t) = (C3 + 2C1 ) + C2 t + C1 t2 dt = C4 (C3 + 2C1 )t C2 t2 C1 t3 .
2 3
Thus the general solution of the given system is
1 1
x(t) = C4 (C3 + 2C1 )t C2 t2 C1 t3 ,
2 3
y(t) = C3 + C2 t + C1 t2 .
We eliminate y by multiplying the first equation by (3D 1), the second by (D + 1), and
summing the results.
Since the characterictic equation, r 2 + 9 = 0, has roots r = 3i, a general solution to the
corresponding homogeneous equation is
Review Problems
We look for a particular solution of the form xp (t) = Aet . Substituting this function into the
equation, we obtain
1 et
Aet + 9Aet = et A= xp (t) = ,
10 10
and so
x(t) = xh (t) + xp (t) = c1 cos 3t + c2 sin 3t +
To find y, we multiply the first equation in (5.40) by 3 and add to the second equation. This
2(D + 3)[x] 4y = 3et + et .
1 3 1
y = (D + 3)[x] et et
2 4 4
3(c1 + c2 ) 3(c1 c2 ) 11 t 1 t
= cos 3t sin 3t e e .
2 2 20 4
5. Dierentiating the second equation, we obtain y = z . We eliminate z from the first and the
third equations by substituting y for z and y for z into them:
x = y y, x y + y = 0,
y = y x y y + x = 0
D[x] (D 1)[y] = 0,
x + (D 2 D)[y] = 0.
We eliminate y by applying D to the first equation and adding the result to the second
/ 2 0 / 0 ) *
D [x] D(D 1)[y] + x + (D 2 D)[y] = 0 D 2 + 1 [x] = 0.
This equation is the simple harmonic equation, and its general solution is given by
Chapter 5
Substituting x(t) into the first equation of the system (5.41) yields
yh (t) = C3 et .
We look for a particular solution to (5.42) of the form yp (t) = C4 cos t+C5 sin t. Dierentiating,
we obtain yp (t) = C4 sin t + C5 cos t. Thus the equation (5.42) becomes
C5 C4 = C2 ,
C5 + C4 = C1
C1 + C2
(by adding the equations) 2C5 = C1 + C2 C5 = .
From the second equation in (5.43), we find
C1 C2
C4 = C1 C5 = .
Therefore, the general solution to the equation (5.42) is
C1 C2 C1 + C2
y(t) = yh (t) + yp (t) = C3 et + cos t + sin t.
2 2
Finally, we find z(t) from the second equation:
+ ,
t C1 C2 C1 + C2
z(t) = y (t) = C3 e + cos t + sin t
2 2
C1 C2 C1 + C2
= C3 et sin t + cos t.
2 2
Hence, the general solution to the given system is
Review Problems
C1 C2 C1 + C2
y(t) = C3 et + cos t + sin t,
2 2
C1 C2 C1 + C2
z(t) = C3 et sin t + cos t.
2 2
To find constants C1 , C2 , and C3 , we use the initial conditions. So we get
C1 = 0,
C1 C2 + 2C3 = 0,
C1 + C2 + 2C3 = 4.
7. Let x(t) and y(t) denote the mass of salt in tanks A and B, respectively. The only dierence
between this problem and the problem in Section 5.1 is that a brine solution flows in tank A
instead of pure water. This change aects the input rate for tank A only, adding
to the original (y/12) kg/min. Thus the system (1) on page 242 becomes
1 1
x = x + y + 1.2 ,
3 12
1 1
y = x y.
3 3
Following the solution in Section 5.1, we express x = 3y + y from the second equation and
substitute it into the first equation.
1 1 1
(3y + y) = (3y + y) + y + 1.2 3y + 2y + y = 1.2 .
3 12 4
Chapter 5
A general solution to the corresponding homogeneous equation is given in (3) on page 243 of
the text:
yh (t) = c1 et/2 + c2 et/6 .
x1 = y = x2 ,
x2 = (y ) = y = x3 ,
1) *
x3 = (y ) = y = 5 + et x1 2x2 ,
Review Problems
that is,
x1 = x2 ,
x2 = x3 ,
1) *
x3 = 5 + et x1 2x2 .
x = t y y ,
y = x x .
x = (x ) =: x3 = t y y =: t x5 x6 ,
y = (y ) =: x6 = x x =: x2 x3 .
x1 = x =: x2 ,
x2 = (x ) = x =: x3 ,
x4 = y =: x5 ,
x5 = (y ) = y =: x6 .
x1 = x2 ,
x2 = x3 ,
x3 = t x5 x6 ,
Chapter 5
x4 = x5 ,
x5 = x6 ,
x6 = x2 x3 .
13. With the notation used in (1) on page 264 of the text,
f (x, y) = 4 4y,
g(x, y) = 4x,
and the phase plane equation (see equation (2) on page 265 of the text) can be written as
dy g(x, y) 4x x
= = = .
dx f (x, y) 4 4y y1
= 4(1 y) < 0,
which implies that trajectories flow to the left. Similarly, for y < 1, trajectories flow to the
right. Comparing the phase plane diagram with those given on Figure 5.12 on page 270 of
the text, we conclude that the critical point (0, 1) is a saddle (unstable) point.
15. Some integral curves and the direction field for the given system are shown in Figure 5-B.
Comparing this picture with Figure 5.12 on page 270 of the text, we conclude that the origin
is an asymptotically stable spiral point.
Review Problems
1 0.5 0 0.5 1
Figure 5B: Integral curves and the direction field for Problem 15.
17. A trajectory is a path traced by an actual solution pair (x(t), y(t)) as t increases; thus it is
a directed (oriented) curve. An integral curve is the graph of a solution to the phase plane
equation; it has no direction. All trajectories lie along (parts of) integral curves. A given
integral curve can be the underlying point set for several dierent trajectories.
Loop 1 contains a capacitor C and a resistor R2 ; note that the direction of the loop is
opposite to that of I2 . Thus we have
q q
R2 I2 = 0 = R2 I2 ,
where q denotes the charge of the capacitor.
Loop 2 consists of an inductor L and two resistors R1 and R2 ; note that the loop direction
is opposite to the direction of I3 . Therefore,
R2 I2 R1 I3 LI3 = 0 R2 I2 = R1 I3 + LI3 .
Chapter 5
For the top juncture, all the currents flow out, and the Kirchhos current law gives
I1 I2 I3 = 0 I1 + I2 + I3 = 0.
q = I2 ,
I2 = I3 + I3 ,
q + I2 + I3 = 0.
I3 + I3 q = 0,
q + q + I3 = 0.
I3 + 2I3 + 2I3 = 0.
I2 = q = I3 + I3
= et (A cos t + B sin t) + et (A sin t + B cos t) + et (A cos t + B sin t)
= et (B cos t A sin t)
I1 = = et (B cos t A sin t) + et (B sin t A cos t)
= et [(A B) sin t (A + B) cos t].
CHAPTER 6: Theory of Higher Order Linear
Dierential Equations
Chapter 6
Thus p1 (x) 0, p2 (x) = 1/(x x + 1), p3 (x) = 1/ x + 1, and g(x) 0. Functions p1 (x) and
q(x) are continuous on whole real line; p3 (x) is defined and continuous for x > 1; p2 (x) is
defined and continuous for x > 1 and x = 0. Therefore, all these function is continuous on
(1, 0) and (0, ). The initial point lies on (0, ), and so, by Theorem 1, the given initial
value problem has a unique solution on (0, ).
If we show that this is possible only if c1 = c2 = c3 = 0, then linear independence will follow.
Evaluating the linear combination in (6.1) at x = 0, x = ln 2, and x = ln 2, we find that
constants c1 , c2 , and c3 satisfy
c1 + c2 + c3 = 0,
8c1 + 32c2 + c3 = 0,
1 1
c1 + c2 + 2c3 = 0.
8 32
9. Let y1 = sin2 x, y2 = cos2 x, and y3 = 1. We want to find c1 , c2 , and c3 , not all zero, such that
c1 y1 + c2 y2 + c3 y3 = c1 sin2 x + c2 cos2 x + c3 1 = 0,
for all x in the interval (, ). Since sin2 x + cos2 x = 1 for all real numbers x, we can
choose c1 = 1, c2 = 1, and c3 = 1. Thus, these functions are linearly dependent.
Exercises 6.1
11. Let y1 = x1 , y2 = x1/2 , and y3 = x. We want to find constants c1 , c2 , and c3 such that
c1 y1 + c2 y2 + c3 y3 = c1 x1 + c2 x1/2 + c3 x = 0,
for all x on the interval (0, ). This equation must hold if x = 1, 4, or 9 (or any other values
for x in the interval (0, )). By plugging these values for x into the equation above, we see
that c1 , c2 , and c3 must satisfy the three equations
c1 + c2 + c3 = 0,
+ 2c2 + 4c3 = 0,
+ 3c2 + 9c3 = 0.
Solving these three equations simultaneously yields c1 = c2 = c3 = 0. Thus, the only way for
c1 x1 + c2 x1/2 + c3 x = 0 for all x on the interval (0, ), is for c1 = c2 = c3 = 0. Therefore,
these three functions are linearly independent on (0, ).
15. Since, by inspection, r = 3, r = 1, and r = 4 are the roots of the characteristic equation,
r 3 + 2r 2 11r 12 = 0, the functions e3x , ex , and e4x form a solution set. Next, we check
that these functions are linearly independent by showing that their Wronskian is never zero.
1 1 1 1
1 3x 1 1 1
1 e ex e4x 1 1 1 1 1 1
- 3x x 4x . 1 1 1 1
W e ,e ,e (x) = 11 3e3x ex 4e4x 1 = e3x ex e4x 1 3 1 4 1 = 84e2x ,
1 1 1
1 3x 1 1 1
1 9e ex 16e4x 1 1 9 1 16 1
which does not vanish. Therefore, {e3x , ex , e4x } is a fundamental solution set and, by
Theorem 4, a general solution to the given dierential equation is
y = C1 e3x + C2 ex + C3 e4x .
Chapter 6
x3 y 3x2 y + 6xy 6y = 0,
in standard form (17), we see that its coecients, 3/x, 6/x2 , and 6/x3 are continuous on
the specified interval, which is x > 0.
Next, substituting x, x2 , and x3 into the dierential equation, we verify that these functions
are indeed solutions.
Thus W [x, x2 , x3 ] (x) = 0 on (0, ) and so {x, x2 , x3 } is a fundamental solution set for the
given dierential equation. We involve Theorem 2 to conclude that
y = C1 x + C2 x2 + C3 x3
is a general solution.
19. (a) Since {ex , ex cos 2x, ex sin 2x, } is a fundamental solution set for the associated homo-
geneous dierential equation and since yp = x2 is a solution to the nonhomogeneous
equation, by the superposition principle, we have a general solution given by
Exercises 6.1
(b) To find the solution that satisfies the initial conditions, we must dierentiate the general
solution y(x) twice with respect to x. Thus, we have
Plugging the initial conditions into these formulas, yields the equations
y(0) = C1 + C2 = 1,
y (0) = C1 C2 + 2C3 = 1,
y (0) = C1 3C2 4C3 + 2 = 3.
y(x) = ex + ex sin 2x + x2 .
1 1 3 ln x
y + 2
y 3y= .
x x x3
Since its coecients are continuous on (0, ), we can apply Theorems 2 and 4 to conclude
that a general solution to the corresponding homogeneous equation is
Chapter 6
1 - .
y (x) = + C1 + C2 (ln x + 1) + C3 (ln x)2 + 2 ln x ,
x 4 5
1 C2 2 ln x 2
y (x) = 2 + + C3 + .
x x x x
Substituting the initial conditions, y(1) = 3, y (1) = 3, and y (1) = 0, we get the system
3 = y(1) = C1 , C1 = 3, C1 = 3,
3 = y (1) = 1 + C1 + C2 , C1 + C2 = 2, C2 = 1,
0 = y (1) = 1 + C2 + 2C3 C2 + 2C3 = 1 C3 = 1.
y(x) = ln x + 3x x ln x + x(ln x)2
23. Substituting y1 (x) = sin x and y2 (x) = x into the given dierential operator yields
Note that L[y] is a linear operator of the form (7). So, we can use the superposition principle.
(a) Since 2x sin x x2 1 = 2(x sin x) (x2 + 1), by the superposition principle,
(b) We can express 4x2 + 4 6x sin x = 4(x2 + 1) 6(x sin x). Hence,
Exercises 6.1
25. Clearly, it is sucient to prove (9) just for two functions, y1 and y2 . Using the linear property
of dierentiation, we have
of the functions from the given set is a polynomial of degree at most n and so, by the funda-
mental theorem of algebra, it cannot have more than n zeros unless it is the zero polynomial,
i.e., it has all zero coecients. Thus, if this linear combination vanishes on a whole interval
(a, b), then it follows that c0 = c1 = c2 = . . . = cn = 0. Therefore, the set of functions
{1, x, x2 , . . . , xn } is linearly independent on any interval (a, b).
29. (a) Assuming that functions f1 , f2 , . . . , fm are linearly dependent on (, ), we can find
their nontrivial linear combination vanishing identically on (, ), i.e.,
c1 f1 + c2 f2 + + cm fm 0 on (, ),
where not all cj s are zeros. In particular, this linear combination vanishes on (1, 1),
which contradicts the assumption that f1 , f2 , . . . , fm are linearly independent on (1, 1).
(b) Let
f1 (x) := |x 1| , f2 (x) := x 1 .
Chapter 6
[v + 3v + 3v + v] ex 2 [v + 2v + v] ex 5 [v + v] ex + 6vex = 0
[(v + 3v + 3v + v) 2 (v + 2v + v) 5 (v + v) + 6v] ex = 0
v + v 6v = 0,
where we have used the fact that the function ex is never zero. Let v =: w. Then
v = w , v = w , and so the above equation becomes
w + w 6w = 0. (6.2)
(c) The auxiliary equation for (6.2), r 2 + r 6 = 0, has the roots r = 3 and r = 2.
Therefore, a general solution to this dierential equation is
Exercises 6.1
Integration yields
3 3
) *
v1 (x) = w1 (x) dx = 3e3x dx = e3x ,
3 3
) *
v2 (x) = w2 (x) dx = 2e2x dx = e2x ,
To show that the functions ex , e2x , and e3x are linearly independent on (, ), we
can use the approach similar to that in Problem 7. Alternatively, since these functions
are solutions to the dierential equation (32), one can apply Theorem 3, as we did in
Problem 15. To this end,
1 1 1 1
1 x 1 1 1
1 e e2x e3x 1 1 1 1 1 1
- x 2x 3x . 1 1 1 1
W e , e , e (x) = 11 ex 2e2x 3e3x 1 = ex e2x e3x 1 1 2 3
1 1
1 = 30e2x = 0
1 x 1 1 1
1 e 4e2x 9e3x 1 1 1 4 9 1
Chapter 6
The roots of the auxiliary equation, r 2 + 4r + 5 = 0, for this second order equation are
r = 2 i. Therefore,
/ 0
{w1 (x), w2 (x)} = e2x cos x, e2x sin x
f (x) = e2x ,
e2x (sin x 2 cos x) 2x sin x 2 cos x
y1 (x) = v1 (x)f (x) = e = ,
5 5
e2x (2 sin x + cos x) 2x 2 sin x + cos x
y2 (x) = v2 (x)f (x) = e =
5 5
35. First, let us evaluate the Wronskian of the system {x, sin x, cos x} to make sure that the result
of Problem 34 can be applied.
1 1
1 1
1 x sin x cos x 1
1 1
W [x, sin x, cos x] = 11 1 cos x sin x 11
1 1
1 0 sin x cos x 1
1 1 1 1
1 cos x sin x 1 1 sin x cos x 11
1 1 1
= x1 11 1
1 sin x cos x 1 1 sin x cos x 1
) *
= x cos2 x sin2 x ( sin x cos x + sin x cos x) = x.
Thus, W [x, sin x, cos x] = 0 on (, 0) and (0, ). Therefore, on either of these two intervals,
{x, sin x, cos x} is a fundamental solution set for the third order linear dierential equation
Exercises 6.2
given in Problem 34. Expanding the determinant over its last column yields
1 1
1 x sin x cos x y 11 1 1
1 1 1
1 1 1 x sin x cos x 1
1 1 cos x sin x y 1 1 1
1 1 = y W [x, sin x, cos x] y 1 1
cos x sin x 1
1 1 1 1
1 0 sin x cos x y 1 1 1
1 1 1 0 cos x sin x 1
1 0 cos x sin x y 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 x sin x cos x 1 1 1 cos x sin x 1
1 1 1 1
+y 11 0 sin x cos x 11 y 11 0 sin x cos x 1
1 1 1 1
1 0 cos x sin x 1 1 0 cos x sin x 1
L 1 1 1 1M
1 cos x sin x 1 1 sin x cos x 1
1 1 1 1
= xy y x 1 11 1
1 cos x sin x 1 1 cos x sin x 1
1 1 1 1
1 sin x cos x 1 1 sin x cos x 1
1 1 1 1
+y x 1 1y1 1
1 cos x sin x 1 1 cos x sin x 1
= xy + y xy + y = 0.
EXERCISES 6.2: Homogeneous Linear Equations with Constant Coecients, page 331
has the roots r = 0, 2, and 4. Thus a general solutions to the dierential equation has the
y = c1 + c2 e2x + c3 e4x .
Thus, we see that the roots to the auxiliary equation are r = 1, 2/3, and 1/2. These roots
are real and non-repeating. Therefore, a general solution to this problem is given by
Chapter 6
r+1=0 r = 1 ,
3 32 4(2)(7) 3 65
2r 2 3r 7 = 0 r= = ,
4 4
and a general solution is
y(x) = c1 ex + c2 e(3+ 65)x/4
+ c3 e(3 65)x/4
Exercises 6.2
13. The auxiliary equation in this problem is r 4 +4r 2 +4 = 0. This can be factored as (r 2 + 2) = 0.
Therefore, this equation has roots r = 2i, 2i, 2i, 2i, which we see are repeated and
complex. Therefore, a general solution to this problem is given by
# % # % # % # %
y(x) = c1 cos 2x + c2 x cos 2x + c3 sin 2x + c4 x sin 2x .
15. The roots to this auxiliary equation, (r 1)2 (r + 3)(r 2 + 2r + 5)2 = 0, are
r = 1, 1, 3, 1 2i, 1 2i ,
where we note that 1 and 1 2i are repeated roots. Therefore, a general solution to the
dierential equation with the given auxiliary equation is
17. From the dierential operator, replacing D by r, we obtain the characteristic equation
whose roots
r+4=0 r = 4,
r3=0 r = 3,
(r + 2) = 0 r = 2 of multiplicity 3,
(r 2 + 4r + 5)2 = 0 r = 2 i of multiplicity 2,
r5 = 0 r = 0 of multiplicity 5.
Therefore, a general solution is given by
) *
y(x) = c1 e4x + c2 e3x + c3 + c4 x + c5 x2 e2x + (c6 + c7 x) e2x cos x + (c8 + c9 x) e2x sin x
+c10 + c11 x + c12 x2 + c13 x3 + c14 x4 .
19. First, we find a general solution to the given equation. Solving the auxiliary equation,
Chapter 6
yields the roots r = 1, 2, and 2. Thus a general solution has the form
Next, we find constants c1 , c2 , and c3 such that the solution satisfies the initial conditions.
Dierentiating y(x) and substituting the initial conditions, we obtain the system
) *1
y(0) = c1 ex + c2 e2x + c3 e2x 1x=0 = c1 + c2 + c3 = 4,
) *1
y (0) = c1 ex 2c2 e2x + 2c3 e2x 1x=0 = c1 2c2 + 2c3 = 1,
) *1
y (0) = c1 ex + 4c2 e2x + 4c3 e2x 1x=0 = c1 + 4c2 + 4c3 = 19.
Solving yields
c1 = 1, c2 = 2, c3 = 3.
Dierentiating, we obtain
8# % # % 9 x
y = 2c1 e + c2 + c3 2 cos 2x + c3 c2 2 sin 2x e ,
8# % # % 9
y = 4c1 e2x + 2c3 2 c2 cos 2x 2c2 2 + c3 sin 2x ex .
y(0) = c1 + c2 = 1, c1 = 1,
y (0) = 2c1 + c2 + c3 2 = 0, c2 = 0,
y (0) = 4c1 c2 + 2c3 2 = 0 c3 = 2 .
Exercises 6.2
Substituting these constants into the general solution, we get the answer
y(x) = e2x 2ex sin 2x .
(D 3 1) [x] + (D + 1)[y] = 0,
(D 1)[x] + y = 0.
Multiplying the second equation in this sytem by (D + 1) and subtracting the result from the
first equation, we get
/) 3 * 0
D 1 (D + 1)(D 1) [x] = D 2 (D 1)[x] = 0.
Since the roots of the characteristic equation, r 2 (r 1) = 0 are r = 0 of multiplicity two and
r = 1, a general solution x(t) is given by
x(t) = c1 + c2 t + c3 et .
Chapter 6
27. Solving the auxiliary equation, r 4 + 2r 3 3r 2 r + (1/2) = 0, using computer software yields
the roots
Thus, all the roots are real and distinct. A general solution to the given equation is, therefore,
g(r) = r 4 + 2r 3 + 4r 2 + 3r + 2
g (r) = 4r 3 + 6r 2 + 8r + 3.
Then the Newtons recursion formula (2) in Appendix A of the text becomes
Exercises 6.2
Similarly, we find other two roots. With the initial guess r0 = 1 2i, we find that
(1 2i)4 + 2(1 2i)3 + 4(1 2i)2 + 3(1 2i) + 2
r1 = (1 2i)
4(1 2i)3 + 6(1 2i)2 + 8(1 2i) + 3
0.830703 1.652798i ,
r6 0.499994 1.322875i ,
r7 0.500000 1.322876i ,
r8 0.500000 1.322876i .
Thus, the auxiliary equation has four complex roots, and a general solution to the given
dierential equation is given by
y = rxr1 ,
y = r(r 1)xr2 = (r 2 r)xr2 , (6.4)
y = r(r 1)(r 2)xr3 = (r 3 3r 2 + 2r)xr3 .
Thus, if y = xr is a solution to this third order Cauchy-Euler equation, then we must
Therefore, in order for y = xr to be a solution to the equation with x > 0, we must have
r 3 2r 2 r + 2 = 0. Factoring this equation yields
Chapter 6
Equation (6.5) will equal zero and, therefore, the dierential equation will be satisfied for
r = 1 and r = 2. Thus, three solutions to the dierential equation are y = x, y = x1 ,
and y = x2 . Since these functions are linearly independent, they form a fundamental
solution set.
(b) Let y(x) = xr . In addition to (6.4), we need the fourth derivative of y(x).
y (4) = (y ) = r(r 1)(r 2)(r 3)xr4 = (r 4 6r 3 + 11r 2 6r)xr4 .
Therefore, in order for y = xr to be a solution to the equation with x > 0, we must have
r 4 5r 2 + 4 = 0. Factoring this equation yields
(r 1)(r 2 4r + 13) = 0.
Exercises 6.2
We find the remaining roots by using the quadratic formula. Thus, we obtain the roots
r = 1, 2 3i. From the root r = 1, we obtain the solution y = x. From the roots
r = 2 3i, by applying the hint given in the problem, we see that a solution is given by
Therefore, by Lemma 2 on page 172 of the text, we find that two real-valued solutions to
this dierential equation are y(x) = x2 cos(3 ln x) and y(x) = x2 sin(3 ln x). Since these
functions and the function y(x) = x are linearly independent, we obtain the fundamental
solution set
/ 0
x, x2 cos(3 ln x), x2 sin(3 ln x) .
as it is stated in (36).
(b) The characteristic equation corresponding to (6.8) is r 4 + 7r 2 + 6 = 0. This equation is
of quadratic type. Substitution s = r 2 yields
s2 + 7s + 6 = 0 s = 1, 6.
r = 1 = i and r = 6 = i 6 ,
Chapter 6
(c) As we have mentioned in (a), the first equation in (6.7) implies that y = (x + 5x) /2.
Substituting the solution x(t) yields
1 8# %
y(t) = c1 cos t + c2 sin t + c3 cos 6t + c4 sin 6t
2 # %9
+5 c1 cos t + c2 sin t + c3 cos 6t + c4 sin 6t
1 8# %
= c1 cos t c2 sin t 6c3 cos 6t 6c4 sin 6t
2 # %9
+5 c1 cos t + c2 sin t + c3 cos 6t + c4 sin 6t
c3 c4
= 2c1 cos t + 2c2 sin t cos 6t sin 6t .
2 2
(d) Initial conditions x(0) = y(0) = 1 and x (0) = y (0) = 0 imply the system of linear
equations for c1 , c2 , c3 , and c4 . Namely,
x(0) = c1 + c3 = 1, c1 = 3/5,
y(0) = 2c1 (c3 /2) = 1, c3 = 2/5,
x (0) = c2 + c4 6 = 0, c2 = 0,
y (0) = 2c2 (c4 6/2) = 0 c4 = 0.
Exercises 6.3
we can express the solution in terms of hyperbolic and trigonometric functions as follows.
J! K J! K
k k
y(x) = C1 e k/(EI)x + C2 e k/(EI)x + C3 sin
4 4
x + C4 cos x
L J! K J! KM L J! K J! KM
4 k 4 k 4 k 4 k
= C1 cosh x + sinh x + C2 cosh x sinh x
J! K J! K
4 k 4 k
+C3 sin x + C4 cos x
J! K J! K J! K J! K
4 k 4 k 4 k 4 k
= c1 cosh x + c2 sinh x + c3 sin x + c4 cos x ,
EXERCISES 6.3: Undetermined Coecients and the Annihilator Method, page 337
Thus, the roots to the auxiliary equation are given by r = 1, 3, and 2, and a general solution
to the homogeneous equation is
The nonhomogeneous term, g(x) = ex +x2 , is the sum of an exponential term and a polynomial
term. Therefore, according to Section 4.5, this equation has a particular solution of the form
) *
yp (x) = xs1 C1 ex + xs2 C2 + C3 x + C4 x2 .
Chapter 6
Since ex is a solution to the associated homogeneous equation and xex is not, we set s1 = 1.
Since none of the terms x2 , x, or 1 is a solution to the associated homogeneous equation, we
set s2 = 0. Thus, the form of a particular solution is
yp (x) = C1 xex + C2 + C3 x + C4 x2 .
From this we see that the roots to the auxiliary equation are r = 1, 2, 2. Therefore, a
general solution to the homogeneous equation is
The nonhomogeneous term is g(x) = e2x . Therefore, a particular solution to the original
dierential equation has the form yp (x) = xs c1 e2x . Since both e2x and xe2x are solutions
to the associated homogeneous equation, we set s = 2. (Note that this means that r = 2 will
be a root of multiplicity three of the auxiliary equation associated with the operator equation
A[L[y]](x) = 0, where A is an annihilator of the nonhomogeneous term g(x) = e2x and L
is the linear operator L := D 3 + 3D 2 4.) Thus, the form of a particular solution to this
equation is
yp (x) = C1 x2 e2x .
yp (x) = C1 xex + C2 + C3 x + C4 x2 .
Exercises 6.3
yp (x) 2yp(x) 5yp (x) + 6yp (x) = C1 xex + 3C1 ex 2C1 xex 4C1 ex 4C4
5C1 xex 5C1 ex 5C3 10C4 x + 6C1 xex + 6C2 + 6C3 x + 6C4 x2 = ex + x2
6C1 ex + (4C4 5C3 + 6C2 ) + (10C4 + 6C3 )x + 6C4 x2 = ex + x2 .
6C4 = 1 C4 = ,
10C4 10 5
10C4 + 6C3 = 0 C3 = = = ,
6 36 18
yp (x) = C1 x2 e2x .
Chapter 6
By equating coecients, we see that C1 = 1/6. Thus, a general solution to the nonhomoge-
neous dierential equation is given by
1 2 2x
y(x) = yh (x) + yp (x) = c1 ex + c2 e2x + c3 xe2x xe .
The nonhomogeneous term, ex , suggests a particular solution of the form yp (x) = Axs ex ,
where we have to choose s = 3 since the root r = 1 of the auxiliary equation is of multiplicity
three. Thus
yp (x) = Ax3 ex .
Exercises 6.3
yp 3yp + 3yp y = ex
- ) 3 * . - ) * .
A x + 9x2 + 18x + 6 ex 3 A x3 + 6x2 + 6x ex
- ) * .
+3 A x3 + 3x2 ex Ax3 ex = ex
6Aex = ex A= ,
and so yp (x) = x3 ex /6. A general solution to the given equation then has the form
1 3 x
y(x) = yh (x) + yp (x) = c1 ex + c2 xex + c3 x2 ex + xe .
11. The operator D 5 , that is, the fifth derivative operator, annihilates any polynomial of degree
at most four. In particular, D 5 annihilates the polynomial x4 x2 + 11.
13. According to (i) on page 334 of the text, the operator [D (7)] = (D + 7) annihilates the
exponential function e7x .
15. The operator (D2) annihilates the function f1 (x) := e2x and the operator (D1) annihilates
the function f2 (x) := ex . Thus, the composition of these operators, namely, (D 2)(D 1),
annihilates both of these functions and so, by linearity, it annihilates their algebraic sum.
17. This function has the same form as the functions given in (iv) on page 334 of the text. Here
we see that = 1, = 2, and m 1 = 2. Thus, the operator
- .3 - .3
(D {1})2 + 22 = (D + 1)2 + 4
19. Given function as a sum of two functions. The first term, xe2x , is of the type (ii) on the
page 334 of the text with m = 2 and r = 2; so [D (2)]2 = (D + 2)2 annihilates this
function. The second term, xe5x sin 3x, is annihilated by
- .2 - .2
(D (5))2 + 32 = (D + 5)2 + 9
according to (iv). Therefore, the composition [(D + 2)2 (D + 5)2 + 9] annihilates the function
xe2x + xe5x sin 3x.
Chapter 6
The function g(x) = cos 2x + 1 is a sum of two functions: cos 2x is of the type (iii) on page 334
of the text with = 2, and so it is innihilated by (D 2 + 4); 1, as a constant, is annihilated
by D. Therefore, the operator D(D 2 + 4) innihilates the right-hand side, g(x). Applying this
operator to both sides of the dierential equation given in this problem yields
) *) * ) *
D D 2 + 4 D 2 5D + 6 [u] = D D 2 + 4 [cos 2x + 1] = 0
) *
D D 2 + 4 (D 3)(D 2)[u] = 0.
This last equation has the associated auxiliary equation r (r 2 + 4) (r 3)(r 2) = 0, which
has roots r = 2, 3, 0, 2i. Thus, a general solution to the dierential equation associated
with this auxiliary equation is
we see that
up (x) = c3 cos 2x + c4 sin 2x + c5 .
23. The function g(x) = e3x x2 is annihilated by the operator A := D 3 (D 3). Applying the
operator A to both sides of the dierential equation given in this problem yields
- .
A [y 5y + 6y] = A e3x x2 = 0
Exercises 6.3
r 3 (r 3)2 (r 2) = 0,
we see that
yp (x) = c3 xe3x + c4 x2 + c5 x + c6 .
In this problem, the right-hand side is a sum of two functions. The first function, sin 2x, is
annihilated by (D 2 + 4), and the operator D 2 annihilates the term x. Thus A := D 2 (D 2 + 4)
annihilates the function sin 2x+x. Applying this operator to the original equation (in operator
form) yields
D 2 (D 2 + 4)(D 3)2 [y] = D 2 (D 2 + 4)[sin 2x + x] = 0. (6.9)
Chapter 6
r 2 (r 2 + 4)(r 3)2 = 0
with roots 2i, and double roots r = 0 and r = 3. Therefore, a general solution to (6.9) is
given by
y(x) = c1 e3x + c2 xe3x + c3 + c4 x + c5 cos 2x + c6 sin 2x . (6.10)
Since the homogeneous equation, (D 3)2 [y] = 0, which corresponds to the original equation,
has a general solution yh (x) = c1 e3x + c2 xe3x , the tail in (6.10) gives the form of a particular
solution to the given equation.
27. Since
) * / 0
y + 2y + 2y = D 2 + 2D + 2 [y] = (D + 1)2 + 1 [y],
the auxiliary equation in this problm is (r +1)2 +1 = 0, whose roots are r = 1i. Therefore,
a general solution to the homogeneous equation, corresponding to the original equation, is
Applying the operator D 3 {(D+1)2 +1} to the given equation, which annihilates its right-hand
side, yields
/ 0/ 0 / 0- .
D 3 (D + 1)2 + 1 (D + 1)2 + 1 [y] = D 3 (D + 1)2 + 1 ex cos x + x2 = 0
- .2
D 3 (D + 1)2 + 1 [y] = 0. (6.11)
The corresponding auxiliary equation, r 3 [(r + 1)2 + 1]2 = 0 has a root r = 0 of multiplicity
three and double roots r = 1 i. Therefore, a general solution to (6.11) is given by
Exercises 6.3
Solving the corresponding auxiliary equation, r(r 1)2 = 0, we find that r = 0, 1, and 1.
zh (x) = C1 + C2 ex + C3 xex
is a general solution to the homogeneous equation associated with the original equation. To
annihilate the right-hand side in (6.12), we apply the operator D 2 (D 1) to this equation.
Thus we obtain
Solving the corresponding auxiliary equation, r 3 (r 1)3 = 0, we see that r = 0 and r = 1 are
its roots of multiplicity three. Hence, a general solution is given by
z(x) = c1 + c2 x + c3 x2 + c4 ex + c5 xex + c6 x2 ex .
zp (x) = c2 x + c3 x2 + c6 x2 ex .
) *
D 3 + 2D 2 9D 18 = D 2 (D + 2) 9(D + 2) = (D + 2) D 2 9 = (D + 2)(D 3)(D + 3),
(6.13) becomes
(D + 2)(D 3)(D + 3)[y] = 18x2 18x + 22 .
The auxiliary equation in this problem is (r + 2)(r 3)(r + 3) = 0 with roots r = 2, 3, and
3. Hence, a general solution to the corresponding homogeneous equation has the form
Chapter 6
Since the operator D 3 annihilates the nonhomogeneous term in the original equation and
r = 0 is not a root of the auxiliary equation, we seek for a particular solution of the form
yp (x) = C0 x2 + C1 x + C2 .
Substituting yp into the given equation (for convenience, in operator form) yileds
) 3 *- .
D + 2D 2 9D 18 C0 x2 + C1 x + C2 = 18x2 18x + 22
- .
0 + 2 (2C0 ) 9 [2C0 x + C1 ] 18 C0 x2 + C1 x + C2 = 18x2 18x + 22
18C0 x2 + (18C1 18C0 )x + (18C2 9C1 + 4C0 ) = 18x2 18x + 22.
18C0 = 18, C0 = 1,
18C1 18C0 = 18, C1 = 0,
18C2 9C1 + 4C0 = 22 C2 = 1.
is a general solution to the original nonhomogeneous equation. Next, we satisfy the initial
conditions. Dierentiation yields
2 = y(0) = c1 + c2 + c3 1, c1 + c2 + c3 = 1,
8 = y (0) = 2c1 + 3c2 3c3 , 2c1 + 3c2 3c3 = 8,
12 = y (0) = 4c1 + 9c2 + 9c3 + 2 4c1 + 9c2 + 9c3 = 14.
Solving this system, we find that c1 = 1, c2 = 2, and c3 = 0, and so
Exercises 6.3
and so the other two roots of the auxiliary equation are r = 2i. This gives a general solution
to the corresponding homogeneous equation
According to the nonhomogeneous term, we look for a particular solution to the original
equation of the form
where the factor x in the exponential term appears due to the fact that r = 2 is a root of
the characteristic equation. Substituting yp (x) into the given equation and simplifying yield
) *
D 3 2D 2 3D + 10 [yp (x)] = (34x 16)e2x 10x2 + 6x + 34
(34C0 x + 17C1 16C0 ) e2x + 10C2 x2 + (10C3 6C2 )x
+10C4 3C3 4C2 = (34x 16)e2x 10x2 + 6x + 34.
34C0 = 34, C0 = 1,
17C1 16C0 = 16, C1 = 0,
10C2 = 10, C2 = 1,
10C3 6C2 = 6, C3 = 0,
10C4 3C3 4C2 = 34 C4 = 3.
Chapter 6
y (x) = 2c1 e2x + [(2c2 + c3 ) cos x + (2c3 c2 ) sin x] e2x + (2x 2x2 )e2x 2x,
y (x) = 4c1 e2x + [(3c2 + 4c3 ) cos x + (3c3 4c2 ) sin x] e2x + (2 8x + 4x2 )e2x 2.
3 = y(0) = c1 + c2 + 3, c1 + c2 = 0,
0 = y (0) = 2c1 + 2c2 + c3 , 2c1 + 2c2 + c3 = 0,
0 = y (0) = 4c1 + 3c2 + 4c3 4c1 + 3c2 + 4c3 = 0.
Since the operator D m+1 annihilates any polynomial f (x) = bm xm + + b0 , applying D m+1
to both sides in (6.14) yields
) *
D m+1 D an D n1 + an1 D n2 + + a1 [y] = D m+1 [f (x)] = 0
) *
D m+2 an D n1 + an1 D n2 + + a1 [y] = 0. (6.15)
Since a1 = 0,
) *1
an r n1 + an1 r n2 + + a1 1r=0 = a1 = 0,
Exercises 6.3
which means that r = 0 is not a root of this polynomial. Thus, for the auxiliary equation
(6.16), r = 0 is a root of exact multiplicity m + 2, and so a general solution to (6.15) is given
y(x) = c0 + c1 x + + cm+1 xm+1 + Y (x), (6.17)
On the other hand, the auxiliary equation for the homogeneous equation, associated with
(6.14), is r(an r n1 + an1 r n2 + + a1 ) = 0, and r = 0 is its simple root. Hence, a general
solution yh (x) to the homogeneous equation is given by
where Y (x) is the same as in (6.17). Since y(x) = yh (x) + yp (x), it follows from (6.17) and
(6.18) that
yp (x) = c1 x + + cm+1 xm+1 = x (c1 + + cm+1 xm ) ,
as stated.
an r n + an1 r n1 + + a0 = 0. (6.20)
Chapter 6
Since the operator (D 2 + 2 ) annihilates f (x) = a cos x + b sin x, applying this operator to
both sides in (6.19), we obtain
) *
(D 2 + 2 ) an D n + an1 D n1 + + a0 [y] = (D 2 + 2 )[f (x)] = 0.
Since, y(x) = yh (x) + yp (x), comparing y(x) with yh (x) given in (6.21), we conclude that
All that remains is to note that, for any m < s, the functions xm cos x and xm sin x are
presented in (6.21), meaning that they are solutions to the homogeneous equation correspond-
ing to (6.19). Thus s is the smallest number m such that xm cos x and xm sin x are not
solutions to the corresponding homogeneous equation.
(D 2 1) [x] + y = 0,
x + (D 2 1) [y] = e3t .
Subtracting the first equation from the second equation multiplied by (D 2 1), we get
R) * ) S /)
*2 * 0 ) *- .
D 1 [x] + D 1 [y] D 2 1 [x] + y = D 2 1 e3t 0 = 8e3t
2 2
R) *2 S ) *
D 2 1 1 [y] = 8e3t D 2 D 2 2 [y] = 8e3t . (6.22)
Exercises 6.4
The auxiliary equation, r 2 (r 2 2) = 0, has roots r = 2 and a double root r = 0. Hence,
yh (t) = c1 + c2 t + c3 e 2t
+ c4 e 2t
1. To apply the method of variation of parameters, first we have to find a fundamental solution
set for the corresponding homogeneous equation, which is
y 3y + 4y = 0.
Therefore, r = 1, 2, and 2 are the roots of the auxiliary equation, and y1 = ex , y2 = e2x ,
and y3 = xe2x form a fundamental solution set. According to the variation of parameters
method, we seek for a particular solution of the form
yp (x) = v1 (x)y1 (x) + v2 (x)y2 (x) + v3 (x)y3 (x) = v1 (x)ex + v2 (x)e2x + v3 (x)xe2x .
Chapter 6
To find functions vj s we need four determinants, the Wronskian W [y1 , y2 , y3](x) and W1 (x),
W2 (x), and W3 (x) given in (10) on page 340 of the text. Thus we compute
1 1 1 1
1 x 2x 2x 1 1 1
1 e e xe 1 1 1 1 x 1
- x 2x 2x . 1 1 1 1
W e , e , xe (x) = 11 e x
(1 + 2x)e 11 = e e e 11 1 2 1 + 2x
2x x 2x 2x 1 = 9e3x ,
1 1 1 1
1 ex 4e2x (4 + 4x)e2x 1 1 1 4 4 + 4x 1
1 1
- . 1 e2x xe2x 11
W1 (x) = (1)31 W e2x , xe2x (x) = 1 2x 1 = e4x ,
1 2e (1 + 2x)e 2x 1
1 1
- . 1 ex xe 2x 1
1 1
W2 (x) = (1)32 W ex , xe2x (x) = 1 1 = (1 + 3x)ex ,
1 ex (1 + 2x)e2x 1
1 1
- . 1 ex e2x 1
1 1
W3 (x) = (1)33 W ex , e2x (x) = 1 1 = 3ex .
1 e x
2e 1
Substituting these expressions into the formula (11) for determining vj s, we obtain
3 3 2x 4x
g(x)W1 (x) e e 1 3x
v1 (x) = x 2x 2x
dx = 3x
dx = e ,
W [e , e , xe ] 9e 27
3 3 3
g(x)W2 (x) e2x (1 + 3x)ex 1 x x2
v2 (x) = dx = dx = (1 + 3x) dx = ,
W [ex , e2x , xe2x ] 9e3x 9 9 6
3 3 2x x
g(x)W3 (x) e 3e x
v3 (x) = x 2x 2x
dx = 3x
dx = ,
W [e , e , xe ] 9e 3
where we have chosen zero integration constants. Then formula (12), page 340 of the text,
gives a particular solution
+ ,
1 3x x x x2 x 2x 1 2x xe2x x2 e2x
yp (x) = e e + e2x + xe = e + .
27 9 6 3 27 9 6
Note that the first two terms in yp (x) are solutions to the corresponding homogeneous equa-
tion. Thus, another (and simpler) answer is yp (x) = x2 e2x /6.
3. Let us find a fundamental solution set for the corresponding homogeneous equation,
z + 3z 4z = 0.
Exercises 6.4
Therefore, r = 1, 2, and 2 are the roots of the auxiliary equation, and so the functions
z1 = ex , z2 = e2x , and z3 = xe2x form a fundamental solution set. A particular solution
then has the form
zp (x) = v1 (x)z1 (x) + v2 (x)z2 (x) + v3 (x)z3 (x) = v1 (x)ex + v2 (x)e2x + v3 (x)xe2x . (6.23)
To find functions vj s we need four determinants, the Wronskian W [z1 , z2 , z3 ](x) and W1 (x),
W2 (x), and W3 (x) given in (10) on page 340 of the text. Thus we compute
1 1 1 1
1 x 1 1 1
1 e e2x xe2x 1 1 1 1 x 1
- x 2x 2x . 1 1 1 1
W e , e , xe (x) = 11 ex 2e2x (1 2x)e2x 11 = e 3x 1 1 2 1 2x
1 = 9e3x ,
1 x 2x 2x 1 1 1
1 e 4e (4x 4)e 1 1 1 4 4x 4 1
1 1
- . 1 e2x xe2x 11
W1 (x) = (1)31 W e2x , xe2x (x) = 1 1 = e4x ,
1 2e2x (1 2x)e2x 1
1 1
- . 1 ex xe 2x 1
1 1
W2 (x) = (1)32 W ex , xe2x (x) = 1 x 1 = (3x 1)ex ,
1 e (1 2x)e 2x 1
1 1
- . 1 ex e2x 11
W3 (x) = (1)33 W ex , e2x (x) = 1 x 1 = 3ex .
1 e 2e2x 1
Substituting these expressions into the formula (11) on page 340 of the text, we obtain
3 3 2x 4x
g(x)W1 (x) e e 1
v1 (x) = x 2x 2x
dx = 3x
dx = ex ,
W [e , e , xe ] 9e 9
3 3 2x x
g(x)W2 (x) e (3x 1)e
v2 (x) = 2x 2x
dx = dx
W [e , e , xe ] 9e3x
3 + ,
1 4x x 7
= (3x 1)e dx = e4x ,
9 12 144
3 3 2x
g(x)W3 (x) e (3ex ) 1
v3 (x) = x 2x 2x
dx = 3x
dx = e4x .
W [e , e , xe ] 9e 12
Chapter 6
5. Since the nonhomogeneous term, g(x) = tan x, is not a solution to a homogeneous linear
dierential equation with constant coecients, we will find a particular solution by the method
of variation of parameters. To do this, we must first find a fundamental solution set for the
corresponding homogeneous equation, y + y = 0. Its auxiliary equation is r 3 + r = 0,
which factors as r 3 + r = r(r 2 + 1). Thus, the roots to this auxiliary equation are r = 0, i.
Therefore, a fundamental solution set to the homogeneous equation is {1, cos x, sin x} and
To accomplish this, we must find the four determinants W [1, cos x, sin x](x), W1 (x), W2 (x),
W3 (x). That is, we calculate
1 1
1 1
1 1 cos x sin x 1
1 1
W [1, cos x, sin x](x) = 11 0 sin x cos x 11 = sin2 x + cos2 x = 1,
1 1
1 0 cos x sin x 1
1 1
1 cos x sin x 1 ) *
1 1
W1 (x) = (1)31 W [cos x, sin x](x) = 1 1 = cos2 x + sin2 x = 1,
1 sin x cos x 1
1 1
1 1 sin x 1
1 1
W2 (x) = (1)32 W [1, sin x](x) = 1 1 = cos x,
1 0 cos x 1
1 1
1 1 cos x 11
33 1
W3 (x) = (1) W [1, cos x](x) = 1 1 = sin x.
1 0 sin x 1
By using formula (11) on page 340 of the text, we can now find v1 (x), v2 (x), and v3 (x). Since
g(x) = tan x, we have (assuming that all constants of integration are zero)
3 3
g(x)W1 (x)
v1 (x) = dx = tan x dx = ln(sec x),
W [1, cos x, sin x](x)
3 3 3
g(x)W2 (x)
v2 (x) = dx = tan x( cos x) dx = sin x dx = cos x,
W [1, cos x, sin x](x)
3 3 3
g(x)W3 (x) sin2 x
v3 (x) = dx = tan x( sin x) dx = dx
W [1, cos x, sin x](x) cos x
3 3
1 cos2 x
= dx = (cos x sec x) dx = sin x ln(sec x + tan x).
cos x
Exercises 6.4
Therefore, we have
Note: We left the absolute value signs o ln(sec x) and ln(sec x + tan x) because of the stated
domain: 0 < x < /2.
from which we see that g(x) = x4 . Given that {x, x2 , x3 } is a fundamental solution set for
the corresponding homogeneous equation, we are looking for a particular solution of the form
Chapter 6
3 3 4 4
g(x)W1 (x) x x 1
v1 (x) = 2 3
dx = 3
dx = 2 + c1 ,
W [x, x , x ](x) 2x 4x
3 3 4 3
g(x)W2 (x) x (2x ) 1
v2 (x) = 2 3
dx = 3
dx = 3 + c2 ,
W [x, x , x ](x) 2x 3x
3 3 4 2
g(x)W3 (x) x (x ) 1
v3 (x) = 2 3
dx = 3
dx = 4 + c3 ,
W [x, x , x ](x) 2x 8x
where c1 , c2 , and c3 are constants of integration. Substitution back into (6.24) yields
+ , + , + ,
1 1 1 1
yp (x) = 2 + c1 x + 3
+ c2 x + 4 + c3 x3 =
+ c1 x + c2 x2 + c3 x3 .
4x 3x 8x 24x
Since {x, x2 , x3 } is a fundamental solution set for the homogeneous equation, taking c1 , c2 ,
and c3 to be arbitrary constants, we obtain a general solution to the original nonhomogeneous
equation. That is,
y(x) = + c1 x + c2 x2 + c3 x3 .
9. To find a particular solution to the nonhomogeneous equation, we will use the method of
variation of parameters. We must first calculate the four determinants W [ex , ex , e2x ](x),
W1 (x), W2 (x), W3 (x). Thus, we have
1 1
1 x 1
1 e ex e2x 1
1 1
W [ex , ex , e2x ](x) = 11 ex ex 2e2x 11 = 4e2x + 2e2x + e2x + e2x 2e2x 4e2x = 6e2x ,
1 x 1
1 e ex 4e2x 1
1 1
1 1 1 1
1 0 ex e2x 1 1 ex e2x 1
1 1 1 1
W1 (x) = 11 0 ex 2e2x 11 = (1)31 1 1 = 2ex + ex = 3ex ,
1 1 1 ex
2e 2x 1
1 1 ex 4e2x 1
1 1
1 x 2x 1 1 1
1 e 0 e 1 1 ex e2x 1
1 1 1 1 ) 3x *
W2 (x) = 11 ex 0 2e2x 11 = (1)32 1 x 1 = 2e e3x
= e3x ,
1 x 1 1 e 2e 2x 1
1 e 1 4e2x 1
1 1
1 x 1 1 1
1 e ex 0 1 1 ex x 1
1 1 1 e 1
W3 (x) = 11 ex ex 0 11 = (1)33 1 x 1 = 1 1 = 2.
1 x 1 1 e e x 1
1 e x
e 1 1
Exercises 6.4
Therefore, according to formula (12) on page 340 of the text, a particular solution, yp (x), will
be given by
3 3 3
3ex g(x) e3x g(x) 2g(x)
yp (x) = ex
dx + ex 2x
dx + e2x dx
6e 6e 6e2x
3 3 3
1 1 1
yp (x) = ex e g(x) dx + ex
e g(x) dx + e2x
e2x g(x) dx.
2 6 3
11. First, we find a fundamental solution set to the corresponding homogeneous equation,
x3 y 3xy + 3y = 0. (6.25)
Here we involve the procedure of solving Cauchy-Euler equations discussed in Problem 38,
Section 4.3. Thus, let x = et . Then dx/dt = et = x and so the chain rule yields
dy dy dx dy
= =x ,
dt dx dt+ , dx + , 4 5
d2 y d dy d dy dx dy d2 y dy 2d y
dy 2
2d y
= = x = + x x == x + x = + x ,
dt2 dt dt dx dx dt dx dx2 dx dx2 dt dx2
d2 y d2 y dy
x2 2 = 2 ,
dx , dt
+ dt
+ , 4 5
d3 y d d2 y d dy 2
2d y dx dy d2 y 3
2d y
= = x +x = + 3x 2 + x x
dt3 dt dt2 dx dx dx2 dt dx dx dx3
2 3
+ 2 , 3
dy 2d y 3d y dy d y dy 3d y d2 y dy 3
3d y
= x + 3x + x = + 3 + x = 3 2 + x
dx dx2 dx3 dt dt2 dt dx3 dt2 dt dx3
3d y d3 y d2 y dy
x = 3 + 2 .
dx3 dt3 dt2 dt
The auxiliary equation corresponding to this linear homogeneous equation with constant co-
ecients is
r 3 3r 2 r + 3 = 0 r 2 (r 3) (r 3) = 0 (r 3)(r + 1)(r 1) = 0,
Chapter 6
y1 (x) = et = x ,
y2 (x) = et = (et ) = x1 ,
y3 (x) = e3t = (et ) = x3
form a fundamental solution set for the homogeneous equation (6.25). Next, we apply the
variation of parameters to find a particular solution to the original equation. A particular
solution has the form
yp (x) = v1 (x)x + v2 (x)x1 + v3 (x)x3 . (6.26)
To find functions v1 (x), v2 (x), and v3 (x) we use formula (11) on page 340 of the text. We
1 1
1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1
1 x x x 1 1 x2 3x2 1 1 x1 x3 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
W [x, x1 , x3 ](x) = 11 1 x2 3x2 11 = x 1 1 1 3 1 = 16 ,
1 1 1 2x 3
6x 1 1 2x 6x 1
1 0 2x3 6x 1
1 1
1 x1 x3 1
1 1
W1 (x) = (1)31 W [x1 , x3 ](x) = 1 1 = 4x ,
1 x2 3x2 1
1 1
1 x x3 1
1 1
W2 (x) = (1)32 W [x, x3 ](x) = 1 1 = 2x3 ,
1 1 3x2 1
1 1
1 x x1 1
1 1
W3 (x) = (1)33 W [x, x1 ](x) = 1 1 = 2x1 .
