Pathloss Radio and Antenna Data Files
Pathloss Radio and Antenna Data Files
Pathloss Radio and Antenna Data Files
This documentation describes the radio and antenna data ASCII file formats used in Pathloss version 5 program.
These ASCII files can be created programmatically, or individually with a text editor. A stand alone utility program
ant_rad.exe is supplied to create and edit these files. This utility also converts the ASCII files to the binary format
required for the Pathloss program.
All version 4.0 radio and antenna files can be used unchanged with the version 5 program. The version 5 format of-
fers more flexibility for new data files and is required for adaptive modulation and land mobile radio data files. The
ant_rad utility can be used to convert version 4 files to the version 5 format.
The ASCII files can be created programmatically, or individually with a text editor. A stand alone utility program An-
tRad is available to create and edit these files. This utility also converts the ASCII files to the binary format required
for the Pathloss program.
The radio data file name is also used as an identifier for T to I and IRF curves. For example, an IRF curve could be
identified as follows:
This means this IRF curve is applicable to an interfering radio with the same file name as the radio being defined. In
addition the curve is applicable to radios with file names File_name1, File_name2 and File_name3. The number 24
is the number of points in the curve.
File Formats
The first line in the file is PL50_ASCII_RADIO_SPEC_04. This is used as the file identifier and the revision number
for the specific file format. Each successive line begins with a descriptive mnemonic followed by a semicolon and
one or more data fields separated by a comma. A single data entry does not have any commas. Comments are de-
noted by a double forward slash //. All text after the // on the same line is ignored. A description of each mnemonic
Fields designated as information only can be used for any specific purpose. All information in the radio data file ex-
cept the curve data is also saved in the individual PL5 files
General Information
MANUFACTURER: radio equipment manufacturer
text - 47 characters - required field
PL50_RADIO_CODE: the file name of the radio data file less the extension
file name 47 characters - this field is automatically created in the AntRad program using the file name
Transmitter Specifications
The specifications described in this section only apply to conventional microwave and land mobile applications.
Adaptive modulation applications are separate and require specifications for each modulation state.
A total of 5 transmitter power options can be specified. This applies to discreet power options. Each option consists
of the following parameters:
option name
maximum transmit power
minimum transmit power
automatic transmit power control range
The order must be the same on each line. The first option is the default TX power option.
text 15 characters for each option - A maximum of 5 options can be specified on a single line separated by a single
comma. e.g. Standard, Low, High, ,
The same power option names are used for all radio types: conventional microwave, adaptive modulation and land
real numbers - discreet transmit power options in dBm separated by commas. This is the maximum power for the
specific option. At least one value of transmit power is required unless TX_POWER_RANGE_DBM is used.
real numbers - This is the corresponding minimum TX power to the above maximum values
real numbers - This is the fixed ATPC values corresponding maximum and minimum TX powers above
TX_POWER_RANGE_DBM: This option is used for radios with a single adjustable transmit power range
real numbers - low power and high power in dBm separated by a comma - required field unless
TX_POWER_OPTIONS_DBM is used - This is not used in adaptive modulation applications
real number - ATPC value corresponding the TX_POWER_RANGE_DBM above
real number - information only
real number - All ATPC specifications presented above represent a fixed transmit power reduction, which will be ap-
plied in an interference calculation. The resultant power level cannot be less than the minimum power specified. In
the case of the REQUIRED_RXSIGNAL option, the transmit power of the associated transmitter will automatically
be reduced to meet the specified RX signal level. This option is only active if a value is specified for this option.
These receiver specifications are not used in adaptive modulation applications; however, some noise floor calcula-
tion methods require the RX threshold level
RX_THRESHOLD_DBM: the receiver threshold level in dBm corresponding to the above threshold description
real number - required for microwave and land mobile applications
MAXIMUM_RXSIGNAL: the maximum receive signal level in dBm corresponding to the above thresh-
old description
real number - optional field
Miscellaneous Specifications
SIMULCAST_CAPTURE_RANGE: receiver simulcast capture range in dB
real number - required for simulcast delay calculations in land mobile applications - the default value is 15 dB.
