En 24
En 24
En 24
Copyright :
Directorate of Quality Assurance (Warship Project), DGQA, New Delhi
Edition: 2013
Issued by: Directorate of Quality Assurance (Warship Project), DGQA, New Delhi
List of Appendices
List of Annexures
2. The list of marine engineering equipment for warships, covered under the
ambit of these guidelines is given at Appendix A. It is envisaged that adherence to
the guidelines will enable the industry to manufacture equipment that conform to the
requirements of warship applications which are inherently more exacting than those
found in commercial or land based applications.
4. The document is applicable across the industry for the entire spectrum of
equipment intended for Indian Naval warships catering inter alia for new inductions.
The document also has a provision for accommodating and factoring the maturity of
technology and confidence gained with firms pertaining to its products.
(b) Inspecting Agencies (IAG). DQA (WP) has 16 field units covering
industrial zones across India. Each field unit is designated as Inspecting
Agency (IAG). A list of field units under DQA (WP) is placed at Appendix B2.
(c) Class QA 3 Equipment. These are the equipment for which the
QA cover is reduced. However there are no major deviations / concessions.
(e) Class QA 5 Equipment. The QA cover for this class is only for
physical verification. The complete equipment is accepted on Guarantee /
Warranty Certificate or import documents produced by the firm.
7. As can be seen from the definitions above, the stringency conditions and
intensity of inspections vary from class to class.
9. Each of these stages has been elaborated upon in the subsequent chapters.
However, the essence of each has been briefly explained in the paragraphs that
10. The Manufacturing Plan is the seed from which the Quality Assurance Plan
germinates. Hence, it is vital for all concerned that every aspect of Manufacturing
Plan is comprehended unambiguously. This is the first and most critical stage in the
process. The formulation of QA Plan is a complex activity that requires detailed
analysis both on part of the Firm and QA personnel to arrive at a plan which is
optimal and can be implemented. Therefore, it is vital that the Manufacturing
Plan is discussed bilaterally between the firm and IAG.
11. The next logical step is the preparation of drawings and draft QAP by the firm
which is subsequently approved by the designated Naval Authorities. The following
should be taken into account at this stage:-
12. Once the drawings and QAP are approved, the firm is given the clearance to
commence production. Consequently, the first step of manufacture is procurement
and acceptance of Raw Material. This would entail inter alia conducting requisite
tests for determining the chemical composition and mechanical properties. Factors
that influence the extent and quantum of raw material inspection are as follows:-
In Process Inspection
13. Once the raw materials have been cleared for use, the manufacturing can
commence. Inprocess inspection is carried out with the aim of ensuring that the
final product meets the required standards of quality. The governing considerations
14. Once the item or equipment is ready, it is subjected to final inspection. The
extent and quantum is decided based on: -
15. Tests and Trials of the final assembled equipment shall be undertaken based
on Acceptance Test Procedure (ATP). ATP essentially includes performance trials
offered by the firm prior dispatch which are termed as Factory Acceptance Trials
(FATs). FATs may be supplemented by trials onboard after the equipment has been
installed or on any other test bed as specified in the terms of the Contract and in
ATP. The ATP is to be prepared based on: -
16. After the equipment or product has been cleared for dispatch, it has to be
suitably painted, adequately preserved and appropriately packed. Factors that
influence painting, preservation, packing and shipment are as follows:-
18. This is the last and final stage of the QA process. The Inspection Note (I
Note) is issued for items contracted by Naval procurement agencies. The format of
INote is specified in form DGS & D 84. For equipment ordered by shipyards,
Form 4 is issued. Form 4 is also issued by inspecting agencies for a suborder.
Sample formats of various forms are placed at Appendix C.
(b) Quality Assurance Plan that specifies the means of achieving these
5. The term customer refers to the user onboard the warship. The
Expectations of Customer are based on the conditions and exploitation pattern
onboard a warship. These are reflected in the material, manufacturing process and
performance parameters specified. The expectations can be categorized as:-
(c) MTBO & MTBF. The Mean Time Between Overhauls (MTBO) and
Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) should be high.
Type of Equipment
6. The types of equipment onboard a warship will fall into one of the following
three categories:-
7. Once the expectations of the Customer and type of equipment are known, the
next logical step is to derive all critical parameters at each stage of manufacture that
affect the final quality of the equipment. In case of warship equipment, the critical
parameters extend to the entire Life Cycle of the equipment which includes stages
beyond manufacture such as documentation, maintenance and repair. The common
parameters applicable across all types of equipment are:-
(a) Sample size based on relevant standards such as IS 2500 (Part I & II).
(b) 100% inspection which means that the entire batch is subjected to
specified checks.
(a) Witness.
13. Various factors influencing both the QA processes and plans have been
discussed in the preceding paragraphs with an aim to help in formulating a QAP,
based on these factors. The draft QAP submitted by the firm needs to be vetted by
the Inspection Agency prior to final approval by the Inspection Authority. Draft QAP
is expected to be in conformance with the latest manufacturing processes and QA
2. Raw Materials. The raw material is specified in the SOTR, as well as, in
the Purchase Order and reflected in the approved drawings. These when selected,
often dictate the manufacturing process and the extent of control that needs to be
exercised during the process.
4. Castings. There are various types of castings and the selection has to be
done considering the type of job involved:-
(a) Gravity Casting. This is used for general purpose and is the most
common type of casting.
(c) Pressure Die Casting. It is used when surface finish is critical and
dimensional consistency vital.
5. Joining Process. This is a generic term used for a process that fuses two
similar or dissimilar materials. Joining process commonly used are:-
(b) Brazing. In this process, the base metal is heated to below its
recrystallisation temperature. This generally used when working with copper
and copper alloys.
(b) Hot Working. It involves plastic deformation of metals above the re-
crystallization temperatures.
8. Jigs and Fixtures. Proper jigs and fixtures are designed to minimise faults
and increase productivity whilst achieving the required shape and dimensions.
(a) Title Block. This should include Customer Name, Purchase Order
number, title of drawing, revision number, tolerances, other reference
drawings, date of drawing, drafting/ checking/ approving particulars and any
other details sought by the customer.
(a) Size. The drawings should be prepared in paper sizes ranging from
A1 to A4. In extreme cases A0 can be used but under no condition should the
size be below A4.
(b) Scale. The scale used should be clearly mentioned in the drawings.
(b) SOTR as approved and agreed upon during TNC/ PNC meetings.
10. QAP should incorporate all aspects related to the qualification, condition
assignment and acceptance needs. The Quality Assurance Plan can be broadly
divided into following parts:-
(e) Documentation.
11. Essentially, inspection of every equipment or spare will entail the first three
stages. Where specified, the balance three stages will be applicable.
(b) SOTR as approved and agreed upon during TNC/ PNC meetings.
14. While the information contained in Purchase Order and Drawings may suffice,
inputs from minutes of TNC/ PNC meetings and SOTRs also contribute significantly
in finalising the QAP.
15. Responsibility of Firm. The contracted firm is to submit the complete set
of Approved Drawings to concerned QAOs along with draft QAP and SOTRs as a
set. Where applicable, draft ATP is also to be submitted.
(a) QAP Conforming to SOTR and QA Rules/ Norms. The draft QAP
is to be dispatched to the Inspecting Authority with comments/
recommendations without delay.
(b) QAP Deviating from SOTR and QA Rules/ Norms. There can be
two situations:-
17. Responsibility of DQA(WP). The authority for approval of the QAP rests
with DQA(WP) being the Inspection Authority. Upon receipt of QAP from the
Inspection Agency, the same is to be scrutinized against the updated Master QAP
held and either of the following decisions is to be communicated to the Inspection
Agency :-
cases the basic manufacturing, provided that the deviations observed do not
affect these stages. The relevant clarifications/ issues are to be
simultaneously processed with the Professional Directorates at IHQ MoD
(Navy) for final recommendation, keeping the Order Placement Authority or
the Project Executing Agency informed.
(b) Spares for Equipment, that are ordered separately are also exempted
submission of approved Drawings and QAP provided the firm is able to
produce evidence/ traceability of the spares to the original equipment for
which they have been ordered.
(iii) Part 3 (Final set). All components/ parts left out from earlier
two parts. Declaration/ evidence to submission of drawings of all
components/ parts is to be submitted by the firm along with final set.
(c) The two parts of QAP are to be submitted in the following manner:-
21. Drawings and QAPs submitted in parts invoking the Exception criteria will be
subject to provisional approval only. Final approval shall be given only after
submission of complete set of drawings & QAP.
22. For QAO/IAG. Final Inspection, Tests & Trials shall be witnessed by
QAO/IAG only after the final stamp of approval on a consolidated set of Drawings
and QAPs is endorsed by IAY. Final Inspection Note (Form 4) in such cases is to be
issued post satisfactory inspection in all respects.
1. All raw materials that are used in manufacture of equipment or spares should
be tested to ascertain that the chemical and mechanical properties conform to those
specified in the standards mentioned in the SOTRs, the Purchase Order and the
Approved Drawings.
4. Contents. All the material standards, apart from specifying the Chemical
and Mechanical properties for various grades, also specify the tests to be carried out
on the raw material. The procedures for conducting these tests are also mentioned
and elaborated. These tests have to be conducted at NABL accredited laboratories.
The values given in the standard have to be strictly adhered to.
5. Use of Equivalent Standards. In case the firm requests for use of material
conforming to any other equivalent standard eg. IS in lieu of ASTM, then the same
should be approved by Professional Directorates at IHQ MoD (Navy)/ local
Headquarters through respective order placing authority.
Inspection Criteria
(c) Type of the item or component for which the raw material is being
(a) Mission Equipment whose
Critical failure can impair
the mission, cause
flooding, affect
water and gas tight
integrity or can
compromise the
safety of the ship As per
and personnel applicable rules
(b) Verification.
(iii) The tests carried out at the firms premises also can be
reviewed. However if considered essential, these should be witnessed.
(b) Class II. A casting whose failure would lead to severe but
controllable flooding, the serious disruption of weapon systems, main
propulsion machinery, or its associated auxiliaries including generators.
12. It is obvious that the inspection requirements for Class I will be most stringent
of the three and that for Class III shall be the least.
14. The conditions or situations that warrant NDT are decided by factors such as
type of raw material, application and production technology adopted.
(a) Castings.
(b) Forgings.
(d) Pipes.
(e) Compressed Air/ Fluid storage Bottles and other pressure vessels.
(f) Sheets.
(a) Main load and stress bearing structural members of mission critical
equipment. Crankshafts, gear blanks, propulsion shaft, rudder bushes, stern
tube bushes and foundation frames fall in this category.
(c) Equipment used in fire fighting and necessary for ensuring safety of the
Commercially Off the Shelf (COTS) Items and Bought Out Items
19. Branded and Commercially Off the Shelf (COTS) Items. Branded
products and COTS items should be accepted as per procurement procedures in
force. However, confirmation that the item is COTS should be obtained from
Professional Directorates. A list of some approved Brand names is placed at
Appendix G. The list, though not comprehensive, is intended to be a general
purpose guide for reference.
20. List. The list of Bought Out items should be submitted by the firm along with
the drawings. Once ratified, these items should be reflected in the Bill of Material.
21. Items Not Acceptable as Bought Out Items (BOIs). The following items
do not classify as Bought Out Items:-
(a) Ready made castings/ forgings purchased from any source. The
reputation or standing in the industry of the source should not be
considered for any concessions.
22. Inspection of Bought Out Items (BOIs). The extent of inspection will be
based on the severity and the relevant standards. Accordingly, following guidelines
are to be followed:-
(a) Quantum. If the item is critical, there need not be any sampling and
the entire lot (100%) should be inspected. Alternately size of sample can be
based on IS 2500 (Part I & II). It can be more than the quantities mentioned in
this standard but not less.
2. The role of equipment fitted onboard warships necessitates that the design
caters for longevity and shock besides being able to withstand ambient conditions of
roll, pitch, high temperature and humidity. Propulsion Shafts, Gear Boxes and Boilers
are some examples of equipment which are not changed during the life of the ship.
4. This stage inspection also provides scope for recording the procedure for
assembly and dismantling. Any modifications carried out to improve upon the design
or to overcome problems envisaged during assembly are documented and ratified.
7. The extent of inspection and the batch size will be decided based on the
established manufacturing standards specified in the SOTR or Purchase Order or
followed by the industry. However, if SOTR specifies a more stringent requirement,
the same should be met. Quantum of Check and Type of Verification would be
strictly as per the specification in the Standard. No deviations from the
specifications or standards shall be permitted.
10. Certain raw materials need additional precautions, special environment and
separate considerations because of intrinsic properties and inherent reactivity.
Some examples are:-
(b) Fixtures to arrest shrinkage while welding steels like HY80 and U3.
11. Considering the fact these situations are not common, it is recommended that
the inspection should be for the entire lot and the process should be witnessed. In
addition, qualification standard of workers may be also specified. However, after
repeated orders, case for resorting to sampling and review may be considered.
Source of Manufacture
12. Very few firms have a captive facility for undertaking production of every
component being used in the equipment ordered. To overcome this limitation, firms
resort to out sourcing certain items from subvendors. In order to ensure the same
quality standards are maintained homogenously, following is to be adhered to:-
(a) The firm contracted by the Procurement Authority should submit a list
of probable subvendors along with the manufacturing process.
(b) The Inspecting Agency should assess the list for capability and check if
there have been any adverse reports for naval orders executed in the past.
(c) If any subvendor is found not acceptable due to past record or based
on assessment carried out, the same should be communicated to the firm
keeping the Inspecting/ Procurement Authorities informed.
13. The inspection criteria will remain the same as in other cases mentioned in
aforesaid paragraphs.
(c) The Inspection agencies should ask for the PQR certificate prior
commencement of welding.
