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United States Patent: (10) Patent No.: (45) Date of Patent

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(12) United States Patent (10) Patent No.: US 7.997,541 B2

Pothanikat et al. (45) Date of Patent: Aug. 16, 2011
(54) SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR (56) References Cited
(75) Inventors: John J. Pothanikat, Missouri City, TX 3,543,804 A * 12/1970 Ziegler .......................... 138/105
(US); Edward Earl Schauseil, II, Sugar 3,891,006 A * 6/1975 Lee ............. ... 138/106
4,530,478 A * 7/1985 McClellan ...................... 248/62
Land, TX (US) 4,539,005 A * 9/1985 Greenblatt ..... ... 604/141
4,787,583 A * 11/1988 Morton ........................... 248/55
(73) Assignee: Kellogg Brown & Root LLC, Houston, 5,652,550 A * 7/1997 Vig ................................. 33 1/68
TX (US) 6,068,882 A 5/2000 Ryu
6,382,259 B1* 5/2002 Codling ........................ 138/149
6,403,180 B1 6/2002 Barrall
(*) Notice: Subject to any disclaimer, the term of this 6,575,412 B2 * 6/2003 Klezath ........................... 248/58
patent is extended or adjusted under 35 6,575,738 B1* 6/2003 Nguyen et al. ................ 432/234
6,598.358 B1 7/2003 Schwertfeger et al.
U.S.C. 154(b) by 418 days. 6,677,034 B1* 1/2004 Hooley et al. ................. 428/323
6,989,123 B2 1/2006 Lee et al.
(21) Appl. No.: 12/244,574 7,078.359 B2 7/2006 Stepanian et al.
(22) Filed: Oct. 2, 2008 FOREIGN PATENT DOCUMENTS
WO WO 2006/002440 1/2006
(65) Prior Publication Data OTHER PUBLICATIONS
|US 2009/0127.407 A1 May 21, 2009 Smith, Christopher E., Aerogels advance in pipeline, tank storage
use, Oil & Gas Journal, Jul. 10, 2006, pp. 1-4, Penn Well Publishing
Related U.S. Application Data Company.
(63) Continuation-in-part of application No. 11/506,327, Primary Examiner Anita M King
filed on Aug. 18, 2006, now Pat. No. 7,467,766, and a (74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm KBRIP Legal
continuation-in-part of application No. 12/175,880, (57) ABSTRACT
filed on Jul. 18, 2008, now Pat. No. 7,950,609. Systems and methods for supporting a pipe are provided. An
insulated pipe system can include a pipe, a first isolator dis
(51) Int. Cl. posed about at least a portion of the pipe, wherein the first
FI6L 3/08 (2006.01) isolator comprises aerogel, and a second isolator disposed
FI6M 13/00 (2006.01) about at least a portion of the first isolator; at least one clamp
(52) U.S. Cl. ....................................... 248/74.1; 248/560 adapted to support the pipe and the isolators; at least one
(58) Field of Classification Search ................. 248/74.1. support base; and at least one support member, wherein the
248/65, 55, 560, 632, 633; 138/103, 105 support member connects the clamp to the support base.
See application file for complete search history. 28 Claims, 11 Drawing Sheets
US 7,997,541 B2
Page 2

|U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS 2007/0004306 A1 1/2007 Leeser et al.

7.226.243 B2 6/2007 Lee et al 2007/0154698 A1 7/2007 Stepanian
7,238,311 B2 7/2007 Ristic-Lehmann et al. 2007,0163666 Al 2007 Lee et al.
7,399,439 B2 7/2008 Lee et al. 2007/01731.57 A1 7/2007 Trifu et al.
7,611,101 B2 * 1 1/2009 van Walraven .............. 248/74.4 2007/0220904 A1 9/2007 Jibb et al.
2005/0046086 A1 3/2005 Lee et al. 2007/0264485 A1 11/2007 Stepanian et al.
2005/0155663 A1 7/2005 Dhellemmes et al. 2008/00 14402 A1 1/2008 Tomich
j, A. . a. Ollanel e .
2008/0087870 A1 4/2008 Williams et al.
2006/0196568 A1 9/2006 Leeser et al. Mosnois A. azoos Isaal
2006/0272727 A1 12/2006 Dinon et al. * cited by examiner
U.S. Patent Aug. 16, 2011 Sheet 1 of 11 US 7.997,541 B2
U.S. Patent Aug. 16, 2011 Sheet 2 of 11 US 7.997,541 B2
U.S. Patent Aug. 16, 2011 Sheet 3 of 11 US 7.997,541 B2

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US 7,997,541 B2
1 2
SYSTEMS AND METHODS FOR FIG. 3 depicts a horizontal cross-sectional illustration of
SUPPORTING A PIPE the support base, flexible peripheral seal, and acoustic isola
tor of the pipe support system depicted in FIG. 2, along the
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED line 3-3, according to one or more embodiments described.
APPLICATIONS 5 FIG. 4 depicts a side-perspective schematic illustration of
a pipe support system for dampening acoustic propagation
This application is a continuation-in-part (CIP) of co-pend from an insulated pipe, according to one or more embodi
ing U.S. patent application having Ser. No. 12/175,880, filed ments described.
on Jul. 18, 2008, and a continuation-in-part (CIP) of co FIG. 5 depicts a cross-sectional illustration of a pipe sup
pending U.S. patent application having Ser. No. 1 1/506,327, 10 port system depicted in FIG. 4, according to one or more
embodiments described.
filed on Aug. 18, 2006, which are both incorporated by ref
erence herein. FIG. 6 depicts a cross-sectional illustration of another pipe
support system, according to one or more embodiments
FIG. 7 depicts a side elevation of a pipe support system for
1. Field of the Invention dampening acoustic propagation from an insulated pipe,
Embodiments described generally relate to systems and according to one or more embodiments described
methods for supporting pipes. More particularly, embodi FIG. 8 depicts a cross-sectional illustration of the pipe
support system depicted in FIG. 7, according to one or more
ments described relate to systems and methods for supporting 20 embodiments described.
pipes for both low and high temperature applications. FIG. 9 depicts another horizontal cross-sectional illustra
2. Description of the Related Art tion of a pipe support system according to one or more
Pipe shoes are utilized in various industries to support embodiments described.
piping. Vibrations, for example, from the processing or flow FIG. 10 depicts a vertical cross-sectional illustration of the
of fluids, can propagate through pipe, pipe shoes, and sup- 25 pipe support system depicted in FIG. 9 along line 10-10,
porting structure and lead to significant noise emissions according to one or more embodiments described.
