Joshuahuntresume 1
Joshuahuntresume 1
Joshuahuntresume 1
Accomplished, achievement driven and results oriented. Analytically and quantitatively solution
FULL TIME MISSIONARY....................Aug 2015-July 2017
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints Trinidad Port of Spain Mission
Led groups of 12-14 volunteers, created further productivity by following up on set goals
and creating vision for volunteer work.
Conducted weekly and monthly training meetings, participated in leadership councils,
trained other volunteers, and coordinated work with other leaders.
Thorough knowledge of spoken and written Dutch by rigorous and consistent study and
by working closely with native speakers in the country of Suriname for over 20 months.
HARMONS GROCERY ..Summer of 2015
Front End Bagger
Developed Customer Service skills by working closely with customers.
Helped customers load groceries, find products, and answered questions about store and
product information.
Worked and interacted with coworkers in various capacities.
FUNDTECH, Salt Lake City, UT...............Summer of 2014
Temp Assistant, Office Renovation Kimberly Dornberg (801)716-4722
Work consisting in data entry, filing, and general office organization skills.
Worked office organization to find further productivity.
HIREPOINTE MANAGEMENT, Draper, UT...Summer of 2014
Temp Assistant, Data Entry Evi VanDekasteel (801)553-2570 ext. 100
Managed, updated, and digitized data for clients.
Passionate about learning and furthering my skills, and using that knowledge to
help benefit those I work with and my community.
Strong inter-personal and communication skills.
Fluent in written and spoken Dutch.
Excellent skills and aptitude with computers; computer skills consist of experience in
HTML, CSS, Java, and software programs including Microsoft Software (Word, and
Excel) and Adobe Creative Suite (Photoshop, InDesign, Fireworks, Illustrator and
Completed a Research Internship in History.
Strong quantitative and analytical skills.
Volunteered as a friend for a special needs group.
Can type 70 words per minute.
Leadership roles in school and community.
Taken several career classes including graphic design, web design, programming, &
Analytical use of data in a Bio Technological Lab, including use of Microsoft
E-portfolio from SLCC found at:
Eagle Scout Award recipient, received in April, 2015.