1 1 x 12
Exercises 6.4
3 3
x cos x(2x3 ) 1
v2 (x) = dx = x4 cos x dx
16 8
1) 4 *
= x sin x + 4x3 cos x 12x2 sin x 24x cos x + 24 sin x + c2 ,
3 3
x cos x(2x1 ) 1 1
v3 (x) = dx = cos x dx = sin x + c3 ,
16 8 8
where c1 , c2 , c3 are constants of integration, and we have used integration by parts to evaluate
v1 (x) and v2 (x). Substituting these functions into (6.26) and simplifying yields
13. Since 1 1
1 y1 . . . yk1 0 yk+1 . . . yn 1
1 1
1 1
1 y1
. . . yk1 0
yk+1 . . . yn 1
1 1
1 .. .. .. .. .. 1
Wk (x) = 1 . . . . . 1,
1 1
1 (n2)
. . . yk1 0 yk+1
(n2) (n2)
. . . yn 1
1 1
1 1
1 (n1)
. . . yk1 1 yk+1
(n1) (n1)
. . . yn 1
the kth column of this determinant consists of all zeros except the last entry, which is 1.
Therefore, expanding Wk (x) by the cofactors in the kth column, we get
Chapter 6
(1)n+k = (1)(nk)+(2k) = (1)nk .
(b) By dividing both sides of the given dierential equation by x2 1, we rewrite the equation
in standard form, that is,
sin x
x+4 ex x2 + 3
y + 2 y + 2 y + 2 y= 2 .
x 1 x 1 x 1 x 1
Thus we see that
sin x x+4 ex x2 + 3
p1 (x) = 2 , p2 (x) = 2
, p3 (x) = , and g(x) = .
x 1 x 1 x2 1 x2 1
Functions p1 (x), p3 (x), and g(x) are defined and continuous on (, ) except x = 1;
p2 (x) is defined and continuous on {x 4, x = 1}. Thus, the common domain for
p1 (x), p2 (x), p3 (x), and g(x) is {x 4, x = 1}, and, in addition, these functions are
continuous there. This set consists of three intervals,
3. A linear combination,
) *
c1 sin x + c2 x sin x + c3 x2 sin x + c4 x3 sin x = c1 + c2 x + c3 x2 + c4 x3 sin x (6.27)
Review Problems
its degree, unless its the zero polynomial, we conclude that the linear combination (6.27)
vanishes identically on (, ) if and only if c1 = c2 = c3 = c4 = 0. This means that the
given functions are linearly independent on (, ).
(r + 5)2 = 0 or
(r + 5)2 (r 2)3 (r 2 + 1)2 = 0 (r 2)3 = 0 or
(r 2 + 1)2 = 0.
r = 5 of multiplicity 2,
r=2 of multiplicity 3,
r = i of multiplicity 2.
According to (22) on page 329 and (28) on page 330 of the text, the set of functions
(assuming that x is the independent variable)
r 4 = 0 or
r 4 (r 1)2 (r 2 + 2r + 4)2 = 0 (r 1)2 = 0 or
(r 2 + 2r + 4)2 = 0.
r=0 of multiplicity 4,
r=1 of multiplicity 2,
r = 1 3i of multiplicity 2.
Chapter 6
Using (22) on page 329 and (28) on page 330 of the text, we conclude that the set of
functions (with x as the independent variable)
1 , x , x2 , x3 , ex , xex , ex cos 3x, xex cos 3x, sin 3x, xex sin 3x
(b) The function e3x + x 1 is the sum of e3x and x 1. The function x 1 is annihilated by
D 2 , the second derivative operator, and, according to (i) on page 334 of the text, (D 3)
annihilates e3x . Therefore, the composite operator
D 2 (D 3) = (D 3)D 2
(c) The function x sin 2x is of the form given in (iv) on page 334 of the text with m = 2,
= 0, and = 2. Thus, the operator
- .2 ) *2
(D 0)2 + 22 = D2 + 4
(d) We again use (iv) on page 334 of the text, this time with m = 3, = 2, and = 3, to
conclude that the given function is annihilated by
/ 03 - .3
[D (2)]2 + 32 = (D + 2)2 + 9 .
Review Problems
x2 2x is annihilated by D 3 ,
xex is annihilated by [D (1)]2 = (D + 1)2 (by (ii), page 334) ,
sin 2x is annihilated by D 2 + 22 = D 2 + 4 (by (iii), page 334) ,
cos 3x is annihilated by D 2 + 32 = D 2 + 9 (by (iii), page 334) .
x3 y 2x2 y 5xy + 5y = 0,
(x) = 1, (x) = 0 ,
(x5 ) = 5x4 , (x5 ) = 20x3 ,
(x1 ) = x2 , (x1 ) = 2x3 ,
the Wronskian W [x, x5 , x1 ](x) and determinants Wk (x) given in (10) on page 340 of the text
1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 x x5 x1 1 1 1 1 x5 x1 1
1 1 4 2
W [x, x5 , x1 ](x) = 11 1 5x4 x2 1 = (x) 11 5x x 1 1
1 (1) 1
1 1 20x3 2x3 1 1 20x3 2x3 1
1 1
1 0 20x3 2x3 1
= (x)(30x) (18x2 ) = 48x2 ,
1 1
1 x5 x1 1
1 1
W1 (x) = (1)31 1 4 1 = 6x3 ,
1 5x x2 1
Chapter 6
1 1
1 x x1 11
32 1
W2 (x) = (1) 1 1 = 2x1 ,
1 1 x2 1
1 1
1 x x5 11
W3 (x) = (1)33 1 1 = 4x5 .
1 1 5x4 1
Now we divide both sides of the given equation by x3 to obtain an equation in standard form,
that is,
y 2x1 y 5x2 y + 5x3 y = x5 .
Hence, the right-hand side, g(x), in formula (1) on page 339 of the text equals to x5 . Applying
formula (11), page 340 of the text, yields
3 5 3
x (6x3 ) 1 1 3
v1 (x) = 2
dx = x4 dx = x ,
48x 8 24
3 5 1 3
x (2x ) 1 1 7
v2 (x) = 2
dx = x8 dx = x ,
48x 24 168
3 5 5 3
x (4x ) 1 1
v3 (x) = 2
dx = x2 dx = x1 .
48x 12 12
+ , + , + ,
1 3 1 7 1 1
yp (x) = x x+ x 5
x + x x1
24 168 12
+ ,
1 1 1 1
= x2 = x2 ,
24 168 12 21
and a general solution to the given equation is given by
1 2
y(x) = yh (x) + yp (x) = c1 x + c2 x5 + c3 x1 x .
CHAPTER 7: Laplace Transforms
EXERCISES 7.2: Definition of the Laplace Transform, page 359
1. For s > 0, using Definition 1 on page 351 and integration by parts, we compute
3 3N 3N + st ,
st st e
L {t} (s) = e t dt = lim e t dt = lim td
N N s
0 0 0
st 1N
4 3N
st 1N st 1N
te 1 1 te 1 e 1
= lim 1 + e dt = lim
1 2 1
N s 0 s N s 0 s 0
4 5
NesN esN 1 1
= lim +0 2 + 2 = 2
N s s s s
because, for s > 0, esN 0 and NesN = N/esN 0 as N .
Chapter 7
7. For s > 2,
3 3
/ 0
L e2t cos 3t (s) = est e2t cos 3t dt = e(2s)t cos 3t dt
0 0
4 5
e(2s)t ((2 s) cos 3t + 3 sin 3t) 11N
= lim 1
N (2 s)2 + 9 0
9. As in Example 4 on page 353 in the text, we first break the integral into separate parts. Thus,
3 32 3 3
L {f (t)} (s) = est f (t) dt = est 0 dt + test dt = test dt .
0 0 2 2
An antiderivative of test was, in fact, obtained in Problem 1 using integration by parts. Thus,
we have
3 4+ , 5 4 5
test est 11N NesN esN 2e2s e2s
test dt = lim 2 1 = lim 2 + + 2
N s s 2 N s s s s
+ , + ,
2e2s e2s 2 1 2s + 1
= + 2 = e2s + 2 = e2s .
s s s s s2
11. In this problem, f (t) is also a piecewise defined function. So, we split the integral and obtain
3 3 3 3
L {f (t)} (s) = est f (t) dt = est sin t dt + est 0 dt = est sin t dt
0 0 0
e st
(s sin t cos t) 11 es (1) es + 1
= 1 = = ,
s2 + 1 0 s2 + 1 s2 + 1
which is valid for all s.
Exercises 7.2
/ 0 2! 2 1! 1 1
L t2 (s) = 2+1 = 3 , L {t} (s) = = , L {1} (s) = , s > 0.
s s s1+1 s2 s
Thus the formula
/ 0 1 2 1 1 6 2 2 8
L 6e3t t2 + 2t 8 (s) = 6 3 +2 2 8 = 3+ 2 ,
s+3 s s s s+3 s s s
is valid for s in the intersection of the sets s > 3 and s > 0, which is s > 0.
15. Using the linearity of Laplace transform and Table 7.1 on page 358 in the text, we get
/ 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
L t3 tet + e4t cos t (s) = L t3 (s) L tet (s) + L e4t cos t (s)
3! 1! s4
= 3+1 +
s (s 1)1+1 (s 4)2 + 12
6 1 s4
= 4 2
+ ,
s (s 1) (s 4)2 + 1
which is valid for s > 4.
17. Using the linearity of Laplace transform and Table 7.1 on page 358 in the text, we get
/ 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
L e3t sin 6t t3 + et (s) = L e3t sin 6t (s) L t3 (s) + L et (s)
6 3! 1 6 6 1
= 2 2
3+1 + = 2
4+ ,
(s 3) + 6 s s1 (s 3) + 36 s s1
valid for s > 3.
21. Since the function g1 (t) 1 is continuous on (, ) and f (t) = g1 (t) for t in [0, 1], we
conclude that f (t) is continuous on [0, 1) and continuous from the left at t = 1. The function
g2 (t) (t 2)2 is also continuous on (, ), and so f (t) (which is the same as g2 (t) on
(1, 10]) is continuous on (1, 10]. Moreover,
Chapter 7
which implies that f (t) is continuous from the right at t = 1. Thus f (t) is continuous at t = 1
and, therefore, is continuous at any t in [0, 10].
23. All the functions involved in the definition of f (t), that is, g1 (t) 1, g2 (t) = t 1, and
g3 (t) = t2 4, are continuous on (, ). So, f (t), being a restriction of these functions, on
[0, 1), (1, 3), and (3, 10], respectively, is continuous on these three intervals. At points t = 1
and 3, f (t) is not defined and so is not continuous. But one-sided limits
exist and pairwise dierent. Therefore, f (t) has jump discontinuities at t = 1 and t = 3, and
hence piecewise continuous on [0, 10].
25. Given function is a rational function and, therefore, continuous on its domain, which is all
reals except zeros of the denominator. Solving t2 + 7t + 10 = 0, we conclude that the points
of discontinuity of f (t) are t = 2 and t = 5. These points are not in [0, 10]. So, f (t) is
continuous on [0, 10].
27. Since
lim+ f (t) = lim+ = ,
t0 t0 t
f (t) has infinite discontinuity at t = 0, and so neither continuous nor piecewise continuous
[0, 10].
29. (a) First observe that |t3 sin t| |t3 | for all t. Next, three applications of LHospitals rule
show that
t3 3t2 6t 6
lim t
= lim t
= lim 2 t = lim 3 t = 0
t e t e t e t e
Exercises 7.2
for all > 0. Thus, fixed > 0, for some T = T () > 0, we have |t3 | < et for all t > T ,
and so
13 1 1 1
1t sin t1 1t3 1 < et , t > T.
(b) Clearly, for any t, |f (t)| = 100e49t , and so Definition 3 is satisfied with M = 100, = 49,
and any T . Hence, f (t) is of exponential order 49.
(c) Since
f (t) 3 2
lim t
= lim et t = lim e(t )t = ,
t e t t
we see that f (t) grows faster than e for any . Thus f (t) is not of exponential order.
(e) Since,
) 2 * et2 + et2 1 2
f (t) = cosh t = > et
2 2
t2 t
and e grows faster than e for any fixed (see page 357 in the text), we conclude that
cosh (t2 ) is not of exponential order.
(g) The function sin (t2 ) is bounded, namely, |sin (t2 )| 1. For any fixed > 0, the limit of
t4 /et , as t , is 0, which implies that t4 et for all t > T = T (). Thus,
1 ) 2* 1
1sin t + t4 e6t 1 1 + et e6t = 2e+6t .
Chapter 7
31. (a)
3 3 3N
/ 0 st (a+ib)t
L e(a+ib)t (s) := e e dt = e(a+ibs)t
dt = lim e(a+ibs)t dt
0 0 0
+ 1N ,
1 1 ) *
= lim 1 = lim e(as+ib)N 1 . (7.1)
N a + ib s 0 a + ib s N
e(as+ib)x = e(as)x eibx ,
where the first factor vanishes at if a s < 0 while the second factor is a bounded
1 1
(1eibx 1 1) and periodic function, the limit in (7.1) exists if and only if a s < 0.
Assuming that s > a, we get
1 ) * 1 1
lim e(as+ib)N 1 = (0 1) = .
a + ib s N a + ib s s (a + ib)
Exercises 7.2
(b) Note that s (a + ib) = (s a) ib. Multiplying the result in (a) by the complex
conjugate of the denominator, that is, (s a) + bi, we get
1 (s a) + ib (s a) + ib
= = ,
s (a + ib) [(s a) ib] [(s a) + ib] (s a)2 + b2
where we used the fact that, for any complex number z, zz = |z|2 .
and so
3 3
- / 0 .
Re L e(a+ib)t (s) = Re est e(a+ib)t dt = Re es e(a+ib)t dt
0 0
3 3
- . / 0
= Re es e(a+ib)t dt = est eat cos bt dt = L eat cos bt (s),
0 0
which together with (7.2) gives the last entry in Table 7.1. Similarly,
- / 0 . / 0
Im L e(a+ib)t (s) = L eat sin bt (s),
Chapter 7
33. Let f (t) be a piecewise continuous function on [a, b], and let a function g(t) be continuous on
[a, b]. At any point of continuity of f (t), the function (f g)(t) is continuous as the product of
two continuous functions at this point. Suppose now that c is a point of discontinuity of f (t).
Then one-sided limits
Therefore, the product (f g)(t) is continuous at any point on [a, b] except possibly a finite
number of points (namely, points of discontinuity of f (t)).
/ 0 2 2
L t2 + et sin 2t (s) = 3 + .
s (s 1)2 + 4
Exercises 7.3
is valid for s > 6. Note that (7.4) and (7.5) could also be obtained from the Laplace transforms
for cos 3t and 1, respectively, by applying the translation Theorem 3.
5. We use the linearity of the Laplace transform and Table 7.1 to get
/ 0 / 0
L 2t2 et t + cos 4t (s) = 2L t2 et (s) L {t} (s) + L {cos 4t} (s)
2 1 s 4 1 s
= 2 3
2+ 2 2
= 3
2+ 2 ,
(s + 1) s s +4 (s + 1) s s + 16
which is valid for s > 0.
7. Since (t 1)4 = t4 4t3 + 6t2 4t + 1, we have from the linearity of the Laplace transform
/ 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
L (t 1)4 (s) = L t4 (s) 4L t3 (s) + 6L t2 (s) 4L {t} (s) + L {1} (s).
Chapter 7
/ 0 2! 2
L t2 (s) = 3 = 3 ,
s s
1! 1
L {t} (s) = 2 = 2 ,
s s
L {1} (s) = .
/ 0 24 24 12 4 1
L (t 1)4 (s) = 5 4 + 3 2 + , s > 0.
s s s s s
9. Since
/ 0 2
L et sin 2t (s) = ,
(s + 1)2 + 4
we use Theorem 6 to get
4 5
/ 0 / ) *0 - / 0 . 2
L et t sin 2t (s) = L t et sin 2t (s) = L et sin 2t (s) =
(s + 1)2 + 4
- .2 - . 4(s + 1)
= 2(1) (s + 1)2 + 4 (s + 1)2 + 4 = .
[(s + 1)2 + 4]2
11. We use the definition of cosh x and the linear property of the Laplace transform.
6 bt 7
e + ebt
L {cosh bt} (s) = L (s)
4 5
1 - / bt 0 / bt 0 . 1 1 1 s
= L e (s) + L e (s) = + = 2 .
2 2 sb s+b s b2
13. In this problem, we need the trigonometric identity sin2 t = (1 cos 2t)/2 and the linearity of
the Laplace transform.
6 7
/ 0 1 cos 2t
L sin2 t (s) = L (s)
4 5
1 1 1 s 2
= [L {1} (s) L {cos 2t} (s)] = 2 = 2
2 2 s s +4 s(s + 4)
15. From the trigonometric identity cos2 t = (1 + cos 2t)/2, we find that
1 1
cos3 t = cos t cos2 t = cos t + cos t cos 2t .
2 2
Exercises 7.3
Next we write
1 1 1
cos t cos 2t = [cos(2t + t) + cos(2t t)] = cos 3t + cos t.
2 2 2
1 1 1 3 1
cos3 t =cos t + cos 3t + cos t = cos t + cos 3t.
2 4 4 4 4
We now use the linearity of the Laplace transform and Table 7.1 to find that
/ 0 3 1 3 s 1 s
L cos3 t (s) = L {cos t} (s) + L {cos 3t} (s) = + ,
4 4 4 s2 + 1 4 s2 + 9
which holds for s > 0.
23. Clearly,
(t sin bt) = (t) sin bt + t(sin bt) = sin bt + bt cos bt.
Therefore, using Theorem 4 and the entry 30, that is, L {t sin bt} (s) = (2bs)/[(s2 + b2 )2 ], we
L {sin bt + bt cos bt} (s) = L {(t sin bt) } (s) = sL {t sin bt} (s) (t sin bt) 1t=0
s(2bs) 2bs2
= 0 = .
(s2 + b2 )2 (s2 + b2 )2
Chapter 7
27. First observe that since f (t) is piecewise continuous on [0, ) and f (t)/t approaches a finite
limit as t 0+ , we conclude that f (t)/t is also piecewise continuous on [0, ). Next, since
for t 1 we have |f (t)/t| |f (t)|, we see that f (t)/t is of exponential order since f (t) is.
These observations and Theorem 2 on page 357 of the text show that L{f (t)/t} exists. When
the results of Problem 26 are applied to f (t)/t, we see that
6 7
f (t)
lim L (N) = 0.
N t
By Theorem 6, we have that
3 3 6 7
st test f (t) d f (t)
F (s) = e f (t) dt = dt = L (s) .
t ds t
0 0
3 3 46 7 5 3s 6 7
d f (t) d f (t)
F (u) du = L (u) du = L (u) du
du t du t
s s
6 7 6 7 6 7
f (t) f (t) f (t)
= L (s) lim L (N) = L (s) .
t N t t
29. From the linearity properties (2) and (3) on page 354 of the text we have
L {g(t)} (s) = L {y (t) + 6y (t) + 10y(t)} (s) = L {y (t)} (s) + 6L {y (t)} (s) + 10L {y(t)} (s).
Next, applying properties (2) and (4) on pages 361 and 362 yields
- .
L {g} (s) = s2 L {y} (s) sy(0) y (0) + 6 [sL {y} (s) y(0)] + 10L {y} (s).
Exercises 7.3
Keeping in mind the fact that all initial conditions are zero the above becomes
) *
G(s) = s2 + 6s + 10 Y (s), where Y (s) = L {y} (s).
33. The graphs of the function f (t) = t and its translation g(t) to the right by c = 1 are shown
in Figure 7-A(a).
35. The graphs of the function f (t) = sin t and its translation g(t) to the right by c = /2 units
are shown in Figure 7-A(b).
37. Since f (t) is of exponential order on [0, ), for some , M > 0, and T > 0,
On the other hand, piecewise continuity of f (t) on [0, ) implies that f (t) is bounded on
any finite interval, in particular, on [0, T ]. That is,
Chapter 7
f (t)=t
0 /2
f (t)=sin t
0 1 2 3
(a) (b)
3 3T 3 3T 3
st st st st
e |f (t)| dt = e |f (t)| dt + e |f (t)| dt C e dt + M est et dt
0 0 0
1 LT 1 M - .
st 1T (s)t 1N sT
Ce 1 Me 1 C 1e Me(s)T
= + lim = + 0
s 10 N s 1T s s
lim |sL {f } (s) f (0)| = 0 lim [sL {f } (s) f (0)] = 0 lim sL {f } (s) = f (0).
s s s
1. From Table 7.1, the function 6/(s 1)4 = (3!)/(s 1)4 is the Laplace transform of et tn with
= 1 and n = 3. Therefore, 6 7
1 6
L (t) = et t3 .
(s 1)4
Exercises 7.4
3. Writing
s+1 s+1 s+1
= 2 = ,
s2 + 2s + 10 (s + 2s + 1) + 9 (s + 1)2 + 32
we see that this function is the Laplace transform of et cos 3t (the last entry in Table 7.1
with = 1 and b = 3). Hence
6 7
1 s+1
L 2
(t) = et cos 3t .
s + 2s + 10
5. We complete the square in the denominator and use the linearity of the inverse Laplace
transform to get
6 7 6 7 6 7
1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
L 2
(t) = L 2 2
(t) = L 2 2
(t) = e2t sin 2t.
s + 4s + 8 (s + 2) + 2 2 (s + 2) + 2 2
7. By completing the square in the denominator, we can rewrite (2s + 16)/(s2 + 4s + 13) as
2s + 16 2s + 16 2(s + 2) 4(3)
= = + .
s2 + 4s + 4 + 9 2
(s + 2) + 3 2 2
(s + 2) + 3 2 (s + 2)2 + 32
9. We complete the square in the denominator, rewrite the given function as a sum of two entries
in Table 7.1, and use the linearity of the inverse Laplace transform. This yields
3s 15 3 s5 3 (s 1) 4 (3/2)(s 1) 3(2)
= = =
2s2 4s + 10 2 s2 2s + 5 2 (s 1)2 + 22 (s 1)2 + 22 (s 1)2 + 22
6 7 6 7 6 7
1 3s 15 3 1 s1 1 2
L = L 3L
2s2 4s + 10 2 (s 1)2 + 22 (s 1)2 + 22
= et cos 2t 3et sin 2t.
Chapter 7
11. In this problem, we use the partial fractions decomposition method. Since the denominator,
(s 1)(s + 2)(s + 5), is a product of three nonrepeated linear factors, the expansion has the
s2 26s 47 A B C
= + +
(s 1)(s + 2)(s + 5) s1 s+2 s+5
A(s + 2)(s + 5) + B(s 1)(s + 5) + C(s 1)(s + 2)
= .
(s 1)(s + 2)(s + 5)
s2 26s 47 6 1 4
= .
(s 1)(s + 2)(s + 5) s+5 s+2 s1
13. The denominator has a simple linear factor, s, and a double linear factor, s + 1. Thus, we
look for the decomposition of the form
2s2 3s 2 A B C A(s + 1)2 + Bs(s + 1) + Cs
= + + = ,
s(s + 1)2 s s + 1 (s + 1)2 s(s + 1)2
which yields
2s2 3s 2 = A(s + 1)2 + Bs(s + 1) + Cs. (7.10)
2 = A + B B = 2 A = 0.
Exercises 7.4
2s2 3s 2 1 2
= .
s(s + 1)2 (s + 1)2 s
15. First, we complete the square in the quadratic s2 2s + 5 to make sure that this polynomial
is irreducible and to find the form of the decomposition. Since
s2 2s + 5 = (s2 2s + 1) + 4 = (s 1)2 + 22 ,
we have
8s 2s2 14 A B(s 1) + C(2) A [(s 1)2 + 4] + [B(s 1) + 2C] (s + 1)
= + =
(s + 1)(s2 2s + 5) s + 1 (s 1)2 + 22 (s + 1) [(s 1)2 + 4]
which implies that
- .
8s 2s2 14 = A (s 1)2 + 4 + [B(s 1) + 2C] (s + 1).
and so
8s 2s2 14 3 (s 1) + 2
= +
(s + 1)(s 2s + 5) s + 1 (s 1)2 + 4
17. First we need to completely factor the denominator. Since s2 + s 6 = (s 2)(s + 3), we have
3s + 5 3s + 5
= .
s(s2+ s 6) s(s 2)(s + 3)
Since the denominator has only nonrepeated linear factors, we can write
3s + 5 A B C
= + +
s(s 2)(s + 3) s s2 s+3
for some choice of A, B and C. Clearing fractions gives us
Chapter 7
19. First observe that the quadratic polynomial s2 + 2s + 2 is irreducible because the discriminant
22 4(1)(2) = 4 is negative. Since the denominator has one nonrepeated linear factor and
one nonrepeated quadratic factor, we can write
1 1 A B(s + 1) + C
= = + ,
(s 3)(s2+ 2s + 2) 2
(s 3)[(s + 1) + 1] s3 (s + 1)2 + 1
where we have chosen a form which is more convenient for taking the inverse Laplace trans-
form. Clearing fractions gives us
- .
1 = A (s + 1)2 + 1 + [B(s + 1) + C] (s 3). (7.11)
Exercises 7.4
6s2 13s + 2 1/3 1 14/3
= + +
s(s 1)(s 6) s s1 s6
and the linear property of the inverse Laplace transform yields
6 2 7 6 7 6 7 6 7
1 6s 13s + 2 1 1 1 1 1 14 1 1 1 14 6t
L = L +L + L = + et + e .
s(s 1)(s 6) 3 s s1 3 s6 3 3
23. In this problem, the denominator of F (s) has a simple linear factor, s + 1, and a double linear
factor, s + 3. Thus, the decomposition is the form
s = 3 : 4 = 2A A = 2,
s = 1 : 24 = 4C C = 6.
53 A 9C
53 = A + 3B + 9C B= = 1.
6 2 7 6 7 6 7 6 7
1 5s + 34s + 53 1 1 1 1 1 1
L (t) = 2L (t) L (t) + 6L (t)
(s + 3)2 (s + 1) (s + 3)2 s+3 s+1
= 2te3t e3t + 6et .
25. Observing that the quadratic s2 + 2s + 5 = (s + 1)2 + 22 is irreducible, the partial fractions
decomposition for F (s) has the form
Chapter 7
Exercises 7.4
Since, in the denominator, we have nonrepeated linear and quadratic factors, we seek for the
10s2 + 12s + 14 A B(s 1) + C(1)
= + .
(s + 2)[(s 1)2 + 1] s+2 (s 1)2 + 1
Clearing fractions, we conclude that
31. Functions f1 (t), f2 (t), and f3 (t) coincide for all t in [0, ) except a finite number of points.
Since the Laplace transform a function is a definite integral, it does not depend on values of
the function at finite number of points. Therefore, in (a), (b), and (c) we have one and the
same answer, that is
L {f1 (t)} (s) = L {f2 (t)} (s) = L {f3 (t)} (s) = L {t} (s) = .
33. We are looking for L1 {F (s)} (t) = f (t). According to the formula given just before this
problem, 6 7
1 1 dF
f (t) = L (t)
t ds
Chapter 7
we have
dF (s) d 1 1
= (ln(s + 2) ln(s 5)) =
ds ds6 7 6 s + 2 7s 5
dF 1 1
L1 (t) = L1 (t) = e2t e5t
ds s+2 s5
1 ) 2t * e5t e2t
L1 {F (s)} (t) = e e5t = .
t t
dF (s) d s2 + 9 d - . 2s 2s
= ln 2 = ln(s2 + 9) ln(s2 + 1) = 2 2 .
ds ds s +1 ds s +9 s +1
So, using the linear property of the inverse Laplace transform, we obtain
6 7 6 7 6 7
1 dF (s) 1 s 1 s
L (t) = 2L (t) 2L (t) = 2(cos 3t cos t).
ds s2 + 9 s2 + 1
Thus 6 7
1 1 1 dF (s) 2(cos t cos 3t)
L {F (s)} (t) = L (t) = .
t ds t
37. By the definition, both, L1 {F1 } (t) and L1 {F2 } (t), are continuous functions on [0, ).
Therefore, their sum, (L1 {F1 } + L1 {F2 }) (t), is also continuous on [0, ). Furthermore,
the linearity of the Laplace transform yields
/) 1 *0 / 0 / 0
L L {F1 } + L1 {F2 } (s) = L L1 {F1 } (s) + L L1 {F2 } (s) = F1 (s) + F2 (s).
Exercises 7.4
39. In this problem, the denominator Q(s) := s(s 1)(s + 2) has only nonrepeated linear factors,
and so the partial fractions decomposition has the form
2s + 1 A B C
F (s) := = + + .
s(s 1)(s + 2) s s1 s+2
To find A, B, and C, we use the residue formula in Problem 38. This yields
2s + 1 2(0) + 1 1
A = lim sF (s) = lim = = ,
s0 s0 (s 1)(s + 2) (0 1)(0 + 2) 2
2s + 1 2(1) + 1
B = lim(s 1)F (s) = lim = = 1,
s1 s1 s(s + 2) (1)(1 + 2)
2s + 1 2(2) + 1 1
C = lim (s + 2)F (s) = lim = = .
s2 s2 s(s 1) (2)(2 1) 2
2s + 1 1/2 1 1/2
= + .
s(s 1)(s + 2) s s1 s+2
41. In notation of Problem 40,
We can apply the Heavisides expansion formula because Q(s) has only nonrepeated linear
factors. We need the values of P (s) and Q (s) at the points r1 = 1, r2 = 3, and r3 = 2.
Using the product rule, we find that
and so
Chapter 7
Also, we compute
P (1) = 24, P (3) = 16, P (2) = 15.
6 7
1 3s2 16s + 5 P (1) (1)t P (3) (3)t P (2) (2)t
L (t) = e + e + e = 2et 4e3t + 5e2t .
(s + 1)(s 3)(s 2) Q (1) Q (3) Q (2)
43. Since s2 2s + 5 = (s 1)2 + 22 , we see that the denominator of F (s) has nonrepeated linear
factor s + 2 and nonrepeated irreducible quadratic factor s2 2s + 5 with = 1 and = 2
(in notation of Problem 40). Thus the partial fractions decomposition has the form
6s2 + 28 A(s 1) + 2B C
F (s) = 2
= 2 2
+ .
(s 2s + 5)(s + 2) (s 1) + 2 s+2
Next, we use the complex residue formula given in Problem 42, to find A and B. Since = 1
and = 2, the formula becomes
Dividing we get
(10 + 24i)(3 2i) 78 + 52i
2B + i2A = = = 6 + 4i.
(3 + 2i)(3 2i) 13
Taking the real and imaginary parts yields
2B = 6, B = 3,
2A = 4 A = 2.
6s2 + 28 2(s 1) + 2(3) 4
= 2 2
+ .
(s 2s + 5)(s + 2) (s 1) + 2 s+2
Exercises 7.5
1. Let Y (s) := L {y} (s). Taking the Laplace transform of both sides of the given dierential
equation and using its linearity, we obtain
We can express L {y } (s) and L {y } (s) in terms of Y (s) using the initial conditions and
Theorem 5 in Section 7.3.
3. Let Y (s) := L {y} (s). Taking the Laplace transform of both sides of the given dierential
equation, y + 6y + 9y = 0, and using the linearity of the Laplace transform, we obtain
We use formula (4), page 362, to express L {y } (s) and L {y } (s) in terms of Y (s).
- .
s2 Y (s) + s 6 + 6 [sY (s) + 1] + 9Y (s) = 0
Chapter 7
) *
Y (s) s2 + 6s + 9 = s
s s 3 1
Y (s) = 2 = = ,
s + 6s + 9 (s + 3)2 (s + 3)2 s + 3
where the last equality comes from the partial fraction expansion of s/(s + 32 ). We apply
the inverse Laplace transform to both sides and use Table 7.1 to obtain
6 7 6 7
1 1 1 1
y(t) = 3L (t) L (t) = 3te3t e3t .
(s + 3)2 s+3
5. Let W (s) = L {w} (s). Then taking the Laplace transform of the equation and using linearity
/ 0 / 0 2 2
L {w } (s) + W (s) = L t2 + 2 (s) = L t2 (s) + 2L {1} (s) = 3 + .
s s
Since L {w } (s) = s2 W (s) sw(0) w (0) = s2 W (s) s + 1, we have
- 2 . 2 2
s W (s) s + 1 + W (s) = 3 +
s s
) 2 * 2(s2 + 1) s 1 2
s + 1 W (s) = s 1 + W (s) = 2 + 3.
s3 s2 +1 s +1 s
Now, taking the inverse Laplace transform, we obtain
6 7 6 7 6 7
1 s 1 1 1 2
w=L 2
L 2
+L 3
= cos t sin t + t2 .
s +1 s +1 s
7. Let Y (s) := L {y} (s). Using the initial conditions and Theorem 5 in Section 7.3 we can
express L {y } (s) and L {y } (s) in terms of Y (s), namely,
Taking the Laplace transform of both sides of the given dierential equation and using its
linearity, we obtain
Exercises 7.5
) * 9s + 7 5s3 39s2 + 14s 32
s2 7s + 10 Y (s) = 2 + 5s 39 =
s +1 s2 + 1
3 2
9s + 7 5s 39s + 14s 32 5s3 39s2 + 14s 32
Y (s) = 2 + 5s 39 = 2 = 2 .
s +1 (s + 1)(s2 7s + 10) (s + 1)(s 5)(s 2)
5s3 39s2 + 14s 32 = (As + B)(s 5)(s 2) + C(s2 + 1)(s 2) + D(s2 + 1)(s 5).
s = 5 : 312 = 78C C = 4,
s = 2 : 120 = 15D D = 8,
s = 0 : 32 = 10B 2C 5D B = 0.
9. First, note that the initial conditions are given at t = 1. Thus, to use the method of Laplace
transform, we make a shift in t and move the initial conditions to t = 0.
Now, let y(t) := z(t + 1). Then the chain rule yields
Chapter 7
With Y (s) := L {y(t)} (s), we apply the Laplace transform to both sides of (7.14) and obtain
/ 0 21
L {y } (s) + 5L {y } (s) 6Y (s) = L 21et (s) = . (7.15)
By Theorem 5, Section 7.3,
Substituting these expressions back into (7.15) and solving for Y (s) yield
- 2 . 21
s Y (s) + s 9 + 5 [sY (s) + 1] 6Y (s) =
) 2 * 21 s2 + 5s + 17
s + 5s 6 Y (s) = s+4 =
s1 s1
s2 + 5s + 17 s2 + 5s + 17 s2 + 5s + 17
Y (s) = = = .
(s 1)(s2 + 5s 6) (s 1)(s 1)(s + 6) (s 1)2 (s + 6)
The partial fractions decomposition for Y (s) has the form
s2 + 5s + 17 A B C
= + + .
(s 1)2 (s + 6) (s 1)2 s 1 s + 6
Clearing fractions yields
Exercises 7.5
11. As in the previous problem (and in Example 3 in the text), we first need to shift the initial
conditions to 0. If we set v(t) = y(t + 2), the initial value problem for v(t) becomes
Taking the Laplace transform of both sides of this new dierential equation gives us
L {v } (s) L {v} (s) = L {t} (s) = .
If we denote V (s) := L {v} (s) and express L {v } (s) in terms of V (s) using (4) in Section 4.3
(with n = 2), that is, L {v } (s) = s2 V (s) 3s, we obtain
- 2 . 1
s V (s) 3s V (s) = 2
3s3 + 1 3s3 + 1 1 1 2
V (s) = 2 2 = 2 = 2 + + .
s (s 1) s (s + 1)(s 1) s s+1 s1
6 7
1 1 1 1 2
v(t) = L {V (s)} (t) = L 2+ + (t) = t + et + 2et .
s s+1 s1
13. To shift the initial conditions to t = 0, we make the substitution x(t) := y(t + /2) in the
original equation and use the fact that
This yields
Chapter 7
Taking the Laplace transform of both sides in this last dierential equation and using the fact
that, with X(s) := L {x} (s),
(which comes from the initial conditions and (4) in Section 7.3), we obtain
- . 8 2s
s2 X(s) s [sX(s) 1] 2X(s) = L {8 sin t 2 cos t} (s) = 2
s2 +1 s +1
) 2 * 8 2s s3 s2 s + 7
s s 2 X(s) = 2 +s1=
s +1 s2 + 1
3 2 3 2
s s s+7 s s s+7
X(s) = 2 = .
(s + 1)(s2 s 2) (s2 + 1)(s 2)(s + 1)
s 3 s2 s + 7 As + B C D
= 2 + + .
(s + 1)(s 2)(s + 1) s +1 (s 2) s + 1
Solving yields
7 11 3
A= , B= , C= , D = 1.
5 5 5
(7/5)s (11/5) (3/5) 1
X(s) = 2
+ 2 +
s +1 s +1 (s 2) s + 1
7 11 3
x(t) = L1 {X(s)} (t) = cos t sin t + e2t et .
5 5 5
Finally, since y(t) = x(t /2), we obtain the solution
7 # % 11 # % 3 2(t/2)
y(t) = cos t sin t + e e(t/2)
5 2 5 2 5
7 11 3 2t (/2)t)
= sin t + cos t + e e
5 5 5
15. Taking the Laplace transform of y 3y + 2y = cos t and applying the linearity of the Laplace
transform yields
L {y } (s) 3L {y } (s) + 2L {y} (s) = L {cos t} (s) = . (7.16)
s2 +1
Exercises 7.5
If we put Y (s) = L {y} (s) and apply the property (4), page 362 of the text, we get
and so the Laplace transform of both sides of the original equation yields
/ 0
L {y + y y} (s) = L t3 (s)
- 2 . 6
s Y (s) s + [sY (s) 1] Y (s) = 4
+ , s
1 6 s5 + s4 + 6
Y (s) = 2 + s + 1 = .
s + s 1 s4 s4 (s2 + s 1)
19. Let us denote Y (s) := L {y} (s). From the initial conditions and formula (4) on page 362 of
the text we get
The Laplace transform, applied to both sides of the given equation, yields
- 2 . / 0 1 1 1
s Y (s) s 1 + 5 [sY (s) 1] Y (s) = L et (s) L {1} (s) = =
s1 s s(s 1)
) * 1 s3 + 5s2 6s + 1
s2 + 5s 1 Y (s) = +s+6=
s(s 1) s(s 1)
3 2
s + 5s 6s + 1
Y (s) = .
s(s 1)(s2 + 5s 1)
Chapter 7
21. Applying the Laplace transform to both sides of the given equation yields
L {y } (s) 2L {y } (s) + L {t} (s) = L {cos t} (s) L {sin t} (s) = .
s2 + 1
If L {y} (s) =: Y (s), then it follows from the initial conditions and (4) on page 362 of the text
L {y } (s) = sY (s) 1, L {y } (s) = s2 Y (s) s 3.
23. In this equation, the right-hand side is a piecewise defined function. Let us find its Laplace
transform first.
3 32 3
st st
L {g(t)} (s) = e g(t) dt = e t dt + est 5 dt
0 0 2
12 32 st 1N
test 11 e 5est 11
= dt + lim
s 10 s N s 1
4 2s 50 4 2s 5
2e e 1 5e2s 1 + 3se2s e2s
= + + = ,
s s2 s2 s s2
where we used integration by parts integrating est t.
Using this formula and applying the Laplace transform to the given equation yields
Exercises 7.5
s3 + 1 + 3se2s e2s
L {y} (s) = .
s2 (s2 + 4)
25. Taking the Laplace transform of y y + y y = 0 and applying the linearity of the Laplace
transform yields
If we denote Y (s) := L {y} (s) and and apply property (4) on page 362 of the text, we get
Using these equations and applying the Laplace transform to both sides of the given dierential
equation, we get
- 3 . - .
s Y (s) + 4s2 4s + 2 + 3 s2 Y (s) + 4s 4 + 3 [sY (s) + 4] + Y (s) = 0
Chapter 7
) * ) *
s3 + 3s2 + 3s + 1 Y (s) + 4s2 + 8s + 2 = 0
4s2 + 8s + 2 4s2 + 8s + 2
Y (s) = 3 = .
s + 3s2 + 3s + 1 (s + 1)3
Therefore, the partial fractions decomposition of Y (s) has the form
4s2 + 8s + 2 A B C A + B(s + 1) + C(s + 1)2
= + + =
(s + 1)3 (s + 1)3 (s + 1)2 s + 1 (s + 1)3
(4s2 + 8s + 2) = A + B(s + 1) + C(s + 1)2 .
2 = A + B + C B = 2 A C = 0.
2 4 ) *
Y (s) = 3
+ y(t) = L1 {Y } (t) = t2 et 4et = t2 4 et .
(s + 1) s+1
29. Using the initial conditions, y(0) = a and y (0) = b, and formula (4) on page 362 of the text,
we conclude that
where Y (s) = L {y} (s). Applying the Laplace transform to the original equation yields
- 2 .
s Y (s) as b 4 [sY (s) a] + 3Y (s) = L {0} (s) = 0
) 2 *
s 4s + 3 Y (s) = as + b 4a
as + b 4a as + b 4a A B
Y (s) = 2 = = + .
s 4s + 3 (s 1)(s 3) s1 s3
Solving for A and B, we find that A = (3a b)/2, B = (b a)/2. Hence
(3a b)/2 (b a)/2
Y (s) = +
s1 s3 6 7 6 7
1 3a b 1 1 b a 1 1
y(t) = L {Y } (t) = L (t) + L (t)
2 s1 2 s3
3a b t b a 3t
= e + e .
2 2
Exercises 7.5
with Y (s) := L {y} (s). Thus the Laplace transform of both sides of the the given equation
s=0: 5 = 2A A = 5/2,
s = 1 : 5 a b = A C C = A + a + b 5 = a + b 5/2.
a=A+B B = a A = a 5/2.
5/2 (a 5/2)(s + 1) a + b 5/2
Y (s) = + +
s (s + 1)2 + 1 (s + 1)2 + 1
+ , + ,
1 5 5 t 5 t
y(t) = L {Y } (t) = + a e cos t + a + b e sin t .
2 2 2
Chapter 7
35. Taking the Laplace transform of y + 3ty 6y = 1 and applying the linearity of the Laplace
transform yields
L {y } (s) + 3L {ty } (s) 6L {y} (s) = L {1} (s) = . (7.19)
If we put Y (s) = L {y} (s) and apply property (4) on page 362 of the text with n = 2, we get
Exercises 7.5
3 + , 3
1 1 1 s s2 /6
Y (s) = (s) 2 ds = 3 s2 /6 e ds
(s) 3s se 3
1 # 2 % 1 # 2
= 3 s2 /6 es /6 + C = 3 1 + Ces /6 .
se s
Just as in Example 4 on page 380 of the text, C must be zero in order to ensure that Y (s) 0
as s . Thus Y (s) = 1/s3 , and from Table 7.1 on page 358 of the text we get
6 7 6 7
1 1 1 1 2 t2
y(t) = L (t) = L (t) = .
s3 2 s3 2
37. We apply the Laplace transform to the given equation and obtain
Using Theorem 5 (Section 7.3) and the initial conditions, we express L {y } (s) and L {y } (s)
in terms of Y (s) := L {y} (s).
Chapter 7
39. Similarly to Example 5, we have the initial value problem (18), namely,
for the model of the mechanism. This equation leads to equation (19) for the Laplace trans-
forms Y (s) := L {y(t)} (s) and E(s) := L {e(t)} (s):
Exercises 7.5
41. As in Problem 40, the dierential equation modeling the automatic pilot is
Let Y (s) := L {y(t)} (s), E(s) := L {e(t)} (s). Notice that, as in Example 5 on page 382,
we have y(0) = y (0) = 0, and so e(0) = 0. Using these initial conditions and Theorem 5 in
Section 7.3, we obtain
Applying the Laplace transform to both sides of (7.28) we then conclude that
E(s) = L {e(t)} (s) = L {y(t) at} (s) = Y (s) aL {t} (s) = Y (s)
Completing the square in the denominator, we write E(s) in the form suitable for inverse
Laplace transform.
E(s) =
[s + /(2I)]2 + (k/I) 2 /(4I 2 )
a 2Ia 4kI 2 /(2I)
= = $ .
[s + /(2I)]2 + (4kI 2 )/(4I 2 ) 4kI 2 [s + /(2I)]2 + (4kI 2 )/(4I 2)
Chapter 7
Thus, using Table 7.1 on page 358 of the text, we find that
L$ M
2Ia 4kI 2t
e(t) = L1 {E(s)} (t) = $ et/(2I) sin .
4kI 2 2I
Compare this with Example 5 of the text and observe, how for moderate damping with
< 2 kI, the oscillations of Example 5 die out exponentially.
1. To find the Laplace transform of g(t) = (t 1)2 u(t 1) we apply formula (5) on page 387 of
the text with a = 1 and f (t) = t2 . This yields
/ 0 / 0 2es
L (t 1)2 u(t 1) (s) = es L t2 (s) = 3 .
The graph of g(t) = (t 1)2 u(t 1) is shown in Figure 7-B(a).
3. The graph of the function y = t2 u(t 2) is shown in Figure 7-B(b). For this function, formula
(8) on page 387 is more convenient. To apply the shifting property, we observe that g(t) = t2
and a = 2. Hence
g(t + a) = g(t + 2) = (t + 2)2 = t2 + 4t + 4.
5. The function g(t) equals zero until t reaches 1, at which point g(t) jumps to 2. We can express
this jump by (2 0)u(t 1). At t = 2 the function g(t) jumps from the value 2 to the value
1. This can be expressed by adding the term (1 2)u(t 2). Finally, the jump at t = 3 from
1 to 3 can be accomplished by the function (3 1)u(t 3). Hence
Exercises 7.6
0 1 2 3 0 2
(a) (b)
L {g(t)} (s) = 2L {u(t 1)} (s) L {u(t 2)} (s) + 2L {u(t 3)} (s)
es e2s e3s
= 2 +2
s s s
s 2s 3s
e e + 2e
= .
The function g(t) equals zero until t reaches 1, at which point g(t) jumps to the function t.
We can express this jump by tu(t 1). At t = 2 the function g(t) jumps from the function t
to the value 1. This can be expressed by adding the term (1 t)u(t 2). Hence
Chapter 7
Taking the Laplace transform of both sides and using formula (8) on page 387, we find that
the Laplace transform of the function g(t) is given by
9. First, we find the formula for g(t) from the picture given.
0, t < 1,
t 1, 1 < t < 2,
3 t, 2 < t < 3,
0, 3 < t.
L {g(t)} (s) = L {(t 1)u(t 1)} (s) + L {(4 2t)u(t 2)} (s) + L {(t 3)u(t 3)} (s)
= es L {(t + 1) 1} (s) + e2s L {4 2(t + 2)} (s) + e3s L {(t + 3) 3} (s)
es 2e2s + e3s
= es L {t} (s) 2e2s L {t} (s) + e3s L {t} (s) = .
11. We use formula (6) on page 387 of the text with a = 2 and F (s) = 1/(s 1). Since
6 7
1 1 1
f (t) = L {F (s)} (t) = L (t) = et f (t 2) = et2 ,
we get 6 7
1 e2s
L (t) = f (t 2)u(t 2) = et2 u(t 2).
Exercises 7.6
13. Using the linear property of the inverse Laplace transform, we obtain
6 2s 7 6 2s 7 6 4s 7
1 e 3e4s 1 e 1 e
L (t) = L (t) 3L (t) .
s+2 s+2 s+2
To each term in the above equation, we can apply now formula (6), page 387 of the text with
F (s) = 1/(s + 2) and a = 2 and a = 4, respectively. Since
we get
6 7 6 7
1 e2s 1 e4s
L (t) 3L (t) = f (t 2)u(t 2) 3f (t 4)u(t 4)
s+2 s+2
= e2(t2) u(t 2) 3e2(t4) u(t 4) .
15. Since
s s s+2 1
F (s) := = = 2
s2 + 4s + 5 2
(s + 2) + 1 2 2
(s + 2) + 1 2 (s + 2)2 + 12
f (t) := L1 {F (s)} (t) = e2t (cos t 2 sin t) ,
Chapter 7
19. In this problem, we apply methods of Section 7.5 of solving initial value problems using the
Laplace transform. Taking the Laplace transform of both sides of the given equation and
using the linear property of the Laplace transform, we get
To find the Laplace transform of g(t), we express this function using the unit step function
u(t). Since g(t) identically equals to 20 for 0 < t < 3, jumps from 20 to 0 at t = 3 and
then jumps from 0 to 20 at t = 4, we can write
Exercises 7.6
3 4 8
- .
= 10 10u(t 3) 1 e(t3) (cos(t 3) + sin(t 3))
- .
+10u(t 4) 1 e(t4) (cos(t 4) + sin(t 4))
- .
= 10 10u(t 3) 1 + e(t3) (cos t + sin t)
- .
+10u(t 4) 1 e(t4) (cos t + sin t) .
The graph of the solution, y = I(t), 0 < t < 8, is depicted in Figure 7-C.
3 32 12
st st test est 11
FT (s) := e fT (t) dt = e t dt = 2 1
s s 0
0 0
2s 2s
2e e 1 1 2se2s e2s
= + = .
s s2 s2 s2
From Theorem 9 on page 391 of the text, we obtain
FT (s) 1 2se2s e2s
L {f (t)} (s) = = .
1 e2s s2 (1 e2s )
The graph of the function y = f (t) is given in Figure B.45 in the answers of the text.
23. We use formula (12) on page 391 of the text. With the period T = 2, the windowed version
Chapter 7
fT (t) of f (t) is
> t
f (t), 0 < t < 2, e , 0 < t < 1,
fT (t) = = 1, 1 < t < 2,
0, otherwise
0, otherwise.
3 31 32
st st t
FT (s) = e fT (t) dt = e e dt + est dt
0 0 1
11 1
st 12
(s+1)t (s+1)
es e2s
e 1 + e 1 = 1e +
(s + 1) 10 s 11 s+1 s
and, by (12), 4 5
1 1 e(s+1) es e2s
L {f (t)} (s) = + .
1 e2s s+1 s
The graph of f (t) is shown in Figure B.46 in the answers of the text.
25. Similarly to Example 6 on page 392 of the text, f (t) is a periodic function with period T = 2a,
whose windowed version has the form
Thus, using the linearity of the Laplace transform and formula (4) on page 386 for the Laplace
transform of the unit step function, we have
1 eas 1 eas
F2a (s) = L {f2a (t)} (s) = L {1} (s) L {u(t a)} (s) = = .
s s s
Applying now Theorem 9 yields
1 1 eas 1 1 eas 1
L {f (t)} (s) = 2as
= as as
= .
1e s (1 e )(1 + e ) s s(1 + eas )
Exercises 7.6
denote the windowed version of f (t), then from formula (12) on page 391 of the text we have
L {f2a (t)} (s) L {f2a (t)} (s)
L {f (t)} (s) = = .
1 e2as (1 eas )(1 + eas )
4+ , 5 4 + ,5
t t t t
f2a (t) = + 2 u(t a) + 0 2 u(t 2a)
a a a a
t 2(t a)u(t a) (t 2a)u(t 2a)
= + .
a a a
1 2 1
L {f2a (t)} (s) = L {t} (s) L {(t a)u(t a)} (s) + L {(t 2a)u(t 2a)} (s)
a a a
11 2e as
1 ) as 2as
* (1 eas )2
= + = 1 2e + e =
a s2 a s2 a s2 as2 as2
and 2
(1 eas ) /(as2 ) 1 eas
L {f (t)} (s) = = .