ALPHA_VALUES: parameters describing the number of errors per burst in a an SDH radio
3 integer values separated by commas where:
a1 - number of errors per burst for a BER in the range 10-3 to the SES BER - typical values 10 to 30
a2 - number of errors per burst for a BER in the range from the SES BER to the residual BER - typical values are
1 to 10
a3 - number of errors per burst for a BER lower than the residual BER - a typical value is 1
GAIN_WIDTH-DEPTH three parameters used in space diversity using IF combining. The improvement to the selec-
tive fading can only be evaluated when the equipment signature is used.
gain - default value is 2.6 dB. The gain is added to the thermal fade margin
width factor - the signature width is multiplied by the width factor
depth factor - both the signature minimum phase and non-minimum phase null depth are multiplied by this factor
trated in the diagram on the right.
Suppose the system is in the 1024QAM state
and begins to fade. At what signal level will the
radio switch down to 512QAM? If the switch 6WHS8S
does not occur until the signal level reaches
the 1024QAM threshold level, errors will occur 6WHS'RZQ
during the transition. Therefore there must be
some margin which will depend on the fade
rate and the modulation state switching time. (IIHFWLYH5;7KUHVKROG
The green line shows the transition between DQG6WHSGRZQ
states as the signal level continues to fade.
Step Down Step Up Effective RX
10-6 BER RX threshold
Modulation Level Level Threshold
level dBm
dBm dBm dBm
In addition to the RX threshold level, the selective fading parameters (dispersive fade margin, and equipment signa-
ture are also affected by this margin. Provision has been made to provide specifications at both the 10-6 BER and
the step levels.
The data is organized in three sections using the labels ADMOD_A, ADMOD_B and ADMOD_C. Each section must
have the specified number of ACM states. Lines within a section are labelled with sequential numbering e.g
Modulation - description e.g. 128 QAM - text 15 characters
Five transmit power options can be assigned to each modulation state Each power option consists of a maximum
and minimum transmit power, and the top level ATPC.
Each configuration consists of a description, the antenna type (TR, TD, TH, TX and RX, and the associated losses
in dB separated by commas. This information is used as a radio configuration lookup table in the transmission anal-
ysis section. For microwave and adaptive modulation applications the loss coding is as follows:
//ACU: Configuration, ANT, CRC, TXS, TXF, RXH, RXF, DRC
ACU_CNFG_01: Unprotected, TR, 1.10, , 1.20, , 1.30,
ACU_CNFG_02: Hot Standby, TR, 1.10, 1.20, 1.30, 1.40, 1.50,
COMMENT_1 - 6 general comments
text 47 characters - information only
The interfering radio is the same as the radio specified in this file
Suppose this same curve is valid for other several other radios
where the names other_radio_file1 and other_radio_file2 are the interfering radio data file names i.e. the binary file
names less extension of the interfering radio data files.
Suppose curves are required for several other different radios interfering with the radio specified in this
TtoI_Other other_radio_file1, other_radio_file2, . . .
IFR Other other_radio_file1, other_radio_file2, . . .
In the case of bandwidth, a wide band transmitter interfering with a narrow band receiver is different than a narrow
band transmitter interfering with a wide band receiver even if the frequencies are the same
The file format starts with a mnemonic (TtoI_Same, IRF_Same, TtoI_Other or IRF_Other) followed a colon and the
number of points in the curve on the same line. If this curve is applicable to other radios, then list these on the same
line separated by a comma. The data points follow with the frequency and the response in dB separated by a comma.
Partial examples of a T to I curve and an IRF curve are given below:
The main advantage of TtoI and IRF curves is the speed of calculating the filter improvement as this can be read
directly from the curve. The disadvantage is the large number of curves required for an interference calculation in a
large network.
