High Level Modeling of An Ultra Wide-Band Baseband Transmitter in MATLAB
High Level Modeling of An Ultra Wide-Band Baseband Transmitter in MATLAB
High Level Modeling of An Ultra Wide-Band Baseband Transmitter in MATLAB
AbstractWireless Personal Area Network ( WPAN ) system designed but Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing
with ranges of 4-10 m become popular in replacing wire system, (OFDM) has become the ultimate choice for modulation
technologies such as Bluetooth and ZigBee used for this purpose scheme for high data rate digital transmission due to its
but due to its low data rate of 1 Mbps which is not enough for spectral efficiency and robustness against multipath
large file transfer and applications like video streaming there is a interference.
need of technology which address all these issues, Ultra
Wideband is such a emerging wireless technology which support In multi-band OFDM approach the large swaths of ultra
data rates up to 0.5 Gbps. UWB with its Multi-Band Orthogonal wideband frequency spectrum is divided into fourteen smaller
Frequency Division Multiplexing ( MB-OFDM ) infrastructure is subbands, each of 528 MHz which is further grouped into five
an ultimate choice for the transmission of high speed data by bands each of which comprises of three subbands and the last
dividing its wide frequency spectrum into sub 14-bands. The one consists of two subbands as see in Fig. 1. The MB-OFDM
architecture of MB-OFDM transmitter baseband is presented in UWB system also supports multiples modes of operation: a
this paper and its modeling in MATLAB is discussed in detail. mandatory mode in which first three subbands are included
Modeling of UWB PHY transmitter baseband in MATLAB is (Mode 1) and an optional mode which consist of seven
helpful for designing its commercial product by optimizing subbands (Mode 2).
various parameters.
The remaining paper is organized as follows Section 2
I. INTRODUCTION provides a brief overview on the architecture of the baseband
portion of MB-OFDM transmitter. The modeling of building
In February 2002, the Federal Communications blocks of MB-OFDM transmitter is discussed in detail in
Commission (FCC) allocated a large spectrum from 3.1 GHz Section 3. Finally some concluding remarks and future work is
to 10.6 GHz for use of commercial applications of UWB. discussed in Section 4.
Since then great efforts are made in standardization of UWB
devices. The IEEE 802.15.3 Task Group ( TG3a ) is set for
proposing final draft for UWB standards, the committee finals II. ARCHITECTURE OF MB-OFDM TRANSMITTER BASEBAND
two drafts one proposed UWB using direct sequence CDMA Basic building blocks of MB-OFDM transmitter baseband
supported by Xtreme Spectrum and Deca Wave and other is is shown in Figure 2. Data from MAC is coming to side
UWB using MB-OFDM base structure supported by Intel and stream scrambler which function isto randomizes the data
Texas but deadlock arises between these two. So group of stream to remove repeated patterns and spaces, after which
more than 170 companies which includes Intel, Texas and incoming data are encoded to reduce the bit error rate. The
Motorola and many others forms a forum with the name of main purpose isto correct the error that are arises due to the
WiMedia Alliance for the development of UWB system using channel, convolutional encoder is suitable for this purpose
multi-band ofdm structure which announces its High Rate with coding rate of 5/8 which is acquired by puncturering
Ultra Wideband MAC and PHY standards which is also some data. The stream of data then shall be interleaved prior
supported by ECMA by releasing two international ISO based to modulation to provide robustness against burst of errors.
specifications ECMA 368 and ECMA 369 for Ultra Wideband
technology. Also, in 2007 IEEE 802.15 Task Group (TG4a) After coding and interleaving serial binary data divided
approved a standard which support UWB infrastructure using into group of two bits which is converted into complex valued
Direct sequence CDMA spread spectrum approach. constellation points which becomes input to the IFFT which is
the core of baseband portion of transmitter. A 128 point IFFT
Ultra Wideband with its absolute bandwidth of more than is used to create 122 subcarriers out of which 12 are pilot
500 MHz and with its low transmitting power provides wealth subcarriers, 100 data subcarriers and 10 are guard subcarriers,
of advantages better than any communication system five at each end. The rest six are set to null subcarriers. To
because these two features provides high accuracy and compensate for multipath propagation and to eliminate ISI a
friendly coexistence with other communication system, to Zero pad suffix of length 37 is added. Table 1. summarizes the
fulfill these requirements many wireless protocols have been parameters related to ultra wideband MB-OFDM modulation.
