TAH & BSO Review
TAH & BSO Review
TAH & BSO Review
6. Why are 2 curved artery forceps and 2 separate sutures used to clamp and suture the
infundibulopelvic (suspensory) ligament respectively?
This is because it contains the ovarian artery and vein (as well as lymphatics and nerves). 2 are
placed so that one can act as a back-up if the other becomes loose.
10. Which forceps are used to clamp the cardinal ligaments and what structure must be avoided
during ligation of these ligaments?
Lateral to the cervix are the cardinal ligaments (aka transverse cervical/ Mackenrodts
ligaments) which also extend from the lateral fornix of the vagina to attach to the pelvic wall.
Long straight Spencer Wells forceps clamp these ligaments which are then ligated, so that the
cervix can be removed from the vagina. The cardinal ligament is ligated starting from the lower
end while ensuring to avoid the ureter.
NB: The lower uterine segment can be distinguished from the upper uterine segment by looking
at the attachment of the vesicouteric fascia. At the lower segment, there is a loose fold of
vesicouteric fascia which is much more adherent in the upper segment.
14. Tacking of the muscle can be done. However suturing would tear the muscle tissue.
15. Upon closing the rectus sheath, why is it important not to suture too close to the edge of the
rectus sheath?
This is to decrease the risk of a hernia. Intraoperatively, a finger can be placed along the rectus
sheath to ensure that no defects are present.
16. Why is a flavine swab (aka a happy swab) placed into the vagina pre-operatively?
To prevent ascending infection during the operation and to determine if haemorrhage is still
occurring when it is removed after the operation, by looking for the presence of heavy bright
red blood on the swab.
Additional Notes
The utero-oavrian ligament (aka the ovarian ligament) attaches the inferomedial surface of the
ovary to the lateral surface of the uterus. It is continuous with the medial border of the round
ligament, both of which are remnants of the gubernaculum.
The vesico-uterine pouch lies anterior to the uterus, and is formed by the deflection of the
peritoneum from the badder to the body of the uterus.
The recto-uterine pouch (pouch of Douglas, cul-de-sac) lies posterior to the uterus, and is formed
by the deflection of peritoneum from the uterus to the rectum.