Dongon Vs Rapid Movers Co 2013
Dongon Vs Rapid Movers Co 2013
Dongon Vs Rapid Movers Co 2013
Petitioner Rapid is engaged in the hauling and trucking business while private respondent Nathaniel T.
Dongon is a former truck helper leadman.
Private respondents area of assignment is the Tanduay Otis Warehouse where he has a job of facilitating
the loading and unloading [of the] petitioners trucks. On 23 April 2001, private respondent and his driver,
Vicente Villaruz, were in the vicinity of Tanduay as they tried to get some goods to be distributed to their
Tanduays security guard called the attention of private respondent as to the fact that Mr. Villaruz[s] was
not wearing an Identification Card (I.D. Card). Private respondent, then, assured the guard that he will
secure a special permission from the management to warrant the orderly release of goods.
Instead of complying with his compromise, private respondent lent his I.D. Card to Villaruz; and by reason
of such misrepresentation, private respondent and Mr. Villaruz got a clearance from Tanduay for the
release of the goods. However, the security guard, who saw the misrepresentation committed by private
respondent and Mr. Villaruz, accosted them and reported the matter to the management of Tanduay.
On 23 May 2001, after conducting an administrative investigation, private respondent was dismissed from
the petitioning Company. On 01 June 2001, private respondent filed a Complaint for Illegal Dismissal.
The Labor Arbiter dismissed the complaint, and ruled that respondent Rapid Movers and Forwarders
Co., Inc. (Rapid Movers) rightly exercised its prerogative to dismiss petitioner, considering that: (1) he had
admitted lending his company ID to driver Vicente Villaruz; (2) his act had constituted mental dishonesty
and deceit amounting to breach of trust; (3) Rapid Movers relationship with Tanduay had been
jeopardized by his act; and (4) he had been banned from all the warehouses of Tanduay as a result,
leaving Rapid Movers with no available job for him.
On appeal, however, the NLRC reversed the Labor Arbiter, and held that Rapid Movers had not
discharged its burden to prove the validity of petitioners dismissal from his employment. It opined that
Rapid Movers did not suffer any pecuniary damage from his act; and that his dismissal was a penalty
disproportionate to the act of petitioner complained of. It awarded him backwages and separation pay in
lieu of reinstatement.
Rapid Movers brought a petition for certiorari in the CA which reinstated the decision of the Labor Arbiter
upholding the right of Rapid Movers to discipline its workers. Petitioner moved for reconsideration, but the
CA denied his motion on March 22, 2004. Petitioner is now on appeal before the SC.
1. W/N the petition for certiorari in this case is an improper remedy and hence dismissible;
2. W/N Dongons dismissal on the ground of wilful disobedience to the company regulation lawful.
1. NO. Ordinarily, an original action for certiorari will not prosper if the remedy of appeal is available, for
an appeal by petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45 of the Rules of Court and an original action for
certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules of Court are mutually exclusive, not alternative nor successive,
remedies. On several occasions, however, the Court has treated a petition for certiorari as a petition for
review on certiorari when: (a) the petition has been filed within the 15-day reglementary period; (b) public
welfare and the advancement of public policy dictate such treatment; (c) the broader interests of justice
require such treatment; (d) the writs issued were null and void; or (e) the questioned decision or order
amounts to an oppressive exercise of judicial authority.
The Court deems it proper to allow due course to the petition as one for certiorari under Rule 65 in the
broader interest of substantial justice, particularly because the NLRCs appellate adjudication was set
aside by the CA, and in order to put at rest the doubt that the CA, in so doing, exercised its judicial
authority oppressively. Whether the petition was proper or not should be of less importance than whether
the CA gravely erred in undoing and setting aside the determination of the NLRC as a reviewing forum
vis--vis the Labor Arbiter. We note in this regard that the NLRC had declared the dismissal of petitioner
to be harsh and not commensurate to the infraction committed. Given the spirit and intention underlying
our labor laws of resolving a doubtful situation in favor of the working man, we will have to review the
judgment of the CA to ascertain whether the NLRC had really committed grave abuse of its discretion.
This will settle the doubts on the propriety of terminating petitioner, and at the same time ensure that
justice is served to the parties.
2. NO. Willful disobedience to the lawful orders of an employer is one of the valid grounds to terminate an
employee under Article 296 (formerly Article 282) of the Labor Code. For willful disobedience to be a
ground, it is required that: (a) the conduct of the employee must be willful or intentional; and (b) the order
the employee violated must have been reasonable, lawful, made known to the employee, and must
pertain to the duties that he had been engaged to discharge. Willfulness must be attended by a wrongful
and perverse mental attitude rendering the employees act inconsistent with proper subordination. In any
case, the conduct of the employee that is a valid ground for dismissal under the Labor Code constitutes
harmful behavior against the business interest or person of his employer. It is implied that in every act of
willful disobedience, the erring employee obtains undue advantage detrimental to the business interest of
the employer.
Under the foregoing standards, the disobedience attributed to petitioner could not be justly characterized
as willful within the contemplation of Article 296 of the Labor Code. He neither benefitted from it, nor
thereby prejudiced the business interest of Rapid Movers. His explanation that his deed had been
intended to benefit Rapid Movers was credible. There could be no wrong or perversity on his part that
warranted the termination of his employment based on willful disobedience.
It is true that an employer is given a wide latitude of discretion in managing its own affairs. The broad
discretion includes the implementation of company rules and regulations and the imposition of disciplinary
measures on its employees. But the exercise of a management prerogative like this is not limitless, but
hemmed in by good faith and a due consideration of the rights of the worker. In this light, the
management prerogative will be upheld for as long as it is not wielded as an implement to circumvent the
laws and oppress labor.
Dismissal should only be a last resort, a penalty to be meted only after all the relevant circumstances
have been appreciated and evaluated with the goal of ensuring that the ground for dismissal was not only
serious but true. The cause of termination, to be lawful, must be a serious and grave malfeasance to
justify the deprivation of a means of livelihood. This requirement is in keeping with the spirit of our
Constitution and laws to lean over backwards in favor of the working class, and with the mandate that
every doubt must be resolved in their favor.
Although we recognize the inherent right of the employer to discipline its employees, we should still
ensure that the employer exercises the prerogative to discipline humanely and considerately, and that the
sanction imposed is commensurate to the offense involved and to the degree of the infraction. The
discipline exacted by the employer should further consider the employees length of service and the
number of infractions during his employment. The employer should never forget that always at stake in
disciplining its employee are not only his position but also his livelihood, and that he may also have a
family entirely dependent on his earnings.
Considering that petitioners motive in lending his company ID to Villaruz was to benefit Rapid Movers as
their employer by facilitating the loading of goods at the Tanduay Otis Warehouse for distribution to Rapid
Movers clients, and considering also that petitioner had rendered seven long unblemished years of
service to Rapid Movers, his dismissal was plainly unwarranted. The NLRCs reversal of the decision of
the Labor Arbiter by holding that penalty too harsh and disproportionate to the wrong attributed to him
was legally and factually justified, not arbitrary or whimsical. Consequently, for the CA to pronounce that
the NLRC had thereby gravely abused its discretion was not only erroneous but was itself a grave abuse
of discretion amounting to lack of jurisdiction for not being in conformity with the pertinent laws and
jurisprudence. We have held that a conclusion or finding derived from erroneous considerations is not a
mere error of judgment but one tainted with grave abuse of discretion.