(1 eas )(1 + eas ) as2 (1 + eas )
29. Applying the Laplace transform to both sides of the given dierential equation, we obtain
L {y } (s) + L {y} (s) = L {u(t 3)} (s) = .
L {y } (s) = s2 L {y} (s) sy(0) y (0) = s2 L {y} (s) 1,
substitution yields
- 2 . e3s
s L {y} (s) 1 + L {y} (s) =
s 4 5
1 e3s 1 3s 1 s
L {y} (s) = 2 + = 2 +e .
s + 1 s(s2 + 1) s +1 s s2 + 1
By formula (6) on page 387 of the text,
6 4 57 6 7
1 3s 1 s 1 1 s
L e (t) = L (t 3)u(t 3) = [1 cos(t 3)]u(t 3).
s s2 + 1 s s2 + 1
6 4 57
1 1 3s 1 s
y(t) = L +e (t) = sin t + [1 cos(t 3)]u(t 3)
s2 + 1 s s2 + 1
The graph of the solution is shown in Figure B.47 in the answers of the text.
Chapter 7
31. We apply the Laplace transform to both sides of the dierential equation and get
L {y } (s) + L {y} (s) = L {t (t 4)u(t 2)} (s) = L {(t 4)u(t 2)} (s) . (7.33)
Since (t 4)u(t 2) = [(t 2) 2]u(t 2), we can use formula (5) from Theorem 8 to find
its Laplace transform. With f (t) = t 2 and a = 2, this formula yields
4 5
2s 2s 1 2
L {(t 4)u(t 2)} (s) = e L {t 2} (s) = e .
s2 s
L {y } (s) = s2 L {y} (s) sy(0) y (0) = s2 L {y} (s) 1.
Exercises 7.6
where Y (s) is the Laplace transform of y(t). Solving for Y (s) yields
4 5
1 1 (s2 + 2s + 2) (s2 + 2s) 1 1 s+1 1
= = ,
s[(s + 1)2 + 12 ] 2 s[(s + 1)2 + 12 ] 2 s (s + 1)2 + 12 (s + 1)2 + 12
we have
6 7 6 4 57
1 1 1 1 1 s+1 1
L (t) = L (t)
s[(s + 1)2 + 12 ] 2 s (s + 1)2 + 12 (s + 1)2 + 12
1- .
= 1 et cos t et sin t
1- .
y(t) = et cos t + 2et sin t + 1 e2t (cos t + sin t) u(t 2)
1- .
1 e4t (cos t + sin t) u(t 4) .
35. We take the Laplace transform of the both sides of the given equation and obtain
/ 0
L {z } (s) + 3L {z } (s) + 2L {z} (s) = L e3t u(t 2) (s). (7.35)
Chapter 7
We use the initial conditions, z(0) = 2 and z (0) = 3, and formula (4) from Section 7.3 to
express L {z } (s) and L {z } (s) in terms of Z(s) := L {z} (s). That is,
In the right-hand side of (7.35), we can use, say, the translation property of the Laplace
transform (Theorem 3, Section 7.3) and the Laplace transform of the unit step function
(formula (4), Section 7.6).
/ 0 e2(s+3)
L e3t u(t 2) (s) = L {u(t 2)} (s + 3) = .
Therefore, (7.35) becomes
- . e2(s+3)
s2 Z(s) 2s + 3 + 3 [sZ(s) 2] + 2Z(s) =
) 2 * e2(s+3)
s + 3s + 2 Z(s) = 2s + 3 +
2s + 3 1
Z(s) = 2 + e2s6
s + 3s + 2 (s + 3)(s2 + 3s + 2)
4 5
1 1 2s6 1/2 1 1/2
= + +e + .
s+1 s+2 s+3 s+2 s+1
6 4 57
1 1 1 6 2s 1/2 1 1/2
z(t) = L + +e e + (t)
s+1 s+2 s+3 s+2 s+1
6 7 6 7
1 1 1 1
= L (t) + L (t)
s+1 s+2
4 6 7 6 7 6 75
e6 1 1 1 1 1 1
+ L 2L +L (t 2)u(t 2)
2 s+3 s+2 s+1
e6 - 3(t2) .
= et + e2t + e 2e2(t2) + e(t2) u(t 2)
1 - .
= et + e2t + e3t 2e2(t+1) + e(t+4) u(t 2)
37. Since
3 32 12
est 1 1 e2s
L {g(t)} (s) = e st
g(t) dt = st
e sin t dt = 2 (s sin t cos t)11 = 2 ,
s +1 0 s +1
0 0
Exercises 7.6
we conclude that
4 5
s 4 2 1 1 2s 1 1 1 2
L {y} (s) = 2 + + e
s + 4 3 s2 + 4 3 s2 + 1 3 s2 + 1 6 s2 + 4
and so
6 7 6 7 6 7
1 s 4 2 1 1
y(t) = L 2
(t) + L1 (t) + L 1
s +4 3s2 + 4 3 s2 + 1
6 7
1 1 1 1 2
L (t 2)u(t 2)
3 s2 + 1 6 s2 + 4
4 5
4 1 1 1
= cos 2t + sin 2t + sin t sin(t 2) sin 2(t 2) u(t 2)
3 3 3 6
4 5
4 1 1 1
= cos 2t + sin 2t + sin t sin t sin 2t u(t 2)
3 3 3 6
1 1
= cos 2t + [1 u(t 2)] sin t + [8 + u(t 2)] sin 2t .
3 6
Chapter 7
Let Y (s) = L {y} (s). Applying the Laplace transform to the given equation and using the
initial conditions, we obtain
2 2 2
= ,
s2 + 5s + 6 s+2 s+3
s+1 1/36 1/6 1/4 2/9
2 2
= + 2 + ,
s (s + 5s + 6) s s s+2 s+3
4s + 1 1/6 19/36 7/4 11/9
2 2
= 2 + + .
s (s + 5s + 6) s s s+2 s+3
6 7
1 2
L (t) = 2e2t 2e3t ,
s2 + 5s + 6
6 7
1 s+1 1 t e2t 2e3t
L (t) = + + ,
s2 (s2 + 5s + 6) 36 6 4 9
6 7
1 4s + 1 19 t 7e2t 11e3t
L (t) = + + .
s2 (s2 + 5s + 6) 36 6 4 9
Using these equations and taking the inverse Laplace transform in (7.36), we finally obtain
4 5
2t 3t 1 t 1 e2(t1) 2e3(t1)
y(t) = 2e 2e + + + u(t 1)
36 6 4 9
4 5
19 t 5 7e2(t5) 11e3(t5)
+ + + u(t 5).
36 6 4 9
41. First observe that for s > 0, T > 0, we have 0 < eT s < 1 so that
T s
= 1 + eT s + e2T s + e3T s + (7.37)
Exercises 7.6
1 1 1 1 ) T s 2T s 3T s
= = 1 + e + e + e +
(s + )(1 eT s ) s + 1 eT s s+
1 eT s e2T s
= + + + ,
s+ s+ s+
and so
6 7 6 7
1 1 1 1 eT s e2T s
L (t) = L + + + (t). (7.38)
(s + )(1 eT s ) s+ s+ s+
Taking for granted that the linearity of the inverse Laplace transform extends to the infinite
sum in (7.38) and ignoring convergence questions yields
6 7 6 7 6 7 6 7
1 1 1 1 1 eT s 1 e2T s
L = L +L +L +
(s + )(1 eT s ) s+ s+ s+
= et + e(tT ) u(t T ) + e(t2T ) u(t 2T ) +
as claimed.
43. Using the expansion (7.37) obtained in Problem 41, we can represent L {g} (s) as
1 ) T s 2T s 3T s
L {g} (s) = = 1 + e + e + e +
s2 + 2 1 eT s s2 + 2
= 2 2
+ eT s 2 2
+ e2T s 2 + .
s + s + s + 2
Since L1 {/(s2 + 2 )} (t) = sin t, using the linearity of the inverse Laplace transform
(extended to infinite series) and formula (6) in Theorem 8, we obtain
6 7 6 7
1 1
g(t) = L (t) + L (t T )u(t T )
s + 2
2 s + 2
6 7
+L (t 2T )u(t 2T ) +
s2 + 2
= sin t + [sin (t T )]u(t T ) + [sin (t 2T )]u(t 2T ) +
as stated.
Chapter 7
45. In order to apply the method of Laplace transform to given initial value problem, let us find
L {f } (s) first. Since the period of f (t) is T = 1 and f (t) = et on (0, 1), the windowed version
of f (t) is >
et , 0 < t < 1,
f1 (t) =
0, otherwise,
and so
3 31 11
st st t e(1s)t 11 1 e1s
F1 (s) = e f1 (t) dt = e e dt = = .
1 s 10 s1
0 0
Exercises 7.6
To each of the three inverse Laplace transforms in the above formula we can apply results of
Problem 42(a) with T = 1 and = 1, 1, and 2, respectively. Thus, for n < t < n + 1, we
6 7 4 (n+1) 5
1 1 t e 1
L (t) = e ,
(s 1)(1 es ) e1 1
6 7 4 n+1 5
1 1 t e 1
L (t) = e ,
(s + 1)(1 es ) e1
6 7 4 2(n+1) 5
1 1 2t e 1
L (t) = e .
(s + 2)(1 es ) e2 1
Finally, substitution back into (7.39) yields
4 5
e t e t e 2t 1 e t e(n+1) 1
y(t) = e e + e + e
6 2 3 6 e1 1
4 5 4 5
1 e t en+1 1 1 e 2t e2(n+1) 1
e + e
2 e1 3 e2 1
etn et (1 + e en+1 ) e2t (1 + e + e2 e2n+2 )
= + .
6 2 3(e + 1)
47. Since k
H t
et =
/ 0 k!
L tk (s) = k+1 ,
using the linearity of the Laplace transform we have
> O / 0 + ,k
/ t0 H tk H L tk (s) H k!/sk+1 1H 1
L e (s) = L (s) = = = . (7.40)
k! k=0
k! k=0
k! s k=0 s
We can apply now the summation formula for geometric series, that is,
1 + x + x2 + = ,
which is valid for |x| < 1. With x = 1/s, s > 1, (7.40) yields
/ 0 1 1 1
L et (s) = = .
s 1 (1/s) s1
Chapter 7
Exercises 7.6
Chapter 7
which converges for |x| < 1. Hence, substitution 1/s2 for x yields
+ , H
1 (1)n H (1)n+1
ln 1 + 2 = 2n
= 2n
s n=1
ns n=1
Assuming that the inverse Laplace transform can be computed termwise, we obtain
6 + ,7 > O 6 7
1 H (1)n+1 H (1)n+1 1 1
1 1
L ln 1 + 2 =L = L .
s n=1
ns2n n=1
n s2n
/ 0 / 0
From Table 7.1 in Section 7.2, L tk = k!/sk+1, k = 1, 2, . . . . Thus L1 1/sk+1 = tk /k!.
With k = 2n 1, this yields
6 7
1 1 t2n1
L (t) = , n = 1, 2, . . .
s2n (2n 1)!
and, therefore,
6 + ,7 H
1 1 (1)n+1 t2n1 2 H (1)n 2n
L ln 1 + 2 (t) = = t . (7.41)
s n=1
n (2n 1)! t n=1
H (1)n H (1)n
cos t = t =1+ t2n ,
(2n)! n=1
(7.41) implies that
6 + ,7
1 1 2 2(1 cos t)
L ln 1 + 2 (t) = (cos t 1) = .
s t t
Exercises 7.6
59. Applying the Laplace transform to both sides of the original equation and using its linearity,
we obtain
L {y } (s) L {y} (s) = L {G3 (t 1)} (s). (7.42)
Initial conditions, y(0) = 0 and y (0)=2, and Theorem 5 in Section 7.3 imply that
In the right-hand side of (7.42), we can apply the result of Problem 58(c) with a = 3 and
b = 1 to get
es e4s
L {G3 (t 1)} (s) = .
Thus (7.42) becomes
- 2
. es e4s
s L {y} (s) 2 L {y} (s) =
2 es e4s
L {y} (s) = 2 + .
s 1 s(s2 1)
Substituting partial fraction decompositions
2 1 1 1 1/2 1/2 1
= , = +
s2 1 s1 s+1 s(s2 1) s1 s+1 s
4 5
1 1 ) s 4s
* 1/2 1/2 1
L {y} (s) = + e e +
s1 s+1 s1 s+1 s
4 5 4 5
1 1 s 1/2 1/2 1 4s 1/2 1/2 1
= +e + e + . (7.43)
s1 s+1 s1 s+1 s s1 s+1 s
Since 6 7
1 1/2 1/2 1 et + et 2
L + (t) = ,
s1 s+1 s 2
formula (6) on page 387 of the text gives us
6 4 57 6 7
1 s 1/2 1/2 1 1 1/2 1/2 1
L e + (t) = L + (t 1)u(t 1)
s1 s+1 s s1 s+1 s
et1 + e1t 2
= u(t 1),
Chapter 7
6 4 57 6 7
1 4s 1/2 1/2 1 1 1/2 1/2 1
L e + (t) = L + (t 4)u(t 4)
s1 s+1 s s1 s+1 s
et4 + e4t 2
= u(t 4).
Taking the inverse Laplace transform in (7.43) yields
61. In this problem, we use the method of solving mixing problems discussed in Section 3.2.
So, let x(t) denote the mass of salt in the tank at time t with t = 0 denoting the moment
when the process started. Thus, using the formula
For the rate of change of x(t), that is, x (t), we use then relation
While the output rate (through the exit valve C) can be computed as
x(t) 3x(t)
output rate = (kg/L) 12 (L/min) = (kg/min)
500 125
for all t, the input rate has dierent formulas for the first 10 minute and after that. Namely,
0 < t < 10 (valve A) : input rate = 12 (L/min) 0.4 (kg/L) = 4.8 (kg/min);
10 < t (valve B) : input rate = 12 (L/min) 0.6 (kg/L) = 7.2 (kg/min).
Exercises 7.6
Using the unit step function, we can express g(t) = 4.8 + 2.4u(t 10) (kg/min). Therefore
(7.44) becomes
3x(t) 3
x (t) = g(t) x (t) + x(t) = 4.8 + 2.4u(t 10) (7.45)
125 125
with the initial condition x(0) = 100. Taking the Laplace transform of both sides yields
3 4.8 2.4e10s
L {x } (s) + L {x} (s) = L {4.8 + 2.4u(t 10)} (s) = +
125 s s
3 4.8 2.4e10s
[sL {x} (s) 100] + L {x} (s) = +
125 s s
100s + 4.8 2.4 10s
L {x} (s) = + e . (7.46)
s[s + (3/125)] s[s + (3/125)]
+ ,
2.4 1 1
= 100 ,
s[s + (3/125)] s s + (3/125)
+ ,
100s + 4.8 2 1
= 100 ,
s[s + (3/125)] s s + (3/125)
applying the inverse Laplace transform in (7.46), we get
) * ) *
x(t) = 100 2 e3t/125 + 100 1 e3(t10)/125 u(t 10).
Finally, dividing by the volume of the solution in the tank, which constantly equals to 500 L,
we conclude that
) *
concentration = 0.4 0.2e3t/125 + 0.2 1 e3(t10)/125 u(t 10).
63. In this problem, the solution still enters the tank at the rate 12 L/min, but leaves the tank at
the rate only 6 L/min. Thus, every minute, the volume of the solution in the tank increases
by 12 6 = 6 L. Therefore, the volume, as a function of t, is given by 500 + 6t and so
x(t) 3x(t)
output rate = (kg/L) 6 (L/min) = (kg/min).
500 + 6t 250 + 3t
Instead of equation (7.45) in Problem 61, we now have
x (t) = g(t) (250 + 3t)x (t) + 3x(t) = (250 + 3t)[48 + 24u(t 10)].
250 + 3t
Chapter 7
This equation has polynomial coecients and can also be solved using the Laplace transform
method. (See the discussion in Section 7.5, page 380, and Example 4.) But, as an intermediate
step, one will obtain a first order linear dierential equation for L {x} (s).
1. Let Y (s) := L {y} (s), G(s) := L {g} (s). Taking the Laplace transform of both sides of the
given dierential equation and using the linear property of the Laplace transform, we obtain
L {y } (s) = sY (s) + 1,
L {y } (s) = s2 Y (s) + s 1.
Exercises 7.7
y(t) = 2tet et + (t v)etv g(v) dv.
3. Taking the Laplace transform of y + 4y + 5y = g(t) and applying the initial conditions
y(0) = y (0) = 1 gives us
- .
s2 Y (s) s 1 + 4 [sY (s) 1] + 5Y (s) = G(s),
Taking the inverse Laplace transform of Y (s) with the help of the convolution theorem yields
y(t) = e2t cos t + 3e2t sin t + e2(tv) sin(t v)g(v) dv..
7. From Table 7.1, L1 {1/(s a)} (t) = eat . Therefore, using the linearity of the inverse Laplace
transform and the convolution theorem, we have
6 7 6 7 3t
14 1 1
L1 (t) = 14L1 (t) = 14e2t e5t = 14 e2(tv) e5v dv
(s + 2)(s 5) s+2 s5
) * ) *
= 14e2t e7v dv = 2e2t e7t 1 = 2 e5t e2t .
Chapter 7
9. Since s/(s2 + 1)2 = [s/(s2 + 1)] [1/(s2 + 1)] the convolution theorem tells us that
6 7 6 7 3t
s s s
L1 (t) = L1 2 (t) = cos t sin t = cos(t v) sin v dv.
(s + 1)2
2 2
s +1 s +1
et ) 3t * 2e2t et
= e2t + et e3v dv = e2t e 1 = + .
3 3 3
13. Note that f (t) = t e3t . Hence, by (8) on page 400 of the text,
/ 0 1 1 1
L {f (t)} (s) = L {t} (s)L e3t (s) = 2 = 2 .
s s3 s (s 3)
Let Y (s) := L {y} (s). Taking the Laplace transform of the original equation, we obtain
Exercises 7.7
1 3 1
Y (s) + 3L {sin t} (s)Y (s) = Y (s) + Y (s) =
s2 s2 + 1 s2
s +1 (1/4) (3/8)2
Y (s) = 2 2 = 2
+ 2
s (s + 4) s s + 22
6 7
(1/4) (3/8)2 t 3 sin 2t
y(t) = L1 2
+ 2 2
(t) = + .
s s +2 4 8
17. We use the convolution Theorem 11 to find the Laplace transform of the integral term.
3 Y (s)
L (t v)y(v) dv (s) = L {t y(t)} (s) = L {t} (s)L {y(t)} (s) = 2 ,
where Y (s) denotes the Laplace transform of y(t). Thus taking the Laplace transform of both
sides of the given equation yields
6 7
Y (s) 1 s 1 s
Y (s) + 2 = Y (s) = 2 y(t) = L 2
(t) = cos t .
s s s +1 s +1
21. As in Example 3 on page 402 of the text, we first rewrite the integro-dierential equation as
Chapter 7
s2 s s
Y (s) = 3 2
= 2 =
s +s +s s +s+1 (s + 1/2)2 + 3/4
s + 1/2 (1/ 3)( 3/2)
= .
(s + 1/2) + 3/4 (s + 1/2)2 + 3/4
23. Taking the Laplace transform of the dierential equation, and assuming zero initial conditions,
we obtain
s2 Y (s) + 9Y (s) = G(s),
Y (s) 1
H(s) = = 2 .
G(s) s +9
The impulse response function is then
6 7 6 7
1 1 1 1 3 sin 3t
h(t) = L {H(s)} (t) = L (t) = L1 (t) = .
s2 + 9 3 s2 + 3 2 3
To solve the initial value problem, we need the solution to the corresponding homogeneous
problem. The auxiliary equation, r 2 + 9 = 0, has roots, r = 3i. Thus, a general solution to
the homogeneous equation is
yk (t) = 2 cos 3t sin 3t,
Exercises 7.7
and the formula for the solution to the original initial value problem is
y = (h g)(t) + yk (t) = g(v) sin 3(t v) dv + 2 cos 3t sin 3t.
25. Taking the Laplace transform of both sides of the given equation and assuming zero initial
conditions, we get
Y (s) 1 1
H(s) = = 2 =
G(s) s s6 (s 3)(s + 2)
is the transfer function. The impulse response function h(t) is then given by
6 7 3t 1t
1 1 3t 2t 3(tv) 2v 3t e5v 11 e3t e2t
h(t) = L (t) = e e = e e dv = e = .
(s 3)(s + 2) 5 10 5
To solve the given initial value problem, we use Theorem 12. To this end, we need the solution
yk (t) to the corresponding initial value problem for the homogeneous equation. That is,
y y 6y = 0, y(0) = 1, y (0) = 8
1 - 3(tv) .
y(t) = (h g)(t) + yk (t) = e e2(tv) g(v) dv + 2e3t e2t .
Chapter 7
27. Taking the Laplace transform and assuming zero initial conditions, we find the transfer func-
tion H(s).
Y (s) 1
s2 Y (s) 2sY (s) + 5Y (s) = G(s) H(s) = = 2 .
G(s) s 2s + 5
Therefore, the impulse response function is
6 7 6 7
1 1 1 1 1 2 1 t
h(t) = L {H(s)} (t) = L (t) = L (t) = e sin 2t .
(s 1)2 + 22 2 (s 1)2 + 22 2
Next, we find the solution yk (t) to the corresponding initial value problem for the homogeneous
y 2y + 5y = 0, y(0) = 0, y (0) = 2.
Since the associated equation, r 2 2r + 5 = 0, has roots r = 1 2i, a general solution to the
homogeneous equations is
0 = y(0) = C1 C1 = 0,
2 = y (0) = C1 + 2C2 C2 = 1.
Exercises 7.7
6 7 6 7
1 1 1 1 1 6 1 2t
h(t) = L (t) = L (t) = e sin 6t.
5 (s + 2)2 + 62 30 (s + 2)2 + 62 30
Next, we consider the initial value problem
for the corresponding homogeneous equation. Its characteristic equation, 5r 2 + 20r + 200 = 0,
has roots r = 2 6i, which yield a general solution
We find constants C1 and C2 so that the solution satisfies the initial conditions. Thus we have
1 = I(0) = C1 , C1 = 1 ,
8 = I (0) = 2C1 + 6C2 C2 = 1 ,
Chapter 7
35. Since
3t 3t
f (v) dv = 1 f (v) dv = 1 f (t),
0 0
we conclude that
3 1
L f (v) dv (s) = L {1 f (t)} (s) = L {1} (s)L {f (t)} (s) = F (s).
37. Actually, this statement holds for any continuously dierentiable function h(t) on [0, )
satisfying h(0) = 0. Indeed, first of all,
3t 1 30
(h g)(0) = h(t v)g(v) dv 11 = h(v)g(v) dv = 0
0 t=0 0
since the interval of integration has zero length. Next, we apply the Leibnizs rule to find the
derivative of (h g)(t).
3 3t 1
h(t v)g(v) 1
(h g)(t) = h(t v)g(v) dv = dv + h(t v)g(v) 1
t v=t
0 0
3t 3t
= h (t v)g(v) dv + h(0)g(t) = h (t v)g(v) dv
0 0
Exercises 7.8
EXERCISES 7.8: Impulses and the Dirac Delta Function, page 412
5. Formula (6) of the Laplace transform of the Dirac delta function yields
e2t (t 1) dt = L {(t 1)} (2) = es 1s=2 = e2 .
7. Using the linearity of the Laplace transform and (6) on page 409 of the text, we get
L {(t 1) (t 3)} (s) = L {(t 1)} (s) L {(t 3)} (s) = es e3s .
Another way to solve this problem is to use Theorem 6 inj Section 7.3. This yields
d d (es )
L {t(t 1)} (s) = L {(t 1)} (s) = = es .
ds ds
11. Since (t ) = 0 for t < , we use the definition of the Laplace transform and formula (3),
page 407 of the text, to conclude that
3 3
L {(sin t)(t )} (s) := e (sin t)(t ) dt = est (sin t)(t ) dt = et sin = 0.
Chapter 7
13. Let W (s) := L {w} (s). Using the initial conditions and Theorem 5 in Section 7.3, we find
L {w } (s) = s2 W (s) sw(0) w (0) = s2 W (s).
Thus, applying the Laplace transform to both sides of the given equation yields
s2 W (s) + W (s) = L {(t )} (s) = es W (s) = .
s2 + 1
Taking the inverse Laplace transform of both sides of the last equation and using Theorem 8
in Section 7.6, we get
6 s 7 6 7
1 e 1 1
w(t) = L (t) = L (t)u(t) = sin(t)u(t) = (sin t)u(t).
s2 + 1 s2 + 1
Thus taking the Laplace transform of both sides of the given equation and using formula (6)
on page 409, we get
- . / 0 2
s2 Y (s) 2 Y (s) = 4L {(t 2)} (s) + L t2 (s) = 4e2s + 3
+ , s
4e2s 2(s3 + 1) 1 1 2 2 2
Y (s) = 2 + 3 2 = 2e2s + 3 .
s 1 s (s 1) s1 s+1 s1 s s
Exercises 7.8
19. Let W (s) := L {w} (s). We apply the Laplace transform to the given equation and obtain
/ 0
L {w } (s) + 6L {w } (s) + 5W (s) = L et (t 1) (s). (7.48)
Also, the translation property (1), Section 7.3, of the Laplace transform yields
/ 0
L et (t 1) (s) = L {(t 1)} (s 1) = e(s1) = e1s . (7.50)
21. We apply the Laplace transform to the given equation, solve the resulting equation for
L {y} (s), and then use the inverse Laplace transforms. This yields
Chapter 7
- 2 . 1 + e2s
s L {y} (s) 1 + L {y} (s) = e2s L {y} (s) = 2
6 7 6 7 s +1
1 1
y(t) = L1 (t) + L1 (t 2)u(t 2)
s2 + 1 s2 + 1
= sin t + [sin(t 2)]u(t 2) = [1 + u(t 2)] sin t.
The graph of the solution is shown in Figure B.49 in the answers of the text.
then, by the superposition principle (see Section 4.5), y(t) = y1 (t) + y2 (t) is the desired
solution. The Laplace transform of both sides in (7.51) yields
s2 L {y} (s) + L {y} (s) = es L {y} (s) = 2
6 7 s +1
y2 (t) = L1 2
(t )u(t ) = [sin(t )]u(t ) = u(t ) sin t.
s +1
(We have used zero initial conditions to express L {y } in terms of L {y}.) Therefore, the
answer is
y(t) = y1 (t) + y2 (t) = [1 + u(t 2)] sin t + u(t ) sin t = [1 + u(t ) + u(t 2)] sin t.
25. Taking the Laplace transform of y + 4y + 8y = (t) with zero initial conditions yields
Exercises 7.8
29. We solve the given initial value problem to find the displacement x(t). Let X(s) := L {x} (s).
Applying the Laplace transform to the dierential equation yields
R # %S
L {x } (s) + 9X(s) = L 3 t (s) = 3es/2 .
L {x } (s) = s2 X(s) sx(0) x (0) = s2 X(s) s,
Chapter 7
8 # %9 # % 8 # %9
= cos 3t sin 3 t u t = 1u t cos 3t .
2 2 2
Since, for t > /2, u(t /2) 1, we conclude that
x(t) 0 for t > .
This means that the mass stops after the hit and remains in the equilibrium position thereafter.
and solving for Y := L {y}, we find that the transfer function is given by
H(s) = .
as2 + bs + c
If the roots of the polynomial as2 + bs + c are real and distinct, say r1 , r2 , then
1 1/(r1 r2 ) 1/(r1 r2 )
H(s) = = .
(s r1 )(s r2 ) s r1 s r2
1 ) r1 t *
h(t) = e er2 t
r1 r2
and clearly h(t) is bounded as t if and only if r1 and r2 are less than or equal to zero.
If the roots of as2 + bs + c are complex, then, by the quadratic formula, they are given by
b 4ac b2
2a 2a
so that the real part of the roots is b/(2a). Now
1 1 1 1 1
H(s) = = 2 =
+ bs + c a s + (b/a)s + (c/a) a [s + b/(2a)] + (4ac b2 )/(4a2 )
2 4ac b2 /(2a)
4ac b2 [s + b/(2a)]2 + [ 4ac b2 /(2a)]2
so that + ,
2 (b/2a)t 4ac b2
h(t) = e sin t ,
4ac b2 2a
and again it is clear that h(t) is bounded if and only if b/(2a), the real part of the roots of
as2 + bs + c, is less than or equal to zero.
Exercises 7.8
33. Let a function f (t) be defined on (, ) and continuous in a neighborhood of the origin,
t = 0. Since (t) = 0 for any t = 0, so does the product f (t)(t). Therefore,
3 3
f (t)(t) dt = f (t)(t) dt for any > 0. (7.52)
By the mean value theorem, for any small enough (so that f (t) is continuous on (, ))
there exists a point in (, ) such that
3 3 3
f (t)(t) dt = f ( ) (t) dt = f ( ) (t) dt = f ( ) .
f (t)(t) dt = f ( ) , for any > 0.
Note that the integral in the left-hand side does not depend on , and so the limit equals
to the integral itself. In the right-hand side, since belongs to (, ), 0 as 0,
and the continuity of f (t) implies that f ( ) converges to f (0), as 0. Combining these
observations, we get the required.
Using these initial conditions and Theorem 5 in Section 7.3 with n = 4, we obtain
/ 0
L y (4) (x) (s) = s4 L {y(x)} (s) sA B,
Chapter 7
L es A B
L {y(x)} (s) = 4
+ 3+ 4
EI 6s s s 7
1 L e A B
y(x) = L + 3 + 4 (x)
EI s4 s s
6 7 6 7 6 7
L 1 3! A 1 2! B 1 3!
= L (x )u(x ) + L (x) + L (x)
EI3! s4 2! s3 3! s4
= (x )3 u(x ) + x2 + x3 . (7.53)
6EI 2 6
Next, we are looking for A and B such that y (2) = y (2) = 0. Note that, for x > ,
u(x ) 1 and so (7.53) becomes
y(x) = (x )3 + x2 + x3 .
6EI 2 6
Dierentiating we get
y (x) = (x ) + A + Bx and y (x) = + B.
Hence, A and B must satisfy
EXERCISES 7.9: Solving Linear Systems with Laplace Transforms, page 416
1. Let X(s) = L {x} (s), Y (s) = L {y} (s). Applying the Laplace transform to both sides of the
given equations yields
L {x } (s) = 3X(s) 2Y (s),
L {y } (s) = 3Y (s) 2X(s).
Exercises 7.9
L {x } (s) = sX(s) x(0) = sX(s) 1,
L {y } (s) = sY (s) y(0) = sY (s) 1,
the system (7.54) becomes
3. Let Z(s) = L {z} (s), W (s) = L {w} (s). Using the initial conditions we conclude that
Using these equations and taking the Laplace transform of the equations in the given system,
we obtain
Chapter 7
5. Denote X(s) = L {x} (s), Y (s) = L {y} (s). The Laplace transform of the given equations
L {x } (s) = Y (s) + L {sin t} (s),
L {y } (s) = X(s) + 2L {cos t} (s),
which becomes
after expressing L {x } and L {y } in terms of X(s) and Y (s). Multiplying the second equation
by s and adding the result to the first equation, we get
) * 4s2 + 3 4s2 + 3
s2 1 Y (s) = 2 Y (s) = .
s +1 (s 1)(s + 1)(s2 + 1)
7. We will first write this system without using operator notation. Thus, we have
x 4x + 6y = 9e3t ,
x y + y = 5e3t .
By taking the Laplace transform of both sides of both of these dierential equations and using
the linearity of the Laplace transform, we obtain
Exercises 7.9
where X(s) and Y (s) are the Laplace transforms of x(t) and y(t), respectively. Using the
initial conditions x(0) = 9 and y(0) = 4, we can express
Substituting these expressions into the system given in (7.58) and simplifying yields
9 9s 18
(s 4)X(s) + 6Y (s) = 9 + = ,
s+3 s+3
5 4s 7
X(s) + (s + 1)Y (s) = 4 + = .
s+3 s+3
By multiplying the second equation above by (s 4), adding the resulting equations, and
simplifying, we obtain
) * (4s + 7)(s 4) 9s 18 4s2 18s 46
s2 5s + 10 Y (s) = + =
s+3 s+3 s+3
4s 18s 46
Y (s) = .
(s + 3)(s2 5s + 10)
Note that the quadratic s2 5s + 10 = (s 5/2)2 + 15/4 is irreducible. The partial fractions
decomposition yields
4 5
1 46s 334 22
Y (s) = +
17 (s 5/2)2 + 15/4 s + 3
L + , J K M
1 s 5/2 146 15 15/2 1
= 46 + 22 ,
17 (s 5/2)2 + 15/4 5 (s 5/2)2 + 15/4 s+3
and so
46 5t/2 15t 146 15 5t/2 15t 22 3t
y(t) = L1 {Y (s)} (t) = e cos e sin + e .
17 2 85 2 17
From the second equation in the system (7.57) above, we find that
115 15t
x(t) = 5e3t + y (t) y(t) = 5e3t + e5t/2 cos
17 2
23 15 73 15 15t 219 15t 66
+ e5t/2 sin e5t/2 cos e3t
17 17 2 17 2 17
Chapter 7
150 5t/2 15t 334 15 5t/2 15t 3
= e cos e sin e3t .
17 2 85 2 17
9. Taking the Laplace transform of both sides of both of these dierential equations yields the
L {x } (s) + X(s) + 2L {y } (s) = 0,
3L {x } (s) 3X(s) + 2L {y } (s) + 4Y (s) = 0,
where X(s) = L {x} (s), Y (s) = L {y} (s). Using the initial conditions x(0) = 2, x (0) = 7
and y(0) = 4, y (0) = 9, we see that
which simplifies to
(s2 + 1) X(s) + 2sY (s) = 2s + 1,
3 (s2 + 1) X(s) + 2 (s2 + 2) Y (s) = 2s + 3.
Multiplying the first equation by 3 and adding the two resulting equations eliminates the
function X(s). Thus, we obtain
) * 4s + 3 5 1
2s2 + 6s + 4 Y (s) = 8s + 6 Y (s) = = ,
(s + 2)(s + 1) s+2 s+1
where we have factored the expression 2s2 + 6s + 4 and used the partial fractions expansion.
Taking the inverse Laplace transform, we obtain
6 7 6 7
1 1 1 1 1
y(t) = L {Y (s)} (t) = 5L (t) L (t) = 5e2t et .
s+2 s+1
To find the solution x(t), we again examine the system given in (7.59) above. This time we
will eliminate the function Y (s) by multiplying the first equation by s2 + 2 and the second
Exercises 7.9
11. Since
From the second equation, X(s) = sY (s). Substituting this into the first equation, we
eliminate X(s) and obtain
1 e2s
s2 Y (s) + Y (s) =
s + ,
1e 2s ) 2s
* 1 1/2 1/2
Y (s) = = 1e .
s(1 s2 ) s s1 s+1
Using now the linear property of the inverse Laplace transform and formula (6) on page 387,
we get
6 7 6 7
1 1 1/2 1/2 1 1 1/2 1/2
y(t) = L (t) L (t 2)u(t 2)
s s1 s+1 s s1 s+1
Chapter 7
4 5
et + et et2 + e(t2)
= 1 1 u(t 2).
2 2
L {(sin t)u(t )} (s) = es L {sin(t + )} (s) = es L { sin t} (s) = ,
s2 + 1
applying the Laplace transform to the given system yields
where we have used the initial conditions, x(0) = 1 and y(0) = 1, and Theorem 4, Section 7.3,
to express L {x } (s) and L {y } (s) in terms of X(s) = L {x} (s) and Y (s) = L {y} (s). The
above system simplifies to
X(s) Y (s) = ,
s(s2 + 1)
X(s) + sY (s) = 1.
From the second equation, X(s) = 1 sY (s), and with this substitution the first equation
4 5
es es 1 1 es
1 sY (s) Y (s) = 2 Y (s) = 1 + = + .
s(s + 1) s(s2 + 1) s + 1 s + 1 s(s + 1)(s2 + 1)
Using partial fractions we express
4 5
1 s 1 1/2 (1/2)s 1/2
Y (s) = +e
s+1 s s + 1 s2 + 1 s2 + 1
Exercises 7.9
and so
4 5
1 1 1
y(t) = e + 1 e(t)
cos(t ) sin(t ) u(t )
2 2 2
4 5
1 1 1
= et + 1 e(t) + cos t + sin t u(t ).
2 2 2
Finally, 4 5
t 1 (t) 1 1
x(t) = y (t) = e e sin t + cos t u(t ).
2 2 2
15. First, note that the initial conditions are given at the point t = 1. Thus, for the Laplace
transform method, we have to shift the argument to get zero initial point. Let us denote
x (t + 1) 2y(t + 1) = 2,
x (t + 1) + x(t + 1) y (t + 1) = (t + 1)2 + 2(t + 1) 1,
u(t) 2v(t) = 2,
u(t) + u(t) v (t) = (t + 1)2 + 2(t + 1) 1 = t2 + 4t + 2
with initial conditions u(0) = 1, v(0) = 0. Taking the Laplace transform and using formula
(2) on page 361 of the text, we obtain the system
[sU(s) 1] 2V (s) = ,
2 4 2
[sU(s) 1] + U(s) sV (s) = 3
+ 2+ ,
s s s
where U(s) = L {u} (s), V (s) = L {v} (s). Expressing
2V (s) 2 1
U(s) = + 2+
s s s
Chapter 7
from the first equation and substituting this into the second equation, we obtain
4 5 4 5
2 2V (s) 2 1 2 4 2
+ 2V (s) + + 2+ sV (s) = 3 + 2 + ,
s s s s s s s
which yields
1 2 2 1
V (s) = U(s) = 3 + 2 + .
s s s s
Applying now inverse Laplace transforms yields
6 7
2 2 1 1
u(t) = t + 2t + 1 = (t + 1) , v(t) = L (t) = t.
x(t) = u(t 1) = t2 and y(t) = v(t 1) = t 1.
17. As in Problem 15, first we make a shift in t to move the initial conditions to t = 0. Let
x (t + 2) + x(t + 2) y (t + 2) = 2tet ,
x (t + 2) x (t + 2) 2y(t + 2) = et
u(0) = 0,
u (t) + u(t) v (t) = 2tet ,
with u (0) = 1,
u (t) u (t) 2v(t) = e ,
v(0) = 1.
Applying the Laplace transform to these equations and expressing L {u }, L {u }, and L {v }
in terms of U = L {u} and V = L {v} (see formula (4) on page 362 of the text, we obtain
/ 0 2
[sU(s)] + U(s) [sV (s) 1] = 2L tet (s) = ,
(s 1)2
- . 1
s2 U(s) 1 [sU(s)] 2V (s) = .
We multiply the first equation by 2, the second equation by s, and subtract the resulting
equations in order to eliminate V (s). Thus we get
- . s 4
s(s2 s) 2(s + 1) U(s) = s +2
s 1 (s 1)2
Exercises 7.9
) 3 * s3 s2 2s 2 1
s s2 2s 2 U(s) = U(s) = .
(s 1)2 (s 1)2
The inverse Laplace transform then yields
6 7
1 1
u(t) = L (t) = tet x(t) = u(t 2) = (t 2)et2 .
(s 1)2
We find y(t) from the second equation in the original system.
x (t) x (t) + et2 tet2 (t 1)et2 + et2
y(t) = = = et2 .
2 2
19. We first take the Laplace transform of both sides of all three of these equations and use the
initial conditions to obtain a system of equations for the Laplace transforms of the solution
sX(s) + 6 = 3X(s) + Y (s) 2Z(s),
sY (s) 2 = X(s) + 2Y (s) + Z(s),
sZ(s) + 12 = 4X(s) + Y (s) 3Z(s).
Simplifying yields
(s 3)X(s) Y (s) + 2Z(s) = 6,
X(s) + (s 2)Y (s) Z(s) = 2, (7.60)
4X(s) Y (s) + (s + 3)Z(s) = 12.
To solve this system, we will use substitution to eliminate the function Y (s). Therefore, we
solve for Y (s) in the first equation in (7.60) to obtain
Substituting this expression into the two remaining equations in (7.60) and simplifying yields
Next we will eliminate the function X(s) from the system given in (7.61). To do this we can
either multiply the first equation by (s + 1) and the second by (s2 5s + 7) and add, or we
can solve the last equation given in (7.61) for X(s) to obtain
X(s) = Z(s) + , (7.62)
Chapter 7
and substitute this into the first equation in (7.61). By either method we see that
To find X(s), we will use equation (7.62) and the expression found above for Z(s). Thus, we
6 13 1 6 7 1
X(s) = Z(s) + = + + = +
s+1 s + 1 s 6 1 s+1 s +71 s 1
7 1
x(t) = L1 {X(s)} (t) = L1 + (t) = 7et + et .
s+1 s1
To find y(t), we could substitute the expressions that we have already found for X(s) and
Z(s) into the Y (s) = (s 3)X(s) + 2Z(s) + 6, which we found above, or we could return to
the original system of dierential equations and use x(t) and z(t) to solve for y(t). For the
latter method, we solve the first equation in the original system for y(t) to obtain
21. We refer the reader to the discussion in Section 5.1 in obtaining the system (1) on page 242 of
the text governing interconnected tanks. All the arguments provided remain in force except
for the one aected by the new valve condition, which the formula for the input rate for
Exercises 7.9
the tank A. In Section 5.1, just fresh water was pumped into the tank A and so there was no
salt coming from outside of the system into the tank A . Now we have more complicated rule:
the incoming liquid is fresh water for the first 5 min, but then it changes to a solution having
a concentration 2 kg/L. This solution contributes additional
to the input rate into the tank A. Thus, from the valve, we have
0, t < 5,
= 12u(t 5) (kg/min)
12, t > 5
of salt coming to the tank A. With this change, the system (1) in the text becomes
Also, we have the initial conditions x(0) = x0 = 0, y(0) = y0 = 4. Let X := L {x} and
Y := L {y}. Taking the Laplace transform of both equations in the system above, we get
1 1
L {x } (s) = X(s) + Y (s) + 12L {u(t 5)} (s),
3 12
1 1
L {y } (s) = X(s) Y (s).
3 3
Since L {u(t 5)} (s) = e5s /s and
we obtain
1 1 12e5s
sX(s) = X(s) + Y (s) + ,
3 12 s
1 1
sY (s) 4 = X(s) Y (s)
3 3
which simplifies to
4(3s + 1)X(s) Y (s) = ,
X(s) + (3s + 1)Y (s) = 12.
Chapter 7
From the second equation in this system, we have X(s) = (3s + 1)Y (s) 12. Substitution
into the first equation yields
4(3s + 1) [(3s + 1)Y (s) 12] Y (s) =
- . 144e5s
4(3s + 1)2 1 Y (s) = 48(3s + 1) + .
Note that
+ ,+ ,
2 1 1
4(3s + 1) 1 = [2(3s + 1) + 1] [2(3s + 1) 1] = (6s + 3)(6s + 1) = 36 s + s+ .
2 6
4(3s + 1) 4e5s
Y (s) = +
3(s + 1/2)(s + 1/6) s(s + 1/2)(s + 1/6)
4 5
2 2 5s 48 24 72
= + +e + ,
(s + 1/2) (s + 1/6) s s + 1/2 s + 1/6
where we have applied the partial fractions decomposition. Taking the inverse Laplace trans-
form and using Theorem 8 in Section 7.6 for the inverse Laplace transform of the term having
the exponential factor, we get
6 7 6 7
1 1 1 1
y(t) = 2L (t) + 2L (t)
(s + 1/2) (s + 1/6)
4 6 7 6 7 6 75
1 1 1 1 1 1
+ 48L + 24L 72L (t 5)u(t 5)
s s + 1/2 s + 1/6
- .
= 2et/2 + 2et/6 + 48 + 24e(t5)/2 72e(t5)/6 u(t 5).
From the second equation in (7.63), after some algebra, we find x(t).
- .
x(t) = 3y (t) + y = et/2 + et/6 + 48 12e(t5)/2 36e(t5)/6 u(t 5).
23. Recall that Kirchhos voltage law says that, in an electrical circuit consisting of an inductor
of L H, a resistor of R , a capacitor of C F, and a voltage source of E V,
EL + ER + EC = E, (7.64)
Exercises 7.9
where EL , ER , and EC denote the voltage drops across the inductor, resistor, and capacitor,
respectively. These voltage grops are given by
dI q
EL = L , ER := RI, EC := , (7.65)
dt C
Also, Kirchhos current law states that the algebraic sum of currents passing through any
point in an electrical network equals to zero.
The electrical network shown in Figure 7.28 consists of three closed circuits: loop 1 through
the battery, R1 = 2 resistor, L1 = 0.1 H inductor, and L2 = 0.2 H inductor; loop 2 through
the inductor L1 and R2 = 1 resistor; loop 3 through the battery, resistors R1 and R2 , and
inductor L2 . We apply Kirchhos voltage law (7.64) to two of these loops, say, the loop 1 and
the loop 2, and (since the equation obtained from Kirchhos voltage law for the third loop is
a linear combination of the other two) Kirchhos current law to one of the junction points,
say, the upper one. Thus, choosing the clockwise direction in the loops and using formulas
(7.65), we obtain
Loop 1:
ER1 + EL1 + EL2 = E 2I1 + 0.1I3 + 0.2I1 = 6;
Loop 2:
EL1 + ER2 = 0 0.1I3 I2 = 0
with the negative sign due to the counterclockwise direction of the current I2 in this loop;
Chapter 7
Let I1 (s) := L {I1 } (s), I2 (s) := L {I2 } (s), and I3 (s) := L {I3 } (s). Using the initial condi-
tions, we conclude that
L {I1 } (s) = sI1 (s) I1 (0) = sI1 (s),
L {I3 } (s) = sI3 (s) I3 (0) = sI3 (s).
Using these equations and taking the Laplace transform of the equations in (7.66), we come
up with
(0.2s + 2)I1 (s) + 0.1sI3(s) = ,
0.1sI3 (s) I2 (s) = 0,
I1 (s) I2 (s) I3 (s) = 0
Expressing I2 (s) = 0.1sI3 (s) from the second equation and substituting this into the third
equation, we get
Review Problems
3 32 3
L {f } (s) = est f (t) dt = est (3) dt + est (6 t) dt.
0 0 2
32 1t=2
st 3est 11 3(1 e2s )
e (3) dt = = .
s 1t=0 s
Thus + ,
3(1 e2s ) 4e2s e2s 3 1 1
L {f } (s) = + 2 = + e2s 2 .
s s s s s s
3. From Table 7.1 on page 358 of the text, using the formula for the Laplace transform of eat tn
with n = 2 and a = 9, we get
/ 0 2! 2
L t2 e9t (s) = 3
= .
[s (9)] (s + 9)3
5. We use the linearity of the Laplace transform and Table 7.1 to obtain
/ 0 / 0 / 0 / 0
L e2t t3 + t2 sin 5t (s) = L e2t (s) L t3 (s) + L t2 (s) L {sin 5t} (s)
1 3! 2! 5 1 6 2 5
= 4+ 3 2 2
= 4+ 3 2 .
s2 s s s +5 s2 s s s + 25
Chapter 7
9. We apply formula (8), Section 7.6, on page 387 of the text and the linear property of the
Laplace transform to get
/ 0 / 0 / 0
L t2 u(t 4) (s) = e4s L (t + 4)2 (s) = e4s L t2 + 8s + 16 (s)
+ , + ,
4s 2 8 16 4s 1 4 8
= e + + = 2e + + .
s3 s2 s s3 s2 s
11. Using the linearity of the inverse Laplace transform and Table 7.1 we find
6 7 6 7
1 7 7 1 2! 7
L 3
(t) = L 3
(t) = t2 e3t .
(s + 3) 2! [s (3)] 2
13. We apply partial fractions to find the inverse Laplace transform. Since the quadratic poly-
nomial s2 + 4s + 13 = (s + 2)2 + 32 is irreducible, the partial fraction decomposition for the
given function has the form
4s2 + 13s + 19 A B(s + 2) + C(3)
= + .
(s 1)(s2 + 4s + 13) s1 (s + 2)2 + 32
Clearing fractions yields
9 = 9A 9C C = A 1 = 1.
4s2 + 13s + 19 2 2(s + 2) + (1)(3)
= + ,
(s 1)(s + 4s + 13) s1 (s + 2)2 + 32
Review Problems
and so
6 7 6 7 6 7
1 4s2 + 13s + 19 1 1 s+2
L (t) = 2L (t) + 2L (t)
(s 1)(s2 + 4s + 13) s1 (s + 2)2 + 32
6 7
1 3
+L (t)
(s + 2)2 + 32
= 2et + 2e2t cos 3t + e2t sin 3t .
15. The partial fraction decomposition for the given function has the form
2s2 + 3s 1 A B C A(s + 2) + B(s + 1)(s + 2) + C(s + 1)2
= + + = .
(s + 1)2 (s + 2) (s + 1)2 s + 1 s + 2 (s + 1)2 (s + 2)
2s2 + 3s 1 = A(s + 2) + B(s + 1)(s + 2) + C(s + 1)2 .
6 7 6 7
1 2s2 + 3s 1 1 2 1 1
L 2
(t) = L 2
+ + (t) = 2tet + et + e2t .
(s + 1) (s + 2) (s + 1) s+1 s+2
Chapter 7
19. Applying the Laplace transform to both sides of the given equation and using the linearity of
the Laplace transform yields
where we have used the initial conditions, y(0) = 0 and y (0) = 3. Substituting these
expressions into (7.68), we get
- .
s2 L {y} (s) + 3 7 [sL {y} (s)] + 10L {y} (s) = 0
(s2 7s + 10)L {y} (s) + 3 = 0
3 3 1 1
L {y} (s) = 2 = = .
s 7s + 10 (s 2)(s 5) s2 s5
6 7 6 7 6 7
1 1 1 1 1 1 1
y(t) = L (t) = L (t) L (t) = e2t e5t .
s2 s5 s2 s5
21. Let Y (s) := L {y} (s). Taking the Laplace transform of the given equation and using proper-
ties of the Laplace transform, we obtain
/ 0 2 4 2 + 4s
L {y + 2y + 2y} (s) = L t2 + 4t (s) = 3 + 2 = .
s s s3
we have
- 2 . 2 + 4s
s Y (s) + 1 + 2 [sY (s)] + 2Y (s) =
2 + 4s 2 + 4s s3
(s2 + 2s + 2)Y (s) = 1 =
s3 s3
Review Problems
2 + 4s s3 2 + 4s s3
Y (s) = = .
s3 (s2 + 2s + 2) s3 [(s + 1)2 + 12 ]
2 + 4s s3 A B C D(s + 1) + E(1)
3 2 2
= 3+ 2+ + .
s [(s + 1) + 1 ] s s s (s + 1)2 + 12
Clearing fractions, we obtain
Comparing coecients at the corresponding power of s in both sides of this equation yields
s0 : 2 = 2A A = 1,
s : 4 = 2A + 2B B = (4 2A)/2 = 1,
s2 : 0 = A + 2B + 2C C = (A + 2B)/2 = 3/2,
s4 : 0 = C + D D = C = 3/2,
s : 1 = B + 2C + D + E E = 1 B 2C D = 1/2.
1 1 3/2 (3/2)(s + 1) (1/2)(1)
Y (s) = 3
+ 2 + 2 2
s s s (s + 1) + 1 (s + 1)2 + 12
t2 3 3 1
y(t) = L1 {Y (s)} (t) = + t + et cos t et sin t .
2 2 2 2
Chapter 7
1 1
Y (s) = + es ,
(s + 3/2)2 + ( 7/2)2 s[(s + 3/2)2 + ( 7/2)2 ]
where Y (s) := L {y} (s). To apply the inverse Laplace transform, we need the partial fraction
decomposition of the last fraction above.
