549 Powerful Coaching Questions FREE U
549 Powerful Coaching Questions FREE U
549 Powerful Coaching Questions FREE U
Most of these questions are 140 characters or less - so we'd love you to use them
on Twitter or Facebook to inspire your followers or perhaps create new ones!
TIP: If they fit on one line, they are significantly less than 140 characters, leaving
you room for comments or 'retweetability'.
Origins: I'm unsure of where each individual question has come from. I have
collected them over the last 12+ years from an endless variety of sources.
Some of the questions are my own and the rest come from books, various
coach training, NLP training (big thanks to Nicole Koch - NLP expert
extraordinaire who is awesome to observe), movies, coach forums (or is that
fora?), Twitter, Facebook, Linked in and too many places to mention. THANK-
YOU everybody! I am a merely a facilitator - YOU are the creators.
Remember that it's not the question that creates the transformation or "Aha"
moment, but asking the right question at the right time... And to do that - it's
all about being present for - and with - your clients.
So, ask questions that help your client understand - and question themselves.
Help them bring the hidden into view, help them process and understand
what they find - and then help them take action that grows them.
I hope these questions give you lots of ideas on how to do that. Enjoy!
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TABLE OF CONTENTS .......................................................................................................... 3
GETTING STARTED RIGHT ................................................................................................... 4
Establishing Coaching Session Topic ............................................................................ 4
Establishing Session Goals ............................................................................................ 4
The First Session ............................................................................................................ 4
GOALS................................................................................................................................... 5
Setting Coaching Goals ................................................................................................. 5
Setting Annual Goals ..................................................................................................... 6
Goal ECOLOGY ............................................................................................................... 6
Refining Goals Making them SMART ........................................................................ 8
Getting UNSTUCK ................................................................................................................ 9
Making Decisions and Moving Forwards ................................................................... 10
ACTIONS ............................................................................................................................. 10
Brainstorming Action Options .................................................................................... 10
Choosing Actions to Move Forwards With ................................................................. 11
Identifying and Removing Obstacles .......................................................................... 12
Reviewing Why Actions Have Not Been Completed .................................................. 12
COMMITMENT and ACCOUNTABILITY ..............................................................................13
Establishing Inner and Outer Resources .....................................................................13
Gaining Commitment ...................................................................................................13
Creating Accountability............................................................................................... 14
REVIEWING Progress and REFOCUSING........................................................................... 14
CELEBRATING .....................................................................................................................15
SELF-DISCOVERY .................................................................................................................15
Identifying Strengths ...................................................................................................15
Identifying Values ....................................................................................................... 16
Gremlins and Limiting Beliefs ..................................................................................... 16
Developing Self-Belief ................................................................................................. 18
Uncovering Self and Identity ...................................................................................... 19
Accessing Intuition, Inner Wisdom and Inspiration .................................................. 19
Great POWERFUL Questions!............................................................................................ 20
5 Catch-all Questions for When YOU Don't Know What to Ask! .............................. 20
On People and Relationships ...................................................................................... 20
Miscellaneous Powerful Questions! ............................................................................ 21
Other Useful Questions ..................................................................................................... 22
Softening Tough Questions ........................................................................................ 22
Dealing with Talkative Clients ..................................................................................... 22
Responding to "I Don't Know" ................................................................................... 22
Wrapping up....................................................................................................................... 23
Wrapping up a Session................................................................................................ 23
Wrapping up the Coaching ......................................................................................... 23
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Setting Coaching Goals
29. "What are you tolerating/putting up with?" (Make a list)
30. "What do you love?" (Make a list)
31. "What do you hate?" (Make a list)
32. "What are your current issues?" (Make a list)
33. "What's bugging you right now?" (Make a list)
34. "What excites and inspires you?" (Make a list)
35. "What would you like as a goal if you knew you could not fail?"
36. "What bothers you the most right now?"
37. "What's one/three/five things you would love to do before you die?"
38. "If you were to FULLY live your life, what is the first change you would start to make?"
39. "What do you secretly yearn for?"
40. "What is missing in your life right now?"
41. "What areas of your life could be upgraded or tweaked?"
42. "What are the 3 things that would make the biggest difference in your life?"
43. "What do you really, really want?"
44. "If you dared say it aloud, what would you make happen in your career/life?"