therefrom. Occupational noise exposure is frequently regu FIG. 11 depicts another horizontal cross-sectional illustra
lated, for example by United States Occupational Safety & tion of a pipe support system according to one or more
Health Administration (OSHA) standards. Noise abatement embodiments described.
in cold insulated, ambient temperature and/or small diameter 30 FIG. 12 depicts a vertical cross-sectional illustration of the
piping is frequently effected simply by insulating the pipe pipe support system depicted in FIG. 11 along line 12-12,
itself. Hot piping, on the other hand, especially in the 50 mm according to one or more embodiments described.
and greater diameters, presents unique problems for noise FIG. 13 depicts another horizontal cross-sectional illustra
control because methods and/or materials suitable for isolat tion of a pipe support system according to one or more
ing cold piping can be inadequate if exposed to the high 35 embodiments described.
temperatures and/or compressive forces in a hot pipe where it FIG. 14 depicts a vertical cross-sectional illustration of the
is supported on a pipe shoe or other support device. pipe support system depicted in FIG. 13 along line 14-14,
Pipe shoes commonly include a base and a pair of axially according to one or more embodiments described.
spaced clamps for interconnecting a generally lower semi FIG. 15 depicts an end view of an illustrative pipe support
circular clamp fixed to the base to a generally upper semi- 40 system according to one or more embodiments described.
circular clamp, so that the connected clamps support the FIG. 16 depicts another end view of an illustrative pipe
piping. The base may slide along the planar upper surface of support system according to one or more embodiments
the pipe rack as the process pipe expands or contracts in described.
length. The generally lower clamp half is welded to the base, FIG. 17 depicts yet another end view of an illustrative pipe
so that the weight of the pipe is supported on the generally 45 support system according to one or more embodiments
lower clamp half. Ears project radially outward from both the described.
lower and upper clamp halves, and a pair of conventional FIG. 18 depicts another end view of an illustrative pipe
bolts interconnects the mating radially-opposing ears to support system according to one or more embodiments
secure the piping to the pipe shoe. described.
50 FIG. 19 depicts yet another end view of an illustrative pipe
BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS support system according to one or more embodiments
So that the recited features provided herein can be under
stood in detail, a more particular description of the features DETAILED DESCRIPTION
may be had by reference to embodiments, some of which are 55
illustrated in the appended drawings. It is to be noted, how A detailed description will now be provided. Each of the
ever, that the appended drawings illustrate only typical appended claims defines a separate invention, which for
embodiments of this invention and are therefore not to be infringement purposes is recognized as including equivalents
considered limiting of its scope, for the invention may admit to the various elements or limitations specified in the claims.
to other equally effective embodiments. 60 Depending on the context, all references below to the inven
FIG. 1 depicts an overhead orthogonal illustration of an tion may in some cases refer to certain specific embodiments
illustrative pipe support system for dampening acoustic only. In other cases it will be recognized that references to the
propagation from a pipe, according to one or more embodi invention will refer to subject matter recited in one or more,
ments described. but not necessarily all, of the claims. Each of the inventions
FIG. 2 depicts a vertical cross-sectional illustration of the 65 will now be described in greater detail below, including spe
pipe support system depicted in FIG. 1, according to one or cific embodiments, versions and examples, but the inventions
more embodiments described. are not limited to these embodiments, versions or examples,
US 7,997,541 B2
3 4
which are included to enable a person having ordinary skill in or more embodiments. FIG. 3 depicts a cross-sectional illus
the art to make and use the inventions, when the information tration of the support base 160, flexible peripheral seal 170,
in this patent is combined with available information and and acoustic isolator 150 of the pipe support system 100
technology. depicted in FIG.2, along the line 3-3 according to one or more
FIG. 1 depicts an overhead orthogonal illustration of an embodiments.
illustrative pipe support system 100 for dampening acoustic With reference to FIGS. 1, 2, and 3, the one or more
propagation from a pipe 110, according to one or more acoustic isolators 150 can be subjected to a high compressive
embodiments. One or more acoustic isolators 150 can be load imposed by the combined weight of the pipe 110, pipe
disposed between a movable base 140 and a support base 160. support 130, pipe clamp 120, insulation 190, protective cov
The one or more acoustic isolators 150 can minimize the 10 ering 195, and the weight of the fluid within the pipe 110. The
propagation of pipe vibration to the underlying support struc use of a rigid material having a high compressive strength for
ture. Such vibration can be caused by fluid flow, thermal the one or more acoustic isolators 150 canthus be particularly
effects, and/or auxiliary equipment to which the pipeline is advantageous. In one or more embodiments, the acoustic
attached. The one or more acoustic isolators 150 can be fab isolator 150 can be suitable for use in ambient and/or elevated
ricated using one or more heat resistant materials, such as 15 temperatures. In one or more embodiments, the one or more
fiber reinforced calcium silicate. acoustic isolators 150 can be flame resistant and/or incom
The pipe support system 100 can include one or more pipes bustible. The one or more acoustic isolators 150 can include
110, pipe clamps 120, support bars 130, insulation 190 and one or more independent first acoustic isolators 150 disposed
protective covering 195 can be supported by the movable base in one or more locations between the support base 160 and the
140. The pipe 110 can include two or more joints of pipe to 20 sub-support base 140. In one or more embodiments, the
form a pipeline. The support base 160 can be permanently acoustic isolator 150 can include one or more layers or plies
attached to or integral with an underlying support structure. of similar or dissimilar materials. One example of an acoustic
One or more flexible peripheral seals 170 can be disposed isolator 150 suitable for exposure to high compressive loads
about the outer perimeter of the one or more acoustic isolators can be a fiber-reinforced calcium silicate, such as that com
150, between the movable base 140 and the support base 160. 25 mercially available under the trade designations MAR
The pipe support system 100 can include one or more TINTE, MARINITE P. MARINITE L, etc.