1 A B(s + 3/2) + C( 7/2)
= + .
s[(s + 3/2)2 + ( 7/2)2 ] s (s + 3/2)2 + ( 7/2)2
Solving for A, B, and C yields
1 1 3
A= , B= , C= .
4 4 4 7
1 1/4 (1/4)(s + 3/2) (3/4 7)( 7/2)
Y (s) = + es
(s + 3/2)2 + ( 7/2)2 s (s + 3/2)2 + ( 7/2)2 (s + 3/2)2 + ( 7/2)2
25. Let Y (s) := L {y} (s). Then, from the initial conditions, we have
Review Problems
Hence, applying the Laplace transform to the given equation and using the linearity of the
Laplace transform, we obtain
L {ty + 2(t 1)y 2y} (s) = L {ty } (s) + 2L {ty } (s) 2L {y } (s) 2L {y} (s) = 0
- 2 .
s Y (s) 2sY (s) + 2 [sY (s) Y (s)] 2 [sY (s)] 2Y (s) = 0
4(s + 1)
s(s + 2)Y (s) 4(s + 1)Y (s) = 0 Y (s) + Y (s) = 0.
s(s + 2)
Separating variables and integrating yields
+ ,
dY 4(s + 1) 1 1
= ds = 2 + ds
Y s(s + 2) s s+2
ln |Y | = 2(ln |s| + ln |s + 2|) + C
eC c1
Y (s) = 2 2
= 2 ,
s (s + 2) s (s + 2)2
27. Note that the original equation can be written in the form
Let Y (s) := L {y} (s). Applying the Laplace transform to both sides of this equation and
using Theorem 11 in Section 7.7, we obtain
/ 0
L {y(t) + t y(t)} (s) = Y (s) + L {t} (s)Y (s) = L e3t (s)
1 1 s2
Y (s) + 2 Y (s) = Y (s) = .
s s+3 (s + 3)(s2 + 1)
Chapter 7
s2 = A(s2 + 1) + (Bs + C)(s + 3).
s = 3 : 9 = A(10) A = 9/10,
s=0: 0 = A + 3C C = A/3 = 3/10,
s = 2 : 4 = 5A 2B + C B = (5A + C 4)/2 = 1/10.
29. To find the transfer function, we use formula (15) on page 403 of the text. Comparing given
equation with (14), we find that a = 1, b = 5, and c = 6. Thus (15) yields
1 1
H(s) = = 2 .
as2 + bs + c s 5s + 6
The impulse response function h(t) is defined as L1 {H} (t). Using partial fractions, we see
1 1 1 1
H(s) = = =
s2 5s + 6 (s 3)(s 2) s3 s2
6 7
1 1
h(t) = L1 (t) = e3t e2t .
s3 s2
31. Let X(s) := L {x} (s), Y (s) := L {y} (s). Using the initial condition, we obtain
Review Problems
Therefore, applying the Laplace transform to both sides of the equations in the given system
1 e2s
X(s) s2 X(s) =
1 e2s 1 e2s
X(s) = 2 = .
s(s 1) s(s 1)(s + 1)
1 1 1/2 1/2
= ,
s(s 1)(s + 1) s s1 s+1
the inverse Laplace transform yields
6 + ,7
) 2s
* 1 1/2 1/2
x(t) = L 1e (t)
s s1 s+1
6 7 6 7
1 1 1/2 1/2 1 1 1/2 1/2
= L (t) L (t 2)u(t 2)
s s1 s+1 s s1 s+1
4 5
et + et et2 + e(t2)
= 1 1 u(t 2) .
2 2
We now find y(t) from the first equation in the original system.
et et et2 e(t2)
y(t) = x (t) = u(t 2) .
2 2
Chapter 7
CHAPTER 8: Series Solutions of Dierential
we obtain
y (0) = 02 + y(0)2 = 0 + 12 = 1.
and so
y (0) = 2(0) + 2y(0)y (0) = 0 + 2(1)(1) = 2.
1 2
y(x) = 1 + x + x2 + = 1 + x + x2 + .
1! 2!
3. Using the initial condition, y(0) = 0 we substitute x = 0 and y = 0 into the given equation
and find y (0).
y (0) = sin(0) + e0 = 1.
Chapter 8
To determine y (0), we dierentiate the given equation with respect to x and substitute x = 0,
y = 0, and y = 1 in the formula obtained:
Thus the first three nonzero terms in the Taylor polynomial approximations to the solution
of the given initial value problem are
y (0) y (0) 2 y (0) 3
y(x) = y(0) + x+ x + x +
1! 2! 3!
1 2 3 1
= 0 + x + x2 + x3 + = x + x2 + x3 + .
1 2 6 2
5. We need the values of x(0), x (0), x (0), etc. The first two are given by the initial conditions:
x(0) = 1, x (0) = 0.
we find that
x (0) = 0 x(0) = 0 1 = 0.
Exercises 8.1
7. We use the initial conditions to find y (0). Writing the given equation in the form
y () = y()3 + sin
) *
y = (y ) = y 3 + (sin ) = 3y 2 y + cos
y (0) = 3y(0)2y (0) + cos 0 = 3(0)2 (0) + 1 = 1.
Similarly, we get
y (4) = (y ) = 3y 2 y 6y (y ) sin
y (4) (0) = 3y(0)2 y (0) 6y(0) (y (0)) sin 0 = 0.
To simplify further computations we observe that since the Taylor expansion for y() has the
1 3
y() = + ,
then the Taylor expansion for y()3 must begin with the term (1/3!)3 9 , so that
) *(k) 11
y()3 1 =0 for k = 0, 1, . . . , 8 .
) *(3) ) *(3) 11
y (5) = y 3 cos y (5) (0) = y 3 1 cos 0 = 1,
1 =0
) *(4) ) *(4) 1
y (6) = y 3 + sin y (6) (0) = y 3 1 sin 0 = 0,
) *(5) 1
) *(5) 1
y (7) = y 3 + cos y (7) (0) = y 3 1 + cos 0 = 1.
Thus, the first three nonzero terms of the Taylor approximations are
1 3 1 1 1 1 5 1 7
y() = 5 + 7 + = 3 + +
3! 5! 7! 6 120 5040
Chapter 8
9. (a) To construct p3 (x) we need f (1), f (1), f (1), and f (1). Thus we have
f (x) = ln x f (1) = ln 1 = 0,
f (x) = x f (1) = (1)1 = 1,
f (x) = x2 f (1) = (1)2 = 1,
f (x) = 2x3 f (1) = 2(1)3 = 2,
and so
1 1 2
p3 (x) = 0 + (x 1) + (x 1)2 + (x 1)3
1! 2! 3!
(x 1)2 (x 1)3
= x1 + .
2 3
) *
f (4) (x) = [f (x)] = 2x3 = 6x4 .
f (4) () 6 4 (x 1)4
ln x p3 (x) =: e3 (x) = (x x0 )4 = (x 1)4 =
4! 24 4 4
1 1
1 (1.5 1)4 1 (0.5)4
|ln(1.5) p3 (1.5)| = 11 1=
4 4 4 4
(0.5)4 1
|ln(1.5) p3 (1.5)| = = 0.015625 ,
4 64
y = py qy + g.
Exercises 8.1
On the right-hand side of this equation, the function y is dierentiable (y exists) and the
functions y, p, q, and g are dierentiable (even twice). Thus we conclude that its left-hand
side, y , is dierentiable being the product, sum, and dierence of dierentiable functions.
Therefore, y = (y ) exists and is given by
y = (py qy + g) = p y py q y qy + g .
Similarly, we conclude that the right-hand side of the equation above is a dierentiable func-
tion since all the functions involved are dierentiable (notice that we have just proved the
dierentiability of y ). Hence, y , its left-hand side is dierentiable as well, i.e., (y ) = y (4)
does exist.
Substituting the initial conditions, y(0) = 0 and y (0) = 1 into the latter equation yields
which, at t = 0, gives
Thus, the Taylor polynomial approximations to the solution of the given initial value problem
y (0) y (0) 2 y (0) 3 1 1
y(t) = y(0) + t+ t + t + = t + t2 t3 + .
1! 2! 3! 2 6
15. For the Taylor polynomial p2 (x), we need y(0), y (0), and y (0). We already know y(0) and
y (0) from the initial conditions:
Chapter 8
2y (x) + xy(x)
y (x) = . (8.3)
The formal substitution of x = 0 in (8.3) gives 0/0indeterminate form. On the other hand,
since the dierentiability of a function implies its continuity, and we are given that y(x) has
derivatives of all orders at x = 0, we conclude that all the derivatives of y(x) are continuous
at x = 0. Therefore,
y (0) = lim y (x),
and we can find the above limit by applying LHospitals rule. Namely,
4 5
2y (x) + xy(x)
y (0) = lim
x0 x
[2y (x) + xy(x)]
= lim = lim [2y (x) + xy (x) + y(x)] ,
x0 (x) x0
and the last limit can be found by substitution due to the continuity of y(x) and its derivatives
at x = 0. Hence,
y (0) y (0) 2 x2
p2 (x) = y(0) + x+ x =1 .
1! 2! 6
Exercises 8.2
In this power series, x0 = 1. Hence, the endpoints of the interval of convergence are
x1 = x0 + = 1 + 2 = 3,
x2 = x0 = 1 2 = 1.
3. We will use the ratio test given in Theorem 2 on page 432 of the text to find the radius of
convergence for this power series. Since an = n2 /2n , we see that
an+1 (n + 1)2 /2n+1 (n + 1)2
= = .
an n2 /2n 2n2
Therefore, we have
1 1 1 1 + ,2
1 an+1 1 1 (n + 1)2 1 1 (n + 1)2
1 1 1
lim 11 1 = lim 1
1 1 2
1 lim 2
= lim 1 + = .
n an n 2n 2 n n 2 n n 2
Thus, the radius of convergence is = 2. Hence, this power series converges absolutely for
|x + 2| < 2. That is, for
We must now check the end points of this interval. We first check the end point 4 or
x + 2 = 2 which yields the series
n2 (2)n
= (1)n n2 .
2n n=0
This series diverges since the nth term, an = (1)n n2 , does not approach zero as n goes to
infinity. (Recall that it is necessary for the nth term of a convergent series to approach zero
Chapter 8
as n goes to infinity. But this fact in itself does not prove that a series converges.) Next, we
check the end point x = 0 or x + 2 = 2 which yields the series
n2 2n
= n2 .
2n n=0
Again, as above, this series diverges. Therefore, this power series converges in the open interval
(4, 0) and diverges outside of this interval.
which are known to converge. Therefore, the set of convergence of the given series is the closed
interval [1, 3].
7. By writing
) *k H
a2k x2k = a2k x2 = bk z k ,
k=0 k=0 k=0
where bk := a2k and z := x , we obtain a power series centered at the origin. The ratio test
then yields the radius of convergence to be 1/L, where
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 bk+1 1 1 a2(k+1) 1 1 a2k+2 1
L = lim 1 1 = lim 1 1 = lim 1 1.
k bk 1 k 1 a2k 1 k 1 a2k 1
So, the series k 2
k=0 bk z converges for |z| < 1/L and diverges for |z| > 1/L. Since z = x ,
1 1 21
|z| < 1x 1 < 1
|x| < .
Hence, the original series converges for |x| < 1/ L and diverges for |x| > 1/ L. By the
definition, 1/ L is its radius of convergence.
Exercises 8.2
9. Since the addition of power series reduces to the addition of the coecients at the correspond-
ing powers of the variable, we make the following changes in indices of summation.
f (x) : n k f (x) = k=0 [1/(k + 1)] xk ,
P (k+1) k
g(x) : n 1 k g(x) = k=0 2 x .
H H H 4 5
1 k (k+1) k 1 k1
f (x) + g(x) = x + 2 x = +2 xk .
k+1 k=0 k=0
H 5
(1)k x3 x5 x7
g(x) = sin x = x2k+1 = x + + .
(2k + 1)! 6 120 7!
Therefore, we have
+ ,+ ,
x2 x3 x4 x3 x5 x7
f (x)g(x) = 1+x+ + + + x + +
2 6 24 6 120 7!
+ , + , + ,
2 1 1 3 1 1 4 1 1 1
= x+x + x + x + + x5 +
2 6 6 6 24 12 120
= x + x2 + + x3 + .
Note that since the radius of convergence for both of the given series is = , the expansion
of the product f (x)g(x) also converges for all values of x.
Chapter 8
(b) With cn = 1/2n and bn = 1/n!, formula (6) on page 434 of the text yields:
1 1
n=0: = c0 = a0 b0 = a0 = a0 ;
20 0!
1 1 1
n=1: = c1 = a0 b1 + a1 b0 = a0 + a1 = a0 + a1 ;
21 1! 0!
1 1 1 1 a0
n=2: = c2 = a0 b2 + a1 b1 + a2 b0 = a0 + a1 + a2 = + a1 + a2 ;
22 2! 1! 0! 2
1 a0 a1
n=3: = c3 = a0 b3 + a1 b2 + a2 b1 + a3 b0 = + + a2 + a3 ;
23 6 2
1 = a0 , a0 = 1 ,
1/2 = a0 + a1 , a1 = 1/2 a0 = 1/2 ,
1/4 = a0 /2 + a1 + a2 , a2 = 1/4 a0 /2 a1 = 1/4 ,
1/8 = a0 /6 + a1 /2 + a2 + a3 , a3 = 1/8 a0 /6 a1 /2 a2 = 1/24 ,
.. ..
. .
Exercises 8.2
1 1 1 3
q(x) = 1 x + x2 x + .
2 4 24
17. Since 1 1 1 1
1 an+1 1 1 (1)n+1 1
lim 1 1 1
= lim 1 1 = lim 1 = 1,
n 1 an 1 n (1)n 1 n
by the ratio test, we find the radius of convergence of the given series to be = 1/1 = 1 > 0.
Therefore, Theorem 4 of page 434 of the text can be applied. This yields
- .
1 n n1 2
(1 + x) = (1) nx (1 + x) = (1)n nxn1 ,
n=1 n=1
19. Here we will assume that this series has a positive radius of convergence. Thus, since we have
f (x) = an xn = a0 + a1 x + a2 x2 + a3 x3 + + an xn + ,
Note that the summation for f (x) starts at zero while the summation for f (x) starts at one.
21. Using the ratio test, we find that the radius of convergence of the given series is
1 1
= n+1 n
= = 1 > 0.
limn |(1) /(1) | 1
3x 1x
H H 1 1 H (1)n n+1
n n nn+1 1
= (1) t dt = (1) t 1 = x .
n=0 n=0
n + 1 0 n=0
n + 1
Chapter 8
29. We need to determine the nth derivative of f (x) at the point x = . Thus, we observe that
Since f (4) (x) = cos x = f (x), the four derivatives given above will be repeated indefinitely.
Thus, we see that f (n) () = 0 if n is odd and f (n) () = 1 if n is even (where the signs
Exercises 8.2
alternate starting at 1 when n = 0). Therefore, the Taylor series for f about the point
x0 = is given by
1 1 (1)n+1 (x )2n
f (x) = 1 + 0 + (x )2 + 0 (x )4 + + +
2! 4! (2n)!
H (1)n+1 (x )2n
= .
31. Writing
1+x (1 x) + 2x 1
f (x) = = = 1 + 2x ,
1x 1x 1x
we can use the power series expansion (3) on page 433 of the text (geometric series) to obtain
the desired Taylor series. Thus we have
1 k
f (x) = 1 + 2x = 1 + 2x x =1+ 2xk+1 .
1x k=0 k=0
x3 + 3x 4 = 6(x 1) + 3(x 1)2 + (x 1)3 .
Chapter 8
(b) Since the above series has positive radius of convergence = 1, Theorem 4 on page 434
of the text can be applied. Hence, for 0 < x < 2,
3x 3x LH
H 3x
1 n n n
ln x = dt = (1) (t 1) dt = (1) (t 1)n dt
t n=0 n=0
1 1 1
H 1 1 H (1) n H (1)k1
n n+1 1 n+1
= (1) (t 1) 1 = (x 1) = (x 1)k .
n + 1 1 n=0
n + 1 k=1
where we applied LHospitals rule to the indeterminate form /. Therefore, the limit in
(8.4) exists and equals 0. For any x = 0,
# % + ,
1/x2 1/x2 1 2 2
f (x) = e =e 2 = 3 e1/x .
x x
Exercises 8.3
r (t) k!a0
= lim 2 = = lim 2 = 0.
t (4t2 + 2)et t (2k tk + )et
Since both one-sided limits exist and are equal, the regular limit exists and equals to the same
number. That is,
f (n) (x) f (n) (0)
f (n+1) (0) = lim = 0.
x0 x0
For any x = 0,
4 + , 5 4 + , + , 5 + ,4 + , 5
(n+1) 1 1/x2 1 1 1/x2 1 1/x2 1
f (x) = p e = p e +p e 2
x x x x x
4 + , + , 5 + ,
1 1 1 2 1/x2 1 1/x2
= p + p e = q e ,
x x2 x x3 x
where q(t) = p (t)t2 + p(t)2t3 .
EXERCISES 8.3: Power Series Solutions to Linear Dierential Equations, page 449
Chapter 8
The point t = 1 is a removable singularity for p(t) since, for t = 1, we can cancel (t+1)-term
in the numerator and denominator, and so p(t) becomes analytic at t = 1 if we set
1 1
p(1) := lim p(t) = lim = .
t1 t1 t2 3
At the point t = 2, p(t) has infinite discontinuity. Thus p(t) is analytic everywhere except
t = 2. Similarly, q(t) is analytic everywhere except t = 1. Therefore, the given equation has
two singular points, t = 1 and t = 2.
Exercises 8.3
At all other points , q() is analytic as a quotient of two analytic functions. Hence, the
singular points of the given equation are
0 and = k, k = 1, 2, 3, . . . .
Chapter 8
where we have applied Theorem 4 on page 434 of the text to find the power series expansion
of y (x). We now substitute the power series for y and y into the given dierential equation
and obtain
nan x + (x + 2) an xn = 0
n=1 n=0
n1 n
nan x + 2an x + an xn+1 = 0. (8.5)
n=1 n=0 n=0
To sum these series, we make shifts in indices of summation so that they sum over the same
power of x. In the first sum, we set k = n 1 so that n = k + 1 and k runs from 0 to ; in
the second sum, we just replace n by k; in the third sum, we let k = n + 1 and so n = k 1,
and the summation starts from 1. Thus the equation (8.5) becomes
k k
(k + 1)ak+1 x + 2ak x + ak1 xk = 0
k=0 k=0
k k
a1 + (k + 1)ak+1 x + 2a0 + 2ak x + ak1 xk = 0
k=1 k=1 k=1
(a1 + 2a0 ) + [(k + 1)ak+1 + 2ak + ak1 ] xk = 0.
For the power series on the left-hand side to be identically zero, we must have all zero coe-
cients. Hence,
This yields
a1 + 2a0 = 0 a1 = 2a0 ,
k = 1 : 2a2 + 2a1 + a0 = 0 a2 = (2a1 a0 ) /2 = (4a0 a0 ) /2 = 3a0 /2 ,
k = 2 : 3a3 + 2a2 + a1 = 0 a3 = (2a2 a1 ) /3 = (3a0 + 2a0 ) /3 = a0 /3 ,
+ ,
3a0 2 a0 3 3x2 x3
y(x) = a0 2a0 x + x x + = a0 1 2x + + ,
2 3 2 3
where a0 is an arbitrary constant (which is, actually, y(0)).
Exercises 8.3
13. This equation has no singular points since the coecients p(x) 0 and q(x) = x2 are
analytic everywhere. So, let
k k1
z(x) = ak x z (x) = kak x z (x) = k(k 1)ak xk2 ,
k=0 k=1 k=2
where we used Theorem 4 on page 434 of the text dierentiating the series termwise. Substi-
tution z and z into the given equation yields
z x2 z = k(k 1)ak xk2 x2 ak xk = k(k 1)ak xk2 ak xk+2 .
k=2 k=0 k=2 k=0
We now shift indices of summation so that they sum over the same power of x. For the first
sum, we substitute n = k 2 so that k = n + 2, k 1 = n + 1, and the summation starts
from n = 0. In the second summation, we let n = k + 2 which yields k = n 2 and n = 2 as
the starting index. Thus we obtain
2 n
z x z = (n + 2)(n + 1)an+2 x an2 xn .
n=0 n=2
Next step in writing the right-hand side as a single power series is to start both summations
at the same point. To do this we observe that
n n n
(n + 2)(n + 1)an+2 x an2 x = 2a2 + 6a3 x + (n + 2)(n + 1)an+2 x an2 xn
n=0 n=2 n=2 n=2
= 2a2 + 6a3 x + [(n + 2)(n + 1)an+2 an2 ] xn .
In order for this power series to equal zero, each coecient must be zero. Therefore, we obtain
From the first two equations we find that a2 = 0 and a3 = 0. Next we take n = 2 and n = 3
in the above recurrence relation and get
n = 2 : (4)(3)a4 a0 = 0 a4 = a0 /12 ,
n = 3 : (5)(4)a5 a1 = 0 a5 = a1 /20 .
Chapter 8
H a0 4 a1 5
z(x) = ak xk = a0 + a1 x + (0)x2 + (0)x3 + x + x +
12 20
+ , + ,
x4 x5
= a0 1 + + + a1 x + + .
12 20
15. Zero is an ordinary point for this equation since the functions p(x) = x 1 and q(x) = 1
are both analytic everywhere and, hence, at the point x = 0. Thus, we can assume that the
solution to this linear dierential equation has a power series expansion with a positive radius
of convergence about the point x = 0. That is, we assume that
y(x) = a0 + a1 x + a2 x2 + a3 x3 + = an xn .
In order to solve the dierential equation we must find the coecients an . To do this, we must
substitute y(x) and its derivatives into the given dierential equation. Hence, we must find
y (x) and y (x). Since y(x) has a power series expansion with a positive radius of convergence
about the point x = 0, we can find its derivative by dierentiating term by term. We can
similarly dierentiate y (x) to find y (x). Thus, we have
y (x) = 0 + a1 + 2a2 x + 3a3 x + = nan xn1
y (x) = 2a2 + 6a3 x + = n(n 1)an xn2 .
Simplifying yields
n2 n n1
n(n 1)an x + nan x nan x + an xn = 0. (8.6)
n=2 n=1 n=1 n=0
We want to be able to write the left-hand side of this equation as a single power series. This
will allow us to find expressions for the coecient of each power of x. Therefore, we first need
Exercises 8.3
to shift the indices in each power series above so that they sum over the same powers of x.
Thus, we let k = n 2 in the first summation and note that this means that n = k + 2 and
that k = 0 when n = 2. This yields
n(n 1)an x = (k + 2)(k + 1)ak+2 xk .
n=2 k=0
In the third power series, we let k = n 1 which implies that n = k + 1 and k = 0 when
n = 1. Thus, we see that
nan x = (k + 1)ak+1 xk .
n=1 k=0
For the second and last power series we need only to replace n with k. Substituting all of
these expressions into their appropriate places in equation (8.6) above yields
k k k
(k + 2)(k + 1)ak+2 x + kak x (k + 1)ak+1 x + ak xk = 0.
k=0 k=1 k=0 k=0
Our next step in writing the left-hand side as a single power series is to start all of the
summations at the same point. To do this we observe that
k 0
(k + 2)(k + 1)ak+2 x = (2)(1)a2 x + (k + 2)(k + 1)ak+2 xk ,
k=0 k=1
(k + 1)ak+1 xk = (1)a1 x0 + (k + 1)ak+1 xk ,
k=0 k=1
ak xk = a0 x0 + ak xk .
k=0 k=1
Chapter 8
2a2 a1 + a0 + ((k + 2)(k + 1)ak+2 + (k + 1)ak (k + 1)ak+1 ) xk = 0.
In order for this power series to equal zero, each coecient must be zero. Therefore, we obtain
a1 a0
2a2 a1 + a0 = 0 a2 = ,
Exercises 8.3
19. Since x = 0 is an ordinary point for the given equation, we seek for a power series expansion
of a general solution of the form
y(x) = an x y (x) = nan xn1 .
n=0 n=1
We shift the indices of summations so that they sum over the same powers of x. In the first
sum, we let k = n 1. Then n = k + 1 and the summation starts from k = 0. In the second
sum, let k = n + 1. Then n = k 1 and k = 1 when n = 0. Thus we have
k k
(k + 1)ak+1x 2ak1x = a1 + [(k + 1)ak+1 2ak1 ]xk = 0.
k=0 k=1 k=1
In order for this power series to equal zero, each coecient must be zero. That is,
a1 = 0, a1 = 0,
(k + 1)ak+1 2ak1 = 0, k1 ak+1 = 2ak1 /(k + 1) , k 1.
Since a1 = 0, it follows from this recurrence relation that all odd coecients are zeros. Indeed,
2a1 2a3
a3 = = 0, a5 = = 0, etc.
3 5
For even coecients, we have
k = 1 : a2 = 2a0 /2 ,
k = 3 : a4 = 2a2 /4 = 2[2a0 /2]/4 = 22 a0 /(2 4) ,
k = 5 : a6 = 2a4 /6 = 2[22 a0 /(2 4)]/6 = 23 a0 /(2 4 6) ,
Chapter 8
21. Since x = 0 is an ordinary point for this dierential equation, we will assume that the solution
has a power series expansion with a positive radius of convergence about the point x = 0.
Thus, we have
n n1
y(x) = an x y (x) = nan x y (x) = n(n 1)an xn2 .
n=0 n=1 n=2
In order for each power series to sum over the same powers of x, we will shift the index in
the first summation by letting k = n 2, and we will let k = n in the other two power series.
Thus, we have
k k
(k + 2)(k + 1)ak+2x kak x + 4ak xk = 0.
k=0 k=1 k=0
Next we want all of the summations to start at the same point. Therefore, we will take the
first term in the first and last power series out of the summation sign. This yields
(2)(1)a2 x0 + (k + 2)(k + 1)ak+2 xk kak xk + 4a0 x0 + 4ak xk = 0
k=1 k=1 k=1
2a2 + 4a0 + (k + 2)(k + 1)ak+2 xk kak xk + 4ak xk = 0
k=1 k=1 k=1
Exercises 8.3
2a2 + 4a0 + [(k + 2)(k + 1)ak+2 + (k + 4)ak ] xk = 0.
By setting each coecient of the power series equal to zero, we see that
2a2 + 4a0 = 0 a2 = = 2a0 ,
(k 4)ak
(k + 2)(k + 1)ak+2 + (k + 4)ak = 0 ak+2 = , k 1,
(k + 2)(k + 1)
where we have solved the recurrence equation, the last equation above, for ak+2 , the coecient
with the largest subscript. Thus, we have
3a1 a1
k=1 a3 = = ,
32 2
2a2 (2)(4)a0 a0
k=2 a4 = = = ,
43 432 3
a3 (3)(1)a1 a1
k=3 a5 = = = ,
54 5432 40
k=4 a6 = 0,
a5 (3)(1)(1)a1 a1
k=5 a7 = = = ,
76 765432 560
k=6 a8 = = 0,
3a7 (3)(1)(1)(3)a1
k=7 a9 = = ,
98 9!
k=8 a10 = = 0,
10 9
5a9 (3)(1)(1)(3)(5)a1
k=9 a11 = = .
11 10 11!
Now we can see a pattern starting to develop. (Note that it is easier to determine sucha pattern
if we consider specific coecients that have not been multiplied out.) We first note that a0 and
a1 can be chosen arbitrarily. Next we notice that the coecients with even subscripts larger
than 4 are zero. We also see that the general formula for a coecient with an odd subscript
is given by
(3)(1)(1) (2n 5)a1
a2n+1 = .
(2n + 1)!
Chapter 8
Notice that this formula is also valid for a3 and a5 . Substituting these expressions for the
coecients into the solution
y(x) = an xn = a0 + a1 x + a2 x2 + a3 x3 + a4 x4 + ,
a1 3 a0 4 a1 5
y(x) = a0 + a1 x 2a0 x2 x + x + x +
2 3 40
(3)(1)(1) (2n 5)a1 2n+1
+ x +
(2n + 1)!
4 5 4 5
2 x4 x3 x5 (3)(1)(1) (2n 5) 2n+1
= a0 1 2x + + a1 x + ++ x +
3 2 40 (2n + 1)!
4 5 L
x4 H (3)(1)(1) (2k 5) 2k+1
= a0 1 2x + + a1 x + x .
3 k=1
(2k + 1)!
29. Since x = 0 is an ordinary point for this dierential equation, we can assume that a solution
to this problem is given by
n n1
y(x) = an x y (x) = nan x y (x) = n(n 1)an xn2 .
n=0 n=1 n=2
By substituting the initial conditions, y(0) = 1 and y (0) = 2, into the first two equations
above, we see that
y(0) = a0 = 1, and y (0) = a1 = 2.
Next we will substitute the expressions found above for y(x), y (x), and y (x) into the dier-
ential equation to obtain
n2 n1
y + y xy = n(n 1)an x + nan x x an xn = 0
n=2 n=1 n=0
n(n 1)an xn2 + nan xn1 an xn+1 = 0.
n=2 n=1 n=0
By setting k = n 2 in the first power series above, k = n 1 in the second power series
above, and k = n + 1 in the last power series, we can shift the indices so that x is raised to
Exercises 8.3
We can start all of the summations at the same point if we remove the first term from each
of the first two power series above. Therefore, we have
(2)(1)a2 + (k + 2)(k + 1)ak+2xk + (1)a1 + (k + 1)ak+1 xk ak1 xk = 0
k=1 k=1 k=1
2a2 + a1 + [(k + 2)(k + 1)ak+2 + (k + 1)ak+1 ak1 ] xk = 0.
By equating coecients, we see that all of the coecients of the terms in the power series
above must be zero. Thus, we have
2a2 + a1 = 0 a2 = ,
(k + 2)(k + 1)ak+2 + (k + 1)ak+1 ak1 = 0
ak1 (k + 1)ak+1
ak+1 = , k 1.
(k + 2)(k + 1)
Thus, we see that
a0 2a2 a0 a1
k=1 =
a3 = + .
32 6 6
Using the fact that a0 = 1 and a1 = 2, which we found from the initial conditions, we
a2 = = 1,
1 2 1
a3 = + = .
6 6 6
By substituting these coecients, we obtain the cubic polynomial approximation
y(x) = 1 2x + x2 .
The graphs of the linear, quadratic and cubic polynomial approximations are easily generated
by using the software supplied with the text.
Chapter 8
31. The point x0 = 0 is an ordinary point for the given equation since p(x) = 2x/(x2 + 2) and
q(x) = 3/(x2 + 2) are analytic at zero. Hence we can express a general solution in the form
y(x) = an xn .
To sum over like powers xk , we put k = n 2 into the second summation and k = n into the
other summations. This gives
k(k 1)ak xk + 2(k + 2)(k + 1)ak+2 xk + 2kak xk + 3ak xk = 0.
k=2 k=0 k=1 k=0
Next we separate the terms corresponding to k = 0 and k = 1 and combine the rest under
one summation.
(4a2 + 3a0 ) + (12a3 + 5a1 )x + [k(k 1)ak + 2(k + 2)(k + 1)ak+2 + 2kak + 3ak ] xk = 0.
4a2 + 3a0 = 0,
12a3 + 5a1 = 0,
(k 2 + k + 3)ak + 2(k + 2)(k + 1)ak+2 = 0, k2
a2 = 3a0 /4 ,
a3 = 5a1 /12 ,
ak+2 = (k 2 + k + 3)ak /[2(k + 2)(k + 1)], k 2.
Exercises 8.3
a2 = 3(1)/4 = 3/4 ,
a3 = 5(2)/12 = 5/6 ,
and the cubic polynomial approximation for the solution is
3x2 5x3
y(x) = a0 + a1 x + x2 x2 + a3 x3 = 1 + 2x .
4 6
33. In Problem 7, Exercises 8.2 we showed that the radius of convergence of a power series
P 2n
n=0 a2n x is = 1/ L, where
1 1
1 a2(n+1) 1
L = lim 11 1.
n a2n 1
35. With the given values of parameters, we have an initial value problem
+ ,
t 1
0.1q (t) + 1 + q (t) + q(t) = 0, q(0) = 10, q (0) = 0.
10 2
Simplifying yields
Chapter 8
Separating the terms corresponding to k = 0 and combining the rest under one sum yields
(2a2 + 10a1 + 5a0 ) + [(k + 2)(k + 1)ak+2 + 10(k + 1)ak+1 + (k + 5)ak ] tk = 0.
250t3 775t4 250t3 775t4
q(t) = 10 + (0)t 25t2 + + = 10 25t2 + + .
3 4 3 4
Exercises 8.4
Thus, x = 1 is an ordinary point for this equation, and we can find a power series solution
with a radius of convergence of at least the minimum of the distances between 1 and points
(1/2) ( 3/2)i, which, in fact, are equal. Recall that the distance between two complex
numbers, z1 = a + bi and z2 = c + di, is given by
dist (z1 , z2 ) = (a c)2 + (b d)2 .
Thus, the distance between (1 + 0 i) and (1/2) + ( 3/2)i is
' + ,52 L M2 !
( 1 1 3 9 3
+ 0 = + = 3.
2 2 4 4
Therefore, the radius of convergence for the power series solution of this dierential equation
about x = 1 will be at least = 3.
9. We see that x = 0 and x = 2 are the only singular points for this dierential equation and,
thus, x = 1 is an ordinary point. Therefore, according to Theorem 5 on page 451 of the text,
there exists a power series solution of this equation about the point x = 1 with a radius of
convergence of at least one, the distance from 1 to either 0 or 2. That is, we have a general
solution for this dierential equation of the form
y(x) = an (x 1)n ,
which is convergent for all x at least in the interval (0, 2), the interval on which the inequality
|x 1| < 1 is satisfied. To find this solution we will proceed as in Example 3 on page 453 of
the text. Thus, we make the substitution t = x 1, which implies that x = t + 1. (Note that
dx/dt = 1.) We then define a new function
Chapter 8
Hence, with the substitutions t = x 1 and Y (t) = y(t + 1), we transform the dierential
equation, (x2 2x) y (x) + 2y(x) = 0, into the dierential equation
- .
(t + 1)2 2(t + 1) y (t + 1) + 2y(t + 1) = 0
- .
(t + 1)2 2(t + 1) Y (t) + 2Y (t) = 0
)2 *
t 1 Y (t) + 2Y (t) = 0. (8.8)
To find a general solution to (8.8), we first note that zero is an ordinary point of equation
(8.8). Thus, we can assume that we have a power series solution of equation (8.8) of the form
Y (t) = an tn ,
which converges for all t in (1, 1). (This means that x = t + 1 will be in the interval (0, 2)
as desired.) Substituting into equation (8.8) yields
)2 *H H
t 1 n(n 1)an tn2 + 2 an tn = 0
n=2 n=0
n n2
n(n 1)an t n(n 1)an t + 2an tn = 0.
n=2 n=2 n=0
Making the shift in the index, k = n 2, in the second power series above and replacing n
with k in the other two power series allows us to take each summation over the same power
of t. This gives us
k k
k(k 1)ak t (k + 2)(k + 1)ak+2 t + 2ak tk = 0.
k=2 k=0 k=0
In order to start all of these summations at the same point, we must take the first two terms
out of the summation sign in the last two power series. Thus we have,
k(k 1)ak tk (2)(1)a2 (3)(2)a3 t (k + 2)(k + 1)ak+2 tk
k=2 k=2
+2a0 + 2a1 t + 2ak tk = 0
Exercises 8.4
2a0 2a2 + (2a1 6a3 ) t + [k(k 1)ak (k + 2)(k + 1)ak+2 + 2ak ] tk = 0.
For this power series to equal zero, each coecient must be zero. Thus, we have
2a0 2a2 = 0 a2 = a0 , 2a1 6a3 = 0 a3 = ,
a1 t3 a0 t4 2a1 t5
Y (t) = a0 + a1 t + a0 t + + + +
+ 3 3, 15+ ,
2 t4 t3 2t5
Y (t) = a0 1 + t + + + a1 t + + + .
3 3 15
Lastly, we want to change back to the independent variable x. To do this, we recall that
Y (t) = y(t + 1). Thus, if t = x 1, then
Thus, we replace t with x1 in the solution just found, and we obtain a power series expansion
for a general solution in the independent variable x. Substituting, we have
4 5 4 5
2 1 4 1 3 2 5
y(x) = a0 1 + (x 1) + (x 1) + + a1 (x 1) + (x 1) + (x 1) + .
3 3 15
Chapter 8
17. Here p(x) = 0 and q(x) = sin x both of which are analytic everywhere. Thus, x = is an
ordinary point for this dierential equation, and there are no singular points. Therefore, by
Theorem 5 on page 451 of the text, we can assume that this equation has a general power
series solution about the point x = with an infinite radius of convergence (i.e., = ).
That is, we assume that we have a solution to this dierential equation given by
y(x) = an (x )n y (x) = nan (x )n1 ,
n=0 n=1
which converges for all x. If we apply the initial conditions, y() = 1 and y () = 0, we
see that a0 = 1 and a1 = 0. To find a general solution of this dierential equation, we will
combine the methods of Example 3 and Example 4 on pages 453455 of the text. Thus, we
will first define a new function, Y (t), using the transformation t = x . Thus, we define
Hence, by the chain rule (using the fact that x = t + which implies that dx/dt = 1), we
have dY /dt = (dy/dx)(dx/dt) = dy/dx, and similarly d2 Y /dt2 = d2 y/dx2 . We now solve the
transformed dierential equation
d2 Y d2 Y
sin(t + )Y (t) = 0 + (sin t)Y (t) = 0, (8.9)
dt2 dt2
where we have used the fact that sin(t + ) = sin t. When we have found the solution Y (t),
we will use the fact that y(x) = Y (x ) to obtain the solution to the original dierential
equation in terms of the independent variable x. Hence, we seek a power series solution to
equation (8.9) of the form
n n1
Y (t) = an t Y (t) = nan t Y (t) = n(n 1)an tn2 .
n=0 n=1 n=2
Since the initial conditions, y() = 1 and y () = 0, transform into Y (0) = 1 and Y (0) = 0,
we must have
Y (0) = a0 = 1 and Y (0) = a1 = 0.
Exercises 8.4
Next we note that q(t) = sin t is an analytic function with a Maclaurin series given by
H (1)n t2n+1 t3 t5 t7
sin t = =t + + .
(2n + 1)! 6 120 5040
By substituting the expressions that we found for Y (t), Y (t), and sin t into equation (8.9),
we obtain + ,H
H t3 t5 t7
n(n 1)an t + t + + an tn = 0.
6 120 5040 n=0
Therefore, expanding this last equation (and explicitly showing only terms of up to order
four), yields
) * ) *
2a2 + 6a3 t + 12a4 t2 + 20a5 t3 + 30a6 t4 + + t a0 + a1 t + a2 t2 + a3 t3 +
(a0 + a1 t + ) + = 0
) * )6 *
2a2 + 6a3 t + 12a4 t2 + 20a5 t3 + 30a6 t4 + + t a0 + a1 t + a2 t2 + a3 t3 +
+ ,
a0 t3 a1 t4
+ + = 0.
6 6
By grouping these terms according to their powers of t, we obtain
# a0 % 3 # a1 % 4
2a2 + (6a3 + a0 ) t + (12a4 + a1 ) t + 20a5 + a2 t + 30a6 + a3 t + = 0.
6 6
Setting these coecients to zero and recalling that a0 = 1 and a1 = 0 yields the system of
2a2 = 0 a2 = 0,
a0 1
6a3 + a0 = 0 a3 = = ,
6 6
12a4 + a1 = 0 a4 = = 0,
a0 1
a0 a2 1
20a5 + a2 =0 a5 = 6 = 6 = ,
6 20 20 120
a1 1
a1 a3 0+
30a6 + a3 =0 a6 = 6 = 6 = 1 .
6 30 30 180
Chapter 8
21. We assume that this dierential equation has a power series solution with a positive radius of
convergence about the point x = 0. This is reasonable because all of the coecients and the
forcing function g(x) = sin x are analytic everywhere. Thus, we assume that
y(x) = an x y (x) = nan xn1 .
n=0 n=1
By substituting these expressions and the Maclaurin expansion for sin x into the dierential
equation, y (x) xy(x) = sin x, we obtain
n1 n x2n+1
nan x x an x = (1)n .
n=1 n=0 n=0
(2n + 1)!
In the first power series on the left, we make the shift k = n 1. In the second power series
on the left, we make the shift k = n + 1. Thus, we obtain
k k x2n+1
(k + 1)ak+1 x ak1 x = (1)n .
k=0 k=1 n=0
(2n + 1)!
Separating out the first term of the first power series on the left yields
k k x2n+1
a1 + (k + 1)ak+1 x ak1 x = (1)n
(2n + 1)!
k=1 k=1
Exercises 8.4
H x2n+1
a1 + [(k + 1)ak+1 ak1 ] xk = (1)n .
k=1 n=0
(2n + 1)!
a1 = 0,
a0 + 1
2a2 a0 = 1 a2 = ,
3a3 a1 = 0 a3 = = 0,
1 a2 1/6 a0 1
4a4 a2 = a4 = = + ,
6 4 8 12
5a5 a3 = 0 a5 = = 0,
1 a4 1/120 a0 11
6a6 a4 = a6 = = + .
120 6 48 720
Substituting these coecients into the power series solution and noting that a0 is an arbitrary
number, yields
y(x) = an xn
, + , + ,
a0 1 2 a0 1 4 a0 11
= a0 + 0 + + x +0+ + x +0+ + x6 +
2 2 8 12 48 720
4 5 4 5
1 2 1 4 1 6 1 2 1 4 11 6
= a0 1 + x + x + x + + x + x + x + .
2 8 48 2 12 720
27. Observe that x = 0 is an ordinary point for this dierential equation. Therefore, we can
assume that this equation has a power series solution about the point x = 0 with a positive
Chapter 8
x3 2x5
tan x = x + + + ,
3 15
which is given in the table on the inside front cover of the text. Substituting the expressions
for y(x), y (x), y (x), and the Maclaurin series for the function tan x into the dierential
equation, (1 x2 )y y + y = tan x, yields
) *H H H x3 2x5
1 x2 n(n 1)an xn2 nan xn1 + an xn = x + + +
n=2 n=1 n=0
3 15
n2 n n1
n(n 1)an x n(n 1)an x nan x + an xn
n=2 n=2 n=1 n=0
x3 2x5
=x+ + + .
3 15
By shifting the indices of the power series on the left-hand side of this equation, we obtain
k k k x3 2x5
(k + 2)(k + 1)ak+2x k(k 1)ak x (k + 1)ak+1x + ak xk = x + + + .
k=0 k=2 k=0 k=0
3 15
Removing the first two terms from the summation notation in the first, third and fourth power
series above yields
(2)(1)a2 + (3)(2)a3 x + (k + 2)(k + 1)ak+2 x k(k 1)ak xk (1)a1 (2)a2 x
k=2 k=2
H x3 2x5
(k + 1)ak+1xk + a0 + a1 x + ak xk = x + + +
k=2 k=2
3 15
(2a2 a1 + a0 ) + (6a3 2a2 + a1 ) x
H x3 2x5
+ [(k + 2)(k + 1)ak+2 k(k 1)ak (k + 1)ak+1 + ak ] xk = x + + + .
3 15
Exercises 8.5
2a2 a1 + 1 1 a0
6a3 2a2 + a1 = 1 a3 = = ,
6 6
a2 + 3a3 a1 2a0 + 1
4 3a4 2 1a2 3a3 + a2 = 0 a4 = = .
12 24
Therefore, noting that a0 and a1 are arbitrary, we can substitute these coecients into the
power series solution y(x) = n 2 3 4
n=0 an x = a0 + a1 x + a2 x + a3 x + a4 x + to obtain
#a + , + ,
1 a0 % 2 1 a0 3 a1 a0 1
y(x) = a0 + a1 x + x + x + + x4 +
2 2 6 6 24 12 24
+ , + ,
1 2 1 3 1 4 1 2 1 4
= a0 1 x x x + + a1 x + x + x +
2 6 12 2 24
+ ,
1 3 1 4
+ x + x + .
6 24
5. Notice that, since x > 0, we can multiply this dierential equation by x2 and rewrite it to
d2 y dy
x2 2
5x + 13y = 0.
dx dx
We see that this is a Cauchy-Euler equation. Thus, we will assume that a solution has the
y(x) = xr y (x) = rxr1 y (x) = r(r 1)xr2 .
We obtained this last equation by using the assumption that x > 0. (We also could arrive at
this equation by using equation (4) on page 458 of the text.) Using the quadratic formula, we
Chapter 8
7. This equation is a third order Cauchy-Euler equation, and, thus, we will assume that a solution
has the form y(x) = xr . This implies that
By inspection we see that r = 1 is a root of this last equation. Thus, one solution to this
dierential equation will be given by y1 (x) = x and we can factor the indicial equation above
as follows:
(r 1)(r 2 + 2r + 10) = 0.
Therefore, using the quadratic formula, we see that the roots to this equation are r = 1, 13i.
Thus, we can find two more linearly independent solutions to this equation by using Eulers
formula as was done on page 458 of the text. Thus, three linearly independent solutions to
this problem are given by
Exercises 8.5
13. We first must find two linearly independent solutions to the associated homogeneous equation.
Since this is a Cauchy-Euler equation, we assume that there are solutions of the form
[r(r 1) 2r + 2] xr = 0 r 2 3r + 2 = 0 (r 1)(r 2) = 0.
Thus, the roots to this indicial equation are r = 1, 2. Therefore, a general solution to the
associated homogeneous equation is
yh (x) = c1 x + c2 x2 .
For the variation of parameters method, let y1 (x) = x and y2 (x) = x2 , and then assume that
a particular solution has the form
In order to find v1 (x) and v2 (x), we would like to use formula (10) on page 195 of the text.
To use equation (10), we must first find the Wronskian of y1 and y2 . Thus, we compute
Next we must write the dierential equation given in this problem in standard form. When
we do this, we see that g(x) = x5/2 . Therefore, by equation (10), we have
3 3
x5/2 x2 2
v1 (x) = 2
dx = (x5/2 )dx = x3/2
x 3
and 3 3
x5/2 x 2 5/2
v2 (x) = 2
dx = x7/2 dx = x .
x 5
Thus, a particular solution is given by
+ , + ,
2 3/2 2 5/2 4 1/2
yp (x) = x x+ x x2 = x .
3 5 15
Therefore, a general solution of the nonhomogeneous dierential equation is given by
4 1/2
y(x) = yh (x) + yp (x) = c1 x + c2 x2 + x .
Chapter 8
(b) From part (a) above, we see that r = 1 is a root of multiplicity three of the indicial
equation. Thus, we have one solution given by
y1 (x) = x. (8.10)
To find two more linearly independent solutions, we use a method similar to that used
in the text. By taking the partial derivative of L [xr ] (x) = (r 1)3 xr with respect to r,
we have
/ 0
{L [xr ] (x)} = (r 1)3 xr = 3(r 1)2 xr + (r 1)3 xr ln x
r r
2 / 0
{L [xr ] (x)} = 3(r 1)2 xr + (r 1)3 xr ln x
r r
= 6(r 1)xr + 6(r 1)2 xr ln x + (r 1)3 xr (ln x)2 .
Since r 1 is a factor of every term in {L [xr ] (x)} /r and 2 {L [xr ] (x)} /r 2 above,
we see that
{L [xr ] (x)} 1 = 0, (8.11)
r r=1
2 1
r 1
{L [x ] (x)} 1 = 0, (8.12)
r r=1
We can use these facts to find the two solutions that we seek. In order to find a second
solution, we would like an alternative form for
{L [xr ] (x)} 11
r 1 .
Exercises 8.5
and proceeding as in equation (9) on page 458 of the text with w(r, x) = xr , we have
6 3
r 3 w w
{L [x ] (x)} = {L[w](x)} = x +x w
r r r x3 x
4w 2w w 4
3 w 2w w
= x3 + x = x + x
rx+3 ,rx + r , x3 r 4 xr 5 r
w w w w
= x3 3 +x =L (x),
x r x r r r
where we are using the fact that mixed partials of w(r, x) are equal. Therefore, combining
this with equation (8.11) above yields
1 4 r 1 5
1 x 1 - 1 .
{L [x ] (x)} 1 L 1 = L xr ln x 1r=1 = L[x ln x] = 0.
r r=1 r r=1
y2 (x) = x ln x.
To find a third solution, we will use equation (8.12) above. Hence, we would like to find
an alternative form for 2 {L [xr ] (x)} /r 2 . To do this, we use the fact that
r 3 w 2w w
{L [x ] (x)} = x 3
+x ,
r rx rx r
which we found above and the fact that mixed partial derivatives of w(r, x) are equal.
Thus, we have
4 5 6 7
2 r r 4
3 w 2w w
{L [x ] (x)} = {L [x ] (x)} = x +x
r 2 r r r rx3 rx r
5 3 2 5 3
w w w w w 2w
= x3 2 3 + x 2 2 = x3 3 2 + x 2
r x+ 2 ,r x +r2 , x r 4 xr 5 r 2
3 2 2
w w w w
= x3 3 2
+x 2
2 =L (x) = 0.
x r x r r r 2
Chapter 8
where we have used the fact that 2 xr /r 2 = xr (ln x)2 . Thus we see that another solution
y3 (x) = x(ln x)2 ,
Exercises 8.6
Therefore, x = 2 is a regular singular point of this dierential equation. We also observe that
x+2 4
lim (x 2)p(x) = lim 2
= = p0 ,
x2 x2 (x + 1) 9
6x 12 4
lim (x 2)2 q(x) = lim 2
= = = q0 .
x2 x2 (x + 1) 9 3
Thus, we can use equation (16) on page 463 of the text to obtain the indicial equation
4r 4 5r 4
r(r 1) + =0 r2 = 0.
9 3 9 3
By the quadratic formula, we see that the roots to this equation and, therefore, the exponents
of the singularity x = 2, are given by
5+ 25 + 432 5 + 457
r1 = = ,
18 18
5 457
r2 = .
21. Here p(x) = x1 and q(x) = 1. This implies that xp(x) = 1 and x2 q(x) = x2 . Therefore, we
see that x = 0 is a regular singular point for this dierential equation, and so we can use the
method of Frobenius to find a solution to this problem. (Note also that x = 0 is the only
singular point for this equation.) Thus, we will assume that this solution has the form
r n
w(r, x) = x an x = an xn+r .
n=0 n=0
r(r 1) + r = r 2 = 0.
This means that r1 = r2 = 0. Since x = 0 is the only singular point for this dierential
equation, we observe that the series solution w(0, x) which we will find by the method of
Chapter 8
Frobenius converges for all x > 0. To find the solution, we note that
w(r, x) = an xn+r
w (r, x) = (n + r)an xn+r1
w (r, x) = (n + r)(n + r 1)an xn+r2 .
Notice that the power series for w and w start at n = 0. Substituting these expressions into
the dierential equation and simplifying yields
(n + r)(n + r 1)an xn+r + (n + r)an xn+r + an xn+r+2 = 0.
n=0 n=0 n=0
Next we want each power series to sum over xk+r . Thus, we let k = n in the first and second
power series and shift the index in the last power series by letting k = n + 2. Therefore, we
(k + r)(k + r 1)ak xk+r + (k + r)ak xk+r + ak2 xk+r = 0.
k=0 k=0 k=2
We will separate out the first two terms from the first two power series above so that we can
start all of our power series at the same place. Thus, we have
(r 1)ra0 xr + r(1 + r)a1 x1+r + (k + r)(k + r 1)ak xk+r
r 1+r k+r
+ra0 x + (1 + r)a1 x + (k + r)ak x + ak2 xk+r = 0
k=2 k=2
r 1+r
[r(r 1) + r] a0 x + [r(r + 1) + (r + 1)] a1 x
+ [(k + r)(k + r 1)ak + (k + r)ak + ak2 ] xk+r = 0.
Exercises 8.6
(k + r)(k + r 1)ak + (k + r)ak + ak2 = 0 ak = , k 2.
