(Simple Loan) : Eople V. Puig and Porras
(Simple Loan) : Eople V. Puig and Porras
(Simple Loan) : Eople V. Puig and Porras
PUIG AND PORRAS Petitioner explains that under Article 1980 of the New Civil Code,
(Simple Loan) "fixed, savings, and current deposits of money in banks and similar
Depositors who place their money with the bank are considered institutions shall be governed by the provisions concerning simple
creditors of the bank. The bank acquires ownership of the money
loans." Corollary thereto, Article 1953 of the same Code provides
deposited by its clients, making the money taken by respondents as
belonging to the bank. that "a person who receives a loan of money or any other fungible
The relationship between banks and depositors has been held to be thing acquires the ownership thereof, and is bound to pay to the
that of creditor and debtor. Articles 1953 and 1980 of the New Civil creditor an equal amount of the same kind and quality." Thus, it
Code, as appropriately pointed out by petitioner, provide as follows: posits that the depositors who place their money with the bank are
Article 1953. A person who receives a loan of money or any other considered creditors of the bank. The bank acquires ownership of the
fungible thing acquires the ownership thereof, and is bound to pay to money deposited by its clients, making the money taken by
the creditor an equal amount of the same kind and quality. respondents as belonging to the bank.
Article 1980. (supra)
Issue: Whether or not the Bank acquired ownership of the money
In summary, the Bank acquires ownership of the money deposited
by its clients; and the employees of the Bank, who are entrusted with deposited in it to be able to hold the respondents liable for qualified
the possession of money of the Bank due to the confidence reposed in theft which requires that there must be taking of the money without
them, occupy positions of confidence. The Informations, therefore, the consent of the owners.
sufficiently allege all the essential elements constituting the crime of Held: The petition is meritorious
Qualified Thef Banks where monies are deposited, are considered the owners
G.R. Nos. 173654-765 August 28, 2008 thereof. This is very clear not only from the express provisions of the
PEOPLE OF THE PHILIPPINES, petitioner, law, but from established jurisprudence. The relationship between
vs. banks and depositors has been held to be that of creditor and debtor.
TERESITA PUIG and ROMEO PORRAS, respondents. Articles 1953 and 1980 of the New Civil Code, as appropriately
Facts: On 7 November 2005, the Iloilo Provincial Prosecutor's Office pointed out by petitioner, provide as follows:
filed before RTC in Dumangas, Iloilo, 112 cases of Qualified Theft Article 1953.A person who receives a loan of money or any other
against respondents Teresita Puig (Puig) and Romeo Porras fungible thing acquires the ownership thereof, and is bound to pay to
(Porras) who were the Cashier and Bookkeeper, respectively, of the creditor an equal amount of the same kind and quality.
private complainant Rural Bank of Pototan, Inc. Article 1980. Fixed, savings, and current deposits of money in banks
It was alleged in the information that Teresita Puig and Romeo and similar institutions shall be governed by the provisions
Porras took away P15,000 without the consent of the owner Bank to concerning loan.
the prejudice and damage of the bank. In a long line of cases involving Qualified Theft, the Court has firmly
The RTC dismissed the case for insufficiency of the information established the nature of possession by the Bank of the money
ruling that the real parties in interest are the depositors-clients and deposits therein, and the duties being performed by its employees
not the bank because the bank does not acquire ownership of the who have custody of the money or have come into possession of it.
money deposited in it. The Court has consistently considered the allegations in the
Hence petitioner Rural Bank went directly to the court via petition for Information that such employees acted with grave abuse of
certiorari. confidence, to the damage and prejudice of the Bank, without
particularly referring to it as owner of the money deposits, as BPI claimed that it had a better right to the amounts which consisted of part
sufficient to make out a case of Qualified Theft of the money allegedly fraudulently withdrawn from it by Tevesteco and
In summary, the Bank acquires ownership of the money deposited by
ending up in Francos account. BPI urges us that the legal consequence of
its clients; and the employees of the Bank, who are entrusted with
FMICs forgery claim is that the money transferred by BPI to Tevesteco is its
the possession of money of the Bank due to the confidence reposed
own, and considering that it was able to recover possession of the same
in them, occupy positions of confidence. The Informations, therefore,
sufficiently allege all the essential elements constituting the crime of when the money was redeposited by Franco, it had the right to set up its
Qualified Theft. ownership thereon and freeze Francos accounts.