(d) Whenever, welding is to be carried out for critical equipment, the firm
shall tack weld the structure/ component and call the Inspecting Agency for
inspection. The Inspecting Agency is to ascertain that the preparation has
been done in accordance with the specifications and only then approve
complete welding.
16. Dimensional Checks. While the overall dimensions are measured and
recorded, the emphasis during InProcess Inspection would be on Fits, Clearances
and Tolerances. The following in-depth details are to be documented to ensure that
the information serves as a reference for repairs, dismantling and reassembly:-
(a) Fits. ANSI has categorised fits into eight classes. These have to be
reflected in the drawings. The component or item should conform to the
specified dimensions given in the approved drawings.
1. For any part, component or equipment, this is the third stage of QAP, with
Raw Material Inspection and InProcess Inspection brought out in Chapters 6
and 7 respectively being the former two.
7. The integrity of the final assembly needs to be validated and is a vital part of
final inspection and should be done by the Inspecting Agency. It should be confirmed
(a) All exposed parts of the equipment that can prove hazardous to
operating personnel are properly covered.
9. Some of the details that are required to be recorded during Final Inspection
(b) Special tools, jigs and fixtures used during assembly and required for
4. While there are standards in force for various machinery and components, the
actual mechanism of testing and conducting the trials is elaborated in minutest detail
in a document known as Acceptance Test Procedure (ATP). The ATP should
encompass the requirements given in the relevant standards as well take into
consideration the various guidelines and policies in force. Normally, ATP is not
applicable for spares. However, subassemblies such as fuel pumps and
superchargers would warrant an ATP to be formulated.
5. As a standard practice, all trials are to be witnessed. Though even tests are to
be witnessed, the condition is not mandatory for those conducted at NABL
accredited and government laboratories.
Type Tests
6. Aim. Type Tests are a group of tests which are conducted to validate the
designed characteristics of the equipment/ component.
(a) New Induction. The equipment is being developed for the first
(b) Firm. The firm or the manufacturer is producing the equipment for
the first time.
8. Scope. There are various forms of Type Tests. The selection of Type Tests
is governed by pertinent standards and promulgated policies. The common Type
Tests applicable to warship equipment are given in Appendix K. Some of these
tests are discussed below:-
(a) Shock Test. This test is to certify that the equipment can withstand
the forces likely to be experienced in case of explosions and impact. The
shock values that the equipment is to withstand depend on the weight and its
location within the ship. These values are indicated for all the three axis in
every SOTR and the Purchase Order. Shock Testing machines are available
in select places within the country, each having its own limit on the weight of
the test piece. Equipment being tested on these machines are to be mounted
in the same way as the likely installation onboard. Special jigs and fixtures
may be required for arranging this mounting. The impacts are to be given
along all the three axis. For equipment beyond the capacity of the
machines, the shock calculations have to be submitted by the firm along
with results of Finite Element Analysis.
(c) Tilt Tests. The ship as a platform undergoes rolling and pitching
during which all equipment is tilted either longitudinally or athwart ships. It is
vital that the equipment continues to perform under these conditions. The
angle and direction of tilt along with the duration is specified in the Purchase
(e) Fatigue Test. In case the equipment is subjected to cyclic loading, the
fatigue life is important. The equipment like bellows are subjected to specified
cycles of operation to confirm that the equipment does not fail under fatigue.
(g) Tests to Establish Characteristics. Type tests are also carried out
to generate the performance curves for a family of equipment. This is done
as part of type tests. Some parameters like NPSHR of pumps can be
determined experimentally only. This too forms part of type tests.
(iv) Mould Growth Test. This test is carried out to confirm that
the equipment is not susceptible to mould growth during storage and
(v) EMI / EMC. The equipment should not emit radiation that
affects other equipment. This is termed as Electromagnetic
10. Factory Acceptance Trials (FATs). These trials are conducted for
assessing the performance of the equipment. The plan for conducting these trials is
to be prepared which after ratification should be promulgated as Acceptance Test
Procedure (ATP). The ATP should be replete with:-
power supply to motors. The parameter chart should also give the limiting
conditions given in Purchase Order.
(d) Air Borne Noise (ABN) and Structure Borne Noise (SBN). The noise
levels generated by the equipment are termed as ABN and are to be
measured during operation. The methodology of measurement is given in ISO
3744. Promulgated standards are also available for factoring the background
noise. Similarly, the vibrations generated termed as SBN have to be
measured to be treated as Base Line Signature. The measurements are
generally to be done in 1/3 octave. For both ABN as well SBN, the regime of
operation as well as the method of recording the signatures should be
described in the ATP.
(e) Regime and Duration. The regimes at which the equipment should
be operated and the duration for each regime should be unambiguously
mentioned in the ATP.
2. The protection for marine equipment and spares can be divided into three
(d) Packing. Equipment and spares are to be suitably packed both for
transportation as well as storage. The packing should be so designed that it
facilitates lifting, protects the contents from weather and offers sufficient
padding to absorb shocks and vibrations during transportation. If required, the
consignment should be supported correctly to eliminate structural deformation
and to ensure that no stresses are induced. In specific cases, provision
should be made to control the atmospheric conditions within the container.
which translates to about five years for capital equipment and about 18 months for
smaller machinery.
(c) Application of Paint. After the above steps have been completed,
actual paint is applied. The colour will depend on the specifications given in
the contract. Number of coats, the dry film thickness and the procedure of
application will depend on the paint selected and the requirements of the
in order to reach full cure and establish the full film properties for which the
material was designed. Normally the powders cure at 200C (390F) for 10
minutes. The curing schedule could vary according to the manufacturer's
specifications. Curing process can be done in convection or infrared ovens.
Electrochemical Processes
10. Internal Preservation. This is done to protect the inner surfaces of the
equipment or component from corrosion and/ or wear. Typically, it is carried out by
flushing the system with appropriate medium to remove the impurities and then filling
it with preservative oils.
13. Packing. The preservation that has been carried out can be retained by
proper packing. The packing of the machinery or component or item should be
capable of withstand any means of transportation.
(a) Silica Gel. By placing packets of silica gel or any other moisture
absorbing compound will protect the item against humidity.
(e) Nitrogen Filling. Being dry, nitrogen when filled will drive the
moisture out. This method is adopted for equipment such as heat exchangers
and compressors.
15. Avoiding Ingress. It is vital that no foreign particle enters the equipment
during transportation and storage. This can be achieved by sealing all orifices and
openings. Threaded openings can be capped while flanged openings can be
covered with gasket and blanks.
17. Other Features. It is not sufficient to protect the items but also handle the
consignment with due care. Hence, additional attributes are:-
(c) Identification Tags. All components are to have a label giving the
part number.
19. Shipment. This is very vital aspect and has to be done with due care. While
the firm generally may be careful about the shipment from their factory, it should be
appreciated that there may be further shipments from the consignee. This
necessitates that adequate provisions and instructions are in place for shipment by
any agency.
20. Storage. While majority of the equipment or spares may not require any
special arrangements, it may not be the case with all. Items such as crankshafts and
main propulsion shafts would require supports at correct intervals to avoid distortion
and building up of stresses. Likewise, the rubber components and control equipment
would require controlled conditions of temperature and humidity. Hence, the storage
requirement should be indicated by the manufacturer.
21. Standards. While there are a plethora of standards on the subject, the
contract should specify the ones to be followed in consonance with the current
policies in force.
Technical Description
11. Installation, Setting to Work, Testing and Tuning. This chapter should
contain all instructions for installation for first time, setting to work, testing and tuning
for both new equipment as well as after repairs I overhauls. It should also detail the
procedure for removal for major overhauls and subsequent installation/ setting to
Operating Instructions
16. Starting and Stopping Procedure. This chapter should detail the steps
involved in Starting and Stopping the equipment. As this will be the guiding and
governing document for personnel onboard, no detail should be missed. It should
also include:-
(e) Various safety, control features, trips and threshold values. The re
setting procedures should be elaborated in detail.
19. Interlocks and Safety Trips. This chapter should elaborate the various
safety interlocks that are provided for safe starting as well as stopping of the
equipment and inhibiting operation in prohibited regimes. The precautions to be
taken and the safety trips are to be described in detail.
25. Maintenance Schedule. The maintenance plan ranging from daily routines
to overhaul involving capital repairs is to be drawn up. Some of the features are
elaborated below :-
Frequency Special Tools
Maintenance Levels
1 2 3 4
(i) Levels 1 and 2 activities are those that can be done onboard ship
without dismantling the equipment or with minimal dismantling. Mostly,
these routines are carried out insitu. Each maintenance activity is to
be amplified and presented in a tabulated manner as recommended
Details of
Maintenance Frequency Remarks
with Main
(ii) Level 3 activities are those which can be undertaken insitu but,
shore support is necessary. It generally involves extensive dismantling.
26. Service Log and Certificate. It must be understood that while Log Books
continue to be held on the ship, the Service Logs and certificates go along
with the equipment. Hence, the former are shipcentric while Service Logs and
Certificates (Passports) are equipmentcentric. Service Logs and Certificates
are to be given as separate documents. The aim of this document is to have a
complete history of the equipment since its commissioning, through overhauls and
repairs to final decommissioning. The following sections must form a part of this
document (as applicable to the equipment):-
(c) Complete Name and Address along with contact details of the
Manufacturer of the equipment. In case certain subassemblies components
are outsourced from sub vendors, above details are also to be mentioned for
the sub vendors.
(j) Report of Noise and Vibration Trials (for recording baseline signature
and after major overhaul/ refit).
(m) Record of Repair and Maintenance giving details of activity carried out
and spares used.
27. Purpose. Typically, these documents are meant for capital repairs of the
equipment that are carried out in any of the designated workshops, naval or
otherwise. The equipment in most conditions is removed from the ship. The contents
should encompass the following:-
(g) Test bed and infrastructure required for trials, testing and tuning.
28. Inspection and Test Records. All Records of Inspections and Trials
carried out during manufacture of the equipment are to be submitted as a bound
document and should include the following:-
29. Contents. This will be a separate document. The document should consist
of the following main sections:-
(d) Section 4 - List of Special Tools, Test Equipment, Jigs and Gauges.
30. Part Identification List. This section should contain a 3D exploded view of
the equipment with a number for each part placed on the left side of the book. On the
right side the detailed parts list is to be given along with the description and part
31. Ranging and Scaling of Spares. This section should indicate the spares
along with quantities required to be stocked for the equipment. These are to be
categorized into three types as explained below:-
(b) Base (B). These spares are stored at the base depots for second
line maintenance. Consequently, these will be bigger and heavier than those
forming part of onboard spares and would be required for repairs or routine
(c) Depot (D). These are spares which required for major repairs and
overhauls. These may include complete assemblies, subassemblies or in
some cases complete equipment.
33. List of Special tools, Test Equipment and Gauges. This section gives
the list of tools, test equipment, gauges and other implements specific to the
equipment which are required for tuning, setting to work, alignment, repair and
maintenance of the equipment.
Electronic Manual
34. IETM Class III. In accordance with orders in force issued to keep pace
with current trends, the documentation for Engineering Equipment should be in IETM
Class III format.
(a) DGS & D (S) 84 Form. Inspection Note is issued in this format for
orders placed by any agency or organisation except shipyards and for sub
orders. This form is entirely filled by the Inspecting Agency. Sample format is
placed at Appendix C1.
(b) Form 4. Form 4 is issued when an item is inspected for which the
order was placed by a shipyard or in case the item is a part of a suborder. In
this case, the firm fills up the form and submits the same to Inspecting
Agency for approval and issue. Sample format is placed at Appendix C2.
3. The issue of Inspection Note (Form 4 / DGS & D (S) 84 Form) by Inspection
Agency primarily certifies that:-
(b) The requirements stated in the Purchase Order have been met with
approved concessions or deviations if any.
(a) The Inspection Note is to be issued only after all inspections have been
completed, including that of preservation and packing.
(b) The number of Inspection Notes in each order should match with the
Part Supply Part Payment (PSPP) clauses mentioned in the Purchase
(c) During issue of I-Note for part quantities, the rules for painting,
preservation, packing & shipment will be applicable at par with the complete
equipment and there shall be no concessions.
(d) The Inspection Note is to be issued only if the delivery period is valid.
Responsibility of Firm
8. The firm has to submit the following documents to enable the Inspection
Agency to process the Inspection Note:-
(a) Copy of all the inspection certificates and test reports pertaining to the
equipment or components for which the Inspection Note is being sought.
9. The firm is to enclose special instructions for preservation, handling and such
other relevant instructions for safety of the equipment along with the Inspection Note.
10. The issue of Inspection Note marks the conclusion of QA process. Therefore
it is essential to ensure that all the records necessary for traceability of QA activities
are compiled for future reference. Towards this, following documents are to be
compiled into a single dossier:-
(c) Copy of approved QAP and ATP along with all amendments.
(e) Copy of all inspection certificates for every stage of the QA process.
11. Number of Copies. The Inspection Note irrespective of the format, are to
be issued in septuplicate. Each of the seven copies is to be numbered and
accounted for.
12. Addressees. The distribution of seven copies has been specified in the
DGQA Standing Orders and the same is reproduced below:-
(c) Copy No. 4 is to be given to the firm for attaching along with the
(d) Copy No. 6 is sent to the consignee directly by the Quality Assurance
General Principles
(a) Serviceability.
(b) Interchangeability.
(c) Reliability.
(d) Durability.
14. Due Diligence. Each case, irrespective of class and level, is to be analyzed
in totality. Inputs should be sought from the User or the Purchaser as well as the
Professional Directorates. Any additional tests required to be carried out
should be undertaken prior sentencing the case.
15. Validity. The permit granted is valid for only one occasion and only for the
indicated component. Even if the case is repeated in the next order, a fresh
application is to be submitted and processed. No Deviation or Concession can be
treated as a precedent.