(k + r)2
Using the fact (which we found from the indicial equation above) that r1 = 0, we observe that
a1 = 0. Next, using the recurrence relation (and the fact that r1 = 0), we see that
ak = , k 2.
k=2 a2 = ,
k=3 a3 = = 0,
k=4 a4 = = 4 = a0 ,
16 16 64
k=5 a5 = = 0,
a4 a0
k=6 a6 = = 64 = .
36 36 2304
Substituting these coecients into the solution
w(0, x) = an xn = a0 + a1 x + a2 x2 + a3 x3 + a4 x4 + a5 x5 + a6 x6 + ,
25. For this equation, we see that xp(x) = x/2 and x2 q(x) = (x + 3)/4. Thus, x = 0 is a regular
singular point for this equation and we can use the method of Frobenius to find a solution.
To this end, we compute
x (x + 3) 3
lim xp(x) = lim = 0, and lim x2 q(x) = lim = .
x0 x0 2 x0 x0 4 4
Chapter 8
Therefore, by equation (16) on page 463 of the text, the indicial equation is
r(r 1) =0 4r 2 4r 3 = 0 (2r + 1)(2r 3) = 0.
This indicial equation has roots r1 = 3/2 and r2 = 1/2. By the method of Frobenius, we
can assume that a solution to this dierential equation will have the form
w(r, x) = an xn+r
w (r, x) = (n + r)an xn+r1
w (r, x) = (n + r 1)(n + r)an xn+r2 ,
where r = r1 = 3/2. Since x = 0 is the only singular point for this equation, we see that
the solution, w(3/2, x), converges for all x > 0. The first step in finding this solution is to
plug w(r, x) and its first and second derivatives (which we have found above by term by term
dierentiation) into the dierential equation. Thus, we obtain
n+r n+r+1 n+r+1
4(n + r 1)(n + r)an x + 2(n + r)an x an x 3an xn+r = 0.
n=0 n=0 n=0 n=0
By shifting indices, we can sum each power series over the same power of x, namely xk+r .
Thus, with the substitution k = n in the first and last power series and the substitution
k = n + 1 in the two remaining power series, we obtain
4(k + r 1)(k + r)ak xk+r + 2(k + r 1)ak1 xk+r ak1 xk+r 3ak xk+r = 0.
k=0 k=1 k=1 k=0
Next removing the first term (the k = 0 term) from the first and last power series above and
writing the result as a single power series yields
4(r 1)ra0 xr + 4(k + r 1)(k + r)ak xk+r + 2(k + r 1)ak1xk+r
k=1 k=1
k+r r
ak1 x 3a0 x 3ak xk+r = 0
k=1 k=1
Exercises 8.6
[4(r 1)r 3] a0 xr
+ [4(k + r 1)(k + r)ak + 2(k + r 1)ak1 ak1 3ak ] xk+r = 0.
By equating coecients we see that each coecient in the power series must be zero. Also we
are assuming that a0 = 0. Therefore, we have
(3 2k 2r)ak1
ak = , k 1.
4(k + r 1)(k + r) 3
2kak1 ak1
ak = , k1 ak = , k 1.
4(k + 1/2)(k + 3/2) 3 2(k + 2)
a0 a0
k=1 a1 = = ,
23 20 3!
a1 a0 a0
k=2 a2 = = = 1 ,
24 2234 2 4!
a2 a0
k=3 a3 = = 2 ,
25 2 5!
a3 a0
k=4 a4 = = 3 .
26 2 6!
Inspection of this sequence shows that we can write the nth coecient, an , for n 1 as
(1)n a0
an = .
2n1 (n + 2)!
Chapter 8
But since substituting n = 0 into the general coecient, an , yields (1)0 a0 /(21 2!) = a0 , the
solution that we found above can be written as
+ , H
3 (1)n xn+(3/2)
w , x = a0 n1 (n + 2)!
2 n=0
27. In this equation, we see that p(x) = 1/x and q(x) = 1. Thus, the only singular point is
x = 0. Since xp(x) = 1 and x2 q(x) = x2 , we see that x = 0 is a regular singular point for
this equation and so we can use the method of Frobenius to find a solution to this equation.
We also note that the solution that we find by this method will converge for all x > 0. To
find this solution we observe that
Thus, according to equation (16) on page 463 of the text, the indicial equation for the point
x = 0 is
r(r 1) r = 0 r(r 2) = 0.
Therefore, the roots to the indicial equation are r1 = 2, r2 = 0. Hence, we will use the method
of Frobenius to find the solution w(2, x). If we let
w(r, x) = an xn+r ,
w (r, x) = (n + r)an x , and w (r, x) = (n + r 1)(n + r)an xn+r2 .
n=0 n=0
By substituting these expressions into the dierential equation and simplifying, we obtain
n+r1 n+r1
(n + r 1)(n + r)an x (n + r)an x an xn+r+1 = 0.
n=0 n=0 n=0
Exercises 8.6
Next we shift the indices by letting k = n 1 in the first two power series above and k = n + 1
in the last power series above. Therefore, we have
(k + r)(k + r + 1)ak+1 xk+r (k + r + 1)ak+1xk+r ak1 xk+r = 0.
k=1 k=1 k=1
We can start all three of these summations at the same term, the k = 1 term, if we separate
out the first two terms (the k = 1 and k = 0 terms) from the first two power series. Thus,
we have
(r 1)ra0 xr1 + r(r + 1)a1 xr + (k + r)(k + r + 1)ak+1 xk+r
r1 r k+r
ra0 x (r + 1)a1 x (k + r + 1)ak+1 x ak1 xk+r = 0
k=1 k=1
[(r 1)r r] a0 xr1 + [r(r + 1) (r + 1)] a1 xr
+ [(k + r)(k + r + 1)ak+1 (k + r + 1)ak+1 ak1 ] xk+r = 0.
where the last equation above is the recurrence relation. Simplifying this recurrence relation
ak+1 = , k 1. (8.14)
(k + r + 1)(k + r 1)
Next we let r = r1 = 2 in equation (8.13) and in the recurrence relation, equation (8.14), to
3a1 = 0 a1 = 0,
ak+1 = , k 1.
(k + 3)(k + 1)
Chapter 8
Thus, we have
k=1 a2 = ,
k=2 a3 = = 0,
a2 a0 a0 a0
k=3 a4 = = = 4 = 4 ,
64 6442 2 32211 2 3! 2!
k=4 a5 = = 0,
a4 a0 a0
k=5 a6 = = = .
86 8 6 24 3! 2! 26 4! 3!
By inspection we can now see that the coecients of the power series solution w(2, x) are
a2n1 = 0
a2n = ,
(n + 1)!n!
for all n 1. Thus, substituting these coecients into the power series solution yields the
H x2n+2
w(2, x) = a0 .
22n (n + 1)!n!
35. In applying the method of Frobenius to this third order linear dierential equation, we will
seek a solution of the form
w(r, x) = an xn+r
w (r, x) = (n + r)an xn+r1
w (r, x) = (n + r 1)(n + r)an xn+r2
w (r, x) = (n + r 2)(n + r 1)(n + r)an xn+r3 ,
where we have dierentiated term by term. Substituting these expressions into the dierential
equation and simplifying yields
Exercises 8.6
6(n + r 2)(n + r 1)(n + r)an x + 13(n + r 1)(n + r)an xn+r
n=0 n=0
+ (n + r)an xn+r + (n + r)an xn+r+1 + an xn+r+1 = 0.
n=0 n=0 n=0
By the shift of index k = n + 1 in the last two power series above and the shift k = n in all
of the other power series, we obtain
6(k + r 2)(k + r 1)(k + r)ak xk+r + 13(k + r 1)(k + r)ak xk+r
k=0 k=0
k+r k+r
+ (k + r)ak x + (k 1 + r)ak1 x + ak1 xk+r = 0.
k=0 k=1 k=1
Next we remove the first term from each of the first three power series above so that all of
these series start at k = 1. Thus, we have
6(r 2)(r 1)ra0 xr + 6(k + r 2)(k + r 1)(k + r)ak xk+r
r k+r r
+13(r 1)ra0 x + 13(k + r 1)(k + r)ak x + ra0 x + (k + r)ak xk+r
k=1 k=1
+ (k 1 + r)ak1 xk+r + ak1 xk+r = 0
k=1 k=1
[6(r 2)(r 1)r + 13(r 1)r + r] a0 x
+ [6(k + r 2)(k + r 1)(k + r)ak + 13(k + r 1)(k + r)ak
+(k + r)ak + (k 1 + r)ak1 + ak1 ] xk+r = 0. (8.15)
If we assume that a0 = 0 and set the coecient of xr equal to zero, we find that the indicial
equation is
Hence, the roots to the indicial equation are 0, 0, and 5/6. We will find the solution associated
with the largest of these roots. That is, we will find w(5/6, x). Also, from equation (8.15), we
Chapter 8
41. If we let z = 1/x ( dz/dx = 1/x2 ), then we can define a new function Y (z) as
+ ,
Y (z) := y = y(x).
Thus, by the chain rule, we have
+ ,+ , + ,+ ,
dy dY dY dz dY 1
= = = 2 (8.16)
dx dx dz dx dz x
dy dY
x2 = . (8.17)
dx dz
Therefore, using the product rule and chain rule, we see that
+ , 4+ ,+ ,5
d2 y d2 Y d dY d 1 dY
= = = 2 (by (8.16) above)
dx2 dx2 dx dx dx x dz
Exercises 8.6
+ , + , + , + ,
d 1 dY 1 d dY
= 2 + 2 (by product rule)
dx x dz x dx dz
+ , + , + , 4+ 2 , + ,5
2 dY 1 dY dz
= 3
+ 2 2
(by chain rule)
x dz x dz dx
+ , + , + ,2 + 2 , + ,
2 dY 1 dY dz 1
= 3
+ 2 since = 2
x dz x dz 2 dx x
2 dY 1 d2 Y
= + .
x3 dz x4 dz 2
Hence, we have
d2 y dY 1 d2 Y dY d2 Y
x3 = 2 + = 2 + z . (8.18)
dx2 dz x dz 2 dz dz 2
By using the fact that Y (z) = y(x) and equations (8.17) and (8.18) above, we can now
transform the original dierential equation into the dierential equation
dY d2 Y dY
2 +z 2 + Y = 0 zY + 3Y Y = 0. (8.19)
dz dz dz
We will now solve this transformed dierential equation. To this end, we first note that
p(z) = zp(z) = 3,
q(z) z 2 g(z) = z.
Therefore, z = 0 is a regular singular point of this equation and so infinity is a regular singular
point of the original equation.
r(r 1) + 3r = 0 r(r + 2) = 0.
Hence, this indicial equation has roots r1 = 0 and r2 = 2. We seek a solution of the form
w(r, z) = an z n+r .
Chapter 8
Making the shift of index k = n 1 in the first two power series and k = n in the last power
series allows us to sum each power series over the same powers of z, namely z k+r . Thus, we
k+r n+r
(k + r)(k + r + 1)ak+1 z + 3(k + r + 1)ak+1 z ak z k+r = 0.
k=1 k=1 k=0
By removing the first term from the first two power series above, we can write these three
summations as a single power series. Therefore, we have
(r 1)ra0 z + (k + r)(k + r + 1)ak+1z k+r
r1 n+r
+3ra0 z + 3(k + r + 1)ak+1 z ak z k+r = 0
k=0 k=0
[(r 1)r + 3r] a0 z r1 + [(k + r)(k + r + 1)ak+1 + 3(k + r + 1)ak+1 ak ] z k+r = 0.
Equating coecients and assuming that a0 = 0 yields the indicial equation, (r 1)r + 3r = 0,
and the recurrence relation
Exercises 8.7
Since a0 is an arbitrary number, we see from this recurrence equation that the next three
coecients are given by
k=0 a1 = ,
a1 a0
k=1 a2 = = ,
8 24
a2 a0
k=2 a3 = = .
15 360
Thus, from the method of Frobenius, we obtain a power series solution for equation (8.19)
given by
H + ,
1n 1 2 1 3
Y (z) = w(0, z) = an z = a0 1 + z + z + z + .
3 24 360
In order to find the solution of the original dierential equation, we again make the substitution
z = 1/x and Y (z) = Y (x1 ) = y(x). Therefore, in the solution found above, we replace the
zs with 1/x to obtain the solution given by
+ ,
) 1 * 1 1 1 2 1 3
y(x) = Y x = a0 1 + x + x + x + .
3 24 360
3. In Problem 21 of Exercises 8.6, we found one power series solution for this dierential equation
about the point x = 0 given by
1 2 1 4 1
y1 (x) = 1 x + x x6 + ,
4 64 2304
where we let a0 = 1. We also found that the roots to the indicial equation are r1 = r2 = 0.
Thus, to find a second linearly independent solution about the regular singular point x = 0,
we will use part (b) of Theorem 7 on page 475 of the text. Therefore, we see that this second
linearly independent solution will have the form given by
y2 (x) = y1 (x) ln x + bn xn
y2 (x) = y1 (x) ln x 1
+ x y1 (x) + nbn xn1
Chapter 8
y2 (x) = y1 (x) ln x + 2x1 y1 (x) x2 y1 (x) + n(n 1)bn xn2 .
which simplifies to
x2 y1(x) ln x + 2xy1 (x) y1 (x) + n(n 1)bn xn
+xy1 (x) ln x + y1 (x) + n 2
nbn x + x y1 (x) ln x + bn xn+2 = 0,
n=1 n=1
) *
x2 y1(x) + xy1 (x) 2
+ x y1 (x) ln x + 2xy1 (x)
n n
+ n(n 1)bn x + nbn x + bn xn+2 = 0.
n=1 n=1 n=1
Therefore, since y1 (x) is a solution to the dierential equation, the term in braces is zero and
the above equation reduces to
2xy1 (x) + n(n 1)bn x + n n
nbn x + bn xn+2 = 0.
n=1 n=1 n=1
Next we make the substitution k = n + 2 in the last power series above and the substitution
k = n in the other two power series so that we can sum all three of the power series over the
same power of x, namely xk . Thus, we have
2xy1 (x) + k(k 1)bk x + k k
kbk x + bk2 xk = 0.
k=1 k=1 k=3
By separating out the first two terms in the first two summations above and simplifying, we
2xy1 (x) + 0 + 2b2 x + 2 k
k(k 1)bk x + b1 x + 2b2 x + 2 k
kbk x + bk2 xk = 0
k=3 k=3 k=3
Exercises 8.7
H ) *
2xy1 (x) + b1 x + 4b2 x2 + k 2 bk + bk2 xk = 0. (8.20)
b1 = 0;
4b2 1 = 0 b2 = ;
9b3 + b1 = 0 b3 = 0;
1 3
+ 16b4 + b2 = 0 b4 = ;
8 128
25b5 + b3 = 0 b5 = 0;
1 11
+ 36b6 + b4 = 0 b6 = .
192 13, 824
Substituting these coecients into the solution
y2 (x) = y1 (x) ln x + bn xn ,
1 2 3 4 11
y2 (x) = y1 (x) ln x +x x + x6 + .
4 128 13, 824
Thus, a general solution of this dierential equation is given by
1 2 1 4 1
y1 (x) = 1 x + x x6 + ,
4 64 2304
1 3 4 11
y2 (x) = y1 (x) ln x + x2 x + x6 + .
4 128 13, 824
Chapter 8
7. In Problem 25 of Section 8.6, we found a solution to this dierential equation about the regular
singular point x = 0 given by
H (1)n xn+(3/2) 1 5/2 1 7/2
y1 (x) = = x3/2 x + x + ,
2n1 (n + 2)! 6 48
where we let a0 = 1. We also found that the roots to the indicial equation for this problem
are r1 = 3/2 and r2 = 1/2, and so r1 r2 = 2. Thus, in order to find a second linearly
independent solution about x = 0, we will use part (c) of Theorem 7 on page 475 of the text.
Therefore, we will assume that this second solution has the form
y2 (x) = Cy1 (x) ln x + bn xn(1/2) , b0 = 0
H + ,
1 1
y2 (x)= Cy1 (x) ln x
+ C y1 (x) + n bn xn(3/2)
x n=0
H + ,+ ,
1 1 3 1
y2 (x) = Cy1 (x) ln x + 2C y1 (x) C 2 y1 (x) + n n bn xn(5/2) .
x x n=0
2 2
Exercises 8.7
which simplifies to
- .
C 4x2 y1 (x) + 2x2 y1 (x) xy1 (x) 3y1 (x) ln x + 8Cxy1 (x) + 2C(x 2)y1 (x)
+ (2n 3) (2n 1) bn x + (2n 1) bn xn+(1/2)
n=0 n=0
bn xn+(1/2) 3bn xn(1/2) = 0.
n=0 n=0
Since y1 (x) is a solution to the dierential equation, the term in brackets is zero. By shifting
indices so that each power series is summed over the same power of x, we have
8Cxy1 (x) + 2C(x 2)y1(x) + (2k 3) (2k 1) bk xk(1/2)
k(1/2) k(1/2)
+ (2k 3) bk1 x bk1 x 3bk xk(1/2) = 0.
k=1 k=1 k=0
By writing all of these summations as a single power series (noting that the k = 0 term of the
first and last summations add to zero), we obtain
8Cxy1 (x) + 2C(x 2)y1(x) + (2k 3) (2k 1) bk xk(1/2)
+ [(2k 3) (2k 1) bk + (2k 3) bk1 bk1 3bk ] xk(1/2) = 0.
Substituting into this equation the expressions for y1 (x) and y1 (x) given by
(1)n xn+(3/2) (1)n [n + (3/2)]xn+(1/2)
y1 (x) = , y1 (x) = ,
2n1 (n + 2)! n=0
2n1 (n + 2)!
8C(1)n [n + (3/2)]xn+(3/2) 2C(1)n xn+(5/2)
2n1 (n + 2)! n=0
2n1 (n + 2)!
4C(1)n xn+(3/2)
+ [4k(k 2)bk + 2(k 2)bk1 ] xk(1/2) = 0,
2n1 (n + 2)!
Chapter 8
where we have simplified the expression inside the last summation. Combining the first and
third power series yields
8C(1)n (n + 1)xn+(3/2) 2C(1)n xn+(5/2)
2n1 (n + 2)! n=0
2n1 (n + 2)!
+ [4k(k 2)bk + 2(k 2)bk1 ] xk(1/2) = 0, (8.21)
From this we see that b0 and b2 are arbitrary constants and that C = 0. Also, since C = 0, we
can use the last power series in (8.21) to obtain the recurrence equation bk = bk1 /(2k). Thus,
every coecient after b4 will depend only on b2 (not on b0 ). Substituting these coecients
into the solution,
y2 (x) = Cy1 (x) ln x + bn xn(1/2) ,
yields 4 5 4 5
1/2 1 1/2 3/2 1 5/2 1 7/2
y2 (x) = b0 x x + b2 x x + x +
2 6 48
The expression in the brackets following b2 is just the series expansion for y1 (x). Hence, in
order to obtain a second linearly independent solution, we must choose b0 to be nonzero.
Taking b0 = 1 and b2 = 0 gives
1 1/2
y2 (x) = x1/2 x .
Exercises 8.7
17. In Problem 35 of Section 8.6, we assumed that there exists a series solution to this problem of
the form w(r, x) = n=0 an x
. This led to the equation (cf. equation (8.15), of the solution
to Problem 35, Exercises 8.6)
2 r
/ 0
r (6r 5)a0 x + (k + r)2 [6(k + r) 5]ak + (k + r)ak1 xk+r = 0. (8.22)
From this we found the indicial equation r 2 (6r 5) = 0, which has roots r = 0, 0, 5/6. By
using the root 5/6, we found the solution w(5/6, x). Hence one solution is
where we have chosen a0 = 1 in w(5/6, x). We now seek two more linearly independent
solutions to this dierential equation. To find a second linearly independent solution, we will
use the root r = 0 and set the coecients in equation (8.22) to zero to obtain the recurrence
k 2 (6k 5)ak + kak1 = 0, k 1.
ak = , k 1.
k(6k 5)
Thus, we have
k=1 a1 = a0 ,
a1 a0
k=2 a2 = = ,
14 14
Chapter 8
a2 a0
k=3 a3 = = ,
39 546
a3 a0
k=4 a4 = = ,
76 41, 496
a4 a0
k=5 a5 = = .
125 5, 187, 000
Plugging these coecients into the solution w(0, x) and setting a0 = 1 yields a second linearly
independent solution
1 2 1 3 1 1
y2 (x) = 1 x + x x + x4 x5 + .
14 546 41, 496 5, 187, 000
To find a third linearly independent solution, we will use the repeated root r = 0 and assume
that, as in the case of second order equations with repeated roots, the solution that we seek
will have the form
y3 (x) = y2 (x) ln x + cn xn .
Exercises 8.7
By shifting indices and then starting all of the resulting power series at the same point, we
can combine all of the summations above into a single power series. Thus, we have
1 1 2 1
y2 (x) = 1 + x x + x3 + ,
7 182 10374
1 1 1
y2(x) = x+ x2 + .
7 91 3458
7 + c1 = 0 c1 = 7;
19/7 + 28c2 + 2c1 = 0 c2 = 117/196;
31/182 + 117c3 + 3c2 = 0 c3 = 4997/298116.
Chapter 8
x11/6 x17/6 x23/6
y1 (x) = x5/6 + + ,
11 374 25, 806
x2 x3 x4 x5
y2 (x) = 1 x + + + ,
14 546 41, 496 5, 187, 000
117x2 4997x3
y3 (x) = y2 (x) ln x + 7x + + .
196 298, 116
Exercises 8.7
ra0 xr1 + [(k + r)(k + r 1)ak + (k + r + 1)ak+1 2ak ] xk+r = 0,
where we have changed all of the indices and the starting point for the second summation so
that we could write these three power series as a single power series. By assuming that a0 = 0
and ra0 xr1 = 0, we see that r = 0. Plugging r = 0 into the coecients in the summation
and noting that each of these coecients must be zero yields the recurrence relation
Since each coecient is a multiple of the previous coecient, we see that an = 0 for n 3. If
we take a0 = 1, then one solution is
y1 (x) = 1 + 2x + 2x2 .
We will now use the reduction of order procedure described in Problem 31, Section 6.1, on
page 326 of the text to find a second linearly independent solution. Thus we seek for a solution
of the form
y(x) = y1 (x)v(x)
y (x) = y1 (x)v(x) + y1 (x)v (x)
y (x) = y1 (x)v(x) + 2y1 (x)v (x) + y1 (x)v (x).
Substituting y(x), y (x), and y (x) into the given equation yields
Chapter 8
(since y1 is a solution, the coecient at v equals to zero). With w = v , the last equation
becomes a first order separable equation which can be solved by methods of Section 2.2.
- . - .
x2 y1 (x) w (x) + 2x2 y1 (x) + y1 (x) w(x) = 0
+ ,
dw 2x2 y1 (x) + y1 (x) 2y (x) 1
= dx = + 2 dx
w x2 y1 (x) y1 (x) x
3 3
2y (x)dx dx 1
ln |w| = = 2 ln |y 1 (x)| +
y1 (x) x2 x
4 5
1 e1/x
w(x) = exp 2 ln |y1(x)| + = , (8.24)
x [y1 (x)]2
where we have taken zero integration constant and positive function w. Since
Exercises 8.8
1. For this problem, we see that = 1/2, + + 1/4, and = 2. First we note that is not
an integer. Next, by solving in the last two equations above simultaneously for and , we
see that either = 1 and = 1 or = 2 and = 1. Therefore, by assuming that = 1 and
= 2, equations (10) on page 485 and (17) on page 486 of the text yield the two solutions
+ , + ,
1 1/2 3 5 3
y1 (x) = F 1, 2; ; x and y2 (x) = x F , ; ;x .
2 2 2 2
Therefore, a general solution for this dierential equation is given by
+ , + ,
1 1/2 3 5 3
y(x) = c1 F 1, 2; ; x + c2 x F , ; ;x .
2 2 2 2
Notice that
()n ()n ()n ()n
F (, ; ; x) = 1 + xn = 1 + xn = F (, ; ; x).
n!()n n=0
Therefore, letting = 2 and = 1 yields an equivalent form of the same solution given by
+ , + ,
1 1/2 5 3 3
y(x) = c1 F 2, 1; ; x + c2 x F , ; ;x .
2 2 2 2
Chapter 8
15. In this problem = 1. Thus, one solution to this dierential equation is given by
(1)n # x %2n+1
y1 (x) = J1 (x) = .
n! (2 + n) 2
By the discussion on page 487 of the text, J1 (x) and J1 (x) are linearly dependent. Thus,
J1 (x) will not be a second linearly independent solution for this problem. But, a second
linearly independent solution will be given by equation (30) on page 488 of the text with
m = 1. That is we have
cos()J (x) J (x)
y2 (x) = Y1 (x) = lim .
1 sin()
Therefore, a general solution to this dierential equation is given by
21. Let y(x) = x J (x). Then, by equation (31) on page 488 of the text, we have
y (x) = x J1 (x).
Notice that in order to take the last derivative above, we have again used equation (31) on
page 488 of the text. By substituting these expressions into the left-hand side of the first
dierential equation given in the problem, we obtain
- .
xy + (1 2)y + xy = x x1 J1 (x) + x J2 (x) + (1 2) [x J1 (x)] + x [x J (x)]
= x J1 (x) + x+1 J2 (x) + x J1 (x) 2x J1 (x) + x+1 J (x). (8.25)
2( 1)
J (x) = J1 (x) J2 (x)
Exercises 8.8
Replacing x+1 J (x) in equation (8.25) with the above expression and simplifying yields
1 2 = 2 = .
Thus, a solution to this equation will be
H (1)n # x %2n+3/2
y(x) = x3/2 J3/2 (x) = x3/2 .
n!(5/2 + n) 2
29. In Legendre polynomials, n is a fixed nonnegative integer. Thus, in the first such polynomial,
n equals zero. Therefore, we see that [n/2] = [0/2] = 0 and, by equation (43) on page 491 of
the text, we have
(1)0 0! 0
P0 (x) = 20 x = 1.
Similarly, we have
4 5
1 (1)0 2! 1
n=1 =0 P1 (x) = 21 x = x,
2 1!0!1!
4 5 + ,
2 2 (1)0 4! 2 (1)1 2! 0 3x2 1
n=2 =1 P2 (x) = 2 x + x = ,
2 2!0!2! 1!1!0! 2
4 5 + ,
3 3 (1)0 6! 3 (1)1 4! 1 5x3 3x
n=3 =1 P3 (x) = 2 x + x = ,
2 3!0!3! 2!1!1! 2
4 5 + ,
4 4 (1)0 8! 4 (1)1 6! 2 (1)2 4! 0
n=4 =2 P4 (x) = 2 x + x + x
2 4!0!4! 3!1!2! 2!2!0!
35x4 30x2 + 3
= .
Chapter 8
37. Since the Taylor series expansion of an analytic function f (t) about t = 0 is given by
H f (n) (0)
f (t) = tn ,
we see that H(x) is just the nth derivative of y(t) = e2txt with respect to t evaluated at the
point t = 0 (treating x as a fixed parameter). Therefore, we have
y(t) = e2txt H0 (x) = y(0) = e0 = 1,
y (t) = (2x 2t)e2txt H1 (x) = y (0) = 2xe0 = 2x,
y (t) = [2 + (2x 2t)2 ] e2txt H2 (x) = y (0) = [2 + (2x)2 ] e0 = 4x2 2,
y (t) = [6(2x 2t) + (2x 2t)3 ] e2txt H3 (x) = y (0) = 8x3 12x.
39. To find the first four Laguerre polynomials, we need to find the first four derivatives of the
function y(x) = xn ex . Therefore, we have
y (0) (x) = xn ex ,
) *
y (x) = nxn1 xn ex ,
) *
y (x) = n(n 1)xn2 2nxn1 + xn ex ,
) *
y (x) = n(n 1)(n 2)xn3 3n(n 1)xn2 + 3nxn1 xn ex .
Substituting these expressions into Rodriguess formula and plugging in the appropriate values
of n yields
L0 (x) = x0 ex = 1,
ex - .
L1 (x) = 1x11 x1 ex = 1 x,
ex - . 2 4x + x2
L2 (x) = 2(2 1)x22 2 2x21 + x2 ex = ,
2! 2
ex - .
L3 (x) = 3(3 1)(3 2)x33 3 3(3 1)x32 + 3 3x31 x3 ex
6 18x + 9x2 x3
= .
Review Problems
approximating the solution to the given initial value problem, we need y(0), y (0), etc.
y(0) is provided by the initial condition, y(0) = 1. The value of y (0) can be deduced
from the dierential equation itself. We have
y = y + xy 2yy
y (0) = y(0) + (0)y (0) 2y(0)y (0) = (1) + (0)(1) 2(1)(1) = 3.
y = y + y + xy 2y y 2yy
y (0) = (1) + (1) + (0)(3) 2(1)(1) 2(1)(3) = 10.
1 3 10 3 3x2 5x3
p3 (x) = 1 + x + x2 + x = 1x+ .
1! 2! 3! 2 3
(b) The values of z(0) and z (0) are given. Namely, z(0) = 1 and z (0) = 1. Substituting
x = 0 into the given equation yields
z 3x2 z x3 z + z 2 + 2xzz = 0
Chapter 8
1 0 1 3 4 4 x3 x4
p4 (x) = 1 + x + x2 + x + x = 1 + x + .
1! 2! 3! 4! 6 6
3. (a) Since both p(x) = x2 and q(x) = 2 are analytic at x = 0, a general solution to the
given equation is also analytic at this point. Thus, it has an expansion
y= ak xk
y = kak xk1
y = k(k 1)ak xk2 .
Substituting these expansions for y, y , and y into the original equation yields
k2 2 k1
k(k 1)ak x +x kak x 2 ak xk = 0
k=2 k=1 k=0
k(k 1)ak xk2 + kak xk+1 2ak xk = 0.
k=2 k=1 k=0
We now shift the indices of summation so that all three sums contain like powers xn . In
the first sum, we let k 2 = n; in the second sum, let k + 1 = n; and let k = n in the
third sum. This yields
(n + 2)(n + 1)an+2 xn + (n 1)an1 xn 2an xn = 0.
n=0 n=2 n=0
Separating the terms corresponding to n = 0 and n = 1, and combining the rest under
one summation, we obtain
(2a2 2a0 ) + (6a3 2a1 ) x + [(n + 2)(n + 1)an+2 + (n 1)an1 2an ] xn = 0.
Review Problems
2a2 2a0 = 0,
6a3 2a1 = 0,
(n + 2)(n + 1)an+2 + (n 1)an1 2an = 0, n 2.
This yields
a1 2an (n 1)an1
a2 = a0 , a3 = , and an+2 = , n 2.
3 (n + 2)(n + 1)
y(x) = a0 + a1 x + a2 x2 + a3 x3 + = a0 + a1 x + a0 x2 + x3 +
+ , 3
) * x 3
= a0 1 + x2 + + a1 x + + .
5. Clearly, x = 2 is an ordinary point for the given equation because p(x) = x 2 and q(x) = 1
are analytic everywhere. Thus we seek for a solution of the form
w(x) = ak (x 2)k .
w + (x 2)w w = k(k 1)ak (x 2)k2 + (x 2) kak (x 2)k1
k=2 k=1
ak (x 2)k = 0
k(k 1)ak (x 2)k2 + kak (x 2)k ak (x 2)k = 0.
k=2 k=1 k=0
Chapter 8
n n n
2a2 + (n + 2)(n + 1)an+2 (x 2) + nan (x 2) a0 + an (x 2) =0
n=1 n=1 n=1
(2a2 a0 ) + [(n + 2)(n + 1)an+2 + nan an ] (x 2)n = 0,
where we have separated the terms corresponding to n = 0 and collected the rest under one
summation. In order that the above power series equals zero, it must have all zero coecients.
2a2 a0 = 0,
(n + 2)(n + 1)an+2 + nan an = 0, n1
a2 = a0 /2 ,
an+2 = (1 n)an /[(n + 2)(n + 1)] , n 1.
For n = 1 and n = 2, the last equation gives a3 = 0 and a4 = a2 /12 = a0 /24. Therefore,
7. (a) The point x = 0 is a regular singular point for the given equation because
5x 5 9x
p(x) = 2
= , q(x) = ,
x x x2
exist. The indicial equation (3) on page 461 of the text becomes
Review Problems
n2 an an1 = 0 or an = , n 1.
This recurrence relation yields
n = 1 : a1 = a0 /(1)2 = a0 ,
n = 2 : a2 = a1 /(2)2 = a0 /4 ,
n = 3 : a3 = a2 /(3)2 = (a0 /4) /9 = a0 /36 .
) *
y(x) = x3 a0 + a1 x + a2 x2 + a3 x3 +
# % + ,
3 a0 2 a0 3 3 4 x5 x6
= x a0 + a0 x + x + x + = a0 x + x + + + .
4 36 4 36
Chapter 8
CHAPTER 9: Matrix Methods for Linear Systems
EXERCISES 9.1: Introduction, page 507
Thus, by definition of the product of a matrix and column vector, the matrix form is given by
x 1 1 1 x
y = 1 0 2 y .
z 0 4 0 z
7. First we have to express the second derivative, y , as a first derivative in order to rewrite the
equation as a first order system. Denoting y by v we get
y = v, y = v,
or k b
mv + bv + ky = 0 v = y v.
m m
Expressing the right-hand side of each equation as a dot product, we obtain
4 5
k b k b
v = [0, 1] [y, v], y v = , [y, v].
m m m m
Thus, the matrix form of the system is
y 0 1 y
= .
v k/m b/m v
x1 = x, x2 = x , x3 = y, x4 = y ,
Chapter 9
x1 = x2 x1 = x2
x3 = x4 x2 = 3x1 2x3
x2 + 3x1 + 2x3 = 0 x3 = x4
x4 2x1 = 0 x4 = 2x1 .
3. By subtracting 2 times the first equation from the second, we eliminate x1 from the latter.
Similarly, x1 is eliminated from the third equation by subtracting the first equation from it.
So we get
x1 + 2x2 + x3 = 3, x1 + 2x2 + x3 = 3,
3x3 = 6, or x2 3x3 = 6,
x2 3x3 = 6 (interchanging last two equations) x3 = 2.
The second unknown, x2 , can be eliminated from the first equation by subtracting 2 times
the first one from it:
x1 + 7x3 = 15,
x2 3x3 = 6,
x3 = 2.
Exercises 9.2
Finally, we eliminate x3 from the first two equations by adding (7) times and 3 times,
respectively, the third equation. This gives
x1 = 1,
x2 = 0,
x3 = 2.
7. Subtracting 3 times the first equation from the second equation yields
x1 + 3x2 = 0,
0 = 0.
The last equation is trivially satisfied, so we ignore it. Thus, just one equation remains:
x1 + 3x2 = 0 x1 = 3x2 .
9. We eliminate x1 from the first equation by adding (1 i) times the second equation to it:
[2 (1 + i)(1 i)]x2 = 0,
x1 (1 + i)x2 = 0.
0 = 0, 1 1 + i
x2 = x1 = x1 .
x1 (1 + i)x2 = 0 1+i 2
Assigning an arbitrary complex value to x1 , say 2s, we see that the system has infinitely many
solutions given by
11. It is slightly more convenient to put the last equation at the top:
x1 + x2 + 5x3 = 0,
2x1 + x3 = 1,
3x1 + x2 + 4x3 = 1.
Chapter 9
We then eliminate x1 from the second equation by adding 2 times the first one to it; and by
subtracting 3 times the first equation from the third, we eliminate x1 in the latter.
x1 + x2 + 5x3 = 0,
2x2 11x3 = 1,
2x2 + 11x3 = 1.
Now we add the second equation to each of the remaining, and obtain
2x1 x3 = 1,
2x1 x3 = 1,
2x2 11x3 = 1, or
2x2 11x3 = 1.
(2 r)x1 3x2 = 0,
x1 (2 + r)x2 = 0.
The variable x1 can be eliminated from the first equation by subtracting (2 r) times the
second equation:
[3 + (2 r)(2 + r)]x2 = 0, (1 r 2 ) x2 = 0,
x1 (2 + r)x2 = 0 x1 (2 + r)x2 = 0.
Exercises 9.3
If r = 1 or r = 1, then the first equation in the latter system becomes trivial 0 = 0, and the
system degenerates to
x1 (2 + r)x2 = 0 x1 = (2 + r)x2 .
Therefore, there are infinitely many solutions to the given system of the form
x1 = (2 + r)s, x2 = s, s (, ), r = 1 .
x1 = 3s, x2 = s, s (, ).
13. Authors note: We will use Ri + cRj Rk to denote the row operation add row i to c times
row j and place the result into row k. We will use cRj Rk to denote the row operation
multiply row j by c and place the result into row k.
As in Example 1 on page 517 of the text, we will perform row-reduction on the matrix [A|I].
Thus, we have
2 1 1 1 1 0 0
[A|I] =
2 1 0 11 0 1 0
3 1 1 1 0 0 1
Chapter 9
2 1 1 1 1 0 0
R2 + R1 R2 1
0 0 1 1 1 1 0
2R3 + 3R1 R3 1
0 1 1 1 3 0 2
2 0 0 1 2 0 2
R1 R3 R1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
0 1 1 1 3 0 2
R1 /2 R1 1 0 0 1 1 0 1
R3 R2 0 1 1 11 3 0 2
R2 R3 0 0 1 1 1 1 0
1 0 0 1 1 0 1
R2 + R3 R2 0 1 0 11 2 1 2
0 0 1 1 1 1 0
To check the algebra, its a good idea to multiply A by A1 to verify that the product is the
identity matrix.
19. Authors note: We will use Ri + cRj Rk to denote the row operation add row i to c times
row j and place the result into row k. We will use cRj Rk to denote the row operation
multiply row j by c and place the result into row k.
To find the inverse matrix X1 (t), we will again use the method of Example 1 on page 517 of
the text. Thus, we start with
et et e2t 1 1 0 0
[X(t)|I] = t
e e
2e2t 11 0 1 0
et et 4e2t 1 0 0 1
Exercises 9.3
t t 2t 1
e e e 1 1 0 0
R2 R1 R2 1
0 2et e2t 11 1 1 0
R3 R1 R3
0 0 3e2t 1 1 0 1
et et e2t 1 1 0 0
R2 /2 R2 1
0 et e2t /2 11 1/2 1/2 0
R3 /3 R3
2t 11
0 0 e 1/3 0 1/3
t 1
et e 0 1 4/3 0 1/3
R1 R3 R1 1
0 et 1
0 1 1/3 1/2 1/6
R2 R3 /2 R2
2t 11
0 0 e 1/3 0 1/3
et 0 0 1 1 1/2 1/2
R1 R2 R1 0 et 0 11 1/3 1/2 1/6
0 0 e2t 1 1/3 0 1/3
et R1 R1 1 0 0 1 et et /2 et /2
et R2 R2 0 1 0 11 et /3 et /2 et /6
e2t R3 R3 0 0 1 1 e2t /3 0 e2t /3
23. We will calculate this determinant by first finding its cofactor expansion about row 1. There-
fore, we have 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 0 0 1 1 1
1 1
1 3 1 2 1 = (1) 11 1 2 1
1 0 + 0 = 2 10 = 12.
1 1 1 5 2 1
1 1
1 1 5 2 1
37. We first calculate X (t) by dierentiating each entry of X(t). Therefore, we have
2t 3t
2e 3e
X (t) = .
2e2t 6e3t
Chapter 9
Thus, substituting the matrix X(t) into the dierential equation and performing matrix mul-
tiplication yields
2e2t 3e3t 1 1 e2t e3t e2t + e2t e3t + 2e3t
= = .
2e2t 6e3t 2 4 e2t 2e3t 2e2t 4e2t 2e3t 8e3t
Since this equation is true, we see that X(t) does satisfy the given dierential equation.
39. (a) To calculate A(t) dt, we integrate each entry of A(t) to obtain
3 L ? ? , M L 2 M
t dt e dt t /2 + c1 et + c2
A(t) dt = ? ? , = .
1 dt e dt t + c3 et + c4
(c) By the product rule on page 521 of the text, we see that
[A(t)B(t)] = A(t)B (t) + A (t)B(t).
Therefore, we first calculate A (t) and B (t) by dierentiating each entry of A(t) and
B(t), respectively, to obtain
1 e sin t cos t
A (t) = and B (t) = .
0 et cos t sin t
Hence, by matrix multiplication we have
[A(t)B(t)] = A(t)B (t) + A (t)B(t)
dt L ML M L ML M
t et sin t cos t 1 et cos t sin t
= +
1 et cos t sin t 0 et sin t cos t
et cos t t sin t t cos t et sin t cos t + et sin t et cos t sin t
= +
et cos t sin t cos t et sin t et sin t et cos t
(1 + et ) cos t + (et t) sin t (et t) cos t (et + 1) sin t
= .
et cos t + (et 1) sin t (et 1) cos t et sin t
Exercises 9.4
1. To write this system in matrix form, we will define the vectors x(t) = col[x(t), y(t)] (which
means that x (t) = col[x (t), y (t)]) and f(t) = col[t2 , et ], and the matrix
3 1
A(t) = .
1 2
We can see that this equation is equivalent to the original system by performing matrix
multiplication and addition to obtain the vector equation
x (t) 3x(t) y(t) t2 3x(t) y(t) + t2
= + = .
y (t) x(t) + 2y(t) et x(t) + 2y(t) + et
Since two vectors are equal only when their corresponding components are equal, we see that
this vector equation implies that
5. This equation can be written as a first order system in normal form by using the substitutions
x1 (t) = y(t) and x2 (t) = y (t). With these substitutions this dierential equation becomes the
x1 (t) = 0 x1 (t) + x2 (t),
x2 (t) = 10x1 (t) + 3x2 (t) + sin t.
We can then write this system as a matrix dierential equation by defining the vectors x(t) =
col[x1 (t), x2 (t)] (which means that x (t) = col[x1 (t), x2 (t)]), f(t) = col[0, sin t], and the matrix
0 1
A= .
10 3
Chapter 9
Hence, the system above in normal form becomes the dierential equation given in matrix
form by
x1 (t) 0 1 x1 (t) 0
= + .
x2 (t) 10 3 x2 (t) sin t
(As in Problem 1 above, we can see that this equation in matrix form is equivalent to the
system by performing matrix multiplication and addition and then noting that corresponding
components of equal vectors are equal.)
7. This equation can be written as a first order system in normal form by using the substitutions
x1 (t) = w(t), x2 (t) = w (t), x3 (t) = w (t), and x4 (t) = w (t). With these substitutions this
dierential equation becomes the system
We can then write this system as a matrix dierential equation x = Ax by defining the vectors
x(t) = col[x1 (t), x2 (t), x3 (t), x4 (t)] (which means that x (t) = col[x1 (t), x2 (t), x3 (t), x4 (t)]),
f(t) = col[0, 0, 0, t2], and the matrix
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1
1 0 0 0
That is, the given fourth order dierential equation is equivalent to the matrix system
x1 (t) 0 1 0 0 x1 (t) 0
x2 (t) 0 0 1 0 x2 (t) 0
= + .
3 (t) 0 0 0 1 3x (t) 0
x4 (t) 1 0 0 0 x4 (t) t2
Exercises 9.4
17. Notice that by scalar multiplication these vector functions can be written as
e2t e2t 0
0 , e2t , e3t .
5e2t e2t 0
Thus, as in Example 2 on page 526 of the text, we will prove that these vectors are linearly
independent by showing that the only way that we can have
e2t e2t 0
c1 2t
0 + c2 e + c3 e
3t =0
5e2t e2t 0
for all t in (, ) is for c1 = c2 = c3 = 0. Since the equation above must be true for all t,
it must be true for t = 0. Thus, c1 , c2 , and c3 must satisfy
1 1 0
c1 0
+ c2
1 + c3 1
= 0,
5 1 0
which is equivalent to the system
c1 + c2 = 0,
c2 + c3 = 0,
5c1 c2 = 0.
By solving the first and last of these equations simultaneously, we see that c1 = c2 = 0.
Substituting these values into the second equation above yields c3 = 0. Therefore, the original
set of vectors must be linearly independent on the interval (, ).
21. Since it is given that these vectors are solutions to the system x (t) = Ax(t), in order to
determine whether they are linearly independent, we need only calculate their Wronskian.
If their Wronskian is never zero, then these vectors are linearly independent and so form a
fundamental solution set. If the Wronskian is identically zero, then the vectors are linearly
dependent, and they do not form a fundamental solution set. Thus, we observe
1 1
1 t t 1
1 e e e3t 1
1 1
W [x1 , x2 , x3 ] (t) = 11 2et 0 e3t 11
1 t t 1
1 e e 2e3t 1
Chapter 9
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 0 e3t 1 1 2et e3t 1 1 2et 0 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
= et 1 t 1 et 1 t 1 + e3t 1 t t 1
1 e 2e 13t 1 e 2e 1
3t 1 e e 1
) * ) *
= et 0 + e4t et 4e2t + e2t + e3t (2 0) = 2e3t = 0,
where we have used cofactors to calculate the determinant. Therefore, this set of vectors
is linearly independent and so forms a fundamental solution set for the system. Thus, a
fundamental matrix is given by
t t 3t
e e e
X(t) = 2et
0 e3t
et et 2e3t
27. In order to show that X(t) is a fundamental matrix for the system, we must first show that
each of its column vectors is a solution. Thus, we substitute each of the vectors
6et 3e2t 2e3t
x1 (t) =
e t ,
x2 (t) = e2t ,
x 3 (t) = e3t
t 2t 3t
5e e e
Exercises 9.4
0 6 0 2e3t 6e3t
Ax3 (t) =
1 0 1 e3t = 3e3t = x3 (t).
1 1 0 e3t 3e3t
Therefore, each column vector of X(t) is a solution to the system on (, ).
Next we must show that these vectors are linearly independent. Since they are solutions to a
dierential equation in matrix form, it is enough to show that their Wronskian is never zero.
Thus, we find
1 1
1 t 2t 3t 1
1 6e 3e 2e 1
1 1
W (t) = 1 e t
e 11
1 1
1 5et e2t e3t 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 e2t e3t 1 1 et e3t 1 1 et e2t 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
= 6et 1 2t 3t 1 + 3e2t 1 1 + 2e3t 1 1
1 e e 1 1 5et
e 1
3t 1 5et
e2t 1
) * ) * ) *
= 6et et et + 3e2t e2t + 5e2t + 2e3t e3t + 5e3t = 20 = 0,
where we have used cofactors to calculate the determinant. Hence, these three vectors are
linearly independent. Therefore, X(t) is a fundamental matrix for this system.
We will now find the inverse of the matrix X(t) by performing row-reduction on the matrix
Thus, we have
6et 3e2t 2e3t 1 1 0 0
[X(t)|I] =
et e2t e3t 11 0 1 0
t 2t 3t 11
5e e e 0 0 1
t 2t 3t 1
e e e 1 0 1 0
R2 R1 1
3e 2t
2e3t 11 1 0 0
R1 R2
t 2t 3t 11
5e e e 0 0 1
et e2t e3t 1 0 1 0
R2 6R1 R2 1
0 3e2t 8e3t 11 1 6 0
R3 + 5R1 R3
0 4e2t 4e3t 1 0 5 1
Chapter 9
t 2t 1
e e e 1 0 1 0
R3 /4 R2 1
0 e2t e3t 11 0 5/4 1/4
R2 R3
0 3e2t 8e3t 1 1 6 0
et 0 0 1 0 1/4 1/4
R1 + R2 R1 1
0 e2t e3t 11 0 5/4 1/4
R3 3R2 R3
3t 11
0 0 5e 1 9/4 3/4
et 0 0 1 0 1/4 1/4
1 1
R3 R3 0 e2t 3t 1
e 1 0 5/4 1/4
3t 11
0 0 e 1/5 9/20 3/20
et 0 0 1 0 1/4 1/4
R2 R3 R2 0 e2t 0 11 1/5 4/5 2/5
0 0 e3t 1 1/5 9/20 3/20
et R1 R1 1 0 0 1 0 et /4 et /4
e2t R2 R2 0 1 0 11 e2t /5 4e2t /5 2e2t /5 .
e3t R3 R3 0 0 1 1 e3t /5 9e3t /20 3e3t /20
We now can use Problem 26 to find the solution to this dierential equation for any initial
value. For the initial value given here we note that t0 = 0. Thus, substituting t0 = 0 into the
matrix X1 (t) above yields
0 1/4 1/4
X1 (0) =
1/5 2/5
4/5 .
1/5 9/20 3/20
Exercises 9.4
6et 3e2t 2e3t 0 1/4 1/4 1
e2t e3t 1/5
4/5 2/5
5et e2t e3t 1/5 9/20 3/20 1
6et 3e2t 2e3t 1/4 (3/2)et + (3/5)e2t (1/10)e3t
e2t e3t 1/5
= (1/4)et (1/5)e2t (1/20)e3t
5et e2t e3t 1/20 (5/4)et (1/5)e2t (1/20)e3t
There are two short cuts that can be taken to solve the given problem. First, since we only
need X1 (0), it suces to compute the inverse of X(0), not X(t). Second, by producing
X1 (t) we automatically know that det X(0) = 0 and hence X(t) is a fundamental matrix.
Thus, it was not really necessary to compute the Wronskian.
33. Let (t) be an arbitrary solution to the system x (t) = A(t)x(t) on the interval I. We want
to find c = col(c1 , c2 , . . . , cn ) so that
where X(t) is the fundamental matrix whose columns are the vectors x1 , x2 , . . . , xn , this
equation can be written as
(t) = X(t)c (9.1)
Since x1 , x2 , . . . , xn are linearly independent solutions of the system x (t) = A(t)x(t), their
Wronskian is never zero. Therefore, as was discussed on page 528 of the text, X(t) has an
inverse at each point in I. Thus, at t0 , a point in I, X1 (t0 ) exists and equation (9.1) becomes
Hence, if we define c0 to be the vector c0 = X1 (t0 ) (t0 ), then equation (9.1) is true at the
point t0 (i. e. (t0 ) = X(t0 )X1 (t0 )(t0 )). To see that, for this definition of c0 , equation
(9.1) is true for all t in I (and so this is the vector that we seek), notice that (t) and X(t)c0
Chapter 9
are both solutions to same initial value problem (with the initial value given at the point t0 ).
Therefore, by the uniqueness of solutions, Theorem 2 on page 525 of the text, these solutions
must be equal on I, which means that (t) = X(t)c0 for all t in I.
EXERCISES 9.5: Homogeneous Linear Systems with Constant Coecients, page 541
Thus, the eigenvalues of this matrix are r = 1, 2, 2. Substituting the eigenvalue r = 1, into
equation (A rI)u = 0 yields
0 0 0 u1 0
(A I)u =
0 1 2
u2 = 0 ,
0 2 1 u3 0
Exercises 9.5
13. We must first find the eigenvalues and eigenvectors associated with the given matrix A. Thus,
we note that the characteristic equation for this matrix is given by
1 1
1 1
1 1r 2 2 1
1 1
|A rI| = 11 2 r 3 11 = 0
1 1
1 2 3 r 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 r 3 1 1 2 3 1 1 2 r 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
(1 r) 1 1 21 1 +21 1=0
1 3 r 1 1 2 r 1 1 2 3 1
) *
(1 r) r 2 9 2(2r 6) + 2(6 + 2r) = (1 r)(r 2)(r + 2) = 0
(r + 3)[(1 r)(r 3) + 8] = 0 (r + 3)(r 5)(r + 1) = 0.