The file format is the mnemonic TX_EMISSION followed by a colon and the number of points in the curve. The TX
emission curve will be normalized for a total power of one watt based on a measurement bandwidth of 4 kHz.
The file format is the mnemonic RX_SELECTIVITY followed by a colon and the number of points in the curve. The
RX selectivity curve represents the composite receiver selectivity including RF, IF and baseband filtering
Examples of the file format for these curves are given below.
0.0, -3.9
11.1, -3.9
11.3, -4.5
11.8, -5.6
34.9, -63.5
35.2, -64.6
35.5, -65.8
36.0, -66.0
120.0, -66.0
0.0, -1.9
11.9, -1.9
12.0, -1.2
12.7, 0.0
24.4, -78.4
24.5, -80.0
25.4, -79.0
25.8, -80.0
120.0, -80.0
CW Interfering Signal
A special T to I curve format is used for the case of an unmodulated carrier wave interfering signal. This curve is used
for an analog interfering signal. In addition, this curve provides an approximation to the receiver selectivity and is
used for this curve as a default. The format is:
TtoI_CW: 36
Interference Curves for Adaptive Modulation Radios
TtoI and IRF curves are not used
in adaptive modulation radio files.
Transmit spectrum and receiver
selectivity curves are required for
these applications.
Carrier to interference ratio for a 3 dB degradation to the 10-6 BER receiver threshold:
A modulated test signal is connected to the receiver and its level is adjusted to produce a BER of 1.0E-6. Denote this
signal level as T dBm. Increase this level by 3 dB. An interfering signal using the same modulation and frequency is
injected into the system and the level is adjusted so that the BER returns to 1.0E-6. Denote this interfering signal
level as I dBm. The C/I ratio is then given by T - I.
Carrier to interference ratio for a 3 dB degradation to the 10-3 BER receiver threshold:
A modulated test signal is connected to the receiver and its level is adjusted to produce a BER of 1.0E-3. Denote this
signal level as T dBm. Increase this level by 3 dB. An interfering signal using the same modulation and frequency is
injected into the system and the level is adjusted so that the BER returns to 1.0E-3. Denote this interfering signal
level as I dBm. The C/I ratio is then given by T - I.
Noise Figure:
The noise floor can be calculated from the noise figure using the relationship KTBF where:
K is Boltzmans constant, T is the absolute temperature in degrees Kelvin, B is the 3 dB bandwidth in Hertz and F is
the noise figure expressed as a ratio
AntRad Utility
The AntRad utility is used to create and edit
radio data files. The main data entry form uses
the same mnemonics as the ASCII text file de-
scribed above. Lines with multiple entries
have column separators.
Select the Curves menu item to create or edit curves. The first step is to specify the specific type of curve. Click the
new button, select the curve type and click the OK button.
If a TtoI_Other or IRF_Other curve has been specified, then enter the
name of the corresponding radio data file name. Multiple file names
can be entered separated by a comma.
When a version 4.0 file is loaded into the AntRad program, a traffic
code will be generated using the channel capacity and the modulation
specified in the file. This will be compared to the coding on the TtoI
curves. If the TtoI curve is coded with the same traffic code, the curve
will be interpreted as a TtoI_Same curve.
If the T to I curve coding does not match the traffic code, the curve will
be interpreted as a TtoI_Other curve.
TtoI_4E1-QPSK - interfering radio has a different channel capacity or modulation. This curve will initially be coded
as TtoI_Other 4E1-QPSK. The user must change the other code designation of 4E1-QPSK to the corresponding ra-
dio code i.e. the name of the binary file less suffix of the 4E1-QPSK radio.
The above step must be carried out for each TtoI_Other or IRF_Other curve. Select the curve in the drop down list
and change the corresponding other codes in the edit control below the drop down list. The names in the drop down
list will not change until the Create - edit radio curve dialog is closed and re-opened
Select the Files - Lock binary rsd files menu selection. Click the Lock
binary rsd files box and then click OK. When the binary file is saved,
a file locked message will be present on the windows save file dia-
Click the Import Radio Index button and follow the procedures
to create an index for the selected. Creating an index is a necessary step for adap-
tive modulation radios. If a radio lookup table is required, the table must be popu-
lated using the Radio File Index as it is not possible to enter the specifications
manually in the lookup table.