Matlab is a high level technical computing language which In addition, the scrambler shall be initialized to a seed
provide interactive envoirment for algorithm development and value specified by the MAC at the beginning of the MAC
modeling of communication system. Also integration of header and then re-initialized to the same seed value at the
Simulink with Matlab offer various tools for simulating and beginning of the PSDU.
testing any communication system. UWB with transfer data
rate of 200 Mbps is modeled. Below is the description of the The polynomial generator, g(D), for the pseudo-random
UWB Model proposed in Simulink. binary sequence (PRBS) generator shall be;
f(x) xx
sn = bn xn (4)
In Matlab there is a builtin block of PN SEQUENCE
GENERATOR which has a parameters of generator where bn are unscrambled data bits.
polynomomial and initial states of shift registers which in our
case become [ 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 ] and [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1]. In Matlab there is a block of scrambler with a parameter of
scramble polynomial and initial states. Scramble polynomial is
B. Scrambler defined by 2 and the initial states represents the states of
A scrambler (often referred to as a randomizer) is a device scrambler register when simulation starts.
that manipulates a data stream before transmitting. The C. FEC Encoder ( Convolutional Encoder )
purpose of scrambling is to eliminate the dependence of a
signals power spectrum upon the actual transmitted data and Convolutional Coding is a part of the Forward Error
making it more disperse to meet maximum power spectral Correction (FEC) done in communication systems. The
density requirements, because if the power is concentrated purpose of forward error correction (FEC) is to improve the
in a narrow frequency band, it can interfere with adjacent capacity of a channel by adding some carefully designed
channels. A side-stream scrambler shall be used to whiten redundant information to the data being transmitted through
only portions of the PLCP header , i.e., the MAC header and the channel. The process of adding this redundant information
is known as channel coding .
Parameters Values In MB-OFDM system we perform two types of
NSD : Number of Data Subcarrier 100 interleaving: symbol interleaving and tone interleaving as see
NSP : Number of Pilot Subcarrier 12 in Figure 4. In Symbol interleaving bits of stream are
NSG : Number of Guard carriers 10 interleaved over three OFDM symbol to acquire different level
NST : Number of total Subcarrier 122 of frequency diversity because each OFDM symbol is
Number of Null carriers used 6 transmitted in different frequency bands. The symbol
Number of Samples per zero padding suffix 37 interleaver works on 3NCBPS bits where NCBPS is the number of
Total Number of samples per symbol 165 coded bits per OFDM symbol which in our case is 200. If A(i)
Subcarrier Modulation QPSK and B(j) represent the input and output bits of the symbol
TSYM : Symbol Interval 312.5 ns interleaver respectively at position j, the relationship between
Code Rate 1/3. 1/2, 5/8, 3/4, 11/32 the two is given by;
In the proposed design of our model of UWB for 200 B(j) = A{ floor( i/NCBPS ) + 3mod( i, NCBPS ) } (5)
Mbps according to the defined standard the code rate is 5/8
which is obtained by combining five encoder with a rate of /3 Where i, j = 0, 1, 2 .NCBPS.
(known as mother rate) and by puncturering some output bits.
The constraint length parameter k is 7. The generator The output B(j) from symbol interleaver is passed through
polynomial define for UWB are g0 = 1338, g1 = 1658 and g2 = tone interleaver. Tone interleaver is then used to interleave bits
1718, these numbers are in octet system which is converted to in each OFDM symbol to exploit frequency diversity across
binary number system where in binary number if bit is 1 then tones and provide robustness against narrow band interferers. If
it shows the connection of that register with modulo addition C(i) and D(j) represents inputs and outputs of tone interleaver
and if bit is 0 then register is not connected with shift registers respectively, the relationship between them is given by;
as shown in Figure 3. The bit denoted as A shall be the first
bit generated by the encoder, followed by the bit denoted as
B, and finally, by the bit denoted as C. The Convolutional D(j) = C{ floor( i/N ) + 10mod( i, N ) } (6)
Encoder block in Matlab has a parameter of Trellis structure
which is define by poly2trellis command which has two Where N = NCBPS/10
arguments constraint length and code generator polynomial
which is defined above. Poly2trellis command create a trellis i, j = 0, 1, 2, NCBPS
diagram which is best representation for convolutional Matrix interleaver blocks has a parameters of number of
encoding. The operation mode is selected Terminate trellis columns and number of rows which in our case become 100
by appending bitsby pop down menu which terminate the and 3 respectively for symbol interleaver and for tone
trellis at the all zero state by appending tail bits at the end of interleaver it becomes 10 and 10. Buffer block is also used to
each input frame. scale up the matrix size at the beginning of symbol interleaver
D. Puncturer and at the end of matrix interleaver, buffer block is also used
in the mid position to scale down the dimension of data matrix
The principle of puncturing is a process by which a few to make correct input dimensions for tone interleaver.