16. Nomenclature. Since the permit is for solitary usage, it is obvious that
every deviation or concession has a unique identity. In order to facilitate traceability,
a common nomenclature as given below is to be adopted:-
1 Headquarters, DQA (WP)
2 Design Authority / Professional Directorate
3 Order Placement Authority
4 Inspecting Agency
5 Main contractor / Firm
6 Subcontractor
20. Rejection. In case the application is not approved by the Permit Granting
authority, a communication to this effect is to be made to the concerned Inspecting
Agency for onward transmission to the firm.
Appendix A
(Refers to Para 2 of Chapter 1)
1. Main Propulsion Equipment. Main & Auxiliary Boilers & associated Boiler
Fittings, Steam Turbines, Gas Turbines & Diesel Engines & Main Reduction Gear.
3. Shafting Line Equipment. Propellers (Fixed Pitch & CPP), Main Shaft,
Intermediate Shaft, A Bracket / P Bracket, CPP OD Box & Hub Assembly,
Plummer Block / Bearing, Bulkhead Gland, Stern Tube & A Bracket Bushes /
Bearings, Cutlass Rubber Segments for A Bracket Bearings, Sound absorption
couplings, shaft lock / brake, Thrust / Torsion Meters.
8. Pumps. Turbo Driven pumps & Motor Driven pumps for critical / special
applications only & AVCAT pumps, Hull & Fire Pumps, Fire & Bilge Pumps.
10. Helo Equipment. Helo Traversing & Handling system, Helo Landing Grid,
Helo Hanger & general purpose Rolling shutters. Helo Fuelling / De-fuelling System.
12. Motors. Only those motors for special applications and not yet type tested.
13. Starters. Starters & Control Panels for only DQA(WP) inspected. equipment.
14. Valves. All Underwater valves & ship system valves > 100 mm NB.
16. Doors & Hatches. Gas / Water Tight / Fire Proof Doors & Hatches.
17. Miscellaneous Eqpt. Steam Sirens, Air Whistle & Electric Hooter.
Appendix B1
(refers to Para 5(a) of Chapter 1)
Appendix B2
(Refers to Para 5(b) of Chapter 1)
Appendix C
(Refers to Para 18 of Chapter 1)
6. Full description, quantity and registration Nos. of any of items of which this
Certificate refers. (If this consignment represents only part supply, this column
should be endorsed `PART SUPPLY
9. Firms Certificate
(a) The articles described hereon have been inspected and tested at our
works in accordance with the relevant specifications and drawings, with which
they comply except as detailed at (c) below.
(b) Any other requirements of the relevant order including those referring
to identification and packing of the articles have been met or will be met.
(c) This certificate does not relieve us from any guarantee regarding
performance on board stipulated in the order.
(d) There has been no departure from these drawings and specifications
except as authorized by the Agent Inspecting Authority. The authorized
departure are stated in Para 10 below.
(e) Records of the relevant inspection and test certificates and reports
have been retained by us with copies provided to the Inspector. The records
retained by us will not be destroyed without his written authority.
Signature _______________________________
Date _______________________________
12. Class Accorded : The Equipment has been accorded CLASS _____.
Certified that inspection and tests have been carried out to my satisfaction.
(a) The granting of this deviation is strictly limited to this specific application and
is not to be regarded as a precedent. IT IS NOT AN AMENDMENT TO THE
(b) Main Contractor (Supplier) is only authorized to sign and submit the
application even if prepared by a sub-contractor for his sub order.
4. Sub-Contract No.
6. Specification/Drawing No.
Stores reference etc.
8. Description of Deviation/Concession.
(Including proposals for recovery)
14. Design vetting where the Supplier is also the design authority:
Signature On behalf of
21. Recommendations.
Signature (QAO)
Appendix D
(Refers to Para 12 of Chapter 5)
Sl. Component name & Qty Characteristic/ Quantum Reference Accep- Record Verific-
No. part no. in Ref Drg Type of Check of Check Document tance Format ation
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Ref. Stds
100% MTC,
Ref Stds
Appendix E
(Refers to Para 9 b(i) of Chapter 6)
2. The visual inspection shall be augmented with Liquid Penetrant Test (LPT)/
Magnetic Particle Induction (MPI) Test/ Ultrasonic test (UT) or Radiography Test (RT)
test as appropriate to the material or as specified in the SOTR .
3. The complete casting shall be examined 100% for sub surface defects with
special emphasis on critical/ specified test regions, the Contractor should submit a
detailed written procedure of the stipulated tests to the QAO/IAG and shall satisfy the
QAO/IAG on the competency of the technique and operators before commencement
of the tests.
4. In case of RT, the test regions can be examined by Single or Double Wall
technique (SWT or DWT) . For critical/ specified test regions, only SWT is to be
used as a matter of policy unless there is adequate evidence to prove that it is
impractical. In all other cases, DWT can be used. It should be noted that defects
observed by DWT should be further examined by SWT for the designated area to
establish the extent of severity of the defect.
7. The severity of defect other than cracks, hot tears etc. is to be assessed in
(b) Where the wall thickness fails to meet the designed wall thickness, a
reduction may be accepted upto 10% of designed wall thickness or 6 mm
whichever is less. The reduced wall thickness shall be free from sub surface
defects in critical/ specified test regions. The total area of reduced thickness
including that which may arise through blending out of surface defects shall
not exceed 10% of critical test regions and designated test regions containing
the defects.
(d) Defects like porosity etc. shall be accepted provided that the immediate
areas of the casting are acceptable when examined for sub surface defects or
after repairs to the sub surface defects.
(a) Cracks, hot tears, and cold shuts are not acceptable except where the
defect can be shown, to the satisfaction of the QAO/ IAG, to be wholly within
the middle third of the thickness of the casting and its maximum dimension
does not exceed:-
(i) One half of the designed wall thickness of the casting in length; and
(c) In thick walled castings i.e. 50 mm and above, where reduction in wall
thickness exceeds the limits in clause 12(b) above, but nowhere exceeds 20%
of the defective areas, the same may be accepted provided that the maximum
dimension does not exceed the thickness of the casting at that point and it can
be shown that the defect lies wholly within the middle third of the thickness.
(d) Shrinkage cavities, gas holes, airlocks and rounded inclusions shall be
accepted provided that the local reduction in wall thickness resulting from
these defects together with other sub surface defects does not exceed 10% of
the designed wall thickness in Critical test regions and 20% in Specified test
(b) However, if the distance between the ends of two defects/ defective
areas is less than either of the above two values, they shall be considered as
a single defect having an overall length equal to the distance measured
between the two extremities of the two defects/ defective areas.
Rectification of Defects
(b) 20% of wall thickness (max) build up for wall thickness > 25 mm but not
exceeding 10 mm.
(b) The total area subjected to blending, including the area affected by the
flaring shall not exceed 10% of the critical test region and 20% of the specified
test region in which the defect is observed.
(c) Surface defects which cannot be blended out within the limits indicated
at paragraphs 17 (a) & (b) may be repaired by welding by an approved
procedure for the material concerned within the overall limitation mentioned at
paragraph 16.
(a) Total weld repairs in Class I and II castings shall not exceed 10% of the
inner or outer surface area of the casting, not including flange thickness and
webs subject to limitations indicated at paragraph below.
(b) Total weld repair in Class III castings shall not exceed 20% of the inner
or outer surface area of the casting not including flange thicknesses & webs.
19. Any individual repair in Critical test region shall not exceed 5% of the test area
containing the defect. In Specified test regions any individual repair shall not exceed
10% of the test area containing the defect.
20. The total combined area of weld repairs from all causes i.e. dimensional
correction, surface & sub surface defects shall not exceed 10% of the Critical test
region and 20% of the Specified test regions. Non designated areas of Class III
castings are to be examined in accordance with provisions stipulated at paragraph 6
21. The extent of weld repair undertaken should be only that necessary to bring
the casting within the appropriate standards indicated at paragraphs 10 to 13 above.
The defects repaired are to be decided in consultation with the IAY.
22. All castings which have been repaired shall be inspected as detailed in the
succeeding paragraphs. Non destructive examination method requirements shall be
in accordance with procedures/ requirements indicated at Appendix K.
23. Visual Inspection. Each casting shall be inspected after repair for
conformance to dimensions, surface condition and identification of markings.
24. Magnetic Particle (MPI) & Liquid Penetrant Test (LPT) Inspection. The
MPI/ LPT inspections are to be carried out on all weld build up areas after grinding or
machining the weld surface flush with the casting surface. The area inspected should
extend upto 50 mm from the weld boundaries in all directions.
(b) UT can be used in lieu of RT, for examination of weld repair, subject
that the firm is to forward the UT methodology for approval to IAY.
26. The acceptance standard for both ferrous & non ferrous castings in both
Critical & Specified test regions shall be as follows:-
(b) Linear Inclusions. The max length of any single linear inclusion shall
not exceed 0.5 x designed wall thickness in the way of inclusion. Such
inclusions should be separated in accordance with guidelines given at
paragraph 14 above. The total length of inclusions shall not exceed 20% of
max dimensions of the area affected by the repair.
Appendix F
(Refers to Para 9 b(ii) of Chapter 6)
Performance Specification
7. Discard. Sufficient discard shall be removed from the top and bottom of
ingots to ensure freedom from piping and harmful segregation in the finished forging.
The bottom discard shall not be less than 3% of the body of the ingot above the well.
10. Forging Ratio. The ratio of the mean cross sectional area of the ingot to that
of the main body of the forging shall be as specified in the relevant applicable
standard or SOTR or as per internationally accepted practices. For example in case
of steel forgings, the ratio should not be not less than 2:1. Where an upsetting
operation is used, this criteria relates to the cross sectional area of the upset bloom
and not the ingot. In such as case, this ratio shall not be greater than 10:1 on the
thinnest section as forged.
Heat Treatment.
11. Heat treatment of the forgings at all stages of manufacture shall be conducted
in a manner that shall preclude the formation of detrimental metallurgical structure or
physical defects. Heat treatment shall be performed in suitably designed furnaces
with an adequate level of temperature monitoring. Monitoring equipment shall
produce a hard copy permanent record of temperature and time.
12. Finish forged products shall be normalized and tempered or quenched and
tempered unless specified otherwise. To achieve the specified properties, the
normalizing and tempering temperatures shall be within the ranges specified in the
SOTR / applicable relevant standard.
(a) After final heat treatment and machining each forging shall be visually
examined for surface defects and shall be subjected to MPI and/ or
Radiogrpahy and/or Ultrasonic examinations. Dye Penetrant Testing may be
used as an alternative to MPI test. All Non-Destructive Testing (NDT)
methods shall be in accordance with the requirements of relevant applicable
standards, guidelines for which are given at Annexure 2 to 4.
(b) The size and location of all defect indications shall be recorded and
marked on the item as the examination progresses. Records shall be
(c) With the agreement of the customer and provided the final component
dimensions can still be achieved, surface defects may be removed by
(a) All samples for mechanical testing shall be taken from the forging
prolongations as shown in Figure 1, Figure 2 and Figure 3 after all heat
treatment has been completed. Provision shall be made for retests as
considered necessary.
(ii) For forgings weighing less than 200 kg, individual forgings
specimens shall be taken from every forging in accordance with Figure
1, Figure 2 or Figure 3 as appropriate. For batches of forgings,
specimens shall be taken from 25% of the forgings in accordance with
Figure 1, Figure 2 or Figure 3 as appropriate. Duplicate specimens
from the bottom end are not required regardless of length to width ratio.
A batch is defined as a group of forgings produced from one heat or
melt and heat treated in the same heat treatment charge.
(iv) For bars in the finally heat treated condition, specimens shall be
cut from the heat treated bars and shall not be further heat treated or
mechanically worked after their removal. One longitudinal tensile and
three transverse Charpy V notch impact tests shall be made on any
batch of bars of similar size from the same cast and heat treated
(c) Certain components of complex shape, e.g. closed die forgings, where
all the parameters are not fully defined, shall be subject to approval by the
equipment sponsor at the design stage. Approval submissions for such items
shall include the following:-
25 MM
T/4 = 60 MM
25 MM
W 25 MM
25 MM
W/2 + 60 MM
W/2 + 60 MM
16. When required for the grades specified or required by the contract
documents, tensile testing at elevated temperature shall be in accordance with the
requirements of BS EN 10002-5 / eqv. ASTM or IS standards.
17. Charpy Vnotch impact tests shall be in accordance with the requirements of
BS EN 10045-1 / eqv. ASTM or IS standards. Full size specimens shall be used
where practicable. Energy requirements for sub-size specimens shall be as per
relevant applicable standard.
18. The Yield Strength or 0.2% Proof Stress, Tensile Strength, %ge Elongation,
Impact Test Temperature and Impact Energy requirements for the forgings shall be
in accordance with the requirements stated in the relevant applicable standards or as
indicated in the SOTR.
19. When hardness testing is required by the applicable standard or the contract
documents, this shall be either Rockwell, Vickers or Brinell hardness values
specified in the relevant applicable standards or as specified in the SOTR.
Acceptance criteria for the hardness test results shall also be as stated in the
applicable standard or the contract documents.
20. Portable hardness testing methods may be employed for large forgings when
agreed in the contract document.
21. When specified in the contract documents, the mechanical properties for large
section forgings shall be determined in the through thickness direction with an
agreed specimen location and test frequency.
22. The mechanical properties of the forgings shall be in accordance with the
requirements stated in the applicable standard or the contract documents. It should
be noted that the mechanical properties quoted are consistent with the Maximum
Ruling Sections quoted. However, the following shall apply:-
(a) For components with ruling sections below the maximum quoted it may
be possible to heat treat to the Tensile Strength and Yield/0.2% Proof Stress
figures in excess of those quoted. Provided the higher properties are
consistent with those quoted in the material specification for the ruling section
prevailing, then the higher release properties may be as defined in the
contract document.