Once the radio data files have been indexed, these can be loaded into the pro-
gram from any radio data entry form in the program. Click +1 /+2/ or +12 to add the radio file
to site 1, site 2, or both sites respectively. Note that the main application must be set to that
of the radio data file. For example if the program application type is set to Adaptive modula-
tion, only adaptive modulation radio data files can be loaded.
For adaptive modulation, the user must select / set the following parameters to be used in the calculation:
Modulation / throughput SEC states. Note that the selection is not necessarily contiguous
Reference state. This must be set to an active modulation state
Transmit power option
Antenna coupling unit (radio configuration)
ANSI / ETSI calculation method
For both ANSI and ETSI, the reference state determines the parameters to be used in an interference calculation
and the state to be used for the detailed display format. In the summary display for all modulation states, the refer-
ence state is hilighted.
In the ETSI method, the reference state determines the maximum transmit power for all modulation states. For ex-
ample, if the reference state is set to 128 QAM, the maximum power for this state becomes the maximum power for
all modulation states. This power level is strictly enforced. In the ANSI method, there are no restrictions on the trans-
mit powers
In the adaptive modulation summary display, using total time below level calculation option, the annual results are 2
way for the ANSI option and 1 way for the ETSI option
For conventional microwave and land mobile applications, the user must select / set the following parameters to be
used in the calculation
Transmit power option - if the radio data file includes a transmit power range specification, the user will enter the
specific transmit power
Receive threshold option
Antenna coupling unit (radio configuration)
The ASCII file consists or a Mnemonic and a value separated by a space or tab. The file format is given in the fol-
lowing table.
Several equipment / calculation options are included in the radio data file:
DIGRADIO_TYPE SDH - Permissible values are PDH, SDH or NB_DIGITAL( narrow band digital). These options
only affect the formatting of the data entry forms in the microwave worksheet. For example, signature data or the
dispersive fade margin cannot be accessed with the NB_DIGITAL radio type set.
SD_OPERATION - Permissible values are IFC for IF combining and BBS for baseband switching. This option auto-
matically set the space diversity improvement calculation to IF combining or baseband switching. The default value
is baseband switching.
COCHANNEL_OPERATION - Permissible values are YES or NO. This sets the Cochannel operation option in the
Reliability Options dialog box. The default value is NO.
USE_SIGNATURE - Permissible options are YES for selective fading calculations using the equipment signature or
NO to use the dispersive fade margin and dispersive fade occurrence factor. Note that this options has the effect of
calculating diversity improvement is strict accordance with P.530.
The ASCII file is created by adding the entry or value after the mnemonic. Leave at least one space between the
mnemonic and the entry.
The mnemonic lines can be in any order and blank lines are allowed in the file; however the file identifier
"PLW40_RADIOSPECS" must be the first entry in the file.
If there is no entry after the mnemonic, the line is ignored. Therefore, it is not necessary to erase any unused
If a duplicate mnemonic line exists, the value of the last one in the file will be used. Frequency stability can be
expressed as either a percent or in parts per million. The value used will be the last one in the file.
The modulation is used to determine default threshold to interference curves. The format must be as follows:
No spaces or dashes are allowed. The modulation type must be one of the following:
Channel Capacity
Channel capacity is expressed in terms of the digital hierarchy, (e.g. 1DS3, 8E1).
Traffic Code
The channel capacity and modulation are combined to form a unique radio descriptor using the following format:
This identifier is used to compare the characteristics of an interfering transmitter with the receiver.
The traffic code does not appear in the radio data file as a unique entry. It is derived from the channel capacity and
In the case of analog radios, the traffic code must be specified using the format below:
For the special case of a T to I curve for a carrier wave interfering transmitter, the traffic code must be CW.
