Stainless Steels
Stainless Steels
Stainless Steels
This section deals with consumables giving compositions and properties close to those of the more common
martensitic stainless base materials. All are low hydrogen types and most have rutile flux coverings for use in
the flat and H-V positions, since welds are more common in plate, forgings and castings than fixed pipework.
Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) is mandatory, particularly for tempering the weld and HAZ of martensitic
Data Specifications
Alloy Process Product
13.RMP E410-26 E 13 R
B-10 410 13.1.BMP (E410-25) DIN: E 13 1 MPB
TIG/MIG 12Cr ER410 13
MMA 13.4.Mo.LR E410NiMo-26 E 13 4 R
B-11 410NiMo TIG/MIG ER410NiMo ER410NiMo 13 4
FCW Supercore 410NiMo E410NiMoT1-1/4 T 13 4 P
FV520-1 -- --
17.4.Cu.R (E630-16) --
B-12 FV520-B -- --
17-4PH ER630 --
MCW Metcore FV520 -- --
The stainless steels in most widespread use are standard austenitic types. They combine general ease of
fabrication with useful properties over a wide range of temperatures. Low carbon and other grades,
effectively immune to HAZ corrosion (once known as weld decay), are produced economically by continuous
casting, a process which relies on a particular solidification mode that also guarantees welds their resistance to
hot cracking.
Consumables in this section are intended to match austenitic stainless steels, and some are modified for
special service properties. The majority of electrodes have rutile or acid-rutile flux coverings for ease of use,
although improved basic types are gaining popularity for fixed pipework. Many types have family variants
optimised for particular user requirements: Supermet for downhand and HV welds, Ultramet (rutile) for all-
positional welding, Ultramet P (rutile) and Ultramet B (basic) types for pipewelding, Vertamet for higher
speed vertical-down welding, and Supercore for flux cored wires.
For normal service below about 400C, it is common to weld low carbon 304L with 308L consumables, and Ti-
stabilised 321 or unstabilised 304 with Nb-stabilised 347, although either is suitable for any combination of
these 19%Cr-9%Ni alloys. Similarly, 19%Cr-12%Ni-2.5%Mo type 316L can be used instead of 318 (Nb-stabilised
316) for 316 and 316Ti as well as parent 316L. Above about 400C 'H' grades are usual, and these high
temperature weld metals with >0.04% carbon for strength and stability are covered in Section C. For cryogenic
service, see below.
The final group of consumables in this section are intended for nuclear power applications. There are two
types firstly those with an N suffix designed to meet the requirements of the French RCC-M Nuclear
Construction Code (data sheets B-80 & B-81). The second group are the Nitric Acid Grade (NAG) 308L
consumables designed for fuel reprocessing applications (data sheet B-88)
Data Specifications
Alloy Process Product
Supermet 308L E308L-17 E 19 9 L R
Ultramet 308L E308L-16 E 19 9 L R
Ultramet 308LP E308L-16 E 19 9 L R
Ultramet B308L E308L-15 E 19 9 L B
B-30 308L TIG 308S92 ER308L W 19 9 L
MIG Supermig 308LSi ER308LSi G 19 9 L Si
SAW 308S92 ER308L S 19 9 L
Supercore 308L E308LT0-1/4 T 19 9 L R
Supercore 308LP E308LT1-1/4 T 19 9 L P
Ultramet 347 E347-16 E 19 9 Nb R
Ultramet B347 E347-15 E 19 9 Nb B
B-31 347
TIG/MIG/SAW 347S96 ER347 19 9 Nb
FCW Supercore 347 E347T0-1/4 T 19 9 Nb R
Supermet 316L E316L-17 E 19 12 3 L R
Ultramet 316L E316L-16 E 19 12 3 L R
Ultramet 316LP E316L-16 E 19 12 3 L R
Ultramet B316L E316L-15 E 19 12 3 L B
TIG 316S92 ER316L W 19 12 3 L
B-32 316L
MIG Supermig 316LSi ER316LSi G 19 12 3 L Si
SAW 316S92 ER316L S 19 12 3 L
Supercore 316L E316LT0-1/4 T 19 12 3 L R
FCW Supercore 316LP E316LT1-1/4 T 19 12 3 L P
Superoot 316L R316LT1-5 TS316L-R
Ultramet 316NF (E316LMn-16) E 18 15 3 L R
Ultramet B316NF (E316LMn-15) E 18 15 3 L B
B-33 316NF
TIG/MIG ER316MnNF ER316LMn 20 16 3 Mn L
FCW Supercore 316NF (E316LT0-4) (T 18 16 5 NL R)
MMA Supermet 318 E318-17 E 19 12 3Nb R
B-34 318
TIG/MIG/SAW 318S96 ER318 19 12 3 Nb
MMA Ultramet 317L E317L-16 E 19 13 4NL R
B-35 317L TIG/MIG ER317L ER317L 19 13 4 L
FCW Supercore 317LP E317LT1-1/4 T 19 13 4 N L P
Ultramet 308LCF E308L-16 E 19 9 L R
Ultramet B308LCF E308L-15 E 19 9 L B
B-37 308LCF
TIG/SAW ER308LCF ER308L 19 9 L
FCW Supercore 308LCF E308LT1-1/4 T 19 9 L P
316LCF MMA Ultramet 316LCF E316L-16 --
Ultramet B316LCF E316L-15 --
FCW Supercore 316LCF E316LT1-1/4 TS316L-FB1
308LN MMA Ultramet 308L(N) E308L-16 E 19 9 L R 3 2
TIG 308S92(N) ER308L W 19 9 L
316LN MMA Ultramet 316L(N) E316L-16 E 19 12 3 L R 3 2