45. "If you won the lottery, what would you do?"
46. "If you could do anything at all, what would be your ideal career/life?"
47. "If there was an outcome you were secretly looking for, what would it be?"
48. "What could we work on that would make the biggest difference to your life?"
49. "What are three things you are doing regularly that don't serve or support you?"
50. "For your life to be perfect, what would have to change?"
51. "What's one change you could make that would give you more peace/calm?"
52. "If you are 90 years old and looking back over your life, what have you done to make
you feel proud?"
53. "What's your dream for this lifetime?"
54. "If you were to FULLY live your life, what is the first change you would start to make?"
55. "What would have happened in 6 months that your life/career/business is doing better
than you could have expected?"
56. And why not stretch your clients? "How would you feel about doubling that goal?"
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The Best Goals are Stated in the Positive:
69. "How can we make this something you're aiming towards, rather than something
you're trying to move away from?"
70. "How can you make this goal a positive statement of what you want to achieve?"
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88. "How important is this goal to YOU personally?" (Ask your clients to use scale of 1-10. To
be congruent, you're ideally looking for an 8/10 or more)
89. "How does this goal align with your values?"
90. "Is this goal in line with the overall vision you have for your life?"
91. "What's your gut-feel about this goal ? Does it align with who you are?"
92. "What's REALLY important to you in life - will this goal help you achieve more of that?"
93. "Are the goals something YOU truly want, or are they something you think you SHOULD
have or SHOULD be doing?" (If it's a SHOULD, explore whose goal or dream it is)
94. "When you think about your goal what do you feel?" (Eg. If it gives them a sense of deep
contentment, 'rightness' and/or excitement these are good signs that it's a healthy goal)
One great way to check congruency is for the client to 'experience' completion of the goal and
see how they feel and if they still want it.
95. "Describe what completing your goal/s will look like in your life?"
96. "Suppose for a moment that you have your goal, what is it like? What do you feel? What
are you seeing, hearing and saying to yourself?
97. "What will this goal/outcome allow you to do?" Then ask, "What will that be like?"
98. "What is different about your life once your goal has been achieved?"
99. "What would be the biggest impact from achieving your goal(s)?"
100. "Imagine how you will handle each day when your goal is completed?"
101. "What might you be saying to yourself when your goal is completed?"
102. "Tell me a situation where completing your goal will be useful?"
103. "Tell me in what other situations and contexts achieving your goal would be helpful?"
(Make a list)
104. "Imagine a situation where what you want has occurred. What would other people
notice about you?"
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Relationship Impacts
113. "How will taking action towards this goal impact other people in your life?"
114. "Who else could be affected if you achieve this goal?"
115. Then ask, "What if their response is not what you expect?"
116. "How does what others think and feel affect how YOU feel about your goal?"
117. "Who might be upset if you achieved this goal?"
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When a client feels stuck, they still have a goal - to get unstuck, make a decision or a change.
133. "How important is ________ to you really?"
134. "What's the pay-off for being stuck?"
135. "What if you LOWERED your expectations and got moving that way?"
136. "How's that working for you? (from the wonderful Carol Pressnall Leek)
137. "Who will be the 'winners' and 'losers' if you achieve your goal?" (explore how this could
be getting in the way)
138. "Who are you now, and who will you need to become to complete your goal?"
139. "What happens if you continue with your present behaviour?"
140. "What do you get out of having this difficulty?"
141. "What are you avoiding?"
142. "What do you gain from staying stuck?" (There must be a 'benefit' or they wouldn't be stuck!)
143. "If you secretly knew what was holding you back, what would it be?"
144. "What are you not seeing or acknowledging?"
145. "What do you NOT want me to ask you?"
146. "Imagine for a moment that your issue is resolved. How did you get there?"
147. "So, what do you think you're SECRETLY afraid of, that's getting in the way of ________?"
148. "What do you think you're afraid of, that's getting in the way of living the life you want?"
149. "What are you ready to change?"
150. "What are you NOT ready to change YET?"
151. What would you suggest I ask you to move this forwards?
152. "What haven't you admitted out loud yet?"
153. "What's the problem in a nutshell?"
154. "Now, what's the problem in one sentence?"
155. "And what's the problem in one word?"
156. "How important is this to you REALLY?"
