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Timeline of Paper and Papermaking

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707 Imported Chinese

Timeline of Paper
paper started being used
and Papermaking in Mecca.
748 First printed
3000 BC Egyptians newspaper appeared in
mastered the art of Peking.
creating papyrus paper. 751 Arabs started
2450 BC Oldest producing paper after
surviving record of they learned its recipe
animal skins being from Chinese prisoners.
processed into parchment. 868 One of the earliest
2200 BC Oldest printed book was Diamond
surviving record of Sutra by Wang Chieh. It
Egyptian papyrus. was a 16 feet long
200 BC First parchment scroll.
manufacture appeared in 875 - Toilet paper used
Ancient China, more in China.
precisely in Pergamon 800 Paper being used
(Asia Minor). and produced in Egypt.
150 BC First organized 969 First appearance of
production of paper playing paper cards in
started in China. It was China.
made from macerated hemp 1035 First recorded
fibers, old fishnets, reference of paper
plant bark and water. packaging found in the
149 BC First dictionary diary of Persian traveler
produced in China by Hu Nasiri Khosrau. He
Shin. It contained around witnessed street food
10 thousand characters. sellers of Cairo packing
105 AD First written up their goods in paper.
record about process of 1040 Chinese inventor
paper manufacture created Bi Sheng created first
by Ts'ai Lun in China. Movable type during the
His guidelines continued Song Dynasty.
to be used for several 1109 Earliest European
more centuries. paper manuscript deed
250 AD First book about of King Roger written in
algebra written by Arabic and Greek.
Diophantus of Alexandria. 1151 Paper started
500 Mayans used paper being manufactured in
created from tree barks. Europe.
610 Paper arrived and 1282 Watermarks started
started to be being used in Italy.
manufactured in Japan. 1450-55 Gutenberg
printed first bible with
moveable type printing called, appropriately enough,
machine. beating. Inside a large tub, the
1495 First paper mill pulp is subjected to the effect
established in England. of machine beaters.
1549 Spanish burned
Mayan library of ancient
Pulp to paper
texts. 3 In order to finally turn the
1636 Blame for plague pulp into paper, the pulp is fed
landed on linen and or pumped into giant, automated
cotton rags that were machines. The paper then moves
imported by papermills. onto the press section of the
1690 First papermill machine, where it is pressed
established in USA. between rollers of wool felt.
1705 First American
The paper then passes over a
newspaper - Boston News
series of steam-heated cylinders
to remove the remaining water. A
1798 Paper machine
created by inventor large machine may have from 40
N.L.Robert. to 70 drying cylinders.
1804 - First book printed Finishing
on machine-made paper. 4 Finally, the dried paper is
1806 - Fourdrinier wound onto large reels, where it
machine patented. will be further processed
1844 Paper started
depending on its ultimate use.
being made from grounded
Paper is smoothed and compacted
1854 Paper being made further by passing through metal
from cellulose fibres rollers called calendars. A
extracted from timber particular finish, whether soft
with caustic soda. and dull or hard and shiny, can
1863 First newspaper be imparted by the calendars
created from the ground
wood paper.
The Manufacturing
Making pulp
1 Several processes are commonly
used to convert logs to wood
pulp. In the mechanical process,
logs are first tumbled in drums
to remove the bark.
2 The pulp is next put through a
pounding and squeezing process

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