clamps 120, for example a single split-clamp as depicted in One or more fasteners 180 can be used to connect the
FIGS. 1, 2 and 3. The one or more pipe clamps 120 can be a movable base 140 to the support base 160. The one or more
double bolt clamp as shown, and further can be any type of fasteners 180 can include, but are not limited to, any combi
clamp known in the art, such as, for example, a single bolt 30 nation of nut, bolt, stud, weldment, washer, rivet, screw, wire,
clamp, a clamp with sections joined by weldment, a band type or the like. In the embodiment depicted in FIGS. 1, 2, and 3,
clamp, etc. The pipe support system 100 in FIGS. 1, 2, and 3 a weldment can be formed between the one or more fasteners
is depicted using a split-clamp 120; however any type of pipe 180 and support base 160. The one or more fasteners 180 can
clamping or supporting member known to one of ordinary extend through a complimentary, bore in the one or more
skill in the art can be included. For example, the one or more 35 acoustic isolators 150, as seen best in FIG. 2, and can extend
support bars 130 can be welded directly to the pipe 110 to through an aperture in the movable base 140. One or more
form an integral pipe support member if desired. In one or nuts 185 can be threadedly attached to the proximal end of the
more specific embodiments, the one or more pipe clamps 120 one or more fasteners 180 to detachably attach or connect the
can be secured directly to the pipe 110 to improve structural movable base 140, the one or more acoustic isolators (first
reliability of the pipe support system 100. 40 flexible member) 150, and support base 160 together. Any
Optionally, one or more isolation materials or barriers 12 number of fasteners 180 can be used, and the quantity can be
can be disposed between the pipe 110 and the clamp 120 to more or less than the six fasteners depicted in FIGS. 1, 2, and
thermally and/or acoustically isolate the pipe 110 from the 3.
clamp 120. The barrier 112 can be continuously disposed One or more flexible peripheral seals 170 can be disposed
about an outer diameter of the pipe 110. The barrier 112 can 45 around the one or more acoustic isolators 150. The peripheral
also be disposed about the pipe as one or more axially and/or seal 170 can cooperate with the one or more acoustic isolators
radially disposed bands or strips. 150 to aid the reduction of acoustic propagation, and can also
The barrier 112 can be made of any material suitable for beneficially minimize or eliminate the ingress and/or egress
thermal and/or acoustic isolation. For example, the barrier of fluid or contaminants to the one or more acoustic isolators
112 can be made of silica aerogels, woven fibers, non-woven 50 150. The peripheral seal 170 thus allows for the use of mate
fibers, or combinations thereof. In at least one specific rials for the one or more acoustic isolators 150 having supe
embodiment, the barrier 112 can be made of a silica aerogel rior acoustic dampening characteristics, but might otherwise
that is reinforced with a non-woven, glass-fiber matting, such experience deterioration of acoustic and/or structural proper
as Pyrogel XTTM that is available from Aspen Aerogel. ties if exposed to the ambient environment, weather, and/or
The one or more pipe clamps 120 can be attached to the 55 process fluids.
movable base 140 using one or more support bars 130. In one The flexible peripheral seal 170 can be provided using one
or more embodiments, the support bar 130 can be a continu or more flexible sealants having adhesive properties to form a
ous length as shown. A first end of the one or more support seal against the opposing movable base 140 and support base
bars 130 can be connected via welding, or boltingata first end 160. A non-limiting example of a flexible sealant for use with
to movable base 140. A second end of the one or more support 60 hot pipe 110 is an epoxy polysulfide caulk such as that com
bars can be attached to the pipe clamp by any means known in mercially available under the trade designation UNICOAT
the art, including, but not limited to, a welding, bolting, or any 5800 (rated for temperature exposure up to 190C. (375F)).
other equivalent fastening system. In operation, any vibration Additionally, a flexible sealant can be disposed between a
of pipe 110 can be transmitted via the one or more pipe fastener (e.g., nut 185 and stud 180) and movable base 140 to
clamps 120 and support bars 130 to the movable base 140. 65 further prevent exposure of the acoustic isolator 150. The
FIG. 2 depicts a vertical cross-sectional illustration of the periphery of the acoustic isolator 150 can be recessed with
pipe support system 100 depicted in FIG. 1, according to one respect to the movable base 140 and support base 160 by the
US 7,997,541 B2
5 6
thickness of the seal 170 so that an outer surface of the seal As mentioned above, one or more isolation materials or
170 is coterminous with the edges of the top and support barriers 212,312, 412 can be optionally disposed between the
bases. Alternatively, the periphery of the movable base 140 pipe 210, 310,410 and the clamps 220, 320, 420 to thermally
and the acoustic isolator 150 can be coterminous, or offset and/or acoustically isolate the pipe. The barrier 212, 312, 412
inwardly or outwardly. As used herein, the term hot refers can be continuously disposed about an outer diameter of the
to a surface temperature of at least 90C., such as at least 92 pipe 110, 210, 310, 410 or disposed as one or more axially
C., 95C., 97C., 100C., 110C., 125C., 150C., 200C., and/or radially disposed bands or strips.
250 C., or at least 300 C. The barrier 212, 312, 412 can be made of any material
In one or more embodiments, thermal insulation 190 can be suitable for thermal and/or acoustic isolation. For example,
disposed about and proximate to the one or more pipes 110. 10 the barrier can be made of silica aerogels, woven fibers,
Thermal insulation 190 can include, but is not limited to, non-woven fibers, or combinations thereof. In at least one
sprayed or preformed urethane foam insulation or mineral specific embodiment, the barrier can be made of a silica
aerogel that is reinforced with a non-woven, glass-fiber mat
wool. As shown in the embodiment depicted in FIGS. 1, 2, ting, such as Pyrogel XTTM that is available from Aspen
and 3, the thermal insulation 190 can extend to the upper 15 Aerogel.
surface of the support base 160. Optionally, the thermal insu In the exemplary embodiment depicted in FIGS. 4 and 5, a
lation 190 can substantially cover any portion of any other pipe support system 200 can include one or more pipe clamps
wise thermally exposed surfaces of the pipe 110, clamp 120, 220 connected to movable base 240 using a support bar 230.
support bar 130, movable base 140, acoustic isolator 150, The clamp 220 can be further supported by a gusset 233
flexible peripheral seal 170, support base 160, or any combi 20 disposed transverse to the support bar 230. The term gusset
nation thereof. A protective covering 195 can be included as used herein, should not be limited to a triangularshape, and
over the thermal insulation 190. Protective covering 195 can instead can include any shape useful for improving the rigid
be a thin metal sheet, for example, stainless steel or alumi ity between two or more perpendicularly connected mem
num, fabric, or a coating of mastic. The thermal insulation bers, such shapes can, in various examples, be polygonal,
190 and/or protective covering 195 can be bolted, glued, 25 circular or ellipsoidal.
and/or band strapped to the pipe 110 and/or pipe support In the embodiment depicted in FIG. 6, a pipe support
system 100 if desired. system 300 can include one or more pipe clamps 320 con
In one or more embodiments, the protective covering 195 nected to the movable base 340 using one or more support
can extend to the support base 160 and include an optional bars (two are shown, 330, 335). Optionally, the one or more
weather seal 175 to seal the protective covering 195 to the 30 pipe clamps 320 can be supported using a gusset 333 disposed
upper surface of the support base 160. The weather seal 175 transverse to the one or more support bars (330, 335).