WHEREFORE, premises considered, the Petition for Review on
Certiorari is hereby GRANTED. The Orders dated 30 January 2006 Issue: WON the bank has a better right to the deposits in Francos account.
and 9 June 2006 of the RTC dismissing Criminal cases No. 05-3054 Held: No. Significantly, while Article 559 permits an owner who has lost or
to 05-3165 are REVERSED and SET ASIDE. has been unlawfully deprived of a movable to recover the exact same thing
from the current possessor, BPI simply claims ownership of the equivalent
BPI vs Court of Appeals, 538 amount of money, i.e., the value thereof, which it had mistakenly debited
from FMICs account and credited to Tevestecos, and subsequently traced
November 23, 2007 the more manifest in the instant case which involves money in a banking
transaction gone awry. Its primary function is to pass from hand to hand as a
Posted by Pius Morados on January 12, 2012 medium of exchange, without other evidence of its title. Money, which had
been passed through various transactions in the general course of banking
(Negotiable Instruments Money as a medium of exchange)
business, even if of traceable origin, is no exception.
Facts: Franco opened 3 accounts with BPI with the total amount of
P2,000,000.00. The said amount used to open these accounts is traceable Share this:
to a check issued by Tevesteco. The funding for the P2,000,000.00 check
was part of the P80,000,000.00 debited by BPI from FMICs account (with a BPI FAMILY BANK V. FRANCO
(Simple Loan)
deposit of P100,000,000.00) and credited to Tevestecos account pursuant
Article 1980 of the Civil Code: Fixed, savings, and current deposits
to an Authority to Debit which was allegedly forged as claimed by FMIC. of money in banks and similar institutions shall be governed by the
Tevesteco effected several withdrawals already from its account amounting provisions concerning loan.
to P37,455,410.54 including the P2,000,000.00 paid to Franco. As there is a debtor-creditor relationship between a bank and its
depositor, BPI-FB ultimately acquired ownership of Francos
deposits, but such ownership is coupled with a corresponding
Franco issued two checks which were dishonoured upon presentment for
obligation to pay him an equal amount on demand. Although BPI-FB
payment due to garnishment of his account filed by BPI. owns the deposits in Francos accounts, it cannot prevent him from
demanding payment of BPI-FBs obligation by drawing checks
against his current account, or asking for the release of the funds in their Current Account had been frozen upon instruction of
his savings account. Thus, when Franco issued checks drawn against Severino P. Coronacion, Vice-President of BPI-FB on the ground
his current account, he had every right as creditor to expect that that the source of fund was illegal or unauthorized; they
those checks would be honored by BPI-FB as debtor. demanded the reinstatement of the account, but BPI-FB refused.
by offering low interest rates, so they accepted the banks proposal he unpaid principal obligation for the peso loan as well as the
unpaid obligation for the dollar-denominated loan, following the
and signed Equitables
conversion rate at the time of incurring the obligation, in
pre-printed promissory notes. 3. accordance with Article 1250 of the Civil Code.
RTC upheld the validity of the promissory notes but invalidated the
escalation clause because it violated the principle of mutuality of HELD: 1.
contracts. 5.
Article 1250.
In case an extraordinary inflation or deflation of the currency Moreover, although the obligation arose out of a contract, the
stipulated should intervene, the value of the currency at the time of parties did not agree to recognize the effects of extraordinary
the establishment of the obligation shall be the basis of payment, inflation.
unless there is an agreement to the contrary.
The RTC never mentioned that there was such a stipulation either in
For extraordinary inflation or deflation to affect an obligation, the the promissory note or loan agreement.
following requisites must be proven: a)