(b) For components with ruling section above the maximum quoted, the
minimum release properties shall be agreed between the Forge Master and
the Purchaser and stated in the contract document.
23. Retests.
(a) Should any test pieces fail to meet the mechanical property
requirements, two further test pieces may be selected from the same sample
for retest. If these are acceptable, then the item shall be deemed to meet the
(b) The manufacturer has the right, provided appropriate test material is
available, to re-heat/ re-treat the forgings, in which case the tests and
examination shall be repeated in full as if it were a new item.
(c) The item shall be rejected if the requirements are not achieved after
two re-heat/ re-treat cycles.
Quality Assurance
27. Check List for Forgings. The under mentioned check list is to be used
whilst checking forgings:-
(c) Is the heat treatment standard or non-standard, If non standard, are the
temperatures, duration & cooling medium specified unambiguously?
(l) Are elevated temperature 0.2% Proof Stress tests required? If so than
0.2% Proof Stress Acceptance Standards are to be quoted.
Appendix G
(Refers to Para 19 of Chapter 6)
Electrical Items
Appendix H
(Refers to Para 14 of Chapter 7)
2. The first step, then, in assuring weld quality is to ascertain the degree
required by the application. A standard should be established based on service
needs. Engineering performance will be the main consideration in arriving at the
standard, but appearance may also be important. A safety factor must, of necessity,
be built into the standard, but it should be reasonable. Once the standard has been
set, it is the responsibility of everyone concerned with the job to see that it is
The Five Ps
5. After the quality standard has been established, the most important step
toward its achievement is the selection of the best process and procedures. By
giving attention to the five Ps, weld quality will come about almost automatically,
reducing subsequent inspection to a routine checking and policing activity. The five
Ps are: -
(a) Process Selection. The process must be right for the job.
Process Selection
7. Process selection is tied up integrally with the need of the joint. Some joints
require Fast-fill predominantly; others, Fast-follow. The most important needs in still
others may be deep penetration or Fast-freeze. Each process has its advantages
and limitations, and each introduces problems affecting joint preparation, welding
procedures, and operator training.
8. The process that gives the correct balance between the needs of the joint in
terms of fill, follow, freeze, and penetration is likely to be the one that gives optimum
weld quality.
9. Manual, submerged arc, flux-cored arc and gas-metal arc welding, except
short-circuiting transfer, enjoy a prequalified status on certain specific joint
configurations. Most are subject to specific thickness limitations as discussed in the
AWS Structural Welding Code D1.1.
11. Joint preparations are standardized and specified by applicable codes. The
decision of the joint preparation is made by the designer rather than the fabricator,
with the latter usually given the choice of what process and procedure to use to
make the weld with the prescribed preparation.
included angle will permit a smaller root spacing and, conversely, a small included
angle requires a larger root spacing.
13. These and other factors are taken into consideration in prequalified joints. The
joint detail influences process selection, electrode size, and welding position. The
joint preparation must be correct before welding is started, not only to meet
specifications, but to give assurance of weld quality.
16. The closer the conditions of test approach conditions of service, the more
meaningful will be the results. The ideal would be service life tests under slightly
exaggerated conditions. Since this is usually impractical, simulated service tests are
the next best choice. Specimen assemblies may be subjected to radiographic,
ultrasonic, or other nondestructive inspection procedures to evaluate the weld
quality. Or they may be proof-tested or submitted to destructive tests to determine
ultimate limits.
Personnel Qualification
18. Personnel qualification - the last of the five Ps, can be evaluated in a
preliminary way by the AWS Operator Qualification Test and the contractor's
judgement. If a semiautomatic process is to be used, some experience with it is
desirable, or the welder may require training. As mentioned previously, the welding
of test specimens with the selected process and procedures will affirm the operator's
19. Inspection determines whether the prescribed standard of quality has been
met. This function may be the responsibility of the welding supervisor or foreman, a
special employee of the company doing the welding, or a representative of the
purchasing organization. The formal welding inspector may have a variety of duties.
These may begin with interpretation of drawings and specifications and follow each
step to the analysis of test results. His operations are both productive and
nonproductive, depending on where they are applied.
20. Inspection after the job is finished is a policing action, rather than a productive
function. Important as it is to assure quality, it is a burden added to the overall
production cost. No amount of after-the-job inspection will improve the weld; it
merely tells what is acceptable and what must be reworked or rejected.
22. Any program for assuring weld quality should, therefore, emphasize
productive inspection and attempt to minimize the nonproductive type. This should
be the guiding philosophy, even though its implementation may fall short. In most
cases, such a philosophy means that visual inspection will be the main method of
ascertaining quality, since it is the one method that can be applied routinely while the
job is in progress.
23. In a sense, everyone connected with the job, as well as the formal inspector,
participates in visual inspection. A conscientious worker does not knowingly pass on
work in which he recognizes defects of his making. Nevertheless, it is usually
desirable that someone be assigned responsibility for checking quality of each
24. In addition to good eyesight and good lighting, the tools for visual inspection
are simple, such as a pocket rule, a weld-size gauge, a magnifying glass, and
sometimes a straight edge and square for determining straightness, alignment and
25. Visual inspection should begin before the first arc is struck. The following is to
be noted:-
(a) The materials should be examined to see if they meet specifications for
quality, type, size, cleanliness, and freedom from defects.
(b) Foreign matter, such as grease, paint, oil, oxide film, heavy scale that
could be detrimental to the weld should be removed.
(d) Alignment and fit of parts and the fixture should be scrutinized. Joint
preparation should be checked.
(e) Often, little more than a passing glance is required in this preliminary
inspection, but despite its almost casual nature such inspection can be a
significant factor in weld quality.
26. Inspection prior to welding also includes verification that the correct process
and procedures are to be employed, that the electrode type and size and the
equipment settings for voltage and amperage are as specified, and that provisions
are made for the required preheat or post heat.
27. Assuming the preliminary requirements are in good order, the most productive
inspection will take place while the weldment is being fabricated. Examination of a
weld bend and the end crater may reveal quality deficiencies such as cracks,
inadequate penetration, and gas and slag inclusions to a competent inspector.
Several types of weld defects can be recognized visually.
29. The root pass in a multi-pass weld is the most critical one from the standpoint
of weld soundness. It is especially susceptible to cracking, and because it tends to
solidify quickly, is prone to trap gas and slag. Subsequent passes are subject to a
variety of weld defect creating conditions which result from the shape of the weld
bead or change the configuration of the joint. These can be visually detected by the
welder and repair cost minimized if the problem is corrected before welding
30. A workmanship standard, constructed for the specific purpose, can be helpful
both to the welder and the inspector in visually appraising the production weld during
the stages of its formation.
32. Visual inspection after the weldment has been completed is also useful in
evaluating quality, even if ultrasonic, radiographic, or other methods are to be
employed. Here, as with visual inspection as welding progresses, surface flaws,
such as cracks, porosity, and unfilled craters can be detected, and may be of such
consequence that repairs are required or the work is rejected without use of
subsequent inspection procedures. There is no point in submitting an obviously bad
weld to sophisticated inspection methods.
34. Welds must be cleaned of slag to make inspection for surface flaws possible.
A glass with magnification of up to 10 diameters is helpful in detecting fine cracks
and other defects. Shotblasting should not be used in preparing the weld for
examination, since the peening action may seal fine cracks and make them invisible.
35. The objective of visual inspection here is not only to seek defects not
permissible under the quality standard, but also to give clues to what may be amiss
in the entire fabrication process. If the inspector has a sound knowledge of the
welding, he can read much from what he sees. Thus, the presence of excessive
porosity and slag inclusions may be a tip-off to the fact that the current is not
adequate, no matter what the dial readings may be. Subsequent tests will also give
clues to faults in equipment or procedures, but the information acquired through
visual examination permits corrections to be made before the results from
complicated tests are available.
36. Weld quality acceptance criteria can originate from a number of sources. The
welding fabrication drawing or blueprint provides weld sizes and other welding
dimensional requirements such as length and location. These dimensional
requirements are established through design calculations or are taken from proven
designs that meet the performance requirements of the welded connection.
37. The number of acceptable and unacceptable weld discontinuities for welding
inspection usually is obtained from welding codes and standards. Welding codes and
standards have been developed for many types of welding fabrication applications. It
is important to choose a welding standard intended for use within the particular
industry or application in which you are involved.
38. Imperfections within or adjacent the weld may prevent the weld from meeting
its intended function. Welding inspection requires knowledge of weld drawings,
symbols, joint design, procedures, code and standard requirements, and inspection
and testing techniques. For this reason, many welding codes and standards require
that the welding inspector be formally qualified, or have the necessary knowledge
and experience to conduct the inspection.
39. Weld inspection is only as good as the person running the tests. Here are a
few things that a welding inspector should know and tasks he should be able to
41. Visual Inspection. This is often the easiest, least expensive, and most
effective method of welding inspection for many applications if performed correctly.
The welding inspector must be capable of identifying all of the different welding
discontinuities during visual inspection. He also must be able to evaluate, in terms of
the relevant welding code or standard, the significance of identified discontinuities to
determine whether to accept or reject them during testing and production. A welding
inspector with good eyesight can be trained relatively quickly by a competent
instructor and can prove to be a major asset to the welding quality system (good
vision is obviously essential for visual inspection).
(b) Radio-graphic and ultrasonic weld inspection are the two most
common methods of NDT used to detect discontinuities within the internal
structure of welds. The obvious advantage of both methods is their ability to
help establish the weld's internal integrity without destroying the welded
46. Incomplete Penetration. This term is used to describe the failure of the
filler and base metal to fuse together at the root of the joint. Bridging occurs in
groove welds when the deposited metal and base metal are not fused at the root of
the joint. The frequent cause of incomplete penetration is a joint design which is not
suitable for the welding process or the conditions of construction. When the groove is
welded from one side only, incomplete penetration is likely to result under the
following conditions:-
(a) The root face dimension is too big even though the root opening is
47. Lack of Fusion. Lack of fusion is the failure of a welding process to fuse
together layers of weld metal or weld metal and base metal. The weld metal just rolls
over the plate surfaces. This is generally referred to as overlap. Lack of fusion is
caused by the following conditions:-
(a) Failure to raise to the melting point the temperature of the base metal
or the previously deposited weld metal.
(b) Improper fluxing, which fails to dissolve the oxide and other foreign
material from the surfaces to which the deposited metal must fuse.
48. Undercutting. Undercutting is the burning away of the base metal at the
toe of the weld. Undercutting may be caused by the following conditions:-
(a) Preparing the groove and weld properly before each bead is deposited.
(c) Making sure that the slag rises to the surface of the weld pool.
(d) Taking care to avoid leaving any contours which will be difficult to
penetrate fully with the arc.
50. Porosity.
(a) Porosity is the presence of pockets which do not contain any solid
material. They differ from slag inclusions in that the pockets contain gas rather
than a solid. The gases forming the voids are derived from:-
(a) Reducing the wire-feed speed and increasing the speed of travel.
(b) Making sure that the root opening and root face are correct.
(c) Increasing the stick out distance during welding and weaving the gun.
52. Whiskers. Whiskers are short lengths of electrode wire sticking through the
weld on the root side of the joint. They are caused by pushing the electrode wire past
the leading edge of the weld pool. Whiskers can be prevented by:-
(b) Increasing the stick out distance and weaving the gun.
53. Voids. Voids are sometimes referred to as wagon tracks because of their
resemblance to ruts in a dirt road. They may be continued along both sides of the
weld deposit. They are found in multi pass welding. Voids can be prevented by:-
(c) On succeeding passes, using slightly higher arc voltage and increasing
travel speed.
54. Spatter. Spatter is made up of very fine particles of metal on the plate
surface adjoining the weld area. It is usually caused by high current, a long arc, an
irregular and unstable arc, improper shielding gas, or a clogged nozzle.
55. Irregular Weld Shape. Irregular welds include those that are too wide or
too narrow, those that have an excessively convex or concave surface, and those
that have coarse, irregular ripples. Such characteristics may be caused by poor torch
manipulation, a speed of travel that is too slow, current that is too high or low,
improper arc voltage, improper stickout, or improper shielding gas.
57. Weld Crown Too High or Too Low. The crown of the weld may be
incorrect due to the following:-
61. General.
(a) The tests described in this section have been developed to check the
skill of the welding operator as well as the quality of the weld metal and the
strength of the welded joint for each type of metal used in ordnance materiel.
(b) Some of these tests, such as tensile and bending tests, are destructive,
in that the test specimens are loaded until they fail, so the desired information
can be gained. Other testing methods, such as the X-ray and hydrostatic
tests, are not destructive.
(a) This test is used to determine the soundness of a weld. The acid
attacks or reacts with the edges of cracks in the base or weld metal and
discloses weld defects, if present. It also accentuates the boundary between
the base and weld metal and, in this manner, shows the size of the weld
which may otherwise be indistinct. This test is usually performed on a cross
section of the joint.
(a) The quality of the weld metal at the face and root of the welded joint,
as well as the degree of penetration and fusion to the base metal, are
determined by means of guided bend tests. These tests are made in a jig.
(b) These test specimens are machined from welded plates, the thickness
of which must be within the capacity of the bending jig. The test specimen is
placed across the supports of the die which is the lower portion of the jig. The
plunger, operated from above by a hydraulic jack or other device, causes the
specimen to be forced into and to assure the shape of the die.
(c) To fulfill the requirements of this test, the specimens must bend 180
degrees and, to be accepted as passable, no cracks greater than 1/8 inch (3.2
mm) in any dimension should appear on the surface. The face bend tests are
made in the jig with the face of the weld in tension (i.e., on the outside of the
bend). The root bend tests are made with the root of the weld in tension (i.e.,
on outside of the bend).