can be an epoxy polysulfide caulk, if desired. Thermal insu In the embodiment depicted in FIGS. 7 and 8, a pipe sup
lation 190 and/or protective covering 195 can extend axially port system 400 can include one or more pipe clamps 420
along the pipe 110, for example, to a second shoe of a pipe connected to the movable base 440 by dual support bars (430,
support system. 35 435). Optionally, clamp 420 can be further supported by a
FIG. 4 depicts a side-perspective schematic illustration of gusset 433 disposed transverse to the support bars (430,435).
a pipe support system 200 for dampening acoustic propaga In this embodiment, the studs 480 and nuts 485 are disposed
tion from a pipe, according to one embodiments. FIG. 5 between support bars (430,435); howevera fastener retaining
depicts a cross-sectional schematic illustration of the pipe the movable base 440 to a support base 460 can be disposed at
support system 200 as depicted in FIG. 4. FIG. 6 depicts a 40 any location thereof. The number of clamps and/or support
cross-sectional schematic illustration of a pipe support sys bars per pipe shoe is not limited to the embodiments shown.
tem 300, according to one or more embodiments. FIG. 7 In yet another embodiment, an apparatus for dampening
depicts a side-perspective schematic illustration of a pipe acoustic propagation from a pipeline is provided. A pipe
support system 400 for dampening acoustic propagation from support can include a support base and a movable base spa
an ambient or elevated temperature, insulated, pipe, accord 45 tially arranged from the support base. One or more fasteners
ing to one or more embodiments. FIG. 8 depicts a cross can be disposed through the movable base to the support base,
sectional schematic illustration of the pipe support system thereby connecting the movable base to the support base. One
400 depicted in FIG. 7. or more acoustic isolators can be disposed between an upper
The embodiments depicted in FIGS. 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 surface of the support base and a lower surface of the movable
include one or more acoustic isolators (250, 350, 450) dis 50 base.
posed between a movable base (240, 340, 440) and a support In one or more embodiments, the one or more acoustic
base (260, 360, 460). The movable base (240, 340, 440) can isolators can include, but is not limited to a monolithic mem
be attached to support base (260,360, 460) using a plurality of ber fabricated from fiber reinforced calcium silicate. In one or
fasteners (280, 380, 480) and nuts (285, 385, 485). A flexible more embodiments, the one or more acoustic isolators can
peripheral seal (270, 370, 470) can be disposed between the 55 include two or more members fabricated using one or more
movable (240, 340, 440) and support bases (260, 360, 460) heat resistant materials and one or more vibration dampening
about the perimeter of the one or more acoustic isolators (250, materials. In one or more embodiments, the one or more heat
350, 450). resistant materials can be disposed about the one or more
In one or more embodiments, the pipe support system (200, fasteners.
300, 400) can include thermal insulation (290, 390, 490) 60 FIG. 9 depicts another horizontal cross-sectional illustra
and/or protective covering (295, 395,495) over all or a por tion of a pipe support system 900 according to one or more
tion of the pipe support system (200, 300, 400) and/or pipe embodiments. FIG. 10 depicts a vertical cross-sectional illus
(210, 310, 410). In one or more embodiments, the thermal tration of the pipe support system 900 along line 10-10,
insulation (290, 390, 490) and/or protective covering (295, according to one or more embodiments. A composite of at
395,495) can include a weather seal (275,375,475) disposed 65 least two different materials can be used to form the acoustic
along the joints formed where the protective covering (295, isolator 910 disposed between the movable base 140 and the
395,495) abuts the weather seal (275, 375, 475). support base 160. The composite construction of the acoustic
US 7,997,541 B2
7 8
isolator advantageously combines one or more heat resistant the composite isolator formed by the one or more individual
isolators 915 with one or more vibration absorbing materials heat resistant isolators 1115 and the one or more vibration
920 to provide a single pipe support system 900 capable of absorbent materials 1120.
both thermally and mechanically isolating one or more pipes FIG. 13 depicts another horizontal cross-sectional illustra
from an underlying support structure. tion of a pipe support system 1300 according to one or more
In one or more embodiments, the heat resistantisolator 915 embodiments. FIG. 14 depicts a vertical cross-sectional illus
can be formed in a hollow shape, having one or more open tration of the pipe support system 1300 depicted in FIG. 13
ings disposed therethrough. In one or more embodiments, at along line 14-14, according to one or more embodiments.
least one of the one or more fasteners 180 connecting the Similar to the pipe support system 1100 depicted in FIGS. 11
movable base 140 to the support base 160 can penetrate 10 and 12, the pipe support system 1300 can include two or more
heat resistant isolators 1315 and/or vibration absorbent mate
through one or more bores through the heat resistant isolator rials 1320 disposed between the movable base 140 and the
915. The one or more heat resistant isolators 915 can be
fabricated using one or more materials suitable for high com support base 160. In one or more embodiments, one or more
vibration absorbent materials 1320 and one or more indi
pressive loads, for example fiber-reinforced calcium silicate. 15 vidual, independent, heat resistant isolators 1315 can be dis
Fiber-reinforced calcium silicate is commercially available posed between the movable base 140 and the support base
under the trade designations MARINITE, MARINITE P. 160.
MARINITIE L, etc. In one or more embodiments, one or The one or more heat resistant isolators 1315 can be in any
more flexible peripheral seals 170 can be disposed around the solid or hollow geometric shape or configuration, for example
one or more acoustic isolators 910. 20 rectangular, square, circular, polygonal, or any combination
The acoustic isolator 910, as depicted in FIGS.9 and 10 can thereof. As depicted in FIG. 13, the one or more individual
include aheatresistantisolator 915 in the shape of a rectangle, heat resistant isolators 1315 can be formed in the shape of a
having a smaller rectangular opening formed therethrough. cubic or rectangular solid having a notch or slot 1310 dis
One or more independent bores can be formed in the heat posed thereupon. The notch or slot 1310 in each individual
resistant isolator 915 to accommodate each of the fasteners 25 heat resistant isolator 1315 can enable the insertion and
180. In the pipe support system 900 depicted in FIG. 9, six removal of the heat resistant isolators 1315 without requiring
bores through the heat resistant isolator 915 are depicted, the complete removal of the movable base 140. The ability to
each bore accommodating one fastener 18a. One or more remove and replace individual isolators 1135 without remov
vibration absorbing materials 920 can be disposed within the ing the movable base 140 can advantageously enable the
smaller rectangular opening, partially or completely filling 30 repair and/or replacement of one or more heat resistant iso
the opening. The one or more vibration absorbing materials lators 1315 without disrupting the pipe supported by the pipe
920 can include, but are not limited to, one or more elas support system 1300. The one or more heat resistant isolators
tomers, plastics, shredded plastics, fibrous plastics, mixtures 1315 can be fabricated using a material suitable for high
compressive loads, for example Fiber-reinforced calcium
thereof, or any combination thereof. 35 silicate. Fiber-reinforced calcium silicate is commercially
FIG. 11 depicts another horizontal cross-sectional illustra available under the trade designations MARINITE, MARIN
tion of a pipe support system 1100 according to one or more ITE P. MARINITE L, etc.