Chapter 9
where we have obtained the last equation above by using elementary row operations. This
equation is equivalent to the system u1 = 0, u2 = u3 . Hence, if we let u3 have the arbitrary
value s1 , then we see that, for the matrix A, the eigenvectors associated with the eigenvalue
r = 3 are given by
Thus, if we choose s1 = 1, then vector u1 = col(0, 1, 1) is one eigenvector associated with this
eigenvalue. For the eigenvalue r = 1, we must find a vector u which satisfies the equation
(A + I)u = 0. Thus, we see that
2 2 2 u1 0 1 2 0 u1 0
(A + I)u =
2 1 3 u2 = 0
0 1 1 u2 = 0 ,
2 3 1 u3 0 0 0 0 u3 0
By letting s2 = 1, we find that one such vector will be the vector u2 = col(2, 1, 1). In
order to find an eigenvector associated with the eigenvalue r = 5, we will solve the equation
(A 5I)u = 0. Thus, we have
4 2 2 u1 0 1 0 1 u1 0
(A 5I)u =
2 5 3
u2 = 0
0 1 1 u2 = 0 ,
2 3 5 u3 0 0 0 0 u3 0
Exercises 9.5
Hence, by letting s3 = 1, we see that one such vector will be the vector u3 = col(1, 1, 1).
Therefore, by Corollary 1 on page 538 of the text, we see that a fundamental solution set for
this equation is given by
/ 3t 0
e u1 , et u2 , e5t u3 .
21. A fundamental matrix for this system has three columns which are linearly independent
solutions. Therefore, we will first find three such solutions. To this end, we will first find the
eigenvalues for the matrix A by solving the characteristic equation given by
1 1
1 1
1 r 1 0 1
1 1
|A rI| = 11 0 r 1 11 = 0
1 1
1 8 14 7 r 1
1 1 1 1
1 r 1 11 11 0 1 11
r 1 11 1=0
1 14 7 r 1 1 8 7 r 1
r 3 7r 2 + 14r 8 = 0 (r 1)(r 2)(r 4) = 0.
Hence, this matrix has three distinct eigenvalues, r = 1, 2, 4, and, according to Theorem 6
on page 538 of the text, the eigenvectors associated with these eigenvalues will be linearly
independent. Thus, these eigenvectors will be used in finding the three linearly independent
solutions which we seek. To find an eigenvector, u = col(u1 , u2 , u3), associated with the
eigenvalue r = 1, we will solve the equation (A I)u = 0. Therefore, we have
1 1 0 u1 0 1 0 1 u1 0
(A I)u = 0 1 = 0 = 0 ,
1 u2 0 1 1 u2
8 14 6 u3 0 0 0 0 u3 0
Chapter 9
by the vector u1 = col(1, 1, 1). To find an eigenvector associated with the eigenvalue r = 2,
we solve the equation
2 1 0 u1 0 4 0 1 u1 0
(A 2I)u = 0 2 1 u2 = 0
0 2 1 u2 = 0 ,
8 14 5 u3 0 0 0 0 u3 0
which is equivalent to the system 4u1 = u3 , 2u2 = u3 . Hence, letting u3 = 4 implies that
u1 = 1 and u2 = 2. Therefore, one eigenvector associated with the eigenvalue r = 2 is the
vector u2 = col(1, 2, 4). In order to find an eigenvector associated with the eigenvalue r = 4,
we will solve the equation
4 1 0 u1 0 16 0 1 u1 0
(A4I)u = 0 4 1
u2 = 0
0 4 1 u2 = 0 ,
8 14 3 u3 0 0 0 0 u3 0
which is equivalent to the system 16u1 = u3 , 4u2 = u3. Therefore, letting u3 = 16 implies
that u1 = 1 and u2 = 4. Thus, one eigenvector associated with the eigenvalue r = 4 is the
vector u3 = col(1, 4, 16). Therefore, by Theorem 5 on page 536 of the text (or Corollary 1),
we see that three linearly independent solutions of this system are given by et u1 , e2t u2 , and
e4t u3 . Thus, a fundamental matrix for this system will be the matrix
et e2t e4t
et 2e2t 4e4t .
t 2t 4t
e 4e 16e
33. Since the coecient matrix for this system is a 3 3 real symmetric matrix, by the discussion
on page 540 of the text, we know that we can find three linearly independent eigenvectors for
this matrix. Therefore, to find the solution to this initial value problem, we must first find
three such eigenvectors. To do this we first find eigenvalues for this matrix. Therefore, we
solve the characteristic equation given by
1 1
1 1
1 1r 2 1 2
1 1
|A rI| = 11 2 1 r 2 11 = 0
1 1
1 2 2 1 r 1
Exercises 9.5
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1 r 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 2 1 r 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
(1 r) 1 1+21 1 +21 1=0
1 2 1 r 1 1 2 1r 1 1 2 2 1
- .
(1 r) (1 r)2 4 + 2 [2(1 r) + 4] + 2 [4 2(1 r)] = 0
(1 r)(r 3)(r + 1) + 8(r + 1) = (r + 1)(r 5)(r + 1) = 0.
Chapter 9
To find a solution which satisfies the initial condition, we must solve the equation
1 1 1 1 1 1 c1 2
x(0) = c1
1 + c2 1 + c 3 0
1 1
0 c2 = 3 .
1 0 1 1 0 1 c3 2
This equation can be solved by either using elementary row operations on the augmented
matrix associated with this equation or by solving the system
c1 + c2 c3 = 2,
c1 + c2 = 3,
c1 + c3 = 2.
37. (a) In order to find the eigenvalues for the matrix A, we will solve the characteristic equation
1 1
1 1
1 2r 1 6 1
1 1
|A rI| = 11 0 2r 5 11 = 0 (2 r)3 = 0.
1 1
1 0 0 2r 1
Exercises 9.5
Thus, r = 2 is an eigenvalue of multiplicity three. To find the eigenvectors for the matrix
A associated with this eigenvalue, we solve the equation
0 1 6 u1 0
(A 2I)u = 0 0 5
u2 = 0 .
0 0 0 u3 0
will solve this equation and will, thus, be an eigenvector for the matrix A. We also notice
that the vectors u = scol(1, 0, 0) are the only vectors that will solve this equation, and,
hence, they will be the only eigenvectors for the matrix A.
(b) By taking s = 1, we find that, for the matrix A, one eigenvector associated with the
eigenvalue r = 2 will be the vector u1 = col(1, 0, 0). Therefore, by the way eigenvalues
and eigenvectors were defined (as was discussed in the text on page 533), we see that
one solution to the system x = Ax will be given by the vector
x1 (t) = e2t u1 = e2t
(c) We know that u1 = col(1, 0, 0) is an eigenvector for the matrix A associated with the
eigenvalue r = 2. Thus, u1 satisfies the equation
will be a second solution to the system x = Ax. To do this, we will first show that
x2 will satisfy the equation x = Ax if and only if the vector u2 satisfies the equation
Chapter 9
where we have used the fact that u1 and u2 are constant vectors. We also have
Ax2 (t) = A (te2t u1 + e2t u2 )
= A (te2t u1 ) + A (e2t u2 ) , distributive property of matrix multiplication
(page 515 of the text)
= te2t (Au1 ) + e2t (Au2 ) , associative property of matrix multiplication
(page 515 of the text)
= 2te2t u1 + e2t Au2 , by equation (9.4) above.
Thus, if x2 (t) is to be a solution to the given system we, must have
By dividing both sides of this equation by the nonzero term e2t , we obtain
Since all of these steps are reversible, if a vector u2 satisfies this last equation, then
x2 (t) = te2t u1 + e2t u2 will be a solution to the system x = Ax. Now we can use the
formula (A 2I)u2 = u1 to find the vector u2 = col(v1 , v2 , v3 ). Hence, we solve the
0 1 6 v1 1
(A 2I)u2 = 0 0 5 v2 = 0
0 0 0 v3 0
This equation is equivalent to the system v2 +6v3 = 1, 5v3 = 0, which implies that v2 = 1,
v3 = 0. Therefore, the vector u2 = col(0, 1, 0) will satisfy the equation (A 2I)u2 = u1
and, thus,
1 0
x2 (t) = te2t 0
+ e2t 1
0 0
Exercises 9.5
will be a second solution to the given system. We can see by inspection x2 (t) and
x1 (t) = e2t u1 are linearly independent.
(d) To find a third linearly independent solution to this system we will try to find a solution
of the form x3 (t) = e2t u1 + te2t u2 + e2t u3 , where u3 is a constant vector that we must
find, and u1 and u2 are the vectors that we found in parts (b) and (c), respectively.
To find the vector u3 , we will proceed as we did in part (c) above. We will first show
that x3 (t) will be a solution to the given system if and only if the vector u3 satisfies the
equation (A 2I)u3 = u2 . To do this we observe that
(A 2I)u2 = u1 Au2 = u1 + 2u2 , (9.6)
we have
+ ,
t2 2t
Ax3 (t) = A e u1 + te2t u2 + e2t u3
+ ,
t2 2t
= A e u1 + A (te2t u2 ) + +A (e2t u3 ) , distributive property
t2 2t
= e (Au1 ) + te2t (Au2 ) + e2t (Au3 ) , associative property
t2 2t
= e (2u1 ) + te2t (u1 + 2u2 ) + e2t Au3 , equations (9.5) and (9.6)
Chapter 9
te2t u1 + t2 e2t u1 + e2t u2 + 2te2t u2 + 2e2t u3 = t2 e2t u1 + te2t u1 + 2te2t u2 + e2t Au3
e2t u2 + 2e2t u3 = e2t Au3
u2 + 2u3 = Au3
(A 2I)u3 = u2 .
Again since these steps are reversible, we see that, if a vector u3 satisfies the equation
(A 2I)u3 = u2 , then the vector
t2 2t
x3 (t) = e u1 + te2t u2 + e2t u3
will be a third linearly independent solution to the given system. Thus, we can use this
equation to find the vector u3 = col(v1 , v2 , v3 ). Hence, we solve
0 1 6 v1 0
(A 2I)u3 = 0 0 5 v2 = 1
0 0 0 v3 0
This equation is equivalent to the system v2 + 6v3 = 0, 5v3 = 1, which implies that
v3 = 1/5, v2 = 6/5. Therefore, if we let u3 = col(0, 6/5, 1/5), then
1 0 0
t2 2t
x3 (t) = e 0
+ te
0 0 1/5
will be a third solution to the given system and we see by inspection that this solution
is linearly independent from the solutions x1 (t) and x2 (t).
43. According to Problem 42, we will look for solutions of the form x(t) = tr u, where r is an
eigenvalue for the coecient matrix and u is an associated eigenvector. To find the eigenvalues
Exercises 9.5
Therefore, the coecient matrix has the eigenvalues r = 2, 4. Since these are distinct eigen-
values, Theorem 6 on page 538 of the text assures us that their associated eigenvectors will
be linearly independent. To find an eigenvector u = col(u1, u2 ) associated with the eigenvalue
r = 2, we solve the system
1 3 u1 0
(A 2I)u = = ,
1 3 u2 0
Chapter 9
Clearly the solutions x1 (t) and x2 (t) are linearly independent. So the general solution to the
given system with t > 0 will be
3 1 3t2 t4
x(t) = c1 t2 + c2 t4 = c1 + c2 .
1 1 t2 t4
3. To find the eigenvalues for the matrix A, we solve the characteristic equation given by
1 1
1 1
1 1r 2 1 1
1 1
|A rI| = 11 0 1r 1 11 = 0
1 1
1 0 1 1 r 1
1 1
1 1r 1 1
1 1
(1 r) 1 10+0=0
1 1 1 r 1
- . ) *
(1 r) (1 r)2 + 1 = (1 r) r 2 2r + 2 = 0.
By this equation and the quadratic formula, we see that the roots to the characteristic equation
and, therefore, the eigenvalues for the matrix A are r = 1, and r = 1i. To find an eigenvector
u = col(u1, u2 , u3 ) associated with the real eigenvalue r = 1, we solve the system
0 2 1 u1 0
(A I)u = 0 0 1
u2 = 0 ,
0 1 0 u3 0
which implies that u2 = 0, u3 = 0. Therefore, we can set u1 arbitrarily to any value, say
u1 = s. Then the vectors
will satisfy the above equation and, therefore, be eigenvectors for the matrix A. Hence, if we
set s = 1, we see that one eigenvector associated with the eigenvalue r = 1 will be the vector
u1 = col(1, 0, 0). Therefore, one solution to the given system will be
x1 (t) = e u1 = e 0
t t
Exercises 9.6
where we have used the fact that i2 = 1. Hence, eigenvectors associated with the eigenvalue
r = 1+i will be z = scol(12i, 1, i). By taking s = 1, we see that one eigenvector associated
with this eigenvalue will be the vector
1 2i 1 2
z1 =
1 = 1 + i 0 .
i 0 1
Thus, by the notation on page 545 of the text, we have = 1, = 1, a = col(1, 1, 0), and
b = col(2, 0, 1). Therefore, according to formulas (6) and (7) on page 546 of the text, two
more linearly independent solutions to the given system will be given by
x2 (t) = (et cos t)a (et sin t)b and x3 (t) = (et sin t)a + (et cos t)b.
Hence, the general solution to the system given in this problem will be
Chapter 9
7. In order to find a fundamental matrix for this system, we must first find three linearly indepen-
dent solutions. Thus, we seek the eigenvalues for the matrix A by solving the characteristic
equation given by
1 1
1 1
1 r 0 1 1
1 1
|A rI| = 11 0 r 1 11 = 0
1 1
1 0 1 r 1
1 1
1 r 1 1 ) *
1 1
r 1 10+0 =0 r r 2 + 1 = 0.
1 1 r 1
Hence, the eigenvalues for the matrix A will be r = 0 and r = i. To find an eigenvector
u = col(u1, u2 , u3 ) associated with the real eigenvalue r = 0, we solve the equation
0 0 1 u1 0
(A 0I)u = 0 0 1
= 0 ,
0 1 0 u3 0
which is equivalent to the system u3 = 0, u2 = 0. Thus, if we let u1 have the arbitrary value
u1 = s, then the vectors
will satisfy this equation and will, therefore, be eigenvectors for the matrix A associated with
the eigenvalue r = 0. Hence, by letting s = 1, we find that one of these eigenvectors will be
the vector u = col(1, 0, 0). Thus, one solution to the given system will be
x1 (t) = e u =
0 .
To find two more linearly independent solutions for this system, we will first look for an
eigenvector associated with the complex eigenvalue r = i. That is, we seek a vector, say,
z = col(z1 , z2 , z3 ) which satisfies the equation
i 0 1 z1 0
(A iI)z =
0 i 1 z2 = 0
0 1 i z3 0
Exercises 9.6
Thus, if we let z3 be any arbitrary value, say z3 = is, (which means that we must have z1 = s
and z2 = s), then we see that the vectors, given by
will be eigenvectors for the matrix A associated with the eigenvalue r = i. Therefore, by
letting s = 1, we find that one of these eigenvectors will be the vector
1 1 0
z= 1
= 1 + i 0 .
i 0 1
From this, by the notation given on page 546 of the text, we see that = 0, = 1, a =
col(1, 1, 0), and b = col(0, 0, 1). Therefore, by formulas (6) and (7) on page 546 of the text,
two more linearly independent solutions for this system will be
cos t 0 cos t
x2 (t) = (cos t)a (sin t)b = cos t 0 = cos t
0 sin t sin t
sin t 0 sin t
x3 (t) = (sin t)a + (cos t)b =
sin t + 0 = sin t .
0 cos t cos t
Finally, since a fundamental matrix for the system given in this problem must have three
columns which are linearly independent solutions of the system, we see that such a funda-
mental matrix will be given by the matrix
1 cos t sin t
X(t) =
0 cos t sin t
0 sin t cos t
Chapter 9
17. We will assume that t > 0. According to Problem 42 in Exercises 9.5, a solution to this
Cauchy-Euler system will have the form x(t) = tr u, where r is an eigenvalue for the coecient
matrix of the system and u is an eigenvector associated with this eigenvalue. Therefore, we
first must find the eigenvalues for this matrix by solving the characteristic equation given by
1 1
1 1
1 1 r 1 0 1
1 1
|A rI| = 11 2 1 r 1 1=0
1 1
1 0 1 1 r 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 r 1 1 1 2 1 1
1 1 1 1
(1 r) 1 1+1 1=0
1 1 1 r 1 1 0 1 r 1
- . ) *
(1 r) (1 r)2 1 + 2(1 r) = (1 + r) r 2 + 2r + 2 = 0.
From this equation and by using the quadratic formula, we see that the eigenvalues for this
coecient matrix will be r = 1, 1 i. The eigenvectors associated with the real eigenvalue
r = 1 will be the vectors u = col(u1 , u2 , u3 ) which satisfy the equation
0 1 0 u1 0
(A + I)u =
2 0 1 u2 = 0 ,
0 1 0 u3 0
u = col(u1 , u2 , u3 ) = col(1, 0, 2)
satisfies this equation and is, therefore, an eigenvector of the coecient matrix associated
with the eigenvalue r = 1. Hence, according to Problem 42 of Exercises 9.5, we see that a
solution to this Cauchy-Euler system will be given by
1 t1
x1 (t) = t1 u = t1
0 = 0 .
2 2t1
Exercises 9.6
where we have made use of our assumption that t > 0. Hence, the solution that we have just
found becomes
Thus, by Lemma 2 (adapted to systems) on page 172 of the text we see that two more linearly
independent solutions to this Cauchy-Euler system will be
t1 cos(ln t) t1 sin(ln t)
x2 (t) =
t1 sin(ln t)
and x3 (t) =
cos(ln t) ,
t1 cos(ln t) t1 sin(ln t)
Chapter 9
3. We must first find the general solution to the corresponding homogeneous system. Therefore,
we first find the eigenvalues for the coecient matrix A by solving the characteristic equation
given by
1 1
1 1
1 1 r 2 2 1
1 1
|A rI| = 11 2 1 r 2 11 = 0
1 1
1 2 2 1r 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
1 1r 2 11 1 2 2 11 1 2 1 r 1
1 1 1 1
(1 r) 1 1 +21 1+21 1=0
1 2 1r 1 1 2 1r 1 1 2 2 1
- .
(1 r) (1 r)2 4 + 2 [2(1 r) 4] + 2 [4 2(1 r)] = 0
(1 r)(r 2 2r 3) + 4(2r 6) = 0
(1 r)(r + 1)(r 3) + 8(r 3) = (r 3)(r 2 9) = (r 3)(r 3)(r + 3) = 0.
Exercises 9.7
Therefore, this vector is an eigenvector for the matrix A associated with the eigenvalue r = 3.
Thus, one solution to the corresponding homogeneous system is given by
x1 (t) = e u1 = e 1
3t 3t
To find eigenvectors u = col(u1 , u2 , u3) associated with the eigenvalue r = 3, we solve the
equation given by
2 2 2 u1 0
(A 3I)u =
2 2 2 u2 = 0 ,
2 2 2 u3 0
which is equivalent to the equation u1 + u2 u3 = 0. Thus, if we let u3 = s and u2 = v, then
we must have u1 = s v. Hence, solutions to the above equation and, therefore, eigenvectors
for A associated with the eigenvalue r = 3 will be the vectors
sv 1 1
v = s 0
+ v 1 ,
s 1 0
where s and v are arbitrary scalars. Therefore, letting s = 1 and v = 0 yields the eigenvector
u2 = col(1, 0, 1). Similarly, by letting s = 0 and v = 1, we obtain the eigenvector u3 =
col(1, 1, 0), which we can see by inspection is linearly independent from u2 . Hence, two more
solutions to the corresponding homogeneous system which are linearly independent from each
other and from x1 (t) are given by
1 1
x2 (t) = e u2 = e 0
and x3 (t) = e u3 = e 1
3t 3t
1 0
Thus, the general solution to the corresponding homogeneous system will be
1 1 1
xh (t) = c1 e3t
1 + c2 e3t 0 + c3 e3t 1 .
1 1 0
Chapter 9
Therefore, we have
et a = et Aa + et g a = Aa + g (I A)a = g
0 2 2 a1 2
2 0 2 .
a2 = 4
2 2 0 a3 2
The last equation above can be solved by either performing elementary row operations on the
augmented matrix or by solving the system
2a2 2a3 = 2,
2a1 2a3 = 4,
2a1 2a2 = 2.
Either way, we obtain a1 = 1, a2 = 0, and a3 = 1. Thus, a particular solution to the
nonhomogeneous system will be given by
xp (t) = et a = et
0 ,
and so the general solution to the nonhomogeneous system will be
1 1 1 1
x(t) = xh (t) + xp (t) = c1 e 1 + c2 e 0 + c3 e 1 + e 0
3t 3t t
1 1 0 1
Exercises 9.7
13. We must first find a fundamental matrix for the corresponding homogeneous system x = Ax.
To this end, we first find the eigenvalues of the matrix A by solving the characteristic equation
given by
1 1
1 2r 1 1
1 1
|A rI| = 1 1=0 (2 r)(2 r) + 3 = 0 r2 1 = 0 .
1 3 2 r 1
Thus, the eigenvalues of the coecient matrix A are r = 1. The eigenvectors associated
with the eigenvalue r = 1 are the vectors u = col(u1 , u2) which satisfy the equation
1 1 u1 0
(A I)u = = .
3 3 u2 0
Chapter 9
and so we have L ? M L M
(5)dt 5t
X1 (t)f(t) dt = ? = ,
3 e2t dt (3/2)e2t
where we have taken the constants of integration to be zero. Thus, by equation (8) on page 553
of the text, we see that
et et 5t 5tet (3/2)et
xp (t) = = .
et 3et (3/2)e2t 5tet + (9/2)et
We remark that this answer is the same as the answer given in the text as can be seen by
replacing c1 by c1 + 9/4.
Exercises 9.7
15. We must first find a fundamental matrix for the associated homogeneous system. We will do
this by finding the solutions derived from the eigenvalues and the associated eigenvectors for
the coecient matrix A. Therefore, we find these eigenvalues by solving the characteristic
equation given by
1 1
1 4 r 2 1
1 1
|A rI| = 1 1=0
1 2 1 r 1
(4 r)(1 r) 4 = 0 r 2 + 5r = 0 .
Thus, the eigenvalues for the matrix A are r = 5, 0. An eigenvector for this matrix associated
with the eigenvalue r = 0 is the vector u = col(u1 , u2) which satisfies the equation
4 2 u1 0
Au = = .
2 1 u2 0
Chapter 9
By combining these two solutions, we see that a general solution to the homogeneous system
is L M L M
1 2e5t
xh (t) = c1 + c2
2 e5t
and a fundamental matrix for this system is the matrix
1 2e5t
X(t) = .
2 e5t
We will use equation (10) on page 553 of the text to find a particular solution to the nonho-
mogeneous system. Thus, we need to find the inverse matrix X1 (t). This can be done, for
example, by performing row-reduction on the matrix [X(t)|I] to obtain the matrix [I|X1 (t)].
In this way, we find that the required inverse matrix is given by
1/5 2/5
X1 (t) = .
(2/5)e5t (1/5)e5t
Therefore, we have
1/5 2/5 t1 t1 + (8/5)
X1 (t)f(t) = = .
(2/5)e5t (1/5)e5t 4 + 2t1 (4/5)e5t
From this we see that
3 L ? M L M
[t + (8/5)] dt ln |t| + (8/5)t
X1 (t)f(t) dt = ? = ,
(4/5)e5t dt (4/25)e5t
where we have taken the constants of integration to be zero. Hence, by equation (10) on
page 553 of the text, we obtain
xp (t) = X(t) X1 (t)f(t) dt
1 2e5t ln |t| + (8/5)t ln |t| + (8/5)t (8/25)
= = .
2 e5t (4/25)e5t 2 ln |t| + (16/5)t + (4/25)
Adding xh (t) and xp (t) yields the general solution to the nonhomogeneous system given by
1 2e5t ln |t| + (8/5)t (8/25)
x(t) = c1 + c2 + .
2 e5t 2 ln |t| + (16/5)t + (4/25)
Exercises 9.7
21. We will find the solution to this initial value problem by using equation (13) on page 554 of
the text. Therefore, we must first find a fundamental matrix for the associated homogeneous
system. This means that we must find the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors for the
coecient matrix of this system by solving the characteristic equation
1 1
1 r 2 1
1 1
|A rI| = 1 1
1 1 3 r 1
r(3 r) + 2 = 0 r 2 3r + 2 = 0 (r 2)(r 1) = 0.
Hence, r = 1, 2 are the eigenvalues for this matrix. To find an eigenvector u = col(u1 , u2 ) for
this coecient matrix associated with the eigenvalue r = 1, we solve the system
1 2 u1 0
(A I)u = = .
1 2 u2 0
we find that one eigenvector for the coecient matrix associated with the eigenvalue r = 2
is u2 = col(u1 , u2) = col(1, 1). Thus, another linearly independent solution to the associated
homogeneous problem is given by
1 e2t
x2 (t) = e2t u2 = e2t = .
1 e2t
Chapter 9
By combining these two solutions, we obtain a general solution to the homogeneous system
2et e2t
xh (t) = c1 + c2 ,
et e2t
(a) Using the initial condition x(0) = col(5, 4), and t0 = 0, we have
1 1
X1 (0) = .
1 2
3t 3t L ?t M L M
(2)ds 2t
X1 (s)f(s) ds = X1 (s)f(s) ds = ?0t = ,
(3es ) ds 3et 3
t0 0
Exercises 9.7
Hence, by substituting these expressions into equation (13) on page 554 of the text, we
obtain the solution to this initial value problem given by
x(t) = X(t)X1(t0 )x0 + X(t) X1 (s)f(s) ds
2et + 3e2t 4tet + 3et 3e2t 4tet + 5et
= + = .
et + 3e2t 2tet + 3et 3e2t 2tet + 4et
(b) Using the initial condition x(1) = col(0, 1), and t0 = 1, we have
e1 e1
X1 (1) = .
e2 2e2
3t 3t
X (s)f(s) ds = X1 (s)f(s) ds
t0 1
L ?t M L M
(2)ds 2t 2
= ?1t = ,
(3es ) ds 3et 3e1
Chapter 9
Hence, by substituting these expressions into equation (13) on page 554 of the text, we
obtain the solution to this initial value problem given by
x(t) = X(t)X1 (t0 )x0 + X(t) X1 (s)f(s) ds
2et1 + 2e2t2 4tet et 3e2t1
= +
et1 + 2e2t22tet + et 3e2t1
2et1 + 2e2t2 + 4tet et 3e2t1
= .
et1 + 2e2t2 + 2tet + et 3e2t1
(c) Using the initial condition x(5) = col(1, 0), and t0 = 5, we have
e5 e5
X1 (5) = .
e10 2e10
3t 3t L ?t M L M
(2)ds 2t 10
X1 (s)f(s) ds = X1 (s)f(s) ds = ?5t = ,
(3es ) ds 3et 3e5
t0 5
Exercises 9.7
Hence, by substituting these expressions into equation (13) on page 554 of the text, we
obtain the solution to this initial value problem given by
x(t) = X(t)X1 (t0 )x0 + X(t) X1 (s)f(s) ds
2et5 e2t10 4tet 17et 3e2t5
= +
et5 e2t10 2tet 7et 3e2t5
2et5 e2t10 + 4tet 17et 3e2t5
= .
et5 e2t10 + 2tet 7et 3e2t5
25. (a) We will find a fundamental solutions set for the corresponding homogeneous system by
deriving solutions using the eigenvalues and associated eigenvectors for the coecient
matrix. Therefore, we first solve the characteristic equation
1 1
1 r 1 1
1 1
|A rI| = 1 1=0
1 2 3 r 1
r(3 r) + 2 = 0 r 2 3r + 2 = 0 (r 2)(r 1) = 0.
Therefore, we see that the eigenvalues for the coecient matrix of this problem are
r = 1, 2. Since these eigenvalues are distinct, the associated eigenvectors will be linearly
independent, and so the solutions derived from these eigenvectors will also be linearly
independent. We find an eigenvector for this matrix associated with the eigenvalue r = 1
by solving the equation
1 1 u1
(A I)u = = 0.
2 2 u2
Since the vector u1 = col(u1, u2 ) = col(1, 1) satisfies this equation, we see that this vector
is one such eigenvector and so one solution to the homogeneous problem is given by
x1 (t) = et u1 = et .
Chapter 9
The vector u2 = col(u1, u2 ) = col(1, 2) is one vector which satisfies this equation and
so it is one eigenvector of the coecient matrix associated with the eigenvalue r = 2.
Thus, another linearly independent solution to the corresponding homogeneous problem
is given by L M
x2 (t) = e2t u2 = e2t ,
and a fundamental solution set for this homogeneous system is the set
/ t 0
e u1 , e2t u2 , where u1 = col(1, 1) and u2 = col(1, 2).
(b) If we assume that xp (t) = tet a for some constant vector a = col(a1 , a2 ), then we have
t t t t
te a1 e a1 te a1 + e a1
xp (t) = tet a + et a = + = .
tet a2 et a2 tet a2 + et a2
We also have
0 1 0 1 tet a1 et tet a2 + et
xp (t) + f(t) = + = .
2 3 2 3 tet a2 0 2tet a1 + 3tet a2
a1 = a2 , a1 = 1,
a2 = 2a1 + 3a2 , a2 = 0.
Exercises 9.7
where a = col(a1 , a2 ) and b = col(b1 , b2 ) are two constant vectors, implies that
t t t
te a1 + e a1 + e b1
xp (t) = tet a + et a + et b = t t t
te a2 + e a2 + e a2
We also see that
0 1 0 1 tet a1 + et b1 et
xp (t) + f(t) = +
2 3 2 3 tet a2 + et b2 0
tet a2 + et b2 + et
= .
2tet a1 2et b1 + 3tet a2 + 3et b2
tet a1 + et a1 + et b1 = tet a2 + et b2 + et ,
tet a2 + et a2 + et b2 = 2tet a1 2et b1 + 3tet a2 + 3et b2 .
Dividing each equation by et and equating the coecients in the resulting equations
yields the system
a1 = a2 , a1 + b1 = b2 + 1 ,
a2 = 2a1 + 3a2 , a2 + b2 = 2b1 + 3b2 .
Taking the pair of equations on the right and simplifying yields the system
b1 b2 = 1 a1 ,
2b1 2b2 = a2 .
Chapter 9
b2 = b1 + 1.
(Note also that the remaining equation in (9.8) reduces to the first equation in that set.)
Thus, b1 is free to be any value, say b1 = s, and the set of values a1 = a2 = 2, b1 = s,
b2 = s + 1, satisfies all of the equations given in (9.8) and, hence, the system given
in (9.7). Therefore, particular solutions to the nonhomogeneous equation given in this
problem are
2 s 2 0 1
xp (t) = tet + et = tet + et + set .
2 s+1 2 1 1
But, since the vector u = et col(1, 1) is a solution to the corresponding homogeneous
system, the last term can be incorporated into the solution xh (t) and we obtain one
particular solution to this problem given by
2 0
xp (t) = tet + et .
2 1
(d) To find the general solution to the nonhomogeneous system given in this problem, we
first form the solution to the corresponding homogeneous system using the fundamental
solution set found in part (a). Thus, we have
1 1
xh (t) = c1 et + c2 e2t .
1 2
By adding the solution found in part (c) to this solution, we obtain the general solution
given by L M L M L M L M
1 1 2 0
x(t) = c1 et + c2 e2t + tet + et .
1 2 2 1
Exercises 9.8
(A + I)3 = 0
(b) In order to find eAt , we first notice (as was done in the text on page 560) that
Therefore, to find eAt we need only to find e(A+I)t then multiply the resulting expression
by et . By formula (2) on page 558 of the text and using the fact that (A + I)3 = 0
(which implies that (A + I)n = 0 for n 3), we have
+ 2, + n,
(A+I)t 2t n t
e = I + (A + I)t + (A + I) + + (A + I) +
2 n!
+ 2,
2 t
= I + (A + I)t + (A + I) . (9.10)
Chapter 9
3 1 1 3 1 1 3 0 1
(A + I)2 =
3 0 1 3 0 1 = 0 0 0 ,
9 3 3 9 3 3 9 0 3
Hence, we have
1 + 3t 3t2 /2 t t + t2 /2
eAt = et
3t 1 t .
9t 9t2 /2 3t 1 3t + 3t2 /2
9. By equation (6) on page 562 of the text, we see that eAt = X(t)X1 (0), where X(t) is a
fundamental matrix for the system x = Ax. We will construct this fundamental matrix from
three linearly independent solutions derived from the eigenvalues and associated eigenvectors
for the matrix A. Thus, we solve the characteristic equation
1 1
1 1
1 r 1 0 1
1 1
|A rI| = 11 0 r 1 11 = 0
1 1
1 1 1 1 r 1
1 1 1 1
1 r 1 1 1 0 1 1
1 1 1 1
(r) 1 11 1=0
1 1 1 r 1 1 1 1 r 1
r[r(1 r) + 1] + 1 = r 3 + r 2 r + 1 = (r 1)(r 2 + 1) = 0.
Exercises 9.8
Since the eigenvalue r = i is complex, we want to find two more linearly independent solutions
for the system x = Ax derived from the eigenvectors associated with this eigenvalue. These
eigenvectors, z = col(z1 , z2 , z3 ), must satisfy the equation
i 1 0 z1 0
(A iI)z = 0 i 1
= 0 ,
1 1 1 i z3 0
which is equivalent to the system z1 = z3 , z2 = iz3 . Thus, one solution to this system is
z3 = 1, z1 = 1, and z2 = i and so one eigenvector for A associated with the eigenvalue
r = i is given by
z1 1 1 0
z2 = i = 0 + i 1 .
z3 1 1 0
By the notation on page 546 of the text, this means that = 0, = 1, a = col(1, 0, 1) and
b = col(0, 1, 0). Therefore, by equations (6) and (7) on page 546 of the text we see that two
more linearly independent solutions to the system x = Ax are given by
cos t 0 cos t
x2 (t) = e (cos t)a e (sin t)b =
(0)t (0)t
0 sin t
= sin t ,
cos t 0 cos t
Chapter 9
sin t 0 sin t
x3 (t) = e(0)t (sin t)a + e(0)t (cos t)b =
0 + cos t = cos t .
sin t 0 sin t
To find the inverse of the matrix X(0) we can, for example, perform row-reduction on the
matrix [X(0)|I] to obtain the matrix [I|X1 (0)]. Thus, we see that
1/2 0 1/2
X (0) =
1/2 0 1/2
1/2 1 1/2
Hence, we obtain
et cos t sin t 1/2 0 1/2
eAt = X(t)X1 (0) =
sin t cos t
1/2 0 1/2
et cos t sin t 1/2 1 1/2
t t
e + cos t sin t 2 sin t e cos t sin t
= et cos t sin t 2 cos t et cos t + sin t .
et cos t + sin t 2 sin t et + cos t + sin t
11. The first step in finding eAt using a fundamental matrix for the system x = Ax is to find the
eigenvalues for the matrix A. Thus, we solve the characteristic equation
1 1
1 1
1 5 r 4 0 1
1 1
|A rI| = 11 1 r 2 11 = 0
1 1
1 0 2 5r 1
1 1 1 1
1 r 2 11 1 1 2 11
1 1
(5 r) 1 1 +41 1=0
1 2 5r 1 1 0 5r 1
Exercises 9.8
Chapter 9
(A 5I)2 u = 0. (9.11)
0 4 0 0 4 0 4 20 8
(A 5I)2 =
1 5 2 1 5 2 = 5 25 10 ,
0 2 0 0 2 0 2 10 4
we see that equation (9.11) becomes
4 20 8 u1 0 1 5 2 u1 0
5 25 10 u2 = 0 0 0 0 u2 = 0 .
2 10 4 u3 0 0 0 0 u3 0
u1 + 5u2 2u3 = 0
and is, therefore, satisfied if we let u2 = s, u3 = v, and u1 = 5s 2v for any values of s and
v. Hence, solutions to equation (9.11) are given by
u1 5s 2v 5 2
u2 = s = s 1 +v 0
u3 v 0 1
Notice that the vectors vcol(2, 0, 1) are the eigenvectors that we found above associated
with the eigenvalue r = 5. Since we are looking for a vector which satisfies equation (9.11)
and is linearly independent from this eigenvector we will choose s = 1 and v = 0. Thus, a
generalized eigenvector for the matrix A associated with the eigenvalue r = 5 and linearly
independent of the eigenvector u2 is given by
u3 = col(5, 1, 0).
Exercises 9.8
Hence, by formula (8) on page 563 of the text, we see that another linearly independent
solution to the system x = Ax is given by
where we have used the fact that, by our choice of u3 , (A 5I)2 u3 = 0 and so (A 5I)n u3 = 0
for n 2. (This is the reason why we used the generalized eigenvector to calculate x3 (t).
The Cayley-Hamilton theorem, as given on page 561 of the text, states that A satisfies its
characteristic equation, which in this case means that A(A 5I)2 = 0. However, we cannot
assume from this fact that (A 5I)2 = 0 because in matrix multiplication it is possible for
two nonzero matrices to have a zero product.)
Our last step is to find a fundamental matrix for the system x = Ax using the linearly
independent solutions found above and then to use this fundamental matrix to calculate eAt .
Thus, from these three solutions we obtain the fundamental matrix given by
5t 5t 5t
4 2e 5e 4te 4 2 5
X(t) = 5 5t X(0) = 5 0 1
0 e .
2 e5t 2te5t 2 1 0
We can find the inverse matrix X1 (0) by (for example) performing row-reduction on the
matrix [X(0)|I] to obtain the matrix [I|X1 (0)]. Thus, we find
1 5 2
2 10 21 .
X1 (0) =
5 0 10
Chapter 9
17. We first calculate the eigenvalues for the matrix A by solving the characteristic equation
1 1
1 1
1 r 1 0 1
1 1
|A rI| = 11 0 r 1 1=0
1 1
1 2 5 4 r 1
1 1 1 1
1 r 1 1 1 1
1 1 1 0 1 1
(r) 1 11 1=0
1 5 4 r 1 1 2 4 r 1
) *
r[r(4 r) + 5] 2 = r 3 + 4r 2 + 5r + 2 = (r + 1)2 (r + 2) = 0.
Exercises 9.8
(A + I)2 u = 0
1 1 0 1 1 0 u1 0
0 0 u2
1 1 1 1 = 0
2 5 3 2 5 3 u3 0
1 2 1 u1 0 1 2 1 u1 0
2 4 2 u2 = 0 0 0 0 u2 = 0 ,
4 8 4 u3 0 0 0 0 u3 0
which is equivalent to the equation u1 + 2u2 + u3 = 0. This equation will be satisfied if we let
u3 = s, u2 = v, and u1 = 2v s for any values of s and v. Thus, generalized eigenvectors
associated with the eigenvalue r = 1 are given by
u1 2v s 1 2
u 2
v = s 0 + v 1 .
u3 s 1 0
Hence, by letting s = 2 and v = 1, we find one such generalized eigenvector to be the vector
u2 = col(0, 1, 2),
Chapter 9
0 1 t
= et
1 + tet 1 = et 1 + t .
2 1 2t
In order to obtain a third linearly independent solution to this system, we will find an eigen-
vector associated with the eigenvalue r = 2 by solving the equation
2 1 0 u1 0
(A + 2I)u = 0 2 1
u2 = 0 .
2 5 2 u3 0
This equation is equivalent to the system 2u1 + u2 = 0, 2u2 + u3 = 0. One solution to this
system is given by u1 = 1, u2 = 2, and u3 = 4. Thus, one eigenvector associated with the
eigenvalue r = 2 is the vector
Hence, by combining the three linearly independent solutions that we have just found, we see
that a general solution to this system is
1 t 1
x(t) = c1 et t
1 + c2 e 1 + t
+ c3 e2t 2 .
1 2t 4
Exercises 9.8
In order to use the variation of parameters formula (equation (13) on page 565 of the text),
we need to find expressions for eAt x0 and 0 eA(ts) f(s) ds, where we have used the fact that
t0 = 0. Thus, we first notice that
3t 3t 3t
e f(s) ds = AtAs
e f(s) ds = eAt
eAs f(s) ds .
0 0 0
Therefore, we have
3t 3t
eA(ts) f(s) ds = eAt eAs f(s) ds
0 0
2 s
(s e )ds
0? t
= e (ses
?t 0 2 s
(3s e )ds
2 et (t2 2t + 2)
= eAt
1 + et (t 1) ,
6 3et (t2 2t + 2)
where we have used integration by parts to evaluate the three integrals above. Next, since
x0 = col(0, 3, 0), we see that
1 + 3t 3t2 /2 t t + t2 /2 0 3t
eAt x0 = et 3t 1 t 3 = et 3 .
9t 9t /2 3t 1 3t + 3t2 /2 0 9t
Chapter 9
Finally, substituting these expressions into the variation of parameters formula (13), page 565
of the text, yields
x(t) = e x0 + eA(ts) f(s) ds
t 2
3t 2 e (t 2t + 2)
= et 3 + eAt 1 + et
(t 1) ,
t 2
9t 6 3e (t 2t + 2)
CHAPTER 10: Partial Dierential Equations
EXERCISES 10.2: Method of Separation of Variables, page 587
5. To find a general solution to this equation, we first observe that the auxiliary equation asso-
ciated with the corresponding homogeneous equation is given by r 2 1 = 0. This equation
has roots r = 1. Thus, the solution to the corresponding homogeneous equation is given by
yh (x) = C1 ex + C2 ex .
By the method of undetermined coecients, we see that the form of a particular solution to
the nonhomogeneous equation is
yp (x) = A + Bx,
where we have used the fact that neither y = 1 nor y = x is a solution to the corresponding
homogeneous equation. To find A and B, we note that
By equating coecients, we see that A = 1 and B = 2. Substituting these values into the
equation for yp (x) yields
yp (x) = 1 + 2x.
Chapter 10
Next we try to find C1 and C2 so that the solution y(x) will satisfy the boundary conditions.
That is, we want to find C1 and C2 satisfying
From the first equation we see that C2 = 1 C1 . Substituting this expression for C2 into the
second equation and simplifying yields
) *
e e1 = C1 e e1 .
y(x) = ex 1 + 2x
13. First note that the auxiliary equation for this problem is r 2 + = 0. To find eigenvalues which
yield nontrivial solutions we will consider the three cases: < 0, = 0, and > 0.
Case 1, < 0: In this case the roots to the auxiliary equation are r = (where we
note that is a positive number). Therefore, a general solution to the dierential equation
y + y = 0 is given by
y(x) = C1 e + C2 e x
In order to apply the boundary conditions we need to find y (x). Thus, we have
y (x) = C1 e x
C2 e x
y() = C1 e + C2 e
=0 C2 = C1 e2
Exercises 10.2
Case 2, = 0: In this case we are solving the dierential equation y = 0. This equation has
a general solution given by
y(x) = C1 + C2 x y (x) = C2 .
Solving these equations simultaneously yields C1 = C2 = 0. Thus, we again find only the
trivial solution.
Case 3, > 0: In this case the roots to the associated auxiliary equation are r = i.
Therefore, the general solution is given by
# % # %
y(x) = C1 cos x + C2 sin x
# % # %
y (x) = C1 sin x + C2 cos x .
Chapter 10
2 4 6
0 x
# % # %
y() = C1 cos + C2 sin = 0.
Therefore, in order to obtain a solution other than the trivial solution, we must solve the
# % # %
cos + sin = 0.
To see that there exist values for > 0 which satisfy this equation, we examine the graphs
of the equations y = x and y = tan(x). For any values of x > 0 where these two graphs
intersect, we set = x2 . These values for will be the eigenvalues that we seek. From
the graph in Figure 10-A, we see that there are (countably) infinitely many such eigenvalues.
These values satisfy the equations
#$ % $
tan n + n = 0.
Exercises 10.2
As n becomes large, we can also see from the graph that these eigenvalues approach the square
of odd multiples of 1/2. That is,
(2n 1)2
n ,
when n is large. Corresponding to the eigenvalue n we obtain the solutions
#$ % #$ % $ #$ % #$ %
yn (x) = C1n cos n x + C2n sin n x = n C2n cos n x + C2n sin n x
(since C1n = n C2n ). Thus
8$ #$ % #$ %9
yn (x) = Cn n cos n x + sin n x ,
where Cn is arbitrary.
A solution to this partial dierential equation satisfying the first boundary condition is given
in equation (11) on page 582 of the text. By letting = 3 and L = in this equation we
obtain the series
H 2
u(x, t) = cn e3n t sin nx . (10.2)
To satisfy the initial condition, we let t = 0 in this equation and set the result equal to
sin x 7 sin 3x + sin 5x. This yields
u(x, t) = cn sin nx = sin x 7 sin 3x + sin 5x.
By equating the coecients of the like terms, we see that c1 = 1, c3 = 7, c5 = 1, and all
other cn s are zero. Plugging these values into equation (10.2) gives the solution
2 2 2
u(x, t) = e3(1) t sin x 7e3(3) t sin 3x + e3(5) t sin 5x
= e3t sin x 7e27t sin 3x + e75t sin 5x .
Chapter 10
21. By letting = 3 and L = in formula (24) on page 585 of the text, we see that the solution
we want will have the form
u(x, t) = [an cos 3nt + bn sin 3nt] sin nx . (10.3)
In order for the solution to satisfy the initial conditions, we must find an and bn such that
u(x, 0) = an sin nx = 6 sin 2x + 2 sin 6x,
u(x, 0) H
= 3nbn sin nx = 11 sin 9x 14 sin 15x.
t n=1
From the first condition, we observe that we must have a term for n = 2, 6 and for these terms
we want a2 = 6 and a6 = 2. All of the other an s must be zero. By comparing coecients in
the second condition, we see that we require
11 14
3(9)b9 = 11 or b9 = and 3(15)b15 = 14 or b15 = .
27 45
We also see that all other values for bn must be zero. Therefore, by substituting these values
into equation (10.3) above, we obtain the solution of the vibrating string problem with = 3,
L = and f (x) and g(x) as given. This solution is given by
11 14
u(x, t) = 6 cos(3 2 t) sin 2x+ 2 cos(3 6 t) sin 6x+ sin(3 9 t) sin 9x sin(3 15 t) sin 15x.
27 45
Or by simplifying, we obtain
11 14
u(x, t) = 6 cos 6t sin 2x + 2 cos 18t sin 6x + sin 27t sin 9x sin 45t sin 15x.
27 45
23. We know from equation (11) on page 582 of the text that a formal solution to the heat flow
problem is given by
H 2
u(x, t) = cn e2(n) t sin nx , (10.4)
Exercises 10.3
where we have made the substitutions = 2 and L = 1. For this function to be a solution to
the problem it must satisfy the initial condition u(x, 0) = f (x), 0 < x < 1. Therefore, we let
t = 0 in equation (10.4) above and set the result equal to f (x) to obtain
u(x, 0) = cn sin nx = sin nx .
n=1 n=1
13. For this problem T = 1. Thus, by Definition 1 on page 594 of the text, the Fourier series for
this function will be given by
a0 H
+ (an cos nx + bn sin nx) . (10.5)
2 n=1
To compute a0 , we use equation (9) given in Definition 1 in the text noting that cos(0x) = 1.
Thus, we have
31 11
2 x3 11 1 1 2
a0 = x dx = 1 = = .
3 1 3 3 3
Chapter 10
To find an for n = 1, 2, 3, . . ., we again use equation (9) on page 594 of the text. This yields
31 31
an = x cos nx dx = 2 x2 cos nx dx,
1 0
where we have used the fact that x2 cos nx is an even function. Thus, using integration by
parts twice, we obtain
31 11 31
sin nx 11 2
an = 2 x2 cos nx dx = 2 x2 1 x sin nx dx
n 0 n
0 0
+ , 1 31
sin n 2 cos nx 1 1 1
= 2 0 x 1 + cos nx dx
n n n 0 n
L J 11 KM
2 2 1 1
= 2 0 + 2 2 (cos n 0) 2 2 sin nx11
n n n 0
4 4 4
= (1)n (sin n 0) = (1)n .
n2 2 n3 3 n2 2
To calculate the bn s, note that since x2 is even and sin nx is odd, their product is odd (see
Problem 7 in this section of the text). Since x2 sin nx is also continuous, by Theorem 1 on
page 590 of the text, we have
bn = x2 sin nx dx = 0 .
By plugging these coecients into equation (10.5) above, we see that the Fourier series asso-
ciated with x2 is given by
1 H 4
+ (1)n cos nx .
3 n=1 n2 2
21. We use Theorem 2 on page 600 of the text. Notice that f (x) = x2 and f (x) = 2x are
continuous on [1, 1]. Thus, the Fourier series for f converges to f (x) for 1 < x < 1.
) * ) *
f 1+ = lim + x2 = 1 and f 1 = lim x2 = 1.
x1 x1
Exercises 10.3
1 - ) +* ) *. 1
f 1 + f 1 = (1 + 1) = 1,
2 2
and so, by Theorem 2, the sum of the Fourier series equals 1 when x = 1. Therefore, the
Fourier series converges to
f (x) = x2 for 1 x 1.
Since the sum function must be periodic with period 2, the sum function is the 2-periodic
extension of f (x) which we can write as
29. To calculate the coecients of this expansion we use formula (20) on page 599 of the text.
Thus we have ?1
1 0f (x) dx
c0 = = 0,
2 =
P0 P0 2
where we have used the fact that f (x) is an odd function. To find c1 we first calculate the
denominator to be
31 31 11
2 x3 11 2
P1 = P12 (x) dx = 2
x dx = 1 = .
3 1 3
1 1
Therefore, we obtain
31 31 11
3 3 x2 11 3
c1 = f (x)P1 (x) dx = 2 x dx = 3 1 = .
2 2 2 0 2
1 0
Notice that in order to calculate the above integral, we used the fact that the product of the
two odd functions f (x) and P1 (x) is even. To find c2 , we first observe that, since f (x) is odd
and P2 (x) is even, their product is odd and so we have
f (x)P2 (x) dx = 0.
Hence ?1
f (x)P2 (x) dx 0
c2 = 2 = = 0.
P2 P2 2
Chapter 10
We will first calculate the indefinite integral using integration by parts with the substitution
u = x, dv = 2xex dx
du = dx, v = ex .
That is we find
3 3 3
) 2 * x2 2 x2 2
4x 2 e dx = 2 2x e dx 2 ex dx
4 3 5 3
x2 x2 2 2
= 2 xe + e dx 2 ex dx = 2xex + C.
Substituting this result in for the integrals we are calculating and using LHospitals rule to
find the limits, yields
3 + 1N , + 10 ,
x2 x2 1 x2 1
H0 (x)H2 (x)e dx = lim 2xe 1 + lim 2xe 1
N 0 M M
,+ + ,
2N 2M
= lim + 0 + lim 0 M 2
N eN 2 M e
2N 2M
= lim N 2 lim M 2 = 0 0 = 0.
N e M e
Exercises 10.4
3 3
x2 2
H1 (x)H2 (x)e dx = 2x(4x2 2)ex dx .
In each case the integrands are odd functions and hence their integrals over symmetric intervals
of the form (N, N) are zero. Since it is easy to show that the above improper integrals are
convergent, we get
3 3N
= lim = lim 0 = 0.
Since we have shown that the 3 integrals above are all equal to zero, the first three Hermite
polynomials are orthogonal.
2 on the interval (, ) is
3. (a) The -periodic extension f(x)
0, < x < /2,
1, /2 < x < 0,
f2(x) =
0 < x < /2,
1, /2 < x < ,
2 + 2) = f(x).
with f(x 2 The graph of this function is given in Figure 10-B.
(b) Using the formula on page 607 of the text, the odd 2-periodic extension fo on the
Chapter 10
interval (, ) is
1, < x < /2,
f (x), < x < 0, 0, /2 < x < 0,
fo (x) = =
f (x), 0<x<
0, 0 < x < /2,
1, /2 < x < ,
(c) Using the formula on page 608 of the text, the even 2-periodic extension fe on the
interval (, ) is
1, < x < /2,
f (x), < x < 0, 0, /2 < x < 0,
fe (x) = =
f (x), 0<x<
0, 0 < x < /2,
1, /2 < x < ,
7. Since f is piecewise continuous on the interval [0, ], we can use equation (6) in Definition 2 on
page 609 of the text to calculate its Fourier sine series. In this problem T = and f (x) = x2 .