157. "What would YOU suggest I ask you to move this forwards?"
158. "What EXCITES and INSPIRES you?" (Make a list)
159. "What are you TOLERATING and Putting up with?" (Make a list)
160. "Imagine for a moment that your issue is resolved. How did you get there?"
161. "What could make a difference?" Then ask, "What would make a difference?"
162. "If, overnight a miracle happened and you got unstuck, who would you be?"
163. "What research could you do to help you find the first step?
164. "Who could you talk to who would illuminate this issue?"
165. "What do you NOT want me to ask you?"
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Brainstorming Action Options
184. "What could you do as the very first step towards meeting your goal?"
185. "What could you STOP doing? Do LESS of? Do MORE of? CONTINUE doing? START
doing?" (Make a list) You may also like: *Free* Action Brainstorming Coaching Worksheet
186. "Have you ever done this or something similar before?" Then, "What did you do last time?"
187. "Do you personally know anyone who already has your goal?"
188. Then ask, "What could you learn from them?"
189. "If you had a choice, what could you do?"
190. "What hasn't worked yet?"
191. "Let's imagine it's a year from now and you've accomplished your goal. What steps have
you taken to achieve it?"
192. "What are all the crazy and wacky things you could do to meet your goal?"
193. "Suppose, just for a moment, you live in a world where fear and anxiety do not exist.
What could you do now?"
194. "Suppose you had all the information you needed, what would be the next step/s?"
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195. "Let's imagine you're really excited about this. What would you do?"
196. "If you were at your best, what would you do right now?"
197. "If you (secretly) knew what you had to do, what would it be?"
198. "What if you were an expert in the area of your goal? What would you advise yourself to do?"
199. "What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail?"
200. "What could you do if you didn't care what other people thought?"
201. "Imagine you had all the time you needed what would you do?"
202. "Imagine you're fully confident in your abilities, what could you do?"
203. "Imagine you're fully confident that others will support you. Now what could you do?"
204. "Imagine having a chat with the wisest person you can think of (whether you know
them or not). What would they tell you to do?"
205. "What if money were not an issue?"
206. "If there was no 'history' or 'politics' to this what could you do?"
207. "If you were rich beyond your wildest dreams how would you approach things differently?"
208. "What would you do if you didn't have to live with the consequences?"
209. "What would you advise your best friend to do if they were in your situation?"
210. "What would your best friend advise you to do?"
211. "What would you advise your son/daughter/child to do in this situation?"
212. "What is an impossible option?"
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Gaining Commitment
281. "What would it take for you to MAKE this happen?"
282. "What would you be willing to give up to achieve your action?"
283. "How could you break this down into smaller, more manageable steps?"
284. "What is the PAIN for you of NOT achieving this goal?"
285. "When SPECIFICALLY will you do your action/s? Tell me the day AND time."
286. "On a scale of 1 to 10, how likely are you to complete each action?"
- If it's below an 8, then ask "What is stopping you from completing the action?"
- Then make resolving this obstacle their first action!
287. "How do you normally sabotage yourself - and what will you do differently this time?"
288. "Tell me how you'll feel once you have completed your actions?"
289. "How will you reward yourself when you complete your actions?"
290. "On a scale of 1 to 10, how excited do you feel about taking these actions?"
291. Then ask , "What would increase that score?"
292. And then, "What could you do to make that a 10?"
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Creating Accountability
307. "How would you like to be held accountable?"
308. "How will you be able to show me you have completed your action?"
309. "Are you willing to make a contract with me? What will that look like?"
310. "Who needs to know to make sure this action gets done?"
311. "How will I know you've completed your action/s?"
312. "What actions DIDN'T you take that led to this problem/situation?"
313. "Who could you ask to support you, and what do you need them to do for you?"
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326. "What were your biggest achievements this year?"
327. "What are you most proud of?"
328. "What have you achieved that has surprised you?"
329. "What 'smaller', less obvious things are you proud of achieving this year?"
330. "What steps have you made towards larger goals that you need to acknowledge
yourself for?"
331. "What did you fail at or make a mistake on that needs recognizing?"
332. "What did you learn, and what are you proud of in how you handled it?"
333. "What will you do to celebrate, recognize and acknowledge your achievements?"