(a) The free bend test has been devised to measure the ductility of the
weld metal deposited in a weld joint. A test specimen is machined from the
welded plate with the weld located.
(c) The ends of the test specimen are then bent through angles of about
30 degrees, these bends being approximately one-third of the length from
each end. The weld is thus located centrally to ensure that all of the bending
occurs in the weld.
(e) Heavier plate is usually tested in a press or bending jig. Whether a vise
or other type of compression device is used when making the free bend test, it
is advisable to machine the upper and lower contact plates of the bending
equipment to present surfaces parallel to the ends of the specimen. This will
prevent the specimen from slipping and snapping out of the testing machine
as it is bent.
(f) After bending the specimen to the point where the test bend is
concluded, the distance between the scribed lines on the specimen is again
measured and recorded as the distance Y. To find the percentage of
elongation, subtract the initial from the final distance, divide by the initial
distance, and multiply by 100.
(g) The usual requirements for passing this test are that the minimum
elongation be 15% and that no cracks greater than 1/16 inch (1.6 mm) in any
dimension exist on the face of the weld.
(h) The free bend test is being largely replaced by the guided bend test
where the required testing equipment is available.
65. Back Bend Test. The back bend test is used to determine the quality of the
weld metal and the degree of penetration into the root of the Y of the welded butt
joint. The specimens used are similar to those required for the free bend test, except
they are bent with the root of the weld on the tension side, or outside. The
specimens tested are required to bend 90 degrees without breaking apart. This test
is being largely replaced by the guided bend test.
(a) The nick break test has been devised to determine if the weld metal of
a welded butt joint has any internal defects, such as slag inclusions, gas
pockets, poor fusion, and/ or oxidized or burnt metal. The specimen is
obtained from a welded butt joint either by machining or by cutting with an
oxyacetylene torch.
(b) Each edge of the weld at the joint is slotted by means of a saw cut
through the center. The piece thus prepared is bridged across two steel
blocks and stuck with a heavy hammer until the section of the weld between
the slots fractures.
(c) The metal thus exposed should be completely fused and free from slag
inclusions. The size of any gas pocket must not be greater than 1/16 in. (1.6
mm) across the greater dimension and the number of gas pockets or pores
per square inch (64.5 sq mm) should not exceed 6.
(d) Another break test method is used to determine the soundness of fillet
welds. This is the fillet weld break test. A force, by means of a press, a testing
machine, or blows of a hammer, is applied to the apex of the V shaped
specimen until the fillet weld ruptures. The surfaces of the fracture will then be
examined for soundness.
(b) The width thickness of the test specimen are measured before testing,
and the area in square inch or mm is calculated by multiplying these before
testing , and the area in square inch or mm is calculated by multiplying these
two figures.
(c) The tensile test specimen is then mounted on a machine that will exert
enough pull on the piece to break the specimen. The testing machine may be
either stationary or portable type. A machine of the portable type, operating on
(d) As the specimen is being tested in this machine, the load in pounds/
kgf is registered on the gauge. In the stationary types, the load applied may
be registered on a balancing beam. In either case, the load at the point of
breaking is recorded.
(e) The tensile strength, which is defined as stress in psi or kgf/sq. mm, is
calculated by dividing the breaking load of the test piece by the original cross
section area of the specimen. The usual requirement for the tensile strength
of welds is that the specimen shall pull not less than 90 percent of the base
metal tensile strength.
68. Hydrostatic Test. This is a nondestructive test used to check the quality of
welds on closed containers such as pressure vessels and tanks. The test usually
consists of filling the vessel with water and applying a pressure greater than the
working pressure of the vessel. Sometimes, large tanks are filled with water which is
not under pressure to detect possible leakage through defective welds. Another
method is to test with oil and then steam out the vessel. Back seepage of oil from
behind the liner shows up visibly.
69. Magnetic Particle Test. This is a test or inspection method used on welds
and parts made of magnetic alloy steels. It is applicable only to ferromagnetic
materials in which the deposited weld is also ferromagnetic. A strong magnetic field
is set up in the piece being inspected by means of high amperage electric currents.
A leakage field will be set up by any discontinuity that intercepts this field in the part.
Local poles are produced by the leakage field. These poles attract and hold
magnetic particles that are placed on the surface for this purpose. The particle
pattern produced on the surface indicates the presence of a discontinuity or defect
on or close to the surface of the part.
70. Radiography Test. This test method is used to reveal the presence and
nature of internal defects in a weld, such as cracks, slag, blowholes, and zones
where proper fusion is lacking. The radiographic film, when developed, the defects in
the metal show up as dark spots and bands, which can be interpreted by an operator
experienced in this inspection method.
(b) A hardness test is also used to determine the hardness of weld metal.
By careful testing of a welded joint, the hard areas can be isolated and the
extent of the effect of the welding heat on the properties of the base metal
(c) File Test. The simplest method for determining comparative hardness
is the file test. It is performed by running a file under manual pressure over the
piece being tested. Information may be obtained as to whether the metal
tested is harder or softer than the file or other materials that have been given
the same treatment.
(i) In the Brinell tests, the specimen is mounted on the anvil of the
machine and a load of 6620 lb (3003 kg) is applied against a hardened
steel ball which is in contact with the surface of the specimen being
tested. The steel ball is 0.4 in. (10.2 mm) in diameter. The load is
allowed to remain 1/2 minute and is then released, and the depth of
the depression made by the ball on the specimen is measured. The
resultant Brinell hardness number is obtained by a formula.
74. Eddy Current (Electromagnetic) Testing. Eddy currents are induced into
the conducting test specimen by alternating electromagnetic induction or transformer
action. The path of the eddy current is distorted by the presence of a discontinuity.
A crack both diverts and crowds eddy currents. In this manner, the apparent
impedance of the coil is changed by the presence of the defect. This change can be
measured and is used to give an indication of defects or differences in physical,
chemical, and metallurgical structure. Subsurface discontinuities may also be
detected, but the current falls off with depth.
(c) The presence of a small fraction of the magnetic delta ferrite phase in
an otherwise austenitic (nonmagnetic) weld deposit has an influence in the
prevention of both centerline cracking and fissuring. The amount of delta
ferrite in as-welded material is largely controlled by a balance in the weld
metal composition between the ferrite-promoting elements (chromium, silicon,
molybdenum, and columbium are the most common) and the austenite-
promoting elements (nickel, manganese, carbon, and nitrogen are the most
(d) Excessive delta ferrite, however, can have adverse effects on weld
metal properties. The greater the amount of delta ferrite, the lower will be the
weld metal ductility and toughness. Delta ferrite is also preferentially attacked
in a few corrosive environments, such as urea. In extended exposure to
temperatures in the range of 900 to 1700F (482 to 927C), ferrite tends to
transform in part to a brittle inter-metallic compound that severely embrittles
the weldment.
(e) Portable ferrite indicators are designed for on-site use. Ferrite content
of the weld deposit may be indicated in percent ferrite and may be bracketed
between two values. This provides sufficient control in most applications
where minimum ferrite content or a ferrite range is specified.
(c) Once the welding is complete the test piece must be subject to
destructive and non destructive examination as defined by the welding
procedure standard. This work must be carried out in a qualified laboratory
but the Inspection Body may require witnessing the tests and viewing any
(d) If the test is successful the appropriate documents are endorsed by the
test bodys surveyor.
82. Prequalified WPS. Some codes, such as AWS D1.1, allow Prequalified
WPS, whereby it is established that the WPS written as per the code will produce
welds with correct mechanical and metallurgical properties. It is not necessary to
prepare a PQR in such cases. However, the pre-qualified WPS have a specified
range of parameters under which the weld must be produced. When welding
variables fall outside these ranges, a WPS with supporting PQR must be prepared.
(a) Complete a weld test as stated above. The test should simulate
production conditions and the welding position should be the position that the
production welds are to be made in or one more severe.
(c) Test the completed weld in accordance with the relevant standard to
ensure that the weld is clean and fully fused. For a butt weld this is normally a
visual examination followed by radiography or bend tests.
(d) Once the test is completed the necessary forms have to be completed
by you or the test body and signed by the test bodys surveyor. Note that any
changes that require a new WPS may also apply to the welders approval,
refer to the referencing code/ standard for precise details
85. AWS Accredited Test Facility (ATF). An AWS ATF is a facility which
has been accredited by the American Welding Society to perform Welder Tests.
Under this program the Welder Performance Qualification Test is witnessed by an
authorized CWI of the Accredited Test facility, which then conducts the necessary
tests and sends the results to the AWS. If a candidate welder passes the test, a CW
(Certified Welder) certificate is then issued directly by the American Welding Society.
This program has no prerequisite courses or certifications requirement. This
certification will provide the firm and the welders with international recognition.
86. Acceptance Standards. In general welds must show a neat workman like
appearance. The root must be fully fused along the entire length of the weld, the
profile of the cap should blend in smoothly with the parent material and the weld
should be significantly free from imperfections. Reference should be made to the
acceptance standard for precise details.
88. Tests for PQR/ WPQR. The following tests by Independent Test
Laboratory may be required on your PQR and WPQR Coupons:-
Annexure to Appendix H
(Refers to Para 89)
Appendix J
(Refers to Para 1 of Chapter 9)
3. Tests for raw material mainly comprises of Chemical and Mechanical Tests.
However, the type and extent of test depends on the end use of material. For
example, forgings and castings may require microstructure test in addition to routine
mechanical tests.
NDT Tests
6. The guidelines only give a broad framework. However the acceptance norms
will be as per established international standards such as ASTM, IS etc..
(b) Axial Load Test. Axial tension of fasteners are tested in a holder
with a load axially applied between the head and a nut or in a suitable fixture.
(k) Salt Spray Test. This test is done to determine the effectiveness of
the coating. It is specified in terms of hours varying between 48 -72 hours.
Environmental Tests
10. Shock, Noise & Vibration Tests. Details on these tests are given at
Appendix K.
11. Tilt Test. This test is done to ascertain that the equipment performs
satisfactorily when subjected to a permanent tilt of 45 degrees from the horizontal. A
test rig is to be setup wherein the equipment is mounted on a base frame tiled at 45
deg from the horizontal and the equipment run at its rated capacity for the duration as
specified in the SOTR.
(e) Damp Heat, Drip Proof, Driving Rain, Fine Mist, Dust.
13. Ingress Protection Test. All electrical equipment are specified for certain
type of Ingress Protection (IP). Conformity of the equipment to IP test is to be
ascertained by tests. An IP specification is given in terms of two numerals. The first
numeral indicates the size of solid particle the equipment to be insulated against. The
second numeral indicates the insulation against various types of fluids. The details of
the two numerals are given below:-
Annexure I
(Refers to Para 4 of Appendix J)
Metallographic Tests
2. Examination of Macrostructure.
Mechanical Properties
13. Drifting Expansion Test -Metallic Tubes. IS: 2335, Reaffirmed 2001.
16. Cupping Test (Metal Sheets /Strips). IS: 10175, Part I, Reaffirmed 2003.
17. Twist Test. IS:3063-94 & IS: 6735-94 (Not covered under NABL
18. Permanent Set Test. IS: 3063-94 & IS: 6735-94 (Not covered under NABL
Chemical Analysis
(a) Steel.
(i) IS 228 Parts 1,2 3,5 & 6, Reaffirmed 2002, Part 7, Reaffirmed
2001, Part 8 & 9, Reaffirmed 2004 and Part 15, Reaffirmed 2004
(i) IS 228 Parts 1,2 3,5 & 6, Reaffirmed 2002, Part 7, Reaffirmed
2001, Part 8 & 9 , Reaffirmed 2004 and Part 15, Reaffirmed 2004.
(a) Copper.
(b) Brass.
(c) Bronze.
23. Mild Steel Tin Coated Plates. IS:1327, Reaffirmed 2001. Determination of
mass coating of Tin coating in gm/ sq. m.
24. Lead & Tin Based Alloys. Not covered under NABL accreditation.
Annexure II
(Refers to Para 5 of Appendix J)
Applicable Standards
(c) Transducer size and type (compression, shear and surface wave).
(c) Couplant liquid having good wetting properties for the transference of
mechanical energy to and from the test surface.
(i) Time base linearity over the full working range required.
(b) Using a calibrated attenuator and compression wave probe adjust the
equipment sensitivity to display a 20% FSD (Full Screen Deflection) signal
from the back wall of the plastic insert with at least 30dB reserve attenuation.
Reduce attenuation by 6dB and l2dB and record signal amplitude at each
NOTE: For a linear amplifier, the signal amplitudes should be 40% and 80%
FSD respectively.
(c) With equipment as sub para (b) above, adjust sensitivity to display a
50% FSD signal from the plastic insert with at least 30 dBs reserve
attenuation. This signal shall remain clearly identifiable (approx 5% FSD for
linear amplifier) after inserting 20dB attenuation.
(d) When the equipment is not fitted with a calibrated attenuator, checks at
sub para (b) and (c) above may be carried out using the calibration block and
a compression wave probe 20 to 30 mm dia (or equivalent) as follows:-
(i) Adjust gain to display a 20% FSD peak signal from the 1/32 inch
wide slot.
(ii) Record the peak signal amplitudes received from the 1/16 inch
and 1/8 inch wide slots without adjusting gain (for a linear amplifier
these should be 40% and 80% FSD respectively).
(iii) Adjust gain to display a 50% FSD peak Signal from the 5/16
inch wide slot. Record peak signal amplitude obtained from the 1/32
inch wide slot without adjusting gain (for a linear amplifier this should
be approx 5% FSD).
10. For linear amplifiers the signal amplitudes resulting from sub para 8(b) or 8(d)
above are within + 5% of the amplitudes quoted.