embodiments. FIG. 12 depicts a vertical cross-sectional illus One or more vibration absorbent materials 1320 can be
tration of the pipe support system 1100 along line 12-12, disposed about the individual heat resistant isolators 1315,
according to one or more embodiments. The pipe support 40 between the movable base 140 and the support base 160. In
system 1100 can include at least two different materials dis one or more embodiments one or more flexible peripheral
posed between the movable base 140 and the support base seals 170 can be disposed about the periphery of the compos
160. In one or more embodiments, one or more vibration ite isolator formed by the one or more individual heatresistant
absorbent materials 1120 and one or more individual, inde isolators 1315 and the one or more vibration absorbent mate
pendent, heat resistant isolators 1115 can be disposed 45 rials 1320.
between the movable base 140 and the support base 160. FIG. 15 depicts an end view of an illustrative pipe support
The one or more heat resistant isolators 1115 can be made system 1500 according to one or more embodiments. In one
in any solid or hollow geometric shape or configuration, for or more embodiments, the pipe support system 1500 can
example rectangular, square, circular, polygonal, or any com include one or more isolation materials or barriers (first
bination thereof. As depicted in FIG. 11, the one or more 50 isolators) (one is shown 112) and one or more isolation
individual heat resistant isolators 1115 can be in the shape of materials or barriers (second isolators) (one is shown
a cubic or rectangular solid. In one or more embodiments, 1505). In one or more embodiments, the first isolator 112, the
each of the one or more individual heat resistant isolators second isolator 1505, or both can include one or more discrete
1115 can a bore formed therethrough for disposal about each isolators. For example, the first isolator 112 can include one
of the fasteners 1890 connecting the movable base 140 to the 55 discrete layer of isolation material and the second isolator can
support base 160. The one or more heat resistant isolators include two discrete layers of isolation material. In one or
1115 can be fabricated using a material suitable for high more embodiments, the first isolator 112 can be at least par
compressive loads, for example fiber-reinforced calcium sili tially disposed about a pipe 110 to be insulated. In one or more
cate. Fiber-reinforced calcium silicate is commercially avail embodiments, the second isolator 1505 can be at least par
able under the trade designations MARINITE, MARINITE P. 60 tially disposed about the first isolator 112. In one or more
MARINITE L, etc. embodiments, the first isolator 112 can be disposed about at
One or more vibration absorbent materials 1120 can be least a portion of a length of the outer diameter or outer
disposed about the individual heat resistant isolators 1115, in surface of the pipe 110. In one or more embodiments, the
the void space formed between the movable base 140, the second isolator 1505 can be disposed about at least a portion
support base 160 and the individual heat resistant isolators 65 of a length of the outer diameter or outer surface of the first
1115. In one or more embodiments one or more flexible isolator 112. In one or more embodiments, the pipe support
peripheral seals 170 can be disposed about the periphery of system 1500 can further include one or more clamps (one is
US 7,997,541 B2
shown 120), one or more support members or support bars damaging or otherwise affecting the material properties of the
(two are shown 130), and a support base 160. In one or more second isolator 1505. Therefore, the second isolator 1505 can
embodiments, the pipe 110, the first isolator 112 and the be made from materials suitable for primarily insulating heat
second isolator 1505 can be disposed within the clamp 120. transfer from the environment to the normally cryogenic fluid
The clamp 120 can be attached to the support base 160 via the transported within the pipe 110, but during operational inter
one or more support members 130. ruptions that generate heat within the pipe 110, the second
In one or more embodiments, the first isolator 112 can be isolator can be protected by the first isolator 112 from damage
made of any material suitable for thermal and/or acoustic due to the heat radiating from the pipe 110. This arrangement
isolation. In one or more embodiments, the first isolator 112 can provide a second isolator 1505that can be easierto install,
can reduce the transfer of heat and/or acoustic energy from 10 lower cost, more durable to outside environmental param
the pipe 110 to the second isolator 1505. In one or more eters, such as water, wind, and/or process fluids than the
embodiments, the first isolator 112 can reduce the transfer of material of the first isolator 110, provide necessary rigidity,
heat and/or acoustic energy from the second isolator 1505 to compression strength, and/or provide increased insulation to
the pipe 110. In one or more embodiments, the first isolator the pipe 110 that can primarily carry or otherwise transport
112 can reduce the transfer of heat and/or acoustic energy 15 cryogenic fluids.
from the pipe 110 to the second isolator 1505, from the In one or more embodiments, the first isolator 110 and/or
second isolator 1505 to the pipe 110, or both. the second isolator 1505 can insulate the clamp 120, the
In one or more embodiments, the first isolator 112 can support members 130, and the support plate 160 from a pipe
insulate the second isolator from a pipe 140 carrying or oth 110 carrying or otherwise transporting a cryogenic fluid.
erwise transporting a heated fluid, such that the temperature 20 Conventional steels, for example carbon steel, become brittle
of the second isolator 1505 remains below about 200 C., at cryogenic temperatures, which can result in fractures and
below about 150C., below about 125C., below about 110 ultimately failure in a pipe support. However, the thermal
C., below about 105C., below about 100 C., below about insulation provided by the first isolator 110 and/or the second
95C., below about 90C., below about 85C., below about isolator 1505 can prevent the clamp 120, support members
80C., below about 7503, below about 70 C., or less. For 25 130, and the support plate 160 from cooling to temperatures at
example, a fluid flowing through the pipe 110 at a temperature which conventional steels become brittle.