Identifying Strengths
The client won't always know their strengths - instead ask them questions and then explore
their answers for strengths. Also, notice themes that come up regularly - these may be talents!
334. "What are three of your greatest strengths?"
335. "Tell me about some of the biggest challenges in your life? How did you overcome them?"
336. "Tell me about your first achievement?" (Encourage them to share even it seems boring
or small now this gives pointers to early success and strengths)
337. "What do you enjoy doing?" (We usually enjoy what we are good at!)
338. "What are most you proud of in your life?"
339. "What do you like about yourself?"
340. (Ask yourself) "What do I like about my client?" (Thanks to the talented Lizzy Rowe)
341. "What do you yearn to do?"
342. "What are some unusual skills you have?" (The word 'unusual' forces them to think
what's different about themselves so be sure to dig deeper to find underlying strength/s)
343. "What would not be like it is had you not been part of it?" (eg. a project, event, work or
volunteer effort)
344. "What do you get complimented on most?" (If they have trouble answering, ask them to
think back to childhood, report cards, appraisals etc.)
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Identifying Values
Like strengths, identifying values often involves asking initial questions - and then exploring further.
345. "If there were just three rules that EVERYONE would have to follow what would they be?"
(Gives major clues to someone's key values)
346. "Consider the last week. What did you go out of your way to do and not do?" (Eg. If they
went out of their way to pick up garbage or be kind to someone in need they may have
values of community, service, respect, kindness)
347. "Think about times you have got angry/upset/irritated. What value/s were not being met?"
348. "Think about times when you have been really happy? What values were being met?"
349. "What do you stand for?"*
350. "What would you stand up and fight for?"*
351. "What would you risk your reputation over?"*
352. "What does it mean to you to have a full and rich life?" *
353. "If you could only take 3 THINGS into a difficult, possibly dangerous situation, which are
the things they absolutely must have?" *
354. "What is your favourite animal and why?" *
355. "What is your favourite activity and why?" *
356. "Who do you admire? What specifically about them do you admire?" *
* For these questions keep asking, "What's special about that?" until you get to a value.
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366. "What does your Gremlin tell you? What does he/she/it look like?"
(from the unstoppable Jay Platt!)
367. "How do you stand in your own way?"
368. "What do you avoid?"
369. Then ask, "How does this 'avoidance' affect your life?"
370. "What do you avoid feeling?"
371. Then ask, "How does this impact you in your life?"
372. "What would be the worst insult someone could throw at you?"
373. "If I were to really hurt your feelings, what should I say?"
374. "What might you be embarrassed to look at that could be stopping you from ________?"
375. "What's getting in the way here? What might you feel silly to say out loud?"
376. "What rules do you have about how you should behave, that are getting in the way of
you moving forwards?"
377. "Give me some ideas about how you have been getting in your own way."
378. "What is it that you believe, that keeps you from being fully yourself?"
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Developing Self-Belief
416. "Where could I be more forgiving and understanding of myself?"
417. "What would happen in your life if we doubled your self-belief?"
418. And, "What if we quadrupled your self-belief, what then?"
419. "Imagine seeing yourself through the eyes of someone who truly loves and respects
you. What new things do you see?" (Make a list)
420. "What's wrong with you just the way you are?" (All too often we're busy fixing ourselves
instead of being OK with who we are right now!)
421. "Where are you not respecting yourself right now?"
422. Then, "What are you going to do about it?"
423. When client voices a negative statement about themselves ask, "How do you react when
you believe that thought?" (from Byron Katie's "The Work")
424. "How would your LIFE be different if you really believed in yourself?"
425. "How would YOU be different if you really believed in yourself?"
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458. "Where in your body are you feeling that right now?"
459. "What is that feeling telling you?"
460. "Is there a metaphor for that feeling that we can work with?"
461. "What is the feeling you have been ignoring?"
462. "If you were to totally and completely trust your intuition, what would you tell yourself?"
463. "What would you do now if you decided NOT to trust your intuition?"
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Wrapping up a Session
534. "What that we've learned here today, can you take forwards?"
535. "What do you feel the most beneficial part of the session was?"
536. "So, what have you taken away from this session/call/week?"
537. "What was your biggest 'win' of the session?"
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I hope these Coaching Questions help you grow your business and your clients!
Here are some things to do if you liked this Coaching Questions Tool:
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