NOTE: In the case of non-linear amplifiers the result of calibration shall be referred
to IAY/ IAG for approval.
11. The above equipment checks inherently qualify both the probe and electronic
equipment. It is essential, therefore, that calibration is carried out for each probe to
be used. In addition, any change of the rejection level may very seriously affect the
amplifier response and adjustment of the rejection control shall involve re-calibration.
probes shall be maintained at a fairly uniform speed consistent with the repetition
rate of the equipment in use; speed during the test shall not exceed that used during
calibration. Indications of defects revealed during ultrasonic examination shall be
checked, if possible, by the use of another ultrasonic method or by, another non-
destructive test method.
13. Surface Finish. The surface of the item to be tested shall be clean and free
from dirt, loose scale and loose paint. It shall be sufficiently smooth to ensure
effective acoustic coupling.
14. Scope. The methods described shall be used only for the inspection of
plate and sheet of thickness 0.25 inch and greater.
(i) For plate material up to and including 1 inch thick a 0.25 inch dia
flat bottom hole shall be drilled from one plate surface to a depth of half
the test block thickness.
(ii) For thickness over 1 inch, two or more similar 0.25 inch dia
holes shall be drilled to depths of 0.5 inch from each surface and not
greater than 1 inch difference in hole depths i.e.:-
(aa) 2 holes minimum at 2 inch thick, 0.5 inch and 1.5 inch
deep respectively.
(ab) 3 holes minimum at 3 inch thick, 2.5 inch, 1.5 inch and
0.5 inch deep respectively.
NOTE: Where the amplitude of the first back wall echo is reduced to
20% FSD or less unaccompanied by evidence of laminar inclusions the
plate surfaces must be checked and dressed if necessary to ensure
adequate acoustic coupling.
peak amplitude reflections from the notch both from the opposing surface and from
the surface containing the notch (1st bounce). The instrument sensitivity for testing
shall be such that the minimum signal amplitude from the reference notch is 20% full
screen deflection.
19. Recording. The following information shall be recorded in addition to the test
(b) Location and size of any area where the 1st back wall echo is
attenuated to 20% FSD or less after plate surface preparation.
(c) Location and size (signal amplitude and probe movement) of laminar
inclusions having a reflectivity in excess of the equivalent depth 0.25 inch dia
(d) When using shear waves, the location and signal amplitude of any
indication above the reference level as indicated at paragraph 17 above.
Butt Welds
23. Scope. The application of ultrasonic methods to the inspection of butt welds
is influenced by the types of materials in use, their thickness and geometry and the
required flaw sensitivity. The influence of the structure in the weld and in the heat
affected zone may restrict application, and modified probes may be essential where
testing is carried out on materials which have different velocities from those for which
commercially available probes are normally designed.
24. Probes. The following shear wave probes in Table below are
recommended for the initial inspection:-
Angle of Material
Probe Type
Refraction Thickness (T)
25. Surface Preparation. Test surfaces shall be free from loose scale, weld
spatter and other foreign matter which could interfere with the ultrasonic inspection.
Preparation of the weld surfaces is usually unnecessary when the surface condition
(overfill, undercut etc.) complies with established industry practices. Where
excessive noise is reflected from the welded surface, local preparation shall be
carried out to reduce the noise to a level consistent with accurate interpretation.
26. Calibration. Mark the graticule to show 20% FSD and 20% FSD minus 12
dB in accordance with paragraph 8(b) or (d). Where U/T equipment is fitted with a
calibrated attenuator, test sensitivities may be pre-determined from machined test
pieces. Provision shall be made for frequently checking the sensitivity during
inspection, e.g. by relating plate response with a vertical probe to the shear wave
test sensitivity. Positive probe identification shall be included in procedure
submissions. Where U/T equipment is not fitted with a calibrated attenuator the
following procedure shall apply:-
(a) For welds up to and including 1.5 inch thick, a test block consisting of a
plate at least 3 inch wide and of similar material thickness contour and surface
condition to the material to be tested, shall be used. A reference hole shall be
drilled situated on the centre line at least 4 inch from one end. The hole
diameter shall be as follows:-
(c) For welds over 1.5 inch thick, reference notches in accordance with the
dimensions given in paragraph 17 above shall be used for instrument
(a) Welds <= 1.5 inch Thick. Shear wave inspection shall be carried out
in a series of scanning movements parallel with the weld at intervals not
exceeding 60% of the transducer diameter or length. Alternatively the probe
may be oscillated to and from the weld and progressed along the weld at
intervals not exceeding the diameter or width of the transducer. The probe
system shall be directed normal to the weld centre line, preferably by
mechanical means.
(b) Welds > 2 inch Thick. Scanning shall be carried out in two stages,
first using a single or combined transducer as for thinner materials and then
using separate transmitter and receiver probes in tandem, preferably in a
mechanically linked system so that the receiver moves towards the welds at
the same rate as the transmitter moved away from it.
31. Surface Preparation. The test surface shall be free from loose scale and
any loose foreign matter which could interfere with the test. Shot blasted surfaces
covered with a thin coating of spray primer are usually satisfactory, but any
successive layers of paint must be removed and the test surface lightly disc or belt
sanded for reproducible results.
32. Test Blocks. Two test blocks are required for calibration. The test block
thickness shall be within + 20% of the thickness of the continuous member of the tee
butt joint. Suitable test blocks are to be used for both Type A & B examinations.
33. Probes.
Note: This type of probe is subject to varying response with probe orientation
for certain types of defect. To obviate this feature all measurements shall be
made with the acoustic baffle of the probe at 90 deg to the line of the slots in
test block and the weld during inspection.
Note: Angles of refraction greater than 45 deg may be necessary when the
continuous member of the joint is less than 1 inch thick.
34. Calibration.
NOTE: Signal amplitudes must not exceed 80% full screen deflection. The
number of slots measurable within this limit will depend on the dynamic range
of equipment being calibrated.
(a) Vertical Probe. Accurately adjust time base to include the continuous
members and weld with the probe contact face at zero.
(i) Using test block, obtain DL first bottom echo from an un-drilled
part of test block, attenuation = A.
37. Plotting Weld Width. Using vertical probe, adjust first bottom echo from
adjacent hull plate to SL. Plot weld edge at probe datum position when echo is
reduced to DL; at intervals not exceeding 2 x T, where T is thickness of the joining
(a) Vertical Probe. For signals between DL and 80% full screen
deflection assess flaw width relative to previously marked amplitude from test
block slots (paragraph 8(b) or (d)) For signals in excess of 80% full screen
deflection, reduce peak signal amplitude to SL and record widths when
signals reduce to DL as for weld edges (paragraph 37 above).
(b) Shear Wave Probes. Record signal amplitude of indications above DL.
Overlay Cladding
41. Scope. The following requirements apply to the ultrasonic inspection of the
bond between weld deposited overlay cladding and the base material. Specific
requirements due to special shapes or manufacturing processes will be given in the
appropriate specifications or weld procedures.
42. Surface Preparation. The test surface and the reflecting surface shall be
free from loose scale, machining and grinding particles and other loose foreign
matter. Surfaces up to 250 micro-inch and free from burrs shall be acceptable
provided that the required sensitivity levels can be achieved. Surfaces shall be
sufficiently free from waviness to permit a uniform test over the required area. When
inadequate sound transmission is experienced, the test surface or reflecting surface
shall be considered suspect until determined otherwise.
43. Calibration.
(b) A 1/8 inch diameter flat bottomed hole shall be drilled through the base
material so that the bottom of the hole lies in the junction of the cladding and
base material. The base material should be approximately 1 inch thick. The
instrument shall be calibrated to show a 20% FSD signal from the 1/8 inch
diameter target.
(d) Adjust sensitivity to obtain a FSD signal from the pipe bore as sub para
(a) above.
(a) The extent and percentage of bond for each scan on each land.
(b) Any part-of the joint where lack of access or fitting material prevents
satisfactory examination.
51. Scope. Pipe and tube shall be tested for transverse and longitudinal
52. Calibration.
(b) For longitudinal type defects an internal and external notch shall be cut
in accordance with the dimensions given in paragraph 17 above parallel with
the pipe axis. The notches shall be separated by at least 1 inch along the
length of the pipe. Each notch shall be clearly identifiable on the cathode ray
tube display.
53. Method of Examination. The shear waves shall be directed into the pipe
wall and the pipe scanned longitudinally by advancing the probe assembly as the
pipe is rotated. The longitudinal movement of the probe shall be such that the entire
area of the pipe wall is examined. Scanning may also be performed by rotating the
part and automatically indexing the probe assembly so that a. crystal overlap of at
least 10% is obtained on each successive pass. When performing the test by the
immersion method, care shall be taken to maintain accurate alignment of the probe
assembly with respect to the tube.
54. Recording. The location extent and signal amplitude shall be recorded for all
indications in excess of the appropriate sensitivity level.
57. Scope. The wide variety of forgings in respect of materials, sizes and
geometry required by Navy precludes laying down rigid ultrasonic inspection
procedure for general application. Specific procedures must take into account the
method of manufacture, type, location and probable distribution of defects likely to be
present. Diagnosis of ultrasonic indications in thick sections demands an accurate
knowledge of probe characteristics.
58. Test Procedure. BS 4124 Part I shall apply for steel forgings (excluding
austenitic). For forgings to which BS 4124 Part 1 cannot be applied and extruded/
wrought bars, the Surface Finish will be as per provisions contained in BS 4124 Part
1 clause 6.
61. Marking Defects. The location of all defects causing reflectivity which
exceeds that of the holes in the reference standard shall be marked as the test
62. Scope.
(a) Ultrasonic inspection can be applied for the examination of ferrite steel
and certain non-ferrous castings. Techniques must be capable of assessing
defects to the requirements of stated in Appendix G and not result in a
lowering of the acceptance standard nor lead to substantial increase in the
number of repairs.
(c) In view of the above, Navy will require radiographic confirmation of the
validity of ultrasonic test procedures in selected areas of castings where both
inspection methods can be usefully employed.
63. Recommendations.
(a) The use of shear and compression waves will assist defect
(b) The best near zone resolution is obtained using 'combined double' type
compression wave probes. This is particularly valuable in areas for sub-
sequent machining.
Annexure III
(Refers to Para 5 of Appendix J)
1. BS 3683, Part 3 shall apply, together with the following additional definitions:-
(a) Material Thickness. The thickness of material shall not exceed the
finished dimensions for the part by more than 20% or 0.25 inch whichever is
the greater subject to no change of type of radiation source.
Use of any other source shall be with written approval of IAY only.
(b) The radiation sources to be qualified (i.e. types of Isotopes & X-ray
kilo-voltage rating).
(ab) Manufacturer.
(a) When the IAY/ IAG has reason to believe that the testing agency
cannot meet the required radiographic quality levels in production radiography
using a previously approved procedure, the testing agency shall undergo
fresh qualification of the affected procedure.
(b) When an isotope source of larger physical size, or X-ray tube with a
focal spot size, larger than that used in the approved procedure will affect the
final intended purpose. However, a larger radiation source may be used if the
source distance is increased as shown in Table 4.
(e) When the X-ray equipment voltage is greater than that used during
initial qualification. However if the voltage used during initial qualification lies
within the acceptable region any voltage up to the maximum permissible
voltage line may be employed without re-qualifying.
10. Screens, Filters and Masking. All radiographs produced, with a source of
120 kV or greater shall employ front and back lead .screens in accordance with
Table 2.
11. Films. Radiographs shall be made on fine grain or extra-fine grain, high
contrast, safety base film whenever radio-isotopes are used.
12. Film Quality. Radiographs presented for interpretation shall be free from
blemishes or film defects which might mask, or be confused with, defects in the
material being examined. If doubt exists concerning the true nature of an indication
on the film, the radiograph shall be rejected. Typical blemishes are as follows: -
(c) Pressure or lead marks, scratches, gouges, finger marks, crimp marks
or static electricity marks.
13. Film Density. The density of individual films shall be between 2.0 and 3.0
in the area being examined. When the thickness of the part varies considerably in
the area under examination, the two films, either of equal or of different speed as
employed during procedure qualification, may be exposed simultaneously in the
same film holder and the resultant radiographs mat be submitted for interpretation as
single film.
NOTE: Densities in excess of 3.0 may be used where adequate viewing conditions
are available.
15. Multiple Film Technique. Film techniques with two or more films of the
same or different speeds in the same film holder shall be permitted provided that the
applicable radiographic quality level for a specific area is demonstrated.
Radiation Sources
19. The image of the location markers used to co-ordinate the part with the film
shall appear on the film so that it is evident that complete coverage was obtained
without interfering with the interpretation. These marker positions shall be marked on
the part and maintained on the part during radiography. When radiographing a weld
whenever possible the edge of the image of the location marker shall be 1 inch from
the edge of the weld.
Film Identification
20. A system of positive identification of the film and IQI should be provided. The
following information shall appear on each radiograph or in the records
accompanying each radiograph:-
21. Radiographs shall be retained for seven years after completion of the
contract. Where work is performed under continuing contracts, or on other than
contractual basis, these records shall be retained for seven years from the date the
work was performed. At the end of the seven years period the testing agency shall
request instructions from the IAY/IAG as to whether the records shall be destroyed,
forwarded to the IAY/IAG or retained by the testing agency for a longer period
agreed upon by the testing agency and the IAY/IAG. Complete records of the
technique details, including radiographic inspection location sketches, evaluation and
disposition sheet shall be retained for the same period as the radiographs to which
they apply.
22. When the firm subcontracts work which requires radiography to be performed
by the subcontractor, the subcontractor shall make available to the installing
Shipbuilder or private contractor the necessary radiographic records so that they
may be retained for the specific period.