The number of points of data follows the mnemonic - traffic code combination. The data must be in ascending order
of frequency and there must not be any duplicate frequencies or blank lines. Each line contains a frequency followed
by the T to I value. The frequency must be relative to the operating frequency. The data can be symmetrical or asym-
metrical. The following is an example of the data entry format of an 8DS1 receiver using 128TCM modulation inter-
fered with by a similar radio.
TtoI_8DS1-128TCM 171
-125.000 -143.6
-123.000 -142.8
-121.000 -141.0
-1.000 30.0
-.800 34.0
-.600 35.0
-.400 34.3
-.200 32.4
0.000 34.0
.200 33.0
.400 35.5
.600 35.5
.800 33.0
1.000 33.0
121.000 -142.9
123.000 -143.8
125.000 -145.1
The first line "TtoI_8DS1-128TCM 171" indicates that this is a T to I curve of 171 points. The interfering transmitter
has the same modulation and channel capacity as the receiver.
IRF_8E1-4PSK 61
0.0 0.00
1.0 -0.11
2.0 -0.42
58.0 -78.55
59.0 -79.70
60.0 -80.90
The number of points follows the mnemonic TX_EMISSION on the same line. The data must be in ascending order
of frequency and there must not be any duplicate frequencies or blank lines. Each line contains a frequency followed
by the emission level. The frequency must be relative to the operating frequency. The data can be symmetrical or
Receiver Selectivity
The mnemonic RX_SELECTIVITY indicates that the receiver selectivity data follows. This is the composite receiver
selectivity including RF, IF and Nyquist filtering. Do not use RF or IF filtering alone.
The number of points follows the mnemonic RX_SELECTIVITY on the same line. The data must be in ascending
order of frequency and there must not be any duplicate frequencies or blank lines. Each line contains a frequency
followed by the selectivity expressed in dB. The frequency must be relative to the operating frequency. The data can
be symmetrical or asymmetrical.
Default Interference Parameters
In many cases, the required T to I and TX emission curves will not be available. This section describes the techniques
used to handle these situations. The analysis uses the 3 dB bandwidth of the transmit spectrum and the type of mod-
ulation. Both of these must be specified in the radio data file.
When a radio data file is generated from the user's ASCII text file, a default transmit emission mask and a default
receiver selectivity mask is always created in accordance with Annex B of TIA /EIA Telecommunications Systems
Bulletin TSB-10G (Interference Criteria for Microwave Systems). These masks are based on the FCC Rules and
Regulations, 101.111 - emission limitations for digital fixed point to point operation below 15 GHz as stated below:
For operating frequencies below 15 GHz, in any 4 KHz band, the center frequency of which is removed from the as-
signed frequency by more than 50 percent up to and including 250 percent of the authorized bandwidth: As specified
by the following equation but in no event less than 50 decibels: (Attenuation greater than 80 decibels is not required.)
if ( P bp 1 )
A = 10 log 10 -------------
if ( P > bp 1 )and ( P bp 2 )
A = 50
if ( P > bp 2 )and ( P bp 3 )
A = 35 0.8 ( P 50 ) 10 log 10 ( bw )
if ( P > bp 3 )and ( P bp 4 )
A = 80
Default Receiver Selectivity
The default receiver selectivity
mask has the identical shape as the
default TX emission mask. Howev-
er, it is shifted so that for frequen-
cies from 0 to 50 percent removed
from the carrier frequency, the filter
attenuation is zero.
Using the ANT_RAD Utility to create Version 4 Radio Data Files
The ANT_RAD utility is used to create and edit Version 4 and 5 radio data files. Select the Equipment type - Version
4 radio data files menu item. The data entry form uses the same mnemonics as the ASCII text file described above.
A third column is provided for additional information.