parity bits are deleted in order to improve the code rate. In
Matlab the puncture block creates an output vector by F. SubCarrier Modulator (QPSK Modulator Baseband)
removing selected elements of the input vector and preserving For data rates less than or equal to 200 Mbps preferred
others. The input can be a real or complex vector of length K. subcarrier modulation is QPSK and for data rate greater than
The block determines which elements to remove or preserve by 200 Mbps Dual carrier modulation (DCM) is preferred. Since
using the binary Puncture vector parameter. If Puncture vector our proposed UWB system is for 200 Mbps so we use QPSK
(k) = 0, then the kth element of the input vector does not baseband modulator. The serial binary data from the
become part of the output vector and If Puncture vector (k) = 1, interleaver shall be grouped into two bits and converted into
then the kth element of the input vector is preserved in the complex numbers representing QPSK Constellation points.
output vector. Since the input is frame base therefore puncture The conversion shall be performed according to the Gray-
vector must be multiple of it. coded constellation mappings. The values, d, are formed by
multiplying the resulting (I + jQ) value by a normalization
factor of KMOD, as described in (7);
00 -1 -1
01 -1 1
10 1 -1
11 1 1
Figure 5. Implementation of Bit Interleaver in Matlab then Concatenate into single dimension by using MATRIX
CONCATENATE block. Channel Estimation Sequence block
d = ( I + jQ )*KMOD (7) is then concatenate with the output of the MATRIX
CONCANTENATE block. After the construction of
signalinverse fast fourier transform is applied by using builtin
where KMOD = Normailzation Factor = 1 / 2 block of the IFFT in Matlab, Packet Synchronization
Sequence and Frame sequence is added concatenate with the
For QPSK, bo determines the I value and b1 determines the output of the IFFT by again using MATRIX
Q value. Matlab has builtin QPSK baseband modulator block CONCATENATE block. Zero padding suffix and guard
with parameters Input type, Constellation ordering and phase interval is added in the last so we get a [ 165 x 1 ] length of an
offset which we set Bit , Gray and pi/4 respectively in our OFDM signal which is our requirement.
This is the core block of MB-OFDM Transmitter Base
band. In this block construction of an OFDM signal and IFFT MD[l] MG[l] MP[l]
operation takes place. OFDM Signal can be described by the l 56 ; l=0 -61 + l ; -55 + 10*l ; l = 0, 1, 2, 3,,11
(8); l =0.4
l 55 ; 1 l 9 52 + l ;
l =5.9
Sn[k]=1/NFFT [ CD,n[l]exp(j2*pi*MD[l]k/NFFT)+ CG,n[l] l 54 ; 10 l 18
exp(j2*pi*MG[l]k/NFFT)+ CP,n[l]exp(j2*pi*MP[l]k/NFFT)] (8) l 53 ; 19 l 27
l 52 ; 28 l 36
where limit of first is [0,NSD 1] , limit of second is l 51 ; 37 l 45
[0, NSG 1] and the last one has a limit [0,NSP 1] and k [0,
l 50 ; 46 l 49
NFFT 1]. CD,n[l] , CG,n[l] and CP,n[l] are the complex numbers
placed on the lth data,guard and the pilot subcarriers of nth l 49 ; 50 l 53
OFDM symbol and MD[l],MG[l] and MP[l] define a mapping l 48 ; 54 l 62
from the indices [0,NSD 1], [ 0, NSG 1] and [0,NSP 1] to l 47 ; 63 l 71
the logical frequncy offset indices as defined in Table 3. In
l 46 ; 72 l 80
baseband portion data is transmitted from Physical Service
Data Unit (PSDU) to PLCP Protocol Data Unit (PPDU), l 45 ; 81 l 89
which comprises of PLCP Preamble, PLCP Header and l 44 ; 90 l 98
PSDU, PLCP Header and PSDU is modeled as the input l 43 ; l = 99
source of the transmitter because they need scrambling now
we modeled PLCP Preamble which comprises of Packet
Synchronization Sequence, Frame Synchronization Sequence H. Simulation Results
and Channel Estimation Sequence which is modeled in Matlab
by creating a matrix of [123x9], [128x3] and [128x6] with Transmitted OFDM signal can be viewed using SCOPE
values defined in [5]. After constellation mapping of a signal block whose snapshot is shown in Fig. 6.
its enter into the Modulator Subsystem where its first passes
through the Group data for OFDM Symbol block which IV . CONCLUSION
reshape the signal after then its indices is converted into
logical frequency offset with the help of SELECT ROW In this model, we proposed architecture of MB-OFDM
block, also Pilot signal and Null carriers are added to it which UWB baseband transmitter. Power Spectrum of Transmitter
is modeled by using DSP CONSTANT block and their values shows in Figure 6. that it fulfill the FCC standards for UWB
are defined in the parameters of the block, all these signals are System. By changing code rate and subcarrier modulator
block, we can model this system for various data rates for
UWB system. Thus this model provides good basis for
implementing an ASIC for proposed design in future.
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Figure 6. OFDM Transmitted Signal