Thus we have
H 3
f (x) = bn sin nx , with bn = x2 sin nx dx .
Exercises 10.4
4 # 1 % 50
cos n 2 1 cos nx 1
= + 0 1
n n n n 0
2 cos n 2
= + 3 (cos n cos 0) ,
n n
where n = 1, 2, 3, . . . . Since cos n = 1 if n is even and cos n = 1 if n is odd for all
n = 1, 2, 3, . . ., we see that
2 (1)n 2[(1)n 1]
bn = + .
2 n n3
Therefore, for n = 1, 2, 3, . . ., we have
2(1)n+1 4[(1)n 1]
bn = + .
n n3
Substituting these coecients into the Fourier sine series for f (x) = x2 , yields
H 6 7
2(1)n+1 4[(1)n 1]
+ sin nx .
n n3
Since f (x) = x2 and f (x) = 2x are piecewise continuous on the interval [0, ], Theorem 2
on page 600 of the text implies that this Fourier series converges pointwise to f (x) on the
Chapter 10
for x in the interval (0, ). But since the odd 2-periodic extension of f (x) is discontinuous at
odd multiples of , the Gibbs phenomenon (see Problem 39 on page 606 of the text) occurs
around these points, and so the convergence of this Fourier sine series is not uniform on (0, ).
13. Since f (x) = ex is piecewise continuous on the interval [0, 1], we can use Definition 2 on
page 609 of the text to find its Fourier cosine series. Therefore, we have
a0 H
+ an cos nx, where an = 2 ex cos nx dx .
2 n=1 0
We will use integration by parts twice (or the table of integrals on the inside cover of the text)
to calculate the integrals in the remaining coecients. This yields
ex (cos nx + n sin nx)
ex cos nx dx = ,
1 + n2 2
where n = 1, 2, 3, . . .. Thus, the remaining coecients are given by
31 12
x 2ex (cos nx + n sin nx) 11
an = 2 e cos nx dx = 1
1 + n2 2 0
2e(cos n) 2e(1) 2 [(1)n e 1]
= = , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . ,
1 + n2 2 1 + n2 2 1 + n2 2
where we have used the fact that cos n = 1 if n is even and cos n = 1 if n is odd. By
substituting the above coecients into the Fourier cosine series for f given above, we obtain
x (1)n e 1
e =e1+2 cos nx ,
1 + n2 2
Exercises 10.4
for 0 < x < 1. Note that we can say that ex for 0 < x < 1 equals its Fourier cosine series
because this series converges uniformly. To see this, first notice that the even 2-periodic
extension of f (x) = ex , 0 < x < 1, is given by
ex , 1 < x < 0,
fe (x) =
ex , 0 < x < 1,
17. This problem is the same as the heat flow problem on page 580 of the text with = 5, L =
and f (x) = 1 cos 2x. Therefore, the formal solution to this problem is given in equations
(11) and (12) on pages 582 and 583 of the text. Thus, the formal solution is
H 2
u(x, t) = cn e5n t sin nx 0 < x < , t > 0, (10.6)
f (x) = 1 cos 2x = cn sin nx .
Therefore, we must find the Fourier sine series for 1 cos 2x. To do this, we can use equations
(6) and (7) of Definition 2 on page 609 of the text. Hence, the coecients are given by
cn = (1 cos 2x) sin nx dx
3 3
2 2
= sin nx dx cos 2x sin nx dx , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . .
0 0
Chapter 10
where we have used the fact that cos n = 1 if n is even and cos n = 1 if n is odd. To
calculate the second integral, we use the fact that 2 cos sin = sin( ) + sin( + ), to
3 3 3
2 1
cos 2x sin nx dx = sin[(n 2)x] dx + sin[(n + 2)x] dx
0 0 0
1 1
= {cos[(n 2)] 1} + {cos[(n + 2)] 1}
(n 2) (n + 2)
1 1
= [(1)n 1] + [(1)n 1] .
(n 2) (n + 2)
Combining these two integrals yields
2 1 1
cn = [1 (1)n ] + [(1)n 1] + [(1)n 1]
n (n 2) (n + 2)
0, if n is even,
4/(n) 2/[(n 2)] 2/[(n + 2)], if n is odd,
for n = 1, 2, 3, . . .. Hence, we obtain the formal solution to this problem by substituting these
coecients into equation (10.6) above and setting n = 2k 1. Therefore, we have
4 5
2H 2 1 1 2
u(x, t) = e5(2k1) t sin(2k 1)x .
k=1 2k 1 2k 3 2k + 1
3. If we let = 3, L = , and f (x) = x, we see that this problem has the same form as the
problem in Example 1 on page 613 of the text. Therefore, we can find the formal solution to
this problem by substituting these values into equation (14) on page 615 of the text. Hence,
we have
3n2 t
u(x, t) = cn cos e cos nx , where f (x) = cn cos nx . (10.7)
n=0 n=0
Thus, we must find the Fourier cosine series coecients for f (x) = x, 0 < x < . (Note that
the even 2-extension for f (x) = x, 0 < x < , which is given by
x, for < x < 0,
fe (x) =
x, for 0 < x < ,
Exercises 10.5
with fe (x + 2) = fe (x), is continuous. Also note that its derivative is piecewise continuous
on [.]. Therefore, the Fourier series for this extension converges uniformly to fe . This
means that the equality sign in the second equation given in formula (10.7) above is justified
for 0 < x < .) To find the required Fourier series coecients, we use equations (4) and (5)
given in Definition 2 on page 609 of the text. Hence, we have
a0 H
x= + an cos nx ,
2 n=1
for n = 1, 2, 3, . . .. To calculate the second integral above we use integration by parts to obtain
3 1 3
2 2 x 1 1
an = x cos nx dx = sin nx1 sin nx dx
n 0 n
40 # 1 % 5 0
2 1 cos nx 1 2 2
= 0 1 = 2
(cos n 1) = [(1)n 1] .
n n 0 n n2
Combining these results yields
if n = 0,
an = 4/(n2 ), if n is odd,
0, if n is even and n = 0,
where n = 0, 1, 2, . . .. The formal solution for this problem is, therefore, found by substituting
these coecients into the first equation given in formula (10.7) above. (Recall that c0 = a0 /2
and cn = an for n = 1, 2, 3, . . ..) Thus, we have
0 4 2
u(x, t) = e cos 0 2
e3(2k+1) t cos(2k + 1)x
2 k=0
(2k + 1)
H 4 2
= 2
e3(2k+1) t cos(2k + 1)x
2 k=0 (2k + 1)
Chapter 10
7. This problem has nonhomogeneous boundary conditions and so has the same form as the
problem in Example 2 on page 616 of the text. By comparing these two problems, we see that
for this problem = 2, L = , U1 = 5, U2 = 10, and f (x) = sin 3x sin 5x. To solve this
problem, we assume that the solution consists of a steady state solution v(x) and a transient
solution w(x, t). The steady state solution is given in equation (24) on page 617 of the text
and is
(10 5)x 5
v(x) = 5 + = 5+ x.
The formal transient solution is given by equations (39) and (40) on page 619 of the text. By
using these equations and making appropriate substitutions, we obtain
H 2
w(x, t) = cn e2n t sin nx , (10.8)
f (x) v(x) = sin 3x sin 5x 5 x= cn sin nx , 0 < x < .
Therefore, we must find the Fourier sine series coecients for the function f (x) v(x) for
0 < x < . Since the function f (x) = sin 3x sin 5x is already in the form of a sine series, we
only need to find the Fourier sine series for v(x) = 5 5x/ and then add sin 3x sin 5x
to this series. The resulting coecients are the ones that we need. (Note that the Fourier sine
series for 5 5x/ will converge pointwise but not uniformly to 5 5x/ for 0 < x < .)
To find the desired Fourier series we use equations (6) and (7) in Definition 2 on page 609 of
the text. Thus, with the appropriate substitutions, we have
3 + ,
5x H 2 5x
5 = bn sin nx , where bn = 5 sin nx dx .
Exercises 10.5
1 3
10 10 x 1 1
= (cos n 1) 2 cos nx1 + cos nx dx
n n 0 n
10 10 8 9
= (cos n 1) 2 cos n + 0
n n
10 10
= (2 cos n 1) = [2(1)n 1] , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . .
n n
Thus, the Fourier sine series for sin 3x sin 5x 5 5x/ is given by
5x 10
sin 3x sin 5x 5 = sin 3x sin 5x + [2(1)n 1] sin nx
30 10 30 10
= sin 3x sin 5x
sin x + sin 2x sin 3x + sin 4x
2 3 4
30 10
sin 5x + [2(1)n 1] sin nx
5 n
+ , n=6
30 5 10 5
= sin x + sin 2x + 1 sin 3x + sin 4x
+ , H
6 10
1+ sin 5x + [2(1)n 1] sin nx .
We therefore obtain the formal transient solution by taking the coecients from this Fourier
series and substituting them in for the cn coecients in equation (10.8) above. Thus, we find
+ ,
30 2(1)2 t 5 2(2)2 t 10 2(3)2 t 5 2(4)2 t
w(x, t) = e sin x + e sin 2x + 1 e sin 3x + e sin 4x
+ , H
6 2(5)2 t 10 2
1+ e sin 5x + [2(1)n 1] e2n t sin nx ,
Chapter 10
9. Notice that this problem is a nonhomogeneous partial dierential equation and has the same
form as the problem given in Example 3 on page 618 of the text. By comparing these problems,
we see that here = 1,P (x) = ex , L = , U1 = U2 = 0, and f (x) = sin 2x. As in Example 3,
we will assume that the solution is the sum of a steady state solution v(x) and a transient
solution w(x, t). The steady state solution is the solution to the boundary value problem
Thus the steady state solution can be found either by solving this ODE or by substituting
the appropriate values into equation (35) given on page 618 of the text. By either method we
e 1
v(x) = x ex + 1.
The formal transient solution is then given by equations (39) and (40) on page 619 of the
text. By making the appropriate substitutions into this equation, we obtain
H 2
w(x, t) = cn en t sin nx , (10.9)
Hence, the problem is to find the Fourier sine coecients for f (x) v(x). The first term,
f (x) = sin 2x, is already in the desired form. Therefore, the Fourier sine series for f (x) v(x)
sin 2x + bn sin nx = b1 sin x + (b2 + 1) sin 2x + bn sin nx ,
n=1 n=3
where the bn s are the Fourier sine coecients for v(x). This implies that if n = 2, then
cn = bn and if n = 2, then cn = bn + 1. The bn coecients are given by equation (7) on
page 609 of the text. Thus, we have
3 4 5
2 e 1 x
bn = x + e 1 sin nx dx
Exercises 10.5
+ , 3 3 3
2 e 1 2 x 2
= x sin nx dx + e sin nx dx sin nx dx .
0 0 0
We will calculate each integral separately. The first integral is found by using integration by
parts. This yields
+ , 3 1 3
2 e 1 2(e 1) x 1 1
x sin nx dx = 2
cos nx1 + cos nx dx
n 0 n
0 0
2(e 1) 8
9 2(e 1)
= cos n + 0 + 0 = (1)n .
2 n n
To find the second integral we use the table of integrals on the inside front cover of the text
(or use integration by parts twice) to obtain
3 4 5
2 x 2 e n cos n + n 2n - .
e sin nx dx = 2
= 2
e (1)n+1 + 1 .
1+n (1 + n )
By combining all of these results, we find that the Fourier coecients for v(x) are given by
2(e 1) 2n - . 2
bn = (1)n + e (1)n+1
+ 1 + [(1)n 1] .
n (1 + n2 ) n
Therefore, the coecients for the formal transient solution are
- .
2(e 1) (1)n +
e (1)n+1 + 1 +
[(1)n 1] , if n = 2,
n 2
(1 + n ) n
cn =
) *
e 1 + 4 1 e + 1,
if n = 2.
Since the formal solution to the PDE given in this problem is the sum of its steady state
solution and its transient solution, we find this final solution to be
e 1 x 2
u(x, t) = v(x) + w(x, t) = xe +1+ cn en t sin nx ,
Chapter 10
11. Let u(x, t) = X(x)T (t). Substituting u(x, t) = X(x)T (t) into the PDE yields
T (t) X (x)
T (t)X(x) = 4X (x)T (t) = = K,
4T (t) X(x)
where K is a constant. Substituting the solution u(x, t) = X(x)T (t) into the boundary
conditions, we obtain
Thus, we assume that X (0) = 0 and X() = 0 since this allows the expressions above to be
true for all t > 0 without implying that u(x, t) 0. Therefore, we have the two ODEs
T (t) = 4KT (t), t > 0. (10.11)
Case 1: Assume K = 0. Now equation (10.10) becomes X = 0. The solution is X(x) = ax+b,
where a and b are arbitrary constants. To find these constants we use the boundary conditions
in (10.10). Thus, we have
and so
X() = b = 0 b = 0.
Case 2: Assume K > 0. In this case the auxiliary equation for equation (10.10) is r 2 K = 0.
The roots to this equation are r = K. Thus, the solution is
X(x) = C1 e Kx
+ C2 e Kx
Exercises 10.5
where C1 and C2 are arbitrary constants. To find these constants we again use the boundary
conditions in (10.10). We first note that
X (x) = C1 Ke Kx C2 Ke Kx .
# %
X (0) = C1 K C2 K = 0 C1 = C2 X(x) = C1 e Kx + e Kx .
The only way that the final equation above can be zero is for C1 to be zero. Therefore, we
again obtain only the trivial solution.
Case 3: Assume K < 0, so K > 0. Then the auxiliary equation for equation (10.10) has the
roots r = K = i K. Therefore, the solution is
# % # %
X(x) = C1 sin Kx + C2 cos Kx
# % # %
X (x) = C1 K cos Kx C2 K sin Kx .
Chapter 10
(where bn = eA ). Hence, by the superposition principle (and since un (x, t) = Xn (x)Tn (t)),
we see that the formal solution to the original PDE is
H + , H 4+ , 5
(2n+1)2 t 2n + 1 (2n+1)2 t 1
u(x, t) = bn e cn cos x = an e cos n + x , (10.12)
2 n=0
Therefore, the formal solution to this PDE is given by equation (10.12), where the an s are
given by equation (10.13).
17. This problem is similar to the problem given in Example 4 on page 619 of the text with = 1,
L = W = , and f (x, y) = y. The formal solution to this problem is given in equation (52)
on page 621 of the text with its coecients given on pages 621 and 622 in equations (54)
and (55). By making appropriate substitutions in the first of these equations, we see that the
formal solution to this problem is
2 +n2 )t
u(x, y, t) = amn e(m cos mx sin ny . (10.14)
m=0 n=1
We can find the coecients, a0 n, n = 1, 2, 3, . . ., by using equation (54) on page 621 of the
text with the appropriate substitutions. This yields
3 3 3 3
2 2
a0n = y sin ny dx dy = y sin ny dx dy
2 2
0 0 0 0
Exercises 10.6
= y sin ny dy (use integration by parts)
1 3
2 y 1 1
= cos ny 1 + cos ny dy
n 0 n
4 + 1 ,5
2 1 1
1 2# % 2
= cos n + sin ny 1 = cos n = (1)n+1 .
n n2 0 n n
We will use equation (55) on page 622 of the text to find the other coecients. Thus for
m 1 and n 1, we have
3 3
amn = y cos mx sin ny dx dy
0 0
3 3 3
4 4
= y sin ny cos mx dx dy = 2 y sin ny(0) dy = 0.
0 0 0
The formal solution to this problem is found by substituting these coecients into equation
(10.14). To do this we first note that the coecients for any terms containing m = 0 are zero.
Hence, only terms containing m = 0 will appears in the summation. Therefore, the formal
solution is given by
2 n+1 n2 t (1)n+1 n2 t
u(x, y, t) = (1) e sin ny = 2 e sin ny .
n n=1
1. This problem has the form of the problem given in equations (1)(4) on page 625 of the text.
Here, however, = 1, L = 1, f (x) = x(1 x), and g(x) = sin 7x. This problem is consistent
f (0) = 0 = f (1), and g(0) = sin 0 = 0 = sin 7 = g(1).
The solution to this problem was derived in Section 10.2 of the text and given again in equation
(5) on page 625 of the text. Making appropriate substitutions in equation (5) yields a formal
Chapter 10
solution given by
u(x, t) = [an cos nt + bn sin nt] sin nx . (10.15)
To find the an s we note that they are the Fourier sine coecients for x(1 x) and so are
given by equation (7) on page 609 of the text. Thus, for n = 1, 2, 3, . . ., we have
31 3 31
an = 2 x(1 x) sin nx dx = 2 x sin nx dx x2 sin nx dx .
0 0 0
We will use integration by parts to calculate these two integrals. This yields
1 1
x sin nx dx = cos n = (1)n
n n
31 + ,
2 1 2 1 1 1 2
x sin nx dx = cos n 2 2 cos n + = (1)n + 3 3 [(1)n 1].
n n n n n n
The bn s were found in equation (7) on page 626. By making appropriate substitutions in this
equations we have
sin 7x = nbn sin nx.
7b7 = 1 b7 = ,
Exercises 10.6
and for all other ns, bn = 0. By substituting these coecients into the formal solution given
in equation (10.15) above, we obtain
1 8
u(x, t) = sin 7t sin 7x + cos[(2k + 1)t] sin[(2k + 1)x].
7 k=0
[(2k + 1)]3
The formal solution to this problem is given in equation (5) on page 625 of the text with the
coecients given in equations (6) and (7) on page 626. By equation (7), we see that
H n # nx %
g(x) = 0 = bn sin .
Thus, each term in this infinite series must be zero and so bn = 0 for all ns. Therefore, the
formal solution given in equation (5) on page 625 of the text becomes
H + , # nx %
u(x, t) = an cos sin . (10.16)
To find the an s we note that by equation (6) on page 626 of the text these coecients are the
Fourier sine coecients for f (x). Therefore, by using equation (7) on page 609 of the text,
for n = 1, 2, 3, . . . we have
3L # nx % 3a # nx % 3L # nx %
2 2 h0 Lx
an = f (x) sin dx = x sin dx + h0 sin dx
L L L a L La L
0 0 a
3a # nx % 3L # nx % 3L # nx %
2h0 1 L 1
= x sin dx + sin dx x sin dx .
L a L La L La L
0 a a
Chapter 10
7. If we let = 1, h(x, t) = tx, L = , f (x) = sin x, and g(x) = 5 sin 2x 3 sin 5x, then we see
that this problem has the same form as the problem given in Example 1 on page 627 of the
text. The formal solution to the problem in Example 1 is given in equation (16) on page 628
of the text. Therefore, with the appropriate substitutions, the formal solution to this problem
H 3t
u(x, t) = an cos nt + bn sin nt + hn (s) sin[n(t s)] ds sin nx . (10.17)
n=1 0
The an s are shown in equation (14) on page 628 of the text to satisfy
sin x = an sin nx .
Thus, the only nonzero term in this infinite series is the term for n = 1. Therefore, we see
that a1 = 1 and an = 0 for n = 1. The bn s are given in equation (15) on page 628 of the text
and so must satisfy
5 sin 2x 3 sin 5x = nbn sin nx ,
which implies that
5 3
2b2 = 5 b2 = and 5b5 = 3 b5 = ,
2 5
Exercises 10.6
and bn = 0 for all other values of n. To calculate the integral given in the formal solution we
must first find the functions hn (t). To do this, we note that in Example 1, the functions hn (t),
n = 1, 2, . . ., are the Fourier sine coecients for h(x, t) = tx with t fixed. These functions are
given below equation (13) on page 628 of the text. (We will assume proper convergence of
this series.) Thus, we have
3 3
2 2t
hn (t) = tx sin nx dx = x sin nx dx
0 0
4 5
2t 1 2t 2t
= cos n + 0 + 2 sin n sin 0 = cos n = (1)n+1 ,
n n
n = 1, 2, 3, . . ., where we have used integration by parts to calculate this integral. Substituting
this result into the integral in equation (10.17) above yields
3t 3t
hn (s) sin[n(t s)] ds = (1)n+1 sin[n(t s)] ds
0 0
4 5
2(1)n+1 t sin nt 2(1)n+1
= = (nt sin nt) ,
n n n2 n3
where n = 1, 2, 3, . . .. By plugging the an s, the bn s, and the result we just found into equation
(10.17), we obtain the formal solution to this problem given by
H 4 5
5 3 1 2(1)n+1
u(x, t) = cos t sin x + sin 2t sin 2x sin 5t sin 5x + (nt sin nt) sin nx
2 5 n=1
n n3
H + ,
5 3 (1)n+1 sin nt
= cos t sin x + sin 2t sin 2x sin 5t sin 5x + 2 3
t sin nx .
2 5 n=1
n n
11. We will assume that a solution to this problem has the form u(x, t) = X(x)T (t). Substituting
this expression into the partial dierential equations yields
Chapter 10
Since these two expressions must be equal for all x in (0, L) and all t > 0, they can not vary.
Therefore, they must both equal a constant, say K. This gives us the two ordinary dierential
T (t) + T (t) + T (t) ) *
=K T (t) + T (t) + 1 2 K T (t) = 0 (10.18)
2 T (t)
X (x)
=K X (x) KX(x) = 0. (10.19)
Substituting u(x, t) = X(x)T (t) into the boundary conditions, u(0, t) = u(L, t) = 0, t > 0, we
X(0)T (t) = 0 = X(L)T (t), t > 0.
Since we are seeking a nontrivial solution to the partial dierential equation, we do not want
T (t) 0. Therefore, for the above equation to be zero, we must have X(0) = X(L) = 0.
Combining this fact with equation (10.19) above yields the boundary value problem given by
This problem was solved in Section 10.2 of the text. There we found that for K = (n/L)2 ,
n = 1, 2, 3, . . ., we obtain nonzero solutions of the form
# nx %
Xn (x) = An sin , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . . (10.20)
Plugging these values of K into equation (10.18) above yields the family of linear ordinary
dierential equations with constant coecients given by
+ ,
2 n2 2
T (t) + T (t) + 1 + T (t) = 0, n = 1, 2, 3, . . . . (10.21)
The auxiliary equations associated with these ODEs are
+ ,
2 2 n2 2
r +r+ 1+ = 0.
By using the quadratic formula, we obtain the roots to these auxiliary equations. Thus, we
" + ,
2 n2 2
1 14 1+
L2 1 L2 4L2 42n2 2
r= =
2 2 2L
Exercises 10.6
1 3L2 + 42 n2 2
= i, n = 1, 2, 3, . . . .
2 2L
Hence, the solutions to the linear equations given in equation (10.21) above are
3L 2 + 42 n2 2 3L2 + 42 n2 2
Tn (t) = et/2 Bn cos t + Cn sin t ,
2L 2L
for n = 1, 2, 3, . . .. By letting
3L2 + 42 n2 2
n = , (10.22)
for n = 1, 2, 3, . . ., this family of solutions can be more easily written as
Substituting the solutions we have just found and the solutions given in equation (10.20) above
into u(x, t) = X(x)T (t), yields solutions to the original partial dierential equation given by
# nx %
un (x, t) = Xn (x)Tn (t) = An e [Bn cos n t + Cn sin n t] sin , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . .
By the superposition principle, we see that solutions to the PDE will have the form
H # nx %
u(x, t) = et/2 [an cos n t + bn sin n t] sin ,
we have
u(x, 0) H R an S # nx %
=0= + bn n sin .
t n=1
2 L
Chapter 10
Hence, each term in this infinite series must be zero which implies that
an an
+ bn n = 0 bn = , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . .
2 2n
Thus, we can write
H 4 5 # nx %
t/2 1
u(x, t) = an e cos n t + sin n t sin , (10.23)
2n L
where n is given above in equation (10.22). To find the an s, we use the remaining initial
condition to obtain
H # nx %
u(x, 0) = f (x) = an sin .
Therefore, the an s are the Fourier sine coecients of f (x) and so satisfy
3L # nx %
an = f (x) sin dx . (10.24)
Combining all of these results, we see that a formal solution to the telegraph problem is given
by equation (10.23) where n and an are given in equation (10.22) and (10.24), respectively.
15. This problem has the form of the problem solved in Example 2 on page 631 of the text with
f (x) = g(x) = x. There it was found that dAlemberts formula given in equation (32) on
page 631 of the text is a solution to this problem. By making the appropriate substitutions
in this equation (and noting that f (x + t) = x + t and f (x t) = x t), we obtain the
x+t L 1x+t M
1 1 1 s2 11
u(x, t) = [(x + t) + (x t)] + s ds = x +
2 2 2 2 1xt
1 - . 1
= x+ (x + t)2 (x t)2 = x + [4tx] = x + tx .
4 4
3. To solve this problem using separation of variables, we will assume that a solution has the
form u(x, y) = X(x)Y (y). Making this substitution into the partial dierential equation yields
Exercises 10.7
Y (y) + KY (y) = 0 (10.26)
By making the substitution u(x, y) = X(x)Y (y) into the first boundary conditions, that is,
u(0, y) = u(, y) = 0, we obtain
Since we do not want the trivial solution which would be obtained if we let Y (y) 0, these
boundary conditions imply that
X(0) = X() = 0.
Combining these boundary conditions with equation (10.25) above yields the boundary value
X (x) KX(x) = 0, with X(0) = X() = 0.
Case 1: K = 0. For this case, the dierential equation becomes X (x) = 0, which has solutions
X(x) = A + Bx. By applying the first of the boundary conditions, we obtain
X() = B = 0 B = 0.
Chapter 10
Case 2: K > 0. In this case, the auxiliary equation associated with this dierential equation
is r 2 K = 0, which has the real roots r = K. Thus, solutions to this problem are given
X(x) = Ae Kx
+ Be Kx
# %
X() = Be K
+ Be K
=0 B e2 K 1 = 0.
This last expression is true only if K = 0 or if B = 0. Since we are assuming that K > 0, we
must have B = 0 which means that A = B = 0. Therefore, in this case we again find only
the trivial solution.
Case 3: K < 0. The auxiliary equation associated with the dierential equation in this case
has the complex valued roots r = Ki, (where K > 0). Therefore, solutions to the
ODE for this case are given by
# % # %
X(x) = A cos Kx + B sin Kx .
# %
X() = B sin K = 0 K = n K = n2 , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . ,
where we have assumed that B = 0 since this would lead to the trivial solution. Therefore,
nontrivial solutions Xn (x) = Bn sin nx are obtained when K = n2 , n = 1, 2, 3 . . . .
Exercises 10.7
To solve the dierential equation given in equation (10.26) above, we use these values for K.
This yields the family of linear ordinary dierential equations given by
Y (y) n2 Y (y) = 0, n = 1, 2, 3, . . . .
The auxiliary equations associated with these ODEs are r 2 n2 = 0, which have the real
roots r = n, n = 1, 2, 3, . . .. Hence, the solutions to this family of dierential equations are
given by
Yn (y) = Cn eny + Dn eny , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . .
where An = K2n 2
K1n and En = tanh1 (K1n /K2n ). (See Problem 18.)
Since we do not want An = 0, this implies that sinh (n + En ) = 0. This will be true only if
n + En = 0 or in other words if En = n. Substituting these expressions for En into the
family of solutions we found for Y (y), yields
Chapter 10
Therefore, substituting the solutions just found for X(x) and Y (y) into un (x, y) = Xn (x)Yn (y)
we see that
un (x, y) = an sin nx sinh(ny n),
In order to find an expression for the coecients an , we will apply the remaining boundary
condition, u(x, 0) = f (x). From this condition, we obtain
u(x, 0) = f (x) = an sin nx sinh(n),
which implies that an sinh(n) are the coecients of the Fourier sine series of f (x). There-
fore, by equation (7) on page 609 of the text, we see that (with T = )
3 3
2 2
an sinh(n) = f (x) sin nx dx an = f (x) sin nx dx .
0 0
Thus, a formal solution to this ODE is given in equation (10.27) with the an s given by the
equation above.
5. This problem has two nonhomogeneous boundary conditions, and, therefore, we will solve two
PDE problems, one for each of these boundary conditions. These problems are
2u 2u
+ = 0, 0 < x < , 0 < y < 1;
x2 y 2
u(0, y) u(, y)
= = 0, 0 y 1,
x x
u(x, 0) = cos x cos 3x, u(x, 1) = 0, 0 x ,
2u 2u
+ = 0, 0 < x < , 0 < y < 1;
x2 y 2
Exercises 10.7
u(0, y) u(, y)
= = 0, 0 y 1,
x x
u(x, 0) = 0, u(x, 1) = cos 2x, 0 x .
If u1 and u2 are solutions to the first and second problems, respectively, then u = u1 + u2 will
be a solution to the original problem. To see this notice that
+ 2 , + 2 ,
2u 2u u1 2 u2 u1 2 u2
+ = + + +
x2 y 2 x2 x2 y 2 y 2
+ 2 , + ,
u1 2 u1 2 u2 2 u2
= + + + = 0 + 0 = 0,
x2 y 2 x2 y 2
u(0, y) u1 (0, y) u2 (0, y)
= + = 0 + 0 = 0,
x x x
u(, y) u1 (, y) u2 (, y)
= + = 0 + 0 = 0,
x x x
u(x, 0) = u1 (x, 0) + u2 (x, 0) = cos x cos 3x + 0 = cos x cos 3x ,
u(x, 1) = u1 (x, 1) + u2 (x, 1) = 0 + cos 2x = cos 2x .
The first of these two problems has the form of the problem given in Example 1 on page 639
of the text with a = , b = 1, and f (x) = cos x cos 3x. A formal solution to this problem is
given in equation (10) on page 641 of the text. Thus, by making the appropriate substitutions,
we find that a formal solution to the first problem is
u1 (x, y) = E0 (y 1) + En cos nx sinh(ny n).
Thus, we have
u1 (x, 0) = cos x cos 3x = E0 + En cos nx sinh(n).
Chapter 10
E1 sinh(1) = 1 E1 =
and for n = 3,
E3 sinh(3) = 1 E1 = .
For all other values of n, En = 0. By substituting these values into the expression found above
for u1 , we obtain the formal solution to the first of our two problems given by
To solve the second of our problems, we note that, except for the last two boundary conditions,
it is similar to the problem solved in Example 1 on page 639 of the text. As in that example,
using the separation of variables technique, we find that the ODE
Y0 (y) = A0 + B0 y,
Yn (y) = Cn sinh [n (y + Dn )] , n = 1, 2, 3 . . . .
At this point, the problem we are solving diers from the example. The boundary condition
u(x, 0) = X(x)Y (0) = 0, 0 x , implies that Y (0) = 0 (since we dont want the trivial
solution). Therefore, applying this boundary condition to each of the solutions found above
Y0 (0) = A0 + 0 = 0 A0 = 0,
Yn (0) = Cn sinh (nDn ) = 0 Dn = 0,
Exercises 10.7
where we have used the fact that sinh x = 0 only when x = 0. By substituting these results
into the solutions found above, we obtain
Y0 (y) = B0 y,
Yn (y) = Cn sinh ny, n = 1, 2, 3 . . . .
By applying the last boundary condition of this second problem, namely u(x, 1) = cos 2x, to
these solutions, we see that
u2 (x, 1) = E0 + En cos nx sinh n = cos 2x ..
Therefore, when n = 2,
E2 sinh 2 = 1 E2 = ,
sinh 2
and for all other values of n, En = 0. By substituting these coecients into the solution
u2 (x, y) that we found above, we obtain the formal solution to this second problem
cos 2x sinh 2y
u2 (x, y) = .
sinh 2
By the superposition principle (as noted at the beginning of this problem), a formal solution
to the original partial dierential equation is the sum of this solution and the solution given
in equation (10.28). Thus, the solution that we seek is
cos x sinh(y 1) cos 3x sinh(3y 3) cos 2x sinh 2y
u(x, y) = + .
sinh(1) sinh(3) sinh 2
Chapter 10
11. In this problem, the technique of separation of variables, as in Example 2 on page 642 of the
text, leads to the two ODEs
Here, however, we are not concerned with what happens when r = 0. By our assumption that
u(r, ) = R(r)T (), we see that solutions of the PDE given in this problem will have the form
) *
u0 (r, ) = B(C + D ln r) and un (r, ) = Cn r n + Dn r n (An cos n + Bn sin n) ,
Exercises 10.7
which implies that a = 0, b = 0, 2d1 +21 f1 = 1, and for all other values of n, 2n c1 +2n e1 = 0
and 2n d1 + 2n f1 = 0. By combining these results, we obtain a = 0, b = 0, and the three
systems of two equations in two unknowns given by
d4 + f4 = 1, c1 + e1 = 1, d1 + f1 = 0,
and 1
2 d4 + 2 f4 = 0 2c1 + 2 e1 = 0 2d1 + 21 f1 = 1,
(where the first equation in each system was derived from the first boundary condition and
the second equation in each system was derived from the second boundary condition), and
for all other values of n, cn = 0 , en = 0, dn = 0, fn = 0. Solving each system of equations
simultaneously yields
1 256 1 4 2 2
d4 = , f4 = , c1 = , e1 = , d1 = , f1 = .
255 255 3 3 3 3
By substituting these values for the coecients into equation (10.29) above, we find that a
solution to this Dirichlet problem is given by
+ , + , + ,
1 4 1 2 2 1 1 4 256 4
u(r, ) = r r cos + r r sin + r r sin 4 .
3 3 3 3 255 255
15. Here, as in Example 2 on page 642 of the text, the technique of separation of variables leads
to the two ODEs given by
Since we want to avoid the trivial solution, the boundary condition u(r, 0) = R(r)T (0) = 0
implies that T (0) = 0 and the boundary condition u(r, ) = R(r)T () = 0 implies that
T () = 0. Therefore, we seek a nontrivial solution to the ODE
Chapter 10
Case 1: = 0. This case leads to the dierential equation T () = 0, which has solutions
T () = A+B. Applying the first boundary condition yields 0 = T (0) = B. Thus, T () = A.
The second boundary condition implies that 0 = T () = A. Hence, A = 0. Therefore, in
this case we find only the trivial solution.
Case 2: < 0. In this case, the auxiliary equation associated with the linear dierential equa-
tion given in equation (10.30) above is r 2 + = 0, which has the real roots r = (where
> 0). Thus, the solution to this dierential equation has the form
T () = C1 e + C2 e
Since we are assuming that < 0, the only way that this last expression can be zero is for
C2 = 0. Thus, C1 = C2 = 0 and we again obtain the trivial solution.
Case 3: > 0. In this case, the roots to the auxiliary equation associated with this dierential
equation are r = i. Therefore, the solution to the dierential equation given in equation
(10.30) is
T () = C1 sin + C2 cos .
0 = T () = C1 sin .
Exercises 10.7
Since we do not want the trivial solution, this last boundary condition yields sin = 0.
This will be true if = n or, in other words, if = n2 , n = 1, 2, 3, . . .. With these values
for , we find nontrivial solution for the dierential equation given in equation (10.30) above
to be
Tn () = Bn sin n , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . .
Substituting the values for that we have just found into the dierential equation
This is the same Cauchy-Euler equation that was solved in Example 2 on page 642 of the
text. There it was found that the solutions have the form
Rn (r) = Cn r n + Dn r n , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . .
Since we require that u(r, ) to be bounded on its domain, we see that u(r, ) = R(r)T ()
must be bounded about r = 0. This implies that R() must be bounded. Therefore, Dn = 0
and so the solutions to this Cauchy-Euler equation are given by
Rn (r) = Cn r n , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . .
Since we have assumed that u(r, ) = R(r)T (), we see that formal solutions to the original
partial dierential equation are
Chapter 10
This implies that c3 = 1 and for all other values of n, cn = 0. Substituting these values for the
coecients into the formal solution found above, yields the solution to this Dirichlet problem
on the half disk
u(r, ) = r 3 sin 3 .
17. As in Example 2 on page 642 of the text, we solve this problem by separation of variables.
There it was found that we must solve the two ordinary dierential equations
Tn () = An cos n + Bn sin n , n = 0, 1, 2, . . . ,
(Note that here we are not concerned with what happens to u(r, ) around r = 0.) Thus,
since we are assuming that u(r, ) = R(r)T (), we see that solutions to the original partial
dierential equation will be given by
u0 (r, ) = A0 (C + D ln r) = a0 + b0 ln r,
) *
un (r, ) = Cn r n + Dn r n (An cos n + Bn sin n)
) * ) *
= an r n + bn r n cos n + cn r n + dn r n sin n ,
Exercises 10.7
where we have used the fact that ln 1 = 0. Comparing this equation with equation (8) on
page 594 of the text, we see that a0 , (an + bn ), and (cn + dn ) are the Fourier coecients of
f () (with T = ). Therefore, by equations (9) and (10) on that same page we see that
a0 = f () d ,
an + bn = f () cos n d , (10.34)
cn + d n = f () sin n d , n = 1, 2, 3 . . . .
To apply the last boundary condition, we must find u/r. Hence, we find
u(r, ) b0 H -) * ) * .
= + an nr n1 bn nr n1 cos n + cn nr n1 dn nr n1 sin n .
r r n=1
Again by comparing this to equation (8) on page 594 of the text, we see that
b0 ) * ) *
, n3n1 an n3n1 bn , and n3n1 cn n3n1 dn
Chapter 10
are the Fourier coecients of g() (with T = ). Thus, by equations (9) and (10) on that
same page of the text, we see that
b0 = g() d ,
n3n1 an n3n1 bn = g() cos n d , (10.35)
n3n1 cn n3n1 dn = g() sin n d , n = 1, 2, 3 . . . .
Therefore, the formal solution to this partial dierential equation will be given by equation
(10.33) with the coecients given by equations (10.34) and (10.35).
CHAPTER 11: Eigenvalue Problems and
Sturm-Liouville Equations
1. The auxiliary equation for this problem is r 2 + 2r + 26 = 0, which has roots r = 1 5i.
Hence a general solution to the dierential equation y + 2y + 26y = 0 is given by
We will now try to determine C1 and C2 so that the boundary conditions are satisfied. Setting
x = 0 and x = , we find
y(0) = C1 = 1, y() = C1 e = e .
Both boundary conditions yield the same result, C1 = 1. Hence, there is a one parameter
family of solutions,
y(x) = ex cos 5x + C2 ex sin 5x.,
where C2 is arbitrary.
13. First note that the auxiliary equation for this problem is r 2 + = 0. To find eigenvalues which
yield nontrivial solutions we will consider the three cases < 0, = 0, and > 0.
Case 1. < 0: In this case the roots to the auxiliary equation are (where we note that
is a positive number). Therefore, a general solution to the dierential equation y +y = 0
is given by
y(x) = C1 e + C2 e x
y(0) = C1 + C2 = 0 C2 = C1 .
Chapter 11
# %
y(x) = C1 e x e x .
In order to apply the second boundary conditions, we need to find y (x). Thus, we have
# %
x x
y(x) = C1 e +e .
# %
y(1) = C1 e + e = 0. (11.1)
Since > 0 and e + e
= 0, the only way that equation (11.1) can be true is for
C1 = 0. So in this case we have only the trivial solution. Thus, there are no eigenvalues for
< 0.
Case 2. = 0: In this case we are solving the dierential equation y = 0. This equation has
a general solution given by
y(x) = C1 + C2 x y (x) = C2 .
In order to apply the second boundary conditions we need to find y (x). Thus, we have
# %
y (x) = C2 cos x ,
Exercises 11.2
and so
# %
y (1) = C2 cos = 0.
Therefore, in order to obtain a solution other than the trivial solution, we must have
# % + ,
cos =0 = n+ , n = 0, 1, 2, . . .
+ ,2
n = n + 2 , n = 0, 1, 2, . . . .
For the eigenvalue n , we have the corresponding eigenfunctions,
4+ , 5
yn (x) = Cn sin n + x , n = 0, 1, 2, . . . ,
where Cn is an arbitrary nonzero constant.
x2 y + xy + y = 0, x > 0. (11.2)
Case 1. < 0: Let = 2 , for > 0. The roots of the auxiliary equation are r = and
so a general solution to (11.2) is
y(x) = C1 x + C2 x .
y (1) = (C1 C2 ) = 0.
Since > 0,
) *
C1 C2 = 0 C1 = C2 y(x) = C1 x + x .
Chapter 11
Since e + e = 0 the only way that equation (11.3) can be true is for C1 = 0. So in this
case we have only the trivial solution. Thus, there is no eigenvalue for < 0.
Case 2. = 0: In this case we are solving the dierential equation (xy ) = 0. This equation
can be solved as follows:
xy = C1 y = y(x) = C2 + C1 ln x .
By applying the boundary conditions, we obtain
y (1) = C1 = 0 and y (e ) = C2 + C1 ln (e ) = C2 + C1 = 0.
Solving these equations simultaneously yields C1 = C2 = 0. Thus, we again find only the
trivial solution. Therefore, = 0 is not an eigenvalue.
Case 3. > 0: Let = 2 , for > 0. The roots of the auxiliary equation are r = i and so
a general solution (11.2) is
y (1) = C2 = 0 C2 = 0.
Therefore, in order to obtain a solution other than the trivial solution, we must have
+ ,
cos () = 0 = n + n = 0, 1, 2, . . .
Exercises 11.2
+ ,2
1 1
=n+ n = n+ , n = 0, 1, 2, . . . .
2 2
Corresponding to the eigenvalues, n s, we have the eigenfunctions.
4+ , 5
yn (x) = Cn cos n + ln x , n = 0, 1, 2, . . . ,
where Cn is an arbitrary nonzero constant.
25. As in Problem 13, the auxiliary equation for this problem is r 2 + = 0. To find eigenvalues
which yield nontrivial solutions we will consider the three cases < 0, = 0, and > 0.
Case 1. < 0: The roots of the auxiliary equation are r = and so a general solution
to the dierential equation y + y = 0 is given by
y(x) = C1 e + C2 e x
y(0) = C1 + C2 = 0 C2 = C1 .
# %
y(x) = C1 e x e x .
Now either C1 = 0 or
(1+2 )
e2 =1 (1 + 2 ) = 0 = 0.
Since < 0, we must have C1 = 0 and hence there are no eigenvalues for < 0.
Chapter 11
Case 2. = 0: In this case we are solving the dierential equation y = 0. This equation has
a general solution given by
y(x) = C1 + C2 x.
Therefore, in order to obtain a solution other than the trivial solution, we must have
# %
sin (1 + 2 ) = 0 (1 + 2 ) = n, n = 1, 2, 3, . . . .
Hence choose the eigenvalues n , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . , such that n (1 + 2n ) = n; and the
corresponding eigenfunctions are
#$ %
yn (x) = Cn sin n x , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . ,
Exercises 11.2
Lets now consider the boundary conditions. From u(0, t) = 0 and u(, t) = 0, t > 0, we
conclude that
X(0)T (t) = 0 and X()T (t) = 0, t > 0.
X(0) = X() = 0.
Ignoring the trivial solution u(x, t) 0, we obtain the boundary value problem
Chapter 11
sin = 0 = n = n, n = 1, 2, 3, . . . .
Since = 1,
1=n = n2 + 1, n = 1, 2, 3, . . . .
n = n2 + 1, n = 1, 2, 3, . . . .
where Cn = 0 is arbitrary.
Case 2, 1 = 0 ( = 1): In this case the associated auxiliary equation has double root
r = 1. Therefore, the general solution is given by
X(x) = C1 ex + C2 xex .
Exercises 11.3
X(0) = C1 + C2 = 0 C2 = C1 .
Since e(1) e(1+) = 0, C1 = 0, and again in this case we have only the trivial
solution. Thus, there are no eigenvalues for < 1.
Therefore, the eigenvalues are n = n2 + 1, n = 1, 2, 3, . . . , with corresponding eigenfunc-
tions Xn (x) = Cn ex sin nx, n = 1, 2, 3, . . . , where Cn is an arbitrary nonzero constant.
3. Here A2 = x(1 x) and A1 = 2x. Using formula (4) on page 673 of the text, we find
1 ? 1 ? 1 ?
(x) = e [A1 (x)/A2 (x)]dx = e [2x/x(1x)]dx = e2 dx/(1x)
x(1 x) x(1 x) x(1 x)
1 1 1 x
= e2 ln(1x) = (1 x)2 = .
x(1 x) x(1 x) x
(1 x)2 y (x) 2(1 x)y (x) + y(x) = 0
- . 1x
(1 x)2 y (x) + y(x) = 0.
9. Here we consider the linear dierential operator L[y] := y +y; y(0) = y(), y (0) = y ().
We must show that
(u, L[v]) = (L[u], v),
Chapter 11
where u(x) and v(x) are any functions in the domain of L. Now
3 3 3
(u, L[v]) = u(x) [v (x) + v(x)] dx = u(x)v (x) dx + u(x)v(x) dx
0 0 0
3 3 3
(L[u], v) = [u (x) + u(x)] v(x) dx = u (x)v(x) dx + u(x)v(x)dx.
0 0 0
? ?
Hence it suces to show that u(x)v (x) dx = u (x)v(x) dx. To do this we start with
0 0
u (x)v(x) dx and integrate by parts twice. Doing this we obtain
3 3
1 1
u (x)v(x) dx = u (x)v(x) 10 u(x)v (x) 10 +
u(x)v (x) dx.
0 0
1 1
Hence, we just need to show u (x)v(x) 10 u(x)v (x) 10 = 0. Expanding gives
1 1
u (x)v(x) 10 u(x)v (x) 10 = u ()v() u (0)v(0) u()v () + u(0)v (0).
Since u is in the domain of L, we have u(0) = u(), and u (0) = u (). Hence,
1 1
u(x)v(x) 10 u(x)v (x) 10 = u() [v() + v(0)] u() [v () + v (0)] .
But v also lies in the domain of L and hence v(0) = v() and v (0) = v (). This makes
1 1
the expressions in the brackets zero and we have u (x)v(x) 1 u(x)v (x) 1 = 0. 0 0
Therefore, L is selfadjoint.
Exercises 11.3
We compute
31 4+ , 5 31
2 2 1 1 2
Cn sin n+ x dx = C (1 cos [(2n + 1)x]) dx
2 2 n
0 0
+ ,11
1 2 1 1 1
= Cn x sin [(2n + 1)x] 11 = Cn2 .
2 (2n + 1) 0 2
Hence, we can take Cn = 2 which gives
6 4+ , 57
2 sin n + x ,
2 n=0
as an orthonormal system of eigenfunctions.
(b) To obtain the eigenfunction expansion for f (x) = x, we use formula (25) on page 679 of
the text. Thus,
31 4+ , 5
cn = x 2 sin n + x dx .
-) * .
Using integration by parts with u = 2x and dv = sin n + 12 x dx, we find
11 31
2x cos[(n + 1/2)x] 11 2x cos[(n + 1/2)x] dx
cn = 1 +
(n + 1/2) 1 (n + 1/2)
0 0
2 cos[(n + 1/2)] 2 sin[(n + 1/2)x] 11
= + 1
(n + 1/2) (n + 1/2)2 2 1
2 sin[(n + 1/2)] (1) 2
= 0+ 2 2
= .
(n + 1/2) (n + 1/2)2 2
H 4+ , 5 H 4+ , 5
1 2(1)n 1
x= cn 2 sin n + x = 2 2
sin n + x
2 n=0
(n + 1/2) 2
4+ , 5
8 H (1)n 1
= sin n + x .
2 n=0 (2n + 1)2 2
Chapter 11
(b) To obtain the eigenfunction expansion for f (x) = x, we use formula (25) on page 679 of
the text. Thus, with w(x) = x1 , we have
3e ! 4+ , 5
2 1
cn = x cos n + ln x x1 dx.
Exercises 11.4
! 4+ , 5
H 2 1
x = cn cos n+ ln x
H 4+ , 5
2 (1)n e (n + 1/2) 1 1
= cos n+ ln x .
1 + (n + 1/2)2 2
Substituting into the formula (3) page 684 of the text, we obtain
- . - .
L+ [y] = (1 + x2 )y (2xy) + y = 2xy + (1 + x2 )y 2y 2xy + y
= 2y + 2xy + 2xy + (1 + x2 )y 2y 2xy + y = (1 + x2 )y + 2xy + y.
L+ [v] = v + 2v + 10v.
Chapter 11
for all u in D(L) and v in D (L+ ). Using formula (9) page 685 of the text for P (u, v) with
A1 = 2 and A2 = 1, we find
P (u, v) = 2uv uv + u v.
Since u in D(L), we know that u(0) = u() = 0. Thus the above equation becomes
u()v() u (0)v(0) = 0.
Since u() and u (0) can take on any value, we must have v(0) = v() = 0 for this equation
to hold for all u in D(L). Hence D (L+ ) consists of all function v having continuous second
derivatives on [0, ] and satisfying the boundary condition
v(0) = v() = 0.
L+ [v] = v 6v + 10v.
for all u in D(L) and v in D (L+ ). Again using formula (9) page 685 of the text for P (u, v)
with A1 = 6 and A2 = 1, we find
Exercises 11.4
Since u() and u(0) can take on any value, we must have 6v()v () = 0 and 6v(0)v (0) = 0
in order for the equation to hold for all u in D(L). Therefore, the adjoint boundary value
problem is
The auxiliary equation for (11.7) is r 2 + 2r + 10 = 0, which has roots r = 1 3i. Hence a
general solution to the dierential equation in (11.7) is given by
Thus C1 = 0 and C2 is arbitrary. Therefore, every solution to the adjoint problem (11.7) has
the form
y(x) = C2 ex sin 3x.
It follows from the Fredholm alternative that if h is continuous, then the nonhomogeneous
problem has a solution if and only if
h(x)ex sin 3x dx = 0.
Chapter 11
y (x) = 3C1 e3x cos x C1 e3x sin x + 3C2 e3x sin x + C2 e3x cos x.
Thus C2 = 3C1 where C1 is arbitrary. Therefore, every solution to the adjoint problem (11.8)
has the form
y(x) = C1 e3x (cos x + 3 sin x).
It follows from the Fredholm alternative that if h is continuous, then the nonhomogeneous
problem has a solution if and only if
h(x)e3x (cos x + 3 sin x) dx = 0.
3. In Example 1 on page 696 of the text we noted that the boundary value problem
y + y = 0; y(0) = 0, y() = 0,
Exercises 11.5
5. In equation (18) on page 666 of the text we noted that the boundary value problem
y + y = 0; y (0) = 0, y () = 0,
( 1 ) c1 1 = 0
where c1 is arbitrary.
Chapter 11
9. We first find the eigenvalues and corresponding eigenfunctions for this problem. Note that the
auxiliary equation for this problem is r 2 + = 0. To find eigenvalues which yield nontrivial
solutions we will consider the three cases < 0, = 0, and > 0.
Case 1, < 0: Let = , then the roots to the auxiliary equation are r = and a
general solution to the dierential equation is given by
y (x) = C1 cosh x + C2 sinh x,
Hence C1 = 0 and y() = C2 cosh = 0. Therefore C2 = 0 and we find only the trivial
Case 2, = 0: In this case the dierential equation becomes y = 0. This equation has a
general solution given by
y(x) = C1 + C2 x.
Solving these equations simultaneously yields C1 = C2 = 0. Thus, we again find only the
trivial solution.
Case 3, > 0: Let = 2 , for > 0. The roots of the auxiliary equation are r = i and so
a general solution is
y(x) = C1 cos x + C2 sin x.
y (x) = C1 sin x + C2 cos x,
Exercises 11.5
y() = C1 cos = 0.
Therefore, in order to obtain a solution other than the trivial solution, we must have
cos = 0 =n+ , n = 0, 1, 2, . . . .
Hence choose n = (n + 1/2)2 , n = 0, 1, 2, . . ., and
4+ , 5
yn (x) = Cn cos n + x ,
where the Cn s are arbitrary nonzero constants.
Computing we find
3 4+ , 5 3
1 1 2
cos 2
x dx = C {1 + cos[(2n + 1)x]} dx
2 2 n
0 0
6 71
1 2 1 1
= Cn x + sin[(2n + 1)x] 11 = Cn2 .