TIG 316S92(N) ER316L W 19 12 3 L
NAG MMA NAG 19.9.L.R E308L-16 E 19 9 L R
TIG NAG 19.9.L ER308L W 19 9 L
Data Specifications
Alloy Process Product
Supermet 309L E309L-17 E 23 12 L R
Ultramet 309L E309L-16 E 23 12 L R
Ultramet 309LP E309L-16 E 23 12 L R
Ultramet B309L E309L-15 E 23 12 L B
B-50 309L TIG 309S92 ER309L W 23 12 L
MIG Supermig 309LSi ER309LSi G 23 12 L Si
SAW 309S92 ER309L S 23 12 L
Supercore 309L E309LT0-1/4 T 23 12 L R
Supercore 309LP E309LT1-1/4 T 23 12 L P
Supermet 309Mo E309Mo-17 E 23 12 2 L R
MMA Ultramet B309Mo E309Mo-15 E 23 12 2 L B
Vertamet 309Mo E309Mo-17 E 23 12 2 L R
B-51 309Mo
TIG/MIG/SAW ER309Mo (ER309Mo) 23 12 2 L
Supercore 309Mo E309LMoT0-1/4 T 23 12 2 L R
Supercore 309MoP E309LMoT1-1/4 T 23 12 2 L P
B-53 309Nb MMA Ultramet 309Nb E309Cb-16 BS: 23.12.Nb.R
Although duplex and superaustenitic stainless steels are distinct alloy groups, they are both designed to resist
severe corrosion and in some cases compete with each other. The duplex types have considerably higher
strength. All have greatly increased resistance to stress-corrosion compared with the standard austenitics.
High resistance to general corrosion and especially pitting in high chloride media is obtained with increased
levels of chromium, molybdenum and nitrogen.
Duplex types are sub-divided into three groups based on their typical pitting resistance equivalent, PRE (%Cr +
3.3%Mo + 16%N). Standard duplex types with typically 22%Cr have a PRE of around 35 and superduplex types
with typically 25%Cr have a PRE above 40. Parent material composition and processing is designed to give a
microstructure balanced with 50:50 ferrite and austenite. Weld metals have similar composition except that
nickel is increased to control ferrite in the as-welded condition within a desirable range of 25-60% for optimum
mechanical and corrosion properties. Nitrogen additions also play an essential role in promoting austenite re-
formation in weld metal and parent HAZ, as well as raising the pitting resistance.
The third group of duplex alloys, the lean duplex types, have a PRE of about 25 with corrosion performance
comparable to 316L so they are generally not used in highly corrosive environments. The main use has been for
structural applications where the high strength is beneficial. The lean duplex stainless steels are so called
because some of the higher cost alloying, particularly nickel, is reduced to lower the cost. The lean duplex
types can be welded with standard duplex consumables but matching lean duplex consumables are also offered
(data sheet B-59).
In welding standard duplex alloys in general fabrication, procedures similar to the standard austenitics are
usually satisfactory. However, these alloys are frequently used for pipework in which root corrosion
performance is critical and this requires more stringent procedural control. Such controls are even more
important for the superduplex alloys. Technical profiles are available which give guidance on these issues.
The superaustenitic stainless steels occupy a region of alloying between the standard austenitics and nickel-
base alloys. (In nickel base alloys, nickel rather than iron forms the major balance of alloying). Since these
alloys are fully austenitic, controlled interpass temperatures and heat input are desirable to minimise any
possibility of hot cracking
Data Specifications
Alloy Process Product
B-40 904L MMA Ultramet 904L E385-16 E 20 25 5 CuNL R
MMA Ultramet B904L E385-15 E 20 25 5 CuNL B
TIG/MIG 20.25.4.Cu ER385 20 25 5 CuNL
MMA E320LR-15 E320LR-15 --
B-41 20
MMA E825L-15 -- DIN: EL-NiCr28Mo
B-42 825
TIG/MIG 82-50 ERNiFeCr-1 BS: NA41
B-45 310L MMA 25.20.LR -- --
B-46 310MoLN MMA Ultramet B310MoLN -- BS:25.21.2.LMn.B
B-47 Matching 6%Mo MMA 20.18.6.Cu.R -- --
MMA Ultramet 2304 -- --
B-59 Lean duplex
FCW Supercore 2304P -- --
Supermet 2205 -- --
Ultramet 2205 E2209-16 E 22 9 3 N L R
Supermet 2205AR E2209-17 E 22 9 3 L N R
B-60 Duplex 2205XKS E2209-15 E 22 9 3 N L B
TIG/MIG/SAW ER329N ER2209 22 9 3 N L
Supercore 2205 E2209T0-1/4 T 22 9 3 N L R
Supercore 2205P E2209T1-1/4 T 22 9 3 N L P
MMA Zeron 100XKS E2595-15 E 25 9 4 N L B
Zeron 100
B-61 TIG/MIG/SAW Zeron 100X ER2594 25 9 4 N L
FCW Supercore Z100XP -- --
2507XKS E2594-15 E 25 9 4 N L B
2507 Ultramet 2507 E2594-16 E 25 9 4 N L R
superduplex Supercore 2507 -- --
Supercore 2507P -- --
MMA Supermet 2506Cu E2553-16 E 25 9 4 CuNL R
B-63 2553
FCW Supercore 2507Cu -- --
Matching Supermet 2506 -- BS: 25.6.2.R
-- MMA
composition Supermet 2507Cu -- --