A single data entry per line is used. The Files-Open menu selection will open all radio file versions including:
File Formats
Antenna data files use the industry standard format defined by:
The two documents are essentially the same and copies of these are provided in the Pathloss program directory un-
der Equipmnt \ Asd \ nsma wg16_99_050.pdf and tia 804-a.pdf
In addition the program also supports the older NSMA "Standard Format for Electronic Transfer of Terrestrial Anten-
na Pattern Data", details of which are provided later in this section.
The antenna data files must be converted to a binary format to be used in the Pathloss program. This operation is
carried out in the ant_rad.exe utility program. The file name less the suffix is used as a unique identifier or key field
in the antenna index utility. Therefore all antenna data files must have a unique file name. The maximum file name
length not including the suffix is 48 characters. Antenna files with the same name but located in different directories
cannot be used.
Version 4.0 used different binary file formats for microwave and VHF-UHF antenna data files with the file suffixes
mas and vas respectively. Version 5.0 uses a single binary file for all antennas with the suffix ads. To accomplish
this, one of the reserved for future use fields FIELD5 is used for the antenna technology. These technologies are
loosely defined as aperture (parabolic) and dipole. The difference between the two definitions is in the antenna ori-
entation. Aperture antennas are assumed to be oriented in both azimuth and elevation which results in zero orienta-
tion loss as the default. Dipole antenna are assumed to be oriented in azimuth only with the elevation in a horizontal
plane. The program calculates the orientation loss using the vertical antenna pattern and the actual vertical angle of
the signal.
All existing version 4.0 binary antenna data files can be used in the version 5.0 program without modification.
A separate utility program ant_rad.exe is used to edit, create and convert antenna data files. The program starts in
the radio data files screen. Select File type - Antenna data files from the menu bar. There are several points to note
in this data entry form:
The description of the entry is used instead of the mnemonic. For example Low-band Gain is used instead of
LWGAIN and Azimuth Beam width (deg) is used instead of AZWIDT. The mnemonics are used in the ASCII
The Revision number field (REVNUM) and the Revision date field (REVDAT) refer to revisions to the standard
format. These are not used and serve only as file type identifiers
The fields associated with antenna discrimination curves are not included in these forms. These are created -
edited under the Curves section
The Files - Open menu item opens all antenna file formats. These include the ASCII standard and the old ASCII
standard, the version 4.0 binary mas and vas files and the version 5.0 asd files.
The binary antenna data files do not contain all of the information in the ASCII file. Only the following items are
included in the binary file.
manufacturer, model, description antenna technology, feed horn orientation and the date of the data file
mid band gain, diameter, 3 dB beam widths, electrical downtilt, radome loss, frequency range
the type of antenna pattern (typical or envelope) and all azimuth and elevation pattern data
Files can be saved in the version 5.0 asd binary format or the ASCII standard format. Only the binary version can
be used with the Pathloss program.
Create - Edit Antenna Pattern Data
Select Curves on the Antenna data files menu bar. The drop down list
contains the names of the antenna patterns using the following nam-
ing convention:
In the horizontal plane, the angle starts from -180 (defined as the left
side of the antenna) and increases to 0 on the antenna boresight. The angle then increases to +180, thereby cov-
ering the full 360 of the antenna pattern.
In the vertical plane, the angle starts at some negative value defined as the antenna response below the antenna
boresight and increases to 0 on the antenna boresight. The angle then increases to some positive value which is
above the antenna boresight. For microwave antennas the range is typically between -5 to +5 which results in a
10 range centered about the main beam. For dipole antennas, the elevation data is presented over -180 to +180
The antenna response is listed as dB below the main lobe response and must be entered as a negative value.
To create a new curve, click the New button and define the type of curve. The curve data can be imported from a text
file, Click the Import button and load the text file. The procedure uses the standard text import utility defined in the
section on general program operation.
Note that the associated mnemonics are not used to create the antenna pattern curve. These are written to the stand-
ard ASCII file.
If the antenna technology is not specified, the dialog on the left will appear prompting for the technology and to use
this technology for all files in the conversion.