25. Equipment used for radiographic interpretation shall provide the following
minimum features:-
Surface Preparation
Interpretation of Radiographs
30. Before the IAY/ IAG review for acceptance is requested, radiographs shall be
examined and interpreted by each testing agency to assure compliance with the
requirements stated in this Annexure.
31. Types.
(a) Wire type DIN 54109 IQIs shall be used to assist in determining the
quality level of all radiographs.
(b) For welds between dissimilar metals, IQIs shall be used to correspond
with each group of base materials. The correct series of IQI for each material
group, as laid down in Table 1, is given below:-
1 FE
2 CU
3 AL
33. One IQI shall represent an area within which radiographic densities do not
vary more than from +30% to -15% from the density measured adjacent to the IQI. At
least one IQI per radiograph shall be used except. as specified in section on IQI
Location Pipe Welds. When the film density varies more than from -15 to + 30 %,
two IQIs used as follows will be satisfactory:-
(a) If one IQI shows an acceptable sensitivity at the most dense portion of
the radiograph and the second IQI, placed in accordance with the other
requirements of this standard, shows an acceptable sensitivity at the least
dense portion of the radiograph, these two IQIs shall serve to qualify the
radiograph within these density limits.
34. The IQI shall be located on the source side of the section being examined
wherever possible.
35. For weld examination the IQI shall be placed at one or both ends of each
section to be radiographed. The wires shall lie transversely across the weld with the
thinnest wire towards the central beam.
36. For double-wall, double-image exposures such as pipe welds the IQI shall,
where practicable, be placed on the outside of the pipe across the weld nearest to
the source of radiation. The selected wire may be placed over the centre line of the
37. For double-wall, single-image exposures in which only the portion of the
specimen next to the film is viewed, the radiographic technique shall be
demonstrated on a similar specimen section with the applicable IQI placed on the
inside compared with an IQI placed on the film side.
38. Where a gap necessarily exists between specimen and film, the IQI shall be
placed on the part of the object furthest from the film.
40. Longitudinal Welds. One IQI shall be placed at each extremity of each film
along the weld; only the weld image between the thinnest wire of the IQIs shall be
viewed for acceptance.
41. Double Wall Radiography (where both walls are viewed for acceptance).
If both walls are inspected, the IQIs shall be .based on the double wall thickness.
The minimum source-to-film distance shall be calculated using the outside diameter
of the pipe or section as the specimen thickness as shown on Table 4. Double-wall
radiography shall be used only for pipe welds and non-critical regions of castings
unless otherwise specifically approved by the IAY/ IAG. For double-wall radiography,
the source may be offset from the plane passing through the weld, so that the weld
images are not superimposed, but the offset should be kept at a minimum. Offset
shall not be employed in the radiography of consumable root inserts.
42. Radiography shall be performed on the completed base metal weld prior to
43. When a single film or series of films is exposed in a 360 degree radiation
beam on a single component, a minimum of one IQI shall be located in each
quadrant. If multiple components or parts are exposed simultaneously, at least one
IQI shall be required on each film plus additional IQIs as required in Section on IQIs
for Pipe Joints.
44. At the discretion of the IAY/IAG, IQIs may not be required on each film when
radiographing small parts, or limited areas of larger parts, when location of the IQI on
the part would obscure part or all of the area of interest and where it would not be
practicable to place the IQI on a block adjacent to the part. However, an initial
technique shot, with the applicable IQI on the parts, shall demonstrate the specified
IQI sensitivity. Subsequent exposure without an IQI shall be made only if exposed in
the same manner as the technique shot. Whenever the arrangement is changed,
additional technique slots shall be made in proper sequence to assure that. the
process is being properly controlled. The technique shots shall accompany the
subsequently exposed film when presented for interpretation.
45. When repairs to castings or forgings have been made by welding, weld repair
details shall accompany the radiographs when offered for review. The original
radiographs of the previously defective area shall also be available for review upon
Radiography of Castings
47. Technique Shot Films. The production films on the first casting shall be
employed to demonstrate the adequacy of the radiographic procedure. The IAY/ IAG
shall approve the procedure when satisfactory quality is obtained on all films and the
extent of coverage required by the applicable specification or drawings has been
critical test regions. Defects shown by double wall exposures may require additional
radiography to establish the severity of the defects relative to single wall thickness.
Over 0.25 inch up to & including 0.75 inch Over 0.25 inch up to & including 0.75 inch
Over 0.75 inch up to & including 1.5 inch Over 0.75 inch up to & including 1.5 inch
Over 1.5 inch up to & including 2.5 inch Over 1.5 inch up to & including 4.0 inch
Over 2.5 inch up to & including 4.0 inch Over 4.0 inch up to & including 6.0 inch
Over 10 inch
Group 2 Nickel Copper, Copper Nickel, Copper, Gunmetal, Stainless Steel etc.
(a) Where the thickness range specified in Table 1 extends above and below the,
specified thickness range as per the standard, the upper and lower limit of the
material thickness qualified shall be the actual thicknesses used for the sample
(a) Intensifying Screens. Intimate contact between the screens and the films
shall be maintained during exposure. The use of fluorescent screens requires
specific approval of the IAY/ IAG.
(b) Back Filters. Lead filters shall be used behind the film holder to prevent
scattered radiation from the floor, walls, air or surrounding objects from fogging the
film. Each film holder shall have a lead letter B, a minimum of 0.5 inch high and a
minimum of 1/16 inch thick, fastened to the back of the film holder, within the area of
the film to be read. If the image of the lead letter appears on the film, additional back
filter thickness shall be required. The image of this letter B showing as a light image
on a darker background shall be cause for rejection of any radiographic film.
(a) All calculations shall be based on the maximum effective source dimensions.
(b) For focal spot or source projected as a rectangle with sides of N and Y
millimetres, the effective dimension will be:-
N 2
Y 2
(c) For a focal spot projection consisting of divided images, the effective
dimension shall be the diameter of the smallest circumscribing circle.
(d) Where a gap unavoidably exists between the film and specimen, the
maximum gap width shall be added to the specimen thickness for calculation of
focus to film distance.
(e) For double wall-double image radiography, the material thickness to be used
for calculation of minimum source to film distance is the maximum dimension
between the specimen surface and the film, e.g. the OD of pipe irrespective of wall
(f) For thicknesses of steel greater than 3 inch reference should also be made to
BS 2600.
Annexure IV
(Refers to Para 5 of Appendix J)
2. Methods. For the purpose of this specification, penetrants fall into one of
the following groups:-
Note: Penetrants in the above groups may be Dye, Fluorescent or Dual Purpose
(eg. Ardrox 9 VFI).
Method of Testing
from which slag has been removed should be considered suitable without grinding if
satisfactory interpretation of the test results is possible and if the weld contour blends
into the base metal without undercutting. Surfaces should not be shot, grit, milled or
vapour blasted unless specifically approved by IAY/ IAG.
dry, lint-free cloth followed by wiping the partially cleaned surface with a clean
cloth dampened with a suitable solvent, until all traces of penetrant have been
(a) Group 1. The drying of test surfaces after removal' of the excess
penetrant should be accomplished only by normal evaporation, or by blotting
with absorbent paper or clean, lint-free cloth. Forced air circulation in excess
of normal ventilation in the inspection area should not be used. The time for
surface drying after removal of excess penetrant and before application of the
developer should be limited to a minimum of 10 minutes.
cavities on the inspection surface should not be permitted since these pools
will dry to an excessively heavy coating in such areas, resulting in the
masking of indications.
16. Final Cleaning. When the inspection is concluded, the penetrant materials
should be removed as soon as possible using water or solvents in accordance with
applicable specifications.
CAUTION: Highly volatile solvents should be used cautiously. Their vapours are
relatively toxic and the liquid is a primary skin irritant. Extreme care should be
exercised in handling the volatile solvents as many of them are highly flammable
17. When dye penetrants are in use the test area should be adequately
illuminated for proper evaluation of indications revealed on the test surface. When
fluorescent penetrant is used, the inspection should be accomplished in a darkened
area using an ultra-violet lamp with a minimum brilliance of 90. candles, measured in
third center of the beam at a distance of 15 inch from the lamp, using an unfiltered
Light Meter - model Weston 703 or equivalent. A suitable period should be allowed
for the lamp to obtain full brilliance before beginning the inspection. Equipment
should be maintained and calibrated in a manner to ensure reliable and uniform
operation and fluorescent lamps should be checked at least once a week.
19. Unless the surface has been thoroughly cleaned, fluorescent penetrant should
not be used for re-testing an area previously subjected to dye penetrant since
residual dye may react with the fluorescent penetrant resulting in complete or partial
quenching of the fluorescent.
Annexure V
(Refers to Para 5 of Appendix J)
Acceptance Standards
6. Procedures.
structural welds, castings, forgings, and pipe welds. The relevant contract is to
define the extent of the magnetic crack detection examination and the
appropriate acceptance standards to apply.
(d) Surface preparation, finishing and cleaning before and after test.
(e) Method used, i.e. wet or dry, make and type of detecting medium.
Detecting Media
14. Magnetic Powder. Magnetic powders used in dry testing are to comply
with BS EN ISO 9934-2 and to be of a non-toxic, finely divided ferromagnetic
material of high permeability and low retention. They are to be free from rust, grease,
paint, dirt and other material which might interfere with their proper functioning.
Particle size, shape and colour are to provide adequate sensitivity and contrast.
16. Dry Powder Technique. Dry magnetic particles are to be applied in such a
manner that a light, uniform, dust-like coating settles upon the surface under test.
Excess powder is to be removed using a current of air of sufficient force to remove
the excess particles without disturbing those particles which are indicative of
Surface Preparation
19. Surfaces are to be dry and free from loose rust, scale, grease and any
contamination which might interfere with the proper interpretation of the magnetic
particle patterns. Surfaces are not to be peened, abrasive or vapour blasted without
specific approval of IAY/ IAG.
20. Where wire brushing or grinding is applied to remove imperfections that would
interfere with the examination, the material thickness is not to be reduced below the
minimum thickness permitted by the design specification and the dressed areas are
to be faired with the surrounding surface.
21. Welded surfaces from which the slag has been removed and with weld
contours that blend smoothly into the base material without undercutting, are to be
considered acceptable for examination without grinding, provided interpretation of
the test results is possible.
22. Protective coatings that would interfere with the magnetisation are to be
removed at the areas of contact and repaired when the examination is complete.
Surface coatings or plating may remain on the surface to be examined provided that
it has first been established that the examination sensitivity will not be impaired.
Magnetisation Technique
25. Magnetic Fields. Magnetic fields may be generated by any of the following
(d) Coil.
29. Current Values. The peak current value is the relevant Quantity which
determines magnetic field strength. The current values quoted in the following
clauses are AC RMS values and to obtain peak values, if required these are to be
multiplied by the appropriate factor in Table 1 below.
Table 1 - Factor by which indicated current values are multiplied to obtain peak
Direct Current 1.00
Alternating Current Not applicable
Full-wave rectified, 1 current 1.57
Half-wave rectified, 1 current 3.14
Full-wave rectified, 3 current 1.05
Half-wave rectified, 3 current 1.21
(b) Defects are most effectively detected when their major axes are
transverse to the direction of the flux that flows from one contact to the other.
(b) To induce the required magnetic field strength into specimens with
irregular geometry eg Tee Butt welds, it is recommended that permanent
magnets of the flexi-type be employed.
(c) Prior to the use of a permanent magnet, its suitability for purpose is to
be assessed by its ability to lift a piece of ferritic steel by magnetic attraction
alone, in accordance with the following:-
(a) These techniques require the passage of current from a low voltage
external source between two contact areas on the surface of the item and
include prod and through-component techniques.
(b) When using direct magnetisation by current flow, the part being tested,
the size and type of contacts used and the time of application of the current
are to be such that overheating of the item under test does not occur either
locally or generally.
(b) The magnetising current is to be not less than 20A per mm of diameter
for basically round items and not less than 6.5A per mm of section perimeter
for non-round items.
(c) All contact areas are to be clean. Items are to be mounted horizontally,
and large and heavy items are to be mounted in suitable fixtures to ensure
suitable head pressure and uniform magnetism. Where it is necessary to pass
current through cylindrically shaped items, contact-balls are to be used.
(b) Prod contact areas are to be sufficiently large to reduce the possibility
of overheating or arcing which may cause local damage. Contact pads may
be employed to minimise the risk of damaging the surface by arc strikes. The
materials of prods or contact pads are to have no adverse effect on the
material of the item under examination. Zinc contact pads are not to be used.
Copper is to be used only where no metallurgical damage can result.
(d) The magnetising current is not to be turned on until the prods have
been properly positioned in contact with the material surface and is to be
turned off before the prods are removed. Current is to be applied for at least
0.5 seconds unless otherwise stated in the Contract. The current application
time is to be limited in order to prevent overheating of the test item.
(c) The threading bar technique favours the detection of flaws where the
major axes lie parallel to, or within 45 of the direction of the current flow. In a
tubular specimen longitudinal flaws on both inner and outer surfaces and
radial flaws on the end faces may be revealed.
(d) When using the threading bar technique, minimum values of current
given for through component techniques at sub para 35(b) above are to apply.
Outside diameter or periphery of the item is to be the criterion for selecting
current value. Where the threading bar is not concentric with the centre of the
item, the item is to be turned and test repeated for effective coverage.
(e) Though some departure from the ideal flux direction may be
experienced the technique can also be applied to the examination of bores or
lugs on complex components.
(f) When the shape of the bore in the item precludes the insertion of a
rigid conductor, use may be made of heavy flexible cable.
(b) Flaw detection sensitivity depends upon the shape and size of the item,
the coil dimensions and the ampere-turns produced. The coil is to be no larger
than is necessary to accommodate the item. Items are to be orientated within
the coil to ensure uniform distribution of flux. For long items, the test is to be
repeated at coil length intervals over the full length of the item.