2 2n + 1 0 2
An orthonormal system of eigenfunctions is given when we take Cn = 2/,
>! 4+ , 5O
2 1
cos n + x .
Chapter 11
! 3 4+ , 5
2 1
n = f (x) cos n + x dx.
Therefore, with n as described above, the solution to the given boundary value problem has
a formal expansion
! 4+ , 5 H ! 4+ , 5
H n 2 1 n 2 1
(x) = cos n+ x = cos n+ x .
1 n 2 n=0
1 (n + 1/2)2 2
z1 (0) = 0,
z2 () = 0.
Since A is arbitrary, we choose A = 1 and so z1 (x) = x. Next, from the second equation in
(11.9) we get
z2 () = A = 0.
Exercises 11.6
z1 (0) = B = 0.
Since A is arbitrary, we can set it equal to 1 and z1 (x) = x. Next, to get z2 (x) we need to
choose A and B so that
z2 () + z2 () = A + B + A = 0.
Now compute
A solution z1 (x) must satisfy the first boundary condition, z1 (0) = 0. Substitution yields
Setting C2 = 1, we get z1 (x) = sin 2x. For z2 (x), we have to find constants C1 and C2 such
that the second boundary condition is satisfied. Since
Chapter 11
we have
z2 () = 2C1 sin(2) + 2C2 cos(2) = 2C2 = 0 C2 = 0.
Next we find
C = p(x)W [z1 , z2 ] (x) = (1)[(sin 2x)(2 sin 2x) (cos 2x)(2 cos 2x)] = 2.
13. In Problem 3 we found the Greens function for this boundary value problem. When f (x) = x,
the solution is given by equation (16) on page 702 of the text. Substituting for f (x) and G(x, s)
3b 3 3x 3
s2 (x 1 ) xs(s 1 )
y(x) = G(x, s)f (s) ds = G(x, s)s ds = ds + ds.
1+ 1+
a 0 0 x
3x + ,1x + ,
s2 (x 1 ) (x 1 ) s3 11 (x 1 ) x3 x4 x3
ds = = = + ,
1+ 1+ 3 1s=0 1+ 3 3(1 + ) 3
3 4 51 4 3 5
xs(s 1 ) x s3 (1 + )s2 11 x (1 + ) 2
ds = 1 =
1+ 1+ 3 2 s=x 1+ 3 2
4 3 5
x x (1 + )x2 3x 2x x4 x3
+ = + + ,
1+ 3 2 3(1 + ) 2 3(1 + ) 2
we finally get
4 5 4 5
x4 x3 3x 2x x4 x3
y(x) = + + + +
3(1 + ) 3 3(1 + ) 2 3(1 + ) 2
4 2 3
5 3 2
x x (3 + )x
= + x= + .
6 2 3(1 + ) 6 6(1 + )
Exercises 11.6
yh (x) = C1 ex + C2 ex .
So z1 (x) and z2 (x) must be of this form. To get z1 (x) we want to choose constants C1 and C2
so that
z1 (0) = C1 e0 + C2 e0 = C1 + C2 = 0.
Here f (x) = x. Using Greens function to solve the boundary value problem, we find
3b 3x s 31 x
(e es )(ex e2x )(s) (e ex )(es e2s )(s)
y(x) = G(x, s)f (s) ds = ds + ds.
2 2e2 2 2e2
a 0 x
Chapter 11
31 31
(ex ex )(es e2s )(s) ex ex ) *
ds = ses se2s ds
2 2e2 2 2e2
x x
e e x ) *11
= ses es + se2s + e2s 1x
2 2e2
ex ex - ) *.
= 2e xex ex + xe2x + e2x .
2 2e2
ex e2x ) x x x x
* ex ex - ) x x 2x 2x
y(x) = xe e + xe + e 2e xe e + xe + e
2 2e2 2 2e2
(e e )(xe e + xe + e ) (ex ex )(2e xex + ex xe2x e2x )
x 2x x x x x
2 2e2
2x + 2xe2 2e1+x + 2e1x e1+x e1x
= = x + .
2 2e2 e2 1
x2 y 2xy + 2y = 0,
r(r 1) 2r + 2 = 0 or r 2 3r + 2 = (r 1)(r 2) = 0.
yh (x) = C1 x + C2 x2 .
z1 (1) = C1 + C2 = 0 C2 = C1 .
Hence, we let C2 = 1, then C1 = 2 and z2 (x) = 2x x2 . Now compute (see the formula for
K(x, s) in Problem 22)
) 2* - .
C(s) = A2 (s)W [z1 , z2 ] (s) = s (s s2 )(2 2s) (1 2s)(2s s2 )
Exercises 11.6
) 2* ) *
s 2s 4s2 + 2s3 2s + 5s2 2s3 = s4 ,
(s s2 )(2x x2 )
, 1 s x,
z1 (s)z2 (x)/C(s), 1 s x, s4
K(x, s) = =
z1 (x)z2 (s)/C(s), x s 2
(x x2 )(2s s2 )
, x s 2.
Simplifying yields
x(2 x)(s3 s2 ), 1 s x,
K(x, s) =
x(1 x)(2s3 s2 ), x s 2.
= x2 ln 2 x ln 2 x ln x .
Chapter 11
where u is the unit step function and C1 is a constant. (Recall in Section 7.8 we observed
that u(t a) = (t a), at least formally.) 3 H/x3 is not continuous along the line x = s,
but it does satisfy the jump condition
3 H(x, s) 3 H(x, s)
lim lim = lim+ [u(x s) + C1 ] lim [u(x s) + C1 ]
xs+ x3 xs x3 xs xs
= (1 + C1 ) C1 = 1.
(, s) = u( s) + C1 = 1 + C1 = 0
to obtain C1 = 1. Thus
3 H(x, s)
= u(x s) + 1 .
We now integrate again with respect to x to obtain
2 H(x, s)
= x u(x s)(x s) + C2 .
(The reader should verify this is the antiderivative for x = s by dierentiating it.) We
selected this particular form of the antiderivative because we need 2 H/x2 to be continuous
on [0, ] [0, ]. (The jump of u(x s) when x s is canceled by the vanishing of this term
by the factor (x s).) Since
2 H(x, s)
lim = s + C2 ,
xs x2
we can define
(s, s) = s + C2 ,
and we now have a continuous function. Next, we want y () = 0. Solving we find
0= (, s) = u( s)( s) + C2 = ( s) + C2 = s + C2 .
2 H(x, s)
= (x s) u(x s)(x s) .
Exercises 11.7
(0 s)3
0 = H(0, s) = u(0 s) + C4 = C4 .
x3 sx2 (x s)3
H(x, s) = u(x s) ,
6 2 6
which we can rewrite in the form
s (s 3x)
, 0 s x,
H(x, s) =
x2 (x 3s)
, x s .
1. This is a typical singular Sturm-Liouville boundary value problem. Condition (ii) of Lemma 1
on page 710 of the main text holds since
Chapter 11
and y(1) = 0, the analogue of condition (i) of Lemma 1 holds at the right endpoint. Hence L
is selfadjoint.
The equation is Bessels equation of order 2. On page 712 of the text, we observed that the
solutions to this boundary value problem are given by
yn (x) = cn J2 (2n x) ,
where n = 2n is the increasing sequence of real zeros of J2 (x), that is, J2 (2n ) = 0.
Now to find an eigenfunction expansion for the given nonhomogeneous equation we compute
the eigenfunction expansion for f (x)/x (see page 694):
f (x) H
an J2 (2n x) ,
x n=1
where ?1
f (x)J2 (2n x) dx
an = ?1 2 , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . .
xJ 2 (2n x) dx
H an
y(x) = 2
J2 (2n x) .
yn (x) = J0 (1n x) , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . .
Exercises 11.7
To find an eigenfunction expansion for the solution to the nonhomogeneous equation, we first
expand f (x)/x (see page 694):
f (x) H
bn J0 (1n x) ,
x n=1
where ?1
f (x)J0 (1n x) dx
bn = ?1 2 , n = 1, 2, 3, . . . .
xJ0 (1n x) dx
H bn
y(x) = 2
J0 (1n x) .
d 2
[x (x)] (x) + x(x) = 0
dx x
(x) + x (x) (x) + x(x) = 0.
Multiplying both side by (x) and integrating both sides from 0 to 1, we obtain
31 31 31 31
(x) (x) dx + x(x) (x) dx [(x)]2 dx + x[(x)]2 dx = 0. (11.10)
0 0 0 0
31 31
(x) (x) dx = x(x) (x) 10
x [ (x) (x) + (x) (x)] dx
0 0
31 31
= x(x) (x) 10
x [ (x)] dx x(x) (x) dx.
0 0
Chapter 11
0 0 0
31 31 31
x [ (x)] dx x(x) (x) dx + x(x) (x) dx
0 0 0
31 31
2 1 2
x [(x)] dx + x[(x)]2 dx = 0
0 0
31 31 31
x [ (x)] dx 2 x1 [(x)]2 dx + x[(x)]2 dx = 0. (11.11)
0 0 0
(b) First note that each integrand in (11.11) is nonnegative on the interval (0, 1), hence
each integral is nonnegative. Moreover, since (x) is an eigenfunction, it is a continuous
function which is not the zero function. Hence, the second and third integrals are strictly
positive. Thus, if > 0, then must be positive in order for the left-hand side of (11.11)
to sum to zero.
(c) If = 0, then only the first and third terms remain on the left hand side of equa-
tion (11.11). Since the first integral need only be nonnegative, we only need to be
nonnegative in order for equation (11.11) to be satisfied.
To show = 0 is not an eigenvalue, we solve Bessels equation with = 0, that is, we
xy + y = 0,
x2 y + xy = 0.
Exercises 11.8
y(x) = c1 + c2 ln x.
we must find a q(x) and a function (x) such that q(x) 1 ex , 0 < x < , and (x) is a
solution to
y + q(x)y = 0, 0 < x < . (11.13)
Because, for x > 0, 1 ex < 0, we choose q(x) 0. Hence equation (11.13) becomes
y = 0. The function (x) = x + 4 is a nontrivial solution to this dierential equation. Since
(x) = x + 4 does not have a zero for x > 0, any nontrivial solution to (11.12) can have
at most one zero in 0 < x < . To use the Sturm fundamental theorem to show that any
nontrivial solution to
y + (1 ex ) y = 0, < x < 0, (11.14)
has infinitely many zeros, we must find a q(x) and a function (x) such that q(x) 1 ex ,
x < 0, and (x) is a solution to
Because 1 e1 0.632, we choose q(x) 1/4 and only consider the interval (, 1).
Hence, we obtain
y + y = 0,
Chapter 11
which has nontrivial solution (x) = sin(x/2). Now the function (x) has infinitely many
zeros in (, 1) and between any two consecutive zeros of (x) any nontrivial solution to
(11.14) must have a zero; hence any nontrivial solution to (11.14) will have infinitely many
zeros in (, 1).
9. First express
) *
y + x2 y + 4 ex y = 0,
11. We apply Corollary 5 with p(x) = 1 + x, q(x) = ex , and r(x) 1 to a nontrivial solution
on the interval [0, 5]. On this interval we have pM = 6, pm = 1, qM = 1, qm = e5 , and
rM = rm = 1. Therefore, for
6 7
qM qm
> max , ,0 = 0,
rM rm
the distance between two consecutive zeros of a nontrivial solution (x) to the given equation
is bounded between
! ! ! !
pm 1 pM 6
= and = .
qM + rM 1+ qm + rm e5+
CHAPTER 12: Stability of Autonomous Systems
EXERCISES 12.2: Linear Systems in the Plane, page 753
3. The characteristic equation for this system is r 2 + 2r + 10 = 0, which has roots r = 1 3i.
Since the real part of each root is negative, the trajectories approach the origin, and the origin
is an asymptotically stable spiral point.
4x + 2y + 8 = 0,
x 2y + 1 = 0.
Solving this system, we obtain the critical point (3, 2). Now we use the change of variables
x = u + 3, y = v + 2,
to translate the critical point (3, 2) to the origin (0, 0). Substituting into the system of this
problem and simplifying, we obtain a system of dierential equations in u and v:
du dx
= = 4(u + 3) + 2(v + 2) + 8 = 4u + 2v,
dt dt
dv dy
= = (u + 3) 2(v + 2) + 1 = u 2v.
dt dt
The characteristic equation for this system is r 2 + 6r + 6 = 0, which has roots r = 3 3.
Since both roots are distinct and negative, the origin is an asymptotically stable improper node
of the new system. Therefore, the critical point (3, 2) is an asymptotically stable improper
node of the original system.
2x + y + 9 = 0,
5x 2y 22 = 0.
Chapter 12
Solving this system, we obtain the critical point (4, 1). Now we use the change of variables
x = u 4, y = v 1,
to translate the critical point (4, 1) to the origin (0, 0). Substituting into the system of
this problem and simplifying, we obtain a system of dierential equations in u and v:
du dx
= = 2(u 4) + (v 1) + 9 = 2u + v,
dt dt
dv dy
= = 5(u 4) 2(v 1) 22 = 5u 2v.
dt dt
The characteristic equation for this system is r 2 + 1 = 0, which has roots r = i. Since
both roots are distinct and pure imaginary, the origin is a stable center of the new system.
Therefore, the critical point (4, 1) is a stable center of the original system.
15. The characteristic equation for this system is r 2 + r 12 = 0, which has roots r = 4 and
r = 3. Since the roots are real and have opposite signs, the origin is an unstable saddle point.
To sketch the phase plane diagram, we must first determine two lines passing through the
origin that correspond to the transformed axes. To find the transformed axes, we make the
substitution y = mx into
dy dy/dt 5x 2y
= =
dx dx/dt x + 2y
to obtain
5x 2mx
m= .
x + 2mx
Solving for m yields
m(x + 2mx) = 5x 2mx 2m2 + 3m 5 = 0 m= or m = 1.
So m = 5/2 or m = 1. Hence, the two axes are y = 5x/2 and y = x. On the line y = x
one finds
= 3x,
so the trajectories move away from the origin. On the line y = 5x/2 one finds
= 4y,
Exercises 12.3
so the trajectories move towards the origin. A phase plane diagram is given in Figure B.56 in
the answers of the text.
19. The characteristic equation for this system is (r + 2)(r + 2) = 0 which has roots r = 2, 2.
Since the roots are equal, real, and negative, the origin is an asymptotically stable point. To
sketch the phase plane diagram, we determine the slope of the two lines passing through the
origin that correspond to the transformed axes by substituting y = mx into
dy dy/dt 2y
= =
dx dx/dt 2x + y
to obtain
m= .
2x + mx
Solving for m yields
Since there is only one line (y = 0) through the origin that is a trajectory, the origin is an
improper node. A phase plane diagram is given in Figure B.58 in the answers of the text.
5. This system is almost linear since ad bc = (1)(1) (5)(1) = 0, and the functions
F (x, y) = G(x, y) = y 2 = 0 involve only high order terms in y. Since the characteristic
equation for this system is r 2 + 4 = 0 which has pure imaginary roots r = 2i, the origin is
either a center or a spiral point and the stability is indeterminant.
7. To see that this system is almost linear, we first express ex+y , cos x, and cos y using their
respective Maclaurin series. Hence, the system
= ex+y cos x ,
= cos y + x 1 ,
Chapter 12
4 5 4 5
dx (x + y)2 x2
= 1 + (x + y) + + 1 +
dt 2! 2!
= x + y + (higher orders) = x + y + F (x, y),
4 2
dy y
= 1 + + x 1 = x + (higher orders) = x + G(x, y).
dt 2!
This system is almost linear since ad bc = (1)(0) (1)(1) = 0, and F (x, y), G(x, y) each
only involve higher order forms in x and y. The characteristic equation for this system is
r 2 r 1 = 0 which has roots r = (1 5)/2. Since these roots are real and have dierent
signs the origin is an unstable saddle point.
9. The critical points for this system are the solutions to the pair of equations
16 xy = 0,
x y 3 = 0.
Solving the second equation for x in terms of y and substituting this into the first equation
we obtain
16 y 4 = 0
which has solutions y = 2. Hence the critical points are (8, 2) and (8, 2).
We consider the critical point (8, 2). Using the change of variables x = u + 8 and y = v + 2,
we obtain the system
= 16 (u + 8)(v + 2),
= (u + 8) (v + 2)3 ,
which simplifies to the almost linear system
= 2u 8v uv,
= u 12v 6v 2 v 3 .
The characteristic equation for this system is r 2 +14r +32 = 0, which has the distinct negative
roots r = 7 17. Hence (8, 2) is an improper node which is asymptotically stable.
Exercises 12.3
Next we consider the critical point (8, 2). Using the change of variables x = u 8 and
y = v 2, we obtain the system
= 16 (u 8)(v 2),
= (u 8) (v 2)3 ,
which simplifies to the almost linear system
= 2u + 8v uv,
= u 12v + 6v 2 v 3 .
The characteristic equation for this system is r 2 + 10r 32 = 0, which has the distinct roots
r = 5 57. Since these roots are real and have dierent signs, (8, 2) is an unstable
saddle point.
13. The critical points for this system are the solutions to the pair of equations
1 xy = 0,
x y 3 = 0.
Solving the second equation for x in terms of y and substituting this into the first equation
we obtain
1 y4 = 0
which has solutions y = 1. Hence the critical points are (1, 1) and (1, 1).
We consider the critical point (1, 1). Using the change of variables x = u + 1 and y = v + 1,
we obtain the almost linear system
= 1 (u + 1)(v + 1) = u v uv,
= (u + 1) (v + 1)3 = u 3v 3v 2 v 3 .
The characteristic equation for this system is r 2 +4r+4 = 0, which has the equal negative roots
r = 2. Hence (1, 1) is an improper or proper node or spiral point which is asymptotically
Chapter 12
Next we consider the critical point (1, 1). Using the change of variables x = u 1 and
y = v 1, we obtain the almost linear system
= 1 (u 1)(v 1) = u + v uv,
= (u 1) (v 1)3 = u 3v + 3v 2 v 3 .
The characteristic equation for this system is r 2 + 2r 4 = 0, which has roots r = 1 5.
Since these roots are real and have dierent signs, (1, 1) is an unstable saddle point. A
phase plane diagram is given in Figure B.59 in the answers of the text.
21. Case 1: h = 0. The critical points for this system are the solutions to the pair of equations
x(1 4x y) = 0,
y(1 2y 5x) = 0.
1 4x y = 0,
1 2y 5x = 0,
which has the solution x = 1/3, y = 1/3. Hence the critical points are (0, 0), (0, 1/2),
(1/4, 0), and (1/3, 1/3).
At the critical point (0, 0), the characteristic equation is r 2 2r + 1 = 0, which has equal
positive roots r = 1. Hence (0, 0) is an improper or proper node or spiral point which is
unstable. From Figure B.61 in the text, we see that (0, 0) is an improper node.
Next we consider the critical point (0, 1/2). Using the change of variables y = v + 1/2 and
x = u, we obtain the almost linear system
+ ,
du 1 1
= u 1 4u v = u 4u2 uv,
dt 2 2
+ ,
dv 1 5
= v+ (1 2v 1 5u) = u v 2v 2 5uv.
dt 2 2
Exercises 12.3
The characteristic equation for this system is r 2 + (1/2)r (1/2) = 0, which has roots r = 1/2
and r = 1. Since these roots are real and have dierent signs, (0, 1/2) is an unstable saddle
Now consider the critical point (1/4, 0). Using the change of variables x = u + 1/4 and y = v,
we obtain the almost linear system
+ ,
du 1 1
= u+ (1 4u 1 v) = u v 4u2 uv,
dt 4 4
+ ,
dv 5 1
= v 1 2v 5u = v 2v 2 5uv.
dt 2 4
The characteristic equation for this system is r 2 +(5/4)r+(1/4) = 0, which has roots r = 1/4
and r = 1. Since these roots are distinct and negative, (1/4, 0) is an improper node which
is asymptotically stable.
At the critical point (1/3, 1/3), we use the change of variables x = u + 1/3 and y = v 1/3
to obtain the almost linear system
+ ,+ ,
du 1 4 1 4 1
= u+ 1 4u v + = u v 4u2 uv,
dt 3 3 3 3 3
+ ,+ ,
dv 1 2 5 5 2
= v 1 2v + 5u = u + v 2v 2 5uv.
dt 3 3 3 3 3
The characteristic equation for this system is r 2 + (2/3)r (1/3) = 0 which has roots r = 1/3
and r = 1. Again since these roots are real and have dierent signs, (1/3, 1/3) is an
unstable saddle point, but not of interest since y < 0. Species x survives while species y dies
o. A phase plane diagram is given in Figure B.61 in the answers of the text.
Case 2: h = 1/32. The critical points for this system are the solutions to the pair of equations
x(1 4x y) = 0,
y(1 2y 5x) = 0.
To solve this system, we first set y = 0 and solve x(1 4x) 1/32 = 0, which has solutions
x = (2 2)/16.
Chapter 12
Simplifying, we obtain
3 1 1
x2 + x = 0,
2 2 32
which has the solution x = 1/4 or x = 1/12. When x = 1/4, we have
+ ,
1 5 1 1
y= = .
2 2 4 8
2 2 2 2
At the critical point , 0 , we use the change of variables x = u + and y = v
16 16
to obtain the almost linear system
du 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2
= u+ 1 4u v = u v 4u2 uv,
dt 16 4 32 2 16
dv 10 5 2 6+5 2
= v 1 2v 5u = v 2v 2 5uv.
dt 16 16
Exercises 12.3
2+ 2
Now consider the critical point , 0 , where we use the change of variables y = v and
2+ 2
x= u+ to obtain the almost linear system
du 2+ 2 2+ 2 1 2 2+ 2
= u+ 1 4u v = u v 4u2 uv,
dt 16 4 32 2 16
dv 10 + 5 2 65 2
= v 1 2v 5u = v 2v 2 5uv.
dt 16 16
When the critical point is (1/12, 7/24), the change of variables x = u + 1/12 and y = v + 7/24
leads to the almost linear system
+ ,+ ,
du 1 1 7 1 1 1
= u+ 1 4u v = u v 4u2 uv,
dt 12 3 24 32 24 12
+ ,+ ,
dv 7 7 5 35 7
= v+ 1 2v 5u = u v 2v 2 5uv.
dt 24 12 12 24 12
The characteristic equation for this system is r 2 + (13/24)r (7/48) = 0, which has roots
r = (13 505)/48. Since these roots have opposite signs, (1/12, 7/24) is an unstable saddle
And when the critical point is (1/4, 1/8), the change of variables x = u+1/4 and y = v 1/8
leads to the almost linear system
+ ,+ ,
du 1 1 1 7 1
= u+ 1 4u 1 v + = u v 4u2 uv,
dt 4 8 32 8 4
+ ,+ ,
dv 1 1 5 5 1
= v 1 2v + 5u = u + v 2v 2 5uv.
dt 8 4 4 8 4
Chapter 12
The characteristic equation for this system is r 2 + (5/8)r (1/16) = 0, which has roots
r = (5 41)/16. Since these roots have opposite signs, (1/4, 1/8) is an unstable saddle
point. But since y < 0, this point is not of interest.
Hence, this is competitive exclusion; one species survives while the other dies o. A phase
plane diagram is given in Figure B.62 in the answers of the text.
Case 3: h = 5/32. The critical points for this system are the solutions to the pair of equations
x(1 4x y) = 0,
y(1 2y 5x) = 0.
3. Here g(x) = x2 /(x 1) = x + 1 + 1/(x 1). By integrating g(x), we obtain the potential
G(x) = + x + ln |x 1| + C,
Exercises 12.4
and so
v 2 x2
E(x, v) = + + x + ln |x 1| + C.
2 2
Since E(0, 0) = 0 implies C = 0, let
v 2 x2
E(x, v) = + + x + ln |x 1|.
2 2
Now, since we are interested in E near the origin, we let |x 1| = 1 x (because for x near
0, x 1 < 0). Therefore,
v 2 x2
E(x, v) = + + x + ln(1 x).
2 2
for x near zero. Local maxima and minima of G(x) occur when G (x) = g(x) = x/(x 2) = 0.
Thus the phase plane diagram has critical points at (0, 0). Furthermore we note that x = 2
is not in the domain of g(x) nor of G(x). Now G(x) has a strict local maximum at x = 0,
hence the critical point (0, 0) is a saddle point. A sketch of the potential plane and phase
plane diagram for x < 2 is given in Figure B.66 in the answers of the text.
13. We first observe that vh(x, v) = v 2 > 0 for v = 0. Hence, the energy is continually decreasing
along a trajectory. The level curves for the energy function
v 2 x2 x4
E(x, v) = +
2 2 4
Chapter 12
are just the integral curves for Example 2(a) and are sketch in Figure 12.22 on page 770 of
the text. The critical points for this damped system are the same as in the example and
moreover, they are of the same type. The resulting phase plane is given in Figure B.67 in the
answers of the text.
5. The origin is an isolated critical point for the system. Using the hint, we compute V (x, y)
with V (x, y) = x2 y 2. Computing, we obtain
which is positive definite. Now V (0, 0) = 0, and in every disk centered at the origin, V is
positive at some point (namely, those points where |x| > |y|). Therefore, by Theorem 4, the
origin is unstable.
Exercises 12.6
V (x, y) = 4x6 8y 6,
and we get that V is negative definite. Since V is positive definite and the origin is an isolated
critical point, according to Theorem 3, the origin is asymptotically stable.
Hence V is negative semidefinite for |y| < 1, so by Theorem 3, the origin is stable.
) * ) *
= r 2 + r 2 r 3 4r 2 + 5r 3 = r 2 r 3 4r 2 + 5r 2 .
Chapter 12
dr ) *
= r r 3 4r 2 + 5r 2 = r(r 1)2 (r 2).
Now dr/dt = 0 when r = 0, 1, 2. The critical point is represented by r = 0, and when r = 1
or 2, we have limit cycles of radius 1 and 2. When r lies in (0, 1), we have dr/dt < 0, so
a trajectory in this region spirals into the origin. Therefore, the origin is an asymptotically
stable spiral point. Now, when r lies in (1, 2), we again have dr/dt < 0, so a trajectory in this
region spirals into the limit cycle r = 1. This tells us that r = 1 is a semistable limit cycle.
Finally, when r > 2, dr/dt > 0, so a trajectory in this region spirals away from the limit cycle
r = 2. Hence, r = 2 is an unstable limit cycle.
To find the direction of the trajectories, we compute r 2 .
d dy dx - ) *. - ) *.
r2 = x y = x x + y + y r 3 4r 2 + 5r 3 y x y + x r 3 4r 2 + 5r 3
dt dt dt ) * ) *
= x + xy + xy r 3 4r 2 + 5r 3 xy + y 2 xy r 3 4r 2 + 5r 3
= x2 + y 2 = r 2 .
Hence d/dt = 1, which tells us that the trajectories revolve counterclockwise about the origin.
A phase plane diagram is given in Figure B.74 in the answers of the text.
Hence, + ,
dr 1
= r sin ,
dt r
and dr/dt = 0 when r = 1/(n), n = 1, 2, . . . . Consequently, the origin (r = 0) is not an
isolated critical point. Observe that
dr 1 1
>0 for <r< ,
dt (2n + 1) 2n
Exercises 12.6
dr 1 1
<0 for <r< .
dt 2n (2n 1)
Thus, trajectories spiral into the limit cycles r = 1/(2n) and away from the limit cycles
r = 1/[(2n + 1)]. To determine the direction of the spiral, we compute r 2 d/dt.
4 + ,5 4 + ,5
2 d dy dx 1 1
r = x y = x x + y sin y y + x sin
dt dt dt r r
+ , + ,
1 1
= x2 + xy sin y 2 xy sin = r 2 .
r r
Hence d/dt = 1, which tells us that the trajectories revolve clockwise about the origin. A
phase plane diagram is given in Figure B.77 in the answers of the text.
which is less than 0 for the given domain. Hence, by Theorem 6, there are no nonconstant
periodic solutions in the disk x2 + y 2 < 5.
19. It is easily seen that (0, 0) is a critical point, however, it is not easily shown that it is the only
critical point for this system. Using the Lyapunov function V (x, y) = 2x2 + y 2, we compute
V (x, y). Thus
dx dy
V (x, y) = Vx (x, y) + Vy (x, y)
) dt dt * ) *
= 4x 2x y 2x3 3xy 2 + 2y 2x + 4y 4y 3 2x2 y
) * ) *2
= 8x2 8x4 16x2 y 2 + 8y 2 8y 4 = 8 x2 + y 2 8 x2 + y 2 .
Therefore, V (x, y) < 0 for x2 + y 2 > 1 and V (x, y) > 0 for x2 + y 2 < 1. Let C1 be the curve
2x2 + y 2 = 1/2, which lies inside x2 + y 2 = 1, and let C2 be the curve 2x2 + y 2 = 3, which lies
outside x2 + y 2 = 1. Now V (x, y) > 0 on C1 and V (x, y) < 0 on C2 . Hence, we let R be the
region between the curves C1 and C2 . Now, any trajectory that enters R is contained in R.
So by Theorem 7, the system has a nonconstant periodic solution in R.
Chapter 12
25. To apply Theorem 8, we check to see that all five conditions hold. Here we have g(x) = x and
f (x) = x2 (x2 1). Clearly, f (x) is even, hence condition (a) holds. Now
) 2
* x5 x3
F (x) = s s 1 ds = .
5 3
$ $
Hence F (x) < 0 for 0 < x < 5/3 and F (x) > 0 for x > 5/3. Therefore, condition (b)
holds. Furthermore, condition (c) holds since F (x) + as x +, monotonically for
x > 5/3. As stated above, g(x) = x is an odd function with g(x) > 0 for x > 0, thus
condition (d) holds. Finally, since
G(x) = s ds = ,
we clearly have G(x) + as x +, hence condition (e) holds. It follows from Theo-
rem 8, that the Lienard equation has a unique nonconstant periodic solution.
we find that the eigenvalues are 1, i. Since at least one eigenvalue, 1, has a positive real
part, the zero solution is unstable.
which has eigenvalues i, i. Next we determine the eigenspace for the eigenvalue i. Com-
puting we find 1 1 1 1
1 i 1 1 0 11 1 1 i 0 0 11
1 1
1 1 1 1
1 1 i 0 1 11 1 0 0 1 0 11
1 1
1 1 1 1.
1 0 0 i 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1
1 1 1 1
1 0 0 1 i 1 1 0 0 0 0 1
Exercises 12.7
Hence the eigenspace is degenerate and by Problem 8(c) on page 798 of the text, the zero
solution is unstable. Note: it can be shown that the eigenspace for the eigenvalue i is also
13. To find the fundamental matrix for this system we first recall the Taylor series ex , sin x, and
cos x. These are
x2 x3
ex = 1 + x + + + ,
2! 3!
x3 x5
sin x = x + ,
3! 5!
x2 x4
cos x = 1 + .
2! 4!
+ , + , + 2 , + 2 ,
dx1 x21 x22 x1 x2
= 1 x1 + + 1 + 2 = x1 + + + ,
dt 2! 2! 2! 2!
+ 3
, + 3 ,
dx2 x x
= x2 + x3 3 + = x2 x3 + 3 + ,
dt 3! 3!
4 5 4 5
dx3 (x2 + x3 )2 (x2 + x3 )2
= 1 1 + (x2 + x3 ) + + = x2 x3 + .
dt 2! 2!
1 0 0
0 1 1
0 1 1
Chapter 12
x1 + 1 = 0,
2x1 x2 + 2x3 4 = 0,
3x1 2x2 x3 + 1 = 0.
Solving this system, we find that the only solution is (1, 2, 2). We now use the change of
x1 = u + 1, x2 = v 2, x3 = w + 2
to translate the critical point to the origin. Substituting, we obtain the system
= u,
= 2u v + 2w,
= 3u 2v w.
Here A is given by
1 0 0
2 1 2
3 2 1
Finding the characteristic equation, we have (r + 1)(r 2 + 2r + 5) = 0. Hence the eigenvalues
are 1, 1 2i. Since each eigenvalue has a negative real part, the critical point (1, 2, 2) is
asymptotically stable.
CHAPTER 13: Existence and Uniqueness Theory
EXERCISES 13.1: Introduction: Successive Approximations, page 812
3x 1x
2 t3 11 x3 1
t dt = 1 = ,
3 1 3 3
Chapter 13
we have
3x 3x
x3 10 2
y(x) = + y (t) dt 2 ty(t) dt. (13.1)
3 3
1 1
Note that we can rewrite the last integral using integration by parts in terms of integrals of
the function y(x) alone. Namely,
3x 3t 1 3x 3 t 3x 3x 3 t
ty(t) dt = t y(s) ds11 y(s) ds dt = x y(s) ds y(s) ds dt
1 1 t=1 1 1 1 1 1
+ ,
1 3
Table 13A: Approximations for a solution of x = x+ .
2 x
x0 = 3.0 x3 = 1.732142857
x1 = 2.0 x4 = 1.732050810
x2 = 1.75 x5 = 1.732050808
Exercises 13.1
xn+1 = g (xn ) = , n = 0, 1, . . .
x2n +4
1 1 4
x1 = = = 0.2352941176,
+4 2
(0.5) + 4 17
1 1
x2 = 2 0.2465870307 , etc.
x1 + 4 (0.2352941176)2 + 4
See Table 13-B. We stopped iterating after x7 because the error x6 x7 < 109 . Hence
x 0.24626617.
Table 13B: Approximations for a solution of x = .
x2 +4
x0 = 0.5 x4 = 0.2462664586
x1 = 0.2352941176 x5 = 0.2462661636
x2 = 0.2465870307 x6 = 0.2462661724
x3 = 0.2462565820 x7 = 0.2462661721
Therefore, according to equation (7) on page 807 of the text, we can find the next approxi-
mation from the previous one by using the recurrence relation
+ ,1/4
5 xn
xn+1 = g (xn ) = .
Chapter 13
+ ,1/4 + ,1/4
5 x1 5 1.074569932
x2 = 1.069526372 ,
3 3
+ ,1/4 + ,1/4
5 x2 5 1.069526372
x3 = 1.069869749 .
3 3
By continuing this process, we fill in Table 13-C below. Noticing that x7 x6 < 108 , we
stopped the procedure after seven steps. So, x 1.06984787.
+ ,1/4
Table 13C: Approximations for a solution of x = .
x0 = 1.0 x4 = 1.069846382
x1 = 1.074569932 x5 = 1.069847972
x2 = 1.069526372 x6 = 1.069847864
x3 = 1.069869749 x7 = 1.069847871
11. First, we derive an integral equation corresponding to the given initial value problem. We
have f (x, y) = y, x0 = 0, y0 = y(0) = 2, and so the formula (3) on page 807 of the text
3x 3x
y(x) = 2 + [y(t)] dt = 2 y(t) dt .
0 0
Exercises 13.1
13. In this problem, f (x, y) = 3x2 , x0 = 1, y0 = y(1) = 2, and so Picards iterations to the
solution of the given initial value problem are given by
) * 1t=x
yn+1(x) = 2 + 3t2 dt = 2 + t3 1t=1 = x3 + 1 .
Since the right-hand side does not depend on n, the sequence of iterations yk (x), k = 1, 2, . . .,
is a constant sequence. That is,
(In this connection, note the following. If it happens that one of the iterations, say, yk (x),
obtained via (15) matches the exact solution to the integral equation (3), then all the subse-
quent iterations will give the same function yk (x). In other words, the sequence of iterations
will become a constant sequence starting from its kth term. In the given problem, the first
application of (15) gives the exact solution, x3 + 1, to the original initial value problem and,
hence, to the corresponding integral equation (3).)
15. We first write this dierential equation as an integral equation. Integrating both sides from
x0 = 0 to x and using the fact that y(0) = 0, we obtain
3x 3x
- . - .
y(x) y(0) = y(t) et dt y(x) = y(t) et dt .
0 0
Hence, by equation (15) on page 811 of the text, the Picard iterations are given by
- .
yn+1 (x) = yn (t) et dt .
Chapter 13
3x 3x
- t
. ) *
y2 (x) = y1 (t) e dt = 1 2et dt = 1 ex = 2 + x 2ex .
0 0
17. First of all, remark that the function f (x, y(x)) in the integral equation (3), that is,
y(x) = y0 + f (t, y(t)) dt ,
is a continuous function as the composition of f (x, y) and y(x), which are both continuous by
our assumption. Next, if y(x) satisfies (3), then
y (x0 ) = y0 + f (t, y(t)) dt = y0 ,
because the integral term is zero as a definite integral of a continuous function with equal
limits of integration. Therefore, y(x) satisfies the initial condition in (1).
y (x) = y0 + f (t, y(t)) dt = f (t, y(t)) 1t=x = f (x, y(x)),
19. The graphs of the functions y = (x2 + 1)/2 and y = x are sketched on the same coordinate
axes in Figure 13-A.
By examining this figure, we see that these two graphs intersect only at (1, 1). We can find
this point by solving the equation
x2 + 1
x= ,
Exercises 13.1
x2 + 1
y= y=x
P1 Q1
P0 Q0
P0 Q1
0 1 2 3 4
x2 + 1
Figure 13A: The method of successive substitution for the equation x = .
2x = x2 + 1 x2 2x + 1 = 0 (x 1)2 = 0 x = 1.
To approximate the solution to the equation x = (x2 + 1)/2 using the method of successive
substitutions, we use the recurrence relation
x2n + 1
xn+1 = .
Starting this method at x0 = 0, we obtain the approximations given in Table 13-D. These
approximations do appear to be approaching the solution x = 1.
However, if we start the process at the point x = 2, we obtain the approximations given in
Table 13-E.
We observe that these approximations are getting larger and so do not seem to approach a
fixed point. This also appears to be the case if we examine the pictorial representation for the
Chapter 13
x2 + 1
Table 13D: Approximations for a solution of x = starting at x0 = 0.
x2 + 1
Table 13E: Approximations for a solution of x = starting at x0 = 2.
x1 = 2.5 x4 = 25.4946594
x2 = 3.625 x5 = 325.488829
x3 = 7.0703125 x6 = 52971.9891
method of successive substitutions given in Figure 13-A. By plugging x0 = 0 into the function
(x2 + 1)/2, we find P0 to be the point (0, 0.5). Then by moving parallel to the x-axis from
the point P0 to the line y = x, we observe that Q0 is the point (0.5, 0.5). Next, by moving
parallel to the y-axis from the point Q0 to the curve y = (x2 + 1)/2, we find that P1 is the
point (0.5, 0.625). Continuing this process moves us slowly in a step fashion to the point (1, 1).
However, if we start this process at x0 = 2, we observe that this method moves us through
larger and larger steps away from the point of intersection (1, 1).
Note that for this equation, the movement of the method of successive substitutions is to
the right. This is because the term (x2n + 1)/2, in the recurrence relation, is increasing for
x > 0. Thus, the sequence of approximations {xn } is an increasing sequence. Starting at a
nonnegative point less than 1 moves us to the fixed point at x = 1, but starting at a point
larger that 1 moves us to ever increasing values for our approximations and, therefore, away
from the fixed point.
Exercises 13.2
3. In order to determine whether this sequence of functions converges uniformly, we must find
lim yn y .
where we have removed the absolute value signs because the term (nx)/(1 + n2 x2 ) is nonneg-
ative when x [0, 1]. We will use calculus methods to obtain this maximum value. Thus, we
dierentiate the function yn (x) = (nx)/(1 + n2 x2 ) to obtain
n(1 n2 x2 )
yn (x) = .
(1 + n2 x2 )2
Setting yn (x) equal to zero and solving yields
) * 1
n 1 n2 x2 = 0 n2 x2 = 1 x= .
Since we are interested in the values of x on the interval [0, 1], we will only examine the critical
point x = 1/n. By the first derivative test, we observe that the function yn (x) has a local
maximum value at the point x = 1/n. At this point, we have
+ ,
1 n (n1 ) 1
yn = 2 = .
n 2 1
1 + n (n ) 2
Chapter 13
yn (0) = = 0,
1 + n2 (0)2
n(1) n 1 1
yn (1) = 2 2
= 2
< for n 2,
1 + n (1) 1+n n 2
we conclude that
max yn (x) = .
x[0,1] 2
1 1
lim yn y = lim
= = 0.
n n 2 2
Thus, the given sequence of functions does not converge uniformly to the function y(x) 0
on the interval [0, 1].
This sequence of functions does, however, converge pointwise to the function y(x) 0 on the
interval [0, 1]. To see this, notice that for any fixed x (0, 1] we have
nx 1
lim [yn (x) y(x)] = lim 2 2
= lim = 0,
n n 1 + n x n 2nx
where we have found this limit by using LHospitals rule. At the point x = 0, we observe
lim [yn (0) y(0)] = lim
= 0.
n 1 n
Thus, we have pointwise convergence but not uniform convergence. See Figure 13-B(a) for
the graphs of functions y1 (x), y10 (x), y30 (x), and y90 (x).
5. We know (as was stated on page 433 of the text) that for all x such that |x| < 1 the geometric
series, k
k=0 x , converges to the function f (x) = 1/(1 x). Thus, for all x [0, 1/2], we have
== 1 + x + x2 + + xk + = xk .
Exercises 13.2
y15 (x)
y10 (x)
y10 (x)
y30 (x) y5 (x)
y90 (x)
0 1 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1
(a) (b)
and so LM
H + ,k
lim yn y = lim .
n n
P k
Since k=n+1 (1/2) is the tail end of a convergent series, its limit must be zero. Hence, we
have L M
H + ,k
lim yn y = lim = 0.
n n
Therefore, the given sequence of functions converges uniformly to the function y(x) = 1/(1x)
on the interval [0, 1/2].
For x > 0, let Nx := [2/x] + 1 with [] denoting the interger part of a number. Then, for
n Nx , one has 4 5
2 2 2
n +1> x>
x x n
and so, in evaluating yn (x), the third line in its definition must be used. This yields yn (x) = 0
for all n Nx , which implies that limn yn (x) = limn 0 = 0.
Chapter 13
On the other hand, for any n, the function yn (x) is a continuous piecewise linear function,
which is increasing on [0, 1/n], decreasing on (1/n, 2/n), and zero on [1/n, 1]. Thus it attains
its maximum value at x = 1/n, which is
+ , + ,
1 2 1
yn =n = n.
n n
lim yn y = lim yn = lim n = ,
n n n
and the sequence does not converge uniformly on [0, 1]. See Figure 13-B(b) for the graphs of
y5 (x), y10 (x), y15 (x), and y20 (x).
9. We need to find an h > 0 such that h < min (h1 , 1 /M, 1/L). We are given that
In order to find M, notice that, as was stated on page 816 of the text, we require that M
satisfy the condition
|f (x, y)| = |y 2 x| M,
for all (x, y) in R1 . To find this upper bound for |f (x, y)|, we must find the maximum and
the minimum values of f (x, y) on R1 . (Since f (x, y) is a continuous function on the closed
and bounded region R1 , it will have a maximum and a minimum there.) We will use calculus
methods to find this maximum and this minimum. Since the first partial derivatives of f (x, y),
given by
fx (x, y) = 1, and fy (x, y) = 2y,
are never both zero, the maximum and minimum must occur on the boundary of R1 . Notice
that R1 is bounded on the left by the line x = 0, on the right by the line x = 2, on the top
by the line y = 1, and on the bottom by the line y = 1. Therefore, we will examine the
behavior of f (x, y) (and, thus, of |f (x, y)|) on each of these lines.
Exercises 13.2
Case 1: On the left side of R1 where x = 0, the function f (x, y) becomes the function in the
single variable y, given by
From the above cases we see that the maximum value of f (x, y) is 1 and the minimum value
is 2 on the boundary of R1 . Thus, we have |f (x, y)| 2 for all (x, y) in R1 . Hence, we
choose M = 2.
Chapter 13
Thus, Theorem 3 guarantees that the given initial value problem will have a unique solution
on the interval [1 h, 1 + h], where 0 < h < 1/2.
11. We are given that the recurrence relation for these approximations is yn+1 = T [yn ]. Using
the definition of T [y], we have
yn+1 = x x + 1 (u x)yn (u) du.
By simplifying, we obtain
1 5 7 3 1 2
y1 (x) = x + x x x + 1.
20 6 2
Exercises 13.2
3 1 7 7 5 1 4 1 3 1 2
= x x+1+ x + x x x + x
140 30 8 3 2
1 7 7 5 1 4 1 3 2
+ x x + x + x x .
120 24 6 2
1 7 7 5 1 4 7 3 1 2
y2 (x) = x x + x + x x x + 1.
840 120 24 6 2
13. Using properties of limits and the linear property of integrals, we can rewrite the statement
3b 3b
lim yn (x) dx = y(x) dx
a a
in an equivalent form
3 3b 3b
lim yn (x) y(x) dx = 0 lim [yn (x) y(x)] dx = 0. (13.2)
n n
a a a
The sequence {yn } converges uniformly to y on [a, b], which means, by the definitionof uniform
convergence, that
Since 1 b 1
13 1 3b
1 1
1 [yn (x) y(x)] dx1 |yn (x) y(x)| dx (b a) yn y
1 1 C[a,b] 0
1 1
a a
as n , we conclude that
1 b 1
13 1
1 1
lim 11 [yn (x) y(x)] dx11 = 0,
1 1
and (13.2) follows. (Recall that limn an = 0 if and only if limn |an | = 0.)
Chapter 13
By the initial conditions in (13.3), x(0) = 0, y(0) = z(0) = 1. Substituting these values
into the above system yields
x(t) = y 2(s) ds;
y(t) 1 = z(s) ds; (13.4)
z(t) 1 = x(s)y(s) ds,
which is equivalent to the given system of integral equations. Thus, (13.3) implies (13.4).
Conversely, dierentiating equations in (13.4) and using the fundamental theorem of cal-
culus (its part regarding integrals with variable upper bound), we conclude that solutions
x(t), y(t), and z(t) to (13.4) also satisfy dierential equations in (13.3). Clearly,
x(0) = y 2 (s) ds = 0;
y(0) 1 = z(s) ds = 0;
z(t) 1 = x(s)y(s) ds = 0,
and the initial conditions in (13.3) are satisfied. Therefore, (13.4) implies (13.3).
Exercises 13.3
(b) With starting iterations x0 (t) x(0) = 0, y0 (t) y(0) = 1, and z0 (t) z(0) = 1, we
compute x1 (t), y1 (t), and z1 (t).
?t ?t
x1 (t) = y02 (s) ds = (1)2 ds = t;
0 0
?t ?t
y1 (t) = 1 + z0 (s) ds = 1 + (1) ds = 1 + t;
0 0
?t ?t
z1 (t) = 1 + x0 (s)y0 (s) ds = 1 + (0) ds = 1.
0 0
?t ?t 1t t3
x2 (t) = y12(s) ds = (1 + s)2 ds = (1 + s)3 /3 10 = t t2 ;
0 0 3
?t ?t
y2 (t) = 1 + z1 (s) ds = 1 + 1 ds = 1 + t;
0 0
?t ?t 1t t2 t3
z2 (t) = 1 + x1 (s)y1 (s) ds = 1 2 1
s(1 + s) ds = 1 (s /2 + s /3) 0 = 1 . 3
0 0 2 3
1. In this problem, L M L M
cos t t tan t
A(t) = , f(t) = .
t3 1 et
In A(t), functions cos t, t3 , and 1 are continuous on (, ) while t is continuous on
[0, ). Therefore, A(t) is continuous on [0, ). In f(t), the exponential function is continuous
everywhere, but tan t has infinite discontinuities at t = (k + 1/2), k = 0, 1, 2, . . . . The
largest interval containing the initial point, t = 2, where tan t and, therefore, f(t), is continuous
is (/2, 3/2). Since A(t) is also continuous on (/2, 3/2), by Theorem 6, given initial value
problem has a unique solution on this interval.
3. By comparing this problem to the problem given in (14) on page 825 of the text, we see that
in this case
Chapter 13
We also observe that t0 = 1. Thus, we must find an interval containing t0 = 1 on which all of
the functions p1 (t), p2 (t), p3 (t), and g(t) are simultaneously continuous. Therefore, we note
that p2 (t) and g(t) are continuous everywhere; p1 (t) is continuous on the interval (0, ); and
the interval which contains t0 = 1 on which p3 (t) is continuous is (/2, /2). Hence, these
four functions are simultaneously continuous on the interval (0, /2) and this interval contains
the point t0 = 1. Therefore, Theorem 7 given on page 825 of the text guarantees that we will
have a unique solution to this initial value problem on the whole interval (0, /2).
we have L M L M
f 0 f cos x2
(t, x) = , (t, x) = .
x1 3 x2 0
Vectors f, f/x1 , and f/x2 are continuous on
for any (t, x), and the condition (3) in Theorem 5 is satisfied with L = 3. Hence, given initial
value problem has a unique solution on the whole real axis < t < .
7. The equation
y (t) (sin t)y (t) + et y(t) = 0
is a linear homogeneous equation and, hence, has a trivial solution, y(t) 0. Clearly, this
solution satisfies the initial conditions, y(0) = y (0) = y (0) = 0. All that remains to note is
that the coecients, sin t and et , are continuous on (, ) and so, by Theorem 7, the
solution y 0 is unique.
Exercises 13.4
3. To apply Theorem 9, we first determine the constant L for f (x, y) = ecos y + x2 . To do this,
we observe that
(x, y) = ecos y sin y.
Now on any rectangle R0 , we have
1 1
1 f 1
1 (x, y)1 = |ecos y sin y| = |ecos y | |sin y| e.
1 y 1
(More detailed analysis shows that this function attains its maximum at y = ( 5 1)/2,
and this maximum equals to 1.4585 . . . .) Thus, since h = 1, we have by Theorem 9,
Since we are given that |y0 y20 | 102 , we obtain the result
9. We can use inequality (18) in Theorem 10 to obtain the bound, but first must determine the
constant L and the constant . Here f (x, y) = sin x + (1 + y 2 )1 and F (x, y) = x + 1 y 2 .
Now, 1 1 1 1
1 f 1 1 1
1 (x, y)1 = 1 2y 1
1 y 1 1 (1 + y 2 )2 1
and 1 1
1 F 1
1 (x, y) 1 = |2y| 2.
1 y 1
To find an upper bound for |f /y| on R0 , we maximize 2y/(1 + y 2)2 . Hence, we obtain
+ ,
2y 2(1 + y 2)2 2y 2(1 + y 2 )2y 2(1 + y 2 ) 8y 2 2 6y 2
= = = .
(1 + y 2)2 (1 + y 2 )4 (1 + y 2)3 (1 + y 2)3
2 6y 2 1
=0 2 6y 2 = 0 y = .
(1 + y 2)3 3
Chapter 13
Since 2y/(1 + y 2 )2 is odd, we need only use y = 1/ 3. Thus
1 1
1 f 1 2/ 3 3 3
1 (x, y)1
1 y 1 (1 + 1/3)2 = 8 ,
and so L = 3 3/8. To obtain we seek an upper bound for
1 1 1 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
|f (x, y) F (x, y)| = 11sin x + x 1 + y 2 1 |sin x x| + 1
1 1 1 + y2 1 + y 2 1.
1 + y2
Using Taylors theorem with remainder we have
x3 cos
sin x = x ,
where 0 x. Thus for 1 x 1 we obtain
1 1
1 x3
cos 1 |x|3 cos 1
|sin x x| = 11x x11 = .
3! 3! 6
Applying Taylors theorem with remainder to 1/(1 + y 2 ) 1 + y 2 , we obtain
g(y) = (1 + y 2 )1 1 + y 2 ,
g (y) = 2y(1 + y 2 )2 + 2y ,
g (y) = 2(1 + y 2 )2 + 2(1 + y 2)3 (2y)2 + 2 ,
g (y) = 4(1 + y 2)3 (2y) 6(1 + y 2)4 (2y)3 + 2(1 + y 2)3 (8y) .
1 73
|f (x, y) F (x, y)|
+ 12 = .
6 6
It now follows from inequality (18) in Theorem 10 that
73 33/8
|(x) (x)| e 23.294541 ,
for x in [1, 1].