of about 200 C. can transfer heat to the wall of the pipe 110, In one or more embodiments, the first isolator 112 can
which can radiate outwardly toward the first isolator 112. The include, but is not limited to, silica aerogels, woven fibers,
first isolator 112 can have a heat conductivity low enough, non-woven fibers, or any combination thereof. In at least one
such that sufficient heat flow from the pipe 110 to the second 30 specific embodiment, the first isolator 112 can be made of a
isolator 1505 can be prevented to maintain the second isolator silica aerogel that is reinforced with a non-woven, glass-fiber
at a temperature of less than about 10C. In one or more matting, such as Pyrogel R. XT that is available from Aspen
embodiments, the first isolator 112 can have a thermal con Aerogels". In at least one specific embodiment the first
ductivity less than about 50 mV/mK, about 40 mW/m"K, isolator 112 can be made of a silica aerogel that is reinforced
about 30 mW/mK, about 25 m W/m"K, about 20 mmW/*K, 35 with fibers, such as Cryogel ZTM and Spaceloft(R) that are also
about 15 m W/m"K, about 10 mW/m"K, or less. available from Aspen Aerogels". In at least one specific
In one or more embodiments, the first isolator 112 can be embodiment the first isolator 112 can be a silica aerogel
stable over a wide range of temperatures. For example, the available from CabotTM and referred to under the trade name
first isolator 112 can be stable attemperatures ranging from a NanogelTM. In one or more embodiments, other suitable aero
low of about 250 C., about 200 C., about 175 C., or 40 gels can include carbon and/or alumina based aerogels.
about -150 C. to a high of about 500 C., about 650 C., In one or more embodiments, the second isolator 1505 can
about 700 C., about 750 C., or more. In one or more insulate the pipe support system 1500 from thermal energy
embodiments, the second isolator 1505 can be stable over a and/or acoustic energy and/or mechanical energy. The second
wide range of temperatures, however the upper temperature isolator 1505 can be made of any suitable material for insu
limit of the second isolator 1505 can be exposed to without 45 lating the pipe support system 1500. Illustrative materials
damage or deterioration can be substantially less than the suitable for the second isolator 1505 can include, but are not
temperature the first isolator 112 can be exposed. For limited to polyurethane and/or high density polyurethane. At
example, the second isolator 1505 can be stable at a tempera temperatures greater than about 100 C., high density poly
ture of about 125C. or less, about 110C. or less, about 100 urethane will begin to be adversely affected. However, the
C. or less, about 90 C. or less, or about 80C. or less. In one 50 first isolator 1505 can sufficiently insulate the second isolator
or more embodiments, the first isolator 112 disposed between 1505 from a high temperature (i.e. greater than 100 C.)
the pipe 110 and the second isolator 1505 can provide a pipe emitted from the pipe 110. In one or more embodiments, other
support system 1500 suitable for supporting a pipe 110 at a materials that may be suitable for the second isolator 1505 can
temperature ranging from low (170C., for example) to high include, but are not limited to filled epoxy, laminated wood,
(400C., for example), where the second isolator can have an 55 glass-fibers, and formed glass, for example.
upper operational temperature limit of about 100 C. In one or more embodiments, the first isolator 112, the
In at least one specific embodiment, the pipe 110 can be second isolator 1505, or both can be pre-formed into semi
primarily designed for carrying or transporting fluids at cryo circular or half-circle forms having a suitable inner diameter.
genic temperatures, for example about 165 C. However, For example, the second isolator 1505 can include two sepa
due to operational interruptions high temperatures of a fluid 60 rate half-circle pre-formed sections that, when placed
within the pipe 110 can be reached. These operational inter together, provide an inner bore therethrough configured to
ruptions can cause the fluid within the pipe 110 to increase a conform to the outer surface area of the first isolator 112
temperature of about 100 C. or more, about 125C. or more, disposed about the pipe 110.
about 150 C. or more, about 175C. or more, about 200 C. In one or more embodiments, the first isolator 112 and the
or more, or about 215 C. or more. During these high tem 65 second isolator 1505 can be glued together using one or more
perature cycles the first isolator 112 can prevent or otherwise adhesives. In one or more embodiments, preformed half
reduce the high temperature radiating from the pipe 110 from circle sections of isolator 1505 can be glued or otherwise
US 7,997,541 B2
11 12
secured to the first isolator 112 to provide an integrated first In one or more embodiments, the first isolator 112 and the
isolator 112 and second isolator 1505. Pre-forming and second isolator 1505, can be pre-formed as discussed and
adhering the first isolator 112 and the second isolator 1505 described above with reference to FIG. 15. In one or more
can reduce installation time and cost. Any suitable adhesive embodiments, the third isolator 1605 and/or the fourth isola
can be used to glue the first isolator 112 to the second isolator tor 1610 can also be pre-formed. In one or more embodi
1505. Illustrative adhesives can include, Duro-Tak 80-1068, ments, the first isolator 112, the second isolator 1505, the
available from National Starch and Chemical Company or third isolator 1605, and/or the fourth isolator 1610 can be
Dap Weldwood 0306, available from DAP International. glued or otherwise secured together.
FIG. 16 depicts an end view of an illustrative pipe support In one or more embodiments, the cladding layer 1615 can
system 1600, according to one or more embodiments. In one 10 be at least partially disposed about the outer diameter or outer
or more embodiments, the pipe support system 1600 can surface area of the fourth isolator 1610. In one or more
include a pipe 110, one or more isolation materials or barriers embodiments, the cladding layer 1615 can be disposed about
(first isolators) (one is shown 112), one or more isolation the entire outer diameter or surface area of the fourth isolator
materials or barriers (second isolators) (one is shown 1610. The cladding layer 1615 can prevent or reduce damage
1505), and one or more isolation materials or barriers (third 15 to the pipe 110, the first isolator 112, the second isolator 1505,
isolators) (one is shown 1605). In one or more embodiments, the third isolator 1605, and/or the fourth isolator 1610 dis
the first isolator 112 can be disposed about at least a portion of posed therein. In one or more embodiments, the cladding
the outer diameter or outer surface of the pipe 110. In one or layer 1615 can prevent and/or reduce damage that can be
more embodiments, the second isolator 1505 can be disposed caused by wind, radiation from the sun, external forces such
about at least a portion of the outer diameter or outer surface 20 as a falling tree limb or a dropped tool, and the like.
of the first isolator 112. In one or more embodiments, the third In one or more embodiments, the cladding layer 1615 can
isolator 1605 can be disposed about at least a portion of the be made from any material suitable for protecting the com
outer diameter or surface of the second isolator 1505. In one ponents (i.e. the pipe 110 and isolators 112, 1506, 1605,
or more embodiments, the pipe support system 1600 can and/or 1610) disposed therein. Illustrative materials can
further include one or more vapor barriers (fourth isolators) 25 include, but are not limited to one or more layers of metal (e.g.