The magnetising current is induced into the item under examination by means
of a detachable laminated iron transformer coil, threaded through the item in
such a way that the item in effect becomes the secondary of the transformer.
(b) The current induction technique may be used for the detection of
circumferential flaws in ring type components. The magnetising current
induced is to be not less than 6.5 amperes per mm of the section perimeter of
the item.
40. Where it is necessary to establish the path of the magnetic flux in an item, a
tangential field strength meter or a portable flux indicator may be used.
41. Portable magnetic flux indicators are to be used only to confirm the field
direction or to provide a rough guide to field and flux levels. It is essential that they
are placed in intimate contact with the item under test to show that magnetising
conditions are effective.
42. Magnetic field strength meters and portable magnetic flux indicators may be
used in conjunction with permanent magnets or with DC electromagnets but only to
establish the magnetic field direction.
NOTE: As a guide, the above illumination level can be achieved using either a
fluorescent tube of 80W at a distance of approximately 1 m or a tungsten filament
pearl lamp of 100W at a distance of approximately 0.2 m.
(a) A darkened area or booth, with ambient white light level not greater
than 10 lux and a properly filtered UV-A (black light) source, is to be provided
for examination using fluorescent inks. A suitable period not less than 15
minutes is to be allowed for the UV-A lamp(s) to achieve full intensity prior to
use and for the eyes to adjust to the low ambient lighting.
(b) The UV-A irradiance level at the surface being examined is to be not
less than 0.8 mW/cm when checked in accordance with BS EN ISO 3059.
(c) The intensity of UV-A lamps may decrease due to age, variations of
line voltage, tarnishing of the reflector and dirt on the filter. Lamps are to be
regularly maintained in a manner that will ensure reliable and uniform
(d) Protective goggles are to be worn if the UV-A source is not filtered. For
the assessment of UV-A lamps BS EN IS 3059 is to apply.
46. Magnetic particle patterns are not to be disturbed after magnetisation has
ceased until they have been examined and recorded. Relevant indications are those
caused by discontinuities and may be classified as, for example, cracks and crack-
like flaws, inclusions, rounded indications and linear indications.
(a) Magnetic writing i.e. spurious indications arising from random local
48. All indications in weld metal, or in the fusion line between base material and
weld metal, are to be considered relevant and are to be evaluated in accordance
with applicable acceptance standards.
49. Items containing residual fields which may interfere with subsequent magnetic
particle examination or prevent post-cleaning are to be demagnetised.
Demagnetisation may also be required between tests when the flux direction is
changed, and on completion of magnetic particle examination. After de-
magnetisation, components are to be removed from the vicinity of the de-
magnetising coil or machine to avoid re-magnetisation by local magnetic fields.
Post-Examination Cleaning
50. After test and demagnetisation, items are to be cleaned to remove all
magnetic ink, powders and contrast coatings. All temporary plugs are to be removed
from holes and cavities.
Annexure VI
(Refers to Para 5 of Appendix J)
2. The requirements for the use of manually operated portable eddy current
instruments designed specifically for the detection of surface-breaking cracks in
welds are included.
3. The requirements of these guidelines are applicable to all items for which
specifications, standards, drawings, refit or repair instructions require eddy current
examination. These guidelines are also applicable to the Quality Assessment of
Examining Authorities who perform eddy current examination.
Normative References
6. BS EN 1971: 1999 Copper & Copper Alloys. Eddy Current Test for Tubes.
11. Terms. BS EN 1330-5 is to apply to the terms used in this Part. The
standards for acceptance of defect indications detected by eddy current examination
are to be as specified in the SOTR/PO.
12. Eddy current effects are susceptible to physical and chemical changes in
materials. Eddy current methods used for flaw detection are therefore most effective
for the examination of materials which have a homogenous structure, low
permeability and precisely controlled sectional dimensions. Slight variations in these
parameters, which in themselves are within the permitted tolerances, may influence
the results of this method of examination.
14. It is not the intented to exclude proven eddy current inspection procedures
which can be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the IAY/IAG to meet the quality
requirements. Prior approval is to be obtained before such procedures are used.
17. The relevant SOTR/PO is to define the extent of eddy current examination
and the appropriate acceptance standard.
19. Eddy current procedures are to cover all prerequisites and technical
requirements associated with the application and are to contain specific guidance
information including the following, as applicable:-
(a) Material type and descriptive details of the item to be tested including
size and shape. In case of weldments, the type of weld, location and surface
(i) Make/Model.
20. Eddy current inspections are to be recorded in an eddy current report. The
report is to include the following information:-
(b) The test coils are to be capable of inducing current in the item under
test and of sensing changes in the electrical characteristics of the item. Coils
may be encircling types or probe types depending upon the application.
Calibration Standards
25. Test pieces are to be prepared from suitable lengths of material which
simulate the item to be tested with regard to sectional dimensions, material type,
metallurgical condition and surface finish. Reference standards are to be
incorporated in the test pieces, in the form of holes, notches or slits. When using
manually operated equipment, a flaw-free calibration test piece of the same material
type as that under examination is to be additionally provided for reference.
26. For tubing, the reference standards are to be either of the following:-
(b) Three holes of the same nominal diameter drilled through the tube wall
perpendicular to the surface and displaced circumferentially 120 degrees from
each other. Axial separation from each other and the ends of the calibration
test piece is to be such that the holes can be resolved clearly and individually
under production conditions; the hole diameter is to be in accordance with
Table 1.
27. Calibration test pieces for welded tubing are to contain reference standards in
the weld method and additionally in the parent metal when both materials are to be
28. For bar material, notches or slits are to be cut in the material surface and
spaced as for tubes.
29. The reference standard disposition, dimensions, orientation and numbers for
components other than tubes or bars are to be as agreed between the Design
Authority and the Examining Authority. The reference standards are to be spaced
such that they can be clearly and individually resolved under production conditions.
30. The introduction of the reference standards into the calibration test piece
whether by drilling, spark erosion or other methods, is to be carried out under
controlled conditions in order to minimize disturbance in adjacent material.
31. The preferred methods of introducing the reference targets are respectively:-
32. The accuracy of the calibration test piece, and reference standard dimensions
and positions, is to be verified to the satisfaction of IAY/ IAG.
33. Calibration test pieces are to be frequently examined for signs of damage
which may impair performance and are to be renewed accordingly.
Equipment Calibration
36. The calibration test piece is to be passed through the test unit or the test unit
is to traverse the test piece at the same relative speed and in the same direction and
manner as that to be used in the production examination.
37. The selected current frequency for production examination is to produce clear
and distinctive indications in the test unit by all the reference standards in the
calibration test piece.
38. Where specified, a battery check is to be carried out prior to the calibration of
portable manually operated test units used for the examination of weldments. If a low
battery condition is indicated, the batteries are to be replaced or recharged.
39. Acceptance Level. To set the equipment to the agreed acceptance level,
the appropriate calibration test piece is to be subjected to the procedure at para 36
above. The trigger alarm or monitor level is then to be adjusted until the acceptance
standard will just indicate rejection.
Extent of Examination
Surface Condition
42. All surfaces to be examined are to be free from metallic particles, loose scales
and other foreign matter. Methods used for surface preparation are not to be
detrimental to the material or the surface finish.
Performance Specification
45. Testing Speed. The relative speed between the item and the test coil is
not to vary from that used during the calibration procedure by more than 10%. The
speed of test as applied to the examination of weldments using equipment with
meter indication and hand held probes is not to exceed 1 metre per minute. Where
LED indication and gate circuits are provided, probe speed may be increased to 3
metres per minute.
46. Manual Testing. The probe is to be held at a constant attitude to the contact
surface and moved in a path parallel to the weld and adjacent to it. Rocking of the
probe and placing of the probe near to the edge of the work piece are to be avoided
as both may cause spurious indications which may be misinterpreted as defects.
49. Additional Tests. Areas containing defect indications observed during the
examination of ferromagnetic weldments are to be additionally tested by magnetic
particle examination in accordance with guidelines given at Annexure 5 in order to
verify the relevance of these indications and extent of confirmed defect.
50. All records of eddy current examinations are to be sufficiently detailed and in
compliance with the agreed procedure in order to permit proper application of the
specified standard of acceptance. Details of retest and additional tests, as specified
above, are to be included with the records.
Appendix K
(Refers to Para 8 of Chapter 9)
(d) Pitch: Upto +15 deg (Period not less than 5 seconds).
Note: Conditions at sub para (a) and (b) above will generally not occur concurrently.
5. The mounting of equipment is onto the shock test stand will require special
fixtures, which are to be arranged by the firm. IAG is to ensure that firms are given
adequate information/ notice in this regard.
6. The shock is given in the form of an impact onto the table of the test machine.
The equipment is never directly subjected to any impact. The shock value given
depends on the weight of the equipment. The impact can be given in any wave form.
7. The applicability of this method will be specified in the SOTR. However the
method is generally applied to equipment of complicated contours or weighting more
than 500 kg.
11. Apart from the above analysis, the designer / manufacturer shall carry out the
normal mode dynamic analysis of the equipment to estimate the natural frequency of
the equipment. The normal mode analysis is to be carried out by Block-Lanczos
12. The shock mount need not be modelled in the analysis as the shock
amplitude specified in the SOTR is above the shock mount. Therefore, the fixed
points of the equipment (the shock mount locations) is to be modelled as
translational restraint which means that all three translational degrees of freedom will
be fixed and all three rotational degrees of freedom will be free.
14. For the transient dynamic analysis, the shock pulse indicated in the statement
of requirement is to be carried out if there is no nonlinearity involved in the model.
However, if the model has got inherent non-linearity, non-linear transient analysis
has to be carried out.
16. In general, CFD analysis should be carried out to establish that the various
fluid flow parameters like pressure drop, flow velocities, mass flow rate, heat transfer
rate, temperature distribution etc., are adequate and optimum to meet the designed
performance of the equipment. This requirement is in addition to the conventional
thermal hydraulics design practices followed for basic design.
17. The objective of CFD analysis will be different for different types of equipment.
For example, in pump design, the objective is to ensure that optimum design of the
blade profile and volute casing etc., is achieved to generate the required head and
discharge. Similarly, in case of a heat exchanger, the objective is to ensure that
desired heat exchange is achieved for the designed flow rate. For other equipment,
the objective could be to optimize process design of the equipment. In all cases
objective of CFD analysis is to establish optimum design to achieve performance
parameters. Wherever heat transfer of different kinds like conduction and convection
are involved along-with fluid flow, the firm should carry out conjugate analysis.
19. In all cases, the firm should follow the basic norms of CFD analysis and
selection of elements and boundary conditions. However, it is desirable that the firm
should discuss this with IAY/IAG before undertaking the analysis so that any
difference of technical opinion can be resolved in advance. The firm should submit
the full report of CFD analysis along with heat transfer calculations to IAY/ AIG in
hard and soft copies including model file.
20. Stress analysis by finite element method can be carried out in IDEAS or
ANSYS software. In certain cases NASTRAN software can also be used with prior
approval of IAY/IAG. The firm should discuss with IAY/ IAG in advance, regarding
the type of model and meshing required to be developed and the various boundary
conditions to be used.
21. The basic procedure of modelling, meshing and FEM analysis are required to
be followed. The stress analysis should be undertaken for normal operating
condition. The boundary condition should simulate all the operating condition
parameters like various forces, temperatures, restraints etc..
22. It is not possible to specify the detailed procedure of analysis as it will vary
from equipment to equipment. However, the objective of the analysis is to ensure
that the equipment will meet the design requirement under operating condition and
stresses and deflections are within the acceptable limits. The firm should submit full
report of stress analysis in hard and soft copies including the model file.
23. Air borne noise test is to be conducted at anechoic conditions to the extent
possible. Test in reverberation chambers is to be conducted if essential as per
SOTR. The permissible level of noise is specified in the SOTR for various types of
equipment. The maximum levels of sound pressure in the test bed according to ISO
3744 in dB(A) at a distance of 1.0 meter from the equipment should not exceed the
values as specified in the SOTR.
24. Since, conduct of test at anechoic conditions may not be practically feasible,
noise levels are to be measured using Sound Intensity Meter (SIM) and not Sound
Power Meter (SPM). This is because the SPM does not cancel the background
noise. The SIM on the other hand, measures noise as a vector quantity, wherein it is
possible to separate the background noise.
25. Noise and vibration, being related aspects, the analysis for meeting the
specifications of SOTR for noise and vibration has to be done together and not in
28. Vibration analysis is done in both 1/3 Octave and Narrow band. The 1/3
Octave band is an approximate indicator of the vibration levels. The values given for
1/3 Octave band can be at least taken as the limiting value around a given centre
29. To the extent possible, the IAG should resolve all issues related to noise and
vibrations before clearing the equipment. Necessary help from IAY, MTU,
professional agencies should be solicited to resolve all issues. Unresolved issues
should be clearly indicated in the I-Note.
30. Analysis of Vibration resistance is essential to ensure that the equipment will
perform its duties under either propeller/ hull induced vibrations or sympathetic
vibrations from other equipment. The frequency and the amplitude of the propeller
induced vibration are indicated in the SOTR.
31. Vibration resistance analysis should be carried out by finite element method.
Most preferable software would be LS-DYNA or ANSYS software. The objective is
basically frequency response analysis. The FEM model generated for stress analysis
or shock analysis can also be used for vibration resistance analysis. The objective of
the analysis is to establish the response of the equipment, under external vibration
32. It will not be possible to describe the details of analysis as it will vary from
equipment to equipment. Therefore, the firm's rep should discuss the detailed
methodology of the analysis with IAY/ IAG in advance so as to ensure proper
modelling and analysis. The firm should submit full report of vibration analysis in
hard and soft copies including the model file.