(one is shown 1610), one or more cladding layers (one is stainless steel or aluminum), polymers, fabrics, rubbers, fiber
shown 1615), one or more clamps (one is shown 120), support glass, resins, and the like.
members (two are shown 130), and a support base 160. FIG. 17 depicts an end view of an illustrative pipe support
In one or more embodiments, the first isolator 112, the system 1700 according to one or more embodiments. In one
second isolator 1505, the clamp 120, support members 130, 30 or more embodiments, at least two isolators (two are shown
and support base 160 can be as discussed and described above 1705, 1710) can be disposed between a movable base 140 and
with reference to FIG. 15. The third isolator 1605 can be made a support base 160. In one or more embodiments, the isolators
of any suitable material for insulating the pipe support system 1705, 1710 can reduce or otherwise minimize the transfer of
1500. In one or more embodiments, the third isolator 1605 thermal energy (high temperature and/or low temperature)
can be the same material as the secondisolator 1505. In one or 35 between the underlying support structure and a pipe 110.
more embodiments, the third isolator 1605 can be a different Such high temperatures, low temperatures, or both can be
material than the second isolator 1505. Illustrative materials caused by fluid flow and/or auxiliary equipment to which the
suitable for the third isolator 1605 can include, but are not pipe 110 is attached. The isolator or first isolator 1705 can
limited to polyurethane and/or high density polyurethane, be fabricated using a material, such as aerogel, that can be
filled epoxy, laminated wood, glass-fibers, and formed glass. 40 subjected to both cryogenic temperatures (e.g. 170 C.) and
In one or more embodiments, the fourth isolator 1610 can high temperatures (e.g. 500 C.). The first isolator 1705 can
be at least partially disposed about the outer diameter or outer be made from materials similar to the first isolator 112 dis
surface area of the third isolator 1605. In one or more embodi cussed and described above with reference to FIGS. 15 and
ments, the fourth isolator 1610 can be disposed about the 16.
entire outer diameteror surface area of the third isolator 1605. 45 In one or more embodiments, the isolator or second iso
The fourth isolator 1610 can prevent or reduce the transfer of lator 1710 can be fabricated using a material, such as high
water and/or other fluids from the environment to the second density polyurethane, that can be subjected to cryogenic tem
isolator, from the second isolator to the environment, or both. peratures, but not high temperatures (i.e. less than 100 C.).
The fourth isolator 1610 can be made from any material The second isolator 1710 can be made from materials similar
suitable for reducing and/or preventing the transfer of one or 50 to the second isolator 1505 discussed and described above
more fluids. Illustrative materials can include, but are not with reference to FIGS. 15 and 16. The first isolator 1705 can
limited to, polymer films, multilayer films, and the like. In at minimize heat transfer from the pipe 110 to the second iso
least one specific embodiment, the fourth isolator 1610 can be lator 1710, which can primarily transport cryogenic fluids,
Saran 560 Industrial Film available from the Dow Chemical but due to operational disruptions can from time to time
Company. In at least one specific embodiment the fourth 55 exceed temperatures greater than 100 C. at which point the
isolator 1610 can be an aluminum/polyester/aluminum film, second isolator 1710 can be damaged.
such as Alpha Alaflex Style 13 MAM that is available from In one or more embodiments, the movable base 140 can be
Alpha Associates, Inc. attached via one or more support members (two are shown
In one or more embodiments, the second isolator 1505, the 130) to the pipe 110. In one or more embodiments, the pipe
third isolator 1605, or both can be coated with one or more 60 110 can be attached to the support members 130 by welding,
protective coatings (not shown). The one or more protective adhesives, clamps, bolts and nuts, or any other equivalent
coatings can improve various properties of the secondisolator fastening system. In one or more embodiments, the movable
1505 and/or the third isolator 1605, such as mechanical base 140 can be attached to the support members 130 by
strength. An illustrative material suitable for the one or more welding, adhesives, clamps, bolts and nuts, or any other
protective coatings can include, but are not limited to one or 65 equivalent fastening system. In one or more embodiments,
more elastomeric or mastic coatings, such as Monolar Mastic the movable base 140 can be attached to the support base 160
60-59, which is available from Foster Products. via one or more bolts 180 and nuts 185.
US 7,997,541 B2
13 14
In one or more embodiments, insulation 190 and/or a pro temperature (e.g. 300 C.). When the pipe 110 radiates heat
tective layer or covering (one is shown 195) can be disposed outwardly attemperatures exceeding 100 C. the second iso
about the pipe 110, the support members 130, the movable lators 1505, and 1710 can begin to degrade. However, the
base 140, the first isolator 1705, and/or the second isolator thermal insulation provided by the first isolator 112 and the
1710. In one or more embodiments, the support base 160 can first isolator 1705, as discussed above, can have a heat con
be permanently attached, integral with, or detachably ductivity low enough, such that sufficient heat flow from the
attached to an underlying support structure (not shown). pipe 110 to the second isolator 1505 and the second isolator
In one or more embodiments, the insulation 190 can 1705 can be prevented to maintain the second isolators 1505,
include, but is not limited to, mineral wool, formed glass, 1705 at a temperature of less than about 100 C.
glass fibers, and/or filled epoxy. In one or more embodiments, 10 Certain embodiments and features have been described
the insulation 190 can substantially cover any portion of any using a set of numerical upper limits and a set of numerical
exposed surface of the pipe 110, support members 130, mov lower limits. It should be appreciated that ranges from any
able base 140, support base 160, or any combination thereof. lower limit to any upper limit are contemplated unless other
A protective covering 195 can be included over the thermal wise indicated. Certain lower limits, upper limits and ranges
insulation 190. The protective covering 195 can be a thin 15 appearin one or more claims below. All numerical values are
metal sheet, for example, stainless steel or aluminum, fabric, about or approximately the indicated value, and take into
or a coating of mastic. The insulation 190 and/or protective account experimental error and variations that would be
covering 195 can be bolted, glued, and/or band strapped to the expected by a person having ordinary skill in the art.
pipe 110 and/or pipe support system 1700, if desired. Various terms have been defined above. To the extent a
In one or more embodiments, the protective covering 195 20 term used in a claim is not defined above, it should be given
can extend to the support base 160 and include an optional the broadest definition persons in the pertinent art have given
weather seal 175 to seal the protective covering 195 to the that term as reflected in at least one printed publication or
upper surface of the support base 160. The weatherseal can be issued patent. Furthermore, all patents, test procedures, and
as discussed and described above with reference to FIGS. 2 other documents cited in this application are fully incorpo
and 3. Thermal insulation 190 and/or protective covering 195 25 rated by reference to the extent such disclosure is not incon
can extend axially along the pipe 110, for example, to a sistent with this application and for all jurisdictions in which
second pipe support system (not shown). such incorporation is permitted.
FIG. 18 depicts an end view of an illustrative pipe support While the foregoing is directed to embodiments of the
system 1800 according to one or more embodiments. In one present invention, other and further embodiments of the
or more embodiments, at least two isolators (two are shown 30 invention may be devised without departing from the basic
1705, 1710) can be disposed between a movable base 140 and scope thereof, and the scope thereof is determined by the
a support base 160, which can be as discussed and described claims that follow.
above with reference to FIG. 17. In one or more embodi
ments, the pipe support system 1800 can further include one What is claimed is:
or more isolation materials or barriers (first isolators) (one 35 1. An insulated pipe system comprising:
is shown 112), one or more clamps (one is shown 120), and a pipe:
support members (one is shown 130). In one or more embodi a first isolator disposed about at least a portion of the pipe,
ments, the first isolator 112 can be at least partially disposed wherein the first isolator comprises aerogel; and
about a pipe 110. The first isolator 112 and the pipe 110 can a second isolator disposed about at least a portion of the
be supported by the clamp 120, which can be connected to the 40 first isolator;
moveable base 140 via the support members 130 as discussed a third isolator disposed about at least a portion of the
and described above with reference to FIG. 17. In one or more second isolator;
embodiments, insulation 190 and/or a protective coveting at least one clamp adapted to support the pipe and the
(one is shown 195) can be disposed about the first isolator isolators;
112, the clamp 120, the support member 130, the movable 45 at least one support base; and
base 140, the first isolator 1705, and/or the second isolator at least one support member, wherein the support member
1710. In one or more embodiments, the support base 160 can connects the clamp to the support base.
be permanently attached, integral with, or detachably 2. The system of claim 1, further comprising a fourth
attached to an underlying support structure (not shown). isolator disposed about at least a portion of the third isolator,
FIG. 19 depicts another end view of an illustrative pipe 50 wherein the fourth isolator comprises one or more layers of
support system 1900 according to one or more embodiments. polymers, metals, or a combination thereof.
In one or more embodiments, the pipe support system 1900 3. The system of claim 2, further comprising a cladding
can include one or more isolation materials or barriers (first layer disposed about at least a portion of the fourth isolator,
isolators) (one is shown 112) and one or more isolation wherein the cladding layer comprises a metal or a metal alloy.
materials or barriers (second isolators) (one is shown 55 4. The system of claim 1, wherein the second isolator, the
1505). The first isolator 112 and the second isolator 1505 can third isolator, or both are coated with a mastic coating.
be as discussed and described above with reference to FIG. 5. The system of claim 1, wherein the pipe comprises two
15. In one or more embodiments, the pipe support system or more joints of pipe to form a pipeline.
1900 can further include one or mole clamps (one is shown 6. The system of claim 1, wherein the second isolator
120), support members (one is shown 130), a movable base 60 comprises at least one of high density polyurethane, filled
140, at least two isolators 1705, 1710, and a support base 160, epoxy, and laminated wood.
which can be as discussed and described above with reference 7. The system of claim 1, wherein the support base is a
to FIGS. 1518. substantially flat, metallic plate.
In one or more embodiments, the pipe support system 1900 8. The system of claim 1, wherein the support base is a
can thermally and/or acoustically insulate energy from a pipe 65 metallic plate fabricated from one or more metal alloys
110 supported by the pipe support system 1900. The pipe 110 selected from the group consisting of ferrous alloys, galva
can be at a cryogenic temperature (e.g. 200 C.) or high nized ferrous alloys, and non-ferrous alloys.
US 7,997,541 B2
15 16
9. The system of claim 1, further comprising one or more disposing one or more layers of insulation about at least a
insulation layers disposed about at least one of the clamp, the portion of the fourth isolator, the clamp, the support
support member, and the support base. member, the support base, or any combination thereof.
10. An apparatus for insulating a pipe, comprising: 18. The method of claim 16, further comprising coating the
a support base; 5 second isolator, the third isolator, or both with at least one of
a movable base, wherein the movable base is spatially a mastic coating and an adhesive.
arranged from the support base; 19. An insulated pipe system comprising:
a pipe:
a fastener at least partially disposed through each of the a first isolator disposed about at least a portion of the pipe,
support base and the movable base; 10 wherein the first isolator comprises aerogel;
a first isolator and a second isolator disposed between the a second isolator disposed about at least a portion of the
support base and the movable base, wherein the first first isolator;
isolator is disposed toward the movable base and the at least one clamp adapted to support the pipe and the
second isolator is disposed toward the support base, and isolators, wherein the second isolator is disposed
wherein the first isolator comprises aerogel; and 15 between the at least one clamp and the first isolator;
a support member disposed on a first surface of the move at least one support base; and
able base at a first end thereof. at least one support member, wherein the support member
11. The apparatus of claim 10, wherein the support member connects the clamp to the support base.
is substantially perpendicular to the first surface of the move 20. The system of claim 19, further comprising a third
able base. 20
isolator disposed about at least a portion of the second isola
12. The apparatus of claim 10, wherein a second end of the 21. The system of claim 20, further comprising a fourth
support member is disposed on a clamp adapted to retain a isolator disposed about at least a portion of the third isolator,
13. The apparatus of claim 10, wherein the second isolator wherein the fourth isolator comprises one or more layers of
comprises at least one of high density polyurethane, filled 25 polymers, metals, or a combination thereof.
epoxy, and laminated wood. 22. The system of claim 21, further comprising a cladding
14. The apparatus of claim 12, wherein the pipe comprises layer disposed about at least a portion of the fourth isolator,
two or more joints of pipe to form a pipeline. wherein the cladding layer comprises a metal or a metal alloy.
15. The apparatus of claim 14, further comprising one or 23. The system of claim 20, wherein the second isolator,
more insulation layers disposed about at least one of the 30 the third isolator, or both are coated with a mastic coating.
clamp, the support member, the moveable base, the fastener, 24. The system of claim 19, wherein the pipe comprises
and the support base. two or more joints of pipe to form a pipeline.
16. A method for insulating a pipe, comprising: 25. The system of claim 19, wherein the second isolator
disposing a first isolator about at least a portion of a pipe, comprises at least one of high density polyurethane, filled
wherein the first isolator comprises aerogel; 35 epoxy, and laminated wood.
disposing a second isolator about at least a portion of the 26. The system of claim 19, wherein the support base is a
first isolator; substantially flat, metallic plate.
supporting the pipe and the isolators within at least one 27. The system of claim 19, wherein the support base is a
clamp, wherein the clamp is attached to a support base metallic plate fabricated from one or more metal alloys
using at least one support member; and 40
selected from the group consisting of ferrous alloys, galva
disposing a third isolator about at least a portion of the nized ferrous alloys, and non-ferrous alloys.
second isolator. 28. The system of claim 19, further comprising one or more
17. The method of claim 16, further comprising disposing insulation layers disposed about at least one of the clamp, the
a fourth isolator about at least a portion of the third isolator; support member, and the support base.

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